.iit Slits j) ft b asniAoioit, Aogoit 2. i,.. rod by the p,, , " to tbe Tel,,.k 10 mm. tarry mesa the batte-fldi 0 on . ."".'"' uu,c "-om In - . rear or oar srmv ih.. '"f, c'rc'" .V. ' ,?."t lD8 cav.l. ft pit! I j t.i"" VeulreVie','"lellins; the team dor to 11 for Ihcjr lives, (bat the army was lost. Ha pasted along lbs whole line, and succeeded in gelling op a panic ibat coat oa thousand! of dollars. He reached Washing. too at an early hnnr. and told the onnst horri. Die stories, and alterwarria boasted tbat Jafr . . . . . .. . . , Lrarls would De in w asmugioo id tea day lie frill bare a summary (rial, and If found guilty, thnold receive bis last deserti on (it boors' notice. . The Peqnsylsnla Third passed op the Potomso to camping grouod about two ones aooye ueorgetowo, od the Maryland id. The Tenth remain D their camp Dear sue cuy, , , . iieueraL Oameroo left Washington for Locblel, bie bom oa the Susquehanna, this tnoruiug. Tbe axoessive labor thai aa( faj. lea apoa him since tbe Bring on FortSun.te bas nearly exhausted him. Tbe lost of bit brother ut Hull Ran, and the infamous con duct of the He be In jo refuting to allow the ooiiies or our soldier heroes a Cbriatain bo rial tod leaving them npoo tha field where they full in defence of their country's Sag, his added ruucb grief to the cares already upon uiin 1 be War Department It now in cafe" 6t UnloLel I nomas A. Scott, Assistant Secre tary of War. and J. Lesley, Mq. Tbeir knowledge of the wants of tba Department are such that everything will go oo with tba Vigor that tbe late disaster has inspired into tbe Department. It is rumored that Deanregtrd left Menus as yesierday, for Charleston, South Carolina On a visit. Jiff Davis, tl will be remembered, boasted that the provisions which he had captured would make thirty-seven million pounds, and that an immense uomber of horses and wa gons would be required to baal tbe apoila away. 1 am informed by a quartermaster, thul in reality only twenty wagons were cap tured. Jeff. Davis is evidently addicted to remarkable exaggerations. At elate hour last evening, Lianleoaot rUrigeo, of the Georgia Sixth Regiment, came into our lioes near Jiailey's Cross Roads, with a Bag of truce. He brought despatches from General Johnston to Gene ral McDowell. He was taken to tbe tent of a general officer, and kept there while) bit message whs conveyed to Gen. McClellan. This morning the despatches were laid before President Lincrln. Rumor tayt that their import is merely to ask an exchange of pri soners, c upled, however, with a threat that vengeance will be taken on our most promi nent men now iu their bands if we execute the law upou even one of tbe prisoners which have been made by the Federul forces. Two ladies, who came in to-day from Ma nnspas, confirm the reports of the heavy loss or the Rebels, and say that tbe traitors tell the most exaggerated stories of their capture of the Federal artillery, which did such terri fic execution wherever we had a fair sweep t them. Dr. McGoire, nf Winchester, wrote home that tbe lore of the Rebels was six thousand, killed aod wounded. 'I'liM rerwirt I'm rn .Tof?-Afi nntmla AAnfi-ma - - - . - . wi. wi.u.aWM V I'll U 1 J tUUUMHI our previous statement after tha battle. Sixty two bodies were token to Winchester, twelve to Martinxburg, and ten to Cbarles towu and the surrounding towns and counties. They did not take off tbeir dead, and tbe whole country is in inourniog. Tbe new Treusury Notes are being pre pared for ie9ut. A portion of tbe low denominations are made payable to tba bearer in coin, at placet designated on tbeir face. All the Treasury Notes may be ex changed for twenty years bonds, bearing tix per cent interest. The evidences that bava already been exhibited make it plain that tbe issues will be eagerly sought by tbe country la alt lections, as a circulating medium. Wasihnotoii, August 6 1861. We learn thut a cipher bas been arranged for tbe use of the Government by Mr. J. A. Talcott, of the American Telegraph Compa ny. It will enable tbem to send important iulorniation and orders over the wires, so that uune but those furnished with the key can uuderstaod not even I lie operator knows the meaning of what he is sending, und if ally cnunncliou be made by tbe enemy, aud tbey catcli what is passing over the, it will Dot avail the m uu) thing. It is believed, now, that every message that passed over tbe wires to and from Patterson's column, was taken off and communicated to tbe eoeiny. It now appears certain that tba Rebels have ouly lilleeu caauun belonging to our army. Several nights ego the Rebels were greatly alarmed, fearing an attack was to be made opon tbem in tbe neighborhood of Fairfax Court House. Accordingly, about filleeo hundred men were sent to tbat vicinity. Strong parties of tbeircavalry are continually crossing- the country this tide of Fairfax Court House. It is not known what number of Rebel troops there are there, but tbey are making preparations by meant of the railroad, to reiolorce Vienna, Centrevilla and tbe Court House whenever tbey may deem it necessary. Late events have emboldened tbem iu their operations. Tbe idea prevails that the Rebels will not receive rjags of truce. This is a mistake. Tbey seut in a flag last night, stating tbat tbe body of Colonel Cameron bad been found, was preserved, and would be tent here as s on as a request to tbat effect should be sent for it, properly addressed. A letter addressed to Geueral Beauregard, comman der of the forces at Manassas, was ' returned uoopeued. They claim that their officers must be addressed as commanding tba troops or tun Imjihh ierale States, at such aud such a pl-ice. Tbe reasou why it bat not been lierelolore done is because, in the opinion of tne Administration, such an address would impiy, on tne pari ol our Government recoKoitino of the Southern Confederacy. I he following it a correct list of all tba confirmations that have been made by the Seoato up lo thia lime: For Mator-Gene- rals; George b. McClellan of Penoajlvaoia ; mr. utik4, of Massachusetts ; John C l'remool und John A. Dix, of New York. For Brigadier General, Philip Kenney and Peter Mi (Jail, of Pennsylvania: Mansfield, of District of Columbia ; Meigs, McDowell, Uoell, Hooker, Curtis, of Iowa; Sherman, Reynolds. Lander, Kelly, Pope, of Illinois ; lieiiitilemao. Porter, Stone, Hunter, or llliuoia ; Franklin any Rosencreni. Rich ardson and McClernand bava not yet been confirmed, aud Lewis Wallace bat cot yet been appointed. Tbe Pennsylvania regiments will be placed onder commend ol General Cadwelader and General M sCull. Tbey will amount to fifty tbousuud men ; and attached to tba various regimeuts will be eigbt batteries of artillery, of six guut each, making forty eight pieces of cauuoo in all. Most of tbem are brass rifled twelve pounders. There it one battery of thirty two pooudere. One of tba regiments will be cavalry. Witb each immense (ore in tha field, Pennsylvania it entitled to. Mojor Guoeral, WisuiaeTOV, August 6. i na rumor or a skirmish at Usrbn. Deer Harper's Kerry, on Muuday iiiubt, provea i be correct. I am informed that a party of Rebel troops on tbe Virginia side of tha river, all ached to one of I he brigades f Johnson's arrov. had. or soma dvs psst, been very liouUeoome and orlensive, firing across at our picket, and launtmg tnsot by insulting allvsioot to tit tattle at Bull . teame at laat ulle "iiinraitw eonflu" , attached la one of the reffimhiS"T.oiJ Berlin. Crossed the river just afier very qUftlv. and tdriirlsed compsny of I?nei mttTbe latter took to heir heel m ,. ... .ii-ff 'o mint heir horse Dorses. 'hey were diameilHfc,' T .iit.) Our me Pursued, fliit.-. Tl1 -era killed an men pursued, fl.it. -j. -ft,' -era killed and a..,.! . ,.,..."' acan it dir. .enured by lar . "em ,on to ," tare caotured h lUool " f' 9" e" rla Int. ,7. nv- -"gagao. anu ...i- : . TS. convniea aiisand. and . horse; nJ ' ' ar.'!!l"l fT,r ,n omfr ot" rank, that there four '""7-".ady to ua.,b, fl8lJ foUy. itur lui rrsimentaotiroom ti.... be,.. u-rgil , uiei, acceplanrr";; Tha Navy jeimtmi fck . minute accounts of all tv ,urc"fT, " aunk In the channsle leading to Vin b,l,e,lM by that arch-traitor, Lieut. Maory.nhrlJ " ion and degree ol tflectiveneas is thut a. f0 , known, ir there are spies In our city here.!. ' gie information to the Kebela, there are ap" also In tha Southern camps. Tha boaua aubma rina battenaa which wara picked up, and about which so much fuse and parade was made, were made in tbat way on purpose, and intentionally abandoned, in order that wa inisht i.irk ih. Iln and think they could make no better ones. That maue anu aunk by J.ieut Maury in pl.cei whin iu.u .A- 1 . . i . . . J . ' . . . lu(ll io uo (oa wurJ hi.' they are Ofigned, it it lernoiy enecttve. FSusi w.-.iiKUTOJI. 1 rVatuiKOTorr, Aog , S. Tha retiresenttivetof tbe newspaper press at Wasbiogtoa recently held consultation witb Major General McClellan, tt bit special invitation, wan a committee wat ananimonslv directed t be appointed in view of tba sug gestion' front bim oo tbat occasion, aod to transmit them to tbe editors of all tba newt. nspert in tha loyal Statet and tba District of Columbia. First. Tbat all sncb editors ba requested to refrein from publishing, either at editorial. or at correspondence of any description, or Irom any point, any matter tbat muy furnish aid or comfort to the enemy. Second. Tbat tbey also ba reooeited and earnestly solicited to signify to tbeir corres pondents, here and elsewhere, their approval of tbe foregoing suggestion, and to comply it h it io spirit and in letter. Tbe Committee resolved tbat tbo Govern ment ba respectfully requested to s fjord tbe representativeet of tha press facilities for obtaining arid immediately traotmitling all information suitable far publication, partic ularly toucning engagements with tba enemy. General McClellan bat tia-ned his an. proval. A bill which hat passed both Honses. providing fur the punishment of crime against tbe United Stales, visitt witb impri sonment aod Ooeany oue who enlists persons, wuiib ur uisch, to aid tne reoeiuon, at well as those enlisted while another kindred bill debars the owner of a slave, who emnlovs him in a similar service, from anv claim for his recovery, thus freeing tbe slave from his disloyal master. I hrough tha effort! of General Sickles, an mportont provision bas been adopted by Jonitress. All volunteers accented bv tha President and mustered into service for one. two or three years, or for during the war, are to be paid from that time, without waiting until they reach tbe rendezvous. Ibe mcreased pay of four dollars per month to the volunteers involves an additional yearly expenditure from the Treasury of about twenty millions. This provision bas been euibodiet in tbe form of law. Wasuinotok, August 6. The House met at eleven. A. M. There was barely a Quorum present. Th nnlo business consomated wat passing tbe bill appropriating twenty thousand dollars to repair tne L.ong bridge, tbe Supreme Court bill end tbe Senate bill raisins the nut of ih volunteers four dollars a mnntn. to everv motion made bv members. Vallsndieram or Johnson (of Pa ) ' objected." This wat done merely to prevent business being transacted. The bill to rase the soldiers pay would have oeen lost nao not a member said tbat, if tba House adjourned without passing tbat, it would only cause an extra session. It wat then passed with a rush. A hrm here bas a contract for interring the dead from tbe camps and hospitals about the citr, for which thev receive eiuht dollara A New York firm ere here, wbo want tha contract for six dollars aod to day a letter was receivea irom a parly wbo wanted to make shrouds at a very low figure. Under the Land Distribution act of 1841, the sum of $41,000 wat due to Viruiuia. 1 he Slate bat hitherto refused to receive it ; oui it was paia over a lew days since to Gov ernor Pierpont. Jeff. Davis refuses Io receive tbe annliea- lion for tbo release or Harris tnd Magraw, wbo are oow held by bim. 11 statet tbat be intends to bold tbem ontil tbe close of tbe war. Tha advices received by the Treasury De. pertinent witb reference! to the National loan are very eooonragiog. It will be taken reauny. I ba Government bave been tnakinsr ar rangements for the regular admission to Divine service of the Rebel nri-.,ner. nn. confined bere. The full eninvmect of their religions sentiments will ba niaint.inH Tbey are much gratified witb tbe kindness of in Government. Potitive assurances have been rerpivat at tbe War Department tbat three-foortbe of tbe three months men will re-enlist. Tbey are already weary or a life of inaction. OPERATION OF Olift NAVT AMONG THE PHIVATKcSUt). Wasuinoton, Angnst 6 The Navy Department is in receiot of a letter from Commander Goldeboro, of tbe United Statet steamer Union, dated Hainu. ton Roads, yesterday, in wbicb be says, the brig ashore near Cape Hatleras, about wbicb there was so much speculation, proved to be tbe B. T. Martiu or Boston, which bad been in possession or tbe Rebels Cummauder Goldsboro adds, tbat the men were onloadiog her when be Seut out a bsrtv. wbo. alter shelling the place, set fire to Ibe vessel aod effectually destroyed her cargo. Jl appears Irom other oniciul advices from the Gulf Squadron, that oo lb 4th of July, off Galveston, tba United Stales steamer South Carolina, captured six schooners; on the 51 h two. aud ran one asboie oc tbe 6lb ; aud oo the Tib one, making in all eleven sail destroyed or captured. The names of tbe captured vessels are Ibe Shark, Venus, Ann uyan, AlcCaulbeld, Louisa, Dart, Coral, r aicoo, ueorge liuker, aod Sain Hoostoo A. portion or tbem bad Cargoes, cbieflv of uiiioer. Among other tbiogs captured were thirteen mail bagt containing exprest matttr. r Ou tbe 5tb of Jolv. off St. Mark'a. Florida. tne niouewa captured tbe George ti. Soat, attempting to ton the blockade. There were as paeeepgert oa board, in wif. ihrua children aud servants of Adjutant General uuiiauu, oi r loriae. 3Trs. Moll.nd claimed toe secession Dag to be bar private property, u miini it iu uer person. At tha cut tain could not obtain possession or it without using violence to a lady wbo wat Io a deli ceia situation, be desisted Irom taking tbe prize. Tbe Navy Department will at once iteae proposals in connection witb tbe construction of twelve side wheel steamers, aod one or more or tue iron clad vessels recently author iaed by Congress Boaiox, August 6 Great activity prevails at the Cuarlestowo Navy Yard. I he Cumberland will tail to morrow. The Cambridge bat been taken out of dock, and tbe barque Gemshok hauled io. Both will shortly be f quired fr trvk. -trsi accounts th KEBKL tt DBATAN. When It as ttai of m0 thet tb, disaster at Manassas, In.. ' Ri.beli wfe on tbe point of retreatiog jusv ., ib4 pinj0 io goai-rjnntable broke out upon ,f de, the foment "as regarded as a well u.aot .il unfounded effort to break ik. teki. force of tbe blow we bad received. But ts the curtain wbicb for to many dayt throuded that Ill-starred Held begins to lift, we ee that the rumor theo to promptly rejected at without foundation wat substantially Una, t (guttis Hare reuueed to tbe clear oow, by addj.t(pnjilJwMtsBw ine oar owe eide. juy fc Hl1un press wbo X'rte'fielS. Let a. pre.eot . fa. axamplel. . We begin witb tbe Ascension Oorrespnna' eot of the Lodltvllle Orttrier, "St ton itsi."' Alter detcribiog Beeuregard't duoovery that Tyler't ttack on tbe centre of the Rebel n.iaitlun waa onlt a feint, be tavt tbe troops wef marched at doable quick to that part ..f tha Held '-frbm wbicb we bad beeo driveo .fXtT. Some of our best officers wrr. .liraod th',,0'',!roroor rm "J' I ild, ghastly in death or ., wounds. At noon the caonona. fiug is described tt terrific. It wat an "incessant roar for more tban two hours, tbe "bavoc aod devastation at thit lime being "fearful. McDowell wat lust in tbe act of "potituxng Kimtelf of tkt railway (e Hick "monti. 'then all would bave beeo lost. "But most opportunely, I mav ssv providen "tially, at this juncture, Qeneral Johnston, with the remnent of bis division, reappeared "aod made one otber desperate straggle to "obtain tbe vantage grouod. Now hope again aawoea apoo ut," ao. 1 beo earns tbe strange retreat and panto oo our tiae. Next in order, we telect (from special despatch to the Charleston Mercury) tbe accouul of tbe death of Geueral Bee, wbo was in command of the south Carolinians at tbe point above described by tba Louisville cor respondent "Tbe bruut of the morning's "battle was sustained by bis (Bee's) command "until past twelve o'clock. Overwhelmed "by superior numbers, aod compelled to yield "before a tire that swept everything before it, "Geueral Bee rode op and dowo bis lines, "encouraging bis troops, by everything that ''was dear to tbem, to stand up aod lepel tbe "tide wicb threatened tbem with destruction. "At last bis own brigade dwindled to a mere "handful, with every field officer killed or "disabled be rode up to General Jackson ''and said : 'General, they art beating ut "backr Here follows a description of Geo. Bee't last charge and death, which oot bearing on tbe point we desire to develope, is omitted. One more extract, we tbink, will be suffi cient. Tbis is from tbe fierce Richmond Despatch. "Betweeo two end three o'clock," says this authority, writing from Manassas, "large numbers of men were leaving tbe field, "some of them wounded, others exhausted by "Ibe long struggle, wbo gave us gloomy "reports ; but as the fire on both sides cou "linued steadily, we felt sure tbat our brave "Southerners had uot beeo conquered by tbe "overwhelming hordes of tbe North. It it, "however, due to tbe truth to toy, that the "result at tbis hour bung trembling oo tbe "balance. We bad lost numbers of onr most "distinguished officers. Generals Bartow "and Bee bad been stricken down, Colonel "Johnston, of tbe Hampton Legion, bad "been killed, and Colonel Hampton bad been "wounded. Your correspondent heard Gen "eral Johnston say to General Cocke, just at "thit critical moment 'Oh for four regi "menttf His wish was answered, for io tbe "distance onr reinforcements appeared. Tbe "tide of battle turned in our favor, by tbe "arrival of General Kirby Smith, from Win chester, with foor thousand of General Johnston's division. I3ucb ara the amounts nt tha hallU nf Ma nassas, written from tbe battle-field to Louis ville, to Richmond and to Charleston, by tbe Rebels themselves. A fair study of tbem, as narrated by those Sootbero witnesses, inspire our toldiert witb confidence, and have a cheeriog effect upon tbe Union cauee, Philadelphia Inquirer. New Advertisements. For Associate Judge. WE earnestly recommend THOMAS 8. MACKEV, Esq., of Millnn, aa a auitable person for ASSOCIATE JUDGE, at the ensuing election. Mr. Mackev is a good scholar in both English and German. He is also an vxcoMriiOMisixa Union man, and as such we present him to the voters of the county. Aug. 3d. 1861, FOR THE UNION. DlMolutlon of Partnership. NOT ICE is herehv given, that the partnership heretofore existing between J. C. Morgan & Co., has thia (19th of Julv, I8ft.) day been dissolved by mutual consent. J. C. Morgan going out of the firm. J he books and pauere will be left in bia hands for settlement and collection. All peraona indebted or having a ceo ur. Is with tbe aame are requeated to call and make settle menu - J. C. MORGAN. C. G.MORGAN. 8unbury, August 3, 1861. Legislature I hereby offer myself as a Union Candidate for the Office of Legislature for Northumberland County, soliciting the votes of all persons favor able to enforcing the Laws and the Constitution, and sustaining tbe present General Admiuistra lion so long aa ils actions are in accord: ance therewith I pledging myaelf if elected to perform every duly incumbent upon the position to the best of my ability, discarding all party dif ferences. JESSE VOCUM Northumberland, Aug. 3, IH61. A Good Chance for an Enterprising Man. HE Bultcriber wanls a partner in the Mar a ble busineea, a sober perservering man who can speak both the bnglisa and German langua ges, to one that will auit, no cash capital required. or paillculars Inquire of JOHN A. TAYLOR. Northumberland, Aug. 3, 1861 3 in 7o the Votert of fvorthumbirland County: "IELI.OW.CiTIZENS:-Having been urged -- by many ci'uens of both ends of our county 1 oiler mysell s a csndnlate for ASSOCIATE JUUGE, Subject to the rules and usages of the democratic party,' and if nominated and elected, I will fulfill the duties of the office impartially and to the beat of my ability. CAbPER SCIIOLL Bbamoklli, July Z7, 1861. For Associate Judge. Subject to the Rules snd Usages of the Demo cratre rarty, JE8SE C. HORTON Point township, July 13, 1X61 MANHOOD. HOW LOST, HOW RESTORKD, JUST PUBLISHED IN A SEALED E.WLLOI'E I A l.F.CTURKoa tha Nature, truatrotnt, anil Radical Curauf bparniaUirrhoM, ur Seminal Waukuaat.&cxuul De bility, Narvousuaas and involuntary amissions, producing boautaney, Consumption and Meiitaland Physical Debility. By ROBT. i. CTLVERVV'tLI, M P., sbuss may li effectually rsmvad without internal mrdi. snioa in ma aangaious appiu-atimis ol eaustiea, mstru- auroesiul iroatniani.aa so. -Died bv iha calaliratod auibur fully eiplainwl, by means of which avary one la anablad ih.,jr m!5..J?uVi:-2?.''.J'.-r .- ....p m m.,rnm n'-aii vmm in in mt, ThislaeiurswiUprovaab-aiatoiruMiniidsaiiaihousaiida 2"tt "ih" '"J.111"'" woa,ni any odrlissa. post rB.J.rsTjirwrrr-'uT?; iftc v t,s-s. mi ijft BY I II Bit. . . ' , , Taiesi Taxes! Taxes; mur -r o.ki Turgors and Bupervi- ' ll U UUIIU WI arn.it' - - - - - - . - aora rf Hn.a In ownsliiie where aneealea l.anda are Situated, are hereby re-iuled to fu tiM the Oommissionere of Norihun.hnla'u couhly, with the rate per cent for tbe years JU I, on School and Koad Ta. i. D.JORDAN, Cli'Vt Commiasionmr'a offir, ) tnh.irv. Julv 7. J1- i MILITARY HOTIOB. BT order of tbe Comma-' In Chief t em Tin .-.,. tawia, of every kind," IrTCliis orMade, sveh as mvakeU, riclea. ordinance. aworda, pistole, eVe.i with the aoonatrwmenla, and deliver the same to the AraeaoJ at If errishurg. All persona in thh Brigade having in their poeaeeston any arms or accoutrements, are hereby commanded to deliver, the same to ma or to mv eulhoriied tgenU, at ones. The penalt of '.' Act of Aaaembly will be promplly and enforced opon any peraon segleclina- unnt to to do. , , WILMM A- MART2, Brigade Inspector af Noiftumberland Brigade, O V M ' Kunhury, July tT, ISO. The following personeare authorized by me to demand and receive th arms, dec I Dalaware and Lewis ternehips, Wra Savidge. TufbuUille 1 Milton, Chilisqosque od Tutbut townships) William H Frymire, Miltni Northumberland and. Pint, John A. Taylor, Northumberland. i Rhamokln, Coal and Mtint Carmel, H. E Parker, 6b tmokln. Upper Augusta, Lowei Augusta and Rush, Michael Kiefer, Upper Autista. Kor tbe rest of tba Bajade, Samuel Wert, ackson. i Office of the Clerk of tbs Orphans' Court of Northumbsrlsid County t TV'OTICE is hereby giren tbat appraisements -1 Of real and person il iroperty have been made to the widows, reapectvely, of the following named decedents, agreeably to the Acts of As sembly in such cases naJe and provided r I William Barlbobmew, deceased. S Benjamin Haupt ' i Willism Kreichbmm, M 4 Willism R Kramsr, " 5 John Kline, " 6 Michael Knp, " 7 Josiah Nagle, " Caaper 8t Clair. " 9 H. J. Wolverlon. " 10 James P Whitnar. " And that the aame will be presented to the Orphans' Court for approval, on Tuesday the mh day of A una it, nst, unleaa exceptions be filed thereto before said dav. J. B. NASSER, Clerk O. C. 8unhury, July 87. W6I. Tit the Votert of Northumberland County.. tELLOW Citizens f- From the encourage- - ment I have alreidt received from both ends of our County, I offer myself tor the LEGISLATURE. 8uVijct Io the Usager of the democratic partv, nd rf nominaied and elected, promise my he it Hurt tor her interest, aa well aa that of our good old Commonwealth. WM. II. KASE. Ruahtown, July J7, 1861. To the Democratit Votert of Northumberland County. HKDIOH the encouragement or my friends, I have been induced again to offer myself aa a candidate for the LEGISLATURE, object to tbe rules of the democratic party. JOHN 13. NEWBAKER. Trevorton. July 13, 1861. the;latest style of SPRING AND SUMMER GARMENTS, ARB CONSTANTLY MADE at the Fashionable Tailoring Establishment", of j .a. core o. beck, Market atreet, 6tVNUHV Pa. THE aubacriher has ju.t received end opened a large assortment UPIUIMO AND bliM- MER GOODS, such ss CLOTHS OP EVERY DESCBIPTION & QUALITY. Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Yestingrs, &o. or the latest styles. In addition to hia stock he u conetanlly receiving new aupplics from the city keeping a full assortment of the moat Kutntnlial and latest style of Uooda in the cily markets. He it prepared to make to order all kinds of 1 oehtlenien a and -Bov a wear, such aa DRES3 COATS, FROCK.COATS, BUSI- KES8COAT8. VESTS. PANTA LOONS, &c. &c. of the very latest atyle, and in the most substan tial manner, at al.ort notice. Any Uooda not on hand, will be furniihed from Philadelphia, by giving two day's notice. I'S" Call and examine my stock, no cbareee made lor snowing. JACOB O. BECK. Simlmry, May II, IBfil JOHNS & CROSLEY, 80LK MANUFACTURERS OF THE IMPROVED GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT HOOFING, Toe clieapeat aud moat durahla Roofing iu uia. It il Fira Il ean be applied to new and nkl Knofi of all kinds, and aua t aier rrntir. io Dning.e nouia wuaoui reiuovmg ma amiigiea. The Cost is Only about One-Third that - - - - . . . . of Tin, and it is twice as Durable. OUTTa PERCHA CEMENT, For preoeving and repairing Tin and other Metal Roofs of every aracnpiiiai, irnm nt great eiaticn7 ia not injured by llir t-oiiiruvtiitu and expauiiuii v( inculi, and will not ciHt-k in cold or iuii iu waim wealhei. Tlieie materials tiuve bren tliornufhlv tested ill New York antl all pant of Ilia Southern and WeaUiru btatei. and wa can give abundantjiioufuf all wt claim IU Ihcir tuvtir. They ara readily applied by or hurry laborers, at a tri cing raiiciiw. 'NO HEAT IS REQUIRED." Thria material, ara put up ready fur at, and for ship ping to all pmlt of the country, wllh full primed direct one in- apniifuiioii. Full deocnuiive circulars will be furnished ouanplii- rimi by mull .r in nrrsuiiat our Principal Offiua and Wart, house, 78 W 1 1,1.1 b'l'KEET, (Coiuer of Libwly rireai,; new i uia. JUI1 3i UKUSLtY. Ai!Ts Winn!-Terms Cash! ! Jure 1. 1WI ly To the Voters of Northumberland County. fELLOW JlTIZKN8s From the enconr- - agement I received from dinurent parts of the county, I oiler myaelf aa a candiJale fur the oliice of ASSOCIATE JUDGE. subject to the usages of llie democratic party, and u elected, will perlorm tha duties justly snd im partially io the best ol my ability. ABRAHAM BHIPMAN. Lower Angusla townrhip, June S9lh, lHbl. A K K O K Rich Fiaored Barecea, 19, 25 and 81 rents. barege Kobea. S3 60, S4 00 ami $5 60, Mozambique Kobe at a 00, Traveling Ureas Uooda, Khephard's IMaida, Mohair Plain's, Uingham'a, Lawns. Prints, Cbsilies, irey Figured Goods, COOPER & CON A RD. B E corner Ninth and Market, Philadelphia. N B lies! quality Hoop bkirta, 84 cenls to $ 25, May 18, 1801 To the Democratic Voters of Northum berland County. HAVE been induced to permit my name to be used in connection with the nomination I ln I'buISI.A I LUC, at (he ensuing Deino' crane primary election. BotD nda a our (sunt bave prevailed with I me rn-thia msrtler and should the sea pronar to nominate and elect me, it UI he my nlaasura. aa i tf , . waff a a duty, to prrmnta tha interests ami j prosperity nf my own constituents, as well as af I lbs) BUta and eoontry at lar... . J. WOODS BROWN. , (aVDUl tOWBafirp, JtUy B, IVOl. JTROES FOR AUGUST TERM. 1861 grant, jurors. Tj,wer Anovtta i nos dmjuc, v-.. r bell. George B Conrad. ti.,i.-,.S()lomuo Lvert, J fos T Jebn, Casper Adams, jr., Bamuel K.euy. (W-remherton Bird. ;a-are-Willmin Kirn. v. una... iron-TbomaaSSladdebjJoho W Uu ether, Jot Angstsdt. llutk Peter llaugbswout, Oliver P -' ton. Uoobam R Kase. m tleai. Vinf-Benjamio B Uammei, William Fui'irJb!-' Sunburg Soty, W Coble. , ".-'ri-Jamee Reed. rl'"Agitta George W Brewer. hTOt-Joho Dankel. TRAVERSE JURORS. Zerbe Peter Reeder, Frederick Fisher. ' Lower Mahonnu Abraham Boyer, Jacob Deckert, David Seiler. .title Alnhnnoy Simon Dunkleherger. Upper Mahonov Bernard Adam. Jackson George Lahr. Shamokin Samuel Enter, Franklin Klnse, William G Kase, Elide Joho. Thomas D Huff James Vanhoio. Cliiltisnuaaue John Cole. Dennis McGee. William li Irwin. Sunbury James Boyd, Aairostat Clement Samuel joaJer, Jonathan Uoslian. AlcKwensville David Gold. lurbut John M Hausel. Martin Billmire. Henry U Haas. Upper Augusta Cbarles Kckman, Deory GulicK. Northumberland George Ilymandieger. Lewis Stephen Glaze, Joho Schuyler. Si mon Cameron. Milton Benjamin Miller, Cbarles Walters John Peeler, John DiVel, Baltcer Kreitzer. Hush Joseph Sbarpless. C.omeron Leonard Kerstetter, Jobc tl Cramer. Coal Henjnmin Hoy, Henry A Sbissler. Point John O Buruburt, Duuitl burner, Wm Vonkirk. Delaware Robert Farr, Wayne Vandine. I.owir Augusta Jot r Liaricb, Isaac JJe- Witt. PETIT JURORS Jordan Jeremiah Wolf, Samuel Encel, Elms Kissinger. Northumberland John Dernbam. Daniel Uraniigam. Delaware Charles Faux. Wm B Brvson. Enoch Hilgart. Wilton Henry Harris, Tbos Frymire. Mount Carmul Jacob Kinehart. Lower Augusta John burner, Deo'l nils man, Robert Seers. Leu-ts J mnes 1) liarr. Frederick Shirts. I eter Herman. Washington Samuel Cobb. Tut but Thomas Carl. Upptr Augusta Martin R Oass. Little Mahanou John Uensil. Shamokin Jacob E Muencb, Goo Deck ert, lsaao Koogboer. Lower Mahanou Andrew Gonsert, Isaac Boyer. Mchwensvtlle John Jj Oerr. Coal John Conrud. Upper Mahanou Daoiel Strasser. Samuel. Neiswender. Bush Jacob Weaver, Wilson Miller, Chilisouoijue Noriuan Uuilcr, Uogb Mc Ulachliu. Jackson Abraham Zarlmsn Zerbe Dennis liuoy. List of Causes for August Term 1661. Jolir. P Summer vs John McKeynolJg. Samuel 8 Uaitonvs Win AicKisnick Iaaac Kui va Jerry 4- Jaa li l'enny;acker Uavid L Miller v UrLdinund r ranciacns. David L Miller va 1) L Arwineaud wife l'hilip Heilgert dee'd adni'r va David Lahbsch Grot dc Kimble va Jamea Covert William L Dewart ta Pclcr Kerlin Lewia Uewait ex'r va Peter Kerlin Abraham liarnian va Jos Cireen dc Fr Bowman Jamea Maloneva fchainokin Valley dt Poitavills Railroad Co. Henrjr Weiae v Wm L Dewert Big Mountain Iu.pr Co ts H V Hoffman, Samuel Hnhh .1 l Bobb et al Coromonweallh of Penu'a et al vs James Van dyke and tail Galen 8 Itobina dee'd ailm'r va Mary Reett same vs Sjienccr M and Wm li Kane Nagle, Wingate & Co vs John 11 McMicken William F Nagle vs John II McMicken Michael Graham va Ralph Bogle dee'd ei'r same va Ooodman dc Aioudie Geo C McKee vs Joseph l.ong John heller va John Slin-Mtr Gabriel Khno vs (ieo C McKee jacoo rreuericK tv t o vs liaipn isoglc oec J ex r. John Keller and wife vs Michael A Reefer and John Shiablir Josiah Keitcr va M A Keefcr Bin.' John Sliia.ler Thomaa Hater va John Felzer Dewait for Jacob Guns vs Henrv Manser dee'd ex'r Joteph Long va (Jeorge C McKi-e J B Maaaer fur Dewart va Michael Mullen and Lli7.arH.-th Mullen E Y Bright St vs Jonas, Michael & Abraham liohiier Hnry Tharp va Northern Central Railway Co. C H dj- Geo Abbott oc Co va iSamurl U Wheeler J V L Dewilt Craig for use of Win H Miller va Miller Brown W illiam Weidenliamer v John McMalhevr John Wagner vs Jacob Dro-ler Jonathan liunkleherger va John Bumford, Jamea S Marah & Covs Jacob Wealley Abraham Dunkel vs John tlottcneteip. I.f tl f .1-. . I . Mary II Geland's heirs vs Northern Central Rail Road (ompany. PKOCLAMAIION. N01CK U hereby given l!mt ttio verftl Ciliiirtis nf rnnifiiiiii PIpww. fif tipritl (Junrlor Sessions of the peace, and Orpharia' ('uiirt. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Juil Delivery, in and for (he county of iWlhuinlierlimd, to commence at the Court ileum1, in the borough ol Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the filth day of A lb lifs I , next, and will continue TWO WEEKS. Tha coroner, Juaticee of the Peace and coneta- blea in arid lor the county of Northuiiilurhind, are requested to be then and there in their proper per sons, witn their rolls, record, iniiiiieitioua, ami other remembrances, to do those tilings to their several oflieea aimertainioe to ba done. And all witnesses proaecutnif .n behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner are also rrqueated and commanded to be then and there ntti-n.hi'g in their proper persons to prorrecute against him, as aharl be just and not to drpart without leave at their peril. Jtrrois are requested to be punctual in their ittcndance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices CJiven under my hsnd at Hunhury, the 1st day uf Julv, in the ear of our Lord one thous and eigb' hundred and sixty one and the Independence of the United States of America the tioth. God save the Commonwealth. DAVID VVALDKON. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Kunbury, July 0, 1861. j To ihl Votert of Northumberland County FllLOwt'lTIXESB I ' I offer myself aa a Union Candidate for ! office of A8SOCIATK JUUGK, at the next election, dhouiu t no eiecreo, t pieuge niyoen Iu perform Ibe duties of the oflice in the best uf my ability. JOHN DUNHAM. Northumberland, Msy 4, l8l. le UU. 11 lltlUMItlH, THE suhscritier offcra himself to the Demo' cralis Voters ol Northniiiberland county, as candidate for the o.Hice of COUNTY 'i'KGA fiUKEK, at the next primary election. Huhjtct to the decioiou ot the Conntv Cnnvemion. . JOKPH EVERETT. Delaware twp, June a, I MO I. FOU KEGlSTEtt & HECORDEK. Subject to tba Rules and Usages of tba Demo acetic Partv. ,D. MA6SCH. IMPORTANT TOLOVER3 OF C2j QD CD CD W L2i - URIG1I T dt SON, Invito ftttectioa to their Block of Prituo Green and Black To. , one IS, IR6I. SUMMER GOODS'! AT rRICE3 TO SUlt TtlE TIMES. XL V. BHIGIIT & SON, HAVE RECEIVED A LA?sG3 STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF GOODS, HANDSOME. ID TJ R ABLE AND GREAT BARGAIS AND Splendid Inducements to AT THE ONE P1UCE STORE, OP H. Y. BRIGHT k SON. Sanbury, June 15, 166i. SUNBURY STEAM FERRY AND T o W IN G B O A T C O M P A N V. f TRAVELLERS and others are respectfully -- informed that the subscriber, in order io ac commodate the public and facilitate tiavel. bi reduced the rates of ferriage at hia STEAM FKKKV, over the Nu.quehanna, at 8unhurv, and will carry I'assengera, Horses, Carriages, and other vehicles, at the following raits, u: Fool Passengers, each 6 cents, Horse and liider, IS Home and JJufcgy, SS Two-Horse Ccuveysnce, 40 Farmers and others, wUtiing to transport Coal and Produce, call make arrmgetnenta at still lower rales. A larn, safe and commoJioua Sleamhoat will run regularly and promptly at alt hours of the djy, and to acconunodste those who desire to at tend the Churches e( untiury and 6eliiisgroc, the lioat will run on Sunduy. The huamlHial will rnii from Market cltreet Warf, and promptly convey 1'a-o.eugvra from both sides of the Kiver, without delay. The Steam. Ferry now slforda not only a safe nd convenient transit over the r-iur-uuehamia, j but slso a plcasimt anil agreeable ride. J It A T. CI. EM KNT. Lessee und i'roprietor. Mmliury, Muy 5, 1 SO I , New Millinery Goods. IfllHs) yi. It. GISI KII, Fawn Street, two doors south oj the Shamnlin Valley I'attsvillt J!ul J!oad, STJNBURY, PENN'A., Up.tiPnCTl' I'LI.Y informs the citizen of feUNUUUY and vicinity, that she has just received from Philadelphia s large and s lendid assortment of the most lathionubls and lMe style of 133 CD S2T S2f UB S3 , BATS, bH A KEI!S, TIU.M.MI.NCsi, &e. which she is selling at tbe most ressonable prices 'io which she directs the attention of the Indies and invitea all to call and aee them. Thankful for past patronage, aha hopes by keeping tu best assortment at reasonable pi ices to continue the same. Banbury, April 13, 1SCI. S,n JAMES 11 A RLE lt'S WUOLI9AI.B AND RETAIL CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. Comer Second and Chestnut its., riiliadelpliia, AOKN'CY forth. PATENT EQUAMZISOTHIRTY DAY CLUCKS, a vary dooirsbla anicla tor enures es, Hi4ela, banks, Cuuiiinig Houses, Parlors, Aa. A loo, Maiiul'aeturaror UNfc bUU) 1'k.Nh. Iluelis rapairad aud warraulvd. Clock Tiinuni'ics r avary daseripa. .ls-;l is, auasiy 16, ltl --ay LIVES AND LEARN 1 LET THE TEOrLE STlLla COXTISCB TO 14 VC, AJCD THEY WILL SOON LEARN THAT Kill LING & GUANT. ! AT'rriB ' QAfinOIB-, STOUE, ARK SELLtHa GOODS CI-lEAPEBi ; than can be purchaaed etrawhuro. A. FBEBH 8OTP1. T l Joaa- reemved by Railroad this week. KEMBMUERTHia. AND PROFIT BY If. 8unbury, December . 1 6, ISSO. J. A. C HAND ALL'S PATENT SPRING 1I0KKE3 478 BSOADWAY) tH E'W VOIU. Should be in every family, School, Uymnsn- urn, Asvlirm. and Hoepital in the land. Aia not DANGBROt'S, like the common Rocklne Horse. (Stands firm on ils Pedestal, will not wear CARPETS, and baa no Rockers to injt to the Feet. Health aud nappinau In tba aamaaaddla." N P. tVUUa- r iiu.il t nL "tij.niA jutn.iisu. ( "Of all the child-furniturejwe have ever sees no article comhinea to much of those two iinpo.r I tant thiner health and happiness as the Ad I justable Patent Steel Spring Saddle Horse, in. vented by Jesse A. uranuaii, it is not oangrr -ousJ like a common rocking-liorae, to childicn'i feet, connot be upset, ddes not wear carpets, bi, stands firm on its hnae, and its action la ao liki the gallop of a live horae that tho child uevf wearies of it. Thia .atost of child-novelties is ei ceedingly elegant and artistic in denign ; and adjustable, subntantial, and durable, that it wi. laat a lifetime. It i indispensable in evoi family where there are children. It shutilJ I in every primary school and gymnasium in tin country, aa it can be medo large and siroiu inough to suatain grown persons. As a pedentto for photographic pictures, nothing in more bcauti ful. Every Orphan Asylum and Institution whi-.i I children are congregated, should be furnish with a number of these beautiful articles. ihi are fitted with side-saddles when requirud." f DIRECTIONS FOR ADJUSTING. Opo the after part of the base aulliciently to allow tli axle to go in its place ; then raise or lower ttj Hone to suit ou. Screw the bo.ls lii the sil very tight. 1 13" Theso Horsos are WAKIlAr lEU on year. March 16, U61.- -tf SUNBURY ACADEMY. IMIE BUMMER TERM of tha Sunbury Academy i( commence on theddt of April. Tho unurse of instruction embraces every deps r ment uf tducation tnui;hl in our beat Acudeimea, prepadi students una either fur a pruiewiuu or to emu uuy ci CMW- .. ( rr.it i(i.uii.u; i Common -School lna.rh.s, CI W Hiiter Knplish lirauclias, S (HI i Latin ;.d UieoU Lungungos. 7 1-0 . Tuition to be paid before the middle of the term. Board can be hud in private families at iiomai 7a ti 4 per week. t.T., :, p r. oiiaw, ruini Sunburv, March 30, l?60. DO VOL Vjf.tVr M II1SHEUS. DO YOU WANTWHI5KKR3? 00 YOU WANT A MOL'STACHE? DO YOU WANT A MOUSTACHE? HcIIitihaiai's Celebrated ISTIMULA T I N G ONGUEN Fur the Whiskers and Hair Thetubtcnberi tuke plenaure hi Bnnimiicing to the ci Ktni ol tue U ut if a Mttici, l huii. ihey have Kbtattiru V Agency itir, antluic nw eimhltu toolfci to the Amciu piibiic, tuc auyv justly eticuruttc utiu wunu-ie.iowi The Stimulating Onnutnt. it preoared bv Ur. C. 1. BclhiictiHin, t'iniiiriit rh ict I uf luiiiioii, mill il wur ranted u biing futulh ck twt ol IV tusker or Moustache in from three to eix wecki. The article it the oiily r of the kind uttrd by the l'lendi, and 111 London Hud i ni it it iu uiuvrrui ukj It ia btuuuiui, rct'iiomical. aootMi-ff, v?t tmnilm coinM'iiud, aciii.g aa if lv ihnku tipmi i..e r'ia, cnuoip iieMiiiui t''Wiii i'i luxurituu ftuit 11 npfiiira io inr bk-s t will cure baMixriiit. uuu vuuhv to ti rn r up hi p.uv the buldaTjuitaa hue rnwth ol hair. Applied uemii: tt dfrpfth'na it will turn red it lowy hair daik, aud rtit (li ay hair b ittoriguml cKr, leaving it a fi, smooth, AfKihle. The 'Onifiifnt' is an n.ditprn&ihlc aitit'ii. every gei'tlntiHirs i-niet, and after one week a ue t would noi fitr any consideration he without it. The suhwrit'crs aie the tuily Acents for the nrtit-h the United tHnie, Io whnm all orders must le adrtrt's- i'nee One LMUr a box for aaie bv till DrutfRisli Drnlers; or a )xx of Ihe Oniiueut'1 (wurrHiilrd to h the desired effect) wnl lie st-nl to any whodLiirf it nmil. direct, si.-i.i:ii'lv pHikee, on receipt of pi ice end p age,,,!. Applj tour ad'lreas tlUlf ALh. I-. 1 1 r. U r M . V IU, Dnifists, c, tU WUliaui fct., Nw Yu Fcr sVile ai (Ink uluue. Maiuh 30, l.-bl. hOLOMO.V M 4 LICK. j Attorney at Lav; SUNBURY, Northumberland Co., 1 (Formerly Freehurg, Snyder county ) j OFFICE, Market Street, a lew doors east oil Mortheru Central Kail road Depot and tvtc doors west cl'lhe Post OiHca. All Professional Uusiiiti-s, CoHuctions, will receive prompt attention-. , ,' Plurcb 30. ISdl. DItUGS AND MEDICINES, HICIIAED A. FISCHER'S EMPORIUM, , UAVI.NU pmchased the store lonnerly j hy A. W. nsCHEH. he would reapeil.' call the attention oi the public to bis n ell sol cd atovk of DliUOS, MEDICINES. CUT CALS. PAINT0 t Oils, Uye StuHs, Varnishes, Per'uuiery, I Articles, fine Hair and looib lirusl.es, i I'sucy (ioaps. '1'ruaoes, Ac. , Pbysiriana Preacripiiona and Family Iie.V accurately compoundvd at all hours, ly ao rieliced Druiiilisl and Apothecary.- . liKMEMbEK the (ilai-e, under ths oft:' the "Sunbury American." Kuuhurv, June Ti Ibfil. 9inoe BLACK SILK COA Gored Mantles, Poplin UusU-ra, French hsijoea, Milk lissauines. v Newest Desiiiia, aady Made, or MaJe tu I COOPER 4. CONAKD. H. J,. Corner Ninth aud Market, PLiiadoly) Msy I", 11. t )
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers