"4 laitfflns. THE LUS or LIFE AT FORT MOtLTRIK. A floor mercbatof New York, who has 'jast married from Cbarlettoo states he was impressed into the rebel service, tod was la Fort Moaltrie daring tbe whole battle. lie co dC roil previoas report of the destructive effect of Major Anderson's fire, end ados "Tho very first shot from Fort Sumter eamo booming into one of th portholes oesr which 1 was stationed, dismounted the goo, end shivered the carriage Into thousands of splinters. These splioters were scattered with terrible force throughout the fort, killing thirty-three men instantly, end wounded mnny more. Tbin wan tho most destructive ingle shot we received, bot thronphoat the entire cannonading the bavoc in Fort Moul trie t as terrible. The dead and dying lay about us in every direction, and were tram plod under foot by the soldiers in their arda. oai Ubor. "We bad not surgeons enough to attend to them all, aod tbe groans of the dying and their piteous cries for help were distresing in tbe extreme. Wben Sumter bad finully capitulated without loosing s man, thank God lliA relatives of our dead and wounded riestened to Moultrie to learn their fate. Mothers came, asking for their sons, sieterB for brothers, sons for fathers, and all were told that all were well lost none wero kill ed, but that confusion prevailed and the sol' diers could Dot be seen. "That niplit the bodies of the dead wero boxed up and conveyed on shore where they were buried in trenches in the negro burying ground. One hundred and sixty bodies were conveyed to the burial place on a snmll schooner, and the others by various other conveyances. On the following day, when relatives inquired for those who were dead, they were told that they bad been sent a why to other points to recruit their energies. "livery possible menus were resorted to tn keep the trulh from being known. I myself counted over two htiudred dead bodies in Moultrie, and know thut there were others which I did not see. 1 have no moans of knowing the extent of thn slaughter at the other fortifications, but heard that it Wns ferious, although Dot so great as at Mobil rie. I was told that one tbol at Ktevens' Buttery dismounted a caution and killed several per sons." a wire rlpi uiai r iitK Tit. ii run j III. MIAMI. It will bn remembered that Lieut. Abner Bniend, of tbe first Artillery, wus sent, a few weeks since, by Lieut. Sleinmer, to Washing ton, to appiise tbe Government of tbe abso lute necessity of supblies oud rciuforccmenta at Tort I'lekens. Forgetful of nil obliga. tious of honor aud duty, Lieut. Smead took Montgomery Iu lua wuy northward, aud hav ing submitted his despatches to the perusal of the rebel authorities, prodeeded to Wath ington, whither the news of his treason hav ing nuticipated him, he was not shot, an he deserved, but simply struck from the roll of tho army. The wile aud children ofLient. Smead, with the families of several officers ou duty at the South, wero at Fortress Monroe. The Lieutenant haslensd from Washington to obtain his family, aud remove them south ward, but his movement wus not so rapid but Ih&t bis crime hud been reported before him. When, therefore, ho pterented himelf at the fort, he wus refused atlinitssiou, the officer on duty declining "to admit a traitor" within a Federal poet ; the only favor couceded being thut be might have an interview with Mrs. Stnead without the wulls. That interview the nuhappy miscreant is not likely to forget. Attended by a few female friends, oue of whom furnished the account which we give of the Bcene, the lady met her husband, and in terms of scorcbiDg eloquence, reproached him with bis shame, "(iu home with yon !" she exclaimed.- "Never ! Our putbs in this world are hero utter separate. I disown jou. A coward a ini a traitor, you ore no husband of mine. Henceforth you are tome as if dead. As long as ! live 1 shall wear mourning, aud be es a widow; and rest Bssured 1 sball educate, our children to excrate and despise your memory as that of a recreant and a traitor." Tnrnsng with these words, the noble and patriotic woman reent red the foit, uud gave way to her Very natural feelings. We may fid I thut Mrs. Smead, like her discarded bus-tao-l, is a native, of Georg a, and that while ne latter went Southward tn obtain the To ward of his treason, the former, witb her children, bus come North, passing through this city on Tuesday, and ii now at Moms town, N.J. It is an illustration of the temper of tho mob ruling at Baltimore, that it seized upon the baggage of the party of unprotected wives ul cflicers witb which Mrs. buiead and cur informant traveled, aud but for the inter tervnee of un tfli cer of Fort Mcilenry would would have detained their persons. A great er part of tbe lugguge ofthe party, with niar,y articles of value, was tken awuy vio.'outly, und, of course, will never be recovered. Our informant states that the garrison of Fort Monroe numbers 1,200 men, having mpU provisions for a year, and tbat men and officers have uuiled in a solemn oath not to surrender tbe fort, aud believe that they cun hold it against any lorce that can be bro't aguiusl it. The furtreee is surrounded by a pliuu so that the approaches will be extremely tliQicult. N. V. Timet. Glorious Old M Assariii'sms The reqni sitnm of the United .Mates government fur the troops from Massachusetts was inadu on Tuet-day, the 10th ull. Boston is more than 5U'J nnies from Wus liingl(n, and lour times as fur us fbiladelpbia. Yet a regiment of 1.000 men, fully equipped and provisioned by ber, parsed both these cities bulore either had moved u nun, aud in less than four riajs from the reception of the cull the whole number of troops lequired mora than il,f00 bud been letpulched beyond ber borders. This bus no equal in history, and fully end finally deuiotibl rates tbe probability ol a reli nbU aud tfiicieut doaieatic militia organiza tion. An iustanee of tie celerity ofthe move ment is seen in a company siileen mileg from lioston, the coinmaudur of which was Sitting at bis dinner-table t one o'clock, discussing thu possibility of bis beiog ordered out. The loor-beli rang. It was the order, lo three hours afterwurd (4 p. m ) be marched into I'uneuil LI all witb eighty live meo fully equip, ped and ready. Tub U. S. steamship Niayaru, just arsived jU'.IJoetoD, from Japan, is a screw. frigate of 4500 toes, and the tirst vessel of ber class in (he United Hlatas navy, bba was built at Urooklyt), N. Y., in 1855, from models de signed by the late George Steeis, The ves sel is 345 feet long, 60 feet beum, 33 feet bold, and is propelled by three engines, which can be worked siogly or together up to 2,300 liorsa Iiower. Her greatest sneeil nnder steam bus been thirteen kuott per hour, and ' tinder sail aloue seventeen knots. Hbe car ries f)00 men, exclusive ef officers. Her arm ament is tho most formidable und effective ol any ship intheuavy. It consists of 1 1 inch guns for throwing shells weighing 180 pounds, aud shot weighing 270 pouuds, a distance of four miles. 'The guns are all ou tbe spar deck, and, workiog ou traverse plates, can be discharged from either side ol tbe ship. - No Vbsseli are allowed to leave New York barbor between sunset aud sunrise, an order 10 that effect coming from tbe Hecrela ry of tbe Treasury. The rule is enforced by armed vessels iu the Narrow and Long Is land' Cni. T'.itwarit A Mt.t.na tha millinnrA tS Hm Jmtfvj, it i laid, las sinuiCtd bis id taiDtiua of equippiog regiiueul of bis own -tact oisa lor thH aecrica of tbe coot-Vrj - Tbfi fi tbt rjtJ.Lg:. - , Stiut Bmckfi ki Ft'OJTiv Shots It n Said tbat when Col. Betijvnin F. Butler, id command of the M ossachusetls Regiment, lauded, some of the atithoritiel of Annapolis protested against tbe passage of tbe Massa chusetts trjops over Maryland soil, when be replied t "Sirs, we came bore not at citizens of Massachusetts, but as citizens and soldiers of the United States, witb no intention to in vade any state, but to protect tbe Capital of our common country from invasion. We sball give no cause of offence, hot there must be bo fugitive shuts or ttray bricks on tbe way-" Fi.kntt of Firr Arms. In contradiction that Massachusetts wus short of fire arms, tbe Governor officially ttutes that he is at any moment prepared to arm Six thousand troops with the best rifle and sabre bayonet whenev er tbey shall be called itito the field for active service. We bear it rumored tbat these arms were obtained in Canada. The first actual snccess on the side or the United States in this war was achieved at Alexandria, Vtt., a few days ago. A party of fourteen went from Washington and seized a steamer there with several thousand stood of arms belonging to tbe rebels, compelled the engineer to fire up, end brought ber in tri umph to Washington. New Advertisements. Executors Notice- NOTICE is hereby given that letters testnmrn tnry on the estate of lohn Kline. Sr., late nf Hush township, Northumberland county, deceas ed, havebren grnnted to the undersigned. All persons having claims seaittsi the estate of tbe said deceased, are requested to present them, and persons indebted thereto to mnko immediate payment to ISAAC CAMrUELI., Executor. May 4, 1G1. Gt j S hereby given that the Auditors of Upper Angus' township, will meet at the Commis sioners' Office in Sunbury, on Thursday Bnd Fri day the 2:iih ami tilth nf May, instant; when persons indebted or having claims against said township oic requested lo attend. The Ovcrt-eers of the Poor and Supervisors elect for lSfil, are requested to enter security on Thursday the 23d inst., according to tbe late Act of Assembly. The fchool Treasurer is requested tomret the auditors on Friday tbe 2-llh, to have his accounts auJitt'd. HERMAN CAMPBELL, ISAAC CAMPBELL, JAMES BACHELOR, Up Augusta twp, May 4, tstil. Auditors liUEGtitc oitm:its. Brigade Inspector's Office, Kisni-nr, May I, 186!. BRIGADE Of! HE 1.8 NO. 1. The uniformed militia ofthe 1st Brigade, flth Division, will parade for drill, review and inspec tion, fully uniformed and equipped, according to law The 1st Battalion of 1st Brisnde, Sth Division, Major J. II. Adams, Commanding, will meet for parade at the house of J. H. A dnm, in Upper Mai o:ioy township, Northumberland county, on Saturday, the lath day of May, lBtil, at 10 o'clock, A. M. WM. K. MA 151 Z, Brigade Inspector. N. B. Commanding officers will see thnt tho arms and equipments ore in good order and con ditioii, and will be particular to be prepared with muster rolls of their respective companies, certi lied under oath, and all other information re quired by law, to be forwarded to tho Brigude Inspector, Sunbury. May 4, 1861. A NO 1 HER A hlill 'AToF Millinery Goods, at the Store of .Hisses H. Si. I-. MIlSSSLlin, Simpson's Building, Market Square, SUN BURY rH E public aro invited to call and examine -- their .Millinery Goods jusl opened, such as Ladies' lli ess Goods, Silks, Lawns and the latest New Voik and Philadelphia styles liUA.NUTS. LADIES' DliESS CATS. Corsets, Skeleton Skirts, Notions, Ladies' Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchief, &c , Vc. Gentlemen's Goods such as Collars 'Union,' 'Anderson' and a variety of patterns. We intend to sell low, cull and examine our stock. B. & L. SHISSLEK. Sunbury, April SO, IbCI. 3m MANHOOD. HOW LOST, HOW HI10ItK.n, JtT PUJUSUED IN A SUAl.UD KN VKl.urU : ON the nnlnre. trrtiinipiit, nitil radical cure of sperma tmrlirrii. or Seniiiml Wciikiit-ss. Sexual Dcliility, Ner vousness hhiI involiiiilnry einiHiuus, inducing imuoleucy, und Mental uud Pliykieul Incapacity. Ey IIOIST. J. CTl.VUKVVrcM,, M P., Author of the '-Gieeu r.ook,M4c. The wnild-renowncduulhor, in link ndrnirntile Lecture! clearly proves llein his own experience llrjt the uwfu, consr(jueites of frif-uimse may be ctleeumlly removed witll'.ut ineilit'inc uiel witlioiir iinnfzeifus suryleal opera tions, houcirs, iiiKTruineuts, rtns or eopUnls, pAintinii out a ini deol cure tit once eertiim and i ficctual. I.y wliicli every sutler, no mailer what Ins condition may he, may cine Iiiiiirl-Ii clu-uply, pnvuit ly uud rudieiilly. This lecture will pinve a ho n t thouFaiidsinid thnuBiinds Sent under teal, in a plain envt-'ope, to address, pniit paiu, on the receipt of two isihtuse stumps, bv addressing. Lr.C II. J. C. KUND, 137 How-crv, New Y'rk. l'ost OiQ:e box 4,5-t April 81). 1;-p Assignee Notice. "jOTICE is hereby given, that all the property " both real and personal, of Georeo Zimmer man of Upper Augusta township, Northumber. land county. Pa., has been assigned to the sub scribers fur the benefit of his creditors, by his Deed of Assignment having Jate March 89th, !8U. Therelore, all persons having claims, will pre sent them duly authenticated, to Jeremiah Ziui. merman at Shsinokiiitowu, or lo John Fawns1 worth, Esq., in Upper Augusta township, and all indebted will please come forward and settle without delnv. JKKBMIAH ZIMMERMAN, ) . . JOHN KAHNSWOKTTL A"'Snces Upper Anpusta twp.. April 13, lgCI. 4t New Millinery Goods. Mlt,n M. U CtitSI.sUIt, Faun Street, lu o doors ntuthoj the Shamulin Yulley I'uttsuille Jtuil Jioad, s-crnsrBxjn-x-, penn'a., EyPnCTl"L'LI.Y informs the citizens of iMiiBtiii nnii vinniiy, iiidt she lias just received Irom riiilaili ipi.M a lurga and sih-iuliil assortment of tlie uiul fasliionable and latest LLJ CE SJ SIS 5LS3 !CP 5S3 , HATS, 8 H A K E K S, TRIMMINGS, &c, wliich she is selling at the moit reasonable prices- "I 0 hicli he tli reels the aitoiitiun of the ladies ami invites all to call and see them. Thankful for past patronage, she hopes ly keeping to heal absortrnent at reasonable prices 10 continue ine same. Sunbury, April 13, 1SCI 3m BEREYSBUEG MALE AND FEMALE pETER S. BERGSTRESSEK, Principal and - Teacher of Latin, Greek and Matheinstics. PRESTON MILLER, Teacher of Practical Surveying and English. Miss fcOI'HIA WILCOX, Tsacher of Instru mental Miitic. SUMMER TERM commence on Monday, April Bth, 1661. 7'erms er Quarter of 11 weeks. Tuition in Primary Department, $3,00 " Acadrmia 84,00 to 6,00 Classical " 7.00 Maste nn Piano with nn of Instrument, H.OO (nod BoardinK, Ac, iu lha VUIsgn, per eW, $l,S0 to 3.00. Por furlliri r.ni. .lr.' Mirs the PRINOl PAL, Vri)h..- I . .....r,-,;, Pa. Atrii 1, i-1 . 4 AYER'S CATHARTIC pills: eniiilNiiiliiKf An ywi out of ordttr, with fmtr yxtotn d raurrifl, fttid your frtllnfrft q. einilurtblr Vtm nymp tntti an- often tlir? pr?lnd to HritttM Illiipiw. Botoo fit fk tcknMai lererplnKiioii yem, mitl Rhoulil be mveriotl hy m timely ti tf Uifl ripclit rum wiv. Taho Aytr nod i;f'-Wi;-- cU-nnne out tbH rtUorrleml hit timm fiiirifr th blood, und let tli iliild move on unfH uttuitcj In limtldi apnln, r wkt, ffV -tA'1 HE 'wy liinumto tlia riiDrtions "'s-. -vifcJfe 2 tlvlir, nuiifr tbytm ft-vm d?Aftm. A foM )N4t1 goinrwliort In tho txly, tint ol fiinirtii lift nntmnl InnrUmm. 'J'ha, If uot rrlhr4. rwirt upon thriuilv mid tiio tirmnnUing orptiin, fr il iirI njr Rfsncritl nenrnTKt Iona hu fforl n g, h nit tlinMiM. liil In tliin roitdiiitMi, fipprMiil by the dummrfnuint, tnke Ayer'fi I'ilh. mul dee hi tlirputly tliey iMot-e the mrnrtif action "f tho njrHtnni. mid ivlih it tlio ImuyAtit fcrlhi(f nf hritt tli i it. V lint in triiufiitd nu uppiuunt in ttiN tiivliil mill H'lnmnn Coniluiiit, it iiImi tint (u itmny nf (ho dit'p-inrtil nml il:iitui-tti ilil'ttntHirri. Tim umiio pttiHintivo tMfff! iH'ln thoni. rtiiitnl lv niiuilur otwtrtie ti"it.i niil tlrnnciiiPMtK nf Urn iminnil fniictlntiii ul tlid tly, flif.r I'ltt r itl'lly, und many uf h?m ni1v. niriwl bv tlio tuiiu iii-'nil". Nhiio wltn kntiw tw f li tifH ol' tlio rillw. nil) iinilai't lo riujiloy llifiu w lieu itu(rriitg from tin diwrdiMM tli'-.v ril'. liiH'tii-'tif livni trtttttii'i itiv!l! ttti In nome nf tlie prtiiri:il citivtt ntid fioiu vtiivr knuwu pub) in pur 8ou. Ftvm rt flmvartUvff Merchant if St, I.nuit, th. 4, 1855. Itt. Arm: Ymir I'M nri ilic mi n-m r.f nil Hint I Pfi't'tit in tni'dK-lms Thy h:iv vnrvi my little dtttieht(r o( itltfHMM mum iiftnti li'ir hamti und f't tlmt Imtl pntvud hiritriihlt' tor ym-n. Ilor umttier luw liue-ii lou( i'iT uihIv nfllfr ti'd willi lit tt 'liM nml ilinjh n Iter nkn and In her Imir. Utr otw chil l xn cured, alio nlmi tried yuur PilJu. ami llicy luivo cucod m'r. AM MOIUiltllMJIS. An a Fninllj' Phytic. From Ih; I-. II". OtrtivrifM, .Vrie Ortnmt, Ynttr rilln nrc Hm prince T 'trKvi. Tlndr xritpnt qnnlitl-tej suri;u"i uny c.ifliufie okh.mi. 'J'lmy mo mild, but vi'iy xi t'tiii Mint riVirtinl hi tln'-ir nlinii on tlie )i(nvi'ls. wlii'-li nctUt s tlit'in liivitlimblo to m hi the iluily tieiUuieiit uf tlitfiisrt. IIrnnachctSJ kllrartn,' lie, Foil 1 Stomach Pi;tn 111!". A vkh : I r;inn t :uiiver vow v:hnt complnlntu I 1kiv f?r7 v.iMi y'Mir V 1 ttt-r it,ni V.y suv nil tt-tt we ftc frf it tt.it h t pnwiti'v: vtwliriu, 1 .tire pre nt dp!!i d"ii'-u mi uti i'hTitt tl intlnilii! In my d:illy rontot wirli (lifli-nott, niii iM'liuvint .in I )' tint ynur I'ill a fluid US the boat u have, 1 uf omtnu Viihm thi-m bilily, rirr-JniTi, Vn., Mnr 1, 1P.1R. Pn. J, O, AYn. f!p! T Imvn Ihh.ii rnpfetif llv citml f tlio W'ii't.t h.mhf ftp Hirv littdy ph?i Ituvn by ft dw ir two fcf Miii- Pill. It Hi-elm tfj mido from a ff.iil toumcli, Which tln'V clt-rinm nt inc. Y'jiirn with gi.-at pv"t, KT. W rnKliLK, Cti ). f Strnnw (.Vtiii if. Billons nUorilcr Tslver Complaint. f"OU Pi . Th'mlw Itr11t nf X'W V-rh V ft. N t otily nr ymir PiMm mhuinildv ndtiptnl to thMr pur ;ih mi iiiiTi'ttit. I tit I (hid ilit tr bi-iiflit'itil i-ITt'rlfi nj-ou thu l.ir tt-i v iii-ii Indf il. 'l li ybiiH In my nnc tio tiovft iimiu i-IU'clutil IVr the tiiro of b'itont cm l'tiitt.i Ihtiit ttn i.n. ivuii-ily I tun niijiiiioii. oincunly It'j.iifH ihttt wt h:tv nt lin itli ii MiK"tiu whitli M ttor thj thu uuiiUtiiitcu ul Ut-' iiut- i-u uud thu ittiile. lii.i'i;rT or tub l.vrnunn, ) Vnfhiiij-t.'n, D. i, 7(h frK iSU. f Ft", t I lnv n'l ymir Pills in my nfntl nnd bHi(l ftl.I'MUA VVt'l' Mlll't "t llittdv till til, It lid CIlKIHit h'filitlt' tO h..y iln-y lira ttu: I . - itihiii lie wv viuploy. Their H'iu l.ti;n aitii ii ii tint hiT i4 ijiiivk niul tlfridid, cono it:" iiily tlt ;m- an nihiMitiMe it iin-'ly for dftaiicHitititf el lh.it lu-.tn. Iini'cd. I havo hi'l.iuin found n Ctf-n of t ii mt (.(- 1 1 li-liiiiitf Unit It did m.t li-atlily yifld to th.iu. J iiituiitil j.iti s, Ai.'iM' i l: AM., M, 1)., i'.'iijS.'c.un f-J the Minu Jlnpitul. Iynciitrryt Dlnnhan, Rolnx, Worms. I'ntm J, C Uncn, ff (,'itiv'i Your VlU h;tvii (ni t a l. iif; dial hi my piiKtlre. nnd I lt"M Mli'lil ill i sltflii us niu- t tilt' bi'PI ltpt-1 it-lit I jiiiio i-r r.-tliMl. ' hfjr iiit.jr.tii. i th ct upmi the liver inakH thiiti mi I'Xinlli-iit u-nu-.ly, wlii n ji vi"ii in ftltiull titles for uysevtrrj ani (iVn i,0"t J btir fn.H-rcntiuft in tkf- them vi at-r-t(al-ln and cittuim-iit IwC the Mm lf woiiioli and cliililuMi. InieiNln, Impiii'lly of th Itlond. fiftn I.iV.J. P. lt,mett l,ih.r tf jVf tVn.rr'f, Itnatt-n, Iti. ATi'ii: 1 h;ieii' tl yur Pills with t'xti.initlirm'y mi'-Cf- in mv l'iiiii!t an'! aiii-inn Ilium I inn iulle. to vhit in dlMie--i. To lntil;ttu Iho tiitiiini of tlmestl.m imd purify tho blood, ih. r :m- the Vi-iy l.-st f.-iu' .ly I liavu cvi.r known, miii 1 c;.n cnnd mlv icbUMiiui'iid'tliiii t lii triwiur.. VfUisj, J. . Ill M La. Vyondnr Co., . Y., Art. I'l, 1S.V1. Vnwn 8n:: I uxi icii vmik Otlh ti it. I'iiiM in mv j-inc-lli'f. unl lili'l thrill an s-xivll. lit Hit itiM In rh-ausc iho pystfiii und purify t.Ur fau.iUnn . 'r .'t..., sK'll.N li. MKACIIAM, M. D. Cont Ipnlfon. C'of I vriirm. U ipr'ftlon. IttM-ttiiintiHiii, (ioift, ottralxtn. LfA'uii- uyt Iiu1hIs. m. etc. l'ic:;i !i:J. I'. utj!,nt M. iUir tx fttmt'la. Too much I'unitot l f.i.i nf yniir Pill fi-r thf fnrf co.-tn-ni f. If tluin i.f iii fialiMiiiiy bavt found Iht'in us fllh-ai j us hi 1 h.ne, ttii-y idiuM j'iu mo in nut laiui-hii-, it 1t tbtf bn-rit ui lb. inuliitH Irs who niflV-r ftwii th.it iiimilaifii. r birlt, ahli-.HIi l.;td mtitf;lt in iilf. Is tin- nt;'-ui!ir of of hi-n tlctt mv i.M. J lw'u vn c it-(iri-tvfs t' origin id- in tin- livur, lul yuur 1111 affect that OIV iu nnd cine lite dioaste. From M.r. ;. !tviutt Vhtjski-m and Hnhrfc, Jltthm 1 find on" nr tw- lm-tr drficn of your PilK. t:itin nt the fi-Mpfr tiinr. nrt' i xolli nt n iMntiVr ul" the u-t'nvtf n'n turn wh-n wlidlyor "irliul!y nii.pr'r., ;m ilw n-ry ofT'tr tliiil in ct-tusr t!; fttith'i nii rjfl it'.rm'. T!n y mv ! uim-li tl.u UtHt pby.iic wo havii lUat 1 ioc-ouuuviil lio othur In my p at ivii Ik. Ftom th: A'-r. Dr. H-wWg, !ht M.Vrvh'nt lut. Chnrch. rn.ftR! HtiinMiili.t.a.. dan. fi, Is.'.'i ll'NrtH'n ,it : 1 fdi aiM h.i un :rai.-inl f. r ilu n li. f yonrsldi; h:i l-njiiiii; ni- if I fti hat t,,-,tt my nuv to xoit. A r. I f!tl.-.l i-t mv h:nl.- and Im sut.it i-ii vxmi i-iatlncf lf"t i. tviibh I in r'trnttif ihnnaa mm. N'.twillian-iia I h ul th.t bit-t t.f pM-L inn. tho dipiiwi iriitw woTttntd wmt't. until by the nI ,if vair X'''-lltit avi;t iti Haltnimra, Tt. 'iii;Ui;hzi.i, hint oiir V. h :r rll'icis ui'itt nh.w. but tin p. Py .eiswicilug hi itio u-rt i'f llifin, 1 urn u w riaiicly wt-ll. Pi NTR ClIAMCCR. I'll Ml l!olr, T.I.. 5 P.T. l.'.S. Pn. A if r.n: havn hn eniitvlr i-m -'d. by your Pi d. id J,',r-itn -d.- Onut VL I'Uititul ihM:it that bad ii.t! ii'i.-.t m firyi-ftr. INtTiNT ftMIiLM.. "yMrt ff tlii VVU In marlft conliin Mernirv, wln.b. ulibi.iih n vidua. U riMiudviii hl.iilut hand, is dnnpemim in n pnl-li- pill., li.mi ibt drradful r.-n-c. miftiri that li.tii.-nlU' Mi-i'lt. It.rniitirtn no, Tlu-fce contain na uieivmy or n.in.'ial miIi.hhv wh.-itrvcr. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER 60 CO., LtwoU, Mass. Sdd by Fiilimr At Cirnnt,nnd A. V FiscluT, Punbory J K. CukI iw imd t. Brown. Miltmi; lir Wcnrk, Me Krinville ; Hi-iiPiiyiUr A; Chrinnnt Tnrbntville ; R. J. McCuy, N'oMlitiinbt-riund aud by Uculeie evcrywbvie. AjHiltfii, IrUi ly Northumberland Bridge Company. y ELECTION fur ofilceis and managers of lhe Northumberland Driilpe Comiany will he held nt the hiiusn of Mrs. Anna lturr, in the Koroup.li of Norihumhcrland, on Monday the Cth day of M,iy, 1K1. 'I'he elerlinn will open at 2 o'clock, P. M., and close at 4 o'clock, P. M., of day. JOHN TAGGAIIT, President, April 6, SO I. 4t. UO YOU WtT WHISKERS. DO Yd' NS'ANTWIllKIIR? PO YOU WANT A MUI'PTACIIE? DOVOf WANT A WOLTAC!IE? ItelliuliauiN Celebrated STIMULATING O N G U li N T, oi fte ir(i.iler nnrf 7uiV. Tlie inbscrilif ra tnke il?usire in atiiiounriiif; to the ciii Xuoa nl the L'mteil &t;ite, that lliey have ublaiut-tl the Agency I'or, unil ale imw einthUil toi.ffei tn tht; Aliierk-un piiMn:, tlio above jumly t-cltbrulce ui.d wurld-reuvwuixl article. J7, Slimulalliia Onnuent. uprepnrwl by Dr. C. 1". Uelliiipnuiil, an eiiiliirnl pli)icisil ol Lunii.'ii, uimI is u-airunlcd ii bung nutatlnck set of HVn'.iers or Mnuftache. in from tliiertn six wi-cka. 'I'lie urticle is Ilia only one of the kind used by Hie t iein.li, und iu London and fa rts il is in universal usu. It is a beaumul, ri-niionik-nl, snotliinf, yet atnnulutin; Cill)iouiid, aellng us if bv inailit- upon llic tools, cuu.inp a beilifiil growlh i f luxiuiunl Imir ll n,plird in the scalp, it will cure luldnras, und cuuse to SirinK up in plai-e of tlie U-lldsiintsa tint crnwlll of hair AnnliM m oi,li,i- todirrclions it will turn red or lowy hair dink, and restoie I'.iu) lui.r to iiiunfimi! color, Waiving it S'ift, tinuotn. and rlexible. Tlie Onqiieni'" is an liidispeutihlo nilicle in eveiyaentleniairs ti.ilri,aiut afier one week's use lliey would u it for unv consideration Iw without it. The subscribers are the only Ap.-nt. for the artirle in the I mini Mak-i to whom all t.rdera must be ailorrs.id fnoe One Hollar a box for sale by all UrueL'isls and ealers; or a box of Hie '-Onc;iirnt" (warranted lo have tie debited elleei) will lie aeut lo any who desire il, by mail, direct, anruirlv pai kee, on receipt of pi ice andpoat- "Di-'i"" --ri-.j " - IIOUACK I.. HKOIMAN ft CO., DrnpniMs,c., St William bt., New York. Fir sale at tins oiliue. Match 11-61. CONFECTIONARIES, TOYS &c. M. O. QEAHHAT, CONSTANTLY keeps on hand all kinds of Confcctionsrics, Fruit and Toya, which he ia selling at wholesale and retail. Having the necessary machinery 4c, he is manufacturing II kind of Toys, ami keeps up his stock, so that purchasers will not be at loss for a supply of almost any article they may desire. APPLES! APPLES ! I APrLES!!! Just received, a Urge lot of ftpplea, which he is selling at wholesale and retail, at low prices i !(( ui a call. M. C. GF ARIIASr 'teS J, ".!. -If mm JLtSLIE. 51Ss5 SPRING GOODS! AND A T Tf A T)TT7TTr AT LOW PRICES AT THE ONE TRICE STORE, OF B. IT. BRIGHT &. SON, WHO OFFER Splendid Inducements AND GREAT BARGAIXS TO Sunbury, April 13, 1K6i. KOLO.MO.V JULUK, Attorney at Law, SUNBURY, Nortliumbcrland Co.. Pa. (Formerly FreeburR, Snvder count)',) OFFICE, Market Street, a few doors east of the IS'ortliern. Central Ivailrotid Depot and two deors west of the I'ost Ollice. All Professional Business, Collections, Sic, will receive prompt attention. March 30. lMfil. JAMES A 11 Ji Bli'S WIIOI.ERAI.B AND RFTA1L CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. K. Comer Second and Chestnut st$.t j IMtllatlclptihi. j GKXCY f'.rth-rATKXT KQl' AMKIXO TIMItTY 1- DAY Cl.Ot'KS, u very ilcsirnlili-uriiciy fur Cuurcii ea, Hutfls, b:mkf, Vmiit U'mis-. Piir'o'n. ,Vc. Alio, M.nnit'uriurcrt'i 1'INK ODi.U IX.NS. ! Cl'Tkt p'i'aiml and waTMittnl, i CIK'k I'r mtini itn- ii, every lerip; iin. j Philuilrlnliiii, Jmiunry l'.)t 1 - I 3 ! SUNBURY ACADEMY. ! riMltm'M.MKHTKItU of tin- Smibuiy Acaili-my will i J riitniiieiice on tliL-tt.h of April. 'I'lie r.tiiise ol' iiislruolii.it i-uilirncrs every lieprirl- ; meut of tdui-tttioit t:lltt-ii: ill our Ih-s Ai-rttl,-illu-3, pn-iitriii. ' sitt'lcitts one either for a proicsdtouor to euicr tuty cijss tu ! Coltt-ije. ! TI1RMS l'KH QUARTIUi: j Comntnn St-liiiiil Itrntirties, 81 CI j II luiier l-!iiLrlitlt llratielics, 5 l.rj I lentil anil Ijreet lltitufiitt-s. 7 00 Tuitmu to beptti'l liefi.re the rn-mllt. tf the tcim. ' llnjirtliiii l,e tiuu lit tnviilu fiinuiiLs ul iiotit tfl ?5 to ' SI3 pel week. J S. P. WOLVF.UTON, I'nuciptil. j Smilmry, Mnrt-h 30, It-fJJ. I Estate or II. J. VOLVtiiiTOX, ;e- . CCilHCd. j NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of admi- ! ' nistration having heen granted to the undor siRned, on the estate of Horatio J. Wolverloti, late of the borough of Munhury, Northumberland countv, l'a., decasscd. All persons indel ted to said estate and llvse having claims aiiinst tlio sanii', are requesiej to present tlieui duly autlu'ir tit-atrd lor settlement to GUOKtilAN A WDLVERTOX. Adm'trit. Or W, I. Ckisnouoii, her Attorney. Sunlury, March 30, 1861.- tit AUDITOR'S REPORT UECEIPTSi EXPEMDITL'UKs OF .VOU THL'Mn Eli LAND t'OU.NTV. Jacob F. Rohrbach, Esq., Treasurer in account Kith the county of Northumberland, j'rom the Jirst day vf January 1&G0, to U,e last day in Decembsr of the tantt year, bth dajs inclusive. DK. To amount in hands of Treasurer es per last Auditors' report, $ 25 13 To amount of outstanding County Taxes for 1659 aod previous years. 1210 C2 To amount of County duplicates assessed for 1S0O, 11 5C0 9G Tn amount received on seated lands lor lttuS '50, 30C 12 To amount received on unseated land book fa" 1858 and "50, 513 70 To cash refunded by collector! which had been exheorated and afterwards paid, 132 0 To amount received from Francis liucher, former Treasurer, 100 00 Tu umount received for rent of public buildings, Ac. 35 724 To cash received lor Hucksters license, 150 00 To balance doe, 7015 14 $-J19'J4 31 CR. Dy amount nf outstanding ttxei for lbOOand previous yeaia, $ 8704 21 By amount of exonerations allow ed collectors, 337 73 By collectors commissions, &7a Ti By errors in duplicates, i !K! liy aniouul paid oo Connty orders 1205D 33 By Treasurers coiuaiissioo on $12055 33. 301 SS By depreciated money, 10 00 By & per cent, feet on IToclsters licaoM, 7 SO (21991 51 Jacob F. linhrhach, Esq., Treasurer, in Otf. r?o'nf tcith the county of Korthu-nlmlnnJ, from the f.rtt (af of January 18G0, tn the last day of December, of the same year, both days inclusive, respecting State tax. DR.- To amount rif outstanding Stat tax for 1859 snd previous years, $4894 45 To total amount of Stata tax du plicate for 1860, 13C33 90 To amount receiver on onseated lands, To atnotint due Jacob F. Rnhr bncli Treasurer, from Common wealth "S3 85 391 12 S19703 03 cn. By ntnnnnt of oatstaiidmij taxes fur 18G0 nnd previous years, I'y amount of exonerations for 18110 and previous years, By Collectors Cnmrnissii-us, Ij.V ubutiiiiifiits alluwed by Uto Tieusnror, Ty csfIi paid Slata Treasurer d per receipls, By Cuuuty 'i'ri'innrer's comruis- Eioo ou U18u liti 4717 07i 820 93 Jacob P. lloh bacli, Lq., Treasurer, in ac count with Hit Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, for License from the first day of Jan ........ I lpi i . .7 I . I s ti i umvlttfiO.M the last day of Uectmbtr the same year, both days tnclusiec. DR. To (tmnnrt wived lor licenses for restaurants for lH(), 310 00 To umount received for liceose for Taverns for 18C0, 11G2 TO To nniimnt rec'J for license for li quor stores Tar lfcOO, Z'i0 CO To iwnrtnit received for license for retuilois of merchandize, t-ivw-enes, bilhnid rooms, Iva pin ul le'js. paleiit meilici.ii , coal ,fe lumber yards Tor 18U0, ns ptr mercantile oppruism-s report, 1240 -1C To snintint ree'd of II tinkers & 1'edliirs license for lfGO, SO 00 CU. By 5 per cent commission on 3-10 S'7 00 Hy cn9li puid Statu Treusurer ua per receipt, 323 00 I CO Bv 5 per cent S1C00 nnd 1 coninnsi')n ptr cent on on 51 1110 By cn5.li puid .State Treasurer 09 per receipt. Sill 02 ;o 17 so ; 332 oO By 5 pnr cent on S3.t0. By c !-li puid fitme Treascrer per receipt, :ro 00 33 f)0 j I'.y exnnerntions, liy ii per cent on 1000 "ct. on Jpfl li; A 1 p. Py L II. Funk's receipt for pnh. I i -i Ii i 1 1 mert'aiiliio uppraiiori list ol 140 names. By John (J - A. A. Youncmnn's receipt for piiblishin mercan tile appraisers list of 110 u allies, By 0 per cent on $23 amount puid fur printer's lull. Uy cash pun) Statu Treasurer an per receipt, 14 00 1-1 1 00 40 1125 -10 5i2-IO 4(i 2 50 17 50 By 5 per cent commission on -'S.'O Uy cash paid Stalo Treusurer as per rict-ipt, 00 Jacob F. Rohrbach, Esq., Treasurer, in nc count iclth the Co,ntit'in,realih of Ftnnsyh-a. nia, respecting Militia fines. DU." To amount due Commonwealth us Auditors report of 1850 $147 42 Outstanding Taxes fur IS-i.T Wm B Irwin, lN.r') Jimts I. inn, J tVuiad, H.'iO ,la'-"!i Uloem, lo7 Alitho'.tv (jnl.t!"iv ls:,s J.tsej h ilogendoblt-r" Ii-S J I! Washer 1S5H Jacob M il'i r 18 )9 (ieorie Zimmerman, Elian Kl-inl.art, IS51.) Elian I'.im nliurt, lft.'tl) James ( lal.e-')' ! Irt.VJ David lld er i M.'jS .l r,t!i.i:n Eehir.an .'J J.il.n C Voniig i IS.'.'.I Joint rariiituurth ! I8.",0 J.tllll Uaiil'or.1 IH.'i'J Eanii-1 Willi' I85'J Jacob Huiisitkir : lso!) .laftli It Clark , I SMI J V Coodlaiider ! In.vj II K Gulp i I8CU Jacob S iiitltil )Ki;0 John H llati,t ISliO Joim II l.lti'.-l at 11 j ISCO Jacob 1) II oilman IK;U Edivanl Dutiin ; l.Slil) .1 atoli II un-li ker I Mil) UaiUL-l U Conrad I lt(j') tieorijc Harris I ttst'.O P!iilii Kerrli tter ! 1 (-1.0 hamuli Prtickeiiiiller 1SC0 Jonas Stino I IMiO li i: Ciiii I but) Joaepli Jel.ii-:ct:i I l SHU tit-ori-e 1' Muilz ! 1HI0 William Johnson i IHliO Eenjamin lialnur j ISIitl (iolmiton Ir-liliidil j lbt.0 John l.ttmplu-r ; ISt.O John J. Killer I lMtii John rurusuortll 18li0 Joseph liruvea : ls(it) E T liruiitlielicr ISOO John Uaolord 1SG0 John DuiikitbcrgtT Those marked ') l.ave since y iid. Mailed Statement of Finnncrs of Northumberland Coi.i.ty, January 1, leCl. DR. To amonnt of rmtFtandirc Com- mib.-Moijer'n onliTj lor 1EC0 i ! previous yetirtf, 1 ! T-. ........... ,.f ........In r,,.lc ..l.na ai 42 the iudt-btedutsb of the county 7001 00 $3313 41 57H13 I t 100 00 1293 27 S9313 41 cn. By balance due n per nodilor'-t settlement ilh Jacob F. Holirhaeh, Treaeurer, By amount duo from Francis Bneln-r, former Treasurer. By amount due from Jacob Youog, former Treasurer, 477 S3 111EG 28J 111 60 S. 19708 'ii Northumberland County in account u ilh the Cumumnwerlth of Fenneylcania respecting State Tux on Real and Personal, from the first day of January 1859 to December the 31at of the same yeur, both Coys inclu sive. PR. To amount fixed by itevenue eommieeioners fer I960, 14339 55 To b'inc sMesssd by Coflui; CR. Ry xonrattons, Collectors perventsgo, Uy Cnes outstuuding up to Juno.. ry 1, 1661. 8G 00 1 la S3 42 21 S3 147 43 (Treasurer' commission on 2l 85 isy amount one Uoiuflionwdalih Expenditures Heveiptt of Aorthnmhirland Cour,ti,from the first day of January lfitiO, t' the last day of December, vf the sume year, both days inclusive. DK. To 123 orders Issued by Com missioner's for vieniiitf uud surveying rosds, bridges. 4ie. To 11 orders for prison expenses, To 7'J orders Cummoaweallu costs, To 10 or Jars for Coroner's in- 10 (Iff 103 Oil 853 92 (int'stB, l.M CI To fid orders for Constalilo's nnv 320 02 I'o fid ordurs for Constalilo's pny I'o S7 orders bridyo building St ripairs, 990 21 72 (JU IS 00 Ml CO m fin 119 2S S13 SO 70 CO F3:i 03 SclI tij To I ord'tr for county nurlitor's. To 1 order Tor S. 1J. Jnrdoo uu- ditinp oBico nrcnantr. To 4 orders for liefunditie. 'I'o 5 orders for Joseph Kvcrett, To & orders for Samuel Ktit, 'l' 1 r., lt,,i; r-i...t. i . v , i . , i . ii 1 1 1 y i. nun, .'To 2 ordurs for printirp. To 45 orders for assessor?, 'P.. A- f. ...ul:.. i.. :l ir. j. I i ' I-' viui-13 nn iiuom- 1-HillUilil'", of To -. fur '... ' , . - --- i n - torni'V 27 22H:. :i;".3 23'i 1 111 to I SI or. To 37 order? fir rood damnjes, To 5 orders for utt'y for county, To M order? for juror's puy, To 13 orders for court crier, To U orders f.ir Sheriff's lees, To 40 orders for fo.v. sculps, 04 f.8 2) 00 '.'7 20 To 21 orders for ti.cldetituld 2:'-3 (i l 71) 00 2-17 V2 loll) orders lor r upI, To 15 orders for clerk's pay, To (i!) orders for election expea eeS To 1 order ncrienllura! snriety, If 10 J 00 i I'o 2 orders for l'enut-ylvuni.i ! Lunutic Assylnni To 1 order for stationfiry. j To amount of outstundiditit; rena- ly orders, for ISj'J and previ i otis years, ! To depreciated money, sno 50 ' lo I ri;asurer's cjnini'.ssioa CO ' $12055 33 orders paid. 17'.) 25 10 00 301 33 I C21 1 CR. $U07S 77 Dy linlaneo di:o county by Jacob 'i F. Ki.hrbaeli, Treusurer, US per ri'cei t. 1, .!), Cy c;i h received Irom collectors for ItT.O .v: previous yet.r9 Dyciii-li liom u list'tit-. d hind?, l',y cush front se.ite-.l lattt's, Dy cali ri-'ii:'ided by cu!lctors liieli h.id beeu fcxotioruled und since puid, Hy cash ree'd from V. r.'irher, Uy cash received fur rent of pub lic buildings Ac. Uy umount ree'd from Tlucksters, by umount of excess of expeuui luro above receipts, S 2.1 IS lo;-:s or, ."IS 70 130 5tJJ 132 80 100 00 U0 00 23C0 73 $ 1407a 77 Jacob F. Rohrlnch, Esq., Treasurer, in ac aunt U'ilh lite Treasurer of Siholl Roard anl Supervisors of Roads for Taxes on t'nated and Unseated Lands for the y.ars lid8 and 1B50. j DK. ; To amount received for rond tax 1.711 42 i To " " echoul " 1552 55 00 ! I S300u 97 Cll. By receipts from Sobool Treasu rer's uud liuad Supervisor's. I'y balance in Treasury, 2050 C4 lid S3 30'JG 97 ljiCO and Precious Years. Delaware 829 6(1 5 57 Ktiamokin 100 70 Zcrhe Northuitihorlaud C2 CI 83 53 Zirl.a 7b Milton .IS C2 Mt. Carmel 114 S3 V.,3 17 Point Si 6S I'pper Augusta 12S UJ 0 77 Coal 01 ts-i Coal 13 05 K'3 UJ Delaware U'J7 S3 b!) 114 Mount Canned Ul 7 4$ 15 Ku.ii 233 41 43 4S !uiibi;rv 1U0 4S 7il K'J ruper AugQFla 175 75 3i 80 Zrlie 1 67 Jackson P7 78 I.ewU ,'" (S Ci Lowlt Augusta "i i Miiton "ill 61 .McEnenrvili -i Ul Cltiiisquaque 579 37 Cu7 3S Cameron 1 IC li l;: 91 P.iawaro 310' 'Ji 7U9 3d Jutkaon It) JoiJau 155 41 ICO PC Lewis !iO Oi 731 '3 Lower Aujett iiiii 19 3n.j 15 Lower Mahonoy 183 7i'i So.ifil Little Malioitoy 110 'i'J bo iii Milton 140 3o et Mount Carmel rt fl 92 f-7 McL'ttni. villi '21 t7 14 h ,N. ,-lliuiuUilanJ 10S 70 2:iJ II Point iii 10 3'.5 Ci) Ku.li CI S'.l 12 7 1 47 Mnmokin 3T3 SI 5i.-, 01 fc-iiiibury 370 li'jli 01 Tutbutvillo 40 !: , fi3 51) TurLtut "AS l':l 5t',j 12 I'pper iluitita y-r,7 10 4'j'J jj Ljper Malicnoy 130 SI IU id Wmdiintou 70 71 15 ! 7.-rb 450 33 5.'2 (!l Coal 333 ol) 8uj,7 7 S7I70 07 S701 si 19 19 () to he settled hy adminitltiitor. eotnmi??iocer3 ovtr the otn't CieJ by rweuue couiaiisiu.Hts, 03 PC h u t: fcl Bv amrnnt of Etnto tax aitesfe l forlrCO. fl3C: 13 CC By ameuiit a-r-seil on nutcatrd lands lor 1S.VJ and 18( 0, 7il r"j HUT2 51 Ve th ttndersipncrj An!itnrsof "or thuinberUntl county, Stele of reunMlv.in;. tin certify that in puiuatice of thu -1th t-eo-liou ol an act regulating couoties and t'wn thipH passetl uu the loth day of April liiJI, we met at the Contiuissioners' oflice, iu tlio borough of fiun bury, en tho 'Jlst day cf J auuury 101, and adjourned f:om liuia to lime, and did audit nutl ct'ttlo the several accounts required of es ereeabln to the said acts of Assembly end 'supplements thereto, according to thu best of our jude. inents 'and ubilitiee. And wo du further cettiiy that upon doe examination of tho expense book of the county, the indt btedness of the came yet unpaid in orders is 171 1 42. la wittiest-us whereof we hafo hereunto ret our lands aod ol. this 1-Ub day February, ooe thousand eigbt huadruts 009. C. F.L1TTI.K, V. Vf. URAY. JOHN HFi'-V, I..S I.. S us LIVE AHD LGAHN1 LET THE riOPLE STILL. COMIMB TO L.lTt AND TIir.Y WILL SOOM LEARN THAT V RILING & CItAKT, A T Till! HASIIIOTH STOEE, ARE SELLING GOODS CHEAPER than can bo purchased elsewhere. A- FRESH BTJIIL'S? Uit received by UeilroaJ (his neck KEMEMBEKTHIS. AN1 PnoFIT 11 IT. Punhury, Deremhcr IS, 1SC0. SENT BYEXPRlnSS" -;'" i'fiM A B f- Retailed at Wiia'osslo Price m&e StSSct SVVt; HaSo to Lkr.suro at ipl3 nsr dczr- OR SIS FOR NIKE Oti?.S, !lRtLout CsUari cn.ritU Co'lara cn 1 2 V S:,t- sstre. H.KDZ OP SETT-TOSS iUL13 StCaW, yr.'Ai Cr.o I.trfn IJooma, im'i v.-ftrmntt-il as f.tO'l a Ehirt as suM in tbs retail itcrci tit 3-:.--0 caca. aito, ma vrmr vi-zt fh tp.tp that c.:t sk MATtU AX t luVCTL V. 3. TTiors li9 tUiit! I car.ti'jt tiwteawfl !V.rt!-.r (1J Vcr J-:-'a rtitLsa. il.r's (Uj cst vt iuj f.O ytr.'.3 or::rf.York5WstnnT!ar.M-'.Ve. rT-t-1 "" 7 r.ris cf fini L'.nen, ct OOo. rcr yarj, 3 Ttl takirToacat?ire. 9 ln.r-.ury, ij bttttccs Lad eolten, t.-Je 1 I 1'ca'M - l-j Tctil.. - 13CJ Eolf Kcasia'cmcnt for Shirts. Printed tllrlioni icLt free oTrywhcre, nnd po c.'y li ur.dcrstaud, thut any cne enn ta':e their crn mea.un for f!:irt9. I f-.-nrrrtn. & fod tit, 71. e crux tj te J.uld Lo ii.t Lrpress Corjp&ny on receipt, 0 gou-lj. The KrnrcTS rhnrres ra 003 idea HiuxU frra ITeTv. Tori; to INcf Or.Mas is tU hftvlr t!mr to rend lor Kiiie'' vf Mfisurcnip"-;, h:.pc11 fee 1 ji'T mail, prcwaid, enn of th WstfittlrshirM .'..- LhTd jot, Elai.i j ar.y U'cr.tiictuj tliat iaay be r-v..lri.U. f S. T7. II. "v7ArtD, from Louden, SS7 Broadway, up stairs, ', .Betwea V,TU-.;i- Vi'sUvr tr-'j I V-VORS-March 10. IgJl.-tf P ATI" N'T SJ'IIINU IIORJSF., ISIiouIj! Ito in every family. School, Cymnasi urn, Asjltim, and Hospital in the land. Arn not D.NUKKi ll.'S, like tho common RockiiiK lit rsc. 6UihU firm on ita Pcdertnl, will not wear CAKPLTS, und has no Rockers to injuru the Fert. UcaUii tit. J hui if ner.s in the r.ime saddle. " N V. IVij 43 00 FHOMTHB "HOMn .ion "Of all tlif ol.il J -furnilur" we hiivo ever recti no nrtielvcoml.ines f-i ttiik'.i "f t!ie;a twj impor tant thine, health and LappiiiiE-i us the Ad justable l i.ter.t SIclI S("in.r Saudle-IIerse, in-ver.i'-d by Jesse A. Cr:'.ri'..i!l, It if not clunker-. otis, like common rot kiu-lwrte. to tliildn:i'. !re. ci.ntio! be vpset, does not wear carifti, but stand tirin on iis hiif..', and its ncli.in i o liko the ftallop of a live boro t.ut t!u child never tveariet of it. Thi atext n iiihi noveitifc is ex ceetlmly cb eanl nnd arli-tii: i-i derii:n ; nnd n atljuftal.le, f ub-t.tnti il, ur.d tliiraole. 111 it it v i! last a lifetime. It in iudi.jpc'.uuhhi in every family wlit re there are children. It should bn in every primary erhool ov.tl g.Mnnasiuni in thu country, as it can be mode Urge and strong .'iioush to sustain grown :cr-otis. As a prdeatal for photographic piciures, nothing ia More beauti ful. Every Oiplnn Acylu'n and I:-.t:tution where children arc cone refuted, should le furniahetl v.iih a number of liiii-c lea .:!iol articles They are lined with aidc-Eaddics v.hcr. rttpiiicd." MUECTIONS F(!i: A l'Jl.'.STIXCr. Open the after part of the bu-to auliicieiitly to alio v tbo axle to go in itM place ; then rais e or I v.er tie Horse to kiiil ou. fccreiv the lolii in toe tide erv tiul.t. W Theso Horse ora Yv AKIIAK l i:!) one vc.-.r. Mnrrh in, lfCl.tf Oval t,soJos:r.'ii!3 G'VnEut'M. desire to call (he attention ofthe pi!.Hs " (oour Lithoeoiiia (Ival riW.ojr.raj h f'rj.'i ta. They p ''iii all liie (tootl ipiih'.lfii ol wood fi.uiii with lit.- udai tajeof (-ru'er dtiriil'ilit in. tloy iii-v. r warp or craclc, and are tjld much cheaper. t.'o f.bo I.umi un hand a htre variety of V'0''1 ( l V A l."5, wliii o e oir:r twenty liv-) per cent 1-wvr ih.iu can l e bovuhl t Iscwhete. Also, a pood &--rirlir,ent of Pasa l'art..uts. f .jiune I''i'.itnea ut proporlioiti!y low price'. All order bv mail t-rotuijtly tilled. All whu 43 ' pome to orr ftrr:il (.'ttiiiii t rtiai .Metropolis wo j invite tw cull sit. and rxamine. II. V. . L.1I4- C(. 4.3 Broudivitv, New Vo:. Msnh m. T6!. ' C. i:i:7iiiUit'2 & sov, i:..Mft'Ti-itKl;s VF F I N P 3 T li L A 1. 1 T Y OP BOOT S AND ei-IOTSO r vil OUM LIiMEN II' LI O L Il ' A I E AND RETAIL V 4'tltl. l".Ui!h Mref. IVlihiMphM. - lii:,!.u r W. J. sMtyssnr. March U, Irvi. tim. Ts Hitiics, Jewelry 4i Kllvr Ware irTT-t; wuiilj Tfj--i f nlly inf. .rui our I'riertt's, paitons W attJ tin- (tal'iit- L-fntrmly. lli'tt w, littve now itittt'ts ami i lTtr WI!l'i.l't.Vl li .WO RKTAll., Rt lite lowest r.i.li I'tii-'s. a liiiiT' umi Vf v.-lt. nee ntwl of WATI'llliS1, Ji: KLIt V, l it .V.NU I'l-ATIIU WAKH, o every VMttrrv etui tv, Ia-'in : Svtii.ii-'u ef 1.1 VMOVD WORK en.l t.ih-r JITtvit'.i'Y. nn..! !. crater, ut hrt i.ottca. W AU rtnnt..d t.t be r.-j-rsi-nictl N. 11 I'tiitti-iilitr s'.teittwit jrtv-M in il-a ret9irn if Wauics and Jcnclty nt rv.-ry ,1 ti-riuuiui. t I At Kt't:it ,V llAlttTT, No. (IN MntVi-t Suet t, S. ata St.le, rintaaelplm. Mari U S3, IMW. ttn r.urJifriR! "zTurrisijR r u i l i r w h a v . IwtXTiM'O', I'A.. P NFORM3 his frieiids and the public in gene of sixty j f rl. that he constantly keeps bund. Husrdj, : fnirg!-s. Lath. Joists ard all kinds uf l.umb-f ; ni building uaaiajUU, nbicb L v.iU i l':w.-t price. , Sl.i.tt SJ, Mil. l'I st tu
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers