Ijc unbury amciiran. II. II. MASSEU, Editor rror-rioloi'. M .m i:v, ia. SATl liUAV. IK'TUUKU 4, Isiij. S. M. rETTENOILL ft CO., Ne. .17 Turk How, New York, tint 0 State Strci-t, Hoston. nrc our niti'iit for lho Si sin hv Amriiicax n those cities, nml arc nutlmmril t lake A'lverlise xit'iit" awl Hiibserii.tiniis fur u. nt our lt.nel lutes. C-t" XoN l AYINU Sl liK UIIHCUS. AW' sluill tontinuu to cut off weekly nil Mit-clilcvs 1' lon-jstiitKliniiimil tloul t nil rcsi(n.-ilility, who make mi efl'oit to jmy. It' their pnper is htoppeU tliev w ill know tliii reason. As ArritKNTKK Wasted. A hoy tiljont litteen year of iiffp, desiring to learn the printing business, can hnvc n good clmnec l,v iipilying nt this ofHee iinmediutely. Ono from lowntluit eiinlmnrd himself, irel'ei red. ;-tj"Tli list of losses of the Lycoming JnsunuTcc Company, for the quarter ending September 10, 1302. nmountsto $JS.'"!il 52. The losses vnry from n few dollars up to $").(H)l). Tho latter figure U, wc think, too high for country eomjiaiiies. , . 4-- -.' The President's Proclamation au thorizing the arrest and trial of offenders nu'ainst the Government, by Martial Law, will, we trust, have a good effect on seces sion sympathizers. . m ;:r'iusiiiess at New York is reported as uinwually brisk at the present time. 1-43 Moub Ilodi s Monky. A new coun terfeit :fJ note on the Delaware county bank. ; i:.'"Mr.i:( ii ant Tailoii. Our enterprising friend J. O. Ueek advertises a new stock of well selected goods for mens' wearing ap parel, which lie lias just received from Phil adelphia, and expects those w ho w ant a good and cheap suit to give him a call. l i ('orrepondcnts from the army should be brief and cotiline themselves to facts, in cidents and anecdote. Speculations on the war should be posponcd for the present. Our best correspondents seem to understand this, and act accordingly. J-rf;'"A horrible accident occurred on the Cumberland Valley Pailroid, about two miles from Ilarrisbiirg, on Friday morning, li-siiltin- in the killing of 10 or 12 men, and wounding oil or M others. An engine had been carelessly left standing on the track, and a train containing the 2dth liegimeiit Penn.-yivani.i .Militia, returning from G roe n-ca-tle. came in rnlli-ioii with it, with terri ble force, dcrtiolMiing n number of the cars and killin .unl maiming a large number of . the inmates. The killed and injured were c'.iielly from Philadelphia and Heading. 1' A 11 TV AND PAliTY CANDIDATES, lion, .lames T. Hale, of Centre county, ha veil Ins assent to Heroine me nine- . . i.. i pendent Ilium candidate for Congress, in the ili-:rict composed of the counties of Lycoming, Centre. Clinton, Tioga and Pot ter, ia opposition to William 11. Armstrong, Ksip. of Willianir-port, who has been nomi nated by the Kepublican-. A large meeting was held at Jersey Shore, i:i which ! Ion. .lames thimble, our former member of Congrcs, and other leading Democrats as well as Hepilblicans, took part, .bulge Gamble, as chairman of the committee, offered the following resolutions, which show what leading Democrats in l.vcoming county think of party leaders and party nominations, in times like these: ,v..'c.'. That it is not only inexpedient, but liauglit with imminent danger to that unit of council and unity of action so vital to our safety and siieee lent nam prejudice -J that men ol Mo uld be elected to Congress, and that parly nominations miouui be for the present abandoned. ;,.,:,,-,, I, 'I'll it the Constitution . it is, mil the restoration of the I'uion as it was. s the only political platform which should ie tolerated until our government is re stablishcd and its sovereignty restored. .... . That wc, the sovereign people. .ithout the distinction of party, united for ne common piirpo-e, and lasting In hind is all party ties for the lime being, hereby iniii'mite "the 1 Ion. .1 A M I'.S T. II A t IIS all ndepeiideiit I'liioii candidate for Congress, nd claim his sci vices as due to the country, lue to the district, and due to lis. Judge Hale, ill his letter of acceptance, oiidetns party measures and party iiouiina ions. and pnmcd- to say : "I am iut'onm d, and believe, that the leeting Wti- coi.ipo.-cd of men of alt politi al panics, whose object was to unite the lyal and patriotic, men of the. District in he support of a candidate having Ihcircon- leiice, without any party nomination what M fc In this object 1 entirely agree, and incur fully in the assertion made by the leeting, that in the present condition of our iinitiv, party nominations should be for ic time abandoned. -With these views, and concurring also i the sentiments expressed in your pro cdings, 1 yield to your request to be a indidate for" re-elect ion to Congress, and if ci ted will endeavor to serve you faithfully. 1 have not arrived ut this conclusion ithout the advice of friends, in whose idgnieiil and patrioliMii 1 have the luo.it Hire confidence"' What will the P.rcckinridgcrs of this unty say to this condemnation of partisan olities by the leading Democrats of our igliboring county i Why did they not ke up a conservative man i Simply be .use tho Uiei kinridge Hympathizeis in this unity are office hunters, with scarcely a ngle exception. They have combined and anaged to effect the nomination of men ' their own strip.', for all the olliccs, and icn coolly call on the Douglas Democrats, e only true Democrats, to elect them. hey wanted a man of their own tribe as n .ndidate for Cougics.s, and thmfi.re selec .1 William 11. Miller, a full blooded rcekiiiridger, for that piirpo.se. Those w ho ok upon party, in preference to patriotism id the country, will, of course, vote the irty ticket. Patriots and good citiens l till parties, who prefer the good of the unit ry, (!t tiuite on the I'nion ticket, not , partisans but as I'n'nui men and patriots. GrNKit M. lbu stony The Houston (Texas) ;i,,,nifli, of the 3d inst., mvs ; The u stioii whether Sam Houston is nlive is dint ing the press both of the I'niled States id I he'Con federate States. We answer it. i i., alive and comparatively well, residing i.i.-, place ou Cedar Point, n few nuh 011ltli:icitv. niii.ntJNor im:a i:. Ve have n very strong comietioii that the Conl'encrate lender will not allow the 1st of January to approach without very earnest efforts, though they may be underhand, to stop this desolating civil war which they so recklessly inaugurated under the gravest misconceptions of the military resources and tenacity of purpose of the loyal States. Hangman Poote's recent proposition in the Hcbel Congress of an Kmbassy to Washing ton will probably be overruled, but the effort which it comteliiplatcs will nevertheless be made. The resources of the Kebels, consist ing mainly of boundless issues of paper pro mises backed by no system of taxation, are not easily exhausted; but they have no clothing for n Winter campaign, having ex hausted that w hich they jmiighton credit of our Northern merchants in lftiO, and swin dled them out of tho pay for, and their British friends have learned by sail experi ence that smuggling valuable cargoes into blockaded ports at a heavy risk, only to sell them to people who can't pay for them, is extra-hazardous. In short, the l'ebellion don't pay, ami it will have to be given tip. There must, then, be an accommodation, and, that fact, established, it seems to us very easy to settle the terms. The obvious base of an adjustment is lnirtititivn of the Stutr iritlnmt note or cvmiiirnt. That is, at the very lowest estimate, atreaty ; but call it compact, alliance, or w hat you w ill, il is a valid and bindmgeontract. Our fathers made it freely and heartily, and it cannot degrade their sons to reatliini and abide by it. If we repudiate that, what assurancccan be given or trusted that any new bargain can be lived up to ? Whenever the Itebels really desire peace as we think they very soon'wi',1 if they do not already they have but to notify ' the Government that they are ready to return to loyalty, and to that end have abrogated all ordinances, acts, and oaths of allegiance in consistent therewith. President Lincoln would thereupon feci warranted, we doubt not. in issuing a Proclamation of Amnesty, inviting the States lately in rebellion to select Members of Congress as if no rebellion had existed. The Kebels would need no further assurance of immunity ; their friends of the Yalhindigham persuasion would guarante; them a practical ascendency in the House, if not in the Senate also, and thus shield them from all serious harm. And. if t'uey should choose to have a Convention to re vise the Federal Constitution, we have no doubt that this would be easy of attainment though we would prefer to have no stipula tions on the subject. They might have had one without objection in 1SU1 ; they can have one w ithout stipulation in tsii:!. lint the true ami sufficient basis of immediate peace is "The Constitution as it is.' Man can devise no better. AVc Ymk Tritium. Ct rrixii Tin: ;n;i)i.N Knot. The Pres ident's proclamation sweeps away hosts of ditlieulties which have encumbered our movements at every step in this war. it puts us right before Kurope: it brings us back to our traditions ; it animates our sol diers w ith the same spirit w hich led their forefathers to victory under Washington; thev are tight inirto-dav. as the revolutionary I patriots fought, in the interests of the human race, for human rights, and again.-t oppres sion and oppressors ol all kind: It draws. too, a strict Jim: between rebels and loyal men. Among the captures made by the rebel Jackson at Harper's Ferry, the Kich mond journals cxultingly announce two thousand negroes. These poor creaturesare plainly counted among the spoils of war; thev will, like others of their brcthcrn.be nun ioi nil' ii - r hi i in r in us : .le iersini ... .1. l ,.... 1 1 . . . i ..... i i . 1 1 . i 1 . . i'iis .urn in,- iuig oi i 'nut inn-v ;u i anivc in this matter, lint when we capluiv negroes they are free, and the President publicly recognises and maintains the freedom of such persons. The lovers of liberty in Lurope w ill understand the difference. In a military view, the proclamation, it will be seen, affects most seriously thccotloii states, or those parts of these slates where this infamous and causeless rebellion was hatched, and fed, and nurtured into strength A providential retribution threatens these conspirators against the Union. They plot ted against liberty, and by liberty they will now perish. No loyal man but w ill rejoice to see the war carried into the cotron slates. to the doors of those w ho began it. Thousands of southern men, even, w ill hail with glad ness, tlie prospect that South Carolina and her treasonable sisters w ill also suffer ; and the country, w hieh has had already such splendid examples of vigor, skill and irre sistible courage of our glorious navy, will not doubt that the new work which lies be fore it for the fall and w inter, w hile the rivers are high, w ill be thoroughly performed.- A', ir Y"i k AV i W, An Old Dkmockat on tut. Pkoci.ama tiox. The following note from General Ihisteetl appears in the Tribune : hless A I mini in l.iliL'.lu ! ( Ti limit Ivli litriiil. rcpli-inlicr .'i. iNii. "Amen, with all my heart. 'And let all thi' people say amen,' w hile humanity and religion take up the invocation and join in the supplicated good. God bless (lie Tri bune, too, for its persistent and fearless denunciation of the monstrous wrong which has sapped the vitality and virtue of the nation. Slavery is dead, and the republic lives! Lives anew life, graduated by the principles of God's eternal justice. The footfalls of advancing Freedom throw their echoes upon the gladdened cars of liberty loving men, and soon the imprints of her mighty trctd will be diseernable over and upon the prostrate and mortal remains of the haughty but doomed slave power. The American Kcpuhlic henceforward in fact and in name. 'God bless Abraham Lin coln '.' "Yours for liberty, Ktrn w:n 1!i sti:i:ii "New York, September 'Jit. lsiiJ."' i-Sf" ' he follow ing is the order dischar ging the First l!i igaiie Pennsylvania Mili tia : 11k VD-qrunrns An my ofPknnsyi.vani . Caamiikiisiu iio, Sept. 2"ith, luti'.;. -Special Orders No. 8. 1. Colonel McCoriuiek, having performed the duties assigned him at Grccncasllc, is relieved from duty with the Pennsylvania Militia, ami will report to Governor Curt in, at Hai i isbiirg, for orders. In discharging the militia, under orders from the Governor of Pennsylvania, it gives the Commanding General great pleasure to acknowledge the services of Col. McCor tnick's Ilrigade (First, Third and Fourth Regiments) while at Jlagcrstown, Maryland, ns well as to return hi thanks personally to Colonel McCoriuiek for his unwearied exer tions in carrying out his orders, and the invaluable assistance rendered by him on till occasions w hen called upon. liy order o JJrigadicr-Geni nil Ui-.y.noi.us. C. KiNosm itv, A. A. G. Fatm, Acciiiknt. About half pat six o'clock on Thursday evening a terrible ac cident occurred on the P. 11. 15. at the first bridge cast of Parksbnrg. The train was going cast, conveying returning militia, from West Cluster and vicinity. Some of tho soldiers, in violation of t,tii,-t rules of the Company, managed to gel on the too of the cars, and three ofthem paid the peualt vof their rashness by being knocked off by the bridge two were instiintlv killed, and a third so seriously injured that the recovery is barely possible. lliniJiuig VViyviyi. Gol. in S Wi!lits, "The time has come w hell all jealousies, nil divisions, all personal aims and a piiutions should be bam.died, so that united we may all . t.ind by the luhju ty ol the Republic. " -.'iin'j'j Ci... 'I'lie Pi-cm on I lie IVo taiiinl Ion ol" tlie l'l-cidelil. In order to show how the President's emancipation proclamation is received in different purls of the country, we make the following extracts from our exchanges ; (From the Allmny Kvcninx Jiniriuil Wc have reached the last stage in the pro gress of rebellion 1 The President in obe dience to tin act of Congress, litis, so far as states, or portions of states, or masters, shall, on the lirst day of January, ltU:i, stand out in rebellion against the government, pro claimed the freedom of slaves ! This is the most solemn and momentous declaration the world ever witnessed. If we have the power to carry it into effect, this declaration dis enthrals and enfranchises million of human beings now held in bondage. Of the riahtfulness and righteousness of this proclamation we have no doubt or sha llow of doubt. Slavery is the cause of a rebellion which has cost us millions of treasure and hecatombs of lives. This re bellion against a government which pro tected and cherished alike the rights tiud interests of all the states has neither justili c at ion nor excuse. The forfeiture of slaves will be a light penalty for so great a crime. The tone and temper of the proclamation is culm and dignified. Time is given for reflection. Though we have slight hope that the reason will resume sway over the southern mind, the day which should wit ness their return to duty and obedience would be the brightest and liappic.-t in our national calendar. l'nim tliu TJiutnii Ttrunscript The effect of the proclamation on the re bellious states it may be difficult to foresee. In Kurope it will immensely benefit our cause. England and Fram e w ill hesitate to intervene, when intervention would plainly be to their influence in favor of slavery. The proclamation must be regarded simply tis a w ar measure. Whatever discussions it may at lirst provoke nt the North, it will, we think, finally be considered as a measure which could not safely have been longer postponed. Friiii Hie New Ibivin l'ulla'liiim A proclamation by Abraham Lincoln. President of the I'uited Slates, striking di rectly at slavery, the cause of the present rebellion, is the grand event of the age. It w ill be hailed by the loyal people of this country with joy to which words can give no expression. It places our nation fairly on the side of right. It makes freedom hence forth our policy. It takes from our cause the support of those only who love despo tism, and brings to our standard the sym pathy of nil Christendom, and the enthusi asm of men who desiro to tight for a principle. Hut the President is not so impulsive. With great long suffering and the forcbea ranee he still holds out to the rebels a day of probation, lie oilers them three months in which to return to their allegiance. If they refuse, upon their own heads will be their ruin. The executive government of the I'nitcd States is hence forth pledged to maintain and defend the freedom of every individual slave in the re bellious states. And it w ill do it ; for the great cause goes marching on. It is a cause "which never yet went backward."' In its support we shall triumph, for the God of Justice is on our side. Surgeon-General Hammond has return ed from the batlln-tield of Antietain Creek, lie thinks the w hole number of I'nion killed w ill be w ilhiu 1,2011. and, judging from a careful in-pection of lists of casualties and hospitals, he est i mates the w otinded at about li.ontl. Ma.j. Davis. Assistant Inspector-General, says tiiat he himself had caused to be buried :'..tl!in Hcbel-. left on the field by their comrades. From this, he concludes that their wounded must have reached lully 10. (I0U. All our ow n dead are buried, and all the wounded brought awav. Seven sland- U'ds. and 20.IMMI to :ti,oo(l stands of small inns fell into our hands. m ADVl-KTISKMI'VrS. I'.i.M'v rn:s! 1'AX'V I I ii JOHN 1- A l; lilt; Ni. 71S Anil Sln i t. I.e. luw i-;iiiih. Miiuii si. te. l'llll. Al'l.l.l'lll A Iin'orii'r iitel M.-inn- fli Hirer i.f. ulul enh-r in till kiml- nt" l-'alK-y l-'urs. ter l.inlii'K' ulul r I'llit'lri-n's wear. I ili-sir' l.t s.-y l'i lay 1 1 1 ii ii-l.- i.f .Snnliiirv uli-l 5y?llie .-lllTttlllhllll C'Utl- lies tleit I lmvu linw in -lure. Ill' til' llle hirire-t - .-7. ,i-r ' ""'i ""--i I'tiiutit'ui -i;- .-.trtiiiiie- nf m 1 1 kin-Is im.t iiiiilitii-s of 1'iiitey Kars. l.iiilie- nut Chili Irons Wear, tkiit will In' wmu ilur- injr this l-'iill I Winter. .ly l-'iu were .iir-)n,--l in Knrnpi'. j-rcvinn-' In the ri-e in Mterlih Kx.-hjiiiiie. tilxl llu New Puty liiiHi..cilun nil furs'. liniilej .-.inee III.- tir.-t nf Au- I wi.llM also chite. Hint lis tnv rlnek lasts. I will utter il lit prices i ! . ... .i t eoeil tn wlml tin1 ii".ls ci st me ; hat. it will ho iniis.-ilili. t'.r int- l lniHit itiel Miinutiietitrr nny iimri' l-'urs. un-l sell Iheni at the .-:inii' p iees. w in to the un-eltUit .-lute ut' llic titl'aiis i.f tin- Ci.nntry. ' J ItciiiciiiluT the inline, iiiiinl.er met street ,oX I'Altl-IHA. TIS Areh .street, l'liiluik-leliia. S-i'tenihcr l'i. MiJ. :.m vim iiti.i: l'.titn roit sai.i:: rplli: sill..--liher.- elier l'..r siite ll tine True! el billet. 1 ill l'.iint lnii-lii. N.irilininl'crhiiiil eniiniy. IV, ..irt it w hieh is i lciireil. It iliv i.leil.il will nmke Iwm.xiiI size.l l.irins. There lire ii-.n il n I stinie ilwelliii In. use. ii l.i); ilwellini; hmisi' nnl other i, nil. nil. line, ii m.w bunk llniii, t ikmI A j.li' Or elmrils. unit ether t'rnil-trees There is ii k..ik1 si-lii ..r n Snw-Mitl iim it. n saw. mill wh'nli iliil n u"nhI hii-imsi lately lairnul ihtwn UtMii ihe I'l-emUcs. Api'lv s In (iKIIItlTl-: 'i IN It All. I'i-.er Aii-.Mi-la tnwii.-hiii. Or ClI Altl.KS A.SAMS, J-unlmry, I'll. .Inlv In. IsiiJ. lliirlt lire, .Macliiiin-.v, .f IccIiciiiicn 'I'iki!, A.c. llbNUY (ill.lJKKT, MiUil Flint, Oj'iiiiMti- the Cumt Iftmn; 11 A it it is m 'ltd, l'.l , hKAl.bl; in nil kin. Is nf liiiililris mi. I Mnuufiie lurer.s' llnrilwiire, Irmi, Sleel. Ceil Chain. i;e.es I'lilley lilneks, Af. t.iNseen, lh i;mnu asii M leiiisiiisv Ou.s. The l.uliiii'iitini: Oils lire inhiteil In every Miiiety nf Aludiiiicry- Alsn. Hi uiniuifiicluiei I'lici-s, Voini Wi.lihisi: Mai iiixKitr, vii : I'lniiinj;, Pn.-h, Mi.rti. ing nml tfunin Jla-ehiiK-s, Ac. Machinist:' T""i s, vii : l'luners, l'.ninc mnl llinnl l.iilhes, ltnlt Cullers, e., Mneliiiio Helling, ol Kubln i ami benlher, ciislHiitly on hiiinl. Herring' I'iro Prnnf Snfm. rinlfnrm Scutes, Till rtnte. Sheet Irnii, ItliM-kTin mnl Triinuiers' '1'imiIh. l'nrclne-ii will tinJ it tu llieir inlcrcst to givo u.- n chII. liuriislmr),', M:irch W. lsr,2. i itn. noi l.i. i ic sti.i:. IMIIS Melt kiinwii lintel, iN-atei in Sunliury. ut the iuneliuii i.f llu Niiruieni Cenlrnl with the Sunliu ry mnl Krie Kiiilriimls, is nfli-reil ut jninitn mile. J erius ni raiv win in. inline ,-ii-j . ut luiiuti lu fnriuiilinii. t'iHiiiro ut thU utliuv. AukusI 2, l.s02. SI I AUKS. A miv fino nml i-hemi iissnrliuenl. just receive! hv liiiilrml 1'reiu New Vmk. Hi lho Mauiiuuiti SU.re of 1'iilini .V lirtiul. We Imve iilsn Inj ulu S. S. I'mimm A Co. celeUu te.l l'nlelil r'injululil I'nrliiiii 1 lilmei. Sunliury, Mulch 2U, lsi52. Aliiiiiii.i'itloi'a Collet'. N OTICK is hereliy giveii Unit letlem nf leliiiinii tiMlinii luo iii'4 been runleil In Ihu t-ultM-rilK-r, on the e.-liite nl dlicrt Tiirnurlh, lulu of Shuiimkiii towii.-hin. Nnrltiuiubei-hiuil county, luoonricl. All .ciioiiii iinlelileil are ri-.jiici.tc. I to limku iuiiueiliulu . lyiiK-nl. ami iIiomi liuvu.'j cluiuio to nieseut Ihcui .ellllUILUt. ISAAC TITSWoliTll. AUm'r . l..::ii..l.'U , AllSHil ISO.' lil ,mvi:-! i'in:i' in iito BROOM. Till-' 'iitfrilirr linvini? 'iireliiiveil (lie IlijrM fer Nurlhnnilierliiml cennty. iiW l'ir rtilu I Ml 1 I'l Ah nnil TOWNHIIIr ItlllllT.'s. Thi llrmini Is imexet'tlent nnil ilnriihlu nrtieln ninl pi e.-i-ily een slriieleil Hint n i-hilil enn rut it tnucthor. 1 he entile nvl nt tho Uruoin, umtcriul nnj all, Mill nut rxecvil Bt.X eentri. 1 he llilit Rml inneliliiory fur tlio milking, costf ft 2.i, fur mi tnitivi'lunl lti'lit. Tnwnshii Itilils w ill In-si. t nt lho wrt rennunl.te rates. Apply nt I'l.sllbl! S linn; Slure. or to '11IU.M A.S Mellow. July 2(1, 102. "mo. Hunlnuy, l'a. iticAiiv iioi sr.. Vitniir of Flttfc unit Tiii'if .v-f, II A II II 1 s; tl t till. rpIIIS HOl'SK. In roiifie"in iee nf lis pnnvenieni'e nil.l lienr liK'.-itintt In the Cti.il..l. tin.- nnlile il ll ilesirnlik. ftn'ili!5 .l:iee. lint iinly I'M- these h!iill' Im-iiiess nt the seal tit' Ilex eiuiuent, hut tnij nlliers visiriiiir Ihirri-l'iir. Mnii-ii 2ti, mi. noo.ooo von vi r.i:i:w h m i:i hi citi sh Tin: Ki:iti:i.i.i'. ! 1 1111". finueiiunitieri-'f perin nro nt.-n wnnteil tn we:ir Hie liimi.s im.l Miiir.s. n.iw lieinu nninii- tiietiireil. hy the suliseriher. nt Hie latest s!yleK nml liesl nt' unit emit, llioiin; ti laririi slm-k nt nnileriMl. he w ill lnnki' u tnnrilei- in tlie het wurkneiiilike miiiincr. nil kinds nt' (clitic iiicii'm ItoolM iiikI Slioc-s, I.ikHcm Shoes iiikI 'iiilci-s, 4 liiUlrciiN Shoes. A '.. ., At ftinrt nnliee. Ihoini; .ievi'nil yenrs' rxierietiee lie fiM'lj eiinliileut nt civinj? Kenernlly sal i -l.i. t i-m tu till who uniy ive liiui a cull. All wnrk must he ! t ler lu fere leaving the slinji when six t'l'rcent will In ileilueteil nlT. C.-ill nt his Shni lii-ni ly inMite the Ci.nrl llmi-e. in Mnrket Siiuure. nml ii.-i'erinin his lew nriees umt exiiniine his stuck tiut'nrc t"uri;lni-,inir elsewiiere. .mux vn.vi:u. Sunliury. Ainrusttl. l.sr.2. Inn I. umbel' ! I.uilllx'1-! rilll. II" SHAY. .Muney.1.ye..inin;;e..iii.ty. l'a , INI'olt.MS hi tiiiiuls nml the euUic in trener:il. Unit lie ei.nslnnlly keeisnn li.-ni'l le.ni-.l'.SIiiiiL'li s. l.nlh. .I.'i-I-. nml nil kimls nf l.uinlier iiml Imil lin lniileri.ils. which he will sell ill the li.we.-t inu-es. Mureh ::n. I siil. NOW OPEN. MAMMOTH furniturl: ware HOUSE. -Illl A SI I Iic.imiI Slrt't'l, 1'liiPa. ib.iti -l.l'.VY A CM S Pry i;..,..l Sinn-) ;i:o. .1. uiiMii i s, l'eriiurly Wnlnut Street. riiila.l. lj liia Aii-u-t n siij .'Ini JUST RECEIVED ! ! J". H. EKTGEL 11 1.- jn-t retllllie.l tVeln 1 ! i i I i 1 1 1 1 1 i :i Willi .1 r v 01" Spring & Summer Goods. I'or Iciis lliur, Chilli. Cn.--iinere, Ye-tin'. Iialinn Cleth. Cn.itin. l.inen Cheek nml Cnttunn-h. I.ii.ui I.:il!c- Weill. A Inr.'c ii'-.-.trtinint i.f lrcs l-'.-iin-y Silk.-. Silk Ti-sues, l-'.mey nil W . .1 Ileliine. Nt ' .SMllit iiilli- ti. Silk l.evelhi. lil:ines. l.nwn- b..b. jlil.-i.k nn.l lleln -e.-, Sli.illey. u.ls nt h-n ink-is-liini;leini- mi.l I'lints. A full line el lii.-h l.inen nml White ti 1 . Sielln Ihiiiler un-l r.-iney Suiniuir Shawl.-. Silk ant l.;uu .Maiililln.-, Ae. lten ly Minle l l.itliii', A jihi.1 ii-,nrliiieiit nf ll.it.- met (".!--. A Inre ll.--nrtllll'llt nf len..ts lllel Sli.n A lull .-(nek nf liruceries. Mela.-ses nml Siijr ir. Ihir.lwnre mi.l lSiiil'tiu; Mnteii.il, A full .-l"ik nf (iieen nn.l (ihis-wnre. A full .-tnck nf l'i. ll. Salt, "its un l W hite Len t. A l:n '.ne tne Is i.f New Wall I'liper, A uew stiK-k nl St. .tie mnl lairllunware. An-l lie. ii.-. itn 1.- nf ii i lieK-.i lint ciaiujcrntcl. f All the nl.e will In- .-..I I eheiiii fm Ca Ii nr Cnuiitry l'luihiee. J. 11. l'.N'iil'I.. Suiilnirv. May 17, lsi'2 i m i i:. ! i:i.i:;iYr i titns now i.s tih;ti.mi:'h i ii.i. ."lit .m.hi'.ms. i IN eiin-eilUeliee nf llie se.ireilv nf ehatiL'... I will sell inv eh-iuiit i KNiuinAru'cAhid: jiii visni; 1'i.iKTIlAlTS. Sixteen I'or One lollai'. Sent l.y 11111 il lV-stne .ni.. These enriles nri) best Mitili-lieil nml lire icrniii- tiellt. Thev euitnTiee nil the riiniiiil tleneral.- nf Ihe Allnv. Wcsi.lenl. Cnl.inet. A e. Also two of the I "reiilesi illiuib unhung -IKl-'F ami lit.Vl Ulal A1U. filial, iues sent on n 1 1 . t i L .1 1 i . .1 1 . SainnlL' enniei rent oil reeeijit of Ten Cents. .HHlX MAI STY. 72S Suii.-oui Si., l'hiluih lehiu. Si .tetnl.er (I. IStiJ. GROCERY & TROVISION STORE .lai-Kcl Suarc, Simhiii-.i , l'a. JOHN GOOD, DKAl.lUt in nil kimlsof liltoi'KltlKS. r--etliil-ly inli.rnis Ihe eitiein. nf Sunluiry ami ieinii v. Unit he cniisinnllv keein.n linn. I 11 lnrnu nssnrtineiit ol" tilt! best of ull'khuls of lilt 0C Kit IKS. sueh u Teas. Soup. l'rieil l'ruil, Cotlee, Cnmlhii, Ciiuiie.l tin. Siiiir, Toliueeu, l'runes, Itiee, Senrs, S.iees, Syrii.s, Nia, v oiiieeiioiuiries, t.ilii.sse, Suit, Sllllvh, 1- l.ol'lt. MKAT."FISU, nml in ruct nerj lUing in tho tirueery lino. X.IC3XJORS Of the best iiunlilv ut Wholesale ami ltetnil. ennsi-'t-ing ut llrnuily, liin, Wines, l'il Islnirli Whiskey, ami liniiirrlie l.iijimr (reiiemlly. to whieh ho in ilea ihu jiublie to test betel 0 i.ureliu:nj elsewhere. Cull uuU ece iny flock. No cUurgeu f..r slmwiin;. JOHN liOOli. Sunbury, Juno 1 1, 1S('.2. .Muiiiil.M'lut-ci'M ol'Slone 'V11rf, COWDEN & WILCOX, IIAKRISBUBQ, PA. rplIK Sli.nc Ware now 11111.I0 at tliu fslublishun iit I is iiiiuil to any umde in Ihis eouutry. lAeiyia-rn-iy of urlielo uauiilly unnto, uluuy-j ou burnt, llurrubury, May 3, 12. 11 LANK (Vureliuieiit Viijier ) I'ee.ls ami Hank i.Mnrlne.-, Howl-'. K.veeuiii.u.-, Summon.-, Ac :m .ulo ul Ike iIIki; o tU tuutuiy Aiuiaicui. ' MAYORS OF THE Great Cities. Wo, tho undersifrneci Mayors, horoby cor- tilV thnt tho Umi.t. i. 1 Fhyaicians of oup icvornl citios hnvo niRnod a document of as.iuranco to us that AYUH'3 SAHSAPAUILLA. hns boon found to bo a remedy of groat exoellonoo, and worthy the contidonco of the community. H0IT. JAME3 COOK, Mayor of LOWELL, IIA39. now. albin beard, Mayor of NASHUA, N. n. HON. E. W. ITAIIIIINGTON, Mayor of MANCHESTER, N. II. HON. JOHN ABBOTT, Mayor of CONCOHD, N. H. noN. A. n. BULLOCK, Mayor of WORCESTER, MA33. HON. NATII'L SILSBEE, Mayor of SALEM, MASS. HON. F. W. LINCOLN, Jr., Mayor of B03TOH, MASS. HON. WM. M. RODMAN, Mayor of PROVIDENCE, It. I. HON. AMOS W. PRENTICE, Mayor of KORWICII, CONX HON. J. N. II ARRIS, Mayor of NEW LONDON, CONN. HON. CHAS. S. RODIER, Mayor of MONTREAL, C. E. HON. D. P. TIEMANN, Mayor of NEW YORK CITS'. HON. n. M. KINSTREY, Mayor of HAMILTON, C. W. HON. ADAM WILSON, Mayor of TORONTO, C. W. HON. R. M. BISHOP, Mayor of CINCINNATI, OHIO. HON. I. II. CRAWFORD, Mayor of LOUISVILLE, KY. HON. JOHN SLOAN, Mayor of LYONS, IOWA. HON. JAMES McFEETERS, Mayor of BOWMANVILLE, C. W. HON. JAMES W. NORTH, Mayor of AUQUSTA, ME. nON. HENRY COOPER, Jr., Mayor of HALLOWELL, ME. HON. JAMES S. BEEK, Mayor of FRED ERICTON, N. B. HON. WILLARD NYE, Mayor of NEW BEDFORD, MASS. HON. J. BLAISDELL, Mayor of FALL RIVER, MASS. HON. W. H. CRANSTON, Mayor of NEWPORT, R. I. HON. FRED STAIIL, Mayor of GALENA, ILL. HON. JOnN nODGDEN, Mayor of DUBUQUE, IOWA. nON. THOMAS CRUTCnFIELD, Mayor of CHATTANOOGA, TENN. HON. ROBERT BLAIR, Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. nON. R. D. BATJGn, Mayor of MEMPHIS, TENN. HON. GERARD STITH, Mayor of NEW ORLBAN3, LA. nON. n. D. SCRANTON, Mayor of ROCHESTER, N. Y. HON. DE WITT C. GROVE, Mayor of UTICA, N. Y. HON. GEO. WILSON, Mayor of PITTSBURG, PA. HON. C. H. BUHL, Mayor of DETROIT, MICH. HON. nEMAN L. PAGE, Mayor of MILWAUKEE, WIS. HON. W. W. VAUGIIN, " Mayor of RACINE, WIS. HON. A. FARR, Mayor of KENOSHA, WIS. HON. JOHN C. nAINES, Mayor of CHICAGO, ILL. HON. M. J. A. HEATH, Mayor of SELMA, ALA. HON. A. J. NOBLE, Mayor of MONTGOMERY, ALA. HON. W. S. HOLYBAD, Mayor or COLUMBUS, CA. DON ESPARTERO MANUEL, Mayor of VERA CRUZ. DON PIETRE DE CABALLO, Mayor of MEXICO. DON ESTEPIIANIE RODRIGUES, Mayor of HAVANA. DON ANTONIO ECIIEVERA, Mayor of LIMA, PZRU. DON M. G. MILANGNO, Mayor of VALPARAISO, CHILI. DON MARO SESQUirEDALIA, i Mayor of BIO JANEIRO, BRAZIL. Cortify that tho roaidont Druggists hnvo assured them Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is an excellent remedy, and worthy tLo con fidence of tho community. For Siuliig DUrasts. For Purifying the Illooit. For Scrofula or ICIng's Evil. For Tumors, Vlcris, nnd S-'orci. For F.ruiitlou auit Plmiiles. For Blotches, Ulnlns, and llollu. For St. Authonj 'a Fire, Itoac, or ITry For Tetter or Suit Itheum. bliului. For Scald Head and Ilingworm. For Cancer and Cancerous Sores. For Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, and Humors. For Female DUcases. For Suppression and Irregularity. For Syphilis or Venereal Diseases. For Liver Complaints. For Diseases of the Heart. The Mayors of the chief cities of tho Uni ted States, Canadas, and British Provinces, Chili, Peru, Brazil, Mexico, and in fact al most all the cities on this continont, hare signed this document, to assure thoir people what remedies they may use with safety and confidence. But our space will only admit portion of them. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Ayer's Pills, ami Ayer's Ague- Curo, J lll.l'.Vl-.l l) uv Dr. J. C. Ay or A Co., LOWELL, MASS., Anil suit! ty Pruirgiits every where. Mil ty 1'iiling A lirunl, mi l It. A. l'i-her. iu Hunbury, Ir. It. II. McCny. Nt'i'lliiiinl.eiininl J. 1'. t'lL-ltiW, Ulltl C. Hrnwn. MiltuU. J. I'liriMiiun, TuituU ille. Ilerll 4 Co.. Ml Cnlinel. ri. lierKKlriMiu'r. Elynhuiij. Wiest. Miiliimi.y. Weaver X McU illinui.--, rn.in.v, And litnle EveryttUeic .u'i.t2 UC-J - ly rillLIMJ & (I HAN'T ,,..,. , .. v. ,,,. -M:i HAl'I'V '!' AN Not Nil. J HAT '1III.Y A II K N'oW l;K(.'i;l l.MI AN l.N'JlUi: New Stock of Goods!! man v or wiiii'ii Ai;i: REDUCED IN PIUC: uii'l ul 1 ti-.ii, Ii 1 ii-..iiiiie; i-e.-u: In-liil t!i:it ll.:!V ili-tllee tilt' DRY GOOD nro iii.ein." yet a .-h:;-le vi: il t i tin.t "attraviiw THE M Ml HOT H, will ceinin-.e nny ciin.li.l in.in or wuin.-ni tlmt. l-e tlie r l-'it 11- i: ii::iy. yet llv l-r- i-j'.-t ..f t!i.,! -ii...jtt. lien ' I111 ve the f.n-ililie- t-. f fain" -hinir CHEAPER GOODS whi. ll ill" wh" l.iiy nn.l .-e!l ii-.I. n. el eji.n..t 11 le i;,: Cie.li'. U'JJ Ki:i:V UVlJIiYTIflNd, and ii;ti:i:.v.ini.j. t, SELL C II 13 A P EE. rti.i.x t'.t.v i;e rrucn.v r.D 1:7;.;. IT.lEIN'i A if KANT -'niihurv. M.iv 17. .-m2. HOW TO PROMOTE HAPPINESS. DOMESTIC .- iii Mr?. Smith t,. .Mr-, ltn.v.r.. .1- ti.. ivi r-- v.alhi-i li.r.Hl.th the town. ;t re y-ai .I.. - nr!e ;; in.' ' '1 Ii t il- y- n i e in. ;., neat jin-l tine, 'i in t w In n I -et- i:. r, a y niiae I la- i clan- - I ia n:-e y air l.n.-l'.in t. Mr.-1, llr.avn N-.n tl.tii't I--- at "i v. i -.u; aa I ir.-w n 1 . 1 .... :i Ii :,-'n.:i.e. Ai l t t y -u t .n a!., i I I ii V Jt.-a itti.-e a nnali. "l' n, -ra :l.::u I. Alal h.-'.v. I e..l,n...l tlit il.e. S ivs Air.-:, llr.avn In Mr- Smith : - i In- r. a'.n mi 11 !.-. sfartU-'l t i:h, It - illll ie. elear -a laiv ni. il. lit. 1 l a- e:. ll. 1 la:v lufa'-'iii '. ll iaiy l.-.:-l:, 1 eheai . while yi'.t ay iltar. 11 lain-ir vuii vvai a n -Ire - -r h tv I. A e ill. a-. In --, i r what-li.-t. e ul ,t the I 1 1 ' -a ' M VWt.illl r-.i'i:. 'I Ie y il .-t !l y n ,1- .- . very hay 'i i i i ' y ll nil! ee.ee t , w n ler tl av niiu-1. lieh I ve were -.My hn-t.aii 1. n.- y.ai tinly 'y. 1- i '.i at t. fir. '.hni y-'ii:- la-tlay. .Vl.'l v.-'. 1 e 'ti l ay li.'-re. It.- -ai:-.- e:e-h ihih.il- i.a hi.- lew In ,,. j:.-' ll- U I ;;. t-, Ai -I -.- ti'ieat. .M.v'iM'.ill .-..-1:1.. -.11' i'e 1 v. : Mi ; .aith W nil M..-. I' v ., :.. IV ,li h- lin -ie. w !,i -!l .1: 1 - n:: il.e J Ti.e l.ri. "in I I't-tie.l s' her eye.-, .-in- h:i-a '. eeli-.-tl la J : It riilil ..v; Th..- M.VM tl. - i tl t el -iave. .l. 1 la w. wlltli Veil el. al.ee t-i la et lit r hl-,-l':ili l. lai:ll. lip 'll lite .-'left. Ar-'i'lul the e.ilner e lain-.'. Ill- l'. e i- llalit. I v, i'h II .-..ale. Hi.- -l-'l' t la-tie all Ihu t- hue A lit ..a.t tune he 11111111:1:1.' I.a lit-, it' like el!'-, t v, i. -1 -ee ! la vmir l, ar .ii'-iti-e. vt iii' h '. -'U : t.-i he. i'ei- lam- ". nee r . aw- I --!'. -j-1 . .In.-t .M. - li,...-. 1. , j.;'e--i-i.:;..ii !rv. Alul all y. I: t 1 lay ii.-.. i Lay At the' ehe-.j. ,f eati'l tl Si a A NEW AND USEFUL AP.TICLE. liAJjKV, liOUSll & UOVDi:r."' l u ,t St'll". l?.jii- (iii:;- tl'Sitlln'j )'ritipi'i- Sill.J.'.e, Ke"!.OHii.'!ll. I'tiralile. 1111 1 i l.-.' Liahle t . e. . ,.t .1 1 'r ler. Tie -V !( .Vlj'.t :i:e' I.'!. the V. tiiu. v.!.-. lie. 1 the irr.-.'te-t iini'i'.v en it i,t el the liinetet .a ii t . a' ary . a:. 1 ha i. Illy 1" la- kin. nil illi'l llle, i. lu i-niie il... : leiil li'e. 'i ho ii.iv inn; "f ehiihes. in 1 n - -ia.4 mil ihe w a.ei l.-ttvt-in tvvi riil'.-.r i-.-ll.. iii.aea 1 ! wiii'ain or twi-tia vvil iiin.i'.ilit t.j en.-u'l. ill 11 .-. .1 1 illne. tn f--r a 111. 1- Line. j. very -lie is itware. ihnt th" tv.i 'at.'tr wiia.-ia nl" eliillie. utretehe.-i Illi'l In eak tho III. re.-; Innlhi. la.llellillt. pre-eit lllelll ?:a e t lily. I l it a lieu - ,:i ,el lle.rtiiil ly .-ake,l. fall l,e iml')-.'. vviliimit Ireakii. il in llu li'a't. ami it well. s so e.'i-ily. that ti elnl.l twelve years ..lit e:'lii'.eiaie it will: nil tri.nl.le. ll.it water iim-- net injure ihe rnlls. mill ei.'.l.in a"' U ean he wiling ellt nl' I mil in w liter ta 1 lev vlit luilill;,'. whieh e. inn-it lie ih-i.e liy hen 1. in Mar.hin-J. il i- ilivnliialile. e.-i'et'i.illy 1 11 lanre nr iele-:. -11, ll us lanliei Skilt. Ae , lis il leave.- the star, h ill Ihe ehi'.lnii 1'vlt. elly i-n n. ll Mill wain; Ihe l.n 't-si l.e l ullill, nr Ihe :innllest .iKhe! llali.U k. rthit I', ilriei-than eun i- -al-lylio ilmiu l y li'in-l. w ithnlil ltllelllti.il. inli.-i I him inic-tU'lll Ihe time. '1 he naieiiine U so .-inii'lo that it U not liaMe 1.1 get 1 at 1 nt' it-air. The ureat iinirtiveineiit in thi-, every every ether Wl in ii: .M.uhine yel iineutetl, is, i,s Sell-A.ljlj!-in ul r.-niene nl. u 111:1 in:' no alu r.n i- n. In w rinir 11 haii'lht ieiiiel nr hetl tiuill e.'nitlleutly , tho luest ig t,',i'ai.t i-erv anr enn tfei-iiie it. 'Hie in.-ieliiiie is 11111 lu nl won.!, un l .-a nrran- I. that 1..1 iiml ean I'ti-sil'ly eeino in t .ni n-t wiili 1 '.e el. .lie s. therehy iivt itlin,; iilKl tia't r 1 f injury lu the clothe-. l,y it, .11 ru-t. 'i iu i.-ilie nit-t iii.) to an-l ifh-etive CI a In .- T, 1 in. IT yel inveliliil. 'ihe-e I'lireha-in.; e.Hi 11.-0 ti.iin hn'i weeks, unit il I hey are lint i.e-eetl v s.tli. tie . I. l e turn th. an. an I their nmiiey will he reuuele'l. A l'li.-Ks 1.. 1.. SNiiW, l'i.:l..,U-!i'ha. Or II. II. .MASsE!'., Avut ia Nniihuial tiiutai eo July j, l.-vOJ. ClI'AIJiIXii'.S Ti'i'iie.l liluo 1111 1 Shelley s Mu Jeil i ''-. I'l i.-e i.er ln.ttle uutt lau-h, "J i.-i ni. Cer.lt.il Elixii ol C.li.-.ty.i U.n k a...l lliimn.'. ..r i vii.t-v ii.,; ;'.aaa- tei salt, ul llit, v'U'.i- el taw hu. y Ai i.u.iw.iu iiiuin.v nifoi:i AsiuN': -M c 1. 1:1.11 i;t II is If i:ti nsen iru a Ni.n -.iei, . e 'liMl'i' lloii:ii'i I 11.il ;,i,.l '', .. I I' se.-ni ie-- if ;i tienr nee, n 111 iv lit.- u-n n'. .lie ll."ll ll". Iiliiiii-lt in- ei .-i v Ii I In ie !.' I- .lei.!. 111 1. 1 lie-.ii'-r n i in ! Ait. t,v.,i!ii:l',tiilf.-i.i.r- wi'l t;I..H urn iv. ;m l M-. h Ui .Ii l-'i'e ruliluiur IhmuIus un.l 1:11111. let- ei.ln-i .Mi.n. Tlie liii.- ine: . wi.i-l.l. 1 1 1, n:n- e n m w i n t! iienn ! ninl ev-ry .nrt l.e j iii-l: , -m .1 :m-l - i-u- ! -1..1I l.y :m ilier. nei ii.liy. v. Iii -Ii !e,ll nr;.'e 11- mi lt i l. e tiie.-.e.l tn ttie e.11ifi11.ini iii.T 1. 1 1 .1 tl.in - ih-n v. :e- ever ill. n,,. . ,,j' j t!. ', i. . -V-v ei the 1 .1-. Anilnlit'-. l.y llm ei.tlue in 111 nhi.-ii iei v.ele. nil e!.i 1 :. nn.l ileni- hi-.. 1,,.- -. i-iui t -Tliu I event, nf llle A re.'' till.' , i ll ei ili.-r mi, . lit rein-, tnlly ii.l ,n the t.,. ..I ( . . 1, . t M'M.l I' V mi-1 'l-e n'.lie -'.-lii-Mlly. Hell he l.:ir-jut reillllie.l r the eity ..! I'liil.i.let-lii.i v.i Ii 1:.,. hne.. M,. e ' .-t .ei; 1 if (', nfi i-'i-iii.-i-i l-'inil Mil 'Ji-y--. (l-.-i' Ii:--e 1 1 In 111 liimi-rlil t-i lie .-: i-e, .. -, ei.-ry 1, ei -. i-- irin!'-.etniin,ir nil l.iii-1- i.f e'nili .; i. : :n it- , A c . lu till Mj. nr. I. -if. lin!e ',. ..t ret: il. in .-...i! !.n. i- Atinm-; hit ftwk el UJ.M'i.l'U .'N.M.I !..-.; ne-v l,e li.iiinl: l-'li-nell Se.-rel--. I'll!!. .-I .Mil!. .li-l.i. t'l-e 11.1 V. l.i!.'. I.emi.n, " I'., e. " nniil.i, '. .11:11 -.11 .Seeret-i. l.i.l',.:i..e, J '.mh mi i . K I'm unit.--. .Itie-l, (iiiei 1 r.jj--' nil l.ii-. l ..'ei.t l." 1.' 1 n . 1 Mint I'r ) -. re 1 :i:i v.!,i: .1. tl v (' 'l l-, 1 mil i 1 1 . -. KiekCeii.lii.vI'a'l - .'en' Itneii t -mil v. A:-.i:.-.i.1 t'.'i.ily. 1 1.1 il'. 11 inn- -. l'i!-. i::-'--fir'. Nii:-'-.r . 11 hh, I- i.i:.M'iN (-'Vi;vi 1' n .'-n;ierinr finili'y. l.y the --initio nr il.-r.en. A 11 eel i r ijinility nt 'I nlei.-i-'i un.l ;:e..'.-;r.-. iim! 11 v n,-: v n'el.le.-iinnnrii -. l'i nit. ley.-. '.e.. nil et vl-itt. 1-: litl-e l ellln). lit l lu. It-'. lie 111,. I retnil i s ' lit me m I -.-r Ihe iiMi,-' iiii 1 l.e-e . M. C liHAIillAI-'T. Market .-iree' I! ,U...r.. wc-.t el li. V. il.i.'l.i tV ;:.,n',- Ime. Mii.l.nry. A; vii 1 1. - !y m ai:i i:v fi'i's-: m vt.m &:',' Mil. ft.. riIlT piil.-eril'er? leivin? taken jevc3en r.f this 1 lir.-t ofci.-.i l-I.Vl It l.t.r jiHI.Ij. me en-nan t t-i receive irrain ut' nil kiti'l-, nml t-j ilu en. a. an vv-n I. ut the ilii.vte.-t lioliee. (.'iistunier-i will lin- Ihtii rt-t eveuiiil iinineiliately nlidli Ili.-h' lieine; left it tin: Mill. A-i it I.- the intenli-iii nf Hie fain !n -t..t-I; the Mill. 11 l.-ii'-e u ly "l irrain will l.e e.-ti l.n.tly k.-ja mi lnui'l. nml llmir l.y theqn-mti'y can :ilwa- iil- ei'lalni-il 1 lie crei'.Hii: eare will la' lnKeli It tnni nut 11 -nin'i-i'.r ii,.ility nf Id. nr. I. a- whi.-h Hie n.ill i; lelniiiiiUy 11 hr.te.l. Mriet littetithili will Ii. J : i 1 t.i tlie wnn:.- nf tll-t-ine-r.--. unit Ihe l-i'r.'li.-iee ni' tie' j.iiMie etiei i.lly i- r ---. 'tfully renni-te I. Mimniry. .June imI'. l' 'li' i a.n I" lm A MMrKK t"-or,,,,',Mt vVfntel H!p EVANS i V'AT-'.iNS .&'! SALAMANDER SAFliS. If 1! EAT 1'illli AT ltEADINii, l'A. l-'el-nii'i-y 1.2. I- :.1 lil'VTl.r.Mi:s It piec me nmeh ili-f e!i ai I iii..nn y.ni thnt in Ihu severo 111'- whi-ii. en tie: la.irnin..' ef the l!h in-r.. cntir-ly il"tr..vi.f nil e y -t iek .-iml iiaiteri'il.--, I hail 1 ne nf y..mr .-ahuieea l- i' l-'iiu Pfii'if .at'es. At:er en,lmi:i,; an intel.-e r.--l heat tfi'i'Vi li hi in.-, llle Safe w:iJ niane l. aii.t tie' lin..ky iiti.i l'a-er.- v, ire i res'-rv eil in mi e.iii'ileini In-. I enieliiien. 1 .-h.ill nee-l nn-aher al'e 1 t-.'uti i-.; 1 i;:l ill "l.ler V.Hir-'. llie-t l'e-ieetlllllV. W 1'. IK'KlN.-?i.'N. Kein.lii-'. l'a. WWV. AT lil'.l.EN r.TL?.. CilAMCUitsf;! 1:1;. Frnulitiit enmity, Tit., Aa-'ii.-t : ; 1 t . in'.i. j Me--T Evans & Watshn. lh i 1 : 1. 1 t jl 1 i ir. ' : . nt 1 .--men: I hi tlieiimrrtn;; nf the 1 "f An.-u-t. h'-'ll. '.nr Stmeiletl-e at I i; a li'.'.e v. :.- ile-lmyel l,y tile 'I lie Tallin. mult i-.- r.e we j-iir4': . . 'I l'rtm yu f-mie tew yenis sinee w:,.-- in ti.e j1me lai-l.i.lil.tti .-;. le-h-,ne. tlil e.iet::in. .1 all eur 1. -el:'. I'.-il-ei-. e.i-h , whi'. li wi re . e. e: e 1 in :i er'ee'. e'linlithm. ut.er ' ii ex....- 1 I.ki inns; inien-.-l:- at ILn'-.v. r.il lemi--I'h-:: e i:!:-a;.i u-ii;..ii v, h.t ferx-' y.-nwlll sJ.l u.: .iiiv'.h'. i- la:-.', r .Sil'i.. V.an.-i tnil v, AK.; A' Al'.-'i'IN S-'l-.tini: ler t-.'i --. t'.r Jim.k.-. Si .ri:-, 1'ri', I'e l'.eailii,. Ae . Ac. AI-.. Eva:.-.V Win -11'.- I'li-rt, Al-I.i' ni,.- I V:ff : 1. n:i.l H Vault l' r . e.ja:.l '.'.'I V 1 ..el" ill 111'' i-'-.a-iy. a'. 1 -.11 -1. 1. .1 tenif.' E A' V,'. v.'.nll n. i"-, tl'ally rel.-r !. 1I1.1 l-ill'.win.t l'lnk nn.l n'.her l':''"h--. lar.iiu their .-'.it, .- 1111 1 l. i.l. . ii'-w inn-o. t.i tlair entn e . -a;h I'ti. '.i .e.. nr. 1 ta :v.v ntlnr- j-iven at their n.iv. I'Nin.t .-t vi es Mint," i.'rnr.eli Tank, fchcllyvi'.ie Thi'.a lei; hi 1. Terne--ee. I'm i-1 i'.-;.vn:sA::i!::.'Ai.A'i:;. li-n.k '.1'1'iiil.nl 'i hia I'.-ilil 'inia. Cn "li.l.it'n n li'k l" I'I'il.i l',,.i.i,, r i" -:.!;, V 1. C ; i'ik lh.i.1; et l'lnl.:. ie.;. liie i.al.!:. l' i t hataltimrrn Hani;. Xi'lill. 'r- u-i-1 in -.; !:.!, a. l'i. l'rt la i.-am.- mi. I Ii .- ..1.-..V Ms -re Man:;, l'i li-h.k nf N. :..:! "I.... 1 l...t l.'l!. :v, 11 i:i.i,:-.' 1'.' K..'.i: .-1 N--. hi. Li'-ertie.-, I !.": r. 1'..- t:h. I'.al'ui- re riiil.aKl; 1 i . S ni!:v - --. -it; Haiil. 1 'V.i. l'anl 1.11 1 Mv;l, U.i:.!:er--. Klllt.tll Mallli. A'.h.l... :,'.;.!. AI lk:".l.:t. New.'.ik Hank. ! I IV 'i Merlinu-.V,";:;-., y Unt.k .l"N. ' . lUcirti, Lea I hai -.: Ie nk. l'i. Oth.-r rel'-reii," j L-n.r. iti-n cniliii at .nir .-'.., re N l-i .- T ..ur'.l: .-:.-eet . 1 Ul. l.!;l.u. M-r h C. I-lv 'I In Attain 4'isi:u:y, i I E N"TK 1' Ih it they k..ve c.ielii'l.l if I raa-.-i iiit-at: v.i t -nn.-aiv t-i ran ' llatri-laa-.'. Dnnl.l,' v. ith the N..: ihe: n ' 'e: 1 Keil re 1--i V -, i. Halifax- 'I'reviir'.ai. .-.ii-.l-ni -y. Noi-tlillla'itrl it.'l. 1-.-..I I'tti'-'. A'.ilei:. Mlll'.ey. V. ii- llalli-.,i!-' . lit. it all in'eraie-l'li'e -t :!i.-n- e. I l.ee'l., - .i llm . v.iiii -.he it;E.'.T V."l..ii.ii. i.A- I'liESs ;er I'l'.t. l-'.trr. - ii.-.-ii.i.ati. Si l.-.uts a:, i .:. Wet. Al-iwiih ll-e.vail ('. '.- Ei re-' ;; M;;, i- l.lliville. I'.l -I Wilkesnaue. i'il -' n. S. r I.ll lit . I il.t' lllie.li 1, '::'i ::- nil l..- t.itt au Lie Itiiwaniia A lli'inai-l'i'l u' liailr.-i I- AI ' it-li-inisi"'!-;, hv il iaar l A t'n Exi'i'-ss tn .d r . y .-h .t- I Lmk Haven. At-.. il-.wm.l A i. , hikI ll fir e.n:i;e 'inn . l'-r V n.t'.ii. Ti-..y. El:. 'i.a. lhah.-ter. lilltl.'l... a 1:1- 'l.t, fil l tn ail a. f.- !l-!e )..,i:i'. i:. W v.-'. -ni New V..: a: el: I l':t!ia i e l.y V. h'e-'l lliev will fa iv 1 i'.l M. r 'laa.ii-f. S.t" ie. llat.l; Nt.te Jewvtry. Ull-l Vahiahle l'aeka-e.- el every Uc...-1'ii-'.1 -tl. A!-1. N.iti'-. Iirat't. an. I i'ilh f..r I'' !lee'l..n. )'v - rtele I ea l 1 lliei 1,1 lae -e't-.'t".- en 1 ' 'V--1, an 1 t '.ei', -t IV. It v til he l..a Ie tn r.ulT :it i-t ; a .1'ill.N ltl.MiilAM. Sii;a rit t. '"lev.t rum a l'ivi-i..:i. riiil.nleli'lii.'i. 11, A 1 !.-r:i:.i: Aent far ut.' t.ry. A; nl ".. I ' SI MSI CIV A4'.I!:.IV. milli .- I Mil liV ACAI'EMV will le ni'eui-1 en I Ihe t M , . ,- -.'' '. I Mi-', i'ui'ii ii.-tna'.i I ia Enj'.i.-li CI -i -al ill.-! M ithe lllalie il I. i.jn, !:,-. 'i he ,-en- i.- il-iviel la i-ri'i'tre I'r ti !n:i--i' 11 iiitn I'.'ll.-e nr 1-. ijii.aity h 1 ha-int -s. A ilaily Veeni.l i.- k. ,i et -.he iitteit.la-aei', e-nlii-f in .1 ret itaii -n-- . f e:a'h ; a'il, 1111 ahr'.r.u-t ei v.aih .-.l.t in. a hly t-i ; reia.-. 'iKUM- Tl. l ira'.. -:-v 1 h i '. ".1. I er niinrter, SI ll'l . , ,. . . I Kinili h l.raiahe.-. M ail l'.vi.. .11. . .1. ; . 1 .. fi (in 7 01 I Th. l:i'ei.i:i:.'.i its. Ex-iinv. I'nlluek. Thihi-leli-hia ; Hell. A.J, -rim ll.11. V.'. I.. iHwart. 1'. Wiilveriim, E.--I . an l.urv; Kevs. A. ii. linl... .1. (1 l-'arev. T. 1'. Ti 1 W.V. L.iws.ia. E.-.I . nml I'r. W. It. M;,rr. Miit-.n JAMES li. IK.i.Ni.V. A. M . l'l-ilivinal Sunhiiry. July 12. l'-'2. It in-! iir! su-: l "ME I'K' -M Till: .Mill I'll. I ..'ME l'li'i.M HIES'il Til. t't.'ME lTlti.M THE EAST. 1'n.ME I Eu.M Till: W1T S.tve '.lie a. 11..I1V lital 1'iiihl ynin-, h i' 1., lae. I'-i i.ntv i.- the lime In -ret y-mr Eiiniher ehea;.. e i.f mi; i:k ia.u,i:i : i.rMUKh ean l-e ; ai'., hn-e.l ai le.v latv.- ut the STEAM SAW at 1 1.1. , f yi'.t v L-uf.MV.yr. sr.i:vi;: r.'. . tn-li 11- I'nnel Eiiniher. l'ritiiie Eunil.er. r.-..n ls. Si ditiiX. Shini'les In. in s.i to .- n-r then.-..:.. I. 1'la. lei inj l.tith. I'ltlini' It. intim: L ull. Ae . Ae. Ail hills ei'lere l. I'm- any kind nl Eiiniher, will ho I'uriii.-lie I nt the h..rU.a n. ti. e. lll.V T I'EE.ME.NT Slllihnry t.ireh '.I. l--t 1 . NATRONA COAL OIL! tl ari'iiHl'l ni.i:il ' nnil e 1 ti.. I to nny KI.K SI-!N I .. WliV any e.-t.,sue 11a. win -i a t. ve cents mine per gull.ui will I'mnittli ji'ii wiili u neiitt-M'il' .Mn. le. .at) l.y TA.S.U.I' MAM I'At'lfltlMi ll'Vll'AW, N .. I-JT Wjlaat Slitvt. I'i..:.il -r1 " Feliruiry 1',. 1MJ. ly SArouiriLn i sAPONinzR : i J Hi: I'AMII.V HtlAl' MAl.lilt A I K aelit a tircavi mil I o n,ai'e i:to s .. J ftur, ini.'d Sap'-n ,1ici t Direetiolis Ai'i''in;.-n-.vi.ij! li it'll Urn 1 Si) At' i ii i-asity nut it- with n, us uwklii'j nip ti ei'f- lif e.,i i,-li,ie.l ei !'.- Ihe l'i" ' l'A SALT MAM KACIH HIM. I1MPAN. No. I.1? W'uliiol Strm-t, riiilMtlfiiiui. I t '.mm v 15, l-ei - ly liiitiui'l.iul la I.ti !' sud 'I'm. 1l.u!lTA SUN iiitittintn-litiill tn thtll !'. k nl I'liui. lireeu .ni l I'ti. k 'K.i .l-tnv 'ni t l I -l 1
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