SENT BY EXPBE3S EVBBTWirBIlE. Retailed at Wholesale Pric&s, Hade to Eeasrsro at $18 per doz. Oil BIX FOK WISE DOLLARS. JiniboKt Collars cn,ith Onllar on 1 3 per dot extra. MADK OP X TV-YORK MILLS MUSLIN, " H"Uh an I.lnrn Tlosnns, aid vrnrraiitr-'! as reed a SMrt as Kill ill Hi re'sll stores lit l'-.'0 each. i also, tub vert ii&T pmnTu iuat caS h I MADK AT til KACH. P ' Those vho tlil-ilt I cannot mVM M Shirt for lis' per doren are mistaken. Hera's Ui -t of cn doien 13 fine lliillj. fO yards of New-York Mills muslin t U Jtfe. T-'' JjJ 1 j-iiniscf (Mum, MOW. perjniu......... MnUiur ami cutting - Laundry, tl I buttons and cotton, toe Profit .8 M ....B I") ....1 0 ....a Total Celf Measurement for Shirts. printed direction f cut free everytrliere, and so easy to u-i --lerstsnd, Unit any one cio tnie their nun niomur tot sMrts. I warrant a ff-w'l 1H. Hie cniui to be paid to tn fcxureai Company on receipt of good Tlie L'xprcas chars.! on one dotea Shirt from Mow. York to New Orleansls 1. ' r 8. -PARTIES WlfllTSO BinrtW IN rtASTE.Tint Tuccinir time to lend for Rubs of Measurement, should end per mall, prepaid, out ot the best fitting shirt they have sot, stating euy alterations that may be required, 7 S. W. H. WAItD, from London, 387 Broadway, up stair; Between Wldtc A VisUwr arci-t "W-WF Marcn III, lsr.1. - If AYEE'8 Sarsaparilla PCa PURIFYINGr THE BICOD. And for tha speedy euro f the following complaint-: fcrrofuln nnil Srrofiiloua AaTcrtionff.snvU rs Tumnra. Vims, horco Kruptlonap IMin pit, Pnst u1re Jtlott'Uea, iiuilSf AliuAiiMf and all SUtii lUe-i,-a. OiKi.on, In., (;b June. 1853. J. P. Atkh A C-). Gent : I feel it my duty to ao know U"1;o h:it ym.r tNtriiparillii lir.s done for nt?. Ilaviii iiili'MiiF-la Pcro(iihii infection, 1 have suffered from Ic in various way for yja.r Sometimes It burnt out in LlTtrt ou my li.imfs mil arm.: tim: It turntnl Jnvii'd mid liett'oil me nt the rtomitrh Tiro y?an yti it broke- cut my lieml C"ii rovtr- d my Kcilp nl fain Uh on? sure. tvliK.i wan ptinlul uiiil liwilhm iyoinl t m-i iptii'ii. J trl I m;uiy m ill jinci atitl stverfil t)liflciairt. liut without n null Miff from nny thiitff. lu l.-ut, the Uoidt;i gierr mui;. At h i.2t!i 1 rejoiced t'j UM't In the tlnip Mc'f'iifr tlist ynu liml prt-pnrid An lii','itivu (?arrn'iirilitO, f r I Knew Ironi your ii uta Ik ii tlmt uny lliiiK,; you Dmtit1 mi -t b:- kiaA 1 EeDt to iiucfutiatlau'lpot it, UikI ii-iii it til) it iuttl m. 1 tw-k It mr o;i Q'lvisif. in f nuil I fl cai f a te.ih.KKm fill over ft Hi juth. B'i I iHt-d tliifu I'jtilfs. tsr-vv awI ltcalthy i'.m oo Irpin to limn under tin w;ib. wliicli ftr vbfle Ml ctf. My skin is now riV-tr, and I know ly my'i lltnt tl:t dist-tte tins coin Iront my MtL-m. oit con tn-ll Kliovo that 1 fti'l wliat I Hm i-avinic wln-n I toll 0U, that 1 liuld Jo'i tu 1 e out) of tin tiftustitii it tlio ni ad reuiaiu ever umu-iuiiy Yiuti( ALflitD B.TALLKT. lit. Anttionv'i Fire. Hof or Kr slpcln!, T'tt-r ami Salt Ktii uin. Kinld JteuO, llliiwoniif Sore K cv Ui ojuy. Pr. HnWrt M. Vn hln write from F;.l-m, N. Y., 12th f-Jpt., !"&, tlint lie Ii cured nn itivi'twnte c:ne of i; o.y. nlit li tliifntcit1,! to tenniimie fd tally, by tbd 5freeTiitit? use of onr firKuinirtll-i, und sUit u duugt-ruu tslignunt Xnrijlitt y 1'irire d-ncn nf tin) phuicj he curet tlie coinmon Eritntfits hy It conrnntly. Uroncliorcle, Goitre or Swelled A eric, ebnlon Slonn of lr-fircf. 'iVxai. nit?''! "Throe brt tU of your finiwijiMi ilia vurcd me from n fJrti-'rc ft liid ous '.v. lliti j; on tlm netli, liitli 1 lutd fiutkred ftcui over two yeun." Letirorrlirra or "WtiWeii.Ovarlnii Tnnior, Ltcrlito LItcrfttioa, Femnle Ulncaseii Vr. J. It. 8. CliJinnina. of New York City, writes ; " I tnot clictiiTully eutitply wKli tlid reiint of your npent In ft.vinjr I Imv fiiuul your SnrBiipiuilla a niont exctllent ulti'inttvo hi tin imintirous cunii'laints for whHi wo employ tiufli a rptmMh. but cspociully in lutu-il Discncs of iIk t-ri'.ifnlcmd dhulicmj. 1 b'tve nurd mmiy tnveter Kte rtwts uf l'ncnrrlirff by it, nnil t mxo wlK-r the com plaint Wit nmFi' l bv ulrtnttf-n of t'li! ule- us. Tb ul(rr- utfon itn-'lf wdn itoitii cinxii. Nntbin,; wlibin my Uuuwl dtrrt t"(iiuU It f-r tlK'HO fnmli O-ninin-nn nti." hi ward 3. Mnrro'v, of Nfwhitiy, Ala.. viiti'J, " A dan-pe'.-oni nwiriit'i tmnct' on mm uf tin Iviimb-s in my fdinily, vbMi I'Kd df-fo'd nil the renudie)i w cmild fini'Icy. 1-ai t Ifniiii. btfn ei.n:'l.'t'.'ly en red by yenr Kxtraet ot'J'ar Our i'liv.irliPi thr-nlit rcll iinr but extirpa tion could nff'-rd rtdief. but hi d the of your lnn-Tpi-jill itj tli-i ntt rt"it bef-HH culthiK. end it luoved eftectdul. Aflir tiddi'vvour i-'iueuy tight uueUf DO lymi-toui of (lie dint-use nntiHini1." SypliUU and Mercurlnl llscme. New Ont."N, 2Ctb Anpmt, Te. J. C. AYr.n! Sir, I rlieerfuliy c'ii'0y with tlio re fluent of your eiient. mid leport to you some of the eflcvM 1 Imve it'idixed with ynur KiirpiuitU. I b.ive ciurd with it. in my irncticet most of tlie corn p'.iintt for which it U leccminen-ittl. mid have found ite c-irjcf truly wonderful in the cute of Vrnrral and .Vrr Curfal )"7ft,i Ou f my i iiticnts had Fyi.hiliiic uh ei j tn hl threat, which were coiisiiminc liii palate and the top uf hid mouth. Your furtiapdiilla, tendt!y taken, ciued hliu in live weal-a. Another wu uttucked by eec oudHiy jniplouti in hU u-e, und il:a ulceiidiou lutd enien away e com-iderttblo part or it, fo that I believe the diootder would noon reach liii brain and kill biin. But it yielded to my aUmim4tiittii-n ot your t-fisrti'urilla; tlie Vict' in hraled. and li" is veil ttgidii, not jf cumse without O'ne ditfliuiatUin to luce. A woman who had kit. treated tor the suuie dieoidcr by ineitury wun hufierim? fiiiu tlds jK'Uun in tier b"iiL". 'i'ii.'y had become sot.u t.tive to the Weather that on a damp dny the eulfred ex eniriatin riu 'n bcr jfiutu nnd b uun. She, t o. wii cured eutiiely by your b:u ipaiilla hi a U-vr wt-ekfi. I know ti.nn iu fni inula, wliicli oui uut-ut t,ave Die. that tide I'lepLUutioit from jour l"borntmj tmiftt lien urcnt lemedy ; cumtiueutly, these truly leumrkiXle ietultl iiU It bso tu t put pi iff i me. Vmteriiai:y jcui-, O. V. LAKIMKR, M. P. tlheumatlsin, Gout, fitver Complaint Jm.CI tNPhNCj:, I'lt.m Co., V.i.. tlh July, 1&9. T'fl. .1.0. Ay KB : Sir, 1 h ie Wen tttllictcd v.itb a pain ful chri-niw Kh'UMvtttm for i long limv, wbii-h batl'-tl tho kdl ot tiy-iettth, e.iiil fiiu'k to mo in epao ot all tha retiiediva 1 con Id 11 n J. until i trie J yui tui. a-itiilia, Ono bottle ciiicd me iu t wo ,et, nnd HHturci my f;trjTaI linullh H'i DlU'di thrtt 1 nut far bt tter Ihau Ikdt re I wat Uackud. 1 Hunk it a i.udeilul mbdkino. J. HtttAM. Julve Y. G.jtcliyll. of SI. Iml?, vtilee; HI lavo Ken Clicttd fr with nn aiUciiuuof 0e Livt-r, liirli (Jr-stnncd htallh. J tiudeviTV tldnft. end every lliio; fciil.-d to irln-ve me; and 1 have been a bioKf-n-down umu (or df-uitj ystvn from ti other cnue tlimi tinranyfifal f tut linr, M hvloved p.tor. the liev. Mr. Kfpy,a Ivihed rue t try youV fSarmipnnllH, beoau-- bo snid lie kuew you, uud any ihinz ou made waj woith Ii.mdk l(y tlie bWn ii Hj of U"d a ha cuivd n.e, and lnm f pui ifjud my blw-d n to limits a lit w man of me. 1 j oonn e train. 1L iliat c-tll be Bin J ot '-u t li)t iiall gMU enuull' HTilrrn.rmircv 'fiimor, fliilnrKriiient, I Ucrutlou, ( ui'tc und JLxiolittlloii ot tUo lionet A prcit vaiKtv tf mee linxf l n reported to ne.bere citm uf ibt-f-o firiiiidvibie ri.uij.'.uiiits l.v reunited fi"tn the me of thin rmneily, but oiu1 fj'uco here Kill not admit tltvui. B"tni f tb-in inny be iuund in our Auierin.ii Almaioic, nhich the n-rt-. b.d w uuru&d Uiopliiued U ftii nish (jiuil la ail wltj c ill f r Hi em. Pj ei-eii-lo, lli prt Pienie, Fire. Enilep -, 4li'IuiUul-, tural((ia. ?!rtov reu:iii ,l.ab,t ruren cf tbefe ellV-cti'm have tjcn rii .de by tl.e i S'l iallvt.. i. w er of (bif. u etiiciue. It Ktiuiu- l.tive tUu vit-d luuvitoiiK into vip-'t'ou? action, and tbue itveiet.-bU'H div'i'iiw-fl wlii. li would be mtppoMd hejondUl io I'.di. fnib leiiiidy hat. luinj been ruiuired by the &e-fv"eiii"- of the pcopli , und we ara coutldeut that tbi will Ot- tr i hem ull (but niediciuo caa do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rent tiic xiiPiu erne op Ctiuhs. (old., Influenza, Tfoanencft, Crtti. ItroiirHltlv, Incipient C'ou nuitiitloii and for the ltelif trt CmiiiiimiitiTe Putieikla iu iidvnured Stnt of the liUcuMC Titla U a remedy so Midversnlly known to mrpiu ofti"! for the cute f.t tin out and loiift complaints, that it ta tiKi W ht ie bi pul tisli tlm e cf its virtue. Ite itumniU'd uvcellvoce fur coughs and colds aiid ita truiy Vi'iiJrl'ul cure of pulmonary tdaeaKe, bavj umdo it kuowu th ron ah uu t the civiliiud ii.iti.aa uf the eatth. Jvw art- tiie c miuiiniiiei, or een Inunla-a, among tlum Who bete not aume peraoual uxtrutice r it effect - eouie Iniiiff trophy lu their uddtd of it victory over the eubil and dngeiuu diui tei of the throat and Iudk. Avail know tba liaality of tbehe tliFordcrit, and w thev knew, too, the tnYueof ihi uiiiedy, we need mt Uu hioie than to aMire thein tbit it Lj4 now nil thu vir lues that It did have wheu mnkinc the cure which have wuu to tronn'.y upon the cuiilidDc of m&ukind. V rop&red by Dr. J. C. AVE & CO., Lowell, Half. ?.. by 1'iilii c V biai l,m:d A. W, I'lael er, uitLury F.CuiiivypnJ C. iiu-wn, Nttluiti; r W'enik. Ms Kwemwilic; lteil'snyder ic i. htiauiaii- ltrhnt the ; It. U, In w Coy, Noiihuiulverluiid kiiil b xJutdira iVtf) where. A ;iil 1, lhol.-ly IL'le deasure in announcing that they are now prepared to mail (fret) to those who wish it, a , copy of an important lulie work, hy the la's Dr. : Brampton, entitled 'Tiie li.vs'io's Medical i'ou- j fcJunl," published for the benefit, ai d a a warn' I Ing to yu Jug men and person who sutler fiom Ntroua Debility, Preaiature Decay, Ac. 4c, I Supplying the mean bf self cure. The i eu.ler u ' iiresisiibly led to Compare a useful hie with an' ig-nuMe death. H.a.'.er, lone not a moment, but end your s 1 i1. its a copy of this Utile work. Address tin j PbblisUtrs. PR JOHN' II O'iDGN 4 CO. tt & lid Joku sit.. New Yoik. May U, l-lrrl.toi GBEATX3T EXCITEMENT 07 TIIS SEASON ! R ILING & GRANT t bt MAMMOTH STOEE, have juil received JCEW AND DESIRABLE Stork of FALL j WINTER GOODS! A very extensive inaortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, C (insisting in part of II lack a n J Fancy Silks of very choice pattern P12BEGES, Ducnltf, Cashmere. French anil English Merino, Plain anil FigtireJ Wool Delaine. Manliii Drlainr of all style, and price. FoulurJe, Thibet CIi tli, Toil De Chevre. Saxon'and V'ool I'laids. I ADIES' FUR3, 11UOCHE, Bay Slate and Wool 8lf AWLS of every va ticty, ic, 4 c. Gentlemen's Dress Goods, cf every style, confuting of Cloths, Cuaimerei, SuUinc'.t, Kentucky Jean. Tweed. Velvt t Cord, 'evetcin, Vesting. of every variety. Our stool: of Silk end Silk Velvet Vesting", cannot Le minasstd in the uritry. 1'lcase call, and examine them. CLOTHING Our stock of TJBADV MADE CI.O THING lias bel li replenished, and we have a full assort nunt of OVERCOATS DKESS C0AT8. Pant and Vests, Overcoats and Dies Coat for Uoys of all agts. ALSO, a very handsome assortment of I-ATS CAPS ol every ttyle and variety at the lowest prices, Our stock of IIAHDVVIIRE hu been renew eo. ami we nave now a larger assortment than ever neiore uiiurcd to our customer, consisting III iiun in Sausage Cutters, Pocket Cutlery, Uutther Knives Muyer Hinge. Holts and Pud Locks, X Cut Haw. Mill taw, Scoop Hioe!, &c, &.e., dec, 4 c, &e, Ac. Ilueeimnm e and C.'laiivare 7 of every variety at the VERY LOWEST P 11 I C E 8 . Our stock of GROCERIES is very fine. Wo have the best quality of Svrup Molasses ever before oncre to the citizen of fc'unlmry and vicinity. CEDAR AND WILLOW. WARE of every aricty. Hosiery, Glove, Notion, SADLERY. BOOTS AND SHOES, 4c, ic Also a fresh supply of Drugs, Points, O.I.. Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Dye Sluls, Glass, Brushe, ic. " Particular care having been taken in the se lection of our good in regard to quality, style and price, we call the attention of the public to our hirgo stock to which constant additions will be lutnle. Thankful for past favors, we hope to merit a coniiiiuuiice of the patronage of the public hy selling cheaper than ever. Give us a cali before purchasing elsewhere. FRILING 4 GRANT. Sunbury, Nollembcr 17, IbOU. TU ALL, THOSl? HAVING Farms, Parks or Gardens. IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A lure cluiu-e is now udorded to select and order FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES Vim-.. Slirutilieiy, icfroin the celel.rulil Clover Ri,...i N'ui-eue. iMuicdut lloctiraier, New Yoik. Messrs, MOOUtC, 1IUO I IILUS, PROPHIETOR8 Vh Lee leave to announce ihul ihey are picpared UllObf-litlicifquuliut-duild RESPONSIBLE AGENTS, To distribute ikcir superior stuck on tho most ressoiiaU VLopi.i: of tiii: ::STDTC1T3 STATE. Lovti -f Nature mu) the Ifjtuhful.iifl joilly celrUmte for yur hiit-Pigmi;, w nliu, lilKTuhty and, uuw i. the u.iif iu ii ia k ? joui Iri'iiitua trom tmr lu-sciurnvi: c tauigik and pi.atk hooka, W htf-ii will tn? furnifcheti ynu, tlircurh r loc attmit ; und y m uiu) km lauuit'd tiiul yuui ufdci wiil he hoaum blv titled. i'wi iuttlicf iurticulnr applv tn iV idJUl.niCK A. IIOWK, AttotiL tor NiirtliuinlH rUird county. HEFERENCE6: lf u. r.HF.NrKn UUWI IN, IC.H-hwicr, N. v. - 'ii uAiioiini i ti,, Col. J. H. Jll!.r.O.' ,iuiilvii., I'a. I- aiiuaij v, IrOI 1111 STOVES' l?On SALE au axcellent aecond-hand Cook ; - ing uvc, also several Cylindsr Coal I 8ioei. Kusjwne at i hi CENTRAL HOTEL, StTNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa. riHIS large and eommoiliouii Hotel, now A- managed by JAMES VAN DYKE. It is situate at the Railroad Depot North East corner of Market Kquare, Kutiuury, and at the terminus of the 8unlury Jr Erie and North em Central Railroads, and i open for the accom modation ol 1 lavelcrs and the pul'hc in general 1 ne pnprietor will give his exclusive atten tion, totte comfort and convenience of his guests and is ile'crmined tn make this establishment rank among the first in the Slate. Hit table will tie supplied with the best the market can produce having the advantage of daily co.mmuuiiinlion by curs direct from Haiti- more, and also from tlioro bringing produce trom the surrounding country. ltia bar will be supplied with the purest liquors the market can produce Ua-eiul and obliging aervanls always in at tendance, IN'rw and commodious stabling ha just been added to the premises. A share ol the lo-al and traveling community a most respectfully solicited. P-jubury, January 12, 1861. GOODS, S WEAK. F 0 11 MEN1 Black and Blue Hair Cloth, Beaver Overcoating, llliuik Doeskins, New Stylo Cassimcres, All Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jean, Real Good t -assinetts. Hilx Mixed ('(in:ine. Super Velvet Cords, Black Grenniline Vesting, Black Satin Vesting, Fancy Silk Velvet Vesting, Plain Pilk Velvet vestinRs, Nice Cnssimere Vesting" In fact nil kinds nf goods for Men' and Boys' wear, can he found at the l eople One 1 rice Store of E. Y. iiiiaht i. Son, who hae just eceived by Railroad a siileudid slock of all kind of goods, suitable for cold weather. Please call and be convincrd. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, October 27, I860. HEVERE HOUSE, (LA riC I'AOI.E JUJTK.L,) Third Street, ahnve l'acc. I'liiladehihia. nilOADS It SAILOR, Propuciors. T MrROVKMnNTS nnve been made, and the House has j ueeii ri'iic.ea lliri'upii'iuT iilghmam v. KhuADs, rornieilyor the ,iitionnl H.itcl Chabi.m Sailof, inimrrly ol Schuylkill co., Pa. rinhileiphia. Juu. Ill, ly O O T A N D S 11 O E MANUFACTORY. Corner of S'luare und Jitver Street GXTIsTBTJXr, PA. 'lHE subscriber respectfully informs the citi -a- zens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he h.s opened a Liool and Shoe Shop on the corner of Market Square and lnver street, opiiosiie the Court House, where he can he found at all times ready to wail upon customer. having considerable experience, he is prepared to make up customer rk of all kinds, nt short notice, in the style and woikmunshiu. He keep ronstantly on hand a largo assort ment ol 1, either, of the best qiiulity, which ena' ble him to make up good ami durable work. Lull and examine for yourselves before pur chasing eUcwhcre, and you will save money. JOHN VULVER. Sunbury, Nov. 10, 18(10. ly S. E. corner of Seventh and Chcsnut Streets T'tis is one of EIGHT COLLKHi:S, CONSTITI'TINO THE "NA TIOXAL CHAIN." LOCATED 13 riiitadvlphia, New Yorl. Ciiy, A'Jnny, ItblTiln, Ckve laml, Ctiti-iii;.i, nnil St. lini?. Srin.liiiiiiiijis cull lie pur chased ut either puinf, gotuj ut ull lli C'I!'j.'pb. Till-: CULLKCIATK COl'KiSK ein'iriiee Dcmhle an I Sii-le Knlry ILmk-Ki-eiiinit, Ci;nv ineiclsl Coqiputati'iMS. Ci litlliTci:il l.inv, I'tnliuiiielup, dusiiic.. v-i'i rcp,iiiiii'nce, i-urincul.ip cllifiiieuls, elc. rUACTICAI. TKXT-Ut-IDKS. TlieTeael ini( in Hie Itoiik-Ktii'piiiir Department is most ly Irian written tiiiniiiiiei qt lornis. Willi uinl iuMi iirtiiuis tecturt'., anil liluek-tNiiinl elii('iil:iliii.s : in aOihlion li wlucti, in unler to ln;ike the Culleiriule C'tursp us tli.ifoticll anil eilictuiila., the lulluwing TeKt-UKiLl have been piejuireil : lliyant A Slr.ittnir. Ito-'k-Ki-epiM, in three eilitions Common S hool, Hiiili Selim.l, uml Omnium llnnse; llry- iiiu 'v mriiii.m . t iincri ml Arithmetic ; llivml & Commercial Ijtw, l.y Ainu. Demi, I. I. D. KPKNCKltlAN PYS'TK.M l)F W:M A.NSHIP, ill a aeries of nine h mfcs, hy 1. K. SPKNCKR. P. K r!I,,Tcnclier of Penin..n.liip. In.!i virtual instrilction. 8ludenU eillri ut uny lime. Dlplo mil. awnrilei!. Iv ror Cnfilopni.. nml I'lrriilars. cull nt ttir PolJeee, iruuilie. llUYANT.tiTHATTON k r A1H HANKS February J l. 1 -tl 1 ly t'liiludelpkia. War! Warl War! CME 1-nOM THE SOUTH, COME EV.OM THE Sui TII, COME FJIOM THE EAST, COME 1'iiOM 'I HE WEST, ?ava tho country and build yourselves homes, or now is the time to get your Lumber cheap. Yes, LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! LUMBER ! ! ! can be purchased at low rates at the STEAM SAW MILL of BUNBURY, FA... Such as Panel Lumber, Frame Lumber. Boards, Siding, Shingles from $3 tn if 8 per thousand, Plastering I, all, Puling, Roofing Lath, rVc, 4c. All bills ordered, for any kind of Lumber, will be luinu-hid ut the shortest notice. IIIA T. CLEMEiVT. Sunbury, March 9, 1861. SAVE YOUR FRUIT Y LMNG MASON'S Patent Sheet Motul " Screw Top PRESERVE JAR. MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP I .411 that is necessary being to screw the Cupdown upon the Rubber Gasket, which i placed outside upon the enoulilcr ol the Jar, 3-4 of an inch ills lain from the lop ; prevent the possibility of the flavor of the fruit being injured by coming in utact with the Rubber. Personsilesiring these Jars, ran be supplied hy bviiik nieir uruers wnn it. u. .MASSi;!., riunbury, June 3, IriUU. Agent. COTTAGE IJIBLES. IOU HALK, cbenp, three copioa of the i 'lit t H OR KlIiltA inlurilVi-lturniiia nilVi Ain nientur.Vg. II. li. MASSKIl. 1")LANK Parchment Paper Deed and blank -t--' Mortcaies. Uol.ds. Ksfrntinnk. Knmmnn. 4c, for kale b II. U. MAssKK t"1At KEliS ! CRACKERS, just received J and for sule by the barrel or pound, at the iunieciiouery more ol ftl. u. UCAIili AKT, Sunbury, Orlober 13, IHt'O. Tl t'n DO VV S H A"l EIT ry Clie lnJ rheap assortment, just received by Rail road friiin New Vork, at the Ma in moth .lore of Filling d Grant. We have also fur sale 8. 8. Putnam 4 Co's celebrated Patent Pendulum Curtain Fixturea. BLANKS ! BLANKS!! A new supply of Summon', I'.jtc utiona, A WarranU, Supceiia, JJced, Mortgage. Bond, Leases, Naturalization iianer. Justice tnd Constable Fee Bill, Ac, 4c, jul printed and for sal at this Ollice. . Suabuty, AprU 30. l95. rJo y. STEAM FLOURING rQJffTtJSlsIL.- PFMIE subscriber havimr taken possession of this first cla FLOURING MILL, are pre pared to receive ftrnin of wll kind, and to do cue torn work at the Shortest Notice. Customer ill have their grist ground Immediately upon their being left at the Mill. As it la the inten tion of the firm to stock the Mill a large Sup' ply nt Grain, will he constantly kept o i hand, and flour by the quantity can always be obtained. I be greatest care will be taken to turn out a su' peri"r quality of flour, for which the mill is ad' mirahly adapted. Strict attention will be paid to the wants of customers, and the patronage of the public generally is respectfully requested. MORGAN & CO., Sunbury, June 23, I80. PHILIP SHAY, H IS FORMS hi friend and the public in cene H ral, that he constantly keep on hand. Hoards, Shingles, Lath, Joists ar.d all kinds of Lumber and building materials, wliiub ho will sell at the lowest prices. March 30, IR6I. PR. A. W. riSCIIER, fFFEKS hi professional service to the citi " ten of Sunbury and vicinity. OHire at tho Drug Store. Sunhury, June 80, IRIIO. bham6xiw vaTleypott "1HE subscriber respectfully informs the public - that he is now manufacturing at hi Pottery, 4 mile cast of Sunbury, all kind of Earthen Ware, made out of lied C'cniriit tiny. This clay produces the best and most desirable kind nl ware, equal, in many rrspects, to tnne warn, and ia less liable to crack by sudden heat and cold. The subscriber refers to Friling & Grant, Hunbury. Address, JOSEPH SAVIDGE, Oct. 13. 1P00. ly Sunbury, Pa. WALL PAPErT FRILING & GRANT, at the MAMMOTH STORE, have this day (January 1 7th, 1801 received a CHOICE ASSORTMENT Of TUB NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS OF WA.I.L IP -A. PER, which they are selling at prices that defy competition. Sunbury, January 19, Ififil- LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. 1 O TO WM. H. MILLER, he ha received from Philadelphia u !rrre stock of nnAa JiUU i O PS Sc SHOES. His stock consists of Gen'ts Kipp Hoots, Youths' Kipp Boots. 1 'li. l.lF..n-u I'ir II .- WIIIIUIVI1 VUII AJlllllli. AUo a variety of Women's Calf Lace Roots. Women's Morn. Lace Boots, Children' Morocco and Calf Lace Boot, all of which he will sell cheap fur CASH. tvaii ami examine for yourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tamnero Moroco for sale for cash. WM.H. MILLER. Sunbury, January 7, IRtiO. NOW WITHIN PEACH OF ALL G R O VEItll AKEIiS 'If; C E L E B R A TE D jv u t s E L E S S Sewing Machines, 495 Bhoadwat, Ntw Yohk. The public attention is respectfully lequcstcd to the following curds of Eliis Howe, Jr., and the (i rover & Baker S. M. Cn A Card from the G ROVER & BAKER S. M. Co. Our Patents being now established by tj? Courts, we are enabled to furnish the Grover & Baker Machine, with important improvements at greatly IS educed B'riec. The moderate price at which .Machine mik ing the firmer & Baker stitch, can now be had, brings them within the reach of all, and render the ue of Ma -Hine making inferior stitches a unnecessary as it is unwise. Person desiring the beet Machines, and the right to use them, must not only be sure to buv M ichine making the Grover 4 Baker stitch, but also that such Machine are made and stamped under our patent and those of Elia llower, Jr. GROVER 4 BAKERS. M. CO, 495 Bioadway, New York, A CARD FROM ELIAS HOWE, JR. All persons are cautioned not to make, deal in or use any Sewing Machines which sew from two spools, and make the stitch known as the lirover 4 Sliaker stitch, utiles the same are purchased from the Grover 4. Baker Sewing Machine Company, or their A sent, or Licenses, and stamped under my patent of September I U,' 18-16 Said Company, and their Licenses, alone, an legally authorized under their own patents, am my said patent, during the extended term there of. to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine and ull oilier are piracies upon my said patent and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever louiid. ELIAS HOWE, JR. New York, Dec. 89. 18K0. tf New Arrival of Clothing, 'I'Hh largest and best Stock of FALL AND A WINTER CLOTHING ever brought to this place, arrived at the Mammoth Clothing Store of SCHWF1TZER. HEILBRONNER 4 CO.. in Market street, nearly opposite Wea ver's Hotel. Their Stock comprises of FINE CLOTH COAT8, Dress Coals, Over Coats, Business Coats, 4c. VESTS OF ALL KINDS. UnderShirts, Prawers4c HATS A1STJD CAPS. BOOTS ANUSHOES, of the latest style of every description and quality, cheaper than ever. Their assortment of gentlemen's furnishing Clothing i the most complete I Their variety and ityleimoat attractive. And tha price defy all competition. C7 Call and ex imine for yourselvc. SC WEITZEH, HEILBRONNER if CO. Sunbury, Oct. 6, I860. rpi. WARE A very cheap and deiirable assortment just received Ihi week, at lb Mammoth Store f FHILINU 4 GRANT. Sunbury, Januiry 18, Igril. I"1UE0 PKACHEd, pared aad nopared at tha Ma ineth atoreof FBILINO k GRANT u nv j n v PUS II ANOTHER A It RIVAL OF N EV GOODS, J. II. E.VCF.U ortuubury, I'-, HAS Just arrived with splendid STOCK of ftPKINU AND SUMMER GOOD8, from Philadelphia, to which he respectfully dnvitsi hi friends and the Public to call end inspect. he will apare no time in showing them. Among hi. stock of gnode will befound, riNE BLUE AND BLACK FB.E1TCH CLOTH. Fine Black and Fancy Casimeres '1 weeds, 8at inelta, Jeans, Black Italian Cloth, Ceshmerelte, Cottonade, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Check, and Farcy Vesting, also a large assortment of Ready-made CLOTHING for men end boys (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Silk Tissue, Ucreges, Chali and Chali Robes, Berege Delaine, Berege Robes, Figured Brilliant and a variety of other Dress Goods, Spring and Sum' mer Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort ment of jwhite goods, Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac. A general assortment of domestic Dry Gods. Also a large stock of Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes, Hardware, Queens and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware, Stono and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar &.c. Sic. N. B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produce ta en in exchange for Goods. J. H. ENGEL. Sunbury, May. 19, 18(50. tf. II A II II I S PAINTER, a 1 1 o v n r y at 3L a to , MARKET SQUARE, BIT N B TJ B Y, X -A. . June 13. IHU0. New Air Line Route T O 1ST E "W YOE BHOHTi:ST IN DISTANCK AND QUICKEST IN TI.MB between the two Cities of NEW YORE ANDIIAEHISBUHG. VIA READING, AI.LKNTOWN AND EASTON. Morning Kxpres West leaves New York ot 8 A. M . and rhiliiarhiliin u b k M . arrive, ut Hamihurir at I'J 45 p. M C'liiiittcluii; at llairi.liuig with Iriiiu nn Nnrthern Central Hoau lor "-unliury, ilnainsport, Lock Haven and inler meiliute stalmns. Mint Irani West leave New York at 12 noon, and I'lniiiiieipiiia nt 3 oil p. ii., cornier nn with liniii nn North eriiCenliul ltonil lor .lation. a. ntKive, and sim on all tnioi. on the illiainspiirl ami Klinira. MnilTinin l'.ui leuve. Hnrri.hiii nt 0, A.M. and sr. rive. ut Philmlclphia at I r. m , and New Yoik at 3 30 p. M-, in nine Ui Uike Iswit i.r ear. for Moston, Ac. I ul Lxpress Kast leuve. HurnMu at I IS, on amval ofNorlheru Ceutrul Tiain, anil arrive, at Philadelphia at 0 I J p M and New Yotkat'ir. ad. No ch.-ince of enr.or kncg ige btweeii New York or Philadelphia unit llurrihliuiir. For tieuuly of Kenerynnd speed, comfort and aeenmmn- duiiou, tin. route present, superior inuucemetil. to the iruve!iii; punuc Oil'n-e in New York, foot of Courlland .treet, Phlladcl- pniu, iirniiu aim uiiiiowntu .treet.. i -e ll ween New York uud Hariiaburg FIVE DOL i.r i, For Ticket, j Freiglit or other information, apply to J. 1. CI.YDK, General Agent. Harriliiiit;. June Hn, ISIKI ly ALFRED D. BRICX'S LXiJED STATES AXD EUROPEAiS PATENT OFFICE, No. JIJ3 WALNUT STREET, Philadelphia. fJ B. Communication by mail promptly " aitendei to. Sept 22, IK60. -lyS ("We Covgh, Cold. Hoarseness, Jiijluenza, any Imlnhnn or Snrtness of the Throat, Re lieve the Hacking Cough in Omnuuijiti'-n, Bron chitis, Axthwa, und Catarrh, Clanr and tjire strength to the voice of I utjltc bpcakert ana Singers. Few ore tiwnre of the importance of checking a Cousrh or "Coinmon Colli" in ll. Unit sta)-e j that winch in the liegriniiiuv would j ielil to a unlit leiueily, if ne.lected, soon liMiicks the l.uiia '-BliOW.VS BRONCHIAL TltO- CHJ., continuing ilemuleent ingredients, allay Pulmo nary sua isroncuiai iriuuiiou. I "That trouWe ill my throut, (for whieh Brown's line -luuinrir mv 11 .peeiuc nuvil 'made lileolteu a mere wti.'Rpeier-" rnocHKS I N . I. WILLI-. I 4,l lecominend their ure to Public Speak er.." I REV. K. II. CHAPIN. ''Have proved extremely serviceable for iHoU'-.eneiw.o REV. HENRY WARD llEECHKfl. "(-M1MSi instant relief in the distressing labor ol uicuiliina; peeuiiiir lo Asiinim " j II KV A C Elilil.ESTON. "Coutuiii no Opium or niiytlouir itijun Drown' TROCHES. Ill own'. TROCHE? Druwn's ioui." im. .v a ii a i r.r, j Chemist, Boston, j "A simple and pleasant comtnnaliuu for Covghs, ate." I DR G F B1GELOW. TROCHES. Drowu's TROCHES I Boston. "Beneficial in Bronrlr.tis " Dlt i I? W LANE, Boaion "I hnve proved Ihein excellent for Whoop ing Cough." KtV II W WARREN, Boston. "Beneficial when compelled to speuk, uttering ironi Colli." KEV 8 J P ANDERSON, Si. Louis. Brown's TROCHES. ( I Biowu'. TROCHES. Brown's j TROCHES. "Kflerlual in removing Houiseuess and inilaliou nf the Throat, so coinmon with Brown'. PpettKer. nfl Mnirers " 1-roi .ii 3J AI.I jutio.n, l.a Ijraii-'e. (ia.. TROCHES. Teacher of, Southern Female College. Brown' 'Great benefit when lake i hefois and TROCHI-J. !after preschini:, as they prevenl Honrtiets 1 r rotu t heir ki.I elteet, I think lliey Wlil be of urowirs iperiiunieui novaiuaee in me " I RHV K ROWLEY, A M., TROCHES. President of Allien. College, Tellll. I fe Si lil hy all Druggists ul 20 ueuls a box. December 6, left! Ompl TIF vcv a tir m mnnvn j f niladtlPiia Mawfat'd at. !'- II' '. -' It" flal'llll'llillAr CrkfVaU Uti4Ao. 304 tViesuuf Street, l5illr&VC?K2 PIM1.AI1H Pill A IIF.SR iufe ate now in me ail uvtr the I'uitcd States, ami liuve lutu tftfd in ninny iirm; llie loilowing -imvVM ttmnhcr iiistume ot their cation iy in rem.ting ute: Witmkr'ii llHiDas, I Imiftfitfr Ttviih!iii, July 30, IN10 J Meiiri. Evass Watson, lieatletnfii : The innli size IS-. I itiliiiiiiniuVr Site winch 1 purctuiktt. fnun yur Rciit, Mr Atlum H. Burr, in Liiiicuittr City. on July Ulilh, ln'tH, hits been utijt-rtt-il tn h very irvere iftt, wlucli it witlmtood in u most wttiiJKtnry m.-tuiifr. Thi Huie, cn. tuiuiiiK ull my Ixroki, together with valuuhle meru helnnft UK ti invsell mid some tu iny neiulibor mil Irieufls, and reptesentiiig o value of over Twenty ThouiuuiU Uollura, (8JU,t)iK)) wiit iu my Mill, which wus destroyed mi the night To the ti?th of July, 10, and pit sect I thitiuh the heiy nrtlent uubArtlhetl, The HiiTe wus on tlie second floor, und full to the uusi-uienl of the Mill, and was subjected for .ix lioui. loan itileuse heiitamon. the rum., whieh wasicreatly inereased hy the eoinhu.tion of a hn?e quaulitv nf grain confined within the brick w-ills. After llieni. the Safe was opened and the book, and paper, tuken out in a .latn ol nerteol preservation, tne paper uoi even nenuf uiK-oinr- ed. This fact wa, however, to many byslaiiders, a better recommendation of your Sale thau could be expressed iu aui oilier worus irom me. Your., respectfully, SAMUEL RANCH. Another Victory for Evans and Watson's Salamander Safe. Cwkoo. N. Y.. March 2T lf4J0. Gentlemen It alfords m. much pleasure. In inform voa that Ihe Ssl'e No A, (upright) which 1 purchased in B. eiri'iio, your intveunc sgeiii, na. imsseil lliroucn an ex- reediuifly hot Gr lu a three sroiv brick building, which healed the Sal's lo a whit, heal, an that the eorueianf it apiear llieltetl; but il preserved niy book, and valuabl. paper, to iheuiuouutof several thousand dollais, for which I leel inaiisiui. Your., reipeclfully. J. N. F.LDRIDGE. CW A lur.e HKarlnieiit ' f the above ft A l-lsi alwav, mi hand, at jut Chesnul street, (Iste ii kouth Fourth St., rnoaixipillil. Oc-pibsr 6, GENESEE SALT. WHOLESALE te HSTAIL, fA'lLlNU 4 UK AN T (at the Mammoth A store,) have jut received 600 lb, of Solsr Ground, Solar and Fine Salt, 700 Sack of Ground Solar Salt every sack warranted to contain 225 pounds of Salt and 200 bag of Salt containing on Bushel each. This salt ia lb best and strongs.' now manufactured and in niatkeL Call and ee for yourwlves, Kunbu'y Sept., 8, 1660. OO TS A SHOES, can be purchased at the Mammoth Store of Friling 4 Grant, very cheap, a, wa are determiued not lo be undersold by anybody. Call and learn tha list of price for FRILING t GRANT, faunbnrf, January It, -j1 . ; 1 1 j.w.N' it i HIGHLY IMPdRTJANT UEWB.'I M. C. UEAlMlAJiT, Has returrwd with a new tek of Confoctionariti, Fruit and Toy T T seems as if a nw age, a new life was open ing upon us, animating every heart to nobler deed and higher aims I Art, Literature end Sci ence will glow anew and seek to develop tab timer beauties and grander conception. illia busineaa world too must feel the new In fluence and every'part be quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge u on with electric epeed to the consummation of greater things than waa ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevade all classes, and desirous of doing his share to wards "The great events of the Age," the sub scriber would respectfully inform the food peo ple of SUNBURY and the public generally, that he has just returned from the cily f Philadel phia with the largest and choicest stock of Con fectioneries, Fruit and Toy that ha ever been brought to this section of country. He is also manufacturing all kind of Confectionaries, &c, to fill up orders, wholeaa'e or retail, at ahort no tice. Among hi itock of Confectionaries, may be found t French Secret, Gum Drop, .11 kind, of acent, rsumea a imnnaa, uove mop., Cream White, Mint Drop., red and white, Imon Jelly Cake., ' Rrxe, Fimt Drop., Vanilla, t-tiek Oanilte, al all Kent Common Secrete. Rock Candy, Liquoiice, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Ran.nn, Prune, Dales, Fig., Currants dried, Citrons, Almonds, Raiton, Nut nf all kind LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the ainirle or dozen. A auperior quality of Segars and Tobacco, and variety of Confectionaries, fruit. Toys, Ac, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. tT Remember the name and place. M. C.GEARHART, Market at., 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright & Son's store. Sunburv, April 14, I860 ly 1.SSE?.'S PATE1TT FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, A Improved for 1859 and 60, By E. KETCH AM 4 CO., 289 Peart-fltreet, ftew-York. THE only Freezer constructed on" scientific principles, with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. The one hasten the freezing of the cream the other remove it as fast as frozen. The most rapid in freezing, with the least quantity of ice. J he most economical in cost, a it Is tha most simple and durable in structure. For sale in all the principal cities and towns in the Union. Each Ficczer accompanied with a book of re cipes and full directions. PRICES. 3 quart, $3 00 4 quarta, 4 00 6 quarts, 5 00 8 quart, 6 00 14 quart, 8 00 30 quart, 13 00 Apply to H. B. MASSER, Sunbury. June 2, I860. laco. THE BEST ROUTE 1860 FROM V'jomlng Valley to riilladt-lphla, Ac iv York, Ilaltliuoie, AND ALL POINTS NORTH, SOUTH WEST. LACKAWANNA & BL00MSBURG RAILROAD. AnHANOEMEHT, Two Doily Pnsnenper Trains will he run between Scrauton aiul Northumlieiliiud, a. tntluw. : MOVING SOUTH i I.env Phil'. Mail. N. Y Ex. Scranum, 6 lu A. M. 4 26 P. M Airiveat l'lttslon, t 38 I 51 - hoif-.lon, 7 us i .jo MnrksliinnT, 7 Ml 6 U5 Herwiek, 8 20 ' SS Uloomibutg, H 60 7 30 Itupctt, 8 III) 7 40 Hauville, S 25 S 10 Northumberland, lu no t) 15 MUVISB WORTH ! Leave N. Y. Ex. Phil'a Mail. N'orir-uinbcrUmd, i M A. M. 4 15 P. .M Arrive at Danville, fl let t 20 Knpert, i5 6 60 Hl,.mburg, 6 f Ull lltriviek, 7 IS 6 US Shlektliluny, 7 45 1 ns hn.RSlou, 30 7 4.1 l-IHMoii, (j 57 g 15 Serniilon, II US 8 43 1 lie Lackawanna and Blis.iusliurg Railroad connect, with the Delaware, Uickawdiuin and Western Rnilrnud. at Scrauton. for New York and Philadelphia, nud iuterme diiile point. East ; als.i for Great Bend, Blnghatntoil, Svrueuse, Bnh'nlo, Niii.afa Falls, and all linportaut point. West. At Rupeit it connect, with Ihe Cutlawissa Rail Mud, for poiulstiiith Ent uud W-st. At Noithumbellund it. eonueel. with the Sunhury and Krie Rmlnsid. lui point. ii esi UIIU90UUI. M. ,v. J AlflSOiv, cup t. Kmesinii, August Vi, lS6n. NEW YOKK LINES CAMDEN k AM BOY AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S LINES, From Philadtlidiia ta New York and Way J laces. From Walnut Street Wharf and Kensington D.pot, Philadelphia, will leave as .ulluws, la rsa. At 0 A M , via Cuindrn and Amboy C & A Accom- mod'iiic.i, (2 25 At 0 A ill, via 'Jnmneii and Jersey City IV ew Jer- sey aeuuninodution, t 35 At fl A M, via Camdui and Jerwy city Moriuna Muil, 3 00 At 111 A M, via Hensineton and Jersey city. Wes tern Express, 3 00 At 1-21 P M via Camden and Amhoy, accommodation it 25 Al 2 r M, via Camden and Amboy C and A. Ex press, a on At 41 e M, via'Keiisuifrtoii, and Jerwy city. Eve- limit Express, 3 0G At 41 r M, via Kensington and Jeitey cily, !d Clnss Ticket, 9 25 At tl'M, vmCumdeii A Jersey city Evening Mail 3 0 At 11 P M, via Cumdeii and Jersey cily South. Mail 2 25 At 0 r M . via Cumileu and Amlsiy At-coiiimoua- tiou. (Fieigbi and Passenger,) 1st class ticket, It 25 2d " I 50 The 8 P.M. Mail Lin runs daily. The 11 Southern Mini Satunliiy. excepted. For Helvidere, Fusion. Fleming-ton. &e.. at 6 A. M from Walnut .ueet wharf and 5 P. M , from Kensuuitnu, r or Maiu-li Chunk. Allentown and Bethlehem, at o, A.M via Lelnuh Vallev Kailnsid. For Wutei Gun, SirouUsbuw, Scrauton, Wilkeslmrre, Moniruae, Gieut Bend, Ac, ut 8 A M, via Deiuwaie, Liaexawaima and ivestern nsilronii Foi Fieehnld. at 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. For Mount Holly, at 8 and 9 A M , and J, and 4) r. m. WAY LINES, For Bristol, Trenton, ic., al 3 and 4 P. M., from Keusiuston. For Pahnyra, Delancn, Beverly, Burlington. Borden- town. Ac.. Hi 121.3. and 411. M. Fifty pounds of Bafvnge only, allowed each passent-er, Pussenirer. sr. ninhihited from lukiliff .nvtlilli as Baft. gate but their wearing apparel. All Baygags over htty pounds tn be paid for extra. Th Company limit then responsibility for Baggage tn One Dollar per pound, and win not us Hams 101 any amount nsyona tuu tiuiwm, fient hv aiiAfml miulrai4 WM H UAT.MER Acent C.cA.R.RCo February 18. lbfto. IIEGEIVIAN 8c COS COIU'lAL ELIXIR OF CALISAYA BARK Prepared only by 1IEGEMAN v CO., Whok-sal nd Retail Chemist, and Drogf isu, 181, 390, 611 aud 758 Broadway, New York. THE virtue of PERUVIAN BARK a a Tonic have been ton long k.uiwn to need eoinineul. Tha CALISAYA (-or King's Bark,") is ih. most valu able of the uumetsus varieties of the Peruvuu Bsrk, aiul iu the ELIXIR IS eiunblned with olher ingredients thai Increase, il edicaey and at th asm lim. tivsrotun th iiileusity of it. hitler, rendering It a raotl AgiseabU) Cor. dial. For perann living ia FEVER and AGUE district, il will I found invaluable a a piev.nUv. Half ol a win. glass full lakcu night and morning, rendering tha .y.tera much Irs. subject lo lb auhealihy influsiiee ol th auno pher. DIRECTIONS Do f. a adult, half a wiurguiw full before breakfust ami duuier ; ehiklren fiom on. Ui iwo aaspmiu fullj il amy be iku wiihtor wuaoala Utile) water For sal. at this office. March 17, lt.i A Frcfth Supply f Ury Good, CONSISTING In prt of Printd, Pliini bleached tnd oubWschad M oalini. ClWks Strip Dvoiaii. k Drills. Ac, just rcivd by R E. tt tbt iUmmoth itor of PR1L1NO 4r GKAKT. NEW GOODS Atth Mammoth Store Of IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. I MARKET BTRF.ET, HONUCRT, A. PHE subscriber h just opened at hi well L known establishment in Sunbanr, one of the he pest and most desirable stock of Fall and Winter Goods, that baa ever been offered in the place, and which ne will sell for CASH er exchange for Country Produce. Those desiring to purchase good wiU do well to call and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK, All Wool Delaine, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors. Beautiful Drew Kobe, Cashmere, Shaded, Plain and StripeaV must be seen to form an idea of the extent and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawla Thibet and Broche Shawla, Cloths Cassimerei and Satinet. For Men and Boya' Wear, Black Cawimerea, Fancy Cassimercs, side stripes heavy, Doe Skin Cassimerea, Satinets all kinds. ,.. . FLANNELS, White and Red Flannels, all grades and prioea, Bay 8tate Sack Flannels, color finest qnoltio. READY-MADE CLOTHING Boots and Shoe, Hat and Cap, 4c, it., all nf which were selected with great, care, and will compare favorably, as regards quality, style and price, with any in the country. HARDWARE, a Ml assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, (jueenswnre, of all descriptions. Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpet Chains, 4c, Paints, Oils, (tins, Dye Stufl. Thankful for the patronage heretofore rereiv.,1 he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunburv, Oct. 2, 1859. ROCKEFELLER & E0YER. Attornies at Law, U1I3UK X, FA.. A. Jordan Rockefeller and Solomon It. Uoyer, respectfully announce tnai they entered iuto Copartnership in the practice of their profession, and will continue to attend to all busi ness entrusted to their charge in the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder and Montour, promptly, faithfully and carefully. Special at tention will be given to the COLLECTIONS OK CLAIMS. Consultation can be had in the GERMAN language. Olfice, - Market Street, opposite Weaver' Hotel. Sunbury, February 1860. J. ISlniiUItT eVMI V MAtur actviixr. or FINEST QUALITY OF BOOTS A. 17 X) SHOES FOR GENTLEMEN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL No 43Suth Fouilb Street, Philadelphia. C. BfcMKiRr. W. J. Bi.-sx.i r. March ii, lc6i Cm. W atcbes Je.vclry & Silver Ware VlfE would respectfully inform our friends, pntmns Vr and tlie pulilK- generally, that we hnve now inStoio and offer WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ut ihe lowest Caih Prices, n laicr aiul very ctiolce slnrk of r A'I'i - I i-i JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WAKE, of every' vuriety and st) le. Every d.-tcniiion of DIAMOND WORK and other JEWELRY, mndc to urUer, ut short uouce Alt GihhIs Wsrrimtrd to be ns represented N. B Paiticubir attention given to the repairing t,f Walches and Jewelry of every ih-scripiton. STAUFFER ft IIARLKY, No. et Market Street, South Side, Philadelphia. March 23, It-Gil, -3m P. MELANCIITON SmXBEL. Jl STIt li OF 'I IIK PKACB, STjisTExrn-v, fa. Office xh Deer Street, immediately oj-potite tht Public School House. All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writings done. Sunburv. Auril 85. Ir67. tf 11EIN RY D63RL attohnbv at law. ujpee opposite tlie Lourt House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt attention to business in adjoining 'ounlies. WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES. WINES, GINS. &C- 'I'HE subscriber having opened in Thompson' Brick Building, Mill street, Danville, a largo and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the best hramlsnf Brnmlies, tiin. Old R;e. Scotch and Irish Whiskey, For'. Mherryf Madcria, Chamjiacne and ot!icr Wi -rs nf all grades, all of which will I e sold Wh ilesule at Ihe lowest city prices. Tavern-1, epor . hy buy ing of us csn save at least the lieitio. J'erson desirous of purchasing liquor for F A M I L V I- S E, may rely upon being furnished with a pure and unadulterated article. tSr Being determined to establish a reputation lor selling cheap he respectfully solicits 1'ie pa tronage of the public. All orders promptly at tended to. JEREMIAH S.HALL. Danville, Jut e 16, 1660. INGRAINED CARPETS, MANUFACTURED and fer ftiV l.v M. P-ir.r ft Co: Lelhramlt and McDowell's PuiMing. .North Lint corner, Second and Race streets Philmlelpliia. GOODS GUARANTEED. October 97, lt0. AsHCcidents will hnpprti, oi'eu in well-rcpulated fmnu lies, it is very de,irul!r to huve simeelit'.ip und iMiivcnitiil way forrejwutng Furniture, Toys, Crocat-ry,A:c. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all suirh emeruetiein, and no hou.-eliold run niTrd to ite without it. It la tl wwys r-Htly und up to the Mickinx point. Tuere is ihi i Mker u incebrfiiy ! r liiii) iii,, Splinters veneers, hemlirsi d -dls, und bn ken fiNiHts It is just the article Ut c ne, th-n, und othrr iHiiioncntiil woik, pf'pular with Indies of lehiH-uit-ni und tuste. This admirulile nie.turitti' u is ued rnkt isrniic eheinicrtUy 1 his adinirutile pic held in aolmum.&nd (tt-rfoinu nil the vulunlilt- qualiriei of tha best eulnnft-innkfr's tilne. It limy t utnl in ihs pate of ordinary nmcilnge. being vastly more adhesive. "ISEFI LIN EVERY IIOISE' N. B A Brush accompanies each bottle. Pi nu: v'j ceiils. Wholesal. Depot, No 4h Cednr sireei. New York. Adores, HENRY C.M'ALDiXG COH U..x No. 3;0o, New York. Put apfor Deler in eases eoutiiinin Four Eifthr, and Twelve Doxena beuunful Liih-'gruplny Show Card ac companying each package. Asiugle buttle ol Striding'. fVepniedlii. wlllsuv leu time. il. eost aiihuulh to every lmiiM-ho!d. Sold by all pioininent Stutioneis, luus1", Hsrdwar and Furniture Denleis, GriH-ers, and Fancy Sloti-s. Coumry Merchants should m:tke a note ol paldiur. profsired Glue, when Ihey make up their list, ll wd aland any climate. For sale al this office. March 10, 141. tv :f-.r, SALE. TWO LOTS situate in Market atreet, in the town of Trevorlon, Nos. 12 and IS, in block No.0. Apply to WM. GAt'GI.KK. Selin. grove, or H. It. MASSER, Sunbury. USEFUL IN ALL FAMILIES-!! Ei.KMA.V 4 CO'S Lei. line, whii b remove paint spot grease, 4c c, and cleans gloves, silk, ribbon, 4eM equal to new, without the slighle injury lo color or fabric. Sold by all Druggist, also al this ollice. 25 rent per Indite. OY'S HOOTS aud SlIOLB, rheap for cash 13 WM. MILLKK'U. toVnry, Aoguirt f 1. j? ECONOMY J JJ Save the Pieces! C. f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers