0 c t x n PEUISCIIKAN'S PIIILOIOPIIY mi est near mackaz. dt johasxe rntMZ i os r. k norms. I've ti l.dlar vol I spend, Bat I've nothing .ir to lend, Fir I infer borrows Holing, don'l j ou see, Vnlin bchtni.lt , I've n pr.uMy lid.llc fiow, I'll I've vriend in plenty now, Vn a tot of ptrJJy children ut wine Kite.;, Yohn (Schmidt ; I've nothing to desire, Yen I stl posite mine vice, t m-hmokc mineself into a slilceirg stale, V.jIui Schmidt ; I'm so hippy vol can b", tij you Ifkti now iy mo, I'll In I II III' 1 1 VHU Not I Ilivp. 1111 Ynl t hate, Yohn Schmidt ; I love ilcr lager Virr, t il it's coinl. tin isn't dear. I fan trink 'pout sixty glasses i:i a Jay, Job oennmn j lint hate der liquor law, (Soach a ding I ne'er saw.) A would i!nkr oil r schnapps un lager all away Yolm Schmidt i I lovo a Doutvlion song, 'Pout a hundied verges long, Slit a chorus for a tousmd voices, too, Yolm Schmidt ; Dot I hate der snulno- psalm, Vol isn't vortli a kreuiz-r. For to zing it mokes jour v,iro grow long un 1'lue, Yolm Schmidt. I love mme Deutsehrn fooil, Yaw! I likes it btitlv coed. Der Fprck un cauerkrnut, un subit t-t.nt-h, Schmidt ; lint I ham der milk nf schwPI, L'li der n cat dry in let kill, Fur it dies pcloie dcy've dime t hit a Yoli, knock, i ulin ti Imi.ilt ; I love der hrcttv fl m ors, Vot grows in g ir.ton bowers, Der cabbage, un der radtc-h. un der beet, Yolm ftihu.idl; I'll I hates der toad.-: un frogs, Un der sausage ma!c of dogs, Un efcyding vol isn't good to eat, Y'ohn Echini t. Now I've got a little shtore, t il I sit pt loro der door, l"n I sells der pr.indy schnnpps un rctzel cake, Yohn Schmidt; I n 1 dinks I'll bu'.tv soon, Jl il a lager luer saloon, dori vot bienty money 1 vill make, Vohn Schmidt ; I n ven enough I've got, 1 vill puy "a Iniusc un lot," In Un corner grocery' J'il have reside, Yohn Schuiidl ; I.n so happy I vill be, Miiii.ini! scliildn u by mine knee, Slit mine money, un mine t'r,,v. but init no jri.li-, Yolm Schmidt .V. Y. l'icaytint: u in 0 v o u s . ' Ah !" saiil Mr8. Piitiiiutnii, as she Ftnoil looliini! at the placards stuck all over a fiotit of the store, advertising damcced gondii for sale. It wus Dot a hig 11, lilto' those which Uctors begin thoir proscriptions with, but the simple ejaculation ''ah '. ' nnd as she said it, peoplo goina; along litoticJ to what she LaJ to say. "'I his," cmilinuod she, running on liko a wheelbarrow, "is what is meant by Mr. Jacqneths, when the says, 'sweet are the uso of advertisemcuts,' but" flud here 6ho butle 1 against the word "duinngeil," making two syllables of it, with a profane coLstruc tion on the first, that mudo tier hold up her hands in uoualilied horror. "But, though the goods are ngod, I iluu't see the use of puttintr it qni'e so Btrcu? so much stronger than the goods are, I dure pay." Iko litre pulled hor sleeve, nt the Eame time kicking a big dog on the nose who was smelling at her "redicule," and the old lady moved on a'liid the crowd. l'oETtCAi.. In a certain well known city a poetical genus was hauled tip before the magistrate for k;ssinii girl and kicking up a dust rani the fullnwinc dialogue ensued ; your name .lohti Jay? Yes, your hoiu r go the the people fay. Was it you that kissed the gill uud raised the alarm ? Yes, your hnuor, but I lliou-jl.t it was no harm. You rascal, did yon come here to make rhymes? Xo, your honor, but it will happen some times. Uo off, you scamp, go out of my pilit Thanli'e vour honor, then I'll bid you good night. A Lesson i.v Grammar. ".lack, did yon ever ftudy grammar V "1 did sir. ''What case is Mr. 1) T' "lie's au objective CH.se. ' How so? "Because he objected to pay his subscription that's been owing for three years auJ a In. If. "11 f.ht What, is a noun V "Don't know ; but I kn 'W wh it renown is. "Well what is it i" ' limning r0' without paying the printer, and gettiui; on the block litt as n delinquent." "Good y What is u conjunction'.''' "A method of col lecting outstanding subscriptions in conjunc tion with a coublable, never employed by printers until the last extremity." "That's right! Go lo your seat, and quit shooting puperwads at the git Is." Wakh Monky. A good looking Irishman stopping at a hotel to warm him-eif, inq ilrcd of the landlord "what is the news." The landlord, disposed to run upon him, replied, "they 8iy the devil is deud." "An mre," jays l'at, ' that's news unlade." Shortly Bfter, he wen' to the bar, laid down somo coppers and re?iuiicd I. is seat. Tlie landlnrd, always rea!y for a easterner, nski'd him what he would ta'ie. Nothing at all," said l'at. "Why then did you put this motley here?" "An sure, sir, it's the custom in me own Couulhry, when a chap loses his daddy, to . j:ivo him a few copp. rs to help him pay for the wake," Hoys are fpnietitr.o endowed with re.-rinrk-nhlo memories. We know a family iu this city, consisting of a girl and one boy the letter about 7 years old. They were titling o:io evening around the table, engaged in telling each other l ow far back they could recollect. The little girl recollected when the had a "Jolt that cried." The boy here (poke up, and EaiJ that b s recollected worse man mat. "now mute, ui'i down voices in a breath. "Why, I recollect four weeks before- 1 was born, uud 1 ciied all thj time, for fear I'd be a gal !' "Mary, my love, do yon remember the text tbw morning ; ".No, papa, i iiever can ie mombur the text, I've sncli a bad memory." ' Mary," said her mother, did y.u m-ticc hu mu lirown'.'" "U, yes. What a fright! .She had on her last year's bonnet done up, a pea jtreen biii;, a black lace maiitiHn, biowu waiters, an imitation llotiition collar, a luva bracelet, her old car drops, aud tucli a fan ! V, lay!" Mother "WlI!, Biy dear, your memory 13 improving." "Whifkerottes" is the natna given to"beao catchers" worn by the girls this spring, for lack of whiskers, moustaches, or t;oatei . T Ley are umiiu by drawing down little tuft of hair from tU iciuj Un aud farming theui iuto scollops. Why will America's emblem outlive those of l-.nglaud, I ranee, lrelund, and Scotland t uetausa iue rose luustfadntfce lily droop the thamrock ilie the tbiutlo wither, but ttie (tan are fcternal. There li a Quaker in rbiladelphia to up nghl tbt be wou t .U dowu to hu meals. CV1 STRING ARRANGEMENT. LACKAWANNA & BL00M8BURQ H.R. VFFOItliINd superior facilities fir Irnvcl lo New Yolk, Philaileiph n, and llie Norlh and Wcst.bv imii-ltectn-nnt r-'eraat-in w it li llie trains of the l)elnwnre I.ne'nvcsunn Bid Wie-fcin Ituilrecd Company i n'so for travel S uiui nut Nut over I lie- Ciittuwism, Willinnispurt titl Krie huiiioad mid connecting trains GOING NORTH. N V. Aceommo illivii. rtiilniVa. MaU. S 10 P.M. Ler.v lie pert, H t. Mini, Espy, Lime Rut.--, Berwick, lleai h Hav-u, F.etieh liiove, SliiekJiinnv, IIiiiiI ik r-i'iiTk, Wesl Nan'.ie kc, Fivluonlti, Airice :it li IMCM-al, Leave K merlon, Wioiritia, V est I'mitcn, 1 ' 1 1 1 f I . 1 1 , t.iirkuw nam, T.i I'itvi lie, Arrive tu Mint. 0 on A. M. a i ilo ,M ill it i it i to 3 flu v; 8 tU til :i.-i J ill III 6 4U e .sn ti it a 25 U .1" 3 55 4 (a 4 15 4 tm 4 .'.5 fi I'll S 3,1 do i t.-i r. m. f, ot f. .Ml 5 B un o to 0 20 0 : ft I L 10 !i S O It :m 1 t.- a to to lo ill III do lo 10 I'll 111 10 10 120 10 S'1 ito 3 15 do A .in il.i 'flu' Ni York Mini 'I'.-.ini eniiniH-li with ll.e l-.xjweM riiini! l;nl. on I). I,. ,V W. Itnilrnnd. Ainvi in New Yoik 7 15 I. M. do r;,i:.i,!-.:. loa, t.v Cimutfii i AmVor ru.iltoail, 1- nre it., m Unpen to New York it W. D.ijgng' elicck ...1 1 1.,. t, I Ti. '. ,.',n,,n.i.'i.iif.n Train Xnrlh. C'i'lirrts at Pi rai'tMi tli ! r Dx, roil Tiiun West, on lue U. L. Ai V . Kail '"'' COIXC SOUTH. in,iii. Aceornmo- N. Y Mail, on I' M. in il Lciive Tayl-rvi.'.-, I,ai-l-av;'i'.i.n, I'ltiUt"!!, W e 1'nts;. n, yaui :ir. An i'.f at Jilti .'sli'll, 1 .itl c KliHt.-lon, I'ii in mill, , .Ml!.'. k. Ilirii,., 1'i'k .Vail ilation P (in A. M 10 ill ii no a M 11 45 On 12 I'll M. l'J 15 I' M. Iti 30 ilo t 10 ilj 1 en ilo 4 4 4 JO ilo t- r.ll 6 -to ilo ilo flo 4 ru 4 35 4 to o eo i to 10 ."0 it ii 11 15 II 15 11 .'ill l'J 10 in 1 K Ml VJ 0 l'J 0 S 00 do 6 00 a is S III G All 7 20 7 tn il.i In !- '. M. Ilo II.. in, limit, lliaih ll.ivna Hi-rwi'-k, I.inu Ki.L'f, !:'?, llliiolil. f 15 t 45 e io 0 15 Atrn'i-d nt Hubert, 1 I (I 9 15 Jo Tl'e l'tok-ti'lploa Mail Tin in ft--iar: ank. C'-ann'rt with Ike Mail Tratii nt Kupeit, -ninir 1'i.t at t in P. M. lor CiUawijir.i. 1'oit I'liiOi'ii. r-il' ii;L- t(i:uliji', ,V c. artiv inft al IN.HaiV!i!ii'i, nt i- ::5 P. M. AIr i with Mail Train g.-mi: Writ at :l o'l lm-k t'. M. lor Ieii illv, .Mi.lon, Maii c, Wiiliaiiiiiort nial liliniia. l'usfif iierrs by tin.-1 o'rlock V. M. Tram cuirnr South can take the 1 1 oVl.uk P.M. l-ixpieni train toi l',!iniin mill llie Ve-'l, ni l".l;;e nl inoninni.nrir nmt lak,' ihe 4 o' i l.M-k A. M. Twiiii i;. nng r.ast, :irrivili(t at Ph.kitli-liHMa or Han i.tnlrg ut I'i noon, f. J. l.r.Avr.Nwo'tTii March ID; 1 .-. dn SiiiiiitciiJi-iit. FARMLUS OF rKNNSYlA' AM A ATTENTION ! Tou enn aupi'ly yiMirnlv'9 with CliciiM'-nl Manner, AvurnmtiHl pine, which h;iu lifen in tiu-rifMiil use m New Jtirtiuv I'T tiie (..t' L'Vru Vtji.- liv. li-ivt- rcrcivctl the Dll'l'-OMArs .1 .Itiscv. .N w K. I' .iv:.i'f.:M I'einnyh aii.ii Aim l-j u it n - I tu t.tF. n..i i:,vv ic-n i-- by tin1 'Prfa-itlfiit t i the t'iuv.1 ri tu., t n his i.Jai n niui on tli; J'ubhc (irt'iiu'ls ;it W uttiinf.U'ii, I). C , UiiU by the ;.ig OtiiliL-lf.ui Viz; Z. Kne'.p. K (j. ) A V. 1isln i, Ci i!itn-roRo" New Jerit y. J L ii J bt-uni'ir liMhtrtfJ, 1 S'm, Mi,!tT( if Cupe tnuin'l, New Jcricy. L'l.r.S V.-Iri, J IliiS Iii'i.iul, Vsq . rnri,.!-;ii N.J, Pi . Utiica. Pr Knii;iit. .Mr. I 'lc.'l. Mr A tkuis.'ii, tu: l.ivi JttniF"n. uV. v( S'.'v.- .tcrt-e; '!i' -y E:ty it $ un i'li'flp-st iiml mrst n-lrihtc M. iiitiie ii w in I re. I'fuH' ju t iu;iM-itt mitl itnj-ni hig tiiv I;ii,1 liy eiir,i-i:.n '.he ul 1 1 is t'.i M l ii Hie vurn'Usei-' u r;n !,(. CN in. IVtnt'TS, (iruss, Wliejit, ll.tls, Are. Jly cncltiKinp ( lit-ck, i'ii nny New Jeiscy m 11. iimVii Haiik i'i u'fctf.K if ;i;iy p,.ti JI iii.t; in l'!ih!"'f phiii t r m ix finnue i i I'riMf'ice, a; l.nr .Alurket r;it'F here, y-uir iiu-ra will he nii.t hinipt.(l to yon, liee oi I'uitiigu t-Apcnse LThi'cn article told Ou we xs GuarmUeedJ) P:t;.er l'lr'spl'-.tt uf Lime, SHI w n mn iJtuiC I'll .jpliale. t- JU 'U a " Anieuean i"iitiii.cr, '-'j UJ a u I?" A UARHKL IS SfTFlCIENT FOR AN ACKU OK IHIOLM) liRUAJJ CA4'J' -Puro liont! Putt, (OCU binds now n:adV;) at S i CO $ct bairel ir S.I.J. tun. i utlutte, No. 1 ("(Xi hoirc! now rvatly,) nt S3 to T3 & hnrrel 1 nuU ri'.-'rr Nit. 1 1 POO l.arrcU, at &1J to fe!2 aliurrcl l't Ahll. h:'M U l'cuuiJit, I'jl.t'juiii mA Cliiiii'U O I A N O . O'lUlU-t: A. IXINAU. l'T.piictor No. 31 South FRONT Sire -t, riiibilelphm City, I'a. nr wiiori'Mi i; i-i'Ai.r.ns ai.lowlp aliu- KKA!. I1S ut NT. I'aiiipSh-is cini l huI tui aj, tliealion to my Ofik-e, ot cf in v Auents. A Cash Bcmnksk Kxci.vsivn.v. c rt MI I. I S ADAMS. S. i:. O. i.ii i of r.ieluhmut Aieli Sneets. IMn!:ulr!j!iia, infninis lnii iM e'l'.aii'rs. sml 1 llie bu if. of l)lt lillllllS OKM.KAI.l.N , Hint hi-is Ii. iklcLt e.ltiu CM-iti'iiiH for ll.e iirosei'illlon of I is lei a! il'-ss tlie ci iiiiniz leniion. an t in ordei' to enable him I pau-li ise eOOi'iS (IT CAIl, IIIUl Sell tlli'lll lit lilt 1 OH K-T MlUKKT I rici s. le.- has il, eule.1 t si'il at tlie sui-illi'st p.ifcul.k' ailcanct; (V l'oa Cash I'xi l csii r.l.Y I .1 He lias uih,;:cil tin- pi.ee ol nr-:-t of the lioods ill Stol'N anil lias ii' v o;icn many N l;iv I ioolis, sintnjiu lor tlie ska-on. 1,, '.vtiieil will be uiaile ilinlv aililt' i-ns f.are w.'l l e I a.-eieici! m' Oe l'KlKNLls nud Piain l'l:i:siS '...-u-raliv, as l-i '. . i. NKW it:F! mnii. MIWVI.?, I.INFNS. a.:d FI'ltMslllMi (iooiiSifiu y. l'i:r.-liaic; w ill loiil ureal tun a.ili".' in cji'ini.' ca iarl :t 1 1, tlie ni'-tto I illg "UK liin.l'lc tilljicncc It ti'!t-l l:. an ti.e slow sii',;i:i:r .:1 'l lie situation is r.-lOnil. flail ll.e store Will bgl.lid. .March oT, 1 :)iu;t', w. FLOUR AND FEED ! SPRING A R R A N O E M E N T. rFlIE subscriber has recently made an enlarge - mint in his store room and has jo.'t received a fre-h lupplv of Flour and Fcul, CorVnncal, ) c His sti-ck eonists of Corn and lve, Corn ami Oats, nn 1 Cum CHOI, lioltcd Corn Meal and biu liwhe.it Flour in sacks, all of which will be told low rul! CASH. Also, the Ed and Cheapest assortment of Flour in this Market, from Fl E to SEVEN DO. .LARS per Ilarrtl, ai'coidiiif. lo quality. .ll.-o, a l it cl Flour iu saiks at very low rati s. 1'he subscriber assures Ins eusloineie. that his arrangements fir getting Western Flour enable him to give thciii brller satisfaction or better bar gains than can l e n!t lined cl-cwhere. Doing thankful 1 r past patronage, he hopes to merit and contiue to receive th favor of the public neiicially. C. O. HAVEN. Market Si.piare, feuuburv, March .20, lPoS. NETT CASH DRY GOODS HOUSE. IT- Ul'K.MNW Ol' tl'KIMJ OOOIS!JJ. I'.YHK A I.ANtH'.lJ., Fi uith A Arch Ms. I'lnlad'a , are icw i uiaiug u lun ?o--k "f New GdoiIj for Spring of 1353! F.::ll!(i.. IM.I". SPI.'IV i.i HUH, Itl.Al'k SILK, lit l.itsi ... I.' " w i.lu, ,-rini; tiu-.s ij -m's, Ni-iv .-r es, hi iWiH. iu nil llie ' l i.i s-t;. It s. In msli, rreii' Ii ami Aluei .'-an L .i'ot2e, Fill. 8'- i n ol F nnslie li ioi;-i. Full Mi ek ul l:iiiOn-uii Ijoiiils. N H. !!:;ry lilis III Se-iSi'ii ilile 'jOo:. I'aiU' re- eiv'cil fl 'in lie-At L'l ii 'S o New Y-! m JI'iiiW.'i'oi. F S .Nl I 'Ml 1 1 IAN 'IS, aie in; i'..u ! cXui-.n.e llicSnie 'I I II lis Nell l uiii ami i..'.v pneis. Failail, I, Ina, Mnicli l'J. 1.;- .inrhv. Prices Reduced to Suit the Times ! (LlS Willi K IW.'.N.) 7?.ri SI net alfu-t Third, 1 'Liladeljhia. 'IIF. Piopriet-jis i f ll'e al ve. wi M knowa cfubiuli 1 en m I nns lliuuklill l a I l c vcrvliln-r.il putr'ni ige bt. Sl.irt'l.l u,i II Ibi-lll III' p-o" yer. I .i e lint ll.-llnsl "I' in (..ulin ir n.i ii fin ids ami ll.e pieil.e la it 'ii') are still jae ii;i .1 lo .le.- icni.nlutc II ei i ll ... r.-.l ;ili a c.iil. luiii.g llie unci ii. nt Its 1 1 -ii us- has le'ea llioroin.il If l en .'. .itcii, niipi iyi mi nls i.i:u!e ui.it vliur cili nsiVc al- ter.i'ii as in cont- uil'l oi ai. We are il'U-iniiii.tl I" it V te our whole nltentu'li ti I usieets ai.ii ii.in..r ouu . 'ci a w nh tin- i-.-uv ic'.i. a lliat we sliail l ullc in eive tc-lL'(-'1 fcili:'acli.-ii. " Mill S A STOYKR. Ita."e t'Ucct, abava '1'iinil. TF-nMr1 -SI ip.rd v N. II. ran i iges will nhviiiiln in rimtiaen In c nvev Pussrieera loai.J ll au SteuiuO-ul lJUiduijjs and Huilr.mil Dep.. Is. -k 8- PliiUlitpkia, April 10, ls'59. Hin Baddlo and Harness tlaker. HENRV HAtTPT, JB. !jr ItESi'ECTFL'LLY inform the A vT', ciliiens of hui.burt and the pub I'T (--'iisw ''c generally. that ho ha taken LCitt ,), Mhip ociupied by liright and Deck, one door east ot S. I'aupt's Cabinet Ma ker shop where he is prepared to turn out work in hi line of bu.iues equnl to any made iu this section of the country. Older promptly execu ted and all kinds of produce taken in Enchtng Hunbury, March 10, lioS. - ly ANALYSIS CF LYON'S CATAWBA BRANDY BY A. A. 11 AYES, M. V., Atsayrr to lit Slate cf MaMarhuttttt. CiEHKtlAL ClIAItACTKR. A light yellowish brown-colored spii'it, having a fragrant odni when evaporated from clean linen it left no oil or nfl'ciiiuve matter. Anal zed for volatile and fix ed drugs, of w hich no truces of any kind were found. Its color ii proved to he due to a colored re.-in nil extract derived from wood. In every respect it is a pure spirituous liquor. The fragrance or bouquet which it possesses ran ho belated, and it then appear unlike that from Cognac llramly or Wine, being a fruity es sence resulting from a peculiar finnentalion of Catawba and Isabella Grapes. Ciikmicil CiuiiACTEii. 1,000 parts in vol ume of Ihis spirit contains at CO deg l 4G1 2 10 parts of pure ulcoltol, besides the fragrant oil. 1,0 III parts ol the spirit afford 211 parts of a strong solution of the oil which characterizes Ihis liran dv : the spirit 'eft, after removing the oil, is i.ure and odorless, nnd in all its qualities a perfect spi rit not subject to charge. One U. SS. gallon of this lirnmly nt till dec F. contains, besides the spirit and oil, only ""( grs. of matter composed of extract ol fruit, gum, and colored renin from wood. 7ostox, January 25, IS.'B, Dr. COM:, Mate Inspector of Oh'n, and Pr. Jas. ii. Chilton. Chemist, oflS'cw York, both j pronounce this to be pure It randy, and lice from all adulteration. For Medicinal pnrpoces Lynn's Catawba Uran dy hns no lival, and has long been Herded to su persede the poisonous compounds sold under t lie name of llramly. As a bcvcr,n;e, the pure article i altogelln r superior, nnd a sovereign sure reme dy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency,, Low ."Spirits, Lan guor, General Drbiliiv, e. c. Also, Klll'.l.llY'iS M ILL AMI SPAKK LI.NG CII AMPAGM:. These wines nic made in the neighborhood of Cincinnati, and aie guar antied to be the pure juice of the Oinpv, and aro eminently calculated lor invalids nnd persons who require a gi nlle stimulant, and for sacramen tal purposes. Ketail price $ I 2.r per htttle. A librral dis count made to the trade. Dealers n ill please send their orders to the sole agent for Morlhtim bei'Iand county JOIIX F. CAPLOW, Druggist, Milton, Ta. Frlruary, 20, ISSS 3m. SUNBUHY FLOUR, AND FEED STORE. GOOD TIMES AT Jl AM). C10NS7WNTLY CllEAl'KU aud HF.TTE1I ' FLOCK can bo bought FOIl CASH of C. O. 1IAYF.N in Muil.et Square Sunhurv, than ran possibly be hud ut any other place in town. It is unreiessary to say that Good Flour can be got from tl c West ai d Noith cheaper than from any other quailcr ot the present time. 'The sub scriber having made the best pos-ible arrange ment lor get'ing this Flour, is piepaied to give satisfaction to all who favor him with a call- Prices r.ince. from j'.) to i t ,i pr r barrel accord ing to pua'.ity. Chop l ied of all kind cuistaiit ly on hand. A. It. No Pennsylvania Flour will compete with his. The price may , e the same, but the ipi ility ii .;'i'' ilitci ior. as all U s'.ii'y th.it try both Wind.-. I i' "s call uud exuinino tor vouirclves. C. V. li'.W EN, Kunhiiiy. April II, 1S.',S. I 0 1 i LTt-r Ii:uTcJ. !''i",II E subscriber re-'prctful!y informs the cite iL ateiie of fc-'unbt rv end viciniiv that he has iul , rix-cived a supply r l I'l.t il'I!, vvliieli he is olh ring at wh ile-ale or n t ill from tj "10,6 SiJ lo 6 87 per ll.uril. He al.-j sells some ns low as '0 its. per quarter, uli ol which he WAK RAM's t be Good. CANDI.KS for sale, v hide.-nle or retail. Thankful for past patronage he hopes to con tinue to merit the same. GI E HIM A CALL! M. C. (iEAKIIAUT, Market St., Sunbiiiy, l'a. February 27, 1S.")S. Market Street, Sunbury Ta. 'PHK subscriber respectfully informs the ciuj - zetis of Sunbury, and the public gem rally, that he has puvcliasi d, ii'id will take possession iu the above well known stand on the 1st of April ne.t. foiincily i.i pt by Mrs. Thompson. That he wi'.l put li e same in complete repair. In addition he will prmide a roiiviyanee to carry passengers to nnd from the dilli ieul Railroad de pots, and will leave mi eil'trU unttied to render his hotel a desirable stopping place for guests and travelers. JOHN LElsKK, February 20, iS.''.-- sadlery'akd harness' ij axing rBVIE su! sciil'. rs ri'oc!l'uily inbirni the cili Zens of unbti.'y and vicinity that they have coiulucnceil the above business a few do.uscbove the I'ost Oll'icc, MaiUel Square, Snnburv, I'a. Woik of all kinds iu their line of business will be done promptly and ueatlv on llie most rea sonable terms. CLEMENT ot OYSTER. February Fl. lSoM. ATTORNEY A.X LAW, (ri'i-c in AJdci.it ft., tiji".itc liie Court iii(.c, fUNEUuir. rA. Collet tions maile and Professional Hush, ess generally attended lo I'rompily and Carefully. Pn 1 1. 1 HI. ui'iltA E:l l.liKM'll : llulhtt A; I aiilhorne, Dn hi iV eilz, Davis 6l liirney, F. Tvloi cV Co. Siinhurv, Juno 20, l?.ri7. PUCE CO.( 1'ONIFIEI!, ENTI! ATED 1 E IK SA lor sale ut J'Ifll Elt'S Drug ftore. Price tl els. P. MELANCHTON SHIIIDEL, ji stk i: or tiii: I'littc, SXTISTETJ-PIY., Office in Via- Strut, imiuliatvl ir-jmnile the l'ullit: School House. All buiness promptly attended to. Monies cellecled am! ull nr. linary writings done. Muiihury, April S5. IH57. If A. J- KOCKKl-KLLKU tlovncn at aiu, sxjisrT3Tjri?w",5r, ipvv., Frartices in Northumberland and aojuinin: Counties. Sunbury, November SI, 1957.- if IVIlllllSUI 1MI KlTIIL BOOT STORE, 40 S'"ith J'oitrth S.t, above Ctvxniit, 'l,i!'a. K pOD'J'iS, Shoes, Gaiter, Ac, noinpt!y made g) lo order in the very bet style, ul.j of the bet nr.itcrial. Philadelphia, May 9, 1857 4 I.MONl'S, K A IKONS FIGS, LEMONS, -- Ac, Ae. for sule at tiic jui-t received a fiCnh s.i ply and I 'oufeclionarv Hore of M. C. OEAKII AKT. Sunbury, niay 1(1, IH57. IJOIITaud MADEKIA WINES, SchieJaiu b'chnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, blackberry and Lavunjer brandun for medicinal purposes al March H,'57. A. V. FlsllEK. aATENT lUUTTANIA BTOI'PEKS fo bar bottle for ale hy H. U MASfsER. KunburT, July 19. Ift6. IJL liE OLIVE OIL for table use, two sua at 37J aud C2J cents just received by A. W. FlillEH, March IVM. FOR SALE. Oood second hdJ Bugyy. oflic. Apply at this JONES HOUSE. HELM (OVERLY, rroprlelor. Cor. of Market Street Market Square, HARRiSnUROi PA. THIS NF.W AND KI,KO ANTIIOTKIj, recently eree i.H l,u i) URra JllM-m. in I Inn ialiurir . Pa.. )mv- tag been Icasri' fur term of yenis ly the iniilersigiieit, he takes tins method of rallnia tlio ut tr nt ion of Ins torincr patrons, unit the tint ellins eorninunit, llmrcto. Having n fri nl of nne hundrnl mill forty fert on the Ptiiieiinl sirert ot the city, mid Fifty-two Fret Front on Mnikct fuunre, it eaniiot rail to prove attractive as well us iiivitiinr. to strnnpers. Tlie Cluonliirs are of fine siz", well venloairn, nnd lichtn) with Uns n nnmln r with eoimeeiing iloors nia kmir llit-m very riesirnlile tor Ounilips. 'J'he Halls lire warmnl threimhoiit by llcnlers: and every inoilern itiiproveiiii nt, in Inct, hns been milled, Unit may eonilaee to the salt !)', i-omlort, nnd happiness of tlie Visitors mny, then fore, rest assured, llint the 'Jones House" hns been innde perfect in all lis appointments that eaeli di'iiirlini'iit has been plueeil in eharge of l'.spc rienced nnd f.'onipelent Poisons Unit in every pnrlnailar the system K'liu h has ndopted liy tlie l'ropricloi, will nll.ird t" those who may mike it llieir home, ns great n di'irree of comfort as tiiuy lieobtained at liny lunitar establishment in tlie sl:ile. . , . , , ., 'I'ii secure tins ilrslinblc remit, be has furnished (lie Public anil Pflvnte Private Parlors, Clininh-ls, llniliiR It'iom. fte.,withenlirelvNi:V FUltNITl RF. mid also arranged within the buiiilii g. fine Itnrliers iloiai, Uys ter fnl'ion. Dressing Itonir. Ilol unit I'olrt lint lis. As. TlieCnliimry l)eiiirlineP . nmt Dining It 'Kim will receive the especial alleation of Il o Proprietor, winch he trusts, will lie n mil nl irivirmitei that nil InSleS Will l Slllteil. Alter returning his henrtfclt llnniks to his "Id friends sun patrons, lor tlie generous pairi'iiar "-"s to him at 1 lie '-Coverly Mouse." ami also to Ins friends nnd patrons at the "Colninli.n Mouse," I'npe Island, during of u ut llie ' JDNKS HOUs-K tlie season ol IV.,5. lie reSieetluliy Si'llliw iaiiiuiiuuiii w wf.i.1.9 covnm.Y. January 30, 1S5S Omns. BTOBB. ISSI.oriSA SHI?!?LER, respectfully in- forms the citizens of Trevorton and sur- rounding county, that she has opened a new store of Millinery and Fancy Goods, al Trevor ton in Shaniokin street, nearly opposite Knouse'a Tavern, where all kinds of Honnets and Fancy Goods ran be had at the lowest terms. Dress making also attended to in tho best manner and latest style. April 2. 18.H. If LANcTsTER" COLLIERY FOR SALE. Imiurtniit tu Coal Oprrators. TT II E undersigned Lessees of the "Lancaster -"- Colliery," near Shamokin, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, wi-hing to retire from the business, oiler for sale the Lease and Fin I tires of said Colliery, un satisfactoiy terms. This Colliery has been in operation since 18.'i4, and has been successful beyond expectation. The Coal is a superior articles for all uses to which Anthracite isapplied, and a good market has been established, which can be much extended. The Ureakcr and Fixtures are of the very best char acter and will recommend themselves to persons acquainted with the business. The Lease runs to January 1, 1804, and is a favorable one for the operator. For further information apply at the Colliery in person, or by letter to Sh.unukin, P. O., Nor thumberland couutv, Pennsylvania. CflCIIKAN, I'EALE & CO. February 6, 185S. If VALUABLE PROFERTY FOR SALE. r Bill t subscribers, r.xccntors ot the estate o .II Henry Masst r, dee'd., oiler nt private sale the following property viz : A large two ttory frame dwelling house, together with about .ri0 ACHES OF LAND. Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John 1!. Kaufman ns a store and dwelling. The house is new and the location a good one for business. Also a TRACT Or l.I,MESTO.K LAND, S imviishin on the river about ft miles be. low "Miiibu.y, adjoining landsof J. T. M'Plierson and others, containing, about 90 acres. The soil is productive and contains limestone and other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing abeut 35 acres on the hill, about two miles below 5unbury, adjoining lauds of the hciis of the lute John Conrad and others. 'There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. H. 11. MASS Kit, ) F. H. MASSER, SKsccutor. FRANCIS BI'CHEU. ) Punhury, January l'J, 18f(i. if VALUAELE REAL ESTATE OI lTRKn AT PRIVATE SALE. rjjEl'i subscriber otl'crs at private sale, a cer H. lain lot or pieco of land, situate in Lower Augusta township, Northumberland county, about 8 miles below Sunbury, bounded on the wo-ct by the river Susquehanna, on the south by land ol ( leorge Seiler, on the cast by land of Win. Kroh, and on the north by Innd of Win. 1!. Jones, containing fi Acres and 18 perches, all of which is cleared and in a very high state of cultivation. The Northern Centrul Rail Koad passes throucti the tiaet, mid is also bound on the east by the Main liuad leading fiom Siinbcry to Hairibhurg, which together, with the Kiver upon the west, and the fertility of the soil makes it a very pleasant and desira ble situation. ALSO; another certain Tract of Land, situate in said township, adjoining lands of William Kroh, on the south, the heirs of Ko'oert and Ar thur Auchmuty ; on the east Win. Y. Silver wood, and a public road on the north, and Win Ii. Jones on the west, containing 'J 3 Acres 131 perches strict measure. i4bout 50 acres of which aie cleared, and in a high state of cultivation and the residuo most excellent land for cultiva tion, but is now covered with excellent timber, and if purchased soon, the purrhaser can get a large quantity of liailroad Tie on the same. This tract is also welt watered, having several fine springs upon it, and every field can be wa tered thereby. Au indisputable title will be given and term of sale reasonable. WILLIAM Ti. JONES. Lower Augusta lp., January 2, 1657. if I'auiuiN Look lo Vour lutorcst. IL-inEE I ILiHCE 1 1 fPHE sudseriher respectfully informs the far mers and the public generally, that he hai public generally, that lie has leased the lime kilns of Ira T Clement in Sun bury, and Ihat he has always on Lund, and is ready to supply a good quality of lime to all who mav want for building or farming purposes. He has also a kiln at Keefer' crossings mile from Sunbury, or two from Snvdertoivn. W All kind of Country Produce taken in exchange. GEO. W. STROII. Sunbury, Dec. 28, 1857. HOVER'S LiaUID HAIR DYE. The lestiniory of I'rof. Boolh and Dr. Ilriuekte having previously been puliliilied, the following is now added : From Fruf. .MuUI.USKEV, funnel ly F'ofessor of Theory and I'ruetiee of .Medicine in the Female Medical College i f PciiuEylviiuiu, uud late Frofessor of Sutgcty iu Lhe American Cullegcuf .Medicine, &c. : l'iin.iin:i.i'iiiA, Nov. 47th. 1R5it. Ma. Joscfii F.. Horn' A lual of your l.lql'ID UAHt D will C'lliviuce llie inont skeptical, thai It isa safe, :l.kUAT, mid FieiCACtots prepariitiou. Lulike niaiiy others, il iiaa in several iiislauces proved serviceable in the cine of some cutaneous eruption on the head, und 1 liuve mi herniation iu coruuieadiiig ll to thofce retailing a ji h an nppliiitliou. Very rc.-i-eciially, J. F. X MeCLOSKFY. M D , 4 7" Itai e St., uli ive 1:1th. imvrn's wuitixo ixk, inciiidinu itovKifsj WUITI.NO Fl.t'in. end ilOVKR'K IN Dl'.l.l UI.K INKS, still luauiiitin their tiitf h character, which lias ulwai a dis liiii;insiit d tlieiu, nnd the extensive demand lirl created, lias e. aitiiiiied lliiilitcrit.,111 unlit Ihe present. Order addressed to the Manufactory, No. 41b' RAC'E street, above Fourth, (old No. 144.) Philadelphia, will rcceivepronipt attention, by JOSEPH E. HOYKH, Manufacturer. December 25, 1857. April 25, '57, ch. Stationery. A laige supply of funcy Note Paper and Envelope, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Pens, Ink, Sand, Ac, at March 14. '57. A. W. FISHER'S. 'pobaCCO and Begars. 20,000 Imported -l Segura of various brand. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S. Sunbury, March 14. 1857. LY. JOCKEY CLUB, SPRING FLO WE liS, Ac, of the brst quality ; a fresh supply just received and for le at the Drug Store of A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, Acs- I, tf7 riYil. AXfi FAXCV BOOK BINDING. fl 'HE subscribers, having boiiRht the Bindery late of Hte 1 phen U nuil l.yinnn 11. Wilson, of Millun, and ndded to II some superior implements, mid hnving secured tlie superintendence or Mr. II. K DOW.MNU, who hns for ten years been employed in one nf the best Hinderie In Philadelphia, and conies with the Brst recommendations for Integrity and competency, sie now piepared lo BIND OK 11 I II I XI) Books, Pamphlets, Magazines, News papers, Music, &e., &c i In every stvlc desired. Work mnv either bound or hnlf buuiKl,in Cnlf, ltonn, Turkey Mons co, theep, in other Leather, or Muslin of various colors nud oriinmculfd With Mai tile Paper nf difierent tinnres, ihmlesnnd colors. Old Itibles nud other Honks or Papers whick it is de sired to preserve ns rretnorinls in a Imuily, caa be made more secure bv the Uiit'ler'sskill. IV llliink nooks, Tildes, llvmn nnd Prnver !Vok, Pocket Books, Alliums, llmnes, Ac , l.K'I'TK.H LI) WITH GOt-1) in leiiible null durable characters, to Older. MUSIC l'UKTI'OI.Kif, Ac., mmle to suit customers. A good Itindery hus long tieen di-siri-d iu this vicinity, nnd we enn therefoie most respectfully solicit, the public putronnpe, trusting lltni it will be sniheient to renny the outhy mid risk. IVKent, tools, stock, nnd workmen nil requiring money, we shall expect PAY ON DI'.I.IVKKY of nil work. IJ We intend to charge m-fterute, rensona ble and uniform prices, on tlie "Live nud l,et l.ive" prin ciple and hope to make its permanent business. Oflice in the center ol Murkel stqmue. north side second story, nujoining i lie "Chronicle" aud Telegraph nlbccs third door from the Post (urue. WoltDKN A CORNELIUS, Trop'rs. IIK71RT tt. IIOWNIXS. AK,cllt. U wiiburg, May 15, lf5e ly 1857. FALL & WINTER GOODS ! 1858- FANCY DRY GOOD STORE, Market Square, Sunbury. TVJ'OW received and will continue to rrceive ' the largest and best selected Stock of Jilnck Cluths, Cassimeres, Cussiitetts and Veilings, jr. An assortment of Dress Goods, viz: Fancy printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, l)e Lain l.'areges, Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapacas, Dress Silks, Ginghams, eve. LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet ing, i'illowcaseing, dec. Dress Trimmings in Groat Variety. Doots and Shoe Hats and Caps, Hardware, Cedarware, Groceries, Quecnsware SALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, hiegars, Tobacco, Snuff, Ac., an assorsmcnt of other Goods too tedious to mention. Feeling grateful for past favor we beg leave to tiTtrc our old friends and tho public that no atl. t. on our part shall be wauling to merit a cou. nuance of our patronage oountry produce taken in exchange at the highest market price. T. W.GRAY. Sunbury, Dec. 12 1S57. if WE STILL SURVIVE THE CRISIS VOTWITHSTANDING the astonishing quan tilv ol Goods that I brought into town last Soring,! succeeded m selling them all out cx cept what I gave away, and had to hurry to the city, for a new lot, in order that my customers might not be put to the inconvoiiiencc of buying at other stores, where they would he chaigcd killing prices. Fronting by past experience, I have just brought on Tr.'ice as Many Goods, and I have now the largest and CHEATEST ASSORTMEN T ever offered within hearing if this place. I am bound to sell CHEAPER THAN HVEXZ. I before. I need not say cheaper than my neigh bors; for that is no longer a disputed tact. I am now ready to deal out goods twenty hours out of twenty-four Sundays excepted at lower prices than any person dare ask lor. Just call for any thing you want. I am deter mined to SL'PPLY ALL DEMANDS that may be made, reasonable or unreasonable. Call soon, as tho rush is tremendous. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Dee 20, 1857. ly IDE INI TISTIllrT- OKOliGE Ul VNNOUXCKSto the citizens of Sunbury avid vicinty, that he has opened an office in Sun bury, above 11. J. Wulvcrtun' oflice opposite C. Weaver' Hotel, where ho is prepared to attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession, in the latest and most improved style. All work well done and warranted. December 13, 185(1. tub LXis7i;sT 2-A stLli. ESTABLISHMENT I N T 11 K CI T V U K B A I. 1' 1 -M O ft K . MATIIIOT'S C.ny Rlreel Wnrernnms !'o 3 Had J5 Nollh tiay slreet, near I-'uvelte, Italtimnrtf : wlicic is keit nlwuvs on hand, or made In iinler, every I y If of French 1'F I'U-A-Tii'l'lCS, in I'lmh, lair, Cloth er Itroeulelle. French Full Stun" and Mtstallion Tarlor Arm Chain, in Flash, Hair. Cloth or llrit-alelle. Freneli FullStiitl'Cniveil Furlor Chairs in sets, with Plush, Hair, Cloth or liris-atelle. SOFAS- Half French Ppriiifr Mnliojiiiny and Walnut Tarlor Chairs, ill Hair, Cloth uud I'lmh. Kocking Chairs various designs, hi Hair, Cloth and Flush. SliirT Spring Tiiiiirei! a Inrpe nisortment nlwnis en htitiil, or an) pattern niudcor covered with any goods tu urJcr. CHA1IBBII SUITS.' InfMah'icany or Walnut, complete, from Sf35 up. Cane Chiiiii uiui Hockius; d. the hirest unsiTtnu'iit ready made in any one house in the I'uiteU Slates from 1-2 a dozen up Far Itoiini, llttiee nnd Dining Chairs, in Oak, Walnut or Mahopany, with Cuue. Wood or Stullcd Seats. an assortment embiaeing over 50 dozen. Wood seat Chairs uud Settees uud KiH-ktu; Chairs. over 100 dnzi n. liilt and Flain Frame IiOokin? Chisses, of evety variety. All kinds ol Feds, Hair uud Husk .Matliasses. A. .MATHIOT. N'.is. 21 ami 2 X. Gay st , near Fayette it , Halt. more. August I, l-j7.ly Citrate of Magnesia OR TASTELESS SALTS. THIS preparation is recommended as an ex cellent laxative and purgative. It operate mildly, ia entirely free from any unpleasant taste resembling lemonade iu flavor, prepared and sold by A.W.FISHER. Sunbury , March 4 1856. WIIOI.ISAL AXU RETAIL Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. L. cor. Walnut and IFutr Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will bo promptly supplied at tha lowest price. October 4. 1856 tf Ci OLD FENS with and without case, of a H very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sale by H. 11. MASSER. Sunbury. Dec. 27. IM58- pORT MONAIES, Tooth and Hair Brush - all qualities, and any qutnti y, fur sale by ' A.W. FISHEU. March 14, 67. New Drug, Puliitu, &c. VNEW upply of Drug, FainU. il, Fluid, Ac, just received and for sale by A. W. FISHER. m Bunbury.Msy !, 1857 mwmgm FURNITURE 1 FURNITURE 1 ! TUB I.AnGEST8TOCK EVER OFFERED IN 8UNDURY. FnNlilonable, Cheap and I scful THE subscriber, long established as Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful for past favor, solicit a continuance of the public patronage. Hi stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, ec, unbrace EVF.RY VAIWETV, tSF.FIX AND OltXA RlEMTAt. in housekeeninrr. It is unnecessary to enume rate, a anything that may be required in hi line can be had at moderate price, Cheap for Cash, or Country Froducetakcn in exchange. Establishment South East Corner of Market Square. tW Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Sunhurv, April 4, 1857 If 3STEW ARRANGEMENT 1 J'renh Arrival of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS,&c. FJIIE undersigned having taken the store for JL merly kept by William A. Hruner, is now ready to fill orders and prescriptions at a mo ments notice. He has a large ami well selected stock of fresh and pure DRUGS, CHEMICAL, Dye-stuffs, Oil, Paints, Glass, Putty, and all kinds of Patent Medicines. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported Segars of tho choicest brands. Fancy Notions toilet articles, and Per fumery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair lSrushcs of every variety. Camphine and Fluid always on hand. Customers will find his stock complete, com prising many snides it is impossible here to enu incrate, and all sold at moderate prices. Remember tho place, next door to E. Y. Bright' Mammoth Store. A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, March H, 1857. Ttiii Cab U fr, r-rfrvinff Km:bt, VaentuVM. Ae, IB ynfrtDj rf PtM. ft ft-md-M rn VVht. Ko1r?.i Of Hftnnt ). inunnilr. and it ninri iiHt if!rr, tod mri,! i.n m,y oxhi-i Cb r uy cnUJ. Al! nr nrin ten in M.ne In PnTMiitixir 11,1. B.tie'li- tnO.t pnhllf. ti ItiTentor P J'jM inWitM in u r nf irterW Curt nwir to -leriTUriHt' ll.Uftrt t hy fal rtnlmrr.to ; h-it Mil ef fi.Ufie it rrii-Lcikl lean ho Lav KftmibAd N h I i peui mtii, 4 1 ll ii ftrrnr to t to kop 11 urti.'ltm jtil op firrrltfiff to Art ia. Try It. an 1 in All cm 'bT n fmlur" lb fjlt of lK tVn tl.H niPii'T will ). rfnnd-d i h jK'i.d w I'urw D-irlultt?rr.te TkoVh 0m, difTir. at fr..mttt tfiTfWp uvt i:d It otttr. prf't 'jr Mill, nd eannot rtTirp m i ..nt, m Iu Until C'lfkn-i w. xi'.d do on mny ":hr (". 1 hi Oltcimr' in birr- otinncti la 1 n.it ft fali-ali,! peAfk. 1'h or La nn l.oitd nb t il leUrtctftl iht Uicr'ni:'i; t ntfii i pn':-'T(ir Tin i mm, as'i in wuu nave men u.tn III BS A .iuiwi:al lisa.ei f TU l tit, i n A Ub, yf Sept. 15, If" fj'MIE subscriber refpectfully inrorm9 the rili a. zens of Sunbury and the public generally, that he has commenced the manufacture of all kind of EARTHENWARE, at his manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one square east of the River. Ha has engaged the seprices of Mr. II a n r. and you can therefore depend on having a good article. The puh.ic are respectfully invited to call. All orders fiom a dUtanco will he promptly attended to. P. M. SHINDEL. Sunbury, Feb. 5, 185C tf IV. S. LttTllE.M t'S NKW Paper, Printers' Card and Envelope WAREHOUSE, Ao. 405 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. Cash hovers will find it fur their interest to call. January 10, 1S5S. 6mos. Straw -V niter. f BMIE subscriber has been appointed Agent for 1. Messrs (icddesA Marsh of Lewisburg, for the sale of their Straw, Hay A Corn-Fodder Cut ter. This Cutter is the best in use. Farmers and others aro respectfully requested to call and examine for themselves. P. IS. MASSEU. Punhury December 2C, 1S57- tf h'AoxnicurcL coixcm i:ck. AllNalloim of the same 3tit:ri! bmmm s i d'. -n3n IIOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. The anniversary of the intriidiietion of IIolMwnv'! Oiiilnleal ouel.l to be a iulniee bncvel. It has saved countless maltiill'les from ili.fiirnreiiieiit, par.iliz.ition, ninlilalioii, inr.inv nnd ileath. ttart inif Troin the surl'sce to which ii is tiipiien, na iieuiini; liana nuns its way lliltiuita every c.uiim? and hgainuitoi the body, to the vetv source ami Irons ol" all eruptive, ulcerous, tumorous, and einiee- roils diseases. It ilisluutuihes the (Ylnile iiiueiple that I'eeds llieiii, and the outward syniplnius liute, heal, end pass uwny with a rapidity incredible to tluno who ln-ye not witnessed il. SCnOFl'LOFS r.IUTTIONS AND I I.CF.HS. The poison of scrofula has never tieen iieulrahei nr expelled by nny of the remedies of the pliuruiaeepri ia' is 11 .11. way's llinton-nt. illan-udie ic Itroilie, the griiit lie s 'le aatiuote to mis viitueui anil uesiruetive eleiuenl I rrt-m h and Knjlndi utiTiit'on, do no ilfhy IT dispute IhlS great laet. I here is no I mn of scrolulu that may not be controlled anilcateil liy llns nalsamic reiiietly, CANCF.ltS AND TI'.MHUS. Tlie knife or ennstic may remove a cancer or tumor, but ihe seeds of the terril.'e excrescence remain in the blood. nnd it issoou reiiri'duced iu a worse form than j before. Ilollowuy's (iintiiieut, on the countrary, peue tiatesiiitn tho circulation, and pervuilcs every infeeled I vesicle, ami ki Is the disease b iteslioying the coirosive I principle tiiat generated and suslanis it. INFLAMMATIONS OF THE SKIN'S. All rashes and ordinary eruptions, ns well as 1'ryiipelas, Acne, It inc. worm, Ciiibuueles, Scald Head, Salt llheutn. Leprosy. I'nekly Heat, 4c, are leliluvnl by a few blisk upplicat ions ul the Ointincnt. ACC1DKNTAL INJURIES', WOFNDS, Sprains, ltruikes, Scnlds and Burns are iinmedtately rehevi-il by ils appliculiou. 'J'ii. niltaunna tion quickly sulisldcs, fever Hint iis-kjaw Hie pievculcd, and under a pcrbevenug use of the piepuraliou, the prti. lew ii. uaiuijj i. vn.ii ui-i-tiiupiia.ieu. Both the Ointment and l'ills should le uBcd in the following rases : nuuious Lunilmgn Sore' Lets Swelled Glands Ituins Mercurial Sore ltreasts Siuf Joints Chapped Hauds Eruptions Sire Heads Fleers Chilblains Files S. ire Thnstis Vetureul Sores Fistula Kheunialism Sues ul ull Wounds uf ail Uoul Sail K heuui kinds kinds Skin lhieines Sprains Scalds rS CAUTION' ! None are genuine unless the words "llolloway. New York and IaiiuIou," ure d,reernilile us as a wsler-iiuok ill every leaf of tne b-mk of directions round each put or box j the same may lie plainly seen by holding the leaf to the iight A handsome reward wiil he uiveil to any one rendering such liiloruialu.u muy lend to the detection nl an; urly or parties counterfeiting tlie medicines or vending the nolle, kuuwuig llieiii to be spurious. Sold st the Mnnufuclurles of Professor Hom-owat fll Maiden line, New Vurk, Slid 314 Slrund. Uindoll, by 1.11 respeelHble Diusgisisaud Healers in Medicine luruugh out tlie Fnile.1 Stales, ami Ihe ivihzeU world, in boc, 1 eents.U.'J eeuls, end l each. I f Taer.u considcruhk saving ly Uiking lh. larger Slle N. B. Pirectinns foe the tni.lanc of patients ia vry diader ere uiiued lo eueh box. October 17, IK7 1)ca lushing Tackle. Red Cork, Gra, Col ton and Linen Line, Oul Line, Se Gran by the yard, Snood. Flic, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hook, Rods, Ae.,fcraU by Match 41, '57. A.W. FISHER. HEimiNG'S SAFE. THF. nUCKNT TRIALS .1 Uesilint hnve endorsed the current of pabbc opinion, ar.it conftrmirl me veiuif-i oi more mail vihi :M rv tl.v (i urmn. iifr, prnvwiff tif Inftiyfty t t ' lli'.rnie ir iJiec.i,ly HAl-k ; thru will not l-i.m. (.ahum in in uir onirmir'd nri-oildii the i'linl v( Jruii Safe i iifvunug ; On the 20i)i nf Fcnnmry nit tin? mpnil.wn nfthrOim mittrp mt'l to witiiont llie uti-t nnd Uioks nnd papwi, (pberd in (hent) nnd were piTfrrity Mtiltr-d llmt ui wti n(tit. The diiy fHvinr;, the liurmnijE tuntc plnrn. uijiUt the siiprrmten'Imrc of llie roinniiiir. A flora fnir mid impnriinl luirninft fr five hour, the K-ife of MftFit. Kviin ft; Wa(n vnn firrt i'p-nrd,lhe ffe Wihjr on fir Inaidend the punlrnt partiully roiitumril, while the or-ii tents in the ttife "f M-trn. 1'arreli ft ilerung v eie ih crnod tronditi'in, nnd no tin nmde." Kindnifir, March 2. 1Kr7. (Siguen,; H.r.rKMX. ) P.N C()IKMAV, f Committee. A. H. WACOCK. ) And end'wd layover SO of tho neat men of Rratliiifr. The nlxive Safe enn Iw inwpi rled nt 31 Wulnnt m-tt, where the p.ihlic rnn mtiufy thnnelve nf the re"l iup nnrity nf th "llRTnng'it Tntunt (.'Immpion," nv.r th defeated and nid up "inside Iron D'or Saltnander." Ualley & Ilcrrln?, 34 Vahut$t.fPhHa(1a. Only make rt in thii Stto of Herrine's Patent Chumpirn Tht nftcmpt mndo hy otlter pnrtifH t" lioMrr up tliw rcpnlnlion of a Hut'e wliifh hns fiiiled to iirhfil!y ir prei deiitnl (ires in Philndelphin, (ftinifftend IMnck.) ty tnkir( one out of nn neent's etore, (H . A.Lnntz,) nindf il.uhi thirkitrpB, (oilTreiit from lho they fell) tob-.irn up' one of IlVrhnc't (hnlfns thick) hnn met with ils trite re ward. IITriinr's Safe could nt he burnt, provtup conc'ii tivetv tint the only relinhlc tnf now made "llminfi V' ofwlnrh over 1!i.i)tM nre now in nrtiml ue, nnd njor thnn fMl hnve been tried hy fire without a ainle loss. Pliiln.jJune 20, 17. ly. ISAAC IU. WILKNKSON, MANUFACTTJREB FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Sola?., Olt nil, ami lAtuucn Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards. 'SOFA, B!MMKFiST AMD Ul.U.VC T.lIiLES and also ENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, f evcry pattern and price CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE. STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this lino of hi business. rT,IIE subscriber respectfully calls the attentioi A of the public to his largo and splendid as ortment of evcry quality and price of . C;ARI.UT-1VAKC which cannot fail to rciommend itself toevery nne who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be hod in the city. No dlorl is tr.nM.1 in 1,i n.nn..r....l -CI. . . .-...., .. ..I ..... ......uiui mre oi ins ware, anil (be subscriber i determined to keep up with tha many improvements which are constantly leinu made. J 6 He also manufacture all kinds and qualities CIIAIIIS, iichiihng varn tie never befine to be had ir. Sunbury, such as Miuiin.iu, Black Wal.nlt kn I'cnLF.n Maple Ghkcux; An M'lvnson CHAIRS, ami i-A.vcr Piaso Sroor.s, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to bo excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase fH.nilurc in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained bout the quality and finish of his ware and V Sairs. ' hese article will he disposed of on as good ten. as they can bo purchased elsewhere. Cuun tryp toduce taken in pavmeut for work. . I.N DERTA KINO. II aving provided ahandsomo Hkahse, he ia no.v prepared f. r Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi I cinity, or at any convenient distance from this place 1 : The Ware Roum is in Fawn Street, bo i ow Weaver's Hotel. j He has also purchased the right of manufae j turing and telling in Northumberland count-, . Oould's patent Exeelsoir Spring Tied, w hicli bo will furniih at reasonable rates. Springs put in old bedstead for three dollars. I I-SiAG M. WILKEKSON. i Sunbury, April 18, 1857 tf. FURNITURE POLISH. I s- E A7"S Premium Talent Enamel Fumituie Polish This polish is highly valuable for r. -to ring the polish on all kinds of Furniture, ia.-s. ! Carriage Bodies, Hiir Cloth, At. Also, f , r re- moving spots, hiding scratches, Ac, A e. Wur j ranted to dry immediately and retain its g!os. ! Price 50 cts. per buttle. Sold by , A. V.'. FISHER. March .M, IK57. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on South Second, near Market Su e- LE WISBL Rfl, PA. Practices in the Countie of Union, Northum bcrlond and Montour. All PaornssioNAt Hcsiirss entrusted ti n1 i arc win receive prompt and fa thlul at:, ii- uon. O.itober 3, 1857 ly WHITE 110KSE HOTEL. POTTrtYILI.E, PA. IHE subscriber respectfully announces to I,..-f- ld friend and the public, that he has taker that old and well known establishment, the White :norse Hotel. At tin comer of Centre and Mahantogo sts., ii the Borough of PolUville. The house has re cently been very much enlarged and otherwisi improved, rendering it quite as comfortable a any other Hotel in Schuylkill county whi! the stables are large, in good condition", anJ a! tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. J a traveller and others who may stop at hi v.-, . - ' nUf. ''e promises every attention calculated t render Ihcm comfortable and satisfied. JO.s. M. FF.GEii. April 5, ISSr... f s r tii i tK &, n ni i;v. CHKAP WATCI1FS AXU JFWFIIty Tyimi.FS.U.F. AND RFTAII, the . PI,: .,',,-!,. 11 .itches and Ji u u- ki, ...... -i.. ........ ' i North Second Street, Coiuer of Uunrrv ' FinIm.!,-!1 i i- Gold Lever Watches, full J led, lb caret cusis, Gold Lcoine, 19 cuiel. Silver Lever, full jewelled, Silver Lepme. jewels, Superioi Cuaitiers, 1! tiold Spi-elaeles, Fine Silver dn., ' Gold ltrncetets, I, Lydj's Gold Pencil. j1 Silver Tea Spooes, set, Gold Feus, with Pencil and Silver holder, i Gold Flutter It lugs U7J els n. ao ; Watch (,., 121 cts . patent lei, Lunel M olhei article, i, , All g.mds warranted lo be v. hat thev are e.M i,,r I ir On hand some Cold and Silver Levers ux.i 1 r still lower than the l,Ve prices 'er.umi l.e, . Fhllndelphiu, Octoher Ul, 1-57 SW HENRY DONNEL. ATTORNBir AT LAV vjjici opposite tli Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County P; Prompt attention to business in adjoin comities. DANVILLE HOTEL, aonisr DEEN, JR., Hfurket Street, Danville, J'a, fpiIIS i on of ihe largc.t and most ccim X dious hotel in tho interior of Pi nnv : : ll has been recently fitted up, in excellent t with all the modern conveniences. Danvilled, Sept. 22, IK55. 1H.ANK Parchment Paper Deeds and b! Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, fcuin n Vc, for sole b H. B. MAsi.'l Sunbury ,Apri 26. 1R56 STOVES' fOR SALE an excellent evond-hand C a ing Stove, aUo ererl l.'vliuiler Slotcs Enquire al this oflo- CULVER WATCHES.- -A few double 3 English Silver Wouh f"' ' 'y ric. If .r. H. Mw stuubury, April 11, l s
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers