THE MAMMOTH STORE ! THE MAMMOTH STORE! PKILINQ cSc On-A-ISTT, r"'r'CTFl'LI.Y beg !" Announce to (ha citizens of 8UNBUR V and vicinity, that their EXTENSIVE STORK ROOM ho. been filled to a perfect jam with Th lurpi'i'i Stm-h ever brought to tlii .m t of tho country it one lime. We have now, not only 'h hamli-oiiicst. but tin I.AR0E3T STORE IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA I ., 1 (i t., k of NEW tiOODS which, in extent, variety, quality and luwncss in rice, ire UN i.lV I.LED! We tired not partii-nUrtae, fur WE HAVE EVERirTIIIN&H' Vf t-i.p i-nii.lnf.tly nn hull J all kiln! of fKi;sJ.. it MiD'VAKR. lVi;Ei:sVARK. DltY GOODS, FEADY-M A DK CLOTHING IMOTs AND SHOES, GROCERIES, Ac . A... v .1 .;.!. will depose 'f t the VERY l.OW L'T PRICES. Country Produce taken in" hi thehicht.t price. fur t-t.mii i fii- ol the oldeat in this aettiinof cohmiv, ami ha always been lavored bv the l.AKtiUS 1' m.I liK.ST t"H custom in tlir in icht nrhood. M e are thankful for patronage we have rii'i-ivi .1 in the past, mid hope that bv a rii.tnu1 effort to ai'cnmmoilnte our friends and customer, and i,; coiki's'iimi- of the I irceiir.-is and variety of out stock, we will merit and receive n continuance ol lb., support and Rood will of the people. A cordially mute uiu to tiiio us a call ! COME A 1,1. ! y(,u will never regret a visit to the Vvry rargl :mt Mii.tprKt Stoic, I this section id the Mtii '. ! r.wi.wnUr the old aland, MARKET SQUARE, near the Cour Houie. fiinlurv, May !' If til' ly W' ' ii TIE Ml WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY. TV ., hsvtnc u1 rrof.wir nuMPnRCTS '(H'lI'H' linM'KO THIO ItBAIKtilM In our fautltce . ,iu tne most s -Uisfao'ury nwtlii, ami having full conrt l:i t'n-ir .--einiliiene. f, parity, and enVacy, cheerfully -ioucto- nl .?! I" all pera-'tw who "tali have safe, t ;: li.ic, ati l ollu-iwioui remi.tiea ai I, .10. 1 for private or do- Itv. Win. Jbumer, e.lU.,r nf "TV Nnrtnern In- l":i,ii-iil," Aum,rn. N. Y. ; M,e lu-v. E. II. Crwrv, D.D., i:-rtor of Si. W-Usr's Pliurt, Auburn, N. Y. i tlie Rev. B. 1. Cii..lii'n ir l!i Alil-uru llr.t Prlsonj tlm Kv. (I.V..-H M. W e, lt 'Olor, NeT-Bt.llorJ, Mua. J the Iter. Vl-ii ?tcte. Neir-Yurk Cmfircnra ; Hie Kiv. 8araul ?. io?:i. Fi'ist-ftVnenee i'.uifercm'e, N. Y. ; the Rev. P. S. 1 it P niel. Vt. ; Ihe Uvv. J.ihu K. H'-hle, Hiilfalo ; A. C. II , r; ' F-i'i lT'l, 'l. N. Y. ; the Hun. Nfiil How, l'ortlanl, W ;'llii! ll.tii. Mmvter Culfnx, South Ucuil, Iml. ; the Hou. i;.,.,-.c 11 ituiiliiTVS, N. Y. ; Henry 1). Cook, fcq., K.tlUT ft 1 ,. Hiil;. S'iv .li.urniil. C'hinihu-i. Ohio; the Hn. R. II. ; M line. III.; tl! Il.iu. Tlmmiui J. Cliane, Monti- r"'. j Tki ; Hie lluik J.iiwi'h H-ne not, i tica, n. .; "in. U. til. Kvi., Uim, N. Y. ; A. 3. IVii.l, Kaq., Ulici, S. Y. 1 i in... l', K-.., Nahr.ll, Tenu. I.ISP OK Sl'EOIl'lC HEMKDIK3. ff 0 r r J,vr, CuaioMon. ami Inflammation. i. K. l-ir Wi.imi l'ev.,r, W.nni r.,lic, Villlnn lha IVil. So. i yr Colic, Viyluf, Icvlhing, WkfuliMe of l:i.'.ti,m. . m St. 4. V ip Plarilna, C!ilra Infanlum, and Samroer Ciintilniii'.. . , , S i. t Ftir C llo, OrlvlniT", By"nlcry, nr Itlooily Flux. jjrt" fl. K,,r Clt'it.M-a. Olinleri Marhu, Vomlllnjr. V,, 7. For t!iu:h, C-.H, lntluenwi, and Hore Throat. jj' $ Vor T.i.,U;-che, F.ic-e-iitlm, ami Neuralgia. n.t,r tlewluehe, Vcrligo, Heat amt Fullnert of Wie '"n'o. 10. DTsrfwm Piu.a Weak mi Perangeil 11 -pia.i, tViwiil'iith'il, an.l l.lver r..,ni;.liii'it. N'a li. P.m FnLa lumaii.iaiTin, (;anty, PaliJul, or H-; wt.l Perioila. ). li Fur 1'um.irrhaa, Profuse Meniiv, and Bearing l.,w!i .'f t'eiiiaht. , No :l lr liioun, llimrse Cough, nnil Breathing. N.,. ll.-S'iir Hun Pi ut Fur LVyilaa, KiuHJonl. ri: iili. on the Fa,-c. No 1A Hilar iTlf Pil IA For Ptn, Lamenen, M 8or cum In the Own, Hack, lo.n. or Umr. A V ir F.ver aa. Ajne, ChtU Fever, Dumb Ague, 01 M!!0,l Ani-. , r Kt.r Vt-n, li!.:it or lUVH-UHB-, inwrim, v. ' m.-..'-.; ii K,.r S.jr -. ;ik, or ti Jniucl krei anu tjeiioa FaQ i4, v,-h., or IhuiTc I aiiilit. C For Catarrh, of loi.f al inoMntf or reoeut, Ul,er with . i:. For Vho,,,l; Coufci., abating lw vwlenot unit bcnk'i'.l'.g oou'K. it, nit iii. mm. u.ih M rwn. Inflamtrnttfn, Imr.t-a Di.i--rv. Crouj,, K icumalnnu, ana inch rui m o dnwn'iu Soa'rUl Fever, ilrr.alea.aoii fcryalpelai, th ajvaiuii-e ol (liviiiK Ihe Iirowr leu.eilin promi.tly la ob vj. ii., a-id In meh tuiaoa tl.e ii.ei.lnii a,:l Uk a charm. The m Tit e ,ll-e,ue la l-Ilen arveeteil at oiice, in all eaaea the vk-lrnre uf tlie attack U iailTule,l, U. Uueaae aliorV Hrt;.i. n-1 rviii'-cied Wttiiajiteroua. Oou.'hi u,.ii 1'i.Vl, Uch ure oi Huh frniiert occurrence, mi v nl. h o orroii luv tlie loul.oii .n i f ilileaiiwl luutii, brt.wultia ai-1 eoun, li.a all b. at once cured by II w F,.-vir and C-Hluli I'i n.i -itrontrdtMiierr.aorh aa lyiepia. Veak atumach, C 'l.f.calion, Liver Coinplaii.l.. PUua, Icir.ale lhllliiy. ""1 lr-ni!vllle, FU ll'i hicliel. Sore or Wei.k Kyei, C'nlan'h, t-.UI Ki e.ur, m.J i.thtr olti ernptna, Ihe ciine l,H fiiecltica v,;u.i pro! ei ; li.-uti.'!. vr.U rl i.l cuic to uhnm every I. li. ui 0. Oi'lcil lU cm e of a h.k'ir diai. uity, iucll Ha i.iei:-l, Pi.ei. ol t ilunh, ll.''.e i f reiuale rua iijb.'.'Lus rime thai. p..i l I.ii t?,e cuae leu linf over l iu -i: C.'o if "J'l v-.:i ci-i;'lete. lii morejej, at.4 Bjoa .115 I'TCCi i'i: .i!- ,.:..i ihvk, piH'.n t i.f 1.', lui! ihe:,' I .111.1 lio ,k ? ,r r h ,. i......iint-i. ii 1 1 u .,'k l I iiui:.!.. rv.l h.i-r.-, villi .!l-i.:li.jv. Sn omivi. f'-,i-:. I I ixei. villi ulieit. fa' i-ufcc tf.ise cf 2 jZ. Vlt.ia, lor plaitt:i (,il uhya;claiw....,o ALSO el'KCl Kit's. To! .'..r,iM, oa f ,1 .iK'. nppivweil, 1 i'OIjuII. l.nhorau :': i..t:ai.. . a'.ii.ii..l wit:, lousn ..d LtpiH'ljraliou. 1'rlee, . ' i.:.;r i-.o I" a. Ion Km I'm. n.iom ik I!:irNK.a W lre.i from tha ... ;i.e rc.'.t K-.oU-l reisr. li-ali, or Mi-renrlaia. 1 r-Noi-e in li.e H-.i-'l. Il-vr-lnt-?. ..1 nod Kiligllig . oela.a i.i -I I' I' i' l'-iv;. .'tee:it. pel lioK. ton S . i-i .'. C'.ilarki"! (i'ii'i-, l i.l'H'l arnl liullirat- '. iV. i-i-3, -i ii-'io.s ami H!'l ri.:,i.,S,'iolulous Cutl.exy of ti.Ulleti Prlve. " ' cent. li -x I .ia iii: Miil. Ii. .'..' in. I' . eiout or N'-rvoni tVeaVoeaa. H'i..: tin- .-. ill of ti ll 1 lee-Hl .Mi-livnthill, or ha I : lio .:ii'-- I. ...'!.' . e-.t. :'-r l.-'X. t,.a in, .itv t'.u; ' u i . i' ;!-, Tamtil aaelllnpa, altli K -nv .-nil.-i.i. Pi'..-e. .'0 , -pL ;.r Ion" t'l.i Sl. fcNM'if i'v.i'l 1, V.tllio, Nauaea, ..i.-H'LOt. tficU!.ia fi' 'iU liiiio oi- t'litfu, uO etlil .r l,... V..a I'wtnvi.v I.:-oiiji - 1". v llravel, lli'nal Calculi, DiftV e.:tt. I'alot'il Li lluilion, tiisui.-es of U. avitioej. I'i'lee, oO - lj..v. I .-..I s. mii ,l. l'-MiaHioVi. Iiivolotitarv l)l-,.-!iftl'ires anil t'oi-.iu ipiii-.t Pr irelloii nnd i.i.'.!lly, lljd Kvta.lls of kvll II. il.iu. T.'.e meat succesnfi.l and eUi. iint lel'iedy known, ni.ii u.nv tie relied upon oa a uiue. fiii'e, ulln full dire. tioii. 1 per luiv. IVi-Kina kla, ttlihto .iae tl.en eelvi. nn.ler II, a prnfea rioi,; .'mv, or l- vek a.tvlo. ol" 1'iof. lltMeietkYS, can no e, a, I .4 i.:t,v iO'i llroauaay, dally Iroin a A.M. u, a KM. ol tr, ieiir. ovit lir.Mi'inn tiv m.ui.. l.iuk over tl e 111 ; nnte up a cane of alte.t kind you ch. -e. aini liidoii, l!ie am in. t in a current n-.l.' or t... mall U. i... r alih'fji, lit No. ttlj llro.uiaa.' , Ne-T"rli, a'.id ii. i-i.'1'..-lnu wlli be duiy returned l.y luaii or axprers, froe of i t.-ti e. A(11:ms tt'ASTKfl Wtileelre an acilve, eltitieot Aeen l..r tl e ol or Itenicliw is; ovl V l.-w n or i-i.iinautiily tii lue Viii'sJ States. A-Mrvss Dr. K. Ht'MI'UltKVR Co. Sv. Mi biaianwar, Naw-Yoak. - W FISHEn.Agant, Bur.burv, Ta. )!aye, 1H8U ly 6AVE YOUR FRUIT Y lINO MASO.N-H Patent ciheel Motal Scrow Top PKESKKVK JAR. MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL BCHEW TOP ! i41l that ia necessary being to screw the Capdown upon the Rubber Casket, which ia placed outside upon the shoulder of tho Jar, 3 4 of an inch din t nit from the lop ; prevent the possibility of the flavor of the fruit being injured l y coming in contact wilh the Hubber. I'rrsuiisdesiriiig these Jars, can be supplied by , ujuers wnn H. U. JIASSK i. Sunhury, June S, I8B0. A gent. r What the People say, must he true. The rcoplo say, Bright k Son Bell their goods very cheap. Tho 1'eoplo say, '.Bright k Sun keep almost every urtielo of Merchandize. The People Bay, fright & Son hava the Lest assortment in town. Tho pOOplo Bay, 1'l'lght & Soil's Store 13 lllO place tO gfct Value for VOUr' .1 J fnCaiwlaa,v?,.!,l,iH: it v! lho 1 cople say, Jjriglit & bonsell goodi ii id . i to ai: at ine same prices. The I'etiplO Bay, Bright & Son have the! cheapest Shoes iu town. The People say, Urirbt & Fort have a splendid stock of lints. Tho People say, right & Son hare handsome Dress Cooda uud sell them very cheap. Hunbury, June 16. I860. FEW BBLS. ofthose Choice Herring and a. . .. ...... . ... ., ,i. Mackerel juat received at Ihe Mammnfh istore. FlilLLVO eV Git A NT. Hunhiiry. Junc3(1, IHfill. f AND WARRANTS. The highest i.rire JL-s ill U given for Land UVrsnU by the .ub IJO! YE LOVEKS OF eiUl'P ! A freah unply of Macaroni and Confectionery at MilU U iV Ui:l o. unl'tiiy, June I, Isi.n. FRILIAT & GR4XT. is'in WINTER ARRANGEMENT, isco NEW YORK LINES- CA.MiU.N' AM HOY AND rilll.ADF.I.PIIIA ANU 1 KKNTON I1A1I.ROAD CO.'S LINK?, From I'liilmUphia to A'eui l'ork und Way Placet. From Walnut Street Vhnrf anil Keniiiistnn Iennt. 1 hinueipliiu, will leave ua .nilovva, ia raaa. At 8 A M, via Camilen ami Amlhiy C .V A Accuiti. niuii.itu.n, 92 3.1 At 0 A M, via Camilen and Jeriey City New Jer- aey nccnininiamiiitn, s At 0 A M, via Camden and Jersey city Miirnine Mail. 3 00 At 11 A M, via Kenaiiiton and Jersey city, Waa l. in r.xproiti, a tin At 12 P M via Cninrlen ami Amlviy, nemmm'HHtinii 3 5 At II P M, via Uuinileii and Anilmy C and A. lvi- nreea 3 Oil 3 BT. At (J P M, via Remington, and Jartcy city , liiiia h.xprena, At 41 I' M. via ,M , via Kenaingtnn and Jer ay city, Hd t.;nia J ickci, -t vo At 6 P iM, vin Camden Jeraeyrity Ieuinr Mail 3 in At 1 1 V M, via Cuinden andJeiaey city Smth. .Mail J 4.5 At a P M. via Camilen and Anilmy Aeconimiwln- turn. (Fielclil iiud 1'aaaeiiger,) lit dun ticket, 2 'ii d 1 so The a P. M. Mail Line ruin dnily. Tho 11 Soullieiu MhiI rtfllurrliiyi exeeptrd. Fur Helvidure. lulmi, FleiningrMn, Ac., at 6 A.M., from Walnut Mreet wlmrf and 3 P M , from Keiningtmi Fur Munch Chunk, ANcntuwn and Bethlehem, at o, A M. via l.ehch Valley ltaitrond. For Wn'.er Gap, Strnndiharg, Pcrant"n, Wilkellwrre, Mnntrosr, Great Hend, Ac:, fit A At, via Delaware, ljaekawanna tmd Weitern Riiilriwd. Fki Freehold, at A. M. and 3 P. M. For Mount Holly, at and 9AM, and I, and 4 r. m. WAY LINES, Fur Briatol, Trenton, ., at I and 4 P. M., .from Kaiuinxiuii. Fur Pntinvra. Delancn, Beverly, Burliii(tnn, Dorilen tow n. Ac., at 1JJ.3. and 41P. M. Flftv puiinda hi Hni'inae only, allowed eni ll pnaaencer, Pan, lineia ure piohihiti il from takmu' anvthiii hi H iir gaae but their wenrnia: apparel. All Hnirpnce over fifty poiindfl to lie pmil for tatrn. The Company limit then reap.uiaihility for rtacirace to tine Dollar per pound, and will not he li.-il.le fm any amount beyond lou DulUia, ci cent by iperl'il ronlrnct. W.M II UATMF.K, Agent C. 1A.R.R Co Fehruarv is. lbOO. NOHlit.F.SS FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. I Itflviiiir itun'tml and usr-d in our fainiliti 14(iRnVKH k lUikKH Ccleliratei) Fumiiy Sewing Mucliitie," titke pluniure in reoommeiuliitg it at an innlrumcnt fully rnm mniiift tt.c mventinliof a giod mnehint. Its Ih'hui.iuI miTiplicity. eniv of inauBtL'iiieiit, amt tho ttrenctli ami elasticity ci i(a ititch, unite to render it n inHrfiiiie ttn- luijiiiMieil ut any in Ida niHiket, and vne wliicii we Irel vttiiucnt win giv h.isimvuuii iu an whv iuny aiuuuv and u it. 1,'ev. V P Strickland, 1 Hev IS Vaiizant, - ! Hev R U Yard, f l'ev (J Larue, I Iiov K P Itodgera, D.D. Naw York. lie V U elprague, DD ltev J N Cauipbcll, DD ' Kev Charles Anderson, 1,'ov Charles Hawley, liav Daniel II. Temple, Hev T M Hopkins, ltev t'm Hoamer. Kev U II Ttilany, D 1) " C J ?iiwcn, " Jona Cross, Auburn, N. Y. " John McCrono, DD iialtitnore, Md. ' V T D Clemm, " W H Chapman, " F. . Evans. J " It II (ialbraith, Covanatown, Md. " 'J' Daughcrty, Waynesboro, Pa. ' Thoa E Locke, Westmoreland o, Va. Hev W A Crocker, ) John Paris, S Norfolk, Ya. J F I.aiinean.Halem, Va. Ch. Hankel, D D, 1 (J A Loyal Charleston, S. U. A A Portia, Selma, Ala. Joseph J Twise, Speedwell, t 0. 11 11 Hoes. Mobile, Ala. J. I. Michaux, Enfield, N C. A C Harris, ) o F Harris, ) Henderson, N C. Henry A lliley, ) A I. Post, S Montrose, Pa. V D YVilson. D D ) W F Curry. A M. Oeneva, N. Y. Libert Sliugerlaiid, Scotia, N.Y. Prot John Foster, " Kev, Francia O OraU, I Sihenael'y.N Y. J 'I urnbull Backus, DD. f Prof, lienj. Slatiton, J Hev P C Prugh, Xenia, Ohio, U W CUtdlaw, A M. ) W Perkins, j Cincinnati, O. E Grand Oirard, Ripley, O. A Ulake ) E C ISenaon, A M, Oambier, O. J J M'Klhenny, DD. ) F Cheater, Irontou, O. E F Hasty, Cambridge city. Ind. J (' Armstrong. Saline, Mich. Arthur'wwaiey, 1 A Hun't, Galena, III. K.natsin Morhouuli, Cambridge city, Ind. Kicbaril White, Milton, Ind (jalvin Vale, Martinsburgh, N Y. Jeph Eldridge, Norfolk, Conn. John Jennings, , II L Way lau J. Worcester. Mass. WmPhiips, J Osmond (j Baker, Bishop of) M E Church, I Thos Hathay, Concoid, Henry E Parker, J N. H. O N Judd, Montgomery, N Y. A M Siowe, Canandaigua, N Y. Wm Long, Cliff Min. Mich. Office of Exhibition and Sale : 485 Broad way, New Yoik. 7'JU Chestnut Street, Phila delphia. 181 Baltimore Street, Baltimore. SEND FOR A ClKCl'LAK. March 4, 18fi0. ly WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES, GINS. &C 'I'"' auhecrilier having opened in Thompaoii'i , lir'1' "uilding, Mill street, Danville, a large complete atiH-k of FOUF.ION AND DOMESTIC LIQl'ORS, . . ., , , , , . eomprumg the lieat brundsof I) randies, Gin, Old tiv. s, 'illi-h ami Irish Port t'lnrrv Maderia, Champagne and ollur YVinei of all grades, all of which will be sold Wholranle at Ilia lowest cily prices. Tavern-keepers by buy inir of ua can aave at least ti e freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquors for F A M I L V HUE, niay rely upon beiin; fumiahed with a pure and Iuiiaiiiiiieraieu article. Vf Being determined to eslahliob a reputation j lor eelling clieau lie respecttuliy a.iluitk Ihe pa nonage 01 me putme. ah oider promptly at. . tended to. IFREMIAH 8. H ALL. Danville, Jut 18, I SCO. no you wish ? j l)Q ,,1U(Isom, C , , Do ou wish a cheap Carpet ! If .j Call at LRIfillT RON. Kuiiburv, June 16, 160. HIGHLY IM TORTANT NEWS. M. C. GEAI11IART, II aa returned with a new Stock of Confcotionaries, Fmit and Toys. IT aeerri aa if a new age, a new life waa open ing upon ua, animntinK every heiTt to nobler deeda and higaer aiinat Art, Literature and Hci ence will glow anew ani' aeek to develops eub limer beautiea and grander conception. TTie huaineae world too muat feel the new in fluence and every'pnrt lie quickened and atrenglh encd by an increased vitality, which ahall urge ue on with electric tpeed to tho corirummation of greater thinga than waa ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prcvmlca all claaara, and dceiroua of doing hi ehare tn warda "The great events bf the Age," the aub eeribor would reiiectfully inform the food peo ple of SUIS'BL'KY and the public generally, that he haa just returned from the city af Philadel phia with the. largest and choicest atock of t'on fectionariea, Fruit and Toys that has ever been bmught to this section of country. lie is also manufacturing all kiiula of Conleciinnarioa, Ac, to fill up older, wholeaa'c or retail, at short no tice. Among hia stock of Coufcctionariea, may or found French Sfrrrta. Gum Props, nl! kinds of seen', Hiirneil Ahniniila, Crenm White, 11 linuii Itirne. " Vnnilln. Common Hoereta. l.ntuorice, Bnninai, l)nla. l,ive Drop, Mini Drops, red and white, Jelly Cakea, Flint Drops, Stick Candles, o all aeenti Hock Candy, Almond Ciiiidy, FRUIT. rruti!i, Ciinti-. IUnon. Nuti of all kuirti Cnrrmtlt di Alinouda, l.KMON SYUUr of a auperinr qualily, by the single or down. A superior quality of Segars and Tobacco, and a variety of ('ntifectinnariea, fruit. Toys, &c all ol which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. Cy Remember the nnirro and place. . M. V. (iEA KM AUT, Market at., 3 doorawest of E. V. Uright & Son'a store. Hunburv, April 14, 1 810. ly FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, Aa Improved for 1 MfiQ and (il), Uy K. KETCH M St CO., 2nU Pearl-Btreat, New- Vork. 11HE only Freezer constructed on scientific -- princiiiles, with a revolving can and snriint blade scraper. The one haHtens the freezing of the cream the other removes it as fast aa frozen. Tho moat rapid in freezing, with the least quantity of ice. The moat economical in cost, as it is the most simple and durable in structure. For snle in all tlie pnnci.ul cities and towns in the I'l.ion. Each Fiee7er accompanied with a book of re ripe and full directions. PUICES. 3 qnarla, $3 00 4 quarts, 4 DO 6 quarts, 5 CO 8 quarts, fi 00 14 qu irta, ti 00 SO quarts. 13 (JO Apply to II. n. MASEEH, Sunbury. June 2, lH(il). TUB PHILADELPHIA Cash Drue Paint find filnss StnrP. w curl p tritTii pu iruviiin BTiMTTa S. W.COU. FOl T & CALI.OIllU.SrKLErS, 1 HlKADM.rill A. "TRrGG!STS, Mtrrchants, Farmers, nnd the public 1 l ) every where. 1 will sell at wholesale nnd retail, to tlie Spring Trmle of lrjn, a heavy stock of Diue, Medi- ctiiiB, Chemicala. tVc. Ac, Ac. UK K 1 lioxea ot WtuOtw Glass, assorted Sizes and' qualities. IU.000 Puiiirdsnf Putty, While, Dl.ick, I let I. Ac.. in Bulk or Jiluddt-rs. I 30,001) Ha kns l.msevd Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Caniphcne AIcoImI, Ac. 2U Tons of Pure White Lead, in bUs., I bbls., 100,50,05 aii'l I'J; llikt-us. Ud Tons of r'ciil Simw White Lead, in bbls, k bbla. 100, JO, ind l i lb. k-'trs 40 Tons t f New rk N lute Lend, in bbls., j bbls, 100, no, . f jiiiHi i.j 111. i.ejB. j 39 Tons of Pute I reiirb V hite Zinc, in bbls, f bLls, HHJ ! 60. tfoaud I'.'i II. kegR ; 40 Tons of American Snow White 'inc. in bbls, I bL's ICO 1 &o, r nnd I'Jj lb k'-us. SO Tons wi" l.climh Aiueriuijii Zinc, ia b! l, J bbls, UK) 0, - '.ii, und p.'J lb. kes 2j Tons of Ztnc Piintft, of ditTrrcut coins, in bbls,. bbls. MV, .00, "j and l-'j lb kt-tr-j. 30 Tjus of Mineinl Pniuls, of different coUts dry or ground in Oil. j 10 000 ponutls of iire I'renrh Oreen. Chrome fireen, Yel- lnw, lilue, I i Ur k and tttlier colors, dry or in ml. 1,000 pounds of Sirmits' us4rttd lue,lll:u-k, Red, Ureen, and other colm. 100 Pucks of Oold Leaf, Ghziers' DiumoMds, Glaziers Putty, Hawk Knives. A r. . S.0 0 Gallons boiled ml, vnrnihes. Japnns, 7inc Dryer, Ac. Paint, Varnili and t'uis mniir Hrimbes. together with j a eoiuplfte ass irtment of class UoahIb tniLrdi'ed ui the ; Drug uiid Paint Justness. 1 A I, SO. 3.000 bbls. Romin Cement. ii.Oou ' Roseudale und llydiaulic Cement. I.Otiu 11 Calcined, Isund, Ltenliftrv, Casting Planer, .V e. f t iK All of r- iueU I will sell at VVtintfMile and Relnit, nt troW 10 to "iV per cent lesa than other entabl .tlimeiils. j IIKMtV O. I. HANKS, Proprietor if the Philadelphia Cash Drug, Pun it und Glnas Store, , 8nthVest corner of Fourth and Calluwhiil tfts., I'liiia March 3, IHiO ?nic Tha "World's Great Exhibition Price ! Medal ! I AWARDED to C. MEYER, j FOR HIS TWO PIANOS, LONDON. OCTObLR 15, ! :e' '4V MEYER, respectfully informs his friends and the public geuerally that he has con stantly on hand I'u mis, equal to those for which he received the Prize Medal in London in All orders promptly attended to, and great cart taken in Ihe selection and packing the seme. He ha received during the lust fifloeit years more Medals than any other muker from the Franklin Institute also, first Premiums in lion' tun, New Vork and Baltimore. Warcrooma No. 783 Arch Street, below , sou 111 side, Philadelphia. April I !, .SUU. Umw HEGEIVIAN & COS CO!tDlAL LCLIXIU OF 0ALISAYA Ii A li K rre;ane4 only by II HO F.MAX h. CO, Vh,.l.-aule and Iteuil Cliemists and Druggists, Id), 3UD,SU uud IM liioadway, New Yoik. rpHE virtues of I'F.RL'VIAN BARK aa a Tonic. Imve X been too long kilowu In need comment. The CAUSA V A for King's Uurk,") is Ihe most valu able of ihe numersiis viiiietit-s of tlie Peruvian ltiirk,uiul in the I'.l.lXllt is coinliiiit-il with miter ingredients that increase its ellii-ai-y and at tlie same time overeimie the intensity of iu Uliei, reiidenng ua iiuiat Areeuble Cor dial. For persons living in FF.VKR and ACt'E will be found invaluable as a piaveutii'e, Hull' ol a wine glass full taken night and morning, rendering Ihe system much less subject to the unhealthy inrluence ol Ilia atinos -phere. HI ItF.CTlOVS Does for an adult, half a wineglass full before lireakftist and dinner; chiklreii fmm one to two teaspoons lull j it amy be Uikeu with or without a little water For sale at this oitic. March 17, Intlll. IT IS NOT NECESSARY to tell the people, 1 that the Mammoth Store is a "one price store" a they alway knew that, bul it is necessary to let them know that we have replenished our stock and will continue to receive new liooda every few days. We are determined to supply the peo pie, with the most desirable good at the lowest prices. FK1LINU & tilt ANT. buubury, May 86, 1800. WICKLESof various kinds. Lobsters, fear I dines, &c., cVc, just received and for sale itthe Drugstore of A. W.FISHEK- Sunbury, August, 1857. ly BAR Iron. Steel, Nail, Picka, (Jrub-Hoea and Maaon Hammer, at low price. BliltiHT cV SON. Sunhury, June 33, I860. 11) OOfi I'lECKSof Wall Paper. just rrceiv. ed from " New York, 60 different style very low at Flill.INU $ ORANT'S. Sinibury, January H, I860. CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa. rIHI8 .large and commodious Hotel, now' A managed by J. II. BOKDERT. It is situate at the Kailroad Depot North Eaat corner of Market Square, tSnnliury, and at the terminus of the Sunhury Erie and North ern Central Railroads, and ia open forth accom modation of Travelers and the public in general The proprietor will give hi exclusive atten tion, to the comfort and convenience of his guests and is de'rrmined to make this establishment rank among the first in the State. Hie table will be supplied with the best the market can produce having the advantage of daily conimutiiniition by rare direct from Balti more, and also from those bringing produce from the surrounding country. Hia bar will be supplied with the purest liquors the market can produce Ca-cful and obliging servant always in at tendance. A share ol the local and traveling community is most respectfully solicited, fuubury, January 12, 1800. SUSQUEHANNA FEMALE COLLEGE. Ll NS.U It Ol E, I A., TH fS 8cbnn iff mtntdfd to nffurij the very lient advan. Vhzvb, nl a m'd.mtc rtrtrce to aurli n mav be entrnat d to its rare. The hiiikliiiit; ia larpe, well fitranBeri, and urmntirrl with every tliiiiK niH-eRtmiv to hnilth and eoin nit. Ph rents nnd GimidiHiii are invited to examine ita elmim und to snpp-Ml it only hi ao fur aa it may be found m posst-M real meiii FACIXTV. Ii'v. r. 0. RAT'OIIMAN, A. M , rnnripnl. Mint fi. W. Hcndki.l, J Aaiirtiinl Ttarhera. JriJA A. Cati.ik, J Vt K.I1UEM: llrv. H. KTUTZ, D.D. t, L. D.: Rtv 8. DO.MKH.A. M , Lccluieia. r.XPKNSEf. U'mdine. tnttitin In the reinil'ir ennroe fiifhidnm I rnlin," wrudmiir, ticliln, furl nnd une of fuiuinhed nmm per trB8M.n nl" 5 inontha. S) 00 Fee for Heading fimnn, 1 00 DAY SCHOLAHS. Tuition in the Ci1leginte Department prraemon, tl 't On Acudftme ' " (t 00 Incidcntnl charge fot fuel, ink, clmlk, Ac. 1 60 KXTlt A CHARGES. Mmioonthe rinnowith uaeof Instrument, " 50 00 " itieioueon i 7 pii " " Guitar " 14 m " Ilorp. " jm tut Spefinl inRtriiction in Vnrnl Mnaic fi ki Iiriiwinir with use of models. f oil Oil Paintini;, ja im Greek, tier mm nnd Krenrh each, 6 00 ptiymentK to he mmle half in advance, and the bo lance nt the middle of the fowoii. There will I no deduct n mi fur !enre, except in cnara if protrneted mcknens. A librnd deiluetion will be made in fiivtir of the danjrhters of Clergyman. Fut Circulars Addresa. n.xrGHMAX, Or Hev S. DOMINI. !pn-f.rovr. Fn., Srpt. 10, ly "Pre 3 A- . .'oX & r ECONOMY! i V1 eui t Save the Fieces ! As iiPi.-i.lente will hnnnen, even in well-rectilated fiimi. 1 lira), ii I very df,tndle to hav? some elirap and oiiiivciiiciit way iir rt-puiung furniture, toys, Cnwltery, Ac. SFALDIKG S PREPARED GLUE meets nil such emerirencies. and ik hoiietcliold can atftird to Iw without it. It .salwnyaremly and up Ui tl.e sticking point. 'I here is no longrr a uecessity fur lnnpinx chairs, uphulrra veneers, headless dnlls, und bnikeu cindlt-s It is J"st the nrtirle for cone, shell, and other ornnmeiital work, 80 tMrill,lf with ladies of lehueineiit and taste. Tuu mlinirnt.le ptevtration is used Mild, tieing chemically nf'1" "tuuou,aim pisfiessing all the aluatle. qualities ot I Hie beat enluiiet'iliiiker'a Glue. It limy b used in the place of tinliiiarv mucilage, Iwing vastly more adhesive. "If EFLL IN EVKKV HOUSE" N. B A Hrusti accompanies each buttle. Trice 25 cents. Whiileaala Pepot. No 4 Ceilnr street. New Vork. AJuress, JILNUV C. fl'A I.DIMi ft CO.. II.. 1 iNi.3,WU, New Vork. Tat up fur Pealers in rases containing Four Eialit, and Twelve Dozen a beautiful Lltbi.grapluc t-hcuv Card ae CiUIImiii lug eurti puckace. tV Asinjile bottle 01 Sttililings Prepared nine will save ten tunes its cost iiniiuallr ti, every household. , .Id Itv nil prominent Ptationera, Prugarsls, Hardware nil Furniture Dealera, flriHrers, and Fiiiu-y ritorea. Country Merchants should make a note ot Spalding's prepared filue. when they inake up theil list. It wil stum! ml)' cllinfile. For sale ut thisoflice. Match in, lr0. ly LOOK HERE, YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. - IF O TO WM. H. MILLER, he haa received JC from Philadelphia a large atock of BOOTS & SHOES. Hia stock consists nf . Oen'la Kipp Hoots, Youths' Kipp Boots. Children's Calf Boot. Also a variety of Women's Calf Lace Boots, Women' Morocco Lace Boots, Children's Morocco and Calf Lace Boots, all of which' he will sell cheap for CASH. Cull and examine for yourselves. AI.HO, first quality of Tampero Moroco for sale for cash. WM.H. MILLER. Kunhury, January 7, IR60. J- STEWART DEPUY, i T CORNK.I.U.'S MAHAN'8, Nn 8,', J Smith 1 1 Pecoud streets, (next ilisu to C, I) Meneh's) O Philadelphia, would invite the attention of their trieuds and customers, and tha public in general, tT1 , a large any wen selected aua-a 01 OARPETINOS, I l hr 'insisting of Velvets, Tapestries, Ttiree-P!vs,; - ' t , ' . , . . ti.iv,uii L-J 7 Sli.lKS,(III.CI.oril!'.MATTl'GM,'UKlO-i H OKI'S, RL'li!, MATS, STAIR ROUS, tc.,1 .wt.icli he sells very caleup for cash, wholt-aale ryj and retail. March HI, IffJO ly J- HOWARD ASSOCIATION, rillLADELPHId. .-I Rene caleut Institution established hy rperial r.inlotrment, fur the llelief 'of the Hick and J liatrrtstd, uplifted with Virulent and demic lHseases, und especially fur the Cure Oil easel of the Sexual Organs. EDICAL ADVICE given gratia, by the 'A Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description ol their condition, (uge, occu pation, habits of life, &c.,) and in case of extreme poverty, Medicine furnished free of charge. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhoea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW KEMED'ES employed in the Dispen sary, sent to the slllu ted in sealed letter enve lopes, free of charge. Two or three stamps for postage will be acceptable. Addreas. DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON. Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 3 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa, By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, President Okii. Faihi hiou, Secretary. January 14, IK59 ly NOTICE 4 LL persons indebted to the firm of Friling Si tirant are respectfully requested to come forward and pay up their account between this and tha 1st of April, as they wish to go to the city to lay in their spring supplies. FKILINO 6c GRANT. Sunhury, March 10, I860. OW FOR MAMMOTH STORE, Everybody buy Goods there. Why t Becgus they can buy them cheaper than anywhere else. Sunbury, May 6, I860. LET everybody know that Friling & Grant, have the best aaaortment of good of all kinds and that they are selling them cheaper than ever., e . Sunbury, May 26, I860. rjO TO FRILING & GRANT'S and see the Urged and cheapest aaaortment of Dry Good every brought to Sunbury. S'liibury, May 86. 1860. COTTAGE BIBLES. IOIt SALE, cheap, three coplei ef tha Cottage liible, ia two olutnea, wilh coot 11. B. MASSElt. & CP i EVANS & WATSON S Snlamaudcr Safet,. iXo, 304 CKetnut Street, 3 rl TaVM7I rtr riULADKLFIUA, PuiLADiLf B iAt Pepi. 90. 1859. To the Preudent of the PennsylTania Agioultaral Society: The ubarriltera, ynur committee to examine the con tent of I.LAMAKUKH AFB of Evans A Val n, nder being expoaed to a strong fire on tliu fair grounds ear eifiht hours, respectfully repieseut Thnt, after seven cordaof oak wood end three ef pine bad been consumed around the aife, it was opened, in the prenrnce of the committee, and the eonteuls taken out, a little wnrmri, but not even scorched. Heveral Silver Medals, heretofote received by the manu faeturers, and a large quantity of documents, were in the aafe, and came out entirely uninjured. The experiment satisfied us of the capacity of Pnfrs o this kind to protect contents from any fire to which they may he exposeo. The Committee awaided a Diploma and Silver MedaL GKO. W WOODWARD. JOHN W. GEARY, j. p. RrTHERFonn, ALFKKD6. 0ILLKTT. STILL AxornER. AVitMioTow, Sept. 17, 1849 Messrs. Lvas k Wat aon, Philadelphia Gentlemen : The Salamander Fire-Proof Bafe of your maufure, nurceased by us frum your Agent, Ferris and Gairett,of ourcity, Bfune nine months ago, waa severely triiMl by burglars lasi Saturday night, and although they had a sleflpe hammer, cold chisels, end gunpowder, they did not succeed in opening the Bafe. The lock being one of "Hairs Patent Powder-prot(t" they could not get the fK.wuxr imoii, piu aruiea a note m tte lower panel aim nrred in a Inrire charse. whici was limited, ond although the dtHtr.innideand out, showed the explosi'n not to have bren a small owe, it was not forced open. We suppose they were the grater part nf the night at work on it. We are miih gritlihedat the result of Lee attempt to enter it, end if the above factsare of any service, you are at liberty to use inein. x ouis, uuiy, RAYNAUD JONES. Great Fire .'Another Triumph ! ! KsoxvrLtat, Tennessee, Match 13th, I6.if. Messrs Evans and Watsnn, Gentleman It nffirrts me freat pleuiuaetosav to you that theiMlanianler Sufe, whirh purchrmefl of ynu in February, l5H, proved to he w but you 1 (commended ita sure nrntrrtifiii Irom fire Mv storehouse, tninther with arvernl others, was burned to the gntuna in fliaren last, me Pale full through into the .cel lar, and wns exposed to intense heat for six or eicht hours. and when it was taken from the ruins and opened all ir coiuemawncre found to lie 111 a perfect state, the hooks and the papers not being i 111 tired any whatever, lean cheer fully recommend your nfes to the community, believing, as I do, that they are as near fire-prouf Rn (1 ia'ptnftble fui any ate to he made. ,TH(MASJ F( )VK,l. VW A laree ass-trtment of the shove A FI-: alwnvs nn hand, nt 301 Chesnut street, (late 21 outh Fourth St., I'hilmtclphiB. Onttibei- 15, IM9. cly DETERSIVE SOAP This Celebrated Washing pioapia now in mar ket for more than a year, and that it haa given universal satisfaction, ia evident from the fact, that the Manufacturers of it, . in order to supply the demand, have been obliged to increase tlirir capacity to make equal to One Hundred Thou sand Pounds per Week. It is docidedly the bent and cheapest Nonp ever made in tuis Country ; One Pound of it will go as far, foi any use, as Three of the Common Soup in uerienil use. It is made upon a new principle, of the bert materi als, and known only to Van Haakks Ac Mc Keoxk. It does away entirely willi the wash board saves the necessity of boiling the clothes, it does not shrink Flannels, hkmovks i h b a s k , im en paint sfiils perfcctliy, and from the moat delicate fabric, saves fully one half the time and lubor usually spent to do the washing. It ia warranted free from SAL tSOUA. orother injurious alkalies, and guaranteed nut to rot or injure die clothes. For Sale by all reirpecta'de Grocers, and Wholerale by TIIAIN & UcKKONE. No. and 24 Mouth Wharves. Philadelphia. CAUTION. There being several imitation brands ef Deter sive Koap in Market, the public are notified that none is genuine except Vah Huotn dc Mc. Kr-oxt is Mumped upon each Bar of the Soap aa well aa the B ixes. Sunhury, Oct. 29, 1859. NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of IllA T. CLEMENT, NO. I MARKF.T rVTRF.F.T, SUNBURY, I'A. HMH E subscriber has just opened at his well 1 known establishment in Sunburv, one of the hea pest and most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been offered in the place, nnd which ne will sell for CASH or exchange for Country Produce. Those desiring to purchase goodi. will do well to call and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK. All Wool Detains, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors. Beautiful Dress Holies, Cashmeres, Shaded, Jlain and Striped must he seen to form an idea of the extent and variety. BS"-3i:lA-"."H1SBai 9 Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawl Thibet and Broche Shawl. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet For Men and Boys' Wear, Black Cassi meres, -Fancy Cassimeres, side stripes heavy, Doe Skin Cassimeres, Saiineta all kiuda. White and lied Flannels, ail grades and prices, Bay State Sack Flannels, colors finest qnaltioa READY-MADE CLOTHING Boots and Shoes, Hals and Caps, Ac, Ac, all of which were selected with great rare, and will compare favorably, a regards quality, style and price, with any in the country. I1A HDWAHK, a full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, Queenaware, of all descriptions, Groceries, a full slock in (lore, Carpet Chain. 4c, Paint, Oils. Glass, Dy Stuffs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will apare no pains to please ail who may favor him wilh their custom in the future. Sunburv, Oct. 2. 1859. drTesenweins 7Vlii AND WOOD N APT HA PECTORAL, IS the licit Medicine in the world for the Care of roughs and Colds. Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Ditficully iu Itiealliing, Palpilutloii nf tlie Heart, Diplheria, and for the relief of patients in the advanced stages nf Consump tion, together wilh all Diseases of tha Throat and Cheat, and which predispose 1 1 Consumption. It ii peculiarly adapted to the radical curt of Atthma. Being prepared by a prat lical Physician and Druggist, and one of great expciieiics In the cure of the vaiiuus diseases to which the Human frame is tiuble. It is ottered to the alliii-lr.1 wilh the greatest oualldenea. Tiy it ami be oaiviuced that it is invalualile iu tha Curs of Hnn chial alTx-iioua. Fries oU cents per BolUs. f FaaraaaB only by Pr. A. F3HNWF.IN CO.. Druggists aad ("hernials, N. V Corner Ninth and Pophir tils , Philadelphia. eKH.D by every respectable i)rug;ist aud Dealer ia alediellM thnalghoul tha Hlata. Pbikdetphai, March 31, 1&6U Ivw Short Kollce. rTIHE subscriber having retired from business -- hereby notifies all persons indebted to him on Book account or otherwise, to call and settle the lame without delay, otherwise they will be put into the hand of a Justice for collection GEORGE R0HBBACH. Bunbury, Nov. 6. 1659. tf MURK AND FRESH GROCERIES, of all kinds, just received by E. Y. BRIGHT & BON. Sunbury, August 20, 1859. CJAWS. Wood. Croaa Cut and Mill Saw.. J Superior article at FISHER'S. BunSury, July 17th, 1858 STOVES- 10 R SALE an excellent second-hand Ceok- ing Stove, also several, ('vender Coal 8toes. Enquire at this officii, ' - y HOSTETT.CIVS STG?.1ACHJjTERS. It la a fact thai, at soma period, avery mem er of the human family is tubjeet to dieertee or uiHturuance or the bodily functions; nut, with the aid of a good tonio and the exercise of plain common aense, they may be able to to regulate the system as to secure permanent boalth. la order to accomplish this desired object, the true course to pursue Is certainly that which will produoe a natural state things at the least haiard of vital strength and life. .For this purpose, Dr. Host otter has in troduced to this country a preparation bearing his name, which is not a new medicine, but one that has been tried for years, giving satisfac tion to all who have used It. The Bitters operate powerfully upon the stomach, bowels, ond liver, restoring them to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus, by the simple pro cess of strengthening naturo, enable tlie sys tem to triumph over disease. For the cure of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Kau sea, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, or any Bilious Complaints, arising from a morbid inaction of tho Stomach or Bowels, producing Cramps, Dysentery, Colio, Cholera Morbus, &c, these Bitters have no equal. Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so generally con tracted by now sottlors, and caused principally by the change of water and diet, will be speedily regulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably more prevalent, in all its various forms, than any other, and the cause of which may always be attributed to derangements of the digestivo organs, can bo cured without fail by using HOSTETTER'S STOMACH B1TTLR.S, as per directions on the bottle. For thHI disease every physician will recommend Bittersof some kind ; then why not use an article known to bo infal lible ! All nations have their Bitters, as a pre ventive of disease and strong! lienor of tho sys tem in general j and among thein all there is not to bo found a moro healthy people than tho Gornians, from whom this preparation ema nated, based upon sciunlifio experiments which have tended to prove tho value of litis great preparation !n tho scalo of medical science Fever axd Aoik. This trying and provok ing disease, which fixes its relentless pi-ii-p on tho body of man, reducing him to a niero sha dow in a short timo, ond rendering him phy sically and mentally useless, can bo ilnven from the body by the uuo or IIOSTETTElfS 11KX0WXED BITTERS. Further, nono of tho above-stated diseases can bo contracted, even in exposed situations, if tho Bitters are used as per directions. Anil ns they neither crcato nausea nor oll'cnd tho palate, and render un necessary any chango of diet or interruption of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound bleep and healthy digestion, tho complaint is re moved as speedily as is consistent with the pro duction of a thorough and permanent cure.' For 1'crsont in AdconccJ l'eart, who are suffering from an enfeebled constitution and in tii-ni body, these Bitters are invaluablo as a restorative of strength nnd vigor, and need only be tried to bo appreciated. And to a inutucr white nursing these Ciller aro indis pensable, especially whero tho mother's nour ishment is inadequate to tho demands of the child, consequently her strength must yield, and hero it is whero a good tonic, such ns Ilostettcr's Stomach Bitters, is needed to impart temporary strength and vigor to tho system. Ladies should by nil means try this remedy for nil cases of debility, and, before so doing, Mioultl ask their physician, who, if lio is acquainted with the virtue of tho Bitters, will recommend their uso in all cases of weakness. CAUTION Wo caution tho public against using any of the many imitations or counterfeits, but ask fur lloSTr.rrE-t's Celebrated Stouacii Birrcns, and see that each bottle has tho words "Dr. J. Ilostettcr's Stomach Bitters" blown on tho. side of the bottle, and stamped on tho mctallio cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on tho label. iti- Prepared and sold by HOSTETTEIt & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and aold by all druggists, srocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, Canada, Soutn, America, and Germany. bULD BY Gf.o. Uiugiit, Sunbury, Fhii.ino t Grant, Suubnry. H. B. McCat, Northumberland, Cyrus Drown, Milton, ti. M U. Wksck, McEwensvillo. October P. 1M9. Jy FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! ! FaKlilouable, ('heap and I Nernl THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. riHK subscriber, long established as a Cabinet - and Chair Manufacturer in Sunburv, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, 4 c, embraces ICVI-HY VAIIIETY, SFFIL AND OR.MA B,F.rAt, in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in his line can Ikj bad at moderate prices. Cheap for Cash, or Country Produce taken in exchange. Establishment South East Corner of Market Square. CV Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Sunburv, Nov. 19, lSfta. tf 409 BROADWAY, NEW TT0JXX. Ballon'. French Yoke Shirt Emporium, 409 liroadway. New York, PREMIUM SHIRT MANUFACTURERS. Shirts made to order from Scientific Measures, cf the best mats-rial, sewed by band, and war rallied to lit, at less than the usual prices. UALLHU BROTHERS. June 4, 189. 409 Broadwav, N. Y. CUEAPEST ! BF.STM! ! LARGEST ! ! ! 83s,eo Pays for Tuition is Single and Doable Entry Book-Heaping, U riling, Commercial Aiituuietic and Lecture expeTiM o7k' 8uil"",y7 Tiuon3S, eutire Usual tune from to 10 weeks. Fveiv Hi ., .!.,, grmduallng, is guaranteed Cdnpetaut to raanaga th books t anu uuauueu iu emiu a salary ot Iroru S500 TO $1000. pleaureI,U "0"' ' Ntf VM,uo, Rsvisw at First Premiums fi Beat Business Wiiting for ISM. receivtsl at Fiiiaborgh, I'hilrdelphiaand UhioMtau Fairs! Alan, at Ui pruaapal Fairs of Um tuloa for Ui faul four fr Miaiaters' Sons waived at half priea. l ot Ciroalara, Kpeeimeua aud KmoeUiahed View of tb College, luulua &v letter tlaiiiiK to F W. JK.KLN8,Piliabaih,Pa. JanuaraHI, ieo Oct. g, ' ly ABTHMA. IOR tha Inaiaiit Relief aad Fcrmaaanl Care of tkls . diauaaaiug aornplauit aaa rilMOT't Rroiicblal Cigarettes. Mad by C. B. BKYMOVR CO., IUT N.aaaa Street New Viak. Priea, SI par bua j stall fraa by s-ajt rsFia; akjaaU Diuggists. saar U, eO.-Si CILVER WATCH EfT A fewdJubl""cli English Silver Watches, fur sale at verv low Pri,' by H. B MASSER. NEW FLOUR, FEED, FRUIT AND PROVISION STORE . rpilE subscriber respectfully informs the citi . tens of Hunbury and the'aurrounding neiah borhood, that h ha owned a Store at the north west corner of Market Square, oppotite Vandyke' ...... ua noiei, wnere he i receiving, ami will rP,T i d' Fl0Ur, r,ti' Fruit ,nd P'-" 1 amlllUB, ami U WHEAT. RYE d BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Ut. Corn and all kinds of Feed, Crackers, Oranges, Nuts ate., Fresh Shad in sea son, Early Vegetable Frait 4c., from the Rnuth. He wiU'constantly receive, by Railroad, frem Baltimore and Philadelphia, all the delicaeie ol the season, as they come into market, and trusts, by prompt attention and reasonable prices to re ceive a share of the public patronage. WM. HOOVER. Bunbury, April 16, 1859.- ly. van ll0A Doming,, COFFEE POT Toet Pot, Being bnsed, as Dr. Hall, of th Journal of Health, says, "on aeieneo and common sonse," are rapidly coming into use, and destined soon to supercede all others. ARTHUR, RURNIIA1I, J: GILROY, 117 & 119 S. Tenth St., Philadelphia Sole Manufacturer under the Patent rs-For sale liy Dealera In House. ker,l-8- Articles, nnd Storekeepers fgriiernl ly, December 4, 1SF.9. L?;JS & CHEMICAL ' EMPORIUM. TIHE undersigned having received a large and L well selected stock of l'ttre Drugs and ClicnilcnlH, Dycstuff-), Oils, Paints, Glass aud Putty, is now ready to fill ordcrsat a moments notice. In connection with the above you w ill find an assortment of Fancy Notions, Toilet nicies and Perfumery of all kinds, Tooth, Hnir, Nails and dollies Brushes of every variety. Customers will' find his stock complete, nm prising many articles it is impossible heie t ' enumerate REMEMBER the 'place, under the office nf the "Sunbury American." I'll) -aiciaiia' Ptecriptiolis compounded accuinto Iv and carefully. A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, April Sd, 18S9. P. MELANCHT0N SHIN DEL, JlSTM i: OF TIIK PEiti;, SUNBURY, FJ. Ojficc in Deer Street, immtdwlcly apposite te Public School House. All business promptly attended to. Mimic ollected and all ordinary writings done. Sunhury, April iiS. 1H57. tl' jfll." Or 1IK4TII ItOOUoiY.- VLyTnivels and ureal iliscovern-a .if th. Jar.ti.. D ! nnil Fust India Medicines, with lull iliieitious lor the i ei- noil cure ol luiisunipliini, Unmclntii, Boughs, I ,,l,!i. Catarrh, Asthma, Feieia, Heart Disease. Scrofula. Cancer! Dyspepsiu. I.u-er Complaint. I.ravel and I'liiiniv Depotus Female Ci.inplauils, Ac. Iliuslinled with htllidieda if certificates ,.! cuies and engravings. For the pnrpoia ,,f rescuing ns ninny suffering lellow-lieuigs as possible fiom premature death, it will be sent In any paitof the cunl--lieut, by sending 25 cents to PR. HF.ATII. SI7 Bioadwav, .New York l 'nv (,il,l, also, hv A. W. Fisher, hunbury ; Conrad Wink. Ni rthiiuilierliuid ; T S. Caldwell, Lewislmig ; O. M Hn genhneh, IIIooniBliurg ; Cyrus Dlowu, Mill, mi : N. L.. nsd Hunk A- Co., Danville. Feliriiioy lc, IHiO. ly. - fur'sale. rpVO LOTS siluule in Market street, In the -t town of Trevorton, Nos. 12 and 1 3, in blork No. BU. Apply to WM. GAl'tiLKIt, Seliua grove, ot H. B. MASSER, Sunburv. TLASTER ! TLASTER ! ! "if") TONS prime Nova Scotia Sott Plaster f,ir ,J,"ealeby BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, April 7, I860. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT u r The .lIiioiiniy Instill, e, SeliuBgrove, Pa , FACULTY. Kev. P. HORN, A. M., Principal, and Trof Gree and Kuglish L'leraiure. WEVKR, A. M. Vice Prin cipal and Prof, of Latin and Natural Sciences. WM. NOETLING. A. IS. C- E., Ptof oi Math. (Pure aud Applied.) rI,HE aecohd scholastic year of this Institute 11 will commence on Thursday, tlie S?d of September next. The Collegiate Department embraces an English scientific and clnaaical course of instruction, including ancient and modern languages, mathematics, natural sciences, Ac. T a ms Hoarding may be had from $ I 50 to $2 per week. Tuition, per session, (of thirteen weeks) $., $7 and according to the grade of studies pursued. Tuition in all cases, and boarding, if obtained in the Institute building, must be paid in advance. The Principal will be assisted by competent and experienced teachcra. For further particular address any of the Pro lessors. Seliusgrove, Pa., August 27, 1K59. ly 11 EN RY "DONN EL ATTORNEY AT LAW. Cic opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Piompt attentioa i0 business in ailioinini, -utilities. ' 9 ECCKEIELIIR & I0YrR Attorneys at Law, BUNBURY, PA.. A. Jordan Kotkeftller and Solomon II. Uojtr, teapectlully announce that they entered into Cop.rtner.hip in the practice of ihi ir profession, and will continue to attend to all bu-i- Northumberland, Ui.ion. Buyder and Montour, promptly, faithfully aud carefully. Special at' ni","',' rj1.1. Biven 10 ,he COLLECTIONS f-ppv,' . v , " Co,14U"l' be had in th. IjEKMAN language. Otlice, . Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbtiry, February , IHfto. 200 ACK8 G. A. SALT juat revived and for sale by E. Y. BRIGHT ct SON. Sunbury, August 80, 1859. JOY'S HOOTS and SIIOKS, cheap for cash " WM. MILLER'S. Sun ury, August S7, 1859. A LMONDS, RAIS0N8. FIGS, LEMONS. Ac, Ac, just received a freah supply and for aale at the Confectionary store of M.C. GEARHART. Bunbury, May 16, 1857. 1)LANK Parchment Paper Deods anl blank Mortcsgra, Uosida, EioeuUona, Summons, Ac, for eale H. at. MABStt. TJ8EFUL IN ALL FA M 1LIES-H EG EMAN cV CO'8 Uenxine, which remove paint spot grease, 4c, 4 c, end clean glove, silks, ribbons. Ac, ecjual to new, without the slightest injury to color or fabric Sold by all Druggists, also at thi otlice. ii canU per boulet I DARKIS' Soorhuig.Syrup, for Cbildnin taath. ing. For sale at FIHEK'B Octokar IS. 'AS. KOUra AND SHOES, . .rg. aworlmeut at FRILING 4 GRANT'S Sunbury, January S8, i860, s J I we
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers