Kunbury Jamaican. 11. XL MAatiii.K, Editor & Proprietor, M ;.MH liV, U'A, bAlLUDAY, AUUL&T 22,180!!. - 8. M. PETTENGILL & CO., Xe. ST Tnik Row, Kcw York, nod 0 State Street, Xlvstoii, arc our a-ront. forth Kixbh.t Ameiucin li tLoM citici., ai,d arc autlifr:Kd to take Advertise. ttiii.U and SubuciipHoi.. lor on ot eur low tad rule .1.-1'. '-"!". " i.'J; '.-' -'- . roiaej-v... utmm Zuf General Dix puMUlies nn nd dress to tlie peonhi of Xcw York, notifying them of tho redumption of the draft," nppeiilinji to them to jircrfcrve order, nd winning them that ho is fully prepared to tnfoicu it. J 27" We rail attention to several new nd veiliscmcnls in this weeks paper among them that of .Mr. Faust, v1io has just Id eated in Suiibury for the purpose of intro ducing a new branch of business in the manufacture of soft hats. Also, the adver tisement of Mr. Haline, for the sale of his house and lot. M vjn!t-(;i:M:i:.i. Mkaiii;. The Kosfon Vilni .ii.,,i.ifl fi..,, ii. ....! . , or ii.liniidated bv tear of beiiie foienl in sirviee bv 1 j iiih .issens tiiai II e vett rtiti coinmaiiileiB,' .; i , i , i, . ' '"'" "imii.iiiui i a(llir ,, conscription, but. ins pired by a noble ealrio- if the niniv of the l'otomac is a lloman fa tholie, and many of the copicihcad journals assert that he is a Democrat. We presume iiuu m rimer rasp it would not make anv i;,V ,. , , :, ,i i . . . d. Here ice in the value ot lus service. It is as well, however that the truth should he 1 known. (i n. Meade is a l'hi'adehihi ri I His n.inilv re.-id..- h( IC. liis sons'have hecil I .ir.A.wt t. ... ii i . , tiralted here, lie n a mem!., r ot t ,r I'rot- i slant F.pisropal rhtirch, and his family I, olds j a pew. where it has keen in rctilar attend- i nnce, in Saint Mark's church. Con. Meade's relations in lit',., as re" nr. Is polities have ever i keen Whig, lii i'an.ilv were all AViiigs, and I . , i n, i i(u ( . ,;n rI ;i;ii;i: ion t .'e.uH- i n- .-(r hro;:e out me Ocncrai lias sinct- la omr an earnest siijipoi ter i f the xyholr war policy of the national administra tion, like ::n,i,-;de, Crar.l. lius.craiis tu.d ouierronserviiines.--. rli Ant Stem. TllV h.TH;i!-.v Ui-TH-i.-ri P-wtrmv. I A SI) VaI.HMUMUM - Tin' "'') . ( (', ',( ) I I ',., .'-" '. i- ii I ..,,,, i.. at., Lie lollottiiigapr. .pos .il a!- hmdigham: ''.Vle-n Yallan. !'.!. :imm rived ol Mmir.rt. , I nn). t.ioi. I,'. is-ctiii. s w-nt to si e him. ' I , ante. I to sc..- you ,' sai 1 the Uencn'.l 'venu le. 1 to m.v vou. Vail iiolielm,... to (.,. v, h -tin r yo;i liiul ;i rascal's I'-iee.' Then chnnoine; the sul-ii ct Mtl.cr :i!'i '.i).tlv- tni.l kiiimiiio-(Inu n tho f.iivln'.;-.-r..i';!i',- ri-.:ht htin.l in that itipi. r- :..- siv:i! tll.-.l is ;t c.i!;sp:i UollS l. ;l'l;rc ol ! l.!sLre-t'.cll!;,r,.: 1,, :, !,. i, i tl l-l-il.lt-1 llMil r t sai'l - V.ill.-iii.linhiiiii, ilon't vou enli.e i. k lure. Ii' vou - do- Viilliitiilitiiii'in I-,, - - , . 1 1 1 1 he, I -.1 iciiy l.o.i lori'ive me lor - the expressii.i: - Til t .-.l d it' 1 don't .., i vou !' 1'. ..; le will la- p!fn-d Iclii. mln r ' il,.,. .!,..: 1 1. 11. ,.1, , ,. . 1 1 1 1 .IT 1 I ..mi.,1 s.tys ho o-V.I l-ht-phtims. ( O il in- sometime- , r.-irn. j Tin- T oe.'.. pla.Icl.a- la'- ii.formnti n r-h.tive ot ti n ailv','d w i;l..lr:.w al of aib.ndihalo. end says ', ...... .. ,., -. ... ... , ea. re.,, ii. ...l -e lloo u, cas.L.t h,-el.ci,n, . , , i ' "'"' '" - i ...... It. the slip,,.,-!,.,:, war, ,;.,ei,,es. 1 that he I 1" to have th-.d ,e - ..r,iiti.lli-.- it o civil!.: l lac to ! ,i,i... ..I.,. ill ,.,.,L-.. . I !...!., .. ..v !.... ' ' . 1.11S I o li :ol viOe... e v.l.i -b H.t. -ties I..' lloi. I . I - , . , , , , , ! e.l ,. ,, iv, Ct. at: 1 thill the II eieloelll 1 led by ii.. .- on tne ti.-hci with v...!at!.!ii;h-,ui. who were ; an- i e Ihe most i roioioent ii. .-: ii'.-T ..is n. a- I. on. and who i-iild .a.: hale s..l Ih- places they l.ov. .c.ijybol t. I their -i.i poll cfl.ii!!." I , !--. ''ki-obiian St.,,,-horse, j I-'"li l' ' M ''''"I'l laif't 'MiM'ti m int. ' nt t'2'!.7!iti. 'i lit iiii ri'SnnitliM'. ofish i;u.l ' i: .i .N-n Uy .Mnr-iHU n nlmI nt ihVMi:ii. 'i 'lit i!nt;i:l'f i! -lit- t.i th I'-Tl.-lMnntii IH1J1 Nf.villk l!..i'r"jt'l uin up ih.' I .:ul li tiiiutit $jfi.tf0J, ?.oral Affairs. 5 V 'Ike fil'.ins up of Ihc trt-sile work on th.- l'hil-T-delphi'l ,V V'rie road aoovo t.-wil is fast prore.in. '1 he .-..jitraee.r is Mr. I.ri- r. i ; 1 1- li... ,..s..i: lo,, h, en succeed, d by n.k 1 and ciul we'.:!:, r. w-1 i. l, tie l.e c ia ay h..t. Ah.o.ly wc h.oe iiclu-aiioe.- of fiill. l "''u'r j ol la.-t : ! j I ' thr..-.- i vrrr r- i-vum l, in n t riil if itir In-'iil iiL-ii vtjtk. c-j.1' ;:t'.ly in r jr;tr I t- .M V.uU. I'liiNTnii A'-n Ftnrm: i I,i k 1 J; 1 H n ih'o place iirc all l epre-cim I in t 1 : t ":(. 'Iilt'.i it t il:'rri-1 u rr;. Jolin '"uniii in. , i.f 'In :;i? !1i . w;i-lli- liit iiiiin 'iiu'Mi. Nnriutn S T ii'j lew tni'i ii! . a . I -cr oi tin pii'iiiv 1.1 llo- j , , oil,.', ".it neighbor of tho lli'-ekinri lfoj 7bv.-...r ..: 1 nfi r l.iii. tin- fo t in. an of hi.- p i er. - . i-- . . - . ,. . . . . l-.i!ii"i:-i s A parii.,'raph that r. nnterP ii , ti-. .' ooitr.r mors on it:e .N'.rit.uiiiti' i'ian.i . .uiuiy , Jl.ii.s ar- in circulati .n. cejitcl by u .. is iniii-iov l'ur i.t.elit-,".i has la-en e . '.led to Ihe f:e.-t that there an: i.o conoi' r-eiis of ti:,y .iein.ni'.i..iiioii on tnis bai.k. , t . , 1 , , . I - 'iir.h.ti,.'ii.-f ni.leistai.d Ihe r. iy- t i.: .il ii'.d :!y bu 'in,-., of w ife whipping has aain , . - -.ii a e thi- i !:...'. Svlie.-ier Mvcrs. w.-b-arn. ! , , ,' . . ',, . ' . ' , . ! k ., be -f. 1 et..,,. :ie of our M,...-,.--.rat,-s l-.r th,:, crime . . Hani', ov r -he li no,., of th.-si. cowardly scaini.s. j . w , j r --.- i-. ,. i. ...!!,.. s - ,.f .i.i. r,.,,',i l i - I. ....... nr.: ill l.s. - ,-o:i:c .1 I'll- mill. u:...o;.ll ; I. this I I.-.. ,. by Mr. Ku z of 1'; per Au;:o-:a town- ship. tl-.. u;.!. vi.il. i- -up.-ri .r in flavor and fp.d in s ;e. loih- l.i.wio.1 b.rrv. Soiue..flh.-m mea-ur.-d in 1.- in nn-uii:!" n-i...'. Mr. Wiitz tin-! f;i;f b iiii- r-w t r. mois1 f;i otin-l . iihJ firo jtimi-iMtd iVon. tii". .I'm i ..,mh ,.n. iJc ,u l-ickui nbout .pun ts ilo-in -,' nt sc.-, -on -' :v'" tir l'l'A.-m.s. T- d.'UciouH fruit i.s 11..W in num.. i. I Mir fanners, who have been smart en .i.eh io a. lend to the eultivaiion f fruit, arc renpiin; a elh nvcst. liotd pen. -he. have been t-- :;'. th. p.o i wtcli. til pcrhin-hel "j Ijkcmn ATiuNS.JtJin IV WtM unj Jhr. 0. M-r ,;uii. i'un-Ii.l:ihfur (he oflk-e t.f htriff. I:ve both 1 .i;...i w .v.; I....M.. i.ii v.. Ji ll. I Mil'l . nMbiiai'ii, cinn iiui, ua uvvu 1111 t!:i. iiiovt on lh pitli.aul ohcs-b:iT'I. tend. There will ho preaching itlsu ill tho uflcriiocii und eveiiin.- l" Those of our reader! bavinj; Onrnu-nta tiny wish liycd an I Cl a.isd are refeied lo iho Lyeinj! Lsiabhsiimeni of Ihirrell, X.-i hews 4 Lo , fctc liner adv. in this issue. t'-.T.. fi.... ...... l-.ll 1 .11 ...I l u 1 i.r. ' n. n. t 111 n ui'ii uiuini ur I'vi' eela.n-l.ntd kettle with bu.ail while onion., ibrow ia i huudti-l or more olsalt, aocorduiK lo Ihe fpuiDUly of ... ions you have ; let tbeiu iiculd over Ihe lire lor .. .... .... .... ..... . .. . . ti... ........... ......... r ' the new S. lV.tr s Lniherau and It. formed Church. , .. v A." V,' ' . : . I'. ... is u.i i'v.,, si.a. "i . ni. I I 1 A VK always on li 1 a larj;c stock of 1.. hi and ,.:,.,,.. ,..,,.r' '. ,. " .' " 1. '' ! a. i r.. ... ,s. .,., I ncurl'imnos at the sue of what i, usually called the "r . 111 m w- i.-l i Iv td I 1 o 0 L-viiuenl pe, f in" B, .is..,, duly at lo,, Tailor. I j, , "t'h-s. . 1 wn mil 1 1 coaled' lo , rtvenl ,us. It ha no, on ihe hack. ' ,!v ,' Kl"iniM A CO ,;. !Y.i. N'-w Yo-k " " " ' IJ'uoChu.eh. will he laid viitl. upproprialo .crvic, J'l"LH" Uin Ulll. 1,1. I w ill lelvl 1.1..1 1.1,0 Key Wet, 1 lorida, i.ud loll Jtlfeison, Torlugiu., '"' 1 ;" ",." u '"" uw" ""'""u"0" vk' , whi.d. is so liable jure .he spine and i.nnov and ' ', ,,. , ' ,, ' .V I ',''' ' , ' , . kilir.'ks ol reiilieil. 'lukllij,' the eximjt ol llorida. ' Ira line .piality. , ,-l.aft-ll.v wearer, li is snr- b. 1. tarn Ihe liii.iurc. rilllk only 1 icc.er :,uct d on sei.nli::.- pi in- ; :.!. ,l,.. ; li . In L.,n'l.sl. and Ocrmnn. on Saturday. Scptembe all, U0 bU nmtlS t.llin.f JUTV, ISliiius the Men enlistin,-. .hi. re-iirent. recei, e 11 lb.ui.1v I .'"' V, X '.,U nZ " P iua.-c m.d f..rt. ami 1 nvctii.g radical cun-..! i eiplc with a rei'-Mo can and spin,,- bhu'c ; . . ,.v.- at lUo clock A. M. Several clcra men f.tuu abroad 1 ..)ri.,t.nllllioi, ' t,ai fr ',lt. ,., J,,., sjx ot One Hundred loll,..s. of which Iweiitv-lin-U paid i a-hi..nahle and rich -I. -vi.s , w ahs, the p.amtr nnd j. ,,,..,! , :;,,;.,,. j -.raper. 1 i,e ,., la I-.-ihe I.. 0 the -r. ...... - ( p..,..- I :.-:c 1 a. .":.!; vrri.rr''!. ::: n - -i-.- .'ri-umni'is tzix:ciuT Wzx;?. l?P: ... . jz: : zxzx.i , , ,ily s.,,..y. m , . ..e.t..-.-. will tlicv IlKelv lie nine 1 hi-Iow tliu luiirk. o... ....... e.i,, ... I.., ,. , ,1. ,; r 1 al-o a laiL-e vaiiciy 01 i ai.cy rant . u.c Mi.in.uu i.,,u',,i,.r,.,i nine. .....iiiiii .,. uu..r iJ, a lor tllC- COllllll-' bix WOIltllS. drum theui thrnuirh a uulleuaer aud itprettd them 1 " out upou u hiijie lahlu upou a cloth, rub Iheia wilh I 4" " rl.it li und Iho kin. will oome off, remove Ihe outer Vt'AblllX'OTOX', Aug. 17. laver. put them iu jars, add K.mo blodei of uiuce, Ti. t:i .. r- . c t . . i Mine whole pt.p-r and olovoe. tall up the jail with I . 1 be f1' r "J CMlrt Inquirj' Uitt to ililV. coi l iitot-'iir. ecrk and ctuient ibein. lUi u aa C.eilerul .Mllr-iy i us e.XHUiineil till. I niiulo li tasy and simple receipt. , (It-tuilt-il stlilenitllt of the reason for hi Jre- To M 1Kb i'eml.t roB KoTTi.csoB Pitrsr.BVB ciiiti.te retreat from Winch, bter. lie of J i 1.8. A quuilcr of a pound of beeswax, iluli a fvlv ),U olhtial rel.olt as evi.leuce. l'..oe.l iha eioi Ana nn.l 1111111 IliA jo-iu und betswax loHflh. r iu aoiue old ilou vewtd. t bin they arc mi lled iir iu em.uj.'h brick dul lo make Ibc liiuluro aa inn a iu lutueii nciiuug.na liip vour botlle necks iuio the but oeuieul afior Ihey are well corked, aud ia lew miuutet tbe'cemta ' be kriek du. mu.t U ufA F,..i ihrou.he.uuiewtioeifcuiliu. I.rUrr from I lie Sunltnry CSunit;, Ket WtiT, Fin., July 30, 18(53, T)r.n Warmf One day lart wook, I wo. tir rricd nt the cnufu.lon and loud cheering ooiuiutf from Company 1)., usuully a tery qulot .et of men, I orotund die iinrraukx ground lo their qtinrtor, whi n I learned the onusc, '1 he men lind prwnted 111 tr Captain with a beautiful .word, lab and belt. Hie presentation wai rondo in n neat apcecu by private llHltoicr, who In a few preliminary remarks thiuiked Iho Captain for his kinilneait to the member of Com, rainy 1J.. and Ihen said "receive this sword as a tokcu nfourcstimnlion. and for your chivalrous spirits on the cniKuine field, when the lieuvona glared with flvo and tlie eunh truniblrd 'ncuth uauno.is roar. JIny il never rest In ils noabbord until rebellion in crushed and traitoririn is banished from the land, and penco spread her white wings trom the St. John's to the sunny bunks of the Hio Uraiido. That it may ever benefit you in the hour of peril, and thai you nmv undauntiucly use it as opportunity ia afl'orded, is the atdeut widi of Iho donors." The presentation was unexpected to Captain WoudrulV, who, mode-it man as he is, felt It keenly, so much so. that it was with diUiculiy ho uttered I lie following reply: '.My companions in arms. Your bt-nutiltil present is accepted with sinccro snlifc.-rton ami hearilelt thanks. It affords the satisfaction that jam slill re fpect and have contidenee in your commander ; and he is thankful not only for the value ol this gift, but. alo. for the rich token of your kind regard. And while I wear those arms und accoutrements, emble matical of mv rank and I'tlico. may they never bo worn unworlliilj- or llie noble donon. have ciinse to blush for any unjralltint ael of the wearer. Two years have nearly clapped since we have been iLssoeiufed as command. r and commanded. Two years of priva tion and toil, nnd yet your hivo for the canto, and your nrilor lo serve your country has not ubatid W hen ou entered uixin this eiiranlic struirL'le. ' you were not pron.plea hy large Inibesand botuitie. li'in. yon cheerfully ruhn.uact lr Ihe .,1!fest pe- lioil known lo the law. Your conduct thus tar has I been in acci.nliiiico with (he honorahle pritieiples whii h caused you to volunteer. .o discipline too j ii'iir m Lt'iixji I iji it'll tnu. im--imi nv n iionit; li.'iiritj I iriei, if irmiiiniia n prai. no 1011 loo nan , to : ri, ,o 'ore. but that your iielomio.ble .pirns have been able to i unpii h. ninlenro and OVrroonie. i And now allow me lo say to you. thai I am proud of ! ,ho " ,," l' '7V eoinpan.v. I am , proud ol your genenui' and callant eon.loet. lam n.i i ;,o--o,ooi,, I ,., i ... ,i. i ,i you have this day eoiiferred on y.oir Capiain. In i""l;i": lorward. I haveno IVaisl'or y.oi in the lulure. j lialovcr voa may be called on to do. in ; .1 ..... 1 .! 1 1 .1 - . . . ' . . . ' ..ill w.,.i,.ii' will l.o ,.:i ,i..,,7, ..' .'. .. i rein Is and traitor-- sball I e.-oiuc extine!. or loiie - ' mi,.!.: niaey o: uic ou. cniuieoi aua uie tutc, lei ll.ii -t)ur motto b.., 0:vc us d. i.ih. or give us vicory.' " j j J ' Coii.jmi v !.. hails from Perry coiiii'v. uliiioi niniv are Horn jiaupain. iiiincaimoii, Iiinicaiii' J land and M illcrsburg. while there is a tl :,.., an, ! lli.-m. wlioe ancestors were ri-l in tlie A.iL'ii.t..-. : '" l'",'i.y. An Aueh ay. too. is thoir l-t tenant, so. lo- Ike Ann i iii n cinube.s in ilo ,is:ri--:s ' ,ll,.1.,:m... 1 K,ve you t hose particular ti.at their ! fri.-ndini.v know of il. : On .aiurdav hot. loo.-her -wind i.resenta:i..n :,,, '. oil. I las lilac I ol. 1.11. I was tin- r.-eipi-ni. ' sanieis. - c- 4 1 .0 1 si 1 , 1. mi h o; 1 , as 11 , . j ic. - ; and Ihe don-ir-', tl.oi'itii 11s. 'J he swo d i.-a 1,1.1,1m- ' enl iiel.-rs'e il. inn plaiu .iiv.-l-ipe. lo any ad.lrt.-s. SimIIon 1. hein-ver utiv of tl.e n'nili lieent on.-, and with tin- n-isli a-i.l bop. v.,.t six ii.n. - 1 l'oi-p.;i.l on reoeiiit ol loo u" .-Iaui,-. .v ad- ! J, ,.tr. C ".mile-! vvt-ill h ill la died and ten dollars. Al 4 o'clock IV .M .. . 1,,,, dressiug llic pubii.-lo rs. 1 . , ... V ' ' , .-.upaniesalalioLt-l at the llarra-ks. wero man-l-ed i C1IA. .. C. Kl.lXi: At .... I . . ,'.''!!:'1 "li.lt:.! service, under a r.-nil- to ihe l'ort. where, with Ihe Hire.. . , tl,. r .-oil, 01,1,0, : 127 ll-.w-erv, N.-v.- ioil;. P. ,1 ;.. Hot, :sit..i 1 -- :ti lue lh-i.:ciit . the lo,-, , il.-u.f: ilnty. we f.jriii. d m line, am! under comooni. ' of the Colonel w ere ill. ved Ihrouli oral stt eel ! to t fr-U of the Cii-t-m lo.u-e. A lino slainl w..s 1 or. .-led. ell Iho pia.fii of the bail. lie.' s.-iir wen- ; pllli-i'il for the ladles. Ib.LS Were strct. I.. .1 li.'lo- the ! M rccis. 1.1. a ev.-ryiiiinz s-air.'.iiu-'.i as .. enr i- 11, c ; iie.m:ore 01 j. ir.iii;.,. ..n- -liin.i 1 norn-.a Pear Admit ill li-.ilev ai.-l Capt. Ten. leton -.1 tl... ; Xavy. ti.-n. H'.s. II 11 ry and ..lull'. Captains ll.-k and 1 Xlcl-... lmol - the Arioy. besides I !i -n.;., .1 . Itoviit.-n. j 1 . H. litri--t At'.-n-.-.v. l'..r ll.t SoiiiIk-it l:.--ri--t -I F,,.ri,,H The ar.i ,1. s w.r. p.-ceed ,., : by Mr. .Mal.M y. 11 lio-yer ol this ei'y v.h,. cn.p!.- lot ot ... in.- l ,.!'.nel oi. t ho liiio li.-aril. and ".....l 1.1- ' : cili.'.el- f ad ul'd - r the loi;i..iy eeiiiiii.-in li - Col. I !.i,,. j ii-iiov. .1 ol llieir ocil,.' s , l trooi lenii-lnaclit and i (.I,!,,ii 'f.i.n.ls nnd all ihey held dear; ol iho ' wiioi.-.uie nn ui ini.-ira lion oi t,,e . ..tooel. w In e in ' ,.,..,,.( , tii, l,,.,,,,,,,,,. and i, !-i,.,, o,.. ,.,,o.l i C I lio,,.!'- I ...II.,, , ,i, ;,' , .. ' ". "'.,.' : ? ." nt-u-.-it .. in-us- i ai a ai r.e,..!:i.'.i, -t ..... t ' --. no. a.. . na-e no i. ;ir oi ii i-or - .... ,1.1 ,,, ,,..! 'Ihe C.I,,.,. I r... tl... . ,e , .,r, i,. i:,.. , ,, ,,,m. I . v- i "- , :r. , "n,. .. in,.,, t-rs.-i!.,,,.!.,..! him t. 'r the yi ,,,,.1 v,i,l , . ,u f.di. I...- couid a.-.-ure tl.e .;,od .eol,le of Kev W . -I, that their I rt.cl.t Wool! t! Z St ! .,,,,. ii,,.,,. ., .. i,; i, .. . . i . ..i i after cheer. Scleral speeches were made, union : nlin-is, l i e I.y Mr. l!..i.ton. lie i n Mi. ourian and rece-vtd his appoint in. nt from tl.e pi -cot a l.oii--traCon. .VI I. cool, a sou homer. I,-- is I n:on all uv. r. He .-aid he hoped the canon and s.-.ord wou.d -...on be made into plow shiir.sand priiniiie l.ool.s. but l.ol ui. lil eiety re!,..! was u his lii:c-.s willio-; lo obey ll.c l.,s and pay re-p. ct lo the Slur ."paiv-l.-.l llai' l.er. 'i'iic iiand then .aycd --el- ra! Xati-aial aits, cheer.- wcie ejivi-ii for ilit- I nioii. Pr -sidciit I. inc. in. ,i ti.y ai d Xi.iy. (icn. Woodbury, Admiral liaily. wh-n the meetiui- a.ti,.i.iiied. and wc w.-i-niaiclie 1 lo . or dilh-rcni -jiiiii u-i w. 11 pl- io.-.l v. i'h li:.- procec liii-, th,,us'ii I .., mv, coaiplcUly v.o. ii otil lioio l.iuuc all. I e.r.-eii.- l:t-.. 'li Xavy i- as suc-o-dnl as ever in the ca lore of , Scai-eel y a .lav pa-, s w ilhont one or I v, o 1 1 rie o'.ii.i; tin.. ...ia i i.in noli u - n -. i,.;;;.-. n.-i, b.'.'it. f.oni Ab.i'ilc. was capture I. havi't: ' oil h aird ' eii,. bin, drl bales ol c n. I. -si b., one hilii'li.-d i an lie. nty sin- threw -o , 1 1., .-, i .1 . so m to g.ia. n.oie ! sp-.-'d lo escape li nlii :l,e mmliuat ill cha-c. bill it :.s ; I.o nvail. our i-diy tills s....ii oveit.,... li.;-. not earin ; I., let slip su.-ll la-JJt- IHK-.l-l t -I pi i..- -.I...I....V. I Semi v a. ii lebi 1 l-ivr taken In p. ail,.-, lot -l..'p .' , ' caplur. d by Ihc L . S. s -l..., n, i ,.. .,, ..-'. i ,v ,. ',e r v . ii is no. v. ry prciiv .r llic ctc.ii... t. t.ut ; i' will -lii.it j ,.ii an 1 l.-i.-iet, at I on . , . j I lie LPs are lor liiatcllal to lii.il.utajiiiru c.otevl, i ' ' ' lit A ! !,t;ili'. i.l' a l't l,h- U ill i.i 1 . .Ill; I'll'. ilS tt ell ll v ii.' !v. hut i.uM tnii'.h r.iiluT In? o.l I -lay ill, lb, !,"lh The 1.,-i.i, li he ocei.pi.d ' - " "' " 1 - "O . .,' ry .-) l.te .iu.-.u. that p-. Is a loan wi.l, Ins i-vn. ii, i.ee. V.'c i r -all M,,,.v ,,, ( ,i,.,r I wishes with him. ' i.u i n.-i e in-ii.hv l.e a-;:reai a lavonic Willi nia new ' 11.- he was with bis "Id I'iK.li-. : A l....li!.!i story hiiSLioi in circulation in Noitlorn j cili.a ilr.t i- d.-ilij u- iri-' itl ii.iurv iu the w;iv ol m.iils. I rsc.rc. lv a s. earner tou- iics io.'-. owin :u tl talc thai Vellow F,- er iJ i-iiia iii KeyU.-.-t. I', i- u. ei e..t unit uiti, for this oily ntis nei- r raoic h-ulihv. 11ia ( tti Vl.,.., to say ii is more so than any place on the w hole coit-t li. mi II at I eras l- Xcw Cr- leans. e hni lcd here in 1'tbi .itiry In-1, m.d loan lie.! linn- tu this, there has been but two deal! - Mm, t.pi7.,.llS. vt.,v ,,, ,,,,,,.,., .ohlier.-. one accidently shot, and the other from disease of lone; finn.liiin. Our !.-'. in. -ut is very lieulil.y ; bat :" i " : ; , ,. ,. pi ,. .o., I, ., ... ,. ..... i it "was loe-t distres.-iup-ly heal, by.'1 Su,h s!..ii-'s ! "it a great sh-unc. lor it not only d.-piivcs i.s of ni-.vs J '',"u ,'V,"V' l':,""is '"r "v'"-v' " "ll till ..j,,.., loau , Ujcllu-.v ivwwU rff nrnilly. j aiiii huin ui uul war wiilsm.u tc u vt 1 r inmn V-;urs, i; utmu.lly, Jl 1-. W. ' p v-e-i -1 -w r'i I - - ! Tin: On. Tit VI..: of psii:i. Pi-nnsyi.- jvANIA. This Villiiiil It- tl.ule is ii.f e i-iti;; . raiiiiliy in i-s cMiiirlutii'lis. The follow in-; j Ijoures v iil exhibit ri'liie of ihe J.lo.li.its un. I sliiiuu ntsoi'tln- oil wells the esi: 111 tlie twcive mouths ol lS'.i'J the e.li.ili:i- tioii w 11s 1 1 1 .Hlli! la. ni ls of 40 oalbiiis In ; the MX mouths of 1SU.J t'tuhng July 1M, tin iiMiomit 4-'0.1.iiU hum-U, U uy an iu- ' crt'iist if ;M;M SS Imrii'Uin si v iiuinfli; hvit - I . .... I .... : . ni 1 Ihe entile e.ioit of the lu'tvious ve:ir. Tl.e; l-tst estiiiiiitis of the proilncf ion" of the Oil ' Creek r.ojiou eiie tlie rounil li-.iiii of "lOliO i wu llllV(. tt touil of tlUl),Dh(J karrels l. the )loli!il'le t.vpol'tiiliou of lSUH; und with 1 4.-.(b(Hl(l of relin, .1 ns tin 1,1.,. I111! i.1.1 vv- ; have only 4j0,00 I ailvU us the sui'lilv of I , t'or"hou)u eotisuniplion. Or, ill other ! , . . . 1 ' . . : Wolds, till! IH'oilliLt lor tlie 1 0111111-5 tlx, 1 . .' .. monllm will im tH)0,0U0 lnrreU Uuli or ii"i,000 puitl-U ot ruliUL'U, while the cxpor- . 1 1 I ,i 1 . . .1 1 " 1,1 twu us " "''. j , i i..ouu ouriels, Jeuvilli; OUl .u,uuu l nil, tli j for the bUJipily of the ilitirc I'llitell titutts l'rot'liiiiialiou li-ont tiu, Ni-ymonr. .iiDASi, Aiijr. 1 1. c.overiior hevniour s iireiiure.l it proelumation, wurniiip; ull has iireiiure.l it proelulliation, wurnili" ull . hizt-U ttualllat unv iliaor.l.rlv r.,.?,l,.. tili.ena ttuuinat unv iliorlerlv conduct htwo.k and itiookhn. The I'l-riiclt In Ulexlro. Fkancihc", Aug. 18, Thu slentwr St, Jmiu's has ariived heie, with wives via Aeapuleo, from Mexico to July 23d. General Forey whs issuing decrees daily. Tho French Mexican newspHpeis urge the recoguitiou of the Southern Cinfeilera'. y. Tbev state that Franco w ill rceoirnize it. Mexican jealousy and prejudice nro hcitiflr ! provoked against -tin, United States. The Uovcrtnnciit paper euvs the northern Stales are in favor of JuftT. K.'vvhilt- the (oin'e lerates j are for a Mexican inonareliv, and everything ! looks to lUu immediate: recognition of the j Confederacy Ly Mexico. The guerrillas were lighting on the road leading to the city of Mexico. Tiie Mexi cans make no prisoners hut slay all they rapture. They wage a war n extermination. Numerous ic-'s.-issinntinna have taken place in the capital of persons .sympathizing nilh the French. The Triumvirate OnTcninicnt was daily imprisoning and shooting persons who reluscii to take the oath of allegiance to the Kinptror, Mexicans have hern puhlii ly Hogged for refie- iiiL.' to supply (juai teis to French oliieer-, (ine Mexican lady, named limned Hutiia, had received two hundred lashes for lvi'us ing to receive Fieuch ollhers inlo her house llt-r hul atid ol'ered to pay a line ri-pinl her wciu'lit ill silver, rather than sulimit lo ! tins lilillirnilv. hut ten. 1 oivv lli3iite( o:i :,,lP i ,,i i.. r li lull lT an e.a nia ol Hi r, .. . ' . .... . . 1 n l"ieign IniiiHIel's !::ul (li-rmicl 10 remove to San I.iii-t en the oiler ol Jll.'.reZ to protect llieir transit, - vpie 1 I 1 Ml ri1 1 i1 r 1 1 li V'lV I'M ) J' I! j S U jS 1 . 1 Tv.TA.1nTI T OOC, Saw D.ost, tlovi C."eslore;3. Ju"t J'ul Culls. 1 l.IiCTri;!' on the Nauiie. Troataieot and l!a- ' "r "!" n ho. a or Seminal Weak. 1'''"" sunt I J. ion-v ..ivoii:i-.-. me! lavoluataiy .toils I EScfo'sif'oii rvotf ., -us, iihIucui Iiiio.o'cy, i.oi.su.i)iti.u, and t-. , . .. . Menial and l'by.-icil Dcb.li.;.. Itv H'Jli'T J. (.1. 1.Vl.lt Vi:i.I, J. D. : The iiopoi loot fact that the avf.il c il.se'iiiell"-s of , Self.Al-u-e m-y be ctie.-ui ul!y r.a.ov.d wiihoul ill. ! ternal ll!.;-!k-:l,. s or the i..l,ei'i. n j ! i.-.-.t id' can.-io-. n -:i -in .on-, no -aic.i . him oincr i eti.piri.-al i- lor- -dearly .! mon-tral, d. an 1 ' lU-- .eiiely new and highly .-n ,-slnl ueatmenl as : a.'.--ie. bylhe e. leboee-l ai.!!.r. I .:!! .pb.invl. : '"ean.- of w inch every i- enal-K-J to c-uie l,im. . s. II . f. . 'ly. and at llo-lca.-i po-H.le ,-,,!. th.nby ; av. i l;iv-..il the udverii... 1 n.-nuins of Oo-dav. '1 hi- . I'- '..ire will pr-vc a bjoii to tiioii.ai.d, aud il.uu- i l-'- l- o-1- 1. . J y .';j . . . - ' 5 i TPIlk fieb-ct liih .1 I. op. lie I tl'.l'-: S:li....! -r ll.i-, piece, will be Id.-'t. I s.i:i. ui.d- r ti e sni rrit.- tei.-l--i.--e -l . I . I l.h. A lib -i.il ):. : t .; ; ,s IICIU'l iron. NIC 1 10, Oil- Oi ll.C .- Il.l'l. ciol o.e '"I. ul.s K rallv '1 Kk MS "l-"l !. IT l" I'lili ,! -1 - 'X. iiril-.-.-r.-phy . Keadi-i'. Viitiii;; m.d 1'iiiuaiy Ariiiii.ieiie j .'.-1 Alii! tie. tieo.-rapl.vaol la -li-!. hrco-.-r ;i .... .Nat. I'lul phv. H ait .111 'I be Jiii.d. - bra and l.eoiooti v. j to t; ,,u - line h: If. f th. ttint.'it 11:1. or-- to be l ai 1 ia .,, ...... no. I the 1 -ii -,. ... .1 I i: it i- 11 ol i-ach polpiu ..in,, ;.. 1v ..... br. ... I. ;.. ..;.),,r , .' .1 n , ' .' '. , , ( V "J , ' u ',, ' , , ' ' , ' , ' ' .",","1, "'"'." Uil...-e.l in loe jtlade i-ni.-ia-ma-u.-ii oraio-ii. J'.ir I'tinli' r iiil .rinal i 'ii nj.t.Iv t 1'" 1 iK, l'i I- l i . c l-,; ,,r.l , . .... '. .'. 1 1 J-K- 1 "" T"' piMVATi-: acadk.uv. 11 GET IITJIvlBEItL AHD. rpin: p.r.v. J.''i .s pich'sox. will re-op.-n j i)i ru-i: or tv..: Si: -ih-.taiiv ok iiii; ( ..- 1 Ae.oieniy on .Monday, the 1 Vih .i:.y of A.tj;u.-i. ; ;.. vr ; n isOo. t ' ' '1 he I'.llov.in branches will be ttiu-hl : j i I.', tii; ls:;t i:.., ,1 1. 1. I r:!. I.atin. ll..k. Mall cn.atics. 1 hib. o) by. khcloric. ' i M.N N V !. V A N I A, S : l,..;;e li, ok lieepili'.'. oeul Miii,! in ll.ei.rv a. 1 111. pri-cti.-.-. A!-. Jt..e,i.-.Il.v. eiiannaai, iiLl..rv. I ,7'. . "erel.y -e!ii..v tiii.l t. . .' -f.--Coinpesition U'rii-u,'. " ' I , k. . ! -.i'IIil: i.n.J ,il,i',.-. ,1 i-, :i l'.i; !. , t TkllMS : ' ' " iin.l coirt-cl ccjiy of the orioiiu.l l'cr (.'uartirofll we.ks. f.'.b.S j ''"int Kesolul ion ol I lie li-uen.l A.-cii.klj. In i!ie aboi .- brui icl.es w i i Lout the lanjiuajjes f.'. en icitti'ili.l "A .loiut I;.-oii,l,,,n ...p..-ino n i l.alin and al oie brai.ehts. ' ; Inili An I'll. Ill'- lit s t o tl.,- Cii.-hioii. i, ' .i.iek and above liaechis, 00 ; ,, s.in. . ;.-,... ' f-. c lircu.ar. 1 '""" 1 '"la'u'ars apply lo ; II LV. .1 A MLS 1'lt'K SI 'X. Teacher. I .' e. louoo - , lit no , .-. u 'us. , i -o.,. o . .......... ...... " - ' ! . lill.I.. "tAMK lo the pren.i-. s of the subscri! t. on or V ' aboii! ibe I -I day of Ma v. 1 - ''..:. a ."Hay Poll, a) - . p...-l.lly t.b,.iit l-.m yvtrs old. li.-bt ri d. w i: Ii w bite tail and white belly' '1 he ow I.. 1 i- le.pl. -st r, I I'l- I 1 iwnrd, prove pr.i.ei -i . pav i-li.-ra-v and u-kc hini I i. way. i . tl;. rw be wi.I ... ! I i. n.i.n i.t . d"i.. -' -"...i t p-r An;-i:-!.. Ai:g. l-t. Is.-.;: - .'in . r, T , . I t-i . . ri aj x- -L u w j.- - lie . , I) I S T I L l i: I. V. f llli: ni.der.itnd havi. , nt, i. d ii, -in. in. iier-imu i, avii ' .in, i. -i ii,-,. paiti.-r-i. in I in the 1 'i-i ill. I V Ibl-il in .ho dan l.,w ud.ip. 1 .' . l . o it o . ei . i, ,. I '.. 11 1 . "11 I Of I o: ,. . 1 . .... . 1 1 . . 1 1 . . 1 a-ct i. to I i.i..iit.,wn. I'.l . ut l mil. s f:. n; Aial v mid ii inil.is to m Klii.'.--isl-.'ii. b. -g bale (o ii.f.n'i it;e pnt.nc ll.iu lin-y ate i.ow u.ai.:i! u iiipeittriii lick of i'l l:i: LVK wiii.-Ki'.V. 'Jii"-e de-iriiio main ciiverled nib. v, h'.shey can Lav- il dot., on lb-- most i cas. io bin lorn.- '1 in-hi,li -I eieh 1 1 ie.s W'.il be piii l t"r Hye. ..ml ii.l'l. taken iti e .hali'-e forMhbkeV. 'Ihe' public c.,!, be n-s-.r- 1 thai all l hi-key :. .to le'al Ibis di.-nllf. , ri wi.l I e iicc ii- lii dings at.d :!diil'iitati..os. : ' ISAAC 1'I.PPIX. . li. 11 lot SI. Jordan tw p.. .Line ID Isi'.'t. Ian y olli ift (iiKUi-stiii-i' Ctnii iil!l,v, WIIKFSBAHKE. PA. 4;ir!ti:l mill Niu-tln, nl l,O0;. liIULCT'TS: C. M. H 'lki.back, I.. I J-honmiker, .lohn keiehard. lei.. In it ,-bacii, Samuel lidhtuns, 11. C. s-niiih, li. in l.acoe, Chns. 1'orrituco, t harb-s A. Miner, m . S. Loss, V. . Kcithain. li. M. Hauling. li. M IlokkkXPACK. l'r.si-l.nt. L. I. SlH.iL.MAKI.lt, ice l'rc.id. nt. 1! C. Smith. Secretary. NV li. Sri:i:i inu. Treasurer. 'Ibis Con puny in-iirc ll-.ree-f,.iirih of th- Ca-li valiiitti..n. lake, no l'r.-n ium Xolcs. niake no As-.-ss- in. -i.ts. Policy a. -know lc.le;t s all moneys paid dining Ihe teim of vour Insuriiiice. A. Cl'.AW ICItli, Agent. May .111, lsjOib ly A' k YTrn tad Tiir 1 1 i.t J 1jI IVll i ll li t7tU I'll VASVI.r.l.M 1 Ull.l 'I'l'.Illt". cidi-iiiitnt I Al-nmen enlisted lor any tkret- year reiuin.t now ! ,ltM' tlll,Lr 1 I'.V.IIIV Ol'ltlll'IlYnillVl'.VTlll- CA A 1.11 , AhIIl.Ll.Ki OR INF.. - A f'f nll,kh rtl'''ive l'u at from date ol iidistintnt. pay per 11.01. lb from ?1.1 CO to $1'0 00. aid and Clothing - iVim v hnlii-mitnt '-Three yvn uiild itKncr , uiicLurgtJ " iorlurther ii.tuniniiiun. vy lo ' A.ll W II If II 1 Vi'l V CtXTliAL I10TLL, Eunbury, Kortbumherland coumy, Fa. Or to Pern't. W u. Jl. (iuACK, 47lh V. V. Coip l S. K. UiiitiLli, ilhh 1'. V. July 16, 166J. VE ATEPs' ZCT EL, Corner Fawu and Mai ket Streets HI .Mill 11 Y, IA. THE undcrlKt.ed reipcetfully infornn the publie, thai be ba taken charge of the above Darned Hotel, and lu-ka lor Ihe coulinuanre of the former patronage aud would luvitc all othcri to givo una a call. UIS TADLE U alwaynupplied with the Lent the market arT(ird. ..Hi? Iir .ini lh clMrteert liquore. awl hi. Mab. .. T" "rl' l.'T aVT"",'. V1.1. tu MlCliAlil WiLVihT. Euutu.7, MJ 30, 183S. 18C3. 1803. 1 RILING & GRANT AT THE TVT AM TT II T Tf S T II T? V JJA A LA 11 U 1 11 b 1 U 11 "IXTOl-'I-D respectfully announce that they havo ' i"A received and opened a very large nnd wcllsclcc ted Stock of GOODS OF ALL KINDS, which they nro willing to tils) o?? of at a VI'l'V S.MA1.1. AHVAXCEON I'lrNl ot. OUE STOCK IS C 0 Til r L E T r. AM) i:::rd:Aci:s i;yf.:iytiii;!.: GIVE X7; JV CALL. Tl.iii.V.fal for j :i iut weln je to m-.-t u con. I t:i,uiiio-p ,( the !-:ne. ty riill s. ilii.j; i M.d i..-: cke-iji ! if lad it:4ri:2i than can he pur.-hasi J else where. l KlU.N'i CHANT. ! rMo biny. -May l.sC isiisi n:H i:nt( !:ii( lo I li- (: 1 1.- ,!,:"- l'l.IT T;J -Ol.'.; ;V T:k; :-:NVi!. a:, ii 1 iiol St., op Ii i ; i : ; i I '. T.T 1 '. , ,s ok -nil.; Com- 1 vu.NW I.AI.TII Of l'r.:.SVI.VA:;l IN ti.::i !: . I. I i-m,(i v vcr 'I l,.,t i. -.,o, ,.:., . , , , 1 A , 1 , 1 , ,l, "", 1 ;."u ".'""".I mollis lie pi-po:--i-i to I lie V oi.s'. U lit lull o! : the Cotntiionu eallh. in accordance wish tlie pioiiois -!' the It nth tinieie I lit r .'1' -j-;,,.,,. ,.,., -..,.. ' , , j,,,, , ' , . , , , ,l ' V " " '" '.'':'.!,::"t :"''C.e.:t tl.e ( o:;i it ii.n, to I e Slates, or I.y ike tii.thorily o! t!ii ( . n ; n . -n - . . .ii: h, s'.u h -Ii-i-t r- ji-.r:y . .i M I ti,. i i'.ht 1 id'.-'illt il:.- in nil t-1. i-ii..iis. Ly tk.- . iti.r.-. Iltl.k-i- ' ,-h re tdl-llio'.is. us ill.-, in- shall In: .r. s. i'il i -1 I.i lav. . i.s fi,!1;.- :i if h. y were l"i'l -. I 1 lit t ill-it" INiliil iilh . 1,1' I II i ii.n. 'I'li.-i-i- .'-lii'!l he two ii-.i:i..:-:i s.-.-iii.e,. to I lu- . I. . -en 1 1, nt ,i, !c o I' tin- ( ..;:.-'. i trl i :.. i. in I .- -ii - i. .i.;u.-i! :.s s--c: i . 1 1 .-. i iuht, tin.', i.ii.; , c.:. 'ilos No 1-il! shiill l.e p:. --l ky the I.e.-ii - kit "lie. -..:. lull, hi;: none tlum one siil -i. et. which siii-.-l I.i- clearly i-xj.rts in tin- tili.-. .-.c.-j.l i. , '... liati. ill kills. No kill siinil li,.- (.;,. il I.y tile l.i-oi: hi i'.i:' ;.f:i:,i itio ;ii,y pnu . i. or .rixili a.-s. i-i any . ;i i , o jo-ri- i lie not lici i:y lo ofatll siif'!l : .., ers, or i i iii-o. s, h.is la-tii. or nioy k.-t'i -i alt. r k.-. ei.iil. M'e-i Ujv,n the ceils il lliis t (.'..i. .in--i.v, . :,!, li. ' .lo'ilN Ckss.NA, N;a :.k. I ol' Ihe House ol Kojin -t-iiliiiiv. -. I JdllN 1'. I 'K.N XV, I r")o:il-. '.' i 1 ihe f-i-nate. InT.-tii 1'. n In 1 . -f. 1 k:i '. . i ll U!l!o M I U" luin.l nil. I citl'.se.l the m.i! of I.i: f, op I ar v 's . .tl'.i , t , . I ., .,'-.,,, i I... . 1. I , .... 1 . , , : , , ,,, I J I l'i ! 1 I.K. Si cr. l ill y i I' tie ( -Jh.u -il. .'. - illh. Jul- 11, I Moj.-l ;,. ...... 3p (3 "U" ID 1L "y " Ar.IiK 1 1.TIIIAL WOKKS ! RTTlMTllTvi V PP'MNT' A mill' uii'l.i-icn.'l r.-i - - , - - - - - - - - tli! V il I"! lil 111!' poblie 1 C CIO I all v. tliio '1'. - l.:. .- . i , ! i -1 1 ! i:,-.. Co- Pai l- n.r-l.ip ii! Ih. 1-1 M'l.V I I SIM i ml ot ............ i ,,i...o i... . i ., ,. . ' i l i. .1. .. " ' ''' " ARsu liiin-r; , y (it t:lo.i..;is, C'lixi .iiiU". sV-., tit s li.n l i-. 1'epairn..-; all kinds of Atrl--.il n-r.-il he !. i... Us done in a to... I i, , a i, ti . a i , 1 i k -- n.:it;t.--r and tu ih-sh.'tt-s: i.-cic- All articles -hip;,. ,1 a- ori'i. r. d. t'rl.r- re-j ecl fllllv solicited m.d pleii.p.iv a!i- o-i-'d io. "JAci-it i;.'iii:ii.cil, '1. e. c.eii i:m l'i ''Id Ir. n. i.:.l all hirl' tl l'i.lucc taken in l'.. l..,i'i;e Pr v.oi k unbiiry. May Hi. Isib'l tf G-. "W. U v.TJTJPT, t!fi ti.'j :iie oiii.h. I'oi-i-i (.it vv. dime tu south t.l f Mai ket -tici-;. foin ,J ...rs ii e-l ol II. . iirijrhi J: Son s .- 1 ,;. BUNEUKY. 3rA. Uillatlendrreu.plly . all nolV-sionnl 1.,,-in,.-. I'liltllst.d In his tare, the -lll.s 111 N.'rthoii.h.rland and th. a tjo.i.iiij- counties. :t Iv Mii.hur.v. May -'::. 1- J. 33. KELLER, -. . . ... ,. ... ' : ' I iVf 1 (, -tiJ J UJiJJ-J XiJ a Olhce, 1.11 south side ..I Market .-.piare. n-ui the C. urt 1I..U-. BUNBTJKV. PENN'A. Will alt. nd promptly 1.1 nil pi-fe.-.-ioual 1 u.-iness entrusle.l to hi.- caie loe coll.- lion ..; claims in Xorllilllnliclllill.t lllel tlie (iljollitl. Cotllltlls. isuiiuurj-, .nt.y -.1. 1.-00. jy "WATCHES," I e w v 1 1' y V ( i n iii nil, LEWI 3 LAIiOMUS : CO. Wl2 Chcsinil Sireet. I'hihidcl l.iu. , ...,.., He have alx. on hand a noa-l splendid r.ssorlnn iit of LiauKiiid Jewelry, of all kind- In which .-invite e-pecial atlciilion. Uur prices will ne loun.i eoiisi.ie. rally less-lhan Ihe same arliclcsare usually sol.l i..r. All kinds of Wal.-I.ta .. paired in the vuy he. manlier, and warriinled toii.ve saiisla.-iion. W LM'I.NH lll.NliSui. hand and ma le to order. Cull or additu . . 1 LW IS I.AHO.M! S i CO., F02 Ch.suul Sueei. Philadelphia. T. g.-The licbeia ca.b prige. paid for old lioki ud Silver. .,11 X oi norlunity mt to bo lost sijrht of. Hare Allordcn from tbe country will receive especial , j vhiu'co for AjSei.l.. Ladien a. well as lienls can attention. B,.( Aj-.-nts. Apply early and secure Ihe utnev May i,, lsC3 oiuo . . .. .. . ! b.r j-.ur l.K-ulily. rn linn i'' imi'M i4n.io A ALtillMi l I vil SALE. nMIE ur.lersi?ned often, to sell at pr'ualc sale, bin ..i...l.iH i.om. .ituuie in Z.-rbe lout. ship, North- l.uibeilaii.1 eounly, l'a., aboul one tnile t..t of ihe town of Trevorloii. ooiilaiuiug JWO ULMlttl A I'UtS. are clear. I he bulanc u..prv. ! . le,ui'.I'.aSy. Forlanlreof PtiLbury, M.J 2', 1J ' more or lis.; ui-iui ..y nai ui uu.u ; j-j .v. r, . ,v r ... ........... .. ...... - - .-.li.ndiu a i;...d Kioto t.i eullivu-ion, and iiniil vou krow what you aro to gel. bend J5 cent, ol .Noithuuil erlanj, I niun. Snvd-i and .Mei....ui, co well tiu.h.a.d wilh pine and oak. 'Ihe for CtriiCeate. telling you what you can have, with Ti'P'y. J''blully and t- an dully. Soyon-l atl.ij. menu are a Lo '-liou.e, Uuru au.l oilier oui. a ciieu..r. Kivn.jj u.i. in...iu....i. .aitu. i ttje-ii r T , ., .ri; iniiii.aie , M;iff..io Kuaiuutoed in all eae. , CLAIMS. CouultaUuu. cau be bifl lu Ihe bill- OnlSTT cSs riETZ, t.O-vVKri WIXAnF. hunbuhy. tk. V IIOLESAI.E AXU r.KTAll, UKA I.r.li.S l.V wiim: as ii coal, ill evciy Tri. ly, Oi.hr aolicitcd and li! It J with promptness and d- si inch, tfuiibury, May Id, 1 SCI ly "ORNASIEMTAL IHON " WCFKs! U4Mi A: fi:it(ir. iat t:i,:-.- .A l:ic, ttiilil!-I:iiiil. 6"i:. Ol'Tklt f.r sale ii-'on the most favorable terms. X'-w and llcauiiiiil lb-ii;iis in irr.-nl vmiety of Iron ItailioL's t .r C-n.eteries. lti s-.f ne.-s. .tc. - f V. roii;:lil ar.-l t t Irie. and (-alvid.ied Ir.r. end Plio.s fiiie. ';; I. on ...aii'lnb-.. Pa! -oi j. .. Sunrs. t ...niter .. I'.. ui ill. in-, lia-es. ('..' nines, llil.'iiin Post, , l.al. p .si'.n.l-. Vases. Tab!i-s. ITower .s-.ipds. ,-s. -':1 .. Chairs, .s'li.niary. Aniiiails. at.d all oilier Ir-'iiWoik of a 1 ecoi j.i i e character, he-iirns forivanii-.l f-.r Fele.-llon. I', rsons applyinii lor the same, will piece state tin- kind ol work n. cdtd. fJtinu II. Isui.'l tin To llie t;-i.io i iHie t ot -- ol' .i jl- mi9ii'i-l:i nil fount v. 1"T.l i,V t I'l IZI XS I hereby in.noiiucc i iy .1 self Hi a caiiilobite for tht- hlT'K i; (IF Mtllli II F, nt the routing Pi tnia.y J'.l.-. tiou and as the a.tp.oit ot my Follow Citizilis. .should I be nolninnle.1 till I .1. .-ie-1. I 1 r iiii.it i-i lallill Ihc duties of mid -.liicc ! Willi tdelllv. j " ( n.iu.i: w sxviiki'.. j I-ham. kin tp.. Ma-- 'M. Is.i.i c:!si'.Eti.)'BCi:E i;:o, r FTJ'.i: 1." 1. 1 1. f. a 1: n, Sikii;' 'I'l:i-ff "2 it o 11 !";i 1 11 i-t l- k; . is ciiA.Mi i ; sr., (I'..rn!i rly I J Chalii'iln h tl l ei. Xcw Yolk, YV'i.il 1 ea'l Ihc attention of I'taKli to the articles of Lis ii.anul ict ure, W : kiunvx sxvi k. ?dacti''..y. 'etio-.-ros. j-'it.e ki'pi . l'ur- Vir oni'i, Coal.--- Hap! ec. Xachit-.ch.'S. Aa:. :i an Cel. lb man. Ci-pcnhH. u. VkkkoW SXI I F. .s. o'elt, li -n- v lle.v s -"!fh. liiih Tof-I S-'ot.di, Vi'-h Hooey Ileiy Scotch 1 :-:. Ilv'll T..a.' , l rch H.vlch. or kiiiid; loot. Vtt .r.t i"ii i onl1--1 lo tl:-i larv'e redociii n ci 1 r. -o! I- ii.cl ol 'low ii.- and .ln..kil.-X Tobacco 11 '''''' '"' 1 "' " ''"I" 1 ",r k'aalay. T I ' K. ( t'l I. I.oti-. inol.iii'r. l'ii:e I'ul (.'ii.uii'. Sinokii . V. A. k.. or plain. .. .lav'o. Cm . t..l'-b. or .-.v.et, .-Siiitio-h . 2. S .ve -t l.t. .1 ' b-enoco. Cane-tor Xo. I. X o. X.o .'. 2 n.ise.l. J in l'o.l t. avcnJUh. Taiki.-h. . 1 1 M. i. bit. .1 . tiX.,i.Aci,ca!arofpr;e,i,,b,',,.to,,,o.p,ka. Aptil 1. 1 -1 s a p o n i v 1 1: n , ot: C(0"( r.N'lli ATi l) t.yi:. 'I'liv I'.i-.i-.-Ij f-o;!; .Msil. r. 'I ! I'l Kl.H' ar 'UP d a-: -i-i the si'l 'III- j ol s :oti !.- I IA li f.r 1 ..-.koip- s.. p. A,.. ,. , ,-. : f ... d .,r.-.. !.-. The .-iilv'ii-.Nt IMia.id IMTKNT- : Il I. v.- U that made I, v the 1 ' I : N S V I . V A X I A j S I T' J..V1 f'A i M IMS.; l.'Ml'AXi. llo.:-1 ,,,, , .,,,...!, :. ii b. a. ' s l'o. II I I; . ' - Il ('. p - i ( ATI. I l.i I.YP " ' Th- c-aislci ... u,u i Mil.de It- I-I I M'KIXt il'l.l.l' I'Ali'l lis to en- i;.l'vi'lMilA" i"vi"!''':-:"'1'"" ''"!'' !"'"-v ' '. All V Xi I ACl Pi: il.s. 1,1 I l,s,. ppi.l.cps ' ..I tt. .--I'l ,s- s. are b i .i.v X'.lil il n ; thai Hi.- C inp:.'. y have". ...pi .y- 1 i.s the'r A t :.,ii. y tl k"l!i 1 1' !k I; I ! ii . "-p. of I'l.'hola.. ami WM.I tlM IMI.CM I I I P.. r ."..i'l lo.n i.ii ... ai.ii i.n; ii ' . : s. . -.is. or .-ll.r.-"l I,-'-' io l i'.'-ob o .1 tiie i iiihls , f the C-'li'patiy. w id n. -,' i.-l.. 1 I i n at . i M'oXI 1 1 p. . r ( .'X.'PN l 11 ATI li I.Vk. , !; 'v nil ! : a p.'i-;.-. i i ,-t s ami letioaj. ' b.r s nil-. J". (... in ;-. j 1 'be 1 'id. el Slat--Cireiiii C.-icri. W.-icrn i -: r i t , of IV in. - lv:. t in Xo. I ..t'Mi.y 'lerni.in 1-i'L. il. -i.it i -.f tiie I'ci.!.-;. uiia s'a!t .M..t,i.i.i"l n ii.- Coiopiii'v ; s 'Il..,!:,!i-i.' CI.:.--, d.-r- -d I.- !l.i- C. t. pany. ..'n 1 Xoi-ii'b, r 1... l-.ij. '.lie I xelii-iv.' ii.-!it craiit.-'l by ', a p it, 111 ov. lie I by tl e.,i ,,r ,e .-AI'u.M 1 11: Pa'- . . ,l:i. "1 l-cloblT -I, I-."-''. I'. lpltLi.l il.iliil'lli' ll award--.1. J j Tin: I'l'.NX.-vi.vAxiA : SALT MAM'F.M 'J I'J'.ING CO.! n r r ifi:s: ' I.'? l':.! ol S r. . t. rhilad-l-Lia. ' I'iit lil.d ioi'in- lit ay. PiiP-l.uii.- !".V .B:!I3'.Y J..I)? I'OilS Al . " ' (iAl-Hi'.N OK 1KHT 1'AUMS,. Sni'.lb1,,. f r l-lapes. P o-ehes. Pelll-. lla-pberries. S :i a w I,.-! ! !"- Pl.o !, I-1 1 i--. eiinalits. Ae.. of l.L':. ... Ill or Jo a 1 ii'-b. i-t il e l. il.olll..- rh i- p I tl e re--'! : . viz.: -'i a.-le- f-r M'i.'. I.iaet.s f.i :-pi. '.act' - b.r set-. L a. r i,.r fio. i a.ic for t-l'l I':,'.- ib'.e 1 v , io-.1. .!!.!! a w.-.k. .M-. c 1 Cr:,iib....i v I: lid-, and v:i!a-e 1 C- in I'lll.'l Ui'iih. -2 , I v li'eie. t. :,i sal en. h. pavahle I.y oi..-.l-dli a we.'k. 'lie ab,, land end hums, aie -it . lan d !it ITn I- ... V. ... iiil:n'!"li Towi.-hip. Putliiiut'-n C..,;t;!y. Xeiv .l-i-.y lor lurlia r in I i u.ai a ii. a; p!y , w i' ii a IV . '. Si.ei.j . fa a .-ii - n!;.r. i lJ I'. 1 I'. AXlll.IX Ck KK. X.. i r,C,,i..r Mini Niw Yoik. X. V .TiiMiary 3. I--... -I VM, Kr.ocun. ; l.t.VA.",KkT STI'.kkT. IIAUltl-r-l UU. I'A . jbabr ill ! V 1 A N 0 S . "X I. 'A' H'.-ewo.. I l'lin.s. from Ihc hist lillik-r- i Ir. m s'u u -viir.ls .Mlll.ol l..iXS.--'liie best mm, i.f.icl and Inslru nienis troio -:' b. lo s-lno I litlitats. iolilis, A.'.'.ir.b'.'tis. l'lutes. j l'ites. J tin in-, Pai i..s. Tambourines. V :..i i , : . . i ; ,.,,. ,., !;,,. :. ri'i ' ! sill 1 '0 M I SIC - .... 1 "VT., Ll! e' o.'V,' " mail to anv 1 ,11 ,1 o.ilM' ,:i.. AVI. I-I. SI l.'.i.il. Ul.U.. MJI.U11., 1.11.1 AM. i;asi,l'.l'll i"jaA.lVIKt3.l s:.,;,,. I ... ,...!.....;.. .!.. 1 nil 1: lu.lu . .r t ho-- 1 re .: pn.'ii 11 1 . . I nn.-! 1.1 ! A fine ai -er-u enl of l est plated LlK'KIX.i lil.Al-MlS Ire... suialU.iioli.i-osI sizes : Anv ttvle ol f.-i.mc m:"l.- to 01 I.t 1,1 Ihe shortest iioti.e. ' V..M. k.N'n ili:. j Apiil 11. 1 "!.'!. Markel si., llari i.-bur.; -- , Tl.Uf;SLSS, SHOULDER ERACE3. .... , LLAST10 SKK'UINiiS Loll LX'I.AUULI) VLIXS . 01 Till. Ll'.i.AC.; I Tnsti uin.'iits for nil deformities. j Mi. lil.OYLlt S j hns lakcn the pbiee of other Tru-ses for Ihe retintii n lb Its and Abdominal Supporters. Hard, i . cm ..-in. a.... .-II..10IIIUI1II run.. oners. i,ar.i- ,, j,,.ltH , , M kjlis. and iusiruuiiut.s I-.r ail j.,-,,', .,;,;,., (,fllll. p,iv J1. lilloV p p.'s on,,.,, is N. t Alii Sirett. two fr(111 n, v. New York. StulK.tt (Ul)M ,tiicuiiy tia the name and , " Aj.ril 11. IssVl t . . JU8XKfcAD, NEW STYLES OF JEWELRY. I pj A JCIIl'S, VICST C1IA1.XS. J.OVKKTS.'- A'.v.'-. coi.h ';.y .i.y;i yi;.Y(7..N, MCCK C7i-17A.S,V'i.S ul'JKW. iil.Hr, Ar. ' i ifuaiuulocd iii Add.ts, S. M. WARP CO., 208 D.odweT. Hex ,. . IUiOl :i, UU -ly 1 f. V. sU fm J AA1. .,,,1 ... Kr. C. . I,,..;,,.,., ,..l . os.o.l I,, t l.ei. eloil .-e. HI III.' CoUOtlt s JACOB O. 33 33 C K , RIKUtllANT TAILOH, B U It 13 U K V . H ufV flint Imli'if jMt ri'turiH-d fntui 1'liilu h hiu witlin lull (i-SOltllH'l.t lit ofj-;yi;iiy M:srnN"ll')N anim.m ma I V. Jhn'Uin itii. I i''i:ncv (.'ii'iiiici Imiu k Sniin. I i-'iiii I lit ill inula y In m in t' .' to j-nit 'in- : ;i-t r '? 1 (Mi. timuM, u sIk'I L tunica, li iih I i. t':n.''l , l.rn.s. I j A I'V '(! Vt ftp ll;il)'1 . V Ml 1.0 f'U Iii Id '1 f: lil l liM i'Ii lp:ii.. i-v ;:it.i;j; I :j y in t -. i (itttwi- liiihi-'t'tl l y iiirN li.'i.-. uilj Ia Jul J' HJ lo ! order us lir rt -ti.n.' v. , As lit w ill t ihj-Imv iiftii'' .. ri''t!(,,il w rn'I; iif:i . j iH-r.-nti ii.nv n y un I'.iip; tlittr L wt'll ilno nt j hif- slit.ti. " j Tininkfiii fur Hi" uitnirt'r.:i hiTrM'ti c Ur -lt'Wt-1. ' hj ri"-ti'ctl'iilly fitii-l; i ci,timiiui':! A tLu hMiitt. ; ll)ljlUtV, Ol.t'tT 1, 1 KEW TAILOHIKG E'iiAilLI.iHE::! ' .t n .- v. .J i e: v c .. Mfii;t .tin; ;.-. '..-.r csfo; ll,e lM Oil:,-,. "I") -spe.-tful1y in f" i ... s hi.- old fi-k-nd- a: d the p.:h J lio ' neniHy that ho b.' ii.tin 1 .'.lit lo.-d lo iii.oiiiy t.a.i r. --.) ...' .i a , evv 'I':iii.:-iiiv, t'-CiiiU -Itiin-iil. lie is pr. par. d to i'.;.b-- op tow e. roo t.f- i s e' l.s in. 'll-lil!'.' . id r-lf. .I i I'.-.r.i ally. Ii.-b- ioliably an. I Mib.-tnn; ia! I . :i l-a-t v;il w , nr. -It oil , v.ok leaving; tl.e sli..p. and b so d .i..-. h'-i s to; rteii-e II -11;"- 'i.i'I .' oi pul;ol:.i:'e. ; pi r-...l:J il' -ir:o .: t.i I. i li.ti::!'.. load., up to older ill the k.U-l -l;.le. '..t!I lea- ilt hint a call. ! fui.bury, A lil II. I ..'.::. it ni. T.II.CPJI.G 1'E.T PLISHM E2T. JOHN TT.. f3TTOa-, 1'ar.n Stn. ..; . . .-ilc W. a. t:'.- P '.. rUWmJKY. il'l-!!.t-:lC.-!.-l.. C ... T::.. IXl ollMS hi. frni. !. and the ..iblic t-t.-iall". '. that he lias t.-.ke., tie .. d .la col. s. .l-e'-l.. and is prepared I-..1-...II l-o .'.s of TAIl.i-l!. 1 Xi- ie a e... .1 ui-i l.ii.ioJil..- i. .in in r. 'Ihc ji.-i'-u-; acottho pol.lio i ri.-i e.-niiby taiieit.'d ' '. -uni t, iv. May II'.. 1 s I y . SiNCER & CO.'S ; I.ell'. e A. i':n:ti?v plc-M iai;' .t:--!i:iif. ' ,l'l'll all l!:e r.e-r imj r.-ven 11, aide.-. Pi. ,1. r. C. II. l , TujI, el", til-.-IT. Ac A ). is t!. CllkAI'l'.sT .XI" V.YST, and nio-t be:... tiled of all no. Lines for J.' g (J al.dlihl uialinl'actitriii pit.:-..-'. It noik'-s the intcr-l.-i ked s 1 i ; 1 1 l.i--ii is alike on I., .il, .-i-it-i. i:u.l has cleat eai-aeily 1..V sewn j Al.k KINDS OF CloTil AND Al.I. j KIND-; OF TlllilkVIk I Fv. n leather, r' well as the fine-! j.i-s!ia. may to- " Sev.n to pelieelion ell lid.- 1.;:.. bine. 1" will 11 '.'.'a I Spool Col toll 11 - Will n' N-i ."11 lil:. I! l!'!-v. 1. Wl.-i' h -an -io -l.'y I.' hi... no ly . . i.;,- .be p v I ii I. .'ed. '1 lil -I '. ! I il. e--t, p ( 'a.-l i-- all...!.,' -he I..-: v..li.:ibl.. if all ihe row in.) r-.v. m.-nls. Iln-iy!" ''I ''"''d "lit as a spia ioi:-' I .-iib-lanli.'il !:.'!. t.. s.i-'aiti lb. cork, nod win i. ll'c Ir-i.-i.iii. .s n.t i.i i-i' i' no i.v be f. hl.-d iiio a b. x. wi.ic'i - li . w-i I.'i'-' pans "1 Ih,- toil.iie. lhirt- is i.-. ., l.-r nia-h.i.e to cpial 11 e Letter A ill eiimiilirllj'. Esu':iS.5i;s.v. t:-.ti!ll, ':! :i Jul v f .'..i'i cc! tuti'nx at "II ralr ! sfia-i. The I'ai'i'y Nciac; .Vccliii.e i- I'.i-t I a'r; as popular f"i-'fa.iiily u-e as Mmii'm A c..'-. M.n iiiae. u-....-.a ...... .... .. . ............ ... it c w .-!! s n . -l ,ii, t l i-i' -i'l, t o i Iklt-el. I il. -. o .'. A , of tie t -! I e-t - aia! I . I .-.iid I'.ra I-- a I nt.i.r aula t-.-i y . i --fiv.i u . ' Co s c i li n r." . . . ,.. . 1. M. SIXlikll A OP, 1 -s I'.roii.ic. iy ' V l'i. oi.. i. l. i.i.. nit',:.-. : lo Ci.t-i.i-: . ir. June 2-'. I-i".::. ly I CLOTHES WRINtiE!?. Solil Etj ':: :i-.--i'i l':!i-..i:;. !'ii t tin- 6.iik!. Tie I e-st lal-r.- -ii::: tin.. Iiii:.. in l!.n v., rid Xo coition or skill ii-oiiir.d in u-e. Ml ins ev .-ry i!. u. c; .ii v. mid l-'ii linns a.- i.tib li a. can la .lone by ihc hand. A child "f eiht years .-.111 operate it. X . . servant can break it . I. s .v . s its c-i iii ch thine1 in a f..i..i'c i. -!.-:-. !:.,..!!'-. i!l wear f..r year- will. out repair. Ai airaiit-.- i to j l.a-e or u.- ln v i. fail.!- .1. 1'KICI..;. N... 1- Par I ...inily Wrb..-. r. $: I i M i l- c. X". l'i -M- Iiiiin " .'. a I U .-ii ...!,:..; Xo. L'J .v.. ilium - il.iiit i Without N Small. No s.. I.,,..;,. (. a-! - X" I-.-.M-..1 l.aui.d'y i I V. anai.-.e i 1 i :.. a i to run i l-.t 'i ! U'iti, Co be I ll iirral.'.-d X'., ? - Liittfl. ' -telllO ::o.on ) s No 'J i- tl.. - si- jree. i ally u-c l in pi iv a'e Pita ' ' Tin: ii.n i.v v bixt.i i.'v nn -i 1 1 pa'u.xt I i-l.-N'i 111 l.k kl ol l.A'ii'll. X'.. Vtu.,- r can be D-.ual ! M iile.-.i' I - ,;-V,h" 4'iiu v iisx i-'. Vt iinl -.1 i it v i i'j '! . - i. . P, rsot,- le-i.iin w!., re I in-i l-v r. li. it 111 4 lb- . i iic to u.-. -l.a!! i. a;p..i.'.... '.v.- Ihc V. in, v .-r by . n: , --. j i- :i: I. f.r t. : ii s t.i -i ci.-uiar. i.-'.li -s P. C LP.. WMX'ii. H4a Pleiidw... V. X - V, 'lo.in .Tut . I". !-:: - in laiNDS AM) SHADES. II. .1. W 11.1.1 '.MS. X... Li Xeiih Sixth S-i-'tt. ri.il ad- '. bia. iat,t. la'-tin- r , t t 'i:-. liiiil Bilililis. ati I 'il ili.'.O) lr;iri'. Tt,.. l,,r.-. -I nr. I li ! :, ..l'i inel I il. tlo- I'i-V. IC tl.a lowest nr. -. blind- Painted an I 1r.ii.mud evi.d to new. Store Shad. -.- n.aiic l.n.i I ttc.cd A nl -1. l -.::. Jm Til Al-l'HXIS '!lf.i- Is (lllidlll .v. - . t 1: l.V ILIN l . I X i kl M A N lo, v ,14 ' -1. re- 1: l. dill. N ! OI NI 1.1 MAN hio in; . V '"'" "' " !' ' ' " '" ' ' l'' " ' -' .,,' I.,,.t.!..-..l. wkhout ....-.'.-.-. --l:.-id. is it hi- -a 'led .HI IO-' 1-s-i.i i".. ..o I dm v I i.lnilinei.U- I" hi- ulliict. d b l!"H erealiil-- il, ..', -vsoe.i nii. 11. on Ihc lo,.ii t ol an I ..,,,,1.,,.,. . nl .. 0,1 , ti.., 11 e, :-t ,,t' ihe 1 l.p . .0 .11 X M 1 A( N A 1 I. i so luli.i, .-.reel, i'.c.l.iyi, X. V : .Tai:u.iry CI. l-ol:. 1 - - M4 I .V'i 51 ti. . n;., , B.;i v . i.-i cv. .Norltttl ' A b.l d i,:v. IV... -vt.ei.it. I Pol p el 1 v Pro.-1 til . S! " .1 HFI'li'll. Minlot ,irc 1. oi.,- ,... r . - . f I'.-li lir ml'.- :.'i'c. 1.' d le.ai ty e'p...:te i in. ('..in t II-,.' All k I. s-i.,.;.,l ii.i.-iin - .- .:'.- . -lion -, ,v : , v. ill . 1 ii c prom I at, -oit i, 11. April ll'. Im'.J. .71 ASSilEC'fi IMTL' VIM j The iiot e.-ol oiiii -al ilic,.-t. a.-it i.. ihc 11,, ; - "' I-or ale ill all the prinvil al ei-it. at. 1 t III li:.' c-ile, I'l.ion. lat.-li prceer aci-oinpiitde 1 will: u look and full directiuii... l'l'.ICLS ,1 quarls, f'l ioi 4 qnai'Ps, 4 . 11 (pot: ps, t la. 8 quarts, f. nil 1 1 ipi.trt, h el 20 quart, 12 0" Applv b IL U. MASSLl'., Sui.baiy. I'u. March 2U, ld. it(i( iti i ::i.i i i: a ihi.!:. Attorneys at Law, Sunbwry. Ta ! 4 .lop.l.AN Hot lvl l l'l.l.l'lt aid S'H.'lV.iN V. 11. lui!.!t. r-..-.ee:l.:liv aiiii.-uaeo thai ih -y have em. ri-I into t-..i...i -in. i-hu. in llie priuiieeil then liolis i.n. and w il I coi.l inue lo all-i-l lo nil MAN lacuas'O. (uioe M-tfkel .Irerl. episite Wker' II..I.4. iuiibr.ry. Filiiuary 4. Ib0 Economy is Wealth ! -Km ob i: o? en rois tr. v Tim LF.fT una CnKAI'F.T HmiKok-ld HLMrrV in li e V orld. (;i:j:at mm v.mr Msintr Z.'1"'.C VOY. 'I PI'. S Ci r -live I' ll-; is narrnn'. i if i's- d e...: ford.l'i? to tlie dil.eti.'l.-, I' i-.:ro a'.I r-.-s Coii-.e-, i:.ii,. V i pSi.j ''..a, b. A'lhlM.. and all el! " -lions t-f the Jliio-.t t i'.d ku'.;.-- Mr T-.tj e ia, i'. r;. .-'., 1. .l.-.ili: i . pr. t r 1 o i' .. h.l ft r.- rlii-:! re r.: ekill. 1,. in n et I-.'.-- e::. n of tb- bi-t rt no ll, V s-el:,!,!e k-i.fr-t.,.,, i-m.i-is i' .. no .lei fjcalci. - 1.1.. bas.-l on il: p., .v-1 to lo-i-' Ik- .: 1 1 li.v and vie. I iel.' .-it. iilait-.n of the l.io...(. b'o-Ml. Ih;..' die 1,1 t-i- . Il Is la a a i-.l-i.t l . mi. ly, but . tool:, ni -i-i i. io, liit.-r e!- e . ':-. o ; e.-lii l.e I. I : I. i.v lh-r oj.ie-l H A pev-,.nor y on.:. - clebl. vj ';vV ..V,-'.) ,l i-li.i.-e J-.-l-.- I'.im r A ';:Llh .i lt;,i-a. I,, i...e,. io ..- I.y i.l i nvirl - years not. d i:' l it l l.a b: i- r--. ..i'l..;. li o 1 l.e . n i' to tin .r a.i.le!. : i.'i . -. : J .- a I , . i t ! O ' I -, S r - -V:. ! loe Z; ! -I- I ' l , . ' s - 'lll'H- 't a- a i , i. e v. I h I : i., i- in tl ,. .:el. I. .',-, i. . "i'vel : .a 1 r I'.--. 'I'l o -in ;!.- l,..:ilc : II piove te be vorib ",. vf...r y K4.y f-r.,j 1... t or.';--' -' a. '" I - a! is I.. -'I V, !.. li'jl . "!. ..' .. I':.-... I; ,-: ! , ... p. r. - ''"i'-:o- '.1V'is. ' ' "f io ii.-!'... tm Iii r i:i i a- ..r it ., I ., it ol :m ,. n -,y , - ,.t ' : '-I ilf ---r;.- 1-iv pr. at li . .. il i- .. ! !. ll.lk.-li. Met',;!" ,. ....;..r ,. ;:..) tie .iM. IK.d :: p, i-: ( deab-i- i i 1 - 1 1 n . i , . . - , ,u j "''- ' '" le !. .1 - ir pi oft!- tir. 1 .'c r. Je-. .e oi. in-;-t ii.ei !;:,: .!..;.:.,... !',.r. t- r'. ae, I 0 a e ..'!o r. .'-!. !..r .M.'i.lne !'.,i!.. . I u. rati - e leil-Mli. pi;,-- 1:1 eeii',.. 1: 11. 1 i a lar -e I, ' i I . . i, t 2'. eeot-. i.nj loUe la. other. Jl y.oi cal.n. I g. I i; nr. ot - rt y .oi , -a 1. 1 ai.otl . r. No i lo all io i -l!-;- and s'loi. he. p-T- a. 13 cm , lil. 1 i.i k.r.'t! Ii.l'l. - .1' J e;-. II - 1.1- A 1.1 l kkk. kr.e.liet. r:, !:.:..- ::!. I :.- ly X. . . ', Xort'icni Ontral I ? :i tl T ! I - . ii . 1 ', .- J i. I.i to ail 1 li. -a to :..r,! , v.- i.-p.e . t.u i all . X-. . e:o . . i li . 1 afi.-r M''XI.V. A"KII. i-.i.l,. 1 '" .--:,. . i i -,o s -.1 !'" X- r.!.ein C-'li ! 1 ii iiv. i.v v. :!! a-1 i,t a- d .1 p-r: l..m .--ui.'i..; 1 : i! or 4 ati'.l Halt iie.'i c a- , ,! I. w s. iz : ail TH W A 11 li . .Vail 1 ; :i ::i l-av.-s Saiib'.cy daily i. .v.-ei.t fin li' V, A M l.-iivi- II iir-r '.nv -. Li l i c- i.t IP. hie:- i e. '1 r: in l.nvi- f-:.i.l in-- dailv i I.-, r. -1 1. n : i" .v 2 A. M '1 K A . V I' .V.- lilll : l-OLl, le.VC. - t V a, lay . '- lili.v,--i' ii..' ii!,..rc dii;!v ...xe.pt M..!..!:,v ll.trri '.nr. A;.-w.v t-i'.: hi 1 ivc.i llavi bin : A . -': Iiv. .-, p. I) M .il 1 rant I ti -c i t 1,-ii'v, 1 I . M ' ! r.iii io ::t I'-.-ri--'',.-.-. . I i n i is'.ur i.-. i M. M at ! r. .-- .- 1' r furik'.r ii.fo.-n. .-'iiil nry. :i 'l':v at 1' e 1 I. x.'i'm i:.i'!,v. -(;; ' HvJ.-ihiti. -;:Msi .V r:i te t::i"n :ji!. ' rpills ;:!;,- br,. !r-o er-'-s the X...:!i.:n ai.-l k .'- . i tl -a .t i .b'.ol I' . , -. ..l.i.i P. t!,c ciiy I I i.i-.-. oi! I.lil.e 1.: . i 1. I, : been I, I y the !'.-:;. i-.-Ivat.ili IP, ill. .ti ; Coaipiin c. tu-.l no. let- t ;u i r a n pices is b'-ii:. - i .. ialy j opi !;. -1 tl:i-,.a.!i..ni it- enure b-..:!i ll i- leu- ill u-e tor l'iiss. I - m.d l"le!"ht bits'. !.' f.'ll ll-ll e'.'lVL: to 1 0 il! V. ...I . '.'!..! : .. I. . '!77 I ii!' - "I! 'tie J.- p j li I : I !,. a-.. I :V. i,, .-)., ;.-: i p I !.::-. -1 mil r s -i, h- U . -.. . - i-i-ii. ! .1-11- - r 1. -.....!! ll:Als 11 -it '! ! !;V i yi ; -e-,- .. i ...-- ie, : :-iilTi...i.. I ! A M i .Mail Trail:. I i-' 1'. M ! 1 1 ri --'In. in. ll.t'7 I'.M I l..v rc-s Train. .'. l'i A.M. t C;,i !in, iiii. a -h v. i'hail ch .I!.-... boiti l-i-'. .. i ' tl e-e tr.Mi- P. 1- rn ' iPi'i.-lpbl- 1 1. ,,ek IJ.'V.-n, lie 1 1, ' - , ii p pn:., , . ;!.,! !., .!. Ilav - li , l.l. iio.l . j.-i.j C..is .11 : n-.-- '!". in b i wav- I. in,, ii M.iii:.-i ; a- l i'...:,i!; ,:-r. sp-l , V'lii- '!:.- !'! i.'id I'l ii. .'', Ipi.l... i l'i it.: ' t.t!-:i I--. I'.' I'.'-'-'!:.''.' bu-.ti-.-i ' ,'li I i a On- S. P. !'.,r. li.ii :,. 1 .M ill i, I S:-. A -id I-I- I r- i.l. t l,i:-ii.i -- , i tl.e Cm. my - Ai."'l.-s i S I' hit L'-:..n. .Ir . f.r. L'ltii and ii nl.-i .-.s , ( l'l.ila I. l I.i... .1. W. LcMiohl-. Llie J. M. l'riil. Ay:,t X. ('. I! It.. B.ih:ro..re I li 11. li .. si... : ...i. l I i. i-,t A - P! iiiiin I.i v :. I. li . i r. I li. i. I f.ci,' l ' I . 1'. il.'. hi 1 .7 ..-i:pii I ' I' . : I s. Ocl.'l Mima ir. W;iiii-l.!-is.l i A ill 2.'.. I'-'T I)()iTS AM) SHOES. 4 P 11 l ev in ....iff tii!'.' I !., ..rder bv the -a'..- : !1,. r i ai i i: i v i i.'.: i.A'i I'- thai, a- ..nv ,,th e-lab-.. ii.lo li-i.li ent ill .-.in btn v. 'J ! e w i'l ti, is ii.. ; ." I: i. 1 ' ' :.. '.hi :-ll l. ' k Mill P. d. 'le al , i Oi i.". S IP- ,i ii i,,st r . iv i I i i ei.iii i.t ,v . t ., 1. b uiUir M-i .M..i'...' ".s. tr U!-tUler.!i-:."-s Cvoot'. i.t;3 .-l!:oc-, S.i'.ii-. . SStoi -. ::::il tiulft i s, t'J.,:.l!'i-i:. !iaes. i',i','vi' w-h. -I. v.iil ..- I .a-le I-. .!'? at -'!.. i- . in '.: b. -! a 1. lie, a. a e 1 "':.'.!' i .a 1 li e i ie ' . i ' , - i ". !':!! ' li,.'! h: .:! :. I i:t.- j .!;-!,..;.....,,. i .... , .!1 I. ii . ; .! " ' I ' d...!- lu .il at I .'.a, .. !.-. .:r. ii'in.di. Jb.u.-.-la ii al !.'- .d,-.. n.' ..iiv .;.! ;- li." C .ri ,,L' I S-.U..1' ''! 1 i'l.. . I'll -I'.'IIX" W lk kk Lelll Uiil'V H'S. J -..'! Ie-' . y ."Ni'.W .Mi!il AL 111'' , . , , . . . .. 11 n., ! I ) U U J b A M Mi U L l A r ,T?yT"? TT T.Tl 3 WiU i.. iUAiiil U .1. I I 1 V. hit- in -I rotor". 1 I. .'in' I rem 1" 'I ip'.i-l. ic.'i- e t I 'i 1 I v i'h h ! Mi" t; .-I l! - l-'!l"K.' i with 1 ....it tar to .'. Viv. f.l -I .,',. i!" hi!- C If . lie ! : S I ' V : I I.C !. ,s I......... He h . J'.,.. - in d 1 '.Id- '.,.. .ii.' !:i." . :' Ibis::,. ' l.'.-i 1 al' i i.'i . P.l. I 1 , .:. . a . 1 :-a :. l i-'.'. u.i. s p .!-..!!; ,--1.-s an I ll-.l-. v i.l v. . i a 1 n ; a lu 1 ..il . 'I .ai l ..,i I. ii-.i -I ,. i, i y ...I ..It. - an 1 Ii are my 'n M II .M. 1.1.1. i: I ii -i-i.' 1 1'!. k '.'.'i'l: M in-.in-.s lii: j i.t. .'- ttoz I'.ur.. ' -,',.r 1'i-i.ri't A Jl... '. -t ' ' ' i'; i'a l. li ilia havo i., ., ia k. a tii:-. ai i, : i Vi-.iCl SiMiis. f : i.! . Apr. --'j f r t'.o '. - . ia ; 'I m i-t- lMa.Vf PAPll'i of l.V l.p, Y li It A 111. 1 !,. Wl i.dl I'... I .1.- '.! I'u l.il.-l i. II - I S.,.r. kl- I - "S : a loll...;' K.-.'ii In i-:l'Ui..I, wi.l be b.ui.-i iho Clioi- -I -i l I, - ol ill- sen-. - I 1 i.i!.,. hi; P'. i, ieo. 1 :. Is.'--! - "ui vr i TUU C'C'.v I'loSSfCNS AM" KXi'KHX- tNCaOV AN" I.W'AliXU. i J-uU.-f. 1 f I '.'.- I 1 t - t: w.nLii' ani A C il U"N i" VAN Ml'N' f, -.it Xeii. vn- IN' ility. 1 remaiu.t 1 ;ay l , j;:,oJ;,hi I, cie , iuppl.. , at Ihc iamc l:uie. lltil MLAN'S Of tLLI" 1,'VUk. rly ran' who !n. lied hiius. if l i'.-T l'-.-'.l S 1 t't tj (il-. nl i via use l.ul inj.ii-y llllu'.ieh luedicnl tauiblif Mil l qlilli k, 1 y. :-V e... l"i. a p.. -I pal I n bin ned envelope ..o. ole c-il'i'a. uiav be Innl of tbe ...,tf ,.r b 'NA'lll.vNll.L M All AIL . t.dfjia . y X 1 li.v l.s.I - h mm V' .K... e : 1 .,. .. . i,. i. W 1 o b.i - t,. I O, e ll.i'-ni,. i- -r a. of e -ry . li',.. ! ;.- e.. oi a I' I... i'.- .-. X.i'fH 1' -:-d"d to ;.e.r. taio tl..' - Ola... . - - -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers