foreign (elui THE BOHEMIAN OFF 2OIHT. FATHER FOCR DAT l.ATEU FROM KIROPE. The Championship Referee's Decision Withheld Defalcation of a Bank CoMer, Father Tbint, pki.ow Quebec, May 610 o ciock, r. al. ine steamenip Donemian, from Liverpool, with date to Wednesday, tb 25th sit., has caned here on ber way 10 Quebec, where the will be due about noon to.mnrrn. Tha Bohemian also brines tale graphic advisee from Liverpool end London 10 tne Zbtn mumo, via vueensiowu. Nothing has been decided relative to the renewal of the fight for the championship, Tha dnpiafnn of the Referee is Still Withheld, Count Montemolin and bis brother have been arrested for their participation in the I'nrliat limnrrpct inn in pDaio. The chief cashier of the Union Bank, of London, has been ascertained to be a defaul ter. The deficit amounts to 260,000. Tub Tbize FionT A Gaud from Hkenan. A minor had been current in London that Ileeoan, the American Champion, bad died of erysipelas i bot it proved to be unfounded. Under date of the 22d nit , lleenan writes to the London Times as follows : "I see, by your article of Saturday, that you misunder stand my wishoB, and it does mo great injus tice. I have no difference- to settle with layers except such as 1 tried to settle on the 10th; and, instead of being called a boy, I ought to be termed a baby, if, after having come so far, and not having got a settlement, I should be willing to relinquish my purpose for a few good naturod pats on the back, and being told I was a fine follow. "1 have rccoivod many anonymous letters, asking me if I am not ashamed of myself, a great fellow like me, to come over to whip a little mao like Sayers. Under ordinary cir cumstances, I should not think of sending a challenge to a man of Sayers' size, but that Kngland thinks bim big enough to defend the belt. I want it and cannot get it excopt through him. "Enclosed is a letter which I sent to Bell's Life, which has not been published. Yon will do me a great kindness in letting the English people hear what I have to say, II the late meeting is not to be resumed and the belt is not to come to me for what has already taken place, I claim to be the first on the list to meet Sayers again for the next chance to conquer it." The following is the letter to "Bell's Life :" "Not having been able to obtain from you, as Referee, a final decision upon the fight of luesday last, 1 desire to demand through you a fair meeting within the present week. I moke this demand from having been informed that it bad been suggested on your part that 1 should give Sayers a sufficient time to re cover from certain injuries received by him. Now, sir, while 1 am willing to accommo date bim in any proper way, I most not be unmindful of my own right. I also recieved injuries, but I bargained for them ; and I put it to you, as a mao of honor, whether, if I bad been deprived, through the effect of the said battle of my eyesight, or the use of my arm, as in case of Brettle when disabled by Sayers you would have made Sayers wait for me for any length of time that might be dictated by my private doctor. When this match was made, the date for the battle was the 16th, or as soon as we would get to fight, and according to the. rules, if the battle should be interrup ted, it was my understanding, and I believe it was the law, that we should resume the light within the week. We did meet according to the contract. The battle was said to be un finished, and 1 am prepared to renew it at any moment within the lawful limits. "If Sayers is not able, on account of injuries received from mo, and cannot meet me accord ing to the roles of manly opposition, 1 demand and claim that he resiga to me the belt, which be is not according to the rules of the Prize King, entitled to retain. "Hoping to receive an answer before this week expires, stating your view in full, "1 am, etc., John Hkenan." "P. S. You will please understand that I do not wish to compel Bayers to fight because be is represented to be in a disabled state, but I wish to obtain what I think I have al ready won, and which 1 will cheerfully band back whenever he or any other person thinks be can take it from me." Two hundred pounds are said to have been subscribed in Liverpool by American Cap tains for the benefit of Ueeoao. ARRIVAL OF Til E STEAMER BRAZIL Turrk Days Lateb From Ecbopk. St. Johns, N. F., May 7. The steamship Iirazil, from Gulway, arrived here yesterday, with Liverpool dates of Saturday ihe29tbult. Rumors prevail of arrests having taken place in Furis, growing out of an Italian plot against the Emperor. Bell's Life has published the formal demand of lleenan for the Belt, under the assertion that be won it. That paper, however, treats the claim as preposterous, and asserts that the chances were in favor of Sayers ; and bad the Keferee interposed, tba thirty-seventh round would have awarded bim the victory. A medical certificate stales that Sayers will not be able to use bis arm for two months end probable more. Two hundred pounds bave been collected for Sayere, among the members of life House of Commons. The voting io Savoy on the annexation ques tion, will exceed 200,008, of which camber, only 1200 voted in the negative. A slight insurrection bad occorred in the French possessions in Africa, but it baa been promptly suppressed. JJaron Bruck, who recently committed sui cide, is said to bave been dismissed from the Austrian Ministry in consequence of compli- cilv in the eigantio frauds lately discovered Great defensive preparations are making by the Chinese. Two British vessels are repor ted as having been sunk by the forts at the mouth or tue reino. A Woman Tarred and Feathered. The Westfield (N. Y.) Republican, of the 22d inst., says: "On Friday night of last week ii.een young men and eve young women, including one married woman, went to the boose of Klisba Whipple in the south part of I'orliana, orose it open, ana iook one or bis cirls. a young woman, out of bed, and tarred and feathered ber. The reason alleged for tba act is tnai sue was oi a disreputable character, ana me nouse was disorderly The perpetrators were on Wednesday all ar rested and brought before Jnstice Young of this village, ana gave nan lor their appear anca of the next Criminal Court. For the credit of tba crowd engaged in the act, per fcaDt we should say that tke women did the tarring and feathering, the men retiring while tba ceremony was being performed. As far as we are able to learn the facts, Mr. Whip ple soma time since lost bis wife, and was left with a family of small children, and this young woman, who had been living away, came borne to belp take care of the family, and recently suspicion has been excited tbat tba bouse was disorderly and this refined method wai adopted by the young people of the neighborhood to reform it." rvBMO Bequests Tba will of Mr. Law rence Johnson, type-founder in Philadelphia, lately deceased, contain! tha following be (luesta, providing tbat bis real and personal estate shall axceed $324,000, one year after deatb : To tba Printers' Benevolent Associ ation. It 1.000 : American Sunday School Union, $3,000 -, Union Benevolent Associa tion $1,000 i Temporary noma lor cnenuiess Children, $2,000 t Pennsylvania Institution for the Blind, 1,000; Peal and Damb Aylu. $1,000. Advertisements. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF Valuable Real Estate. IN pursuance ofin order of the Orphans' CoOrt of Northumberland county, will be exposed W public Hie, at tha Court Home, in me uorougn of Sunbury, on Saturday, the 30th day of June next, a certain trad of land, aituate in the township of Upper Augusta, Northumberland county, adjoining lnd of Michael Snipe on the north, land of John Farnsworth on the east, Hh.n.okin crock and land of Jonn w.rrynng on tha south, and land of Joacph Gata on the writ, containing 88 acre, more or leu, about 70 acres of which are cleared and in a high state of cultivation, whereon are erected a two alery log dwelling bouse, weatherboarded, a large bank barn, a two story frame tenant house with cellar and ice house under it, and other outbuildings t also, a good well of water, a good orchard, &c Also, a certain other messuage and tract of land situate in aaid township of Upper Augusta, adjoining Shamokin creek and land of Joseph Can on the north, other land of aaid intestate and Joseph Ravidge on the east, land of John W. l'cale and Samuel Y. Sickle on the south, and and of l'hilip Sarvey en the west, containing 95 acres, more or leas about 60 acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation whereon are erected a large two story log dwell ing house, rough cast, a large bank barn, wagon shed, and numerous other out buildings, a good, never failing spring of water, a good peach and apple orchard, &c. The Shamokin Valley Rail road passes through both of the above mentioned farms, about 3 miles east of Sunbury. Also, another certain messuage and piece of land, situate In said township of Upper Augusta, djoining Shamokin creek and land of Joseph Gasa on the north, and adjoining the ether land of the soid fcilas Wolverton, deceased, last above mentioned and described on the cast, south and west, containing three and a half acres, more or less, all of which is cleared and in a good state of cultivation, whereon are erected a one and a half story log house, a frame stable, a good spring of water, Ac. Also, a cortain other messuage and piece of land, aituate in said township of Upptr Augusta, adjoining Shamokin creek and land of the estate of said intestate on the north, land of John Y. Fryling on the east, land of Joseph Ravidge on the south, and other land of said intestate on the west ; all of which is cleared and in a good state of cultivation, and containing six acres, more er less. Late the estate of Silas Wolverton, deceased. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, when the terms and conditions of sale will be made known by WILLIAM REED, Administrator. Uy order or the Court a. MASSER,Clk., O. C. Sunbury, May 5, I860. Orphans' Court Sale. N pursuance ef an order of the Orphans1 Court of Nor thumberland County, will he exposed to public sale on VTURDA Y. the S(! dnv of JIIN K m-ii. nti t h nM.miif.a all that curiam LOT OR P1KCE OF GROUND, situate in Cameron township, Nortliumbei land county, I'ennsylva- iwuiiuc uuu ucavuueu IOIIOWB, IO Wll : ifegllllllug the centre of Mnhonov creek south IS) flrpiaureAt.,iin, and live-tenth perches toa stone heap ; thenee eighteen and three-fourth degrees west, ten and eighl-teiith perches to a chesnulonkon the bank of said Mahonny creek by Brian Ilornberger ; thence north eight and one fourth degrees west , sixty-four perches to a stone heap ; thence north ten degrees east, twenty two ptrchei to the creek; thence up the mindle of snid creek to the place of lieginniag. Contain ing FIVE ACRES of LAND more or lens. Also, All that other oeitain Tract or Piece nt f-and. situ. ate in Cameron township, Northumberland county, Penn sylvania, adjoining lands of Benjamin Ilaupt, David Uill- ugnci uuu uiucra. vuiiuouine; vine nunureu aud Thirteen ACRES and one hundred and fiftv-ni cites of LAND, more or lets, and on which aie erected a two story Log House weatherboarded, a sue story frame stote house, a bank barn and other outbuildings. Late the estate of Jacob Uuu it, deceased. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when the terms and conditions of sale will be made known by DA.MKL I1E1N, Adm'r. Fy order of Court. ) ,B.MASfKR,Clk..O.C. J Sunbuiy, Mays, I860. ) Auditor's Notice. In the Orphans' Court of Northumberland Countv. rTWE undersigned Auditor, to whom wss re committed the Auditor's Report in the natter of the account of J. II. Raker, assignee of Israel Dunkelbcrger, with directions to make out another report, re-stating the same, (the former report having been lost or mislaid,) will meet all parties interested therein, at the office of J. B. Packer, in the borough of Sunbury, Penna.. on Saturday, the 2d day of June next. SAMUEL J. PACKER, Auditor. Snnbury, May 5, 1860. 4t CENTRE TIUNI'IKE. AN election for officers of the Centre Turnpike Road, leading from Reading to Sunburv. wilt be held at the house of C. Drown, in the borough of Northumberland, on Monday, the 4ih ay of June, between the hours of 10 o clock M-, and 3 o'clock P. M. J. It. PRIESTLEY, President. Northumberland, May 5, 1860. 3t Orphans' Court Sale. TN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale, at the public bouse of risnry J. .Reader, in the borough of McEwensville, Penna., on Saturday, the 20th day of May, inst., all that certain messuage and lot of ground situate in the borough ef McEwensville, in the county of Northumberland, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit : On the north by a lot of Wenck, on the east by an alley, on the aouth by a lot of E.Derickson, and on the west by the main street of said borough of McEwensville, measuring, on snid Main street, nineteen feet, more or less, and being in depth one hundred and sixty feet, more or less. Late the estate of Moses Carothers, late of Sullivan county, Pennsylvania. Sale to commence at one o'clock P, M. of aaid day, when the terms and conditions of sale will be made known by THOMAS CAROTHERS, Administrator of Mosea Carothers, late ef Sul livan county, deeeased. By order ef the Court. ) J. B. O. C. S Sunbury, Mav 5, I8fi0. J Sheriffalty. To the Voters of Northumberland FxLLew-CiTizias i County. Encouraged by many friends, I am induced to offer myself to the people as a candidate for the office of BHEBlrp at the approaching election, and respectfully so licit your suffrages, pledging that in case I am elected, I will perform the duties incumbent on that office faithfully, impartially and to the best of my ability. O. M. RENN. punoury, a pnl 81, i860. ' To the Democrats Voters of Northumber land County. FELLOW CITIZENS i Jhe?byo,rermve,f" Candidate for the office of SHERIFF, subject to the rules of the Democratic Party. Should I be nominated and elected, I will perform the duties of the office faithfully and to the best of my ability. . , ... M. E. Bf CHER. Sunbury, April 28, I860.' To the Democrats of Northumberland County. pillow CiTixsas : I hereby offer myself aa a candidate for tha office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. 8hould I be nominated and elected, I will perform the duties of the office faithfully, and to the best of my ability. v... u . ISAAC D. RAKER. Little Mahanoy tp May 6, 1800. 1'ROTUOKUTAUV. To the Democratic Voters of Northumberland Countv. T7iliow Dixoca.Ts t I hereby offer myself as a candidate for re-election for the office of rrotnpnoiarv, e., subject to the rules ef the Democratic party. Should ( be nominated and elected, I will perform the duties of the office faithfully, and to the best or my ability. IHNIEI. BECKLEY. Puiibtirv. Mjy ' 'r ! To the Democrats of Northumberland uouniy. Fitiow-DsmocRATa i f hereby offer myself as Candidate for the office of PROTHONOTARY, Ac., subject to the rules of the Democrstie party. Should I he nominated aud elected, I will fulfill the duties of the offices to the best of my ability, and pledge myself not to ask for a re election to said offices, believing the one term principle to be the true democratic one. CHAS. J. BRUNER. Sunbury, April S8, 1860. SHINGLES ! SHINGLES ! ! THE subscriber has just received the largest and best lot of Shingles ever brought to this place. Also a large lot of White Pine Siding, Joiee, 8rudding, Failing and 8ningling Lath, which he offers very cheap for cash. 1 ard in Market Street, Sunbury, l'a. A. A. 8HISSLER. April 21, I860. " TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, AC., I LARGE assortment, just received and for sale at the Clothing Stoieof SCHWEITZER, HEILBRONNER & CO. Sunbuiy, ilpril 21, 186n. CAUTION. LL persons are hereby cautioned against pur- chasing or negotiating for a certain nromisa. ry note, dated July 19th, 1859, payable one year after date, drawn in favor of Michael WilverU for the sum of one hundred dollars, and signed by me. Said note has been lost or mislaid, snd as I have not, nor do I expect to receive value therefor, I will not pay said note unless compelled iu ujr taw. EMANUEL WILVERT. 8unbury, April 21, 1860. NOTICE. pHE Annual Meeting of the Green Ridge -1- Improvement Company, will be held in Room No. 30, In the Merchants' Exchant-e. Philadelphia, at 1 2 o'clock, on Tuesday, the 8th May, 1960. An election will be held for Officers and Directors for the ensuing year. Uy order or the Board, JOHN G. HOWARD, Sec'y. April 28. I860. School Letting. rTIHE Public School of the Borough of Nor thumberland, will be let for the Summer Sension, on Saturday, May 12th, 1860. An ex amination of Teachers will then be held at the Centre School House. AH applicants for schools are hereby notified to be present ao as to be ex amined before the Board of Directors. Examination to commence at 2 o'clock P. M. By order of the Board, JOSEPH P. TU8TIN. 8ec'y. Northumberland, April 21, 1860 3t J. STEWART DEPUY, AT CORNKLIUS MAHAN'S, No !. Soulhi Second streets, (next donl to C. D.Meneh') I'hilmlelphia, wuuld invite the attention of their iriemu and cnttomeri, snd the public in general, o a large and well selected stock of OARPETINOS, onii'iting of Velvets, Tapestries, Three-Plys, IncrnMii. and Venitinnl. Alan, WINDOW fllADKS.OII. CLOTHS, MATTINGS, DRUG TO GETS, RUG, MATS, STAIR RODS, &c.,l which he sells very cheap for cnah, wholesale and retail. (March 21, lefiS ly BRIGADE ORDERS. Brigade Inspector's Office, Sunbury, May 1, 1860. ) BRIGADE ORDERS NO. 1. - The uniformed militia of the 1st Brigade, 8th Division, will parade for drill, review and in spection, fully uniformed and equipped, according to law, as follows : The 1st Battalion of 1st Brigade, 8th Division, Maj. J. H. Adams, Commander, composed of Natioaal Guards, Captain Strouse ; Cameron Guards, Captain G. Kramer ; Jordan Infantry, Captain J. H. Schadle ; will parade at Shamokin, in Coal township, on Friday, the 25th day of May, at 10 o'clock A.M. W. K. MARTZ, Brigade Inspector. N. B. Commanding officers will see that tho arms and equipments are in good order and condition, and will be particular to be prepared with muster rolls of their respective companies, certified under oath, and all other information required by law, to be forwarded to the Brigade Inspector. Sunbury, May 5, 1860. SPRING GOODS, I8GO. E. V. BRIGHT & SON, INVITE the public to call and examine tioir Stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC combining beauty and durability. NOTIONS AND HOSIERY a very large variety. BOOTS A1TD 3EQ2.3, all qualities snd prices. GROCERIES- fresh snd pure. HARDWARE, of every description. HATS AND CAIS, of the latest styles. QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE, newest and best designs. WILLOW AND WOODWARE, a first rate assortment, dec, dec., &c. Our stock of tho abovo is very large. Purchasers will find if their interest to call and examine our assortment before purchasing elsewhere. JJgy (JUUNTllx I'KODUfJJi -J Wanted in exchange, at the highest prices. IS. 1. JJlllULTi. & oUJN. Sunbury, April 31, 1860. COOPEll & CONAIiD, S. E. Corner Ninth and Market Streets. PHILADELPHIA. INVITE attention to the largest stock they bave aver offered. eomDriainsr ia Dart. LADIES CLOTH CLOAKS Of plain, striped and mixed Cloiha, of the newest shspes and material, got up in the most ELEGANT AND ARTISTIC manner, and to sell at very reasonable rates. LACE TOINTES AND MANTLES, liLACK Silk Mantles, Grey Dress Goods, Ohene Mixtures, Barege Anglais, Foplinettes, Trench Bareges, Barege Rooes, Plaid Goods, Bayadere Goods, Black Dress Goods, Embroderies. Also, MEN8 AND BOYS' WEAR. First rate Black Cloths, for ft 96, SO and $3 Light Cloakings at 1 gS, 1 60 and $. Stock of Cloths is very large, select and cheap. CA8SIMERE8. Fancy, neat, plain, mixed and black. Goods espeeiall, for Boys' wear. Fine Black Cessimeres, 91 to $1 as, Vestinga of Silk, Valencia and Marseilles, v. u COuPER lr CONARD. CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa. THIS large and commodious Hotel, now managed by J. H. E C K B E R T . It ia situstx at tha R;ir..t Hannl North East corner of Market Square, Sunbury, and at the terminus of the Sunbury If Erie and North ern Central Railrosds, and is open forthe accom modation of Travelers and the public in general The proprietor will a-ive his exclusive atten tion, to the comfort and convenience of his guests and is determiner to make this establishment rank among the first in the Slate. His table will le supplied with the best llie market can produce having the advantage of doily communination by cars direct from Haiti more, and also from those bringing produce from the surrounding countrv. His bsr will be supplied with the purest liquors me maraei can produce Careful and ebliging servants always in at tendance. A share of the local and traveling rnmmnnitv Is most respectfully solicited. Sunbury, January 13, 1860. The World's Great Exhibition Prize Medal ! AWARDED to C. MEYER. FOR HIS TWO PIANOS, LONDON, OCTOBKR IB, C MEYER, respectfully informs his friends and the public generally that he has con stantly on hand Pnvos, equal to those for which he received the Prize Medal in London in 1851. All orders promptlv attended to. and sreat care taken in the selection and packing the same. He has received during the last fifteen years more Medals than any other maker from the Franklin Institute also, first Premiums in Bos ton, New York and Baltimore. Warerooms No. 733 Arch Street, below 8lh. south side, Philadelphia. April 14, .860. 3mw CENTRAL HOTEL Sale and Livery Stable. THE subscriber respectfully announces to the public that he is prepared to accommodate them with Saddlc-Horses, Horses and Buggies, Sulkies, Carriages, Rockawaya and Hacks, at the shortest notice. His stock of Horses are admired for speed and gentleness. The vehicles are neat and in good order. Careful drivers will always bo in readiness to carry passengers to any point desired. Est Umnibusses for parties and pic-mcs can be had at all times with or without driver. The patronage of the public is respectfully so licited. J. H. ECKBERT, Manager. 8unbury, April 31, I860. PANEL DOORS, mxDow-s.tsu AXD BLINDS, SHUTTERS, ScC, Fob Salb hi A. A. SHISSLER. D Sunbury, April 38, 1859. 3m. FLOWER SEEDS ! ! ARDE.V, Field and Flower Seeds, a choice variety at the "People's One Price Storo" G of BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, April 7, I860. Letters Testamentary. Estate of Sarah Jane Moore, late of Lowor Augusta township, Northumberland county, deceased. j OTICE is hereby given that letters testa " mcntary have this day been granted to the subscriber, on the estate of Sarah Jane Moore, late of Upper Augusta township, deceased. All peisons indebted to said estute are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them, properly authenticated, to the undersigned. JACOB RENN, Executor, Lower AugusU township. April 7th, I860. 6t jo si" a "iFb r y a N & CO. Flour and Grain Factors, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the Sale of Produce 111 General, Broad ftreet, belew Vine, West side, PHILADELPHIA. December 17,1 860 3iuS TT8EFUL IN ALL FAMILIES-HEGEMAN & CO'8 Benzine, which removes paint spots grease, Ac, dc, and cleans gloves, silks, ribbons, dec, equal to new, without the slightest injury to color or fabric. Sold by all Druggists, also al this office. 35 cents per bottle-. Short Notice. THE subscriber having retired from business hereby notifies all persons indebted to him on Book account or otherwise, to call and settle the same without delay, otherwise they will be put into the hands of a Justice for collection. GEORGE ROHRBACH. Sunbury, Nov. S. 1659. tf To Consumptive AND NERVOUS SUEFEHER8, riMIE subscriber, for several yesrs a resident of A Asia, discovered while there, a simple vege table remedy a sure Cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and Nervous Debility. For the benefit of Consumptives and Nervous Sufferers, ha is willing to make the same public. To those who desire it, he will send the Pre. scription, with full directions (free of charge) also a aample of the medicine, which they will find a beautiful combination of Nature's simple herbs. Those desiring the remedy can obtain it by return mail, by addressing J. E. C UTHBERT, Botanic Physician, No. 439 Broadway, New York. April 14, I860 3m () ERCOATS, DRESS-COATS, &e., just - received and for aale at reasonable prices at the Mammoth Clothing Emporium of SCHWEITZER, HEILBRONNER & CO. 80.nbu.ry, Jan. 14, 1860. FOR S-A-IjE. A FULL SETT OF BRASS BAND INSTRUMENTS. ' GRANT'S Cornet Band offer for aale their full sett of instruments consisting of 12 pieces, several of then being rotary valves. l or turtber particulars apply to D. GRANT, Leader, or J ARID YIN, President. Sunbury, March 3, 1860. T1IOS. C. IU- PLASTER! PLASTER ! ! rf TONS prime Nova Scotia Soft Plaster for OXJ aale by BRIUHT & SON. Sunbury, April 7, 1860. FOR SALE. TWO LOT8 aituate in Market street, in the town of Trevorton, Nos. 13 and 1 3, in block No. 90. Apply to WM. GAl'CLER, Selina grove, or H. B. MASSE R, Sunbury. SPALDING'S Prepared Glue, and BhcUe)! Mucilage I'rus per battle and hrmh 93 eeuts. Cordial t&iir of Calisaya Hark 4 lleuaina, for rawovuif FOR 8 ILE AT TU1S OFFICE. Suubary, Marcfc 17, lbdu. BOOTS AND SHOES, a large assortment at FRILING di GRANT'S Sunbury, January 34, 1860. IIVE Barrels Portland Kerosere Oil, the best - ia market, at FRILLNG 4 GRANT'S. Stibury. January SS, 160. Treasurer's Sale of Real Estate. Agreeably to the provisions of the Act of Assembly, entitled "an Act to reduce the 8tate debt, Ao,, passed the 29th day of April, 1844, for non-payment of taxes, and its sup plement thereto, the Treasorer Of Northum berland county hereby gives notice to all persons concerned therein, that unless the County, State, Road and School Taxes, Ac, due on the following real estate in the county of Northumberland, are not paid before the day of salo, the whole, or such parts of each as will pay the charges and costs chargeable thereon, will be sold nt the Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, county of Northum berland, on Monday, the lltb day of June next; aud the sale will be coutinund by ad journment from day to day, for arrearages of taxes due the said county, and the cost accruing on each respectively : Amount or Tax. Coal Township. 1 Lot, No. 4, block 53, S. M. Kaso, I year, $0 13 31 " Wm. Kichline, 2 years, 8 22 8 " Francis Kennon, 1 year, 80 8 " Christian Keller, 1 " 80 2 " No. 1 and 8, block 108, James Luckes, 2 years, C3 2 " No. 10 & 11, block l'JO, Geo. Leisenring, 1 year, 24 8 " Ilnrry McUren, 1 year, 80 2 " No. 423 & 424, block 7. Stoce & Company, 1 year, 32 1 " No. 2, block 89, Leah Fisher, 1 year, CI Zcrbe Township. 3 " No. 1, 2 3, block "8, Wm. J. I'hillips, I year, 3 33 1 " No. 13. block 13, 118. Jonas Bergstresser, 1 year, 1 " No. II, block 23, Georgo Weaver, 1 your, 122 " C. 1. Ilolfeustoin, 1 year, 5 ten acre lots, " " 1 CI 1 20 1 07 80 14 i C5 40 93 58 1 14 40 80 21 29 41 39 45 1 12 90 3 one acre lots, " " 1 1 Lot, No. C, block 134, John Camp bell, 1 year, 1 " No. 1,2, block 118, Abroham Zurtmnn, 1 vear, 2 " No. 12, 13, block V-, Daniel slopick, 1 year, No. 3, block 121, Wm. Staa- ton, 2 years, No. 6, 7, 8, block 02, Phister Davis, 1 year, No. C, block 80, Levi John, 1 year, No. 6, block 125, Jonas Kei- Bor, 1 year, No. 7, block 119, Peter Haughawout, 1 year, John Zimmermuo, 1 year, No. 5, block 88, Isaac Taylor, 2 years, No. 10, block 130, TboniftS Foulds, Sr., 1 year, No. 8, block 78, Joseph Kel ly, 1 year, No. 9, block 40, Charles lleg- -gens, 2 years, Thomas Highlander, 2 years. No. 5 or 6, block 130, Har mon Gullop, 1 year. No. 1 and 2, block Of), David Donbach, 2 years, No. 3, block 03, Simon Cam eron, 2 years, No. C, block 55, Martin Oueal, 1 year, No. 3, block 51, Surub Ga- laspy, 1 year, No. 9, block '., Johu Bates, I year, No. 7, block 131, Thomas iirisoD, 1 year, Mount Carmel Township. No. 25, 26, block 51, William I'crsing, 1 year, No. 14, block CI, J. E. Mi- nich, 2 years, No. 3, block 23, Robert Mur- fy, 3 years, No-14, block 41, Thomas J. Morgan, 2 years, No. 5, block 22, James Ken- 1 CO 21 1 25 06 CO 2 1 30 51 1 08 42 nady, 1 year, 27 No. 1 & 2, block 43, Jonas Thomas, 1 year, 40 No. 1, block C7, Thomas Jen kins, I year, 21 Wra L.Dewart, 3 years, 137 43 No. 25, block 23, Patrick Carter, 3 years, 1 fiG Alexander Jordan, 1 year, 20 10 No. 9, block 52, Thomas Karl, 159 1 e: l I yoars, 51 2 " No. 12 & 13, block 23, Duvid Davis, 1 year, 7 CO Lower Mahanoy. 2 " Peter Herald, 1 year, Cooi Township. 36 acres, Martin Weaver, part of McCarty k Weaver's tract, 1 year, 380 " Jas. Mathews 1 " 72 " McCarty & Weaver, 2 " Zerbe Township, 360 " Mathias Reed, 2 " 164 " Carbon Run Imp. Co.2 " 2 73 1 15 12 16 6 00 11 63 28 00 157 29 112 " George Beebe, 3 Mount Carmel. 48" Janoor Jos. Stephens, 2 130 " Mt. Carmel Comp. 2 1748" lumber Cloaver, 2 Lower Augusta. 2 " Martin Ranolds, 3 CO " Henry Keiser, 3 100 " Susan Bostiao, 4 lja.2p. John Ilenn, 3 IS " Michael Greasiugor, 3 Jlush Township. 13 63 47 15 C 21 2 8 46 4 3 20 35 CO William Lefller, 2 Point 'Township. William Cook, 1 William II ousel, 1 Lower Mahanoy. John Ilerold, 1 George Ilerold, 2 Harrison Ilerold or 2 37 40 43 33 26 51 12 CO 2 Philip. : JACOB F. ROHKBACn. Sunbury, April 14, 1890. Treasurer. TREASURER'S SALES. 4 LIST of tho Unsoatod lands advertised for sale by Jacob F. Robrbacb, Treasurer of Northumberland county, agreeably to an Act of the General Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the I3tb day of March, 1845, and the supplement thereto, entitled an Act directing the modo of selling Unseated Lands for taxes and other purposes, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, io the Borough of Sunbury, on the 11th day of June, I860, at 10 o'clock, a. m., the following described Tracts of Leu for arrearages of Taxes due aud the costs accruing on each tract respectively, to wit : If not sold on the day above mentioned, to be adjourned from day to day. Acres. Warrantee's Names. Am't Due, Antis Henry Adams Thomas 1674 Jenkins James Antis Frederick Adams Robert Foster Thomas John Jenkins F. Aotia R. Adama 170-1 Richard Salman Richard Manning Edmund llotl' James Grier Thomas Grier Cool $786 58 Mt.Car'l 477 09 Robort Cbamplaio Tbos. Chaoiplaia 967 Wm. Morrison James Stepbenseo James Cowart leaac Neff lit. Carmtd.' 379 07 Daily John N. Zorbe 894 00 Boyd John Coal 126 25 BrosiQus Peter " 22 18 Billing too Thomas Mt. Carmel 23 07 Bellas Hugh 1C 20 19 2C Bower Christian Boyle Luke Batton Samuel Betterton Benj. Bertram Alex. Barren John, jr. Boyd John Brady John Brady John Brady W. P. Cameron Shamokin Point 1 85 9 47 9 55 80 1 28 04 117 37 131 15 CO 62 Coal JJrady Walter Low. AtifjusU 26 164 72 Betterton Benj. Chilisquatue 1 403 Big Mount'u. Imp. Co. Cool 132 36 132 78 309 J. Hoglin Coal 197 J. Hoglin 390 Wm. Adams & others, Coal 200 Uohanan James Mt. Carmel 667 Brook John 14 Cloaver Kimber " 8 Cleiver Kimber " G Cleaver Kimber " 1G9 Cleaver Kimbur Coal 202 J Cowdeu John Zerba 306 Carson John Coal 27 85 Cook Wiliium Cameron 047 Carbon Run Imn, Co.. Coal 101 66 2 33 128 31 56 00 20 07 4 09 2 59 2 03 12 93 178 91 83 01 26 16 311 55 13 06 32 91 9 12 8 78 2 98 399 264 250 f0 80 130 100 159 181 197j 220 196 148 363 52 115 88 360 00 280 170 269 165 327 208 20 181 3G 23 173 259 120 2071 253 J 50 160 100 300 i 100 109 300 129 200 300 250 100 40 100 426 219 57 218 101 193 221 60 80 203 203 04 300 354 160 G6 288 20 200 187 315 327 220 215 107 103 08 300 80 200 121 31 156 20 140 100 50 111 200 50 200 0G 10 50 211 110 103 89 206 309 127 231 211 260 233 100 239 188 333 235 463 171 438 107 300 171 147 Darr John Cameron Did John Darr Mary " Darr Poter " Darr Luke " Did John Up. Mahauoy Darr Mary " Darr Peter " Darr Luke " Dewart William Lit. Mahanoy 5 68 4 35 92 87 6 7 1 CO l'onarl J oho Dewart Wm. Dowarl John 1 3 76 14 Low. Augusta 2 36 Elliott William Mt. Carmel 41 23 12 36 02 4 90 100 80 42 78 3 29 13 CI 37 69 23 10 45 76 29 17 5 CO 42 53 11 03 7 84 29 12 103 0G 4 99 87 C7 130 90 4 70 Elliott Wlliom Epley Androw Evens Smith Point Mt. Carmel Estricb.tco., owners, tegely liuuben " Fcgely Wm. & Solomon, Coal File Luke Cameron Wm. Pritcbard Mt. Carmel Wm. S heed, (part) " Andrew Suuber " William Boyd ' Wm. or C. Boyd " Merrick Starr, (part) " Yalontino Brobst " Gordon Joseph " Grant Thomas " Grant Thomas Zerbe Grant Thomas Cameron Gray Robert Coal Green William " Grant Thomas " Grant Thomas " Gardner Archibald " j Gardner Archibald " Gardner Archibald " Gardner Wm. P. Jackson 22 3 9 1 46 72 60 20 90 40 02 CO Gardner Archibald, Point 2 Gardner Wm. P. " 1 Gardner Archibald, Lit. Mahanoy 1 uaruuer v m v Harrison Wm Cameron 2 40 8 83 Harrison m, Up. Mahanoy 4 35 llousol John " 1 74 Hunter Alexaudar Shamokin 2 25 Hunter James Lit. Mahanoy 3 42 Hall Charles " 1 72 1 1 olTa Alexander " 46 Hall Charles Low. Augusta 3 50 llubley Bernard Zerbe 03 CG Heimelrich Henry " Heiinelricb Henry Coal Heller Jacob, Zerba Hileman lsauc C. Cameron Jackson Jeremiah Ml Carmel Jackson Jeremiah " 73 36 51 79 34 20 C 60 6 Gr. 5 65 1 50 14 05 2 84 45 00 30 10 2 30 16 1 60 1 50 34 49 3 59 Jordan James Low. Augusta Irwin Robert Up. Mubttuoy Irwin Robert Kroll Michael Kroll Michael Kidd John 1 oint Coal Zerbo Lit. Mahanoy Kiutzing Abra'u 1 oint ,1 King hzekiel King Ezekiel Lukins Abigail Lukins Smith Lako Richard Lake Richard Lake Richard Lewis James Lako Richard Lako Richard Lyon John l.nke Richard Lake Richard ChilisquaqtiO Coal 53 88 40 41 40 64 CO 06 53 40 94 40 5G 75 86 C5 80 CO 76 83 88 70 Jackson Lit. Mahanoy Point Cbilifquaquo Morgan Samuel Mt Carmel li 03 17 5 4 Maury Peter Zerba Martin J G Miller John Moyer Georgo Meadling Jvhu Meadling Johu Martin Peter Martzner John Martin Peter Camerou Up. Mahanoy Point, D " 1 V 4 1 Marshall Wm, owner, Comcron 23 Marshall Wm 11, owner, Coal 1 Miller Christian, Up. Augusta, 1 Noddeoant Junius Point 1 Prince Georgo Coal 43 05 47 63 46 43 SI 30 85 80 1 83 3 39 1 CO 3 90 3 37 02 1 92 84 56 36 70 3 96 5 04 4 82 15 31 3 75 3 28 9 15 Reea Sarah Rocs Sarah Recs Daniel Recs Thomas, jr, Rustan Thomas Mt Curmel Coal i Mt Carmul Rustan Mary " Reynolds John " Rustan Charlotte " Rees Dauiul, " Rees Thomas Juckson Rees Thomas Lit. Mahanoy Sasseman Peter MlCaruuI Shannon Wm " Smith Mary " Stetman William " Scott Abraham Smith Luke Smith Abigail Cameron smith Evans Smith John Scott Abraham Smith Daniel Up. Mahanoy Shamokin Lit. Mahanoy Cameron Mt Curoiul 173 32 Scott Samuel 341 203 170 197 227 303 297 203 200 Tunes Richart Titswortb John Titswortb John Coal 2 37 1 99 2 34 8 00 C 80 Taggart Robert " Tysou Joseph " Titswortb John Shamokia Taggart Robert " 4 Trickcl Cbas. G, Jackson Trickel Cbas G, Lit. Mahauoy 1 44 82 62 43 lhotnpson Mt Caruicl 20 18 304 218 318 40 35 75 306 Whites John Wilson William Coul 114 39 41 31 31 40 1 41 24 65 21 35 Walker Lewis " Weikel Jacob " Yortbimer Henry " Zeigler Inaao Zerbe Zeiglur Isauo Coal Zimmerman Math. " 23 20 87 49 JACOB F. ROHRBACH. Treas. Treasurer's Office, 1 Sunbury. April 14th, 18C0. J TAVERN STAND FOR SALE. rTWE subscriber offers at private sale, on rca-A- sellable terms, the well known TAVERN STAND, in Sunbury, Northumberland county. Pa., kept as such by Michael Wilvert, The house is located on Fawn street, near the Sha mokin Valley and I'olUville Rail Road Depot, and is doing an excellent business. Tho build ing is a LARGE FRAME HOUSE, being near ly new. There is also on the premises a large Stable aud Shed, lately erected, with au Ice. House and other conveniences. The property is in good repair, with a good gardeu aud choice fruit on the lot. He also oilers for sale a valuable Lot in the upper end of the town. For further particulars apply to EMANIEL WII.VF.RT. Maita 31, 1660.-- Sunbuiy, Ta. 159 147 CO 210 40 344 no 3481 425 100 1C0 80 lCfiJ 45 25P), 15 A NEW STOCK OF (33 I2a OD "Q? CE2 Q 3C2f CS 111 E subscriber has just received by Railroad a new Slock of Ready Mady Clothing, eon suiting of " SPRING AND SUMMER GOOD such as COATS, VESTS, PANTS, GAITERS, SHOES, &c. a large variety of ready made Shirts, in price from 50 cts. to $2,00. Also, a large assortment of Mem.' and Boys Sc CAPS, of all kinds. Persons who aro in want of Clothing ehould call at once as thay will save money. Store Room on the comer of Marke and Fawn streets, nearly opposite Weaver's Hotel. SCH WEITZER, HEILB KONNER & CO. 8unbury, April 7, 1800. lyjnnc BLI1TES aialTD'aSAaDBS". B. J. WILLIAMS, iVo.16 North Sixth Street, VlilLA DELPHI A IS THE MOST I.XTKNS1VK M ANUFADTt ItliK OF Venetian minds AND WINDOW SHADB3. VT TUB LMIGKST A!SD I IN EST Assortment in the City, at the Lowest CanU I'rlccs. tW Store Shades made and Lettered. April 14, IH00. 2m ASTHMA. 1.1 OR tlie Instant Helicf nnj rcnnanviit Cure of Ih.s . ilisireamng coinpluuit uuu mWDT'S Hronclilal CluureHes. Mala by C. B. SliYMOCH A CO., 11)7 Nassau 8lrt New York. Price, 81 per box ; scut free by post 17" Fur Sale at all Llr iigijun. 31, 'SO. rjm rItlMNU &. GRANT have just received by railroad the largest assortment of QL'EENS WAKE and UI.ASSWARK ever brought to Sunbury. Also, a fresh supply of DRY GOODS, consisting of Spring Dress (Jooda, I'rints. Mus lins and Notions. apr 7, I860. watchesTje welry andsilvek WARE. WK would feeppctfully inform our frit:! wis, put mm mid the public aoncrnllv. that we have now uiStoie Ri.dotTer VfHOLKSAl.K AND KKi'AlL, nt the uvot Cfifch l'ricr, luipe mill very rhoice Flixrk of WATCHKS, JKWELRY, S1LVKK AMI) i' LA TED WAR13, of eveiy YUTiciy ami aij te. Kverv drucriotion of DIAMOND WORK mid nlher JKWKI.RY, niinle tn order, nt short mtico. iy Aft Oootig v srruiituil to be as represented. N. il Purtirnlar HtteiHkm friveu to the Tf)iiriiig of Wutchcs and Jewelry of rverv dctcripiton. STAUFTKR & HARLEV, No. i22 Market Street, South Side, ruilailolptiirt. February 35, Irou.-Ltm COTTAGE BIBLES. 'P'OIl SALE, cheap, three copies ef Ibo Cottago Diule, in two volumes, with com mentaries. H. B. M ASSHK. OL Dr. IICATII s ItOOK OT ' ...... b ...... ,i. . ... icb ,m iim .lupniicao lav and F.nst India Medicines, with full directions for the cor- ...... ..u.o ,i vuii.unitiiii'n, nroncnilll, tioilgns, l.Olua, (.ntarrh, Asthma, rcveri, Heart Piaen.e, Kcrofula, Canorr, pyspepsia. Liver Complaint, frravel and U runny Deposits Female Uomplnima, 4c. Illustrated with hundreds ol certificates of cures and engravings. For the purpose of ri'sr uini; as many suilenm; leUow-rwinea as pussiMe from nreiDntnra tlpnlli i, u.,11 l ...... ... ...... .1.. iieut, by sending Si cenli to Dlt. II KAMI, (117 rirondwov, New York City. C.l.l .1.. 1... . ... . t. . 1 ' . .... L .-iu,..,., Uf n, r inner, ?uuuury ; couraa wrua, Northumberland ; T 9. Caldwell, I-ewisburg ; 13. M. Ha eenhueh, Bloomsl.nrc. : Cyrus Utown, Milieu: N. L. and February Id, I860 ly. HIGHLY IM PORTANT NEWS. M. C. GEARIIART, Has returned with a new Stock of Confectionaries, Fruit and Toys. TT seems as if a new a-ge, a new life was open- ing upon us, animating every heart to nobler deeds and higher aims! Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and seek to develop sub limer beauties aud grander conception. Tho business world too inuet feel the new in fluence and everypart be quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge us on with electric speed to the conFUtnmatien of greater things lhan was ever dreamed of in tho I'hilosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prcvadea all classes, and desirous of doing his share to wards "The great events of the Age," the sub scrilier would respectfully inform tho pood peo ple of SUNBURV and the public generally, that he has just returned from the city af Philadel phia with the largest and choicest stock of Con feclionarics, Fruit and Toys that has ever been brought to (his section of country. Ho ia also manufacturing all kinds of Confeetionariea, &o., to (ill up orders, whulecu'e or retail, at short no lice. Among his stork of Confectionaries, may be found : French rV-iwetl, Kuriitd Almonda, Cream White, " tetnoii ' Kok, " Vanilla, CVinmnn feetaU. Liquviics, Gum Drops, all kinds of sceiit, lve Diops, Mint Drops, red and whits. Jelly Cukea, Fiuit Drops, Stick Candies, o( all K'cnta Ruek Canny, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Truues, 1'le.s, Citron. Bansjins, Dates, Currants dried, Aliiisiids, Rsisons, IS uls nf ill kinds LKMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Segara and Tobacco, and a variety of L'oufectintiarics, fruit. Toys, dec, all of which isolfcred cheap at whulesalo or retuil. ty Ketnciubcr tho name and place. a M. C.CJEARHAKT Market St., 3 doors west of E. V. Bright St bun's store. Sunburv, April It, ISC0 ly Administrator's Notice. V OTICE is hereby given that letters of admin ielratioti having been granted to the subscri bers on the estate of John Moure, late of Sh. mokin towimhip, Northumberland county, dee'd. All p-uaons indebted are requested to make pay ment and those having claims to present them lor settlement to the undersigned, who will attend at the late residence of the decedent for that pur pose, on Monday the 14th day of May neit. ELIslIA MOOKE, WM. AM MKRMAN. Shamokin twp., Apiil 7, I860. 6t Adm'is. Ita(o of Johu TsjChoi, tloc'd. JV OTICE is hereby given that letters of ad ministration having been granted to the sub scriber, on the estate of John 2chopp, late of Lower Mahonoy tnwiiship.Northumbcrland coun ty, deceased. All persous indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims to present them for settle tnent. ISAAC H. HESS1.ER, AJtu'r. Lower Mahonoy, April 7, 1 800. 6t IIOWAliI ASSOCIATION, rmiADELrniA. .1 Benevolent Institution established special Endowment, for the Relief oj the Sick und Distressed, articled with Virulent and i .i demie Diseases, and especially for the Curd oj Dn eases of the Se.rual Organs. jt ED1CAI. ADVICE given gratis, by tb. Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter with a description ol their condition, (age. occu-' patio., of life, Ac.) and in raw. f extreme poverty, Medicine furnished bee of charge. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhea, and other Uiseases of the Seiual Organs, and on the NEW REMEDIES employed in th. .pen! "ry, sent to the afflicted iu soled letter enve loiies, free of charge. Two or three stamps fot postage w ill be acceptable. Address. DK. J. SKII.I.IN HOUGHTON. Acting Burgeon, Howard Association, No. South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order oi the Directors. EZRA p. HEARTWELL, so. Ftiaraiait. SerreUiy. January 14, 1859. ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers