f j " . graphic llctos. Ultr grant Utah. 3b Lous, June 6. The Utah mail brings proclamation (rum (Jot. Comming, com ndiug tbe immediate dispersal of t be Mor ut associated together in a military capa y iu the tuouotaiua surrounding Sail Lake illey. The "Valley Tan" compltiius of this pro .inatioo not being pot in the hands of the deral officers to elecete, instead of the rrilorial marshal, and asserts treason is as i iu the Territory uow as before the ad lit if the army. Th Virginia Election. llicHMeNP, June 4 The Secretary of the lminouwealth has cfiicinl return Irorn 1(1" iiDiirs. Letcher's majority is 4. (iOti. There e 41 counties J it to be oSii'iully heard Tho countit-s officially reported luclude I ost of the Opposition strongholds. It Is w believed the De-inocratic mujurity will i 6,000 or uioro. IIkavv Frost Throtoiioct NornuM Oum -Uamauk to tiikCami-h. Cltcelund, Jant, 6. -There was a hruvy frost on Saturday uight, i id the wheat crop throughout Not hero Ohio, as badly injured or destroym!. The torn. rape, aud potato cn-ps were also frozen. From tlie Philadelphia first LfcTTEH KIIOM "OCCASION AL." Washington, June 5, 1859. The President's tour through North Caro ou has been quite a triumph. He has been ery well received. Secretary Thompson mbroidertd bis speeches with any amount f Battery, and the President repeated his lavoliuii to the South in the strongest possi ble terms. He will be received in Virginia, m his return, with a good deal of txlut The co having uow been broken, we shall, of ourso, have a Northern Presidential tour. Your city will be the first to be honored, ilieu New York, Boston, and other cities. No one bis heretofore been more averse to these displays than Mr. Uucbaoao himself, i 'bit circunstnaccs alter coses. A good deal of trouble has began, ns 1 predicted would be the case, among the Ad ministration newspapers dependent npon the patronage of the General Government. Lirigvdier Ueneral Bowman, the new editor of the Washington organ, bitterly cumplains 1 that bis euterprixe in a failure, while the or Kn of tho President in your city edited by u notorious Austrian, of the Grab Urund echool is constantly sending appeals to the Administration, demanding, Hessian, like, "now subsidies." A good story is told of one of the new Administration papers in Illinois. It ap pears that wheu it whs proposed to start this journal, the President himself stated that he would advance two or three thousand dollars rather than that the tiling should fail. Jt did fail, of course, and the persou starting the paper, relying npon the Presidential pro mise, drew upon Mr. Buchanan accordingly. The draft was protested, and the victim came on stopping, by the way, in your city de claring that ho would expose the whole thing unless be was indemnified. Great conster nation ensued, and the matter was compro mised, after a fashion. Mr. Buchanan will now be called upon to reimbnrse the other organs which be has insisted shall be main tained at all hazards. The printing fund, large as it was at the beginning, cannot sus tain all these drafts upon it, particularly, as Mr. Wendell has some nssettled claims which mast be liqoidated. The threat made by a Senator at the does of the last session, tbut the whole of this part of the Adminis tration policy should be arrested and exposed in the coming lossion, has made great caution necessary, so that the mercenaries have no less a person to look to than the President himself. Now, as Mr. Buchanan ought to be worth at least one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and as be never has speculated, most of his investments being safe ones, and inas much as he has no children, end bis nearest relatives being themselves iu comfortable cir cumstances, forty or fifty thousand dollars could not be better expended than in paying for the losses of the poor fellows wbo have been prostrated in the support of bis mea sures. As be bas ulways been known for his munificent, open-handed, spontaneous, genial liberality, I am happy to assure tbeui that they could do nothing better than to make a demand upon bis most plethoric purse. He will respoud like a Priuce. Wasbinotom, Juno 6, 1859. The selection of a candidate for the Presi dency, always important, has latterly become a most difficult achievement. While Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, Andrew Jackson, and ueu of that stamp, figured in the foreground of politics they concentrated upon themselves the intellect aud the eulbusiasm of the whole country; and the school immediately prece ding them, Virgiuia statesmen like Madison and Monroe, lor a loog period coot rolled American politics at their will and pleasure. Now, however, in company with other things, a new system of nomination has been resorted to, and nuw moo (although not the most su porior) ure pressed forward for the highest offices in the gift of tbo people. )a the Democrat; party the popular voice is smo thered by an official sub-organization, which controls the choice of delegates, packs con ventions, inanufactuies and manipulates creeds, and fabricates candidates to suit itself. If the votus of the matt of the Democratic party could be ascertained to day, there is, iu my opinion, little doubt thus such a man as Douglas would be the nominee for 1860; but,, from present appearances, the submission of his chances to the Charleston Convention would be the submission of his chances to a convocation of perionat enemies. There-are other genllemeu in tha Democratic party in reclsely tha same couditiou. This state of things may change. The injustice of a sys tem, (potunt aud practical ooly iu kuepiug beck the favorite of tbo Democratic masses,) may fill tho Convention at Charleston with a body of resolute men ; but this will have to be done against the eutire patronage of the l'oderul Administration, surrounded as that Administration is by a band ol intolerant aud prescriptive leaders, who, feeling them selves excluded from power, are resolved I lint no others shall wiu. Jo the Opposition party toings are equally unpromising. Such a man s John McLean is almost entirely out ef the ring. John M . 11-11, of Teunessee, may be aid lb have a better chance, but as he never can stand on a Republican platform, be, too, must U 1 backi Mr. Seward (I refor to bim as a distinguished leader of his organization, by far the first intellect in liia parly, in the Senate) suffers for reeisely the reverse of the reason that operates ujuinst Mr. Hell. Mr. liauks, of Massachusetts, young and gifted as be is, must he damaged by his smo cwtion with Americanism, aud John J. Crit tenden, on the other extreme, though too old to be President, could not win the rate, loaded down, as he is, with his last committal in favor of a slave code in the Territories. Casting his eye over the field, your Senator, Simon Cameron, conceived this to be a good upportanity to invest bis chances in tbe lot tery, and accordingly we have it announced that be has already secured Pennsylvania, and will appear in propria ptrtonos before ttie Opposition National Convention, and demand its rota on the ground that be is the must available eandidaU for the Presidency Some of bis friends here claim that in tbe Ule election for delegates in bis own county, althongh bitterly opposed, he carried every, thing before bint. Tha General it a keen "old sworder," having boxed tha political campatt with rare agility, and if all tha par ties vote for bim to which be bsi respectively and successively belonged, be will receive tha largest vote that bs ever been tbrowo for any aao in this fetntrr. THE AMERICAN . mm 1 r-'iSS m IvwTut. iietn-N U Twc7 atrNBTJIVX-, PA. SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1859. II. D. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor. To AnrtnTumi - -The circulation of the Scasrav Annate among the different towns on tbeSasquehanna la not exceeded, if equalled by any paper published In Nmtt'erii Pennsylvania. Democratic State Ticket, Nominated by the Convention of March 18. 1'ur Auditor General, HIUIAIIDSO L. WRIGHT, of Philadelphia. J'or Surveyor (Jcneral, JOIH HOWE, ol Franklin. District Attohnkt. Wa have been requested to state that S. U. I! oyer, Esq., of Snnbury, will bo an independent candidate for District Attorney, at the next election. aJST We are requested to suy that Henry li. Weaver or Trevorlon, will be an Independ ent Candidate for County Commits ictvr at the ensuing election. Mkmcal. Our renders will observe that Dr. J. V. Peal has taken into partner ship Dr. Dodge In the practice of their pro fession. Dr. Peal who has long been a prac tising Physician in this place now divides his time between Sunbury and Trevorton. The proprietors of tbe Iron Mountain, in Missouri, have succeeded in smelting the ore from tbo Mountain with the raw bitumi nous coal that is mined In the vicinity of St. Louis. Tbe editor after an absence of soino six weeks at New York, bas again returned to bis post. t5S" On Monday last a son of Mr. James Miller, aged about six years while attempting to climb on some coal cars standing on the truck, fell and broke his arm. A little girl of Mr. Charles Deck, of this place, was badly bitten by a dog on Wednesday last. Tho girl was playing and accidently threw something on the dog, when he bit her in the face and ear, inflicting very severe wound. Soda Water. Mr. Albert W. Fie her hss pnt up in Lis Drug Store, in this place one an Allen's new j?oda Fountains, 'which woi ks admirably. The soda water from these Fountains is not only refreshing and pleasant beverage, but entirely free from admixture of foreign ingredients to which mineral water is sometimes liable in the old fountains. The editor of the American is agent for the sale of these Fountains, and has several now ou band. Price $45 00. CS" Fast timr for Scbcus. A four years old, mare, called the "Whip-poor-will," form erly owned by Mr. Kerlin of Snyder county, aud now tbe property of Sheriff Vandyke of Sunbury, trotted over the course at this place on Tuesday last in 2 minateB 40 seconds, in a buggy with two men weighing 260 pounds. The horse "Sir John Ronsb," seven yeuis old, also owned by Sheriff Vandyke, carrying the same weight as above, went over the course in 2 minutes 05 seconds. They are both fine animals. C2T Wkiister's Pictorial Dictiosart. The publishers of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary have in press a new edition of that work, with fifteen hundred pictorial illiit trutionj j several thousand new wows added to the vocabulary ; a table of synonyms by Prof. Goodrich, with various new features. It is to appear, we understand, at an early day, and will be looked for with much interest. We have seen specimen sheets of the pictorial illustrations. They are well executed, and will often be found useful in giviog a muc more correct idea of an object than can be obtained by a definition. A specimen of this valuable work can be seen at this office. C2T Patent Rail Road Switcq. Wa are pleased to learn that Mr. Jacob Yeungmos of this place, has obtai ned a patent for bis new Railroad Switch. From a slight exami- ration of this invention, we are favorably impressed with its usefulness and importance We trust Mr. Youngman will reap a liberal reward for bis ingeuuity, and tha tiuio and trouble iD porftctirg bis invention. XJf The Firemen ef this place intend to celebrate tbe coming Fourth by a " parade The firemen from the neighboring towns have been invited, and no doubt a larga Dumber of them, with their machine", will ba present. Tbe "Good luteal" wilt prepare a dinner upon the occasion. The dinner will be served ou tbe green iu Market Square. m 1 Sckbirv amd Erik Rail Road. At the letting of this road at Philadelphia, tUa re mainiog eighty nine miles, of tbe middle divi sion extending froas S-inne mahoning to War ren was allotted to Messrs. Cartwright 1 Co- 1 be route is by way of West Creek Ridge. woy and Clarion River. Three fourths of work is to be completed by tba 1st of June next, and tbe remainder by July following. u is now supposed that the whole road will be completed by November 1860. Uittxb. Iba price of this article bas come down to sixteen cents per pound, in this place, 'i his is still a big price as com pared with former times. For several years past the prices in this place bave ranged from 20 to 25 cts. We recollect wbeo at this sea son it was worth only eight cents and not desirable at that. C Gen. Cameron. A Convention of the People's party of Dauphin county, was beld in Harrisbnrg, at the 28th ult., at which reso lutions were unanimously passed endorsing tbe Senatorial eouri ef Hon. Simon Cameron and oomiuatiog bin a a candidate for tbe Presidency. ty Tba Episcopal Convention of Ohio baa elected tba Reverend George T. Bedell assis tant Bishop of that Diocese. Dr. Bedell is about forty years of age, end a son ef tha Rev. Dr. G. T. Bedell, wha died wbila rector of St. Aadrew's Church, FLiladelpbia, abou a yiir eft ceaUrj sir.ra. 13" Dbatu Lights. On Sunday Biorning May 26lb, in New York, a young manled woman, who had been nnrsing tba restless baba through tba aight, rose at tbrea o'clock in tba morning for a light. While filling tba lamp tbe burning fluid took Are covered her dress in short, after lingering in agony twelve bonrs, sbe died. There is no paper says the Evening Bulla. tin which does not often contain eccoants like the one above; do mail in which wa do not read of them ; yes, and there is no family in which camphene is used in which, in the long run, sooner or latter, the disaster does not come. .We can recal an instance in which wa were triumphantly told "Well, we've nsed burning fluid these seven years and no acci dent yet." The only ai awer for such a re mark is, "then you are all the nearer to one.'' For tbe fact is, wherever there is a chance of calamity allowed to remain, dependent npon tha simple safeguard of precaution, it ia are to come at some time. The lady who was murdered in New York by lhi diabolical two-penny saving invention, was, we doubt not. very careful indeed. But when one bas been bewildered and wearied until three o'clock in tbe morning by a cryiug babe, or an invalid, and then attempts, while "tipsy with sleep," to fill a fluid lamp, nothing is more likely than that mistake may occur. And there is something so terribly life-like, so demonically mysterious in tbe actiou, not only of gunpowder and Gre, but of these fluids." Wbo bas not been awed at seeing flames run, apparently like serpents ecdowed with intelligence, over surfaces which gave them no noutriment, for tho purpose of de stroying distant objects? Who has not trem bled to see gunpowder apparently explode of itself, as if mad to fulfill its mission! So it Is wilb all these destructive materials It is a poor economy to light np a house with death fires and corpse candles. Think of this as yon carry a camphene light around with yoo in lonely places at midnight I And Still AaoTiirn.- A shocking accident occurred a day or two ago to a young lady named Mathilda Sawyer, rending in t ort Jervit. Mie was litting up making her wedding dress, when Gliding that the fluid m the lamp was nearly onsumed, she attempted to fill it with one of the wicks burning. No sooner did the light come in contact with the fluid than it burst the can, and selling fire to the young lady's dress, burned her so seriously that she expired In a short time. We agree with our cotcmporary of the arris- burg Telegraph, who properly terms them "mur derous implements," and says: "We have an average of at least one "shocking accident" daily, as we turn over our newspaper exchanges, from the same cause, "bursting of a fluid lamp," and almost all fatal to life. There ought to be a State law, or a municipal ordinance in every State, city and town, in the Union, making it heavily severe to use one of llieso murderous implements." Cuakoi or Tim. A change of time in tbe running of the cars on the Northern Central took place on tbo 23d of May. Wa did not aotica tbe change at the time except to cor rectitinour time table. I be morning or mail train South, arrives here now at 0J0. The Niagara Express 11,53 P. M. The Burden and Passenger 0,30 P. M. Going North the mail train arrives at 3,16 P. M. Niagara Express 10,15. Burdon and Pas sengrC,30 A. M. 0Tbe Post Office Department, in order to ascertain the exact amount which would accrue to tbe revenues of tbe General Post Office if the matter now transmitted through the mails free were paid for, bas prepared a circular directing postmasters to keep a daily account of the additional revenue which would accrue to their respective post offices if postage was paid npon tho letters, Ac. now transmitted free through tbe mails these accounts are to commence on the 1st of July, and continue fire quarters. gST Destruction or Cattle. We scarcely aver open our exchanges that our eye is not arrested by some, account of tbe destruction of cattle on railroad tracks. Tbe comber billed Ir this manner is trnly frightful. It seems that a certain number of these animals roast be killed on every new railroad before tbeir owners will properly secure them. It would ba well for farmers aud others to re collect that thry ore liable iu very heavy damages for any accidents that may befall a train on account of their cattle being on tbe track. CP An Itxm for Tavern Kremrs. Judge Maynard (says tho Pittsburg Chronicle,) in charging the Jury in the McTernan case stated that where a person sold a niaa liquor who was druuk, be was liable under tbe 'law prohibiting the sale of liquor to intemperate persous. If it was shown that tbe meo was not an intemperate person, the party furnish ed him with tho liquor was still amenable to law, if be knew be was drunk even thoogb be mii;ut have become intoxicated accidental ly, and it was bis first offence. t3T Utah. Recent accounts from Salt Lake City represent tbe people as being iu an excited state, and it is highly probable that a collision will occur between tba Mor mons and tbe Government troops. Numbers of tba saints have ensconced themselves in tba mountains, and being equipped for luili tary d'Jty, i is feared that tbey will give our troops some trouble. 3 A rope ferry bas been started near Muncy Bridge, by D. Jlecum. Mr. Mecum resides at tbe Railroad depot, and runs a back to and from Muncy. Mr. Mecnm says, that tbe Bridge Company charges bim too much toll. CJ" President Buchanan, accompanied by Mr. Thompson tbe Secretaiy of tba Interior, is on a visit to North Carolina. At Weldon on Tuesday last, ba was formerly received and welcomed by tba Governor of tba State and other publio meo. tjT Peterson's Counterfeit Detector for June bas been received. Published at only flOO per annum, by T. B, Peterson 3c Bro F.very business man should become a subicri ber at onea. C3"Tbn Pbiter. This ia monthly published for tba especial use and benefit of Printers. It bai reached its second volume and is published with credit by John Uenryi New York, at one dollar. CorjNTf Postmasters. Poetmnstsrs over tba county saould make it aa object to obtain subioribers for tbair owo county pa pers, as tbey ara allowed out of tba post office 10, cent for every county paper re I eelved at tbeir o5i:. (TThi President and Gov. Packrb. Tbe Washington correspondent of Forney's Prut contains tbo following Item of political gossip t I forsot to ssv to Toa that wbila General Bridgens. of Lock Haven, Clinton county, of your titate, was in this city protesting against tba appointment or Mr. vjuiggie as consul to Antwerp, be let out a fart which bears some what npon the future of Pennsylvania poll ics. After he had told Mr. liuchanan thai tha appointment alluded to was a most un fortunate one, tbe President responded by stating that bo desired to be let alone that be was now an old man, wbo would toon ba out of office and lorgotten ; but that he, General Bridgens, would render bim, J. B.. an essential service, by helping to crush Governor Packer a coint which the Presi dent earnestly declared ba and bis friends ...... ... . - naa miiy determined npon ana insi uriu- ee ns started home resolved, after having bad this programs submitted to bim, to take off bis coat and assist iu putting down yonr in dependent and high toned Governor. This, be well assured, is tha fixed purpose of tbe Administration here. A number or small editors of small country papers in your State have been located in Washington, and ara sending home weekly calumnies npon Gov. Packer, prepared by order of Judge Black and tbe President, while those who are con nected with persons ho'dine office in this city, in voor State, and elsev.here, who own or control newspapers, are commanded to do the same thing on pain or ostracism. Drioos' Patk.nt Piano Fortb. Tbe great superiority of these beautiful instruments over tbe old stylo of Pianos, is so obvious that they must ere long supersede every other kind. They need only be seen end heard to be appreciated. We bave just rn ceived one of those Pianos from Wm. Hall & Son New York, solo agents for the Patent. Having received an agency for tbeir sale, we can furnish them at tbe manufacturers prices, The following will more fully discribe their merits : Tus New Piano forte. It is some five years since Mr. Drigcs invented the new Pi auo that is now generally known as the "Wal lace Piano-forte." but it is only within the past few months that it bas excited such uni versa! attention. Testimonials of its excel lence in fineness of toue, fullness, power and capacity for giving expression, or what tnu sicians callsinjridjf upon the instrument, or sustaining itself in sostenuto passages, have been furnished by lnnlberfr, UotUcualk, Strukoscb, William II. Fry, Maretzek, and most of our eminent Piano forte players and musicians. Jo fact, it seems destined to in auguratea new era in Piano-forte playing, enabling tbe performer to develope tbe sym pathetic powers or music, bcretclore conuned to instruments of the violin class. The prin ciple of its construction is theoretically that of the violin, and the frame instead ol being a mass of heavy blocks and bars, is a complete vibrating shell, witu an upper and low sound iuc-board, extending over the whole instru ment and connected by a sound post.. The iron bed-plate, which takes tbe whole strain, makes it impossible for it ever to give out, and from the first models made five years ago it shows that, like tbe violin, it improves with age, and with tha hammers and action renovated, a Piauo which bus been used fifty years, will be belter tone-d than a new one from the factory. The inventor is Mr. S. B. Driggs, wbo has named it The Wallace Piano, after the well-known composer Wm. Vincent Wallace. in. liall x son, the Music pub lishers, are tho sole agents. hvtnxng fost, Dkatu of Dr. Jannf.y. We regret to learn from the Philadelphia papers, the death of Dr. Benjamin S. Jaoney, wbo died ofappo plexy, at bis residence, ia Philadelphia, on Wednesday morning last, aged about 73 years. Dr. Janney, graduated at Pennsylvania Uni versity in 1312 and ranked at the bead ofb'n profession. He commenced life as a physi cian in tbis place, where be was married but soon after removed to Philadelphia. The OrrosmoN Convention met at liar ruburg ou Wednesday. The Convention was temporarily organized by calling Moiton Mo Michael to the chair. The committee appointed to select officers reported David Taggart, Etq-, of Northumberland, as Prident, wiih a number ef Vice Piesidents. Mr. Taggart made a speech on takirg the chair in which be rendered thanks to James Buchanan for adding strength to the opposition by his suicidal policy. Thomas E. Cochran, Esq., of York, was nominated for Auditor Central ou the tilb bal. lot. Gen. Wm. H. Keim, of Reading, was nomi nated lor Surveyor General on the first ballot They are both gentlemen of high character and excellent standing. (BUftuiiigg (EMtovial an& Stlrctrl). A rascal in Cincinnati, a short time tince, shipped lor New Orleans what purported to be cigars, on which he procured an insurance of $6,000. On the down trip be endeavored to fire tbe boat, but failed, and it wai then ascertained tbut bis cigar boxei cootaiued nothing but chips and shavings. A slave belonging to Dr. Sanders, of Hol ly Springs, Va., was scared to death, a short since by aa elephant. The animal embraced the darkey with bis truuk, which so frighten ed the poor fellow that as soon as released, be run a short distatice and fell dead. ' One of the new steam Gre-cngioet was tested on Saturday afternoon last, at tho Essex market, New York, and succeeded ia throwing a heavy stream on the cupola a height, it it laid, never before reached. Our government at Washington bas al ready received tbe first instalment of 100,000 of tbe debt due ns under tbe Cbiaesj treaty negotiated by Mr. Reed. Painful Occubrknce. It becomes our painful task to record the very sudden and unexpected death of tbe wife of one of our mott estimable citizens, Mr. George G. Potts. Sitting in tbe entry of ber house reading, during tbe prevelanca of the severe thunder storm of Thursday evening last, she became very much alarmed j and, retiring into tbe bouse, after a few anomeuts, breathed ber last. This event, so unexpected, bas cast a gloom over tbe wbule community, and tbe deepest sympathy is expressed for the deceased not ouly by those who were fortuBate enough to enjoy ber personal friendship, bat by every out wbo was iu tbo leasr acquainted with her. Minert Record. Sad Cabeof Dbownino We are indebted to cur friend Cononer Haas, of Darry, for tbe following information. On Tensday morning last Henry Flickinger, ton of Samuel Flickio ger, aged about ten years, was drowned in what is called Hod Creek, at Washington, villa. Ho left borne about uvea o'clock in the morning, and hit parents becoming alar med aohis long absceoco, a search was insti tuted, and hit remains discovered at above about noon. Coroner Haas bald an inquest ever tbo body, when tbo jury returned a ver dict of accidental drowning by falling off tbo log while attempting to erosi the crook. Vanvilli Intelligenctr. Sciql'ehannau Bam. A Ban wai caught in a soino io Tbo Susquehanna River, near Campville, a few dayi ago, measuring two feet eight inches in length, and weishicg uearly I 21 pounds. Rust in Wheat. Tbe St. Man's Beacon says tbo rust has already made its appear ance in tbo wheat Id that viciuity, acd not- withstanding tba favorablo state of tbo weather at prasent, its ravaget are fearfully on tha increase. Tba Old School Presbvterian General Assembly, now in session at Indianapolis, comprise 2,458 monitors, 2,324 cbnrches, and 250,000 charch mtmbete. There are 149 Presbyteries wbo ara entitled to send dele- gates to tba General Assembly. A New Counterfeit. Tba Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, 6th inst., ssyt I "Wa were shown, this morning, a counterfeit five dollar note on tbe Uank of Commerce, at brie. Tbe note is elegantly executed and well cal culated to deceive. The Vignette Id tbe centre represents a lake steamer, and at tbe ends are portraits or Washington and nay." Infant Born with tub Head of a Cat. One of the strangest freaks we bave known recorded, occurred in this neighborhood, lost week, being tbe birth of a child with a well developed body, perfect in all its proportions and weighing ten pounds, but with a remark able malformation, the head being formed in every particular, precisely like tbe head of a cat. It lived but a moment afterbirth. Tbe facts are vouched for by the attending physician, one of tha highest standing in the city, and cannot be doubted. Lawrence (Matt.) American. A jury ofSt. Louis, before whom a case of breach or promise of marriage bas been try ing, rendered a verdict for the plaintiff, and assessed the damages at $100,000, the full nmount claimed. The defendant, wbo is said to bo very wealthy, is sixty years of ace. Tha plaintiff, wbo bas numbered only thirty win ters, is painted iu rose colors by the Western journals. An appeal will be taken, and new trial will probably be ordered. A letter in tho Washington Star, dated Camp Floyd, Utah, May 20, says that tbe sixteen children who were saved from the massacre at Mr. Meadows', passed through tbe camp the day before, in charge or Mr. Forney, of the lodiun Department. As some of the children are old enoegh to remember and rive tome account of that horrible mas nacre, there is hope that the perpetrators of it will yet be discovered and punished. An Accoxmodatiko Witr Tbe Augusta (Ga.) Dispatch relates tbe death of a man in that county under the most horrible circum stances, lie was intoxicated, and told bit wife be inleded to kill himself. Sbe second ed tbe proposition, and aided bim in getting a rope over a beam io the house, and in getting it around bis neck. Sbe then knock ed tbe chair from under bim and bo fell breaking his neck. His wife immediately run away and bad not been apprehended. We are informed that J. P. Hogae, Esq of Watsontown, while on his way to mill one day last week, bad a board in his wagon to slip forward on to bis horses, scaring them and throwing him under tbe wagon wheel of which passed over his left eye dividing bis eyebrow and cutting through tbe flesh on the bone. Dr. r rsociscus of this place was call ed to dress the woond, and we are happy to learn ne is doing well. Mtttouian. Suciktt. What is society, after all, but a mixture of ouster-its ana nius-e.nos. Correspontrcnrt. Ffr the Sunbury American. Sei.imsgkove, June 8, 1859. Ma. Editor At to the size of the foundation of the Fcmals Seminary ut this place, I did uot iuicad to convey that idea ia my last that I intJiuii-d it. 1 merely said ttiat it Wat I l (and nut large) u Hint the tligiit ni:i!uke, oc caueil, I presume, ia Hit setting up. Tlie building, however, iu question, it intended to be Lone of the tincil and most convenient for school purposes around this tection of country. Itt tituatiou it situ ou ia eminence, st luo upper end of town. Otis portion of it it the former teiidenee of .Mr. Leonard App, two ttoriet snd a half high, which couititulct the uorlherti wing the mid dle or mam poriioa of the building, which it now iu pro gress of erection, it to be time ttoriet b'th with a huge tnd wellcalcululed Obtervatory. Time will alto bo a southern wing currctpouJing in silt with that of tho uoithem. Tlit whole when completed, will bo handsome ati'iiir. Great credit it due tu tlie cilizeut of thit place for the energy aud perseverance mniiifctlcd iu the erection ol this aud other like buildings, indeed tliey Uirc no pains, trouble nor money in their effort to gel up tlie right kind of buirdiui and making thiugt siuuiWe fur tho accoiuniO' dutioa of those who dctire to attend school Great cart it exercised in tho selection of competent Teatheit aud and every elTorl made to nuke things tho luott advanta geous aud pleataut to pupils. Tiiera it uothiug of my great importance htppeaiug hero nuw-s-days, at least such si would ftkcly to interest, other thsti that to which! have referred iu my fuimcr communication and in this. The French and Austrian army having, at last come in contact with cuco oilier, however, givet room for cousi deiable speculation and various opinions in rcferenet to the biml-ictoJt. There teemed la bo but una sentiment in regard to tho trst grand couliiit, and tlwt was, that tho AusUiaat would inotl itkelv, coma out at tht littlu end of the hotu, which now appeart to be Hit case. There it a eircumttauco con ucctcd Willi tlie li. story ni these two nations that aecnit remarkable. It was at ll.c tame place, Moutebello, that tho French army sscccedcd against tlie Austrian foicet iu a war with tlicia in leTi. It teems remarkable that they should, after the elapse of tome foil) -seven years, aud at the same place repeat tha doaa. I am very tarry to fufuiin yon and your readert, that there it any quantity of that dreadful tnemy, tht Wesvil in thit section of country. My old friend Mr. William Caugltr, some other gentlemen and myaelf, made tu ex. aimnalion of several beldt, both of tho Medetcranean and while wheat, aud to our surprise we found tho heads literally ailed with tho ty, busily engaged iu depositing itt tggt. Wo noticed tha wbolo process olhoi heads were already (lied wilb the working weevil. 1 am not able to say bow far tlioy extend, but tho geueral impression i that, they ara at usual, all over. Mora Anon, S. AMWEd T ESltiMA OF LAt WtlKl- " Are you free from tin." - r The Northern Central Hallway. Arrival and departure of Passenger Trains on and after Mil !Wd, lsi. at SoDsutt.aa follows ; GOlNti SOUTH. Tuns. For Ilamtburg h Baltimore, leaveiSuubury, Mail Train. .... 10 53 A. M. UuOulo Niagara Express. . . II 41 P. M Burden and Faucuger, Maiytf ill, 194 " COMING NOKTH. Txaim. From Uariitbarg k Bait., Arrive at Sunbury, Mail Train, .... 313 P.M. Huxulo and Ni.sara Express!, tu.lO " Burden and Fotaenger, from Mar) trills, 4.23 A.M. GOINO NOKTH. Tauixt. For Williainauorl k ELtuira, leaves Sunbury, MailTiain, 3 IS P.M. Budalo aud Niagara Express, . W IS Burdea aiisrPaiseuger, ... T JO A.M. COMINO SOUTH TatiNt. From Kliuira k Willuuutpt, Arrive at Sunbury Mail Train, .... 1050 A. M- Buffalo and Niatara Express, . f I 38 P. M. Burdeu and Paweuger. ... 0.30 The aaamoklst Valley and Pattsrllit Railroad. Paasongar train leaves St ihury at . S 16 A M. " Ml.Ctrmel, . . 4 30 P. M Tub WoNsaa or thb Aob. The (team engine and tha aleetrio telegraph have ceased to ba tbe wondero of tbo ego. Yoong A me rica ia vigorously pushing ahead io ever de partment of tcieoeo and art for tbo ameliora tion ef mankind from the teilt and caret ioli deal to life. Sewing by machinery ia the most recent successful invention, aa well aa tbe most important one to enslave wooman hpod. It enables ber to escape tbe drudgery of band sewing, and givei ber ample time to cultivate her own mind or those of ber child ren. Bui of all tbe machfnei that have ever been luveoted, commend nt to thote of Oao vib k Baibb's which are the belt in the mar ket for family ase. Officet of exhibition and tale 495 Broad way, New York 18 Hammer itroet. Beileo ; and 730 Ctestoit, Fhilidelphia. Any of oar readers afflicted with Scrofula 1 or Scrofulous ceinDlaintt. will do well to ' rescT tbo remarks in our advertising columns respecting it. But little of tbo nature of this disorder bat been known by tha people so in ciear exposition oi it intra given, will prove acceptable and useful. We bave long admired tba searching and able man ner id which Dr. Ayer, treats every tubject he touches; whatever bat bis attention at all, bat a great deal of it, be roasters what ba undertakes, and co one who hat a par ticle of feeling for bis afflicted fellow man, can look with Indifference npon bit labors for the lick. Read what bo sayt of Scrof ula, and tee la Uow few words and bow clearly ba toll ns mora than we bave known of this insidious and fatal malady. Sun. i-nuaaeiphta, ra. Curious Windfall. At a furniture anc tion, in New Orleans, a few days since, an old French harpsichord was knocked down to a dealer for a mere trifle. In unloading the old rattle-trap at bis own shop, bis at tention was attracted by a perculiar jing ling sound, which induced bim to examine bis purchase snore narrowly, and en unscrew ing one of the legs, a carious old cavity was discovered, containing a long canvas bag fill ed with a considerable quantity of ancient gold and silver coint, amounting io value to about $850. There eeemt to be do clua to this singular deposit, nor the early ownership of tbe instrument be traced. The lucky finder of the prize intends to devote himself hereafter to tbe purchase or Beoond-nanded pianoi, but with better judgement be already sent to Philadelphia for a complete suit of fashionable clothing from the establishment of Rockhill & Wilson, 03 and CUj Chestnut street above Sixth. o- CillOVER & D.4HL1VS CELEBRATED PAMILY SEWING MACHINES, A New Style. Price 6)50. 493 BROADWAY, NF.W YORK. T30 C1IKSNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Thrse Machines sew from two spools, and form a scam of unequalled strength, beauty, and elasticity, which will not rip, even if ev.-ry fourth stitch be cut. Thry are unquestionably the host in market for family use. ttjTlsE.ND FOR A CIRCULAR jfj II. D. Masskb Agent, Sunbury. lS'ortbumbsr- I u rid county I'a. November 27. 1358. FARREXr KB BRING & CO'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFE. LATE FIRE AT UL'BL'QUE, IOWA. Pvscvsx, Jan 7, 1t Oenttr I am requested by Mr.T. A. C. Cochrane, of thit plnee, to lay to you that on tlie morning of the 4th inslHiit, about 3 o'clock, hit ttore look fire, and the entire stock of goods wai destroyed. The heat beetme to tud deuly intense thai none of the goudt could potubly It enveilj but fortunately hit bookl and fiopeit, which were in one of yonr Cliainpk.ui txifet, were all pieterved pel (telly. And well they may be called Climnpinn, for during the whole coiiflngrulion there wai one incettant pouring of Bame dneclly upon the safe which contained thrra And still, upon opeuinf it, the inside wai found to bo tcarcely warm, while the oattide wnt most severely tenrched. Yourt truly, N. A. MrCI.UKE. lleirinir't Patent Champion Kilo and Burglar. Proof Safet. Willi HALL'S PATENT PO WDKK-PHOOF LOCKS, afford the greatest security of any tvfo in tho world. Also Mdebonrd and Parlor safes, of elegant work manship mid finish, for plate, Ac. FAKRK.L, HKKKINU Jt CO. havo removed from 31 Walnut St., to their new ttore, No. Ciii Chestnut St , (Jtyne't Hall.) whexe tha largest assortment of Saiei ia the world csu be found. PARREL. HERRING A CO., 623 CuxsiKfT Sunt, (Javne's Ifnll.) March 19. 1SI. 3m PHILADELPHIA. Sure 'Ilnio and you save .Money Hence if you proreed 09 your arrival at Phila delphia to ZIEUI.ER'& SMITH, (Wholesale Drug, Faint and Glass Denier) Corner of SECO.XI) GllliEX STREETS you will have an cicrtunity of purchasing from a larger, belter and cheaper stock of WHITK LEAD, ZINC, colored Taiiila and Window Gluts of assorted tizos and qualities than can be found at any other store there. Feb. 5, '59 ly wx KSclisiotis Notices Divine service will lo held every FabUth in this Co rough ai follow! : PRESBYTERIAN CHl'RCII. North west corner of rtlnckbeiry end Ueel streett, Rev. J. 1. Rtaaoosl, Pastor. Divine service every SaUsith at 1HJ A.M. Prajcr meet ing on Thursday evening. At Northumberland, in Old School Pictliyterian Charch, at 3 o'clock, P. M., every Sablnth. GERMAN REFORMED CHURCH North weft corner of River and Blackberry ttrrtls, Rev. J. W. Ptki.i uktz, Pastor. Divine service, alternately, every Sabbath at 10 A.M. and 7 P.M. Player 'meeting on Friday evening EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN ClU'RCII-rieer ttreet below S V. A P. Rni: Road. Rev. P. Uoan, Pnstrr. Divine service, alternately, every SnWrolh nt 10 A. M. and 7 P. M. Piavrr meeting on Wednet'lay evening METHODIST Knscopst CHl'RCII Dewberry street west of S. A E Rail Road. Rev. G. Wanna and F li lt iDDl-v, Pahtora. Divine teivice. nltemiitelv, every Sab bath ut 10) A. M. and 7P.M. Prayer meeting cnThun. duy evenine. IIAPT1ST CIIURCIT. Fwn street, below S. V. 4 P. Rnilroad. Hev. A.J. Hay. Pastor. Preaching every al ternate Sabbath at 3 o'clock, P. M. During the present month at follows: 2nd and 4th Sabbotht. Lecture everv Thursday eveiupfr, nt 7 o'caa-k MARRIAGES Oil Shursdny mominp, May 2Clh, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. O. S. II all, of Danville SAMurr. Lrwis, En gineer and Surveyor, of Pottsville, and Rosetta Mn.i.ER. daughter of (Jeorge Miller Esq., of Northumberland county. Pa. On Wednesday, May, 2Mb, at the residence of tbe bride's brother, io Mainabure, Pa., by the Rev. James Ross. Mr. Pai-i, Ccpworth, oi Sulivan county, and Miss Maggie II. Wit ter, formerly of Milton, On the 7th inst.. by the Rev. J. W. Stein metz, Mr. John Exist to Mii-s Margaret Haas, all of Upper Aoposta townphip. DEATHS. On the 27tb alt.. SAMUEL WILKIN SON, of Irish Valley, aged 35 years and 13 days. The deceased was highly esteemed in his neighborhood, and lived and died in the faith of tbe Gospel. In Lower Augusta township, on Tuesday last, very suddenly, JACOB ARNOLD, aged about 29 years. Zt gfarluls. A -. . . . l - . g. BALTIMORE MARKETS June 8, 1859. Gatia Wheat, there were sales of ted at 150a !65 cts. for fair to good lota, and white at 66a 1 80 eta. for fair, and 17Sal80 eta. fos prime par cels of do. Corn, sales of Rood yellow at 8o'aH7 cts., and of fair lo prime white at 81 eta 68a9l There were sales of Virginia Oats at SO eta. and Penawyl vania do, at 65a56 cts. There were soma Pennsylvania Rye offered and soli at 00 cts. Marylaud Rye at 06 cts. per bushel. SUNBTJBY PEICE CURRENT. Wheat, $1 70 a 75 Butter, . . $ 1 Rye, .... 85 Eggs, ... lg Corn, . . . . 62 Tallow, ... lif Oat 45 Lard, ... li Buckwheat, . . 62 Pork, .... 6 Potatoea, H0 Beeswai, . . tl New Advertisements. Notice to the Tax-Payers. 7lJ(OTICE is hereby given to the tai-payers ef 1 Northumberland county that all those pay ing their btate Tat on or before the SOih day oi July next, will be allowed aa abatement of five per cent. And also to the delinquent collectors of aaid county, that we, tbe undersigned, want them to settle fl tbe duplicates in tbeir hands ea or be fore the nail August Court, without fail. We intend thia to be tbe I tat notice given in tbe newspaper. FREDERICK RAA8,) SAMUEL ENT, J Cem'rs. JOSEPH EVEKITT. ) hsnbary, June I!, rH5. 6HOES AND BOOTS, BOOTH AND BH0K8, SHOES AND B0OT8, BOOTS AND 8HOEB, EMBEACINd- Ladies' Citv Kid IWhi... " Blipppsrs, Morocco ss I " Tie " Heeled Boot, Kid " Calf s. ,. " Enameled Boots, " Black Lasting Gaiters, Colored " " Heel ii Mistea' Kid Heeled Boots. SS SS ,. M City Morocco " Heeled BsoU, Jenny Linds, M Calf Spring DooU, " Goat Heel Uoots, " Black and Colored Gniters, " Heeled GaiterS, Men's Kip Boots, M Coarse " " Fine Calf Boots, " Heavy u Grain Boots, " Morocco Shoes, " Calf " Kip M Heavy Brogans, " Buckskin Gaitors, " CalfGloted Enameled Oxford. ' Fine Monroes, Boys' shoes of all kinds, Children's shoes of all kinds, Our slock of the above is large, and our price very low. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON, Sunbury, June II, 1959. if If you want If yon want If yon want If you want Ready Made Clothing steady Made Clothing HeaJy Mada Clothing Heady Made Clothing Very Cheap and Good, Very Cheap and UooJ, Very Cheap and Oood. Very Cheap and UW1, Oo to Bright & Son, Co to Uri.lit St fori, tio tu Dright Sl on, Co to Uriglit St Son, Sunbury, June 11, 18J9 tf Hats and Cap, Ha s and Caps, Hats and Caps. Hats :d Caps. Ilaurlnonie and Durable, Daiulaotne and ilurable. Handsome und Durable, Handsome and DurnUa, The very latest sljlc, Tbs very latest styles. The very latest itylea, Tho very litctt stylet. At law prices, At low piicet, At low prices. At Uv pliers, Bright .V Son, Bright rfc Sop, Bright A Son, Bright A San. Sunbury, June 1 1, 1 P59. if SHAMOKIN BANK. STAT1 6, 18 TEME.NT of the tjhauiokiii Bank June 859. ASSETS. Specie in vault and specie funds in Philadelphia, Duo from otlitr Banks, Bills ditcounted. Due from City Bankers, Ndfesand Checks ofolhor Bsnks, Value of Bank propertv, $6,105 31 S Slirt 34 G.60 tl 2 4; ts S.S03 70 'J.16J 00 $83,613 17 820.740 0f 12,617 Rfi 30 VJ IiSS 47 LIABILITIES. Circulation, Due Bapositort, Due ether Banks, Discount aad Interest, $34,900 53 I do certify Ihtt the above statement is true to the best of ay knowledge and belief. 8. JOHN. Cashier. Sworn before ma thit 6lb day of June, A. D 1859. (iim.es 11. Colitis, J. I'. Siismokin, June 6, 1859. VALTJABLlf MILL "PROPERTY F0I SALE. riMIE subscriber will cipote to sale, by pulili A vendue, on the premises, on Tuesday, th 5th day of July next, las interest, being tha on undivided half part of the new brick (JltlS' MILL, situated in Jackson township. iNorthtin berla'id county, on the Mate road. The Mill a substantial three story brick building, 40 by I feet, with four run of stone, located on Malum creek, near the railroad, and aix miles east Trevorton. The stream is a never failing oi and there is always an abundance of water. 1 location near the coal region makes it a value' property for any ene detiroua of entering it thst business. The term, whteh will be tetsonsMe, will made known on the day of sale). BAMCEL B. Dl'.NKELBERGEK Jackson township, Jane 11, 1869. 4t TTV & J- A- YOST. SUCCESSOR TO BUSHNF.LL A TU1 MANliFACTTKKnS OK 'sstfcsSLVJ t""Wt .SVVv. VELOCIPEDES, OIQ8, CHAISE, PKRAMtlt LAI WIIEEU-BARROWS, nOBBY-HORSKS, 6I.KIGH 314 Dock Street, above SecJbd, rillLADtXl UlA. Jaaa It, 1859. 3tn To lUou&e keeper. SOMETHING NEW. B T BAUUITT'S MEDICINAL SAl.KK ATI'S. Is luaaafactured from common salt, and is t pared en'irely liitfereiil I' ram other Suleral us. i I tlie dclelerioas matter extracted iu such a ream auo as to produce Bread, Biseuil, snd all kinds lOake, without foulaiiiing a parlu-le of Saleia' "rfYwhui tht Bread or Cake is baked ; therelv dacing wholesome reaulta. Every particlu .Suleralua it turned to tat and paasel through Briad or i iscuit a-lnle Baking; covs.iuer nothing remalnt bat orainou Salt, Water i 'Float. You will readily perwiae by Ilia u lof thit Saleralut thai it ia entirely diflcienl li AC other Salsratus. II it packed ia one pound pspert, each i Ipef branded, "B. T. Balunl't Best Medic ""itsalmatut: alto, nietuie, twisted loal ot kr with a (lata oi effervescing water ou the in 70 When ynu purchase one paper yoa tlioald iserve the wrapper, and bs particular to et licit exactly likt the arst brand at above. Kali directions lor making Hieail wita aleratat and Soar .Milk or Cream rartar, laeoonspv each packugt i also, directioar f)S making all kindt nf Pastry! a., for inakin, ;da Water and Seidlilx J'ewdert. MAKE VOIR OWM OAs' with 13 . T . BABBITT' 0 PL'RE CONCENTRATED POTASH Wsrranted doobls lis strength of ordiiiar) ase j pal up in eant-l lb , II. 3 lbs, It PC1! lbs Willi full direction! for makine H DO Soft Soap. Cousumers will and u't ca. Potash ia market .M-tafactar. - '"VVaBUITT, 70; Vn. as and 70 WtahtiurlouH., New-) oi ana no- J nana-"-, Jans tl, ISS9. ly Ja , Bos Ci V M PHO IA NS, grand mutical ins just received from Snow Mill, i-oi COi unbury, rUuery W. CJILVER WATCHES A few do Brtiliah d VV stcfe.ee, for sale a pries by tx.m m.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers