ALMANAC FOR 18G2, PREPARED TOR THE "SUNBURY AMERICAN" pi v s: j "j.- v, a-:9-!i? 1 3 MONTHS. 5' w ill! 5". I. 'i r i January. I I I ! 2 ! I fl 6 7i 8j ! 10 II 1 1 1 -( 2l;22iM',4 23 28 2 311 31; I i i I U J ! I 2 .T 4; fV e: 7. 8 j 9 II) 11 I?T: H 1 ar,, n la'mtut 22 23 IU 2." 25 2" 23! i i i i i i : i i 2! 3; 4' 5 (5 7 P i lo.ll 12 K! I t 13 !I6'17 13 HV'iil 21 22 2.1 24 23 2i2712S;20 -10 31! ill! i 1, 2 3 4j n G 7' 8; 9 10 11 12 il 3 14 15 1C 1718 19 120 2122'2:i 21 23 2C 127 23 20' 301 i I FEBHUAKY. MARC II. APRIL. NAY. 1! 3 4! ft 6 7: 8j 0 10 11 12 l:i 14 1.V1G 17 T8 19 20 2V22j2:i 21 2.r;20 27 28 19 !!() 31 I I i I j I I t 1; 2 3 4 .V ft" 7 81 9 10 1 1 1 2 I : . ; 1 4 15lrr 1718 19 20 21 122,23 21 25 2C;27:28 i29.3ti j I i I I V 2 3! -It fi tune. JULY. 6: 7; 8 9110 11,12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21122 23 24 25:20 127 28 29 30131: I I I I I ! I! 2 3 4i 5! 6! 7' 8 9 10.11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 i24 25 2C127 28 29 30 m i i i M I v 21 3; 4, s; c I 7! 8 910 li:i2 13 AUGUST. Slii'TEMDIiR. T4 15 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 2 29 30: I I OCTOBER. ! I 1 2 3! 4 5! CI 7! 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23i24:25 120,27 23 29,30 311 NOVEMBER. t I I I I t 1 :; 3 4j s; c; 7 8 9:i011 12 13.14 15 10 17 18 19 20.21 22 23 24 25 2 27j28:29 30 I j I I ! DECEMBER. ! 2. 3T! 4' 51 G 7 8' 9 !0 It 1213 14 13 10 17 18' 19120 21:22 23 24 25,20;27 28.29 30 31 I I AITIIF,K AStEJI VAfi OP SEASONABLE GC03S, AT TIJK MA M M OTII STORE I OF FRZLING & GRANT. Sunhory, fJeplember 7, 1801. COMMERCIAL KUMSEIIIES, II- E. HOOKER Se CO., Itoi'UL'STKM, X. Y JOJI.NMV. BLX-HER, Local Agent, sunlmry, I'a. rphe s!iscrilier, liavinij l.een arpointcj lornl i- Apent for the salo of Kruit trees, pUiilx, vines, Ac., of one of the mort reliahlo Nurseries, cull, the attention of ull v.liu want choice fruit tu t 'i melliud, as more ceiluin than hy uhtaining them thrnnsh travclinu agents. Amuiig lhi. described in thn (.'Htaloguo are, Dwurf Pear Trees, of the age for trantlauting, reniarkahly warf A pp! Trees, on Paradise htoi ks, ma. king he.iuliful littie :reifor the garden, di.iI pro ilucii,, reinarUiMy fine sprciriiens of fruit in a very thort lime. Darf Cherry Trees, budded on Muhalcb Ptoclts, handsome trees. Standuid Apple, Pear end Cherry Trees, very fine, with a lurjje list nf varieties. Pea eh, Plum, Nectarine and Apricot Trees. Gooseberry, Blackberry and Strawberry Pliiiits all of the finest kinds. Ccrrantg, many new and improved varieties, such os Cherry, White Onpe, bile Uondouiu, ltcd (irnpe, Victoria, Ac. fStrnwherry Plants, in great variety, including the Hooker, Wilson's Albsny, Triornphie de l!and. (themo.n approved old Varieties,) as ndl as all the novelties. Grape Vines, including thorn line, new, yet well tested kinds, which no planter ahould he without, tucli is D(.w are, Cuni-ord, and Hart, ford Pro!. tie. Tbuse we have propagated so ex tensivcly as to able to oiler them ut aductd und :itirfactory prices. Plants, Hoses, Everercens and every variety of ornamental trees and Shrubbery, securely packed- JOHN V. DITCHER, Agent, ISunbury Pa Bunbury, Febuary, U, Util, SIfe cr Death The subscribers take J 1' in announcing tl,ut they ct now prepared to mail (free) to tbosu wlio wi.h il tt copy of an important little work, by the Into If, ti.tilled 'The Invalid' M.dicl Con fiJuA," published for the bentlit. and as warn iog t. yjjiiK men and persons who sull'er from Ju-ivous Debility, Premature Decay, ic ic eopp';iti!rth.. means ofseifcure. The reader il irresistibly led to conipaio a useful life with an lbi.ob!u death. Reader, lore not a moment, but send vour ad W lor a copy of tin little work. Address the Publishers DR JOHN D Of i DEN & CO, May II, lHSl ,3ni0 MANHOOD. UOW LOST, IIOW HKSTOHF.l), JLS T Pl'Jl.ln u N.V6KAl.i:ili.V'l.l.i'i:. AI.ECTfRKon the il!urp, tt,,moiUi ,, ,. Cure of t.,,i.nt,,riliU.., , tfeutli,.! vVk,,M.,x blluy, NMl:lll .nvolumury e.l.j,.,.,,,,. ,,r. iri iwpuieiicy, ConnuHijui, ,i .ttllluud pi,..,,', Utbl, By ROUT. J. CTI.VLKWKl.f., MI). -The iinr-urwut Jirt lint iha nwful ,.- ,,,., f ,Hf. meiits. nwlieateil l.oi.,.,0,, y,! ..lcf elll.i,.a, .lA , , snc.esslut trnmnem, nt s,l,Mitnl i,.- ', T," ' , "!',"l fully ,lui,.,.n l.y MWJ v&tii&y 'SSVZiti Incur, uhunili perfectly, mitl ul ti,. thereby .,,.,, ', l,ea,ut,:.n,f ' oAlceboi .'UIlNb' """'. -New Vk. I'lSt AMIllSO lotil. y p STOVES IOU BALE an excellent eecond Land Ceok. -- Ml More, elso .,veJ fylindef Coal vnr .i mu mice. The Great Cure for Consumption. If you havo a cold, use Wishart't Pine Tree Tar Cordial f d'you hav a cough, ute Wishart' Pine Tree Tar Cordial If you have Asthma, use WMiarl' Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! If you hive 81 re Throat, use Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Conlial i Ifytio Uive IlmiiiitiHrn, Wisliarl'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! (f Jon fiave Consumption, tiso Wishart's Pine Tree Tur Conlial Wisliait's Pine Tree Tar Conlial ie an unfail Ing leinetly for disease of the Kidneys, Urinary Complaints, 1)1 mil anil Weeding Piles, Nervuu ucniniy, ami lor female weakness and Irregu' j amies. Tlia well know n efficacy of Pine Tree Tar in the cure of exteinnl allecttiuis or Mores, pointed il out n the Natural Remedy for what Physicians call Tubercular 4fliclions(thot is to say, Mores.) upon the Lungs, It remained to discover the ki'kt inruns of application, which discovery has been made, as a thousand testimonials prove, by the Proprietor of Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! II you have DYSPEPSIA, use Wishart's Great Americun Dyspepsia Pill! A corn cure Wairauted for ono dollar, or the Money Refunded 1 Hoy a liu and Inke them according to direc lions, and if they do not cure, jou, the money will be returned. Aokmts Wm. Weimer, Northumberland. A. W. Fischer, Sunbury. ('all at either place, and get a descriptive Cir cular. I.. Q. ('. Wishnrt, proprietor, No. 10, Nonh Second, Philadelphia August 10, l l. 1y Sarsaparilla FOR PITEIFYINQ THE BLOOD. AnJ for tho ipeeily euro of tho fullowInR coniitlftlntu! fefcrofnla niil Scrnfuloii AftVrtlouH.aurk b i'liiiioiH, I Lev in, fcorcrt, Irruptions, riiujiles. Piiwf ul , llluli limt lloiU, ki and, Iml.. fth June, J. 0. A ten ft Co. Gviiut I fiol it my duly to e. Rnovlf.!-i r. Imt ymir Hiai'arillA him douu ftr iiif. j Hinftij; hiiii'riu-t a sfci-tifulinw inlfctit'ii, I Imve nuflerj ' from it in vaiii.usi wajM fur uam. Snuietlmi'ii It Imrut I out in (' UeiH uii my I muds nul nrms; (iiitiuiu! it 1 turiiKl inward uml ti.siit'f-wU ui ut ilic ntiutm-li. Twti 1 j'.'iirs ugo it H'ukw out on in Ut-ri-l m rovcrM my nculp und uuis witU uii sun-. hi h Hits Miiiful and loniliMuino Wy.unl Uvnori.tion. 1 tnvtl iiKiuy iiKMJMmii uu l scTt-rnl I.U!itiuns hut iviilnmt imrli reiiff fmni nny Uiin. )n fmt, tin.) UijiJir f.-i-w At Ifiijilj I wnn njoipfd tu inn, in Ilie tlosptl Mu'ihj.t thut von tmd rt'anJ an ultitintivo (f':(i;ii(iriil. r.-r I knvw fain your iv ul tiun thai any thiu yon inmli itnir-t 1m jrtuil. 1 Petit to tiii'.iiiuuti iiiit!)i...t it, uml rntfl it till it cured mi. I ttiufc ft, it j-mi ivUi.M,., in BiiKtli duMt-rtot ti ti'nKinriil ovrr h m- nlh, mi l us-d iiinvst tlinH tUl--. Sw mid lifhlthy skin WKjit l.pnn i.i fui-m mid'T the aaib, mIik-Ii all- r ft whilo f.dl oil". My fl.iu i nm vl-ar. nnd 1 know l.y my f'tdiinjs tliitt tli. diiuMwi' tun puiu from mv pttMo. Yun run nfll ltli' ve ilm I f,vi I m kHvin wh-n 1 U-II yjn, th.U I Imlit y. ti t.i Ut uiif uf tbe Htlu wf tlw Bgu. feud iciuaiu uL'i i;iatcfuilj'. Yuitrri, alhu;l St. Antliony's Fh-r, IIomc or Kry hIm laa, 1''ttir mill Kliruiu. Sonld llcuU, lUiiKivoim, Sore ', Uiopny, lr. ItoUTt. M. livlrt rttiH I'nMii SaKin, N. Y., Ktli Ptpt., If'J, timt It" lirt-t rnn-d mi invitrriit ctuo td" lirops'h nbi.h tlnv.itin.-( fi tftntiimto luUlly, l.y tli I rsHVci iii) tmu vf ! r.ii'Kiptti illn, mid iil-.t a 'inu. rtu Lry.iitfliii lv larijo d(.i uf l!t nnin; auy lui cuiv the ciiiim"M t'nifttifut hy it iMii'rnutly. RrouihoiMlc, oltrc or Rwclltil Neck. oUti-Mi ?! -an .f i hn t, Tvxuii. Hiite- i Mi'tiH't .'.-t' tic if your nrhiiji:ii ilhi rtiiftl tn fioin h W-i'nr ft InJ turn pwvW'. i n tliu m-fli, wtiuh I lijd sulitud fivm tw'er twt ytari.' Ieucorrliorn or W'U U r Ovnrlnn Tumor. LteriiiD llcrratloii. I'tinale Uitfcntcn. Tr, J. II. S. rh.uniifiL'. of Nw York City. wi iti ; 1 w"t rlift-i liillv t. ni ly with the ivii.nMt uf jour mefnt In wirins 1 Uivo funi y our ,c.trnitirit!u a m-v ixc lleut ult'-iMtho in tUt nuMri.ti" rin'lnini fur ulii-li w i sui-Ii u-iii. dy. I-ut t'Ht-fl;dly in Ibuwlt iHtcnte ut tip Sffii'rNl.iu llnMi-i". 1 liaTe iiircd many invvtrr ute i-.iut' i.vtl' li ,(r:i I'V it, mid kini vtlir-ftt rum jdidnt WK-i rnuM"l y ith:nuttin id" tin utrritf. Tin- itlf xvhp NUMti curt-d, Ntildiivj whliiii iny Kuwwl edk (in tN it fT tlii ii-iimU dt r.infim iiiri' IMvard S. Miti -rw. d" Nrwrntry, Ala., writii, 14 dun-trHM-iiim n--n iini tiiiiiu,- i'ii one f ilit Ii nml'' in it, v (ainilv, Wiiit li Iim.) defied nil tin-n iiif.licrt wt. t uuld rmj lMV, Ijiw ill It TijMJi I't'i-n romi'l.-l.-Iy rnn-d y yiir hxtnirt cf Sar i;;iiillil. O'tr i- !jiii llioiultt ?! tj i nw; I'll t etii ja li' ii coril l all -rd r. l.. r. Imt i-iUo'-.l Hip trial .d SaiMifiaiilin ti llio (a-t i'"it Lpli-ro nttiiin;. and it jmnvd i fTprtiirtt. Arti-r taking yr.ur rcuivdy .-iliL vu-wk U ) ytti'd'.rn (.( Mm; di-c.T M-niain.'' byplillin and ?I?r'irfa1 Ulirnir, Xrw Mttivtyj. V.'-ili iii,'iit, "fii, Vn.J.C. Arm fU 1 fully ritid itli th r- fMn st td'yur a-M't, nnd ivt'tt to vmi m vf tliei-tliU . i.-alivi uidi Mi y..r;i-HVil:i. I lii'.Vf cii d r-idi it. in ii. y (nictU'tt, pus-t i f lliarom pViinft fr Hlii' ii ii it iiTMinnn iHii'd. Hud liaVf f nnd m ttfti ta tiuly woiid. rt'iil in t h t rim of IV.'-ov.i .nht M. r. cvriit !)-ti,.; uii. , f my li.itiniiU Itt'l S''liili(K lil.-rrn In hid tno;it, vliivti Mi" r.-MMiinin liU itatt? and Llm t'p uX lii ni' inli. V'.tir Sarsni-arilla, !. lily taL.ii, mir. d liini in liM' ei-t.t. Anuilter nn Httat kvd l-y ' uiifLuy h:upt"m', in liit hom. and ul-iuti..ii hud uirn u'.i a oiihi'l-r.i1-U ai t it, m that I hi lii-. lit iti-..;nj. f hi:U1 'fx M i ii.ttlt hin huiin mtd Kill him. jiut it ji' lUed tu- hiy u! lit m il i -n id ytmr ."ari-ajiarilU: lilt ukiTi h. alwi. urn! h M wvi tiu. md of n.iiiH' w lihut i ui io ill-u-mnti. it ut hU T.uv. A ifmiitu wIuj lial U-i-u tu-.-iliwl f it th rau; tlir-athr by inrn ui v war, tnitTei int( f;'ui (liiit p..i.ii in lu r hunr-i. 'i i.y had linuiif m h n i(iu f ' thn ailtn i i n a dnui dny ihu MiHiVn d rx ti:i ialln4 f'M in In r i.-i- and U'lim. Mi. t o. uiw rnifl iiHii' iy hy ji. in- ....Ki-ttiill in ukw nU I km.H fumi il li rmula, hi h ymir jr('.t jekvh mv. ilnt Um I'lvi'Uiaitun ftM'ti jcur hilta'ui immt hen nif-il iiuhdy; auti-nuiitly, tlno Uul iruiarkablu (tulU Hii it Umv lint im-liid m ;ai.iiially, il. V. l-AltlMI'-H, 1. H. ttheumttt Inni, Cent. I.lvrr Complnf n t. J N i't I't in Ni l., Pi. -t-.n ('-'., Va.. t ill .Inlv, Trt ,1.0. A y n : .-'ii, I hno 1h. n atiUm-d m If Ii a j,ulii fnl fhrvnv i.rin.wt lur a I-ji.ji limr.Mhiih UitU' d tlio tr?;iil cf j.ii.i-!aii i.j.d in. U t-i m in i-i-ita d'ull thtt r-lnt'di.'4 1 ivaild Hud. III. Ill I Hied .iir Sr:.alrtiiil!.V Ooo Uttl riii-d u. iii t... v.t . kr.. himI n-tuifd my p-tiera! liiMllh K.i murh ihit I am far l.,.tttr than h'-f.-iv I wmj lt:ukvd. 1 llii..U itiiHuid liiilmtdi. Iiim. J. I l;l AM. .iti'cs Y. O.'1-liidl. or rt. wriNai ! I.KVD lvn G'i -ii-.i fuf f.ii -t w jt!i i.i. .((ir.'i.-H - tl,t An-rr, whi It lt'Mn-tfd iii 1; ;itl,. li a-,1 i t Fy IhiiiK.niid nv.-ry Unity fw'. 1 1 . rHiPtf itic i and I hai i nt a InuUi-n-dvwn man ! r i-'.im' "in s ft "iii n I Ik r t;illi4 than u rnututtt'l of tf r i.inr. l-l.i-i.-d I ii-lui, the lt.T. .Mr. i:n. kdv i. ni tu try y-Mii farr rr J ! t. t 'Hun' ho mi id Uv Kihw oit j uii-l rtn.v nun,- in i.l.- ai nth tr llij-f. Vy tin I. iu i'MjimI a , in. ( iii. nnd hits m (.mifit-d my hlr-t d a, it. i:i;iK'-' a man d iuh. (. tl .uihj( npiiu. 'Hit btt lh it run l c f.iid it v. ii i lud half kimwI flH Uj.-h," Si-IilrriiH.Cuiirfr Tmnori, Kiilnrcrmriit. I li'criit ion, I hi U uuil lOxtoMuUou ut" A I'M -;d ai -i- ly if (; l av 1rn reporlf J t us liri iiut idiht li.rmi'lid.h' r- mdainU mnited fim tin tf t . . Ih r.'iiii ly. I ut iui r Iti-ic wiil H it uJntit th i.i. S in.- f ilit tn ni iv l.n I.. uii ! in .air Aih-mI itn Aim im.t. v,! . ;i iii- fu. hi-. h. l. v. uuuiid oiudvfd lu '"tni. k,'"..' hiiu .-r lli.'lil. i ly p-:irt, Il. nri IMnrmnt, KJla. Rillcp- M.'iiv n m m1.. .!.!- . in-; i( tl.'.f rt-ti li h-iltf ' m ul. t y i ). i-' I ' i iti. . .. r m (hi-, imdiiiim. it nimn- ( Uh.-; ti,,- U , i:v..'ii .us intu tiL'i..iiH atti-j), mfd tliu I nv.-miiice. -h-..i-l. ,a hi.'i, w.Htld U- t-.-y.Mid it 4 r a- .. ,-ti'h a n iiih!) i la hci n r (ftirtl l.y Ida m. r-hi. nf ih.- n ( ! . and mi- art ruutiarut turn ihla taill di I'..r tin in nl! ll.nt iiH-taciiif iu do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, imt Tiii; if i'a ti itr op ( iiii';hu, ( .,!.!(, Iiilliiriizai, llonrar uas, li-oti)S Hroiii'li It Im, Iurliliut ou on in .t Ion, mill fur lliv Iti-IU-f uf i outturn i!i Iullciit lit All VMI4'll ISIllltft Of the This ! a ifm.-dv it ivivally kii'.wn t fttrpaafl any .tht.r f.r ih. riiie ..f t tu i jit and lung i-utndwiili. it U IJfv-i. h. II- I . l.lil.liOl ll.M e.t.ii,i..W ..f ilk kIiIil-si It. iinuMdU' l e:a. inn f. t- iuu(.-h nnd rnhU. uu4 lu tiuly-a; i.ii.i.'i ini riire-. ii 1'iilMM.nary dia a. Iiuvw mailt it is ii h n thmn-jhi nt Dm. ( ivilixed 4 tin t-iilli. y w inn (In. ft niminiiiicii. ur uveii familiet, mm'un t)nu vim hafl "'iim iK-rawnml rxtH-iitmu id lUtTeU oim- living to hy in their udd-t f l( tKtmy ovr lh nhtU nnd dun ;eiuMii iliM.rder rf th thrudt and luiitfa. A all kii.-w ti. dn;i.:iid fatality uf thfMi diMrtirri, ami they biii h, t... il..- t th rinof thin r-mrdy, we aerd nu (tu in. i than In imtniii thi-iu (hat It haa now all ih ir tuts tlmt il did have when mnkinrc tht enrra wlii U Law oii m uiiuniy umiii iliy cyniid.ntM uf man kind. Prepared by Dr. J. C AYEB & CO., LoweU, Mast. Pt.ld hy FiiUi s A r.mi,,ni,ri a. YV Finh.-r. Hunl iUy J I . Latd.iw imd I', llr.-wn. Miltmi ; )r Wem k, yl l-.vv--niv.l e ; llnfrnvih-r A t nriatimii, Tuihntvillc ; II. JJ Mi-U.y. N.iiihniiil(ki,uJ and t ixalcra tvery wUia AUll), IrBt ly BOO I S A: SHOES, can be purchaard ,t the Mammoth Store of Friling & Grant' very cheap, aa we are determined i,.,t t t, nuileraold by any body. Call ami arn the li.i uf ,,rirr, r.r youiselvea. Fill LIN U , UfCAli euubnry, January J, util IMPORTANT TO LOVERS Of C3 CD CD LEJ 0 LSU & BRIGHT A BON. Invito attention to their Stock of Prime Green find Black Ten. June lit, 1801. SUMMER GOODS! AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES X3. BRIGHT & SON) IIAVli RECEIVED OF ALL IIINESCF GOODS HANDSOME, DURABLE A A' I ) GREAT BARGAIXS AND Splendid Inducements TO AT THE OxE P1UCE STOKE, or E. Y. BRIGHT ct BON. Sunbury, June 15, 186i. B 6 O T A N ) S II O K MANLFACTORV. Corntr of Mrk , t Square and IXvtr Stmt p HE subscriber respectfully informs" the citi zens ot Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened a Hoot and Shoe. Shop un the corner of Market Squure and Ifiver street, opposite the Court House, where ho can be found at all times ready to wait upon customers. Hiving considerable experience, he is prepared to make up cuktomer work ot all kinds, at short notice, "in the latest style and workmanship. He keep, eoiihtanlly mm , afge 8Mor,. men! , of Leather, of the best quality, which ena bles him tu make up good and durable work. Call and exumiiie for yourselves before pur chasing elsewhere, and job wiil .ave money. , x. JOHN WILVEH. Sunbury, Nov, 10, I860. ly SAVE YOUR PRTJIT JV USING MASON'S P.ter.1 Sheet Metal " Screw Top PRESERVE JAR. MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP! 11 that re necessary being to screw the Capdown upon the Rubber Gasket, which is pl.ced outride upon the shoulder of the Jar, 3-4 of an inch dis tant from the topj prevent the possibility f the flavor of the fruit being injured by coming in utact with the Rubber. Persons desiring these Jars, ran be supplied by aviiig their orders wilh H. II. MASSER Sunbury, June S, I BOO. Agent. TREES! TREES! TPHE undersigned invito attention to their large and well grown slock of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, Shrubs, &c, embracing a large and complete as loilment ol Apples. Pears, Peaches, Plums, Cherries, Apri eots, and Nectarines, St.ndard for the Oichard, and Dwarf for the garden. Er.glish W.tnuls. Spanish Chssnuls, Haile nuts, 4c, Rasherne, Strawberries, Cu.ranU and Gookeherrics, in great variety, GRAPES OF CHOICEST KINDS. Asp.ragus, Rhubarb. &c., Ae. Also a fin stock of well formed, bushy EVERGREENS, tunable for the Cemclry and Lawn Deciduou. Tree, fut at,el planting ,d . gen. :iing,sh,,,u;ra of 'n1 t PN,nUMti0ef.Cll0iC C4melli". "eJJ"' Our .lock k remarkably thrift, ,J fin(l we offer il at prices to soil h, ,jm. ' " X3 Catalogue, m.iled to all applicants. Addie. EDWARD J. EVA NS & CO., Central Nurseries, YORK, Pa. September U, 180L 3n BENT BY EXPRESS BVEivsrvvniEiiB. Retailed at Wholesale Prices, Made to Measure at $18 per doz.- OH SIX FOR NINES DOLLARS, Without Collars on, with Collars on ti per dot, eitrm. MADE OP XEW-tOnK MILLS MUSLIN, With Co. Linen Ho,onn, nn.1 rarrsntni as pn" i a Fhlrl u ,old in tka retail (tons at 2,.'U each. ALSO. TUG VEIIT Bt.T RI1IRT3 THAT CAS EK ' MADE AT i KACII. P. P. Thou who think I cMinot mk a gooil Shirt for f IS ptr dotcn ar. inistakta. Here's th. oust vt ga. dmen (IS fine shirts. SO yards of No-Tork Mills muslin at US'- V" ji. 1 1 8.1 . '..l..,nn.lln, nl rjV. ,.r vnt-.l . il Mnkln and catdni?, 8 0 Lsundry, $1 ; buttuns and cotton, lot 1 M l'rolit Total Ha 00 Self Measurement for Shirts. l-rlntcd directions sent free .rorywherc, and so easy tu undcrstund, tlmt any one fun Ll. llicir own nifuiir. for ,Mrts. I wsrrant a Rood tit. Tlie cn.h to be paid to tl.e Kxpress Company on receipt of goods. n. I'rnMM ..haVI.. Aft Mil fluZm Shirt, from VW York to New Orleans Is 1. I P. ft. -PARTIES WISHINO PHIRTS IH IIAPTK.nnt I havlnR time tu send for Ruin, of Mu.-i'iircnicnl, should I send per mall, prepaid, one of the l.cst fltttnijshlrta tlicy have i:ot, statin); any altcrstlons that may bo required. I ? S. W. H. WARD, from London, 387 Broadway, up stairs, Dctwecn Tihlte 4 Street, ''-.YOr.a-March 10, 18Cl.-tf CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBUEY, Northumberland County, Pa. nPHIS large and commodious Hnfrl, now'j -- managed by JAMES VAN 1VKK. It is situate at the Kailroad Depot North Kast corner of Market Square, Sunbury, and at the tiTiuiniiK of the Sunbury Erie and North ern ('entral Railroads, and is open forthe accom modation of Travelers and the public in general Tho pr)prietor will give his exclusive atten tion, tolbe comfort and convenience of his guests and is de'crmined to make this establishment rank among the lirst in the Slate. llij table will be supplied with the best the ma'ket (an produce having the advantage of daily rixnmuiiiiinlion by cars direct from Balti more, and also from those bringing produce from tho surrounding country. His bar will be supplied with the purest liquors the market can produce Ca-cful and obliging servants always in at tendance. New and commodious stabling has ju-t been added to the premises. A share ol the local and traveling community a most respectfully solicited. P-Jiihury, January 12, 1861. "WisTTJE-iR, GOODS, T OR MEN'S W K Jl . Ii lack and Blue Jlair Cloth, Heaver Overcoating, blank Doeskins, New le Cassirnerps, All Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Heal (!ond f-assinetta, KiiX Mixed Coatings. Super Velvet Cords, lilack Uretiailine Vesting, IJIiu'k Satin Vesting, Fancy Silk Velvet Vesting", Plain Silk Velvet Vestings, Nice Cnssimcre Vestings In fact all kinds of goods for Men's and Hoys' wcur, can be found at the People's One Price Store of K. Y. L'right tV Son, who have just eceived by Kailroad a splendid stock of all kinds of goods, suitable for cold weathrr. Please call and be convinced. i:. v. ucuiirr & son. Sunbury, October S7, I SCO. REVERB HOUSE, (I.ATK KAiil.K lltrrj-'.I.,) Third Street, chore Hurt, I'liiltulelj'hia, KHOADS SAII.DH, IMl'ROVK.MKNTS nave been miule, and the IhnMR kaa liei-n refitted throughout TiLtiHMAa V. HiluAM, Connelly of the Nntionnl Hotel Ciiarlk. Sailor, li.ruierly ul Celiuj Ikill Co., Pa. I'hlladelplnu. Jim. Ill, Itlil ly J . A . C R A N BALL'S PATENT SPRING HORSES 470 BROADWAY, NEW TTOIllt. Should be in every Timily. School, Gvmnasi um. Asylum, and Hospital in the laud. Are not DANGEROUS, liko the eominon Rocking Horse. Stands firm on ils Pedestal, will not wear CARPETS, and haa no Rockers to injure Ihe Feet. 'IIi-ullliJiu.J uiijipiness in the samesuddle." N I. Willi. FROM THE "HOME JOURNAL." "Of all the child-furniture we havo ever seen no article combines so much of those two iuipor taut things health and happiness as the Ad justable Patent Steel Spring Saddle Horse, in vented by Jesse A. Crandall, It ia not danger ous, like a common rocking-hore, to children's feet, cannot be upset, does not wear carpets, but stands firm on its base, aud its action is so like the gallop of a live horse that the child never wearies of it. This .alestof i hild-novellies is ex ceedingly elegant anu artistic in design ; and so adjustable, substantial, and durable, that it wiil last a lifetime. It is indispensable in every family where Ihere are children. It should Ik in every primary school and gymnasium in ihe country, as il can be made lurge nnd strong juough to sustain grown persons. As a pedestal for photographic pictures, nothing is more beauti ful. "Every Oiphan Asylum and Institution where children are congregated, should be funnelled with a number uf these beautiful articles They are fitted with aide-saddles when required." DIRECTIONS FOR ADJUSTING. Open the after pert of the base sullicieiitly to allow the Bile to go in its pluce ; then raise or lower the Hore to suit you. Screw the bolts in the side very tight. PIT These Horses are WARRAFIED one year. March 16, lfCl tf . hOLO.MO. MALIC Ii, Attorney a Law, SUNBURY, Northumberland Co., Pa (Formerly Freehurg, tuyder county.) OFFICE, Market Street, a lew doors cast of the Northern Central Railroad Depot and two door, west of tli Post Olfice. All Professional Dullness, Collections, Vc. will receive prompt altentiou. March 30, lNcJl. "THE UNION," Arch Street, above Third, Philadelphia, l l'TON 8. NKWCO.MF.R, Pruurietnr. rplllS HOTF.I. i. central, convenient hy Put senvw Cars 1 in .11 puna of ll cuy, and iii .very particular Juiicd k. li Crfiuori. aud w.ut...f ih. busiuvrs mbUo. Is?- Term.. I.S.I per day. etjiuiaoci iii, nci. i SUKEUIIY RTEAM FLOURIKO! T M. HI BL- TSL 'HB subscribers having taken possession, of ! true rirBt cla.s H.OUKI.U Mil.!., are pre pared to receive grain of ull kinds, end to do cus tom work at the Shortest Notice. Customers will have their grist ground immediately upon their being left et the Mill. A it is the inten tion of the Arm In stock the Mill I large Sup. ply ol Grain, will be constantly kept o-i hand, and flour by the quantity ran always be obtained, The greatest care will be taken to turn out a su peri"r quality of flour, for which the mill is ad mirably adapted. Strict attention will be paid to the wants of customers, nnd the patronage of the public generally is respectfully requested. MORGAN & CO., Sunbury, June S3, Ipno. jsmnEi lumber PHILIP S H A V , avm-jsrcj-sr, pa. BNFOHM8 his friends and the public in gene ral, thnt hecnnstatilly keeps on hand, -Boards, Shinnies. Lalh. Joists ni.d all kinds nf and building materials, which he will sell at Ihe lowrst prices. Mjrch 30, 1801. SHAM0KIN VALLEY POTTERY. flHE subscriber respectfully liifortna the public that he is now manufacturing at hht Pottery, 4 miles east of Sunbury, all kinds of Earthen Ware, made out of Kcd Cement Clay. This cluy produces tho' best and most desirable kind uf ware, equal, in many respects, to stone ware, and is less liable tu crack by sudden heal and cold. The subscriber refers to Friling Jc Grant, Hunbury. Address, JOSEPH SAVITJGE, Oct. 13, IHfiO. ly Sunbury, Pa. wall" " papeb!" FRIMNG cV GRANT, at the MAMMOTH STOKE, have this day (January 17th, 1801 received a CII01CK ASSORTMENT OK TIIK NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS OF "W A. Xj X, PAPER. which ll.ey are selling at prices that defy competition. Sunbury, January 19, 1 801- N0W WITHIN REACH OF ALL GHOVElfillAKEH'S C E I. E B R A TE D NOISELESS Sewing Machines, 495 13uoinvv, .tw Yohk. The public attention is respectfully jt quested to the following cards of Eli is llowr., Jr., and the Grovcr & Baker S. M. Co A Card from the GROVER & BAKER S. M. Co. Our Patents being nov established by t Courts, we are enabled to furnish the Grover it Baker Machine, wilh important improvements at greatly 1C educed Price. The moderate price at which Machines mik ing the Grover &. Baker stitch, can now be had, brings them within the reach of all, and renders the use of Ma bines making inferior .titche as unnecessary as it is unwise. Persons desiring the best Machines, ami the right to uso them, must not only be sure to buv Midlines muking the Grover & Baker stitch, but also that such Machines are made and stumped under our patents and those of Elias Hower, Jr. GROVER & BAKER 8. M. CO., 4U.r Uroadway, New York. A CARD FROM ELIAS HOWE, JR. All persons are cautioned not to make, deal in, or use any Sewing Mechincs which sew from two spools and make the stitch known as tilt, Grover & SISuker stitch, unless the same are purchased from the Grover it Baker Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents, or Licenses, and damped under my patentof September III, IH 10. Said Company, and their Licenses, alone, ar legally authorized under their nwu patents, am my aaid patent, during the extended term there of, to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine and all other are piracies upon my said patent, and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever found. ELIAS HOWE, JR. New York. Dec. 29. 1800. tf to ai.lViIobiavixg Farms, Parks or Gardens, IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A rare chuncc is now airorded In sdrrt and order FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES Vines, fliriilibery, e., from the crlebrat.-d Clover Street Nur.enes touted ul lludieaier, New Voik. Ulesars, MOOltK, imOTIIt:il.?, PROPBIETOH8 Who hep: leave to announce that Ihey are pienarMl through their qualified and HKsl'tlNSI II t. K AO K X T S, To di. trit'ule their sunciior utmk tin i),. .-.a. i.i ( Iciiui. PKOPl.U F THK ' EE 7S TO ITS STATE. t.Ol'l.1 . tvf Nfiti.ra n..i4 l.ul. I , - .... ...,,,,,,11111 jii.ny celeDrate I lor jour mteloitenie, wealth, lilH-rulity and Uulc, now is , the tunc lo make vour seln-uum i'r. ,,r JjF.nntll'TIVF. C TAI.(KH K ANU Pl.ATK HOOKS Winch will tw furnished you, through our kin I iitiii' hihI you niuy rest assured thul youi oidcrs will be bonoru! ply tilled. Foi further particulurs apply in Flti:i);itItK A. HOWK, OrJOIlNH.Jt.NRS, mkauv.lll, PA. Aii.nt lor Northumberland county. REFERENCES: lion. F.UFNF.ZF.II IJHIFFIN, Rochester. N Y Hon. JOHNliAI.HItAITH.Krie, I'a ' Cl. J. U. JOHNSON, Mrudulle, Fa. 1 rbruaiyV, lri War! War! War :! COME MOM Till: KOltTlI. COME MOM THE SOI TIT, COME MOM THE EAST, COME MOM HIE WEST, Save the country and build yourselves homes, or now is the lime to get your Lumber cheap, LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! LUMBER ! ! ! ran lie purchased at low rule at the STEAM SAW-MILL of IRA T. CLEMENT, BUNBUKY, PA., Such as Panel Lumber, Frame Lumber, Boards, Siding, Shingle, from $3 to 8 per thousand, Plastering Lath, Paling, Routing Lath, Ac, Ac. All bill ordered, for any kind of Lumber, will b furnuhed at the hoilet notice. IRA X. CLEME1VT. Sunbury, March 9, 1881. COTTAGE BIBLES. lOR SALE, cheap, three copies of tbe - Cottage Dible, ia two volume, wilh com mentarea. II. H. MASS Ell. 0Y'8 COOTS anJ SHOES, cheap for cash " WW. MILLLR'8 Bun' ury, Aust IT 1139. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF iV KW GOODS, .1, II. LMiEI,. or Minbiirjr, Pa., nA M just arrived wilh sploridid STOCK of 8PKINO AND AUMMKR UOOD3, from Philadelphia, In which he respectfully invites his friends and the Public to call and Inspect, he will spare no time in showing them. Among his stork of good will befound, PINE 13 1. IE AND UT.ACk. FP.E1TCE CLOTS. Fine lilack and Fancy Casimeres Tweeds, Sal inetta, Jeans, Ulnck Italian Cloth, Cashmerettc, Coitonade, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Check, aud Farcy Vesting, also a large assortment of Ready-made CLOTHING for mru and boyt fcheap VR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Silk Tissue, bereges, Chali and Chall Robes, Uerege Delaine, Uerege Robes, Figured brilliant and a variety of oiher Dress Goods, Spring and Sum mer Shawls, Mantilla, Parasols, a good assort ment of white goods, Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac. A general assjrtraent of domestic Dry Go'ds. Also a large stock of Hats and Caps, Roots and shoes, Hardware, tjueens and Glassware, Groceries, Ccdarware, Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, fait, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar &c. ke. N U. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will be sold at low prices for rash or country produce ta en in exchange for Goods. J. H. ENGEL. Sunrmry, May. 19, 1800. tf. It A ITr 18 PAIST EIlT SI 1 1 o v n r a at 3L a to , MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, FA.. June 3.1. 1H60. New Air Line Route T O 3STE-W YOBK. BlloriTKST IN DISTANT!! AMI til:K"lr'.ST V.N TIMK between the tw .''lie. of NEW YOHK AND HARRX ORC.. V14 RKADING, Al.l.hNToWN AND KA9TON. Morning Kxpress West leaves New Vol k nl S a. m . and PhihiiMuluu ul 8 m , arrives ut Harrithurir nt ID 4.", r. m connecting nt llsinsbuig with train un Northern Central Koail for Punbury, V iliiumsporl, Lock Huven and Inter mediate slHtuiiis. Mail Train 'West leaves New York at Ii noon, nnd Philuilelihu. nt 3 Ull p. M., cumiccliuc with tinill mi North ernCeutial He mil lor stations us nlxive, and also on ull trains on the Williinuiiporl nuit Kliuirn. Mail Tmin Knsi Iraves Ihim jl.uig at 8, AM, ami sr. rives at l'hiliul-lilun at I f. m., ami New Voik at 3 30 P. M.. in tune Ui take Imat or cars for lloslon, Ac. Fast I'.ipri-M K.ust lenves HarriMiUE at I IS. on airival of Northern Central Tinin, nnd arrives at Philadelphia nt e I j p m . and .New Yolk at tip, M. No change of aarsi.i Imi-gnge btlwecn New York or PhilaiVlphiuanil IInrrn,liuM. For lit-auly of scenery and speed, eonifoit and nceommiv lalioii, this mute jtresenls lupenor indiieelueiits to the traveling iuhlie Oll'n-e ih New York, footuf Conrtlnml street Phllailel phiu. Ilinad and Callowlull sliet-ls. I'are lielwet-u New York und llarriihurg MVK DDI. For Tickels; Freight or olher inforumtion, apply tu J J. CL.S UK, tieiicial Aseut. 1 1 irri tin nr. June no. I win y ltbo. ' THE BEST ROUTE 1860 FHO.M IVyomliir Valley lo IMilladeliihln, "New VoiK, llnllimuic, AND all roixjs .xoimi, sot nr $ in;sr. LACKAWANNA & BL00M3BURG RAILROAD. STJIVIMSn AHHANGEMENT. Tivii Daily P:issenKi;r Trnins will lie run lietween SL-ruuton und .Noiihuiiilieilainl, ns follows: MOV l.envf Sc-ruiito, Airiveat PltUton, KingHton, lock.ltiiiiiy, 11,-ivvick, HI.Miiniibuif , itiipcil, Uanvillr, Northuiubertand, MOV I.enve Nortl'-jtul.crlaiid, Airive at Danville, Hiqiell, Itliioinshuig, Her wick, Shicksliiuny, KniRstou, 1'ltli.t'HI, SHTiniton, ft i L III : I'h.l'u.Msil. N. Y. Fx. lo A. ,M. ii P. M C 38 4 S3 1 Ui i Jl) 1 HI 6 t till Ji SO 7 30 ti ll ? 40 9 'JS S IU 10 On A NUKTII : N. V. F.I. Phil'. Mail ft 30 A. M. 4 13 P.M. 6 OS 3 20 J i 8 50 e is r ih) 7 13 33 7 13 7 ui b 30 7 43 37 S IS l 5 , e 4S The I jrk.iuaiinii and lil.H.iiinl.ura Itnilroad connect, with the Debiww, tjickawanmi and Western Itnilroad, nt Sciantoii, for New York and I'hiladelphin, und mti-riue-.liale point. Fiiut ; u l.i fur Great Head, Hiiiuliuioton, riyracuse, lluiralo, Xiucnrn FalU, and nil iiiiMrtaiil points West. At Hum-it it connects with the I'altawiHii liall ronu, for filnt Imth Cu.tiind West. At Noiiliuuilirilnud it connects wilh the Sunlury and Kric Ituiiroad. for points West and South. , M. W. JACK0., Sup't. KiuKsloii, Augu.t '2- ll-eo. CGI'.DIAL ELIXIR OF C A LI S A Y A BARK Prepared only by HKUEMAN .V 841., Wholesale and Retail Chemists and llrupf iti, I6, 3!lt, 311 and 738 Jlioudway, New Yoik. THK virtues of PKItl'VIAN HARK us a Tonic lave been too long k.iown to nerd counnrnl. The C.M.1SAYA ('or Kiiik's Hark,") la Ihe moil vnhl nlileol Ihe nuiuer u vnuelles of Ihe Peiiivi.ln Hark, and In the l-'l .1 V I II io ...... I. I. ...i . . .. . : .......... .. ... ,r nuiri lllgreuiclll. tuul uiereaM- iu rilteaey and at the same tune overcome the lUlt'llsllV ul ils blltel. rend..rii:ff i, n x -i.u dial. - " "-"" For persons livinir in FKVKI1 am) AGI'F. Will lie found invaluable as a pieveutive, Hull ol a wine ijluss full taken nifiht and morning, rendrruig Ilia system inuch leas subject to the uiiheahhy influence ol Ihe atulos phere. , lJ KFCTIONS Dote for an adult, half . wineglass mil before breakln.tund dinner j cloklrrn fiom one to two tenspouiis full; it maybe Uikeu Willi or without, little wuter For sale at this oflice, March 17, I Mil I A Freah Supply o ury CaOoctN. PJCNSISTING in part of Prints, Delainea bleached anil uubleached M usling, Checks Stripe Denims, A, Drill. Ac, just received by U. U. al tbe Mammoth store of FRILING i II KANT. LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TU BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. GO TO WM. 11. MILLER, he has received from Philadelphia a large stock of BOOTS & SHOES. Hi. stork consists of Gen't Kipp Hoots, Youths' Kipp Boot. Children' Calf Boots. Also a variety of Women' Calf Lace Boot, Women' Morocco Lace Boots, Children' Morocco and Calf Lace Boots, all .of which he will sell cheap for Call and examine for yourselves. A I.SO, first quality of Tampero Moroco foi sale for cash. WM.II. MILLER. Sunbury, January 7, 1800. GENESEE SALT. WHOLESALE Se KETAIL pi'lLl.NG & GRANT (el the Mammoth Store,) have just received 600 His. of Solar Ground, Solar aud Fine Salt, 700 Sacks ol Ground Solar Salt every sack warranted to contain 835 pounds of Salt and S00 bags of Sail containing one Bushel each. Tliis salt is the beat and atrongas) now manufactured and in market. Call and e for yourselvea. Sunbury Sept., 8, 1800. "IVrNDOW SHAPES. A very fe and cheap assorlmeiit. just received by Rail, road from New Yoik, al the Mammota store of Friling 4- Grant. We have also for sale S. 8, Putnam &. Co' celebrated Patent Pendulum Curtain Fixture. 1I.ANK Parchment Paper Ieod and blank " Mortgages, Bonds, Execution., Summons, Ac, for sale b H. II M . SHE., TIN WARE. -A very cheap aud desirable assortment jusl received Ibis week, al the Msmmuth Store oj l'RILI.NU Jt GRANT. Sunbury, J.ouery t, I but. NEV7 GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. IIARKKT BTRF.ET, SL'NDUR Y, I'A riHE subscriber has just opened at l is l known establishment in Sunbury, one of tl heapeat and most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods that has ever been offered in theplace.and wide ne will sell fof CASH or exchange for Counir Produce. Thove desiring to purchase goods wi do well to call and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK. All Wool Delains, Figured, Striped moi Plait French Merino, all colors. Beautiful Drus Robes, Cashmeres, Shaded, J'lnin and Sttiped must lie seen to form an idea of Ihe extent an variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawl Thibet and Broche Shawls. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet For Men and Boys' W ear, Black Cussimere Fancy Cassimnres, side stripes heavy, Dor. Skin Cassimeres, Sn'tneta all kinds. Fr,A.IsrjSfEX.K, White and Red Flannels, uii grades and price Bay State Sack Flannels, colors finest .jnaltios READY-MADE CLOTHING Boot and Shoes, Huts and C'nps. Ac, i t., all nf which were selected with ureal fare, am' will compare favorably, as regard ijuulily, styb and price, with any in the country. HARDWARE, a full naHuritiieut. Wood and Willow Ware, (ueensware, of all description, Groceries, a full stock in store, Cariet Chains, Ac, Paints, Oils, Glass. Dye Stulbj. Thankful for the patronage heretofore receive! he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunbury, Oct. 2, Ib!i9. HIGHLY IMP 0 RT ANT N EW3 M. C. GEARIIART, Has returned with a new Stock nf Confectionaries, Fruit and Toys. IT scents as if a'new- ae, a new fife war op.-n -- ing upon us, nninmliiig every heart to nobler deeds and higher aims! Ar;, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and seek lo dcvelope .u'j limer beauties ami grander conception. The business world teo mut Jcel the new in fluence and tiVt'.tV tHft lt( jl li is bit i in, I nml t-l ei Vi . ened by an increased vitnlity. which shall urge tieeir.c speeu in t::e cousuniniuiion. of greater things than was ever dreamed of in tin) Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevadv all classes, and desirous of doing his share tit ward "The great events uf the .Age," thn sub scriber would respectfully inform thn iood peo ple of SUNBURY and the public genernllv, that he has just returned from the of Philadel phia with the largest and choicest stock of Con fectionaries, Fruit ami Toys tlmt has ever been brought to this section of country, lip is also manufacturing all kinds uf Confccli utaries. Ac., to fill up orders, whole.u'e or retuil, at short n. lice. Among his stock uf Confect'tonaries, may tie found : French rVcret.. Gum Dropr, all k ind. of scent . l.urued Almonds, Love ito;i, Cream While, ,,,n I, ,-,,,',, rcj ailj whlt. " l-i.ion J.iiv cnk.-s, ' Koe, p,uj, Drops, " Vnnills, ftick Coullcs, ofall sccnl. I ummnn Srcnts. I!,H-k Candy, l.U(Uinire, Almond I'aiidy, FRUIT. llnnsnas, rruncs. I'u'cs, Fn,', Currant, diieil, Cit'ions, Almonds, Rnitomi, Nuts nfull kinds I. KM ON' KYRUP of a superior quality, by tbe single or dozen. A superior quality of Segars aud Tolmc. n, and a variety of Confectioneries, fruit, Toys, &c, all of which isnlfered clicap at wholesale' or retail, tjr" Remember the tmme nnd place, M. c.gearhart; Market st., 3 door., west of E. Y. Bright & Son's store. Sunburv, April M, lHfia ly KAGSSpJs PATE1TT " FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, As Improved for H5U and .ill. B, E. KETCH M or CO., sk Pearl-Rtreel, New-York. 'pHE only Freezer roiKlructid on seienlilic principles, with a revolving can ami spring blade scraper. The one hastens the ireeziiij; of the cream the other removes it as fast as froiui. The most rapid in freezing, with the leai-t quantity of ire. The tniist economical in cost, as it is the most simple and durable in structure. For sale iu all tho principal cities and towi. in the L'l.ion. Each Fieezer accompanied with a book of io eipes and full diructiot.s. PRICKS, 3 quarts, $3 tM, 4 quarts, 4) 00 6 quarts, 5 mi 8 quarts, fi 00 14 quarts, s no 20 quarts, ) j (,0 Apply to H. B. MASSER, Sunbury. June 3, IKfit). ROCKEFELLER & E0YER. Attornies at Law, SUNEUHY, TJV. . Jordau ItoUirtelu-r and Solomon II. Itoyt-r, respe.'tfuily aiiiiouiice t.11. tliev entered into Copartnership iu the pf acticu of their prolession, and wiil continue lo attend to ail busi ness entrusied to their charge 111 the counties of Northumberland, Union, Suvder aud Montour promptly, faithfully and carefully. Special at tention will l giveu to llm COLLECTIONS OF CLAIMS. Consultations can bo had iu the GERMAN language. Office, - Market Street, opposite Weaver's HolcL Sunbury, February ixiiu. P. MELANCHTON SHINDZL7" ' Jl'STHli: up TIIK l'KtfJK STJisriJxjmr, Ojjict in Deer Strttt.immediuteljf lyposite tie 1'uhlic Schutd house. All business promptly attended to. Muuie ollected aud all ordinary wiiting dono. Sunbury, Anril ia. i5? u HENRY DONNEL, ATTORNEiT AT LAW. Ojut opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa, Prompt attention lo business in adjoinm -untitles. WHOLEaJALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES, GINS.&C r11IE subscriber having opened iu Thompson's Brick Building, Mill street, Danville, a large and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the best Brandies. Gin, Old Rye, Scotch and Irish W hiskey, Port, Sherry, Madcria, Champagne and other Wines of ail grades, all of whiih will be sold Wholesale at the lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers by buj ing of us can save at least the fieight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquors for ' FAMILY USE, msy rely upon being furnished with a pure and unadulterated article. CP" Being determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap ha respectfully solicits the pa tronage of the public. A II orders promptly t. tended to. JEREMIAH S.HALL. Danville, Jul, id, iS6o. JKGRA IN El) OA RPL TS, MAM FACTI KH ij f.r Pale hy M. p-iper r Leihiumit aial Slrla.u , IP. HuiMii-t, Ntiih Ka.i uiiM,lMo4!i .ii Hate uicvl. I niladt-'phw. COos UU4HASTi:i.D. 4oUl ;, t(6u
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers