SENT BY BXPBES3 - EVixivsrwxacEitH. Hotted al Wholesale Prices, Hade to Measuro at iB18 per doz. OH SIX FOR NINE HOl.IiAB.9, 'Tftthout Collar on, with Collars on 13 per do, extra. MADE OT KOT-TOKK U1L13 MUSLIM, Trim Art linen Bnsom., end ttsrrantM ssirood a Shirt on sold In tlit retail atari ! nt 2,."iO each. .ALSO. THH VERY II ITT PntTiTS THAT OAS Bit ' MADS AT 1 EACH, P S. Tnow hn think I canon make ft frond Shirt for H8 j-r drown are mistaken. Here Hie oost of due down (1 S fine shirts. fto ynrrti nf Ncw-York MWi ramlln r.Uttfe. p" rt t J' 7 v'.n'.s of fine Linen, at !. jier yard, OIO Making an! cuttlne J' linndry,$l button! unit cotton, to 1 f lTofit M Total 0 Delf Hoasuremerxt for Shirts. Printed directions sent free everywhere, end so eay to understand, thr.t at,y one on take their own mriieure forsMrts. 1 warrant good tit. The ch to lie paid t the Express Company on receipt ot goods. The E.Tprese chr-rrcs on one doscn SUrls from New. ..rlr a New Orleans Is .1. p a-rARTirs wishing smrtTa is hasts, r," having tluo to send for Uulcs of Menwremeiit, end per 'mail, prepaid, one of the bctt ruling shirts they Java sot, elating any alterations that may be required. 7 S. W. II. WARD, from London, 387 Broadway, up stairs, ; .Between TMiite Walker Etrccli '.Y.-YOIUV Mnicli Hi. lKfil.- II AYEE'S Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. .And for the speedy cure of the following complaint, fijcioluln nnd He rofiilond AfTec Inna.a urU ns Tumora, V leers, Sores, KmpMoin, dimples. Vui tlvn9 1I1iH'Ii. lloU, llluinu, und nil Skin Ureases. Oakland, Ind.. 6th June. 1859, J. 0. Aren A Co, timin: I foci It my duty to c nowlfitgo , lint your fcnvt-apftrilU litis done for me. liming inhpiitcd n uot'tilou iiifectiou, I hnve milTeivd from it In vurioun wavs t' r yews. oiuetimoN It burnt out in Mans on my liamlrJ and nuns; sometime it turn-ij Inward and tliHtit'KwJ mo ut the f-tonmch Two years ng3 it broko out on mv hend nml covered iy sculp und ems with one soiv. uliii ii whu .iinfitl mil lonthnoiDQ In-yoiiij dt'fciii'tiMii, J tiit d innn.v tmt'liciiifS iunl dcvcrul Itliysiciniif, but wiiliutit ii null rt'lii t tYi'iii nn.v tliinc;. In ta :tt tlio iliaovder jjivw u-io. At hngth 1 wiia ivjolwd to lOHfl hi the (rospfl Mi"rtiiK--r tlint ou liuil pn-pnted nn ulleiutivu (Sai-Hitpmlllii), for J liti"W iioiit your i vjn ta li . any tiling ynu nindo mihl bo govdl. 1 ftnt to Cinrintuili und git it, and UHid It till ft cim-d me. I took it. as you ail vise, in Miuill (Iohvh of a tt'D.HMjiiful over a 10" nth, uud imed almost three bottk-ri. New uud hwlthy pi; in s-Rin bt'Knn to fmra under tint tenh. which aftr a Villi) fill o(T. My nUin ft now cli-ar, mid 1 know by my fcetingit that tbe diaeusu bits gooe from my syptt-m. Yon van well beliuvo that 1 feel what I inn nuviiiii when 1 tell cm, that 1 hold yn to bu cue of th npoulk'1 ul' tlio age, :ud remain cvor giaut'ully. Vouid, St. Antliony's FIref Rose or Krj lpeln Tetter nikl fealt Klicuiii. fScnld liuUv Hiiigivoruiy Sore Ket Iroptty Ir. Itolwrt r. Pi-eble wiltes from Palem, N. V., 12th Pcpt., that he Iris rurcd an Invvterate caw of JUiopsy, which thi'titened to tt-tniiimie futnUy, by tho f.Hi'FPVcring use of our rti siip.trilKt, and hIso a dauiferous Malignant Eryriptlns by largo doses of thw Bitnio; ea9 ho cureii the couitntin rniftlious by it constantly. Bronchocclc. Goitre or Swilled IVeck. Zebulon Sloan iif 1'rofpect, Tixas, wiiteB : "Throe bot tles of ynur Sni Hiipm illa cured mo from a (ciTV a hiJ us t "'filing on the uetk, which i had eufTured fiom over two years." Lenrorrhocn nrlVliitm, Ovnvln.i Tumor, Uterine I li t rulion. Female L)ij.cast. Dr. J. B. B C'hnuninff, of New York City, writes ; I most, cheerfully comply vf(h the refjuept of your tut In eityiiljT I have fouud your fiarwipurilla n n(; execlleut .alterative In the immeroiiH coniplatnt for whiih we employ such a remedy, but ewpcrlully in fVmah Usfasa f the' Hcrofit Ions di:i(hfW. 1 hive cured iiuiny fiireter itle ruses of Leucoi rh.ea by it. and some whero the com lhd)it was csiifieil by uhrruti-n of the ufrrux. The. Mk-er-htioti itself wassonii eiin-d. Nothing within my knowl dce cqiiuls it for these f nmle cierungfinents." Kdunid f. MHrrow, of Newbury. Ala., writes, " A dan gerous tivarum tumor on one of (he ft-males in iny fniuilr vhii'ii had dotted nil tho reined ia wo could emj'loy. hits at length been compbdily cured by your Kxtrnet of 8ar iipaiilln. Our pb-yKlrlan thought uothlnt? but extirpn tli'ii could afl oid relief, but he iviriscd the trial of your prtrnrtpniilla it? the last reort tefore etittint,', find it fnoved effectual. After tuldntryoiir leme iy eight weeks 'no symptom of the disease lemnins.11 SypUllii and Mercurial DMensc. Nrw OnriANH, fcj'lh Autrust, 169. Dr. .T. Ce Ayeh t Sir, I cheerfully coitijJy with tin re 'ijiiont of your mrent, and report to yon ouie of the efloett I have realized with vo:ir tirttipurlllu, I hnve cured with It. In my pniftlco, mot of the com pViints for v lri-4t It h recouanended. and hive fuund its t fleet truly wonderful in the cure of Vnwral anil Mr burial V i at aw. One of my piitientn lind Syphilitic uleore Jn his throat, which went consuming hU p.ilate ntid the top of his mouth. Your huiKjipatitla, steadily taken clidhfm In tive weelis. A imtht'r mm nttftckfd by sec itymptoiiw in hi ive. end th ulceration had cnten away a p:u t !' it, so that 1 believe lite dirder would soon reach his brain and kill him. lint it yielded to my administnitioii of jour iNtt'Hiipurir.a; the ulcers healed, and he 1 well again, not of couim wlthuut ome dibiiur'itiou to face. A wmuan who hud been treated tor the same disorder 1-y meieury wab tsiiflerintf liom this pultton in hrr lumen. 'J hey had heroine o pcu-f-itive to the weather Ih-it on a damp duy she u Ikied ex ciuviatini pin in her jitinlH ami huis. She, t'jo, was ured entirely by yorr Knisapurilla in u few weeks. I know Cm nn its foiuiuln, wliieh your aetd pue tue, that tltis l'repuratioii fniii jour laboratory must ben tMiut . reioeily ; c:n:H.queiitly. ilitho truly lemajkuble let-ulti with it havo not mrji iM.'d li e. 4'rateruully tui. G. V. L.UIIMIIH, M. D. Rheumatism, Gout, Liver C'omplolnt J NfiKi'tMn Nc', 1'iiitioii C"., Yti.. r.ih July, l"y. PR. J. C. AvfcRi frir, 1 have bteu atllicted with a pain ful chronic JUieuinadsm for n long time, which bMlh-rt the kill of phyMiciatiB, and hiik I to nie in tpite of all the remedit'i i could had, until 1 tiled your SutX'upnrilla. One battle cured ma in two veekn. Miiil lentoiej my general health so much that I am tar butli'i than heloio was attacked. I think it a wcndeiful nredMne. J. ML AM. Jules V. Qetchrdl, or Ft. T.onis, writi-st I hnve been nlliicted for years with uti vjfvitnt uf the. IJvr which destroyed my heulth. I tried every thinT. and every tliiuK feilefl to relieve uie ; and 1 have been n broken-down man lot some ynrs tV'Mii no thi-r riiuse tlmn Ut ruvycturut the Ltxtr. My beloved cantor, the l!ev. Mr. lispy, advisei me to tiy you i taiapariUa. t'ft aiue he said be knew jou, niid any thimr yon n.iule was worth tryinir. lty the Mess- h.g id Ut'td it hiu tured ine, and hHS so purifiud my blood a to mnke a new n un of me. 1 f, el young at:ain. The i'St timt cmu bu sa'i otyou i uot Lull' ood enough." Bclilrrue.Cnnrcr Tiitnorsf Kitlaricemeiit, , 1 J c ci-ut Inn, Cat ica und lxi'oliuiion of 1 tUm iiom. A t eat nvli-ty cf cnes Imvohepn reported in us where , cure i't iheu- f'!iuM;;l ie C'--tiiphiiuti have teultt-d fiora . W.k use of lid rciiD'ily, but our r-pute heto will not admit tin m. S' tue of them liny bj found in our American Aim nunc, which the iteiitV ld w named uie pleaded to ruiii-b to nit win c ill f-.-r them. D 81e jibln, Heavt Diense, Fll-i, Fpilep- MelniK lioly, 'vurul;ia Mhtiv iimiuikitlit tui'fS of thchO aflectit n have been m.'de I'v tlii nlt:ntive i. w r of rlii nu'dn hie. Jt Mimu- . latt tho in. finK'tioiiK ioto vi(ron-ui aetioiia and thus j oveieoimu whi-.h would be supposed lnyoud its 1 reuvh. Such a i-nn'ly has km la-eu rtiiuired by tho ne j cecities of the pc pl,, and we aie c"nhdeul that ibis will Uo for them all that ineOKiua urn do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, TOP. THE IUPII) Ct'HB OF C.outfHe. Colda. Influriizn Hoarsen-!, Croup, llrunt liitlN Iitt iitent C'o.& unttl(ni, and for the itcllcf vf on it hi lit I ve la tic uia In ml v iic il Sl Kt-a of tiie DUeabc Tblf If a remt-dy Kit univerwilly known to surpass any otbm for the cuie of tlooDt ttiiii lung complaints, that it It useless beta to piil'li-di tho evidence of iu virtues, lis uiirivulled okg l!vucc for coulu and colds, and its truly wuhdfiTnl cures of pulmonary din-ase, )mv ntado it luMwu throughout the civilized nntions of the emth. 'cw utu ihe commuuitirs, or even faniiiics, amonji thviu vlio hite not some personal experience of il etlects f.ute living tidphy in their nddnt of ltd vietoiy rver Ihe tubtle nnd daiitioun dihordt rs of the throat and luna As nil know the dieadtul fatality of iIk-ho disorders, and as they know, too. thuetrfctsot this teiuedy, we nt-ed not do Rioie than to assure them thnt it has uow all the vir tues lb itt it did have when mnWiiiK the cures which have V wou so strongly upon tho conlidiuee of iuaukind, Prepared by Dr. C. AYEH & CO., Lowoll, Alasg. ti'iii by Ftiliiur k. O taut, and A. W l-'ischor, tSuubujy J I-'. Oslow Mod C. Bri.wii, Milton; Ir W'emk, Mr tareiisville : lietfsnvdar 4 Chrisiuaii. TurbutviHe ; K. li- 0 ftJCLioy. Nutthumberluud anJ by Uealvra everywhete. Apt it .,'U, 1C1. ly He or Death The auUrribera lake JJi pleaeure in announciiiR that they art! now (jieparcd to mail (free) to thoae uhu uuh it, a copy of an iuji'Ortftut little work, by the Jutu Dr. lirampttin, entitled 'The Invalid's Medical Von idunt," publialied fur the benefit, and as a warn 4rng lo young men and persona who sutler from Nervous Debility J'reaiature Decay, cVc, A.c, tiupplving the muuns ot self cure. The reader is .irreautibly led to compare a useful life vilU an ignoble death. Reader, loae not ft moment, but send your ad 'ilreiis f r copy of this ItUla work. Addrcts the PuhlisUers. DR JOHN B OGDEN 6c CO, N 4 Ac 66 Juhu att.. Aew Yorlu Msy 18, IMibm GREATJJ3T EXJICEMSr Oj? SEASON 1 .ma II I LING & GRANT i the MAMMOTH STORE, ivj j uat received a KEW AND DESIRABLE (Stock of FALL $ WINTEll GOODS! A very axteneive tieortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Cons'ifting in part of Ulatk and Fancy Silka of very clioico pattern. DEBEGES, Ducals, Cnslimeree. French end English Merino, Plain and Figured Wool Dclainea. MuelitiDelainee of all styles and prices. Foulards, Thibet Cloth, Poil De CI.evrcs. Sdxon and Wool Plaids. I .DIES' FURS, B ROC HE, Bay tate and Wool 8H AWLS of every va ticty, iic, &c. Gentlemen's Dress Goods, of every style, coneieting of Cloths, Casimeres, SattiiK'tts, Kentucky Jeans. Tweeds, Velvet Cord, Velvetet n, Vesiingi. of every vnricty. Our stock of silk and Pilk Velvet CHlingK, cannot be euriiasteU in Uie country. I'leaac call, and examine tuciii. CLOTHING- Our stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, has been replenished, and we have a full assort ment of OVERCOATS DRESS COATS. Pants and Vesta, Overcoats and Dress Coats for Boys of all ages. ALSO, a very handsome assortment of HATS A3STT3 CAPS of every ttyle and variety at the lowest prices. Our stock of HARDWHRE litis been renew' ed and we have now a larger assortment Hum ever before oll'ered to our customers, cuntistlng in part oi Sausage Cutters, Pocket Cutlery, Luii1 her Knives Mayer Hinges, Bolts uud Pad Locks, X Cut Sans, Mill Saws, Scoop Miovels, dec, Ac, Ac, dj-c, c, Ac. 'duccmwaic mid Glassware. of every variety at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Our stock of c-?,ocsniss i very fine. We have ihe best quality of Syrup Muliissea ever before ollVre to Ihe citizens ui Sunbury and vicinity. CEDAR AND WILLOW-WARE of every ariety. Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, SADLERY. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ac, &c Also a fresh supply of Drugs, Oils, Perfumery, Fancy 6oaps, Paints, Dye Srifla, Glass, Blushes ic. Particular care having been tuken in tho se lerlion of fair goods in reiiard to quality, style and rice, we cull the aUenUon of the public to our lurge stock to winch constant additions will be muile. Thankful for past favors, we hone to merit continuance of the patronage of the public by selling cheaper than ever. Give us a call before purchasing cUewucre. FKII.ING A GRANT. Sunbury, Nollember 17, Ic'tid. TO ALL THOSE II tYI.VU Farms, Parks or Gardens. I.N CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A rare cluuce is nuw utTorded to select uud order FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES Vines, Sliruboeiy. kc.fnm ihe celrt. ruled Clwer Street Aur.cties l.ocuicjul itooticsier, Ne w Vmk. ilflcasiH, MOOUI, X5UO I IllUtS, PHOPHIETOR3 W ho leg Ifuve tti BiitiDunttt tltut tiity are jncjuiied It E S e O N 8 1 11 l. E AGENTS. To (lituil.ute Uieir uj.eiior slock on the uiosi reu,iiahl tei ins. PEOPLE UK THE KEYS? CITE STAT2. livei. of .Nature mid llic heuuliful, nud iuatlv celehrnte lor your intelligent., weultli, hl.eriihl and lu.te, now II I'KscitirnvE c TAi,oauK an dci.ate books V h it ii will he furniiitied you, llirousli our I.k-iiI nueouj' nnd you may rest auuicd lliat your older, will be bunuru ui) Ful lurllier purticulur, apply in miiUKnicK a. nmvu, Or JOHN B. JONES, MSAUy.tL, Agi iulor Nortliuniherlnnd county. KEPERENOES: Hob. KBENEZEIt liltlKKIN, Umhcier, N. Y. lion. JOHN UAl.UiiAlTII, Erie, fa. CI. J. H. JOII.Nnu.V, Meuitvillo, I's. r'ehruai) , 11-01 fin STOVES- IT'OR SALE an excellent second-hand Cook - lug Stove, also several Cylinder Coal dm inquire at UH( WQI. CENTRAL HOTEL, 6UNBUEY, Northumberland County, Pa rflllW large and cnmmoiliinis Hotel, now - mensgeil tiy JAMES VAN DYKE. It Is eituata at Ihe Rnilrnad Drnot North East enrnet of Market Square, sjunbury, and at the termlntia of the Sutihury 4- Erie and North ern Central Kailronde, and Is open for the accom- inmmlionnl i ravelrrs ami the pumio m general The pr iprietur will give his exclusive nlten tion, totl e eonifnrt and convenience of his gueels and is lie erinineil to mako this entaldiiihtneiit rank amonj; the lirnt in the Slnto. Hit talilo will he supplied with the hest the ma'ket can uroduca having the advantoga of daily cominuninntion hy curs direct from Haiti- in ore, and also from ihnic rnngtiig produce trom the surrounding country. Hia bur will he supplied with the purest liquors Ihe market can p"rnduce Ca-eful and obliging servant always in at tendance. New and commodioua stabling has just been added to the premises, A share ol the local and traveling community a most respectfully solicited. Punbury, January 19, 1861. "V7" 1 1ST T I-H JR. GOODS, FOR MEN'S W E A R . Black nml Blue Hair Cloth, Beaver Overcoating, Blaok Doeskins, New Style Cassimeres, All Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Real Good l;assinetts, SiU Mixed ('niiiings. Super Velvet (lords, Black Grenadine Vesting, Blnck Satin Vesting, Fancy Silk Velvet. Vesting, riain Silk Velvet Vestinga, Nice Cassimere Vestingsi In fact all kinds of goocis fir Men's and Buys' weur, con be found at the People's One Price Store of E. Y. ZJriuht eV Sun, who have just eci ived by Rnilrnad a splendid stock of all kinds of goods, suitable for cold wealhcr. Please call and be convinced. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, October S7, 1SC0. BEVEBB lIOTjar, (1.A1K KAtjl.K IIOTtU.,) Third Street, above Jltire, I'litladeljihia, ntlOADS & SAIl.OK, Propnttors. I Ml'ROVKMKNTS have been muile, and Uie House has X neiMi rfhltfu Miroufjhout Tilohman V. lliuiAUn, forrncily of th Niittonal Hotel Cii a Hi.F. Sailou, fonncrly ol r-liuylkill co., Pu. l'hiludelnlna, Jou. IU, lE-lil. ly 15 O O T A N 1) S HO K MANUFACTORY. Corner of Market Sijuare und Hirer Street 'BHE subscriber respectfully informs the citi zens of .Siniluiry and vicinity, that he his opened a Doot and Shoe Shop on the corner of Market Square and quaie and Ifiver tlrcet. opposite the Court House, where he can be found al II times ready to wuit upon customer. Having considerable experience, he is prepared to make up customer work of all kinds, al short notice, in the latest style and workmanship. He keeps constantly on hand a larije assort' nient of Leather, of the best quality, which ena bles him to moke up good and durnble woik. Cull and examine for yourselves before pur chasing cUcw here, and you will save nionev. JOHN VV1LVEK. Sunbury, Nov. 10, IRfiO. ly M I . , f S, .1 or "'. S. E. corner of Se venth and Chesnut Streets TMii is one of EIGHT COLLEGES, CONSTITUTING THE "NA TIONAL CHAIN." LOCATED IN Pliilndelpliia, NVw York City, Albany, BuiTilo, Cleve-l-i'id, Cliicnir hiu) St. Louis. Sehol nisliips i-hii be tur chimed aleiltitr point, uood nt nil ttu- C"U(-nes. tiik coM.i'.t.iATK corusic einbrnees Dt.nble and Sinii'e I'.ntry HiMik-Kr-ppine, Ctim- irt'TL-iul (i,i)iutiiti'MiB, Luimneiciul l.iiw, rtiiiiuinsinp. usme8 Correfji lutence, rurtm-felnp rfit'cmenu, etc DtACTlCAL TKXT-liUOKS. TheTe.iel hi'' in the B.k-Kefiunc Drtiiirtmeiit isnrt- ly tr.un written ilmmiikci ii ft-rinf, with nil insii iK-lixiis lures, anil liliiek-liourit eliieiilillioh, ; in uiUtlliou to wlif.-li, in order lo lurike tiie CoMepiiile Course ns ttioroiij;li and edrclUHlii noHsil.le, Uie lulKiwiiig Texl'UiKilis have been piejuiri'd : liryuiil .V Miiilton s ii v k.pepui(-. in three euilione 'IIU)"I1 Seliool, llilt rt iioot, .'out iV'lllttliljJ lloiihe i liry- nnl .V Striittou'. Coiiiiiiereml Anllinietii' : lirvitnt & &lrutton,li CoiiiintTeial l.uvv, liy Amo. Peun, 1. 1. 1. sPK.Ncr.KiAN svii:m or I'lMA.Nsiiir, in a series of nine hooks, liy V. It. t-IT:CI'.lt. I'. It flT.NCKR, Jl., Tenelier of I'euiu.llFliip. Tiu'i. duill iiiHlriictl.ui. Stmleiits entel ut any lime. Pinto. mn. nwnrdi'd. le 1'or 1 ntiilopni-s nn'l Cirnliirf, e.'dt nt t lie College, "rmlilic-s III1 V A.VJ', i'Ai 1'li.N ii l AIKltAMiS Felnuiiry I s-Ci t ly I'lnludfli lua. War! War! War! OME ri!OM THE NOItTlT, COME I'JIOM THE SOUTH, COME Ti:OM THE EAST, COMETUOM 7 HE WEST, Save the country and build yourselves homes, or now u the tune to get your Lumber chenp. Yes, LUMBER! LIMBER!! LUMBER!!! csn be purchased at low rates al the STEAM SAW-MILL of IHA T. CI.I3EIENT, Such as Pauel Lumber, Frame Lumber, Boards, Siding, Shinnies from -M to 8 per thoutalul, Plastering l.ath, Puling, Hooting Lalh, Ac, Ac. All lulU ordered, lor any kind of Lumber, will be furnished ut the shoilest notice. 1HA T. CLEMEA'T. Sunbury, March 9, I Mi I. SAVE YOUR FRUIT BY USING MASON'S Patent Sheet Metal Screw Top PRESERVE JAR MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TUP ! AW that is necessary being to screw (hp Cap down upon the liuhhcr liusktl, which is plated oulside upon the shoulder of the Jur, 3 4 of au inch dis tant from Ihe lop ; prevent the possibility of ihe Mayor n ihe fruit being Injured by coining in .iituct with the Rubber. Persons. ieiiring these Jars, can be supplied by aviinr their orders with H. U. M ASsER, Sunbury, June S, letiO. Agent. COTTAGE BIBLES."" IOR SALE, cheap, three copies of ihe Collage Bible, iu two volumes, with com. II. . M ASSSEU. I1LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank M ortirngcs. Bonds Execution., Summons, Ac. for sale h ft. H M ASSI, F. d 1AtKEHS! CRACKERS, just received J and for aule by the barrel or pound, at the Confectionery More of M. C, GEARHAKT. Sunbury. October 13, 181-0. KLANUS! BLANKS!! new supplv of Summon', Kierulion. Warrunis, Supeenas, Ueeils, Mortgages, Uonds, Lenses, Naturalization papers, Justices did Constable Fee Bills, Ac., Ac, just primed and for sale at this OUice. Sunbury. April 30, Ih59. IVNWW KIIAUEl A very line and ' ' cheap assortment, just received by Rail road from New York, al the Mammoth store of r iihug If Grant. We have also lor sale S.S. Puluam A Co celebrated Patent Pendulum Wurtaia iiluree, - SUNBURY STEAM FLOURING rt!IF, subscribers having taken possession of thU first clas n.OLHINU MILL, are pre iiured t.) receive gr.iiu uft.ll kinds, and to do cus tom work st the Bhoitest Notice. Customer will have their grists ground immediately upon their being left el the Mill. As it la the inten tion of the firm to stork Ihe Mill a large Sup ply nt Until, will he constantly kept oi hand, slid dour hy the quantity can always bo obtained. The greatest cue will be taken o tnrti out a au' peri'-r quality of fl.iur, for which the mill is d" mirnhly adapted. Hlrict attention will be paid to tile wauls of customers, and the pntronng of the public generally is respectfully requested. MO KUAN 6c CO., Punbury, June 23, 18f.O. XeUmBini. i.uriBuri r II I L I v 8 ii y , MUNOY, PA IS NF0RM8 his friends and the public in gene Q ral, that he constantly keeps on hand, Boards, Shingles, Lath, Joist ai.d all kinds of Lumber and building malarial, which ho will tell at ihe lowest prices, March 80, 1801. EH. A. W. FISCHER, OFFERS his professional service to the citi . zens nf Hunliiirv snd viiititv. Oflire at the Drug ttore. Suntiury, June 30, 18110. SHAMOKIN VALLEY POTTERY. riMIE subscrilier respectfully informs the public - that he is now manufacturing at his Pottery, 4 miles east of Sunbury, all kinds of Earthen Ware, made out of Hid Cement Clay. This cluy produces the best and most desirable kind of wurc, equal, in many respects, to stone ware, and is lee liable to crack by sudden heat and cold. The subscriber refers to Friling & Grant, Hunbury. Address, JOSEPH SAVIDGE, Oct. '3, 1PC0. ty Hunbury, Pa. PAPER 1 FRILING &. GRANT, at the MAMMOTH STORE, have this day (January 17th, 18G1 received a CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF TUB NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS OF WALL PAPER, which tl.ey are soiling at price that defy competition. Sunbury, January 19, lRfil- LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. O TO WM. H. MILLER, he has received 'Jf from Philadelphia a large slock of BOOTS & SHOES. His stock consists of Gen'ts Kipp Houts, Youths' Kipp Boot. Children's Calf Boots. Also a variety of Women's Calf Lnce Boots, Women's Morocco Lace Hoots, Children' Morocco and Calf Lace Boots, all of which he will sell cheap for CASH. Call arid examine foryourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tampero Moroco for sale for cash. WM. II. MILLER. Sunbury, January 7, I860. NOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL GliOVKU DAKEii'S C E L E B R A TE I) .V II IS E LESS Sewing Machines, 495 Bhoauwat, New Yoiik. The public attention is respectfully if quested to the following cards of Ei.ias Howe, Jr., and the (irover & Baker S. M. Co A Card from the G ROVER & BAKER S. M. Co. Our Patents being now established by t Courts, we uie enabled to furnish the Grover A Baker .Machine, with important improvements at greatly Btidiiccd Prices. The moderate price at which Machine mak ing the Grover A Maker stitch, can now be had brings iheni within the reach of all, and renders the use ol .Ma 'iries making interior stitches as unnecessary as it is unwise. Persons desiring the best Machines, and the right to use Iheni, must not only be sure to buv M iehiiies making the Grover A Baker stitch but n 'so that such Machines are made and stamped under our patent and those of Eliaa llowcr, Jr. GROVER A BAKER S. M. CO., 495 Broadway, New York. A CARL) F ROM ELIAS HOWE, JR. All person are cautioned not to make, deal iu or use any Sewing Machine which sew from two spools and make the stitch known as the Grover A S Laker stitch, unless the same re purchased Iroin the Glover A Baker Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents, or Licenses, and stumped under my pntentof September 10, 1H46 Said l-'omiiany, and their Licenses, abne, an legally authorized under their own patents, um my said paient, during the extended term there ol. to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine and all others are piracies upon my said patent, and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever lound. ELIAS HOWE, JR. New York, Dec. 29, lBtiU. tf New Arrival of Clothing. rpii E larBen and best Stock of FALL AND - WINTER CLOTHING ever brought to this place, arrived at the Mammoth Cloihing siore of SCHWK1TZER, HEILB RO.NN Elt A CO.. in Market street, nearly opposite Wea ver's Hotel. Their Slock comprise of PINE CLOTH COATS, Dress ('"at. Over Coats, Busines Coats, Ac. VESTS OF ALL KINDS. Under-Shirts, Drawers, Ac. HATS jJSTJD CA.I?S. BOOTS AND SHOES, of th latest styles of every description and quality, cheaper than ever. Their assortment of gentlemen' furnishing Clothing is the most complete I Their variety and style moat attractive. And the price defy all competition. (7 Call alio anamine for yourselves. SCWEITZER,HEILl!ilONNER4- CO. Sunbury, Oct. 6, I860. fltlN WARE A very cheap end deairabl A assortment just received this week, at the Mammoth Store of FKII.ING A GRANT. Sunbury, January 12, 1881. DttlBO PEACHES, pared aud unpared at the Maiiimnth ttoroof . FIULINO t GRANT ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF N EW GOO DS, J. II. EXCEL, mf Banbury, PaH HAS just arrived with splendid STOCK of SPKINO AND SUMMKR GOODS, from Philadelphia, to which ha respectfully .invite hia friend and th Public to call and inspect, he will spare) no time in showing them. Among his stuck of good will befoond, FINE BLUB AND BLACK FH3S1TCH CLOTH. Fine Black and Fane ('aaimerea '1 weeds, 8at Inetta, Jeans, Black Italian Cloth, Caehmeratie, Cottonade, Linen, Linen Drill, Linen Check, and t a-cy Vesting, also a larga assortment of Ready-made CLOTHING for meg and buy (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Silk Tissue, Beregea, Chali and Chsli Holies, Berege Delaine, Berege Robes, Figured Brilliant and a variety of oiher Dress Goods, Snriug and Hum mer Shawls, Mantillas, Paraaola, a good assort ment of white goods. Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt front, Marseille, Brilliant Ac. A general assjrtment nf domestic Dry Oo da. Also a large stock of Hat and Caps, Boot and shoes, Hardware, Queen and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar Ac. &c. N. I). Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpeta, all the above will be aold at low prices for cask or country produce ta en in exchange for Goods. J. If. EINGEL. Sunbury, May. 19, I860. tf. II A II II I 8 PAINTER, H 1 1 o r n e j) at 31 a to MARKET SQUARE, BU N B U B "V", FA.. June 23. IHfiO. New Air Line Route TONE "W" YORK, SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME between the two Cities of NEWYOHK ANDXIARZUSBURG. VI K READING, ALLKNTOWN AND E ASTON. Momma Express West leaves Now York at 6 a. m . nnd Ftiniideluliin ut 8 a arrives til llurnshnra at I 45 r ci i nee to i a at Htunsliura with iruin on Northern Centrul Koad lor rfnnbury, V iliiamspurt, Lock Huvun and inter inednite stalions. Mini Train West leaves New York Rt 12 noon, and Philtidelphia at 3 '.Hi P. M., coniieclina with tiiun on North ern Cenirtil Knud for stutions as nlwve, and also on all trains nn the Wilhamsport nnd Etmira. Mnti i rum r.nsi leaves HurriHourg at P, am, and nr. rives at I'hiimlelphia ut 1 p. m , and New Yolk al 3 30 M., in time lo tnKe iKWtt orenrs ror Huston, Ac. Express Eust lea vet Murriil)ua at 1.15. on amvol f Northern Central Tiain, and arrives at I'hiladelphia nt m p m ana iew oik at nr. m. No chainie of raraor hnukrHeo between New York or IMiiladelphia and llHrriFlrUig. Kor heQuty iif scenery and speed, eomfrtrt and occommo dation, tins route presents superior inducements to the traveling public OtHce in New York, f not of C'Mirtlnnd street, PhlladeU phia, liiond nnd Callowlnll streets. Fare between New York and ilnrrisbura FIVEDOL LARS. Fur Tickets; Freight or other Information, apply to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent. nHffiMiui(r, June -io, icon ly ALFRED D. BRICK'S UX1TED STATES AXI) EUnOPEA PATENT OFFICE, No. S23 WALNUT STREET, Philadelphia. VT B. Communications by mail promptly J-v nllendeil to. Sept 22, 1H0O. lyS Cure Cough, Cold, Hoarseness, JiJluenza, any Irnlatvm or Soreness of the Throat, Re lieve the Hacking Cough, iit Consumjttion, Bron chitis, Asthma, and Catarrh, Clear and giva strength to the voice of J'ublic speakers and singers. Few areawnreof the importance of clieckiua a Couffh I'Coinmon Cold" in Us first starre : lhat which iu the beaiiuiiiiK would yield to s mild remedy, ii ueiflected, noon ntiuek. trie l.uues "nun i, 'a iiiiu.,uiiiai. niU' CUES,' eontaininr; deinuleent ingredients, allay Pulmo nary and uruiicluul miration. I "That Inuilile 111 my thront, (for winch Brown's the "TKiiCHEs" are a speeihe) having liaude meoiieu a mere wins neter" TROCHES. N. P. WILMS. "I recommend their use to Public siieak- Brown's crs." ItEV. E II. CIIAPIN. TROCHES. ''Have proved extremely servieeuble for ilioarBciieb..'' Urown's I HEV. HENRY WARD Hl'.ECHEIt. oAlmo.l iiislant leliet' iu the di.trea.iug I KOlJlle.3 ilaliorol bleauiing iieeuaar 10 A.iiuuti " lil'.V A U I'.uljl.r.M O.N. Brown's "Contain no Opium or auythinir injurs OUS." tilt. A A U KS, TROCHES. Chemi.t, llosion. "A simple and pleasant combination lor Brown's iCoughs, 4.C." I Bit G F BIOELOW, TROCHES. Hu.ton. "Ueuencial in Broi.en tis " Brown's DK J F W LANE, llo.ion TROCHES. "I have proved tliein excellent for Whoop ing Cough." Brown's EEV II W WARREN, llosion. TROCHES. 'Beneficial when compelled to apeak, bulletlnir Iroin Cold." Brown's REV J P ANDERSON, Hi. Isiuis. TROCHES. . "Effectual in removing flnuiieneits and iriiuitiou of the Throat, so common Willi Brown's Sneakers and Sinner. " Prof At STACY JOHNSON, TROCHES. La Orange, Ga Teueher oi .Music, Southern Brown's Female Oollesc. "Grenl benefit when take.i hefois and TROCHES, afler iireachunr, nslhey prevenl Honrnenee. From their puta rli'ecl, I ttiink Iney will he of Brown's permaiieiil advantage io me " KEV K UOWi.EY. A M., TROCHES. Pre.idtnt of Atlien. College, Teinl 17" Sold hy all Druggists at 23 cents a box. December 8, letiO. tunpl EVANS & WATSONS l.'lMlltiW" Philadelphia Manuf ifacl'd ttapj!.vrf yM Salamander Sa Safeti. 304 Chesnut Street, 34i!g& pi 1IILADELPHIA. rpHESE Safe, are now in use an over uie r.nieo r-uue., I uud hnve hern le.ted in many Sreii the following shows another instance ol their ca(iabil ly iu resitting file : Wiimer' Bbidci, LsncaMer Township, July 30, IfflO j Mkhrr.. Evans k Watson-, liciilleineu : The .inali size No. I Salamander Sale winch I purchased Iroin your agent, Mr Adam K. Harr, in Lancaster City, on July lillih, lt-58, has been .ubjecicd ton very M-vere le.t, which il withstood in a most satisfactory manner. Thi. Safe, con. laming all my book., together with valuable paper, belong. lie lo myself snd noise to iny neighlior. and Irieint., aud repre.i-ntiiig a value of over Twenty Thouwuid Dollar., (jo,ono) wns in my Mill, which wus destroyed on the night fo lhe27lhof July, 1HM1, aud puwed through thetieiy ordeal uuualhed, Th. Safe was on ttie second (lonr, and fell in the basement of the Mill, and wus subjected for six hour, loan intense heal among the ruins, which was greatly iuerenard by Ihe roudiu.lion of a large qusutilv of grain cuitiued willon Hie brick walls. Aflel the file the Safe wn. oieueil and the hooks and Miper Uikeu out in a stale of perfect preservation, the paier not even hemp discolor ed. Tin. fact was, however, to many by.landrrs, u heller recommendation of your Sales Ihan could be expressed in any olher word. Iroin me. Youn, respectfully, SAMUEL RANCK. Another Victory for Evans and irafnon'j Sulamander Safe, Oswzao. N. Y.. March 27, IffM. Gentlemen It sffords me much pleasure to inforin you that the Safe No 6, (upright) which I puruhaaed of H. Stroud, your traveling agent, hus naHed through au ex ceedingly hot fire in e three srory brick budding, which heated Uie frafe to a white heat, so that the corneis nf it appear rueltcd; but it preset ved iny lenk. snd valuable puier. to ihe amount ol' several Uuiussud dvlkus, for which I I eel tnuuktul. Yours, resneetfnllv. J. N. ELDRIDOE CV A hire. uMortment f Ihe almve A Km alwsvs nu hand, st 3u4 Chesnut street, (late 24 fcouta pouilh St., rniuincipiiia. October 8, I860 ly GENESEE SALT. WHOLEHALU do RETAIL, jtYILINU A GRANT (at tha Mammoth aV Store,) have lust received 600 tt. of Solar Ground, Molar and Fine Salt, 700 Sack of (round Solar Salt every sack warranted lo content 225 pounds of Salt and 200 bag of Salt containing on Bushel each. Thi aalt is the best and strong now manufactured and in market. Call and see for yourselves. Sunbury Sept., 8, I80. OOTS & SHOES, can be purchssed st the Mammoth Store of Friling A Grant, very cheap, s w ere determined uot lo be undersold by anybody. Call and learu Ihe list of price lor jour-Ives. FKII.ING & GHANT. eHinhwy, Jaausry If, 1691 II t3 HLY' I 'HP OUT ANT NEWS. M. C. GEAR HART, Ha returned with new Stock of Confeotionariet, Fruit and Toys- T seems a if a new age, new life was open log upon us, animating every heart to nobler deeds and higher aims! Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and eek to develop tub limer beautie and grander conception. The busines world too must feel the new in fluence and every'part be quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality, which shall urg u on with electric speed to the consummation of greater thing than was ever dreamed of In the Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiaam which prevade all classes, and desirous of doing hi (hare to wards "Th great event of the Age," the ub acriber would respectfully inform the food peo pie of SUNBURY and the public generally, that he ha just returned from the city af Philadel phia with the largest and choicest stock of Con fectioneries, Fruit and Toy that haa ever been brought to this aeetinn of country. He 1 also manufacturing all kind of Confectioneries, Ac, to fill up ordera, wholeaa'a or retail, at short no tice. Among hi tock of Confectionaries, may be found t French Secret, burned Alrmimfe, Cream White, Iinon Rote, Vnnilla, Common Sectet. Liquorice, Gum Drops, ell kind, of scent, tve Diops, M iul Props, red and white, Jelly Cnke., Ftuit Props, Ptick Cumltes, ol ell scent. Rock Candy, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Bsnmmt, Prunes, Dates, Figs, Currants dried, Citrons, Almonds, Rnisons, Nuts of all kinds LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Scgars and Tobacco, and variety of Confectionaries, fruit, Toys, Ac, all of which is ollered cheap al wholesale or retail. ty Remember the name and place, r M. C.GEARHAKT, Market st., 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Sun's store. Sunburv, April 14, 18B0 ly lA33EPa'S PATE1TT FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, A Improved for 1 S59 and 60, By E. KETCH M A CO., 2N9 Pearl-Htreet, New-York. 11HE only Freezer constructed on scientific . urincinlcs. with a revolving can ami siirino- r i- ff, -r-.--9 blade scraper. 1'he one hastens the freezing of the cream the other removes it as fast as frozen. The most rapid in freezing, with the least quantity of ice. 1 he most economical in cost, as it la the most simple and durable in structure. ror sale in all the principal cities and towns in the Union. Each Fieezcr accompanied with a book of re cipes and full directions. eiUCES. 3 quarts, $3 00 4 quarts, 4 00 6 quarts, 5 110 8 quarts, 6 00 14 quarts, 8 00 20 quarts, 12 00 Apply to H. B. MASSER, Sunbury. June 2, 1HIIII. liiGO. THE BEST ROUTE 1860 FROM Wyoming Valley to riilludrlphla New Turk, Itallliuore, AND ALL FOISTS NORTH, SOUTH WEST. LACKAWANNA & BL00MSBURG RAILROAD. SUMMER ABHANOEKENT. Two Daily Pnssenger Trains will he run lietvveen Scrauton ana rvortiiunttieiiiuiu, as follows: MOVING SOUTH : Leave Scranuin, Airiveat Pittslou, Kiugftoii, SliickHtiiuuy, Hei wick, lllooni.buig, Knpeit, Danville, Northunibertaud, Phil's Mail. N. Y F.J 6 IU A. M. 4 25 P. M 8 38 Ii3 7 05 6 20 7 50 2i 8 20 C 44 ft 50 7 30 0 HO 1 40 it 2 5 8 10 10 l.ll 8 45 MOVING NORTH: Leave N. V. Ex. Phil's Mi Northumberland, A 30 A.M. 4 14 P. M Arrive at Danville, 6 05 6 SO Rupert, J5 A 50 llloomsburg, 0 45 t oti Berwick, 7 15 0 35 Hnckshiiiuy, 7 45 v 05 Khigalou, 8 30 7 45 Pilltton, 8 57 8 15 Seniiilon. 9 25 S 45 The l.arkawannu and Bloi.ui.burg Railroad connect. WIIU ttie IJelaw-ire, l.uckuwdiiiia and VVelteru uallroail nt Scrauton, for New York and Philadelphia, mat interiiie dinte poinlH lui.1 : ulh I'or Great Bend, IJntetiaiiitou, Syracune, lliiiralo, Niagara Fall., and all important point. We.t. At nuiieil ll coniiecl. with Uie I uttawmnu Kail- road, for points both EilHt und tX'ent. Al Noithuuibelland it connect, with the Sunbury and Erie Railroad, for point. west aiKiiwiiin. al . -,v. jAlaHi.v, sup'i, Kingston, August 25, 1S6H. NEW YOIIK LINES CA.MOKN ft AMHOY AND I'UII.APKLPIII A AND Tit KN TON KA1LROAD CO.'S MNKS-, From Philadelphia to New York and Way I'lace. From Wtilmit Street Wharf and Keniuietnn Drnot, Pliiludrlplnu, wilt It-ave ut lollowft, ia vahs. At 6 A M, via Cumdt n and Ainboy C A A Accom- j m-Mtittioii, f 2 35 At 6 A M, vih CHmden and Jersey City New Jer jy HccionmiKlHtmn, 2 i5 At 0 A M, vm Camden and Jeracy city Morning Mrtil, 3 00 At Ui A M, via Kensington and Jersey city, Wes tern hipreks, 3 00 At i'ii I1 M vm Camrlen and Amhy, accomniodation 3 25 Al '4 r Mt via Cuimleu and Amlxiy C and A. Kx- prOTs, 3 00 At 4) f M, vij'Kttuinf Um, aud Jersey city, Eve- ninif K i press, 3 00 At 41 F M, via Kensington and Jeuey city, 2d Clans Ticket, 3 "35 At 6 P M, viu Cumden ft Jersey r-ity Evening Mail 3 t (i At II P M, via Ciimtleii ant) Jemey city South. .Mud 4 W At fi P M. vm Cuindfii and AmlMty Af-coiuinotla- turn. (Fieigtjt und Pauseiiger,) 1st elnt ticket, tl 25 2d " I 50 The 6 P. M. Mail Line runt daily. The 11 Southern MhiI SmurdHya fxceptcd. Fr Relvnlt-re, K.ttn, Flt?tninpt'n, fte., at 6 A.M., from Walnut utteH wlmrf uud P M , trom Kenninjii'ii, For Munch Chunk. Allmtowu and Ut'tiilelu-iri, ut 8, A M, via llnt;h Vallty Hnilnrntt. For Water Uup, 8troud!ur(T, rVranton, Wilkeslmrret Mfiitrose, Great Hend, Ac, nt 0 A.M,via Delaware, latu-kiiWHitna ana Western KaiinBd Kol Fieehold. at 0 A. M. and 2 P. M l'.'i Mount Holly, at tf and 0 A M , and 2, and U P. M. WAY LINES, For Bristol, Trenton, ftc, at 3 and 4 P. M., from Keusiuuton. For Faunyrn, Detanen, Beverly, Burlington, Bordeit town, ftc, at and 4JP. M. Fifty pounds of U ifUMee only, allowed each nasseii8;ert PiifSf imfis are ntohitiited fniu tukine anvthiiiiras Bnif fne hut their wearing apparel. AH Hagiitoio over fifty pitundu to lie paid for extrn. The Company limit their rrsponstlulity fur Buggae to lue Ditur per pound, and will not be liable for any umount beyond 100 DolUis, ex cept by tnet'iHi eonrnict WM H GATMER Agent C. 4 A. R R Co February 18. IHUi. IIEGEMAN & COS CCIUUAL ELIXIR OF C A LISA Y A BARK Prepared only by HKGEMAN A. CO., Wholesale and Retail Chemists and Druggists, 141, 399,411 aud 730 Broadway, New York. rpHE virtues of PERUVIAN BARK as a Toule have J. oeeli too sing k:miwii to ueea nuiuuem. The C ALISA V A ("or King's Itark,") is the most valu able of ihe uuiiicr mi. vanelic. of the Peruvian Burk,snd III lh El.lXIK I. c.uiibuie.1 with olher ingredients that increaw in etneacf and al the sums lime overcome the inteuuiy ul' lis bittw, rendering ila moat Agreeable Cor dial. For prrenn. living In FF.VEH and AGUE diatiiete. It Will le found invaluable a a preventive, Hatful a win., glass full taken night and liuaiuiig, reud.riug lh sstin much lesssubjeet to Ihe unhealifiy ii.tlueucc td the aimoe nhere. DIRECTIONS Dose for ea adult, half a wineglass full before brrukisst aud dinner ( children fioin on lo iwo le.aiuiis fullj It oiay be uksu with or without Utile waier Kor sale at thle office. Marvtt I7,ffc6ll A Frcali Supply of ry Good. CON81STINO in part of Print, Delaioe bleached and oubleached Moslim, Check Ktripe Denial, k Drill, te., just received by U. U. t lb Mammoth tor or FBILINQ 4 GSANT. NEW GOODS i Atthe Mammoth Store of lit A T. CLEMENT, NO. I MARKET BTREET, PUMIt'RY, PA. flMIE subscrilier has just opened at hi we' I I known establishment in Suiiburv, on of the hee pest and mnet desirable stock of Fall and Winter Goods. that ha ever been offered in the place, end which n will sell for CASH or exchange for Country Produce. Those desiring to purchase good will do well to call and examine In stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK. All Wool Dclnins, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, ell colors. Beautiful Lire Robei Cashmeres, Shaded, i'lain and Striped must be seen to form en idea of the extent and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawl I hibet and Brnche Shawl. Cloths Cassimeres and 8atinet. For Men and Boy' Wear, black Cassimeres, Fancy Cassimeres, aide itripes heavv, l)0e 8kin Css.imeres, Satinets all kind. FLANNELS, White and Red Flannels, all grade and price, Bay 8tate Sack Flannel, colors finest qnaltio. READY-MADE CLOTHING Boots and Shoes, Hats and Cap, Ac., 4e., all nf which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, a regards quality, style and price, with any in the country. HARDWARE, a full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, (jueensware, of all description, Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpet Chains, Ac, Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye Stuffs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may favor l: !.U .Ll . 1- .1.- e . J nun wiiu uieir custom in ine iuiure. Sunburv.Oct. 22, I8b0. ROCKEFELLER & BUYER, Attornies at Law, HUJM13URY, FA.. Jordan Rot k Idler and Solomon II. llojer, respectfully announce Li, they entered into Copartnership in the practice of iheir proiession, and will continue to alleml to all busi ness entrusted to Iheir charge in the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder and Montour, promptly, faithfully and carefully. Special at tention will be given to the COLLECTIONS Or CLAIMS. Consultations can be had in the GEKMAN language. OUice, MarkelStrect, oppenite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbury, February , Hiii). If ANUrACTUHEK. or FINEST QUALITY OF BOOTS A. 1J 3D SHOEIS FOR GENTLEMEN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL No 4t) South Fouith Street, Philadelphia. C. BsjtKKHr. W. 1. Ba.Mtsar. March 2J, lelil 6m. Wniclies Jewelry Si. Slivtr Ware WE would respectfully inform our friends, pntrons and trie public generally, lhat we have now in Store and offer WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, nt the lowest Cash Prices, u large anil ve'y choice Mock of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, of every m,u Dijir. Everv dewirinlion of DIAMOND WOItK and other JEWELRY, made to order, at shnrl notice. IS' All uooo. arranteil to lie as renreseuted. II Particular attention given to the repairing of Watches and Jewelry of every dt-ncripitou. p i Ai.r r ft hahi.i:y, No. das Market Sireel, South Side, Philadelphia. March 81. imw. -:im P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, JtSTM i: or TIIU PEACE. Ojlce in Deer Street,im)i)ediatt!t opposite Puhlic School House. All business promptly attended to. Monies ollected and all ordinary writings done. Sunburv. Anril 25. 1857 tf HENRY DONKEL" ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt aUeutioti to business in adjoinii g Counties. WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES, GINS. &C t jHE subscriber having opened in Thompson's - Brick Building, Mill street, Danville, a large and complete slock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the best branclsof Brandies, Gin, Old Mi e, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, Madcria, Champagne nnd other Wines of all grades, all of which will he sold Wholesale at fhe lowest city prices. Tavern-keeper by buy ing of u can save at least the freight. 1'ersons desirous of purchasing liquors for F A M I L V USE, may rely upon being furnished with a pure and unadulterated article. Being determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap he respecilully solicits the pa tronage of the public. All orders promptly at tended to. JEREMIAH S.HALL. Danville, Jure 16, 18G0. IKGRiNEDCAE'fsT' MAM'FACTt'RED and fer Sale by M. Pciper ft Co: l.eibrnndt ajid McDowell' Hmldiog, North Kutt Comer, Secund and Race streets Philadelphia. GOODS GUARANTEED. October 27, ie0. mi ECONOMY ! T . . . a 7A P A A Save tue Pieces ! Asiiccideuts wilt happen, even in well-regulated faint, lies, it is very dctiralle t Imve home cheap inulc-tiiveoieul way for repaiiing Futuiture, Toys, Crockery, Ao. SPALDING'S PKEPABED GLUE meets alt such emergencies, and no bouxetiold can nff-ird to he. wuhout it. li is always real) and up to the sticking point. There is no longer a neceuny f-r limpiiig cliaut, splinters veneers, liendle.. dulls, a,ul l.r- ken eiuitiea ll i. just the article for cone, shell, and oiln-r oii.ioiielilul woik, so popular with uidies of lelineineul and Insle. This nrimiruble piepsrutl"ll is UM-il c Ul being chi inicallv held in solution, and j niieniui ah the vulunblc qimbiie. of the be.t c-ibuiel-niuker'. Glue. It may be ueil in Ihe place of oiiliuarv muciluge, being vami more "I'SEFf L IN EVEKY IIULSE" 1. B-A Brush accompanies each bottle. Price 2a cents. Wholeeele Depot, Nn 4s Cedar street. New York. AddreM, HENRY C.Sl'Al.DINU Cl.. Box No. d,tlo, New York. Put up for Dealer in eases eourainuig Emir Eight, and Twelve Doxwi a bmutilul Lubogruploe Show L'uid sc eompanyinx each package. ly A single bolllsof S,klings Preiaied lilue will ssv ten limM it. eoel annualb-ni every bouM-li"ld. eV'Idbysll prominent rjuuonri., Diuggisis, Hardware nd Furiiitur. Dealers, Grocers, snd Fancy rloie.. Country Merchants slmuld aaaks a nots ol Spulding's prepared blue, wlieu Ih.y wake up Ihtir b.l. ll wil stand any eliuiate. For sale at this office. March 10, lel ly FOR SALE. TWO LOTS situate in Market street, in town of Trevorion, No. IS and 111, in bh the block No. 80. Apply to WM. G.M'GLKK. Selins- grove, or H. B. MASSE K, Sunbury. USEFUL IX ALLFAMIL1ES-HEI.EMAX & CO'S Benxiue, which removes paint spot grease, Ac, 4-e, end cleans gloves, silks, nbbous, eVc., equal to new, without the (lighter injury lo color or fabric. Sold by all Druggists, also at ibis office. $6 eenla per bottle. OV'B JJQ0T8 and 6H0E8, cheap for rath WM. MlLI.tK . Xr, v sT If Pun' ury, August tT 18J9.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers