Is THE MAMMOTH STORE ! THEMAMMQTH STORE! 7T ESPEOTFULLY beg leave la announce to the citizens of PtTNDURV and vicinity, thai L, their EXTENSIVE STORK ROOM hasbeen filled to a pe-fect jam with. 1C"" y' The largest Stm-V ever brought to thit part of the country atone time. We have now, not onlv thp handsomest, hut the LARGEST STORE IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA! .wVt,,.M.0. ?,W ,iV(,,)'Swbich,',n ""er,t . quality anj ewPM ( price, ve UN RIVALLED! We need not (iirtirularizo, lor r WIS HAVE EVERYTHING!! We hae constantly on hand nil kind "I DRUGS, HARIHV ARK. yl'SnNsW-NRE, DHY COllD!-, READY-MADE CLOTHING , . ,.L . ,. , , ,.,... "'10'rs AM) BHl)E9,nRnCEniE8, Ac , Ac. which we will dispose of at the h LOW EST PRICES. Country Produce token in exchange at the highest prit-a-a. t iir stund it one ol tn oldest in tin. section (.r country, and haa always Wen tavored br the LARGEST ntid RUST run nf rutni m the neiglil.nihood. We are thankful for patronage we have received in the past, and h...v ihnt by a continual effort to accommodate our friends and customers, and 1.1 rnnseiiietiee ol the Inrceiirsa and variety of our atock, we will merit and receive a continuance ol the support and gnml will of the people. A e cordially invite vou to give ua a call ! Lo.MK ALL ! You never rcgrei , visit to the M-ry ijfti'gvM aiKi In this section of the Slate ! Htmeiiihcr the old House. Sunbury, May 19, IfT.O. ly LUTniuiraii-s .in&ME.JJS8 HEAR 'WHAT THE PEOPIE SAY. The undersigned having mel Professor Hl-MI'IIREVS' rTKOIFIC MUMiKurATIHO IlKMHUIKS tn our f-imillos th tlio most sillsfactory results, anil having full confl-n-nce In their genuineness, luirlly, end elllency, cheerfully recommend them tn nil who ulsli to huve safe, ra ti ible, ami eHicaclinu remedies at lianit for priv.ita or do initio use. . . . Tim ll.-v. Wni. Ilnsmor, e Htor i.f " The Northern Inde-p-nlciil," Auburn, N. V.; the Hot. E. H. Crcscv, P.U., Hector or St. I'elcr's Churoll. Auburn, N. V. ; the Bit. B. I. turn, Chaplain or the Auburn State lrl.n ; the Rev. Spencer M. Rico. Rector, Ne-Blfnl. M:u. ; Uia UtT. Alien Su-li-, NL'iv-Voik Coiik-rem-e ; tlie Iter. Bniuuel ::llU, Kml Ouiicni'4! O.muTi'ii'-c, N. V. the Hpv. P. I'. iiU, bnrsirt, VI,; tlie Bit. John K. R..ble, tlufliilo A. P. Il irt, Clt.-i. N. V.; tho U'.n. 1", Purtlntul, Mr. ; thr tt.ui. 8.-hnj ler ColTar, Eolith Beu.t, lnd. ; the Hon. Ilmiriw HmunhrovK. S. V. ; lli nrjr U. Cook, Ksq., K lltor of Tin Ohio tNti J -ntrnal, C.'lumhitf, Ohio; the Hon. K. II. tinihHK. Mollne, tit.; tlie Hon. TlnuB'U J. ChBie, Monti. cllj, ri : the Hon. J.pli lleneim, l ilea, 3. ltrll..l. Ks.., I tlon, N. V. ! A. 9. Pond, K., LUca, N. 1. i JumiM I'luukclt, KmliTille, Ti-nn. LIST OK SPBCtrlC P.EMKMRS. No. V For P-ver, Oo(rwllon, and Inflammation. No. I For Worm Kvor, Worm Colic, Wrtiinjr tho Beil. So. S for Colic, Crying, Tceliing, and Wakefulnem of I-ifmlii. , So. 4. For Warrhaa, Cliolera Infantum, and Sumimr Coiuphiinta. . , u, No. a. for O.IW, Grlptnw, Pmentery, or Bloody rnor, No a.Kor Cholera, Clinlora Horhiu, Vumitinir. 1 pr 7 Kor OiikIi, Ooldn, Iiilliu-iian, and gore Throat. No. S. Kor TuotlMcha, Kiioe-ache, nnd Neurnlpia. So. 9. for liemliichc, Vorilijo, Heat and Fullnem of U "'So.' la ITaeaiu raia-For WoaV and Dmanged Stomacti, Coiwtij.KUon, and Liver Uomiln(nt. No, ll. Km -miL lKntcenaum, Scanty, rairJUl, or S rnnrewed Period!. , Ko. 11 For Uuoorrhea, rrofme Moniea, and Bearing Down of It'mnloe. . , . No. 13 For Croup. Ttonrie C-ugh, Bad BaMiuT. No. 14. 8i.t IliitL-a 1'iu For KryilpelM, truptlona rimplei on the I'hoc. No. In. Riiat-MATio Pu.ia. For Pain, Lamentsi, or Sora Bvm In tha Cheat, Back, Lolna, or Ltoiha. A. For Fever aw". Ague, CUU Fever, Dumb Afie, OW aPiMmutfO'l .vriK1. , P For PU, lllin.l or tlle "iin(r. Internal or KvlernM. 0 For Sore, Week, or hifliuoed t.jn ami KjelUla; FaO tng, Wcuk, or lllurred Eie)ht. ti For Cntarrh, of lor Miii.e.;! or recent, either with r.bhtruotkn or prolui'e ill('liiiine. . , , -a W. C For Whoupuy C.juth, ablli vWienoe and eUirlclllut! lu couine. , In all acute diaeneni, looh Fevrn, InatamaiaUuna, P-irrlml, lvaeutery, Oreuu, Khiaiiunteiu, nud eu. li erni tive dieoaei-e'aa nourl, l Kver. Meuil.-.. and trvi.el, tlM advantam of aivinil 'he proper riuie iU-e promptly 00 vame, and in ill uh caaee the act Ih a charm. The entire ilaome hi ofteo :irrwlvl at once, and in all eauea the vV kticc- of U10 liltock U iiioil.rated, the dttaaw aliort tnt'd, urid remlifd h-ns diii.t'croua. Coiik-lm and CoIJa, " Well are ol inch frequent occurrence, and nl.iili o olicu iHvthe fundaiion of ilieeimed luiiK", I roiicLilin nnd eooiuiuptiou, uwj u. ha ot once cured oy fue Fever and t'. uch IMIe. , lu all clironic die :iia, such an P.v epeiina, n enl. Woniaca, (V uMipiilion, IJver Coiuplaiiile. I Uc, Fmalr U.hi.lty, and Ureifularillef, old llraiuu lies, s .re in Weak V'.yee, Cutan, tkit lUieum, and oU.ei- old i uption, the cane hue upecitica alit ao proper nppliciiticli ulll alford a cure in alnowt every lnt:ince. Oltt-ii Hie cure of n liunle utirouic dilliciilt)'. such as li,t;itlu, Pilee or Catarrh, Headache or Female )ak biaki, tuu uiote thia paid or the cnae ten lime over Pll'.CE. Case of SO v!ale ooirip)ct , In onuoceo, and Book .ad ise of o iabi. anil lkW, olnin 4 t l';ue of l.' i.uiul'ared boxes, and Hook., I'iwe of a nionl.ere.1. Hod B.m.b.. hinglc luiri.lK'r.-o I,x.m, with .lira. liutie. .. .. I 2.1 oaola. .bn ociiis. M'iIk letlWf ! lo., nun Lai'ttu cne of 'J oi. rial: for phiiiUii and pbynicluus.. ..SIB Al.'O ei'KCinrs. roa Militi OK Piiiuibic. Oppressed, Dtftloult, Latmrsil Ih-c.iltili.. aireiiilvd Mnh Cou,jh and tvpecloraliuu. Price, (in ecl'i p, r i. .. Ion r. .s Inxutaors r. I" .raws. Ms. Mices from tl.e tar. t'.c reaoii of H.arlei Vever. M-sslvii. or Mercurials. l'u N.-lr.-s in tl.e llcu.1,!iu'. -t lKaiii.,'. and Klugli.g ll. tl lUrs. and Kar-a.-l.c. Price, Ml cot- per b. . For ft. noil-Li. Ki.lio ti.l lllands, I'.olarc.l an. I lialural. ! j'i IkIIi, cv.cUlmh. and Fleers, ScioloU us CaJiexy of t hUdi en. I'.ici. ;o cents per boa. sob Oi.Ni.-i. it. H. n:i nr. I'l.j sHal or Weukiissa. l :Uir the ..-i..t i.f b.cV.iiva, l.iccss!e Me.lti siiou, or Ks ..n.f.:u lll.-harcv., M" i-enta per h... l "h llaoit-v. Flui.l Atfciiiouliitioia.. I iiiiatl fcw.lllucs, allli t V.ty S clrM-Oik. Price, is' cent per bx. Fok t-KA-e'icayua. Healhly, V.rliiro, Nauses, Touittlnii. bu.knA from ritlinir or motion. Pi ioe, 60 ceuui psr bex. los PaiKAav PiKBiew For Gravel, Ilenal Calculi, UiOV aU, Painful t ilimllon, UUeost of Uie Kidueja. Price, 60 sius per bo. 1'ia Snimt. FvtsauiM Involuntary I'lscharges and r .haeiiuenl 1'r.aurali. n and Pel.lllt.v, Bad Keaulta of Kvd H..I..U. Hie iuosi sacco!ol and .hclei.t reu.edy known, ami may be relied upon aa a cure. Pries, allli full dlrea tl .lis. r l lr box. P. rj U. ivlsh tn place themselves under the protes sli.ti.1 care, or V. sees advice of Prof. IICHrHose, cjmi do at his office Hi biouiaay, dully from b A.M. to 8 P.M. vr I'y i:Ati. 0111 KKMKDIF.S tt MAIL. Iik ever the Ilf. niak. up a ease of a I. at kind you eh..ose and im-loae il.e suioui.l in a cui rvr.t uole or slauil Iv lihiI w cm a.l lr.s, at So. MM U.oailaay, Near-Yoik, and the meJkii alll be duly returned by mail ur express, of cliarpe. AGL'XTS WANTF.D. Wedaslre an setlve, afllslelit Ageni tor O.e sale of our llame.l!.s In every town or community Ui lbs ITult.d Slates. Address Dr. F HCMPI1HFVS Co. he. IMi IJ0AiJrAT, Nssr loa. A.W ri8HER.Agsnt. Hunbury, Pa. May 88, I860 ly SAVE YOUR FRUIT Y UKINU MASON'S Patent Sheet Metal Screw Top PRESERVE JAR. MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP ! 11 that is necessary being to screw the Cspdown upon the Rubber (iasket, which is placed outside upon the shoulder of the Jar, 3-4 of an inch dis tant from the tup ; prevent the posaibililv of the flavor of the fruit being injured by coming in contact wilh the Rubber. Persunsileairing these Jars, csn lie supplied by leaving their orders with 11. B. MASSF.R, Bunbury, Jung g, ihGO. Agent. CP What the People say, must be true. The Teople say, Blight & Son Bell' their gooda very cheap. Tho People 6ay, 'Bright k Ronton almost everv art icln nfllftrr.h on, iu The People say, Aright k Son lave the "out, assortment in town. The pooplosay, Bright k Son's store is the place to got value for your; cash. The People say, Bright k Son sell eoods ! 10 an at the same prices The People say, Bright k Son have the cheapest fclioesin town. The People say, Bright k Son have a splendid stock of llata. The People say, right k Sun hTP Handsome Dress Uoods and sell tl very cheap. licit) Sunbury, June 1A. 1 Sf,0 FEW BIIL8. of those Choice II erring and Mackerel juat received at the Mammufh Store. FRILLNU & GRANT. Sunhnry, JuneSO, mi;u. AND WARRA.NTH.-The highest price -wtl be given for Laud Warrants by the sub e,,h" H. HMANHEK. ATENT BRUTANIA bar bottles for sale by H. STOPPERS for B MAbbER. If Itraprsl Store, sinml. MARKET KuTTAKP nr iKe Court FIUMVU & OH ANT. lCt) WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1800 NEW YORK L1INES CAMDKM A AMHOY AND Pnil.ADF.I.PHIA AN1J TRENTON KAlLilOAi) CO.-S LINK, From Vhiladtlphia to iVno York awl Kay I laces. Fiiim Walnut Utreet Wharf and Kemuigton Depot, rlniadrlpbia, will leave m mlluwa, 12 At A A XI via Cnmdeli and Amlxiy C A A Aconr mialntiun. ti ii At a A M. via Cnnnten and Jereev City New Jer- aev ncriuntninliilinu, 9 25 a, u a i via fnmiien and Jeiscv ciiv M.irninr. Mail. ... 3 0 ii in tr. via Kemiiieton and Jersey city, Y ca- tern Kxpreea, 3 00 At I1J I'M via Camden and Amlxiy, accommodation i At V M, via Cainden and Awiair b anu a. ca- 3 U0 At 4J P M, via Kensington, and Jersey city, Eve- prea ulnar h.apresa, o w At li I city, d c:lnss Ticket. 2 At (I P M, viiiCnmden A Jersey city Eveninr M nil 3 Hi At II P M, via Cinnden ami Jersey city Sonth. Mail 2 ' At S I M via Cainuril nun rtiuiKiy acciuiiiii"uii- tion. (Fieiglit and rassenger.) 1st cluss ticket, 2 25 1 !id " 1 60 The e P. M. Mail I.iua tuns daily. The 11 Southern Mail Snturdiiya execptnl. For Helviilere, hjist'.n, FletniPtton, Ac, at 6 A. M., from Walnut street wharf and 3 P. M , from Kensinatiui. For Munch Chunk, Allentowu and Uethlehcm, at a, A.M. via Lehigh Valley Railroad. For Water Gup, ftroitdshnrg, crnnton, Wilkrslmrre, Monirnse, Oteal Mend, Ac, nt 8 A M, via Delaware, ltckawanna mid Western Railroad For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M For Mount Holly, at 6 and A M , and 2, and 41 P.M. WAY LINES, Fur Bristol, Trenton, As., at 3 and 4) P. M., roin Keiisiuirton. For Piilinyrn, Pclnncn, Reverly, llurlington, Borden town. Ac, al !. 3. and 411'. M. Fifty iMiumls of UaftHzi only, nllowed each pnssrncer, russcmtiTS are ptolnhiled from tukinc anything na ling, gnce hut their winruig nppniel. All Flnggiige over fifty pouniln to I pmd for extra. The Company limit their recponsiliitity lor Bogauae to line Dollar per pound, and will not he hnble fol any amount beyond 100 Dullats, ex cept by special contract. WM H UATMKR, Agent C. A A. R. R Co February 19. Infill. ' NOISF.I.EFS FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. 1 havintf purchnned riuI iited in (Mir lumilics uOrovkr I & UrYKKk'i CrlelirHtrd Fnmily Stwing Muchine," Hike plcnpure in rrctHnmenthiif? it us an iiiitruim-nt fully rtm niiung tl o epsentinlt of a good machine. Iti beaulifut implicit)', enne of m4iH0pt1iiuiit. ami tlie IreimUi ond I elnstipitv of its utiti-h, unita to render it mnchineun- urpnsticd bv nny in the mmket, nd one which we feel I cnnhdeiit .will give lutiifaction to all wlio may purclmse I Rev. W P Strickland, ") Rev N Vanxant, ( iw Turk. Kev K IJ Yard. f Kev C Larue, J Kev E P Kodgers, D.D. , D.D. ) e. DD II, DO ) Re W B Sprague, Kev J N Campbell Rev Charles Anderson, Rev Charles Hawley, Rev Daniel H. Teinplo, Kev T M Honkins, Kev Wm Hoanier. Rev O H Tiffany, D X) "C J Jowcn, Auburn, N. Y. " Jona Cross, I 11 John McCronn, D V Baltimore, Md. VT D Clemm, I ' W II Chapman, ' F. 8. Evans, J R B Galbruith, Covanetown, Md. " T Daugherty, Waynesboro, Pa. " 'J'hos E Locke, WesUxorelaud co, Va. Rev W A Crocker, ) John Paris, S Norfolk, Ya. J F l.annean, Salem, Va. C'h. Hankel, UD,J C A Loyal J Charleston, S. U. A A Porter, Selma, Ala. Joaeph J Twine, Speedwell, H 0. U B Ross, Mobile, Ala. J. I. Michiiux, Enfield, N C. A C Harris, ) vi F Harris, J Henderson, N 0. Henry A Riley, ) A L Post, i Montrose, Pa. W D Wilson. D D ) W F Curry. A M. ( Geneve, N. T. Eiberl Sliugerlutid, Scutia. N. Y. Prof. John Foster, "j Rev. Francia O Grati, I bchenect'y.N Y J 'I urnbiill Backus, DD.I Prof. Benj. Stnnton, J Rev P C Prugh, Xenia, Ohio, B W Chidlaw, A M. ) V Perkins, j Cincinuati, O. E Grand Girard, Ripley, O. A Blake ) E C Benson, A M, Qambier, O. J J M'Elhenny, DD. ) F Cheater, Ironton, O. E F Haety, Cambridge city, lnd. J C Armstrong. Saline, Mich. Arlhur'Kwaxey, A Hunt, J Galena. III. lamtein Morbough, Cambridge city, lnd. Richard White, Milton, lnd. Calvin Vale, Martinsburgh, N Y. Joseph Eldridge, No folk, Conn. John Jenmugs, i H L Wayland. Worcester, Wm I'hippa. ) Osmond C Baker, Bishop of) Mass. M E Church 1 Tboa Bathay, Henry E Parker, Concotd, N. H. G N Judd, Montiromerv, N Y A M Stowe, Canandaigua. N Y. Wni Long, ClilTMine, Mich. Offices of Exhibition and Sale: 495 Broad way, New Yoik. 730 Chestnut Street, Phila delphia. 181 Baltimore Mrect, Baltimore. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. March 1!4, lf.0.-ty wnni van u TiEAi.PR iv BRANDIES. WINES, GINS. & C PIMIE subscriber having opened in Thompson's Brick Building, Mill street, Danville, a large and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the best brandsof Brandies, Gin, Old Rye. Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, Maderia, Champagne and other Winee of all grades, alt of which will be auld Wholesale at Ihe loweat city pricee. Tavern-keepors by buy ing of us can save at least the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquors for FAMILY U H E , may rely upon being furnished with a pure and unadulterated article. IT Being determined toeatahlisha reputation tor selling cheap he respectfully solicits Ihe pa milage ol me public. All orders promptly at- wuueel to. JEREMIAH S.HALL. Danville, Jure 18, I860. DO you wmi ? DO you wish a handsome Carpel 1 Do you wish a durable Carpet 1 Do you wish a cheap Carpet t If so Call at BRIGHT . SON. Sunbury, June 11, 1180. ACUPERLATIVl , TONIC, DIURETIC; liWPRATIlC CORDIAL To the Citizens cf New Jersey & Fennsyl vania. Apothecaries, Drnpgista, Grocers and Prirale Fomtliea Wolfe's Pure Cignnc Brandy. Wolfe's Pure Mnderia, Pherrv and Port Wine. I Wolfe'a Pure Jumaica anil !t Cr.iix Rum. Wolle'a Pure Bcoleh and Irish Whisky. A I.I. IN BOTTLES. 1 beg leave to cnll the attention of the citizens of tlie United italr to the above Winea mid Liquors, Imported by 1,'DoLmo WoLra.of New York, whose nnme is rami. liar In every part of thia country for the purity of hiscele braleil Mchiediini !chnnpps. Mr. Wolfe, in his letter ki me, speaking of the put it v of bis Wines and Liquors, soys: "I will stake my reputation ne a man, my standing usa merchant of thirl v yenrs's resii'.euer in the City of New York, ihnt all the Hrnndy nml Wines which I ltlle aie pnre as imported, niul of the best nnn'ity, and enn be re hell upon by every purchaser ' F.veiv bottle Ims the proprie tor's name on the wux, and a fnc simile of his signature on the certificnte. The pilic are respeclfnllv invited tornll and exiimine for themselves The public aie respectfully invited toenll nnd examine for themselves For suk'at Retail by all AHtlieciiiiesaiidifocera in Philadelphia. Gcnar.c II. Anroa,No. sl-i Market si , Plnl'a. Rend the follow ii g irom the New Yoik Courier : EisnRMova Ili siNkss tut iim( Nkw York Merchant We nre happy to inform our fellow-citizens that thete is one place in our city where the physician, npothrenry, and country merchant, can go und purchase pure Wines and Liquors, as pure ns imported, and of tlie best quality. We do not intend togive an eluborntu tlt-eciiptien of this metehaut's extensive liusim se.nlthough it will well lepuy any strnnger or ritizctitn visit l il' lpho Wolfe's extensive warehouse. Nob. IS, on und WJ, Iteuver street, and Nos. 17, l'.)niidai,Miirketnelil street. His Mock of fclnuipps on hand renily for shipnicnt could not have been less than thirty thousand eases ; the Htainly, some ten thousnud enses Vintages ul'INW to IMU ; and ten tlioUBilnd caaes of Mniletrn, Sherry and Port Wine, Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and St. Croix Ruin, some veiy old and equal to any in this ci mittv. lleulsoliaJ tlireo large eel- mrs, mica wnn iiruunv, vi I ne Otc , in cimk, under cus tom ll.iuse key, nnily ior boitiiui;. Mr. W olic's sales of rVhnnpps last year ninouuted to one hundred and eighty th uuiil dozen, nnd we hope in less than two yeuishe limy be eimafiv succpssfiil witli hia Hruiiiliea nud Wines. Ills business merits the piitroimce of every lover of his species. Privatefntiiilieswlio wish pure Wines nnd Ll. quors foi inclical una should send their ordeie direct to Mr. Woi,a, until every Apothecary in the land make up their minds to discard the poisonous stuirfroiii their shelves and replace it with W''s pure Wiuesuiid Liquors W'e understand Mr. Wolle, lor the uccolimiialation of smull dealers in (lie country, puts up aksorltd cases of Wines and Liquors. Such a' nam, and such a merchant, should be sustained against his tens ol thousands of oppo nents in the liuilrd Stutos, who si-It nothing but umlatiolis, ruinous alike to human health and happiness. September 8, lbOO dm p. 1860. THE BEST ROUTE 1860 V R t) M W'3 online Vtillry to riilludrlphla, Hew York, Italllnioro, AND all poixts xonrn. south & west. LACKAWANNA k ELOOMSBUttG RAILROAD. SXJTVIlMEn ARnjfiNOEMENT. Two Doily pKMeneer Trnma will lie run between Ferunlon and ISttrtliuiiilieilaiid, ui foiluwa: MOVING POfTH: I-enve Soruntfin. A i rive at I'iUaton, KniKlt'ii, t?!iick shinny, Phil'aMail. N. V Ex. 0 10 A. M. 4 23 r. M. 39 4 81 7 05 A ill 7 " ft Si 20 0 55 1 50 7 'M (1 00 7 40 9 25 P 10 10 IHI 8 45 NOUTII : N. Y. tx. Phil'aMait. 5 30 A. M. 4 15 P.M. 8 (15 S 20 J5 6 50 A 45 f no 7 15 35 7 15 7 05 8 30 7 15 H 57 8 IS S 25 8 45 ijwmih.ii, Jicrwirk Danville, NortliuniberlaiHi, Leave Norlhuin ber laud, Arrive at Pniiville, ltiiH'rt, lfliaimahurg, Berwick, Sliicksliuiuy, Kingston, l'ittston, Scrniitou. The lJieknwanua ami BI'N.inabiyg Iluilroml connects with the DetawHie, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, al Scrnuloii, for New York and Philuilelph.n, and interme diate points I'.ast ; also for Greut llemt, Bliigiiiiinton, Syracuse, Itiitralo, Niagara Falls, and all important points West. At Rupett it connects with the Cultawissa Rail road, for points laith Kjist and West. At Noithuinbetlaud it connect with the Sunbury and Erie Railroad, lor poiule West andSoiilli. M. VV. JACKSON, Sup'l. Kingston, Augtltt 2S, ImSO. Ladies' One Price Fancy Fnr Store ! John farclra, No 71" ARCH Street, he tween 7lh, and 6th, fls. PHILADELPHIA. (Iite of US Market Sir.,) ' Imi.ortcr, ATanufactiirer of rand Dealer in nil kinds ot llavine removnt to rnv New Stole, 718 Arch ft . and beina now eiiffuirad entirely lit the Manufacture and Suie ol Fancy Furs, which, in aciNirdanee with the "One Price I'rineiple," l nave marken ui ine lowcsi rjossioie pucea consistent wilh a reasonable prolit,! wotld si.lii-it a visit from in want nt l-urslor either lnlies' or i iiuiireus' Wear. and an iiisnecti.m ol niv selection of those, aaiisfied. aa I am, of my ability to please in every desiied easeiiiini. p." Persons ala dislance, who may find it inconvenient to call personally, need onlc name the aitiele, they wish together with the price, and instructions for sending, and forward the order to my adtlreaa money accompanying to insula a antiifactorv complianee with their wishes. Philadelphia Auusi2o. leflO 5tn5Jw SUNBURY ACADEMY. rpill J 11 VOL HE Sunbury Academy will be reopened on Monday the 27th of August, lew, under l.ic care oi s. l . LVF.RTON. Theeoutse of instruct ion will emhruce every depart ment of education taught in our best Academies, preparing students one either for a profession or to enter any cluss in College. TLRMS PF.R Ql'ARTF.R: Common School Brunches, 91 00 Higher English Branches, fi IA Ijiuii and Greek languages. 7 00 All entering before thelmiddleof the tjuarlei will lie required to pay fin the whole term of tuition, unless spe. cial arrnngement ia made. Tuition to bepcid before Ihe middle of the term. Board can be had in private families at lioia 1 75 to tl 25 per week. Sunbury, August 25, IH10. WutrliCH, Jewclrv A Silver Ware. WE would respectfully inform our friends, patrons and the public generally, that we have now in Store and offer WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, at the lowest t'in,h Prices, a laige ami verv choice stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARM, ol every variety and st le. Every description of DI AMOND WORK and other JEWELRY, made to outer, al short notice. (sT All liooda Warranted to be aa renrcsented. N. B Particular attention given tn the repairing of Watcuee and Jewelry ot every nescrtpitnn. STAI FFER A HARLF.Y, No. 822 Market Stieet, South Side, Philadelphia Peptembei I, ie00.-3iu IT IS NUT NtCESSARY to tell the people, that Ihe Mammoth Store ia a "one price stnie" ae they elways knew that, but it is necessary to let them know that we have replenished our stock and will continue to receive new Gooda every few days. We are determined to supply the peo pie, with the most desirable goods at the lowest piices. . FR1L1NG ot GRANT. Sunbury, May 26, I860. COTTAGE BIBLES 10 U SALK, cheap, Cottage bible, iu t three copiei ef the wo volumes wilh com- nicntarlei. II. II. MASSKK. PICKLES of vaiioua kinds, Lobsters, Sar dinia, Ac, Ac, juat received and for sale aithe Drugstore of A. W.FISHER' Sunbury, August, 18R7. ly 1AR Iron. Steel, Nails, Picks, Urub-lHes and JL' Mason Hammers, at low prices. BRIGHT V80N. Sunbury, June 13, I860. ' I RILING eV GRANT have just received br railroad Ihe largest assortment of QUEENS- WARE and GLASSWARK ever brought lo Sunbury. Also, a fresh supply of DRY GOODS, consisting of Spring Dress Goods, Prints, Mus lins and ISoliona. apt 7, I860- a. ssviO l e) AND BHOEH, a Urge assortment jl FRILINQ V GRANT'S Sunbuty, Jsuusry S8, I860. CENTRAL HOTEL. II STJNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa- rfHIS largo and commodious! Hotel, now A managed by J. H. E C K B E R T . It is situate At the Railrotd Depot North Eaat corner of Market Square, bunhury, end t the tcrminua of the 8unbury tV Erie end North ern Central Railroad, end i open for the accom modation of Traveler! end the public in general The proprietor will give hie exclusive atten tion, to ike comfort end convenience of hie gueati and is determined to make thie establishment rank among the first in the State. Hfe table will be supplied with the neat the market can produce having the advantage of daily Ciinimuniiiafion by care direct from Balti more and alao from those bringing produce from the surrounding country. Hia bar will be supplied with the purest liquors the market can produce Ca-eful and obliging eervant alwaya in at tendance. A ahare of the local and traveling community ia most respectfully solicited, tfunbury, January 12, I860. HIGHLY I M P0RTANT NEWS M. C. GEARIIAUT, Has returned with a new Stock of Confectionariei, Fruit and Toys. IT seems as If a new age, a new life was open ing upon us, animating every heart to nobler deeds ami higher aims! Art, Literature and bci ence will glow anew and seek to develope sub- Inner beauties and grander conception. The business world too must feel the new in fluence and every'part be quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge ua on with electric speed to the consummation of greater things than was ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of the past Animated by the enthusiasm which prevades all classes, and desirous of doing his share to wards "The great events of the Arb," the sub scriber would respectfully inform the good peo ple of SUN BURY and the public generally, that he has just returned from the city ef Philadel phia with the largest and choicest slock of Con fectionaries, Fruit and Toys that has ever been brought to this section of country. He is alao manufacturing all kinds of Confectioneries, Ac, to fill up orders, wholesa'e or retuil, at short no tice. Among his stock of Confectioneries, may ee found : French Secrets, Gum Drops, all kinds of scent, Burned Almonds, live Diops, Cream White, Mint Drops, red and white, 41 I,eiTlon Jelly Cakes, Riaie, Fruit Drops, Vanilla, Stick Caudtea, of all scents Common Secrets. Rock Candy, Liquorice, Almond Candy, FRUIT., Prunes, lntri, Fiat, Currnnta diied, Ciironi, Almonda, Raiaona. Nuti nf all kinds LKMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the (ingle or dozen. A superior quality ol eegars and 1 ohacco, and a variety of ('oufectionaries, fruit, Toys, Ac, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. Fit' Remetnlier the name and place, aj M. C. (iKA It HART, Market at., 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright & Son's store. Sunburv, April 14, I860. ly 153E?.'S FATE1TT FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, As Improved for 1R59 and 60, By E. KETCH AM & CO., 283 Pesrl-Street, New- ork. "TMIE only Freezer constructed on aeicntific -- principles, with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. 1 he one hastens the freezing of the cream the other removes it as fsst as frozen The most rapid in freezing, with the leaat quantity of ice. The most economical in cost, as it is the moat simple and durable in structure. For sale in all the principal citiea and towr-e in the 1. 1. ion. Each Fteezer accompanied with a book of re ripes and full directions. PRICES. 3 quarts, $3 00 4 quarts, 4 (10 6 quarta, & 00 8 quarta, C 00 14 quarts, 8 00 12 00 20 quarts Apply lu H. B. June 2, I860. MASSER.Sunbury. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A limevulent Jnrtitutimi established hy special l'mloirment, for the Jlelirf oj the iick and Jlistresseil, aiJlicted trith Virulent and Epi demic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of iJtnuscs of the Scrual Organ. jljjEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the 4"- Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, wilh a description ol their condition, (age, occu pation, babils of life, Ac.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhea, and other Diseases of Ihe Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REMEDIES employed in the Dispen sary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter enve lopes, free nf charge. Two or three stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address. DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON. Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order ol tlie JJtrectors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, President. Gko. Fairchimi, Secretary. January 14, 18S9. ly HEGE1YIAN Sc COS CORDIAL ELIXIR OF CALISAYA BARK Prepared only by IIEGEMAX A CO., Wholesale and Retail Chemists and Druggists, ll, 399, 511 and 75S Bnudway, New York. THE virtues of PERUVIAN BARK us a Tonic have been too king kiaiwn to need comment. The CALISAt A ('-ur King's Burk,") is the most valu able of the uuinersus varieties of the Peruvuii Bark, aiul III the ELIXIR le combined wilh other iugrediente that Increase its efficacy and at the same time overcome the intensity ol its tuttei, rendering it a moat Agreeable Cor dial. For persons living in FEVER and AGT'K districts, it will be fiuind invaluable aaa pieventive, Hull of a wine glass full taken night and moimng, rendering the system inucn less suujeci to the unhealthy influence ol the s linos Dhere. DIRECTIONS Dose for an adult, half a wineelaas full before hreeikfusi and dinner ; ehiklren from one u two tensioous full ; it may be takeu with or without a little water For sale at this office. March 1?, lb&ti LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. G O TO WM. H. MILLER, he haa received from Philadelphia a large slock of BOOTS & SHOES. His stock consists ef Gen'la Kipp Hoots, Youths' Kipp Boot. Children 'a Calf Boots. Also a variety of W omen e Calf Lace Boots, Wsmsn's Morocco Lace Boole, Children's Morocco and Calf Lace Boots, all of which he will aell cheap for CASH Csllsnd examine for yourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tampero Moroco for aula lor cash. WM.H. MILLER. Sunbury, January 7, I860. -VOW FOR MAMMOTH STORE, Everybody buye Goods there. Why 1 Because they can buy them cheaper than anywhere elae. Sunbury, May 26, 1880. " ET everybody know that Friling k Grant. have the best assortment of gooda of all kinds and that they are selling theaa cheaper than ever. Sunbury, May 16, I860. 10 000 PIECE8 of Wall Paper, jast reeoiv- dirnrrml elylee very low at FRILINQ f GRANT'S. BanhutT, Jaauary I, ,e. i EVANS & WATSON S Snlamaudcr Safe. III- 304 Chmnvt Street, abovt Third. PHILADELPHIA, PHILaOBLraw, Sept. ttl, last. To the President of the PennsyWania Agricultural Society ; Th anbacTitiers. your committee to examine the con tents of a HALAiVl AISOKrt aArKnfKvaiiBAWsts.ii, after being exposed to a strong Ira on the (alt (rounds for eight bmira, respectfully repteseut J'hat, alter sereu cords of oek wiaul and three af pine had been consumed aroand the sale, It wasoieuen, in the premnce of the committee, and the contents taken not, a little warmd, hut not even scorched. Several Silver Medals, heretofme received hy the menu fncturers, and a laige quantity of documents, were in the safe, and came out entirely uninjured. The iwrimi.iil anlisfied lia of the The experiment satisfied us of the capacity of Safes o ihis kind to protect contents from any Are to which they Imv he evnoeed The Committee swarded a Diploma and Silver Medal. UF.ll. W WOODWARD, JOHN W. GEARY. J. P. RVTHF.RFORD. ALFRED 8. GILLKTT. STILL ANOTHER. WitMixaro, Sept. 17, 1850 Messrs. Evas V Wat eon, Philadelphia Gentlemen : The Salamander Fire-Proof Safe of ynur maufure, purceaaed by ua from your Agent, Ferna and Garrett, of our city, aome nine montha ago, wna severely tried by horgtais fast Saturday nignt, and allhongh they had a sledge hammer, cold chisels, and gunpowder, they did not succeed in opening the Snfe. The kick being one of "Hall's Patent Powder.proof," they could not get the powder into it, but drilled a hole in the lower panel and forced in a large chaige, whici wee ignited, and although the diHir,insideandout, showed theexplosion not to have been a small oue, it wnsnot forced open. We suppose they were the erearer part of the uieht ai work on it. We are much gratified at the result of tee attempt to enter it, and if ine auove lucianre ni any aervice, yuu are at liberty louse inem. i ouis, uuiy, BATIMAItlJ ft JONF.S. Great Fire .'Another Triumph!! Ksnxvn L, Tennessee, Msrch 13th, 1850. Messrs Evans and Walann, Gentleman It affords me great plensunetoanv to vou that the Salamander Hafe, which I purchased of you in February, IH5S, proved to la, what you lecommended It a sure nrotectiiai from fire Mv storehouse, together wilh several others, was burned tothe 5 ground in Alnrcn lust. J he Sale full through Into llie.rel nr, and was exposed to intense henl for six or eight hours, and when it was taken from the ruins and opened all its contents where found to he la a pel foci state, the books nnd the papers not being injured any whntever. lean cheer fully recianmend your anfea to the community, believine, ae I do, that they nre aa near fire.pinof aa it isp."ihls for anySnfe to hemnde. THOM AsJ POWELL tW A large assortment of the nliove KA KM alwnva on hand, at 304 Cheanul street, (late 24 south Fourth St., Philadelphia. Octobe' 15, 1M9. cly DETERSIVE SOAP This Celebrated Washing Soap ia now in mar ket for more than a year, and that it has given universal satisfaction, ia evident from Ihe fact, that tho Manufacturers of it, in order to supply the demand, have been obliged to incrsase their capacity to make equal to One Hundred Thou sand Pounds per Week. It is docidediv the best and cheapest Snap ever made in tnis Country ; One Pound of it will go aa far, foi any use, as Three of the Common Soap in general use. It ia made upon a new principle, of the best materi als, and known only to Vast Haagk.i Si Me rino hi. It does awsy entirely with the wash board saves the necessity of boiling Ihe clothes it does not shrink Flannels, hemotfs omkasc, ik en raiNT spols perfeclliy, and from the moat delicate fabric, saves fully one half the time and labor usually spent to do the washing. It is warranted free from SAL SODA.orother injurious alkalies, and guaranteed not to rot or injure the clothes. For Sale by all respecta'ile Grocers, and Wholesale by THA IN it WcKEONE, No. 22 and 24 South Wharves. Philadelphia. . CAUTION. There being several imitation brands ef Deter sive Soap in Market, the public are notified that none is genuine except Vaw Haabxh St Mc. Kr.onx ja Stamped upon each Bar of the Soap as well as the B ixes. Sunbury, Oct. 29, 1859. NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store Of IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. I MARKET STREET, Sl'NBt'RY, PA. TV IE subscriber has just opened at his well known establishment in Sunburv. one of the heapestand most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, mat has ever been ottered in the place, and which ne will sell for CASH or exchange for Country Produce. Those desiring to purchaae goods will do well to call and examine his atock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK. All Wool Delaine, Figured, Striped ami Plain, French Merino, all colors. Beautiful Dress Robes, Cashmeres, Shsded, 'lain and Striped must be seen to form an idea of the extent and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool 8hawls Thibet and Broche Shawls. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet For Men and Boys' Wear, Black Casaimeree, Fancy Caasi meres, side stripes heavy, Doe Skin Cnsaimeres, Satinets all kinds. FI.A TnX ra"t-t. White and Red Flannels, all grades and prices, Bay State Sack Flannels, colors finest qnallios. READY-MADE CLOTHING Boots and Shoes, Hals and Caps, Ac, ijc, all nf which were selected wilh great care, and will compare favorably, as regsrds quality, style end price, with any in the country. II A UP WARE, full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, Queensware, of all descriptions. Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpet Chains, Sec, Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye Stuffs. Thankful for Ihe patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunbury, Oct. 2, 1859. DR. ESENWEIIS TAR AND WOOD NAPTIIA PECTORAL, 19 Ihe best Medicine in the world fia- the Cure nf Toughs sod Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Aslhnai, Difficulty in Uiealliing, Palpitation of Ihe Heart, Diplheria, and for the rebel of patients in the advanced stages of Consump tion, together with all Diseases of the Throat and Chest, and which predispose t Consumption. It it peculiarly adapted to the radical curt-of Asthma. Being prepared by a prwtical Physicist! and Druggist, and one of great elpeiicnce lu the cure of the vaiioua diseases to which the Human frame le liable. ll ia otTeied to the afflicted with the greatest confidence. Try it and be eouvineeri that it is invaluable in the Curs of Una ohial enaction., price 50 cents per Bottle. If 1'aiPASXB only by Dr. A. KSF.NWEIN A CO., ... Druggists sad Chemists, N. w. Corner Ninth and Poplar Sis., Philadelphia. 17 BOLD by eveiy respectable i)raggial aud Dealer ia Medicine throughout Ihe State. PaihAdelphia, March 31, le0 lyw Short Notice. rTMIE subscriber having retired from business hereby notifies all persons indebted lo him on Book account or otherwise, to call and settle the same without delay, otherwise they will be put into the bands or a Justice for collection GEORGE KOHRBACH. Sunbury, Nov. 6. 1859 tf STOVES- TOR SALE an excellent second-hand Ceok-- ing Stove, alao several Cylinder Coal Wtosaa. Enquire at this office. 11UKE AND FRESH GROCERIES, of al1 - hinds, just received by E.Y. BRIGHT A BON. Banbury, August SO, I860. SAWSWod. Croaa Cat and Mill fJawse. sViporiof artkls el FISHER'S. BuVmrv, July I7lh, 1858 II i ll I ILsnal IE HOSTETTER'S STOMACHBiTTERS. It ia A fart thai, M tome period, every mem ?er of the human fnmily ia fulijeot to disease cr disturbance of the bodily fund ions) hut, with the kid of good tonio and the exercise of plain eommon sense, they may be able to to regulate the system aa to necure pormanctit health. In. order to accomplish thia desired object, the true course to pursue is certainly that whiofc will produce a not oral etate eat thing ai the least hazard of vital strength nnd life. For thia pnrpoee, Dr. Hoatettor hai in troduced to this country a preparation bearing hit namo, which ia not a new medicine, but one that hat been tried for yoare, giving satisfac tion to all who have used it. The Bitters operate powerfully upon the stomach, bowels, and liver, restoring them to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus, by the simple pro ooet of strengthening nature, enable tha sys tem to triumph over disease. For tho cure of Dyepepsia, Indigestion, Nau sea, Flatulency, Lots of Appotitc, or any Bilious Complaints, arising from a morbid inaction of thu Stomach or Bowels, producing Cramps, Pysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, &o., these Bitters have no equal. Diorrhcca, dysentery gencratly con tracted by new settlers, and caused principally by the change of water and diet, will be tpeedily regulated by a brief uso of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease which Is probably moro provalcnt, in all ita various forms, than any other, and the cause of which may always be attributed to derangements of the digest ivo organ, can be cured without fail by using HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS, as per directions on the bottle. Fortius disease every physician will recommend Bit ters of some kind ; t hen why not use an articlo known to be infal lible T All nations have their Bitters, as a pre ventive of discaso nnd strengthener of the sys tem in general; and among them all there is not to be found a moro healthy people than the Germans, from whom this preparation ema nated, based upon scientific experiments which have leaded to prove the value of this great preparation lu the scalo of medical science. Fkvek anu Aoi-k. This trying and provok ing disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on tho body of man, reducing him to a mora sha dow in a cliort time, and rendering him phy sically nnd menially useless, can be driven from the body bv tho uso of HOSTETTER'S RENOWNED BITTERS. Further, none of the nbove-stuted diseases can lo contracted, even in exposed situations, if the Bitters arc ucl as per directions. And ns they neither crcnta nausea nor offend tho palate, nnd render un necessary nny chango of diet or interruption of ordinary pursuits, hut promote sound sleep end healthy digestion, tho complaint is re moved as speedily as is consistent with the pro duction of a thorough nnd permanent cure.1 t'r l'crtnnt in Adxanttd Years, who aro mitfcring from on enfeebled constitution and infirm body, these Hitlers arc iiivnliiiitilc as a restorative of strength nnd vigor, and need only be tried lo ho appreciated. And to a mother while nursing these Sitters are indis pensable, especially where the mother's nour ishment is inadequate to too demands of the child, consequently her s rength must yield, ami hero it is where a i;ood tonic, such as Hosteller's Si omiioh Bitters, is needed to impart temporary strength and vigor to tho systpm. Ladies should by nil means try this remedy fit- ull cases of debility, nud, before so doing, ilioul-1 ask their phynician, who, if ho is acquainted with the virtue of tho Bitters, Trill recommend their uso in all cases of weakness. CAUTION. Wo caution tha public ngainst using any of the many Imitatiunj or counterfeits, but ask for IIosTr.TTXR'i Celebrates Stomach Birrsns, and see that each bottle has tho words "Dr. J. Hostcttcr's Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on tha metallic- cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label. S- Prepared and sold by HOSTETTEH & SMITH, Pittsburgh, l'a. and aold by nil druggists, srocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, Canada, South America, and Oermany. BOLD BY' Geo. Hbiout, Snnbnry, Frii.inci & Grant, Sunbury. H. 11. McCat, Northumberland, Cvri'8 Crown, Milton, H. M. (J. Wenck. McEweosville. Octohpr 8, 18r!).- ly " FUENITURE! FURNITURE!! " Fashionable, Cheap niwl I'Meful THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. rIMIE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet Jt- and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful fur past favors, solicits a continuance nf the public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, 4 c embraces KVF.RY VARIETY, I'SEPI L M) OR N -MENTAL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, aa anything that may be required in his line ran be had at moderate prices. Cheap for ('iirfh, or Country Produce taken in exchange, Establishment South Fast Corner of Market Stptare. tk Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Sunburv, Nov. 19, 1859. tf I 72r y economy : , e fjl s"- I Save the Pieces! '- J AiHrcMlenU will hnpiven, eveii in weU-rrftulatrri iHini Iir, ll u very de,irl)ie h hovr Mine cheap and convenient wuy for r(Mi t ing Furniture, Toya, Crockery, kc. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE mretB all such rmtrteiirie. aiiti im houttchoki nui uiT rtl lu rMf without it. It ia alwaya ready ami up hi tha atiekniK point. There ia no longer a nreBMiiy for lunpitiK ctiHira, splinter veneer, hentiie (lia, ond broken riuillra It i juvt the .article for ctuie, aliell, ami oilier ontameiiUl work, ao popular wilh ludiea if leBuemeiit and tnte. Thia adunrabla piepu ration is used nold, liciiif; ehemiealiy held in aolutton,and rosBfuiiig all the valuator guahtieiuf the beat cabmetinuKera lilue. It may bm used in the place if urdinary mucilafre, being vastly mitre adhesive. "I'SKFl'la IN KVKBY HtLK, It. B A Brush accompanies each bottle. Price ceu is. M'holeaale Depot. No 4H Cedar street. New York. Address, lUAKV C. HHAl.DIMi A CO., ils .No. S.titJo, New York. Tut up for Dealers In eases nontaiains; FtHir KiRlit, and Twelve Dozen a beautiful Lilbt-grapluc Imiw Card c CAmiiMiiiviiijs rnch nnckaire. I tT A single buttle ot Swklui(i's PrefMred Glue will iuve ten limes its coat aniiuullv ti every household. fcKll by all proiitineiit Stationers, Drueists, llardwure and Furniture Dealers, Grocers, and Fancy Hlores. Country Merchants should nmke a note ot hpuMinff's prcuretl Glue, wheu they uutke up theil list, ll wil aland any clnnute. For aate at thia office, March 10, b30.--ly m J. STEWART DEPUY. i A T CORNELIUS MAIIAN'S, No t.ttSouth Seeowl streets, (next dux to C. B.Meueh's). . Seeowl streets, (next do. lo C. B.Meueh's), O O Philadelobia. would luviletlie attention of their, C iu gcuer.l.i et(iiienua anu cuatoineia, sou ,u puunv LLIrf) a lares and well selected stuck of fl CARPETINOS, fn onsisting of Velvets, Tapeatnea, Three-PIvs, ti Ingrains, and Veailiane. Alan, WINDOW IV Sll A DES, Ol L CLOTHS, MA rriNGS, UR L fi i.UETS, RUOS, MATS, STAIR RODS, Ae., which he sella vary cheep for cash, wholesale 'and retail, March HI, ia0ly NOTICE ALL persons Indebted to the firm of Friling cV . Granl era respectfully requested lo come forward and pay up their accounts between thia and the 1st of April, aa mey wisn us w city to lay la tneu spring sappitee. ' FRILING fc GRANT. Bunbury. March 10. 1880. GO TO FRILING & GRANTS and tee the largest and cheapest saaorUtisnl ef Dry Goods every brought to Banbury. Bunbury, May , 1IM. NEW FLOUR. FEED, FRUIT AND iiovisxon stouc rHE subscriber respectfully informs the e i sent of Sunbury and the surrounding neii borhood, that he haa opened a Store at the nor' west corner of Market Square, oppotite Vandyk Railroad Hotel, where he is receiving, and keep on hand, Flour, Feed, Fruit and provisio of alt kinds, soch at WHEAT, RYE BUCKWHEAT FL0U Oats. Corn arid alt kinds of Feed, Crackers, Oranges, NuU Ac, Fresh Shad in sea son, Early Vegetables Fruit Ae., from the South. He willVonstantly receive, by Railroad, fro Baltimore aud Philadelphia, all the delicacies the season, as they come into market, and trus by prompt attention and reasonable prices lo I ceive a share of the public patronage. WM. HOOVER. Sunbury, April 16, 1859.- ly. Yssixa COFFEE POT Being baaed, as Dr. Hall, of tho Journal of Health, says, "on acienco and common sense,' are rapidly coming into use, and destined soon to supercede all others. ARTHUR, BURXHAM, & GILROY, 117 & 119 S. Tenth St, Philadelphia ' 9ole Manufacturers under the Patent li-Fsr keeili,ir Venernll Bde l,y Dealers In Houses Articles, Slid Storekeepers December 4, 18S9. "EPadn CHEMICAL TIHE undersigned having received a large ant X well selected stock of Pure Drug and Chcmlcalx, Dyealiiffa, Oil. Paints. Glaaa and Puttv. ia note I ready lo fill ordrraat a momenta notice. In connection with the aheve you will find an assortment of Fancy Notions, Toilet Articles and Perfumery of all kinds, Tooth, Hair, Nails and Clothes Brushes of every variety. Customers will' find his stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to enumerate. REMEMBER the 'place, under the office of the "Siuiliury American." Pbysicjana' Preemptions compounded accurate ly and carefully. A. W.FISHER. Suiibury, April 2d, 18S9. ' P. MELANCHT0N SHIN DEL, Jl STHIi: OF THE PE1E, SUN-BURY, FA.. Ojjice in Deer Street, immediately apposite the I ubltc School House. All business promptly altended to. Monies ollected and all ordinary writings done. Sunbury, April 35. 1857 if OI.ID Dr. HEATH a IKKIK OI'n VlVTravels and great discoveries of the Japanese and East India Medicines, with lull ilitecli.uis l".,i the cer tain cure ol Consumption, Bronchitis, lloiichs, Colds Catarrh, Aslhmn, Fevers, Heart Disease. Scrofula, Canca.' Hyspepsia. Liver Complaint. Gravel and L'rininv Deposm! reinale Complaints, Ac. Illusttnled wall hundreds of certificates of cures nnd engravings. For the purpose of rescniuans many Buttering lellni?-beliigs as nosaihls iioie premature death, it will I sent tonnypailoi me conti. Ileal, by semilog 25 cents to PR. HKATn, "I" Blimdwnv. New York t'dy. Sold, also, by A. . FiBher, Sunburv ; Conrad Weuk. Northumberland : T S. Caldwell, Lewisl.urg ; O M Ha eeiihnch, Uliamisburg j Cyrus Biuwn. Mill. mi ; N. 1. and Rank it Co., Danville. February IB, IMIO. y. FsJR SALE. rTIWO LOTS situate in Market street, in tha town of Trevorton. Nos. 14 snd 1 3, in block No. 90. Apply to vt m. l.AI lil.fcH, Selnis H. B. MASSER, Sunbury. Krove, or PLASTER ! rLASTER ! ! .")() T(,NS pf'ina Nova Scotia Son Plaster for by BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury. April 7, I860. HENRY I)0NNEL ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ojjice opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt attention tu business in adjoininc -utilities. ECCEEIEIIIR & I0YER Attorneys at Law, SXJISrBXJJrtY, FA.. X. Jordan Rot liiTc-Ilcr and Solomon II. Iloyer, resprctfully aiinotinco that they entered into Copartnership in the practice of their profession, and will continue to attend to all busi ness entrusted to iheir rliarge in the counties of Northumberland, Union. Snyder and Montour, promptly, faithfully and carefully. Special at tention will tie given lo the COLLECTIONS t)r l l, AIMS. Consultations can be had in the GERMAN language. Office, Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Siiiilmrv, February A, INCO. CHEAPEST ! BIT! ! LARGEST ! : S)5,00 Pays for Tuition In Single and Doable Entry Bc-k-Kcep-ing, Writing, Cominereiul Aiithinetie and lectures. B.rd t weeks tJU, Sutionary 7, Tuition 3i, eulire expenses QG'i. Canal time from S to 10 weeks. Kvciy Student, upon graduating, isguuruuleed ei.mpeleiit to manage Ihe hu-.La ol any business, and qualitied to i-ain a salary oi from $500 TO $1000. Students enter al any lime -No vacation Review al pleasure. Firsl Premiums for Best Business Wtitiuf for received al I'lllshurgh. I'hilrdelplna and Oln.. Stale Fair. Also, al the prii!C!uil Faua of the tinon for the past lour yeais. nf Millistera'Stais received at half price. For Circulate. Specimens and Embellished View of the College, iuckisc five letter sumps to P . W. JENKINS, PittshBtgh, Pa. January 91. 'CO. (let. 8, '4t ly asthma" ' 1.1HR the Instant Relief and Permanent Care of thia distressing complaint use rnNDT9 IlronclilHl cigarctlea. Made ley C. B. SEYMOUR A CO., 107 Nassau Street New York. Puce, SI per boa ; aeut free 1 y poet Cf For Sule al all Diuggials. mar 21, 'ftfl 6m onn sacks v U17 for sale by . A. SALT juat received and E. y. BRIGHT cV SON. Sunbury. August 30, 1859. I OY'S BOOTS aud SHOKS, cheap for cash " WM. MILLER'S. 8un' ury, August J7, 1859. ALMONDS, RA1SONS, FIGS, LEMONS. Vc, oVc, just received a fresh supply and for sale at the Confectionary store of M. C. GEARHART. Sunbury, Msy 16, I857 BLANK Parchment Paper Heeds and blank Mortgagee, Bonds, Executions, Summons, eke., for eale b H. B. MAwSBa. USEFUL IN ALLFAMIL1ES-HEG K.MAN dr. CO'S Bentine, which removes psintspou grease, 4c, be, and cleans gloves, silks, ribbons, Ac., equal lo new, wilbeul (ha slightest injury to color or fabric. Sold by all Druggists, also at thit office. 15 cents per bolthn ARRIS' SoothinglSyrup, for Children teeth ing. For sale at F18HER'8 October 16, '88. SILVER WATCHES. A few double ease Knlih Bit... W.,-1... .1 -are tarn prieeai by H. B MASSKK. t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers