gfltitr Jctos. HEW3 FHOM THE BEAT OTWAB AiniusiTor twitokY. Htframli of ike Army. F t"'v "' ' ' S' 'tlR"",0,' May ,12. ,. I ' riRIT rtMNITLTANIi ARUIXKIir. Tbii fin regiment li qtiatlerd at the Cap. ttol where it was yesterday visited by Srcre. tarj Cameron, with Major McDowell or U H. A., aod aeveral I'ennsjlvaDians. The men ware in the Senate Chamber, and the Secretary wet cheered on entering, lie thanked tbe re giment for thii enrdiol aalution, nd expressed bn pride, at reDttsylvanian, at seeing to fine and well diciplined a body of oTi'Q from his own State. Men from the old Keystone were the first to respond to Ibo call of volunteer made by the President ; they were tbe first to pass through Baltimore fter the violence of hrf nub had closed her avenues of travel, and felt confident that tbey woalJ ever be found t the post of dnly, ready to sustain the v. lUearned hooor oftheir State. 'Wherever tl rf were ordered, they would go ; whatever duty might oe assigned them, that duty would b performed. lie concluded amid repeated cheers. paovtsions. tiovernmer.t hai received an ample atock of provisions, compriainjr twenty five hundred head of cattle (mostly Irom Pennsylvania,) with hard bread, salt, coffee, bacon, beef, tc, enough, with the Hour bere, to supply fifty thousaud men fur six month. ocrrosT camps. General Scott is distributing the troops in camps around the city, to form no encircling bolt of forces, in order to C'lard against a coup de main from any quarter. aultRST OF AtXMED KCMHOMST. A f ectleuiau by the name of Sheen, from Virginia, recently a clerk uuder Colonel Fur Dry, was to-dny arrested by an officer and file i.f soldiers, for ottering secession sentiments. He will probably be dealt with according to the rules provided io such cases. fATStOTIC LADIES. The Surgeon (3Deral is overwhelmed with offers for the services of Indies from all parts -of the country, that are anxious to come here nd assist in nursing the sick and wounded. li Z. C. Judsen, well known as Ned Bunt line, hud an interview with Secretary Came rem on Saturday morning, and tendered to tbfl Government . a regiment composed of fifteen hundred practical buoters and slurp shooters from the western part of New York .State. The regiment is raised and ready for service, aud from their-eipertence in tbe use of arms and. in oot door life - will prove most desirable io the coming campaign. ROSS WINAM TO BK ARRKSTKD. Orders were issued. on Satnrday, formally, in all commissioned oflieers, to arreft lloss W'itiuna, whose steam guo has been captured, lie will be tried for treason first, to find whether be was accessory to sending tbe goo to Harper's Ferry j .next, whether he has hided, by means or money or otherwise, tbe traitors. TROOPS OFFKHKD TO GOYERNMKNT, Upon the authority of the Washington Star, the statement is made that op to this time the totnl numher of troops whose servi cms have been accepted by and oflered to tbe Government for the present emergency ninoanu to the extraordinary number of 31)0,000. THE SLAVR OW3CFR8. The wealthy slaveholders have beeo forced to coulrhute men uud money to aid io sus taining the secetsioo movement. gllODK ISLAND MEN DUORACRn. Thirteen members of the Ithnd Island regiment were sent hou 00. Friday night, iu tmuininrid of Major SIocubj. This is done as a punichiucut fur intoxication and disorderly' cuuduct. Twiaas' orncRRS to rk re swork. It is stated, no i O loubt d authority, that tbe officers ot tbe United States army cop Hired in Texas, after the treason of Twiggs, w ho were released on giving their parole not to hearfcrms against the Southern Confeder acy, will all be required to renew their full obligations to the government. A refusal to take the oath will be met by instaut dismissal Tram the survice. ooon'fRWS. Tbe intelligence from Missonri encourages n hop that Union Spirit in that State may prevail. 1 1 i also expected that Western Virginia will make a powerful demonstration to-morrow, when the convention to form a aspirate State west of the Alleganies meets at, Washington Hall, in Wheeling. It is ex peeled that thirty counties will tie represent. I'd, including Hancock, Eronke, Ohio, Mar shall, Mooongahela, Tyler, Wetz-ll, Fleas 4iits, Kitcbie, Marion, Preston, Taylor,, Harrison, Wood, Lewis, Mason, Wayne Jackson, Ac. Tha calculation is to electa' Governor, members of the'Legislature, Uni ted Stiles Seunlors and llepreaeDtatives, aud in ull other respects act as if it were a sovereign State, and it is expected lbt the General Government will at once recognize ilieui. OOT. t.r.TCIIKK. It is stated that Governor Letcher cot only disavows having ordered the occupation ir Harper's Ferry and Norfolk, which led to the destruction of thone posts as a military necessity, tint that he bas writteo to Colonel Jackson, who is in command at Harper's Ferry, instantly to withdraw bis men who have iuvaded and oow bold points in Mary land in Maryland side heights opposite .Harper's Ferry, and one or two poiuta upon the railroad as far dowo as the Point nl Kicks. This order from kim was io compli. auca to Gov. Hicks demand for it. IMPORTANT rilOSI rKRRTVII.lE. THE RAILROAD BATTKKV. The great IUilroad Battery arrived bere from Philadelphia to-day. . It will be taken cross to-1 larva Do Grace, oo the upper deck of the steamer Maryland, aod will proceed thence to liusb Hiver. Its construction is at occo simple and effective. It cousists of an ordinary baggage car, of the greatest possible width, tbe sides ends aod root being construc ted of plates of wroogbt iron, overlapping Bach xther iu such a manner as to resist uvarytbing but cannoo'balls. Military reud era who know tba force of tbe Minie ball, will have some idea of the strength of the ides of this battery, wbeo tbey learo that M inie balls fired at it from tbe most favorable position, only make a dent io tbe iron, and t annat pan Irate it,. Tbe armament of tbe battery consists io part, of a rifled cauoon of longe range, mounted oo a turn table, from which it can be fired io any directioo; and -Tifty Minnie uiusketa. There are some other tbiogs about the battery which prudence requires should oot be tueulioued Jt will be found to be one of tbe most destructive ogioet of modern warfare. IJU-OBTAKT RO BALTIMORE. Baltimore, May I'i The ordinance which had beeo introduced into tbe City Councils restricting the raising of flags baa beeo recio ld. The Mayor however requests that none but teiiilimatt Base be hereafter displayed. Great preparations are ac.'ordingly being made by many oi or private citixeot aod public officui to rao op tie Staff aud fcwipt. later rao ST. LOUIS. Bt. Loris, May II. Many conflicting minor prevail regarding tbe caoae ol tbe tlnog oo the crowd of spectators, at Camp Jackseo, last evening. Some ay that rocks, tr:'k ri u.d.olher niaaiUs were burled at YOiuulVr,'ei)J breaain lie limbs. i4 otherwise woooding the soldier while other assert the contrary. A resectable citixen. who wa ao eye-wit nea occupying a position only a . few feet behind tbe troops that D.ed, state positively that oo rocks were thrown, and Po pistols fired by the crowd, and that tb only provo cation given wae tbe abunsive epithet launched at the Germans In the ranks. Jt is known, however, that, after the firing commenced, shot were returned by parties io tbe crowd, ' and leveral soldiers were wounded. General Harney has arrived and taken command of the United State force. 1'r. Geo. B. Sanderson was (tabbed last night io a drinking saloon by Judge Bnckoor. Dotb were prominent citizens. Tb difficulty grew out of the Fort Jackson aflair. Jun'ge Backoer pave himself np to tbe authorities and was lodged in jail. Mr. Sanderson received three wounds in the stomach, each of which la regarded a fatal. St. Lot-in, May 11. MiJnigbt. Gen. Fiost's brigade of State troops was released from tho Arsenal tbe officers being liberated on parole, and the men taking the oath not to bear arm against the U.S. Government during the present war. TUB SCHUYLKILL COUNTT TROOTi AT fERRTVILLE BAD VARG. FomviLLK, May 12 Nnmeroo letters have beeo received from the Schuylkill Coun ty troops, now stationed at Perryville, from which it is apparent that tbe ration furnish ed to them are not such as coold be desired. Tba crackers are. hard, and much of the pork so fut as to be scarcely Gt to eat. They are nnable to obtain bread or fresb meat, and have recourse to fixh. Many boxes of provisions have been for warded from this place, and this morning fire large packages pissed through tbe city en route, from Ashluud, S ! ny k 11 County, now at Perryville. Tbe volunteers are willing and puirtoliu, but are entitled to good fare when ao Dear a large city. 11. THE LATEStTfROIJ ST. LOUIS. The Collision letirrcn the Sulditrs and Pojiu lace. Official Statement. St. Lou?, May 13. Tbe official statement of the recent collision between tbe United .States soldiers ond the popnlace, published this morning, says that the first firing at Camp Jackson, on Friday evening, was some half dozeo shots discharged near tbe head of tbe column of tbo First regiment, occasioned by a volley of stones and a pistol shot from the crowd. No one was bnrt at this point. The second Bring occurred from the rear of the colomn guarding the prisoners. The crowd here was iurge and very abusive, and oue man dischirged three barrels of a revolv er at Lieot. Saxon, of the regular service, ma ny of the crowd cheering him oo, and drawing revolvers und firing at the troops. The man who commenced the attack then laid hi pistol across bis arm and took delib erate aim at Lieut. Saxon, when be wns thrust through with a bayonet und fired upon at the same time, and inttantly killed. The column then moved, having received orders to march ; but the rear compauy being ussuulted by the crowd, und several or them shot, tbey halted and (JroJ, causing tbo deaths already reported. The order was then given by Capt. Lyon t3 ceafe firing, which va promptly obeyed. Tho principal arms tuktn at Camp Jack son are four large siege howitzers, two ten inch mortars, a large number of ten inch shells ready charged, and some 4,000 stand of Uni ted StateB muskets, supposed to be a part of those taken from the Baton Knuge arsenal. A thousand peoplu left tbe city yesterday (Sunday) afternoon, in consequence of the re ports of insubordination among the German troops, and their threat to burn and sack the city; but the appearance of General Har ney's proclamation in a greut nieuHiird restor ed confidence, and many of those who left will probably return to day. Tbe city is onw qn:et, and tbe highest hopes are entertained tuut uo further distorb auees will occur. WESTERN VIRGINIA. 'the State Convention at Wheeling 7'icenty Jive Counties Jit-presented. WuKKt.iNO, May 13. Tbe city is wild witb enthusiasm, and flags are flying from nearly ull I he buildings, in honor ol the meet ing ol tbe Uuiou Cout'uuliun of Western Vir ginia. General Jackxon thought that tbe project for a divinion of the Stutu was preuiuluro. Mr. Carlisle declared that we must have prompt and immediate action, and tbut this CoovrotioQ u.usl oot satisfy itself with paper teiulves. . UtO.U VIHU1MA, VIA MAItlllsBlRC. Affairs at !larptr,s Ftrry Short of I'rovi sions and AnnsXo Lattery on Mai iiuixl Iltiqhts Harkisbi-ro, May 13. A person employ ed on special service, who visited Harper's Ferry lust week, reached Cbambersburg to day, and reports that there neie then about C 000 troops there altogether. About three fourths of tbem wero armed, aod mostly well armed, hut the balance were without arms. Only 200 Kentuckians were there, and but one company of South Carolioians. Tbe res ident militia of Harper's Ferry were very restive under tbe existing circumstances. Tbey bad only ooe day's provisions, their sup plies expected from Western Virginia being cut oS by the Btuud taken by the people of that section of tbe State. It was thought that the supplies anywhere within reach of the surrouodiug country must be exhausted with in two weeks. It is positive that not more thou 1.000 stand of uraia wera got out of the wreck of the arseual buildings, and aome of these were in bad condition Not more tbao twelve rifles cao be manufactured per day in tbe shops in operation. There are only COO oien on tbe Maryland side of tbe Potomac; they have not erected any batteries oo Ibis side of tbe river; and show oo disposition to erect any. Tbey must retreat or be provisioned. This, however, doe not coutrudicl the probable ad vauce of the main Confederate army on the Southern Pennstlrania route, wbeo Jeff lJa vis discovers tbe impossibility of breaking General Scott's lioc aronud Washington. Souther Kiwi. I VIOMST KILLED IS KXOXTILLR. Oo May 8th the following scene took place at Lnoxville, Tenu., according to the Kuoxville paper : "Mr. Vaughn made a speech, laying bo would give tbe corporation authorities thirty minutes to confine Cbaa. I'louglus, a notorious Uniouiet, or he would lyncb bun, a be bad threatened tbe life of dpi. Morgan, of tbe Tennessee volunteers. 'lhiriog tbe speech of Mr. Vaughn (hot was fired by tome uokuowo band from a window of tbe Lamar House, wbicb mortally wounded Douglas. "Douglas was silting io a lower window, heavily armed, and surruuuded by a large crowd at the time." Till SeccMlan ( Arkaataa. , We fiod io tbe Memphis paper, received last night, the following despatch from Little Kock, io recurrence to tbe secession of Arkioiai, briefly ounoauced by telegraph : ' Little Uouk, May 6, Midnight. Tbe Ordinance of Secetsioo passed to-day by a tola of 60 to I, Morpby, of Madisoo county, voting against. A great many mem bers affected to tear. 1'residoot Walker wade a strong appeal to make tbe vote unan imous. Great applause fullowed. Murphy replied sustaining big vole, avow log strong Siihre,.(ii in ib, Uu.wi deoyiug the p 1 1 t.t -rri. A geoerj bl I- I all i '. Jci. Impartial Pram rkamkersKiirg. Taoors AT DARriR'a IKRRT. CrunnitRnifao. May, 14 Parties have ar rived here from llarber'e Ferry, who confirm previous statements that tb comber of troops there 1 from five to seven thousand. UORBB TniRTE. The troopi are pressing ioto tbe Virginia lervice all the boriei tbey cao find, and conn, tryuieo wbo bave trotted to town on visits have beeo politely requested to alight, aod surrender their nsgs. botii bidri or the itort. There appears to be a difference of opinion relative to tbe ege, Itrength and appearance of the Kentucky force at Harper's Ferry. The Secessionists of Maryland say they are atalwett and well armed, "wbile the Uoionisti ay tbey are mostly young nieo aod ooarmed. TUE "GORILLA" ARRIVED. The Baltimore rowdies, heretofore alluded to in my despatches, bad arrived safely at Harper' Ferry. Intcroilng tram Cairo. It Is authoritatively stated that fifteen regiments of Ohio and Indiana volunteers are ordered bere during the coming week.- There are certainly warlike demonstrations 'in the preseDt movertient of tbe Government. The Krcre Imutrtctlon A Fait Alarm. HifiKo Si'K, Ind , May 11. Tbe reported negro insurrection io Owen aud Gallatin counties, Kentucky prove to buve boeu a fulso alarm. New Advertisements. E. li. BFEGSTRESSER, rbotdgraph and Ambrotype Artist, WOULD inform the Ladies aod Gentlemen of this place and vicinity, that be will be io town in a abort time with bis CAU, Tor the purpose of furnirbing all who may desire; with first-class picture. Long experience in tbe business enables him to guarantee sasisluctioo th bis Patrons. Ambrotspts or Dauguerreotypvi enlarged to life-size. Pictures takeo to Cloudy as well as Clear Weather. PRlCliS FOn PHOTOGRAPHS, from 1$ 00 to $10.00. A large assortment of Frame! for Photo graphs always on hand. Suobary, April 11th, 18C1. " 'SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of Sundry writs of Ven. Expona issued out of the Court of Common Picas of Northumberland County, Fa., to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, iit the borough of Hunhtiry, on Thuraday the 30th day of May A D. ISfil at 1 o'clock P. M., the folluwing described real estate, to wit : A certain lot of ground aituute In Sunhury Northumberland County, on the corner of Fawn and l'okeherry streets, containing in front on Fawn street 28 feet, and in depth on l'okubcrry street 150 fect, being the northern part ol lots No. 2!3, 214, and 215, whereon are erected a two story frame dwelling house, frame kitchen and trame stable, and lhcr out buildings Seized taken in cxtrution and to be sold "ae the property of Mir.hacl WiiverL Also : At the samo time and place, a certain picee or lot or lot of ground, situate in the bor ough of Sunhury Nortliumherlad County, Pa., containing one half acre more or lc,' bounded on I ho west by land late of John Young, deceas ed, ou the north by lioberl H. Awl, on the east bv Jesse M. Simpson, and the heirs of George Weiser deceased, and on the south by the heirs ef George Weioer deceased. Seized taken in executiou and to be sold as tbe property of John Young. DAVID WALDKOA. KhcrifT. Sheriff's Office. Sunhurv, May It, 1861. j THE LATEST STYLE OF SPRIXG AND SUMMER Q ARMENTS, ARB CONSTANTLY MADE at the ' Fashionable Tailoring- Establishment; of JACOB O. BECK, Mai kit Mrect, S 17 MIX II Y, Pa. THE subscriber has juet rereived and opened a larco assortment Sl'Itl.Nfi AND SUM MR It GOO DM, such as CLOTHS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION A. QUALITY. Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Vesting, &c. of the latent ty lea. In addition to bia slock he is constantly receiving hew supplies from the city keeping a lull assortment of the most substantial and lilei-t i) le of UuoJs in the city markets. lie is prepared to make to order all kiuds of O'en'.lc men's aud ifov'a wear, such as DRESSCOATS. FROCK-COATS, Bl'SI-NESS-COAT8. VESTS. PANTA LOONS, &C..&C. of the very latest style, and in the most substan tial manner, at si. or l notice. Any (ioods not on hand, will be furnished from rhiladelpnia, bv giving two day's notice. Cf Call and eiamine my stock, uo charges made for shotting. JACOB O. BECK. Sunlmrv, May II, 1HC1. A PAIR OF REAL NOVELTIES. AND ONE WITHOUT A MATE. 1st. "Tho Taper Neck; Tie !" (Patent applied for.) This Tie is msde entirely of pajier, in TOO dif ferent styles, and in perfect imitation of silks and other fabrics. The price is so low that a gentle man may wear a new neck tie every day, and yet not no be chargeable with extravagance, oi one Tie can be worn tf to 6 days, if necessary to economize. 2nd The Belief Tie. Patented Jan. 29, IRC I. This is doubtless the most perfect silk Tie ever invented, aud is just what the name implies, perfect 'Relief fiom all farther trouble in tying bows. 3rd -The Lace- Edgo Tic. An exquisite beautiful article It bas only to be seen to be admired. SMITH & BROUWER, Sole Manufacturers, No. 30 Warren street, New York. N. B. We sell to wholesale Jobbers only, Country Merchants tan order our goods of any Wholesale House with whom they are dealing. Mav II. IRlil 4t Orphans' Court Sale. f. pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public aale, on the premises, on Saturday, the i7lh day of JI.'I.Y, neit, all that certain Tract or Piece of LAND, situate paitly in Bhamokin township, and partly in Coal townshipNorthum berland county, Pennsylvania, bounded bv lands of Martin (as, lands surveved to Obediah Camp Mi, John TiUwortb, Robert TagRart, John Mil. ler, and Thomas Hamilton, containing Four II un. dred and Tweniy-Eight Acres end Fifty one perchea of Land and allowance, be the same more or less, late the properly of Christian Ka bel, deceased. bale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when the terms aud conditions of sal will be msde known by ISAAC N. 1IAU8E, Adm'r. By order of Court, ) J. ft., Clk. O. C. J Sunhury, May f, 1801. J 7b tic Voters of Northumberland County Fallow Ci-aicssat I offer myself aa a Union Candidate for the office of ASSOCIATE JUDGE, at the neil elerlion. Should I be elected, I pledge myself '. i- :l- cm the duties of the office to ibo beat of ii 'V- JOHN DI'MIAM. .N. .... jojr-r Ui.J, My i, l-fi. te " Contro Turnpike- Ilond. THE Stockholders are hereby rv-li'c,!, Ht an election will be held at the house of Mr. Brown, in tbe AYnroogh of Northumberland, on Monday, the 3d. day of June, next, twicer n the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of electing officers to serve lot the eosuing year. J. ft. PRIESTLEY, President. Mav 4, inCI 4t Executors Notice. TOTICE ! hereby gieen that letters testnmen. ' tsry on the estate of lohn Kline. Sr.; late ef Rush township, Northumberland county, deceas ed, bave bren granted to the undi roigned. All persona having claim acainai the estate, of the said deceased, are requested 10 present them, and persons Indebted thereto to make immediate payment to ISAAC CAMPBELL, Executor. May 4, 101. Gt . XTOTXC2L 1 8 hereby given that the Auditors of Upper AuRtis'a lownship,-will meet at the Commis sioners' Office in Sunhury, on Thursday and Fri day the 23lh and 2-1 ill of May, instant; when persona indebted or having claims egainst said township are requested to attend." - The Overseers of the Poor Snd Supervisors elect for 1801, are requested to uiteroieeuiity on Thuraday the !i3d inst., according to the late Act of Assembly. The School Treasurer ie rr rjnfstt-rl to meet the auditors on Fiiday tbe 24ih, to bave his accounts audited. HERMAN CAMPBELL, ISA AC CAMPBELL, JAMES BACHELOR. Up Augusta twp, Mnv 4, IRol Auditors UU1G4DE URDUILS. Brigade Inspector's (Mice, tiuNBUMV, May I, I8C!. S BRIGADE ORDERS NO. I. Tbe uniformed militia of the 1st Brigade, fill) Division, will parade for drill, review arid inflec tion, fully uniformed and equipped, according to law . - The 1st Battalion of 1st Brigade, 8th Division, Major J. H. Adams, Commanding, wilt meet for parade at the house of J. H. A dam, i.n Upper Mshonoy township, Northumberland county, on Saturday, the 18lh day of May, lblil, at 10 o'clock, A. M. WM. K. MARTZ, Brigade Inspector. . IT, B. Commanding c dicers will eee that the arms end equipments are in good order and con dition, and will be particular io be prepared with muster rolls of their respective companies, ccrti Med under oath, and all other information re quired by law, to be forwarded to tbe Brigade Inspector, fcfunbury, May 4, 1861. .'" " ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF Millinery Goods, at the Htuy of Itllgsca It. & L. hUlSSlLKIl, Simpson's Building, Market Square, SUN li UR Y IHH public are Invilt-d to call and examine their Millinery Goods just opened, ruch as Ladies' Diess Good, bilks. Lawns and the Intcxt New York and I'liiladvlphii'atyies BONNETS. LADIES' D It E S S CAT S. Corsets, Skeleton Skirts, Notions, Ladies' (!ues, Hosiery, Handkerchief, &c, io. Gentlemen's Goods such as Collara 'Union,' 'Anderson' and a variety of patterns. We intend to sell low, call and examine our stock. B. & I.. SHISSLER. Sunhury, April SO, I e6 1 . 3iu MANHOOD. HOW LOST, HOW nKSTORKD, JUST PUJLISHKD IN A SEALED ENVELOPE i 0 the nature, trentment, anrl radical cure of spenna toirliasa. or Srmiual WrHkness, !S.-xuul Di-I.iiil . Ner vousness mill involuntary eminsinns, inducing iniHileur't and Menial unu 1'riysicul lncuiacity. By ROBT. J. CTLVERWEIX, M D., Author of the "-Gracii Book,":o. The world-renowned HUlliur, in this oilmiraliV Ln-turrl elearly proves frnro Ms own rxpcni'iM-a that the uwfn, conirquences of rVlf-ahuae may Uo ellegluul y removed Willi .ul medicine anil without OHiigrionn suri.ii'nl uperu tions, tMHlgiva, innrumruts, rings or eorflisls.iiiiina; out a mode uf curs at once and elfrctuui. !- whicli every suffer, no matter what his condniou limy l, muy erne Ininaell cheaply, privately and ruiln-ally. '1'lns lecture will prove a boon to thousnudsand Ihnusiniits Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, lo inl.lre, post paid, on the receipt of two ptn-tniie sni::ui, bv addressing. Dr.CII. 1. C. KLINE, 137 Bowcrv, New York. Post 0ce Lox 4,St ArigO. mi ly pi Assignee Notice. jVOTICE is herehy gioen, that all the property " both real aud personal, of George Zimmer man of I'pper Augusta township, Northumber land county. Pa., has been assigned to the sub scribers for tbe benefit of his creditors, hy bis Deed of Assignment having Jate March i'Jtb, 1801. Therefore, all persons having claims, will pre sent them duly authenticated, to Jeremiah Zim merman at Shamokintown, or to John Fawns worth, Esq., in l.'pper Augusta township, and all indebted will please come forwurd and aetUa without delav. JUREM'IAH ZIMMERMAN, ) , . JOHN EARNS WORTH. J Assignees Upper Augusta twp., April i:t, 1(0. 4t New Millinery Goods. 9JIni m. k crssLEit, . Foins Street, two doors south oj the Shamuhin Valley t'ottnille Rail Road, S XT XT B TT K, "5rT , PfiNN'A., 13 EBPECTFL'LLY informa tbe citiiens uf SUN BURY and vicinity, that she has jusi received from Philadelphia a large aud si-leudid assortment of tbe most fashionable and latest style of CQ CD S3T E3T 3ZSO CP 6S3 , HATS, SHAKER S, TRIMMINGS, Ac, which she is selling at tbe mott reasonable prices- la which she dirccta the attention of tbe ladies and invites all to call and ova them. Thankful for past patronage, she hopes by keeping to lest assortment at reasonable prices to continue the same. - Sunhury, April 13. IS6I 3rw BEBRYSBUBG MALE AND FLMA1E SEMIISTARV. DETER 8. BERGSTRESSER. Principal and Teacher of Latin, Greek and Mathematics. PRESTON MILLER. Teacher of Practical Surveying and Euglish. Miss SOPHIA WILCOX. Teacher of Instru. mental Music. SUMMER TERM commences on Monday, April Sib, 161. Terms per Quarter of 11 tccels. Tuition in Primary Department, $3,00 Academic " 1,00 to 6.00 " Classical 7.00 Music on Piano with uae of Instrument, H.tiO Good Boardins;, &c, ii. the Village, per week, l,ft0 to 2,00. For further particulars, address the PRINCI- PAL, Berryaburg. Daupbil) county, Pe. April fl, 1MB I 4t hOMMU. 91 A I1CK. Attorney at Law, SUN BURY, Northumberland Cov Pa. (Formerly PreeburK, Snyder counts.) OFPICE, Market blreet, a few doors east of the Northern Central Railroad Vviot and two doors west of the Post Olioe. All Professional Business, Collections, will receive prompt attention. March 30. lHlil. J A M E S li A 11 B E It S WI10LESALI AKD BCTAIL CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. Corner Second and Chestnut stsH l'lilladelplila. AGENCY for the PATENT EQUALIZING THIRTY DAY Ct-OUSS, a veif deairable una Is foi Caena. eo, Hotels, Uanko, Cuuntnig Houses, Parlors, he. Alsn.Mauur'aeiurerui' KINK OOLU I I..NS. t'kick. r .paired aod warraMUsL t hick TlHiiuioig, ix every disorlnUei. JTiiU-kl.-iliis, January IS, ajOx-Jv AYEU'3 CATHARTIC PILLS. 1 J mm Am yon nick, iVrl.ta, nnf viu.lnliiiiigf An Tmiuiit of utOi-r yont nyntvm ! rHtixtnl, uml yuur fi elUigs ou Ciin tort rttttf f Tltnttt fvmpi totn mr 0O11 tha pri'1ud to KiM.Olia lillM, ttiDIO tit of It knMii In civrplng ttjinii yon, ml KltuuM b mii 1 i t! hj m t. LV - ' . "I, i 'A kl V V7 ta1 ''"'"'r " f Hie rial f'rfZ'ol F ;S ' 3 '' e A)ur-a l i f eleiltow nut the dlsordii lorsni livr- Mood, Mid tuuvt uu unob Xjfy.v? VJf "VJ'A VtMvvMlnii.lnla I w'Hrr' a.-J i-f U Us.iv V . JT5Kv IS,Mr. !u tivfiv. nurifv llm Ii on It 11 actiln. lit) fiitictioiis tknroiiej aWV tfvfiv. ituiiTy Urn ftvnifm from fit olJtl llt' fl.sOtft A eoM lottJi i"mwli-H In tb btnljr, anil tt fttnicui It nUnral fiiti-ii'Hin. 'iliiMt. If tiut rniterisd, rnt upon tli'Mnm-lTM nul th trr-Mititfug orgtn, pitv ihtcliit ftntrnl nxici:tvn1loiit HMfTutiiif, ntid d)4ew. M'hllefn iliii riiii'lMioii. r).rv(i!'1 tiy till il'irHUKuiuiiti, tnK Aypr'n I'll In, hih) tv( Uw 4h really 1 1 icy rcauoro lit imliirnl mti-Mt of lm fivriirii( ntnl wttli It Ibr Luiyfint f'Hliij of Itfiilih iv.s.u. " I lrn"iH. npimient tu thH trivial ntnl ron n csjiu'itiiiit. itN't tru' In many of tlto ltMvsiint'. And ilti junxm llHtittii(nrri, 'J im uniut riirvntivt' ff!Vt tixiK-b) tlirnia C'iiimihI by Hlmllur dbitnia tl'tni dint tM:inc-nifi(i of ibc tinlnml fuuctltm uf tU Kulv, tltoy nro rrtully, atnl in my uf Uumm urcly, rtiraj by 1h ) 11111 niniis. Nuu" wluknuw Hit virtu til'tlion I'il In, Hill Hit Ivvt t in t liny iIk'iii vtlictt u(Tuiiuj front tllti di-irtici'H llicy ritr. Hnvi-nnii frtm iNiJtutr HTnrI,ini In mm .f t tilio, tuid fiuiu vllit-T wall kuuwu public pvr una, fvrn a ftmmtinff )!frc?,tnt 'St. lvii, A6. . Tn. Voiir I'ilN nrn tin ar5 n c.f nil tb:it Is frmt In ino'li' ltin Tlnty b iv rnil mv littl ilnu&Utcr ol' iilroni intriifi )on li-r lniitilfi iitt.l f t that hud prevail Incnrnlilu for ywrnt llnr. iit-itbcr brut lnmn loiii ((tiiiT ouilr nlTllrtfd wltli It1i.(.;ltue nul (iluiiljs i hi bor nhln and 111 Iter Ituir. .Al'lr ottr rliild ctirctl, hbd aliK tiictl oui- I'iUi, and tbf b'uro cuiu4 b'-r. A. JlOllQIUDUU. Aa a FntiiSly Phytic Frnm t)r ., ti; r,rtuirtyMt Acia Vrttamu Ynrjr Pills nro Itia irlin nf purra. Their ?xe11nt qn:Uitltfa itirin nnr c;ilbiiitin wn sgeiisi, Tbuy nt-a mllil,liit Vtrv crttiin mi.) ciTvtn.d In iltir ncttoti on Ilia bo wt,, wlib-li iuiikv.H tbviii iuvuluubla lo ua In tba Omly li vntnicut of Ji if-aso. IIedaclketSlck1Ient1nche,Foii1 Stemach f'wn Iff. Ltluruttt li-ytit IliUimnrr, I)mn.llii. Avnt! f e-mntt answer von what complaint, I buve ere I a i 1 1 1 ynii' I'ilt.n b-ttt-r tU n to wy ntltlutt l riti- h f t if.7i 'i p'tr'Mir iffl''c:nt. I 'lnca Rirat Jpoit rtfiro 011 mi . ir.Ttit il (tiibrirfiii in' my d tlly cmtrit villi uml Mltvlifj m I .In lint your 11 1 ullurd ua tUa bust vu i.iv I of C'juiso vuluu tluirt highly. TiTT -'.fliltn. pa., ??nT 1", lCl Dr. J. Ca Atvn. Fin I bnvu been r,p('1il ly e until af tbn woi'.st A'oVi' .rf ony b-uly vnu buva by a tlnmi or twe f nur rill". It nofins lo arise hum tt foul sluuiucli, Which Iht'.v clt aiiHn nl on. Yours with (jrwat ichi.pc(, f.r. W. rRKntR( t'ark f Mtaintr Clarion DUIottfl DIaorOcra l.lvcr C'nu.plnlnta. Voi itr, T'frnhlt iW.'AVitf Yflk C-tj. N' t only aij ymif rilli n.lmii .ils Aalnpti-tl to ilwir ffir pori ni nil npfihoit. but I find ihvlr Irt'itctli-lrtl rffLcts upon tbo l.iver very nmi ked itd.Hd. Vht-y lima In my irao tlu pro veil ui'.ru irtt.UiKl fjv the run. of b-Uoia &it p nnU llinu tmy oiiu n 1 hmiil jolt. 1 xinctjitl icjuifv Hint w Iiho nl li-nili a imrgrttnv wltirh is wur thy tho cunbUoiiCO cl Uio i-i u unit Ibo Jit i 'tie. T)l I'AtlTMF-.VT or THF. TNTttMiilT, WitfhiliHtoii, 1). C. V I tl Kth., lfoC ) Pint I Imvo n so. I mh 1'ills iu iii m.iniiil mid bo.iplul pnii;iico ovoi ftiiico yon tuwAu Htrni,Hiil r.itiunt hrnitaiv to wiy thuy iio Ibo btfr nil It ii he vu omploy. Their rctu i.ittiiif iu.liiii fii tbo iior Ik nh k mid Jocidad, Coimo tn'iiily (buy aiu uu'to luuifily ir tl.'runriiiotiM Ul tlilit tiliill. IliMi-ril, 1 h.ittJ S.'1'lt.lll full till a COiSO of h'lusus tituutf. ho tbiiitilo tlmt It dit mt readily jit-lti to tLuui. liuUfnaJI) ;.uiri, - AIi.N.M HAM, i. 1., J '.'ijticiau t.j lUc M an9 UutpiuU Dysentery DiarrUcra, Rclax Wormt i Vuiu I h J. 6. Oiftn, uj CViuvj Tour Piilrt b.i bud n Imor itlil in my piaftfeo, and T bld tli flu in .'Mtfvtsi tt , fna the bcol hoi kntN I Imvo evr tumid. 'J'hetf iilfTiim.' ctici-t iih.h the Hrer iouLua tii fin nu ax-fllfiit luinviiy. vlj'jii ivin In small doses fur vi"fu itiitut'-rj unJ tijafi(r.t, 'Jhrir snurwoaliTiK lU'tKns iIk-iu T.tiy a. Tejtfca wla anU Cwu.UsWa4 aW Uio u tl TuUicti uud .'hnUli U. 1J i)ciiaia. Impurity of Tio t!lool. From ift v, J, !'. iiit'ia, VutLjr r Jdvtnt Church, Morton. Dit. Ai-itit 1 li tva UM.I 5 ,ur VWU with oxtrimrdinarr fuccoss In my ftuidly onl iiiihiu thoso I am rull d to vitit iu Uintictw. To n-gnliiio tlio .ig:ini u( d-ncMion and uiily the U.vil, tl..-y mo tl-o wry b.j.t icin.-dy I W 'vr kntin, und I lxm ixnlid.-tilly locomim'tid them la uy IM-Jiids. Vol is, J. V. UIMLd. TTrAi?f VymnhiK C . Y.. Oft. 21, UV. Xie.n Siu: ! nut ihIh .-nt Catlint lit- litU lit my pnie- tltft, mid Mid tlititl mi t t-ll. lit . illative U ciuutlavo iho Synitin aud l'iiril'y Lit. J'.;ii!-titn Cr tVfiV. JOUS i;". iiCALUAM,?!. D. Conattpnllon, Cfnf I v item, ;o)rfKlon, llUrituin iHiii, sou(f Ncusvujgia, Uiop mjf Vuvulyulx, i'iCh, etc FnM J'r. J, . Wiu-ihn, M. htrtul. CnirtitiL Ta much raiinot ha smd of your I'lltn fur Iho enra of Oittirrti'Ki. Jt oih.'iB of im liaU'inily biivu d utid thorn an ftliiMci-niii hi I buvt. vh-y M,nl ma iu (ho bt-tKiiiut thu unilliiinlfH ho '.uiior f.cia tluit oniupliiint, which. uitlmii-ti dud xi-nigli In it 'IT, it tho J.rivmtor of ufhrrn ttmt arc vr.i e. I Mu-rt c f Ucturu t-MM-iffiiriti- hi tbo liver, but uur Pills uiiect that organ aud emu thu liji. Frm 3tis. 11. Stwirt, Phyiicwn cml M, Jvif(-t Rutin, I find out or l-.v.? Iti,-e dotj ofyi.ur Pi!!s tuKi-n ut the r i nr tiuio.nrs rLvi.nt puinuiivi-. t ( iU, wttnutt mat ''"' liP wln-lly t.r i-iuii.iliy i-iiint j(-ii d, jtnd uUo r f cITi't Uml to vt'Hiist tho t4niii uud rrf.l 'Hu-y nro so mil' b tho bMt sbyia tru liatu that 1 iocsjuiuicuJ no othur to ii.y intiieul.s F.otn frt Fee. Dr. ILnsf te U (W.'si Ffn't. Church. Pt't.A.Kr Ilot-Kr. itr;tnti:ili, Cft, .Tun. 0. iSftfi M-iM-ol'Mi hlkt 1 rdiould hn littvntt.'fnl ft. r ibo ruin f Tour tkiil Iiim brought tno if I it! -1 imi rvptrt my fii.o to ymi. A add H.-t'li.rtl in in v liiolMttnd bruii(;lit u excru riutiug ut.ttnt'ijic j'"'.-, wliirli cnil"d In rln-nuw rf,ritt,ia fifin. Notwithaltindini; 1 hud Hid ha-t f phyhi -miiti. Ilie tli-ti'iiM) grew worm! and wotsc, until by tin' tidviro of ymir exi'i'ih'iit Htnot in ItaiiiniDiH, In. Mil kunxi., ) trluil your Pill". '1 hen HhVt wvio but mho. Hy leUisvitliu Iu Hie uo ni' ih. ui. 1 inn ihiw tiiUniy will, SfNTR Ciuisji;,, Paii.n !ri:.r, Iju & Per-. 1PS. Pit. AvfH : I b:ivi rn rnllnlv vni.-l, l.y jour I'rIU, rf rheumatic Ouu a i-uinlul du-H' tlmt bud utilb-r-.l tuo fr..-4ir. Vl.NCKM' hLlbLLU s9M'"t rf tba Til! In m.irl.'t rontiiiri ?Ir.-urv. ttln.ii. tt!:!inuli m Mil.ial.t.' in k;iiii1 li.-iii-W. is diintronii4 in n i.'i!i:f Mil, ft -mi lin dica.iful ctw uuen.vH fiL-jii-mly,.7 Its incuuli..iiK !i-c Tl.o Contitfn ho moiTUiy vv mitu iul mibstanco whutuvor. Prico, E5 cents per Vox, or 5 Boxes for $1. .Prepared by Er. J. C. AYEIt CO., Lovreil, Has. Poid by Prtlitfsr A Crmit, und A. V rinclirr. Sonhurv J. K. Ciwl'iw i.d C. Ifmvvu. Aiilloii; lr WViitk, Mr. Kwejuvil.t; ; IUu"hnvUr-r & Cluisiunu, l urbutville ; H. li. MfCoy, NoitliuniherluiiU uud by Dealers every whcitf. Aiiiiltfti, lril. ly Northumberland Uriels Com pany. AS LLUCTIOM fi.r ofilrt-ig anil managers if lho NntUiiiniU'rlaitd Uridutt Company will lie heM at the liuue of Mr'. Anna liuir, iu w Htuough of Nurthuriibcriaml, ou MonJuy the 6th !.iy of May, iNfil. 'JMie flcclinn will v,en at 2 o'clock, Y. M., and cluttft al 4 o'ebicl;, 1', M of ij ,by. JOHN TAOGAIir, I'lulebt, April C, lSCt. li. DO VOL WANT WIllSKKHfl ? uu vou want a .moi staciu;? liUVOt WANT A MULTACI1E? 8 T I M UL A TING ON (i U K N T, For the Whiskers awl Hair. ThesuWrilrt-rsi take plfioiire in fninouiicing In tlm t-iii-Zen id the I in ltd btaits, timi iiiu obtfiiui'd tin ApfHfy hr( anUuie nw rnablt-d Liuirri tii tlie Aui--ruan .lii.l.c.'tlio uouvu just!) tvltrbratce Ui.U vurld icmwut-U urticle. The Stimulating Qngutnt is pre jttrari by Dr. CP. lit bingham, un eiuim-hl pb)siciju ui isvoiiuou, hiki is M urrimua i . ui if? out a st-L vt li'hisltiM nr Jifuusttii-he. in I'mm tliievlo sia wtiks. Tho an i t ie is ibo only our nf the kind ust-d by tlie 1 Knell, &i4 m luU'-n lu ll it is in universal u ll is U.iuiiiul, rcU'ui(i-al, snofiiuig. Jet rtunulisi in riniuud, uctiM(( us tl" bv m.iuu- tue rK.i, nu-in u beuhlul growth H" tuxuti iul i.uir. iiii'l.I u. lb s.-u p, t tt il! mre laUhieu, mat i-uusc to aro. up in !ai-e d Hit biUl spots u hue tjrow lh if iiuir A;ph J tn'cnthn to dirtt-liiiiia it tt ill turn red or tow y liau d.iik, uud rc(..n (iiayliuir it. iisui initial u.or, Iciivin it s.ft, in.'iii, ami HesiLilu. The 'i Jmfii(-iit' is an imlivprnril Ir nitule m evaiy itidh-inuus t 'ilei.und ui'tcr one v trk's use they waiid not for onv consutcntiou lc vvitlfiit ii. Tlie fculM.-rilH:is hid the only A'.'ni I r the tin irle in Uie Ijiiilnl liaifs, tu wimin bit m.iers must ml.lrt-s-ed Price One I' a UJ l'.r su'.e by ailXruit(isis Drain ; or a Ik.x ut ll.e "Onpiit'it' (warratiitul to have tbo drsurd tilVrl) tt'iil lie tint t t u.ty who i!riri it, by iimil, Utrrrt, at'Oit lv ( r. te, on rt-oeipt f ptice uud pu o, ,lc. Ai"p:y to nr ai'drms,l I.. IIMillAA tu, Dt-'K-ci-', 4c., at Wiitium St., New -nit. For sale at ihu'oificc. Jarch Jd, lfll. CONFECTIOSARIES, TOYS &c. tJZ. O. GEARHAT, CONSTANTLY Ue on all kinds nf CunfiiClioiiarirs, l'riiil and Tuya, wliicti lie is selling at whcilrsalo and Ti tail. Having the nrrsiary imicliint-ry fit., lie is manufacturing all kinds of Toys, and kerns 11 i liis alut-k, u dial purchasers will not lo at a loss fur a supply uf aluio-t any article tttey may tlcsire. API'l.ESl APPLUSl! AITI.ES!! I Just received, s large lot uf api'leo, wbicb he is selling at taliuUsalc and uuil, at luw prui-s Una ua a rail. M.U ceAKHAHr Panliurv, Miffri , lefil, if fjMuaygK SPRING f.OODSi A X D GREAT VARIETY! AT 3LO-W PRIC2S AT THE ridCE STOE1J,: OF 13. IT. BRIGHT c SOS WHO OFFER Splendid Inducements ANU GREAT BARGAI.XS TO S 7TT5 r T "3 JT Ll A w U A .1 a) Sunbury, April 13, 186. rnMlU OI'OKTO OUAPE U DiiS'M.NEl) S- 1,1 revolutionize Wine-Making in the United Stud's. Iu thick juice of dark color produces a Wine ut body and character, V,V want a wine tu 'make glad the heart of mun,' and nut 19 mute his bead acho. Tito Oiiorto is ready to snr.ply that want, ua the cx)urience ul' ten year 3 abund antly proves. Tito Vines are hardy, and ripon the (J rapes early. It ricuvd its fruit last season, on tbe prairies of La Salle Cn.,'Ill., and iu Onon dajra Co ,N. Y., at att elevation uf over U0U feel abjve tho lirto Canal. I have no do'iLt it will ripen wherever Indian com will. '-Ob ! you arc interested in the Oporto." That's a fict an. I ut intend to be interested until puro hcltlilul Oporto ine shall ditplace the vilo manulactured poisons called Wine, livery uia;i can make his own Wine as cany as he makes his C'ider,atid utmost aa cheap. Uut let ua bear those who are not mtcreiied : From Dr. Clias. T. Jscksnn, ata'.o Asaaver of Mass. The specimen of Oporto ii not t io aweet, but is just right, and fa a pood Wine, which il I im prove un aye, if bottled. Tbe high color ol'tlie Oporto (jsapo is a aiuable property, since the Wine hai. a fine color, not common to Aujcticaa Urupa Wines. f.elti-I from S) iiester Clarlt, r.rt Ileur 5;r 8 In leply to your inquiries in re fefence to the Oporto (.rpe, I an.iver that I have cultivated it for thirty-livd yc-iiu, It is a very hardy Vine, so much so that one very severe winter my Isabella Vines were killed down to the roots, while the wojdof the Oporto, standing in the same garden, VHlU the same exposure, was not injured in iho least. It is a cood bearer and I have gathered ten uuhul of Grapes in a aeakou, from the Vines root upon a single trellis. For several years we have mai'e Wine from ttia Oporto Grape, and find a ready sale at one dollar per bottle, selling lil'ty bottles for sin gle urder. I have therefore great pleasure in recommending the Oporto Urupe to every person wbo ni.bea lo make wiue for his own use, cr for vale. SVLVKSTDJ CI.AKK. Uertilicate from M. Mackle Emj , Proprietor of t.'lydo Kusery. Tins mav renify that I have culttvatsd (ha Oporto (Jrape lor kevcrul years, and Ond that lite Vims are entirely ft.elrum thu mildt w aud blight; that ihry do nut winter kl I iu the least, and that they are e,eod 'carers. I have tested tbe Wine of several tliUerei.1 years and esteem it verv hiobly. M ATH LW Al.VCuli:. ' Letter from H. (jra'iam. Jr IJaq (;kiiam's HoT.t. Ly-iria, Oct. ih, IfBi). 8ir : 1 have ued the Wine inadu from the American Oporto Grape in my house, and Cud that it'uivea goad aulis action to my guml. I esteem thu Oporto the best Winn li rrti. we hate 1IE.NUY GKIU.I, Jr. A gentleman nishimr to purcha, Vinci, it Ilie Oporto made a good Wine, retried the .V'Hiit lo W, C. llasbrook, a well knotvu gentleman of the legal profession, as brii. the l est jji'ge of W ins 111 that ie;tou, wbrn in. 11. gave bun tbo following ceilincato; KWHl-ua; v.. .v.v. 27. m; j. Or. K. Ware tiy It-eater, Her Sir; V.iur scent Ravrnie a tate of two varieties ot OI'DK TO Oil A PE VM.NE, to -day, and I was surprised to hear that tbe Grape from which said Wine was made, grows liiinily and hardily in Wayne Co.. IS. V. I think Iha Wine is aa aood as tn V uti'riei.u Viiia I ever t.i.'.l. 1 Your., Ac , W. t;. H ASBKOOK. FHtST PREMIUM. First Premium was cwardeJ at tba Watne C.iun'y Fair, for lt)60, to V ine from ihe t'lporio Grapu. We aptend tue lleport siirued by 8. II. tiavitt, I'.q .lite Clerk of NVuyuecouu. ! ty, wbo m a. Gb liriiuu uf iht Gouimitii-a ; j Tbe Port Wiue, eihibiled by lr. IS) I venter, ' we found entirely dilnsreut from the Wine gene- 1 rail made in this country. It baa lbs aud I boiuct uf good Pert Wine, and none of that I "heudiliea" which characterizes ni"s' cf Ihe do. I niestic Wines. This Wine, without iloobl, has 1 just the proper proportions uf aue,ar and lanaru : acid to wake il a Ue-iltliful and pleasant beversge, ' and riciially coin mei ids iu. li' to Ihe Medical ' Faculty, wbo frequently lived a gentle, stimulant ; free from delvlerioua drups. S. U. G AVPIT. I Slroiig Yine, $1.00 ; $.00 par d.-orii, I birong Layers, for iuunedule fruiting, fJ.Oi) racU !Ji 18 CO per doien. I For Catalogues of Lyona T'ere, or iu, addre K. Wit. vr.. 1 mi, Ljosis, ,N. Y. ' May t, lt. 1 LXVC AND . LEAHIJ 1 LET Till rtOFLE ST1M, tOXTIXlE TO uir, ANU TI1EV WILL SOON LEARN THAT ITtlLIiNG & GMAST. AT TIfJi MAHH0TH STORE, ARC SCLLISO GOODS CI-iEAPEP. than can Ie purcliascJ clsewlime. ut.1 terrivrd by this vivek. nEMEMUCKTHI.'i, , AM) trofit bv 11. fun'jiiry, 1crfm1er IS, $'J. SENT BY EXPRESS HstoiJsastvTIafesaleFri Made to Meascre at $18 per dcz. CU SIX POH NINU DOLLARS, vtUiout Coran ca.wHh Co'Jars on ti rr t. extra. Jt.VDS OF KET-T0rj MILLS JICEL1X, TT!th fine I.inon Bpfoms, and watTnn.i-il as rnod a L!rl as sold la Uie mull u'.orts at t ech. ALSO, THE VERY HKST E IIIRTS THAT CAN Ci' ilADXi AT ti KXCn. P. S. Tliose who think I eannot m't a porxt Silrt fnr t'.i pT dcca are inlsluVau. Uun'i tu east c us con u $18 fine Btirli f.O j-nri!a nf N'o.TortMlll'Bini.-.lnatllJu'a.Tirrya. f I ft 7 y.anls of fine Linen, at Cue, per yard 3 TO ?:al:ir.;an'l cutting 4 C I J.aetlJry, $lj but'.uuj u4 cotton, CJ;. 1 ( ) ProU -. 1 Ca TotU - (13 W Self Keasnrcnieiit for Shirts. f Printed liircctloos sent frcs everyvtliera, ami so easy to cnrlerstard, Uir.l an one caa tal.e tlielr uwniaeasuro fir shirts. I warrant a csod fit. TI.s cr.ili to ba paiit lo tho Ixpress Company ca receipt at tooUa. " The Express rliarpes on ono doles Salrts from Ksw. fork to S.r.r Orleans is (1. p. s.-p.urrra THrnryo BrrmT3 is nA5Tr,n having lime to lenrl for Kulea of Moosuremcnt. rhoulil send per mail, prcpolt, one at tbe beiiuuinKsliirts Vicf have got, stating any alterations that Liay be rc4ilxe4. 1 5. "WVH. "WAUD, from LonJoH, 387 Eroadway, up stairs, ' .Between VUte ViViier StrciU " 1C, 1S61 .- tf . patent xi'iusu hou.-sk. 473 BSOABWATT, NEW TTOS11T. cihould be in every family. School, U.vmui. tim. Asylum, and ILwpitnl in the land. Are not DA.GEUoL"S, like the common Horkitu Ut-rse. Stands firm on it.i Pedestal, will not wetir UAKPETsJ, and tea uo Hotkers to injure tbe Feet. "Health awl lappiness la tbe same ndiie."N T. Willia p;.-;--.'.s-;isi'-.--it :r is t . '.r ' -v FKOM THE "HOME J0i:UN.4L." "Of all the child furniture we bavo vver teen no article cuinhiues so ir.ucii uf two impor thing-. heiltli and liappinrss as the A d ju.itaiiio Patent isiet l Sjirinu Saddle-Horse, in vented by JeisC A. (.'ramhiil, It is not dunger. ous, like a cnmui'in rockiiiL'-borse, tu tliilduu'a feet, cannot be up.-ct, docs not v. cur crp- t.-i. hut statidk firm i.n its base, and iis actijii i likn the gallop of a l.vo hure th .t the child never wearies of it. Thij .atcat of child novelties is ex ceedingly tlegiiiit and artistic in diig.i ; and j udjastable,, uud durable, that il will last a lifetime. It u indit-pensible in every luinily where there a.-u children. It slinuld l e in every primary at.liMol and gvmnasium in tho country, aa it can be made large und strong, jnough to am-tatii prown persons- A a pcdwiiil for phit-igrapbic pictures, uolhing is luoru heuuii ful. . "Every Oiphan Asylum anj Iutitutrnn wbero children are coiurcguvd, should' be furnished with a number of thee, beautiful articles. Tbey ere lilted with side-saddles v. lieu retpuittd." MRKCT10X8 FUK A PJT.'STIXO On the ul'ter part of the base, suliiciontly t alio v il.a axle tu go in its place ; thi n raisa or l.iwer , liore io suit you. tvrew tbe boiia iu the .Ida verv tiqht Ci" These Horses are WAUItArrCi une vear. .March 1C. i-Cl. tf Ovnl ShtKr:is;i E'ramt'ti. t,rE deire lo call ilie attention, of Ihe pub!ia ' I'luur l.iilinoiiia Oval PhuU'grapli Pran:es They p:'. p. nil the Kojd qualities ul it iiod irauii a Willi ilia advaiitoe of greater ilurabilitt a-i t!ii V neti-r warp or rrack, and are aold niueb rhenpi r. We Hl-i hate uu hand a ItiriiB viri. ty t,f OOU tlV Al.M, whii-h we ulf r twenty five per rent h-tver tlian can be hoei;lil elsewhere. A. to, a god asii'irimeiil ul i'ukte Partuuls. riij-iHrn rr.iines at proportionally low prices. All orders bt mad promptly filled. All ttli.t c ::t: In our e;rent Commercial Metropolis we invite to call ace and eiuuune. II. W. LAUD 4 CO. 4o3 .roadway, New- Voik. Ma-ch 30. Iii6:. 6USBURY ACAMaY. 'l'UKi'L Tl.HM ufihe Siiiit uy AeaJeiu) w.jl J ei'llllliviiee oil llii--..ll el Ai'lit. I'ha enutsa of insiru.-u-'i, t-mtmires rvrry L-imrl. un-ut f eJut-uti".l tiiuelil in fur Im-i Aeu-lviuirs, prrpo ua soi-lriiis c ruu.-i t.'l u pr'leiisuHi or P. cuut mi) ela.s u Cl.i-ec. titbits i-Kit gt Aii n:it: -..ii-.m..n Selii.. llrsiici.. s, f I Ol llll-lif. J.iii;ilJl lllui.i-h. , 3"" l..tiuki.iitircl; I .mj-uaii. a. , J Wl Tulu-li ti lit'Hi ' hel' -re Ihe IliM-lta i.f ll.r term. " leiilr.iu be lil 111 (Il.Ste UDI.Iirs at lluui 0l T5 to Hi ii pel tietk. ' ft. P. WOL-VHitTO.N, rriuc.jl. r-unbary, Mareli 3(1, leSo. estate of II. J. WOLVHUVO.V, Ic .I'tineU. 'O TICK is hereby given, that letters of aduii-- vi.tiatiun bavins; beeu granted lo the uiuler aignetl, on the estate uf Huralio J. Wulvertju, I.-.te bf the boioith wf Huubury, Norlhuniberluint countv, Pa., tlecaasec. All peisoiis in m:. led to uid estste anil those having claims agaiust tbe same, are requested to present them duly autliun t.csted for settle ineiit to CEQItOIANA Vi)LVEKTON. AJioViv. Or W. I. Ckt-siiotau, her Attorney. yunboiy, Mar.h SO, XSOl til inii:i rtv hks. ,tr-i auduujtat.d t.1 lliJ Mew'ib 'r.: .f l-'tMUNU aV,WUA!f . . .... -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers