ATTENTION DEALERS ! VNMH Nells tn nil nl..) Irade iu Sunbury, Oml he tins jusl puiehit-cd m ..lll-!l' N'I O Ho ol rli Hi-lrclrtl X K W GOODS, W'hich bo oPVr nf hi uliI .-land, near Covert's Hole West end of Slnrket Square, very CHK.VP YOU CASH Or If Hint will nut lo. just a cheap fur (U .M ii v r it o ii i His stock coiihiIs aif n large assortment of DAT. HOOTS'. CAP-., simi:.-.. UMTS. ."ALT. l'wrs soap. i: . ::sts. ii ii l hahdwai:!'. yrt: tics. :ns auk. and other a'-lichs altogether too numerous to men ion. CALL -t-VTSflD WEK. Sunbury. January .1. lsi':l. !U!--iliiiK' ICntlroiMl. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT ("1 IM'AT THINK LINK fram I lie- Xnrth unit Nnilli-Wcsf for Philadelphia. Xcw York. licnd ii'g. Pnttsvillc Lebanon. A lit nlnwn. Fusion, Ac. Trains have HarrisLing f.r Philadelphia. Xcw V,,rlt. Ponding. Putlsvilie. and till hilcriucdinlo Station, at S A. M.. and 2 00 1'. SI. Xow York Expies leave lliirrishnri nt 2 15 A. 31.. arriving nt XcvwYntk nt li tlio same morning. Faro from 1 ln i.liirft : Tn New Yi.rk Si l.i ; to Philadelphia S-l 35 and tr'-l sl1- IJnggagc chocked thrnnch. Itonirning. leave New York nt 0. A. SI.. 12 Xoon. nod 7 I' SI. i Pittsburgh Express). Leave Fliiliidcl-j.lii.-i nt . 15 A St. mi I .1 ."! P SI. sleeping -nr in tlio Xow York Fxpross Train, tl 'ongh to and from Pitt-burgh wiihoi.i elintieo. Passengers by tlio Ciillavvissn Hail ll.otd b nvoTn. lmioin mi 8 Ml A. SI., and 2 l' P. SI., for ITiiliulel pHit. Xo'v-YnrU. ;ii:-l nil Way Point. Irani" lonvc I'ottsMiio in v to .v. m.. nun .'...u r. SI., lor Philadelphia, lliirrisburg and New York. An neonimnoiliiiioii Passenger trnin leave Heading jit It mi A. SI., nml return.- from Philadelphia at 5 IHi I". SI. J. i-" All the above trains run daily, Sunday cx- lCilo.l. A Sun, lav trnin leave Potisville at ."() A. SI., ami Philnd'olphin nt 3.1 j P. SI. Commutation. Slilengo. Setisnn. and Excursion Ticket, lit reduced rates to nml from nil points. (I. A. XICOI.l.S. Slay 2. 1 MtM. ticncrnl iiipcrintrnilriit. . .iosi um;iit ., IIAM KACTt -!F.I!S OP S A. Xi E I-l A. TUB, fl'PKR-OAKn. OF MiA. Aii'l .nlo Ajrcntfi in tuc Cily of Xow York for CH11AM OP TAltTAK SUBSTITUTE, J nvcntf.l liy Prof. Klicn N. lnrfort. of ltnrvnrJ I 'mveriity. Oftioe. 11 O! J Slip, Ilnnovcr Fijnriro, (up finirs.) XKW Y0I5K. r'JlK lii piioo whirh Cicnin of Ttirtnr comniniuloil 1 in IS.') I. tojrrthor with tlio Hlnrniii.j fxli'iit to wliii-h ii? ilnniriTouii nilultoriition hiol ln-on onrriril. villi otlior oon-iilcriiiioiis. in-luooil the tlint iiini-hi'l C'llrlnit. vho.0 tlnllio i.- Jjivi'll liliovo. to oolmlH-nt'o viint prorl to bo n loiiji; nnil Itilmrioup sriontifio ro FoMvrli. tinlisi-ovor ft (li'irnlilo Fi'.listiiutc ihcrctor. His r'irti" wir' orownoil with nl'iiniluvii piioi-oii. nml buiitlri'il of ttiounmlp of pinnule of tlio Sul'titntc lm o I oc n fold nml usi il lim ing I In- ln-t five yenrs, tin nojrhoiit 111" I'ltitoil Stntos nml the Cniiililnii. Tlio fnllowimj; true oompiirison of it. lint lire nnd tin- ri-.-uPii of in ii-'o. with Iho.-o of C'rcnin of T:irtnr. vi!l ooiiirrc tl'r niosl iiii-rcliiloii n( its vnhie. t'vi'iitn of 'fiirtnr ii fl l.i-t;irtrnlo of Potni-h. Tli ir Siil.slitiito i? n pinilo l'ho'il:;ito. nml ootitnins tiotliinji; hut ulint i found in 1m- l-.4;oi!k. nml in corn. win-Mi mill oihor coronlri, tinil is thcrofore highly nutrition. It nl.-o hnn hcnltli-'riviiis inlluonie. nml i-.tpj-lii's tlint tor which tlioro ii :i coii."tmit ile i.i.'iKil in the hv.-toni. tv" I' i-'folil lor n much lw price tlinn C'ronm of SInrrIi 21. lSii.'!. lv "BUNDS AND SHAT)ESr !. J. WII.l.IASIS. X... Ill Xuilh Sixth Street. Phil lolelpliiii. Sliiiiufnctiircr of I i:ct rJHutJw nml The InrL'o-t and linct awirtnient in the cil v. nt the I ltove-l jiri- t. IJIiml:- Pniiitvtl nn-l Triiiiinoil equal to now. Store Slunk made nml loturcd. April I. lsr.:;. 2m F'. ..itivlail Btoiiix', i)i-:i;rnr axp i!i:i-i iiXiir.:i. c. liownr.i Jl nnl J-'rniiKlin S:root, a low Squnros WvA ol tho KoHhcrn (,'oiilnil l!i,iln..l l.t. ;ALTISI01!K. Ij,' Tciims. tl ' i: it Jy. (i. LKlStXRIXtl. Proprietor. .Inly HI. 1S.V.I tf '!' .criviis Siillt l-ci-i ol lxillt Sl'f-i. 4 l!i: I.l!i:XI (IKXTLKSIAX having boon re- j J. slorod to licnlih in u li w days, niter undergoing nil the muni roiitino nnd irregular e.penivo modes J ol tl ontliiolit. w ithout success, coii-idcr- it his snored I duty to ei-iiiliiiinieato to Ids anlicted tellovr erouturos the ii i! A n " or ri i:K. iioneo. on the riKoiit of mi ii'ldres-ed tnwlopc. ho will souj (TioJ a oojiyot" tho ) roM'i i lioii n. od. iiiroot l.p Hn. .H'lIX SI. HMIXAI.I.. i IMi Fulton Street llroi.klvn, X. Y" Jiiniinrv 21. IS:;'. I.:i ti itisiisi lV BCIoins..iii-j I'Oiltl. Brail lSlil, Pa.s.'cftgcr y Trnins will mn in Minns : SlOVJXtl SUl'TII Fniyhi JIIXI HL'rr. in 1.1 A. SI 11.40 P. SI. Pitxt.eii'.nr, S OU A! SI. !l 20 11. .HI I 1. Sernr.ton. Kingstim, ltllperl. " Danville. Arri o at Xorlluiin crlarnl. 12 4.'i I. SI. SIOYIXli XOIi'lll L'-avu Xorthiimborlalid. 6.2U P. SI Danville, C HI) " lliipert. t Mi ' l.iiiL'-'on. 8.45 l.onfe. 4. 1 Arrive at Serin, i In. nil P. M. 3.411 A lV onger 'in. in also leaves Kingston at M. si. M . 1 ir r-cranton. to eonncct v.lth u train liir Xcw Yoik. P.ciuining. loaes Sorai:toii ouanival 1 ol tram from .Now ork. at 4 l.t P. SI. The Lackawanna .V :ioomFluirg llailroad connect? wiih the Dcbiwaie- Liiekawiiniia nod Western llnil ron.l at - r.iiit.,n, for Xow Yoik and inleriiiediate jH.intS ca-t. At Jtnpe't it oooneefs with ll.e Catlaw i-.-a Fn:i- r..a. 1 r (..nt. I.oih i :i.. and w c.-t uni ing nt I'll"!. 1 adelpl m ,,t 1; 1;, p, ,. 0 1 At .Noiil l aioh.-ilaml it eeiiiiects with the Philadol plnn 4 l.ri.. l.ailroad and .Northern ("ontriil llail road. f.r J . n ! .r we-t nn.l soul Ii Pa.-soo-ci s nrrhiio. m ilani-l.iii . t.;,u p. philadclpliiu 111 1'. SI.; and Duliim,. r... In. ''ii p. J(, The Fioighl and Piuv-engers Train north, loaves .v.rihiiml.cilai rial It . 4 .". A SI., and iirriie at V 'JU P SI., pns-ing Danville nt H.2n p. j , v ,. J"HS 1' II.SI.EY, Sup't. J V ei.i.s. Oeneral Ticket Agent. Nov. l".i. l-s.2. .11 ss;K f i a:i i: r n vi: mix. 'tis t-c:i:ri:Di : As Imiaovn I fr IS'.a mid lM'.tl. i.y r- IW.11.IIA.M 4 CO., 2U Pearl st.. Xcw York. rinil-. only I leelor eoi.striiele.I :r. ri 1 tii los. n'uh a rev (inn coUii,i call Hliil si.rin.s I.I,..'.. t"l"'r. j no one tiartens the fieeiiie..,! ih. ,M;'" r relumes 11 its fast a fr7.on of ice """" ''"' 'J '" trut'4'"S least quantity aiid'll'hiTjIur "'- ''1' For Mle. in all the principal cities and towns in tho F.aeh Frccc. neeoioi.H!,;.. :i. . 1 1. . au lull iliicetioas. 1 PltU'FS. .1 quarts. 4 qu nts, n qearts. qliarls. 14 quails. f .1 iia 4 n-r nil Ii nil H 1111 qiiHrts. H( iu,?Z?a i'-M.ssi:n.8,,i.Ury, P.. M) quart IM Ul l I I l i lt HOVIllt. Attorneys at Law. ftunbury. Pa A i,t"l'!;?ri. K'H-KKFKLtt ami S ILOSKIX ,'' , ;J,' ' '" res,Kilullyuu..,H, tUat ihcy lio ,r V. , l',"l'""''",'il' ' 'h. pr,tic, f Mi. ir prof.!,, hud , ,.olliuo ......j , ,, .f"!"rTh.,."',rU'rJ. "'".'li'"le. i the counties V, 1h""',"r11"":1' l""n- '1)der and Montour, tiotl will ' 1 . "oinuiiy ami carcluity. l-.oco, ullcn- oe iflveli to I ta ( 1 1 1 .1 V T I li i V J ,.o C I. A I. MS CoiMulUttioiis vun bs had iu lha UFH- WAN lauguiigo. 'tleeSl,,,',et street, o(.slto Weaver's HoUI. Sui,t,ury, I.ruary 4, Istiu. ilOOARDUS' llrouaitt uy, .e ork. vAiur-atiK V1SITK." I'hoto-n, Ds fiur n 'pn. a tat i 11 iu in o. si iyit ul lue Art. v-l.u TllR ALL SVFFICIKSr TIUiKK. THE GREAT AMLRICAU REMEDIES. Known nt "IhlmMd't' GENUINE rBEFARATIONS, VIZ. Ill I.MIK'I.P . KXTlt.M T'Hl flir," SAUSAPAlULt.A ISirilOYKP lt"SK WASH. HELMEOLD'S GENUINE FREPA RATIONS IIIHIIl.Y (""MT.XTHAT1.D" COSIPlU XD F I. r I 1) : X T It A C T 11 L" V II V , A iNi-ilive ntn1 Specific lirmnly For Ii.-oii-ffl or tlio nuniim. kU'Xkys. nuAVKii. axi Mtorsi- rAI.SWKI.LTNOS. Tlii Mrdii'inp inrrrn'Ti" tlio pnwor of PltroKtioti. ninl ri'iti" tho Ali!niln'iit)" into lionllhv m'tinn. tiv whivb the Wntrry or Cul'Trn'i 1(si t in. ihmI nil rnnnlnnil KnlnrciiH-rt.- nro rcthiPi'il. n wi'll nnn nnd Miflimnnittion, nml is gtwul tVr men. nuiuen. ir CliiKlrcn. l3i:iIIHtB,SS lATirUT iti run KfUl WE.KXKPPKS Ari.-inp fruin Ksfcfr'i'p. Ilnlit. nf Itr-iinl attii. Kurlv InilifMTi'tiitn. r Alute. AttcntliM) willi ihu Inlltiwiii Kymtonift : fiuli-twitHin h hxvrtiun Lit (if I'UWIT. l.twy nt' MelW'I V. I'inVnIly of UriMitbini; Tri'iuMiiij? Vnlt i'l-nlin'r, I'niii in th! Imck, l-'lilihli ofthn hty y.rty'otA on llic Kiu-o. Tulliil Cuunti'iutneo, Wr:tk Xtrvof. Ili'i inr ol li-i'nfp, Iiinniff- of i.-inn. fiiivi'iYfil Ijii-sitiiile ot (lie Mni'cnlnr Sy-lt-in. TT..I Umu. I'rvn of tlio Skin. Thio pyinioin-. if nllovrpil o po on, which this ine'.lii'ine invtuiiiMy rcinovc, Ptnn fellow IMPOTEXCY. FATl'lTY. EPILKPTIO FTT. In one of which tho piitimt inny oxpirc. Who ctiii iy thnt they itrc ntr frciiviitl' fulhiwvd hy liuiv niircful (li(fcf." IXSAXITY AXI) C0X?i:JPTI0X, I-iTiy nrc nwitro of the cn.eof their pii tfrin. hut imiic will cinifcfi. Tito rernrdj of the ins;inu A.v ImnH nml tho uielnncholy ilontlm hy Cuiiyumiitinii. hoMr jiinpU' wil!ipfp to the tmlh nt th nwertinti. Thu Constitution, onec Allictcd with Oi'.'Jinio Wc:ihnos.i. lttMtiirc8 the nid of utt-ilii ino to strcnpihi'ii nod in viiT'iinte the py-tcm, which 'Ilclinl'old d K.xtrnct )itchti': invnriiil'ly thit. A dial will convince the ino.-t skeptictd. FKMALKS. FEMALES, FEMALES. Old or young, tingle, married, or contcuil'lidin nitirrirtire. I h ni loy nftV-tinTK pnrtiltnr to Feninh-?' thrE.xfrnct ' Em !ai i uiu.'i:::ili d ly jiiiy other rctncly, tis in j i'lilttvost.' or Keunt'.on. Iirculnriiy. 1'iiinlitlncs. or ; ujtpre.-.-innof the Cuploninry Kv:mn:iiion.-. L lccr:i!ctl I or SidiiiTniist clitic of the rieruf. J-cncorilicn. or AVliitc.-t Sterility, nml for nil eniiiinint-i inciilcnt ti the sex. w licthcr urisiti troin Indisui'clion, iiahits of JJii)niiioii, or in (lie HEl'LIXE OK CHAXGE OF .LIFE. I-!ee pymtt-in.i h1kvo. XO FAMILY SHul LT) HE UITHOVT IT. TmIi mi Piil.-:ini. SToroiirr. or lnolofi.iiiit Sic licine 1'T I ii'lv:i.ant mid liuiijjcroits iiisonsoc. nr.l.t.nos.ivw i:vra: i' ice ii Chios PKCKKT MSKASK.S In nil their singes : nt liillu expense; Iilllo or u clmngc in iliot ; l.o inconvenience-, AXD XO FXPOSUP.E. j It cnu.Hi'! fvoquont do-ire, mol ives ftroolh to I I riniito, Ihi'rol.y roino in oli..-trui-tions. roi outing anil curing Stricture? of the l.'roil.ia. nil ivinii piiin mid iiitliiii'inntion. wi froiiuont in this olas.-ofdi mid expelling PoiMnoiis. l)i;.uavd. and oluout S!::t!r. Tla .u.-n Umiii T'housands WHOllAYK IJKKX TIIK VKTIS!:? OF (tl.UI'S, And who luive paid llonvy T'oos to ho cured in n clioii time, have found they were uoooived. nml thnt tho Poison'' has. by the use of "Powerful Aslrin events. heon dried up in tlio system, to lic:ik out in mi ngruYiited lnn. nnd Perliiipi! tifler I s i: iii.i.iie:oi.i-. i:TitA4 t sit t in: For ull Afioetions and Xiiseasos of THE l ltlXAltY 0I1UAXS, M'liethcr existing in Slide or Female, froni whatever eau.-c uiiginalin0'. and nu lonllcr OF HOW I.tiXH STAXIiIXtl. Diseases of these Organs require the aid of Dll I1KT1I'. HELMEOLD'S EXTRACT BUCnU Is the Great Diurolic, And it is certain to have tho desired ofToet iu Diseases, for which it is recommended. all I BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! Ileliubold's Highly Concctitrutcd Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla Syphilis. This is an affection of the Dlmsl. and attack the SeMial t'rgaiis. L'u.iinrsot the Xose. Furs. Throat, Windpipe, mid other Slucus Surfaces, making its npl-caralicc in the form of ITcors. Hcllnhnld'g F tract Snrsaparilla ("iirities the lllood. and roiuovesnll j Senly r.ruptioiis ot tlio Miin. giving to tho Complex S nil ! io u a 'Tear nnd Healthy Color. It being (iroparod i'Ain-.-Mi 101 iioseia.'s 01 eoni planus, us jiohki-i un tying Proprietors are preserved to a greater extent lii. in any oilier preparation of Sarcapuiilla. IfclmlioItl'M Itowe 'il' An excellent l.niinn fi r Diseases of a Syphilitic Xu- lure, and as an injection 111 Diseases 01 thu t rniary iiigaiis. arising fioin hal-its. of dis.-ii-nticii, used in coiiucciicn with the Fxtiacts Dm-lm and Sur.-npnrilla IMdeneeot the most 1 e m .n-i I Iu and reliable char aeti r will uccomiiany the uicdieiucs. CFllTIFICATia OF Cl'RF.S, From eight to twenty yours standing, wiih names known lo Science and I'aiuo. For Slodioal Properties of Uuchu, see Dispensatory the l liiled States. See Professor Dew-cos' vuluublo works on the Practice of Pbsic. Sec remarks made by the Into celebrated Dr. Plivsiek. Philadelphia. Sec remarks made by Dr. Ft l.raim McDowell, a celebrated Pl.i sieiau," uml Member of the Hovnl College of Sui 'ons. Ireland, and published iu the 'j raiisiicliohs ,,i the King and Queen's Journal. Sou Sledico-Cii iirgienl Kevicw. publirlied by llonjainiii Travcrs, Fellow of thu Kojul Cullogu of Surgeons. See most of the lata SlmiJard Works ou Midi cine. F.ATii.ii t IlrcMi', $1 nfl per bottle, or six, $i l Smisai'imi,la 1 no ' ' 4 I" Imi'Uokkii ItosK Wash. io " " 2 ill Or hull adoienof each fa fl 2 00 which will bo siilln ient to cure the most ubstiuutu, it direetiou are adl.eruil to. Delivered tu any addrex, securely packed roui olwervarion. I Describe symptoms in all couiuiuiiicaiiuiu. Ci.ic guaruuleed. Advice grutis. AFFIIUYIT. Personally S pea red before menu AMurnimiol the eity ol Philadelphia, H. T. Jltm(Hdd, U, Being duly sworn, doili say, his prcmilioiui onutaiii no narcotic, no iiiercuiy, or other injuhous dras, Lut uie piuily ej;elullo. H. T. llFLSlBOLD. Sworn and described before uie, tliis 22d day of wHiiiisT, mat. nn. f. Jlil.l.AKH. Aldurmuu, Ninth-iitruet, above It ace, 1'uilu. Addreai letters for iitformnt'mn in eoiimlciue 11. T. HFtilLOLD, Chcuii.t. Dvyit 104 South Teuth-ilreet, below Chestdut Pliila. UEWAUK Of t'Ol XTFUFElT-i - a And Vuprincipled Dealers Who endeafur to disso "of their own" and "other' ariielui on tha reputulion attained by livluibold Genuine Preparations, " " aliuut Itachu, " " " Siirsuiarilla, W11 " Improved Hum iash. bold by all Driijtglsu everywhere. ASK FOB II FIM HOLD'S XAKU X0 OTHER Cut oui Ui. advortis.meut, and siaj for it, And I Avid Imposition n.l i:x,Mur i i iu.ii :-, I ..(. j I DU. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, TUB GREAT REMEDY Fur Lht iiwi'tism, ('nut, Xi riihjin, Lumhujo, 'ti.ft' AVi il' !: Jiiilit, Sjil itiii. Hr!n. flltr mill ll'f i-!, J'Hik, Jliilihnhi , mid nil JHici'miiti'i' nml Serfim Dimirtlrr. For nil of nhh h It Is n speedy and certain remedy, nnd never fails. This I.iiiiiuont is prepared froni the reoipo of Or. Stephen Sweet, of I'olinoelielll. the fninons bone setter, and has boon used in his prnclieu lor mora than twenty j oins with the most nstoiiisliing siiocoss. As an Alleviator of Tain, it is utirttaled by any propnrnilon before thu public, of whioh the tnosl skoptionl may bo eonvinoed hy n single trial. This l.iiiiinont will euro rajiidiy and nolicnlly. lthcuuiniic liisnrd' is ol i v'-ry kind, nn I in thou winds of fuses where it !;hs been used it has never boon known to fail. For Xeuralsrin. it will nff'ird iinuiedinte relief in every eiise, however distressing. It will rcliee the woist cases of Ilondaohc in three miniiies. nnd is unrraiilod lo do it. Tootlinohe also will it euro instantly. 1 'or Xi rvons debility an 1 lei oral Lassitude, iiri sinlVoin iiHprmloin'o or ovooss. this i.ininiotit is a ii...... I..HO.V iin.l iitil'.iiliiK' I'l'loeilv. Aeiiiof iliroeslv ii i nn iho nervous tissues, it stn :iigiheus iii.d revitiliis 1 tho svsloni, nnd restores it lo obi-tieily nnd vior. I For Piles, ns nn o.vtei tinl remedy, weoli Unit It is the best known, mi l we eli'illem.'" the world to j nroducc nn eunaL Kvorv viciimof this di.-tr s.-ing complaint should give it n tiial. lor ii will not I'.iil . to atlord immediate relief, and ill a loajoiily i.f cases will i lloet a radical euro. j iiiiiin y and Sore 1 Inoat lire soiiiolimos exliein. lv , iniiligiiaiil nn '. daiigi roiis. bat n timely application of this Liniment mil never fail to euro. i Si'iains are sometimes very i.l.stiiiale. and enlarge ment of the j .illls is liable to occur if neglected. ' Tlio worst ea.-o may bo cumi'.icred by ibis Liniment j in two or three days. llruises. Cuts. Vounds. Soros. Moors. Hums nnd 1 Scalds, yield readily to tho wonderful healing pro- I porlios of Dr. Sweet's Inl'al'ililu Linimcul. when ' use. I lleeordlllg to diloelioliS, Also, t'liiltilaills. I Frosted Feet, and Insect llites and Slinks. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, the lironl .Natural Lone Setter. of Connecticut, DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, is Un-evil ;1 ,,er the I'liited Mates. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, rt Connecticut, is i he mil Imr of Dr. Sw eel V Inlalliblu Linim.iiit." Tl'. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Llieiiinati-io. and lover fails. Curt.- Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is a certain remedy for Xcuralin. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Liini.s mid Scald- iuiinodi.itcl v. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is the best known remedy for Sprains and Drui.-es. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Headache immediately, nn I wa- never known, to fail. Dr. Sweet's Infalliblo Liniment Affords ilium liatc iw'.iU for Files, i.nd n-ldoiii fails to cure. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment ' Cures Tooll.acho in one minute. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts and Wounds immediately i.nd leai es our. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment . the besl remedy for Sojes in the km-wii world. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Has been nsed by mine than a million jnople. alt prai.-e it. and Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Taken internally euros Colic mid Cholera Slorbiis. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is truly a fiiend in need," ami every family should have it at hand. Dr. Sweet's Infallialo Liniment Is for sale by nil Druggists'. Price Si and 50 cold-'. A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT. DP.. RWF.IT'S IXFALI.IIU.F. I.IXI.MKNT. as nu external remedy, is without a rival, and will alleviate pain more speedily than any oilier pvopn ratson. For all Ithouiiiatiu and Xcrwun Disorders it is truly infallible, ami as a curative for Sores. Wounds, Sprains, llruises. Ac., its soothing, healing mid powerful strengthening properties, rxcito the just wonder ami u.-toni-hment d' ull ho have ever giv.nila trial. Over one tlo.usaiid eeriilieales of reiiiaikablv cures, performed by llMUhiiilhe last j itt0 yt-ui's, uttosl the fact. TO HORSE OWNERS ! DH. SWLL'T S 1XFALLIULE LIX1.MFXT FU H'lHSKS is unrivaled by any, and in all oases of 1. landless, arising trom Spiaius. llruises or W roiioh ing. its elleet is niagieal nml certain. Harness or Saddle tiulls. S riilcbcs. .Mango. A., it will also euro siiecdily. Spavin and Itinghoue may be e-ily pre vented "mid cured in their incipient stages, but I'iiii lit mod eases are beyond Ihu ssihility of a radical euro. Xu case of the kind, how ever, is so desperatu or hopeless but il may bo alleviated by Ibis Lini ment, and its faithful applieniiun w ill always remove tho Lameness, and enable Ihu horses tu travel wiih eutupuiulivu case. i: iuiy lionsr. owxr.ii should have this remedy ut hand, for its timely uso at the first appearance ul Lameness will eneciuuliy prevent those formidable diseases, to which all hor ses are liable, and hick render so many olherwisu valuublu holies nearly worthies. DR. SWEET'S Infallible Liniment IS TUK SOLDIEIVS rHIEND, And thousands have found it truly A, FBIETD IN NEE 4'uuliou. T avoid imposition, oliserva the Signature and Likeness of Dr. Stcpbuu Sweet on every label, and also Stephen Sweut's liitallihltt Luiiuieiil'' blown iulkagliuaof aauh buttle, without which Bona are gcauine. RICHARDSON A CO., Kola Propi ulrs, Xorwleh, Ct. MOKtiAX A ALLK N . Uaueral A genu. 40 Clilt buvvt, Xcw Yuik. Sdd by all dealers LVeryahnc Wiuclt il. istij.-ly CATHARTIC PILLS Of F.RATR hy their powerful Influence on the Internal Tincern to purify the blond and ttlmn Inte it into healthy action. They remove the obstruction of the stomarh, bowel, liver, and other organ of the body, and, by restoring their irregular action to health, correct, wherever they cxit, such derangements n are the first causes of disease. An extensive trial of their virtue, by Trofessor, 1'hysicinn, and Patients, has shown cures of dan gerous diseases almost beyond belief, were they not substantiated hy persons of such exalted position nnd character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Their certificates are published in my American Almanac, which the Agents below named are pleased to furnish free to all inquiring. Annexed we give Direction! for their use In the eomplainta which they have been found to cure. Fon Costivenkss. Take one or two Pills, or such quantity as to gently move the bowels. Cos- ; tiveness is frequently the aggravating cause of ! Fir.p.s, and the cure of one complaint is the cure ! of both. No person can feel well while under a costive habit of body. Hence it should be, as it i can be, promptly relieved. Fob UrsrErstA, which is sometimes the cause of Coalirmen, and always uncomfortable, take mild . doses from one to four to stimulate the stomach and liver into healthy action. They will do it, nnd ! the hearthtm, bmiyburn, and tmilUum of dyspepsia will rapidly disappear. SYlicn it has gone, don't lorgei wnai cured you. For a Fort Stomach, or Morhirl Inaction oftht Bowels, which produces general depression of the spirits and bad health, take from four to eight Pills at first, and smaller doses afterwards, until activity and strength is restored to the system. f OR IN KKVOuSNESS, KICK HKA11ACME, INAl'SEA, Pain in the Stomarh, Hack, or .SVrfc, tike from four to eight pills on going to bed. If thev do not oner- ate sumcicnuy, lane more tno next flay until they do. These complaints will be swept out from the system. Don't wear these and their kindred dis- uiui-ib uiviuBe juui nioiiiaoii is iuiii. Fob ScRpri'LA, Erysipelas, and all Diiraiet tif the Skin, take the Fills freely and frequently, to keep the bowels open. The eruptions will gener ally soon begin to diminish and disappear. Many dreadful ulcers and sores have been healed up by the purging and purifying ctfect of these Pills, and some disgusting diseases which seemed tn saturate the whole system have completely yielded to their influence, leaving the sufferer in perfect health. Patients ! your duty to society forbids that you should parade yourself around tho world covered with pimples, bfotches, ulcers, sores, and all or any of the unclean diseases of the skin, because your system wants cleansing. To PfltiFV the liLoon, they arc the best medi cine ever discovered. They should be taken freely and frequently, and the impurities which sow the seeds of incurable diseases will be swept out of the system like chatT before the wind. By this property they do as much good in preventing sickness as by the remarkable cures which they are making every where. Liver Compiaist, jAVjcniCE, and all Biliout Af'ectioni arise from some derangement either torpidity, congestion, or obstructions of the Liver. Torpidity and coneestion vitiate the bile and render it unfit 'for digestion. This is disastrous to tho health, and the constitution is frequently under mined by no other cause. Indigestion is the symp tom. Obstruction of the duct which empties the bile into the stomach causes the bile to overflow into the blood. This produces Jaundice, with a long and dangerous train of evils. Costivcness, or ; alternately costiveness and diarrhofa, prevails, j Feverish symptoms, languor, low spirits, weariness, j restlessness, and melancholy, with sometimes in : ability to sleep, and sometimes great drowsiness ; ' sometimes there is severe pain in the side ; the skin 1 nnd the white of the eves become a greenish yellow ; the stomach acid; the bowels sore to the touch; the whole system irritable, with a tendency to fever, which may turn to bilious fever, bilious colic, bilious diarrhoea, dysentery, &c, A medium dose of three or four Pills' taken at night, followed hy two or three in the morning, and repented a few days, will remove the cause of all these troubles. It is wicked to in tier such pains when you can cure them for 24 cents. I KiiKi'MATtsM, tioi'T, nnrf all Iiifliimmnttmj t'e I tvis are rapidly cured by the purifying effects of j those Pills upon the blood and the stimulus which 1 they arl'ord to the vital principle of Lile. For these ' mid all kindred complaints they should be taken in j mild doses, to move the bnwels'gently, but freely. Asa Dinner I'll. I., this is both aureealde and ! useful. No Pill can lie made more pleasant to take, ' and certainly none has been made more effectual to j the purpose for which a dinner pill is eiuployed. rREr.MtKt) HY I nn. j. c. AVi:it v o., Practical and Analytical Chemists, i LOWELL, MASS., 1 An 18(11.11 l!Y S. .Id by Friliii;; A Orant. and 11. A. Fi-hcr. iu Suiibury. Dr. I! 11. S!c''.,y. Xorlhunibcrlau.l. .1. F. Ca-low. mid C. Drown, Slillou. .1. I. hrismnn. T'uibutv illo. Ib rsh A Co.. Mi. Cnriuol. S. lit g-trcsscr. Flysbiirg. W ie.-t. Slahonov. eaier A SlcWillimns. PniuiS. And Dealers Kvcrywherc Aug-i-t 2. ISII2 ly JUST OPENED! II Y. BRIGHT & SOX, I XVITK tin-f.irly nttciilion nf tn.-li iiir ilitiscrsi to tluir i i-c. vnriril nml extru sive nssnrttiu'iit if KltKSlI (ilioliS wli'ult tln-v iilVir tit INTKIi ri'tiMilinliU1 JU'lff; Our stock emlitiu-c-s A full line of llamlsoiiie Dress Comls, A nice lot of Domestic Dry Gooils, A choice sttiiiily nf lino White tioiuls, A oroat variety of 1'oots nml Shoes, A hu'oi! f-tock of Queen ami (.ilns.Wiiie, A very extensive lot of llanlwiire, Huts nml I'ajis ninl llciiily SIiulc Clntliiii; (irocrrit-M of nil kimls, fresh nml ptnv, Dnc's Paints Glass tun I Oils. WE INVITE jiaiticiilar attention to the follow inij line nf Goods, suitalile for Iloliilay Presents. Ileal Heavy lilankct Shuvls, French Uhinket and Ihoehe Slmwls, lloosciy for Ladies, Genu and Children, Ladies tilovcs in great nMtudaiicc, A eoinili te stock of Gents Gloves, Fancy Shirting and Opera Flannels, Assorted colors lialmorul Skirts, Skeleton Skirts in great Variety, Zephyr Opera Cups and XuLias, Fine Sablu Furs und Muffs, Fine White Linen Handkerchiefs,, Colored bolder Cambric. Handkerchiefs, Heal Itandituna Silk Handkerchiefs, Gents Silk Neck Tiei and CruvntU, Fine ntedlo worked Collarm, Super Ulack Lovo Vtils, Silk Tissues nf assorted Shades,, Laces, Edgings and Hullhngs, Fine Black Mohair Caps, Shawl Fins and Scarf l'ins, l'l'ifuaieiy, l'otnades and Soaps, Buck Furses und fancy l'ort Monuies, Fit-bt rate Skates, ready strapped, Nice Hair Drushes und Tucket Cotnlat, Kxtra good Penknives und Scitsors, Cltildieus Gum GildoU Comlw, Ac., Jcc, &c. Sunbury, Dec. 20, 1803. KOI.OHOH illAIJIK, r" Vlfursiry lit Ijiw, Kanbuty, Xorthaiuba laud county, Peunsylvania. (Foraierly Frecburg, Hayder county.) OFFICK. Marktst street, oue door east of Friling U rant's Store, and nearly oosit the Court Houm. All (irotoHiioiial busiuew volleclious, to will rc ciitu l'i"Ui t alteuliou A pill 12 l-oj JUST RECEIVED!! lias just returned from Pblludclphls with 3PLE1TDID OF STOCK Spring & Summer Goods. l'oi' 5I'ns Wrnr. Cloth, Cassimere, Vesting, Italian Cloth, Linen Coating. Linen Cheek and Collonado. .iiIU-m' Wfiir. A largo assortment of Dress Goods, Blnek and Fancy Silks, Silk Tissues, Fancy licrnyes, Shallcy, all Wool Dolanos. Slosiinibiquo Hoods at low prices Silk Levelbis, Dolunes, l.nwns, t.inghiinu ami j Prints. A full line id Irish Linen and White floods. Slella border nnd Fancy Summer Slinnls, Silk and Lncc Slnntillns, Ac. Heady Made CTolhin, A gisid assortment f Hals nnd Caps, A large assortment of DisMs and Shoes. A full slock of Oroei His, Molasses and Sugar, ll.irdnnru and Puihling,, A full slock of (Jnooti and (llnsswnre, A full stock or Fish, Salt, Oils and Whltu Lend, A large stock of Xcw Wall Paper, A new slock of Stone and Kiirthcnwarc, And thousands of articles not enumerated. I'j- All the above will be sold ehenp for Ca.-h or Country Produce. J. II. FXOF.L. Sunbury. Slay IT, lT2. bionis i.v iyfioicr..vr ai;. M C. tiKAIlIIAUT Has P.kti nxKii with a Xbw Stock ok CoiilVfliociaii'it'M, I'l-nil ml 'I'ti.Vst. IT seems as if a new age. a now life was opening iiisui us, niiiuiHiing every heart to nobler deeds mid higher liiuis! Art, Literature nml Science will glow anew, iindscik tudevutopu fubliiuer beiiuiios mid grander conception. The business world, too. must fool the new Influence nnd every part be quickened and strenglbeiied byini ineroiisui vitality, which shall urge us on w ith elec tric speed to thcVoiisuinnintion of greater thingsthan was ever dreamed of in iho Philosephv of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which pervades all clas.-es, and do-irons of doing his share towards "Tlio grout events of the Ago." tho subscriber would re- spcctfully inform the good I pic of SI X III 11 Y ai d the public generally, 'bat be has just relume. I from the city id Philadelphia with Iho largest and choicest stuck of Coiileolionnries. Fruit nnd Toys, thnt has eor been brought to this see i ion of ntry. lie is also manufacturing all kinds of t'onfceti'.uiirics, Ac., to till up orders, wholesale or retail, nt short iioiioo. Among ins stock ol lA'.M-r.i may ie found . i:...., lir.. ,.ttLio.lss,...t,i French Secrets. Diirncd Almonds, Creani W bite, Lemon, ' Pose. o 'miilla. Couitiioii Secrets, Liquorice, Love Droi-s, .. '' Slint Drops, red and white. Jelly Cakes, F'ruit Drops. Stick Candies. of all scents, Ifock Candy. Aliuuiid Candy. I'll I' IT. llannnns, Prunes. Dates. Figs, Curraiils. diied. liaisons. Nuts of nil kinds. LF.SIOX SYKVP of a superior qunliiy. by tho singlo or b.ton. A supeiior quality of Tobacco and Segars. ami a variety ot Coiiloolioiiaries. I'ruil. Toys. Ac. allot' which is otlcrcd cheap at wholesale and retail. f l.oliieiiihcr the nn tu.- and (laoe . "! SI. C. liFAlillAHT. .Market street. .1 doors west ol F.. Y. liiighl A Sou s store. Sunbury. April 14. lsi',1. ly l,tf:t. .Irrtiii-ii'iiieiils 1I!I. ut' lurk l.itiPM. T11K CASIDF.X AXD ASllloY AXD PIIILADKL PI11A AXD TllKXTo.N 11. It. CO.'S 1.IXKS. Vfiiltl Vhilinl Ifihin to Xi tl Villi' tl ilit ll'oy I'lili-i s. I foul Wittiinl ttrirt Wlitllf Hint lit II .1 ii goo lit int, will li-.irr tin fitthitfM, ri z : V I!K. At fi A. SI., via Camden and An, boy. (C. mid A. Aeeo,,nii,.lali ) 2 2i At 11 A. SI., via Cainileii and Jersey Cily, X. J., Accommodation, 2 2i Al K A SI., via Ciuioleii and Jersey City, (.Morning .Mail.) 3 HO At K A. SI., via Caiudcii and Jersey eity 2d Class Ticket 2 2i At II A. SI. via Kensington und Jersey eity, Fxpross 3 00 At 12 SI. via Camden and Ainlsiy, C and A. ( Accommodation.) 2 2i At 2 P. SI., via Camden nnd Amhov, (C. ami A. Fxpross.) 3 HO Al :t P. SI., via Kensington nml Jersey Citv, Wash, nnd X. Y. F.x press 3 110 At I', ! P. SI., via Ketisiiigloii nnd Jersey City. (Kv oiling Mail.) 3 t0 At 111 P. SI. via Kcn.-ington and Jersey cily, Souihern .Mail. " I") At 11 (uighi) via Kensington nnd Jersey eity Soiiineru L'xprese 3 Oil At a P. SI., via Cniiidon and Anils. y. (Accm- imHliilion, I'mlit and Passenger, liist Class Ticket. 2 2" Second Class Ticket. I ill For Water llap. Slroudsluirg, Scriuiton. Wilkes, barro. Slotitrose, Orent lfend. Ac., ut tt A. SI., from Keiisinglon, via Delaware, Lackawanna and Western liiiilroad. Fur Munch Chunk. Alletitown. P.clLluhcm, Helvi dere. l.asioii. Lambert ville, Flcmiiigton, Ac., at 6 A. SI., liom Keiisiugtoti Dejs.l, uud at 2) 1. M., Iioin Walnut street Wharf. (The tt A. SI. Lino connects w ill, Trains lea v ing Fusion for .Maud, Chunk, at :i-20 P. SI.) For .Mount Holly, at If A. SI.. 2 ami 4 P. SI. For Freehold, ut tt A. SI. and 2 P. SI. WAY L1XKS. For llrlslol, Trenton, Ac, at 11 A. M. and 23 and 5 P. SI. from Kensington, For Palmyra, liiverton, Delation, Ileverly. Ilur-' lington, Florence, liordcnluwii, Ac, at 12, 1, 2, 4i end tl P. SI. V" For Xcw York, and Way Lines leaving Ken sington DcjHit, luku Ihu Cars on Filih street, nlmve Walnut, half an hour beloru departure. The Cars run into thu Domi, aud on the arrival of each Tniin, run from Iho Del. Filty Pounds of P.aggage only, allowed cneh passenger. Pussetigors uru prohibited liom taking anything as baggage but their wearing niqmrel. All baggage over liity s.uuds Iu be paid lor extra. Thu Company limn their rcssiusihiliiy (or baggsgu lo Oue Dollar per p. und, aud will Uoi bu liable lor any amount beyond lul. except by sw'cial contract. til. II. UATZSILK, Agent. January 17, 18C3. SIMON P. WOLVERTON, Allorut'.v uutl 1'oiinaclor nl 4ih, OCVe, Market street, 2 disa-s west of Det, STJIMBXJflY, FA.. "t 7ILTj" attend proui(itley tu the collection of claims If and all other prolussional business iulrustcd lo his earu in Northumberland and adjoining oouutiua. Suubury, Slay i, ISO.'. - B T 1860 X. Ikrtikv'si lMuulullou Itillfi'si. They purify, strengthen, and inv igorato. They create a healthy apvetilo. They are an antidote to change of water and diut They overcomeeflectsol dlssipalioo and late hours They strengthen the system and enliven thu mind 1 hoy prevent uiiasmalie and intorunllelit fevers. They purify the breath and acidity ol the stomach They cure ly.iiia aud Coustisttion. They cura Diurrhua, Cholera, and Cholora Mor bus. The; curs Liver Conijilalut anil Kervout Head clia. They are tha best Bitters In tha would. They niak the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They era made of pura St. Croix bum, tliocelebraled CalUaya Bark, roots aud horU, and arc taken with tha pleasure of a beverage, with out regard to aga or lima of day. Particularly re oouiiuended lo delicate ivrou requiring a guutla (tiuiulaut. bold by all tiroears, DruggisU, Iluteh. and Saloons. P. U. DUAKfc A CO., 2v2 Uruadway, Naw-York. ' lobar Zi, mi. Innarlnnl lo I sur rr f -) I'rn. UlUiilU'A bOX invite alleuliuu ta their Stovk of I'riuie tirecu aud Ulack lis. Suubury, June Ii. snl. 1 ltr.Itlt'N llOTI'.I., I Ifnrrithirg, Pa. ritllK management of this well-known Hotel hT' 1 nig hoon resunieil by Messrs. COYLF. 4 IIFHlti Iho present proprietors, beg leate to Inform the publio that the house is now l.omir thorouirhlv renovated. rcnlteil. and linproveil. with a view to the proper and comfortable accommodation of thoso who may favor the establishment Willi their custom, (inert will riyeive due attention and conrlesy, and no exK.nse will be spared that may eondu'eo to maintain notol in a Hrsl-elnss style. Families and other desiring to sooiim In Harris burg during the summer mouths, will find pleasant hoarding ami large nml well-ventilalvd rooms at our establishment, usui moderate terms. . SCOTT rovt.F. Stnreli "ii, 1SC2. J. (ilLHLItr HFHIt. rso i i i-. j 1"lu Atliim'si llxpi-esisi 'omiliny, (1IVK X0T1CK thnt they hnva conclndo-i nr y rniigomenls with the Northern Central linilroail Coniiatiy lo run trains from for York, llari isbitig. Diiiiihin. Halifax. Trevnrton. Suiiburv. Xorthiimberlaiid. Lewislmrg. Slillon, Muuey, Wil liaiiisjsirt, nml nil Interuiediate stations, connecting nt llnrrisbiirg Willi the tiHKAT WKSTLItX KX PlSl' Sb for Pittsburg, Cim ii.nnli. St. Louis nnd Ihu West. Also with Howard A- Co.'s F.xprcss nt SI ill on or Danville, llloomsbiirg. Wilkesharrc. Pitlston. Scran ton, nnd intermediate stations on the Catlawissa, Lackawanna A llloomsbiirg llnilroads. At Wit lititusmrt. by Howard A Co.'s Kxpress to Jersey Shore and Lis-k llnveti. Also, by Hownrd A Co., and their coin lions, for Canton, Troy, Fliuira, liochester. Ilufl'alo, Xiagnrn. mid to all aci:esil)lu ftoints iu 'cstcrll Xow 'oik titnl Camidn. by which they will forwnrd Sloro'-iindive. Specie. Hank Xotes. Jewelry, mid 'tiluablo Packages ol every dusctip tiun. Also. Xotes. Drnfts nnd Hills r..r Collection. F'.xiierietieed ami efficient messengers employed, and every effort will be made to render satisfaction. .HUIX UIXOIIA.M. Supcriiitondoiil penn'a Division. Philadelphia. II. A. FISt'llKll, Agent lor Sunbury. April i, sr.2. SnV' nir I'l-uil. IY using Mason's' Piitenl Sheet Sletul Screw Top Preserve Jar. jVAfUXS PATT'XT .FMCTiT METAL .H7.'ni" 'lot'! All that is necessary being to screw the Cap down ijmiii the 1! libber Oaskct, which is placed outside inon the shoulder of the Jar. ? of mi inch distant .rotu the top ; prevent tho (Nsuibilily of the llavor of ne fruit being injured by coming in contact wiih the libber. Persons desiring these Jars enn be supplied by leaving their orders with II. 11., Agent. Sunbury. June 2. ISiiu. HEIMSTREET'S liiimitsilile Bliiir I(esli':i I M IT IS X'uT A DYK. Hut restores gray hair to its original color, by supply ing lite capillary todies with iiaiural stt-letianeo. im paired by ago or disease. All instantaneous dyes are composed of I ti mi r caustic, destroying the vitality mid beauty of the hair, and ntlord of themselves no dressing. Jlciitislroei s Inimitable Coloring not only resiorc. haij to iis natural color by an ea.-y process, but gives the hair a l.i xniiAXT i:i:ai ty. i promote its grow tb. prevents its falling off. eradi . eates daielrnfl. nnd imparts health mid plea-mitness to tho head. It bus sl..,.d the tost el lime, being Iho original Hair Coloring, and is constantly inctea-ing in favor. I sod !-y both gentlemen nml Indies. It is i sold I.y all respectable dealers, or can be procured 1 j by iheiu of Ihe coii'incicial neiil. D. S. P.AIl.VKS, I 2u2 Drotnlway. X . V. T wosi.cs. id cents nnd tl. October 2i. M2. i IIOIVAieiH AMiOiA I IO, PIIIl.AI'KLPIIIA. For the Relief of the Sick and Dislrossid. afllieted with Virulent ni'd Chronic 1 'i-oases. and especially l"I III! ,r the cure ot U-oiiscs ol the l?o.ual organs FDICAL AIiYICF given gratis, by Ihu acting u r goon. VAU'AULK FlFPfillTS on spormntorili.M a ininal Weakness, nml other lii-eti-.s of the I Sexual Organs, and on the SIF.W 11 F.MF.DI KS eiu I ,. I. .e... I it. tl... I li.....,.ri..r. ployed in the Dispensary, sent to the tttilicted iu sealed letter envelopes, tree of charge. Two or three s'lnmps ti,r i.stiigo will bo iioceptat.lo. Address. DK. J. SIv ll.l.IX ID H O U ll IX. Actin Surgeon, llowaid Ass.Hialioti. Xo. 2 South Xiuth Mreet. Philadelphia. Pa. .Imiuarv .'!. Isiio I v 1 1IIK fntx'i-ri'HT, luiviiiv: i K-in-tl in TlmiiiiniiV lirick l.iiH'lin. .Mill !trccl, ltiuvillo, n luru tuns e'iii'l't.' iiiMk -f FMlIKhiX AM) IMITIC IsH'l oUS. roinj.ri.-iii'.: iho lrmnN of UntiHlif?'. tiin, U;.f. Sf4tt. li itu-l lii-li Wlii-kt-y. I'oit. -Slu-rry. ln ilririi. ( Mm in ) ; mn! iln r U iin ?-, . nil l'dkIi -. till il wliirli In- fssl-t lioU-tilc. nt Ihu lwt-t cily riot. TiiviTn-kiM-i'i'rf, hv buying f iif, i;iii.-;ic il li-ni-t tin In-iht. iVrwii-' ib-.irHi.- ( tiroli:Hiit I it n r f-r V A M I I.Y I'SK. ntty ri-ly njH.n biinir turni-lii'l uiili puru nml JIltMllllli-riiH'il lilltilr. C lii'injr ib tt tiiiiti.'-l liM-.-'tiiMi-li ii r-i'i.iitti.i.-n fnr M'llm.i flnHt. In-ri-K'filully Htlii ii- tliv pjiir-'niii ol Iln iitiMic. All nr'b i-l-K-iMl'llv iitl ii-lr-l to. ji;i;i:miaii s. iiai.l. 1mii ilU. T Mil- Ki. W Sl!lltll-ta lOtl II Oil ., NttiiTiirMi:i:i:i.AM. I'KNN.svlvama. (.V'- thr tltt'i' ) rilll f-uK-H't tl M-r liHvin 1ch-i1 tbi! wrll kinmn J SiiiimI. bili ly kl by Mr. V. S. Hmwn. n-.-pfi-itiilly htliriii) t It. public llml he ic rctiliiui; iiul rt-i'iiirin the )iciiii-s. hihI will be )it-)iiii'l Iu i-u-tfi l iii u, in n ct'inttM lblf intiiUM-r, hi ntitnuiiiii tV it-lit I- thntu'hoiit tho cniiily, mut nil who umy i.iilroiiiL- hin ."ittbli-shiuciil. 12, lsti-j. JOSKHl VAMUKK. " bii:abv iioi sa:. Cuftii f of' ,S'e Vint 'I'hiiit Ftfrttit, ll vnuisui no. l'A. fPHIS Hol'SK. in eoiisi-.(iionco of ils convenience ami near location lo thu Capitol, has made it a desirable stopping place, not only tor those having business at Iho seat of liovoriiuiciil, but tor others visiting llnrrisbiirg. March 2V, In! 2. I "or Itnlsi, .llii'i, Itttarlit'si, .tills ICetl llliH, .llollisi ill I'liris, lVwollrint, liiKft'lsi oil I'liililx, l' Im, .lllillllllsi, Ac. Put up In 2W. .'iOc. nml l 00 novo. Dottles, and Flasks, .iand Nj sines for Hotels. Public lu.-titulious, Ac. Only infallible remedies known. Free from Poisons. Not dangerous to thu Huuiau Fuluily. Hats couieout of their holes totlie. Sold Wholesale in all largo cities. Sold by all Druggists and It elailers everywhere, llllteware lit ol nil worthless imitations. See that 'Costau 's' name is ou each IoX, Dottle aud FTusk. before vou Ltiv. Address II ll Vlt V It. COS I' l IE, Principal Depot 4S2 Hrondway, X. Y. Sold hy Friling A liraiil, Sunbury, Pa. April Is), listi.i. ttm mtllUIDLE DISCLOSl ltKS SKCHETd FOll T1IKM11.LIOX! A most vulauble ami woudeiful publication. A work of 4imi pages, and "al colored engrav ings. Dll 111 NTF.K'S YADE MKCl'.M, an original and popu lar treatise on Man and Woman, Iheir Physiology, Funolioiis. aud Sexual disorders of every kind, wiih Nuver-Failiug Iteuie.lies tor Iheir -cedy cure. The (met ice of 1 1 It. Ill XTLll luis long been, and till is, unbounded, but al Ihu earuesl solicitation uf numerous persons, ho has been induced to extend his medical usefulness through the medium of his YADE MKCl'SI." Il is a Volume lhal should bu in Ilia hands of every family in the land, as a prevent ivu of secret vires, or as a guido for thu alleviation of one ot the most awful and destructiv e scourges, ever visited mankind. Oue copy, securely euveloped, will be forwarded free of postage to auy part of lha I nited Stales for ill cents iu P. O. stamps, or Seoiiit-storvl. Address, post iid, Dll. lll Xltll, Xo. S Division Street, Xuw York. June A, luld ly. Tlie Iklaupuaie el'llrrer. (Let Maiadiks u'Ehkki .) I, John 11. Ogdou, M. D., author and publisher the above Work, do hereby prumiM aud agree to seud (fro of charge) lo any young luan who will write tor tt, a sample copy for perusal. Tha proi-ir study of uatikiud is Max. This valuable wurk u issued and sent forth for the benelit uf tulteriiig buuiauiiy. Il truaU iu simple language ou all tha diseases of Error, including Sruiiual w eakuras. Nervous lKbiliiy, lu digestiou, Malauebisly, Insauily, Wasting Decay, Iuipoteuey, Be., la giviug safe, aieely, aud ef fuvtual )-reseritioiui, lor lha pcruaueat eurv, to. guihur Willi much valuable iaioraialiou. All Ihi iasur ana with a desire Ut ready my work shall re eulvea samlJa eopy bv return an nil free of charge. AJdre- JnllX 11. OODEX. M D , Xo liti Nassi u Mutt. Xta urk Slav 2:1. l-si.'t ;tm I'IMkU: Jk 1.X ox OEWINQ MACHINE C b'M ItKOADWAY, XKW YOKK. Ptfnfjttirr Cirfnart, tti'ih Sampm of irill lie tent Mail Free. Horn FAMILY SKWIXO MACIIIX AYIXtl nttnineil s well established and fin reputation, a being of all machine ye: dnced. the one best adapted to A l.i, Kixns op, SKw itn,'nnd having met with a success in beyond our greatest anticipation, so much so. three months our order havo boon ahead capacity tn supply, we would now announce t have increased our manufacturing facilities, from Ibis lime forlh, ws shall be enabled lit orders on demand. In the changes brought nhotit by the war. Hung has pln.fetl n more Imiinrtniil nart tl "MEwlsri Sl.tctiiE." Without it (hrco-fo, our sol. hers would to-.lav be elolhed in anvil, Military Costu ." All over the land 'an Hung has been the work required of our ; o...,iievreS,ale.. .ol to make only so inniiv garments n their h in. neeoiiij.lish. Ihcy hare called the "Sea ing Sb to their aid, and by it have roiled out the . Coats. Pants and Stunts, nt a rate atoni' thoinselyes. knowing that this wrl, c.,ul, i continue, many tlioughtful. (irmlcnt Imifowiv. euro ul I., solirt the machine f ,,M would do the lionvy army work, and when do that, then t , ,.,( . ,a,ir j. AHII T yf in selecting one of the "l'lXKI.K A. Lynx SKlvtxn SItrK F.vviii.y SImhivk.s," Com "on wniellVoll nifty sew from il,,. a.... Iho h tcii-ion-thcy ''" "'' l n dis.Tp,..i,1(' "' Hum having developed the a.lantabililv o-i uioiii. v itnoiit chtin I '..., i ...icnine or nil kmd-of work, we Imyemiido slop in advance, ami l,v ,.Vcral ii,..rl, i , our -No. :t S Kt.ii v. SI vchm:, .' ,i ...... .... i.e..-, 1. 111,1, ;.,J .MACIIIX iiinsiiiceit. sew ing the conn st linen thread , , oioo e.cion meiwiietir ' r -"'"tt"n-tl,us eombini,,. ( ,. , form, every quality r.-.iiiirc. iii iiiher I oil siaxi'f!i"i'i nixo xi . jiivi- ft K W e havo had our .Machines b, f;,re the i,b enough l establish their reputation, ,,. others who started with Hying , has -have f , the wnvsnle ;" and -sih,,, the pi,,,.,... , I,,,, will know them no more." Si, ,v .,,. Hnki.k A- Lvon Sl.vcmvK won iis' ..,vt, Invor ; Its success isest.,l,!i-l,, , .',.,, ! ''"'Il as il has iu the past been. los,i iiiirove. simplify a, 1 r,.,,,,.,. n t of chines We s,l. i ,-,.. ,,,.. ( list, l or lurtltcr parlicnlitr. address FIXKI.L A LYOX SKWIXO SIAClllXL , . ,, ,, ,, "''"' Hloiolrtay. Xei , ,"SK". Agent, Sunl.un- Pi ..inrcu -a. l.-iijj. lnl'iiuilioti:i CCoiil. r,i I'll'f .,,1, Urnilttiroit. I'.., ,.. ....... tl: XI'W YOKK. ''HIS first class House tl,.. ,....- i nnd .loa-ant II., I, I in il loll:. mollis to those V i.i'lo.. V....- Y....I. . ' . I or pleasure. Il is eentral in il.-..,.ij , Iho l.i iio,.,:,N i.,.,x. hn-onnooiion with T- I " "" "beie rolreslinienlscal h:i , , I or served iii their own rooms. ' M. ,.,T.,,.4 . derate, the r.-.,,,s and ntlciidam-o of ll. lii-t' ! MarTit. ,.","-," -bel,iecesatla, w t i,l I' Vi- ci: ! I I '"T. "';' ''' f""" New Yoik i, lar-o .)of WALL PAPLIi. ee.i-,,g uvt; iM.-ionif. jrillKniNT e-lllll. (v i i ii". varying u, price loin I cent- which will be sold cheap store of Mlliblu v, .March upward ,t the I -Ii pi .ce ll. j:.v .1 IS:', .vi.'i"i'ii i:y) s i itorneys in I,ii-iv. Xo I, in r. . il and Dioadnay. XKW YullK. Will e attend to l olleetioi.s and all mallei- i, to their crilc. Slav 21. Iv.'H. '3:,Bs: ai. Eto'i'i'i.. fSn It ii rv, ii-l.nrMlM'i'l:iiiil riving i ... ,. .... I I "ii-- large aixi e..,il,ini,tis I lolel. ti.ov I ing ; 1 i.y . I.I.III.M.1.MI 1-. s . la:,,e Ml 11, llcpnt. Xortl, I.a-t 1 ,er of .Mm lie, Snnbiirv. Pa., mid al the termini,.- ,.r ,,. sul Frio ami Xorlholii Ci nlral Ltiilroiel-. mid i- . Hie 10 muiisliilioii of Travelirs ami Iho 1, general. 'Iho proprielor will give bis exclusive att.-t Illo C"li,l"l, mid cnveiiii iti-e of hi- gin - . delel leine.l to make tl, is si abii-hm, nf raid, the tit .-t iu the Stale. His labfo W ill be supplied VI illl hel.e-l l. can produce, having the advantage ,,1 d.iily . niealioli by cms direct 'i..i:i D.-.llii . ' these l.iinging produce i,,,,,, t. -in. country. Hi- bar will bo supplied with the pun-l Ii... Iliaiket can .r.,dnee. t'alelnl nnd obliging servants alwav- ii. all. New ami coiiiiuoriioiis ..tabling lins jn-i b, , to l,e preini-es. A share of the bs til ami llav ilin ; e.,n,iin Ino-t re-peoHllllv Solieited. Sunbury. January 12. s,,f. . Jill 11 l'.M'l ---. orsione 1:i COWDEN Ei WILCOX, HAKRISBURO, IA rpilK Stone Ware now made al Ibis L i- equal lo any made iu this , it, v. !. llely ol article Usually made, alwav, ou I1111..I llaiii.-bury. Slay ::. !.,; J A M i: S B A Il ll E IL ' vr IIOI.KSM.K AM) HKTA1I. CLOCK ES TA B I IS II M K S. F. Ciinirr Second ami Chestnut . Millstt-!iili. til'.NTV for the PATKN'P i:((l'Al.l7li; T l li.W I'l.lllKS. a ooiv .l.mi.iMc ,. 1,,, OS, Holels, Uaa1 s. I'eualoiu II .OSes, e !..- ,v ,. Also. Mam,, acterer ol I'lM: l.ul.D PI..N-.. clocks reptiirfil anil t'l -i-k 'r,iii,iiai..rf 01 rv.-ty .:cscri.ti.,,i. riolailrloioa, January 111, -l,l..-:ly 11. it. v.i:i:, VI lorn Colled ltV !! I. v. Sl .Mll ItY tions attended to in thcooootie. Iliiiieberlaiid, I nion, Snv I t, Slouiour, C and Lyeouiiug. l:i:ri:i!i:M'i:. Hon. John SI. Heed, Philadelphia, A. tl. Iiallell A Co., lion. Win. A. Porter. Mor Slc.Michnel. K.-11 . h. kelchaui X Co., 2.V.I Peat I Stri ct. Xov .loin, H . Asluoead. Allorlo v nt Law, Slntlhews A Cox. Attorney' ut Law, Sunbury. .March 2".l, si2.' I.iiiiilM-r! I.iiiulter! PHILIP SHAY. Sluney. Lvooi.iing county. IXFnltSIS his triends and tho nl. ie ill ' that ho constantly keeps on hand Hoards. '. a Hi. Joists, and all kind, of Lumber and I 1 Lateralis, which he will sell ut the lowest pm ui SI arch 30, lstll. A NEW AND USEFUL ARTI HALEY, MOUSE & HOYDEN'S Potent -lill.Hsi(iii!f ( lolhes IV1I11 Siiu.e, Ecouoiuical. Durable, and is not Lii gel out of Order. The Self-Adjust ing Clothe, Wringer, is one . greatest improvement of the tiiueieenih cemur hasouly lube known slid tiied. Income into-, use. Tho saving of cloihes. in pres-ing ,,ui the between two rubber rolls, instead of wring twisting, will amount to itmugh iu a sh.ut tu pay for a iiinehiiie. Every otiu is aware, that the twisting or wri of clothes, stretches nml breaks thu fibres; l.i machine presses thein so evenly, that a lo ws thoroughly soaked. can be wrung, without bru it in the least, and il works so easily, that 11 twelve years old can op. rate it without trouble, water does nt injure the rolls, and n eau Im wrung out of ladling water lo prevent Iu which CMmea, be done by baud. In Starching, it is invaluable, especially 011 articles, such us Ladies' Skirts. Ac, a it "leav larch in lha clotlms pel led ly ev en. It will the largest bed quilt or the smallest pocket ' kerchiel, drier thiui can Mihly be done by' w iihoul alturatiou iu loss than oue-cigth the The machine is so simple that it is Uot liable t out of reair. The great improvement lu this, every every Wringing Machine, yet invented, is, ils Solf-A, lug airuiigemoiil, ri-quiriiig lio alteraliou. lo si liuiidkerchiefor bed uuilt consequently, the mo lioraut sorvaut can oderale it. The niaoliiuu is uiado of wsl, and so amu that nv iron can possibly coiuo iu coutm t will slothea, lhareby avoiding all danger uf injury l elothus, by iruu rust. this is lbs uiosl simple and cflccliv e Cloihes W er yet iuvuuud. TkuM purchasing can u-o two weeks, aud if they are uot perfectly snti-IU' turu Iheiu, aud their money will he refunded. Address L. K. l-MOt , l'l,iladcl,h Or II. It. MASSEIt, Ageul tur Xorikuiubcrlau July i, 1062. IVsill iiMr-oo IM.ti-. or mall papkh ok kvkky dksiha STYLES AXD I'ATTEKXS. 7 1ST rwive.l dire.d from lb Manufacture I lb. Ike il A.M. MoT II fin UK i FHII.IXii A ill AN u.A ry. SI.,f. I Ii, I '.
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