Pot th i'Amerioan"J troceodlngs of Teachers' Institute. The Teacher of Qor tbotDberlatid coont) i met ut the Court Hot? fa SuDbity, on the 26ih of December, 1860, for the purpoee or uiiiuiuK ins ogam session 01 me connty in stitute. The attendance m not M large n ujual, men; districts not being represented stall. The proceedings, however, ere con cluded with much spirit nnd interest, end the teachers present generally participated to the exercises. First day Afternoon Session. The Ooanty Superintendent culled the Convention to order, and introduced the pro. ceedinga by ao impressive prayer, in which divine aid was iovoked to bless the labors of the lastitnte end the cause of education. After the transaction of some preliminary business, the meeting was permanently nr. j Kumzea Dy ine election of the rollowing mil cers : l'resiilent Jacob Ulp, Co. Supt. Secretary J. J. John, Treasurer W. II. Uilger. On motion, J. Ulp, J. J. John, L. Allrmiii, AV. II. Gilger, K. It. Kram and 1. Friel were appointed an executive committee to prepare business for the iostiluta. After short de liberation tbey reported that the exercise of the day would consist io drills on the elemen tary branches, while the evening would be appropriated to addresses ami discussions on educational topits. They selected instruc tors for the several brant'liea as follows : Orthography John K Heller, Heading Dr. J. J. John, 1'enmnnfibip W, II. Uilger. Mental Aiithmetic K H Krom, Written " I. K Munkleberger. j Grammar L. Alleman, lieogrupby J. Dreher, i A'genra O W. Ilaupt, j tseumelry L. Allemun. On motion it was Hi-solved, 'I'll At the li ran dies on tukea up ju the order as they appear on the 1 ft. On motion each teacher was requested to take part in the class drill. Orthography by Mr. Heller. The iustrtif! tor devoted the remainder of the day and a part of evening to this important, but too much neglected branch. His course of in rtriit-linii was based upon Sanders' and Mer- j nil division or the elementary sounds, lie expressed his preference for this system, be-i-uiHO it was more' simple and practical, mid more easily acquired by the young, than the critical and overloaded systems of BJtue an thors. He rjueationed the rlss q'lite e.xten airely upon the elementary sounds, and the riles of spelling nnd pronuticialiun. In tt-at-h-hik' he recommended that lesson?, p irticularly where the words were to be iStiiii-d. Mr. Holler handled the subject ,:ti the ek,!l of u ini.stir, and his drill was i m tn in ly stislactory to the tints. Ilctning Stssim. Inatitnto met at specified time, President in the chuir. l'rayer by Mr. Alleman. Miu- I uti's reud and approved. ! Mr. Heller having concluded his remarks j on Orthography, the balance of the evening ; Ai occupied hi Uiscuasing the question, ' Mould one session a day io our public M-hools be preferable to the present system of two sessions a day f Meesrs. John and Alleman atyued for oue session a day. They contended that the common school system was not yet a perfected work. The black h iard, chalk and kindness had in a measure displaced tbo ferule ; scholars were no longer t re 11 ted hh Vftflfuls but as rational beitigs ; hchoul houses are built with a view to health nn.l c mitorl, well ligntea, voniuate.i ami iur- , ... I 1 . ...... l......a .......k...a ... I IJlneu , nun ici uuum uou krainma u.v pi? lected with the greatest care. Uut the reform uiinil H tint fitliri Itwfal I .Mt Clirh H!ini'triT ' nt-a9urep ic udopted a will coueervo to the health of the young. I he mind should not be educated at the expense of the body. Thy hica! and intellectual training tlioalJ go hatid in hand. They said the scholars only learns while his atteution is uttracled. tSitling lor hours in the same po-ture and breathing a I viti.tto I air, debiJitnte thu hotly, the attention II is, ami l lit u instruction is no longer rain, nhle. Messrs. Kratn, IK-ller, Hunkleberger and Hrehur, opposed their views. Tho contended the nieiiritiru was impracticable, especially iu tho rural dii'tncts, uud that under tho present f v-item. gtiflicient time was given for recreu lion. The opinion of the Institute was unt tested by it vote. Oo motion, Mr. Heller wue uppoiutud critic for the morning eeeaiou. St con J layilnrniny Sessinn. Institute met, Mr, Alleman in the chair. .Vito'i'ii' by 1 r. John. The instructor occupied some time in exercising his class on ' l.i.s study. Ho remarked thai the teacher ! hho'ild have two nbjects in view in teaching rea-lini! : l-'irst, that the scholar read tWer .tUvnlintj' i) : second, that he should in Kuch a tiniiiunr as to be intelligible to oilier. ' mnansh i. Mr. U.lger acted as instruc tor in explaining this urt. His remarks were luief, bill to the point eliciting considerable ntteulinli The critic's report wis then discussed, after which the luntittile adjourned. Afternwm Session. Institute met. I'resideut in the chair Prayer by Mr. K ram. Minutes read and npproved. Mental Arithmetic Mr. Kraro formed a :l.i93 and occupied the greater purl of the afternoon in teaching this neful branch Ho introduced a novel plan for securing the Bllentlon of the scholars in this study. His ! mode of imparting instruction is excellent. Written Arithmetic by Mr. Dunkelberger. j Tho instructor began with the fundamental j rules, then illustrated the working of denom- ! mute numbers, and concluded with some re- I murks t,u fractions and questions in which j tieoiiielrical principles were involved. His course of insirnction was iuletrupled tiy the Lour' of adjournment. livening Station. Iudtituta met. President it) the chair. Prayer was offered by Jtev. A. 1). Hawn. Minutes read and approved. The Institute was then addressed by the Kev. A. I. Hawo, of ishamokio. His subject was tha "Teacher for tha Times," which be treated uuder three beada, at follows : let. The teacher most pessess energy. 'J;l. He must possess intellectual and moral character. 2d. He must possess Lnmso sympathy. Ida address was roplele witb information and encouraging to tha teacher. A Tote of thanks ts.il tendered the speaker for his able itddiess. Third Day Morning Session Institute met at 10 o'clock. Tresideut io the chair. Minutes read and approved. (Jrammat was taught by Mr. Allemao. Ilia long eipe'ieoce ia the school room peculiarly fitted biin for this position. His mode or leaching il eaiioeclly practical. His vm-tiona were numerous, bis explanations ItK-liI, and bis definitions concise. Afternoon Session. Instituts convened at the proper Lour, I'resideut ill the chair. Geography im taught by Mr. Drehei. II expressed a preference for lbs chaotmg sys tem. Mr. Dreher bas beeo very successful in teaching this branch, and bis remarks were quite edifying. Alytbra was tsuglit by Mr. IJenpt, who certainly possesses mathematical talent of bigh order, lie began witb the primary rules aud ended witb equations. Ilis time was too (unite ! to do justice to the branch. atum,try. Mr. AHemao being absent Mr. Ii inkliberger conseutej to set instructor. . , i:....;.., f., t-'ni-lint ira rr strnnff. i ins I - ' . , .'. I U but few miuutes si cuiomnnd, which i ns employed In exhibiting a new and Ingeni ous method for demonstrating Prop. xi. Book it. Davie' Legeodre. On motion, J. J. John, I. E. Hellet anJ Mr. Eckman were appointed a committee to make nominations. The place for holding the 'next institute was then determined by vote, and resulted in favor of Northumberland. Tha vote was as follows I Northumberland. 16 Shamokin, JO Sunbury, On motion the executive committee ware sulhoriied tonaiua the time of the next meeting. The coinmilte on organization, reported the following list of ollicera to serva fur the ensuing year: President JACOU LLP, Co. 8ui.t. vice President W. H. Gilber and Jso. II fcUVIKOK. Cor. Secretary - O. V. Weaver, Rcc. -Henry Howard, Treasurer Ceo. W. Haunt. Executive Committee J. L'lp, C W l.esher, v r Uoerdort, 1. Alleman, P Friel, I K Dunkle Krger and T Stadlcr. livening Session.', Institute met. O li Temnlin in the chair. The meeting was favored with an address from Mr. Sutermaster en "popular education." The speaker who is a native of Switzerland, gave graphic account of Ihe schools in his Alpine land. He contended that the intelligence of the people was the beat sale-guard of a liberal Government. He spoke in glowing terms of his Tell and oca Washington, and eloquently referred to those gieat reformers, Lulber and Melancthoa, Calvin and Zwingle A vote of thanks was tendered the speaker for his address. A brief discussion then look place on the question "Should females nceive as pro lieu tit an education a mas 1" The affirmative was argued by .Messrs. Dunkleberger, Heller and Stevens, and opposed by Messrs. John and ('aid well. On motion, the thanks of the meeting were extended to the school-board of Sunbury lor their interest and kiudiiens manileated toward tho Institute. The lollnwiug resolution was adopted : i Resolved, That a committee of three he ap- ; pninLd by the County Superintendent, I" pre- j pare a repoit on Text Books, best adspted to ; the wants ,. our schools, to ho submitted at the I next meeting ot the Institute. Committee not ' jetiilbd ) Aluny iciircl were expressed that Messrs. ! Keiineiisiijuer, Weeks and others, early friends oi the Institute were not present. 1 be Institute j, muc, indebted to our rllicieut County Super- , iiitendrnt, for the iiupurtiul manner in which he 1 presided. He is a devoted and untiring laborer i III the lield nf education ; and if Ilia efforts but receive the aid of our i.ivk teachers, the County Institute will yet redeem ila name, lullill its nu siou of useltilness, and thereby resliza the fondest hopes of its founders. I'll motion, the Institute adjourned sisk MK. J. J. JOHN, Secretary. A WllUrm OF THE TRl'lll ; We Hod thu folluwing letter. Sail! to be "Iruiu u Urge luudholdur and plault-r in Mis i sirsippi," in Uie money article of the New I Yolk Ihrul i, and the writer of tbut ai tide very justly remarks tbut It "deserves curelul ; petueal :"' t ni'NTY, Miss., Dec. 23, lSCO. 1 have been through several cuunnies in this f lute, u ml some of thu uorthutu counties io Alabama, and 1 hivo no hceitulion in say iug that the uieu of property in both tf tules are uaaiiunouBly opposed to the secession movement. It m got up aud enginueied by the politicians aud the poor whites, tbusluve- bold.- ra urn oaiii ntl ImH fii fiill in tttlh it .n i fear ol having their property cunlislivuted. j The largest slaveowner in this Stale wus j warned, the other day, that if he cave vent I to ins Uniou seiitimeut, ho would be lynched aud h8 pro,H.rlv COii!i,cuted 11 He took the hint, uiul lelt t lit Sliili 1 11 ait it ni'urc cuuuv.. 011j u(j0 ju Ainba.na, Louisiana aud Oeorgiu. Ihe mlercht of the owners ol f slaves, aud property of every kiud. make ' them frieutls of the Uniou ; buttiu the present slate of feeling iu these .States, they catiuot I declare themselves witbo it running more rick thuo they care to encounter The hope of us i slaveholders is. that thu laoveruuivnl will at I.,.., .1.. L. ..lli... tn .l. ..Mb 1 l.n . . . ...... uii yiyi euiiieuiii i vin lit iur Jiieevufc icvii- luliouary tide, so m to give us a chauce to orgumzu a reactionary party without endan gering nur-'elvci), our cotton, or our necks. If people here fell certaiu that the United States Ooveruttieul would light vigorously, a siibuiitisiunist paity would soon muko itself heard. It U the behef that Mr. liucbauuo and his Cabinet are on the side of secession, and that no resistance is to be feared, which give courage to the enemes of the Union. i have very little hope, myaelf, in ihe luture. We are no paying such prices for corn und ; provinious that cotton planting is a losing bus tiers. II I could sell my slaves I would V . I. ...... I - . . li ... kuu,u "V "u" "lluuul 'os",' iX P.er "."' al 00. coet- o I tuut swim with the tide and bear whut lot tune hi mils along." I We commend this letter, which coiucides ' perfectly with similar informatun from other ; s utct-s, lo the earnest attention ol the peaci. j aide secession" party. Wo have from the beginning ins. sled I hut the disunion move , mem bus mi more edectivn agents than those 1 Nuittorn men and journals w hich depreciate , tbo idea of coercing any State to obey the : Ijw against its will. The path of justice and ; righl is the path of witdum. Let the South I em States, oue and all, understand distantly : from the very outset, that Disunion mean ! : II "' and thut il involves a long, earnest ! and Desperate trial of strength physical, ! financial end moral between the two sec- i lions, and they will begin to count its cost. New Advertisements. State of the Batik of Northumberland, January 3th, 1861. assktj. lians aa.l lliscouall, 3Ga,MT0 i i 'u oo NortliumlivrUiiiU llank ttia-ts, liiht-r Mucks I IMS ly ntlirr Banla, I Nolra nl ottirr BauLs, i 'oil.', hi no 1 1 i hpwie ia vaults, Real LstoU , IJ A HI I. in KS. V'trs is eirenlatiou, 17l.i;i I iju otaer nanks, o litpoailMrs, Ciiliuojiwcattli, a.MM 41 taste w li -i'M 31 i.5 fll I eertiiy that tlm abave stauinent to lie correct and trua hi the ticsi of my knowllf aial l-lirf, J. B rKIWrLKV.Casliier. Hwornaial sulucribed tiefora me, Januarys, IfeOI. likoaoi Mnaaici, i. P. Adjourned Sale of Timber Lands. flVIE Bin Mountain Improvement Company not having sold all of their Timber Lands at Kebre's on the 7th ult., have adjourned their aalea of said lands till Saturday, January lUlh, lHRI.at 10 o'clock, A. M.. at the public house of Diniel Kramer, in Little Mahonoy township, near Rothermel's Mill. HEXRY YAX GASKIX. Agent. January 5, Idtil. Administrator' Notice. VOTICE hereby given, Ihat lettera of admin. I iatration having been granted lo tba subscri ber, on the estate of Absolem Conrad, late of Lower Augusta township, Northumberland coun ty. Pa., deceased. All persona indebted to aaid estate, arc requested to meet tha subscriber al the late residence of tha dee'd., on Saturday tha 9ih of February, 1861, and make payment, and those having claims to present them for settle ment. HEXRY 8HIPE, Adru'r. Lower Augusta twp., January 5, 1861 K-r' I VERY t.K'.! be found ni i .. . . Dec. 15, Isiioi I i 'OlCIlt i f ' :.M. i i YOU WANT IT, yroun virE wants it, CHILDREN WANT IT, IT WILL CEH1 A INLY PAV. JiV YOU WOULD HAVE IT. IF yon only knew how USEFUL, how IXSTRl'C 11 VE, and how ENrtKI Airthnu n ia. We refer to that "first best," that largest, most Instructive, most beautiful, and vet cheapest journal in the world for the HOUSEHOLD, for the r A KM, and lor tne uakit.ii, i i American Agrlcuiiurlat, YOU WANT IT, because it contains so very many new and useful directions, hints, and sug gestions about all kinds of out door work, in the Harden, in tho Field, in the Orchard, on the little plot of round, about Domestic Animals, etcetc. The Agriculturist is not a stale rchsah of I .. auch as aoea Ihe rounds from one paper to another, but it is filled with useful and new practical in ormation. every word of ki.k mli.lile. because prepared by honest, practical Working-Men, who know what they write about Each volume contains many ntinureus oi uae- f.,i i. mil it ia certain that many ol these hints will each he worth to you more than a dollar As an example, a subscriber writes : I obtained 5 bushels moro per sere on a 1ft nere field of wheat, or in all ou nusneisi aim- ply from a hint about preparing the seed given in my Agriculturist,"... Another says he ob tained an extra yield of II bushels of corn per acre on a to acre neui. anu wnn no extra cost for culture, bv applying one hint from the Agri. culturist. Another (a villager.) envs lie got SUJ worth extra of good garden vegetables, which he attributes wholly to the timely hints in the Agri culturist, which told him from time to time what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. Thou sand of others have derived similar advantages, You arc invited to try the paper a year, at a cost ' of only $1. .If you dusire. you can have, free ; of charge, four or five parcels of choice seeds, which the Publisher will distribute among his ' subscrilwrs the present winter. ! YOUR WIFE wanla the Agriculturist, be- j I raose it has a large amount of valuable and J really ueiul information about all kinds of House. hold Work, from tlarrelt to Cellar. Give her i the benefit nf this paper for a year. You will lintl your home made better, and money saved, YOUR CHILDREN want the Agriculturist, for it contains a very interesting, useful, and en tertaining department lor outh and C bildren, which will be of great value to their minds and limits. The above are truthful statements, that will he chetrfully attested by nearly a hundred thousand of the present readers of the Agriculitirnt. l ou ! are invited to try a single volume of the Agricul- turist, which will coat only Jjl. and abundantly pay. Try it tor ittfti ol u ) OUA.NtiE JL HU, Publieher, 41 1'aik Row, New-York. Jnnuary 5, IKCI. M tTc ATi MEL HOTDL TOR RENT. PROPOSALS will be received st the public house of Abraham Lcrch, Mt Carmel, I iNorlhumlierland county, l'a.. until the '-bill day ( of January, 1661, for the renting of the public i house known as the obi Ml. Cartncl Hotel. ! AMOS VASTINK, Adm'r. j Mt. Carmel, January 5, HOI lit " " 0ce "f ' Clerk f the l'1"' Court f Xerthnmberlund county. Pa. mTriTlfV ; berbv i.en that ni,n;n..i.i. 0f t,a ,n,t ,r',a property have 'been niadn to the widows, respectively, of the follow ing named deceJrnts, agreeably to the act of Aescinbly, iu such cases made and provided, to wit: I lion man Henry, late nf Jordan township, dcreascd. 'i Kearney Michael, late of ihe town of Tre vorton. deceased. il Kisucr Henry, late of Delaware township, deceased. 4 McCoruiick Hector, late of Delaware town ship, deceased. ." 'JVchopp John, late ol" Lower Mahuney ow iifhip, deceased. C 1 eager Daniel, late of iurbut township, deceased. And that the same will he presented to the Orphans' Court for approval, on Tuesday, the loth day of January next, unless exceptions ttlieieto la; filed before Ihat day .1. II MASsElt, Clerk O. C. Register's Ofllce. iSuubiiry, Dec. S'd, ISGO. S NOW WITHIN BEACH CF ALL Ci ROVER 1 RAKER'S E l. E U R A TE D .NOISELESS Sewing Machines, ! 495 IlHO.tBW-.iT, NlW V'l.llk. i The public attention is ro-pccllully Jftjuctited to ! the loIlowiiiR cards of I'i.ijb How-c, Jr., and I the (irover A- Uaker S. M. Co.: I A Card from the GROVER & BAKER S. M. Co. ! Our Patents being now established by t Courts, we are enabled to furnish the tirover A Baker Machine, with importatil improvements The moderate price at which Machines mvk- iug the tirover Sl Uaker stitch, ran now he had, brings them within the reach of all. and renders Uie usa of Machines making inferior stitches aa unnecessary as it ia unwise. Persons desiring Ihe let Machines, and Ihe right lo use them, must not only be sure to buy Machines making the Orover A Uaker stitch, but also that such Machines are made and stamped under our patents and those of Elius Hower, Jr. li ROVER & BAKER 8. M. CO , 495 Broadway, Xew York. A CARD FROM ELIAN HOWER, JR. All persona are cautioned not to make, deal iu, or use any Hewing Machines which sew from two spools and make the stitch known aa the tirover Sl H Uaker stitch, unless the same are purchased from the tirover dr. Baker Hewing Machine Company, or their Agents, or Licensee, aud slamed under my patentof September 10, 1846. Said Company, and their Licenses, alone, are legally authorized under their nwu patents, and my said patent, during Ihe eitended term there of, lo make and sell this kind of Sewing M acbine and all otheas are piraciea upon my aaid patent, and will ba dealt wuh accordingly, wherever fouud. ELIA8 HOWER, JR. Xew York. Dee. 89. lefiO. tf GRIST MILL FOR RENT. THE undersigned offers to let ha Grist Mill for tb ensuing year lo competent miller either "on share or rant. Tba mill contains three run of burs with all necessary machinery, all in annd rttnning order. Kor further particulars ,., i '- iba subscriber at tha premises, three ., , f Melius; rova. iu Hnyder county, Pa. JIMKI'll I'.VMEIl. i i 'cr in " l 1 '' npHE GREAT FAMILY PAPER. Jt THE OKEAT FAMILY PAI'EK. ' THE GHEVP FAMILY PAPKll. THE G HKAT FAMILY PAPER. TH K CHEAT FA M1LY PAPER. THE CHEAT FAMILY PAPER. rnosrECTis or THE NEWYORK I,DOR Wi Intend to nn the NKW YURK t.P.DUKR f,.t IMII supeuor to tiiutnf IMW, of of any oilier year m the tatt. Among our comr itnitors vt-ill h Uie President of ihe nited Suites, Edward Kvxretl, Ue'irRe Bancn-ft, Wiliiion rullril Hiyaut, J'hn U Bsxe, (iB"re P Morris, N I' Willn, Ooorse D 1'ieilliee, Tftomaa Dunn Knijlish, rvlva- mis Oobh, Jr, KmcrHi Ueiineti, Is Arthur, r Hamilion Alien, Cut Waller P Ilunlap, t Complon Hinilli, J"hu Ksteii Couke, Wre- Siuuriuv, Mrs- frHitk worth, Fanny Keril, Anna Coin liittlne, AlueCarj-j Mary Funrai, Mu- noil llailnnd, IMiea r.- A- uuptl)-, .viaiy maiiiey uiijpxi. 'hebe Carv, and many i:iergyinii, I'mieaaora in i."iii-r, S'. iloanien, anil oUiel enniienl w.aera resiJuig ill uilleiem paiuiur Uie Clnnii. tlur ot-aof contiiliulors for theeimina; year will beau tarnc, sntl will emtrore swh a variet ol eminent talent, that very department of literature will reeeive Die par ticular attention of someone eomelent to do it nmple anil apecial juariee- Whether It be popular rornanee, arientilir; eaaay, historical sketch, acholastie ilnwtuinititni, spley paru eraph, pathetic haliHd, humorous poem. okt-fi,ihtineil love atory, timely etlitia-inl, or any olhef liiftietlient of p,ipn.'ar anil elevated jouriMlisni, thai is to be luroialieit, the l.r.l) UKH corM will be autlieieut for the tnak. In fnct,out cm tlibulois will aeud ualrom wenk to week murh more mut ter tlinn we ran poanihly uac, so that we shall alwuya have ireili and BLpeia'nuirlnnl supply, from which to se!e-l Tita vanr kt. Theee (acta, taken in e umiHtinn with our largely inen-.-iseu tm-aiis, liH-ililiee, nnu enpetieni-e, warrant us, we think, in nrnmiMiia our rearers u fnimlv paper lor the year letil. wiin:h will in nio,e intn-itiniruiht imtriictive. and in every uaf eel m re vuluable, cvi-irthnn tne i.KUOKH hoi been in Ihe p"t- Asauindienlion nf the popularity of the !.KTl"iF.H, we nerd only stnte Ihe simple Incl lhat its cirru'nli n l kirprr than that of nny othni l Uturary pnpera in tlieeoiinlry. Its great sueeeaa ia owing to the. fuel Hint we ai'i-nre the bust writers in the country, and SKtre no exni-PRe in get ting up the KMT rM.i.r I'Arpn a piper 01 hmh moral tone The exalleil rcputntion of its contributors, Iheprm-- licit! and invariably pure nnd healthy ciiinueti-r of ;tl! lis inUcles. the care w Inch ia tnkeu lh:0 nnt even oneotrenmve word aliall appenr in its columns, anil tin superiority "f its Tules and Sketelies. have cained lor t'ic M'.W YtlltK l.l-;l)tiKH a eiaitit,n tbut no liu-iary p-oicr bus ever before reached. A nun Corn Riti-liie, of Rlehmnml, Vn.nnil C"l Waller B llitiiljp, Hie Biilhor of the popular 'Forest rkelfliea,o whieh were published in our C'llnninn some tone aiure, will uurh la-gin n story in the MUHSKIl early in the new year Mr- inlliwnrlli in nlao encmiMl uin a new lale. In Ihe next number of the I.KDIiKIt, w-a shall publish umn.eniiibil, "A Buy with Lord It) ton," Iron, ihe pen of r:i , iiui-reffiinK Dnicie, written expressly tr our col- the Hon. (tenrce llimeroft. It is with much Biilisinetion Ihnt we nnimuiice that Mr l-.verelt will continue his elegant anil interesting cimlnbu tli'iis to the I. KlKir.lt during Ihe te xt yesir. As thii is the aeasou of the year when 1'imtmasleis ami oiliera ate in ihe luibit of forming clubs, we direct their particular attention to Of II TKP..MH. f ingle eopies, il per annum; two enp'ri, fit; four Oiipn s. Sil; eight eopu-a. I4 I'oitmusters and nthera who get ut clubs em afterward add ringle eopies at l SO. The party who sends us jfi for a clnb of eight cpiee (all sent at one tune) will be entitled to a copy vatK for his trouble Terms invariably iu aitvnuce. No subaeiiptinua taken for a less period than one vent. Canada sulacrilarra must send Iweuty-aix cents in addition to the subscription, to pay the Auieiicnn pntuige. whirh is halt a cent a copy on every piper. The notes of nil specie-paying Imnkt taken at par. When a draft or eheek eanc-iiiveiiientiy lie aent, as it will prevealihe possibility of the loss nf money by mail. r" We employ no travelling agents. Address alt commuuinit jona to ItOlltltT BONNER, Publisher, No. 40 Park Itow, New York. Pece mbera-j. I60 1 1 THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE. VTE trust that thsc who do not now recvivo ' THE TIIIBL'.NE will subscribe for it with nut delay. 'J'he club price of the WEEKLY TKIBUNK and SEMI-WEEKLY TRItlUME is so low that there are hut few in any commu nity unable to take it. Henceforth, THE THI lil.'.NE, aa the principal paper supporting the .ew Administration, will be peculiarly interest ing, while outnidc of politics, its reliable Forei n and Domestic ewa, its Commercial and Agri cultural Intelligence, and its Literary Depart ! incut, irivc to it interest and vnlue which no 1 other paper on this continent can boast of. How ably and successfully The Tribune ha conducted the campaign now so gloriously ended, the result in New York fully altesta, and to the untiring exertions, signal capacity and foresight of Ho race Ureeley, is due much of the glory of the victory, over which a nation of Freemen is now rejoicing. It is therefore, the duty of every true Republican to aid in giving The Tribune a etill larger circulation. Aa evidence of its popularity and reliability, we may state that last week over six hundred Thousand copies were sold a cir cumstance unprecedented in the eunala ol jour nalism. liuardiun and Uaiettee, rha-uixviile, l'a. TICK MS. Daily Tribune (311 issues per annum Semi. W eekly (101 " " Weekly (fit i U t. l.L u Semi- ccklv, two copies 45, five for $ 1 1 25; ten copies to one address l'or$-l; and any larger number at the latter rate. Ten copies or over, lo address of each sub scriber, S'i 2o, For a club of twenty, an ex Ira copy will be sent. For club ol forty, we send THE DAn.Y"TUIHl'rS'E gratia one year. Weekly: Three copies for $5 ; five for $S i ten for $ 12, and aHy larger number at the rate of SI U each per annum, the paper to be ad dressed lo each subscriber. To club of twenty, wc send an extra copy, Twenty copies to one address for $10, with one extra to him who sends us Ihe club, l'o each club of one hundrad. THE DAILY TRIi Bl.'M V, will be sent gratis one year. Payment always in advance. Address THE TKIKL'KE. .No. l.Vi.assau at., X. Yoik. December IS, I8H0. 3t LIST OF CAUSES For trial in the Court nf Common j'leas ol Xoithumbcrland county, January Term, n6 : 1 Lazarus, Uilmite A Co. vs Corrcll A Gau cher 2 Wm H Fry mire vs John Miller 3 Ira T Clement vs A K Wright. 4 Ucorge Ltons vs Kugclv, Robins A Co. & Dennis C Caul vs Ann Divers 6 Edward llrllciituu vs West Branch Iiuu- ranee Co 7 Marr A tiriffey vs Jo,eph Weitzel 8 Mary Ann Millman vs JnoDivsl A wife. 9 John Vincent's adtu'rs vs David Watson's Executor. 10 Abraham S Bright vs David Waldrou 1 1 Ira T Clement vs James iJearJ 'i James Beard Ac vs Henry Wise, ct al 1:1 William McWilliains vs tame It Andrew Guteilusva R M Cirwi 15 David Hnydi-rva '1'hotnas liarr 16 Isaac Kupp va Jcr Sl Jant Pennvpackcr 17 Peter Udliiy vs Lackawana Sl Uloonisburg , Railroad Co 1st Jeste C Hortonva Wm L Dewart A Beacham IU Daniel L Miller vs Edmund KraucUcus 'iO eame va D E Arnwine and wile il (Philip Hilgcrt dec'd.adin'rts David Ehbach. J'i John W I'rilmn vs (ii-r. Itrforuicd Church Ac 53 Jacob Deal vs Clement, Hoover A Caaet 54 V A' Hughes vs Henry Weise 25 riolumun bnyder vs W X A Riley Boslian 26 J U .M eater va big Moun ain liiiprovemenl co 27 Maria tioui;er va Dtelfi-nbacher Sl Deutler 28 Gross A Kunkle va James Covert 20 John Drther va the tp. of Ml. Carmel 30 same vs same 31 Michael Graham vs Win H Marr 32 Matthew C limy va Christian Albert 33 Wm H Muench vs John Eoy 84 John Kissinger vs John K Woll'initer 35 D H Dreiabsch A wtlcvs Julien Dnesbach 36 Harsh A Hoover vsH A fcbiesler and wife 37 John Heinier va John Wenlu-I 38 Abr thaiu Liaiman vs Green Sl Bowman 39 James Malone vs bhamokiti Valley Sl Potts- ilia Railroad Co. 40 Patrick J Quitin vs Henry Kaufman. The first IA of tha above cases will he for trial the first week, and Ihe balai.ee for the second weak. DAXIEL UECKLEY, Proth'y. LAUGH BLANKETS, FLANNELS Linens, lied, Crib and Cradle Dlanketi. Marseille and Dimity Quilts. Fine Table Linens, Napkiosand Towels. COOFKUACONUAD. S- K. corner Xiotb and Market, Fbila. Pee. 8, IbGO. OUR NKW CLOAK ROOMS CON. TAIN Llcgant Cloth Cloaks. K.very Dew style Coot and Cloak. Woolen, Hrocba and Thibet Bbawla. COO FEU 1 CONRAD, S. K. corner Ninth and Market, I'b.la. I Ptc. 8, 1800. HERB 1 1 Every Kan Mtd Woman should Look to their own Interests 1 1 A VOPaD TO '.TCTXe WE muat all weir some kind of DOOT8 AND 8HOE thon you should look around and ace where the Cheapest, He-it and Largest assoit- meiit ran be found to select from, and whether the person .who selected them ia competent to make a good selection. I will say that my stock tins been selected bv one who has had practical eiperirnce In the business for aPout lliirtr years. I wilt also add that I can sell, and will sell. cheaper than you cjn buy at retail in the city of i nnadelphia liei-atise rnv rent and livin ia not one half as much as there and I ran buy as cneaii as incy can. As to the mode of doing business in the coun try, it Is only necessary to aay, it is generally done, as yon all know, on a long credit, and I ay to you all if you do business in this wy you must let me any if you buy your Boots and Mine at a credit store, you are bound to help to pay for Shoes Ik tight by throe who do not pay The man who does not pay. mtit buy his Hoots slid MlioisMt a crctlit counter, aud if you bev at roomer you mtixi uem to pay all the i losaes niatle at tllHt Counter, 1 bus you will see that the Hoots and Shoes bought at my counter must be paid for at the time they are bought In l it. oh a Country I'mdncc. so that every man. woman and child ahnll heve ! their Boots and t'lmes at a LOW J'KICK. aa there ia nothing to be paid for losses and interest. It is impo,ible to rive vou a list of all my prices, as I have so many different kinds of Boots and ."Shoes, for men women uud children, of ALL SIZCS & KINDS, Coarse and Fine, Heavv and Lieht, and also OVEKsllOE.S of all kinds; and also CARPET BAGS, VALISES, AM) TIU:XKS of all kinds, at different prices. Mens' (initers, from I .i to $4 IIU. " Hums, " 2 23 to C (10. " Mines, " 87Jto 2 25. Ladies' ti.ilters, from fill to 2 M7J. " Nippers, from 60 to 1 23. " Kid French and Mens' Morocco, and gain and calf skin at different pieces, front 'JO cts. to $1 B?J. liovs Shoes, from 95 cts. to 2 871. HI..'..-' UK c fio ..... M.. ..nil .u,Pt-B llinil t,a. IO OU. Boys Shoes from 75 eta- to Jil BO. Children' Shoes from 20 to87J cents. Ladles and (jenliemen of Sunbury, not for getting to include with you a large portion of Xorthuiiila-rlaiid, Snyder and Union counties, you nil have my sincere thanks for the patronage I have received from you for the few weeks that j I have been doing business in Sunbury, (remem- ' I .L . I k. , . . ... ber me piace, .iinraei otrrei, next uoer io me l ost uinrc). 1 deecnlie it thus, that your ! Iriends may not make a mistake, where those ... iiibho u iiueiaKV, vtoriti inuav j e found. I will also say that there j trouble about the Banks. I aay thing are to be found aeeins to be give yourself no trouble about any of them w ithin fifty miles of tins place. A a I em de termined and intend to back them tip by receiv ing their biils at par at niv counter, so he not troubled, the banks are good, and my Hoots and Shoos are good, they are all made for the good of man to ue used, and not to be ubimed. WILLIAM M. APtsLEY. Sunbury, December 8, lyfiO. LIVE AND LEARN 1 LET THE l'EOPLE STILL. COVriAl'E TO LITE, AND TI1KV WILL SOON LEARN THAT F1UL1NG k. (JUANT. at mi: TVT A TVT TVT flTTT QTrsTJTJ' 1 .liii.J X U. U 1 Ullil, a nr. sin. use GOODS CHEAPER j i than cunjbe purchased elsewhere. j -A. FRUBH BUPPL V" juit received by Railroad this week. REMEMDER THIS. AXD PROFIT DY IT Sunbury, Drcember 15, ISfiO. .tot Ire to Creditors). ! M-rsona knntvini ibemaelvea inilebteil to i A1;,',: the subscribers for a nenotl of over fi mnntha. ' will ssve costs by calling and settling before the i 1st of February licit, as alter that time Ihe ac counts will be placed in the hands of a .liwlice for collection. FHH.IXG A GRAXT. Sunbury, December IS, IttCO FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! Yew nutl ruNhlouablo 1'abluct Ware. PIH E subscribers respectfully inform the j M- citizens of tSunbury and Ihe public gen.vallv, Ihut they have commenced the CAB1XET MAKIXli business in the shop lately occupied by William Snvder, in Fawn Street Sunhury, j ! and aro prepared to supply their customers ; Itroniiitly wilhtvery variety of articles in the line of their busii.ess, on reasonable terms. Their j work will be made of the hot materials, and in -the beat and latest st) les. Country produce taken in exchange. WILLI M IIAirPT. bi:.nj. DECKER 1'. Sunbury, December I, 160. j AND COiS FJiUl H)iAlUliS. M. O. OEARHART, II AS juat returned from theiitv with the ! II lareeat assortment ol w.v r r.i-i it i. , j RIKS, Fill IT and 7X)YS, ever hrnucht to this j section of country. He is determined lo supply all with Holvday presents, sellng Iheni at whole sale nd retail, al prices to sun purcnasers. Having ihe necessary machinery. Ac., he is manufacturing all kinds of Toys, and keeps up his stock, so that purchasers will not Im at a losa for a supply of almost any article they muy desire. M. C.GEARHART. Sunbury, December 1, IHtiO. Buckwheat Holler. rTMIE subscribers respectfully 'Informs the i- public that they hae added lo the machinery in their Steam Mill, in Sunbury. a new unproved Jtuehwheat Duller and wheat cleaner, which enables them to furnish wheat, and buckwheat flour of the finest quality. Customers promptly attended to. MORGAN Sl CO. Puiibuiy, December 1, t sjUO. Notice to Creditor IJERsO.NS indebted lo the subscriber on book - account notea or otherwise, sis rr quested to call and make settlement on or before the 1st of January, after which lime tha books will be left witb a Justice for collection. JOHN C MORGAN. Sunbury. December 1, 18MI. OTTAlTSLEsi IOR SALE, cheap, tbree copies ef th CuKagsj U.b'.e, io two Tcltwei, with com B.cataries. H. D. MA?PCR. GREATEST EXCITEMEBT OF TILE SEASON I FIULIKG & GRANT. at the MAMMOTH STORE, hevfl just received NEW AND DESIRABLE filock of FALL j WINTER COODS! A very extensive assortment of LADIKS DUESS GOODt?, Consisting in part of IJ lack and Fancy Silks of ery choice pattern DEBEOE.S, Durala, Cai.hnierra French and English Merinos, I'lain ami Figured Wool Delaines. Muslin Delaines of all styles and prices. Foulards, Thibet Cloth, Foil De Chevres. Saxon and Wool Plaids. i dies' runs, UROCHE. liny ftte and ricty, Ac., 4c. Wool SHAWLS of every v- (entlenieu's JJrcss (ioods. of every style, consisting of Cloths, Casimeres, Kaltinetts, Kentucky Jeans. Tweeds, Yalvet Cord, Velveteen, . nf ev(T- Tirieiy. Velvet Yestirigs, Veatings. V)ur stock of Silk and Silk cannot be surpassed in the country. Please call and examine them. CLOTHING ' Our stock of READY MADE CLOTl'IXG, has been replenished, and we have a full assort ment of OVERCOATS DRESS COATS. Pints and Vests, Overcoats and Dress Coats for Boys of all ages. ALSO, a very handsome assortment of HATS -c.XsTID CAPS of every ftyle and variety at the loweat price. Our stock of HARDWHRE has been renew iri1 we n,ve now ,Ilr"'r assortment than i rx before ellcred to our customers, consisting in part of r I Sausage Cutters, Pocket Cutlery, Uutchcr Knivea Mayer Hinge, Holts and Pad Locks, X Cut Saws, Mill Saws, Scoop Shovel. 4c, Ac, ic, Ac. Ac, Ac lluceuwarc nnd Cilnssnnre. of every variety at tha VERY LOWEST PRICES, Our stock ot 0-PaOCEE.ISS is very fine. We have the beat qunlity of Syrup Molasses ever before eifure to the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity. CEDAR AXD WILLOW-WARE of every I variety, r ' Xotions, Hosiery, (iloves, BOOTS AXD SHOES, Ac, Ac- 8ADLERY Also a freah supply of DrtiKS, Paints, Oils. Dye St-jfT, Perfumery, Glass, Fancy Soaps, Brushes, Ac. Particular care havinic been taken in the se lection uf our goods in regard to quality, style and t rice, we call the attention of the public lo i M.u-a m which constant additions will bem.de Thankful for past favors, we hope to merit a continuance of the pitronae of tne piumc nv I selling cheaper than ever. Give us a cali before 1purch.....g elsewhere. Sunbury, Xollemlier 17, IHtill. V OICK is hereby given thai the several i-' Court of Common Pleas, tienerul Quarter Sessions of the peace, andOrphans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Xortliumla-rbiiid, to ! commence at the Court Hi use, in the borough ol I Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the I seventh day of JANUARY, next, and will coo ' liiiue TW O WEEKS. 1 Tha coroner. Justices of the Peace and ronsta ; hies in aud for the county of .Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their proer per ' sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their ' several uftices appertaining to be doue. And all witnesses prosecuting; .n behalf of the I ommon. wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded lo be then and there attending iu their proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall he jUat and not to depart w ithout leave at their peril. Jurora are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the Inns appointed agreeable to their notices Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 1st dsy of Dec'r. in the year of our Lord ons thous and eigh' bundled aad sixty and tha Inde pendence of tba United States of America Ihe 8Mb. God save the Commonwealth. IHVID WAl.HRON, KUiiff. PherifTs Oftca, ) SunUry, I'at. 8, IM". J COMB ONE&fl ALL, exitmiao the h ucitutirui 8 11 A W L 6, and Rica DRESS GOO BR i . . a UmmiT & Hon, (j. .- li "' ;uf o,,tned Yip C E N T U E 0 F A T T II ACTIO XI HICH DISPLAY of HANDSOME GOODS AT LOW PRICES 1 combining li K A U T Y A X D D U R A 1) I L I T Y now on ' I EE EXHIBITIOM At the People's OlSK PltlCE STOEE, OF E. 3T. BRIGHT &. SON, Our extensive Stock of ' FOREIGX AXD DOML.STIC LED Ed '2? Q CD CO JD S3, N'OTIOXS, HOSIERY, BOOTS AND SHOES IIATS AND CAPS, QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, Hardware, Carpels, and Oilcloths, Ac, Ac Presents RARE ATTRACTIONS, AND Splendid Inducements TO Who wish to secure GKEAT LA11GA1NS For the Smallest Quantity of CAPTAIN CASH OK Country Produce. sy REME JSL JB JE2 that all goods sold at our establishment WARRANTED to be as V) rry r y- X) h iS AND NO DEVIATION IN PRICES. In addition to our LAP.GE STCCZ. We are constantly receiving Xew Goods, thus keeping up our assortment ut all seasons of the year. W e return our thanks to the public fur their liberal patronage, and shall make every eltort on our part to render satisfaction. Be lieving that the nimble dune is better than the slow quarter, wo shall adlwrs to that old lime honoied mottu : Small profits and quick sales." E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunhurv, November 17, 18110. Cure Cough, Cold. Hoarseness, fnjluenzu, any Irritation or Soreness of the Throat, lie Here the Uncling Cough, in Consumption, liron chilis, Asthma, and Catarrh, Clenr and give strength to the voice of Public Speuktrt and Singers. Tew are aware ol Ihe importaiKre of checkini; a C-Mit-h or 'L.'oiniin ii Cokl" in lie nrsi atase j Ihat wliu-n in iTih beffininim wculil yield to a mild leniedy, it neglected, ao-u atluoks tlie l.un?a "HKOW.N'S HltONCtll Al. Tito C'lirs,'1 roinaiiiinir dtiiiulcent ingredients, allay Palaio. uuiy and Uroiu-hiul irritation. J '-That trouble, in my throat, for wturh. Brown's jtlie "TKOCHhV ara a spc iu, ) kivn.g imuJe uieuiteii a mere wbiK-ier-" TKOCIlK!. N. P. WILLIS. I "I ita'ommend their use to Public tfj'tak Itrowu's 'era." , Itr.v. k. it. ruAPi.v. THOCIlr.S. '-Have proved extremely aerviceaula llloaraeneaa o Uiown's j HI V. IIKNRY WAIID RF.KCII!:r. "Aliilail inslant lellel lu the dtatressm TKOCIIF.S 'labor ol bluilliine peculiar to Asthma ' i IIIIV A C kugi.i:sto. llrown's i "Ct'iitaiu no Oiiuin ut auytlnna injuri ous.'' l)R. A A HAVES, TRflCIIKS. fhemist, U,ton. i 4A simple ued pleasunt oiiubiliatioii . r itrown's Coughs, 4c." i DHGF niCl.t.nw, TKoi'Ili:!-. ll,t..ii. ' ''Beoefielal in (Irohi'hrtia 11 Brown's bltJFWLAV'F., I 1 1. '!., TltOCUKS I '-I have proved theru cxcellei.t l. Win p. :illg C'uUgtl. " Biown's j KEV II W WARRKN. j H.l.al I'ltOtllt'.S. '-ni-nern-uil when couil!tJ to .saiU-luig lloin tN-UI." llrown's i UKV S J P AMIKRSON. : tsi u.uim. TKOCIIKS. i ' tjTn-lunl in rnvving II.Misei.esa ami irnutioii of Ine rhriau, i eiaiuiKai with 'Ittrnkcrs ami sH.-eris " j Plot' M STACV JflllNSfO, i l.a Graiiee, Ga., i Teacher ol' . Music, tiuthern J Ketuele C'ileae. 'Hreal benefit vvbc.-i tnkei heliie and ni'lcr praaclilut, aaUtcy prevent IbairsMirss. ;t'mtKeir past cllecl, I tliink laey will bett' ,iernianeul lulvantuce lo tue " ; KKV K ItuWl.KY. A M.. Vn-tiileiil i f AtlM-iis College, Teen. ' TW s" l lo aH Urusisisal Sj cents a 1 i llrowu's Titnciu:s Brown's TROCHljt brown's TROCIIK. Peeeitiherp., IrCi'. fimpl NOTICE; Vl l. persons knowing themselves indebted lo the kubscriliera, engaged ill Ihe Pound iv buaiiiess, on notes, nook acejunta, ot otherw ise, ara equusted lo settle the same without delav . The neglecting this notica must not complain if coals ara added to their accounts C. D. ic J. ROHRDACH. Sunbury, Nov, 17, I sbU. 6m CSACKURS! CRACKERS, just re eived aud fir sale by the barrel or pound, at l-a 'onieciiintrrtme el M V. OKAHH U I , funlJuiy, O.-lj'-er '.1,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers