At the jdoor. ydruck ten; I seized my hal ,Ano good niglit to vf ! Ilic lass I courted, who Came willi mo tlirourdi the hull. She t;nj within I lie portal. And 1 gnzed tipon her charms. And oh ! 1 luiigi (I tint ni-'liieiit To clasp her in my anus She ?ji?ko nb-ut llie ino jn and stnr, llo.v and hriijiit tli.y shone ; I f.iid 1 Hi niglit tlieero- tv.iilU.iil L'mIcs u Lad rain uon. '1 hen I edged a little closer, Put my arms nrorod her w.iist, And gazed ujk'ii ih.we- rosy li;, I Imi$& f! n:ucli to la:.W. f.'il I. "m." rVart Susy, l'l! nufi lfit cunfetiltd II' I If.,,.! tr-nighl without a kim 1'il iHiii:; glow dcinriilcd. Vlun m oho turned her rcy mouth, And .neiyihiw? wis hind;. Qif.'k (''11.11 the lij'" I mi '.i-d a kiss Or.. Yankee lAmdlo L'.i idy ! T;-nn o'.l' f'T home I started, J ('' 1 I'l'ger e..v, V i'n n heart wnj Irrccles thin, i wi.i-llc.l oil liii v ay, ITni.-j'i ibis truth. each hasufi.1 youth, v.'li.) serl.-i lor wu.Mi'J bliss, No I .fs wilt love until y m :nnve fif ins" vi'h a kiss. 'A) u m 0 v 0 w $ fuller '.iicr i; said to li r, 'Uernl copy r ' 'j: u! i '''' .:, - riwii u 'V uu-.i n.t:o ..nci-u m;o tne .i".e lv uii honi-fct iniuer a r.ieu.'.cr o! l.o.. er IIoks'.- : AN A'..'IiT Ti yrevi v'-ever li: :,i min to Ku!i.fcrny. 'l cpcir i:l v.: tKe -Sfi't, i.c Ka'lj'urnj, rtprettn tei! Sennit C'.d Attci:d!y, (.' f.utt as fulli rs : IsrcnoN 1. No nij.v rot on inhubi uv, in, .r. J icgei voter i:i this Slait,fliall f.Ciiu.iiil to li v, rez:dt, or stay iu this rf.ait t'tiLV Iobslt. tKo. 2. Kuny niu?r hoo willfully and asi '.ent!y vioU..-? the lust eccksban of this r.ct, s' a i bo transported from this 3tuit, and sold to t.i" lowest biddor, Chinuuien excludid. h'i:c. 3. Nljrjors who cum with their mus ters la Fij iiu temporarily, shall not be in fclevvdd ii iu ruwUuns uv this ncUt ; pro vidf.l, such i''jiirn;ii don't assceed 40 years. 11 uiiiiy si in gi ts . eked on the shoars ov this Siait witii n i.igger ou bo:de, tr.d if euch t'ir';F-r s'i !! try to swim, he shell be pnrbed ti.ider t' n wotter. 1. All aot or parts uv ackts contra v. nic tlii.', o roptuled. As 1To.;i:t CoN'.nsiiOK. A farmer aud Lis Suu Jlui.s havirg been to market in the rcj.t Ijwd, end disposed of their load of potato!-?, ot ready to return home. The farmer iaid h iLStlf couir.irtt.biy down and com iiiciicuii sleeping while llaua drove the hor ses. rioou ITans commenced thinking about the bii re as and pork his mother had promised to itecp for hiiu until hio return,- smucktd Lis lips and drove tlo horses farter. The old man lifted himself upon his elbow find exclaimed : 'Hans, don't drive them hor E05 so fast ; they had a good full load this morning," laid Lia'olf down, and snoozed Ojain. A little time the horses were driven slower then Hans thought again about the pork and pca;, and imagining '.he eld man asleep, whip pad up the horses at a full speed. The old man sat up in the wugon a second time and exclaimed : "Hans, how irrnny times do you want me to tell you not to drive them horses so fast ? Oh, boy, if 1 would havo done so with my father 1" " The devil of a father you nins't have had," replied Harjg. What 1" cried lie father. "Boy, 1 had a darned sight better father than ever you hod." Focsb Tiis M ATCii. We saw a good thing a few days since, soys the Philadelphia North America. In the Court of Quarter Session a petty ca6e was being tried. A well-known criminal lawyer, who prided himself upon his tkill in crofs examiug a witness, had an odd looking genius upou whom to operate. Tho witness was a boB shoemaker. " You Bay, sir, that the prisoner is a thief?' Yes, sir ; 'cause why, sho confessed it." "And yoo also swear i-ho bound shoes for you subsequent to the confession 1" "1 do, sir." "Then," giving a sogatim9 look to the court, "wo nro to understand thut you employ di.-honest people to work for yon, even after their rascalities are known ?" "Ofcourso; how cba could I get assist ance from a lawyer 1" Not much made out of that nilncss. A Good VTjtnt'ps "Did tho defendant knock toe pluiuliU'down with a malice pro ?' ' No sir ; he knocked hiiu down with a flat "You mhnnderstnud mo, my fiiend ; I want to know whether ho attacked him with an tvil in lent. "Ob no e'r ; it was outside tho tent." "No no ; 1 wish you would tell nm weather tho attack was at all a preconcerted ufl'uir." "No, air ; it w.13 not a free convert affair it Was a circus." DiAtyvN D.(T. There was a dcacou in a l. wn of New Hampshire, by the uame of Day by tradu a cooper. Uuo ftabbath moriun 1. , . - . .0 bbftrJ B number Of boys pl-iyiug 111 front of b'1.4 housn, and he went out lo stop their! tii.oath brtakiug. Assuming a grave couu- j tenanca, he said to them. 'Y air"" inmirtdistnlv r.'id'iml r,r tb.. Ats. sir, ininirtuiateiy n puon cue o. tn 1VS, "Deacon Uay, the cooper ." jvovs, no vou unn.T wuai unv nii- te : i boys, Wheu Eve brought wo to all tnankiud, Old A ! am called no rnuu, iiat when tha wooed with love so fond, Ho thnn pronounced it wortmaa. But now with folly and with prida Their husband's pockets trimming, Tho ladies era so full of whirus That people call them vrliiui men. William Smith, in Milwaukie, Wisconsiu, ve as fined thirty dollars for kissing Mrs. Louiti Urasbalt, a Dutch lady, weighing one hundred and fifty lbs. The deed was done on tho eidu walk, in tLu presence of her husband, to bo said ' 1 vos so triad I could not spLeuk." A Frenchman, ropcatedlv hearing the word pri-rs used to imply persuade, one evening, when in compaiiy, oxelaiuiui : "1 eoy, sipiceze t Hut lady to sing. Tim wind it blew, the snow it flow, and raised particular thunder wila skirt and Locpj, a id chicken-coops and all euch kinds oi plunder. ' Sambo, you Hack t'.ef, Eambo; why you pe-traj dat secret 1 told you da odi-r day T 1 betrayed tbt secret t 1 scorns d4 puts tn.u. 1 found I couldn't keep urn, S3 I told cm to somebody that could. Don't touch the lata when the drnms era resounding. A wis man remaios silent wi.i!t fools ar ipeakiug. Wo r.ever knew a nan disposed to scora ilb boxkl, who was tct TiKDssif S fall' objoct oi scorr. ts the kumblett. SADLER Y AND HARNESS MAKING T HIK .,,l,,TilH.r. rcsnectfullv inlorm in cm- rens of Kutibtiry and vicinity that they have commenced the above business a lew uoorscuo-re. the Tost Office, Market Square. Sunbury, Pa. Work of all kinds In their line of business will he done promptly and neatly on the most tea stable terms. CLEMENT cfc OYSTER. February 13, 1858. ' .ioiii sTi; iB, ATTOHWEV .A.T LAW, (Jice in Macktt ft., opposite the Court House, SUNBUIIV, TA. Collections made anil Professional Business generally attended to Fromptly utid Curefully. Pini.Apri.rHiA Rf.rrnExcE : Mnllitt 4- Fnirthoriie, Dichl V Wcrtx, Davis V llirney, F. 'J'yloi A Co. Kunhiiry. Juno 20, 1P7. TO 3 40 Per rcl- jPHU .'t:bscriler respectfully informs the citi a. reus of Sunbury and vicinity that he haa just received a supply of KLOUK, which he is old ring ut wholesale or retail from $5 40, $0 37) tj 6 S7t per Barrel. He uhso sells some na low as 70 :. per quiuier, ull of which ho WAR. 11 A N i 'A lo be Uoud. CAN 1)1. VIS for sale, wholesale or retail. Thankful tor pact patronage ho hopes to con tinun to merit lac same. I Uiv li 1UU A CALL! M. ('. GKAK1I ART, Mariiet St., Sutibury, Pa. lei ruary 57, isr.8. Ml'? "fj Trf r.-.-rt -vfri Mcikct Street, Suubury Ta. npilK snhscril er reppertfully informs the ciiij ten of Suubury, and the public generally" that ho haa purchaKcd, and will take puiseiion in the above well known utand on the Ut ol April next, formerly kept by Mra. Thompson. that he wnl pot the tair.e m complete repair. In addition he will provide a conveyance to rarry pafscngcra to and from the different Railroad de pot, and w ill leave no ellVitt untried to render hia hi' lei a desirable atopping place for kuc.'H and travelers. JOHN LtlfEU, Fcbrusrv 50, lfir.S. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE 01'KttlKD AT PllIVATB ALE . fRJVIK subscriber otters at private sale, a eer J. ttt'n 'ol or piece of land, situate in Lower Augusta township, Noiihiimberliind county, ahrtut 8 miles below Sunbury, bounded on tho west by tho river Susquehanna, on the south by land ol Ocorgo rVilcr, on the east by land ol Wm. Kroh, and on the north by land of Win. 1!. Jones, containing 6 Acres and 18 perches, all of which is cleared and in a very hiith state of cultivation. The Northern Central Kail Road passes through the truet, and ia also bound on tho eust by the Muin Hoad leading from Sunbury to llairiaburg, which together, with tho River upon the west, ond the fertility of the soil makes it a very pleasant and desira ble situation. ALSO; another certain Tract of Land, situate in said township, adjoining lands of William Kroh, on the south, the heirs of Robert and Ar thur Auchmuty ! on tho cast Wm. V. Silver wood, and a public road on the north, and Wm R. Jones on the west, containing 93 Acres 121 perches strict measure. 4bout 50 acres of which aie cleared, and ill a high state of cultivation and ihe. residue most excellent land for cultiva tion, but is now covered with excellent timber, and if purchased soon, the purrhaser can get a large quantity of Railroad Ties on the same. This tract it aU-o well watered, having several fine springs upon it, and every field can be wa tered therehv. An indisputable title will be given and terms of sale reasonable. WILLIAM R. JONES. Lower Augusta tp., January 2, 1857. tf STORE. t IISS LOUISA SHISSI.ER, respectfully in-I'-"- forms the citizens of Trevorton and sur rounding county, that she has opened n new store of Millinery ond Fanry Goods, at Trevor ton in Shamokin street, nearly opposite Knnuse's Tavern, where all kinds of Bonnets and Fancy Goods can be had at the lowest terms. Dress making also attended to in (he best manner and latest style. April 25, 1H58. tf LANCASTER COLLIERY FOR SALE. Important to Coal Operators. flHE undersigned Lessees of the "Lancaster Colliery," near Shamokin, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, wUhing to retire from the business, oiler for sale the Lease and Fixtures of said Colliery, on salisfactoiy terms. This Colliery has been in operation since 1851, and has been successful beyond expectation. The Coal is a superior articles for all us to w hich Anthracite is applied, and a good market has been established, which can be much extended. The Breaker and Fixtures are cf the very hei-t char acter and will recommend themselves to persons acquainted with the business. The Lease runs to January 1, 1SB4, and is a favorable one for the operator. For further information apply at the Colliery in person, or by letter to, P. O., Nor thuinhci'luud county, Pennsylvania. COCHRAN, PE ALE &. CO. February C, 1858. tf JOWES HOUSE. HULLS t OVERLY, Proprietor. Cor, of Market Strcit tf Market Square, II A R K i S U V R G , r A . eplUS NKW A Nil l.l.r.llAN ritOTK!., recently erec J. led by the Mra JONKS, in il tri i luntj. i'a., Iwv ln; bt n U-.-imV l'.r a U-nn of ycais ly llie miilTSii'iirtl, he Ijkes tint ..ultlod of inKiiiK the HUrnliou ol his 1' putroiis, unit the Unveiling counDuioty, tiieleto. Having u iront ol one liumiretl uml luiiy Kel nn tl:e rnncip'il meet ol the city, anil J-ii'ly-lvo Keel Fiont on Muiltei Irquure. it e'lnaot ml to pruvs attractive as well us lui iiijiir to sirae.'eis. The Chstiiil-eu. me tf fine size, vvel! ventih'-tfil, and I.'ehti-.t vwl'i Li n it nmio'cr wuh coiiiieclinir uooruiu kll',1 l!ie;n very ,l,t;ilio Tor inmilies J nc H:i!i urn unriiit-ii tlir.'iiRnotit or lleatrrs; ami ni-i) lie iu ri, iiti-'i uv eiiii'm, 111 i.u-i. iihb iK-en .1, inui ,,, on.luce to the safety, comfort, anil bappincis of the guests. Visifrs inpy, therefore, rest nssuied, that the '-Jones IK . use' h-t la-en lilnJe .eifeet ill all its appointments thai iai-l nVfurtmeiil h:is l.rt pUiretl in chsigr of K.Apc- "J 1 1 iinpetent feiiM.iti llinf 111 every pHrtienlnr I "lc '"" " ml -ntrj t y t'-.t- I'r., w liall rd ,., e wh0 in!..; ui.,ke ,t ,hrir hi . as r.t a d. sr of c..mi"it in may beobumeil at uny similar esuLhshmeut in the rate. T,i at-i-nre tins di-iitub'e result, he hes furnislie.l ths P' DiiU Pmi-bIo I'nvnle I'ailors. Clin.ills-ia, Inning U.Kini. AiowilhentlrHy NKW Kl KNITl'IIK; uudnl.i arruu;el within the l-uiljii . a fine Uarhcrs hjl.x'n, Oys ter S.-il.Hiii, lirciK K.Hiit. IbitandC'ild lt illis. .Vs. Tlic Culinary LK-purtinta. and DininK will receive the csc. ml miration of i.e I'rou, ieir, whn h he trusts, will tie a sulhVieut (.Miarunli-i that all tastes will I suited After returninf! Ins heurlMt tluuiks to his old friends and pair.ins, fur thr generous pair.uniie so Urns ulendid li. hlinatthf "Covrrly H .us,-," m,d iw , his friends and at the "C...ul,.," Caps Island, durli,. th season of iW, It irspttfailjr auliciu a coiitinuiuicc of ilauii. "JO.NE81IOI SB." t o , WELLS COVERLY. January 30, 1659 Wa. Ryport othe Auditors of Northumberland County for, 1857. Cect'je Rriijhl Esquire, Treasurer in ac count, tci'.h the County of Northumberland, from the frst day if January, A. D , 1657, to the last dtiy of Vectmber of the tame year, both dayi encludtj. DR. To baluuce duo County as per Auditor's Report, $108 63 Outstanding county tux for 1S56 uud previous yeurs, 12,114 07 Errors iu Duplicates. 40 97 Hutuading to baniutl Hales for overpayment of taxes, 3 33 ' Jacob Qaroion, " 1 36 Cath received oo unseated lands for 1856 & '57, 413 73 Cash of Jas. Deard, Jury funds, 60 00 Cash for rent of public buildings and other sources, 47 55 Cash reofeired for military porpo- Its for le i 'b6, 11 00 " " 1837, : 00 Amount of County tax aseesied for 18,ri7, 17,500 84 .$30,389 87 CR. By flmpent of outstanding taxes for 1857, and previoDi years, $13,905 81 Exonerations allowed collectors, 1,420 GC Commission, 937 eo Paid on Coinmlssioners' Orders, 13,300 60 Commission allowed Treasurer on f 13,300 CO. at 21 ft?. 332 f0 Treasurer's service forcourjty, 75 Counterfeit tnoney, 6 00 Balance due County(from Treoau- er, (since paid) ' 486 22 $30,389 37 Grorge Tiriyht F.tq., Treasurer of Xorthumber' land Countif. tii account with the fame, re pu tiwj State ta.r on real and personal, DR. To fcalurice due as per Auditors' Report for 185C, $1,033 81 Outstanding State tax as per Au ditors' Report or 18;.fi, 7.503 05 State tax assessed Tor 1857, 17,198 40 Cash receive'! on unseated lands for ls55and '56, 109 73 Krrots iu duplicate for 1G56, 73 20 Interest on outstanding tax, 19 19 Three copies of l.awa, 1 50 $25,938 93 CR. By cash paid State Treasurer, os per receipt dated Feb. 7, 1657. $1,033 81 " " July 8, '57, 3,059 84 July 22, '57, 9,086 38 5 per cent, abatement on rotate tax, 509 81 Tuid State Treasurer, Sept. 2, 1857, 550 30 " Jan. 7, '58, 1,299 33 " F. Ducher, fur over paid t'tate tax, as per Auditor Cenei n's order, dated March 11, 1857, 27C 21 Exonerations allowed collectors for 18o7 ond previous, 1,191 50 Commissions, 1,550 11 Outstanding State tax for 1857 and previous, 5,745 55 Treasurer's commission on $1G,- 956 9-1 at 1 percent. 1G9 57 Balance due commonwealth, fctili 37 $25,938 93 Tai-crn, Distilltts and Latin House Licenses DR. To amount of Tavern licenses granted by the Court of (Quar ter Sessions for 1807, $1,275 00 Store licenses grautod iu 1S57, 250 00 Brewers " " 50 00 Billiard tables and places of a- musemeut, CO 00 Retailers licenses for 1857, 997 50 EatiDg houses, Restaurants, kc. 180 00 $2,812 50 CR. Cosh paid State Treasurer as per receipt dated July 8, 1857 $1,714 75 Cufh pai.l Statu Treasurer, Jan. 7, 1858. 860 80 13 00 1.1 00 63 50 127 45 10 00 $2,813 50 $1,201 77 1,053 00 178 51 18 77 $2,452 05 $1,121 55 423 50 Cash paid John Rubins for pub lishing Mercantile Appraiser's lift, ' C. O. Buclimon, " Exonerations allowed, Treasurer's commission on $2,7-19 at 5 percent. Balance duo last year, Militia I'incs. Dli. To amount of said fines outstand ing fur 1S56 and previous, Amount assessed for 1857, Balance duo iu 1856, Error in duplicate, CR. By amount of said fines uncollec ted for 1856 and previous, Exonorutions allowed collectors, Commissions " " Araouut oiJ County Commis sioners for time occupied iu mil itary business in ISoC, Cash paid Statu Treasurer, Jan. 7, 185C, raid Treas. National Guards, for 1856, " " 1837, " Shamokin Cnards fur 1855, " Deppinville Cavalry, 1851, " Noi lliM Troop, '5fi, " J. II Zimmerman, Brigade Inspector for 1857, " Assessors for lists of delin quent militia. Commissions allowed Treasurer, Deepreciated funds, Balance due commonwealth. 33 13 26 00 250 00 75 00 75 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 34 00 40 84 6 00 5 00 211 07 $2,452 05 Kxyenclitxirrs and rectiptt of Xorthumberland i 'tmntii. from the fist day of January, A. i)., 1857, to the I'ist day nf December of the same, lulh days included. Xorthundiii land County DR. to the following Jl LIIIS. To 132 Orders isrued by the com uiisiouer3 for view- Oltstaxuino Taxks for Years. 1-S51, '5.1, 54, Collectors' Names. John liitieman, Wiliium li. Irwin, Martin Much man, Joseph Kckbert, A.J. Conrad, John .Simpson, Joseph Eckbeit, James l.ynn, t'yrenncs Duinboy, Jacob It. Clark, Joseph llogendoeblor, Samuel .Stuhluecker, Jacob ISloom, Peur Puuel, M. 11. Manly, l.iias Eipuhnrt, William Pardoe, John 13 oyer, Cjreiinos Domboy, Samuel Stahlnecker, Joseph llogeodotbler, Ceorge A. Keelcr, Jacob Miller, Henry V. Simpson, Jacob Ktaniui, Henry Haas, Solomon liillman, Anthony (Jelaspey, Peter krisu, Elias Sliafl'er, Jacob H. Clark, Jacob (i arm an, Daniel Waguner, Peter Still, William Johnson, Samuel Hales, Jacob Eckmac, it, Those marked with paid iu part. have sine paid We, the undersigned, Auditors of Nor thumberland county, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do cunrt that in pursu ance of tha 4th section of "an Act entitled an Act regulating counties and townships," passed the 15th day of April, 1834, wa met at tha CommissioLers' Oflice, in tha borough of Sunbury, on tha 4th day of January, A. D- 1858, and adjourned from lima to tima, and did audit, adjust and settle th several sccooots required of os, agreeably to ths lama acti of Asaambly, and supplements Ing and RnrTeying roads, 45 " for building and repai ring bridges, 2 " Repairing County En gine, , 3 " District Attorney Vf. $280 00 1,607 C5 . 63 00 Li. BCOlt, 172 00 509 39 68 67 4 Assessors' pay, Constables' " 363 88 Drothonotary'i foes, J. LSeard, iivu vu 20 " Jurors' pay, 2,340 G2J 8 " Printing, 270 00 36 " Commonw'tb costs, 208 90 10 " Clerk's pay, for '56, U. Martin, ) . . 142 96 18 " " " '57 J iD P ' 394 52 CI " Election expenses, 663 17 3 " Rufundiog overpayment of tax, 6 73 20 " Public Buildings, 95 57 4 " Road tax on uuseatcd lands, 217 74 1 " School " . " 135 30 13 " Damages for roads, 416 74 39 " Fox Scalps, 61 69 1 " i or medical attendance in prison, 15 10 " Stationary, 251 1 " Sheriffs fees, 223 Commissioners' nav. 00 39 42 50 2 4 1 5 ' 12 ' 2 1 8 6 4 1 13 1 P. Renn. 145 C. llottcDsteio. 114 00 F. Haas, 207 00 Incidental expenses, 127 89 Attorneys for County. Pleasants A Cotnly, 100 00 Fuel, 28 50 Coroner's Inquests, 64 38 Special and County Auditors, IOC 00 Agriculfl Society, 100 00 Court Crier's pay, 112 50 Penitentiary, 312 06 020'' Amounting to $10,527 54 Amount of orders paid paid in '57, and issued iu '56 and previous years, Treasurer's percentage, Depreciated money, Treasurer's service for couuty, 2,773 332 5 06 50 00 75 $3,1U 31 Xorthumlerland County CR. ly the following liecipt.'. By balance duo county as per Re port of '56, Cusk received from Collectors on real and personal, " from unseated lands, for county, road & school, " Jury funds, rent, &c, " Hales and Carman, " for books, stationary, and time for military pur poses, '55 and '56, .. 57i $103 63 13,392 71 413 72 127 65 4 69 52 00 26 00 $14,125 30 Amount or expenditures for the year 1357, 10,527 54 Amount of cash received above expenditures for the yeor '57, $3,597 76 Amount of orders paid in '57, and issued in '50 aud previous years, 3,111 31 Balanco in hands of Treasurer oa Jan. 1, 18o8, $4S6 45 ur funds remaining unpaid, tor the year '57 riaintij's. Defendants. Ocddis & Marsh ts William CbuI, $4 00 Commonwealth vs D. Conrad, 4 00 G. Adams' adm'r vs Ira T. Clement, 4 00 J. II. Vincent vs (i. Haas, 4 00 S. Nesbitt vs II. P. Shelter's admr. 4 00 Reynold et ol vs same 4 00 Frick vs I.elund, 4 00 Bowen and Marr vs S. and P. R. Co. 4 00 William Heitzman vs J. Hillbisb, 4 00 R. D. Saxton vs J. Simpson, 4 00 Commonwealth vs Ueluspcy, 4 00 " vs Vapgaskin, - 4 00 Bo h en &. Gosh vs 8. T. McCormick, 4 00 Frifer vs Sulshucb, 4 00 Clement vs Vaagaskin, 4 00 Harner vs Harncr, 4 00 Kissingor vs Stamtn, 4 00 Clement vs Noyes, 4 00 Savage vs Smith, 4 00 Mourey vs Bell & Lewis, 4 00 80 00 Xvi thumlcrland County DR. and CR. on Jan uary 1st 1858. I DR. i To amount of orders unpaid for j the year '55, '56 i '57. $163 10 I To amount of orders for the years prior to 1855, as is shown in the order book and not cancelled, 357 61 Uncancelled orders, Jan. 1, '58, CR. By balanco duo G. Bright Trea surer, Jury funds uncollected, Outstanding taxes uncollected, Unseated lands, estimated, Balance of Jacob Young, lata Treasurer, as reported by Spe cial Auditors, Balance ot F. Bucher, lato Trea surer, as reported by the Spe cial AuJitors, $520 71 $486 45 80 00 13,905 84 1,171 80 1,178 27 500 00 Duo county on Jan. 1, 1858, $17,322 36 157, a.nd Pkkvioi's Yeaks. Townships. Stale. County. Lower Mabunoy. Delaware, 233 04 E2 13 Lower Mabanoy, Milton, tChilisqtiaque, t432 26 t-401 03J t. Milton, 1170 11 69 78 Hbamokin, 12 96 Delaware, Lower Augusts, Milton, Lewis, 5 90 23 73 Northumberland, 118 40 99 90 Sunbury, f279 96 t304 58 Zerbe, 175 33 69 55 Coal, 109 00 t800 00 Ckilisquarjue, 478 71 fl.102 62 Cameron, 136 85 226 55 Delaware, t700 92 1.526 83 Lewis, 4442 91 1,046 21 Milton, 234 98 567 34 Mt. Cartnel, 103 21 384 61 Point, 621 32 806 19 Sunbury, 329 79 881 83 Turbut. 490 84 tl.092 76 Upper Mabanoy, 69 20 562 76 Washington, 35 83 2l" 09 Zerbe, 341 92 431 84 Jackson, 189 56 Jordan. 212 26 Lower Augnsta, 512 95 Lower Mabanoy, 624 45 Little Mabanoy, 142 23 Northumberland, 434 81 Kusb, 217 24 Sbamokiu, 346 95 Upper Augusta, 518 19 Militia. S 6 00 59 50 44 50 32 50 19 42 42 10 23 93 4 00 8 50 16 00 18 00 23 50 39 50 27 55 73 50 25 50 15 50 71 60 39 50 61 00 23 00 31 50 . 71 00 38 00 27 00 28 00 28 50 12-60 40 50 53 50 12 50 21 00 21 50 63 00 21 50 5.715 55 t! 3 fiflS fii 1 191 f,K in full i and those marked with s t bav. line thereto, according to tha heel nf Inn in Av meat and abilitv. A A A r.,.A i.. 7. that upon a due examination of the expense book of the county the indebtedness of the same yet unpaid in orders i $520 71 1 I witness whereof wa h... ... oar hands and seals this 37tb day of January. 1858. W. T. FORSYTH, ABM. 8HIPMAN. O. P. PATTO.V, L.S L. 6. L. 8. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR BALE. riHE subscribers, Execntors of the tsttta e X Henry Massor, dcc'd.j offer at private sale the following property vi t A large two story tram dwelling brtise, together with about 50 ACRES Of LAND. Situate In Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now In tlit occupancy of John R. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The house is new and the location a good one for business. Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONE LAND, In said township on the river about 6 miles be low Sunbuiy, adjoining lands or .1. 1. M Kherson and others, containing, about 90 acres. The soil is productive and contains limestone and other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing about 35 acres on the hill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining lands of the hens of the late John Conrad and ethers. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. H.U. MASSEK, P. B. M ASSEK, Executors. FRANCIS UUCHER. J Sunbury, January 19,1856. If 1857. FALL & WINTER GOODS! 1858 IF". "W". GRAY'S FANCY DRY GOOD STORE, Market Squaro, Sunbury. TVTOW received and will continue to receive- th c largest and best selected Stock of Black Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinettt and Vesting, Jr. An assortment of Dress Goods, viz: Fancy printed Calieos, Chillies, printed Lawns, De Lain Bareges, Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapacas, Drcs,- Silks, Ginghams, &c. LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet ing, Ullowcaseing, Ac Dress Trimmings in Great Variety. Boots and Shoes Hats and Caps, Hardware, Cedarware, Groceries, Queensware S ALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, Segars, Tobacco, Snuff, Ac, an assorsment of other Goods too tedious to mentioh. Feeling grateful for past favor we beg leave to v;re our old friends and the public that no :t,-t in our part shall be wanting to merit a cm.'; nuance of our patronape. e.ountry produce taken in exchange at the highest market price. r. W.liKAt. Sunbury, Dec. 12 1857. tf ri.i ix as i r a xcV BOOK BINDING-. flHE ubiK.Tiltpr,havinR iK-itsjht the Hinder) late of tte , phtHi I) and Lyinnu 11 . ViIm, of Milton, and added t' it Some flip trior implements, and having aecured the tnptTtiiletidtiice of Mr. II. K DOWNiMi, who hai for ten veiim bct-n employed lit one of the best Itiitdenet in r tiiiuiltrij'iiin, and cmues wlih th inai reoniineuualioii fur integrity and competency, aie now prepared to BIND O H It K - D I N D Books, Pamplileta, Magazines, News- papers, music, flee, Ccc , in every tt.le denrtd. Work may either bound or hnlf- bound, in Calf, Honii, Turkey Mortccv Blieep(oi other ijciither, or iMuniin 01 varu us cion uno criumenica with Maihle Paper of dirTerent n-.'urct, thndei and colon. Old Uthlea and other Books or I'apeii winch it ia de tired to preserve ai icemnnuli in lainily, can be nu.U mire fecure by the Hinder .Snill li'aiiK tio,,K?, uiuief, uvmn ano t'larer uooki, rcKet KKkt. AiburriF, l)!arie8,Arc,,UKl'n;Hir.D WITH COI.I in legible and ditrable"chftracter( to oider. ailehij fun rrui-mft, tvc. mHne ut ton cusrorneTi. A good liinuery hat long I'cen ornrcd in tint vicinity and we enn therefore nnit renpeclfulU solicit the public patronage, truiiing that it will be aumctent to tepny the cutlfy uiki riak. iy Rent, tools, stoek, and workmen all requiring mmiey, we ahall expect PAY ON DliLlVKRY of nil wrk..j We intend to charge rnmdcritte, reaaMta ble and uniform prices, on the ''Live and Let Live" prin ciple anu nope to make it a permanent business. Office in the center of Market Square. nrih aide second story enjoining the "Chronicle1' and Telegraph offices third door from the Pnst Office. WORD KM A CORNELIUS, Prop'rs. ITinhy E. Powkino, Agent. Lewiiburg, May 15, 1556 ly DENTISTRY GEORGE ItENN, ANNOUNCES to the citizens of Sunbury and vicinty, that he haa opened an office in Sun bury, above H. J. Wolverton'a office opposite C Weaver's Hotel, wSere he is prepared to attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession. in the latest and most improved style. All work well done and warranted. December 13, 1856. Tin: L viu;i;vr IN THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. -TATHIOT S Car Street Wareroams Nos V3 J L and 25 Notth Gay street, near Fayette, Baltimore wnere is Kept always en nana, or ntaoe to order, every smeai r rencn i c i t-A-1 r. i u , in nusa, uair, Cloth or Hrocatrlle. French Full Stuff and Medallion Parlor Arm Chairs, ill I lusn, nail, viuin or Kiicibcn. French FuUtstuif Curved Farlor Chairs in sets, with riuih, Uair, Cloth or llrocatelle. B O r A 8 Half French Fprinj Mahopony and Walnut Parlor Chans, iu Hair, Cloth and IVusn. Korkias Chairs various designs, in Hair, Clots and Plush. Stuff Spring IMinges a large assortment always en hand, or any uaUsrii made or covered with any goods to order. CHAHBIIB STJITS.' MMuhoeanv or Wulniit. complete, from S.15 un. Cune Chuirs and Itoekins do. the lurcst assortment ready made in any one house in Ihc United States from $12 a d'zen up. Bar Room, Omee nnit Dinine Chairs, in Oak. Walnut or Muli. gany, with Cane, WikkI or glutted Seats un assnrtmeui enihiacing' over 0 dozen. Wood snat Chairs aud Settees and Rocking Chairs over 100 dozn. Gilt and Flam Frame Lookinr Glasses, of every variety. All kinds of Beds, ltair aud Husk Matrasses A. JIA1HIOT. Nos. 23 and M N. Gay at , near Ftyelts St., liaJtiowre. August 1,1867. ly Farmer Look to Your Interest. LIME1 1 1 THE audacriber respectfully informs tha far men and the oublic rrenerallv. tlint Ha hm leased tl.e lime kilni of Ire T. Clement in Sun bury, and that be has always on hand, and is ready to supjly good quality of lime to all who may want for building or fanning purpose. He has also a kiln at Keefer's crossing 6 milts from Sunbury, or two from Snvdertown. f3T All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange. GEO. W. 6TROH. Sunbury, Pee. CO, 1S57. HOVER'S LiaUID HAIR DYE. Ths ttitimory of Prof. Booth and Dr. Brinckle havinr previously been published, tbo followuig ia now added : From Prof. McCIX)SKEY, formerly Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine in the Female Medical College uf Pennaylvama. aud lata Professor of Surgery in the . .--.I t M i . Aiueiicaji v.wucgem mcuiciny, sc. i PaiLtsKLruis, Nov. 87th, 1S3A Ml. JotlFH E. Hovks A tiial of your IJOl'ID H AIH DYE will convince the most skeptical, that it wa sirs, slkiant, and SfriCAOtovs preparation. Unlike many others, it bus ia several Instances proved seiviceubla in ths cure of soma cutaneous captions on lbs bead, and I nave uo Hesitation m oomrucndiiif u lo tnose rei)uuui Very respectfully', J- F. X Mr.CLOSKEY, M D . 4?o Kace St., above 13Ui. HOVER'S WRITING INKS, including HOVER'S WRITING FLUID, and IIOVLK INDELIBLE INKS, atiU maintaiu their high character, which bas always dis tinguished tbem, aud th extensive demand arst created, has ooutuiued uniulenupled until the present. Orders addressed to the Manufactory, No. 41 nAyc street, anove fourth, (old No. 144.) rotiaacipnia, win recaivsprompt attention, by JUS trn E. HOVER, Manufacturer Dceamber , 196. April IS,. '67, eh. WE STILL SURVIVE THE CRISIS NOTWITHSTANDING the astonishing quan titv of Goods that I brought into town last Spring, I succeeded la selling them all out ex cept what I gave away, and had to hurry to the city, for a new lot, in order that my customers might not be put to the inconvonience ol buying at other stores, where they would be charged killing prices. Profiting by past experience, I have just brought on Twice as Many Goods, and I have now the tarsest and CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT ever offered w thin hearing 31 this place. I am bound to sell , CHEAPER THAN EVER. before. I need not say cheaper than my neigh' bors; for that is no longer a disputed fact. I am now ready to deal out goods twenty hours out of twenty-four Sundays excepted at lower nrires than anv person dare ask tor. Just call for anv thine you want. I am deter mined to SUPPLY ALL DEMANDS that may be made, reasonable or unreasonable, Call soon, as the rush is IrcmendoOs. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Dec 26, 1857. ly Citrate of Magnesia on TASTELESS SALTS. flHIS preparation is recommended i an tx- cellcnt laxative and purgative. It opefatca mildly, is entirely free from any unplraaant taaw renenihUng lemonade in flavor, prepared and told by A. VV. 1- Sunbury, March 4 1856. PHILIP H. PTTP.DY. WIIOLESALI ill RETAIL Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will ba promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4, 1 8S6 tf Ialn RaiiiNlicd : F E PROLONGED. L 1 HOLLO WAY'S PILLS To siirTer the pains and penult. es of aicknf? wben the certain means of cure arc accessible to ail. is rnsitiva madness. The vegetable remedy, acting powerfully npon the causes of disease in all the fluid, nerves, ami tiiftiies of the body, cxilel the morbid and poisoiifun matter Irma t s lurking places in the syitt-m. cit-atme and purify tveiy s-'cretivm, rebuild the shartered constitution, Tf-itnre tha vigor and virility of the enft-ebk-d frame, aud lend to pro O ig hie taT beyond its oidiunry Itmn. MILLIONS RtLY ON THEM! In evry qoarter of the (tlnbe, nmon(r all tint inns, c1v:N i zed mid savage these Piiis arc used with cjual and unva rying iu.'CtSF. They are advertised in every printed lan gun re. and whereever commerce haspeiictruted, they are in com i una i aemana. , ALL INTERNAL DISEASES Yield to their action, Dykpepaia, Liver Complaint, At fections of the BiAveis, the Kidneys, the Nerves, the Liin us, ths Throat and the Brain, that have previoaHy defied all human skill and all other remedies, ate expedi tiously andinfalibly cured br this all-conquering medicine Even when the patients arc reduced to the last decree Of feebleness, they may ba recuperated by the resistless l mc aud alternative properties 01 lioiiowa s rum. FEMALES OF ALL AGES, From whatever variety of the ailments peculiar to their l they may be suffering, mny rely with entire confidence on tne enect of this strenginiug, reviving, tuieaua im mediate remedy. Halloway's Pilts are th best remedy tcnovon xn the world Jor the JoUoxcxng disease: Asthma, Fever and Ague Stone and Gravel Btwei Complaints V emnle Complaints reeondury ymp- Cou gha Jlcadaehes Inward Weakness Liver Ci,mi.lainls Colds Chest Diseases Costiveiicss Dyspepsia Pisrhcea Uopsy Indigestion turlueirza luflamm.-itinn Venereal Affections Worms, of all kinds Ixiwueu of Spirit riles tW CAUTION ! None are pentune unless the words "Holloway, New York and London," are discernible as as a water-mark in every leaf of tiie book of directions around each pot or bx ; the same may he plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any nrty or parties counterfeiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. (, Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Hpllowat SO Maiden l.aite, New York, and 214 Strand. London, by all respectable Druceists aud Dealers in Medicine through out the United States, and the civilized world, in boxes, at ?f cents. 6'.'J cents, and SI each. L7" There is a considerable saving by taking the larger Sitl-t- N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each box. October 17, IB3? lyca FURNITURE ! rTJBNITURE ! ! TIIE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. Fashlouablc, Cheap and rueful riHE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet -- and Chair Manufacturer in 8unbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the publie patronage. Hia stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, Ac, embraces EVfRV VARIETY, I'SEFl'L AMD OB.NA ftlESTAL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may ba required in his line can be had at moderate prices, Cheap for Cash, or Country Troducetaken in exchange. Establishment SoufA East Corner of Market Square. IV Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay. ment. SEBASTIAN HAUFT. Sunburv, April 4, IS57 tf Slf C.B li fM -- w..b W ...... r CcrmbL MkU lnUr.llT. nd I. pwr .A.tly MK 'd C,pl,Lk " ' ,u'" "' H's-.ui. All S nJ. 1 W., ud f.ra, ,r. Mmilj AUssrss end wmUi.m. Is w.)ip. In ptwul.., V, ,.,iet, tot. , tt,ii, n, w s p.ri..u Prwk Suu. It tnui,M w.. n.uu " , -... IS M IE 1"lbl., MBHB. BUI BA.1 LM.II l-riM-MSBf HrB!,.Bl S.B l: S ""I'M ib Ui, of nf .rlor C Issr Srr sc bbUSs bb4 -r.UB,: , btbo Wi. a ts; ISdirBtUuB. II UWBRBBI ua Ut kBBP sit sruv'B. ptlt nn Brr.1las l'l a. Bud Ib kil rBBM B fBUttlBa Cbq U.. BUM- will b, T.fuBBd W P.'. DuBau!wr.Bv4 Tmb'm Osb, 1 BS SBBllftf HiaBl BflrBll' B.W pB.S, Cssl n'.n 'C"1' rBUOIHIU,-..l.tBSML ru, O.tu :T..k.U mimiiA a.A S-. rii BOLBBd bS uI il lo UBIIWIBK UW .BUBU,; i UrKBM.BOUr.l.or Ts T'Ur 'lBBlplS W B..1UK SB. .t.J US U.I f ThTBi siA.,TwJw'""',, ww A Uiltlil DUbCNT TO THE TAD. Ss UrDLOW CAN CO. ae Has at., a. v. Sept. , 165T GOLD PENS with and without rases, ef a very superior quality, just roeeived. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sals by H. li. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec 17. II56- UORT MONAIE8, Tooth and Hair Bruahe all qualities, and any quanti y, for sala by w . . A. W. FISHER. March 14. ST. Rv Drugs, I'uluts. &.c. A NEW supply of Drugs, PeinU. ila, - Fluid, &c, just received and for aale by A. W. riSllER. Sunbury, May , 1857. IiBhing Taoklo. Rd Cork, - ton and Linen Liaes, Out Lim Grass, Col- nes, ttea urass by the yard, Snoods, Flxs, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, Kods, ore, for sals by March 41. 'ft7. . A. W. FISHER. FOR SALE GoaJ ssrcnj hacd Buggy. eBie. AflT at tliis ISAAC M. WILKERSOX. MANUPAOTTJRER Of FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style Sofa, Dlvnna and luiige Burearji. SecreturiA fiiripfinor. 'SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DIMM TABLES and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Pnlle ucifiun niaiiumciure. DEDSTKADS, of every vsttern and Hr CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of bis buslneee, THE subscriber respectfully calls the attcntioi x of the publie to his large and splendid ax sortmenl 01 every quality and price of C All LET-WAKE v- bich cannot fail to reiommend Haelf to every one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stork to be had in the city. No effort ia spared in the manufacture of bis ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many tmprovemcnu wliicti are conatantly being made. He else manufacture all kinds end qualities CHAIRS. ncluding varieties never before to be had lr Sunbury, such as Mauooiht, Black Walkc isn Cublv MirnGnrcusi isn WuinoS CHAIRS, inn rincr Piao Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured fa the Cities or elsewhere,' The subscriber is determined that there shalf be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture irV the cities, as every confidence can be entertained1 about the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. These articles will be disposed of on as good term as they ran re purchased elsewhere. Laun try p,oduce taken in payment for work. UNDERTAKING.' Having provided a handsome Hr-snsr., he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in thia vi. einity, or at any convenient distance from this place , TheVare Kowm is in Fawn Street, be low Weaver's Hotel. He has also purchased tho right of manufac turing and selling in Northumberland county, Gotild'a patent Excelsoir Spring Bed, which be will furnish at reasonable rates. Springs put in old bedstead for three dollars. ISAC M. WILKERSOX. Sunbury, April 18, 1857 tf. elHE au'.'scriber respectfully in'orms the citi A zens of Sunbury and the public eenernllv. that he haa commenced the manufacture of all kinds ef EARTHENWARE, at his manufactory in AVhortlebcrry Street, one square east of the Paver. Ha has engaged the services of Mr. lit nr. and you can tlierclore depend on having a good article. The pub.ic are respectfully invited to call. All orders from a distance will be promptly attended to. P. M.SHI'DEL. Sunbury, Feb. I, 185d. tf IV. S. LlWBE.s'CL'S NEW Taper, Printers' Card and Envelope WAREHOUSE, No. 405 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. Cas'a buyers will find it for their interest to call. January 16, 1858. 6mos. SI ran -Cutter. flHE subscriber hs been appointed Agent fi L Meaars Geddes ot Marbh of Lewisburg, for the sale of their Straw, Hay &. Corn-Fodder Cut ter. This Cutter is the best in use. Fatmers andotheraaro respectfully requested to call and examine for themselves. P. B. MAPPER. Sunbury December SC, ISa . tf FURNITURE POLISH. S. It ACS Premium Tstcnt Enamel Furniture Polish This polish is highly valuable for resto ring the polish on all kinds of Furniture, Glass, Carriage Bodies, It. ir Cloth, ttc. Also, for re moving spots, hiding scrstches, Ac, Ac. War ranted to dry immediately and retain its gloss. Price 50 cts. per bottle. Sold by A. V. FISHER. March 14, 1S57. SiJUIL II. OIIWIG, ATTORNEY A-T LAW, Office on South Seond, near Market Street, LE WISBURG, PA. Practices in the Counties of Union, Xor'hu.n hcilnnd and Montour. All l'uorr.ssioNAL Hrsuzss entrusted to his rare will receive prompt and fa'lbful attcn tion. October 3, 1857. ly WHITE HORSE HOTEL. POTTSVILI.E, PA. ''pHE subscriber respectfully announces to his -- old fiicnds and ths public, that be has taken that old and well known csluMiBhinent, the White .'norso Hotel. At the comer of Centre and Mnhantogo sts., in the Borough of Pottsville. The house has re cently been very much enlarged and otherwise, improved, rendering it quite as comfortable aa any ether Hotel in Schuylkill county while tho staUes are large, in good condition, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and others who may stop at his house, he promises every attention calculated to render them comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FEGER. April 5, 183P- tf STAl FFEn Si IIAUI.KY. CHKAP WATCHES AND JEWEIAY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, at the ' rt,,I..VIrH. b. t patches and Jcwelr) snrr Wo. I4(ii.l n te North Second Street. Conor ot ifurjrry, Philadelphia. ' G ild Uver Vatrhes, full j ltd, IS caret cases, f J9 .00 ISilvr Lever, lull jewelled, Ja (Ki Silier lupine, jewels, .--ui ei...f iuaruers, (1 Id Si:i-c.aclcs, Fine Silver do , ii ild Bracelets, Lii)'s Onlil Pencils, Silver Tea Spooes, st, Gold Pens, wuh Pencil anriPitrif hiMer, OiHd I- ingrr Kings U7J cts to .t' ; Watch 6n plain -I cis , psieni if, i.u let vi ! Olhel srlielrs in propuit ua ... B.iiniiira .u ue M imi iiu- lire s-'lil lor SI'AIKFI'.K II Alt LEY. I On hand ome Gnld and Silver Levers sad Lrpinis still lower tlmn the eliove prices Philadelphia. Octnher It), lsi7 lvV HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LA"W. Ojjxce opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt attention to business in adjoining Counties. DANVILLE HOTEL. JO II INT DEEW, JR., Market Strett, Dam ille, Pa, flHIS is one of the largest and most rouimo X dious betels in the interior of Pennsylvania it baa been recently tilted up, in excelleut stjle, with all the modern conveniences. Danvilled, Sept. 23, I8r)5. BLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank b Mortgages, Bends, Executions, Summons etc, for sal b H. U. MASSlift. Suubury .Auri tR, 1058 " STOVES- 7OR SALE an excellent second-hand Ceok' ing Stove, also several Cylinder Ceal Stoves. Enquire at thia ollice. aILVER WATCHES A few double case English Silver Watches, foe sals at very lw filer by M. B MAeSl'K. SJuntury, A ri) U, 1851. 0? 7 00' T no t 50 I 00 1 l) S 00 I 00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers