WIT AND HUMOR. Hliy Int O"ioniol urn Hcttifv. One 1ny, during my stay r.t Di-ruy, I oh strved nn untisltnl couimolion in the streets. I naked tlic landlord of tuy inn, whnt wis up. Tilieri he replied in rntlicr incttijihoricul style, tlint Larry O'llono was putting up a picture frame nt the other end of town. 'And, irur, wlmt kind of picture frntne b Lurry jmttin;' tip, r.nd wlml is lie putting t up for inquired 1. Pure, nnd l'at O'L'onticl in to be put into it,' Miid lio. ' Oil, tlK.ro ia n tnnn to he hwg V enkl I, inqniringly. ' And v. lint r.'.-o v.oiikl the frame) Ic for ?' takl my lnndlord. W lmt olaiicc is O'Dcnncl to Ftifar for ?' T inq.iirid. ' 'i olToitco a! all, your honor ; it wnsonly the. lil'i rtv lie took.1 ' Vi'ill, 'wlu.t wn; tho tiUrty MVli", jou see. sir, poor ln t v nn in rioli ctito hciiHii, nnd his jiliys'eiau advised him to hike, exercise rn hors'Jwk : end so, luiv in:T no li'inc of hid cwn, he Lorroweil one from Sfi!a' Doyie's piuldoc V. ; end no sooner v.-ns he on hi shoiddwa, than the dure put into the cr::chrr's head to go over to Kello peen ciui'e-fnir, where he line! ngood many ficqunin timers ; nnd when he was go! there, I'nt spied a friend r.t the door of a (-htheen-lionse, and left the animal rainir outside, whilst lie went in to hare a UmiiHeftd of whisky ; and then yon see, they got frisky, and had another, till poorl'nt went to slape on the bineh; and when ho woke up he found tho crnclicr pone, and Vim pocket stuiicj full with n bit lump of money.' ' In short,' said I, 'you mean to say he has been horse-stealing.' 'Whv, sir, lie ""replied stammering and scratching his head, 'they Cbll it so iu 1 jig hmd, bad luck to 'em !' "Well, the time came, round for the execu tion to take place, and Pat was hung, Bure enough. And a pretty mess they made of hanging him, as the landlord told liic the next day. It seems that after hanging the appointed time, this unfortunate 'l'at was cut down and conveyed av ay by his friends to an adjacent house where it being discov ered that his neck was not broken, a physi cian was called in, and the means of resus citation were successfully employed. He then fell into a30und sleep, and w as ordered to be given a cup of new milk, whenever he nwoke and was thirsty. Two female rela tives sat up with him ; nnd the worthy doctor sent them a bottle of w hisky to cheer the tedium of the night; but they in drink ing to ouc and the others families, and long lite in especial to Put, soon became too so cial to be discreet. "When Pat awoke, he rubbed his eyes, and looking all around him, wildly exclaimed, 'Yrhcre am I dear lady (' ' Aivah, don't you know Judy I Min's cabin your own sister Judy V 'And is that you, "Judy ? and is this a bed Y he inquired quite bewildered. ' To be rare it i.s Pat,' said she, 'and this is a bed, though it is not as good a one as 1 could wish ; and here isIolly Dorgi-n, your ow n cousin-jarmun : and we have both been drinking your health, Pat, and long life to yon, wid the whisky the doctor sent us to kape the ouhl blue divil from lazing us.' ' But sure w.vn't I lmngt, Judy darlin ?' 'tturc enough was ys strung up for not returning Farmer Doyle's pony that vou bor rowed ; but Dr. Jlulready," Missings on him 1 who brought ynu into the world ilve-uuJ-twf nty years ago, has brought you alive Bgair., after vou hail been made the picture of the 'ilapSng on the government sign pod.' 'Why, then,' replied Paf, with a deep eigh, 'I don't thank Dr. Mu'.read ; I was aisy where I was, and here have you brought lue back into this dirty world to beg. steal nnd starve rs I have done before. I don't thank j,u, Judy, you never asked my con sent. And by tho powers 1 since Dr. Mid ready has had me born over again, he shall be at the expense of banging me up !' To mollify Put's discontent at his restora tion, the women handed him the whisky bottle-though strictly enjoined by the doctor to give him nothing but milk, v Licit he. seining with desperation, drained -at a draught, and the liquor meeting the wind in his throat, he struggled, gurgled, mid fell back l'!.;n th': bed. beviniil the fciu.l ut again. doctor Mulrts'.d to revive him A Trrjum.s Mkak Max. "We've known Fotne very mean men in our time. There was Deacon Overreach ; now he was so mean he always carried a hen in his big box when he traveled, to pick up the oats hi. horse wasted i:i the manger, and lay an cjg 1'ir his breakfast in the morning. And then there was Hugo lleinmclon, w ho j.mde hi wife dig potatoes to pay for the marriage license. We must tell unit story of Hugo, for its not a bad one, and good itnrk-s, like j'otatoes arc not so plenty now as they used to be when we were a hoy. Well, when he was going to get married' to Cretehcn Coin, lie goes tio'.vu to Parson Hojom at Di-I.'y, to tret a license. 'Parson,' says he, 'what's tho price ot a license V 'Six dollars.' ''1 liiii'oadreadfnl aiyht of moner. Couldn't jou take no less V 'Xo,' eays he, 'that what they cost mc at the Secretary's office, at Halifax'.' 'Well, how much do vou tu.k for luibliih ing in church, then t" '.Nothing,' says the parson. 'Well, says Hugo, 'that's w cheap I run'l ixjv'-t you ti give no -hange bach. I ttiiuk I'll be puLiUhed. Huw c)1,,r ;t tul.e ";' 'Three Sundays.' 'Three Sundays !' says Ilutro. Vell, that's a lon tune. Hut threo Sumlvas only make fortnight, after all ; two lor the co.'urs and cno for thu inside like; and hix dollars i- u great sum of moi!'-y for u poor man to throw owny. I must wail.' Mj off lie went, jog''ng toward.-, home, mid luuUiir; about, us mean as a w shear. ,1 speep when ail at once u l,right Itioindil Cameiutit his head, and l.-u:l; he v.ti.l' in hard m his horse could can v. 'Par-oii,' iiy he, 'I've ( !i.',!igr, niV n.ir.d Ilore'tt the tx do!l(..i. 'I ll ti, tl.u l.uot to liit''.it with my ton-ue that Ieau'i i.:e!o w'.i), teislh.' rt'l'T. what In n.duiv ii the imui.'ii'' oi -U thu i' kud the paron. 'Why, wyi Hugo, Ueu i l.nh.g ii out hi my head, mid iti ch. apci ' i.n.ti pi.b. lulling ban, uiur nM. You n, t., K;f. if. Into ili.'.-ui-i ;!;., if I u ,ii i., . c.'.licd' in chulth, l.cr fi.ih. r ,v,e 1.. r v . rU 1 r notion; and a, hui I, ,,f , ,. Ull, .h h'li, If I marry r l.. .,i,-'a l,u tu ,J,,tl tj li o.ir to ii o in , ;, ii.,. w ',, for lb i lii ei...., ,,.,,( j :,; M Kvu ,,;, .. i(J, ; for ll.iT.- ain't 4 ;,, : 4 -!.-,. I tin il.i.i fin i.i- mi, i in, f t 'l.l hi I. In n e in,' , v. .ii. iii.e tar. ut iii-t, , ,i 1 III 1 ll ll. 'l U t 1 . I . Uli'l I tl UI - I u Ik . ! . ! .. 1 . . , - .. I: 1 Jl-i ,.1 , I lll.ldo h T ,,:f p.,,,,.. . iiu . , Iiiuoii, i ul! Ui..i iji.ni. - mm K..II...: J ,.,' J,4,,. j,,;, j ( 1 '! I"' ') ' " ' '1 K .!.!! ft J I n .,(, illlllM Ii Oil ,i, fill,.) , J 1U I ! Ihn r ey i ! .. (', Itil i i.... ,li, u,M ',,,!.,4 . A 1 1 1 u 1 1,. i, 'mil,,,!,-, i -(Uf .1 4 ..lil.ihfc) ,iIU,; 1(141 r.i.mi(i lull 1-11,1,1 I,, lt I'ut it :,i .in, k i i.M.(,,jill( i'uttU MAYORS OF THE Great Cities. We, Via tinflorlfrP" Mayorii, hereby cer tify that the Druglt ApoUieoories, and FhTBloiani of our leveral oitioi have Binned a dooament of ssuranoe to ui that AYEB'S 8AH3AFABItIiA haa been found to be a remedy of great exoollence, and worthy the oonflJonoo of tho ooininunity. HOH.AME3 COOK, Mayor of LOWELL, MASS. HON. AL3I1T BEARD, Mayor of XTASHtfA, IT. XL HOK. . V7. HAHRHSTQTOIT, Mr.yor Of MANOHE3TEB, IT. H. ncir. aoniT abeott, Mayor of OOBTOOIIIJ, N. H. nOIT. A. II. BULIiOCK, Mayor Of WOUCEST2H, MASS. no:7. itath'l eilsbee, Mayor of SALEM, MAS 3. HOIT. P. V7. LINCOLTT, Jr., Mayor of EOSTOIJ, MAS 3. nOU-. Vm. LI. RODMAN1, Mayor of ritO VUDENC2, B. I. no:r. AMOS W. PRENTICE, Mayor of N03WICH, COITIT. nOIT. J. N. HARRIS, Mayor of IfEW LONDOU", COHH. HON. CHAS. S. RODIER, Mayor of MONTREAL, O. E. HON. D. F. TIEMANN, Mayor of NEW YORK CITY. HON. H. M. KINSTREY, Mayor of HAMILTON, C. W. HON. ADAM WILSON, , Mayor of TOKONTO, O. W. HON. R. M. BISHOP, Mayor of CINOIITNATI, OHIO. HOE". I. H. CRAWFORD, Mayor of LOUISVILLE, KT. HON. JOHN SLOAN, ' Mayor of LYOITS, IOWA. HON. JAMES McFEETERS, Mayor of BOWMANVILLE, O. W. HON. JAMES W. NORTH, Mayor of AUGUSTA, ME. HON. HENRY COOPER, Jr., Mayor of HALLO WELL, ME. HON. JAMES S. BEEIT, Mayor of FBEDEMCTOH", W. B. HON. WILLARD NYE, Mayor of ITEW BEDFOED, MASS. HON. J. BLAISDELL, - Mayor of FALL RIVER, MASS. HON. W. H. CRANSTON, Mayor of NEWPORT, R. I. HON. FRED GTAHL, Mayor of GALENA, ILL. HON. JOHN HODGDEN, Mayor of DUBUQUE, IOWA. HON. THOMAS CRTJTCHFIELD, Mayor of CHATTANOOGA, TENN. HON. ROBERT BLAIR, Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. HON. R. D. BAITGH, Mayor of MEMPHIS, TENN. HON. GERARD STITH, ui Mayor of NEW ORLBANS, LA. HON. H. D. SCRANTON, Mayor of ROCHESTER, N. T. HON. DE WITT C. GROVE, Mayor of UTICA, IT. T. HON. GEO. WILSON, Mayor of PITTSBURG, PA. HON. O. H. BUHL, Mayor of DETROPT, MICH. HON. HEMAN L. PAGE, Mayor of MILWAUKIE, WIS. HON. W. W. VAUGHN, Mayor of RACINE, WI3. HON. A. FARR, Mayor of KENOSHA, WIS. HON. JOHN C. HAINES, Mayor of CHICAGO, ILL. HON. IT. J. A. HEATH, Mayor of GULMA, ALA. HON. A. J. NOBLE, Mayor of MONTGOMERY, ALA. HON. W. S. HOLYBAD, Mayor of COLUMEUS, OA. DON ESPARTERO MANUEL, Mcyor of VERA CRUZ. DON TIETRS DE CAEALLO, Mcyor of MEXICO. DON E3TEPHANIE ECDRIGUE3, Mayor of HAVANA. DON ANTONIO ECHEVERA, Mayor of LIMA, PERU. DON M. G. MILANGNO, Mayor of VALPARAISO, CHILL DON MARO SES QUIPED ALI A, Misyor of RIO JANEIRO, BRAZIL. Certify that the resident Dras;i&t have aasured them Ayer's Sarsaparilla Za au excellent remedy, and worthy the con fidence of tlio community, for Spring Dlieim, Tor Purifying; the Slood. For Scrofula or Klng't KrII, Vo Tumor, Tlctr, and Eoni. For Frnptlom and Plmplei. For litntchri, IlUlun, aad Roll. For (it. Anthony's Tire, note, ur Ely For Tctttr or Bait Itkram. Ijlaa. For Scald Ilrad and nine warm. For ancr and Cancerous Sor. For bart Vyf, Sore Vmrt, lid Ilumere, For Ftutale r.UKatrf, For Puipreslon and Irrrnlaily. For K or Vinrrl U:ear. Far I icr t'oniplalnti. For Ulncautf oflUe Heart. The M.iyor rf the ehlef oitlee of the Uni ted Htaice, Canauas, and British 1'roviiiets, CUJJ, Peru, nrata, Moxiau, and iti ln-t ai. most U the clue on this continent, have si-usd this rtoouraei.t, to assure their people vrhst remedies they may use with aaiviy u-. l unit'iuuee. Put our eract U1 ouly adiuit a yuiua of thaw. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Ayer'a Charry Toctoral, AyCr'B Tills, an4 Ayor'a Aguo Curo, Ir. J, v. Ayvr A. 'u lUHtl.L, MA SI., A4 m14 lit Prif;Mt m Usi, L; ViiUuf A ilisi.l, ai4 K. 1. fuaoi, ta 1 M. U Hruf KtsswUilsai J t's.Wa, sh4 f liua, ililt-a. 4. IlllUMi, 1 VlkUitllls. tin. a t , an t ...! a f'iiiw, u,jhi 1M.I(.I..,. ' - MvWnu rsia asi I'i.ii Ii,iSfe.i As)t. Ie.f JUST RECIUVBS I i or. x-i- nisrOEiL, Uus jn.it returned from Pliilftdclplila wltli a OFLEITDID STOCK OP Spring & Summer Goods. I'er Soiim' Vlnt. Cloth, Ciifsluicrp. Vesting, Itiilinn Clutli, Linen Coaling, Linen Clirck and Cottouade. I .u1 !' It our. A lnr,T 6Sortment of DicssGoods, Black nnd Pnncy f?ilk5, Silk TisKtii'S, Fanoy Veragus, Slmlloy, nil AVool UolniiLj, MucuniViquc (ioods lit l(iw jivicn bilk Luvtllus, Duli'ncs, Lnvtns, (linghurud nnd Trints. A full lino of Irish Linen nnd AVhits Good?. Ptelln border anil Fancy Summer Shawls, Silk and Lace Muutillns, tt'O. Uoa-ly Muds Clothing, A good assortment of Huts and Cap, A largo nsiortmont of Loots and Shorn, A full etock of (irocerks, Molnesus and Sugar, Hardware and Duilding Matvriul, A full elr:k of Queen and Olosswnre, A full stock of Fish, Salt, Oils and White Load, A large Ktock of New Wall Pari A new stock of Stono and L'arthcnware, And thousand; of articles not enumerated, ty All the above will be sold cheap for Cash or Country Produce. Funburr, Mny 17. 1?32. J. II. EXUEL. MAMMOTII FUENITUEE.WARE HOUSE. WOO & ftl 1 t'JiCf.nt Slroet, I'liil'a. (Late LEVY A CO'S Pry Oood Store,) rormerly 521 Walnut Street. I'liIluilvTjil-.iii. Aivtii.t 30. IS''.?. 3m i.s;t. ,t irnri.-iiK'ne jvi:t. f it-w Vorlf l.iiit'iu. THE CAMDL'X AXD AMI10Y AND PHILAIiKL 1'lltA ANi 'I'Ul'NTON 1!. It. CO.'S 1.1.NT.S. From l'in'h!cfjiti.t to iV w Vorl mat Vny Placet, fi lm Wul nut itiret Wharf uuil Kensington liipot. trill have an fulium, viz : l'Aki;. At 0 A. M., via fmuden nnd Amboy, (C. and A. innioilnllon.) S2 20 2 2i .3 00 AtOA.M., via Ciunden and Jciwy City, N. J., Ai.vrinmii"tiition. Ai A. 11., via Camduu and Jti?oy Cilv, (V'.iuiiijj Mail.) At SA. M., vi Caiudin and Jurs.-y city 2J C!h J n Kct 2 20 At 11 A. H. via IC'.usiuytou and Jemy city, V.ro-i 3 CO At M. vin Ci'.imkn and Auiboy, C and A. (AcCM.iiuo l.ilimi.) " 2 25 At 2 1'. M., via Camden a ad Ambor. (C. and A. Ivxiiiv.) " S 1)0 At S i'.il.. in Kon inct'in and Jorsuy Cily, Wash, nnd N. 1'. l'.x r:s ' 3 00 At Ii 1'. !.. vin KeUMiigton and Jersey Citv, (l-:eiiiii; Si'nil.) ' 3 00 At iij i'. il. viu Kciibii.tun and Jcrxiy city, SmiiIhth Mail. 3 00 At IJ (niiliO via KeiiMiitou and Jersey city Smiiuu-ii l'...r-ii J 0U At J 1. M., in t'aindeii i:;J Anitmy. (Aeiioin. nio.la; ion, i'roijhl and I'tuscivr, first C'la 'i'i. liet. 2 2S J-it.wi 1 tlai-M Ticket, 1 M -r tit-.-r tin'. S:i.)uil.-liui-2. Poruuton. Wllkvs Kirre, 31'iitnwn. liriiit Uiml. Ae., at ll A. .M., lV.im Kt'iKingUm, via lielnnaie, Lncknivnuuu und S.'.-tcrii 1'tiilniitd. l'or Alaii.-li I'luiik. Alli nt iwn, Kctlile'iem, Delvi diTe. Ijuh.r. liHiiiiji rtviUe. l-'li'iiiin,-ton, te., at 6 A. At., irom Ki iHiii'inu liejiut, and at 2 P. M., tii'iii Walnut Hireel i half. t thoii A. M. Lino o nini-olc with Trulns leaving Kii.-lun f,,r MmuOi t'ln'iik, at ::-XH J'. .M.) rorM. ui.t llollv. at ti A. .M., 2 nnd i P. JI. i'orl'reihold, ut (I . M. unl 2 1'. il. WAV Ll.M.S. I r BrfsU.1, Tn-nl-.ni. ae., ut 11 A. 51. nnd 2 uud 5 1'. .-f. from Ivi'n-ii.li.u, l oi l'iiini liiM.'iiiui, liflnino. Ecverlv, Piir-lin-t' .n, l'luivnc, Uordetlown, At., at 13, I, S, 4J i.iiu o- 1. M. Ijs fur New York, nnd Way Linen luuiing Ken iiiL'ii'ii l' ..t. tnko the Cars on i'iiili :rvvt.'alMive Wulmit, half n hour holuro uiiiiiliiie. 'J'lie t'nrs run iiini lh.' 1 t-j t. and on tho anivul uf esvh X'ruiu, run t'i'i:i tl,L- Jiij'ut. I'ili.v IV.uaU of TT.i.f-jsao O'dy, allowed ra.di ..'i.-M.ii),'i.r. lWti.ent i,re ) roliiliiied I'.om takinp; alivtliilli' an l-Hir.le on! llieir ti nurii:;' iiiiniiri.l. All j b.;i;!ii;i' ovi r ll It v .ond (n w paid hir t.tra. 'i'ho i'iiii-uiiy uiuu in,n- resioni.ii.iiily li.r naao to One lioll. r ir iund. and will nut ). lialilir fur any ktui uiit beyond frlM. rxeejil by bln-citt eniitruut. MM. ii. U.UZiin;, Agent. Junuary 17. lSj.'I. M I 1 1 i Z A 'A 1 I !: a Mm MM:t LV Al'Al'LM V will ho opened on . iUu lirsl il'.uiiiiy ut NmtiulK-r, Im)2. Tt I'l'M.V l'LU Ql AKXLll. Juvenile eliiilari", LnirlMi braui-)n.'., K-iruci and higher MstUeiusiies, J2 CO 4 (l 6 0j 00 r.luM:s. I'lUluiill, I.UIJJUUiJl.., M. Kiiidmry, Not 1. Ih(l2 Kit iv mot si:, Corner vf f-tutt aJ Tl.ittt UtrteU, ! tuiiiM.. I'll, 1' l n'lll.i 110l'' i;, lii cnsinui'iica of ll. e .nvenlon e X i'ii. I ng.ir Iw. i.iiuu t,i u..i t n n . 1 . hu uisde it a ilc-uul.l. M.. i'iiili iiiuee, in. I i.uly r lli..... Ik.i.i.i l.iu.iKM ut 1I.0 .iui of liomrnuiviit, but lur oiL.,i vUuii. linn i.l'iii. il u u iJ, Uui. Nurlln rsi Central Jtailw uj- ! MiMi.it j mi: 1 wiir, TN'ii Tit IMLV lu siid lr.nu I lie ...nh and 1 .1 Crmn-li nMUi.hiiiiiis, Ltuiiis. and sli of .NuriU sin ,'i'uw oik. ON sii.1 slur J'n.Mi.W, Ko smfcer Trl. W!, ills P.. jiui r 'Iriiiu il His .Suiiboiu I'vnii il llj Uuy sill suits si sud i. l.il fiuu fui.t4iy, lii4iii.nur sad iiutiiiii. tv s. i..'ljM, vu : H i I 1 11 W A 11 I' . M4.I TlsiU .-ui.Lui v dajlt 1 uvl l .-uni..i. 1 i r m. u . .1 . ll .iil.l.iin. (, ;ii " sun., kl I i.ll.iu..i, If VO " Lijms Tisiu It-avis Huutury dally . Sin, l.y ) " n ll.lll.Luli lCI. t uds ) snui. at i..liln.ci dsily (.Su.. J,..U.,. II 141' I t A 1 HAM. M4 Tialu Usim i -li.Mi4e ilsil) (s. 91 1, ul.d , 1 ' lis iUnul.u'4 M suit ms si Sm-i.ui jr, 14.M lisia Us ll-liiu..... d.ll " ailllSS SI li.UUkui, " I'lin lisiitobui i'Sv.4 a) J.,i, MAM I i P at i m I'M 1 iA 11 IMAM ihhk st tsuabair. Fw funssi U-Knaiailisi siilf st lbs A hk7 AND USEFUL ARTICLE. HALEY, MORSH & BOIDEN'8 Patent N.ir-.liIJumlna: flolhru Wrlnsrr Simple, F.couotnlcal, Durable, and is not Llablo to get out of Order. The Solf-Ailjii.tlnp: Clothes Wringer, 1 eno of the eroatcst improvement of the nineteenth oentury, and Kan only to bo known and tried, to come Into unnoral we. The savins; of clothes, in pressing out the water between two rubber rolls, instead of wringing or twisting, will amount to enough in a short time, to pay for a machine. Kvcry ono ia aware, that the twisting or wringing of clothes, stretches and breaks tho fibres ; but this machine presses them so evenly, that a newspaper thoronitbly soaked, enn be wrung, without bronkmg it. in the least, and il works so easily, that a child twelve yoars old can operate it without trouble. Hot water docs not injuro the rolls, and woollen goods can be wrung out of boiling water to prcvuut fulling, Which cannot be done by hand. In Starching, it is iuvaluablo, especially on largo articles, such as Ladies' fkirts. in., as it learos tho starch in th clothes perfectly even. It will wring tlio largest bed quilt or the smallest pocket hand, kerchief, drier than can possibly be done by hand, without alteration, in less than ono-eigth tho time. Tho machine is so simple that it is not liablo to got out of repair. Tho great improvement In this, every every other M'ringing Machine yet invented, is, its Self-Adjust-Ing arrangement, requiring no alteration, to wring a handkerchief or bed quilt consequently, the most lg. nornnt servnnt can nUeratc it. The machino is malo of wood, and so arranged, that no iron can possibly come in contact Willi the clothcn. thereby avoiding all danger of injury to the clothes, by iron rust. This is the most simple nnd effective Clothes Wring, or yet invented. Those purchasing can use thorn two weeks, nnd if they are not perfectly satisfied, re turn tlicin, and their money will be refunded. Address L. E. SNOAV, Philiidclphn, Or II. B. MASSER, Agent for Northumberland co. July 6, 1802. IIK.1II.V IM1(HTAT SliMH. M C. UEABIIAUT Has Betl-rxed wrrn a New Stock op sriiiY'-(ioiiirl-K, l-'ruit nnd Toy. IT seems us if a new age, a new life was opening J. upon us, animating every ncart lo noiilcr deeds and higher alms! Art, Literature and Science will glow anew, nnd seek to develops sublimcr beauties and grander conception. The business world, too, must feel the new Influence and every part bo quickened nnd strengthened bynn increased vitality, which shall urge us on with e'toc tric speed to the consummation of greater thingsthan was ever dreamed ol in tne I'liilosophy ot the past. Animated by tho cntlmia.m which pervades all classes, and desirous of doing his shnre towards "The great events ot the Age, ' tho subscriber would re spectfully inform the good psniileof SL'NBCRY and the public generally, that ho lias just returned from the citv of Philadelphia with the largest and choicest stock of Confcctionnries, Fruit nnd Toys, that has ever been brought to this section of country. Ho is also manufacturing all kinds of Confccliimnries, Ac, to hli up orders, wholesale or retail, at short notice Among his stock of CONl'liCTlONAlllKS may be found : French Secrets, Dm lied Almond., Cream White, ' Lemon, " B'ise. " A'anilln, Common Secrets, Liquorice, niinnniiii, Ilatos, Gum Tirops. iillkiiuUsjcnt, Lo e liroj, Mint llrojis, red and white, Jelly Cuke.-, Fruil llrop;), Stick Cauilii s, of all scents, Bock Ciindv, Almond Candy. rnuiT. Prunes, 1'igs, llai-cns. Nuts of all kinds Cun aula, dried, LJ-MOX SYBVP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Tobacco und Segars, and a variety of Oiifcciiimarios. Fruit, Toys. Ac, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale and retail. Remember the 11111110 and place . 1 M. C. t-iKAKllAirr. Market street, 5 doors west cf E. V. Bright A Sou's store. Suubury, April H, 1 G I .1 tun i i mtic jtso.vmi.v. BEGINNING OF A NEW YPLV-MK. The number for .Tannery, 1H6.'!. begins thd Eleventh Volume ul tho Atlantic Monthly. ITIBOM the commencement. In 157. tho Atlantic! 1' has rapidly increased in circulatinn, and it now has the largest clis of readers since its beginning, five veurs ago. lis prosperity steadily augments, and it continues, ami i all the fluctuations and dan gers incident to our national crinis. to gain ground in tho estimation of thu public. At a time so prciriuuit with events which touch the future deitinies of Amer ica in every vital partieular. Il.c Publishers and Edi tors do not deem it nwsssurv to promi-i- that Mis pages will never swerve for tho honest paths of loyal patriotism und universal freedom. Its opinions have always been on the side of Liberty. Pioirress and j Bight, and tho course it flint adopted iu its early career, win ever oe laiiuiiiuy uiuiniaineii: The Stan" of Writers, regularly contributing to the Atluutic Monthly, embraces ull the best known au thor:; in American literature, and warrants tho Pub lishers in promising to its readers, T11E BEST ESSAYS, THE LEST STORIES'. THE BEST POEMS. M'Mch American talent can furnii.li. List or Reiiv-lar ContrtrttuI!. In Profo and Poetry the "Atlantic" Stuff of Wil ters ie unequalled. The following authors arc still among ihe regular contributors : J'inu-s Russell Lewtll, Oliver W. Holmes, Jlenry M . Longfellow, Louis Agassir.. Kaliili Vubt(l Emerson, Nathaniel llawthorue, C. C. llaiewcll. J0I111 it. Whitikr, E. P. Whipple, Bayard Taylor, t harles E. Norton, tleoi ge S. Ii ill. lid, llenrv lilies. T. V. liiuiniir.n. Author 'Margret Ilowlh," M alter Mitchell. Mrs. Julia W. Howe, llenrv T. 'iuokermun. Mrs. A. 1 T Whitney, Mrs. H. 11. otowe, Churles lteado, Bone Tcrrv, Robert T. Lowell, Edward Everett, John Weis... Harriet Martinonii, ''I'ho Country I'an-on," Harriet E. Piescntt, J. T. Trovbri.l;r. Professor A U M'hi;o. The foregoing list of Contributors includes. . jr The Leading Writers of America . . Tehmm. The Ailuntic is fur sale by all Book and Periodical llenlers. Price cents a number. Sut.. seiipiloiis tor the year. S l.ti.'i, posiuu puid. Warly subscriptions received, or single numbers supplied t v iiiiyjdeulcr, or by Ihe publishers. Scciiucu uuuihcrstcut gratis on application to the Publishers. Inducements for subscribing. Llsls of pn uiiums, Ac , 1'uiui.hedou aiplicution to the Publishers. TICK.NOll i FlELIiS. I. 'IS M'.uhiiiglou Sireet, lioslou, Mass. Not. 29, l3u2. Tlio Atliim'H I'.r-si 4'niiipnny, C1IVE NOTICE that they have concluded ar il riiugemenis nitli the Nnrlhei-n Central Railroad Compiiuy to run trains from Baltimore for York. Ilumsburg. Hauphiu, Halifax. Trcvorton, Suubury, Northumberland, Lenisburg. Milton. Muney, Wil liiimsiorl. aud all intermediate stations, connecting ai llarrisburg with tho OltEAI WKS'i'l.KN EX PIU'.SS for Pittsburg, Ciucinuati, St. Louis aud the Mest. AliHiwiih Honard A Co. 's Express at Milton or l'amille, lllisuusbiirg. Wilke.buiic, Pillion, S'r.in tou, and iutei lueilmte stulious on the Caliai-.a, l.uekuwtitiiia i Bhaiiusburg liailroad.. At U it liiiuisport, by Hon ai d X lo.'s Exn ess lu Jerw y Shore and Lin k Haven. Aim, by lU'Ward & lu , and their connections, for Csntoii. Iroy, L'ludra, llucheler. Butt'ulo. Niniirs, sod to all ncccvihle u itnts lu Vi eslern ew York and lamida, by which they will fi.rMiird .Merchandise, Specie, Bank Noles, Jewelry, and Ysluuble I'avkiie. of every dcrip. lion AU.i, Noli. Hrafis and Bill" f.r ('"lleellon. Expel ivliccd and lll'.elenl lnewn.'er. I'liipl .yed, and mcry t llorl ill b uisile In ronder .iilh. tioo. JOHN L 1X0 HAM. Buperiutcndeiit Pemi's l'i i'ion, i'luladi Ionia. B A. Hl'lll.lt, A-em r Sunbury. Apiil J. I-M1J. " HEIMSTUEKT'S luliullnlilt Hull- Ki'kiurallt r, JT js Xnr A liVB, But rob, rrsy ksir In its oil -ii.nl color, bv turn ly- , in4 lh vspilluiy lubes mill natural .usteusui-v, tui. I I'uilod by sgs ur diMus. All ii.rlsiilaiirui d.vus srs , tf iii.uvvil ul' lunar i-mu.iic. iti-tro) ii.tf Ihsiilsluy sud lmsuty of III bsir, srnl .Hold ul iliuuil 1 uu drciu. IB loi.uiel , liiUiiiliibln I doling uul ouly ti hsii lu lit iistuisl colui ly su new, j lul gitss lii bau a 1.1 XI UIAST :KH TV, 1 riui le. il. xtoslh, pit mol. lis lalliuy off. trs.lt. Ivslos d iudruJI. sud iuipsi Uualih and pleiwsiitiiiM to lbs bisd. ll kss stof d lh Ul ol IH..C, U111K il, oi',;uuU (lair I uimi.K aj u sob.ui.ilji liisitajin I lu Uiur I Mil by boib iimliiMisa sud ladits ll u 1 sulj by sli ri-iilsbl desli-it, ur uu b pio.-u,4 by ihcw of lbs suiuiuwfcl! ssviil, ll. a li th.Kk.i, tiiosiissy, fi ulst, t nu end l UlluUf iJ. iHliJ I.Mswbrr I l.wsuktrl Hill II' slUV. Muu)r.l.).aitfasaiy, I's , I Mull Mi ku (iU lsi-d lbs kublw la g.iuHsl, I'.tt t C S. .'Ull USJ bvSd lo(U. SUll.jl, 4 lb. Ji-i.U, su4 sli aibdstil I uu.bi tu4 kwildi I al.iuU, sli. k bs a til sU St lbs by awl Hits sualsikb i, I v, , - - - - '- IsMssssrltsssI l-Mirra wl UsmsU 'I'rts, I tain u r a mh bnu sii.kia u tuu tk w I I fuse Uia 4 tfc 14 Kd.j;, s'aaala. tail . wry-fk A iiAHmMll sTs sT mm " tm RHIBI rriva wiTonva Inn SA.X.A.JVIAT'IDETl SAFES. GREAT FIRE AT READING, TA. February 12, 1862. Qbntlemeu It gives me much satisfaction to inform you that In tho severe fire which, on the morning of tho 4th inst., entirely destroyed all my stock and materials, I had one of your Salnmandor Fire Proof Safes. After enduring an intense red heat for seven hours, the Safo wns oponcd. and the Books and Papers were preserved in an nmblemishcd condition. I shall need another Safe as soon as I get in Older. Yours, most respectfully, W. P. DICKENSON, Roadlng, Pa. FIRE AT GREEN CASTLE. CnauiEBSBDRO, Franklin connty, Tu., I August :i)8t. 1 Wil. j Messrs. EvAKS 1 Watson, Philadelphia Gentle men : On the morning of tho 22d of August, 1961, olir Storehouse at Oroenoastlo was destroyed by firo. Tho Salamander Safo wo purchased from you some few years since was in the above montihued store house, and contained nil our books, papers, cash, Ao., which were preserved in a perfect condition, after being exposed to a most Intense hent for scvcrnl hours. Please inform us upuu what terms you will sell us another larger Safo. Yours truly, OAKS A AUSTIN. Salnmandcr Safes, for Banks, Stores, Privnte Families, &0., Ac. Also, Evans it M'ntson's Patent Alphabetical Bank Locks and Bank Vault Doors, equal to any made in the country, and sold on as good terms. E A W. would respectfully refer to tlio following Bnnks and other parties, having their Safes and Locks now in uso, to their entire aulisfuc ti"ii, nnd many others given at their Sloro. L'jftTEn States Mist, Branch Bnnk, Skclbyville rhiladelphio. Tennessee. Uniteo States AnsENAL.City Bank of Philadelphia. California. Consolidation B'k of Phila. Poltstown Bnnk, Pa. Coiu'fh Bnnk of Thilii. Coatesvillo Bank, Pa. ChatanoogaBank, Tcnn. Stroudshnrg Bank, Pa, Pro'm Loan Ass'on, 4th st. Jersey Shore Bank, P11. Lock Haven Bank, Pa. I'uion Bunk, Baltimore. llnnk of Aorthumhcrlanu. Bnnk of North'n Liberties, Philadelphia. Southwestern Bank of Vn. Fulton Bank. Atlanta, Ou. Paul and Swift, Bankers, Alabnmn. Newark Bank, Hoi W.U. Stcrling.Wilkosb'e. Bank of N. C. Baleigh, Lewisbnrg Bank, Pa. Other references given lifion cailinir al our Store, No. Ill S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia. March 29, 1802. ly Si:."MlBSV NTILIH I I.OI KIXJ Jill. I.. rriHE subscribers having taken possession of this X first class J'J.OU U l.X(r JWLL, aro prepurcil to receive gruiu of all kinds, and to do custom work at tho shortest notice. Customors will have their grists ground immediately upon their iieing left nt the Mill. As it is thu intention of tho firm to stock the Mill, a large supply of graiu will be cousin Ml ly kept on hand, and nour by tho quantity can always be obtained. The greatest circ will bo taken to turn out a superior qunlity of flour, for which the mill is admirably adapted. Strict intention will be paid to the wauts of customers, and tho patronage of tho public generally is respect fully requested. Suubury. June 2), 1SH0. MOKiiAN & CO. GROVER & BAKfcR'S First Pivmlum SEWING MACHINES FOB FAMILY UiK AND tlllllll'lK't U-ill(' IUI'IO'K. Willi Ileinmeis, K Men, Tuckers, Cordeis, Ibmlcrs, Ae PPJCES FROH U0 UPWARDS SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, Make the 1iek or Sliiillle Slilch Machines of the snm EitliTin.Hint ul Ihe Siiito- pneesns Ihi-ir ccltbiuttd Dill'-U- l.Dl'K STITCH MACIIIMKS. This is Ihe onl,- Cuilijwiiiy -hat nmk.'s tn.th kirit.i. there, fore the only one liiat can supply ull the wants of the pub he. f-e P'lrelinsers efiu lake their ehi-ice of either Stitc Willi ttie prii ili-tie i.V;;i'h'oipin f.u the other. A loV slyl'-iil litilile Miiebine runs lust nod (plict, ful Vt-ul Makcis Titilms, Shne Unnhis, A c. At th.- l.-r Prlee :f if 10. tll'V Tin; T!i:sT ri OtttlVl:H A IIAKKIt'r. M To. . :ll Chrstool Ireel, Pliilatlehillia. I II. B. Masmiii, Suubury, Pa.. Acut tor the lanufitctiircr. Di-cruiber iti, IMil ly iii:e:iss iiii:., rillE mnnngemrnt of tH well-known Hotel hnv I iug lieen icumicd by Missis. fiiVl.E A II KB It. the pros-ciil propriutors, tieir len c ti. iiifurui the public that tho house is now being thoruiurbty renovated, rctilted. and improved, w itli a ieiv tn the proper and eiiiiif'irtabte acniiiiiioiHlalioii of those wlm may favnr the esiabtilini.,nt witli tlicir eustoui. iiuits will ri'i'i-ive due attcnlbin und courtesy, and 110 expense will be spared that may conduce to maintain 0 hotel in a tirsl-el:o style! Families and others desiring to si-i.mrn in Harris burg during the summer mnulhs. will find pleasant buanliic and large ami well-ventilated rooms at our eslabii-hiucnt, up; n moderate terms. SCOTT COY I.E. Mnrch MUSM. J. ti ll.Hl'H T JIERR. Vliit'"s .VwYerli 'ii' io i'oi;ii!r v. HOOK, XEViPAP-:il, JOU AXD oux'a. Mh'XTAL rE hnvu Ihe fullist assi.i tnieiit of the nio-t usiful t kinds of Plain and Ornamental T.vpe. luanu fictiired from ihe most durable nielaK ifoi.-hed wilh ihe gi "i.iist c.iro and accuracy, securing perfect justi t leal ion. " Speiimen Boohs and estimates fun:i;hid upon np piicalbai, al-:o. PRINTING PRESSrs, with tluir appurii nance' of alt the approve 1 makers- WiiOl) TYPE, i f ail the latest s:li s.ef all sites. Metal Furniture Labor-saving Rules, I'lmv.-. Cabim-is. Furniture, Priming Ink. ami every unicle Um Printer rt-iuires. Tv.-iu.s liberal. Pruii.pl iitieiitiun. FAB.MEIt. LITTLE t CO.. and (!6 Beekmuu elrcct, New York. May .1, InlJ. iolioi'U's DuaMlt'Hoit 'o(IVo. rillIS pre :ratiion. mude fir 111 Ihe best Java .1 I'olTi e. i rei-io nded bv pbvsiciniis as a supe rior Nl Tit I I lol S Bl-.VLUA'tiK "fi.r tieneral lKhil. ity, livipcp.-i.i. nod nil Billions liisndi is. Thoiiunds who have bu n cmiipelled lo nbainli u the use of entice, iiiil u.-e this without iiijnru u- et'eci". One can contains the strength of two pounds ot ordinciy colluu. Price I'-i cciiU. KOLl.Ol K f! LEVA IN, Tli e purest and bcsl BAKING I'OWiiER known, fir making light, sweet and uutiitious lircud and Ciik-s Price Id ci Ms. m a st rAtTrncD iit M. 11. KOLLlU'K, Chemist, Corntr of Broad und Chenut Streets, I'll 1 1. A UK I I'll I A, And sold by all Druggist aud Grocers. .March 1, l-stiU. JAMES B A 11 u 1; n s WIIM.KSAI.K AND RKTAII. CLOCK ESTADL IS II ME XT, S. K. Corner Second and Cliatnut ttt.t I'ltllMtll llilit. GBNPY A ihnl'ATKNT I lirAI.IZIN'O THIRTY i V LAY Cl.tM hsi, veiy ilili..l. urn, In i,,r tliunti vs, Uolt-I. liaiikii. C'lUiilms ll.iuM, I'uihif, As. AIo,.M;iuul.ielulel l l I INK UUl.D I'L.NS. t'l'4-kl li-Miiril sim) wsiriillleil. Ckifk Tiiiiiiiiikkv oi wirry ilt-wiijoioit. I'lniailrloliu, J..i.i.nry- to, lNil-ay ll. II. iki:ii, Vltorm y ul laits, SI Mil KV, I A 1 olliHiiimis mu-udtit lo iu llie conn., of Nur tiiuii.bctluiid, I uiou, Snyder, Muniuur, IvIuuiL, snd Lywuiiiig. mtrcussriis. ib.11. J. bn M lU-vd, Pbiladulnhls, A. ll Haiuil X I n , ib.u 111. A. l ull. r. ' M'.rtou ilvXio b. 1, i -1 , k l.eiihiu Co., i'vj Pmrl Slr.it, Sua Yolk John Vt . AhiniNi4, AiitirMey si M.u 1 i.uM A 1 ,, An, 11,0, n Law, " rui.buiy, tlsrvb I'J, L-miJ 11.14 1 I' t'tllli uin:, NOW sl IHE UUr. VI tllU ul It Al.lll M.S. I N i'oii4-.Uiiiic o ills tCMii'Hv ef ebmigii. I wilt mil s mv niiiraui ra.utitiAru caki'i. iuts iToimt.fi. teUiccM I'ur lists) lwllur. .ni by a-sil l' uu .id. llmM naidus sis Uwt publubtj Skd sis pui.is ami luiy suibiue sli lbs biiiMiipni IKunul. Ul Aiioj Pivi4KI, ksbiu.l 40 Aliuisuol lb Sl.Uri tlHisusaaiiaa JLll sl.4 Hb.tl Ml.iiAiiK I il..u Mil va sluiiua. auiil vils snui i ivs.ipl ol T a ( ui. IM liaiuxw t , I biisdlibu suiiit I, iaj ' t tMk iCsiiibsoai far" 1) lh4 a4 Uu IlU'Hav, (tuails, timniui, aus..-k, 4s di salt at its vca.s ( '-ks ' sabi 4iua ' "THEY GO EIGHT TO THE SPOT." INSTANT BEL1T.f1 STOP YOUR COUGH! PURIFY YOUR BREATH ! BTIIENGTIIEN YOUR VOICE! SPA LFl N G'S TIIItOAT COXI'ECTIOXS ARB GOOD FOU CLBROYMEN, GOOD FOR LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES. Gentlemen Carry NiuiJillnff'H Throat Confi-ction. Ladies are delighted with NjialiHiig'n '1'liront 4'onlVrllonB. Children Cry for Spnldtitg'st Tlirosit CoiiTcrtlona. They rolicve a Cough instantly. They dear tho Throat. They give strength and volume to the voice. They impart a delicious aroma to the breath. They are delightful to the taste. They are made of simple herbs and cannot harm any ono. I advise every ono who has a Cough or a Husky Voice or a Bad Breath, ot any difficulty of tho Thront to get a package of my Throat Confections; they will rolicve you instantly, and you will agree with me that "they go right to tho spot." You will find them very u'eful and pleasant while traveling or attending public meetings for stilling your Cough or allaying your thirst. If you try one package I am enfo in saying that you will ever aftoiwards consider them indispcnsihle. You will find them ut the Druggists and Dealers in Medicines. Price 25 Cents. My signature is on euch pacakitgo. All others arc counterfeit. A Package will be sent by mail, prepaid, on rroeip' of Thirty Cents. Address. HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 43 Cedar street, New York. For talc at R. A. Fisher's Drug Store, Punbury, P. By Ihe ue of these Pills the periodic attack b of Ncr volts or Sick Headache may bo prevented ; and if taken at the commencement of an attack immediate relief from paiu und sicknesses will be obtained. 'ihey seldom fail in removing tlic Nausea und Headache to which females are so subject. They act gently upon tho bowels, removing Cos tiveni l'or Literary men. Students, Delicate Females, and ull persons nf sedentary habit, they are vnltiiible a n Laxative, inipiotiug tin: appetite, giving tone and vigor In Ihe digestive organs, and restoring the nam. ral elasticilv and strength of the whole svstem. The CEPHA MC PI I.I.S are the result of long in veMimiliuii m.d carefully conducted experiments, having been in use many years, during which time lln-y have prevented uinl ulieved a vast amount of pain iiinl .-olicriiig fnua llcnlai hc. whether originat ing in ll.c nervutis fystcni or from a deranged lute oi i lie s oiutuii. The m c-eiiiircly vcgi-table in their eomnosilion, arid may be taken at all nme with perfect safely wilhoiil niiiking mi v cluuigi- of diet, and tlio ubsep i of any disagreeable tu.'l" reudcrt it easy to udmiuis- J tcr li.cin to children. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! j Th genuine havo live i-i0niitures of Henry C. Spablii'g on each Box. Sold by llruggis: and ell other Dealers in Mcdi- ! cities. i A Bex will bo sent by mail prepared on receipt of j iuo Price. 25 Cents. All orders should be address d to HENHY C. B3?A3LX)HSrO, 4b Cedar Street, Neu York. For talc at FISHER'S- Drug Store, Suubury, Pa From the Examiner, Norfolk. Va. Cephalic 1'illMiccoii.pIisli the ol.je.-l for which they were made, v ir: Cure Headache iu all iis forms. Fioiu the Dimocrnt, St. Cluiul. Minn. If you me, or have hein troubled with the head- ! ache, -nid for a box (Cephalic Pill,) to that you mav i in vo ineiu in case ot uu tiitncl;. Fruiu the St. Louis Dcinoer.it. Tho immense demand for Cephalic Pills is rapidly increii..ing. From the Oar.ctte. Dnvi i port. Iowa. Mr. Spalding would rot c. ni.ect his utiinc wilh m article lie did Hut know to pmi ss real merit. From the Adverli-. r. Pi ividi nee, B. . Ihe h.-timony in their favor U strong, from the moi rcvpeetablc quarters. From the Daily News. Ncui ort, Ji. 1. Ctphulic Pills are taking I'ne piece oi ullkmdj. From tho Kauawha Star. Va. Wc are sure that persons st-.U'ering wilh thu head ache, v. ho try them, will slick lo them. From tho Advertiser. Providence. R. I. The ('ephnlio Pills are said to bo a remaikiibly eflectivc remedy for Ihe headache, and one of tho wry best for that very li-dpum! ccmpliuul which has ever been dl-covered. A SINGLE BTTLK OF Save the Fieres! NpiiIdlisti'M ri-iai i-il ;iuf! NjiulliiiK,s ! pa iv U (sliit-1 Nlllllllt;'a l-'Hi-fU tslurt will kavj: tj:n timls its tosr A N.M AI LY. A sividmt. will happen, yia lu aclt Mculutcd laouli.. it u vny ui-ilubl ,i 1, mUi cb.Kp to I Uoi.veuuiii a ay It rviaiiin Fuiuiluntuis, tlovk iij, Ac. fcPALl'l.VI S I'UEPAllJ.HuLl B Mou sli sueb coifi'i, en, sod an huUMdiolJ son slb'id lu aiiboiii il. ll 1 slasy dy and up ! th "in k iu 4 uiul. Jt CURE "fy CURE NervousHeadache . i y sVV economy! V G 1 "I SLHllX .tll JUilSK." A BiU'b accoiupaulu sack Bonis. I'UU'L' iXXf. A4dr4 lit Ml V C. KI'AtLrXi), No 11 Cmlur KUksl, Ik-iw Vo, rmitlswH F I.MIUl e I'm, r-n, sua l.r N jiibauibili.d vmwui, Ps. v a it r i o k ! ! A ewteiit ubi'iiii.'ipli.d hi.m sr siUui-lia lu 1 l-llM Wl ibw UU.U.lHMllll. babil ltltlt4 b Ut) j l likp.illl ll ul l a I aMlI ..yli. ii (.wk-b i.. Stll.li Wl4 (oil.bull. Skd u lb. I IL lull I aw lAl.Hi. i i'Hl.f Aatu ul l k ibs tuw4 ir' i aU s.Ui ssu.4ii4 f Mas I HI) - RHEUMATIC . DR. LEIiAND'S ANTI-UIIEUM ATIC BAK1 PERMANENTLY CURES IN ALL ITS VARIOUS FORMS. Acute or Inflammatory j Chronic, Lumbago, Sciatica, ricnrodyiie, 0. EliflncM cf the Joints and Cramps Gouts, Itfotiral gla and all Nervous Affeotions Erysipelas, Salt Rheum and Scrofulous Eruptions of the body Nostrolises the Impurities of the Blood and Fluids of the whole system, snd ellsctually counteracting Mercurial and other poisonous influences. I ttiss ecnrtnlent arrange BF.t.T. eontmnini! a L QMeilienlcd Compound, to be woiniirouiit! the Loitv, It about the wnist KOIIAt.l.Y l.l-1' l-ivu & i i r i-Am, wuetevcr tae disease nmv be. It euii be ty worn wiihi'iit iniuiv to the must liclicnle . tx unit noebuiigc in the proper hnhits of livb.it is re- quiied it mlirrlv removes the ittseaie frcm the H . SS. -.OU rl - : . - L nypn.in, Willi HIO IUHUeH0 USC, Ul BQl-n CIISI'S. IU . W1"W- iiui lll.rinui lliriMril). 7, WHICH wca n-;i niifl ' destroy the eonstltlitioii ami give temporary re lief only by stnpifying Ihe svsi'eui, mat deaitiining rTl Oits vniility. By Ibis liestnieut. Ihe meitieinal pro- & periics cnuiainrd lu the Hand', beins of a highly M 11 anunntie nnrt volatile iintmoniid enpsble of licinit Aj H readily absorbed, ihroimh the pores of the skin, fj conic iiilodiu-ct e ailnet w ith the Blood and gene- m , nil circulation, wilhoiil tirst h-iving to pass thioUdh M fl Hie touiach, vvnirli would tend nol only lo deirio-t r from lluir curative powers, bni to impair the bi- M lernai oranns an ucrane tlm oigeation also Thus I illlsLJ lb. avoiuiiie me injuiinu elteits, s-iolteii the result i internal rriurihe, sand efie'.-tins a perfect cure h U, pmiiymg aim equalizing the circulation nl the vital L M Hinds and restoring Ihe pons atTicled to a healthy y- I enniliiimi TIlia llnrl is nl.,,. n ,i. I W"ANTl-MI.itCt'RIAI. AliKNT." Cab.mrl h. J ins the primary enase of a lurfre part of tiie slitf ! W ness, Neuralgic Pains and Rhcain.v.-cs. s, preva-M. lent mid w ill entirely relieve the system fioin its Pi J.VIllli:i.-U ViirviB. M iilerate ensns are enriit ia n tew- itevf and wc VrT U are eiinsiaaliy ri-ceiviei; uiul. milled li-stinaauiiiB l' M to whirh we invite hispeetioti n our oifice of k. f their cifieacy in aggravated cincisof long staiidiag PRICF. TWO DALLAItt. May be bad of riruc- M ri ffisls. or will lie scot by mail u-vin n-i-eipl of -2, ur - j by express everywhere, with a'l necescaly hibttuc- Lu, lions from the pri.icipat olTice of O' i i G. SMITH & CC , Sole Propriytors, 4?1 BnoAhWAY, ncr.r Broom street, Ni:w Yop.k. Elr" Treatise, with Ceriilied Tesliuioniala, scut freo. ADAPTED- TO SOLDIERS. Aosisrs Surihary, Friling.t- Orant, " ' Oeorgo Bi'iglit. " Northumberland, R. Ji. jlefov. March . lfio2. ly SI.VTTZII-:1 w A- 'OY, i floi-ji'-Ts nl 5.- r.n. jon Cor. T niton i. and Brondwiiy, NEW YORK. carefully attend to Collections and ut 1 other niattciT intruitsd. to their care. Mi-y 21, lSjS. 'ir:.--iT:.r.y. i?ya'5-.,. 1 111IS larre iniil eoir.tio'iti'ius 11-ifcl. now niana'.'-e I by JA.MES YAMiYKE. i.-:iiioile at the Rail- roii-i I'cpot, .onui.it-t corin.ro! ,inrl:ct .Njuari1, Suubury. Pa.. ul al tin- terminus of the Suubury A. Erie nr.d Xnriheni Cei.tral Railroad", and is opt ii for the aceoiuiiiodutiuu of Travelers ad the public in general. Iho pronriotor Mill ive lii- ovhi-ive attention to the coniiuvt mhI o- i: ,'.'-r.-" of 1 1 if- ;'t:e-ls, nod i rleteriiiii.i-d ! -. :i-. l.i v. i.oni Liucut r.ir.li among the '..-( in iio. S'..i. . His tai lc wi'.l la- . i:i!,!ied v. i.ii thvbii! Iho market can protiiiee. bi,ii, the e.l , -n.ra of daily c-.,u:iiiii-ni'.-ation by .lir.-i-t f,-oiu lboiiinorc. an !il:ofri;in tlu-M brins.-ing p-'--l.i.:o 'Km ihe surroiuiding coimlrv. IBs bar wi'l be -niij-iii-d v. i . Ii the purc.-t liquors tho market ran j roilucc. Cari-ful roi-i i ibli'ng servants always in nttendancf. Nv-iv and coniiuo'tioiiii stabling has just been added to ihe premises. A hire of the local and traveling cnnunuuily is most rt.-pe-il"iiily solieili'i). SuuLuiy, Jaiuuiry IJ. l.-i.il. IiMi-rsiri CioiusI JI-.CiF. T6j s::-l CiiT ViO:'l;: v, (' ')icr l'raf:..'i:i Stmir NKW YORK. rfliriS fir-it clat.- lim,-- tliomo-l ffiict. lioint-'ikf .1. and pii-asan' lioliiin the ci:y uii'iis superior iiid-.li'cli.i'iil to lin.so vi-il in;; .New Vori- lor business or f-'easuif. li i.-, cir; .,'. ;,i 1 in;,, :-il l:-.luii lbs Ei roi'Kam Flax, in cuiine.'i'.ui with Tavi.hh'-i Saloon, v.-bi rc n-fvi.-iiniem.-, can la- b.-ut at .-.'.1 hours, or "i '.il ir. tio-ii o,i a 1..O10". The cbiiri.s itr- mo- j i..)m. 'and nil the lu'oJeru cviiVcutctuicj at'ts.-hcd. -r-tty, iho ru.i.M.-- aial ai I. i;.l,ii,-:e ,.1 the tir.-ior.i j Ma-cl, 20. I- V ALL k.l S'SiEJ I 1 1')T rrtceivtd frohi Xi-- York a lr.re '-.--ortiiii-i.t sjof WAIL PAPER, eoii'iitmc; of Oxk liiNi..r;i. np Sixrv-Tititr.ri lni'i'1 r.i N-i S.-vi i:t. ami P.vr tk r. s. iir.. ing in tii-i"" fruii. 0 d nt up-nni-.. i.M of wliich will be ,-ioId ut the lowest ciih prices, at tl:c .heap :. rv of J. II. ENiEL. Sr.ubcry. Marc!. 22. 1SC2. i'lNUJ.t; A: B.VJf.K SEVIISrO 3vt--VCXlirTE CO-, i.V. I.;;.).VUY,'AY, Ni.W YiiIUC. f.V.r.v -.-'.'i ;r? Ci'ri'i-i' '. i.".'.;, ?.''-j!'s uf lt"u;i,. vill It fittt Xtfil J'rit-. Ol'H ' FAMU.Y M-:vriNii MACHINE,"' II' A YlN'ti at'tiine. a will c-iialiliiie, and ibitlerio f oti-t : - being o'" all nia-'hirv yel ini'o uu'cri. lb,- one I, CM ml apt cd to A I.I. Iv INhs oF I AM II V Si:v.im,, and hnvii'ir trftuith a Vin'coi-s in iis sain In-von 1 mil xri'ii'.. ..I'li.-ioatioii. m". ii.ii.-!i n. tloit l- r three a.'Ttbi i m-l.-r- bavc bun til: ... 1 -!' our ctipa.'ity lo supoiy, v,e M'-i-.M H--W :mi:;.j:;-.;c" that v c loi v ill' i"'.l.---I ur liiniiu':ii-'iii 'ili': I'.. 'ililii'. In tiiiit fii-ill: tli:s tin-.e i,.n!i, wc r!.nil be vliol.l.i lo Sll.i'ly or-!' s i, a .ii-or''!.!. In (to.- cl u-:;i': broil -t,t 'il,o,.t bv !hc vv.i'-. ro rf.o tiiili h i : J '.. ; ', u In, ri- :'. l ;nt ;:.u-t 'Irin tin' ".-y. : i -i Ji ii'inxi:." V, ilia-nt it lhre -f'iuilli uf our -o'.iti'.r vvoulj to-h-v'l.c vcm!h'i1 in iiin tliinj bin : 'Mil, (,,,-y C".--.u. i. '.'.'' .All ou r .ue 1-iti-i army c'.o- tiling h is bitu tin' work reipiii-d . I' our p.i'i '.:- ic j nun rn. lt:)f n.d.Iy h ive I'ti v r' -;-oiiilr-l. .oti" i.l.-nl to make onlv "u n.aiiy g-o-i::. n: -s n- tin ir hai.d- c u!.I nccoii.) li.-i'. (bi-v l.a.i- ei.iM-ii :bc .'i-uir;-- ."1-ii-bine ' i l.i thtii ml. . ' i : i by it b; .V 1' i i i-.'i ot.'. 'lie - li.lii r-' J Coats. P.r tuA SillitTs. at a r.ue n-vni-i.ii i .o j Iiu i .-. !vi -. l.iiov.-imr liiat this Mori; -! I m t lor:; . conlii.iii'. ninny tin.t:,.,,,:'l. prudi lit i:oii.-'-w in-- n,?u e.'Ti'f.tl to M.-!i'.'i tiie Ma,-!,';..:- of all otli. r-. v, i.i. h i twiul I ii., tin b.'..tvv iinav c.ui-b. aii'l '.vb; u doccvii.ll t!'h. t'l. T. lube ll-ld Hi their I'AUIl.Y V.li-IIIM-i. III..I I in K'loe.liig i-iic of ilio i 'Tixkll i Lvox ixc M.k iiim: Coar-WT'J 1-'a:i.v Macium.-.,'' I with iibi.'h you n.iiy i,-ff fri'in the f nc t fi-.inb;-;,? lo llie hij. ii-l i-loih. vi i: hoot i-i i a ngc uf b-'-d, in-t d'.c.i-r tciiiion they have not ... n , -piinte.'. I 'll:u-i h-ivlog .ti-vi'bi.t''l i'io iula. ii.i'lty .-T our : ma. '.it e for nil biiuin i-f n.-i k, we have iniuii-nuu.b. r slep in h.i i ii;.,-e. anil or .-"ViT'il in,.rtanl cliiiivi' in I our "N,i. it Miiiii M .i:im:s.'' ba-.c proili:.-,! a "Pa i l ,.1'ixii M vi in v :." w i.b-h e c i f -!' "'iv ciiiiui to be lie "UL.-T J ..1 1.i.'i: IVi .VIA' 111M."' yu imiu iu.-i ,1, a' ing Ibo c; ; . i iiiit u i! ca.l it'll a um -b i-1 t- a- i', .i.i.iio at ro;..... ,i!. l ivh- n it',iiii i'.l lll.iy !'' lO-i I to do tho V iTV lll'i'-l I'l.l..'. : ic W "I a. w i'ii loo ur 2'i'i coliuii Inn.- coiiihioiii- in i,m -1 hi -' t fain, ev 1 1 v ijiinlii v ri ouii cd in i'iibi-r s lA.ilii.f OK M VM'l'At 11 lll.Nil mai iiim: Me lone bad our .Itindiiui' b. f, ie the pnblie lung ciiuiiili lo r.-tai li-ii ilo-ir j lii.ii.ii' n. iiui. i.s of oilier m h. inrtv-i vi i ; L ll.', ing . , ,lu. "li;i e i'a.li n by tin' till l-iiic ; dud "i h'Ii 1 l.i- J. litem It;, it klu iv li.l lu is ill '",uv tlii'iu lo none ' Sup by sti-p has tlm Fixki.K .V Lvov Mil i.i i: iv.. n i... uuy tu ublis fivor ; ii ucce- i. i..i!i'ili.in.,l. and Im-ii.- toiih our aim hu!l be a. ii bus a ibe pi'-; ' ,.. n i,. -lill lui tl.ir iiniuvc, "ni.l fv and r'uii' i' tlic e.i-j of ui.r ion ilum W e aii.ill. iu s ti n day, ivuu 1:liviIi i list. Fur torilu-r p"iiiruliii n.iuiir.-. 1 IMtl.E A l.inN hl I Ml M.U'lIlNi: "ti.. .v.i .' ; ii,.,, i'..Hy, .v 'v irk I V" ll. II. Ml -xi:!!, Aji'lil. M.libui . 1'u. 1 3lUI'Ut Ull, Ill IM ) , Ul'l'Ullllll'S. Ton!., ,V. 111..NLV i.Jl.l.i.liT, Mai l t-;rtt, i'ji-u-v tht I'vt.rt J! Kit, ii ii ai-.., no Pi a D1;: I'M Fit iu a'.ll.ml if Itui.l. r and Mnufii' IUi tii- lion. Si.-.t, C.'itt bmu. In i.ci, I I'U.li I I i.'l.l. A,'. I l.l..l I , bil.MXO AMI M H lll.UV I'll H. l.ubiicaiins OU- r, ,1., , 1. 1 ,.,, urinj H 11 I , t ' i I . ul niHi-iii . lul, i i ,'i', l i,iill I' i-hkini Mllllisilil, '.$ .- t'latiili.'. .xiub, '.,,.i. i. ai,4 6.niti.j Jis . I.b.i -. Ac M u iii .i.i,' Tkvls, vis - I'Ururs, l uu. -sud li.l l.stl,, BuliCuiuu. Ac . ' -i .4iu bl-i'll ul Bi.M, ti. I l.ctlhrr, .Vi.MsiiHy tn b..d II mi, rim l'i.. f f-..t I'liii.im in, I U.i . i . i li . I i . k I ii .i I 1 1 ... i, I .,1. ( V l ulkiuil SA I U.,4 l to .u. . . hib.1 u. i S U. . ll ilalllabuls' li.lll.' -i MlMut4iM luri ra wl'Ktuu. uir. COVlN f. WU COX UAIUtlhtHIHU, I'jK, riIll. W4 il .!. Ii. 4 I 1 1 1, -I .. ,.11111.1 I S ) .11 lull.) U..I. ii, n... ail,, l)t ..l 1,1 lu.lt aawl kswl SSj 4S IU. I I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers