'mnvhk Ileitis II I inp.tr lunt from Wnahlivjlon. Cur filiation uith V.ntjlaidTht fiinht of ft arch till aUhcicd t, YV.isrirseTOH, June Despatches have Ik-cii icccived from Mr. Pallsa, at the Stnto Do I ailment, covering the rcsponno of tho Untied government lo t!m letters of Sec retary Cam npon the rcci iit scarrhc of American vessel in the Gulf. The pith of theso detpntt ties in that, while EnglaiiJ diaavowi !l authority lur any i th iiiivs arts that may have teen committed, and while standing; tea,'. ti make all (lie ropiiation ihul may be ruircl, ehe is rot, nt the snmo time, willing lo abfin.loii the r i ; -1 1 1 i f ii.it i n 3 all run! thai imiy lie smir-cld i.f briig engaged i in ih traffic cf s.nvcs. In oilier v.i nte, tho mot it'ccuee measure will etitl bo :r d lur its Bt:ji- region. It , however, the domic of the Bri tnh rroiernmcnt that these visits mav be made in t'.ic most acceptable luannct ; and to recitre tM, the EnglLh Minister for Foreign AlVaim would be pleated tj rcciivo euch suggestion as h CeMnil of thcUiiitid Plates nuy ho ditpo:d to make. The tenor of these despatches- being entirely unlocked for has created no little feeling nn the jmrt of iho Piesident, who, it is confident ly predicted, will insist .I once nroii the iil uii uot.meiit of the position which Englutid arcr rt Lcr intention of udherii;? tj. la other wort!, the right ol vi it will tiot bo com eJcd by Mr. Uuchcnati in any elmpu whatever. The I'luoil at I ulro. Pi. Litis, June 18. Later aeenuuta from Cairo say Ih il tho reports in relation to thu flood have been tniieh exaggerated. The !nmr.jro will not lie ticur as great as might to unticipated from the nccunits received. Aluany, June a. Tho Chicago papers received by mail give detuils uf immense ilea, tructioti improperly nt Cairo, through the cn ti:e submission of tho town, 'l'ho assessed valuation if property iu lffi7 wua two millions' but the pipers t-;iy tUit this conveys no dig. t met itleii of the octuul lo??. Tho last des patch repot ted tho water still rising. WtinLlng ,ny ot the tln-jit Yaj.oo I'oi. The l Alley Icln;'.nt. Memi-iiw, Tknn., June IS' Tho Croat Yuzoo Pusd pave nwoy last night, nnd the vhuunel is now over thirty iuU wide, a Ml rapidly iuorar-hig iu width. Tho water in tho Mfrissippi huu i;i coiiseq!encfl fallen eiftht THE AMERICAN. 7 XTr'?r&S ' wBfff NtVM8t SATURDAY, JUNE CG, 1358." II. B. JIAESEH, Editor end Proprietor. To Aevtsii'MM. .Tlie eirenlailun of tho tfunlmrv Ammii'ii'i ntii .i j tbr u'.Bcrri.t town on the Pattjurhaium n. tcxcci'iU'J ifcqualle-l by nny paper paUi)nd in Noitli rrn Pfiinlvtun. Dcmocrntic Stato Nominations. Hn JtPCKdF THU SlTKKMl'. COfltT, Wl. A. I'llllTL'R, Philadelphia. rtn CANAL COMMlHIONICR, Wt:sTl.r.V FROST, ra)rtlr Criiut)-. 'Hie Kov. Mr. Kriiifftnai), from Haltimore, will protu-b. in tho ricshyterinti Church, cf mititiry, on next Sabbath inorninp, nt 0 o'eliicli, t lid in tho old school I'reshyteriuti 'htireh cf Northuir.licrlnud, nt I! o'cbieU. tfib For F.w.t. A littiso in Market tlteet Apply nt this ofliee. LP Wttvit. The weevil h,u uguin made its b caruncc in this vicinity. As tho wheat is Bon.cwhut in nJvirtico, they will not do as t.udi damage as otir fannera anticipated. f&" XoKTnnitN Cn.vTBAL. It is understood that trains will pans over the Northern Cen tral IJailrond, to Fuiibnrv, in a few days, fevcral locomotives have already made tho trip with officers of tho company. This nr. ranpetnrnt will supercede the bouts between Trevorton nnd Northumberland, and reduce tin? time of waking tho paefiigo some three or four hours. Ijjf litii'.v.si:t. A young man named or ton foot, and is rushing with terrific force I'oisnl, a ftudent nt the lickinson Seminary, ttiroiigh thu opening, felling fcll trees in its , in Willinmppoit, from Baltimore, was drowned couro. ley. It will ddugo thu wlolo Yazoo val- on Monjny jnFt wiliIo 8Wiu,ming jn ti,e rivcr ; near the Railroad bridge. tmn 'aAhititoQ. Li'ii.' AJricrt from Erujlmd yUtre 'i. l'.iJlL StTiltd .!,?' ill Utl K iorat'!c I. LUi'i tyc. AVASiiiMiTujc, J hup 22. The official advi. pes received by tho last Arrival from Fnglar.d urn more favorable thuu has been represen ted. Thoy reitcrotj filetid'y ret tinictils toward this country, diiiivow iiitt-i.tion cfl nee nr;aiiit vur IJjg, and itsetitioti tho fnct of u prutnpt is-niiiu-i" of onUtj to i'.i.-iontii:'jo the vitits .;..(. 1..,.'.. r.l-..n rra n ll... . ,.. 11 .1 i t. it ,ll','..,,l t:i. Her majesty's Uov. nient does ,.ot j lo" end f thi. town on Monday last, took fngU iu?itl cu vit itali.iu or search 03 ix right, but ; n"'1 MarlJ to rvin. Mr. I.enkrr attempted to us bith mti:iui aro BoHciiious to put nn end 1 Hop them by holding to the reins, but, unahle to to tho outrages of the African flavo trade, it ! manage them, let po hia hold when he came in utsires a mutual uiiuorsianuing or arrango- i.'icnt to tho rrorcr and lni.tt acceptable 1 inanner of ascertaining the character of the 111' PoMr Fes. A. M. Hall & Co.'s Gym-ra.-ium and Amj hithcatro will he in Sui bury 011 TueeJsy nrM, and exhibit in the altrrnnon nnd tveninr. These who are fond of fun and wbh 1 to procure fiod fur a hearty laugh, should le in j attendance. 1 Ij? ArtiiitsT. A two horses team, lu long. 1 to J. U. Lcnkcr of this place, while lmUiii.2 I tills on the Northern Central IKiilrond at the Fbarfcl Storm Oo Tuosdny flerDOon this place was visited by ono of the severest storms of wind, rain, mid thunder, ever een by the oldest Inhnbitnut. !t Criit approached from the northwest, but after passing town it changed around, and come back at a furi ous rate, end for tbout fifteen or twenty minutes it (cemod as though Leaven and earth were comiog together. Trees that had stood for, perhaps, hundreds of years were prostrated. About one fourth of the roof was blown off tho bridge, ond we Lave heard of some small buildings beins blown down ond unroofed. Fortunately no 0110 was in jured beyond tho fright. Tho violence of the storm fcr a few minutes whs enough to excite alarm in almost every one. It appears that tho storm was altogether confined to this locality, as we nre informed that it did not extend above Fine Creek, and it was not violent below Larry's Creek, while at Linden there wua but a very light shower ond at WillianiFport it was not felt at oil. At Fine Creek, in tho neighborhood of Flielp's Mills, tho wind blow hard, but we believe nn damage was ciotio. During the height of tho stsrui tho light ning struck tho telegraph wire, and smashed up our rolay majMiets, mnking a report as loud us a rille. .Some of tho wires were en tirely melted Fortunately no one was near the 'instrument ut tho time. Jcncy Share Ytdttte 2lh imt. . RAit-noAD Intkixioknce. In less than two weeks tho Northern Central Kailroud will commence running their trains through from Callimi.ro to this place. The Centrul rond extends from Hunbury to Daltimore, a die taries of I08 miles, but having leased that portion of the Sunbury nnd Erio Hailrosd between AVilliomsport and Hunbury a dis tance of 40 miles the road may very pro perly bo reckoned as 17j miles iu length. Tho road has been Completed for somo time as fur os Fort Trevorton a place cleveu miles below fcjuiibury its eutire length. This will bring us within about seven hours ride if Bultimoro and lets than nine of the city oj Wushinylon! Wo do not thit,k that we ex aggerate miiturs when we say that this is one of the most important roads ever built to the people of Central ond Western New York, Fennsylvnnia utul tho entire South. The Superintendents of the Cattawiis, Wil liatnsport, and Frie, AVilliamr port and F.lmira, and Northern Central roads met iu this town n few days since to arrange connections, &c. Wi'.linmsport is 107 miles from Fhila dclpliia and 173 from F-altiniorc. l'ho Nor thern Central rond, in order to carry tho mails u,ti.-t be in F.lmirn ut -120. F. M., to connect with tho train on tho New York und Krio road, gowig west, which leaves early in thfi morning. To do this they must arrive hero bv l.yi), P. M. It is necessarv in order to connect with tl. Southern train that they 1 fbould not leave l.alhmore until 8, A. M ., ot earliest so that tho entire distance must be run in ubout f$ hours. The Cattawissa, W illiamspoi t and l'.iie train ton, which now reaches hero ut 5 F. M , will have to quicken their Kpei d in order to make the connection. nrbwl rieM hum! into th.. t-! ,n ivt.l m uf I i. ,.,!,... I 'l'!..,! it.. r il. It r,n 1 1 t l.o con rut ol a In w il ays t l.o newnrriiiico- .1 1 c '.1 1 V . .! Jll I U;,t,..n r ... in ri.T.-r In 1 1, c (,n.a ItlientS Will be lliadfl public I! 'UK (I WfllOlt thi. not w.iii a cnvi.-i; in lur U iiiiiiitiln over ! ruiiou Ltimiiruti, m reierctioe ro in s i iu s- I i EOlToniAL roil R F.SFONDEKCEi Tah.oh's International Honx, 1 A7 tc York, Juno 21, lt)5B. ' J Having occasion to retrain In New York over Snnday, t embraced the opportunity to attend tha Chnrch of Henry Word Heechcr, In Brooklyn. Leaving tho Hotel nt 10 A. M I proceeded to the Fulton Ferry, from whence largo and commodious boats cross and re-cross every five minutes, conveying over the river, through this immense tho roughfare, a constant stream of passengers betweeu the two cities. Four blocks from tho Ferry, on the Prooklyn side, brought n to Orange street, near tho corner of which Ij located a plain but massive brick building, in which tho Ilev. Henry Ward Feecher holds forth every Sabbath, to a crowded, iu telligcnt and fashionable cotigrega.ion, among whom are always found a largo number of strangers ond others from New York city. All the aisles and passages are invariably iilled. Along the aisles, on each sido, at every pew, there is attached by a hinge, a Cane-bottomed seat with a back, which, when not occupied, is folded up. In one of these 1 was comfortably pouted, nnd beforo the services commenced, not a vacant seat wa3 to bo had, while tnitiibers were standing in tho door-way. Such is tho popularity of Henry Ward I'fecbcr, perhaps the most pop ular pulpit orator living, nnd of whom it Is often said that ho belongs to a family that possesses moro brains than any other in the world. His father, Fr. I.ymun Feecher, is well known na nn eminent divine. His sister, Harriet Ficchrr Stowe, has a world wide reputation, ns the authoress of "Uncle Tom's Cabin." He ii certainly an extraordinary mau. His ttylo iH rich, racy nnd original, lie is yet, comparatively, ti young mnn, pro bably under 40 years of age. Iu statue he is rather under the medium size. His dreis is plain but iKut and becoming. He has noither whiskers nor monttacl.e, nnd wears his shirt collar turned down, und has his hair, which is eomewhat long, combed back behind his ears, which exposes a well devel oped forehead, indicative of u high order of intellect. Ho f peaks without uny apparent effort , nnd I presume extemporaneously, as ho seldom cn6t his ryes on some note3 before him. His voice ia rtrong, without being loud or boisterous, nnd his enunciation clear, dis tinct und musical. His gestures ere, per haps, moro energetic than graceful, but ul ways appropriate and seldom without effect. Ho will, perhaps, Muitlo you in closing a sentence, by suddenly bringing down Lis TARIFF RESOLVtlOSS. The following ore among the resolutions passed at tho grand Tariff MoetiDg, nt Na tioual Hall, Philadelphia, on Tuesday eve ning, tho 15lh inst. The indications ore that tho principles forshadowed in them will be come tho absorbing ones in the next Nutionnl coutest at least in tho North ond those upon which tho election of Congressmen iu our own State will bo mndu to turn : fiiiolced. That nil tho events now occur rinir, as well as those which have occurred iu this last half century, may be adduced iu proof of the accuracy of the views of Jeffer eon, when he dei'lured that protective duties wero necessary to prevent us from fulling ncain into a stute of colonial (leprndcuce ; of Maditoh, when he told his countrymen that it was not only constitutional, hut expedient, to instiluto a revenue system having for its object tho protection of our own plunters, our own4larmers and anr own workmen j of Juckson, when he told tho farmers and plant ers that if they would have good markets for their products, they could do it only by meutiS of measures looking lo nn increase in the number and variety of the channels of industry ; of Clny, Webster, Clayton, and a host of other illustrious patriots, who Luve so frequently reiterated to their countrymen the great truth, that prosperity to the btato was to be obtained only by means of measures looking to the ttunsfer of our workshops from the soil of Europe to our own. J't.iolred, That it is tho determination ol this meeting to labor for the restoration (if thu system so long and so badly advocu'.ed by those great men that system which gave to tho country tho universal prosperity which existed here in the elosing years of the tariils ot lN-:a am ltfj-j. IUtolv(d, That in a change of policy, we sou the only courso through which our po litical system may be preserved, tho experi ence of oil nations proving that protection to tho people is, iu fact, protection to the Government itself. liesolvtd. Ti.ut it is our fixed determina tion, at ull future elections, to give our votes to eucIi candidates, nnd such only, ns shall prove themselves prepared to givo their aid to Pleasures looking to .securing to tho Ame rican laborer u market for bis labor. JUfflrid, That it i.1 hereby recommended to our fellow citizens, of Uio city and the State, to come together und organize them selves, with a view to the dissemination of information in reforenco to tho one grent question, of tho necessity for protecting tho American workmun, whether the laborer in the field, or his neighbor of tho wine, the furnace, or the workshop. llmidred, That, regarding the reul interests of ull portions of tho Union as being in per- I lect harmony with each other, wo invite the co-operation of our fellow citizens of the I Nurilr, the South, the Fust and tho West in I this tlloit for f.iial Oftul lislimciit of tl ut in- dustral independence, the defire fir which it wns that prompted to the declaration of political mucin tub nee m Proceedings of the Borough Counoil- A moctln- or" th ton-4 of Councilman tot Ik, borough uf 3uiibury WM hcii t their chamber on Sotardsy evcnlrg June iOtli, lbft). Chief Bargen, i. II. Ziiriiaerrcr.n m tli ciair mcmtifri prctcnt i Mmr Phlndcl, Younftnan, W, A. Broner, 9troh, C. i Drunor, Gray, Clark, Wllveit, Mart and Brotitu. Miuta of the laat itateJ mMtlng ww read and ap proved. A motion waa made by C. t. Bruuor, that the report of tboo immittre on onfiuitbed Lunnmof former totincil Le read, it wai oeiccd to and the refrnt read. On motion, thnt tamling committwe be appointed, it was aercfd to. The chair then appointed the follow .i,g cummitteee : Committee on Fmence-P. M. Shind-I, Oeo. B. Young nun, Wm A. Bimitr and SMomon Btroh. Committee on New Charter C J Bruner, Wm. A. Bruuer, F. W. liray, U.B Youns-uan, and Omnute.n, Th Chief Burge-r, J. H. Zimmerman, wo added to I lie committee on new Charter. Committee on OiJinaucta W. A. Utuner, C.J Bru ner and l'lnhp Clark. Cuminiltve on Orave Yaid Emanuel Wilvert, Henry Buchrr end Wm K Alartz. Committee on riifinixhfd Buemrpe Ceo. B. Young man, John W. l'rilint and Peter V. Gray. Committee nn Rnad nnd Bridge- Philip Claik. P. M hindet, l. Slrob. Uro. B. Yonneman and C. J Uruner, Coimnilten on Pidewalkn Peter V. 0 ray, Emnnutl Wilvert end Juhu VV. FriUng. On mntion, that Una Council proceed tJ n eleetmn for Borough Treasurer, it we agreed to. George Bright wua then noiuinatid and unanlmouily electet. Oa mutton, rteaolvcd, Thet the proceeding- of the Council be puMi-hrd regularly in the borough pap'ra. On motion, adjourned. The Bnrgcarca met after the Council adjourned and elected the following pei-nna Borough Rcgulntori, vix : David Rockefeller, llciuy Donnel and Franeia Baclier. JNO W. BUCHF.R, Cleik. onumiuicatcb. i DEATHS. In this plsce on the 22d inst.. A LKJR f. daagbtrr I Satnncl S3, and Annie neodric-' aged about 10 inootLa. ' t H a r li c ( s . philadcldiia markets. June s4, 1Sfi8. -Omni Wheat, ealea of fair and good lied at $la$105 per bushel, and White Irom 10 to $1 SO per bushel. Kye la wanted a! 68 cent. Corn, aales of small Yellow at 73 cent, and 70 a 71 cent from store. Oat are selling at 39c per bushel for Delaware, aD.d 39 a 40c for Pcnna. BALTIMORE MARKETS June 24, ISf.e. Oraiit Wheat, there were sales of red at 95s 100 rte. for fair to good lots, and white at 105 a 1 10 ct. for (air, and 1 1 Sal 18 eta. for prime par eels of do. Corn, Bale of eood yellow at 73i7& ct., and of fair to prime whitest 7in77 ct There were aales of Virginia Oat at 37 eta. and Pennsylvania do, at 40a4l eta. There were ome Pennsylvania Rye offered and Bold at 7S ct. Maryland Rye at 05 ct. per bushel. ""sunbury price currentT Wheat, $1 40a 1 f0 Butter, . $ 20 Rye, .... 75 EftRN ID Corn, M) Tallow, ... 12 Oata, .... 37 Lard, ... IS Buckwheat, - 62 Pork, .... Potatoes, &0 Iiecawax, Si Fcr tie Banbury American. II. B. MiHis.tiq., T)eir Sir: In looking over the column of your valuable paper I nolired with pleasure, a communcation eamcatlv recnnimcndii e thnt highly esteemed young man TII03. T). GRANT, Enq , of ffuiihury. as a suitable person for the office of REGISTER t RECORDER. Il should always be an object of great conxuleration with the people in th selection of each oltrn, ta procure men of good habits, competent to fill their post, prudent, industrious and withal! nc- l . ; r.. i :, ....., . i. i ..ti i, ..ii iiii. ,i mis v- c p.r Hint ,llv 'u.. inii Democratic township of Lower Augurta, in her j communication to you, have presented for the ' favoiable consideration of the Freeman of this county, a man in whom all the above qualities aro concentrated and in whom the people may confidently repose the duties and respnnibilitica of the office. If an experience of ovor threo yeira will enable a man to acquaint himself with the duties of said office, and in all that lime being observing, ptudiou and industrious, than Mr. To the Electors of Northumberland County. Fellow Citize : We are authorized ti announce THOMAS D. GRANT, of tho Ror oui:h of Hunbury, a an ludepchdcnt Candida'' for the office of REGISTER, RECORDER &o. at the ensuing election. Mr. Grant ia too well known to the rton t t f Northumberland county to need any commenda tion at our hinJs. No one ques'ions his qualifi cation for the post ; his character for moralitv, industry and sobriety is irreproachable and I is popularity aa a man and efliciency as an ofi'i- i undoubted. For the Inst six year he lias been the principal cletk ill thi olfice, and his un tiring industrv and ability, hi amiable manners I and obliging disposition have elicited the confl uence aim esteem or all doing business there. V. c confidently submit his l ame, nnd carne-Miy ok nor fellow citizens to RALLY TO III-: yUTORT. Respectfully, MANY VOTERS. Bunbnry, June 54, 16S8. To the Electors of Northumbetland County. f f A VI NT, 1 ecn solicited bv mnnv nf mv ffll.-.w m m citi7enato become a candidate ti in for office cf for fispected tlavers. TLia is the mooted point. The tenor of the dispatches ore I'.u from be. Hg unsatisfactory, iu fact the doctiino so long maintained by our Oowrntnetit 13 con FidereJ as practically acknowledged by Croat Brituhi. The ditlerenciB between tho tho I'ouutries are not such as cuuuot be amicably bucommodntt.d. It is understood that tho Cabinet, to-day, bad under Coiu'tdornliou thu affairs with Utah, which aro so complicated r.s to require groat caution in their muuagt incut. From present indications, all tic troops now on tho way will continue the march to Utah. What iidditioi.r.1 measures will be purtued vill do pcud od the character of the next o3ial de spatches from that qiuutir. The chargo of Jodgo Fehels to tho Crnnd Jr.ry, ugaiiit jiolygamy, u condemned us being ciilcuUtod to euiburrucs tho pacilica i. u of the Mormons. contact with the wheel of tho wagon and waa knocked dow n, the fiont and hind wheel atrick j ing bis face, cutting and bruising bis head vrry ! anvcrrly. lie was taken to bis residence and his I wounde dressed by Dr. Awl. the whole house, and in u manner t'uut few would venture to imitate. Ho wields a won derful power over his nudiei.ee, mid ilrowsy 12" Pcnutor Cameron entertained, at hia resi dence, Locl.itl, near llarrieburg, on Tuesday the the loth inst., Lord Napier, the British Minister, and Count arliges, the French Minister, accom panied by Senator t-eward, the Hon. Humphrey Marshnll and other members of Congrcsa, an I tho whole party afterward visited Pottsville, the Cornwall Iron Ore Bank, Reading, the cal mines, etc., accompanied by Mr. Cullen, the President of the Reading Railroad, and Mr. Kortvi.'ht, the British Consul at Philadelphia. i,.;c. 1 be i laod at Culro TuiulUnit Oetr und IWuKimj Attaq Out Thousand it of Rtii'.ruad Track, JJcslroycJ. (T:cm (be ;.uouii t'tmjcial, Jni.e IJth.) Fiivuta deapatches to the odilor of the Al. t"n Coaritr, received on Sunday evening, e..to that the levee at Cairo, cu the Miiiis f.j'pi liver, c,aio way on Saturday afternoon, a:. J '.hat tho cutire place waa soon Hooded to t!io t'eplU of several feet, causing the greatest i.on.t rtiutiou and alarm. The vrcvi:st cou t.u'i ed tj widen, nud ou yesterdav nfteriioon, Cx' 'I'hero is nn organized gang of swind ling land brokers iu Northern Iowa ond Southern Minnesota who oro bound together by secret oaths und pass-words. They rob Uio emigrants by selling them counteif.it titled to lands. In Iowa there ore already delected ea!es of land to the amount of one huLdved tkCUD.'H.d dollars, uudcr theso ficti" tic us titles. Ci" Tho appointment of Mr. l'uckalew as Minister to F.qtindur. creates a vucuncy in tho Stuto Senate, whieh will have tu be tilled next fall. The counties of Columbia, Mon tour, Northumberland and Snider form this tho tnili of Williams, StevibS & t o., . Senatorial FUlrict. Judeo Oaks and Col Mi't grcit ,'earg were felt that th miii it-j-lf ; JaaH.9 McCotmick, of Montour, and Win. . i" 'ild t.tivo dj-.vn and cany destruction be-,., .. .' (1 . . , , it. Over oi.e thousand feet of tho rail- ! 1 "r'Jth. - , t,f Northumberland, have b. en ... I it i i , . .t . . - Tv-ul '.rack norm ol lUii crois lovee, wns uieuuoueu us cnuuuiaies ior me succession tioti, has our et.tiro apprnvm contrasting, ns it does, so favorably with that of bis cob leaguu in tho Senate, whoso votes on tariff questions, in our opinion, totally disqualify ond fcleopy hearers, 1 presume, aro seldom him for worthily n 'presenting: our Slate in fouud in his church, as he would givo tliem ! the councils of the Union ,. , . , . , ! Hundred, 1 hat tho that.ka cf this meeting but little time to compose their nerves, ns he ttrt t,UPi U)J l() hhy mU.r,.di to ull ,,,e rapidly elucidates every subject ho touches members of Congress of both Houses who witli Iiv.dv incidents nml illnstr.itior.a of ' have miVi. eat. l, mid nro Still ready tn advi -' cu to, llio cause in too itileresl ol wiileu we scents in every day life, "from grave tn guy, and from lively to severe." His language is choice and well expressed, though he does not, at times, hesitate to usu the commonest expressions. His style is peculiarly his own, and so versatile that it could bo adapted to almost any purpose. Much of his great euc- uro now iis.-finUeil. t'T Tut Military Lkcami'mknt. The WiHiamsport G'a:ttte says "there in every in dication that tho military encampment to be held at this place, iu September, will bo the largest ever known in Pennsylvania. The cess is no doubt owing to tho happy, quaint ! orders of Gov. Fucker and Adjutant Geueral nnd original manner in which ht illustrates Wilson have been published throughout the his subjects of which I will refer to n few as ' Slate, and wo bavo tho intelligence from a reliable source that nootit sixty companies have already reported to head-quarters their a specimen. Speaking of the mercies of God and the mysterious wnys in whieh he manifests him self to erring in in, ho illustrated the subject by comparing it tu the lost traveller in a dark and stormy night, to whom is revealed, by a sudden Hash of lightning, that be wns driving to the brink of a dangerous precipice. at tLroc o'clock, tho water was running over j Cu Coi.tr-1 iiailrond track into tin Ohio river washed f.wiy. Tua house.? were tumbling r vi-r a:.i w a-n.iig a'.vay. The south wing of ti..- new br.i k hi le! 1'eil abo'.'.t twelve o'clock ; terdy, aiid the lulu'iec of it was expected t , g las.', i.igut. The luos.1 sanguine eio not I ).uicl thnt al.', buiidinca Will Itiaaill stalid- as the river wa. rising rapidly. 1 learned a poibt tveuin leel uliove t j a'.'i..r II .1: fr--i irri '1'lv Mil. is -im' 'I'be Dow p.l.s regulaily Iowa and O.i'iawka had (,'3"TiiE U. S. Siri.i.MK CoiKT nut at Williarr.spi.'t'l, on Monday last. The tiia! of tho two young men v. i.o were arrestod in this place, several weeks ago, for passing counterfeit quarters, camo tip on Tuesday. two-and-a-half i On ednceduy nmruing they tdead cui'.ty. floor of tho o'liiing-rooin of the al,J wcro eontccced to sin inniiik' imnrisnn. o ..o il lo lit l lie sti eiiu diui v. ii.eut iu the western Penitentiary. They im plicate several olhein who, tLey suy, ore con cerned in iiucsiti" this siiiiriutis coin. War- l ut .i: is-i . u ri r'.. .liner cfi'.ver I ake, i. I . ,-, u K irlmi.l ,11 ' o i - l l Junction, tho present western Unmnus ol the , ra'its were issued for the arroft of the parties I luciii. and llurliiioton llailro.id u dij'.anct !, i ti .. i . , ,i .. . 11,'l'lllliLtU. I III J EI4HU iuqi mrj j;ui iitu intention to bo preseut. Gen. Wilson, when I in Williumsport, a fow weeks ugo gnvo it ad ' his opinion that tho occasion would bring together nearly or quito ten thousand sol l dier.s. This encampment is intended, as w ill ! bo teen by the general order.-, to en, brace the Tho fiat h of l.ght, though it came und went m.bUiry compauirs or tho entire htnte rot iu an instant, was sullicici.t to show him bis merely a singlo division as is usually the position, ond save him Troiii impending ele ! case and preparations ure being mudo hero struction. Fut, to fchow thut we did not ' onJ elsewhere accordingly. We anticipate always appreciate theso convictions or profit ! Fuch a n''litliry dis! ? 119 wiU bo bu!'J to 6llr- by them, he referred to tho chagrin and dis- j Pa5S iu rrd times. appointment of the boy, who with infinite tTi ThcUvm Notes. The ad. ion aim Hunger, ami consnieruoio mimnge to his raiment, hnd Miiceedod in climbing a it'cB niier a nnus nei, ana iouiju aiier an his labor nothing but an empty crow' nest of last year. The quaiut manner in which ! this was said, caused a suppressed titter I r.i 10I.I1AN AhT JlHT.-NAI.. The r f. r June, lit.ely illustrated, is ua our table. In, addition to n lurge amoutit of literary matter, two engravings of paitit. ; lugs to be awarded to the subscubt rs oT the i fn'th year, aro given. They tue eiilitl.nl, 1 ''Meditation," nud "The Last Hope," l oth ' fine works of art. Although the Association lo tho Association i great success. Tho Art Journal should have uu immense circulation, independent of its connection with tho Aso nation, for it intrinsic merit. l' i o.i'.rf 'I bo r.-iil ro.i.1 tine!: ih :iL ti.e bolt m o! an icvun el water for o dislai.eo j "'I'hey from a man named Collins, to pass lor oi ten in ;:;. This new bli au.or is now a reg- j tho half. ii lur rail:! a.i packet, coiibecting wilb moruiii'' - and e v-i.iug trains. Capt. Willuiibby re-I t Ci.s.v I'ert that the lihullowett water they louud ' docbto nuint i-i. .Moi.J.iy, was four b et, und tt.o nver Las r.;eu ha, I' bis m uc li more eitiee. .'jn::uka :. :,! tt.n-, 11.',. I :a- beat St. Lotiis bu.i another ferry bunt h i'. u mil le bi vera! trips from. Mound ttrett t i U.-ui'kl;. n and the coiintiy, and around it, i.e.: ri li.ii.t ,1 every tituu wiih several families. I he to u of ltriioklvn. which contain a i.on. i.iaiion of several hundred, cuiitained U. tllo.t money last year, it was only la couse- ivei.ir.gon.ytaulaini.ii3. 1 uo plaeo is de. ciiieLco of tho financial crlei.J, audits strict I ! .T'-rV . iota ia ; dvt.-rn.isti..a to fulfil its promise.' to iu w n. Ui to'ja pmce eonio wei-KS aco, Cannot bo . ,. , , ., ' ... . te. n. Oao of the ferry bouts "btui tod on a ! riltrous- J ho last fact has elevated it in tho trip tf relief, in thi; direction of Allen, and j esteem of ull, and this year promises to be wu io leiurn lati eveti.nit. From tho ti p of tho -U: Mound'' a won d. rl'ul view could lie had With a telescope. uroeiujn, or raitei ine tops ol the buuses, peepeil Irom the euifaeo ol the waate cf waters. '1 he rivi r is spread uway into tho country, to I Vihore the horizon is bidden by a bell of lues. ! Further up the nver, the uland bad dwindled lo a puny Hi7e. Woter every where piedo niuuted. Water covored everything, or sur Dur. led everything. Two Geimaus, noiinng, lioui tha Fig Uiod to take pussuge on the upper furry boat, at Urokljn, 'were drowued v bun alleuipting to cross on niulu back, to lead their live-stock to a place of tifety. F'Caui CArri o i y a Liow Snake. The c:,rrvpoodeul of aa eastern paper tells of the "uu oi a Air. A ben, in Clinton couniy, Iowa, caused by tb bruth of a "blow snake." Mr. A. being a now settler, was entirely ig r.omnl of tha "blow snake," and seoiug ono, la got close enough to strike it, when the tnka suddenly raised itself up and blew in its pursuer's face, causing Mr. Aben to in bale tlid brealb of the ivplile, poisonous enough to cause the death of the unfortuuate teau iu a ehu.t time. l'c potatoes are selling In Witconsio at S cents a bulbil, aad butter at 10 csuU pr '!:.!. through the congregation. Speaking of the mercies of God, manifold in many small ways, Lo referred to tho fuct that the mighty conceptions of Michael Angelo were, to Lim, less difficult than would have been the illustrations of simple subjects for tho in1-! ruction of children, und further illustrated hii subject by saying that the elephant, in tearing from trees immense branches with his huge trunk, cieulid no great surprise, because he was equal to the task, but nl.en, wilb the (nine trunk, ho picked up u sixpence, worn thin enough to become the beuu ideal cf a miner's contribu tion, the u i rorniai.ee was, indeed, wonderful. In the evening I wet:t to hear tho Fev. Mr. vertiscmebt for four millions of treasury notes ! which resulted in the bids which wero opened on the 14th inst., produced an offer of 2- I C3"i,000 or moro than seven times the amount demanded I The minimum ainour.t of inter est proposed for, by the couteslants for ti e loan, was 41 per cent, tho maximun, 0 per cent. The utnouut of offer, nt 4 per ccut., was S'2,7fiO,OI)0, which omouut was of course awarded ot that rate. The remaining $1. 250,000 of the loan was awarded prorata to bidders nt 4 per cent, who each obtained an eighth of the amount of their bids Thus thu whole loan was disposed of at u rate of interest averaging alittlo above 4 per cent. J'rct.i, lJh in:-t. Further ubout the Spr'-.ul of lbs Ml.Uljipl ia Illinois (From Ihc Pt. fouis Dcmocr-it, Jieie Iftlh.) TI .-pi.i t:i ti of lUinoistow ii opposite our city und. r water was completely dotted yes terday with crafts of various descriptions con veying parties to Mid fio. nnd engaged in res cuing poods from stores and people and furni ture from (lw.t!ings. The force of the curreut was much gu ater than formeily, and yawls were frequently driven ngninst the trees. A party sounded the depth of tho water all the way to thu bluff, and found at no pointless than eighteen inches the shallowest places being pn the railroad tracks. The yawls start ed from opposite the foot of Maiket street, and went from thence almost directly east. Father to the north, ubout a mile, fivo feel of water cai ha found for a distaneo of leu or fifteen miles. The bridge at the lake was reported still firm, although there was water on it two feet deep. Pnppstown was a sccno of constant lighting, on Sntday, and several bodiej of drowned persons had been picked up in that neighborhood. A lurmer on the ooruor ol Goose lak diovo thiiteeti head of cattlo out to the bluffs, but they swam buck and were I drowned. (!kamncst3 Oitovial a nil ScUttcij- Hot The v.eiul.ir. Still infest our streets A few Logs. Where's the hoc Ci iistublo. There is a crest demand for women in Or ogoti. Horse thieves ere about in some parts of the cotictv. Lock your stables. Jenny Lind recently gave- birth to twins a boy und a girl. It is said that Charcoal is a coitain and speedy relief to a burn. child on'v four wars old died a few days since iu Poiuvillu from intu::icatioti. It is thought that we will bavo telegraphic Comniuuicatiou with England ou the 4th of Julv. Tho largest ox ever tlaughtered in Penn sylvania weighed when dressed 2100 lbs. Wm. Wulkor is organizing another filibus ter expedition. The population of tho City of Wa.hingtotl is now eswmuUd at 70,000. It is feared that lirighum Young has been actini; possum wilbtbo L. S. authorities. Grant pouscsics strong claims upon the si: llVac.cs ol all partie. , j KEOISTER & RECORDER ANDCI.ELIC It la certainly tune that tbr reooleshouid select ' .... ,. ,,,,,,,, ,. ., ,..,..,,. their own officers from among the people, lav I l U1L OMHA.Ns CUM. aside partv pr judicca ; no loncer be governed ' ' hereby amiHuncc tliat I present myei'.f to tli.i bv party factious or tics. It is then, utul then , L'eni.icracy of the county for nomination at tho only, we may expect the' riijht men. Keat ns approaehin; primary e.ctiun. !avin bad es sured that the people of old Slinmokin township j pcence lor a number i f vears, and b. in,; tl.e know Mr.Crant, and fully appreciate bis lubors I present incumbent, I flatter me self iliat I wou! I and many act of kindnesa while acting aa Dcpu- l,e able to render general satisfaction tj ti.e ei'.i tv in the office, and therefore, bearlilv join Lower i ut KJlJ county, ami if nominated uu J ol. rt AuKiistii in iireacnline him to the oeofle for their ! rJ ' u my best abilities to perioral ihe diiii.s consiJi-ration MIA M (.'hi A. June 23d, 1859. Hot Weathkr ! Phew ! but the weather i. hot. All that wo bavo ever read about solid flesh melting, dissolving nnd thawing ; fervent heat, coup de totfrl, hot as blazes, and oil that sort of raloriGed thing, comes into our mind in such weather as this and makes us long for shady groves, cool retreats, Ocean's surf, ico cream, mint julep's, or, best and most effective cf all, the .Summer Clo thing for gentlemen and youths, made by Kockhill Jfc Wilson, Nog. C03 and COD Ches bul sl.cct. of the office. C. BOYD FIX 8unburv, Junn 26. 1653. l.L, CJ MONTIIOMKIIY'S I'li-TKICT. In tl)0 Cofl- gressioual district, in western Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of Washington, Fayette and Greene, tho l'emccrats nomi nate their party candidates by popular vote. This has just been done, to decide upon the General I.azear, who Chimin, who is m.t oi.lv nn m ciiioi.lisbed ! nomineo lor cetigr. ss writer, but Las tho reintalinn of beinf Ihe I was tUO A ll in ill if 1 1 ut ion candidate., received .ou ,.lo.,nf ,.r.l fiol.br.l !.,; ,.r.ne in I majorities of 817 in Greene conuly, and 31 New York. 1 had listened to him before. U i while Montgomery received 2700 hi doctrine, he is a universalis!, and numbers Jy " Washington, and thus secures his members ond admirers, Horace 1,10 """u" UuWueay's V.'; Litei dioiast s of all kindj t!nl tn ti e (l.'stnu tion of that organ, fonif. times it ij reduced to a mere shell, which a blow would break up, before the disorder kills the pa lici't. Purely none but a madman would lie Elect euch a complaint until the fatal crisis arri veil, when nc had at hii command an unfailing remedy, llollowny' P.lls produce a moie po tunt effect upon the liver than any other medicin al compound, .vegetable and mineral. The symptom of bilious mahdice are yellowness of the eye and skin, pain in the right side, and, iu remittent cases, chills and fever. Any bumiii being thus afflicted mav cole himself within ten days by taking llolloway's Pills in conformity with the directions. A'sck lift I A'-he can be cured by tho use Of EilVAI.L's r, ilvani.i oil, in from 5 to 20 minutes. Sore bieusts and Soro Nipples are cured snnudly by the use. of tho Galvanic Oil, and it will remove all sore and pain in a few niinntes. Aocxra tor Vv Vt.L's OaLvkxx O l Fritine Grant, A. W Fisher, IV. 11. II. M;Cay, C. Weak, 11. D Maize, l!fji!treiaet Hull. Asthma. Thi3 most disheartening com plaint has been cured in many instances by tho use of Wistar's F.alsamof Wild Cherry. Surely any thing thnt afford relief from this painful diseaso will bo hailed as a real blessing. For sale by A. W. Fisher nnd FrilingA; Grant, Sunbury, Hays & McCormiek, McKwensvillo, Hr. IL B. McCay, Northumberland, John F. Caslow, Milton. rSSI.OOO II KWAR II will be p'mt for nnv MeJ.cine thai will er-l IMIA1 I' .V 1.1.1 1 III. U S Mit.lC ulL tor the f.'llowii'g d.acc.si-s: I: l:cu::ialiini. Nturt.'e:M, l Mpii.al Aff.-clion, Coiitrnciid J. nils. I'll . he Funis, l'mu. ill the Sa!e .,i H.-u-k. llciul.tlilic, T'.'ildnche. h rnins, ! -re i f . , ,, i nriwi, k. uis, in ins. s, ijiirns, and an nist-Hscs ol me sum : ,vir. coipeizer, loimerij oi cuiou yv., i a., : MuK!le, j ,.c ,;:a,.,la. Pt.nie wiibom U.e ng- 1'iAY COW AND IIE1I FEII. rAMH to the premises of the subscriber, on i r about the litli day of June, in .h uno- kin township, Ntrlhiui'lerlHtid county, a black Cow and a red lleilVr. The cow is about eleven and the beillVr about two years old. 'J'liey both have a star on the forehead and are wh.io :.!i,.i,t the belly and bind parts. Tlie owner is requested to come f. rwaid, ptove property, pay charges and take Ibem wav. LEWI.i CHAMBEKI.l.V. Sbamokin twp June 21, lSoS 2ui AND TRANSP0RTATI02 LINE. HODS Hhit p.d from the Wan bouse cf ST FREED. WAR U A- III EE D, No. fill Matl.tt street, above 8th st., Plnladelpiibi, lo all iiiteiuiediate points abng the railroad, to Su.i bui and Norlliuuibeilaiid in particular, willioj. transhipment and at flic lowest rules of freight. All order thankfully icceived and promptly attended to, and (iovds carefully deliieied to ail Merchaui and others. FREDERICK SCULLY, Juno 20, lo8 3111 Tia:isp.,rler. fuelio isroi;icijEl" TOTICE is hereby that the ULIN!".S RFj. I.ATION.S, heretofore sul si.-tinr; betwern William Weimer and tha inJi. r.-ijtioJ, in the Drui; Store nt Nortliutnberlrir.cl. have, by iiiu'n.i: consent, this day (June 7th, lHo.) cr-iseii to exist; and the Books and accounts will le.uain fur sclllemeiit and collection iu tbe hui.ds ol ll.o aubsciit-er, who will continue lo carry on the buiiivis at the ol i stand. KOHERT B. Met.' V. Norlhumberlatid. June 20, IS5S. riU)CLAMA'lK)N- V OT1CE is hereby giieu that thu sev, ra! Courts of Common Plea, lieneral Ijenr'.er c3essions of the peace, and Opi bans' Court. Couit of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail D. liver. , in and for the county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court II. use, m tin bureup.li ..! Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, tl;a 2nd dav of AUUL'sT next, and will ew.inuo ONE WEEK. Tha coroner, Justices of the Pence and const i ble in and for the county of Nortluimoerhiml. .ir' requested to lie then and there in ll.e:r ro.'.-r pc:-. sons, with their rolls, records, ir. j'.iis.u.'i.s. : -1 other remembrances, to do those tlnn.: to i n and lately ouo of Montgomery's ruffians, was . naiureni i'mn v lii iciini attuehed to rurh I.hi.pI everal oil'iee appertainin j to be amoiij Gieelcy, of tho Tribune, os a regular attend ant. As will be F.ccti by the heudirg of this let. ;.y Tho Fresidont has appointed Henry L. Acker, F.sq., editor of tho Democrat Standard, Postmaster, ut Pottsville, Pa., in ter, 1 have tukeu up niy quarters at Taylor's j place of Michael Cochran, F.sq., whose nomi I nteruatiotnil Hotel, and must say that I I nation was withdrawn from tho Senate. have never been in a Hotel where I have jr W oeimrat Wookc The Harrisburg Telegraph say : ' W e recollect tbat.a few year ago, when our r.ulional anniversary occurred on Sunday, the chuir ol" the church which we thai day attended, sung our national anthem "Hail Columbia" previous lo the commencement of Ihc tegular exercise. Upon any oibir occasion it w ould have been out of plat ; but it then ap pealed to u, a the ptriotie, thrilling word of that okl song swelled through the bouse, accom panied by th deep and rolrmn nutea of lbs or gan, not inappropriate lo the bouse of God. Th entimeiit of the ong I high-ton. J and moral occorditig to the God of battle Ihe whole meed of praise for a naliuu' deliverance, and inculca- tins; aomeof ihe beat leuon of life. A lb na tional tSabbatU.il baa been tuggeated thai it would nat be ii.proptiale lo blend with Christian exer ciaea some little thai would be txpreasiv of the o:cion, both in the pu'j it and ihni 1 Wcull p'Ve v ions ' enjoyed so much of the comforts mid quiet of borne life. This Hotel iB kept ou the Fu- ropean plan, und is patronized by many of the first cluss of our citizeus. The chambers are provided with every convenience and comfort, und in the mtiguificent euloons bo low, cuu bo had every luxury of the season, as well as niuny out of season. The luto crisis in money affair, was more severely felt iu New York than anywhere else, yet New York is doing now a better biuiuees than most of our cities. The truth is, the recuperative euergies of this great city ate such that she cauuot be depressed any lengiu ol lima. ew York is the centre of commerce aud trade in this country, and her great wealth, backed by an untiring en. terpriso, will always enable her to maiutain her ascendancy. CblT Lev. Dr. Malcom has sold his Mansion property in LewUburc, for $7,200. to thu I w idow of the late Je'au CLauibatlia. Tun CoruT am tiik "Consi'iracy" Casks. Tho charge of Judgo Hegins in the cose of the miners under trial this week in the Court of Schuylkill County, charged with conspira cy to compass a lawful desire by nuluwful means, namely, to obtain higher wages by coercing other workmen to stop work, was eminently just ond roper. We canuot but commend the action ond firmness of the Court lu this mailer. While treating with lenity, this week, tho men convicted of a Crbt offence, the Court stated distinctly, that a repetitiou would bring upon tho heads of the offcudors the severest peiiultiea of thu law. This is ri"ht. The strong arm of the law must check demonstration mischievous in character, injurious to the workingmen, and disastrous to the trade of tbe Uegiou. Alinert' Journal, M cn a i. A wakoi.d. Tbe grand gold medal of tbe Uuited HtaU Agricultural Society, was on Friday last presented to O. IL Mc cormick, of Chicago, llliuoia, lor tue Deal reapiog machine, exhibited al the National field trial of harmest implements, at Syracuse N. Y., last summer. Tbe presentation took place at tbe office ot the society, la Yk atbiog tuu. D. C. ' shot and killed iu Kansas Ho was married to a Mi.-s Urwig ncur Miflliuburg. Hkatii op as Aiibi) Cimns. Appollos Woodward, Ksq., formerly Associate judge of Lycoming county, died on tho 21st inst, ut bis residence, Williumsport, in the 84th year of bis age. Judge Woodward emigrated to Willlamsport, from New Jersey, mora than hulf a century ago. Ho hud been'twice married and loaves severul children tome of them very young besides u number ol grandchil dren aud great-grandchildren. Focus halves aud quarters are nearly as numerous us the geuuino coins of these de nominations. They are easily detected by their extreme lightness, nnd the rich greasy feel they have when passed between tho thumb aud linger. A Grateful Tkiki'te. Mr. Wm. Evanri now a resident of Boston, Mats., has recent ly mudo a dou .tion to tho town of Smitblield, in that Stale, of 810,000, as a grateful tribute for the support ut himself aud parents by said town, timing his infancy and childhood. His parents, w.lb himself aud other childreu, were paupers iu said town and were for many years were supported by it. Efit.cts of iiik Floods os thr Crops. The St. Louis (Mo ) Democrat thinks that thu danger of a material diminution of the grain crop of the West, in consequence of tbe recent freshets and overflows, is being much overrated. It says : "Iu 1851 there was pre cisely euch a Hood as now prevails not sub siding till the first of July aud yet tbe re ceipts of corn and w heat at St. Louis in tbat year, were fully up to the average during the five years from 1&40 to 1653." Mas Killed by a Womax. Oo the 5th instant, Hugh WiUon broke Into the dwel ling or a man named Fraubao, who was lying on a tick bed, in Weston, Mo., and commenced cboking aud beating him. Ills wife, Mary branhan. eired a club and attacked Wilson, beating him so dreadfully about tbe bead tbat be died iu a few minutes. She was examined before several justices, who discharged her from cuatody oa the ground of "justifiable Uouiitido." I'mieipal i.tTic, Sell Wuiluiiiilon trest, IironLivn, .New York. S M Ly Albert W. Fisher, Diuggist, Market itreet, Sunbury, Ci This is to certify, that I have mtido but one application of the Magic Oil on my fingers, which bavo been drawn from contrac tion of tho cords, brought on by rheumatism. It was of seventeen mouths standing, anj 1 now entirely cured. 1 cheerfully recommend it to all ulUictud likewise. J. M.FINHROOK, j Harrisburg, 72 Locust street, j July 2f). 1&.V7 Iy. KIlOTMl & II IKr.Il'S CF.l.F.r.r. ATKD FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, ?5 BROADWAY, NF.W YORK. 730 CHLSMT STltF.F.r, I'Hlf.ALillf.PIIIA. IT These Machine arc now justly admilleJ to be the best in use for Family Sewing, a new strong, and clastic stitch, which will not rip, even if eyery fourth stitch be cut. Circulars cut on application by letter. Agent Wanted. MARRIAGES. And , witnesses prosecuting in behalf of ihe Co:o:i:. :.' wealth against any prisoner are al .o rciiuc-:. -.t -u. 1 commanded to be then and there a'teii.tiug in thm proper persona to prosecute u.iiiist lain, us sln'l be just and not to depart without ii.ivc al t!i. :i peril. Jurors are requested to bo pmuiual iu t ' - attendance, at the time appointed a;i'u'.i'. le t. their notice. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the Jflih dy of June, in the year oi cur Lord one tli oi and eigh' hundred and illiy-cight and t'.ia Indeiwndeucc of the Unite J Slates of A me. id tho H2d. God sue tl Coniin nwe i.th. JAMES NDKE, Shei-.f. Sheriff Olfice, Sunbury, ) June 2I, ji LIST OF CAUSES IOR trial in the Court ot Common l'ie is o N.,rlh.iml eilalld Col.litv, to be held at Sun bury, on tha first Metidsy PuisTtira. At Y'ork, Pa., ou the )th inst , by the Rev. A. II. Lochman, pastor of tho 1st Lu theran Congrepation, G. J. Piper, of Mc Ewensville, to FillLY C, daughter of the offi ciating clergyman. In Philadelphia, on the 9th inst.. by the llev. T. Stork, D. D.. Hksbv IL Asumeabo Mary A., daughter of Mr. Jobo Acipacb, Jr. The editor of this paper, with perhaps several hundreds of others, bad tbe good for tuce to be present at an elegant entertain, ment, the same evening, at the splendid mansion of Mr. Aospach, in Broad street. The happy groom, with his accomplished bride, left next morning for aa excursion to Niagara and other places, and are, po doubt, .enjoying the full functien or hope and joy tbat a hppy nnioo never foils to perpetuate 1 August, l-o". Di i tMi rs. l.ibn Ki. bb J Elizabeth Seiler'a chillrotl vs. yar r ,,, P.i.-r nickeaon vs Shriller John Bowen Alexander Colt, Jame Eager, t al, s J. Ii. Massrr, vs John A Llod, vs Jumes Vandyke, ,, i vi i i,.s. liaunit .ii i'. . vVohertoniUT Clement va I r.g Ionian. Jan.e.Maion v. Plnla A Sunburv K M -Thou... Derr ;'-'' Wm Lon.x.&c v. W m 1. llelleiistcn, G M Flemaiing &C, vs W m L Il.Itensiem H F Reilv ic , 'IU.' r l illiaiii I- b-ewar-., vs Ralph Bogle i i al v William Aires' a Jin r. vs Henry M- Rob. us, a Charle llellenstein, vs John S Petenuaii, va Jo Hol'.'iuau'a a.lm'r v John P. Pursel, v W. G. Kas el al v John S Snyder, v J. i arnsivoiiu ei v.. Haag .V Brown Edward Groaa John 11. Fox Sarah Miller 4 co. Ira 'I'. Clement Isaac Brown Dtboiah llujzy liazzard ck Slarick Reuben Tsgely William Wolborn Carbon Run Imp. Co Isaac Brovn v Abraham buaun, DANIEL BUCKLEY, Fictby, Prothonotary'a Office, Suubury, Juue I'J.lsti- i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers