) o ft r L' DUilN'S EPI8TI.E TO A YOUNG FXIIEND. Tin Hrri'".irs Trlrprnph remarks that it could do ita young rrajirs nn better service, ihan hy quoting a few verses from Uurn's Kpialle to a Young Friend. We have hut read it, in print, fur many years but liave often thought it should be primed, in letters of gold, and given to every young man storting out in life. Its beautiful, telling lestons, we hive often adverted to, both in word nnd thought. Wo should like to give the epistle entire, had we the room, but can only fuinith a few verges, with the hrpe thut each one not already familiar with it, miy get Burns and tcad it at length I . . r Ay free off linn' your story tell, When wi a bosom croneyj But still keep something to yourself Ye a c.' T tell to any. Conceal yourself" nswecl's y can, Fraue ciitical tlcascction; But keck thru' ev'ry other mno, Wi! sharpen 'd, sly inspection. The sacred lowe o' wcrl plac'd love, Luxuriantly indulge it; But never tempt lh' illicit rovo. Tho' narlhing should divulge it, I waive the quacttim o' the sin, The hazzard of concealing! But och! it hardunt a' within, And pctriiius the foeliiigl To catch dumo Fortune's golden smile Assiduous wait upon her; And gv titer gear by ev'ry wile Thai's justified by honor. r"ol for to hide it in the hedge, Nor for a train-attendant ; But for the glorious privilege Of bi'in,; independent. Then fnr o' Hell's a hangman's whip, To hand the wretch in order; But where ye feel your honor grip. Let that ny be your border, Its slightest touches, iiibtant pause Pcbrtr a' side pretences ; Ard resolutely keep its laws, Uncaring conseucncct. The great Creature to revere Must sure become the creatine; But a: ill the preaching can't forbear, And cv'n tho rigid feature ; Yct ne'er with wit" profane to range, Be cotnplaisunce extended; An Atheisi's laugh's a poor exchange For Deity cU'cndcd ! When ranting round In pleasure's ring, Religion may be blinded; ' Cr if she gie a random string, It may be little minded; But when on life we're tempest Jriv'rj, . confeience but a CRiiker A ccy. Kpondcnce fiVd r. i' Heaven Is sure a noble anchor 1 BIt5ccllimeou5s I.auok Field CP riSEArpLF.a In Liberia, a few mill's northward from Monrovia, to Wfirds Cope Mount, is a tract f land ttbout a mile from the bench, of more than ten miles in extent, entirely covered with pineapples. The fruit buds out in April and May, and ripens in Auguct ami September. It in of a delicious flmor. The apples or tuken to Moniovin in considerable quantities, as low ss two for a cent. It seims a- pity that son'O means is not kuown to keep tbetn from decay during a voyacre to this couutry. Could tbey not bu put up there injurs ana preserved. Dr. Luquebeel, in his sketches of the geo graphy, climate aud productions of Liberia, eays pineapples grow wild in tho woods j and he has seen thousands of them in LuK au hour's wall;. Mr. Buwen (a missonary,) was in Liberia and id his book "Central Africa, 1857," says tho pineapples flourishes very well in the woods of Liberia, and is superior to any vte procure iu this countrj'. Journal of Com mtrce. Coal rH-nNiso Loconctives Eipht conl Vcrning locunotives ate now iu use on the Hudson Iviver ltuiliod, fix between this city and I'oughkeepfiio, aud two between l'uugh ketpsie and Albany. It appears that the coat of fuel for motive power, where coal is used, is vety little more than one-fourth what it is when iisioj wood. To make a ronud trip from Nt"v Yoik to loui;hkec;sio aud tack, 111 miles, with a freight train, aver.ipjng 21 cars, it requires C j cords of I lie l est Virginia piue wood, which cut ai:d put on the tender, Ci'eU Sti tiG per cord, or $10 15 for a trip; while it requires 4 IP 3 pounds of cosl at ) cent per pound, or 610 4S to perform the same work. And the Express passenger train makes tho round trip, fioin this city to Ponghkeepsie and back, wilh 3 00 1 pounds of ccal, being an expeusj only of jj'J 01 for fuel. A "Victim" op SrntiTCALisM. A young lady residing in Lowel, w ho it appears has hud tbr mitifortuno to be made hull' n.ud ly spiritJulism, was moved by the spirits tie other day, to visit Liostun and to sojourn at the Quiney lloune. After remaiuing there three or four days blio was instiguled by her friends, the ghosts, to rtmove to the Fountain liouse, end there the remainpd until the keeper of that place began to doubt her sail iiy. Jler i'rionds in Lowell were notified of l.er conditii D aud whereabouts, end the was token homo. Jt may be noteworthy that the 6paii ' vcre so unral!ant ns to full to pravido the jooiig laJy with iho funds necessary to support bolv.1 l.fo. Butfoa rsftiSih. Tup. Ava:;tage c rSTtAM. In Schoylkill county, IVusylvauia, tLcro are 4'20 fteam en f:at employed in raisicg coal, lraitiinr mines tian .fa-.'turing, und otlier ptirpofes ; the pow. 8r of which is equal to the eieitiou of 100,000 a'-ld boiliud men. ralenlution teven men per l orse pover. Whn the prepared coal of this i.outity was broken by liuriil, it then ro tjuired thiee mi.n fur every ten tons of coal broken and cleaned, exclusive of the mining and raising, now an eighty horse engiue will break, clean, aud ship from 000 to 1000 tons of coal per d.iy. A tiugle first class locomo tive will do as much wmk in twelve hours on a good raiiroud an 'J400 stout horses and 10U0 teamsters on an ordiuury turu-pike-road. Tun Weatiipr. Speaking of a prevailing Mouh East wlud, the Wiluiington Juumul lays : "If therefore, we want in our usual amount cf editorial, or if our editorials lack that bril liancy and proroumlity-V) so generally char uclerittic of our remurkuble effusions (1) we trust thut cor renders will rbargo it all to the wt-alber; and there is this about it : The weather dou't care Low much you charge it, cor who is Shcrifl." We don.t soe why the Juvrtal shoulJ h;nt about the Sheriff, for Certainly the wca'.bur nover thawed wore diuc.1 disposition to liquidate ! Efporiefs and Bowii! Knives. Tho Uni ted Stutes Seuatu wus a little start led, tho other day, ont of its dull'iees aud dignity, by i occwent. j rcporier very c r lo-s y ibreve his overcoat over the rear railing w'uicu al.uU tff the U. -porters from the Senate be 1. w. It chauced that in the pocket of the Slid overcoat there was a (tout bowie kuifo, which wa.t, by the impetus given to the coat. thrown v i,h some violence below, striking the blai'e n.to Sci.ctor liscimoud seat, which was at 1 1-at moineut antcct pi d. l or a riorcent tbe Senators were sU.tled out of their propriety, aud tbe S rgeanl at-Arms went Dp to the gullory, and arres'ed the pro- pretor of the coat, bat when eiplauutiuns were cnaue n was rciuasea. Vhat was the diffureno betweca goal's Ark and Joaa of Arc? One was made of wood tbs ether was clQrUtos. FARMERS or PENNSYLVANIA ATTENTION I Toe enn supply vnurscVves with Chemical Manores, warranted pure, which tins lieeii in nirerwlul use In New orrry ior me past vrn reins they nave receiver, ins lilt'l.liMASol Few Jersrv, New Yolk, Delaware, and I euntvlvsuia Aern-ulutral Itoeieliee. mill have been tmefl by the President of ihe United Siuies, on his Garden and on the Public Grounds st Washington, U. C , Slid f Ihs lonvniiijj v nil ii' men vis. Z. Imke. Esq A. 1. Lntliel, CLsaissicXu' New Jersey. J. l. llejves, ) Senator Huberts, 1 Wm. .Mi.kr, of Can Islund, New Jersey. ChusVork, Th. s Muii'orrt. t.ta. Camden N.J. Dr. Bernes, t)r. Knight. Mr. Field, .Mr Aikinsnn, suit I.rvi Johnson, ml of New Jersey they snv it is His chenpest oncl most reliable Mrtimre now in I'se, Wing petrnnuent and improving the land hy enriching the soil. It is suitidtn the varinutcrops you nine Corn, Potatoes, ()riis, Wheal, Gnts, Ac. My enclosing a (heck, on any New Jeiaey t,i riiilud'a. Bank or lefereie-e lo any RO'-cI House in l'liiliuli'.phin or in ex ermiise for Produce, at Inir Market rates here, your nrtlws win be uiitu and Shipped to you, fire ol Cartage expense t3T Every article sold by me fx Guaranteed.,) Super Phosphnte of Lime, 810 00 a ton. Hone Phosphate. S.W OU a " American Fertilizer, ti& 00 a " rr a rarrtx is sitpicient tor an acre Or GROUND UKOAD CAST furs Bone Dnst. (OIK) lurrcls now ready,) st tS 00 per barrel cr S;lo. a ton. Poudiette, No. 1 5Uu barrets now ready.) at S3 to 93 a hnrrel Ijiml riastsi No. 1 1 000 Urrels, at U to 2 abarrel rot An, &u oarreis Peruvian, Patnsouis and Chilian lilANO. Cl'.OKOK A. LEINAt'. I'ropi letor. No. 81 tenth FRONT Street, Philadelphia City, Pa, lis WHOLESALE DEALERS ALLOWED A LID. KHAI. DISJOINT. If" Pamphlcta can In hid on srwicalicn to rnr Otfics, or o my Avcnte. ninrcti I I, ihss anuvow. A Cash Hvpinkss Kxclcsitkly. ittARLKS ATAM. ?. V.. Corner of E'ehihnnd A ' Street", PJiil i.telolna. inl'ornis hu olil customers, and the buyers of DRV tllJliLitS liK.M'.RALLY. that lie is mMtini? extra exeitiutts for tlieprttseeiltion of liieblisineM the coining s.-iison, and in r'er to euohle him to puiehese cunts lor caii, sod sett Hum st the uwkt MllilET rmrrs, ho hns divided to sell at tho smallest possible Rdiiiice t' Foa Cash I-.xclitsivki.v ! w& 1 lie htia leitueed the nr'.ee il mwst il tiiu (itVHis in ore, and has now open many Nkw lioon. snitabls for the iitnv. t . wliieli will lie tnudc daily aditlti.S.S. Cure will be to necoinm ulate M111..MI9 sua I'lain PI.'IISIVS penrniltv. m lieret.fore. NKW llti:s tiDUDS, SHAWLS, LINKNS, and FVI1MPH1NO G(M)1)S (reneriilly. l'urcluuers will (ind ureal advantnie in giving an esrlv call, the motto being "the nimble sixpence is belter than the ulow shlllnlfi." The sit ion is centre!, and the store well lighted. March i7, 1.-S9. 3inllJ w. FLOUR AND FEED 1 SPRING ARRANGEMENT. THE subscriber has recently made an enlarge. ment in his store rocm and has jott received a freeh sutiolv of Flour and reed, Lornmcal, &c His stuck constats of Corn and Rye, (Torn and Outs, and Corn CHOP. Doited Corn Meal and IJuckwhcat Elour in sacks, all of which will be sold low FUR CASH. Also, the liest aud Cheapest assortment Flour in this Market, from FIVE to SEVEN DOi-LAItS per Banc), according to quality. ytlsb. a lot of Flour in sacks at very low rates, The subscriber ossurca his customers, that his arrangement for setting Western Flour enable him to Rive them better satisfaction or better bar gains than can be attained elsewhere. Being thankful for past patronage, he hopes to merit and contiuo to receive the favor of the public generally. C. U. Jl A V L-il. Market Square, Sunbury, March. SO, 1859.-- Market Street, Sunbury Pa. r"jHE subscrilw respectfully informs the citi reus of Sunbury, and the public generally, that ho has purchased, and will take possession ljii tne auove wen Known stano on tne ist oi April next, lornieily Kept uy nirs. j nompson. T hut ho will put the same in complete repair. In addition he will provide a conveyance to carry passengers to and from the didirent liailroad de pots, and will leave no cllsrts untried to rentier ids hotel a deeiiuble stopping place for cucsts and tr&velers. JU11JM LLlSIUv, February 20, 1858. FLOUR rDUCSD TO S,"S 40 Per Barrel." THE subscriber respectfully informs the citi zens of Sunbury and vicinity that he has just rcteiveJ a supply of FI.OUIJ, which he is oiri ring at wholesale or retail fiom $5 40, $6 37 J to 6 HT J ncr Bum I. He uUo sells some as low as TO els. per quarter, ail of which he VVAli HAN'T." lo be (iood. CANDI.Kd for sale, wholesale or retail. Thankful for pat patronage he hopes to cob linue to merit the same. UIYJS 11 1M A CAM. ! M. C. GEAKIIART, Market St., Sunbury, Pa. February S7, 165H. SUNBURY PL0UH AND FEED STORE. . tJUOL) TIMES AT HAND. CiOXSrANJT.Y CHEAI'KReiid BETTER J FI.Ot'K can bo '.ought VOll CASH of C. O. HAVEN in Market Square Sunhurv, than can possibly be had at any other place in town. It is unrcccstary to say that (iood Flour can be got from tl e West and Noitli cheaper than from any oilier quarter at the present time. The sub scriber having made the best possible arrange ments for gctiing this Flour, is piepurcd to give satisfaction to all who favor him with a rail. Prices range from $5 lo $6,75 per barrel accord in; to pualily. Chop Feed of all kind constant ly on hand. N U. No Pennsylvania Flour will compete with his. The price may bo the same, but the quality is quite infeiior. as all tcs'.ify thut try both kinds, t'lrase call and examine lor yourselves. l O. HAVEN, Sunbury, April 21, 1858. NET! CASH DRY GOODS HOUSE. if ui'KNiNC of ePttiNO cooi;8:i rVIIlj At LAX D 1X1.. Fourlb X Arch Sis. Ptnlad'a , sic uuw i ;leio.g a lull lo-:k 1 New Goods for Sorirg; of 1858! FASHION A m.K Sl'MXli GOODS, lil.AC'K MI.KS, iM to M melii s wide, Spnni! Divas iiofkls, Mew trla, Hiawlv, in all the .Ni-wesl htl,. lliitmli, rrt-iM-h hoi! Anierieiiu chintzes, Kul. slivk o lloiiirstic Uooil., Full Klot'lt of Kuropcuu Goous. X. H. Bargains in tteas-'iialile Goed. rlnilvreceired from tli; AUCTIONS i. New Vcrl, suil I'liilaUelplns. F .S MKIRIHAN IS, are invited to examine the Sloa '1 Kli.MS Nell Culi uud low prices. i'luludrlj.liui, Maicli 13, lf8 3iu3w. Prices Reduced to Suit the Times I (!.!! WHITS IIVIK.) Race Street alore Third, 1'hiladcljihia. 'Pllli Pin,nii-toia of tlir Hbove well-known e.ubliih 1. nifnl lielnjr thnnln'.ll for the very l!lrml patroiui;e he-Slowt-d upon ihcoi III,; past year, t-ika this mullliKl ol in. forming itn-ii fiii:L and I lie pul.lic Hint tl.ey are still pie purul to aoi-orom-'rl'ite thim u f.ivon-d with a cull. During tt W inter mouths tlieliouac h-is tieea Lhornucli 1r renovated, iinprovtmeuis made anil wihcr extensive ul terminal i(l i-oi,tenilnlloii. W ure del. i mined to ikvoirnir whola attention to l.ukint-ss and flutter nnrst-lv-i tv jli the couvictiun that vs shall be oble tu civr general autiHiH'tioii. Mri:s A STOVKR, Itacs eneel, above Third. TFRMa.-H a; per day N. H Canutes will always be In readiness to convey I asfcispcri tu aim Hum Sivaiubuat Ijindinifs and llailrjad li"i. B. 8. ,mUn!!r.liia, April 10, If j 3ra eo.ooo OROSS-TIES ANTED Thiity Thousand Cross-Tics, or r " Bailrosd 8ilU for the Northern Central Hail Iioad. For further particulars apply ta lit A T. CLEMENT, Cortractor. Fuubury, December S6, 1857 if Badclla and Harness Maker. HENHY IIAUPT, JR. rtSi'liCTFLLI. V informs the NjtSrntv citizona of .Sunhurr and the pub- -'--Ji,. lie generally, that lie has taken the shop occupied by Bright and Beck, ene.docr tatt ol 8. Haupt'a Cabinet Ma ker shop where he is prepared to turn out work iu bia liue of business equal to any made in this section of the country, Oiders promptly execu ted and all kind of produce taken in Exchange HuntSary, Mauh SO, 1858.- ly - BTOBB. MISS LOUISA 8HI8S1.ER, respectfully in forms the eitixena of Trevorlon and sur rounding county, (hat eke h opened new store of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor ton in Shamokin street, nearlj opposite Knouse's Tavern, where all kinds of Bonnets and t ancy Goods can be had at the lowest terms. Dress making- also attended to in toe best manner and latest style. April 25, 1858. tf . JOISTES HOUSE. WELLS COVERLY, Proprietor. Cor. of Mark et Street Mark et Square, IlARRiSBVKG.PA. . THIS NEW AND K.I.EOANTIIOTKt, recently eree toil liv tlie Messrs JUM:?. in Hurlisburir, I'a., Imv- iiift. hern icnwi1 for a term of yeals ly the llinleisipneil, lie takes this method of ciillinft the ettriition of his former patrons, and the tiavelline; community, thereto. lliiviiifr a front of one 'hundred and forty feet on Hie piincipnl ureet ol the city, and Filly-two Keet Front on Market riiuure, it cnnnot'fail to rjrova attractive as well us iiivitins to strnnfrers. I ha l hnmiiers are or hue size, well ventiini, nna lightt'd with tins a mirnWr with connecting duors ma king them very demralttu for fuuiilifis. The Units are warmed throughout hy rteaters: and every modern improvement, in fact, has lieeu addetl, that may conduce to the safety, comfort, and happiness of the f nets. isitors may, the rctore, rest assurea, tnat tne "jones House11 lias been made perfect in all its appointments that, each tl-ptirtrmiit has hen phtccd in chaige of Kspe rienced and Comprtrnt rersons thnt in every particular Hie system x-hu-h has adopted by the I'roprietoi, wiltalTord to lliitse wlio niav make it their home, as areat a ilecree of comfoit ns may beublaitied at any similar establishment in ine Mate. To secure this desirable remit, he tins furnished the Publie and Pnvnte l'nvnte l'firlor. Chamlwis, Pining It. win, Ac. wilh entirely NKW FUllMTI ItH; aud also arranged wiihin ttie bmliliri;. a fine Barbers Snloitn, Oys ter alchin. liremiig It.iois. Ilot and t. i.ln Hiilhs, s. Ttie Cnlinarv Pepurtmen . nnd Dininc Itoom will receive the especinl nltcntion of tVe Proprietor, which he trusts, wilt lie s sulttcienl etiarantec that all tastes will I sniteo. After retuitiinir his heartfelt thanks to his old friends sad pntronw, for the genenais patronage so long extemled to liiin at the ''Coverly House," and also to ills friends snd patron at the "C.Uiunh.a House," Cape Island, during llm senson of IS'i.'f, he respectfully solicits a coiltiuuunce ol it at the "JUAWiiuiM.." January 30, IMS Omos. ANALYSIS OF LYONS CATAWBA BRANDY BY A. A.HAYES, M. D., Assayer to the Stale of Mastachusetts. Gkhf.ral CiumcTiR. A light yellowish brown-colored spiiit, bavin? a fragrant edot when evaporated from clean linen it left no oil or oltensive matter. Analyzed for volatile ami hx ed drugs, of w hich no traces of any kind were found. Its color is proved to be due to a colored resin an rxtract derived from wood. In every respect it is a pure spirituous liquor. The frugrnnce or bouquet which it possesses can be isolated, and it then appears unlike that from Cognac Brandy or Wine, being a fruity es sence resulting from a peculiar fermentation of Catawba aud Isabella Crapes. Chemical ('luniCTEn. 1,000 parts in vol ume of this spirit contains at CO dog F. 461 2 10 parts of pure ulcohol, besides the fragrant oil. 1,0 10 parts of the spirit all'ord 23 parts of a strong solution of the oil which characterizes this Bran dy ; the spirit 'eft, after removing the oil, is pure and odorless, and in all its qualities a perfect spi rit not subject to charge. One I. S. gallon of this Brandy at CO dog. F. contains, besides the spirit and oil, only Still grs. of matter composed of extract of fruit, gum, and colored resin from wood. i'osTON. January 55, 1858, Dr. COXE, State Inspector of Ohio, and Dr. Jas. Ii. Chilton. Chemist, of New York, both pronounce this to be pure Brandy, and free from all adulteration. For Medicinal purposes Lyon's Catawba Bran dy has no rival, and has long been needed to su persede the poisonons compounds sold under the name of Brundy. As a beverage, the pure article is altogether superior, and a sovereign sure reme dy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency,, Low Spirits, Lan guor, General Debility, fyc. &.C. Also, KSHKLBY'S STILL AXD SPARK LIXU CIIAMPAUXE. These wines ore made in the neighborhood of Cincinnati, and are guar antied to be the pnro jnico of the Oropv, and are einiuently calculated for invalids and persons who require a gentle stimulant, and for sacramen tal purpose;!. Kcutl price $ I 25 per bottle. A liberal dis count made to the trade. Dealers will please tend their orders to the sole agent for Northum berland comity JOHN F. CASLOW, Druggist, Milton, Pa. February, 20, 1858 3in. SADLERY AND HARNESS MAKING IHE subscribers respectfully inform tho eiti xena of uiihury and vicinity that they have commenced the above but-incss a few doorscbove the Post Office, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. Work of all kinds in their line of business will be done promptly and neatly on the most rea sonable terms. CLEMENT A. OYSTEK. February 13,1858. J 0 13 .rSI8Ii A II iff ATTORNEY A.T LAW, Ojjice in MucLet tt., o)jioite the Court House, SUN BURT, PA. Collections maile and Professional Business generally attended to Promptly and Carefully. Piui.ADtLrui RkrtRExcx : Bullitt 4 Fairlhorne, Diehl d Wertz, Davis &. Birney, F. Tyloi & Co. ruubury, June SO, 1957. PURE CONCENTRATED I.YE OR S.V PONIFIER, for sale at FISHER'S Drug Store. Price 20 cts. P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, JI STK II OF THE I'UACE, SUNBUBY, PA.. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School lluuse. All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writings dune. Sunbury, April 83. (857. if A. J- ROCKEFELLER SUtovncn at cud, Practices in Northumberland and adjoinin Counties. SunburyNovember SI, 1857.- tf C. BEITKEP.T'S w hohsili axn Retail BOOT STORE, 40 Sutith Fourth S.t, abort Chetnnt, l'hil'a. BOOTS, Shoes, (suiters, Ac, promptly made P to order in tbe very best style, and of the bet material. Philadelphia, May 9, 1857 LMONDS, KAISONS, FIGS, LEMONS. etc., Ac, just received a fresh supply and for sale at the Confectionary store of M. C. UEARHART. Sunbury, May 16, 1 8.r7. . S JATCHOLLV, JOCKEY CLUB, SPRING 1L FLOWERS, 4c of the best quality a tresh supply just received and for sale at the "rug Store ot - A. W, USHER, fiuubury, A fir. 1, 1857 Xcw Drugs, raliits. Kc. M;w supply of Drugs, Paints. Us, r luid, &.C., just received and for sale by A. W. FISHER. fiuubury, May S, 1857. Iiahing Taokle. Red Cork, Crass, Cot- - ton and Linen Lines, Out Lines, Sea Grass by the yard, Anoojs, Flies, Kir by, Limerick aud Carlisle Hooks, Rods, tc, for aala by March 4 1. '87. A. W. FISHER. Ol'RE OLIVE OIL for table use, two sue - at 37) and C2 J rente just received by A. W. FISHER, March 13, 'ie FOR SALE. A Good teceno-hsnd Bugg)-. affioe. Apply at this 11.41 ATtn FANCY BOOIt BINDING. rpilK snhseribers,)iavin bought Ihs Bindery kits ol Pte JL phen D and Lyman ll. Wilson, of Milton, and added I" it some superior implements, an having secured the supcrnrtendencs of Mr. H. K DOWNING, who has for ten years been employed in one of the best Binderies tn Philadelphia, and comes wllta the first lecommcndations for iiitegiity and conpetemy, tie now piepared to BIND OR HI-SIND Books, Pamphlets, Magazines, .News papers, Music, &c, &c, In every style desired. Work may either hound or half bound, in Calf, Koan, Turkey Morocco, Sheep, or other l,either, or Muslin of various colors and ornamented With Mnible Pnper of different figures, thades snd colors. Old lliblrs nnd other Hiaks or Papers which it is de sired to preserve ns iremnrials in a family, can be made more secure by the Minder's skill. IT lllank Hooks, liibles, Hymn snd Prayer Hooks Pocket Books, Albums, Diaries, Ac., LKTTKRKD WITH 0(11.0 in legible nnd durable characters, to older. AlbtMU l Oll 1 I" Vl.lllff, C, niHiie W uiv cunumir,.. A aood Biiiderv has long been desired in this vicinitv, and we can therefore most respectfully solicit tbs pubho patronage, trusting that it will be suihclent to repay tne outlry nmf risk. iy Rem, tools, stock, aud workmen all requiring money, we shnll expect PAY US DKl.IVF.lt Y of nil work. Jtl We intend to charge mndernte, reasona ble and uniform prices, on the "Live and I.at Live" prin cipleand hope to make it a pennnnent business. Office iu the center of Market Pqnnre. nnnh side second story, unjoining the "Chronicle" and Telegraph offices, third door from the Post Office. WORDKN fc CORNELIUS, Prop'rs. IfSTTRT E. DowaiKS, Agent. lwishurg, May 13, 18! ly LANCASTER COLLIERY FOR SALE. Important to Coal Operator. riHE undersigned Lessees of the "Lancaster "- Colliery," near Shamokin, Northumberland county. Pennsylvania, wi lling to retire from the business, oiler for sale the Lease and Fixtures of said Colliery, on aatisfactoiy terms. This Colliery has been in operation since 1854, and has been successlul beyond expectation. The Coal is a superior articles for all uses to which Anthracite is applied, and a good market has been established, which can be much extended. The Breaker and Fixture are of the very best char acter and will recommend themselves to persona acquainted with the business. The Lease runs to January 1, 1864, end is a favorable one for the operator. For further information apply at the Colliery in person, or by letter to shamokin, P. O., Nor thumbcrland county, Pennsylvonia. COCHRAN, PEALE & CO. February 6, 1858. tf A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber will sell at private sale I FARM, situate in Point township, Nor thumbcrland county, about 3 miles from the borouch of Northumberland, on the Danville road, adjoining lands of J. C, Horton, James Nesbit, Chas. Parks and the north branch of the river Susquehanna containing 75 to 100 Acres, to suit purchasers. 1 he land is in a good state of cultivation. The improvements consist of larao frame HOUSE, well finished; a Spring House, built over a never-failing Spring close to the house, a Bank Bam and other outbuild ings. An Oi chard with young and choice fruit trees. Ttie above tract will be sold on reasonable terms and an indisputable title given. Posses siou given on the first day of April next. For further particulars inquire of the rubscri ber, residing on the adjoining tai m. JAMES NESBIT, Point township, January 23, 1858 tf VALUABLE REAL ESTATE OFFERKB AT PRIVATE SALE. TP1 II 10 subscriber oflcrs at private sale, a cer tain lot or piece ol land, situate in Lower Augusta township, Northumberland county, about 8 miles below sunbury, bounded on tin west by the river Susquehanna, on the south by land ol George 'Seilcr, on the cant by land ol Wm. Kroh, and on the north by land of Wm, R. Jones, containing fi Acres and 18 perches. all of which is cleared and in a very high state of cultivation. 1 he Northern Central Ra Road passes through the tract, and is also bound on the e.ist by the Main Road leading fiom Suiibcry to Hairtsburg, winch together, with the River upon the west, and the fertility of the soil makes it a very pleasant and desira ble situation. ALSO; another certain Tract of Land, situate in said township, adjoining lands of William Kroh, on the south, the heirs ol Knocrt and Ar thur Auchmuty ; on the east Win. V. Silver wood, and a public road on the north, and Wm It. Jones on the west, containing d Acres 1 perches strict measure. A bout 50 acres of whicl aie cleared, and in a high state of cultivation and the residue most excellent land for culliva. tiou, bat is now covered with excellent limbo and if purchased soon, the purrhaser can get large quantity of Railroad I tcs on the same, This tract is also well watered, having several fine springs upon it, and every field can be wa tercd thereby. An indisputable title will be given and terms of sale reasonable. WILLIAM R. JONES. Lower Augusta tp., January 2, 1857. tf VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE, rilHE subscribers, Exccntors of the estate JL Henry Masser, dee'd., offer at private sale the following properly viz: A large two atory trame dwelling house, together with about 50 ACRES OF LAND. Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining lands ol Daniel Kaulman and others now in the occupancy of John R. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The house is new and the location good one for business. Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONE LAND, in said township on the river about 5 miles be. low Sunbu.y, adjoining lands of J. T. M'Pberson and others, containing, about 80 acres. Th soil is productive and contains limestone an other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing about 35 acres on the hill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining lauds of the heiis of the late John Conrad and others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. H. U. MASS hit. P. B. MASSER. Executors. FRANCIS BUCIIER. Sunbury, January 19, 1856. If Farmers l ook to Your Iiitcret. LIME 1 EI3VEE 11 'TMIE audscriher respectfully informs the far - Diers and the public generally, that he has leased the lime kilos of Ira T. Clement in Sun bury. and that he hag alwaya on hand, and is ready to supply a good quality of lime to all who may want for building or farming purposes. He has also a kiln at Keefer'a crossings miles from Sunbury, or two from Snvdertown. tW All kind of Country Produce taken in exchange. GEO. W. STROH. Sunbury, Dec. 26, 1 8.r)7. HOVER S LiaUID HAIR DYE. The testimory of Prof. Booth and Dr. Drinckle having prevunitly been publiihed, the following, is now sdded From Prof. MuCUISKEV, lornieily Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine in the Female Medical College f Pennsylvania, and lute Prufesaor of kimgeryiu ike American Collegeof Medicine, Aco. : 1'uiLsDSLruu, Nov. 87th, 1836. Ma. J.hiph E. Hovsa A tnal of your 1JOU1D HAIR DVE will convinca the most skeptical, that it is a sirs, klioant, and csficacious preparation. Unlike many- utliers, it has in ssveral instances proved serviceable 111 Ilia cure of some cutaneous eruptions tai the heud, and I have nu hesitation iu coouueudinf it to those reu,uiruig sieh an applioutiou. Very lenpecUully, i. F. X. McCLOPKEV, M I) , 470 Usee Hi., above 13th. HOVER'S WRITING INK9, including HOVER'S WRITING FIX'ID, and HOVEK-SINIJEI.IBI.E INKS, still maintain their high character, which baa alwsys dis tinguished them, and the extensive demand first created, has eoiiiiimcd uninterrupted until the present, - Orders addressed to the Manufactory, No. 41tf RACE street, above Fourth, (old No. IU.) Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention, by JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer. December SS, 18A7. April S3, '57, ch. stationery. A large supply of fancy Note Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Pens, luk, Sand, eke., at March 14, '67. A. W. FISHER'S. 'Tobacco and Segars. sa.ooo Impon Segars of various brands. Eldorado, F Cavendish and fine tut tobacco at ted rig, A. W. rWHEH'S. Puubury, March 14, 1IA7, 1857. FALL At WINTER GOODS I 1853 .A.T 2?m "W. GKR-fV2"S FANCY DRY GOOD STORE, Market Square, Sunbury. VOW received and will continue to receive the largest and beat selected Stock of Black Cloths, Cassimeret, Ca$tinett$ and Yentingi, frc. An assortment of Dresa Goods, vix: Fancy printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, Do Lain Bareges, Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapaccs, Dress Silks, (Jin(,hams, Ac. LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet ing, Pillowcaseing, dee. Dress Trimmings in Great Variety. oots and Shoes Hats and Caps, Hardware, Cedarware, Groceries, Queensware SALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, Segars, Tobacco, Snuff, Ac, an assorsment of other Goods too tedious to menlioh. Feeling grateful for past favor we beg leave to svre our old friends and the public that no rl. -t nn our part shall be wanting to merit a cot", nuance of our patronage. country produce taken in exchange at tne highest market price. r. w . utiA i . Bunbury.Dec 12 1857. tf WE STILL SURVIVE THE CRISIS VTOT WITHSTANDING the astonishing quan titv of Goods that I brought into town last Spring, I succeeded in selling them all out ex cept what I gave away, and had to hurry to the city, for a new lot, in order trial my customers might not be put to the inconvonience of buying at other stores, where they would be chaiged killing prices. Profiting by past experience,! have )ust brought on Twice as Many Goods, and I have now the largest and CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT ever offered within hearing if this place. I am hound to sell CHEAPEIl THAN EVER, before. I need not say cheaper than my nei bors; for that is no longer a disputed fact. I am now ready to deal out goods twenty hours out of twenty-four Sundays excepted at lower prices than any person dare ask lor. Just call for any thing you want. 1 am deter mined to SUPPLY ALL DEMANDS that may be made, reasonable or unreasonable, Call soon, as the rush is tremendous. IRA T. CLEMENT, 8unbury, Dec SO, 1857. ly EAKTHESWAHE. THE subscriber respectfully in'orms the citi zens of Sunbury and the publie generally that he has commenced the manufacture of all kinds ef EAItTIIENW ARE, at his manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one square east of the River. He has engaged the services of Mr. Ill a p. and you can therefore depend on having a good article. The public are rcsuecttully invited to call. All orders from a distance will he promptly attended ta. r. M.SHINDEL, Sunbury, Feb. i, 1856. tf N. 8. JLAWIIEXCE'S NEW Paper, Printers' Card and Envelope WAREHOUSE, No. 405 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. Cash buyers will Cnd it for their interest to call. January 16, 1858. Cmos. Straw-Cutter. ITHE subscriber has been appointed Agent for L Messrs Gcddcs & Marsh of Lewisburg, for the sale of their Straw, Hay et Corn-Fodder Cut ter. This Cutter is the best in use. Farmers and others are respectfully requested to call and examine for themselves. P. B. MASSER. Sunbury December 2C, 18S7. If IDE JM TISTRY GEOIiGE RENN, 4 NNOUNCES to the citizens of Sunbury and vicinty, that he has opened an office in Sun bury, above II. J. Wulverton's oflicc opposite C. Weaver's Hotel, where he is prepared to attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession, in the latest and most improved style. All woik well done and warranted. December 13, 1856. 'I'll 13 It (.EST SIMS a iFB38OTEZE ESTABLISHMENT IN THE CITY OF BALTIMORE, MATIIIOT'S Cay Street Wsreroonn Nns V3 and 2j North Guy street, ueur Fayette, Baltimore : wheie is kept always ou hand, or made 10 older, every style of French TTE-A-TT, in Plusb, Hair, Cloth or Brocatelle. French Pull Ptuff and Medallion Parlsr Arm Chairs, in Plush. Hair, Cloth or BmcaielJe. French Full SiuffCaived Parlor Chairs in sets, with Plush, Hair, Cloth or Brocatelle. SOFAS' Half French Spring Mahogany and Walnut Parlor Chairs, ill Hair, Cloth and Pluth. RiH kiiif Chuirs various designs, in Hair, Cloth aad Plush. hliiff Spring Innges a large assortment slivais en hand, or an palieru uiudsor covered with any goods to order. ckambbh suits: 1ivMaTiogauy or Wulnut, complete, from (35 up. Cuuej Criuira and RcH-kiu du. tlits largest wortment realty niate in any one buuaa iu tbe L'niltxl 6utc Iron $14 a dozen up. Bur Kojiiu, OiBcc and Dining Chairs, in Onk, Walnut or Mahogany, witb Cane, Wood or bluifcd fetati ua tiftKlmriit rmbiacitif over 50 dozen, Wo, aimt Cliaua and totteea and Rockijif Chain.- over 100 dozen. Gilt and Plain Frame Lookinr GIatea,of avery variety. AU kinds ol" Uedi. Hair aud Hunk MaUrnsaes. A. MATHIOT. Noi. fi') and 25 N. Gay at , near Fayette at., lialtioiore. August 1, 1857. I y Citrate of Magnesia TASTELESS SALTS, THIS preparation ia recommended aa an ex cellent laxative and purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant tasta resembling lemon sds in flavor, prepared and sold ky A. W, FISHER. Sunbury, March 4 18S0. - PHILIP Z. PTODY. WUOLK8ALI AMD RSTAIL Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store. S. E. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and familiei will be promptly upplied at the lowest price. October 4, l856.-tf GOLD PENS with and without case, ef a very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for aale W H. U. MASSER. Sunbury. Dee. 17, 185S pORT MONAIE8, Tooth and Hair Brusha x all qualities, and any fuanti y, for sale by - a.w. rienKH. March U, '67. FURNITURE 1 FURNITURE 11 THE LARGEST 8T0CK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. - Fashionable, Cheap nnd I'srful THE subscriber, long established aa a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in 8unhury, thank ful for past favors, aolicita continuance of the public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, 4C, embraces EVtRY VARIETT, tSEFIL AND ORNA MENTAL in housekeeping. It ia unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in his line can be had at moderate prices, Cheap for Cash, or Country Producetaken in exchange. Establishment SotitA East Corner of Market Square. E7 These knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Sunbury, April 4, 1867. tf NEW ARR ANQEMENX I Fi-esh Arrival of DRUGS, TAINTS, OILS, &c, mHE undersigned having taken the atore for. JL mcrly kept by William A. Bruner, ia now ready to till orders and prescriptions at a mo ments notice. He lias a large anil wen seicciea stock of fresh and pure DRUGS, CHEMICAL, Dye-stuffs, Oil, Paints, Glass, Putty, and all kinds of Patent Medicines. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported Segars of the choicest brands. Fancy Notions' toilet articles, and Per fumery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair Brushes of every variety. Camphine and Fluid atways en hand. Customers will find his stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible hero to enu merate, and all sold at moderate prices. Remember the place, next door to E. Y. Bright'! Mammoth Store. A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, March 14, 1857. Thlir ta f.77T-. s- a.vl- Cmnt mU Imtunliv, t.d b more t'7 m-i p... ,. , lnf m,ef (. M iv'r IBTCnlftl. All and woTthlflM lai ' la pr9Mt.Ur.si lh). rtWI ffltlit nVi. IsvkMty wnria in kii ini'iii, OimcM. EwTas to ln-rf.tllirtirUliy faU uiranvi ; bat JI raue IIUClU'l ta lafaT ainaMHis.tr. k ....... VUH "riTuui wva w aT iiiouMa n ij II ! W TTi:ld to kMT Sll Tlilt prjl fJS neTtilBsT I 4irf Uom. Try . m,,d in nil timi whrf tmiiw , 'sou of tn Vn Utr rao will to rtfnndvd 1't.c rMtfl U Pit Dnsvrfa TmuIm Cam Jtfftr nt tmwt th sffniW mn am by otlim. Th linf la bb a uUrly naw plii.h Cuiit imy vrUtVy ttill. n4 chms itrtof or vtt t-nt, m INe Oiim eaku w. wli ioa any P'herCan- Th IXtnlna? U larr auinwa'h 1M kd..,U a AilltMil ! Yr9 U nn Load mb- tit tl to ttttoriornto 1A lasronwnw it iTn .ntily or Tin. , i. rinri" f l 11107 bau rV 04 tli IMI for TBI Trrj, a t l who hnrc trid lhts will um o irr I'urtsi A LIUtBiL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. LUDLOW CAN CO. as iiiu.hu, .v. Pepl. 1J, IS57. NEW CONFECTIOMARY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARIIAIIT, HAS just received a new ami excellent assort ment of goods at his Confectionary ant) Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunburv, where he manufactures and keeps on hand, at all times, tho most choice Confectionary, &c, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among his stock of Conlectiouarics, may he found : French Seetf ts. Gum Drops, sll kinds of scsnt. Humeri Almonds, Love Diops, Crnim While, Mint Drops, red snd white, 11 I.rmon Jelly Cakes, Kose, Fiuit Drops, 11 Vanilla, Suck rancltes, o( sll scents Common Secists. Rock Candy, Liquorice, Almond Couidr. FRUIT. Bananas, Trimes, Dates, Fiirs, Currants dried, Citrons, Almumls, Rmsons, Nuts f all kinds LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Sugars and Tobacco, anil a variety of Confcciinnnrit's, fruit, &c, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. ICE CREAM. He has also opened an Tee Cream Salenn, and will at alt times ha ready to serve his customers with Ice Cream. Sunbury, May 21, 1857. ly WA UXDEUFUL CVLXCWEXCE. All Xat tons r the same .Ml 11 at IIOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. The anniversary of the introduction of Hollnn)'s Ointment ouelit to be a jubilee foicvcr. It has saved countless multitudes from Uiitifcureiueul, paral) zution, mutilation, agony and death. Murium front the surface to Which it ia applied, its heuliin; lulm finds its way through every ceiling and ligumc iiinfthe ludv, to the veiy souice Slid liusis of all eruptive, ulcerous, tumorous, and caoce. rousdiieuses. ll distinguishes the febrile prinriple that feeds them, aud the outward symptoms fuile, litul, snd pasaau-uy with a rapidity mcroiible to those who have nut wituessed it. 6CROFILOC9 EltUPTIO.XS AND ULCERS. Tht poison of scrofula has never been neutralized or expelled by any of the remedies of the ptmrinacpaia The 'le unlid.ite to this virulent and destructive slement is 11. aiuway't Ointment. Majendie Ai Urodie. the gnat Freueh and Knglish aurgeoua, do no deny or ilnpute this great fact. There is n.if.trin of scrofula that may uitt be coutrolled and cuied by this bslnaiuic remedy. CAXCKKS AND TUMOHS. Ths knife or caustic may remove a cancer or tumor, but the seeds of the terrible excrescence remain in the blood, aud it Is soon reproduced in a worse form than before. Ilollowuy's Ointment, oil the eouulrary, pfne. tratesiuto the eircnlnti.Hi, aud pervudes every infected vesiele. snd ki Is thediteuau hy deatioyiug the uuirosive principle that generated and suaiains it- INFLAMMATIONS OF THE SKINS. All rashes snd ordinary eruptions, as well as Erysipelas, Acne, lllnpworui, Carbuncles, Scald Head, Salt Kheum, Leprosy. Prickly Hcut, Ice, aie icmoved by a few busk applicutious of the Ointment. ACCIDENTAL INJURIES, WOUNDS, Sprains, Bruises, Scalds and Burns are immediately relieved by its appliculi.ui. The inflamma tion quickly subsides, fever snd lockjaw aia prevented, and under a persevering use of the preparation, the pro. ceas of healing is soon uccomplisiicd. Both tht Ointment and Pills should le vi'd in tne following eases Bunions l.unibsico 8. .re Lees Swelled Glands Slid Joints Ulcers Venereal Sores Wounds of all kinds limns Mercurial Sore HruiBta Chapped Hands Kruplions Hon Heads Lnuuiaius Filea Sore Thrtiala Fiaiulaa Rheumatism Sores of all Gout Salt Kheum kinds Skin Diseases Sprains Scalds 17 CAUTION 'Nona are irmunx til.u ,k. 'llolkiway, New York and U.ndou," are discernible as ass WHter-nurk iu every leaf ot' the book of directions sround each r"l or ho : the same may he plainly seeu by holding tbe leaf tu the light A handsome rewaid wiU bs gu ru in any one rendering such information. al may leud to the detection ol sny purty or parties counterfeiting the ineJicuit or vending the same, knowing them lo be spurious. ild at lha Manufactories of Profeasnr HaLlowat SO Maiden lne, New York, and M4 Strand, lmdon. by allreapectsble Drnggiataaud Healera iu Medicine Ihrouak. out the Lulled Stales, aud the civilized world, in buies at ceuis.ajj cents, and l eack. JJ There u a cousidcrable saving by Ukiug tU krer N. B. Directions for ths guidance ol patients ia ever disorder are aifiird to rurh W. ' October IJ, ltvi?.lyc IJORTaaJ MADERIA WINES, Schiedam Schnappa, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry nd Lavender brandiee fog aaedtrinal purposea at Maura U.'5T. A. V. TISHER. ATENT BRITTANIA 6TOPrER3 fo JL otr Doiuea lor aale by H. B MAUSER. Btlttbury, July It, 115 IIERIIING S SAP THIS ACKOWt.KT OHAMPIO THR RECENT TP Resiling have endorsed H of public opinion, and the venlicl ul more tlinii dental fires, proving c tnat "Herring's" is tueui that will not ham. Kstract fiom Ihs Cor Report nn the Trial of If at Heading I i nn il, ftlih nf Fehrnarv alt the memlers of th mittee met to witness the Ssfcs and books and , (placed in them) and were perfectly satisfied lliat a right. The dav following, the burning took place, una. the snperinteinimce of the Committee. Altera fair and impurtinl burning for five hours, the fnfe of Messrs. Kvhus & Watson was first opened, the Mife being nn lira inside, and the contents partially consnined, while the eon tents In the ftifeof Messrs. Parrels ft Herring wsie ia rood eonditinn, and no Cra inside." limiting, March 8, 1HS7. tSigaed,) II. F.FF.UX. 1 P.N COLEMAN, SCormnltUe. A. II. PEACOCK. ) A nd endorsed by oyer SO of the best men of Reading. Th above Safes can be inspected at at Walnut blreet, where lha pablic enn satisfy themselves of the treat supe riority of the "Herring's Patent Champion,'' over the defeated and need up "inside Iron Door Salmsndar." Raliey V Herring, 34 Walnut Si . PhilriAn. Onmakers In this State of Hsrring's Tateut Champioa The attempt made hyot ier sanies to hotMer nn il, reputation of s Safe whir'i hn tilA .n .;.ii.. I. dental fires in Philndelphis, (Ranslead Ptack.) by taking; '"""" """""ii store, (ii a. unit,) nin.le douuls thickness, (cinVrent from those they sell) to "burn nn' one ..f Herring's (linlf as thick) has met with its true ra " ""'"'j !".ne rou o not be burnt, proving ennrlu sively that the only relinhlc ftife now made is"Herring's" of which over IS.ono are now in nctnal ine. and inor- man iod i,a-e heen tried by firs without a single loss. Pliila.,Juiis SO, 1?57. ly, ISAAC 31. AVILKEIiSON, MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Solan, Divans and Lounges Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AM) MMM TAHl.KS and also VENETIAN ULINDS, equal to Phil ticipiua manularture. UEDSTEADS, of every ontiern sn,l CUPBOArxDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. 1 HE subscriber respectfully calls the attentioi of the public to his larRe and splendid as sor Intent of every quality and price of . CAIH.ET-WAKE which cannot fail to recommend itself toavery ant who will examine it, on account of its durabli workmanship and splendid finish, made up of thi best stock to be had in the city. No effort j. spared in the manufacture of his wara, and trw subscriber is determined to keep up with thi many improvements which are constantly Lein. made. He slue manufacture all kinds and qualitie CIIAIHS. ncluding varieties never before to be had I Sunbury, such as Miuor.sjri, Dun Walrd ijvn Cuiilku Mapli Ghf-cia ; iso Wisnsn CHAIRS, nn TAKcr I'iaio Stools, which a' of tho latest styles, and warranted to he excellr by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewher The subscriber is determined that there she be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture the cities, as every confidence can be entertain, bout the quality and finish of his ware ai V Sain. ' hese articles will be disposed of on aa go ten. as they can be purchased elsewhere. Cu tryp . oduce taken in payment for work. UNDERTAKING. Having provid a handsome Hsarsc, he is now prepared I U ndertaking, and attending funerals, in this cinity, or at any convenient distance from ll place . The Wore Rom is in Fawn Btreet, 1 ow Weaver's Hotel. He has also purchased the right of manuf luring and selling in Northumberland conn Uoulil s patent Excelsnir Spring lied, which will furnish at reasonable rates. Springs put old bedstead for three dollars. I.-MAO M. WILKERSON Suabury, April 18, 1857. tf. FURNITURE POLISH. S. RAiTS Premium Patent Enomel Furnil Polish This polish is highly valuable lor r. ring the polish on nil kinds of l'uruilure, Ol Carriage Bodies, H.ir Cloth, ic. A Is", for moving spots, hiding scratches, &e., Ac. V ranted to dry immediately and retain its glos Price 50 els. per bottle. Sold by , , A. W. FISHEI March 14, IR57. SiII KI. II. OR1VIG. ATTORNEY A.T LAW Office on South Second, near Market St LE WISBURG, PA. Practices in the Counlies of Union, Nort berlund and Montour. All PltOrESKIONAL UriMM, .n, hia rare wiil receive prompt and fs'thful a tiun. October 3, 1857 ly WHITE HORSE HOTEL. POTTSVILLE, PA. T1HE subscriber respectfully announces U -- aid friends and the public, that ha has t that old and well known establishment, the White ;norse Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mahantogo st. the Borough of PotUville. The houe ha cently been very much enlarged and othei improved, rendering it quite as comfortuh any other Hotel in Schuylkill county-, the stables are large, in good condition, an. tend by careful, attentive, prudent hoslleis. To travellers and others who may stop t. house, ha promises every attention cojculal render them comfortable and satisfied. SOS. M. FECE April 6, 185K.- tf sl l JTtK &. IIAUI.I.Y. cheap watches and jewelry W HOI.ESAI.F. AND RETAIL at the ..phi,,,. Nor I Second street, Corner ol ljuarry, PhiliidcloM. S'Ur.:;n.e:V8,?arei.fU,1J Mli er Lever, full jewelled. Silver Lepme. jewels, Superior Quartien, Gold Siecuiclest Fine Silver do., Ciokl Hraceleta, l.ydy'a Gold Pencils, Silver Tea Spoors, set, Gold I'eus, wnh Pencil and Silver holder. Gold Finger 11 lugs 3Tg cts lo 0 ; Watch t.isaser 181 et. patent 1 f. l..,Jel85 I he. .rude, p Afl goods warrauted lo bs what thev are ...,l ,',V ' .... " h,nd "m "ok! and Silver Uvera aad 1 still k.wer than the abov prices Philadelphia, October In, li-67 tv9W HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LA Ofut opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County H' ationuoa to cusinebs in adit .aunties. 4 DANVILLE HOTEL. JOHN DEEN, jr., Market Street, Vam ille, Pa, mHIS ia one of the largest and most coom JL dious hotels in the interior of Petmsylvar k .J!" rceen" ttui "P. ' excellent stj Hn all the modern convenience. Danville1, Sept. SJ, 1855 T)LANK Tarchmeni Par Deeds and bl Mortgagee, Bonds, Eierutiona, feunimi aVe., far aale b H. B. MABsKI 8unbury , Atirl 18, 1858 STOVES- 10 K SALE an excellent second hand C a. ing Stove, ala eeveral Cylinder Hloies. Enquire at this otfu. CMLVEU WATCH E8 A fe double EnglUb Silver Watchea, for sale at vcj mm pneae by Sunbury, Apia !, M. H. B MAS ' l.i .... t. I... '.... .. . .. -.. t m 4- m mm..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers