a KNTION DEALERS! VNSOl'NCF.S lo ail who trad o lo Suubury, that ho haj just purchased LAItUU KlOdt of cll Si-lct-tcil N E W GOO D S, TYhicb ho offers nt hi old stand, near Covert Unto WMt fad of Murket Square, very CliKAI' VOIX CASH tr If that n ill not do. just iu clicop for V O I" 'I' K V I It O I I' v v. . His stock uonsists of fi largo assortment of HATS. HOOTS. CAPS. MH iKS. MW, SALT. l'A N TS. SOAP, VKSTS. imisiir.s. HAFiHWAItL', IH FFNSW.MiF, nml other articles altogether too uuiiiudius to men tion . Call and see. r-utitury, Jithtisry 3, lSO.'l. I$':i(liitfj; t:iili':il. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 1lti: AT TKl'XK I.t.Vl-: fiom the X..I (1i unit V Ni rth-Wost for Philadelphia, Now York, Head ing, Pott,vil!o, Lebanon, A J uln.tvn, LHstnn, Ac. Trains lenvo Htirrisbnrg fur i'liil.'.di'lp'iin. New York, Heading, Pottsvtlte. mid nil lukTlui.-tlinto Klutions. nt b A. M., nnl 2 HH P. JI. Nuw Yolk Impress leaves Hurrisburg nt 2 la A. JI , I.rrivin nt New Yolk Ht 9 la tho same morning. Fares from llnrrisbitig : To'rw Vurk ?a l.fi; to Philadelphia !f3 ui uud $2 Sl. liaggngc checked through. licuiruing. leave New York nt C A. J!.. 12 Noon, iml 7 1' JI, (Pittsburgh Fxpross). Lcavo Phiindel I'hin at 8 l.i A JI. mid 11 Ho 1' M. Sleeping tarn in tho New York Express Truing, through to nnd from Pittsburgh without change. 'avengers by tho Cnttnwissn Htiil llon.l leave Ta Miiruii nt 8 50 A. 31., and 2 1 I'. 31., fur Philadel phia, New-York, und nil At nv Pointy. Truim lone Pottfvillc lit i lo A. 31.. mid 2..'i0 1'. 31.. for MiilauVlphin. Ilarnsburg nnd New York. Aiinceohimodntioii Passenger (niiu leaves Heading nt li UD A. 31., und returns from Philadelphia nt b UU P. 31. t w All tUu nbovc trains run dnilv, Sundays ex tested. A Sunday train loaves, Po.tsvillu nt 7.30 A. 31., mid Philadelphia nt .'Mo 1'. 31 ('ontiiiittntioii. .Mileage, Seaioii, and Fxeui.-iun Tickets, nl reduced iiitt to and from nil )..iinf. i;. a. niculls, 3lnv 2, 1303. ticneral Superintendent. - - - - . .JOI5.-N IHVIS.'UT V '., SAM FJCTLIIEI1S W SlTKR-t'AKB. OF St'HA. Ac. And Sole Agents in the City of New Y'ork for tREAM Oh' TAltTAR SUBSTITUTE, Invented by Prof, Lbcu N . Jlnrsford, of Harvard T'tiiveivity. Oniee. 11 did Sllji, Ihmover Siume, (up slain,) XKW Y'OUK. rjJIl-i hiirh rieewhieh C'rcnm of Tartar eoniinfiiidej 1, in 1:1. together with the alarming extent to iliieh ilrf d,in;eroui) adtilterntion lind been carried, villi oilier considerations, induced the distinguished Chemist. Mhoi--e nnnie i? e;iven ntiove, to cuiunieuco Thnt proved to bo a loii nnd laborious scieutiliu io I'enrch. ti dipeover a desirable substitute Ihcrelor. iiis etiorts were crowned w ith abuiHlant success, and hundreJs of thousands id' pounds, of the Substituto have been sold nnd use 1 during the last live ycuiti, throughout (lie L nited Siutis and tiie Canada. The followinz true eoinparisun of iui nature and the rvMilts of its use. with those of Crenni of Tartar, Will convince liio most incredulous ot its value. Crenni of Tartar is,u bi-tartrnte of Potiidli. TL1-: Substitute is a simple Phosphate, and contains nothing but what is found in beef-steak, and in corn, Theat and other cereals, and is therefore" highly nutritious. It also lias a heallli-i;iviii2 intlueiice, nnd supplies that for w hich there is a constant de mand in the svsteni. .' It U sold for a much U.'s price than Cream of iartnr. March 21. lSCI. ly BUNDS AND SHADES. It. J. Yni,UA3IS. No. 16 North Sixth Street, Phil adclphia, 31uuul'acturer of V'll"t!lilil ttHuSnml M'ilKlow Slml-K. The lurtrtwt and finest usortiuent in the city.. 'it the lowest prices. Itlinds Painted nnd Trinuiiod i-eju:.l to new. Store Shndes made and lettered. April 4, ltjtt.'l. 2iu J"rmiKI3-i IIoiis-, pEIU'ILT AX1) HI-FI HXISIiKD, Cor. Howard and Franklin Street, a lew Sijiiares West of tho Korlhern Central Kailrond Depot, liALTLMOllii. Vtf- Ti:n.MS. ?1 rr.ii Dav. ti. LKISliXlUXll. Proprietor. July 10. 1849. if 'l'o Afi-Tons Sullrrfi'M l'lxlli St"'w. A lli:Vi;ilEXI fitXTLK.MAX havini; been re u. stored to health in a few days, alter iiudcre;oiiir all the usual routine and irregular expensive modes jf treatment, without success, considers it his sacred duty to eoiiiuuiiiicatu lo his atllieted leltow creatures, the mi;as ur i i;kk. Hence, on the roeeipt of nu luldressed envelope, he w ill send (free) a copy of the preicrritiou used. Direct to Int. JOHN 31. D.UiXA I.I.. 1S Fulton Street. Krooklvu, X Y Janaaf; ti, lsi;;i. I.iu Uum it u Hit tV Bttooiitslui-;i- lEaiit roiil. 0 nnd after November 17, 1SG2, Pa&'enger Irunid wilt run us billows : JIOYIXG SOITH. Fnisht iV Vtixsrmjrr. i'usxt nrr. ,avc Pernnton, S OU A. 31. lli.l."A..M KiiiRstou, 9.2U H luP. 31. ' liuport. 11. 'ill ' Danville. 1 2 I) j Arrivent Northumporlanil, 12.4"i P. 31. .MiiYI.NU XOHT1I Leave NortbunJicrluiid, 5.20 P. 31 Danville, (lit o Ptipcrt, ti..'i5 " Kingston, H.-I.'i Leave. 1 JS 1'. 31. Arrive at Scranton. 10. till P. 31. III A Pusi-onor Train nlso lenves Kingston nt fi. On A. 31., for ScrnWt-'h,' to cuneet wiOi a train for New ork. Keturnioir. leaves Seranton on uriivul of train from New York, at 4.15 P. 31. The I,HekttWiiiina A liloomsijur linilroinl eonnerts with the Deluwiirc, I.aekawanun and Western Hail roiel at Seranton, lor New lurk nnd intei uitdiate jioiiiuj ciut. At Uupert it connects with the Cattawisxa Kail road for points both oust and west arriving at Phil adelphia i.t ft. 13 P, 31. At Northumberland it connects with the Philadel phia A Eriu Unilroud aid Northern Central liail road, for ointir weri and south Passengers arriving at )larrihurr 4.MI P. 31; Philadelphia 10 P. 31 ; uud Haltimoru III 2 P. 31. The Freight and Passenjrera Train north, leaves Noinhuiiilierlund at li.4i A 31 . and nnivo at ',i.2 P 31., patsii.s Danville at s.2o P. M. J'UIN P. ll.Sl.KY. Sup'l. J. C. Wri.t Cciieral Tjeitft Avi it. Nov. 29, lHi2 '!' 4'oituiiiliv-. rpilK Advertiser havintt been restored lo health in 1 a few week, by a very nitnplc. remedy, alter having ftitih.rcd c'eial years wiiti a le.-icro lunt; af fe. tiou, ami that drefc, disease, t'oii.iiinplion is tou). lo nnike know u to hia lellou -sntb u the meaui of cure. Tonll whodosire it, h will nend a copy of the pu wi i pi ion ti.cd (free of char'.) w ith the direction., tor pieparii'. aiol u-inu the mine, which lbewill ti'id a suie euro for Consumptioii, Albiua, Itroii .'toll.. A e. Tiie onty i,i ji el oi the ad eltiser in tend ing ibe Prescription is to hem lit I lie atlbet.l. nnd licii'l ii.foroiHttou v hu h ho e.mcei es lo bo in i alu note, and he hopci, wverv MUlteror w ill try his ri mi dy. a it w ill cott tin ni j.oihin, and may pioi i- a 1 le.v,. lie- JteV r.DWAUIt V II.SHV. WillianishiirKli, Jvilijjs County, -e Yolk- A pill II. l.i -.Iui hew roTATOEa pon sale. 'S " li'llDltK II Ssee.lloi.e.li, (lUlf .iiiilii( the lotluH in i .11 it In : linrli.-t I bi'i, fuio, liiul 4 i'' Callau mid I'.nki y ilu.lMiiat AI-O..0 bu lo la nl I'urlv .1 inns Pii't- if 'J ''II pir hi, I d, l'. -i, . ihu Pulsion di o 'll,e bbl lo , oi.. lain aa n.Hiiy ot Hie si.rt a. you clt i I'.k I. .', ,. i ., oi by mull iHini i.mi 1 at Sirl.. h. If, lull to kee(ililiair til oidir. l!vfiene j;uui if doii d 1'. rl l l'i, ltmiK iu, Im I'u , P4 A HI l. Mi- - .'lU i ti. yu i it i:. V Li l mice Jul) l-l I 1 1, tbi tiiliv'eif 9 fliitf Ibe iriiil iuv "I I I i.AI. It.M t It SolM I Mil 'ILL . A 1 1 N V 1. M V. 11.11 t 4M 4 1 . 1 1 A . bviuuiuu'y fctfilid t'lm IklbllUa ) oil All mIiu mail 1 1 liuxi in i- iu I i in v n lt.ua!, ti)s)Aiuj, ai 1 1 y bvlb Ion lai of J I I V Ui-l J.U l"lai., hi ... Kll lo.a Aut'f J. ' i !, ftMl4al u. 4r"i li, - ' III ll Mill ' 1 ; I THE ALL 8CFFICIEST THREE. THE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES. KaoicA a "Ildmhuld't" GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ. lEI.MH0I.T)'t EXTKACT "UrciH.'," " " SAHSAPAllILIA 1MPU0YFD ROSE VaSH. IIELMBOLD'S GENUIK.E PREPARATIONS "HltlllhY COXCKXTItATKl)-' C0MP0LXI) FLUID KXTRACT P.UCIIU, For Ii:H'i.M!tt of tho Li.AMu:nf kid'nkys, ouavki,, axd bitorr- VAU BWl-.MJXCitf. Tiiiri Mctli.'lni.- inci . j-ow or of Dip'stnin. ltn cx;i(o- the Alwi-rlirtita into Ih'oMIiv nulinn, )y wlik-li 1 h AVntery or Olceroua di-fMinitiuiiK. iiml U lijtniilmtil 1 aii -xvlunnix nrtr r'lncL-ii, n well iw pain Mii.l iiiUmuii.nti ui, aud irf gooil for men, womi n, or CliiUlivn. ion wj:.km;;i;s Arising from Kvcc.i'M. Hul.lts of Ii-.-f Htimit Karly At I rii with tho followin) fynitoina : I.tiH.ot' Memory JHflieulty of liroathing rvrinlilirif; Vijiki'lulmF. Vain in tin luick. T'lushinj ot tho Uily 1'lruitiiiis on tho I'hco. I'lillid l."ctinlt::iniicff Weak NxTvi.-, Ilnrror of iJisonsn, l)iiniH-. ot vision. L'iiU fi'nl Lnitiitl of (lie MiK'eultir ysU'in, ll.t ihnuls. 'rvncsft of tin; kin 'j hi-sc syuitonis. if iilloivp.l to jo (n. liit h tliM im."liciiiu inviiriahl y removed, noon follow IMPOTKXCY, FAIT IT Y, KITLKPTIC FIT.S, Tn ono of which tho putu'iit tuny expin. Who oiui S'iy that they mi' not frenucnlly followed by thoe "(.iin-fitl (lieti.-e.-,"' IXAXriT AM) C0X.rMI'TI0X. Many arc fmare tf tho onuseof their uHVring. hut none w ill eoiueSM. J In reeuixirf ot tho insane A.ay lunis niiH tlie melancholy death by C'oiK-uniption, bear ample witness to tho truth of the assert ion. Tho Constitution, oneo Aflected with Organic AVenknes., Requires the aid of medicine to ftrenpthen and in vijrorato this HVfttem.. whieh ''Helinbidd'8 Kxtraot litielin" invarialily docd. A trial will eonince the most ekeptieal. FFMALI, FICMALK.S, IT.MALKS, Old or youn, single, inairied, or contemplating marriage, In n.any afleetioiK- peculiar to Females theKxtrnet luehu is unequalled by any other remedy, iu in Ohlorusis or Helentiuii, Irregularity, l'ainl ulnehd, or .Supirt'i-.-iunof the Cuftoiuury J-A aeunlion.", I'lcerated or richimui? ftutc of the t teru. Li'UCtrihca, or Whited Sterility, and for nil eomphtints incident to the iii-s. v hether arising from indiscretion, Jlabitd uf jJisipalinn. or in tho 1HXL1NK011 CIIAXiiKOF L1FK. Sec iyinploiua ubovc. X0 FAMILY LK't'Ll) UK AVITIHH'T IT. Take no Balaam. Mereurr. or Unpleasant Medicine tor t'npleanuut and 1'aiigeioUd Wiat aaes. in intoi ars i-:itk.ut mot Cured SKCHKT DlKASKS In nil their stuges; at little expense; littlo or no change in diet ; no inconvenience, AXD XO FXPOSl'RE. It eau.JtH f refiuent deire, and gives ftrongth to rrimite, thereby removing oh-tnietions, prevcnlint; nnd curing Slrietui tv of the I'rethra. jilluyint? pain and inMfiniiMnti.'n. ttetfut'ii' inthis elascot'disi'a.se-i and expelling l'oiaonuus. ltUfiiitd. and V)rnout Matter. Thousands upon Thouaiuls V. 110 JIAYK UiiEX 'J UK VICTIMS OF Anil who buve pa'd Heavy Fees to be eured in a short time, have found they were deceived, ami that the '-Foisoii" ha.", by the uu of Powerful Astrin gent:. ' been drlit!1 up in th fyrfteni, to break out in ti; aggravated Ibrm. and l'evh:ip.i after IManiage ni:EiBsoi.a-s b:mm(t HS 4 816 For nil Affections and Diseases of TIIK lltlXAHY 0UC.WS, Whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause 01 iginaling, aud no matier OF HOW LOXCr y'lAXDIXu. Iiieasi-s tif these Organs require the aid of lHl!i:Tlt HELAIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU Is the Oreat lJiuretie, And it is eertain tohae the drstred etlVet in nil Iieii.-:ey. fur which it i.-" lecuuuuended. ELOOP! BI.OOD! ELOOD ! IhluiboKl's Highly Concentrated Coin pound Fluid Extract Bai-saparilla Syphilis. This is nn affection of the !!o,.d. nnd attacks tho Sexual Organs. Linings o the Xose, Kara. 1 hroat, Windpipe, and other .Mucus Surfaces. makiiiK ils appeal Mice in (be form of fleers, llellnbold's Kx traot Sarsnparilla purities the iilood. nnd removes all Scaly I rapt ions of the Skin, irivinp to tho Complex ion a Clear ui.d lluilihy Color. . It hi inir prepared expressly for this class i.'f complaint. Its Illood-Puri-fyiii; Proprietors are preserved l.i n preater extent than any other preparation of Surpapurilla. lit-Iiulioia!. tt.oc 1Va.li, An excellent J.olion for liiseasesof a Syphilitic Xa turc. and as un iujeclion in liea.sesof tiie Crinary ii);an?, arisinu lioin habits of dissipatien, used in eonnection with the i:tractslhichu uud Sarsupalillu in such diseases ns rueouiitieniled. l'A idenee of Ihe most rc.Minsiblu nnd rcliuble char acter w ill accompany the medicines. CL'HTiriC'ATDS OF CL'HKS, 1'ri in eicht to twenty years laudiii);, with Humes known to Science and Fame. For Medical Properties oflluchu. gee Dispensatory the I nil. d Siatis. Scu Prnte.vor Dcwecs' 'aluablu works on tho P-io lice ui PiiV.-ic. See reniurlu innde by the lato celebrated Ir. I'liv.-ii k. PhilHilclpliiu. S. e remarks made by r Fphruim .McDowell, eelebialed Physician, and .M. nil, or of Ihe Koval t'oilee of Siirxeuns. Ireland, and published iu the 'J'lans.ielious nl ibe Knitf ami tueeira Journal See 3ledico-( in!i)(ical llciiiw, published by lieli.iamiii 'J rmeis, Fellow of lljv Huyal College (if Sufceiis I'ec m .-t o tr-. Hrts StiiieLird Works on Modi cine. F.vTii.ir-r Pi i ur, $ On per bottle, or i, $. CT SvusAi'kHii.i.A 1 no 6 uc' li iiosi:n Ki.sk W.imi. ill J ,sn "r bull a. b. tell r each for jl2P0 which will' .jf l.llicii III to ci-M the Jiia obiliuale easea, if direcliou are a Ho le, I til. Delnen d to uoy uddress, securely packed row obscl vol ion. I if D. si-ribo svnipl.oiis iu all coiuiuuiiiciiiious . Ciius i;iii:raiiiei ,1 Ad ice jiralu AFFIDAVIT. IViMumlly app.arwl betoie mean .Mde.taauof (bo eilv of I'lillad ipbn., II T il, ln,l,,, ,, heiuu "I "ly "Koiii, ili.iliaay, hi. picniMili,.in contain m, kmcoiie, no in. teiiiy. or other injurious druga, but uli pmi'ly i-jj. tabic. II T HLI.MIUil.il S tun it and iliiiil.i I lnt.no me, ll,i :'.'J ,ay uf .VncioUr i-..t .l P IIIIUlAHIi. Al'l 'liiiuu, .Vtlilh-tlliel, bot UaKV, I'l.lU .VI lie's tellers for infoimalioii in conn leiv- II 1 LI.I .MIPil.D, I hvwUt 1, ,l I ii S. .(i i J. T, nib ,treei L. b. t'bc.idul Pbrt IIFH Alt il i'n"XlHIH IT-i An I I upl,.j, iphd I'eal.rt n liu tmliaii I Iu du. ' of ibeir own" surf mlo "e. t I'm ii b il.,it. iiii.,.l L. ' vtkr' iilllllUdd a tli bWIUU Pit pMIlli,M, 1 ll.l HueliU, i-....iim, l' lol ul lai U atl .V.ld i nil loy.'l.l. unyaliMi Ai-k oU ULlillii'l.l, t...f.m; N0UMIl.il 1 ul i.i.l !!.. d,i( ikon,, ti, w4 ,,. , au, A' 'I I 1 ...s. f n a.l t-b vll atl.w,. , I't.' : lb tV DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, tub GREAT REMEDY For HUH malum, (.'out, JVmfi('. .i"","i Slitf yrvh- td.hi.ih, Sprain, lirtosn. Villa mi'l Wmii'it. J''!'". , ami till Kh 'imiilii- uml AVtihh JJimnlcr. 1'or ull or whieh It I." n speedy rhJ certain remedy. nod never fails. Thin l.ini i" prepared Ir.-m the reeine of l)r. Stephen Sweet, i.r Cotilieelleut. the lilllions l setter, and bus been Used ill hi praetlee lor more tlinn twenty yen" with Hie mo.-t MloniMiin mieeei. . , , , , Ah an Alleviator of Pain, it ia unrivaled by any preparation before tho pllblie. of whieh the IliOHt. akeplieal Hiiiv he eolivineed by n single trial. Thin Liniment will euro rapidly an I radically. Hheumatie l)i.-ordeu of every kind, mid in thou sand." of eases ivber it has been used it hai never been known to fail. Kor Xeurnln'ia. Jl will afford iininediiite relief iu everv ease, however distreKdn. It' will relievo the worst eases of Headache in three minutes, nnd is wantinted to do it. Toothaeho also will it euro instantly. For Xurvous Debility nnd (leneial Lnssitude. mi aiiin from iiuirudenee'or exeess. this Liniment is ft lnosi happy und iml'ailini; remedy. Aelinrf diiee ly upon the nervous tissues, it si rue.' I liens and rovivilics the system, and restores it to ehilieity and vi((or. For Piles, in, mi external remedy, weelaiui that it is the best known, nnd we ehallent;e the world to (jiodnee an eiiml. l.very vieliln of ibis distressiin: eoinidalnt should jfivo it a trial, for it w ill not fuil l.i ulloi d iimiiediate relief, und ill u inajorily of eases w ill elleet n radieal euie. (Juiney and Sore Tin oat lire sometimes extremely inalicna'nt and danirerous. but a timely application ol this Liniment will never fail to cure. Sprains are sometimes very obstina'o. aud onlaroo nient of the joints is liable to oeeor if neglected. The worst case may be cumpiered by ibis Liniment in two or three davs. Itruises. Cuts. Wounds. Sores, l leers. Hum" and Scalds, viebl readily to the wonderful healing pro- )ieiliea of l'r. Sweet? Iiilnllimo l.llilmeiil. wlien used aeeordinu to directions. Also, Chilblains, l'rosted l eetjiind ln.-ect liites aud Slluys. UK. STEPHEN HWEET. the llreut Xutural Hone Setter. of Connecticut, PR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut is known ull o or lh t nited Slates. DR. STEITl EN SWEET, of Connecticut, is tlio author of "li . Sweet s Inlallible l.iuun.mt.'' Dr. Sweet's Infallible Iiinlment Cures Uhemnatlaiii. and never fails. Ur. SwccI'h Infallible Iiiniraont Is a certain remedy for Xeurnlia. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Currs Hums and Scalds immediately. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment la the best known remedy for Sprains and III ui.o s. Dr. Swcct'a Infnlliblo Liniment Cures Headache iuiuicdiandy, and was never known ti fail. Dr. Scei-t'K Infallible Liniment Affords immediate relief for Pile?, nnd seldom fails to cure. Dr. Sweet's Infnlliblo Liniment Cures Toothache in one minute. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts and W ouuds immediately and leaves uo tear Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment T.i tho test remdv for Sojes in Ihe known world. Dr. Sweet's Infnlliblo Liniment Has been used by .Jiioro thuu a million people, and ull piuise it. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Taken Intel uiii?v cures Colic and S'jteru 31oibus. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is truly n "friend iu need," uud eery family should hate it at hand. Dr. Swoet'u InfiUlinle Liniment lit for sale by all 1 'moists. Price 2.' and M cents. A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT. 1U. MVKI'T'S IXFALI.IUI.i: I.IXI.MF.XT, as an external remedy, is without rival, and will alleviate pain more speedily than any other j.rcpu ratson. . 1'or all lthcumalic and Xervmis Disorders it is truly inlallible. and as u curative for Sores. Wounds. Sprains, lli uises. Ac., its noothinjr. healini; and powerful slreii(tbeniiifr properties, excite the just wonder and astiuiisbmeiil of all w Im have ever icuitH Iriul. liver one thousand eerlitieates id remarkable cures, performed by u within ihe last two years, attest the fact. TO KORSE OWNERS ! Itli. SWKKT S IXFAl.U.iU: MXIMKXT F"It H0ltKS is nniivaloil by any, and in id) earH d' haniene.-M. ni ii n if tmin fSpraitu1, Urniej or Wreiu h iiiK. it i t-tVft-t ii inngii'til and eevlain. Harney or taddle OalK Si-ntt' In s. Mange. At., it w ill alwt cure Hpccdily. Spavin and Jlinbono n.ay be easily pn vented and eui'i'd iu their ineipicitt o1agtr. but con tinued vmvH ure U vnd Ihe ptciliilily of n radical cure. Xoeae of I he kind, however, i m dt-sperute or liopelrKH but it may be hlb-viali'd by thin l.int liien and U lailhful itpplicalion will aWayn n uiovw Uie Luiueiii w. and t liable (lie liorie to irm 1 with coinptu ative t iu-v. K vicky iHWPK oivm:i: should have thif ri-medy nl band. IWr it tiim-ly i ut the ftiil Hppraranei of hnuuneiM will i ttcetuHlly prevent th'e foi uiilabti diM'iit-i, tt Hhidi nil hoi wn me liable, und hieh rruder bo umny otluiuire vuluable hums neailv Morihli-M DR. SWEET'S Infallible Liniment H TIIK SOLDIER'S rillEND, Aud ibuuHiuda hut found il truly W rJEND IN NKKUI I'umIIou. Tu kVoid ll.niu uSuir Ik Honour u4 Likens of I 'i Hi. phru ( ! uii ami y lab.1 uid klw ntiphru Snu.1 liilalllUa I.n.luiai.1 ' bluaili IU luat nbaaa ut mu'li U.IIU, llhout nbl. hbo lit Mviiulatv. IHllAliDHiN At ii, l'io4tik-u, Xoiiauh. ('I M'llHi.i.V 4 At I KM l.4b,..l ,4.ou. 4o l lit ul N, wk i 1 J by ii 4 ,l kl M.... 4. :; - f AYEll'S Are cur Ins: the Sick lo an extent ncTcr before know n of any Medicine. INVALIDS, READ AKD JUDGE FOR YOURSKLYES JtTI.KS IIAUF.I., Fio-1 the well tuwivn iMrfmnor, ft. Chestnut Hirpi-t, I'hilntle Iphin, liitv ihoir protluili are fauiid at ahmmt tver) loilvt, nyn t 11 1 am happy tn nny of your Caiham to tlt i $. t lint I linve fount! tlu-m a heiti-r inaiily nmlirinr, fiir lomnton imp, limn nay oilier within mv khowtpilitp. Mnity ot my Iripnil hnvp rpnlir.rd titnrkeil Itrnclitit from Iln ni, Mint no hiclilp w ith nip in MivviiiK llml Ihry ponfOM exirMordinary virlitp for dtivitm nut dipiiptM nml cnritiR tht i'l ''"j ara iut only pN tuiil, hut milr nait lenttitit to bp tiijtpn tpmlllicrt Whirli niut mnke Uiein valukil 1 ihe public hpo (her are knotvn." Tlii vpneruMp rimiirrllnr WAUUI.AW ritf rrom MnU tttnorp. I.Mh Airil, )H;4: "I. J. t Atra Kin I hnvt tnkpn your fill" with grrnt bpnefli, (ir thr lUtlr-suep., languor, Iif of tirlit and ltilious lipadiu Iip, wliith Iihi of lni yonr ovprtnkin aiP In tlir fprihK. A lew dMn of your Fiiln rarpd me. t liavp utted your l'hny IV ti.rnl nuoiy ypnm in my lumily for cou ttht nml cnldnnilli ttniHihng utittHw. Von iimkn invtliciiiPN liit li cure ; and I feel it n plrnworp lo iroiituieiuJ you for fhf Rood you Imve dona nnd urn dmiitf." JOHN F. KKA'n V, Km., fee. ol the iViin. nilroad Co. a j h : Pa, P. A. Ofirr, Philatlrlfhin, 13, 1HKI. "Pir: I tnkei plraruro in aildiity toy tottinotny in tlia Plfn ni y of ytiiir mediriuei, ImvitiK di rivpd vmy umtprin .HHielil from the le of toili your IV (ortd nnd t 'ntli.itlic IMIIm, I am nevrr w itliout ilipin in my Inmily, nor .liall rver consvut to be, wliile my tiipinai will prorure ttiPiu. Tlw n idi'ly rpuouned i. f. B'l'KVKNH, M. I)., of Weill- worth, N. II., wihen: " H:iiiii ust'd your Caihhth: Pi hi in my pnclice, 1 rrriity fn in rxiwrifru-p that ttw-y ure nn invaliuihU' inrj;a live, hi c:ifc of diordrtit luurliuui of (he liver, t-mntinaT hradnchr, iiilii;('itioii, fostivriitnf, and the prpat variety id diitn-eii lh;tt follow, tlmy aii- n Kiner n-yieily ihnu anv other. In nil wIiptp a pur(itivp rttupily ii rritiiifd, I i-ofimlpiitly recommend the" Fit In to the public, aa Ktimrior to any other I lntve ever louml. They are Mure in DiPir opcrn'tion, aud perlertly unln tiunlilitt ninth inuke thriii nn fmuluible aitirte tor puhlir uxe. t hava for many yearn known your Chrrri Prttmat an thfl hest Con jit i uie'ilicine iu the world ; anil thc-te PilU are iu no wine inferior to that admirable pre pa rati mi fur the. treat ment of ditit'a.001." Jctcn, Mf .Yue. 95, 11 1n. J. ( Arm - DeJir Sir: I Imve been arlUcied from my hirtli wilh irrofula in its wor-it form, and now , after twenty yntri' trial, nnd an untold of amount of u fieri tig, hnve Keen roniplntely cured in a lew wnekn hy your Pilli. Willi what fcelifidH of njoicinsf I write can only be iiiminned w hen you renli.e what 1 have nulfered, anyhow lo" if. u Never until now hava I heen free frmi thi loatl)Mme dirieac iu mime hiiupe. At tiuiee it aiintked m ee, nnd mndc me aliiut liliinlt lifciclf (he unendurnhle pain ; at oil if 1 1 it sftihd in tiie Ktaliiof m hertil, Hint clttrojed my hair, and ha kept me partly lMii all my day; Manetimea il ram out in my lure, and kept il lor month n raw ?ore. About nine wei'k ujiu 1 CfMiuncio t-d iiikmu your Ca thartic PiIIh, and mw am enliif l Pre Mom ihe ruaiplaint. My eyed ar well, tin hkin id Inir, nnd m hair h;n t-oiu-menred a henlihy pmuth; all id whith mnketi me fel aheady anew person, " Hopiitu tliiN statement may he the meanaofcoiiveyiii? information that idialt do ionl to otlier-, I am, w ith every aeiitiiueul ol t-iatitude, oihh. Vr.. .M.MIIA HH'Kf.lt., "1 hnve known ihe nbotP- nameil Marin Itit-ker from her thililhiKnl, and her .statement i xttii ilv true. AMUtr.W J. .MIt;ilVK, Overfeer of the t,oitinoiith .Mauutaciuriui! Co." C'upt. JOI'.I, I'll ATT, of Ihu thip Maiioti, wriir from llooloti. Uutli April, If.M : Vour IMIh have cured me from a hiliomi altiuk which anwe froth tlt-ranm incut of ilip l,itr, whiih had ttprouie very t rioui: 1 had failed ol any relh-f by my Phvsit iait, and from every reined) I could tr ; hut a tew diet nf your I'llln hat e fo(iipl'ifl restored' me to henlih. I hnve uiven iheai tu niy cJiildren lor worm. Willi the best ef fectw. They w pre promptly cured. I reioiiiuiehdfd them to n frit-mi for C(tiveneff, w ft it'll i;irt inmblfil him t,r uioiilhrt ; ha told me in a few da liiey had cored him. Voit make die bet lueditiue in (lie wmld ; and 1 am free tw nay w.M Kead Ihix from ihe dititi;iihed Holtrior if ttie Hupreme Court, who-tp brilhani ahililieM hnve matte Iniu well knuwi, tml only iu (his but the tieilil-ririj; State". ' .Vent Vrlraa th I(V.4. H Sir : I have f-reat aiifiai tioit in nniini; t-u that uiVhetl and fiuuilv have been vt r mm h benrtiied hv your UietticiueH. Mi w ile wns l ured, tw o Mrr eim e, oT n e vere and daneroun couch, b jour fiimr 1ithhi-, aud nince thru han enjocd (hrrtect heallh. My ctuldiea hnve ne ral time, been rurrd horn nti;o k"ol ihe Influ enza ami Cioiip by if. If is an mvalttahle remedy tor llirce cotuplaintK. Vour CiMAirn 1'iu.t Iuup entirely cured me Irotu a di fpt-pNia ami cormenpMi. which Inta piowii umii me lor mme earf, imleed, ihi rare m much in ire important, lnm the laci ihat I huil laiied h (ft relief fitim the bel Pity-ii iaitK whirh lint i-ct tioii of Ihe country nflonU, tint! horn any ol the numcrouti rrme die I had taken. 14 Vou ein to ux, liKlor, tike a providential M run in to our family, and ou ma well MipH.-e we are not nn luiadlul of it. Vour'ie-peciiiilt , l.KAVltT TIIAX'J'KR." uSimitt Chumbrr, Ohio, ,4t rtt .Va, 1H.U. " la. 4, (. A i kh Honored ISi : (have xumW it thor ough trial ol Ihe ( t huh ii' Pit t s. Itt tut by a our nuent, and Iinvp Itefii rured by Ihetn of the dieadlul llbeninatinia under w huh be found me viitlpiiof!. The firI doe ru lieveil me, ami a lew MihM'ipic m doe lint pnnrdy removed ilie tiiceatp. I ferl iu better healih now than lo'r aotup enr bf lore, w hicti I aiiribuip pimrely lo the f (let t.t of your CiiHARiic 1'iu.i. Ymiw with (ureal r-pert, 1.1 CM S II. AH-TI AM-V The nlmve tire nil from peri-oas ho ait publh l know ii w Ju-rn they reside, and w no would not make thi"-e tate meuu w iihout a Uiorttiich coiiutuii Hail Ihey were true. Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Praotical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Masj. Sdd by 1'rilin A tirunt, mid 1'.. A. I'i.-hcr, in .'nnbnrr. Ur. 11. II. McCoy, Norlhiiinberliind. .1. F. t'li.-low, nnd V. Ilroun. Milton. .1. Chi isuinn, Ttirhutvillc. llelsh .1 Co.. Mt. Clllllll l. iterstresser, Llysbm. ie-t. Midi y. eaer A McW'illiiuns. Toxinos, And lieiilers Krerynhrrc AiiC'isi '. I sc. J It Economy is Wealth ! l ici: im i: oi .ii i-oit i:t i. The Ui:.ST and CII F.A I'LHT Household IlK.MKliV in the World MimIiiiim- Z MIOC nilM I.IC'S (JREAT COUCH RKI1EI)Y Maowii: .A lit It' Poll. 'J'l'.'K'S Cnriitive Ibdsinii is wtiniinicd if used nc eoidinx to the directions, lo cure in nil enses Coughs, Colds. biNi,iiiL' Coiib, Aslhnui. nnd nil ntlectlons of the 'l'hroiit tmd Luns Mndnine Zndoc I'orter's llnlsiilll is irc.iled with nil the -eiiii.-jte euro and skill, fioin u euinbiniit'in of the best rcuo il.e 'the Vectlible l;indolll lllfords its .elnediiil tjllltlilied me bused on itspoucrtD Assist the lo-iillhy and viorions eircnliiiioii of the blood. Id I. thro' the I.nns. It is not n violent remedy, but eiiiolieni ivHriiiiu, H'lirehinj; im, I etlectile ; n bn tiikeii by the oldest lier-on or yoiin-r'..t child. .Miidiuue ZhiIim' l'orter'a Ibilsiiui bus been ill Use by Ihe publie lor ou r iKyeiil und bus ucoitiied it ire senl side siniil v by bein rooinmondi d bv those who hnve used it In their iilllieted Iliclids uud olhcrs .Most hu'oiiTw r Miidiuue Zit.bK' I'orter . Cum. ti,e Hiilstiinis mild nl a price nliich brink's it iu the reach of every one In Keep it convenient lor use. 1 lie timely use o a sinj;le bottle ill i.roe lobe worth Jon timea itscnt- N'HTICK Iniv your Money !-liunot bo persua ded to purchase art ii lea hi Is lii $1 w bicb ib, not eoii lniii the virtues of k I, 'I ecu! ImiIiIcoI .Mudiuuv Tin. ler a Curulixi Ibil-Hin, Ibe coat of iniiiiuliieluiiiiK which in ns front aa tbtil of uluioat uoy utliur Ulisll. cine; nn, I ilie very low price ut which it is sold, innkeslbe pmlil In (he wllcl ap'purenlly siniill, aud 11pr-,.iciplod lienlera will wuneiiuiea 'recommend other medicines on which their pioliu nro lui(er. on. leu, Ihe customers insist umu lint ing .Miiduiuu I'or ter ' ami noue oilier. Ak for .Miidunui l'urter a Cu. niiie IIiiImiiu, l ine .l cents, nml iu luie hotilca ut ;'.i eeiita. and lake no other. Il you tunicl grt it ut one .tore toucuu ut auolhev. (ios Ky nil lirumisia and ,Siri keepeH at Ucta., and IU larger l'lll, Ht els II A 1.1. A ItlCKLI., Proprietor., January SI, IMI.'I y v,4 1'AMII.V 4.ICOI i:iti moiii:. M II.I.IAM l. MAMKil K i i n , U4rS..uiU Hind aireel. Philadelphia, would oiler lo Iheiuhabi Ihuu o tiunbuiy anil vicinity, a lieu almk ol CIHUl K tUtni'CUIlJt, Stint, J Jut ikt it Jl V-'uwiy M.f. Aa Ihry ha averyihinx In I ti.tr Una l.lli Ameil. eauaud loreigu, who k h callel for, Ilia uu-Ui-ciwiy Ui gika a lul ol Hi wticlua Ihry bat a lu utter. it is aa well, bowuver. to any. thai .(cry arlkla liny Ula.u u Ibey wanal.l ol'iba beat quality1 and w hi, beau fcn reluiiie.1 al llm aairuM ol lb stuia) lioubi II piut i.ib. iwua I vbiuary fr, iJ .luso mi i' iioi iai:. Crnti yf .Si,n, UHJ '11114 ,l'M(i, llraui.'i ku, IU 'rill.4 llol rt iu -.imsuiii.' of ii hiii,iw,.i and actr Ualo Iu Iba I apiud, baa uia.la it slaaiiablaa(t.i,y-e daa. Uulw.lv . IIhsm ba.ltig fcu'l...a at ii. aal ol iiotitii..tiil, but lot oiu.ia i Haling ll.lllalulg ' 4...i.. !"! JUST REOEIVEDl J. H. E1STO-EU 1Ih Jnst rt'tUruod from Philadelphia with a 3PLE1TDID STOCK or Spring & Summer Goods. I'nr JlfB' Henr, Cloth, (.Viwitiierr, Vpsling, Itnlian Cloth, l.inen Coating, Linen Check aud Cottonadei .utile' Wour. A Iiirpn aortnieut nf lrcnsJtlood, ,Illack olid Fancy riilks, Kilk Tissues, Fiuicy IierKM KliHlley, nil Wool lUdunes, Mosiunbiijuc Woods ut low price! Mlk Lcvelliis. liehmea, Limns, Uitighiinia nnd Prints. A full line of Irish Linen nnd White Goods. Stella border and l-'uney Summer .Shunla, .Silk and Luce Mnntilliis, Ac. lteady Mudu Clothini;, A good awFortnient of Hnt.a and t'lipa, A hu-go aaot tmeiit of Hoot" and fh'icl. A full stock of UriK'crie", Molas.'en nud Sugar,; jlnrdwnrc uud Iiiiilding Materhil, A full stock of Queen aud liliuswure, A full atock of Pish, Suit. Oils and White Lend, A birgo stock of New Wall Paper, A new rtoek of Ptone nnd Knrtheunare, And thousands of aiticlen not enumerated. All the above will 1 sol I cheap for Cit-h or Countrv Produce. J. II. KM '.LI.. Simbury. Miiy 17. IS.I2. IIK.lll.V I.MIMIC'l'A'r M C. liLAHHAKT Has Ukti iim;ii w ith a Nr.w Stock of 4'nl''(iH:ii-i-N, I 'mil iiimI 'I'ovs. IT seems as if a new aire, a new life was opening upon us, tiuiiiiiiling every heart to nobler deeds and higher aims ! Art, Literature and Science will glow anew, and seek lodoclopc subliuu-r beauties and grainier conception. '1 he business w in Id. too, must feel the new intlueiice and every part be quickened and strengthened byan iin-rt.ii.seii vitality, which shall ill'L'i' us on with elec- trie speed to the consiimmulion ol greater things thuu was ever dreamed of ill Ihe Philosophy of tbe past. Animated by the enthusiasm which pervades all chus-es. and desirous of doing his share Intrants "The great e mils of the Age,'' the subscriber would re spectfully inform the good pcoplcof SIN III I! V nnd the public generally, thai he has just returned from the eilv of Philadelphia wilh the largest and choicest slock of Couficiionai ii-s, F'niit lind Toys, that has j ever been brought to this section of country. He is j nlso tiiuuuuic! tiling all kinds of Coiifeelionaiies, Ac., to till up orders. wholesaU' or retail, ut short notice. A g his etouk ot ui.r ia 1 lOA.ttiiw may ue found . Freiu Tl Secret" '.'un Trer. nil thulsacent, Hurncil .'I'u '.'i..!, Love loops, Cream bile. Mint loops, red and while. Lemon, Jelly Cakes. i;., o, Fiuit 1 lions, Vanilla. Stick Candies. of uUseciits. Common Secret', Hock Candy. Liquorice, Almond Candy. F HI IT. l'nnanas. Prunc., 1 bills. Fig", Currants, dried. l!ar.-'is. Nuts of ull kinds. l.FM'iN SVIU P of n superior quality, by the single or doron. A supei i..r quality of 'i'obiu'co h V "fyars. and a variety ot Conic. 'lionin ies. Fruit. Toys. Ac . nil of which is ottered cheap lit wholesale and ritnil. f j' KcuieiiibiT the name and place . ,2 J M. C. liFAIUIAIIT. Mai kit street, 3 doors west of L. V liiighl A Sou's store. Sunbuiy. April II, ISil. ly l.:t. Arriiiisi'iiirnlM. It;:t, 1" 1 Ol-U l.llK'M. THI' CAMUFN AND AM Hi I Y AM) PlilI.Al4.L-! PHIA AMI TIIKNiuN it. U. CU. S LINKS. j I'ltinl J'liihtdr! I'll itl tn t-if Yori tin Win J'rtri'.t, : fii'in U'tihuit utiTit W'linrt itiut lritti it ctutt i ) jmt. tri!l l,,irc lis fullinrs, ft 2 .' K.VHi:. At li A. M.. via t'aiud.'ii nud AiiiIh.v, (C. nml . A. Accomiiio,riiii..n.) " '.'." I At ii A. M .. ia Camden aud Jersey Cily, N. J.. ; Aci-oiituiodation. 2 2j At .s A. JI.. via Camden und Jersey Ci'v. iMoining .Mail.) ;: till ; At H A.M.. ia Cauidcn and Jersey city 2d Class Ticket Al II A. JI. via Keiisinglon and Jer.ey city. Lxprcss At I.' JI. via Cniiideii and Auibov, C "ir.d A. (A iiniioilatioii.) 2 20 At 2 P. JI.. via Cauidcn and Auibov, tC. and . A. Fxpross.! J UO Al ;t P. JI.. via Kensington and Jerse) City. Wash, and N. V. F.vpie.-s ." On At lij P. J!.. ia Ken.-iiigion and Jersey City, (F ening .Mail.) 3 nil At III P. JI. tin Kensington and Jersey city, Southern .Mail. " " 3 I'll Al 11 (night) via Ke.i.igbiii aud Jersey city Southern F.xpress . 3 0 At 6 P. JI., via Camden and Auibov, (Accom modation. Freight und i'uar'enger, First Chess Ticket. 2 2j Second Class Ticket. I aO For Water tiap. Strondshiirg. Seranton, Wilkes- bane, .Montrose, limit Hind, Ac. ul 0 A. JI.. from Kensington, via lieluwiire, LucLuwaiiuu und 'et.-rn Kauroad. For Jlaiich Chunk. vMleiitown, Hcthluhein, Helvi- dire. Fusion, LTiiuhertville. Fleminglon, Ac., ut ti A. JI., from Kensington lbqiot, and ut 21 P. JI , fioin Wiiluut street N hul f. f'flie li A. JI. Line connects with Trains lea inir Fa. ton lor .Maeieh Chunk, ut ll-Jli P. JI.) l or .Mount Hollv, ut ti A. JI.. 2 and 4 P. JI. For Freehold, ui A. JI. ami 2 P. JI. WAV LINKS. t For llristol, Trenton. Ac, ut 1 1 A. M. ami 2i and ; j P. JI. from Keiisiugloii, . j For Palmyra, ltiveiton, ilelaneo. Poverty, Hur liugtoii. Florence, llordentown, Ac, ut 12, I, 2, 4) I und li P. JI. CV f or New York, and Way Lines leaving Ken sington Input, take Ihe Cars oil Fillll street. uhoc Walnut, half an hour before departure. 'I he Ciua run into the liiqiot, and ou Ihu unival of each 'Train, j run from ihu I'ejs.t ' j l-'itty Pounds of Baggage only, allowed each ; piu..-engcr. Passengers aru piohibited fiom Inking I anything as bagguge hul their wearingappiircl. All J baggage over lil I v laiunds lo bo paid for extra. The Company limit their rcM,miliiiiy lor baggage to tine Hollar per hiii1iiI, and will nut be liable tor any uiuouut tieyund 1 no, cxccj.i by special contract. JI il tiATZJILIt, Ajjeul. January 17, Isii'l. SIMON T. WOLVERION. Attorney tinil l'iiiuelor nl t'tlice, Minkcl street, 2 dooi. west of Hepot, SUNBURY, PA. I ' 1 1.1. alleud prompllev in ihe collect mn uf claims W uud all oilier professional husiiicu iutriiaied to his care iu Northumberland, aud adjoining oounliea. Sunbury, .May .'I, 102. 8-T-1800-X. nikr'at I'll, ul ii I Ion litirr. 'I hey purify, strengthen, ami liiMgorale. 'I In cieolB a healthy apHlila. I bey air au alilidolr to, liii(eof water and diet The. otricouieen'c.'L.itdls.ipatioii and lairhourr 1 bey .Hi llglllrulbe.x.lciu ami rnllkeu Ibe mind 'ibey prvieot uiiaaioaliv ami inleruiiiteiil fevrra. Ho y puillt ibe hieailiaiidaiidil.t'olthr siouia-'h 'Ihey euia )via and CouaiqaiiioH 'llivy cure lia.iibva, t'bulara, aud t hvl . ? Mor- bus. They cur Liver Complaint am N en out iva. ache Tbi y are Ihu b.al llillrr. in Ilia wo.,1,1 Tbrvmaka Ihu krak uiai airoug, au4 aia vxliau.lrd umIui . s.v.i ihuiii ni-y aia auaou o pura ri. I lolg Hum, Ihriwlrbiaird l aiiaaja Haik l.la aud h.iU, aad aia bk Willi iba plaama uf b. veiig.. nut,, ou, irgmU Ut a a M lima ul al.y I'aitittulasly la. touianradrii lo Uelleala peiaoua Irsiuiiluaj a lenll aJUMitlaot nI, by all lif.aw. iuyi-u, llol.U and haliK-n. ' 11 1'K.UvL A CO , it.' tiiua4a), N luik lobar li, JWJ lMrtMMl ! airr 4r tiwwtl Ten., I k y li. li r i kiiW . .'-sal. laai A NEW ASD USEFUL ARTICLE. HALET, MORflB UOTCBN'B brli-AHHtlnK lothfn W rliicr Filnjile, texinornlcal, Iiurable, and u not l.iablo to ct out uf Order. Tho Pvlf-Adjnuling Cliilhea Wringer, is ono of tha ereatert improvement of (he nineteenth century, and has oulv to br known atid tried, to cniuo into n'eiiernl use. The nviuu of oiolhiw, in presniuit ont the tr between two rubber . rolls, instead of wrin((inx r tn istliiR, t ill amount to enough iu a short time, to pay lor a inacnine. hvery one ia anurn, that tho twistinn or Bringing of clothes, atrotclnsji and break, Iho fibres; but this t inncbine preases them so ovfiily, that a newspaper i thoroUKhly soaked, can be wruiijj, without breukinn , il in uie leasi, ami u works so ensily. tbat a cbil.l twolvo ycuriold canoperaloit without trouble Hot water does not injure the rolls, und wo olen (roods can ba wrunR out of boiling water to prevent fulling, which cniinot bo done by bund Inrltaruhirig.it is iiivnluable. especially oh ltite articles, such as Ladies' Skirts, Ao., as it leaves tiie starch in the clothm perfectly even. It will wring the lm-jrc"! bod quilt ur tho smallest pocket hand kerchief, drier than can possibly be done by hand, without alteration, in less than oiio-oigrth the time, I he machine issosimide that it is not liablu In ,n.l out of repair. , , J lie itreat improvemeni in mis. everv everv otiier W'rirutini; Mnchine yet invented, is. its Self-Ad just ing arrangement, requiring no iilleraliou, to wring a handkeichiet or bed ij'iilt eoiequeutly, tliu most ijj. iioraitt servnht ann oilerate it. The machine is made of wood, and so arranged! that no iron can possibly come iu cotitiicj. wit'j tho clothes, thereby avoiding all danger "f injury to tho clothes, by iron rust. 1 his is the most simple and effect ivo Clothes Wring er yet invented. Those purchasing can use tlnni two w eeks, nod if they arc not perlectlv satisfied, re turn them, nnd their money will be refunded. Address L. K. SNOW. Philndelphn, Or II. II. .MASSL'K, Agent lor 'orthunibei land co. July 6, Ihlj'. S8 .IU ItV n.oiztix; .MII.I.. rilllK aubserihers having taken p '.i .n of this are prepared 1 lir.-t cla-9 Vl.OI UlSCr JMll.!,: to receive grain of all kinds, and t do custom work in ine suoriiM nonce, lusioiucis win nave no ir ii.-, ioiiiki iiiiui.-.i iai,... iij'ou in, mi oeuii; I, -il ai the Mill. As it is the intention ot' llm linn to stock I the Mill, n large supply of grain will be constantly kept on littinl, ami Hour ny the quantity can nliMivs be obtained. The gleate.-'t care will be taken t'l t'ir'l out a sui'erioriiuulilv of Hour, for which the mill is aduiiiably adapted. Stiict attention will be paid to tiie wants of customers, and the patronage of the I public gem:rullv is respectfully requested. Sunbury, .luiie 2.1, 1 Still. ' .MuliliAXA Cl j iincars tKtii.i., 1 lltirrifiltitrf?, Ji. rillK management of Ibis well-known II. itl hav- 1 ing been resumed by Messrs. COV l.i; A- IIF.Iilt. . Ibe tji-eseut proprietors, beg leave to inform the public Ibnt the house is now being thoroughly renovHtcd. relitted, nnd improved, w ith a view to the proper and eoinfortnble iicooiuiuodiilion of those who may laor the establishment with their custom. tluesLs will receive due utleiilioii and courtesy, nud no expen-e will be spared that miiy conduce to maintain u hotel in a first-class style. Families and others desiring to sojourn in Harris burg during the summer months, will find pleasant boarding and large and w ell-vent ilaled rooms at our establishment, upon moderate terms. SCOTT CdVI.K j i J.lircl sit. isi;2. .i. iiii.HF.iiT in:i:it. SIMM icy vcii:tiv. ,rl .Hi: St'NHl'HY AC.WiKJlV will be opened on L tho fust .Monday of November. Ist',2. Tl lTl'iN PFK tJI'AKTKU. Juvenile scholars, f 2 nil I'lnuli-h branches, 4 un Sciences and higher Mathemutics. U nil Languages, li fill UIIi'l'FS. Principal. Siuiburv. Nov. 1. Iii2 I While's 1 v.rl. ''. - I'oiiimIi-V , hook, xi: !l . ;"n D f.i:... UICSTM. ' ' riflTsV l2 s wa s"? au .as. .aid. km 14 an have the fullest a.so.rtMii nt of the most u-iTut .iiids of Plain and I'rioinieiiial 'I'vpe. maiiu- f.U'tltred troln the llet durable lnelah. filli.-hed with the greatest care .'ind uccunu y. securing perli-ii ju-ti- lii'Illtoll. , S iinen r-joT..' ..'ii'l e.'li.'niiti.i fuiiii.-hed ipou up licitti'.iu. also. PlllNTlNit 'IJtSr.?.'. wilh their ni-iv't.-nniu e of nil Ibe i.ppio. ed nui'.ers- W li nil TV PL. of nil the latest styles, of al! si.os. Jlelal Kuniil ore I..'il.or-Sn ing Hulrs. Case?, Cat'iiu't.-'. l'uniiiiirc. Printing Ink. and ecry aiii'-le tiie Pi-jntei require. Teims-lilieral. Prompt ailcution. FAHJII.lt. LITTI.i: A CO.. !'.'! and ila Heckman strict, Vcv Yoik. May 3. W,,:'. .4'i'E4'i: ! 'II I if AIsiiiis llvpress 4 iui ;i it , "il'F. XOTICK that they have conclad.d ar- H rimgemenis w iih the Noi thei n Ci-niral liailroad I'oinpany lo run trains from Haltimore for 'ork. Ilarrisbitrg. liau bin. Halifax. Ti rvorton. Suubttry. Northumberland, l.'-e. i.-lntrg. Jlilton, Jluney. il liamport and all i'lleniciliatc slalions, ronneelicg at llairi-biiri wilh Ihe liLFAT tl.S'll:i!N F. I'ltl'.SS lor I'itl.'Virg. l iiu iiimiii. St. l.otiis and the Wist. Also with Ilowai'l A Co. V Fx press at Jlilton ,ir liaiixille. Hloom.-hurg, W'ilke.-baire. Piti.-ton". Seran ton. and intermediate .-taiioiis on the Callaw issa. Lackawanna A Hlooiiburg Ilnilioails. Al Wil- liamspoit. by Howard A' Co.'s Kxpre.-s to .1. rsoy 2i I Shore nud l.ock Haven. Also by Honni d A d!, i and their connections, for Cnnloii. Troy. Flinirii. "I I Itocbestcr. Hull.ibi. Niagara, lind to ull accessible j points in Wistcrn New 'ork and Canada, by whhh 20 ibey will forward Jiercbnn.li-e. Specie. Hank Notes. .Jewelij,, and aluiilile l ackagisol ever.- t! scrip lion. ' ' Also. Notes. Hnifis nud Hill.s,l"or Collection, llxperieneed and elbcient messengers emploed, i und n.-iv ellort will be made to render satitacti,.u. ; .lollN HI Nl I II A.M. Superintendent Pemra 'i isioii. I'hiladelpbia. It. A. FISCIILIt. Agent for Sunbuiy. ! Am-il j. ImJ2. ' , , . i Mtix' j.nii l'riiil. I)Y using Jla I ) Pl esel ve Ju ason's Putciit She"t Jlctal Screw Top ' MAsoys i'.vn:yi sit hut mi:tai. TO I' . scuiur All that is necessary L ing lo screw the Cap down ipoll the Hllblier (iasket. which is placed iiiitside lpon the shoulder of the Jar. i of tin inch distant .roll) the toi , previ ot tiie possibility of the llavoroi ne fruit being injured by coming iu contact with the libber. Persons desiring these Jars can be supplied l.y leaving their uiders with il i. JI XSSKIt. Agent. Suni.ury. June 2, lsiiil. t tlfllililoil IIiii-, XfiHTlll JIHFItl.ANli. PFNNSYI.VANIA, (AVur tlir VVil.ee.) ,MIK subw-riber baling leased this well known 1 Tavern Stand, lately kept by .Mrs. C. S Hrowu. respeetfally informs Ibe public that be is r. -lilting nud repairing the premises, and w ill be prepared lo en tertain, in a coiulortable maiincr. his numerous triends throughout tbe county, and ull who n.ay paironire hi. establishment April iz, iMig. JOSFPII VASKIHK BLANK tPiirebineul Paper.) Heeds ami blank .Mortgages, Honds. Fxeeiiiions, Summons, .io for sale ul the other of the "Sunburv Amei iean." IlEIMSTREET'S Iiilnillablr Hair Hi-flom! I IT K NOT A HVK, Jlut ritorci ertiv lmir ttiiif original t'olor. hv etiiiply uf! lliiMiipilUrv lubtit uitti mil u ral Mi'U'tiuiio. no. : I'Mirfil ty no or diMaut. All inclnmiiiii il v m ; t'oiuiMtft'tt oi' liiimr L'ttunlif, tlrtio inj llu itHhly hikI luMiuty of tin' httir, Mini titlirl ot tlicuipolvrs no iln-j4iog. Iloinu'iri't'l li)iiuitiilU' I't'lnrum not only i roMorni Imij to iu iittturut clr lv mi vuy rotM, ' lut tlir hit ir j I.t XI' HI A NT l:i:.!TV. I riMuu i t j ifruwlh. pirvniti. it- fulling ofl'. t-ra ti vntxm iluu'lrutl. und iniuiii In wilh mi'l l e'.iullie.a lolhe head. Il baa sUawl the leal i.f tunc, h.'ili 4 Ilie ' oijgiuai Hair Coloring, and is constantly increasing ! in favor. I sed by U.1I1 gt ullemrii ami liidus. It (. sold ly all rea4.'iahlo ilealns. tir eau br procured ' liv lln ui of tho commercial agent, II. S. ItAHM'.S, 2i2 Itriiailwav, N . Twoai.ra, .1 cents aud fl Vtobrr 2 . liS. Ullll lli-r-lMIU I'lrira, UK WALL I'AI'KH UK I VlllY I'l si I. A Hl.L sTll AM l'A i 1 1.KNS II'ST iss eivr,! direct from Ihe Mauufa. tiin-r, al IbuMAMMUlllMtillKor IKII.INU I l.ltANT. unbary, Match li, in3 IKMV lll ammm I 1 toy, I'llll. 'I'll, PHI 1'or Iba Kelief of Ilia pack and n.lrcJ aflii. l.-l j lib Yltulrnl and I broui, luarasea and ..pevi;ly I lr tha aula u liwaaa ui ibv h.xualdiaua Mll'iCAL All V It J giiaii giaiia. fcjr Iba aciii.j HUI(HI VAI I AI Li: HI IHHTSon .(..nuioi.b.-a 1 ir vauiual t4hurw, ao4 uibrr m..m..s u i.a ' S.uaJ Lif ii, ami oil lb hi Vli.lll ran. ; pl.'V t III Iks Hliptuael , aaul In Iba allll 'l't Iu aalvil Iblttr rbV4opa tla ol i'baf f IwuoltUl.aj Vlaivlaj kar llaa mil La a... Hbi Aldivas pit J ekll l lS lint itITi A.-nn lloaas I Aavae., i -'b iuiu Uai, l'lnU4.lp,a i J li - 1 A I.hre! Atrtmcnt of feVAS'8 A WATSOX'8 MAS 8ALAMANCER SAI'BB. OltKAT FlltE AT ltKADINO, PA. l'ebruary 12, 1S62. t)rTi.hMri tt (ttvea mo much satisfaction .to inform you that, in the Severn fir" which, on thai morning Of th 4th lust., entirely destroyed all my stock and tnateriuls, I hivd one of your Salumande'r lire. Proof Safes, After enduring' an intense red heat for seven hours, Die Fafo was opened, and lhn Hooks and Papers were nreserved in an umblemished cunditiou. i sunn nciii anoiiier fcnte as soou as 1 gel I ours. st resueetfiillv, W V. iUCKI.NSa.N.'Kcadins, Pa. iu order. KIP.K AT OlILKN CASTI.K. CltAMKnsiii nu, Franklin county. Pa.. Messrs. F.VAil ,1 Wtso.. Philadelpbia-'iemln. nen t tin Ihe liioiiiinc; of the I'L'd ol Augiwl. Irt.il, our Storehouse Ht llreeneit-ile Has rieslroved bv fire The Salamander Safe we purcluised fion'i vou'soinn lew years since was in tbe above tnentibiied store house, and continued nil onr lj..ois. papers, ensh. A n which were preserved iu a perfect condition, alter yepiK e.vposeu 1011 most intense boat f.,r several hours. I l",'"rI " i""i what terms you will sell us : ' inrjxer rnn 1 ours ti n v. I) l, S A At'.-'TIX. Siilnmiiuder Safes, for Thinks. ores, I'rivuto l aillllies. AC., Ae. A o. I vims .t Wu,...: 1 Alphabetical Hank Locks and llnuk null Iloors, equal to any ma,e in Iheeonnli v. an. I sold on in gis.d terms. K A W. would resi.ectfiillv refer t.. Itl.l lollow Mig Hanks and other parlies. haing tloor Safes and l.oeksiiow in use, to 1 1 1 i r entire sat isbo' lion, and iniitiy others siveu at their Si.,,,. I nitio St.vtks M i Hi niich Hank, Slielbvt Mlo I lUllOlelplllll. I'MTKIlSl VTKS Allsl:A California. renms-ce. .City I'.ank of Philadelphia Coii.-olMation Il k of 'bilt. i om'lli p.,,k ,,' p,i,,. Cluitniioogii Hank. Tenn. Pre'ln 1 II A -s'i.,11. Ith .1. Hank of Xoillniinl,,.;;,,.' llai.k of North I, Libertie.-, Pottstown I'.ank. IV Coatest illc I'.auk. Pii Stroiidsbnrg Hank. Pa. Jersey hb' re Hunk. Pa. ' oi k 1 1 . i v , 1 1 Hank. I'u. I nioii Hank, Hiiltimore. SoiiiliH. siern H nk of 'a. Fulton Hunk, Atlanta. ;. ) Inla-b Ipbia. Paul ami Sw ii'l. Hankers, Alcbaiioi W. li Si, ., ling Wilkeib',. Lew i.'-ir: Han!;, pa Newark Hank, llel I J;,,,, llabig'i.. Other 1' t' rctices gi ! CI rjilj i t , No. .i ; March 2'i. IsiiJ Fomih Street, Philadclphin ly MAITIIDUsi V 4 4, No Pin c,,r t-:i,. I lllll'IICII III l.sv, ami Hio.i.lwny, Ni:W Y'lKh. Will , ;r. io!-. alt. ml to Collections and all other matters intru-te I to their care. May 21, Is.'.f no 1 1 i.. Sllllliui-y , -ltiiinlr.-litiltl '., j,,' pilIS lii'gc incl j'o-puiodioas lf.,i, I. , lunnagi'd 1 by J.t Jliv-i Y.v.'v ii , K C. i-Micit.-at il,,, ;n,. Toad lle.ot, Xorlh F.'i.-t O'MT i.f JIalket Square, Sunbury, Pa., and at Ihe lenoino' of die Suubiiry .4 Fi io and Norlbern Central liai!io.i,is. nr., I i-- p, t', f,,r the aecoliiuio.lulioll of Travelers and the publie io general. The proprietor will give his exelu-ive atti ution to the comtort and e.ni . iiicncc of bis guiN. .i,.j determined to make ibis e-lalili-boicit rai.L an. on the first ill the Stale. His table will be .-applied with th.'l.cl ihe i.u.rket can produce, having tiie a.hanlage of .iaih tnmii- nicatii.li by cars diie.-t from Haltimor... mm' a!.... from thc-e bringing produce Irom the .-iinoun.lu g country. His i.ar will be supplied wit'i the 'ir.-t lion. tb. market can produce. Careful and obl iging servants a iw. -i.e. in ntt.-edniu'e. New and eomlii.xlioii-.-tablin,; ba.'j" I been a, I .1 to the premies. A share ot the local mid tiaveli most respectfully soli- it- ,1. olillellint v l Suiibury, January 1J. I.-iil. Iiilci'ii;ili(i..-il H3iH'3. tij ailil 307 JlrtmJirifi, Cnnirr I', i i.'tli ,t .'' NKW Y'i!K. rpilIS fir'l class House tbe ino-t quiet, h in 1 uml pleasant Hotel in Hi,, city nd'ers sop iii.lticemeuts to ibose isiriog New York lor bo i lov ne... or pleasure. It is central iu ib- location, and kept ... the Fiuoi'i Av Pi. as. in connection w ith Ta vt.or .. SaI.oi.x. where refreshments can be bad at ail hour. oi i-erved iii their eon rooms. ''IU. eloir.-s are m. derate, the rooms and atten.lan I" tbe tir.-t onl. i--. b.itbs, and all the modern coincidences atla. he, I .March 2'.i. Is-'.-j. A 1, I. :T recciv e l from l ALL PAI'l li. Sitv-i uni.i: lb A f .nk ii i..g . i; sc : l.irge a-si.rtnieot i ' i.m: II i :. on r.n t t i l. a vii I v r - c'ovar.U. i,l ,.f N. w Y AMI 1 1 1: '.T from i. c c b.we.-t Tetr.s. varving in pr v !ii.h w ill be ms.1 at iite I ciieap rlole of 1 pi I,', s. ii. ti,,. 1. .ulil.iiry. Jl.ir.-ii - J. ! . E'i.'Mii.t: A E.14: SEWirf:;- xvxycTfrxisn": co-.' S3S FHoAliWA Y. Ni:W YnIIK. Ufriif'li re ('.-.'..',., irifl i. ',' i o' I!',.,,, .'.'' U .V,:; '',. Hul t FMI1.Y srWIN'il M Ai'jl I N F," A V I Nt, atbllliel a Well e.-';tb!i le, an-1 llllt'er n ; lepulatioii. a.- being of all machine- yet i n; r dllCi-.l. Ibe one best adapted o A t.l. K I M'S o K M 1 1 1 Sl'wivil. ami having met with a s't.. i s in ils al" b.iyoii.l our great, st aai.oipnti, '.. -o much si, llo.t lr llllee li.olltbs our older.- ::w been ahead of ..ill eapaeilv lo supply, we wo.ild now announce that i,.. ha e in.-rease I our maiiut.i. t 'li ing taciliti. s. so Ib.r from thi-lime l..iti:. w e .-.h.,li be vi.il.l.-d lo Mi.pl orders on demand . Ill Ilie changes brolljbt lhl!l bv rhe l:ir. I", thing u.' plaAed ii n:oi. it..i or'imt .;.rt il.r.ii lb--.''i.w in.. Mv.riNi:.' i iihout it tbree-f.i.inb.- .c. our s.ibi iers w oul.l to-da tin .1 i an v : long 1 ; - Jlilitary Cotunie." thing has been the women, and iiol.l v bn Ail o , r I In- i.il.-i .t:;ir, i k r. qiiii e,l . f our .airt.. Ibey re.-p.il. di i. N il cont. I to make ,m,1.v so ! aeeoti'.pli-b. tbcv oaiiy garilien!.- as tin 'r ttlllt.ls col have e.i!'e, tile "Si w inir Jim bin theii aid. and by it Inn e rolled out Ibe Soldier-' Co ats, Pa sts and Sin in s. at a i nto astotii-biug n themsehes. Kl.owil.L' that tiajis WolU colli. I not i.-lt . cot! tin uc. many thought tub .ru. lent lieu-. -vi es. w er ; llintlll lo sele.-l tllS lIKl 'lillie o ,H other.. win -! I w o'ii.l il. i the heavy army work .'and w lo-ti done w i:i . tilllt. Ibell lobe lled a- tiieir F.Wtll.v J! V li I M:, all ! ill selecting one of tbe J 'I'lNKI.i: A Hon Siiwin.j Mai mink Cosi; am ; Fauii v Ma, mini -,'' wub w bu ll you may -,, fioin tl , the bratiest elnlli, without .'l...n..- b'l-r-t init.ric ic-lle. ..f feed. I ; teli-tou thev btae Hot been disip .Hit.'. I . :iCl.iiii i llnis li.'ning ii- p., I tne adaptability i.f " ! machine l'..r aii kin.l -. l v ..rk. w e ii:i e lea l'. an, to. , step in advance, and by h eral it.nx.itaut cbaog.si I our "No. ." Jll l.ll M j"i . liiM.S. innc piodiieed i "Taii ouiso Mi, It I v . Which WC eot.ti.l. i.tlv . - E all t.i be the -HI-T 'I' 1 l.i'KlNii Ji.U I1IM'. ' v, j introduced, si w ing ib,. e.,.ir-i -t linen thread wit',' , liillch cio-e lis the coiitinoti c..ll. . and uhen icquil.' j uiu.v be used t... I. .the mry liue.-t cambric work, w" j l.'.uor 2oo cotton-inn.- combining in one co form, everv qualii y n quir.-d iu either a FA.MIL' 1 oil M Nl FACH lllNii M ( lilM' I We have had our Machines bet. .re the pi. I. lie bo. i enough to e-labli-h their repiitali..!,. io. i;- I others win. stri,., thing e...,s lime lallen t the wavsi le ; an ! n the places I tint knew lie . i w ill know llielll r i mot e. .-op l.y -1. p has lb vs ..li it.- w a v to pub, , I i n k l l: A l.i. in JIai iiini: j tHMir ; its success i-I .-labli-he.l ai d lionet . r;h ami shall be. as 11 has iu ih,. pa,l b, improve, simplify uu, re.lue.. tb -lill tinlio of our ni blues. IV sti.ill. in a ti w tin l-suc u new pi i. list. Fortiirlher particulars mi, In ri.VKl.KA LYON t-FWlMI MU IIIM:''" No Hioii lwav. New Y. I ? ' 1 1 II. JUssi.n, Ag.ui. Sunbu'iv, la .March 2ti, lt.2. tiiiiiiiiiK-liiri i-. iilnn. T. hit, COWDEN Si WILCOX. HAHIU8EUKQ, lJK. fpiil'. Siono Wmeiiow made al this . ,i,,b!si,i,: t Is equal ,i uuv I. in. le iu II. i "Ui-'i v Lv . ...... iui,,-,,. iiMianv Intel... uiu.i liauisburv. Jlav I ..; . II baii'l J A M i: s u a u j: !: li'n V IIOI.KSal.K AMI HMAll. CLOCK ESTJ li L IS H MEM S. Cururr .S .'.... ami i'!.ilunl ( , I'lillai4'lihl;i. Vtil VC l.i n .. DM I i;l AIIINi, I'll I K I IY i'l.lM hS. a vnv .l.a.o.li. ..,.., i..l I l,u. r, II. .Ida. Hank.. I , u..l", II .....a, I'.,.'. ..A, lao, .MHIililaclufrl a I lt: 1.4 l.l 'l. j'l.a-1. yiM.irU a...l t.,.,,i.i,,l I'WI I I llnloo.it. . rlo) .t. M.l,.li..it riliiaucl'4iia, l.ioiaiy I ... t-ol .Uv II. II. MtsMII, Vllori I oil., lll- III IJIVI, M Ml lii I'V II.. I. a Ull, U I. I I. illlbei lilies of IhiioiUiUn.l I uo n. Si..v ., Mont, ui . -Us .' aud i.vc.,iuiU( ri 1 1 mi v. 1 1 Hon John M It.cl, I'i.il.d.lpb.a, .1 II lUllell I ., . IL V III V Pollif Moiiou JI. Me l... I i - I kial. Il-ni ili, i Pail Sir. el Saa S ,it J.dia H A-iioHMi.L Aiii.itit-v ai I . Msjlibaa. 4 I c bl,su.)i . !... )ul.lui). Mu. b ."i 1 H' I.Miultrr! I.aiuliirl I'llll I, 1U V M.... v I ,,,; cuinv MOHMn Ll. III. ...I. ai.,1 Iba lu' tie Iu s.l.a. lbl ha ...iMlnilv k. a ..a Its.ol Ii al l. Mi.u. , a IU. J ji. ai.1 .11 i,l .1 I .. I .1 .1 J I , 1 I I ai. ,al. sk" li In s .1 .1 It,, I , t i I , 1 1 fe.Uas.1. .V. I .1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers