'V c t r n to THE UNBKPKEN SLUMBEIi- "i'f. I shnll re?t ! Some coming Jay , When blo83oni9 ia Ibo inJ ''9 dancing, Anil cliildron in tlieir mirthful ply Hoed not ttio tnourtiful crowd advancinu, lp through the long and bopy itrott Thpj'll bear uih to mj lust retreat. Or plso-it m&ttors not may rT0 Tho Storms and blasts or winter westber, Above tho narro. ricw mtidu grnv, Wlipro cum nhl I lie down topothcr ; Enough thnt f fhould know it rol, lleneatb, in the daifc, narrow spot. For I Glial! sleep ' As ewpct n ''f'I, A 9 ever prared child reposing, A wr its mo in the cell so deep, Where I, mv wenry eyelid closing, At length shall lay nio down to rest, Heedless of clods abovo my breast. Asleep ! how deep will be that rest, Tree from life's rover moving wildly, That when ia pa--t the earth's umept, Its bosom shall receive mo imMly ; Tor not one dream of earth shall come To iinade the slumber of that homo. 0 deep repose t O slumber blest 1 O niyht or pence ! No storm, oo sorrow, No heavy stirring in my rest To meet onrtlier we;iry morrow ! 1 shall heed neither night nor dawn, Uut still with MJud slocP ou 1 f-'leep on, tlioml; inst above my head Prowl sin and miser) -s haggard races J Tor tho deep slumbrr of Hie dead All sense or human woe prises, Tulsirs tho heart and cures tho brain ur every thought of outward paia. Armies above my rest mny I ramp Twill not disturb ono rigid muscle ! I shall not heed their iron stamp Moro than ti lonF'.-" complainin.r rustlo ; Nav, were tho earth convened to Drunk jily leaden sleep, 1 should not wake. And mothinka, if steps of those I'd known and loved on earth were round me Twonld tamo the might of my repose j Shiver tho iron corils that bound mo Save that 1 know thin caunot be, or death disowns all sympathy 1 Well bo it eo ! Pince I should yearn, Anxiously watch Tor their Appearing, Chiding each lingering, late return, And ever sad uud ever Tearing J'ving life's drama o'er again, lis tragedy cf hope aid pain. Then mourn not friend when ye may lay Tho clods of onrth nbcvo my ashes j TliinU v.hat ix re?t awaits my clay And smooth. Ilia ciouud with, teailcss lash es ; (.Had lh.it the resting form within lias duno at length with woo and tin. Think that with mo tho elrife is o'pt, Life's stormy straggling battlo ended j lleioice that 1 Ime gained that shore 'i'o which, though weak, my footsteps en ded ; Breathe the blest hope above the sod, And leave me to my rest with Uod. Jfiumcrs1 About Potatoes. Permit mo to say a few words nbout the potato, a subject c;uito ns important as the question concerning the adoption of the "red ekiit" by the fairer portion of creation, or whether tho modern bonnet was intonded to protect tho head or merely to hang on tho back part as articles are hung on naila about tho room, for cimcnicr.ee. I un a Yankee, auc! hail from the bauk3 of tho Connecticut, in the Old Hay State, and where we have uico mealy potatoes, un article I havo not been able tothid at Jtochestor. Even the fa mous Blue Mercits do not compare with our Carters and cth r varieties. I love a good potato as dearly as if I first drew my breath in that island where they raisu fine ones and Lave no suakes ; and should the question bo no bread or no potatoes, I should vote strong ly for tha last article. I believe too much eeod is used. My rule has been one small potato in a hill, und not cut thorn. 1 have always met with giod .nicv... Tho following 1 clip from the Springfield Republican : "IS. It. Williams, of Coidwater, Michigan, states that he has been experimenting upon seed potatoes for several years, and he finds that one quarter of the sei'd geuerally used is ail improvement. From one to two oyes in a hill, hu says, will produce moro potatoes, of more even sine, and lass subject to decay than uny larger amount of seed." We think our 1'armnra geuerully havo been tending to t Li same theory (or several years, tilthough they have not perhaps, carried it to extent. Our Knglish und lrili tanners say that wo use three time the seed that they do, nud that as a consequence we get more Email potatoes and less large ones than they do. und not so good aggregate crops. Cor Rural A'tfe Yorker. A Few Short Hints. Cherry grafting should be doue as early us possible. Now is tho time to slick your Currant and (joosheiy cuttings. Tuku of lat year's .'ronlhcut out all the bud buried in the t'arlh ; liisort six inches leaving eight or ton inches ubove ground. Uy tins course you will have trees instead of biir-hes, bearing much more ubuinieiitiy, fruit liner, and the stocktireltier. Kuhd oU carefully the tup-dreesin"; from the bluuberry, usparutrup, luiiji, and flower beds. Also take oil" the covering from the t iiiucii bed. We have uow Fj'iuath lit to eat. The tarly IVa bhould be iu tho gruuud by this time, provided the weather continue warm, tio vulh your lettuce in u vrarni bor der. Tiiui your Dwarf l'cur Trees. . We Cud it gcoJ policy to Lead them to ptulty closely. Ciiloui nil the dead vood, unii a cood deal of iheoi'ii uoud of your iiuts. 'i'he rose bears slurp pruning. 'I'liui und tie up your llafpbcrrii'f. They ueiar el.ouid Lie I1.11.n1ed iu the fall uuless laid down. Transplant your fiuit und ornamental Trees Mirub, nud Vim s now uhrap dly as pusaibk'. The earlier they are iu the bitter. ll'ioiu Hie ij.TOi.iui'nvu Teleijraidi J Tho Potato Culture. Sik I have fre(pjei:lly uctiied your arri. cultural nrtii le received Irotii various corres pondent, but do not romeaiber in any nl them to have teen the .rubiLU cau5a of the lallint; oil ill lur po'-itu crop, i wimbl therefore tnane tbe lolluw.ng eu-oattun : 1 huve been BDKHgeti in agriculture lor about twenty fuur jeora, Bi.u nuve uunng uiat tune 111 common witu my neiglibor. planted $mull potatoes. uiuno ms ana lias oeen tlie common nruc- I da ., .1 . 11 . , . ..vo in,.,, mo stiiaii potatoes exprepfly fur seed. Now this is totally unlike all ether seed that we make nse of. No one would ibink or a moment of tliePing his nubbin ears of curu ior seeu, uoi would on the ccntrory se ivci iue largen and finest; in lawing wheat we select thut which is the mott plump and Uavy, and so with all other Viil V,f J.i. I this year shall select the largest and most load potatoes I can ft ml Icwever expecting much change the first year, nor perhaps tha second, uor even the third y w hot If this plan be generally adop. Wd. 4 think it most prcva beutibVial vutu-B17- Hespectfully, C. W. M. nnrtmnu iviiv mvvtv ANALYSI3 0? LYONS CATAWBA BRANDY BY i . A. A. HAYES, Mi D., , Assaytr to I hi Matt of Masiachutttts. (iKXtRit CmniiTKii. A light yellowish brown-colored fpi.it, having fiajrant ,sdsi ; when evaporate J from clean linen it left no oil or oflenriva matter. Analyzed f r volatile and fix filibeg, of sihich no trices of any kind were found. Il color is proved to ho due to a colored rei'U an cxtrnct derived from wood. - In every respect it is a pure spirituous liquor. The fr.i?rnnce or bouquet which it possesses can l c isolated, and it then appears unlike that from Cognao BrniiJy or Wine, being a fruity es S'tire resulting from a peculiar frrrauntation cf Crtauba and Isabella Gropes. CuiMicii CiumcTKn. l.COO paits in vol ume of this spirit contains nt CO deg F. 401 3 10 frnrts of pure utrohol, besides the fragrant oil. 1,0 Ml aits of the spirit afford "3 parts of a strong solution of the oil which characterizes this liran dy i the spirit 'eft, nfier removing tho oil, is pure and odorless, and in all its qualities a perfect spi rit not sul jrrt to charge. One U. ti. gallon of thi Hrnmly nt (1(1 dei. F. contains, besides the spirit and oil, only 2U0 grs. of matter composrd of extract cf fruit, gum, and colored resin from wood. 7Jhsto, .Tonnsry J5, Ur. COM;, State Inspector wf 0vo, and Dr. Jas. A. Chilton. Chemist, ofKew York, both I ronoiiree this to he pnro DranJy. and free from all adulteration. For Medicinal purposes Lyon's Catawba Bran dy has no rival, and has long been nrcdrd to su persede the poisonous compounds sold nuder the i:ame of Kr-indy. As a oevrngc, the pure article is altogether superior, and a sovereiRn suro reme dy for IJyppeps'a, Flatulency,, Low Spirits, Lan guor, Ceurrnl Debility, ,Vr. A c. Ali, KsJIKI.UY'd STII.I. AND SPARK. l.l.Mi ClIA.Ml'ACiXH. 'J'hr?e wines are made in tho neighborhood of Cincinnati, and arc guar BUtieJ to be the pure jnico of the Urupv, and are eminently ealciil.ited for invalids and persons wbn reipure a grnlle utimnlant, and for sacramen tal purpjsrs. Ketnil price $1 5." per bottle. A liberal dis count made . to the trade. Dealers will pleajc send their ordera to the aula ngent for Nonhuni hcrlaud connty JOHN F. CAPl.OW, Drusist, Milton, Pa. February, 2(1, 1S58 3m. JOUST IE3 HOUSE. WELLS (OVERLY, Proprietor. Cur. of Marl ct Street ,V Marled Squure, II ARRiSBVRU, PA. rpll!" SH'.V AND r.I.KnANTIiOTr.L, rpcenilv eroo X ted liv thr Mi-nrs JONKSi, ill llarrisbnrir, I'll., tinv- ini! bei'u ifiisn'. lor a torin in y:m hv the iii'irsiicni:il, he tnki.' llos uicllL'd el c'tlhiifr tlio altcntioii til lo loriiKl pitrr'ni. will V.lt tlurelluiK eoiiMiiumty, thereto. l!:!Viii"a frnnt ef one liumlnil mi'il 1'ortv fet on the ptinriji:ii street et the city, tind Kit'ty-two Ket FnaU on M.irki-t s'lintirt, il cnniii.t fjil to prove uttruetive as well Hi im ilitiL' to stntnecn. Tun Clnin!.'t8 rirc of fine size, wi ll ventilated, and lizard Willi tins a iminl:er Willi connecting dJorsiua kli i: tliem very i!e$irulie for f:ii;olii'. 'I'm H alls are wanned throusl.r m ,y IT, nl-r ; nnd every mo'li'M ii'ij-lovrmrut, ia fact. Ims heen uildnl. tleit inny n indues to tMe satetr, eomort, uud Ituppiiu-ra of t! Vni'irsmiy, tlirrrf. Tc, reft assir nl, tint the Jone: H-.Mis-' ftrt I'linle p"-f':er in n!l its nnj-ointnif nts ll:ul epch ilf p:;rttnfnt h.m li?,, ptuii'd ia eluue of Kxne- nvreed urn (.oin;irteiit l'eins timt 1:1 every purtientar i:ie p;,t,.i.ii r-;hc.ii ens Ihin-nd ny !;. 'r-'nel oi , w.iimt ird in tii'w: who m:iy rune it their nonie, nn crett n decree of e nnl'oil na may beoUlaiued at uny ininilar estublinhuicnl in rnj rt:ite. 1 n secure irei fVnrnli.e rfrclt. lie Ins funiinhcd the PjIj.'ic aid Pnrnte Private Pnrfir. riminhrrs, Dinini ItiHim. ftc. wilticutirelr M".V Ft:i!M Tl'ltH; nnd also nrnixcl wition the Inuluiii. n hue ll.ir'M-rn Saloon. Oys ter Ha'ou, Drrssini' Room. Hot nnd (:-M Unili.. The Culinary lf-nrtnnvit nnd Diniui Hoom will rereire tlie especial nitration of the Proprietor, which he trusts, 1. 1 i-c a aioMcic in "unnuuet lain all lasteK Wl I lie sinterl. Alter returning Ins heartfelt liemkii l., hii !.i fne,,.!. and patrons, for the jre'i-rnim (.itn-ieice so lunir expended to liiin ut the ''Coverly House." nnd ulso to his friends nr.d patronf at the "l 'ohnnli .11 House," Cape Island, during the season of ISM. he respectfully solicits a continunnce 01 11 at tiie "JU.Nfc.3iiOI. Si;." WEI.L8 COVERLY. January 30, Cmrj. Farmers I.ooU to Your Interest, nnilE sudcri!icr respectfully informs the far mors and the public generally, that ho has leased the lime kilns of fra T. Clement in Sun bury, and that ho has always on hand, and is ready to supply a (rood quality of lime to all who may want lor ruiililinii or iarminfr purposes. llehas also a kiln at iveefer's crossing 5 miles irom nunnury, or two Ironi Snvdertown. t if All kinds of Country rruducc taken in exchange. GEO. W. STROH Sunhury, Dec. 25, 1S.17 HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. , lie icMiiiioi y oi i ioi . jiooill nun nr. lllo.ek mi' hi, previously been polilisiicil, tlm following is now i!,ic.l : From Viof. MeCl.f.iSKKV, formerly I'rofew.r of Theory ano rr:iclice oi .Mcoicine m tlie r enisle .Meiiuul I'olloii l l 1 eiinn; h-nina, iiiul la!e I'roiefctoo. of Surgery in tlie .,1.1.1 i.ui kuuigcui .iiruicnir, c : l'llll.AUSI.1'11 A, Nov. SJtll, 100 31 . JOEril I.. HUES A til, of MMir (Il)l in HAIK U I. Will com -nice tlie im,i.t keptienl, Hint it isii safe, K1.KOAST, mill ci'F.'f achics re..ir.il ion. 1 nhke iniiiiy others, it line in Several uiMa.icc i-n-vcl seiviceunlc i:i Die cure of s -inv eiiliuie'iiij eninlioiis on the h, ,.l m..l 1 Imve nu hesitation ill commencing it to those requiring ery rcsiioellully, J. V. . McCI.OSKr.Y. M. I)., 4To ituee St., uliove 13th. linvr. I'. rtlTIXi, m-ln l,,. novenu iti 1 1 . 1 1 t i.i iii. iiiKi iitn i t!iii:i.ii:i.i-1 viv si ill ili:iinliOil Iheir liiel, ilia meter, which line ii'wuvs ilim. ii.ijtiiiKU iiii-.ii, unii Hit- extensive ilemmid hist eieaieJ. s ciiil;iiueil linllitenui.iv'l until the iiioscnt. f)nlers addressed to the Manufuctorv. No. 41(1 itAt i, street, oliove f ourth, fed Io. 141.' 1 luiauelih!a. will receive prompt attention, by Ji'r.rii i;. ii'ivi.i;, .Manufacturer, December 25, 18;' 7. April 5, '.'j7, ch. LANCASTER COLLIERY TOR SALE Iuiioi tatt Co Coal 0;tci alois. 'I 'lit undtrMgiied Lessees of the "Lancaster Jt Cc.IH.-rv ' n M. l i.. . -' .......... ..,u, i iniiiiiuerianu county, Pvuusylvdiiia, wi'hing to retire from Ihe business, oiler for sule tlie Lease end Fiitures said l.'oltiery, ou satisfactoiv terms. 'l"l.i Colliery has bicn in operation siuco 183.1, and bus been successful beyond expectation. The Coal is a supeiior articles for all usee to which Anthracite supplied, Slid a good niurkel hssK-rin establi.bed, which can be much encoded. 1 he Breaker aud Fixtures are of Ihe very best char acter and will recommend themselves to persons aripiaintid with tho liUoiucsi. 1 lie Lease runs to January I, 1864. and is a fi volatile one for the operator. r or lurllier liilorination apply at tho Colliery in pcrk-on, or liy letter to fshuiuukin, P. O., Nor-, thuiiiln'iland county, I'ei.i.hv Ivauia. t-'tiCHRAN, I'EALE ot CO. Fc! ruary 0, lri.il. if VALUABLE REAL ESTATE CiHI.lil.il AT PlIIVATliSALE. r"?p(IlK ub,ciibcr ctl'irs at private sale, a cer. U tuin lot of piece of laud, situate in Loner Augusta township, Northumberland county, about K miles below iSunhuty, bounded on the we l by the iier iSua.pif huniia, on the south by laud ol (ieoigeeilvr, on ihe eatt by luud of Wi.'i. Kroh, and ou the north by luiid of Wui. R. Jones, coiituiiiieg ri Acres and H perches, allot which i cleared and lu very higU flute .if cultivdtiun. The Notthuru Ctutral Ruil Road patses throuuh tho tract, and ju ulso bound on the t.ist by I lie Muin Road leading f.oin Sunbury to Hairiiburg, which tojjeilier, with the River upuu lbs west, and the lerlility of the soil make it a very plcataiil and desira ble bitunliou, , , A l.bO; another certain Tract of Laud, situate in raid .township, adjoining lauds of William Kroh, on the south, the heirs of Robert aud Ar thur A Mvdijuuly ; ou the rest Wui. V. Hlver wood, and a public road ou the noilh, and Win R. Jones on the wast, containing 83 Acres 121 perches strict measure. , (bout 60 acres of which aie cleared, and in a Ligli state of cultivation and the residue most excellent land for cultiva tion, but in now covered with excellent timber, and if purchased soon, the purrhsscr can get a largo quantity of Railroad Tics on the sains. This trai t is also well watered, havinir several fine springs upon il, and every field can be wa tered thereby. An indisputable title will ba giveo and terms of tale reusonahla. WILLIAM R. JONES.. Lower Augusta tp., January , 1807. If MOITEY CAN BE SAVED BY PURCHASING AT THE STJNBTJBY, N"OHTjtitTjM3BjrlI.A.jNri3 OOUNTYPA. We hare just received and ara now opening a large and choice eelreleJ stock of WINTER G00D3, comprising an endlesa variety, and will positively aril out entire stock at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. We return our sincere thanks to tha public for our increasing patronage, smd shall endeavor to merit a continuance of tho same. K. Y. ItKIftlB'jr & SttX. tVCOUNTIlY PRODUCE WAJiTED AT THE HIGHEST TRICES, Kunbiiry, Doeemlier 19, 185rt. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. rilHE subscribers, Exerntors of the estate 0 X Henry Masscr, dee'd., offer nt private aale the following property via: A large two story frame dwelling house, together with about 60 ACRES OF LAND, Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John 11. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The house is new and the location a good one for business. Alio a TRACT OF LIMESTOMR LAND, in said township on the river about 0 miles be low .Sunlm. y, adjoining lands of J. T. MTiierson and oliiern, containing, about 80 acres. .The soil is productive and contains limestone and other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing about 35 acre on the bill, about two miles below Sunbury, limning ianus 01 ins nens 01 tlie late John Cenrad and others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. II. U. MASH KK, f r. U. MASSER, V Executors. FRANCIS IJUCHER. J Sunbury, January 19,1856 If 2STEW CONFECTIONARY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARIIART, OAS just received a new and excellent assort ment of goods nt his Confectionary and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunburv, where he manufactures and keeps on hand, at nil times, the most choice Confectionary, Ac, linlesale and Ketail, at Philadelphia prices. Among his stock of Coulectionanes, may ba found ; French Secrets, Gum Drops, all kinds of scent, Kurned Ahnsnds, live Diops, Ori nin White, Mint lnp, red and white, 11 I,emon Jelly Ckrs, ' Hose, Fruit Props, " Ynniils, Stick Cundtes, af all scents Common Secrets. Km Candy, Liquorice, Almond Candy, FRUIT. n.innnns, Prunes, Dritea, CurrfintB dtictf, Ctlioi-n, Almemli, Rnison, Nntt of all k)ii(U Ll'.MON SYltUP of a superior quulity, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Segnrs and Tobacco, and a variety of Conlcctinnarica, fruit, &c, all of which is offered cheap at .wholesale or retail. ICE CBEAM. Ho has alsa opened an Tee Cream Saloon, and will at nil times bo ready to serve his customers with Ice Cream. Sunbury, May 24, 1957. ly IOOO lbs oi Carpet Rn? "&17"ANTED at the storo of E. Y. Britiht A ' ' 'on. who are constantly receiving a fresh supply ofCoods-, thus offering to the public the lorge-t and most desirable assortment. July II. 1857. OAT(:HiSuLV,'jOCKiclTuirPinNG IL FLOWERS, Ac, of the best quality ; a frceh sunply just received and for sale at the Drug Store of A. W. ITSIIER. Sunbury, Aug. 1, 1S57. n A It I) WAKE, of all kim's and endless variety. BRIGHT $ SON. Sunbury, Dec. 26, 1857. I"" lOVCS of all kinds, Stockings, Collars, Sua- penders, Buck Mitts. Handkerchiefs and an endless variety of Hosierv and Notions. Sunbury, Dec. 26, '57. BRIGHT & BOX. f BEAUTIFUL DRESS (iOODS, including JJ Fisured and Plain Merinos, Silks. Scotch l'laids, Silk Striped Poplins, Cashmere, Trenton Plaid, Umber Shades, Fancy and Plain Del, nines Valencia, Parametta Cloth, Ac just received and for side bv BRIGHT cc SON. Sunbury, Dec. 26, '57. imcuiii t.iuiu, rancj anu nam uassi . niere, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, Silk. Sa tin and Silk Velvet Vestings, Troy Salinctt and the very largest and cheapest assortment ol Men's Wear suitable for cold weather. , BRIGHT & SOX. Sunbury, Dec. 20, '57. 4fct UEKN3, Cedar, Hollow and Glassware, contai mental. containing everything useful and orna mental. BRIGHTi SON. Sunbury, December 26, 1S57 niurolctlf'N, Victorines, Opera Caps, Wool Mm Hoods, Comforts, Cashmere Scarfs, Lamb Gauntletta, Ac. B RIGHT SON, Sunbury. Dec. 26, 57. 4 LMONDS, RAISONS. FIGS, LEMONS. Ac., cSic, jnt received a fresh supply and for sale at tho Confectionary store of M.C. UEARHART. Sunbury, May 16, 1K57. i-oaSALE? ' 4 Oood second-hand Buggy. Apply at this nmcp. New Iru8, I'alittis, &c. A I1.V supply af Diugs, Paints. Oils, r luid.cxc, just received and for sale by A. W.FISHEK. unbuiy.May 2, 1857. LAND WARRANTS. The highest price cribei. II. M MASSKIt. "JATENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS f0 bar bottles fur sale by II. B MASSER. Wunbury, July l'J. 18.16. 'I-ODaCCO and BOgarS 20,000 Imported - oegars ol various brands, r.ldorado," ig, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S. Bunbury, March 14. ISS7. QOUNTY ORDERS. County ordera taken as cash for goods, and on note or book ac count by E. Y. BRIGHT It BON. Nov. 8S, lrB. IJORTand MAHERIA WINES, Schiedam rJchnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry md Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes at March 14, '57. A. V. FISHER. Iishing Tackle. Red Cork, Grass, Cot ton aud Linen Lives. Out Lines. Sea Grass by the yard, Snoods, Flks, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, Rods, Ac, fur sale by March i,m. a. W. FfsHE'R. Ready-ltiildo ( lullili.K t'tler Sham, Wbiipoortvill Hangups, Mohair . Kaglane, French Cloth and HWV Union Coats, including a nice assortiiioiit for Beys. Pants, Vesta and Monkev Jackets, all siu and prices. Sunbury, Dee. 26, 'S7. BRIGHT SON. (JljUARE and Long Brocbe Shawls; also, Watervliet, Bay State, Waterloo, and Blan ket, fcbawls. latest stylea, all qualities and r rices. Deo. .6,1867. BRIGHT & SOU. P. MELANCHTON BHTKDEL, JVSTKI! OP TIIK I'EICE, ' OXJJSTBXJI."5r, 3? A.. Office in Deer Street, immediately ojptitt tin Public School Home, j All business promptly attends to) Monies callected and all ordinary writings dots. , Sunbury, Apttl 25. 1857. tf WE STILL SURVIVE THE CRISIS IJOTWITHSTANDINOltie astonishing quan titv of Goods that I brought into town last Spring, I succeeded in selling them all out ex cept what I gave away, and had to hurry to the city, for a new lot, in order that my customers might not be put to tlw inconvenience of buying at other stores, whero they would be chaiged killing prices. Troflting by past experience,! have just brought on Twice as Many Goods, and I have now (lie Iaraest and CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT ever oll'ered within hearing af uus jnace. 1 am Hound to sell CHEAPER THAN EVER, before. I need not say cheaper than my neigh, bors j for that is no longer a disputed fact. 1 am now ready to deal out goods twenty uours out 01 iweoiy-iour Sundays exeepted at lower pricea than any person dare ask ior. J ust call for any thing you want. 1 am deter mined to SUPPLY ALL DEMANDS that may be made, reasonable or unreasonable. l all soon, as the rush is Tremendous. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Dec 28, 1857. ly 1857. FALL & WINTER GOODS I 1858. -A.T 3? "W- QRAY'S FANCY DRY GOOD STORE, Market Square, Sunbury. VOW received and will continue to receive --' the largest und best selected Stock of Black Cluths, Cansiijitres, Cassinetts and Vesting, jr. An assortment of Dress Goods, viz: Fancy printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, Do Lain Uareges, Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapacaa, Drest. Silks, Ginghams, &c. LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Shoet ing, i'illowcaseing, &c. Dress Trimmings in Great Variety. Boots and Shoes Hats and Caps, Hardware, Ccdarware, Groceries, Queensware SALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, Segars, Tobacco, Snuff, &c, an assorsmeut of other Gonds too tedious to nicnlioh. Feeling grateful for past favor we beg leave to acs'.re our old friends and the public that no :l, t on our part shall be wanting to merits cor.: nuance of our patronage. omintry produce taken in exchange at the highest market price. P. vv. GRAY. Sunbury, Dec. 12 1857. tf IV. S. LtWRL.VCE'S NEW Paper, Printers' Card and Envelope WAREHOUSE, No. -105 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. Cash buyers will' Cnd it for their interest to call. January 16, 185!) Gmos. Straw-Ciiltei. t I1IIE subscriber has been appointed Agent for 1- Messrs Geddes A Marsh of Lewisburg, for the sale of their Straw, Hsy A Corn-Fodder Cut ter. 'J his Cutter is the best in use. Farmers and others are respectfully requested t& call and examine for themselves. P. B. MASSER. Sunbury December 20, 1857. tf A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. FTMIE subscriber will sell at private sale i J. FARM, situate in Point township, Nor thumberland county, about 3 miles from the borough of Northumberland, on the Danville road, adjoining lands of J. C, Horton, James Nesbit, Chas. Parks and the north branch of tho river Susquehanna containing 75 to 100 Acres to suit purchasers. The land is in a good state of cultivation. The improvements consist of a largo frame HOUSE, well finished ; a Sjiriug House, built over a never-failing Spring close to the house, a Bank Barn and other outbuild mgs. An Oichard with young and choice fruit trees. The above tract will be sold on reasonable terms snd an indisputable title given. " Posses sion given on the first day of April next. For further particulars inquire of the (uhscri bcr, residing on the adjoining faun. JAMES NESBIT. Point township, January 23, 1858 tf BOOTS & SHOES for Men, Women and Children, aJarge stock, comprising Men's Water Proof Kinp and Calf skin Boots, Bro- gans, Moroeeo, Kid aud Calf skin Shoes, (jailers und Gum Shoes. BRIGHT & SO V Sunbury, Dec. 26, 1857. llVat'kercl, Herring and Shad, wholesile lTM or retail. Now is Ihe time to purchase I t-.li, as we are enabled to offer them at a lower price than you can purchase them in the Spring. Sunbury, Dec.2fi,'fi7. 15RIGHT& SON. A. J- JlOCKEFELLElt Utorncn nt cuu, Practices in Northumberland and sdjoinin bounties. Sunbury, November 81, 1857.- tf WHOLISALS ill HKTlIt Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. W'atnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest pricea. October 4, 1856. tf WROLSSALS AND RtTAIL BOOT STORE, 40 SotitA Fourth S.t, abort Chenmt, Phil'a. KOOTS, Shoes, Gaiters, Ac, promptly made to order in the very best style, and of tha best material. Philadelphia. May 0, 1857 . r"pHE subscriber rsjitAuiy in'orms the cits mum u, ouubury and tha public generally, that ha has commenced tha manufacture of all kinds ef EARTH EN W AUK, at bis manufactory in Whertleberry Street, one square east of the River. ' He has engaged Ihe services of Mr. Hup, and you can therefor depend on having a good article. Tha pubiie are respectfully invited to call. All ordera from a distance will ba promptly attended to. P. M. SHINDEL. Sunbury, Feb. t, 1850 tf FOR RENT. rpHB flora Room In Market atreet, occupied A by P. W. Gray and tha dwelling bonaa ad joining. Apply to the executors of II. Maaser, decaased. ' January 17 1857. 1 . 1 . 1 ,.,,, . NEW ABRANOEMENT 1 I'Ytth Arrival of - DRUGS, FAINTS, OIL 8, &c. fllHS undersigned' having taken tha stera for X roerly kept by William A. Uruner, is new ready to 611 orders and prescriptions at a mo ments notice. Ha bas a large and well selected stock of fresh and pure , , DRUGS, CHEMICAL; Dye-stuffs, Oil, Paints, Glass, Putty, and all kinds of Patent Medicines. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported fkgara of tha choicest brands. Fancy Notions' toilet articles, and Per fumery of all kinds. Teetb and Hair Brushes of every variety. , , i Cam phine and Flvid always en hand. Customers will find his stock complete, com prising many articles it ia impossible hers to enu merate, and all sold at moderate prices. Iiemember tha place, next door to E. I. Bright's Mammoth Store. A. W. FISHER. 8unbury, March 14, 1857. rURNITURETrURmTOE H THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. Fashionable, Cheap aud LscTuI riiHE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the pulilic patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Lhairs, c, embraces EVERY VARIETY, USEFUL AND OH MA- MENTAL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anytbing that may ba required in his line csn be bad at moderate prices, Cheap for Cash, or Country Producetaken in exchange. Establishment South Kait Corner of Market Square. I Those knowini themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay- muiii. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Sunbury, April 41857. tf rain Ilanislud : F E P R O L O N G E . 7 HOLLOW AY'S PILLS To gmTer Ihe nnins nnd penalties of sicknM when the eertniii menus nt cure me nccesfiltle to nil. in positive inailiifiit. The vetftable rmedr, RCtinz nnwerfnUv upon ttie etiuvfi ot" diitene in nil the tluiil, nerves, nml tinmies of the InhUv rxilel the mnrhitl atitl p'usonous inntter Irom its lurking plnces in the system, clemise niul purify eveiy tTftinii, rel'iiiM tlip shiirtercil romtitution, if store the viptir hi id virility ot the enfeebled frame, mid tend to pro lung life lui beyond its oiUinuiy limis. MILLIONS R ELY ON THF.M ! In everj' qnnrtrr of the g!ole, amonp nil nntinns, civil izedund suvnge these I'ills nre nst-d with eijnul nnd unvii ryinp success. They ore tidrertifieri in evry printed lan gimge, nnd whereevcr cummctce has penetrated, they are in continual demand. ALL LTEnAL DISIfASHS Yield to their action, Dytipepsfn, hiver Comnlnint. Af fectinns uf the Mitweid, the Kulneys, the iNervrs, the Lnnea. the Throat ui.d the Iirmn, Unit have previously lehel n linmnn skill and nil other remedies, nie ejipeili liously and infnlihlv cured lv this all-conquering medicine HOOILY rRtWTHATlUN Kveit when the putients are r&luced to the last degree of iVrhlciienB, they may he recuperated by the resistless tonic and alternative properties of Hullowny's I'll Is. FKMALKS OF ALL AGKS, From whatever vuiiety of the ailments peculiar to their ncx they mny le stilTfring, mny rely with entire confidence on tlie tllVct of this Strengthing, ' tevivins;, gale and im. mediate remedy. Jlvlloway's PW are th best remedy In'own, in the tcorltl for the following disease; Asthmn, Fever nml Acn Stone a:id Urnvel Hiwel Complaints Female CunipkiinU ecoiidiiiy iymp- Coughs lltviduehes inward Veuliuets Coin i Cheat Diseases Coslivem-ss Dyspepsia Diirhn-a Dropsy Inditreatioii Influenza Inflammation Vrnerenl A fleet ion t "Worms, of ull kmus Liver Complaints t.oniessui spirits riles IV CAUTIOX ! None are genuine unless the words "IIol."vay, New York and iontlon," are diseernthle na ns a w:lerniark in every leal of th bHk of rtirectiu.is around et;cli pot or bi ; the same mny be plainly seen by h 'Utiug the leaf in the lit lit A handsMne reward wiil be Riven to any one rcinlerniff ffucli miorinHtnn ns may lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. J dd at the Manufactories of Professor Holla w at Wl Miiiden Lane, New York, and M44 Strand. London, by nil respet'tuUle Diugciitts aud Oealers in Medicine Hirfiuph out the t'nitett States, and the civilized world, in boxes, at '2't cents. 6'Ji cents, nnd M each. V& There is a considerable saving by taking the larger si zee ,. II. Directions for the g-ni dance of patients in every uisoruer are hiuxi to encn uox. OctutKsr 17, 15? 1 yea TIIK JLABtGttST ESTABLISHMENT IN TJIEC1TY UALT1MORE, MATMIOT'S Cay Street AVnrerooin n k3 ami 113 Noilh tiay street, near Fuyette, H.iltimore : where is kept alwars on hand, or made to order, every style of French TETE-A-TKTES, in Plush, Hair, Cloth or Brora telle. French Full PtutT aud MeduIIiou Par!or-Arra Chairs, lu Plush. Hair, Clollt-nr Rrocatelle. French Full Sluil Catved Parlor Chairs in sets, with i lUJta, iiuj, cioiu or urocaieiie. SOFAS- Hnlf Frrnch Piuins; Mulingmny and Walnut Psrlor Chairs, in Huir, Cloth and I'lush. Kin-king Chairs various designs, in Hair, Cloth and j man. bturTSprin; Iiunpfs a large assortment alu-as en hand, or any pattern inadeur cuvered with any (owls to urucr. CHAMBER SUITS.' InMuhocany or Vulmit, cnmnlete. from un. Cane Chairs and HiH-king; it.i. the largest assortment ready mane in any one nouse in Ihe Lmteu Sutes frm li a dozen up. Unr Kmini, Office and Dining Chairs, in Oak, Walnut or Mahogany, with Cane, Wood or fluffed Seats un assortment emtsariiif overSOdoxen. Wood sent Chairs and Settees and Rocking Chairs. over 1UO dosen. Gilt sud Plain Frame Looking Glasses, of every variety. All kinds of Ueds, liair and Husk Mattiassrs A. MATHIOT. Nos. 23 and is N. Gay St , near Fayette at , Uallimors. August 1, 1M7. ly DENTISTBY GKOllGK II ENN, 1 NNOUNCES to the citizens of Sunbury and vicinly, that he has opened an oHtcein Sun bury, above U. J. Wulverton's office opposite U. W eaver's llutol, wiere he is prepared tu attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession, in the latest and most improved style. All work well done and warranted. December 13, 1856. Citrate of Magnesia OB TASTELESS SALTS. rTMIIS preparation is recommended as an ex eellent laxative nd purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely naerVom auy unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold T A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, March 14, 1856. 300 8ACKS SALT.hest quality, best qual ity, large sacks, and for sale at the lowest BRIGHT PON. Sunbury, Ds.. :, 18JT. , I). ISAAC M . WILKERSON, MANUFAOTTJPB OP j , , FURNITURE AND CHAlfiS " 1 " Of the most Fashionable Style. ' Sofas,. 1)1 vans nnd Lounges " ' Bureani. Secretaries. Sideboards, 'SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DIKING TABLES and aim VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to l luia- delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and pica CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE- STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND . : - EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in thla line of his business. THE subscriber respectfully calls the atfenfiei of the public to his large and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of CAniXET-WAIlE which cannot fail to recommend itself to every one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and Ihe subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Ha also manufacture all kinds and qualities CHAIRS. ncluding varieties 'never before to be hsd ir Sunbury, such as MnuneAUT, Black Walwct Ann CtiHLan Mapli GncciA ; airs Windsor CHAIRS, a Tin rAKct Piaxo Stoois, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or ehiewhere. 1 he subscriber is determined mat there sliall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in tlie cities, as every confidence can lie entertained bout tlie quality and finish ot his ware and V Sairs. ' hese articles will be disposed of on as good ten. as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try p endure taken in payment for work. UNDERTAKING Having provided a handsome Hkahsk, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity , or at any convenient distance from this place . The Ware Room is in Fawn Street, be aw Weaver's Hotel. He has also purchased the right' of manufac turing and selling in Northumberland county, Gould's patent Uxcelsoir Spring Bed, which he will furnish at reasonable rates. Springs put in old bedstead for three dollars. isAC M. WILKERSON. Sunbury, April 18, 1857. tf. Tfcfal CtiH 1m flW mas.. WwmUm araaUklaa ia ' r''lW Preari f-tut. It rsnuirM nn Wsi AnMsr ""fiii, Mm iMtsvitlr, and ia mora M(ly kind! of Wax rd rrrMnl aira oiuillv diasstrrsiMbl. lid wurlklan P.af.!ine Ic rrctontiiff IVil urtleV telha. roblie, hivantr itfti.iig't iiif world m an Infl.tile. Sttnplc, Km mod Rt!4 iroraiw of Hfntltl tVftlirtff. Pvl'.rt mtited in lhasi ' infiritr Cunt muT tv tn drtrffiatthh rt'et by flt ftsHsjin-ot- IimI ftll str :i title urd rtjcjkl n.shi wliu hmx aianjiijad it mv H i wtlUrat ft nil, 1 II 11 tiiIi'J t ksr nil ssrtl"Vi nl ar necfirdinti I tn Jtrretiou. Trr ll, nnd in r whrrsj filnr i- I Us irsrt.i ft ih ( nn Ui in on sir Hi hsj TfIt:UiloJ 1Th rnit-t It Pur OnadiTVriil Tit-l Oam, difTr. ut irom ihe ofitmira on wrd by ilUsra. T'tt Sr.!'rtr ! 'ti n vnllr! nw p.wi. th mWI . preLW KUII.Mtt emmnot Mrlneonr pratit, m Pur tuia cktkau wfiu'.d to on idt o:Lrrti. It oK-ti. ''her is no Land svbnt It to dttariorata tha tbafootnu j U .iinalacDtirrlvor Tin. ThU i-nntlp't of bIijjc hawt tt-od tii toil forThroa i rain. nj ui who bat- ir ta uim win mm do ouiir t:ni. A LIUkiKAL DISCOUNT TO TUB TB40B. Sept. 1S.1M7 SALAMANDER FIRE THIEF-PROOF SAFES. Tim t-Trroct aaaiirlmiN in tlisk I'lii'til Staffs.. "u usoiumviinii -u- staiiu Mr s.l i - V.- - I I vi ai milieu in ctuui iu uiiv nun jnuiie. nu will be sold on Good Term, as can ba obtain- ed from any other house in the Country, at 1. VANS & WATSON'S 26 South 4th Street, Philadelphia. Truth is Mighty, and Must Prevail. Report of the Committee aj'jiomtnl to superin tend the Rurning of te Iron Safes, at Read ing, Ftbruary 27, 1337. KssDiitu, March 4. The undersigned, members of the committee, do respect'ully report, that we saw the two Safes originally ii creed upon by Furrels & Herring and Evans &l Watson, placed side hy side in a fur nace, viz: The Safe inuse by tha Paymaster of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Compa ny, in his office at Reading, manufactured by Farrels & Herring, and the Safu in use hy H. A. I.atilz, in his store, manufactured hy Evans & Watson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. The fire was started at 8.) o'clock, A. M.,and kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and halfchesnut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the superin tendence of the Huhi-cribers, members of the Com mittee. The Sjfos were then cooled ell' with water, after which they were opened, and the books and papers taken out hy the Committee, and sent to 11. A. l.auiz's store for public exam ined and marked hy the Committee. Thehoclis and papers taken from '.ho Sale manufactured by Farrels V Herring were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than those taken from Evans & Watson's Safe. We believe Ihe above to have been a fair and impartial trial of the respective qualities of both Safes. JACOn H. DYSH 7TJ7, DANIEL S. 1II NTER. Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide with the above statement of the condition of the papers and books taken out of the respective Sales. G. A. KICOL1.S, H. H. MLHI.ENDERO, JAMES MILHOLLAND. March 21, 857. New Goods for the People ! BEXJAM1K 1IEFFXER RESPECTFULLY informe the public in Gen eral that he has just received and opened a splendid stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS at his New Store, in Lower Aug-usta township. His stock consists in psrt of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: Calicoes, Ginghams, Lavui, IrlouNBcIlue Ue Ialnei pnd all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Grocerlen, Also an assortment of Hardware, Irou and Steel, Nails, &o. Alco an excellent assortment of QUEENS WAKE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAP8, a good selection. Salt, Fish, Nc. And a great variety of other articles such as ara suitable to tha trade, all of which will b aold at the lowest prices. CF Country produce taken in exchange a the highest prices. ... J-awer Aufuste, June 6, 1857. . ... AMERICAN HOUSE, . WILLIAUSrO&T, PA, J- II. KLLTO.. ITopi ietor. Jas. T.ll ALU Ass t. . , . Sept. 13, 1856.-a.tr '...-... ., .. , Cjtattonery. A large supply of fancy Kola Paper and Envelopes. Mourniiia. I.etur and Cap Paper, Pens, Ink. band, tVe., al ' LUDLOW CAN CO. 81 IMneHt., N.V. Marco H, 57. A. V. FISHER'S. IIETIRING'S SAFE. i THt ACKNOWU-DGHO ' " niTA TwrrmTr i f THE RECENT TRIAL at RsfMtine have endorse the current of pablia opinion, and onnftrmrd the verrlict of more than too Jtse dental tree, proving coiiclueirety that "Herring's" is the only tSAKK tbat will not burn. Bxtract fiom the Commiltrs's Repnit oo tlie trial Ol iron Bales at Reading t On the Mth of Felrmnry all the members of Ihe Ccm- mltlee mePto witness Ihe So" fee and books and nepers. (rlsced in them) and were perfectly satisfied lliul all wns ! .... ...i , r. n ,1. ki.r.aintf tiM.lr nlniM nn-lM rifgsi. I nc uny ioiiiiwihr, the huriiina- took nlnoe. under the suneriiileiulence of th Coiamittee. After a fair and imDiirtinl biinilnsr for five hours, list &if of Messis. Kvnns h. Watson whs first opeued.the Siife being on Bis inside, and the contents psrtinlljf consumed, while the eou- teuts in the Ssfe of Messrs. rsrresi Herring weie in Rod condition, nnd no fire luside." wilini, March , 1B57. (Sigued.) H.F. FF.I.IX, J v p.N COl.K.MA .V, S Committee. A. H. PKACOCK. ) And eidnrsed bjrovcr 50 of the nest men of Renitisir. The above Safes can be inspected at 34 Walnut flirsel, where the public enn snlisfy themselves of the great supe riority of the "Merrine-'s Potent Champion," over the defeated and ased up "inside Iron Door Salmandcr." Farrel & Herring, 34 Walnut ft., Philada. Only makers in this State of Herring's Talent Champion DSIPS. The attempt made by other pnrties to bolster up the repumion oi a r-aie wnivn lias raneii i iigiianr ii bcti dciitnl fires in Philadelphia, (Raustend Tsu-k.) by taking; one nut of an agent's store, (Ff . A. Lantx,) made doul.le Ihirkness, (cifrTent from those they sell) to bum up' one of Herring's (half as thick) has met with its true re ward. Herring's rafe could not be burnt, proving eonrln sivery thnt the only reliable Safe now made ls"Herring's'. of which over 15,0110 nre now in actual use, and mor1 thmi 300 have liecn tried by fire without a single loss. Fhila., June 20, l37. kj". STAVFFEll & IIARLKY. CHF.AP WATCHES AND JEWELRY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, at the "Philadelphia Watches and Jewelry Store" rlo. I4S (Old No. VC) North Second Street, Comer of quarry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watches, full J led, 18 caret eases, fOB.W) Gold Lepinc, lBcnret, 24 (HI Silver I .ever, full jewelled, ia on Silver Lepine, jewels, 0 on Superior IJunrtiers, 7 rm Cold Spectacles, y oi) Fine Silver do., I su Gold Hracelcls, 3 (VI l.viiy's Oold Pencils, to Silver Tea Spooes, set, 6 (i Uolil fens, with Pencil and Silver holder, 1 00 Unid Finger Kings 37 c!s to Watch fnuses. plain 31 ets , patent Lniel 25 ' other articles In nroDorHon All goods wananted to be whnt they nre sold for. STAI KKKK fc IIARLFY. On hand Some Oold and Silver Levers and ltimea SI ill lower than the aliove prices Philadelphia, Uctoher 10, lbA7 ly8W ZI.TI.WEHJUA.V, TJESPECTFUM.Y infoTms his friends, and tlie public ernerollT. that he bas iust rcceiv cil a New Stock of GOODS, at his new storo, at uavui miner s Alill, in Lower Augusts Town ship, anil that ho is prepared to sell gowjs at th lowest prices. His Stock consists tn part of SI-KING & KUMMEK GOODS, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, &c. and every variety usually kept in a country Store. 1 Trcvortnn prices paid for all kinds of produce. I.owet Augusta twp, Aug. 8, 1857 tf A Hook Tor Kvcry Maun Mlirary. UAKK INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS. CANVASSERS wanted to cbtnin sulwcrihers for the Comprehensive Geography and His tory, Ahcient and Modern, ol the V.'oild ;" l y 8. G. Goodrich, (l'eter Parley.) lIsndon:i-!y hound in cloth gilt, and illustrated with 2l'0 beautiful engravings and and 80 mnps. Trice 3. Sold only hy agent, to each ol whom a special district will he given. . Applicants should state w hat counties they would like to canvass. Tho hook is now ready. Copies will he sent hy nail, post paid, on reteipt of the price. Bills on all solvent hanks taken at par. The "Home Journal," says of this work : "No family what ever should he without it." For full paiticularr in regard to an agency, address, tiEOKGE V. EI.MOTT. Publisher and Bookseller No. 17a William Street, New York Allhave kinds of School and Misccllaneout n..-i. ft I1..LH I , uuunn, v-licujj j U Ut HI IUNR, DlftH f r. !!. I a .1 uuuitn, vncuii i uuucanons. Diniionerv nio. i ;tiaps, Kirnisiicu at IU6 Very lOlVCSt 1T1Ci?I i J'tb soIipiU J. ii. .i : ' : Or- November 81, 1857,-- FURNITUBE POLISH. S. RAL"S Premium Patent Enamel Furnilur Polish. This polish is highly vnluublc fur rot ring the polish on all kinds of Furniture, Clas. Carriage Bodies, H-ir Cloth, &c. Alan, for re moving spots, hiding scratches, &c , A c. War ranted to dry immediately and retain its glots. Piieo 50 els. per bottle. Sold hy A. V. FISHER. March J 4, 1R57. S t .11 1 LI. II. OROTIC, ATTORNEY A.T LA.W, Office on South Second, near Market Stree. LE WISUL'KG, PA. Practices in the Counties of Tnion, Norlhur berla nd and Montour. All Professional lltsnrss entrusted t his care will receive prompt and fe'tbfu! alter tion. October 3, 1857. ly WHITE HORSE HOTEL. POTTSVJLLE, PA. rPHE subscriber respectfully announces U h aid friends and the pubiie, that he has take t'.iat old and well known establishment, the White ;Horse Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mahantogo ets., : the Borough of Poltsville. The house haa'r cently been very much enlarged and otheiwi: improved, rendering it quite as comfortable i any ether Hotel in Schuylkill county whi the stables are lorge, in good condition, and a tend hy careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and others who may stop at h house, he promises every attention calculated render them comfortable and satisfied. . . JUS. M. FECKn. April 5, 185P.- tf HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office oppositi the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa rrompi attention to business in adioinii wountus. E-A-O-IjE hotel, OITOSITB WKSTBKANCH JJAXK, WILLIAM8POHT, 1A. WILLIAM II. II Al'. Proprietor C. A. Stkiri, Assistant. N. B n Omnibua will mn to and from ll Depot anJ Tacket Landings, to this Hotel, ft of charge. September 13, 1856. tf DANmLEHOTEL. JOHN DEEN, JR., Marltt Street, Danville, Pa, mHIS ia on of the largest and most comm A dioushetels in the interior of Pennsylvan it bas been reeently fitted np, in aicelleat sty with all the modem conveniences. Danvilled, Sept. fi, 1855 ; 1)LANK Parchment Paper Deeda and blai Mortgagee, Honda, Executions, Summoi Veforsal.b H. U. MASSEK. bunbury ,Alri 6. 1856 STOVES- TOR BALE an excellent second-hand Ce n Stove, also several Cylinder Ce Rtorea Enquire at thia office. GOLD PENS with and without cases, f very superior quality, just received. Ala freaa supply of Writing Fluid, far aa TJ ." i M . MAtiSEK. Bunbury. Dea. 7, I85t . CJILVEE WATCHE8..-A lew double ea Engliak bUvcl Wstthaa, fur sale at very l pnoV If. B MAStSEB. Banbury, Ajiril U, 1S56. t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers