Jfrom SBtasjjinjjion. HlOM WASHIISQTUIV. Washington, April 1, 18CI. CBANOB OF Ttlt CAPITAL. Kibootd tbe old Dominion retire from the Onion to join the Confederacy, it will be oecesaary to remove the seat of government, end tbe people of Colombo, Obio, ere al ready endeavoring to pave the mj for teuinval thither. But io the event of the recurrence of thin calamity, .Philadelphia wonld doubtless be selected, end lodepen' 1oce lltll wonld again be tbe iceoe of National councils. COKfMSKCf ACTtOI. The Methodists, who constitute en Inr portent petition of oar community, are de. lighted with the recent action of the Philadelphia Conference. Formally ac knowledging that "it ta Indispensably neces sary for allayinr the excitemeut and resto tin peace and harmony la the Southern border of the Conference that the new chapter on slavery, inserted In tbo discipline by the Inst General Conference should be repealed," it declares "that the nnnusl con fereocei be left to make their own regulations oo this subject." Is not this the proper frrnuod for the deneral Government to take oa slavery, and should nnl the States ' be left to make their owe regulations oo this sub ject. TDK CUSTOMS. Collector Carney, of New York, Is here receiving bis instruction!!, and it is said tbat it will Dot be, after all, such a difficult matter to collect duties under tbe new Tariff act a the New York "repealers" would make out Let it bavu a lair trial, even if tbe "buff Ineo" who represent foreign manufacturers ure nut pleased nitb it. CONDITION Or THR TRKASCRT. In the United State Treasurer's monthly Statement of this date, he gives the following as the stele of tbe Treasury on tbe 2 5 1 h of March : Total amount on deposit, $5,167.500 00 Drafts heretofore drawn, but not yet paid, anil certain diQuietices, leave the ueletuouu'. subject to draft, $2,704,091 04. r'ORKION VKsSEl.l OF WAK. The intelligence of a largo fleet being fitted out in England and Trance is received with incredulity by tho Administration. It is no unusual thing for two or three Knglish and French ships of war to cruise near tho (iulf, and it is probable that the recall of present ship, and snbsliluliug others, Kay be the cause of tbo rumors. AM KXTRA SMStOM. 1 he Cshioet are said to be divided as to the policy of an extra eessioo. Mr. Howard opposes it, as be is willing to give tbe new Tariff a fuir trial, and be tears new mod.Gca' turns will occur, that will be of no benefit. M r. Cbase is said to favor it lor tbe opposite reason, aud the i'resideut is inclined to yield In bis Secretary of tba Treasury, for to fatal he has to look for the sinews of war. As Congress arijourutrj without providing pay fur the new oilicers in Nevtia, Pucotiib, and Colorado, tbey are said to fuvur ea extra session of Congress. KrwsPAi'Ka sRCRisiny. The Uicbmond Whig bas been compelled to yield its strong Union sentiments before i the gradual eDcroucbments of Secession. 1 Hubert Kidgway, a staunsh Union man and an abld editor, bas wilhdrawu from iU con trol. A CMO! AKMT IN TDK SOUTH. An agent of General Sam Houston h been in the cily fur sever! days, it is said' with tbe iuteuiion of proceeding North to purchase arms and muuilions of war. He Mates that "Old Satr." is raisin; an army ol from three to five tboasand meu in Texas. Arknnsas, Missouri, and Tennessee to oppose the jurisdiction of tbe Confederate Stales. Ii is rumor d that he bas bad an interview with tbe Cabinet with a view to informing tliein of the real seuliuieots of the people in tbe Lone Star State. A SECRET MOVKMEHT. H-liable advices from Richmond give In formation tbat a secret movemeot is on fool tor the purpose of precipitating matters. Subjoined is a copy of a circular, of which great numbers have been sent from Richmond to tbe localities where tbe secession fever is rife : Richmond. Vs., , 1861. Your presence is particularly requested at Uichmoud, oo tbe day of . to consult witb tbe friends of (southern Uigbls as to tbe course which Virgiuia ebuuld pursue la tbe present emergency. I'lense bring witb you, or send, a full delegation of true and reliable met from your own county : and, if cooveui' ent, aid Ibe same object iu tbe surrounding counties. Oo arriving at Richmond, report yourself and companions immediately, to , at . Bigoed by Samuel Woods, of Harbour; J. R. Cbambliss, of Greensville ; Charles i Collier, of Petersburg ; Joo. A. Herman, of Augusta; Henry A. Wise, of Princess Anne ; J no. T. Audnrson, of Dotetonrl ; Wit, F.Gordon, of Albermarle ; 'Tbos.JefTe.rton Randolph, of Atberuiurle j James W. Shef field, of Siny the. Taking this in conoection with the fact tbat Deo. McCullocb, the Texan Uaoger, is in Virginia, stirring op secession, pure-basing nrois. Securing recruits, and doing all tbe mischief he can against the Federal Govern ment there is reason to fear that a dead set will be made to coerce and iotimidate tbe Virginia Convention into a vote in lavor of separation. 'Tbe War Department baa re ceived ioformalioo tbat movements are on foot to excite a border foray between Virgin ia and the District of Columbia, so that tbe Federal Capital may be suddenly seized and transferred to the C. S. A., and thus compel a recognition trora loreigQ rowers as toe only true Government. IISTKRKaTIKQ KHO.U W AelllSCTO. Tke eight mil Hon Govermmsnt Loan Twenty' seven Millions Did. A Monarchy for the South.'- Virginia Vacillating. Exciting News from Texas Gen. Ampudia March ingon Browntville. 'ftiatit Preparing fur Defence. 7'he Landing of Troops at Fori Pickens Discredited. From Keg JIVit. The St. Domingo Annexation. Warlike from Havana Miramon About to Invade Mexico Municipal Election. WaauihOTON, April 3. Tbe Secessionists have already repudiated tbe doclrioe of popular sovereignty, and bave ot eveo allowed tbe people a voice io tbe important transfer of their allegiance. It ii now (aid that tbe Representative! of tbe European powers hare bave bad it intimated to them tbat tbe Montgomery Cooslitutioa is but tbe Bret step towards tbe eslablisn. meot of a Constitutional monarchy, as tbe Uadiog Secessionists ase coovinced that Democracy is a failure, aud tbat tbe people are incapable of eeif-goverooiaDt, except where there are a "master race," wilb ilavea bsnealb tbern. This attempt to destroy the Independence of a large portion of tbe American people, and to establish a military dictatorship, is carefully kept ont of eight just now, as it might check tbe revolutionary movement io Virginia, North Caroline aud Teooessee. Iiut it is a well ascertained fact that not only ta those States, but inotbirs oortu of tbeui, including tbe famoos "Keystone" of the old democratic arch, tbera are men wbo begin to iuclioe toward ccore powerful role tban has, of late years, beeu exercised over to is It suiHrelle yilo ef psjtissa to'uilcs which Insures office to a caucus nominee, has made too many of our public men mere "trimmers." ready ta spread their sails to catch any little wbifT of favor tbat may tell in a primary meeting, and others beaidei the Secessionists feol that we coed men in office of uerve and of purpose. Vittomu Vacu.latiko. Senators Mason end Hunter, with Pryor and Garnet, of the last House of Representa tives, are secondiog Governor Wise in bis revolutionary movements. Home go so far as to predict thst a Convention, which will be called at Richmond un April 16th, will proclaim Henry A. Wise Governor, and will place the Old Dominion onder the autocratic rule of tbe Southern Confereracy without consulting the people. COKRCIOF. Tbe reporter of the New York 7Vifcun may be correct in bis assertion that eight hundred men are to be landed at Fort Pick ens from the Squadron, vi i From the Brooklyn, steam corvette, 310 men Sabine, sailing frigate, 250 men; St: Louin, sailing corvette, 160 men f from smaller craft, (artil lerists,) about 80 men. Total 600 men. 'I bis detailed statement baa an authentic sir, but yet this is not credited by those wbo have facilities for becoming acquainted with the views or tbe Administration. Unless they are deceived, the storeehip Supply bus been ordered to land provision, but no men or munition of war, at Fort Pickens. But should Mr. Bragg, who commands the Seces sion forces thereabouts, open Gre upon this pacific movement, it is certain that Common der Pemlergraet, of the lirooklun, will come to tbe aid of Lieutennnt Slemmur. Tub loan. President Lincoln tins expressed himself as much pleaged with the improvement iu tbe bidding since tbe last loan was nuked. Washington, April 2 The Commission ers from tbe Southern Uonfudrucy disbelieve the rumors in tbe prep relative to the rein forcement of Fort Pickens, and have so advi sed their Government at Montgomery. Commander Penderprast, wlm is unified in cue of these reports as having oidered the Itnding of the men at Fort Pickeos, is ut Norfolk instead of Pensauula. from the Canton Press. rr.nninLK are i.v t iiiia-two iiun- UllKfl BANDIT BKIIEADKD. Foocmur, Nov. 23, I860. The entire community here, native and foreign, ha beeu thrown into e state of great excitement during the lt few days, tho cause and progress of which I shall try to give you as briefly as I ceo. Vuu are aware that for some years past a filed has existed between Cantonese and Chinchewite sailors end lorchameu. This broke out afresh during Jane of this current year, and io a more formidable form than it hud previously hsmitiih). J!y a wily policy the warlike lurches, num beiing souie tweuty-tbree, were enticed to leave this river. As soon as this was mana ged, the lorul authorities dutermined liereaf '.ut to cor fine all Canton lire lies and West Coast bunts to tbe anchoragH at Quantow, shout ten or Iwelvo miles below the Pugoiij SMulicn. To curry out his resolution, a large body of native militia and murines were col lected, chiefly from Q'lemoy and Amoy, several war juuks and armed pullaway boats were fitted up, and tho entire force was put under command of Commodore Woo, a bruve fierce fellow, dreaded by I.M own class as a man of war, and bated by canlonese as a sav age villain. Commodore Woo bad ben on the watch fully anticipating tho move tbat Ibis outside foe would maku to bolt past bis etation and ascend the river io a collected body. Tbey attempted this on last Monday, tbe 19th, but found tbeir match in tbe commodore. Tbi-re sailed past his guard post three, some say ten, Canton lorchns and tymoons ; others hanging on Outside io cs this detachment succeeded. Tbey wero allocked by lbs mandarin force : threo were buret, two ran up to take refuge at the Pagoda anchorage, and tbe rent made out to sen as fuBt as they could. Tbe remainder of tbut day was occu pied io pursuiug and capturing the fugitive pirates who bud erc.iped on Khore. Next morning, the 20th, tbe Mandarin armed boats were iu pursuit of tbe two boats that had escaped op tbe river. They cams up wilb them about noon, lying in shore at tbe Pagoda. There tbey were attacked, tbeir crews dashed ioto tbu stream to swim eshire, and while 11 ating oo the water some forty or fifty were speared and shot; a fine sight to be seen for foreign seamen anil residents ! Early in tbe morning of tbe 21st, it was evident, from the packed throngs oo tbe great bridge and the buhbub around, tbat something strange and novel and exciting bad occurrbd. About 9 o'clock, some of the Mandarin war bast 8 had come up with two prizes and two hundred captured pirates. The latter tbey commenced to laud, each man nnder guurd of at least four murines, bearing drawn awords, spears, matchlocks, or sporting gay flags. Tbe captives were io a terrible plight, stripped and naked, bands tied witb awful tightness behind their backs, aud feet scarcely able to walk, while tbey were driven along with the most barbaroua savageness. Right or ten bad been beheaded oo their wav np tbe river, and two or three just as they were shoved on sbore, Tor showing fight and reluctance to move on. Tbe beads of these unfortunates were slung on poles, and swung before tbe eyes of tbe remaiuder as a token of what awaited them very shortly. When all had been landed, tbey were marched acrocs the bridge to '.he nortern end, and oo the way, a if to gratify tbe public gaze, tbe beads of four were deliberately chopped off, and tbeir corpses flung ioto tbe river below. Iiut we were surprised io seeing, when it was supposed that all had crossed tbe bridge, a large band of captives returoiug put-baste. Tbey were stowed away again oo board these war junks, bound and tied wilb double fury, several bauds tied together. No mercy was shown to any. A boy of ten was pushed in with a naked sword over bis head. An aged wretch failed to creep back to bis boat, sod was flung on board to expire as best be could. Almost all bad tbeir wrists so tightly tied tbat the flesh was. eaten ioto, aud tbe spectacle broogbt vividly to mind tbe tor tures inflicted oo onr countrymen io tbe Nor'.b, over whose cruel fate there is oo one that does not mourn. These armed boats, with a cargo of 170 Cbloese pirates, shoved off to go back to Quantow, to bave tbern decapitated there; tbe remaining thirty having been carried on to tee North Gote execution ground. Upon this announcement the thick crowds uioved away, and tbe thronged streets and bridge were cleared. Hut thst Mandarin move ' ' fouod, after all, to be a dodge At v oi ock ice crowds bad been thickeuiog and it began to be apprehended tbut the large Canton population bere might rise and attempt tba rescue of their countrymen, who were ireaieo, ueiora iDsir very ryes, so mer ciieaciy auu oruiauy. i ne manoeuvre sue. cedd in tbiuuiog the streets, end at signal tee boats were moved back to tbeir position as iu tbe moroicg, the unfortunate t. clime were at once landed, and, with tbe same gusrd, tbey were hastened alone street of two miles In length at double quick time, to tbe parade ground outside the South gate. Here tome of tbe principal offioiels were seaUd at 3 o clock, at a tribunal, wbicb, without trial or mercy, was to burr more then 150 of tbeir fellows ioto eternity. Tbe work wa short; one after tbe other tbe btle lot wa beheaded, and in half an bou the jndgea, troops, aod stariog mob were oiepersed. Among tbe captive there were two jootbs of 10 and 12; for one of tbern seven merchant tr.. ,1 ileir guarantee.; end be was nv-'l I - ' ' id onlieeOed - , tat) oocarite i.i iu -ctti.'iji-l's lii The executioners, of whom there were seve ral, vied to see who could do tbe largest amount of work ; one succeeded in cutting oB 63 heads, for which be would receive what be would consider a handsome douceur, as 000 sash ia given for each caput. Commo dore Woo, tbe hero of tbe day, went to tbe tribunal witb a blue button, but returned to bis fleet with red one, honored and ap plauded by all bi co maodaiin. It is worthy of note that those brigands tbat made tbe desperate eflort to break tbe blockade against tbe Canton lorcbaa, did so just after the John Adams, U. 8. man-of-war, left tbe port. okatii of an ex-r.sirntESS. An Ex Empress died in Pbiladelpia, last week. We refer to Madame Huate de Ytur bide, widow of tbe former Kmperor of Mexi co, whose decease took place on Thursday Inst, at ber lodgings in broad street- 'This estimablo lady, wbo has resided io Philadel phia since tbe execution of her husband by tbe Mexican Government in 1824, belonged to a distinguished Spanish family long resi dent in Mexico. Her misfortune, as well as ber good qualities as a woman, had secured ber the regard of the society in which she moved. A pension from tbo Mexican Gov. ernment enabled ber to educate ber family liberally, and she has performed ber duties as a mother, and a member of society in a fuitb ful and exemplary manner. One oi two of the sons of Madnme Ytur bide hove, we believe resided in Mexico of late year, and have held office under tbe Gov ernment. Her daughters were unable to be present at tbe funeral, which took place on Saturday mornio?, at St. Joseph' Church. Tbe service was of tbe simplest, most unos tentatious kiud. There were none of tbe kindred of the noble ludy, who once wore a crown, to fullow her remains to the grave. A few gentlemen of Philadelphia, whose social position had brought tbern iolo inti mate relations with the family in past times, attended the funeral ; and scarcely one in ten thousand of tbe vast populaliuu of the city where she had long resided, know that tba grave bad tbat day closed over one wbo unce held rank as an Kmpress. Tbo sad nCliclioo that has thos befallen the family of M adame de Yturbide reculls to the memory of the heroic career of ber noble husband. He was tbe great man of tbo best days of Mexico, lie was the author of ber separation from Spain, and tbe Mexican people, io the first flush of tbeir gratitude, fairly thrust opon him tbe rrnwn, which he bad designed, in tbe famous "Plan of Iguala," for a Spanish Prince. He was proclaimed Kmperor witb the title of "Auguxtio the First," on the night of May 13th, 1332. Fer a long time ha refused tbn proffered crown, and it was only after tbe Congress bad voted for him by a vote of 77 to 15, tbat be accep ted it. In the folllowing month tbe Congress voted unanimously fur making the crown hereditary in tbe family .of Yturbide, aud soon after he was solemnly crowned. Hnt tbe fickle and faithless Mexican people did not. staud by the monarch tbey bad cho sen. The military leaders tbut huve been the curse of the country begun to conspire against the Government. A civil war arose iu which Sauta Anna sonn become a pronii-. nent leader against the Kmperor. A repub lie was procluinied and on ibe 20th of March 1823, after a turbulent reign of less tban a year, Ylorbida abdicated. Permission was granted to him to leuve the country, and a pers on of $2.1.000 a year was allowed him. 11 n went wilb his family to Italy, but return ed, iu 1S24, to Mexico, where, in the mean, time, be bad been prescribed as a traitor, thongb bo did not know the fuct. Gen. Garza, tbe Governor of Tamaulipus, preten ding friendship, betrayed bim to tbe Congress or that State, aod be was immediately arrest od, aod, without a trial, was sentenced to deatb. The sentence was carried into effect at Pad.lla, July 19th, 1824, less than a week from the tune of his landing on tbe coast, and before an appeal could be made to tbe general Government at Mexico. He died like a hero, addressing some manly words to tbe soldiers and himself adjusting tbe band age over bis eyes before bo was shot. Mei ico has never bad a braver man or a purer patriot io ber Government. Philadelphia liullttin. Tub Fvaccation of Fobt Sumtfr Cot Lamon and M aj. Andkkson Tbe recent vis it of Mr. l.amnn to Fort Sumter bas been ery freely discusned- tbe general impression beiog that Laaion was tbe bearer of some def ioite aud final instructions relative to theevac uation. 'The Charleston correspondent of tbe New York 7'iWs, under dute of March 27th, givesthe following account of the transaction : Karly Monday morniug, Col. Lamon, escort ed by Col. Petligrew, repaired to the Govren or's bead-quarters, and there held a pro longed interview. Gen. Beauregard was no! present at all, as tbe telegrams may state to you. .Mr. .Lamon then hastened to Sumter, with private orders for Muj. Auderson, which were given in the presence of tbe Aid of Gov. Pickens. After examining minutely the fort, tbey returned to tbe city io the steamer Planter, wbicb bad been placed at their espe ciul service. Mr. Lemoo eipreseed himself as most agreeably disappointed with the Cbarlesloniaos, and in tbe state of affairs here, and left it to be inferred that he, as well as bia particular friend, tbe President, had been imposed oo by partisan sheets at the North. Un parting with Gov. Pickens, Mr. Lemon was presented witb a section of Palmetto wood, tbe Governor fa:etiously requesting bim to ask tbe President to try end split it. It was a very good joke, and bad a very nice point, as oil who know bow very fibrous tbe palmetto wood is will see. So Mr. Lamoa departed Monday piuhl at 11 P. M.. stalini; tbat be sbould return in a fete daiM villi the order fur the evacuation, his visit upw being simply to find out bow, and unoer specific in struction Major Audursoo would be willing to evacuate. 1 will state bere that wben Commander Hartsteue visited Fort ciumter witb Surgeon Fox, tbat tbe Uoctor remarked that "it reBled altogether witb the Major bow to leave." Major And rson replied very promptly, "put tbat in writing, Uoctor, as com mg from lieuerul bcott and tbe whole Labi net, including tbe President, aod I will leave to-morrow." Ur. 1' ot had to reply that al though be was authorized verbally to state as much, be bad oo tillicial permission to write it. This comes direct from Capluin llartt. teue, and is quoted verbatim. Tax Faxarn Porxav Ik Cnina. The Moniteur haa pubiiahed the following! An important conceaaioa has been obtained at I. anion in keeping with Ibe liberal clanaea in aerled io the treaty aigned in Pekiu. The Vice roy bas gronled to our miationariea, for the erec lion cf a Catholic church, a magnificent apace of ground situated in Canton itself, where aloud before the occupation of that city the palace of the celebrated Uovernor Yeh. New Advertisements. LUMBER! LUMBER, PHILIP 8 H A V , DVIXJJrOY, PA. NFORMS his frienda and tha public in gene ral, tbat be constantly keeps on hand, Boarda, Shingles, Lath, Joists ar.d all kinds of Lumber and building materials, wbicb be will sell at the lowest pncea. March 80. 1861. Eatate of II. j. WOLVCHTU.M, de ceased. rsv u I H& l oeraoy given, that letters at edm uistreuon having been granted to the under signed, on tbe estate of Horatio J. Wolverlon late of the borough of Hunbury, Northumberland counlv, Pan deceased. All peiaons indebted to said estate end those having claims against the same, are requested to present tbern duly aulhan1 tiea'ed lor settlement to l. fRf!lANA WOLVERTON. Adm'trii. J? W. X. Gaviieoree, her A'iomry. i.V t.ry, March 99, leTOl.- t Oral riiologrnph Frames. f desire to call the attention of the public ' toour.Lithoconia Oval Photograph Frames They poetess all the good qualities of wood frames Willi the advanta5eof greater durability as they never warp ur crack, and are sold much cheapor. We also have on hand a large variety of WOOD OVALS, whieh we offer twenty five per cent lower than can be bought elsewhere. Alio, a good assortment of Passe Partouts. Square Frames at proportionally low prices. All orders by mail promptly filled. All who come to our great Commercial Metropolis we invite to csll see aud examine, 11. W. LA 1)1) d CO. 4S3 Broadway, New York. March 30, lsfil. Attorney at Law, SUN BURY, Northumberland Co.. Pa (Formerly Freehurg, Snyder county.) OFFICE, Market Street, a few doors east of the Northern Central Railroad Depot and two deors west of the Pott Office. All Prufeainnal Businees, Collections, &c. will receive prompt attention. March 30. 1861 . SUN BURY ACADEMY. rpHESUMMF.il TEHM "f the Sunbuiy Acdmr will J. commence on the&h nf April, The. cuuiBe nr instruction einbmces every depart, meat f education tanght in mr licvt Academic, prepnriiif itieletiti une either for a pruienaiun ur In cutei any cIam in College. TERMS PKR QUAItTKIl: Common School Hrnrhf, H 00 Higher Kngltih Uranchea, ft 00 I,al in and Oicek language. 7 00 Tuition to bepnid before tho middle nf tha tenn. Honrd run Ire imd in privalo fum.Jiet at fium at 75 In 92 U5 per week. f P. WOLVKKTON, Principal Sunbury, March 30, lien. c iti;,iii:icT at so., MASorACTmr.m or FINEST QUALITY OF BOOTS A. N ID S3 H O E e ran uKiNTLemem WHO L K S A LE AND RETAIL No 48 South Fouiib Str. rt. Philadelphia. C. liEKttaxT. Vv. J. baMtar. March S3, IsSl m. Wntclieft, Jewelry & silver Ware WE would respectfully inform our frienda, pntmna Mnd the public icenerullv. the U'e hnve now in Store nudefler WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, l the lowtut C'mh Pncea, n luipe ami very choice stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY. SILVER. AND PLATED WARM, of cveiy variety and atyle. Every tleaeriolion of DIAMOND WORK and nthar JEWELRY, miule to order, at ahrt uotias W All Good Warranted to be na repreaentcd. N. B Particular attain ion given to the repairing of Wulcbea and Jewelry of everv denrripilon. STALKFER A HARLEY, No. M Mnrlcet Street, South Side, Phitaddpliia. March 23, lt.d0.-am H. WARD, Muiiufucturer of and Denim in STRAW GOODS, Noa. 103, KI3 ai d 107 North Second Street, Philadelphia. lirK are now are receiving our SPR1NO STOCK VV which will NMiipnae a large and dsnable aaaoit mcntol all kiiihaef Straw and Iace Goods. Alao,a large aisnriinentof Ladiea' A Children's flats. Our atock of Floweta and Rilcliea, will be unusually large ll.ia aetirou, niid we would invite your apecial attrn tioii to thul tleHirtiiient. Pleua call and exuinute ihrm ba fore luakiiie your purchaaea. II. WARD, Noa !ici, u5, A lu North Street, above Arcii. March SJ, IH3I 4t Do "ioif WAST WHISKERS. DO YOU WANT WHISKERS! DO YOU WANT A MOUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A MOUSTACHE? Rellinliaiii's Celebrated STIMULATING onouent, For the Whiskers and Hair. The Bubacriliers lake pleuaure in announcing to tha citi" zena ol the United Statea, liml they have obuilled the Apency for, aud aie now enublcd tuoffei Iu the American ptiiiiic, the auove justly ceicbraice ami world-reuuwuetl article. 77i Stimulating Onguer.t. is prepared by Dr. C. P. Dellingham, an eminent physician uf Loudon, and is warrantee to bring outu Ibivk act ot Whiskers or Moustache. in from three to aix weeks. Tha article is the only one of the kind uaed by the Flench, luid lit London aud Pa ria it ia iu universal uae. It ia a benuuiul, ecouomicnl, aoothilig. yet alimulnliug compound, actiniae if bv nmaic npon me mora, rousing a henliful growth of luxuriuut hair. II applied In the aulp.. It will cure bulitutaa, una cause to spring up iu piace oi the buldspmsa Sue itrowth of hnir. Applied according to directions it will turn red or tow) hair daik, and restoie pravhiiir to itsotiginal color, leaving II soft, smooth, and flexible. The '-unguent'1 is nn indispcusihlc article in e-et y gentleman's toilet, and after one week's use they would not for auv couaideratinn he without it. The subscribers are the only Agents for the article in tbe United Suites, to whom all orders must he addressed Price One Dollar a box for sule by all Druggists and Dealers; or a box of the "Ongueul" (wurniuled to have the drsired erTrci) will be scut to ony who desire it, by mull, direct, aecuielv patkee, on receipt of price ttudpual e,ei,l?. Apply to or enoress IIOIIACK I.. Ilf.GFMAN Ii CO.. Drueiiists, 4c ,'JI William St., New Yoik. For sile at this oiuce. March 30, leal. Z.Jl. CHA1TD ALL'S PATENT SPRING HORsE. 478 BROADWAY, NEW VOIIK. BhouM be in everv family. School, Gymnast . , . !.- I I m, Aavinin, anu nospiiai in ine iunu. ire not DANGEROUS, like the common Rocking oiae. Stands firm on its Pedestal, will not wear CARPETS, and has no Rockers to injure the Feet. Health and happiness in Ibe same saddle." N P. Willis FROM THE 'HOME JOURNAL." 'Of all the child furniture we have ever seen no article conil'ines so much of those two itnpor- snt tliiiiRS health anil happiness aa the Ad justable Patent Steel Spring Saddle Horse, in- vented by Jeaee A. uranuatt, it ia not uangnr. ous, like a common rocking-horse, to children's feet, cannot be upset, does nut wear carpels, but stands firm on ita hate, and ila action is so like the gallop of a live horae that the child never wearies of it. This .ate.t of child novelties is ex reedinsly elegant and artistic in design ; and so sdjustable, substantial, and duruble, that it will last a lifetime. It is indispensable in every family where there are children. It ah on Id he in every primary school and gymnasium In tne country, as U csn be made large anil strong mouch to sustsm grown persons. As a pedestal for photographic pictures, nothing ia more beauti ful. "Everv Oiphan Asylum and Institution where children ere congregated, anould be lurmsned with a number of these beautiful articlea Tbey are fitted witb side-saddles wben required." P1RECTION8 FOR ADJUSTING. Open the after pari of the base sufficiently to allow the axle to go in its place ; then raise or lower the Horae to suit you. Screw tbe bolts in the side verv light. CP" Tbese Horsea are WARRAFTED one year. March 16, U6t.tf COTTAGE BIBLES. f7 Oil SALE, cheap, three copies of the - Collage UiDIe, In two volumea ith eon mantares. II. B. MASSKR A t'reats Supplj uf Dry Goods. sT0N'8ISTINa ia Dart of Prints. Delaines blescbed and oubleached Muslins, Cheeks Stripe Denims, & Drills, Ae., just received by K. H. al tba Mam mot b store 01 . FIUL1NU GRANT DR1KDPKAC11ES. pared aod aopared al Ibe Mammoth atore af FRILINU GRANT War! War! War! COME FROM THE NORTH, COME FROM THE SOUTH, COME FROM THE EAST, COME FROM '1HE WEST, Sate the anunlry and build yourselves homes, for now is the lime to get your Lumber cheap. LUMBER f I.UJiuiER I ! LUMBER 1 1 ! can he purchased at low rates al the STEAM HAW-MILL of IRA T. CLEXVIENT, SUNBUKY, I3 -A-., Such as Panel Lumber, Frame Lumber, Uoarja, Siding;, 8hiniles fioin $:i to $B per thousand, Plastering Lath, Paling, Hoofing Lath, Ac, die. All bilia ordered, for any kind uf Lumber, will be furnished at the aborlest notice IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, March 9, InSI. l,lsT OF CAUAUS. 1?OR TRIAL in the Court of Common Pleas sf Nor tliuinueilaudcuunijr, at April Tenn, lirfl t runners. axraaiiAais. I John P. Summers va John McRainold. f Wm II Frvi'iite vs John Millet, S Meorge Lyon vs Eagely, Hubius A Co., I John Vincent, dec , Adw'rs vs David Wstsnn, dec'd.t Eicrmior, S Eilwaid HclfeHSteiii vs West fl ranch Insurants Co, S Peler Heuniugci VS Hallpt A Long, 7 John Vincent, dec., Adm'ra va David Watson, dceM., Executor. Ira T Clement vs Jumes Heard, 9 Oeorge Brr.sious, dec , Adm'rs va Peter Bixler, HI David Snydrr vs Thomas Burr, 11 iaac Kupp vsJeimy and JaueRebeeea Penttypackef Vi David Lewis Miller vs Dr. Em Frauciakua. IU sxme vs D K Aruwine and wife, 14 PhilipllilKert.dcc, Adm'ra va David Eahbach, 15 Solomon Snyder va W N and Riley iJasuan, ltt J. H Muaser vs Rig Mountain Improvement Co. t7 Uroaa and Kimkle vs James Covcit, H Molthew C Getty vs Chtiatian Albart, IU D II Driesbach and wife vs Julian Dnesbaeh. 20 Abruham Ueriimn vs Joseph Green and Fred llowman 21 Jniina Maloue vs Sham 'kin Valley A Putiavnlc Rail road Company, " J-l Patrick j Qnina va Henry KsutTmsn. it Commonwealth foi J Schinmkey va James Van Jit aud Unil, VI lease C H"rton vs Clement and W'itzrl, Lawrence Tieiney va William II Marr, VS Nngle, Wiugate A On. va John II Mc.Mickn U7 Hans .V Howell va Benjamin Hhocn SIS Michael Uraham vs Ralph Higle, dee'd , Kx'r, aame va tiimdinail and Moodit, 30 George C McKce va Joseph Lang, 31 UeorgeK I'enavlvsS Douty and S m, 3-i Daniel Hohibacri vs John P IleUick Tl Johu K'UT vs John Shissler 31 Oabriel Kline vs George C McKea 3 Jncob Frederick vs Ralph B igle. dee'd , Ex'rs 30 Philip i)topp, dee'd, Adm'r, v Chillies W Ilegins, 37 HeiiryTsehopp, dee'd, Adm't, va Charles W Hegins, Christian Tschopp, dee'd Adm'r vs Chas W Hrtfiiis, 39 Pennsylvania Suite Lunatic Asylum vs N'oiUij moor land C.'lllltv 40 John Keiter and wife va Iteefet A Shisaler, The first fitteen of the altve slated cj.e will be for trial the Aral week, mid the balance lor the second week DANIEL BUCKLEY, Piotliououuy. Prothonntary's Offii-e. 1 Sunbury, March 9, 1501 ( SENT BY EXPRESS EVERYWHERE. Retailed at Wholesala Price3, Made to Measure at $18 per doz. OR SIX FOR NINE DOL.IiA.RSt ! without Collars on, with Collars on 2 per dot extra. MADE OF KETV-YOItK MILLS MCSLLV, Uh fine LInea Bosoms, and warranted as food a Bhlrl as solU In tlie retail stores at each. ALSO. THE VERT BKST FnirtTS THAT OAK BK ' MADE AT J EACH. P.'s. Those who think I cannot make a good Shirt for 15 per dozen are mistaken, llere's the Cost of one dozen 1S ana shirt. SO Tarda of New-York Mills muslin at lXs- per yd. (4 SS 1 ranis of Ads Linen, at MJc per rard, 3 (0 Maklnsand cuttlnr, J j Laundry, 1 buttonsand cotton, Wc 1 10 Front 6j Total.... 100 Self Measurement for Bhirts. Printed directions sent free everywhere, and so easy to understand, that sny one can take tteir own measure for shirts. I warrant a Rood lit. Tie esiu to bo paid to the Express Company ou receipt of goods. The Kxprest charges on one dossa SluiU from w TorktoNew Orleans 1 s 1 1. p. B. PARTIES TflsnntO SITIP.TS I DASTB, not caving time to send for Kules of Measurement, should send per nail, prepaid, one of the best rutins shirts Uiey bars sot, stating any alterations that may be required. 7 S. W. H. WARD, from London, 387 Broadway, up stairs, .Between White k Wolker Slrocts, NaVt'-YORbV March 10, 1861.- if " K L YS II t K UA C A IHIVT FOR MALES AND FEMALES. Hev. J F. WAMPOI.E. A. M., PKINCI' PAL, and Teacher of Latin, Greek and German Languages. Mr. STEPHEN' W. OWEN. Teacher o Mathematics and English Dranchea. Misa CAROLINE UobUIUL'E, Teacher of Music on Piano and Mt lexicon. The Siiininer Session will commence on Mon day the First uf April. 1801. Good hoar Jinn can be had in private families in the village, either by the week or by the meal at reasonable prices. Terms per quarter of eleven weeks. Coinmou English Uracils, $3,00. Higher, MO. Latin or Creek, 7.00. Music, (extra). 10.(10. German, (exlruS. 1.00. Elysburg, Pa., March 1861 if ' TO FAP.leCEE.S. I7MGHTY THOUSAND BARRELS POUD J-1 KETTK. mado by the Lodi Manufacturing Co., for sale in lota o suit purchasers. 1 Ins the Cheapest Fertilixer in matket. $3 worth will mauure an acre of corn, will increase tha crop from one-third to one-half, and will ripen the crop two weeks earlier, and, unlike guano, neither injure the seed nor land. A pamphlet, wuh aatlslactorv evidence and lull particulars, will be sent gratia to ai.y one sending address to LODI MANUKACTUKI.MI CO., 1311 South Wharves, Philadelphia. Febuaiy, g. 161 101. Ur. J. i:. Ict AIC I V, DENTIST1 OFFF.RShia professional sarvteea la tha ciiiaens of Funbuiyaud vicinity. Office iu MaiketSuar,30)Ooiswesiof the PoetOlEcs, second story tiuiilairy, larea 9, tboi em JAMES BAKBJiU'b VTHOI.KSlUt AND RKTA1L CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. Corner Second and Chestnut its., riilladelpbiu. ACFJVCY for the PATENT F.QVAL1Z1NGTH1RTY DAY CLOCKS, a very desirable article for Ckuich- ca, Holela, batiks, Counting Houses, I'arlore. Sut. Also.nlanulnciurerel nK uut.u rts. Clocks reiaired and warrunled. Cl. k Tinnming ol every deacriptiea. PliiUdel.nbia, Junuary U, lcdl.3y Office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland County. JVOTICE ia hereby given that appraisement o I real and personal property have been made to the widows, respectively, of the following nsined decedents, agreeably to the Acta of Assera bly in such costs made end provided 1 I Augustus Bergner, deceased. X William Uohner, " 3 Jacob Frv. " 4 Jeremiah Kling, M t Jacob Lahr, " William Kreigbaum " And tbat lbs aauie will be presented to ihe Orphana Court for approval en TUESDAY the th day of April neit, unleaa exceptione thereto ha filad before that time. It i B. MAHER,C!k.(V.C. Sunbury, March l, IMl. COMMERCIAL NURSERIES, n. 33. HOOHBR, tU 00 UocaKSTia, N. T JOHN W. EITHER, Local Agenl,8unburv Pa. Fllbe subscriber, havlne; been appointed local X Agent for the sale uf Fruit trees, plants, vines, 6cc, of one of tbe most reliable Nurseries, caila the attention of all who want choice fruit to this method, as more ceitain than by obtaining them through traveling agent. Among thou described in tbe Catalogue are, Dwaif Pear Trees, uf the age for transplanting, remarkahly tine. Dwarf Apple Trees, on Paradise Stocks, ma king beautiful little trees for the garden, and pro ducing remarkably fine specimens of fruit iu a vrry short time. Llwaif Cherry Trees, budded on Mahaleb Stocks', handsome trees. Htntnlard Apple, Pear and Cherry Tree, very fine, with a large list of varieties. Peach, Plum, Nectarine and Apricot Trees. Gooseberry, Blackberry and Strawberry Plants all of the finest kind. Currants, many new and Improved varieties, such aa Cherry, White Grape, White Oondouin, Red tire pc, Victoria, ice. Hirawherry Planta. in great variety, incluJing the Hooker, Wilson's Albany, Trinmphie de (Jand, (the most approved old varieties,) as well as all the novelties. Grape Vines, including those fine, new, yet well tested kinds, which no planter should be without, euch ta Dolewsre, Concord, anil Hart fold Prolific. These we have propagated ao ex tenaively as to able to offer them at reduced and satisfactory prices. Plants, Rosea, Kvcrgreens and every variety of ornamental trees and bbrubbery, securely packed- JOHN V. UUCHER. Agent, Sunbury Pa. Hunhury, Febuaiy, !, 1861. LIVE AND LEARN 1 LET THE rEOTLE 8TI1.L COVriSl'EJ TO LIVE, AND THEY WILL SOON LEARN THAT FIULLNG Si GliAiNT. AT THE MAIMOTH STORE, ARE SELLISO GOODS CHEAPER than can be purchased elsewhere. J. FE8H STT3?I X.TC vat received by Railroad this week. REMEMBER THIS, AND PROFIT BY IT. Sunbury, December IS, i860. I'tULADELPIIIA COLLF.GH. 5. E. corner of Seventh and Chesnut Streets. Tins is one of EIGHT COLLEGES. CONSTITUTING THE "NA TIONAL CHAIN." LnCATSO lit Philndelohla. New York Citv. Albany. Buffalo. Cleve land, Chicago, and St. I.0111S. rtcholarships can be pur. chased al either point, good st all the Colleges. THB COl.LKOIATE COURSE emhraces Double and Single I'-iury Uonlt-Keeninr. Com mercial Coniututtons, Ct.inniercial Peiunaiiskip, liusiness C01 respoinlence, t'artnersliip ettleuieats, etc. PRACTICAL TKXT BOOK8. The TeAcl ins in the Book-Keenine Depsrtnient is most. 1y t'rotn written inoituscript forms, with uiul uistructitjiia lectures, and ttlucs-boutd cluclilations ; in addition to winch, in order to make the Cuileetate Courae aa llioroueh and erj dual ns puaaiLle, the lulluwiiig Teat-Bocks have been pre;-artl : lirvant & stintton's noos-Kreniiii, In three editions Conirnon cleioi, Hiqn stliool, and Couiilinn lllise j liry. ant Strnttoil's Commeiciul ArillnoeL.c ; Bryaul St Mratton'a Commercial Law, by Araoa Dean, L.L D. SPKN'CKRIAN SYS I KM OF PFINMANSHIP, 11 a aeries of nine books, by P. R. &PK.NCEK. P II fl'ENCKR, Ji., Teucher of Prnnu.nsbip. Imi. vidual instruction. Students entel ut any tune. Diplo- tnua awHrdeS. Ijr For Catalogues and Circulars, csll at the College, or ik1.Ii ess UK I ANT, & IHAIIUM t A I It II A W IVS Feiirusryaa. 161 ly Philsdel.hia. TO ALL. THOSE HAV1G Farms, Parks or Gardens, IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A rare chance is now afforded to select aud order FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES Vines, fhrubiiery, e.. from tht celebrated Clover Street Kurciies ljucatea al nocneaier , ne w soiu. MesNrs, AlOURK', UKOTIICRS, PHOPKIETORS Who bee leave to announce that they are picparad through ttieir qualihed and RESPONSIBLE AUENTS, Ta distribute their supenor stock on the most rtssonsbls tciias. PEOPLE W THE K2TSTC1TE STATE. Ixiveis of Nature and the beautiful, and justly celebrated for your intelligence, wraith, lilwrality and taste, now is the tune to make your selections irom our DKSCIUI'TIVK CATALOGUE AND PLATE BOOKS, Whieh will be furnished you, through our local agents end you may rest assured thai your orders will be bonora. uiy liiir-n. Foi further particulars apply to rKLUtniCK A. HOWE. mssBvuls, ea Or JonN B J0NC9. Agent for Northumberland county. HEFERENCE8: Hob. EBF.NF.t'K URIFFIN, Koehealcr, H. Y. Hon. JOHN OAl.BIt AlTH, Erie, Va. Col J. K. JOHNSON, Mcadville, Pa. February , ISiil. "m PROCLAMATION. V OICE is hereby given thai tba several ' Courts of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of tbe peace, and'Orphana' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and (.encrel Jail Delivery in and for the county of IWthuinlierlHnd, commence at the Court tit use, in the borough ol Sunbury, al 10 o clock, A. M. on Monday, the Art day of APRIL, next, and will continue TWO WhEKS. The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consla bles in and fur the county of Northumlieriand, are requested to be luen and there in their proper per1 sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, ami other remembrances, to do those tilings to their several ollkee auuerlainins: to be done. AnJ al tuilnsMS, roaerutina' ill behalf of the Common' wealth against any prisoner are also requested anil commanded to be then and there ajtenuuig iu proper persons to prosecute aatnat htm, as ana t- . t! .l.,rt without leave al the USB lis. OH 1 aawaj I . . . ' '. . J s . .nr..mMiia in liUlt I'v I I Is aimvsa- psa-s-o . 1 1 - attendance, at tbe liuie appointed .agreeable to their notice .i-s.i.. Cvan under my band at Punb'.ry. the -a dy of March, in the year of our Lord one .U.our andeigh' humlred sad aisty oue-and Uie r?dVpend.uc. of the United Bute, of Am.rtca ,h " God aave the Commonwealth. g nmia s r s rsii lieslLf U iu Lrt uwm DAVID W4btinu.i,i. Sheriffs Office, Sunburv, Msrch t. 1881 i fNKV CLOAK BOOMS CON o TAIN fclegsoi tiuiu vio"". Every ne" style Coat and Cloak. Wooleo. Brocbe end Tbibel SbavrU. women. coNBAD. 8. E. corner Ninth aod Market, 1'bile. Deo. 8, .MO. UILVEK WATCH Eel A lew iloubie case C5 KasUsh Silver Watch., fo fiaoe SI- SU -V .'S. H. GREATEST EXCITEiilE5T CF 8EAS05 I FRILING & GUXK at Hie MAMMOTH STOR hare just umiveA a m:w and desirable FALL WINTER GOOD A very esHenaire assortment at LADIES' DIIESS GOODy, Consisting In part Dlack aad Fancy SdU of very choice patter: DEBEGE3. Due la, Cashmeres. French and English Meelooa, Plain and Figured Wool Delalnesv Muslin Delainee of all sty lee and price. Foulards, Thibet Cloth, Pail D Chensi. fiaion'aod WoolPlslds. I .DIES' FUKS. UROCBla. Day Slate and riety, Ac, Ac. Wool SHAWLS of every rs" Gentlemen's Dress Goods, of evesy style, eonsietsng of Cloths, Casimeree, balUostU, Keotucky Jeans. Tweeds, Velvet Cord. Velveteen, V eatings. of every variety. Our stock of Bilk and Ft'.V Velvet Vestings, cannot be surpassed in u.s utitry. Pleaae call, and examine them. CLOTHING-1 Our .lock of READY MADE CLOTHINC,. aa been replenished, aud ire bave a full aseocl- rueut of OVERCOATS DRESS COATS. Pants and Vests, Overcoala and Drees Costs for Boys of ail ages. AL8H, a very handsome assortment of HATS -A-TsTID CAP3 of every style end variety at the lowest prices Our stock of HARDWHRE has been renew ed end me have now a larger assortment than ever before effered to our customers, consisting in part ol Sausage Cutters, I'ocket Cutlery, Uulcbtr Knives lsyer Hinges, Dolts and Pad Locu, X Cut fcawe. Mill Saws, Scoop (shovels. Lc, die., Ac, Ac es tyuceiiware and CSlassware. of every variety st tbe VERY LOWEST rsiC&l. Our stock of G-B.CC3B.IE3 is very Cue. We have thewbest quality of Syrup Molasses ever belure eucre to the ClUtens of dutihury and vicinity. CEDAlt AND WILLOW'.WARZ af ever variety. Carpets, Iloatevy, Ctovea, !S'otiJiis, 8ADLERY. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ae, is Also a fresh supply of Drugs, Oils. Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Paints, Dye 8 tiffs. Glass. Brushes, Ae. Particular care having been taken in the se. lection of our goods in regard 10 quality, style and rice, we call tbe attention of the public to our large atock ta which conststit addiuona will be made. Thankful for paat favors, we hope te merit a eominuance of the patronage of tbe public ly selling cheaper than ever. Oive us a call before purchasing el-wh.re.ritn iNa&GRAT Sunbury, Nollember 17, Io0. rURNITURE! FUjUHTTJUI ! ! .ew and raablonable Cabinet Ware. THE subscribers respectfully inform the citiiens of Sunbury and the puldic genarally, that they bave commsncsJ the CABINET MAKI.Ni; business iu tha shop lately occunis.1 by William Huyder, in Fawn Street Sunbury, aud are prepared to supply their customers promptly witb everv variety of articles in the line of their buen ess, on reasonable terms. Their work will be made of the beat materials, and in lbs best and lateat styles. Coualrv produce taken io eichsnge. WILLIAM HACIT. BRNJ. HECKLBT. Huiibury, December I, lb60. C0NFECTI0NAR1ES, TOYS 4c. M. O. OEABHAT, CONSTANTLY keeps on hand all kinda of Confectionariea, Fruit and Teya. which be ia selling al wholesale and retail. Having the necessary machinery &e he is manufacturing all kind of Toye, eut keeps up his stock, aa that purchasers will not be et a loss for e supply 4 slrno.1 any article they may desire. APPLES! APPLES II APPLES!!! J uat recejve a large lot of apples, wbicb he is selling al wholesale aud retail, al low f" Uie sjjt call. M. C. GEARIIAsr Saukgrj, Marrs) . lel. If
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers