I'iscfllanfOits. UifcioMCAi. Fact- l'h Greeks had liu!n or no uotiou of butter, and Iho early Roman." 031 J it ojy as medicine iievtr as food ; ro th-t ;t is comparatively a modern article of, 'Mm first bonk ever printed was tho book 1 of lVilm, by Fsuist and SchaeflVr, 1 153. It i v. ji printnd CU one Side dfily cl the) leaves, ; ivlii'.'h were, in bindii'fj, pasted hark to back, j .'. .lion? tlin Romans, nil itntn cf lull age ' wa obliged to marry, and il is even a mtxlt rn lnw oT Eugljml which itiak-ls a filie o n nil bachelors in tie kingdom, of L." ye is und over. The piano forle Win iiiteiiV,-. r.- J.lj. f-ehrudor, of Diesden, in tho year 171", lu riug which year lie presoirted a m l I o t his invention to the coail of Saxony. Tbi-y in mediately became popular. I lid lurgest nud oldest chum Inolga 3 lit tin world is said to be that al Kingtuni, in Chi ' im, where it forms u period ii.nd limn : I i . top nToue iiiomitnin to the I op uf the other. . C'hIIco, tin) well kiioa ft I'lillmi tlnili, is i.. 1 med from L'uleot, n city of India, friMii nl.etir-e ' it first CuiuM. Calico was first brought to 1 Engluud in the jenr 1C:!1. ' ... j An Axi'ir.Nr Ship The. sh j U.itclny. which is about to lie torn to pirn s, is the 1 in-1 1 oldest vessel to IIih Marin bflnnii.? to this port. She was built in IT'.KI. just North! nf t!i" Fniihaven hri 'go, by Col. Cluj horn. for William Hutch, J r. Tim wood tf which; the in buiil was the very best live oal;, utnl i was brought from the. South for tho purpose j of build her The pliMikipg eti her bottom,: Hud her kcl. are the Finn- as when aim was firit launch.. The Hurt-lay male her first voyago to England, and on tho 2Ph day of tho 7th month, 1791. David Swain, master. she sailed fi ncn Fnropei brit'iting a pat-sen-i pers NV iiiiain Uotch, Sen , nml his family. I She had n long passage, being nut til days.! Sidco this voyage she has been ai lively tinga- j pad in tho whale fishery, iiiukiiit: In ipietii and prosperous voyageR Shu i no" 1G years old. dipt I.iUhein C'rc?s. of this city, who it : now in his t4th year, saw lirr when t.ho tvus i luunchod. .Yew: Jlall'vrJ i'tanttird. A YOKK OF O.XKM Kt O.NK ClIATT. Miny your Bjio, a Mr. Miller, one of tho early set tlers of n, nrijjhborinjf town, sold ti yol;o of oxen fer SfiO, and in payment received a fifty dollar bank bill, which ho carefully folded up and deposited in his tobacco box for Sale keeping. Mr. M. waa accustomed to make tisii of iho 'weed' at any hour of the day or night, whenever he felt en inclination fur it The nii;ht following; the k.Ih of the oxen he soutihl his tiburco box, and tndirsr a cotive tiieut portion, he put it in his month, und f. t.t readily obtaining the full bniicfit ha expected ho chewed it most vijjproiirily und tllecluully, esclntning at) he did fo : 'No ftren!th to the tebucco ! no (treegtb to 'he tobacco !" Whm, recoll.ctinp ti e t inhjarlion of the day, nud the plajtu nlnre In- ucpoEiteu u:s treasure he added : 'Ohio ! n yoke of PXtii at cue chaw !' A I.iviko Faun. In a public school, in New York, n short time since, on an alarm or fire, a terrible panic i-ii-iied, and many of tho scholars won injured by rushini.' to tli door, and oce nf the tencher!. a JOtlt'K lady, jumped from a window. Antony tho btiudicilii ol children, with whom the l.ni'.diojr wascrowded was one girl, atnoi'i; thn best in tho sclion', who, through all thi rr'fjl.lfiil ceno, main tainod entire com.:.btHo. The color, indcid forsook her cheek ; her lip ipiivercd ; the tears stood in her eye;', but :he un ved nut. Aftor or.ler had been restored, and b. r coinpuiiious had b en brought I. aek to their places, the (jnestioo was asked her how ahe caune to set ao etill, without nppareut ul.irin, when every body else was i.i such u fright. "My father," aha said, ' is a, fireman, and hu tol l ma if there was an ularm of Cio in the achoi !, I ui'iet jml Sit Bt'll." The Sl.ti.Er.i.v ok a (jIaxt, tij:hl feet high, has besn exhumed from the faun of Mr. I'ulvin. near Mntioncahela City, i'a. 'i'he I'ittaburgh ChrnnUle raj a : "From the Jin. i siliou of the bonis in the vault under ibe. j ftone, it is supposed tho bodies were buried ' in a silting position, the skull bunt-s unci thotu I of the truuk bein all in a hi np, hilo those j of tho letf were bcuttr-rcd ulot.g towards thu foot of tho vanll. A l thn foot, idso, of n.any j of thee graves were found various articles of ornament of exouisito woikmanship, lie- noting a greatar skill than Ue'ially belonged to tho Indians, together with crockery and ! warliko implements. The praves in iho vi- cinity number sirverjl hundred, and go to show that the field .-is ut one time an txten- j five burying- giotind." Pixot i.ar On Friday lat, a nnui r,u mud Johu Kocb, while enjaped painting" on the third story of a house in Orungc, N. ,1 , fell to tho (jroutij find was taken up Tof deud. lie was coDTcyt'd to bin tesidLr.ee, laid n.t, and bis uUl.cltd relatives and liieiiu.J in duo lime procoeiied to make tho usual arrangements for the funeral which s:as appointed for Sunday. Shortly before the hour appointed ou thai day. lha body exhibited signs of re turning iuiiiialion, and in a Tew leinneiits uf terward, to the n,ti nishmeiit of nii the y.iui: inau in tho cofiia, who vu, ol couno, hi in ved to hu deud. tui aide to col. erst- wiiii his Iriends. Tho tihvsii:i-jns; howeVi r, prrtionnce bu i.roBUDt ootid, tion as cx'.reinrlv citin.l, uud it is doubtful Khelher l. May turvive tLe injui :c9 sue'.aiuud liythe fail. A liKAl"TT"I. W II1TK Sl.VK M AMiMITIbD. A younj nnd beautiful Woman, Agues Wright, was inaiiunrttiid in lha l'robuto Court, t. Cinriuir.ti. by her owner, lleubeu Wright, oT New Orleans. Had it net b-en kcawn sbs was a bl'.ve, no cue w, uld have tosptcled I hut she had a panicle of African blood in her veins, hhtf hml guiitcil nianneis nd style, and was as elegantly dressed as n i ourlh-Etreet hollo. Tho peotiiiar relation l or late nio-tcr bora to her U probably the .ansa cf her freedom. AgLcs tVL'u'J j'BEf on(t.here for a Oaueassiuti sroiran. - - - 'I'ho Ca'.ho'.ie rEidenli cf tha lomi ul j Cromwell. Lt., Lavirif; receutly requested il.i.i liiiiee the Protestant Uibl.i was read in their public schools, the Catholic version tni-lt e!so be used, tho coinioittce pave cpni-ent. nud both versii r t-ere nccrird!n.ly read, lncenced at this, certain individuals repa'red in the night to the hou68 cf tho coiumittoe, B d daubed their doors with lampblack aud t i!, ir.arkinr; tin in itll Crorgea, Ae , which outruge hits, crouti d a stioni.- reaction i f pub li opinion in f iorof the Ci'iruii'.li.-, uud the coutae t.!i . ted by ihcm. ln.j!py in I'Aii.y Lirn H. ligion i, not o perpetual moping over good honks, lieli tion is not even j.rajer, praise, lmly drdiuan. ces. 'i'hero uro rees9aty to n-Iigior. no man can bo religious wiihout them, lint re ligion is iirii.'ily at.d chiefly tho gloryfy'i-p (ioJ among thu d.ities and tr.al.i of the Huti.i; the guiding of our ci uuo amid udverio viii.tip btnl currenti of leuiptation, In liie slur IikI.i of duty und the coir.ias, of ' i v in.- truth; ih bearing us manfully, wisely, c.-ui aeencsiv, lor th honor of CLiitl, our f-eat Leader, in the toiiflict of I ft ( '"': " A four lijtulred dollar ciadle is mi exhibi tion at one cf lb furniture .torn in I'hiludul fdiis. It is made of pu.i--r niache, inlaid with 'earl, and ul up with u degree of rplpodor exceed. t!( snylhiiijj of the kind that has yet been preseuled to an extravagant public, 'i'hil is wor'so thau cold spooiis. No wonder n many rich fool, becctuu bankrupt, uhen money it frittered easy ,g ibis atlul fasb .on. lrSH. AND 1800. NEW ROUTE FOIt THAVELEB I Northern Central Kailwoy ! ! iVT INTER ARRANGEMENT. ! ! AH Ml 1KIMIAY, l)K:. !3lh, ltv, thr fiiii... f n. Hi.rtl,, tVnlnil It iiilvk-ty (.uinp.ui)- will l.a-. eiWjr, ((undnj 9 tiir tcJ) ol . l..wt ; C.'filXG NcrtTll. m FALo Ai M.iuiiiA rRr.ss t n a 1 51 . t rim UAI.TIV.OUK to St'NLiL'HV A Wtl.'MPFliRT. Calvin tt'noi Arrii-4 l.rnvf. 3 m f . M e ."o e .si " .Ml f 4 0 3; 0 .17 f :,i sr. HI : In -Ai i" aw n r.i I I t'l I 'l 41 li on 11 o., 11 111 11 12 II !l 1 1 :- II :! 11 4i II Ii II .... II .V. IJ - li CI i-J II I'J II IV II IV II 1 J I'l I I 'I l-J I J 1 1 l-J u u u II .'.J ip,.,,'''' M ilkriltirf7. yiC'M ft ll !!, 'I'm J,..i, t.t . S. ims In. . i-. 51 .tUt II V. . ',.,'tn,-:il,.-ll.il-l, ClillhMiilln.tiu-, 1 t.t v ifcOi.i v , Milt.-l , (V..-. n, , Viu- -i. t l-.j s'.rm. .M . -i : t li.ri, I t rt- r't ' M.ii.-v. V, ,...MM-iU--, w.'i.i.-u"-..n, iU'NHr ii V A UAIilMOtU; A.'tnti I.rir i:;i,.ir-i,.t. t g ;iJ A ( Mi n: '4i;vt:ir, t o 4m Miiitr ? ;t - h HlTiifl f, fl !! ft IK) M.i.iiijf.'ii.vr;. , (M j i iij I- HU-f (4 1 M t'tit.ini- tm, v lit I in VatMiui..-,Mi, p )i n H .Milton, ! VI ! lWict-ilifT, i, U fl ..j 1 liiiliriju-ujii, :i; f :i? N"iitn;i.tv r.a-ij, t 47 ! I; M JU IV, u .i u ..- frhar Outve, 10 07 M in TfiiV.Tlttll JaiK't..'M, C '.( 10 V'l (il'-.MV U'WII, III .'7 M .17 MilVi!.t,.,,-, tl i.i II lii iiu!if:., u II nr:.!;it i-it, I J j ! I'. l Ik, l,i i V Cut .'t'l I Slatmii. t J MAIL TRAIN. (.un MUi'MI FkM-n IlAL'I'lMfWlK t M'.NJ'KY A Vi'Il- MI'l KT Aril.e. I.r:ive. ("alvi-lttntl n n j Via a IMS 11 li lSu.lifep.-rt IJ --J 1 in . M Cbni. i t-.i:y .'.il .VI II '( i l-J -J 1 1 MilleulurJ S -J7 If i)u Itu.-h.t.i.iu -j :jtt u fl ;.iu!i..nt"i.?.i 'i -ii -. it On.rgrtuwu a t a a? 'rrev. lt. llJuilCtl .il 3 Oil U I'l s.-lins-(,r,.vu 3 ti U 27 Sl'MJl'KV. 3 37 :i 1:1 ...n! i.ial.eil ml 3 .'..I 3 .'.I ('llli:ilii.ui,tld 4 I..'. 4 l.i-w in-uri! 1 10 4 IU .Mill. .ii 4 S I 1 VJ U iilw,t-'vu 4 'J! 4 :.l'i I'm. nl.iM'u 4 4--' 4 4'l liter's 4 17 4 47 .Mf.nlp.-n-.-. 4 4u 4 .ii llt-r.r's 4 65 t Si Mui.cy , 5 u.' S o-J .tI.iit-..ii.vil.V 5 In 6 li l,;i:.irs;-..rl 5 3U unrvii sou nr. J-'n-m Wn.i..irr..i:i w S-l Mil T.V A. HAl.TI.Mor.!'. Aruve l.eive W illi.-iniB. T( .MuMlotlrai il; Mum-v. 1U S'l iii I : II HI r M 111 4.1 II I I IK-ig.-r'a li on it i.i I .Mui.tei.uier)- it it ii 1:1 ' i I-.)t's II 10 II I.l I I Limit. .wn II -.1 11 II j Wntsoi.t -. 1 1 :l-J 1 1 il I Milton, II 41 II 45 I I. i-vvill.ui); II II !A Clii!lls.o.i;ue l-J 01 i bl N.-rlli.nnl.-rijii.l 1,' 14 1M l i Sl'.NBl'KV, 111 I-i 'J- ! Seln (J -..ve li 41 I J 44 'I'lerurli.ti Ji:ii ttwu 1 00 I 01 A M , fiec.ri(et..H'!i, 1 14 1 15 Muhuiil. ngu 1 V I I 'J- Rill l.;il i:., 1 3'i 1 Mllleifburg 1 4.1 1 4'1 II. ibl.il 2 Un S ill ("lurk's I'etty "i IS i 19 l.ni.pl'in a ;7 a ri7 Un !ju-i i.:t .1 07 3 311 V..ik 4 4'J 4 6U ' I Culvert SUitl'-ll. 7 11 i i,;,.,'.', VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE rtIIil snlMcul ern, Citcntcr4 of the mlnto t X Jleiiiy Masrior, iJvcM., ofl'rr nt ynvaU) i:-lt: the l'u.!twini!j pmpf rt iz : A Iiirg? uo tjry traui li Acliing hi)Ub3, toother ni ulnut 5y CURES OF LHND, Sltuiii iti I,tiMir Augusta to?).j!iiji oiljoititug laiutrt of Uauiel Kjulinrxu and utliurd na' in Ll? ocpuj-.tin y of Jolm K. Kutilmnn as a ttore nn.l ii"cli The 1jiu.i? is new tni! i'jc Knration a ((tnnj on for butmt1!. AleotTnACT W MMF.hTO.NK T.ANt, in to'.vnsliij on the river a!. out ft ruiicA be low S 'uuhu. y, aHjoitiitij; IuihIa of .1. T. M'l'hrrson and otlit'is, coiitaiiiing, atjuut ll0 acre. The Foil U r.)Jutlie and coi.tainii lirmstor.u ji;J othtr nMiu'iais. Al h tract of I.nnd, roiilair.hijr ahoct 33 arrr on thu hill, about two u.i!os llow tVunlanc, &wjii::iijg Umlj uf thr ht ii ut' tin; Uto John t'uuTaJ nnj uthrrn. Thtro i, vu thin Iryct, a uniull nrchaiJ i choirc fruil. fox turlhcr f;:r;iruiui apply to the FWriboM. I. IJ. MAS-M-'sIt, ) P. Ii. MArtSCt!. . Lcutors. n:A.cis bi:chi:r. ) iSunlury, January 10, XHZti. tf JCST ARRIVED AT THE STUKE OF J. EX. i:.;J E.. or Hiilitiry, I'a , fJAi? iu.t aniied v ill u splendij st.ick ot Full Good from Philadelphia, to win. h i.t v. respectfully invites his Itieiids and the Public to j call and iiirpeet, he will spare no time in tlaav. : ing Ihein. Anion,; his fctoik of goods will ho fjiuid, FINE UI.I.E AND ELACK ; .'. .JL( . j;- wliv. j Fine Ulack and Fancy I 'ii.-i.uLte j 'J weed.-, .-"at-! itieltt, Jeans add I'a- ev Vesting, also a lurc us- j sorlmeii! ol Keaily-n de. Cl.U'J'Hl.NG for men i tt"u v'hiap.) FOR LADIES WEAK, II. aek aiidfanrv d.ers t:!i.. (very cheap) silk ch.d- j li. FitneU Mctino. Pru.;e,l French Menuo, Fluid Cahmerc, all vuol Dilainc, all wool Debase, . Moheir Leiierje, Piinled Cashnic.-e, Valentia, Chid !i JJi.ho a rpj'iUi, l'elainc I.obes, Persian Dc- ' I i no Robes, loil do CLirre Robes, Plain Debug. LivcUuj and Delaine st u!l I rices, and t!..; Rid s'r!.i i-l iris, Foil Shawls and Maiitiilui., a i; ;i:d j assi.r'.niinl of whi'e doods. ( o.lars, 1-Utves, Iris1., i Linen, Mart uoiie,, Ai atseillcs, linliiant o.c. A tcneral assortment ol domestic Dry Go ds. Also a lar ;e st ick of Hats and t.'apj. Hoots end shoes, Hardwaie, Queens and l,:ass-.vare, Groceries, t'edarware, Mmio an.) Earthenware, Drugs and Paint,., .Vail, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Uil, 'I'jr A c. &c. N. li. Wnll and Window Paper, Fl .ur and Table Oil Cloth, Carpels, all tl.e above will be 6uld at low prices for cash ur country produce In en in eclian;c lor Goods. J. II. E.NG1.L. Kunbtiry, Dec, lt, sr.p.tf. J. F. SHIKDEL GOBIN, SI 1 1 o v n r y at E a U) , RTJ3sTtiTJ---t-ir, PA. Rusiucfj ciiliuted to u charge will l-e expedi tiously and tailhiuPy atttnded to. jPurtlculsr alltuiion paid to the collection ofclsinw. I nrrnit i:ck-4 on, A J.ir-in.i. Suul.ui;, 11 .u I) Taeruit, N'ori)lr'd - H I, lleart, " J islnndel, Abeulowii, ( I dr. i n .ncli,l.i, " I O l" Mili.-r. Uwuharg, (J.-u J U ("ira-.riii, " I C. I II C l.jcr, Sian.siovc. (ll.l.bry, Nov. 6, l?..-a ly 1 SI" RECEIVED a large lot of ready nude CJ.Oi il'Nf,', Cb.sp at J. IL KNCEL'S. PlJII'IDf), Dee I 1, IHtiH j Ti r .CLIVFD lrg, aortment nf Saiinelt, l1. Ca iiiic.-o and Cloth, at J. tl. ENCKL'S. ?niil.m, Def. II, 18'S I'tiro Wluvt nud I.L(jim. ICtrrreceived at FJSHEk'S Drug and Che- micul Emporium. Sunotiry, Oct 3 lb8. i YMrilONTANM, gund musical instruments I -"J ju.t received from hnow Hill. .n.on, and '"'b-'l v T. O. COOPEH. Sdnb-.nj, Felrusry IJ, IJJ.-,?. WHEELER 4;W I LSON WANTjrACTCniNO CO.: FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. IT 'II H tiiumtn-mi favor which tmn niUmrlftl hi intrigue. lion ut WitKRi.f R & Wn.doN i KMintty t wiiii? Ma- eniiiw, is FutlitifiU cvHlfiice ot H excel Ir nee. it i nrt-u-tr n"v 1 1 fay, tli:it ttn ttpeiuk iiinlriiHit-nt if hri'inniiiv m : ti 'iinuc mi1 iiuti. n : Id f'trl it rmyiii.cil by II H.-e?i-- lul use in tli-u tift i if Fiii'i'ln mi evi v r.iuk in lift. 'A' tn vd- hav!i tucTtn rt'i't;!:.!!- f.'Mii nvHilu-K tiicticlvp ' .ff Hi li(lvii;tt;iM'i. it m:v It 4 tir Mini?? tn , idnt tin util ( ritynrxu r--1 m t r o!vnl, djt u k.ii-l'o' itiri.Mil riiiliiznl. '1'iio di)d''it ris:inrny t C"hitm;tiy nilVruli'ii l littiiittfT tlif v rrilk'i ' wi i'. !i pivta t::i iii .1 r uciiiciitujia j wi'd-and rn liil-ltr a re.n!ntii n. , li'j!, living i(. etully mid lidtniltidiy utlrrtt"J ttithf ntofct (iff ( feci wnrk tm t vrry kind t n.rr.criul . ntnl. dnvin Uf'H ( nl fi'ttd t-i ii tlir'f )e;irV Itat -f the n.Mt m ..ul.lt j( t ch.irat't- by l":iiitt .it tt, iiti'l in v ltt dtnm dm ' -f M ii "i- lat'luttr, with (dhfinauifdrd m.crt'B.', tl I t'cllcvt'l td-tt lit i ull the cri'iit pi'uii? r i,nif.iie tu u C'linpleli ami . radical , rfe .vim; Mitcdnn, H cannot do MppU'-nchcd in excrlienc'. i Atinnitf tde uiiiliiul'teii fiilViiit;iv" 4 ll jV'fcM'SffR over it tl i Otlw'llt, tliUC lf IlitltTf ll I hi Ifitti'WIIIf! ; ! I. It.s SiipMlti'ity i.l" v itf'.rnclii'il. inn! c.iif fjariit l"iet:- dimi !r.tn drranarrifnl :i;:(i tuvtl 'f rpnirn ! 4. I' iiiifxiMiji:..! r:i;uditv and eac -f i f:atUn. j ? It ro'itrlf iii"vri!i"hi 1- i no preul ;ti irty i' nirMr to winch l cn.n be iif j j 'leu, wltwn crt:i tc .Klt.f . i i ! y Ii oil. it Hiu'hnMi'ul in- An1. I'nr pre-t ttiiiit'iit hcn'ity iind itaml -ility i.f 0t wink ''I liud vinir Mm bint- niviii-iiitilu in 1 it tins neu i-.-iii . nil. I uVr. Thi' ititch is veiv dn ( have 'i"1'! ii- u y ralli-. a::dai.!,.Udt-. hue or cw iiiter.ls. It i-.m-li tiuir'. .iii'L-. i- i.i.il i5i.i!.,-. ():.- ,4 iir Ma Sine, i ii .iscd in my i.m.i r'e iniiitiy ; a.''!..-r 1.1 il l,.er-li.M of a.i.i.r- ,. I ... her, .vv.-.ri...... fro Thc..p.ii..n,.. , nl! :ici- r.l with ili.il 1 huve juit ij;r.sjl. All, Aiil.a I Corn llllcln.-. I rt IB hilt : Hi-wini? .M.-irhme : nml thul l, Wliec- e and WW J .ii'..t .Mi ijf. l" l.'.e Aiiu-ric.-in Inni- tul.v rtte Svii.tf Tirhijip pun Iiii d fv -u hashcen wa I ly P "fvice.'id! licv lr. S.nmv I if j...J. NolulMlj c:i:i :ilt rd li!o W'tdoi.l it. t'l'iNCNs f r ths New VtifcK Pitf.n. .Vt r'"i theiii I' r ln:i.i'y ii; r, Tnlnne Tfiry uie the (av.rriTo l""r timihi.i Tim", Arc wtth'iiit u rival. cienutti: Aim'iican, "irkr more uinii-tiiily than rue band Herald !, tde work ul ti-n or.lnmiy tc.vi-ia Jour Cciu Ktl'int to nine iinirc-MTi Hutue Jotnii.il I lia 'iiuvhii.c. f-r laini! list. Advtii-ate V Journa!. M ! Ii. :i .'.iir to Atm-fa-mi jfeiinin liKh'i.rndftil. We cannot mrifiin' hm, I'ti.T. '-'Te rUtt l.Vi.i'g'..ii:. Vi'. t; entire k li! fuel h-a. Oot-vi vrr. Tht dfXi t vi r it. t-iit. tl - CiiriRtiaa lriiiiiir. In l.riAinv; lor tin- licf.l, fnv ll.est; t xan.iner. Ailinir.idiy u -laptfi! l" u lainiiy lift- ( ' iiroincit. Iri.l.sj.fiis.idlf in every Ininily. 'I'de I'rrnclM r We pr ine it Piiidusi inn i.'liniu.in lnt!1tr::,ci.r. Wortdy 4 1 tfi: r :;iifit awaid. hn...i,iii Keeordtr. A bfin-tai li.'ii oi' Hi e nj;c I'littirnn'ii M.nPir. 'hj:h:i! tn dprratiou.- .Mi. lv ln.-i.ii1 Mi ntlily. Hfithi;! a!, queftt mi, tiie liia'-hima l.tie l!!nr-tr:itil. Ti.e fctitch c.inni't Le uur-iv.'. .-.!. Am A j:nculi ui .t. 'i'ltey maintain tin pre-fiont nee )ixprr&s Siveg Ide tu.ie and litultii i-f ten W'ineii Water f'tirc. ir.it h' Ur-cii- Ui ik ui '.-fciat it-it yi:h it )'trttTls Spirit. Snpp'v tl.e f isiri mthlf. World Itaiiv Nt W. An ir-etii.nen:ly fcu,ici.ni. Iadn;1 Vn-it r I'm- ul o-ir 1. "a?e):oM ff-nlii S. J"iinui. Viirivani'd in eveiy ju.i j !Vti- lim'n.. l ctt y, useful, inac.ca!.- I icfc tt r llfve t '(tt;.i i t ' ,iii',l: u: - -,lti-if.i! Wrr'-l A tliaiiij d ol met hamral peiir.' N . " J ui nnl Cnrndino cver re(inri-im nt. 1'uiiiiiy Mi.pai.ic. Vtihtly u peri tr tn all otbeis (.oilJen 1'. ie. We i .in no i ttre in it pr nsr w orker tr forther nirti' u!nrj apply to 11. U. Mat-si-r, Simburv, I'a , aprut of the tnanulnrtiirsr, who will fUppIv ni.ichiiiM ut the luiiiiufacturcra' pnri'. Jrund.irv, May 15, tf A Valuable Book for Invalid. ten I DV MAIL, kXU KUT TU HE Alt) foU I'NTli. UFCriVtI KAD ?(D AJ-! H(H kH OF. If OT APPRoVKO HO CUAtaS Dr. Sa.MI KI.S Fri CIl'rt ' SIX I.I.C'l l iu;s" o theciiuke, I'reVeiiti'Mi u ul Curmd i)itr.fr ." tl.e l.u:ie,,) 'I'i.li-Jt, llejii, Mi.h.1 ii, !k' elm, I.iver, Kidun s, Mm. StC, I'cmalc i.'i'inj-iuii.ir, :md I'ttroniu diifiisva irenciiiuy in t'rj !.:nvj ul I.tiV, :ul the true iwi-iii.-d hy wtikn neuUh Hud vigit ii. a iio ; rtS" rvnl to i ll" titiud-ed years. A v ! uiue t.l' J?; j-uK'fc, ).iiiil-'ii;y li'tiu.d ot rus.in, i!;.. 'Tti-'iii tn this volume 1'r S S l'ltvh, (win u widt ly kii- wi! ,m :';e niilff f u new nud eminentEy ur otJ"tnl li i tr.'iiJiu.-al f n ! e adeve I'cinj'luuniij u.id tjt'vetrily .Mi.:iuj.-. ii. ;:;.v! otl.ci tiixra-i -t t'.e l.t-i'i: ai d T.:oat , t ; .nui Ir.tdi.i It it t nu "I difc tr-iit;r.'.!;t ii.itl 1 1 :'t'9 , . i i' in.F ! y wi.it-! i limb." in nn. d tu turpv lau.tK inii" i:.-iiit tvt-4 prrvt-ul i;:ptii f r .irrst tnew jir "Hi's. Ove; :(! . mi) oi un i f tti:a dave .r,.ti sold, nrd lln-it n.f tei..iit in a'l nails of .i,r laiul w!r trait-t ully Meriiii-w l-iii'c tn,jL it h-m Iacm ihe ineaim o nra- ig t,.-:i UviT m.u o':i'E ttit m i.'.::ay ytjm of g md he- W e pr:i!.-iil a fe-.e dtti'.jis Ir.e i- -.'il I.;:.. I '1 :.t -New- ..lit l i fc.n:ei,, .f t!.t uuoier. us coalmen, i-eived . line thus rV.Resn !t-n:hy n .tire i f it : - I' ir M-t.t !i.::..r'uiM t.l inc jl..' '". .. i.l ou.' ( fi- !. iii-e ik i i vi ! In -;n i.t-r -nai ku- -.be : riuj , e.s :.iil l-i. Itilpeil.-d us t.i r.'- eat in lie I'llcn', bU.'.-iln.iis tun e-innaiiitt tl -.rii. Wi.-lpi-. w.- h..; i i -. I -j e T. ... nl:. .! 1. 1 ttirralta.-l vl I i.l i ii ii(::i t . ,.r i-.ii-- anil tun! In I'l'.-li". b i '' !.r:tei ti ':i ,..e l!..i; 1 1 ..in.ll.'a 1'isii. f Tinr (iovcr-.r i. ;'.i-v Vnk--"U:i.,i:..il1.i, lei.ra... y '..il.. Iir . S I i.eii. li..r .-.r. 1 l.p tu rt-:urii ia : l.ai.ks I. i ::,o v l.li ic )-'-n have U.-n kind a t.i pt.-seal i me. 'I ae rn l, .: rritr.l i ..ohim-i' . i vin .lUne I l.avc t.-i-n al..e ns ' " t . K v.: I. it, ll t. r.M-ilr.l Int. lfit mill lr ..It; lit tr.c r '11- ii. -'i ii it...- f i .-. .i i ;- i. u wiio-ii ti:e;o L.el.iu-a have .-.elm v- d li.n... I .i..'ii i'iliu.i.ie tiu-rit. x:ra. t li. in a ;-.-r li -in t. e ii n. S II Ila'. n, Lite nu-l'li'i-t ( l'.-li-,'r.s.s I r. -iti liiieC.'u, " ; "1 have u . d.'u'.'t I'Ut it is a ;iiiii-!ii-;t, unit very .n"-lnl v--ili. 1 ln-; e it Will liave m iin-'-r'n .'in u.uti ai, at.. I a wi.!, 1 iaive i.o la. fi l I.' ' I tr. :u it I. i t'. lli ihe.t Il.-a: e. t.ir. s oi, i a.i a.;. on : l-i ol Co : U.a.-i 2 H '..'.I-- ui.d , t-.- .1.1 ' l:.ilrafi ll- ei a 'i 'Iir . : ItiU- yi.-ui!,i r i f l '-ii-si -s ! t-.-iii-! ti.tinv .i.-.i:.... ii. ' i-'i-ai iii.-rtt." 1 ! tn the II. ti .Tatties "1 r. In n;.:!ii.r it .is. 1 i.-guid it 1.S I I. ekha I Ii.m- i j S.iys ij-. y V,.rti: r, , ol W ntri'.n.vS Y i'-'.IvI I I-:. Il.t-r un-i iii '.l ,.' I,., .'.lua'y a:.: .lea. I .-f i-- r .j I ; .i. ' , I. it I nud 11.1.1.- Hie li-. ii; m i i.l i !! a:-.! I 'tef-i i. is ..write a.i-.. !i t i I tit- !.-a -h. .'.,- nl ,.tn l-o-'li ttl..it, 1 ;.vl fi..l.e.I j I e-:ii - I i.i: y lor I i.e Ii.m unit- it-.i..1' i 1 "V.-e- iil'i 1;!! .lama, w -ill plinil-ir f'-tin'-nts I rV' W'lsbi ,ip to inlihe ll.l, 1..... lis u,ellil ll, !., I vv 111 i..rw aid ll .- py ol It by l.l.lll, pislpiild, 1o any i ii.'d.i-;' tiiiit limy I r rent us. ln..t tl.ir ,i:et .1 eeo'.. l-.-iv ' l'- r.-ano, t tn iutt .e .n nios . r .-tlierM to us .ilii-t 'i.e . : b ink i, rte. ive.1 a:..; fl,-p:a.-i't - I. It m::y !-i- s;, 'ie.i I. t I j pris iu:!y it -. '.-",-r ( ! f'-itMiiiiiiit a ( In ri'.-h. a. h.s iiri. , !! li; .a.t.vae, i , N . 1 ., per, u... i or I y t 'l.-r. l-ic A." 'f.-id. 1 M s pn ,-n A co , i Jan. S-J, 1-3ni. Tit l.ioa.lwsj-, N. Y NEW PAPER DEPOT. I 'IliE public are informed thai I haic opened j - in tha law otliee of my brother, below Votings . stoic, a bonk and periodical depot, and wiil ki e;i constantly on loir. I all the best publications ol the n.iv;vii: .M-w 1 ork Ledger, aterly, Uoslou Tioe Flag. Fh,' of Our I'tiion, end an; thing in tt y line desired by thn public. P.ool.s 1 nd Music of nil kinds furnished '13 or b r. EDWARD C. tiOlUN.' Siini'i rv, Jen. R, I S." 9. j W l.'s'P KECEI VED a general assortiuenl uf I New Goods ut the Store of J. H. EN GEL. Sunburv, Dec. II. lS.r-S ! LMOND.-s, RAISONS, FIGS, LEMONS. I" A c, vie. , j-.ist received a fresh supply and t for sale ut the Couliclionurv store of I M. C. liEARHART. I Koiti.niy. ?.:,.) in, u'.'-.v. I l'i on tel, 1.1a, Pa. j lir n,..!.rs ei.s.l tl.,. Kcnn-ler nd Piil.bMi.-r of VJIS i'o I ItT a Ci.i M'LUI I.i r DEl'ECTOK. d..iiou,f retiring li-iu tin, I.1.11.1 1. ol busiiit-ra, hu, merii-d thil , old .-ft tliiiil.eil woik 111 the p-.pitlur HAMi N U l E Ul". I'OKTEIt 01 HII. AY Aj HICIi:i.L. ili.ymK pul.ii.-hid Van Court's llt leelor fclui ls'j.1, the uiideisiyiicd relu. ti.ntly wns Willi his ..Id nit-u,'., und itiliM-rtVr. ; hut II I, reliielaiieei, liss.t.rd l-y tl.e iv-iivirli n ihat le IM! AY A WLKKKLI.'S Il.tNK NO I E KKI'OU'l Ell tliey will tcrcivs work Ihut inaleiie, U10 nines. J. VAN Ct RT. pliiladelpl.ui, Dec go, IK". NOTICE Ail Sulw;riptioiu Ij HVIXaAY Sc j3ICIClSrET.IjQ il A Mi NOTE K E I' O ft T e 11 ar. Payable acrupu! .uly ill Advam . Him is 111, oldi-.t 1I1111S Note rubbeatiou 111 the world. For tliiity long years il has liiiiintuined an unsullied reputation, and eon tiuuestotte the ueeessuiy c.iiiiuioa of all business people over the whole continent of America. THE COINS OF THE WORLD ! Now in press by Iml.iy A Biekuell, will be given gratui tously to all uld sod new subscribers. All Colli Churls, and Manual., as compared wuii this, oiaybe coniaJeieJ waste pao.r. TERMS To the Seiui-Monliily, ' M'liitlily, fingle Copies, at the Coualur, " Mailed. Address . IMLAV k per in mai. 1 110 -in Ocuts ... B1CJTNEIX. n.x 115.1, lVt C'aice I'Uiladelobis, Ps. January 13, leoi. aiu j e. ,1 EST RECEIVED a lot of GeiitleiiiBiis KIIAWL8 and LLANKETS. St .1. H. ENGEL'dJtora. eub-iry Dsr. II, US 3. II I G II LY IMPORTANT NEW ! ' M. C, GEAIUIAUT, Had rctoriifd with a now Stuck of Coiifeotioiiarica, rruit and Toys. T aeentu a if a new age, a new Iifo mai open ing upon ua, animating- every henrl to Holder Jirdi and higher aim, I Art, I.ii.-r.itore and iSci ence will glow anew and seek t.i developo auh limcr leaatiea and grander conception. Trie, husinefa vtoild too mnt-t feel the new in duence and evety ml he quickened unil trt-isi;th ened by an inert and vitality , hich bliall uri;o un on with electiic speed to the conf uinmatiun of t;reuter thinga than (van ever dicarocd of ill tho 1'hiloBophy of the pant. Animated by liie enlhusiasm Vihlch previdra all clatKi-s, and deairnn of doinil hot eliare to- wards "Tho ureal cveiitu of the Age," the iub i scriber would ri-Mieclfolly inform the food peo. pic yXSl'MUrU V and the pu'.lic generally, that he has just returned fruin il.r city f 1'hiludcl- j.hia wjili the lurfe.st nml choicest stuck of (.'en , fectionnries, Krii'.t ami 'l'ovsihat hia ever been I l.rjoi'ht to thi vertiou of (imiitry. lie in also j i;;unului-tiiriii' nl! kiiuU ol t'onri-cliouaries, ic, j to fill up onlern, uhoUa'..- or retail, at short 110 i lire. I Anion; his t-xk of Coufc-tionariee, may be found : f'r.-m-ti Sei-ren, Ouir ro..., sll kina..f scenl, ! Iliiruril Aliut.l:Jar l. .vr- llmpK, ("rrain "hiH!, Mint Hr..w, red anil whitti " l.-iiK-u .lliy CuKt-i, ; ' Vorv. I lu'il l)r.i, j " Vi.iuib. Sti.-k Ci.iulU'S, ol nil aceuia ( Colilin' hi ft.crru ItiH'k I'iimlv. Lnuuirirp, A'ln.'iitl ('and), FRUIT. 1 riMitnns, Ifunti, t iitiiff, rit'!, .'nrn.i!ti tiiieil, CiUi'ii, ! Al.n-ii'!-, Rnifconi, INut nf nil kn:(1i l.KMUN SYIlUi .,f suMiiior nualitv, hv the silicic or dozen. A ,.ri(,r ,.uajly f nn, ToWco. and variety of 'oiifei-tiotiarii-n, fruit, Toja, Ac, all of hjci t olli-ii d cheap at ivholi talo or retail fy. nc mL.tll t,cr Uiu mime and place. ..... , ,,!S- M. t . fi l.A 1.11 AK 1 1 Mnrkrt St., Jl door., wf nt nf f'ifher's llrug store. Munhiirv, U.tiihcr SO, Is'iS. tv ; BLAIR'S ! Xj. '.'(I '4l Mrecf, uhorc CV.t.'.iuf, t'hilud'a. "JJ S KIIC'II A NTs, business men, and perponi ! 13 gc-nciaUy will find this hotel one of the j most convcnici.t and pleif-aiit in tho city. The j proprietor will uie his hot cllorts to accommo . date lii.-t gui'-iti., and ut reasonable prices. I'eiviiilirr 4, IS'iJI. ly 1 JHA T. (T.UMKNT informs the public ihat j S he will ci.iHtantly ,icp on hand, nt hi wharf, , a Supply of all sizes of cul, from tho colliery uf Fahiioii A; C'lrii.ci.t, which ibey ill deliver tu customers in town. ' Kunbiiry, Dec. 3 ' " ' NOTICE. j f I-I. pitfous itidehiej to JnmcB Dilrd, late i I'rollioiiolary of .Noilhiiiiiherlaiidcouiity, lor fees, iVc, are rec)ue.tc.l to mako immediate pay- ment, and thus save cos! and further trouble, as i ail accounts remaining unpaid will he placed in thclianda of a Justice for Collection. Payment, can he made cither to '.he suUctihcr or to J. Si. Beard, at his oliico. ! JAMES IlEAliD. j Sunhury, Manh 2V, 1K!",3 tf t "iOtL-sulu . t ot cry. EEY Sc J-CXJ1ST KEL, OppuMtt) the l'ctuo.ylvi.tiia Hail Koad Depot HAHiaslIl'KG, I'A. articles, at,d wiil fell theai rr than any utlit r hoiuo this nJe of riiilaiielphi.:. Tail and e price ol Co rue. Lard oil, Fi;.! o,I, r. , :-..i-r, Fi,h. T. I Tea, Salt, i Slices, Hams, Tohaco, t-houl.!,.- I Cigars, i" ioor, ' iii.-ar, Fluid K.-.sin, Pitch, f 'skum llul es, .Calcined Plaster 1 Chccre. Soap, Cnnd es A c. I S. 11. Molasses, iSyrup-i, N. O. Molasses. Also, Cement, Safety I'u.-e, Crow Pars, j t!cdgr-, Iron and Nulla, for ,a!e al cry iiuali I pll.tilS. July H, 'S.)8. ly rniLjaDEr-s'iiiA jTijv ijsino CHAjMGE OX-' UOUES. ON A M AI-TI.lt MONDAY, July 6. I-.. Ihednws nan i. n it; r.is..ei .-r tram wi.. I.-j o l'v ttt, ou ut .1. A M . p-i..i. It.-.t.:...' nt'. jl A ;. , a.i I airlving at 1'i.i..h'..-i,.Iii.i nl I J v .. no. it. "i'i.l l.i,ii Alti-.ii...n r.i.ui v, a..' It-Hie T- Itevnle at 3.3d 1' y. , iin li i-:.J:i:g al j i.j. un-i sin-, o.j at 1'i.iiudcl pl.al si 7 I" ,'. M Mi.r-.iiiij; ini.l Ai'u-riioi-n Pussenrer Tiams inire Phils iV.i ..i.it .--in h.nus to. I.i,-. t. ..i ,-. ? ;in A. ,M . und 'J JO I'M, j.:i.t.i-.g Iteudi.i ut ii.o5 A. M. .. 6.0 P. M. ! l.I-".lt.Nit. VALLEY llltANCTI I l'usfi-ai;. r Irani I.-.. it-, li.-i-liae nt lo.Os A . M , (niter arm- . f liiiwn Lad L'p Mornoi.,- I':.i.se:'. r Tram irotn I !' I'si Lie :i:.d I'liiiii::,!!.,.! an. I :.riiv.-s :.t llj.TTisutire; at i I J j.. is. ai. in tiu.e t.i e- iiinei-i won I'usM iitf -r 'J'.tt.na I'or iiii,,i.ry , W.:,, .: i-j . it, l..;;:i,a, p. it.-...re, l '-iuiiitM:rfcami, i 1 i 1 1 in. -rr ..i.t I ..i.i. i.s'.fr. Ii, iimiti.;, i.ni-rs lluirikbtiri? t iit --''J 1' M , idler inrival of I'tissouer T.aln, from all ' :i:-...- p iir'r. i.r.d :.ri:iK at ItL-ai'.o n at I. in lime lo ' M 'til 1 i I'lil l.ov.-i Pnrrr.. r 'l'il.,n, lo l'olt,. .:.i u:. l i'..l!li i. !; b.a, t..e l-tir. ev. .n:..- 1. A Sll-OI.1.3, I'.ame.-r 10. d :!; ir,nleudL-iil. Jn'y 17, I--- tf 1 "rto -- -' , 'jrDSLOlTSA SlIISSl.ER, rcsiMCtfully in ' tin uis the citizens of 'Fievortou and sur- j rounding county, that tho has opened a new , store of Millinery and Fancy Goo.;., tt Trevor j ton in .s'lniinokiu street, nearly opposite K House's j Tavern, v. here ail kin. la of Rounds and Fancy ; Goods can be hud ut the lowest terms, i Dross luol.ing oiso iittcnilcd to in the best j manner and hite.-t style. 1 Apiil 'i- , lsio-i. if THE IKXEEIIATIONAL HOTEL, I'KOAinVAV, COK.NKK UF KliANKIJN lTRKKT, XT-GW -5rTOPlIC CITY, 11 'is bct n tccv nt!y n Lttcd, TUf Uti'.in:jjn,t nt wly carpcttil, The I'uni.mrc ui.a Hodu are utrli, ud Ihr. I.ittii uir imturpntM-.t. tavi.oiis ir.i.r.miATDu saloons AUK C'AN'KCTKD WITH Tliil II (tl KI.- Here io r.incciitiiitcJ ail t;:e cKUorts ui a liome, Willi luxutu-i of u -u.ure tiik sru:niD IsAWhs- rAiM-cn ContHiaiula and ui;rt;u!! d v:kv o? rROAiiwAVt TH K l.NTDHNA Tli i.N Al. j i the mBt pfidruiot any ul the ti st ilit-8 IlutvU fui bum t Vuil-irra t j fii.ntill.- find ffflitlfinrii milli-ji N-vvYoik. ! Ai rtpu Krkkhan, I'ropricmr i Nw Votli, Jn!y 3, l-J-.ly i KCBLIT, BROWN & NOELIT. J C'aM-ict BluCicr' FliidlukT Store j AND BEDDING WARE-ROOMS, j Ha, ing RE M O V E D to lha new Iron Front Warehouse, No. 5'J'J Noulh Second Sued, j below Dock, West Side, P1II1.LLELPHIA. j V O W offer to ther customers and the public i generally, a new and lull assortment of j CABINET HARDWARE & MATERIALS, i They invite the clteution of the trade to their stock ol Hair sealing and Curled Hair, of their their own manufacture Also to a full assort, ment of REDDING AND LPHOLBTERY. Philadelphia, July 3, lfc6S. ly COAL! COAL! COAL! From tlic Coal Mouittnln Colliery. flHE subsciibers, now operating this Colliery, ate prepared to furnish or deliver, at their whaif, at Nvrthumberlaud, ull shtes cf Coal, from their mines. This is a very suu-rior quality of Whi'e Ash Coal, which they are prepared to fur. nish promptly to order. They are also prepared to furnish. Red Ash Coal from the Lambert Colliery. FAH RION 6 CLEMENT. Punhury, August S8, 1808. tf. tILVER WATCHES. A fcT"douMe case Eiijjlii h Silver Watches, for salo al very Lw pnee by 11. It M ABSTBH. WAYNE'M Cele.ij Vitrmiri-Da- ai W. O W,ll Thabul lemedv Lunsn (u, .r-ll. 1 pell- I mg Worms. Fur sale at I daobrr !, '68, NEW WORK FOR AGENTS. The Lift, Sjivechet and Mrmnrialt tf DANIKL AVKHSTKHi Ciiiitaitiiug hi, m;., I ct-lcliratcl nrntiom.n s-ictinii from tliu rul'illea delivered on Hit! mimiion of lua dentil, and hulife ..d '1'iinr,, hy SAM t'I'l. SMITKKH, A. M. Thin aplemlid work is just puliliahrd, in nnelaigs vi.lnini! of 5rHl pni??a. It is prnilej on line white pnper and hnund In l).utilul fitylf ; C'.ntaina earellrnl tint lllusirutions of tna lliitliplnre and Mnnpimi nt Mnrlificld and a full Immlli lil'R-likc, Sieet Portrait. The inhlohi-r ofTi-rs it with ri.iil.dnre to the Ameiicnn pulilic, mid tl convinced that il will supply an important s-nnt in Aniericnn litrmlure. No work wnl to te obtained herrtulorc, which picneiitcfl, within a conipnct and convenient coiupnM. the chief event! of (he liie of Uanitl Wetisrer, tin innal renmrknlile intel lectual cllntta. und the must valuable and inieri stuit euln giea which the greut men uf ttie nation utteied in honor to his memory. We present ll t!ieac tremures In thia vo'ume volume, t a vriy miHiernto price, ami :u a very convenient fi .riu'. SulKi-uption pi ice, in ciolh, 1 1,74 ; liaiidi.miely einbuii.d lenlher, 8.IK. Pcrsi.no daairons of becoming Agents for thn valuable Wwrk, will addrvas, fr full pRtticulaii, DUANK HL'I.ION, P.iMnli'r. XI ou'M Third Ireet, Philadelphia P.,. Philadelphia, Ketiiusry 'Hi, 169.-01. Iron City C'oniimci oliil College riTuncR.in, I'a. Ciiartired IW5 300 STIIDKNTS ATTENDINH J VNUARV, IHiS. Now th largest and m.t tlmrough C.iluisercinl Sc-hun of tli. L'iiile.1 Suites Young men prepured for actual dalle, of Hie ("uniillpi; tt.M.T-1. J. V. iftilh, A. M. Prof, nl i!n-k-keeping and Science of Act-' units. A. T. D'.ulbell, Tencher of Aritlunotie and Ci niniert-ml Cah-iftitinii. J.A. Ileydn.-k an.l T. C. Jenkins, Tcacliera of B t kei'pin. A. Cow ley and W. A. Miller, Profs, of rentnninlii . M.VGI.i; AND DOVDLK KXTKY BOOK-KKKf .NO, As uic-d in every drpsrtincnt uf tmsiness CO.MMI'.KCIAL AKrril.MKTIC KAPII) lilMXKSS AVKl'I'ING-UKIKCriXO COLNTKRI ! IT MONEY Mi:RCANTII.K COItUII'ON.' "ENCK CO.M.MI-.ltClAI, LAW Are taught, and all other suhjertsiiucessiiry f.r the stireuM and through olucatloa "f a prnclii-al Iiiibiih-hs iiiuii. H T II E M I I" M r? . Draw., r'l the p-.-r.ujmi I'lttiltuich for the ia,t Ibrec yen, H.i in Easttrii and Western Cities, lor best Wi. lintf. Not r-oiriAvsti Worn. IMl'uK I A.T I.M-on.MATKiN. Students enter nt any time No vueiitmn Tims uiilnni ted Keview at pleasure rtrHduHtea,Histed in ol.taiiini tituntion, Tiiillou f.-r lull Colmuerriiil (.-.ur,e, SJJi.i'U Aver.nre tune b to I'J weeks ll-'ur.t, S'J 50 per week tflationriy, 4'd lHJ Entire cost, tOU.OO t-j 870,00. CaT Milliliter,' !r,n, receivtJ hi hail price. For Card Circular Specimens ol Uusiitesi and Oriis- mental l ii.liR incl- -c two stamps, un.l a.l.irr,. k w. ji.m;i.n, i-itiniaigii, r.. Septeinhcr 25, lSH ty Citrate of Magnesia OH 'I' A S T E LESS S A i.TS. 1 Ills prciiaration ii rrcommeudeJ as an ex cellent hnniixe and piirenlive. It operates ! mildly, isentirelv frco from any unpleasant taste reseinhlimr li moiindo !n llavor. oreosicd nu.l sold by A. V. FIbil l'.U. Sunliury, July !T, IK'"?. t'RE CIDER VINEGAR. Pl.'RE CIDER VINEGAR, PC RE CIDER VINEGAR, Uv the ijuart. gallon and barrel, for ,ale hv M. C. GEARHART. Sunl-nry, July 31, 1 80S. S1CITH&. CO., ! OYS''l:it V ACKERS. ; Xo. 9 AlbtmarU street and Xa. 10 .b'. Irani $trett DaUlnwre Mil, A.NU tScOTT'd C'ltKr.K, I'ORTaWOfTII, Va. j r-fcv wi iinivpi i:.t ii , r ' w 1 1 - n s.. av. i 7 piii'i ut u ai sill -.j.mjiih (Ji . tie) car with all the salt waler delicaciisi found in lha city markets. j All ardors promptly and faithfully u'tended to. September II, lSif. ly ( MOORE & CAMPION. Xo. 2CI Smith Second Strctt, 6 dor cbole .S'jnr-lii-i-, j HAVE now on nand the largest ausoiiiiiciil ol . FINE C'ArilXKT FI'RXllTKR Than they have ever had at any previous time, and they ihiile tho public to Call and examine , their stock before purchasintr. as they feci conli- , dent that their prices will be a siiflicient induce- I incut tor all who want good furniture to buy al ' their cslnhiishmciit. j A largo assortment of Pratt's Rack and Pinion j Dining Extension Tables always ou hand, Spring slid hair Mattresses I'.nu.lii .1 at lowest puces. j Furniture carefully pat Led and on ft j.oiiablo terms. Philadelphia, July 24, ISSS. ly , kjWAVNL'S tiOKREL CORDIAL, a sp.edy j l- sud irectul remedy for Asiatic Cholera Dy ! sen'cry Diarrhea;. No cure 110 piy. For sxle at Oct in FISHER '.". '5S. lishirg TaclllO.-Red Coik, lirass. Cot-' - ton and Linen Li.es, Unt Lines, Sea Grss-i ! by the yard, .uood.. Flies, Kiil.y, Limerick or.. I i Carlisle Hooks, Rods, Ac, fur sale hv ' July 17. '.SH A. W. FIMIER RIVIEiB HOUSE, (I'orincrly Klaiu's Hotel,) 7 LEWIfUtVKO, ISIC.N OO, PA, It. CIII l iC::i., Proprietor. 1'1u,,p,,hr.!"rfi'.,' 1"d'.'' ,a;;11-,!'"d ll"!ei "n 1 the W e,l blanch. It 1, loeuted 111 l.'t.e hUhii.tM pait 4i iho town, (it bring ll-f isnly f Intel i:i Market &iu.ire ) Tlie pror,i.i..r i. drtt iinuu-d, to um every exrition to ii"-. .... - 01m 01 ,..c urai 111 i.ie r.'.aie ; ana 11 i ner, rare induei m.-iit, omt person, wh . apend a shcrl lima 111 one of (tie m.vl pieusanl toyy m in cential Hciiiijylvu.-i.a. Charea vciy in.sterate Lcivuuuig, June 12, 1E0-J. JROW.N'fj and Ereinic's Es.snce uf Gingci and iiusband's Magnesia at July 17. 'fH. Fisinnr.s titit III r .' A: HAL Is, Wlvlctal and Jletail Dcahrt ii FOREIGN Sc DOMESTIC VIITES I.1TD LIQUCPsS, ! mm ttrtci, iius' si.t) iW'i Vanvil'.e,ra. f Iil E undersigned would respectfully announce -s tu their friends and tho public generally, that they have purchased a very extensive stock of Wines aud Liquors direct from the Custom House, which they olfer to tho trade at Philadel phia pi ices thereby saving freight Ac. JOHN W. SHERIFF, J. S. II ALL, Danville, June 19, ISC8. if. MOUNT VERNON HOT Second ili ttt.Jbclmc Arch, PHILADELPHIA PA fJMIK above establishment having uecu terid vated and refurnished, the proprietor assures the public that a call is only needed, as he gaar rnlees full satisfaction iu every case. Terms $1,25 per day. A. M. HOPKINS, l'luprietor. September US, 1853 Hm Stationery. A Isrge supply of fancy Note Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Pens, Ink, band, Ac, ut July 17, '68. A. W. FISHER'S. J.T. BROWN, Mannfacluring Jeweller, No SA Mai den lame, oflera his stock, eoiisistms ol a .general assort ment 01 lsM-keta, Chains, &e., which are oUvrvd at ths lowest cash prices, lireat ualuceiueuts to country cash buyeis , October I, tSSS Stnos BL'SHONG'S & SONS' Superior Uun ing riuid, for sale at FISHER'S Drug ard Chemical Emporium. Stmtjury July 17, 1858. STOVES- OR SLE 1) tn excellent second-hand Ceok ing blove, also several Cylinder Coal Srlorea. Enqurre at thn office. 10RT and MADERIA WINES, SchleJam Schnapps, Wild Cherrv brsnrJi , Ulackbtrrv n4 Lavender brandies for snediciusl purpesr, at Jvlly 17. -s.. . V.rHER. ; PURUITTJRE rfrKSHURB ! I THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IK SL'KBLRV. Fashionable, t hci nnf I'scfal rptHn subscriber, long e atahlished as l Cabinet and Ch.i'r Manufacturer in Sunhnry, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage, ilia stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, ije., unbraces KVUtY V A it I ET Y, CSCFL'L AMI OR.NA At f.NTACj in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in his line can I had at moderate prices. Cheap for Cash, or Country I'roduce'taken in exchange. E,tulililim' nt South llatt Cunier of Muriel Square. ITS' Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN II A ITT. fcunbjrv, April A, 1S57 tf PHILIP H. PUT.DT. WHOLKSALE AHO HKTlIt Orocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. K. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will he promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4, 1850.-11' HERRING'S SAFE. AGAIN THE CHAMPION I 1 i'he ony Salt- which, in every instance, preserved their en tire contents in the late ei lunsivn fire'. At the burning of the Arti zan Ituil.linrra, April 10th, r:Trrii i:'-ii ;and in the.GHIiAT KlItF. in Market street, .Msy lat, IH56, the genuine HF.RRIXfi SAFE Prfntprvnil lit liunlrv nf (ItP." W. Sinifinn A' llro.; Hooks, Papers, Ac, of Fisher ,t Uro.,and Edward Kruitniii, & Co., alter reinainini? ev l.-ed in the burning ruins for neirly FUKTY H'M.'liH, and proving conclusively what we ! have always claimed for them, TH Ell! GREAT I SSLPERIORITY over all securities nuw known. I In these firei, THU HERRING'S SAFE, I standing side by side with thosa advertised as j "warranted to stand 10 per cent, more fire than I llernng's,"' camo lorlh Hie At.-K.MJ, LtuutiU . I VICTOR, not only preserving thtir contents in ' EXCELLENT order, but being in themselves in a condition to go IhrongU another ordeal, j i while the boasted ' Salamanders" uf other ma- i kers were badly useJ up in every instar.ee, and in some cases their entire content, completely j i destroyed. j Jo the public he would simply say, Ihat, dit- ""8 lourieen years uie o ..u....-.. iAFE : haa been befoie tnein more than two hundred have passed through accidental fires without the occc.rrence of a ainfile loss. Yo would, therefore, CALTION purthascrs against the mirepr senlatton of intcicsted par ties. The H ER RING'S PATENT is the only FIRE PROOF HA FE made in this city, which is protected ly a PATENT RIGHT, and we wiil guarantee il to resist m ire then double the amount of beat uf any otiier ts.ifu now known. l iiirol, ZScrrlu? &. Co., isole Manufacturers 'n this btato of "Hcrrinj's Patent Cliair.pioa Safes," ol Walnut ft., Philadti. t"w" "E(.uis A V ii Iron's Improved Salumati deis," "Oliver Evans'," "C. M. Gaylrr's," and - Scott's Abset.is," lion Che.ts, (a large assort ment having been taken in purt payment for "Herring , ) will be sold al low prices. ' Philadelphia, July 10, Mitt. ly Saddle mid Harriers Kalier ; HENRY IIAUPT, JR. f RESPEC TFL'LLY informs the , i"jVi)v cilicns of Sunhurv and the pub- j r-y.f.-rYlic generally, that he has taken ! 14- tlB shop 5r?it ied by Uright nnd . Peck, one door cast ol S. Haupt's Cabinet Ma- j ker shop where he is prepared to turn out work j in his line of business equal to any made in thi. section of the country. Orders promptly exeeu- I ted and alt kinds of produce taken in Exchange Sunbuty, March JO, IS5S. ly ! WASHINGTON HOUSE ! vr-. , . t V s: IC V t o i rictor, I rSXJJMlB-Ullr, T'jfV-, I 'IIIE propiietor respectfully informs his friends j -"- and the public generally, that lie is repairing and renovating Ibe "V. aslnngton House, so as lo cull it. tin both transient iiiid'peruianeiit visitors Ul a suitable aud rumloitabla manner. Thankful for the ;'.itronage eM.n.U.l to his father, he respectlullv solicits tho contiiiiiancc of ll.esame. lie will lake eliaro o! the " as.i- ingtoti House'' on the first day of Aptit, next. Hu will h ive an Omnibus running to tho JilTi-n nt Ruilroad Depola for the accoinmodalion of Faoenjjers, lice of charge. W. A. COVERT. Sunhurv, March 20, 1H5S, GWAYNE'S COMP'D SYRI.'P OF WILD CIIERRV, an excellent arliclo for Coughs, CV.ils, Vc. For salo only at FINDER'S. Suuhcry, Oct. , l.-lSS. 1 SADELRY AND HARNLSS MAKING ' I K suuCi ihera rt'ipctl'uli V inform tli citi , X IPns of Sunhurv anJ wciiiity that ihev liae I commenced the above business a few docrscbnve ! tho Post Office, Maiket Squaro, S-unbury, Pa. j Work of till kinds in their line of business will : be done promptly ond neatlv on the most rea I sonable terms. ("l.E.M ENT &. OYSTER. ! February Id, ISSS. Fa line is Look lo Votir Interest. 'BlIE sudscriher respectfully informs the far iners and the public genctally, that he has leased the lime kilns of Ira 'P. Clement iu Sun bury, and that he has always on hand, and is ready to supply a good quality of lime to all who may want for building ur farming purposes. Hchas also a kiln st Reefer's crossings miles from Sunbury, or two from Snvdertown. fV All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange. GEO. W. STROII. ftunbory, Dec. S3, IHS7. GEORGE HILL, .TTCP.1TET AT LAV. fcSXJlNTXJXJ I'A., ESPECTFl'LLY informs the public and Iti, o' friends generally, that he has removed to Suubury, and has opened a law otliee at his residence, in Market square. His acquaintance with the English and German enables him to transact business iu both lauguages. Apiil 10, 18f8. ly nobacco and iScgars. 80,000 Imported Segars uf various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and tine cut tobacco at A. W. ITSIIER'8. Bunbury, July 17. I8S8. STJNBTJRY FLOUR STORE FOR 1859 CO. II AVEN, is yet at his old stand, South a side of Market Square, rlunbi-ry, and keeps constantly on hand a good stuck of Flour, Feed and all things in his line- He has now on hand a fresh supply of No. I. Superfine KLOUH No. I Extra, and Extra Family in barrels. ; Williamsport double extra in quarter barrel sacks, it) e flour, tluckwheal Flour, Corn meal and chop cf all kinds for Kale cheap fo CAbJIi. 11 is always ready to supply the wants of bis custoniera. in small or large qaiilities. A I. at). Crackers of all kinds for sale at tegu lar wholesale prices'. II hopes by careful atten tion to business, to merit and continue U receive (,k p ktiiiug of hu customer. r. 'hvi;n UI'fcM"T, l,u I',' leV,'. tf ISAAC W. WlLKEItSON, MANTJI'ACTTJBER OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Poliis, lilt am and I.niingn Eureaug, Secretaries, Sideboards. SOFA, BREAKFAST AXU DlMMl TABLKS ' and also VENETIAN liLINDS, equal to Pun,' delphia Wianufactuie. IlF.riSTEADs, of every pattern and i,riM CUHlIOAltlW, WOIlK ANDCANDLk STANDS, TOILET TALLE.S AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his buimj rPHE subscriber respectfully calls the attontioi x of the public to his large and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of . cAin.:T-.VAitn which cannot fail to recommend itaelftoevery ane who will examine it, on account of its durnhi workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No ellbrt in spared in the inunnfucture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with 't ho many improvements which are eonekantly b ing made. He ai,o manufacture all kinds andqualilic CIIAIK'S. ncluding varirtics never before to be ha ! Ir Sunhury, such as Mihorasit, Blck Wiisct !cn CciiLEB Mirti Gheciin ; isn WiwnanR CHAIKS, a.xii axct Piano SrooLS, which ur of the latest styles, and warranted to I excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere The subscriber is determined that there thai! he no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of his ware nnd (Sairs These articles will he dispose J of on as pood term as they can be purchased elsewhere. CounJ try produce taken in payment for work. LNDF.IiTAKI.NG. Having prnvid.i. a handsome llKinst, he is now prepared lor Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi runty, or at any convenient distance from this j I"ca I The Ware Room is ir in Fsv. ii Strei.t, b. caver's Hotel. He has also purchased the rifht of manufuc- luring and selling in Northumberland county , Gould's patent Excelsnir Spring lied, whlc!. li-" will furnish at nasonable rates, Springs pul in old bedstead for three dollars. lAAC M. VH,KEI!s.o.V. riunbu'ry, April 18, 11S7. tf. LANCASTER COLLIERY FOR SAL:;: Important to cal Upn atsrs. 'j'HE !.!. r.lp;n.-d Losses ef :!, Lane.,.-.', r Colli. ry," nt.-ir ynamukin, Norllu.-ml i . ,., county, I'eniisyha,,,.,, Hi.l.i,, to reliie l,-.,.;i ii.m Kisltlt oiler lor side, the Lease I'm- oi sua i.olliery, on satufactoiy terirs. i.omcry nas L-;cn in operation unro 1 -04 lias Peeii Ii4'1''Si Jill liilVilll-l av I ! (;OB ls d superi-.r anieles f r,,l ". t , j Alithrectie tiapplitd. and g....d 1; ,k-t In . ii i se , . .in-.:. very I. ilvcs In esiaoiinieu, v.incn mi inin;, 1 Ureal.er and Fixtures arc of lb. j fleler and will rceoinmeud then. ! acquaint. ,1 wiih the bnsiuess. j 'I'he Lease runs to January I, 1S4, and ! fa vo. able, one for the operator, j For further information apply l ibe Colhery in person, or by letter to fhai-iol.iu, 1'. u , Vjr I lliuinbrioiiid coiintv, Pennsy lvania. ! COCHRAN, PEAI.E Jt CO. j February ft, lSo. if "10LD PENS with and without cans, of a very superior oualitv, iot received. Also a frKh supply of rilins- Fluid, for b. l,y II. H. MASSEK. Stinblirv. Dec. C7. IS.'6- J 1 -o7 1O WIIOLtsil.t AMI RlT.UI. BOOT STOKE, 40 .oifA i'iiunh S.t, c'"rc Che.'.iHt, ".i- TpsOO'I'S, (Shoes, (iaiters. ic, j-romptlv ir,. B to oidi-r in the vrrv best .tvlt. und f i best ma t.i rii. Pliiludelphi.1, May S, 1 S.'v. -jANYILLK IIOTAai,. JOIXaNT DEEN, JR., M'.lklt .)',-,-et-f, JtliinViV, Pi, rjlllis is one of the largest atol most co.-: I I'.ioi: , hotels in the interior of PeniiM. it has been rcerr.ll litied up. in , ee!.,. : ,.: i;!i ii! ti.e m.i.lern cum nien.-.w,. I '.11,1 lllerf, Si . t. Jt I s ...". - viiiTK Jioi;i: ijoti.:i.. roTi'MVii.Lf, r-A. T""' iVciib: respt'i'.full;- niui ot.l ft.e-it's ,.! the pnbli'.-. that ho l.n cs l l " riA t ,'. . J thai u.d aud w . 11 l.m -wn esi.il li.-liioen' . the j Whi;o TiOrsO O'oi Al the eorrcr of Centre and Mahuutogo st., , the Horou-h of Poinine. The ho-..sc haV i. cenlly been very much enlarged and nihuiui. I IniproveJ, rciiilcriiig il quite as ei.inl'oiijl r. i ui.v (illn-r li.ilel in .s.-l-.o. lL-,11 1 the stables ate larje. in good coi ditioo" i.;:.l . tend by cauful, attentive, prudent hostler,. Tu triivelleri. and others who mav Hop t , house, he promises every attention culiulated 1 render them comfortable and saus'it d. JCJ3. M. FKGEK. April 1SS5.- ;f t 1 x ir.cTi-itr 11 n joss :.' o . 3 1: (& s o k . "TMl E oldest Electro Plater in the United Mate,, nitiiiiiiactures of every vatiitv of (;,.... plalcd with j.ure .ii-er, Al'b-tta. Krittaniu a:,' Steele Tea iv-tts-, I'rna, Waiters, Casters. Cake I! kets, Pitchers, Goblels, Coiiimiiiuon ir-.i e -Spoons, Foiks. Knives, Ac. AH goods warrant ed as represented. North Ea.-t corner Dth and Chesnut street. o . , Philadelphia, Pcnna. May 8, ISS.1T 1) LA NIC Purchmeni Paper Deeds and blanl Mortgages, bonds. Executions, Summons Ac, for sale b IL U. MAbSEfi. Sunbury .April 1856 poKT MON A I EsTooth" ld'uil, all qualilies, and any qusnti v'lor sale by A. Vi .' FISH Eli. July 17, ViR. WS '-'ENT 11 K ITT A N IA SlT)PPERS 1 C bar bottles for sale by H. U MASSEit. Snnbiiry. July 10. Ififir. rOSsTT. " """" rjHK Store Room in Market s'reet, lorms-ri. X occupied by P. W. Grty. . pj.lv to tbi-rv' editors of II. Masser, decease J. April 17 IKS. P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, J v s t I c 1: v T 11 1: i-; 1 v 1: STJI-T-BTJ-pi-v-, PA. Ojfict in Deer Vfrt,f,iwtij.',.,y o; -.,. i'tlWtV Sch'M'l JI.,Uiti. All business promptly attended to. Moi.ie collected and all ordinary writings done. Sunbury, Apiil as. iny4 tf PURE CONCENTRATED l.VE OR S.V 1 PON1FIER, fur sule at I'lsll ER'n i.ru Store. I'rici SO cts. njATCHOLLY, JOCKEY CLI P. bl'RI.M 1 FLOWERS, &r., ol the I est quality ; fresh supply just received and for sale at ll. Drug Store of A. W. l'ls-H I'll- iuuhary, July 17, lttfS. 11ENUY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW tTrs opj'Oiitx tht Com I llv Srmbitry, Novtlinmbeilau'l Conr.'.r Pi P.a.itpt a'tftiliiM to bi'": I ' i'l '. ' . ?f..i.'. Jit
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers