, . M ..... t a ' .ar- i - ' TT",'-,,.is "r CATAWBA WINE. This song or mine Is a song of the Vine, To be snng by the glowing emberi Of wnv-iJo inna. . . Tlie When the ruin beging " - To darken the drear Novembers. 1 ' i H is not a song '..- Or tlio Scnppornon?, '" From warm Carolinian valleys, Nor the Isabel , And tho Muscndcl That bask in oar garden alley. v" Kor Hie red Mustang, ' .Whose cluster"-Lng O'er the waves of tho Colorjdo j - And the 6ery flood " ' Of whom purple blood lias A dash of Spanish bravado. . . .For richest nnd btst . '. la the witio of the West, That growg by the beautiful river j T Whose swaet perfuiua Tills all the room " With a bouison on the liver. ..'-. And as hollow trees Ara tho haunts of bees Forever going ami eominjr, i J So this crystal hive Is all alive .. With a swarming aud buzzing and hum . ... raws- - ' , A'ery good in their way i Are the Verzeniy, And the Sillery soft and Creamy ; . Hut Catawaba wiue , Has a taste more divine, More dulcet, delicious, and dreamy. " . Thcro grows no wine .. Hy the haunted lthine, " 1'y Danube or Uuadalquiver, .,, Nor on island or capo, ,'I'hat bears' such a grapp, As grows by tho beautiful river. Drugged In their juico, - For foroien uso. When shipped o'er tho reeling Atlantic, J o rack onr brains With the fover pains . That have driven the Old World frautic. To tho sewers and sinks With all such drinks, And after thom tumble the miser 1 For a poison mal.igue ' Is such Dorgia wine, Or at best but a Devil's Elixir. While pure as a spring Is the wine I sincr, And to praise it one needs but to name it; For Catawba wine Has need of no sign, No tavorn-bush to procluin it. And this song of the Vine, This greeting of mine. Tho winds and tho birds shall deliver To tho queen of tho West, In he garlands dresspd, On the banks of the beautiful rivor. Atlantic Monthly. A Rovai. Abgdmext. Frederick tho Great was always very fond of disputation j but as be generally terminated the discussion by collaring his antagonist and kicking his shine, few of his guests were disposed to enter the arena against him. One day. when he was even more disposed for an argument than usual, be asked one of his suiio why he did mi. tuiuic ig gnu ma ujiimon on some par ticular question : "It is impossible, your nuje6ty," was the iipiy, io eapress an opinion oelore a sover eign who has such very strong convictions, ,uuu wuo wears such very thick boots.'" l i.kar Disti.vctio.v. An floecdoto is rela ted of a vouns nreacher nt n rluirrl. in n who had for his text a vorso from tho parable of the ten virgins, and in the course of bis sermon explained : "That ia old times it was customarv. when the briJogroom and groom were coming, for ten virgins to go cut and meet them, and escort them home Pre of these virgins leinn male ami fire fmuulf." j 'MoTiinn. mayn't I have tho big biblo in your room ";" "Yes, my son, and I am glad to see you desirous of perusing that book. What do you most want to see in it V "1 only want to seo whether I can smosh flies in it, like Dill Smith does at rchool !" A Tii'N.ER, who srjn'nled awfully, used sometimes to mourn that hi3 eyes did not itgree. "It's very lueky for you," replied his friend, "for if juur eyes had been matche your noso would have set them on Cro Ions ago." 6 A Doctor up town gave tho following prescription Tor a sick lady u few ilavs ago" "A new bonnet, a cashmere shawl, and a pai of gaiter bcotsl" The ludy recovered im". mediately. A tor is liko a new set of knives and forks you can't put him to anything useful without taking uway all his polish. A "Rei.wioi.-s l'Arnn" o.v CnirAoo, Iu.. The Gospel Itatiner says : Chicago is a poor placo for a Yankee. Tho elimatu gives him the ague fever ; tho water brings on diar rhoea; tho food, as cooked -by the suckors prxluoes dyspepsia; tha whiskey, tinctured with Ftryehnine, makes him crazy; or, if a tsuiperate man, three per cent, a mouth is sure to bring ou tho blues, Throughout the entire western country liomo-sick men ara plentier than anythiug ,el.e. No more wiso and prosperous men will emigrate thither b, oar udvice. IU-rbt oe. Two ladies were hivirij some words logrtlier on llio roaclside, when the daugh ter of one of lliein popped her head out of the d )or, and cried out: "Jlurry, mother, and call her a thief btforc she calls you one." DAMr.t a DEAu-IItAn. Speaking of lions thai was an Mt a of the hard-s!i. preacher w ho was discoursing of D.uiiid in the den of lioin: "J here ho ant all niijl.t, looking at the aiiow Jor nollniig. It did'ut cusl him a cent." A honest lady when told 0f her husband', death, exclaimed," Well, I do declare, our trou b.es never come alone. It ,i', a week ttince I loit my hen, and now Mr. Hooker ha. gone, loo, poit man. Dossr.Ts. for woarinz Tl Thera U Shanksperian authority Itt'le oyster Bhuil hunnela. lit the Taming of the Shrw occurs tho follovr. injr. with it ; come, let me have a l.irer ' fUheZ:r'Illk"Ve n Like phmiy of other hd;e, tl, abrewish niigbt call chronological uioasunuieut. wiSCh'V" ked-hfif4 7 'Dd L-U Batleman. inV Si: iho d:ng hi. aching head io both La"8 -.I.Mploeowatihe reply. .vJu t..en ald ?ha. 1 came Lorn. J uk ; U.t B'ght, Dd I ought to be ashamed of ajnSr KLINE'S GROVE TIP TO BATE JS'UW GOODS! XLV GOODS II J. F. & I. F.KXiINB, Respectfully announce to t'ueir friend and the public in general that Ihcy have received nt their Store. In Upper Augusta township, ISorlhtinibrr- I land county Ta., at Kliuea Crovo their l'ALI, nnd WLYI'ER HOODS, and oprticd to the pub- a general assortment of merchandito 4c Consist tug m pm t of Cloths, black anil lancy Cass'rners, SaliueUs, Checks, Kentucky Jeans together with a general afsortrnent of Fall and Winter Good adopted to all classes of per sons. Readv maJe Clothing, consisting of Ceats and Vesti, Under tfhirW and Drawe's. Ladies Dress Goods, Winter Shawls, Ciinshaina, Cahn.rrr, De- laihes, ( alicoes black (Si I , cjc. Also' a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines, Groceries o, c. A new aumdy of Hardware, rJuecnswaro, wooden waro llrooms 4'C ' A large assortment nf Hoot and Shoes smta- Die for men women and children. HATS AND CAPS. School BooUslationcry, Envelopes, Ink, Ac. Ciivesb AXU (Sll.T. And nil goods usually kept in a countiy store. 'J'hc public nrcU respcctfuliv invited to call and examine our stock helore ptirchasing elucwhcra. As we are ilrtrrn.inrd to si ll at prices to suit tho tunes or UAM1 or in bxtliange lor Country l'r.xluce at the market price. Thankful for past lavors wc bore 1'T strict attention to business to lucrit a coiilinuaucc of he same. Kline's Grove, Ta., Nov. 2t. lo7 tf STAl i rtU & tl 4U1-CY. CI1KAP WATCIIK9 AXU JUWKI.UY. WIIOI.KRAT.R AND RKTAM., si Hie "1'liiln.lilpliin Winches nuil Ji-wcliy Mure" ;o. 1 1 (i M No. W) lortliccoiHl street. CoiinT of tprirry, l'liilaitt'lililii. (j.ilit tvfr Wntrlic, full Jewelled, IS caret cases, &-r.M Hold l.ciue, 1? caret, til Silver Lever, full j'wellcil, 14 ' Silver liiiie, jewels, t l' lllirri'T JuarlietS, 7 00 li .Id Sm-clurle, 7 till r me Silver do., 1 Gold Bra-eleis, 3 IW I.ytty (Sold Pencils, 1 It' Stiver Tea Snniei, let, 8 t'o Hold IVun, Willi IVnell nnd Pdver li .Her, 1 Wl (i id Kniser lllng :)TJ ei in Srll i W'utrli (,iise. plain I2i et , patent It. l.u let tfj ! other ariicl. B in proportion Ail giHKls warranted lo le I. at thev tor s-tu lor. sTAi i 'n: a iiahity 'i ' On hand a.imc O.iKI nnd r-ilvcr Levers and Lepincs sun i-iwer tlian Hie uliove prices rhiluilelpliia, October lit, ts-57, tySW LAKCE DRY CnVlDSliSTADIiISiniE.NT. HAMILTON EASTKIt & CO., Keiv KSarble ltuIMlngr, Xos. 10'.), 201 and 203 Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE. BAVB now in eloro (mostly of their own im portalion) ono of the larRnst and nuns' com pleleHtocks in the United States, cmbracitip; Silks and Silk goods of everp class; Dress Goods a very laree block ; IrUli Linens; Lin cn Goods and ilousekeeriiiiE Articiea of every de acrihtion; Meurninrr Goods; Cloaks, Mantillas and bhatvlx; Lmbroideries, Laces, Hosiery Gloves, lilankeU, Quills, Domestic ( loads; nnd every article generally rexuircd by Farmers and I lanlcra for servant use. Ur lictDtl Uooir.a on lirst fkor the price affixe 1 to each article, from which no deviation is made. C5v" Wholesale Riioms on the second and third floors. Octdbcr, 11, I8'i7. 3m. WAONDKRFUL COIXCIDEXCE. All Xntlons cftlio fnnic Itltnd! IIOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Tlie anniversary of the introduction of llolloway'a Ointment ought til Lea jnliilce loievei. It has raved rouittlisa inulttiudes from iliffijiiirumcnt, pariilyauon, mutilation, tig.iny nnd death. ltuttn? friin Ihe surface to which it is applied, its healine; IkiIiii nnils its way through every coaling nnd ligament of the budy, lo the vi'iy soune utul hasis ol ull eruptive, ulcerous, tuinoroiui, und cunec rou disc Le. It distinguiiihcs the felirile principle thnt feeds them, nnd the outward sj-inploms fnile, heal, nnd pass awuy with n rapidity incredible to thi'So who have not witnessed it. scKoFt'Lovs nnt PTioNs axd fi.crns. The poison of scrofula has never leen neutrHltzed or expelled hy liny of the rcinedits of the phm inric-.:i-in-The s-de unlidote t-i iU;t vlrii!,-ut and denlriienve eh iaent Is Hull iway's Ointineiil. Majeudle A IJrodie, the grrat French unif ln;:lith sjrgeons, do no rlt-ny or dispute this gical fact. 'I'tiere is nof.irm of ncroluU thru may nul l ontrolleil andcnied by this halKimie remedy. CACKI!S AND TfMOItS. The knife or caustic m iv remove a cancer or lum ir, hut the seeds of iho ternlile exeresccuee rcinahi in the MiM-d, nnd it Is soon reurxltio-d in n imri, r,,r,n il hefure. Iloll'iwniy's Oiiitiiient, on Ihe eouiilrary, pi ue tratesinlo tha cireiiLlti'in. and pervade every inu-eleil vesicle, uud ki Is theftifeanu li deslloy ing the c.'riosive priiK'iple that generated aud stir, alas it. INFLAMMATIONS OF Till: SKINS'. All mr-hes und ordinary eruptions, ns well HftKryvipphi Acne, llingworin, CuilaiucIeK, Scald Head, rult 'ilhi-uin leprosy, l'rirkly Heat, Ac, nie icniovctl liv u fe-.v .:Uk oppliculK'ns of the Oiutuient. acchi:ntal injuhiks, WOfMlS, grains, Hruines, PeaMs ei.d Ftiiins nre immeiliiilfly relieved I, y ill unp!icali"ll. The mlSn.ir,... tiou (juickly taiUVes, fever nnd li.ckjaw uie pievt iitcd and niul.-r a perseveiing use of the nreoaratiuii. the r.r.J ceas of healing is s ion accomplivhcd. Both tie Ointment ami Win should le utcd in the. full o it im casa : IIiiiiI"Ils J.ittulxigo Hire I-gs 11. "ins Mercurial Sure l!rei:Ms Chapped Ilamla Krilpli.ilis S'Hellea:ls Chihiliiiiia 1'ilrs S ire Thr nils Fistulas ItheiiiiliitiEiii S..rrii ni'ull Gout Halt III,, inn liimi, Plviu Diseanes Ppnons Swelled 01nn.lt Ktu'f J..iuu t'icers Vi'iioreal i,irei V,.uinfs of all l:iui!s rk-u!-li .if?, ! I , No"e "re R'auinc un'ess the words II ulnvay, N. w i( nnd Unnjoii," ore ili.ecrniMe i.s una water u.aili in every h-u( ..I iheh.k f ,, .,.,, a.aind earli pot or h. : the fame may lie plainly fen ,v I Idllig the leal lo llle i1(!l A ,, ,ui 'J,!, , he Bivell M irny one iciuleruig each inf..rn,ali,.u , ,,v h-ad I . aedctivtinnfany party,,, , artic couM, rfeiloig r"v'l'ut'''''i,'l VI'"J"S "" Wain- il.cm tali ? Id at the Mnnufiii'torlM ftf n-,r. an li. v V -,. " iio.mwAT , .V. ... . i i, i . . : Mrnnd. l.,,iut , liV "I I'n'-i-iJ'm lino Healers In MLvl 'ice tl'-on-'h. -in uie innii iiiti-8. anil t'.e eiviiizt-d or Id, ill b xe, ui . ,-. n.r.wi et aia. n ni m cru.h ,1' a c""!"1-''le saving l,y taking the larger N. U Hirecii., f.M- the gaidance of patients in every 1 disorder are iill.xed to each kix. ' O-Mier I yt, i'ancy laits run lawks! JoriN F All FIH A it CO., (( W n-.) re,,, N v.rkM t . niK.ve Kiyiil, I'lukulelphin. ln,or,ers. Mam.faelu.ers !iM.l..i.i .-r inburi O.-nM.rreii e.ud fl.il.lr, F,m,.v furs. hl..ocmidItclid, J P. A to, wind call the attention . Dt-.ileis anil tha Public generallv to their uiinien..5 oi Fancy Furs for lulna OvuUi-nieii and c, l.dre.i ; t'ie;r ., tnunt end. n-es evrrv article imJ kind.,f I-1 ivy I ur., tint will be worn duriu'ii tins sniso,, such us t ,,11 Laf e. Hirlf Cnpea I Juarter Capes, Taliium ict ruie4 L., Miuli ic .Malf iteca, fiian the fi,.e.t tin.' aiau Sal.le to ihe l,,wvt pn. e 1) am stie Fi rs Koi O-ntl.-i'ie.i the laor-M ro : tIto Tnr C .'nr 01 ives tiaiinilets Ac, helnr Ihe direct licporteic of all out Furs and Manul u-lnr. ti 1 1 ihcin unit, rour own s ipcrvi ai ai wc feel sitith. ,1 we run Rer latter indiieeinenn to dealers nnd the pul.liu generallv tlian ni, olhcr li nise, havluir aa uior!uien! t ,1, f, ini,nUnt the Manufacture cis prices. Wa only uak a en III JOU PARFin A k CO. No fit I Mat Vet Hrert ,U. Flflull, I'ljllid'a. riiiSdelj lna, Sept. (i, If 57. wlin. PLATFORM SCALES. CT every description, auitable for railroad, Sit., for wei;liinz Hay, Ceal, Ore, and Merchandise generally. Purchasers, run no rirk every scale is guaranteed correct, and if after trial, not found satisfactory can be lelurned with out charge, Factory at tha Old ?land,e.-lab:i!icj for more than twenty ) earn corner of Ninth and Melon Street, i'hiladrlphia. ABBOrTttCO. Succeanors to Ellicott Si Abbott. Philadelphia, bept. 6, 1H57. c3m. Siltirtl. II. ORYTtC., ATTORNEY -A.X t,AW, Ojjlct on South Seeoiul, near Market Street, LE WI8BURG, PA. PracUeea in the CwmUea of Utuon, Northum bcrland and Montour. All I'aoFEa.ioiiai Bcamtaa entrusted to iin." " ,8CeiV V""al,i "J h"'lUrul Weu OstoUr 3, l86Tely TI3K LA IS Ci F.ST r,5. 4 - 1 -.- lyi!!" ESTABLISHMENT IN T H K CI T V O F UAL TIM ORE. MATIIIOT'S 0y Slrerl Wnreroonn rln 113 find A3 otlh (lay street, near Fayette, li.iltimorc ; where is kept always on hand, or innde lo order, every style of French TLTK-A-TETF.!', in plush, lluir, Chith or llroente le. French Full FtulT nnd Medallion Parlor Arm Chairs. in I'lusn, llair, i loin or iirocaieiie. French Full HtiiirCin veil Pnrluf Chairs in sets, with Plush, llair, Cloth or Hroeatillc. SOFAS Half French Pprlng Mahogany nnd Wulnut parlor Chnire. In llnir. Cloth and Plush. Hocking Chairs various designs, in Hair, Cloth aud I'lusn. Stuff Serine 1ninrres a lurge assortment nlwais en hauil, or an) pattern made or covered with uny goods to order. C H A M D B 3. S U I T 3 .' In Mahogniv or Walnut, complete, from $33 tin. Cane Chairs mill Hocking do. the largest OMtirtinent rendy iiihiIc in any one house in tho L'niteU i;tcs frmn 14 a il Z"il up. liar ll'min, OiTicc and Diniinr Chairs, in Onlc, YahlUt or Mahogany, Willi Cnne, Wood or fluffed Seats. an iftiiirtinciit cinhincinrr over 5fi dozen. m Wood seat Chairs and Settees am! Rocking Chairs. over tun imz- ii. Oilt nnd Plain Frame Lookinc tihscs, of every variety. All kinds of I'eds, llair and Husk Muttinsscn A. MATHIOT. Nos. aland 5"i X. Gay st , near Fayette St., Mainmort. August I, !-";. ly HUBSEY'S A M E 11 1 CAN HEATER, l UK CfTTlXfi BOTH GRAIN AND GRASS, tflSEAT improvements for 1857. 'I his Ma chine was put in sucessfnl operation in 1S33 and continued lo bo Hie only leaping nnd Mow ing Machine in the World, of any practiral value tip to 1815 twelve year after its introduction. Other Kcapera are now offered with glowing ad vertisement, Certificates, Piploinas, Cold and Silver Medals, &c Hut the Farmer in search of the best Itcnpor. an 1 not poslcd in the mater, had better fee a litilr further. If there is any vultie in 21 years cxpeiictice in building Kenprr-, niid using tlicni in the liar vest field, at.d in the improvements made during that long pcri.id, OHUD HCSIiY.the Father of Keapera, can claim it. All who are satisfied with the Beat fcaper and Mower, aan bo sup plied by Eeniling tlietr orders early in tha season, ai the crops imlicnle a large demand, and we can not have over 200 Itcadv for tho vast harvest ofl8ri7. We trnaiantee that this Kraper and Mower can not be benten on fair trial by any other Keeper thai may be hrontrht into the harvest fields in lH-"7. ami wc nlso insure it to bo the strougeot and moat durable machine in upc. W'c would respectfully invite Farmers lo oinmine the inachino thoroughly before purchasing, and satify themselves of its superiority over all others. During the but foer years, the subscribers hae sold between Still and GCO of thene Machines, t the best and most Fticrptsful Farmers in Mnnlour, I nion aud the ljeij'lilioring counties, (uliose names arc toonumcrous lo insert) to whom we respectfully reler. 'l'he subscrilien have '.lie exrlu ive right the following counties: Montour, Union, Snyde Northumberland, Columbia, Luzerne, Perry Mililin, Centre, Clinton and Lycoming. Ail orders thankfully received and promptly attend ed lo. HE DDES, MAHSll & CO.. LcwUburg, Union county, l'a. July 11, !6f.7. Ttilaran l, fof pn- r, Ter.1nl,M. S a Mil,, lit Kfl-S 1.1. It n..i.H iv. ... notaittly, and u OMra nil M,a! . ' . . .. i 'n i,iiy oilier Tho avrr mvfri,,.l. . a:.fl worllOMBln ,ea! n In Drrlii 11 t. ...i.i- - ii ..,t. .i. . , - ....... ,:ri- hi i- n ,'giiiir, inT.nT--T eha !,n.-. llit .., ,! i. , I,1, s. .....!. i: a r.-lliM In ft,, aitf In'.rior Tan. air lr dr r-riHtai,!, .m I.. ,..lu . .,....- . .1, M aotifia and nrac-ral aa who Bava axau.iua.1 U tlla arrarn u. V? alt artti-V fit an e..orlnff to .l,rr L.,u . Tiv it. R,,d In all ra... whre a fi-lun. i. t.P fii'i'l ,t 1 tn ,!ir iiwT.M U refill,.:, .1 I ba ri.krt i Pur rr,...i!f.n,.,i -ru...i... n diffi-r. nl ifoauhc c.fTeD,lv oi wj hy nb-4B ' Tnaa, nl.nirt. ,PBn fntir-ly Bar T-'an tL OMbat lata rrri' Mi-I. and ranrol aerinif.' or i.raanut, aa I'ura Ou,. ira.kri. w, Mld dt. ra nny niBtfrCan- Ipurb. Yhc u i.,.j , i, ,.. i, ,A .,.,i,.,.,. lk. 1 il oi..., e j. .p?. .n.n7h lo o.lii l, a fulUlu.it taarimtoiiia, It i. ma tniirlT or Tib. I Jiiu i riT.rij.'r of etal nv ha. .1 ol t.a It.l roiThraa a V- im, au l ,a Il Do ial.pr I ana. A UllKKAl. a a lio Lava ui.d uiam will aaa DISCOCST TO TUB TBaDK. vf. aa itino hu, a. v. Sept. u, if;: SKOOXCER & MABSZX, UCtlOilC'CI'H AXD COMMISSION MlOrtCIIAXTS, 2C1, Xurth Third Street, I door Mow Vine, t'lIU.AUKM'lilA. OALr.Sof lio is nnil Shiifs, llrv uvl. Cunt, Il iril. r wire, Watches, I'ancy (iooii, ic, KYMtY KVK. N I N I i . r? C'linttry P:oiii.ecpcrs nml oil. era will uhvavs fiiul nt our ilvcniii Si!i-a u liotic unit ili'irii!ilii iisanlliiiciit i l ll.e alllll'C LrOi ll.l. It) lie R'llll 111 IrtK (O tllil llUCI. ai;ooit ji ii Lcil on the prcniU s f ir' L'uaiilry Tradn hcil. yii, lj?. c Sia FEVER AND AGUE! qri-MXK snif TiTfTK cm nkr vi: toxic. Tliis well known remedy iliscnn rcil l y my hte part, llcr J) v ti il li. J. Lccils, id ;i Hire cine l'n! Ilit- iilaoc iliai r ller, ;iy;-lli ;ui..c;ir, lil;.l nil otner .Wl V, ills llircclions. It conlniiif tin limniiic. A'a inc. or oilier lioiTi,.ii8 inKoeoi. Clla. Il alrci,7i(n.l.ii llte hia'cui, (lives tn.ic In ihe ctnlii. acli, unit iw .iiic:il;i:t!,li; tii'l .vj cj'.ticii nn. I tin ac i-ir,-ctcil Willi wc'ik"i i! in ;,nv p-m ,.i ih.c avktcni. It is ijiecinlly n c iuiii i..l.d to l, r.i il, IrouMi d with l ullan nf Hie Yoiuli. One li- tile it ti. iji -i.-n in muat enrca, wln rc tiitt liirccti.i:, !,,,. f,,:; iw...l. t'citifuKto cuu be furuialiid from uil pnr.s i-f litr I'nii.j,. N'U l,y t!ic. Driii'-lcs rjcncrully nnrl hy . ft. Hiiz-ml, Yli,ileilu linieniat, uic.1 Sole, 1'roiaiclor 121 aUdilca Li ne, Ne .v York. New Yt.rkjiii i 111. 1M7, v3m pATcnoLLV, Jockey cli , mhunci I FLOWERS. &c. of tl,P l,i fre, h supply j.ial revived and for silo ot the Dreg More of A, W. FISHER. Sanliury, Aug. 1, 18r,7. -Vo.21G Arvh Si. let. .Second Third, ('Vp itiia lirrad Street, IMiiladctpliIa. (k.EIVE.S, Riddles, Screens, Woven Wire of all nie.he and widths, with all kinds of plain and fuiicy wire work, ieavy Twilled W'he for S-'park Calibers; Coal, hand and (ira el r'creetis; Paper Maker's Wire ; Cylerder and Dandy ltolln, covered in tho beat manner Wire and Wire Fencing. A very superior a 'tide of eavy Founders' Soiiea. 111 Kinds of Iron Ore Wire Keives. lUVLIpf. DvlIiBV cV LYNN. rUIadclj hiu, Si. j t. Ill, ISO? c3iu. T EsPECTFULLY informs his friends, and the public eenerally, that he has just rcceiv ed a New Stock of CiOOUH, at hi. new store, al David Miller's Mill, in Lower Augusta Town ship, and that be is prepared lo sell goods at In loweil prices. His block consuls in part of SPRING & SUMMER GOOD8, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, &c. and every variety usually kept in a country Store. Trcvorton prices paid for all kinds of produce. Lower Augusta twp, Aug. 8, 1857 tf IVORS' at 00 ceuli per bualel, casli, for eala BB-JO STOBB. MISS LOUISA 61IISSLER, respectfully In forma the citizen o' Trcvorton and aur rounding counly, that ahe has opened a new store nl Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevot lonin Chaniokin street, nearly opposite Knouie'i Tavern, T'hcre all kinds of Uonnela and Fancy Goodn can be had at the lowest terms. Drees making also attended to in (he best manner and InleKt style. April Sn, IB.r)7. If A Hoc!, for l.vcry iflrtiw I.ibrRry, KARK INDUCEMENTS TO AC.ENT8. P'ANVASSEHS wanted to cbtain aubscribers for the Comprehensive Ucograpny anil ti is torv, Ahcient and Modern, ol the World by U. tinodtich. (Peter Farley.) Handsomely hound in cloth nilt. and illustrated with 200 beautiful inprBvinga arid and 80 maps. Price tj-l. Bold only by agents, lo each oi whom a special di-itiict will be given. Applicants should state wbat counties tnev wouiii line io canvass. The book is mnv ready, tjoptea will be sent ny mail, post paid, on receipt of the price. Bills on all solvent banks taken at par. The "Home Journal,',' say-soflhis work l "No family what ever hiiou.'J tie wnnoui n. ror tun pariicui.ua . 1 , , -.1 . ft . C- a. .11 1-.. in regard lo an agency, address, t.EOKUK V. El.l.lUt F, Publisher and Bookseller, No. 172 William Street, New York. Allhave kinds of School and Miscellaneous Books. Cheap Publications, Stationery and Maps, furnished at the very lowest prices. Ur-1 ders solicited. I November SI, 18fi7, isATc"Ti7"wnaKioN, MANUFAOTURH CP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of tho most Fashionable Style. Solas, DivniiH ami I.ouupcs Eureans, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BRIiAKFAST AND DIN1MJ TABLES and also VENETIAN BLINDS, eijual to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPBOAUDS, WOKK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this lino of his business. rPIIE subscriber respectfully calls the attentioi of the public to his large and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of C.ARIKI2T-WAKF. which cannot fail to recommend itself toevcry ene who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid linih, made up of the best stock to bo had in the city. No ellort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. He al-o manufacture all kinds and qualities CHAIRS, iieluiling varieties never before to be had it Suiibiiry, such as Mamogim, Black Walmci MI t'l I1I.H) MlPl.i Glll.tllj; AMU WlMIS'lB CD AMIS, ami run I'uiu Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in Ihe cities, as every confidence can be entertained abou'. the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs These articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try l'roducc laken in pavment for work. UNDERTAKING Having provided a handaimc Iltiiisr,, he is now prepared for l. ndertaktng, and attending funerals, in tins vi ciiiily, or at any convenient distance from this place. The Ware Boom is in Fawn Street, he ow Weaver's Hotel. To has also purchased the right of manufac turing and selling in Northumberland county, Gould's patent Excehoir Spring lied, which ho will furnish at reasonable rates. Springs put in old bedstead for three dollars. DM AC M. WILKERSON. Sunhury, April 18, 185? If. IIBilllZNGS SAFE. Till'. AC'K NOW I A'AXi KD CHAMPION ! ! TIIK RI-XKXT Till A 1.8 tit Rcmluitf huve mdnrscil iliu cimcul oC pii 1. 1 io ftpinioii. nnd ('oiitirim-t. ti e verdict ol mora tli-itt aixf tcci- UciiUil lirfji, proviiifr OMiehmively t'at -IleiriiuV; is thcnly AKJ: that will iii't hum. J a. . . .. ,...,:... TLrTti jfPV-T' ' llw Tiiul of Iruii t?ufci at U fading : 'On Uic SOili nf Februnry nil tltc memWr of the Crnn mitft'f im! to witneB the ttafea ami Uniks nnd jriptTi, j.luccd in litem) and were perfectly Riluticd Unit ull wiw n-jlit. The d iv fol.vm, the Uurning tok plnre, under tho iipnnteiiikiice of the Coinnuttee. After h f.iir nnd inipuroul huntiiift for tire bitr. the Sufu of Mt-rsrs. Kv uu k W'fit&m vw8 firnt owe.t,lhe &ife Iwhip on fire immlf, nnd iJiy eoiitentu partially rrtiisnnieil, while theen teuu intli S;itf Memrs. rnrreli V llcrrmg weie ut tfHxl eotidiiiiin, Mint no tire tuside." (ijiucd.) H K.FK.MX, ) 1.N COI.KM AV, S Co A. II. rKACOCK. ) oininiuee, And fid .rwd l.vnv.r 5ii of the Ut men Head'niir. TiifnUveSiUdCJUi le hwpected nt 31 Vlnut Mreft, wherr ihe public :ui ritiify itiemsclves nf ttir frcnt supi rhriiy of ihtj MKirinff'! Iattt Clmmpinn vt tl.e defeated and used up 'lutidtf Iron Dur tlmuiider." rarrcls & lien ins, 3i Walnut St., Vhihula. Only nukfis in iliii State of Herring' rutcut Clmmpioii Sufi. iea.tenipt mnde by th?r p:mira to bolster up (lie n putnt iim of q Safe wliicl lina f;iit-d t vitftinl!) ii itcvi di'iiiiil lirfi in riii.adeipliia. (Kunstead t'btok.) by taking one rut f an nvent'a ator. (II A. laanlz.) mutle rfouMt tuiclnifhp, (riilcrfiit from ihom ihpy acli) ln -burn up' one ofll.rriii:;'a (Imlf na Ihirk) Ima met with hi true r WHrd. Ilcrritnt;- iNifr otiu'd n t bt tuiniT, provinff o-uiclu' aivclv litnt tlio nnly reliable frife imw tnuilc ial,llerrii,zV. .f whirh over J..inMi nre nnur in mtn;il uae, and inur tiiUM huve bf trifd by fire wttbuut a ingle Vta. IMiiti.. June .(!, lr57. H'. A CALL TO FARMERS. Farmers, tUop your 7oolnt Pause a little. Head this and Reflect ! THE FARMEA'8 PBOMO.TION BOOK. A new mid Scientific Mauurinx8.vatem.foi the Cultivu lion oi nil k.mli ti (jruina. Umwa, t-'tidder and raEturo, up.u ail kinds of ftoil; Ffoyed by actual K&ocriiiieuia miiJ Uiie.1 on evident Irutlia ; JJemicned to improve Aifi.eu'.lure in ullila biauuhua; reprcaeiited byupw-irds of our huntlred aitd uily eugruvinga of the mot valua ble Uruuea and Tbnta connected with the aystein, Uy Or. C. G. ItTIMIOLO, UOAIaSUtHU, CKNTRE CO., TA. IN llii treatiftr it will be aeeu that the object haa leen lo give tha Parmer that kind ot information which eiubtea linn to tivike nrnctical Hppliratitu ti feitilixe lua I laud und increase hia g min. foddrr. awl pintturuje. 'I'he i d"clriiia tauvlit by ihi Humurintr. and fiKlUer hihI pua tuie cultivation y.en. are rational, cieni and evuteut, una utrgent uu iniprovemeut in the mode ol agriculture hither tJ unknown to our fur inert, and which, if adopted and ("irvfuliy piucticed. camuH fail lo advance the uiUiesla of the itumiug aoiuiuuuity. nh a work haa been much wantej, a il Alia a vottl which haa long lieeik frit, but which there haa hitherto been no attempt to aupply , aud aa larmere of tVnlreand Huntingdon count lea, we rcciti mend the work to every furiner, aa we fully believe tiiut tney win reap tue gfeutet poamuie beuebt ipou tt It'imcl Mofiat r. rinliii Moycr, Jjoiiu Moycr, Chrintiuii Dale, fioorue Unil. llnnrv Movei Jncok Moaaer, Kuiiurl UilliUnd, Jnlm Bailey, lie. ir(t Jack, Koiiucl Uuiirau, J.ihu Hitruiaii, Jons. McWilliHins, lieoifte Huclmnan, inre Guyei, Jr. t'raui I. Alrxaiukr, John Carper, Joliu NciT Sou'r. J.ihu llusai.H, J,,hu ll.ilfor. buinus. Wilm, CbriMinu Hoffcr, Ocirit. V. Week, Juaoph Bu.er fV TlieuUive work is f. snle hy Hcv. i O. MrKKK BA, MiIuni, NorihuiutMirliuiiJ county, l'a. Vtiv sIU. Annual I, It37 Ohio lOOO Ibst of Curpct lns) "IVAN TED at the store of E. V. Bright St " Son, who are constantly receiving a fresh aupply of Goods, thus offering to the puhlie the largest and most duuiaLle aasortir,eut. Julypl. 1857. What an enormont Variety of Toys and Fancy Goods ho hai ! Who ? Our Friend JOHN DOLL, At Xo. 144 Xorth 2nd St., abort Arch, l'hila., 1IU has just received direct from Europe a very Urge assortment of Toya of all kinds, fancy j'aakeU, Pipes, Canes, Briar Cases, To baeco Bones and an enJIoas variety of fancv ar tieles. Call upon him before purchasing else where. tfiiladslpliia, August 19, 1 B3T. 3mS Jw f .cv-;..i.:piGTjrl ... ! .;TlM.;,a SALAMANDER FIRE THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The larsest assortment in Ihe ITnitpd States. Warranted to be equal to any npw made, and will be sold on as Good Terms, as can be obtain ed from any other house iinha Country, al JSVAISS dr. WATSON'S 8 South 4lh Street, Philadelphia. truth is Mighty, and Must Prevail. Report of the Committal appointed to u;erin. tend the Burning of (he Iron Snfct, at Bead ing, February 27, 1857. RxADiao, March 4. The undersigned, members of the committee, do respectfully report, that we aan the two Safes originally agreed upon by Farrela & Herring and Evans Si Watson, placed side by aide in a fur nace, viz : Tha Safe Inuse by the Paymaster of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Compa ny, in his office at Reading, manufactured by Farrela & Herring, and the fafe in use by II, A. Lanti, in his store, manufactured by Evans ct Watson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. The'fire was started at 8 o'clock, A. M.,end kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and half chesnut top wood were entirely consumed, tnewnoie unuer ine uprriu tendency of the subscribers, members of the Com mittee. The Hafes were then cooled oil Willi water, after which they wero opened, and the books and papers taken out by the Committee and sent to H. A. Lantz's store for public exam ined and marked by the Committee. The books and naiiers taken from the Safe manufactured hy l'arrtls 4- Herring were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than those taken from Evans & Watson's Safe. We believe the above to have been a fair and impartial trial of the respective qualities of both bales. JACOB II. DYSIIER, DANIEL S. HUNTER Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide with tho obovo statement of the condition ol the papers and books taken out of the respective rafcs. . G. A. NICOM.a. II. H. MiriiLKNBERC, J AMICS MILllOLLAND, March 21, 1 8."7 BALD EAGLE HOTEL. Ao.234 and 410 X. Third St., Philadelphia JOIIN CLYMER, Proprietor. (Successor to Daniel Dalbet.) THE Proprietor returns his tlinnks for the lilienl pnlrotince licslowed on Ill's well known house, nnd respectfully aks a confirm anee of the same, assuring his mny fiienils of "orlhumlieriiind and ailjointng counties, that no pains shnll he spnretl to rentier conil.irt and plea. sure to all who may sive nun a call. TEB.My ftl,oo l'Kli DAY. Philadelphia, July 85, 1S57. 3m SMITH'S IMiire of Jamtitca f;lngor, rlIII? nrtick ! circfullv nrcrmrcil fmmllic liifUlamnic: JL inprr. till the viillltilile inetliciiml proficiiics of winch n is wtiriiiiiuu to possess ill a coiicciilmliil aial convc' incut form. It is nil excellent rcrncilv in ilyspcpsm, nululciice, clio. lie nml nnpinrcil unu tcdile slut e ol Int.' iliircslivc tunc tions. 1'roin ilsrcfienliiuir sticnatli nnd curiiial propcrlii-i ns n cutlc sliiiiiilnliiii; tnntc it is weli mlnnfcil lo connlcr net lite itcliilit:ilin iiiltuencc of the extreme licnts of sum mcr. Diecllrcts ol sliiMcii ctuniccs, c. No I'.imilv alfiiild l,c without tt, ns its timely nse will sove them from intiiiy mi serious uttnek of Illness. I'riec i.'i cents ier bottle. For sule by Juue'o, 1?j7. 4iii P. SIELAHCHT0N SHINDEL, Jisrici: or tiiii i'i;tci; STJNBUBV, PA. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Vullio School House. All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writings done. Sunbury, April 25. I57. if IJOHTand MADEKIA WINES, gchiedam Schnapps, AVilJ Cherry brandy, Ulacklierry and Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes al March H, '57. A. V. HiSlIEll. COUNTY ORDEHS. County orders laken ss rntdi for ootids, and on note or book ac count by Nov. an. E. V. liKltJUT 4 SON. I Soft. ITew Goods 'for the People ! liKXJ A .AI IX 11 KFFNKIl RESPECTFULLY informs the public in gen eral that he has just received and opened a splendid slock of SrKING AND SUMMER GOODS at his New Store, iu Lower Augusta township. His stock consists in part cf Cloths, Cassiniers, Caseinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. AL.-SO: CnlUocM, (alugliutm, Iavn, itloiiNNi line De I. allien and all kinds of Ladies Dress Coods. CJi o ci les, Also an assortment uf llm thViire.'Irou and Steel, Nail3, &o. Also an excellent assortment of QUEEN 3WAEE, of various style and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS X SHOES. II ATS & C. PS, a good M'lcclion. Halt, Fish, is-c. And a great variety of other articles such as sre suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at llie lowest prices. VtT Country produce taken in exchange a the hiitheit prices. I.nwer Aucukta, June d, 1857. WHEATLEY'S ARCH ST. THEATRE. ARCH ST. ABOVE SIXTH, HIILAL'A. THC Star Company, composed or the firs - ylrtisles in the world, and exceedins; in Strength and Talent any Dramatic combination heretofore offered to llie Theatrical Public, will appear every nitilit in (Comedy, Tragedy, Serio Comic Drama, Vaudevilles, Musical liurlcttus, Ac, Ac. When visiting the city, go there. Oct. 21, 1857. ly FLOUR1 rLOum FOR SALE UY M. C. CEARIIART. Kunbury, Sept.Sfl, 1S5?. FURNITURE POLISH. S. RAE'S Premium I'atcnt Enamel Furniture PolUh. 'i'li is polish is highly valuulde fur rcslo ring the polish on all kinds of Furniture, (ilass, Carriage llodies, Hir Cloth, ic. Ala", for re moving spots, hiding scratches, Ac, Ac W'ur ranted to dry immediately and retain its gloss. Price SO cU. per buttle. Sold by A. W. FISHER. March H, 1857. Joii. s. iu:aiii, ATTORNEY AT IaA.W, (ice in Maclet it., opposite the Court llu$e, SUNBTJBY, FA. Collections made and Professional Business generally attended Ut Promptly and Carefully. PiULsDILrlllA RirCREKCI t UulUtt Fairlhorne, Diehl 4- Werlx, Davis 6c Bimey, F, Tylwt ii Co. Kunhury, June SO, 15T. T)ltOVN"8 and BreimVs Essence of Ginger and Husband a tgneaia at March H,'57. FISHER'S. Tj'iuhing Tackle. Red Cork, Grass. CoU ton and Linen Lines, Out Lines, Sea Grass by the yard, fc'noods, Flies, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, KoJs, Ac, for sals ly March 4 1, '57. A. W. TISH ER. FUENITURE ! FURNITURE I ! THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN 8UNBURY. Fnililonaltlc, Cheap nnd t'scful riHE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbtiry, thank ful for past favors, aolicits a continuance of the public patronage. His stock ot Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, 4c, embraces EVr.ltV VARIETY, rSEFtL AXD ORltA- MENTAL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in his line can be had at moderate puces, Cheap for tasn, or Country I'roIucea token in exchange. Establishment South Ftml Corner of jHfarlet Stptare. i-IT Those knowinn themselves indebted to tho subscriber would oblige him by making pay- IJICIlfc. SEBASTIAN HAUI'T. Bunhury, April 4, 1S57 If NEW CONFECTIOMAHY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARIIAIIT. f I A8 just received a new and excellent assort ment of goods at his Confectinnarv and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sitnburv, where he manufactures and keeps on hand, at all tunes, the most choice Confectionary, Ac, Wholesale ana Kctntl, nt rminuclphia prices. Among ins stocK ol Lonicctionarics, may be found : French Secrets, lluriicff AhnoiHjs, rretim White, " l-inon R.ise, Vnnilla, Common Seciets. Liquorice, Urmsnos, lluti-a. Cam Props, all k inds of scent, l.ove llroiis, Mint Drops, retl nnd white, Jelly t'nk.s, Fruit Dropa, Puck t'ninlies, ( nil scents Rock Cmiity, A tin -oul Ciunly, FRUIT. Prunes, Firjs, Cilrims, Currnnls dlieil, Almonds, Rniaons, iuta nf nil kiiuls LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by Ihe single or dozen. A superior quality of Seaars and Tobacco, and a variety of Confeetionnries, fruit, Ac, all of which is ollcrcd cheap at wholesale or retnil. ICE CKEAM. He has aUe opened on 'to Cream Saloon, and will nt all lines he ready to serve his customers with Ice Cream. Sunbury, May 21, 1S57 ly Saddle and Harness Maker. HENRY IIATTPT, J"B. Successor to A. J. Slroh, ajv )?F.S'ECTFULLV informs llie vNiselPjA eitizens of Siinliury and the puli 2 ' ''Ai lic generally, that ho lins taken inlimput Inlilir ncclllii. il A. J Slroh ar.d is picpnred to turn cut work in is line of business equnl to any made in Ibis, section of the country. Orders promptly execu ted and all kinds of produce taken in Exchango Sunbury, Mrty 0, 1H57. ly UFsOllCK 11KNX, ViSXOUNCKP to the citizens of!?iinbury and vicinty, that he has opened an office in Sun bury, above II. .1. Wolvcrlon's oflice opposite ('. Weuves Ifntcl, where ho is prepared to attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession, in the hitest and niost improved style. All work well done and warranted. December 1 3, 1 H"i6. Citrate of Magnesia on T A STEI-E8S S A L T S . T 1113 i rcinrjlion i reenniinended ns nn ex cellent bsnlive and pur;;:itivc. It operates mildly, is entirely free liom any unpleasant teste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold by A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, Murch 11. IMC. " 33. NEWLAND Se CO. LoaUIng l.lu.e, ricture 1 rniiii., LnarHviiiBa nnd Paintings, Xo. 120 Arch direct, above Sixth, (Lata of 2 18 .North rcc..nd St.) PHILADELPHIA. . GlLLEllir.S Ol'KX OalLr TO VISITORS. Merchants and others visitin r the City who may waul anything in our line will do well to give us a call. February 23, 18:'.7. Sm 1. ATIS3E, CIIF.AI' WATCH AND JKWI'.l.llY ST0I1E So 72 North Second Sine', (''pposite th itLjitnl Vei'iion House.) Philadelphia. fOLl) Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ca- se, 42S; Silver Lever do,, do., 12; Sil ver Lepine, do., !i9 : Cjiinrtier, ft 5 to !j7 : (lold Spectacles, 4 ."id to 10 ; iilwr do., $ 1 f0 ; .silver 'J'able Spoons per sett, !i14 to $18 Silver Deseit do., do.,fiD to SI 1 ; Silver Tea do., do., $4 7,r, to !fi7 00 ; (fold Pens and Ciold Ca ses, :l 25 to 5 ; Cold Pens and Silver do.. $1; together with a variety of fine Cold Jewelry, tiold Curb , tiiaurd and Fob Chains. All goods warranted to be as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repaired in the best manner. Aim, Ma sonic Marks, Pins, cec, made to order. N. It. All ord.rs sent by mail or otherwhe. will be punctually attended to. Phila., Oct. 4, IN.r.U. lyw. FZILIP ?J?w7. WUOLESILS a Ml niTill. Grocery, Wine rtnd Liquor Store, S. E. cor. Walnut and ll'ricr Streets, nilLADKLl'IIIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied al the lowest prices. October 4, 1056. If C. BB1T2S31T,3 WIIOLISALE AND KcTalL BOOT STORE, 10 South Fourth S.t, abort Chesnut, Fhil'a. 5JOOTK, Shoes, Cniters, Ac., promptly mado J) to order in the very best sly le, and of llie best material. Philadelphia, May 9, 18.'.7 Leather! Leather I Leather! IIK.MIV W. OVtll.1, 1MPORTKII of I'rrneli Cull" Skllissiul cneml Ualliel Ofiiler, Nn. 0 iSoiith 'Muni itr,-4-f, I'liiluSeliiliin. A aeiientl aiuaillliieilt of all fcilida of Leather Morncos, &e., &e. Heil anil Onlc Site Leather. reliruury&S I"i7. ly w VLMO.NDS, KAISONS. ritiST-EMONS. ic, Ac, jut receixed a fie.h aupply and for sale at the Confectionary store of H,C. GEAHHAKT. Ponbary, May 10, IffSt.. P0R SALE. 4 Good second-hand Buggy. Apply at this oflice. FOR RENT. fllHK ftore Room in Market street, occupied X hy P. W. Cray and the dwelling house ad joining. Apply to the executors of li. Ma.sei, deceased. January IT 18.17. Acw Driisj, 1'Hlntti, &c, NEW supply of Diugs, Paints.' Oils, 2m. Fluid, Ac, just received and for sale by A. ,W. FISH EH. Sunhury.May t, 1857. LAND WARRANTS. The highest prir will he gives fur Land Warrants by the sub. ciibai. H. U MAhhElt. WJATENT BKITT.OilA KTOFI'EHS fo P bar boltlea fur sale hy II. B MASSER. Sunbury, July 19, 1858. 'pobaoeo aud Begars. bo.ooo imported 8egars of various tuands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and flue cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S, hjnlmry, MarcU U, 18S7, THH euliserilier res) ectfully lnforms thecili rens of ISunhurv and tha public aene.rnll"'. that he haa commenced the manufacture uf nil kinds af EARTHENWARE, at bia manufactory in Whorllcbeiry 6lreet,onc square east of the Kivcr. Ho has enrrnged tha servteea of Air. IIarf. and you can therefore depend on linving a good article. The public are respectfully invited to call. All orders fiom a distance will be promptly attended to. T. M.BHINDEL. Snnbary, Feb. I, 1856. If .tOII 17. ALM, &. CO. Nod. 9 nnd 4 ClictMiut Strcrt, (nontli tide, below M hIpi ) (Tni Oldict Wood-warr IIursK in tiik Citv.) MANt FACTCnKKHniiti AVIinlc wife di-nlcr iij'ntmit MHtliint niruln lUMKJMt. I'litritt imovftl C'tdur AVoro, vnrrrntril not Ut Miimk. Viik! oi.d WilJttw-W arc Conl, HruhP. rVe ,of ntl lLcriplifiii. . i'iraie cull oud Fxnmine Hir Btork. FclKunry a-s, ltiT7. ly w VALUABLE TROPERTY FOR SALE. rM!E subscribers, Execntors of the estate o JL Henry Masser, dee'd., oficr nt private sale' the following; properly viz : A larRe two story frame dwelling house, together with about 50 ACRES OF LAXD. Situnle in Lower AiiRUsta townrhip adjoining .....M,. u, lumici nnunnnn aim others now in the occupancy of John K. Knufninn as a store and uneinnrj. I he bouse is new and tl.e location a good one for business. AUo a 'I'll ACT OF LIMESTONE LANP, in snid township on the river about fi miles be low Sunbu.y.adjiiiniiig hinds of J. T. M'l'hcrson and others, containing, about SIO acres. The soil is productive aud coiitnins liincatone ai.d other minerals. A bio a Irnct t f Land, containing about 35 acres on the hill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoiniiiR lands of Ihe heits of ihe lute John Conrad and others. Thrre is, on this tract, a smnll orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars npi ly to the subscribers. H. U. MA.SSKIS, ) P.E. MASst;,!. Uvortor. FHA.NCis niHIEII.i Sunbury, January 13, infill tf NEW AEHANGEMENT I Fresh An tral of DRUGS, PAINTS,'JlLS,&c. rjTHE undersigned Ziaving taken llie store for JL merly kept by ilii,.m A. limner, is now ready to nil orders and prescriptions at a mo. nieiils notice. Ho Inis a large ..ml r.cll selected stock of fteshand pure LHIJCS, CHEEICAL3, nye-siuiis, uu, roints, t.Iai.3, I'mty, anj n kinds of Patent Medicines. FliUIT AM) Ci).ri:CTir).A;y Tobacco And I.Tiiorleil Separs of the (l uirirt brands. Fancy Motions' to,!ct :iriii li s, ami IVr fumery of all kindrf. 'I'ooth and Hair u'iur.s of every variety. Cum pi ine and Fit-id rt'ictns in fund. Customers will find his slock 'complete, com. pri.-in? many articles il is impjj.!c hero to enu mcrnte, and all "!J nt moderate prices. Ii'emcniber llie place, next tlo.ir to E. V. Uright's Mammoth itore. A. W. FI.SHER. Sunbury, March 11, lSSV. WHITE UORSK IKJEL. rorrs villi:, p.. subscriber respectfully annmiiiaeg to bit A eld friends nnd the public, that 1 lir.s liken that old and we'd known est jl ii.nient, the White Jllorac He tel. At ll. corner of Centre and Muhant.igo sts., hi the Uoiongh of P,'t!sillo. The house has're. cenlly been very much enlarged nml oihi rwi.o improved, rendering it enile ns comfortable us any olhcr Hotel in '-cl.i;v Ikill coin tv wH.'o the stnhlcs ere larije. in Rood e.Mlilion', and ut lenJ by enrefiil, altci.tive. prudent hostlers. To travellers anil ilherswho may step at his hiiose, be romises every atlei.tir n calculated to reiuh r them comfortable and satinfied. JO.-. M. fKGEii. April fi, lf - tf iTEKRY EGmiZL, ATTORKBS AT 1SAW. OJJlte opposite the Court Aiur, Snubury, JTortLumltrLEd C'ornty Ta. Prompt uttfiijiioii lo Lufirienj in adjoining HOTEL, (UTOSITF, WIST )!HAN'..II IAK, WILLIAMSPORT, P-fV UII.ZalSE 11. 11 iT. rroiulrlor. C. A. i'misn, v(ssi..tat:t. N. II. In Omiiiliiis will rnn lo an4 from fhe I'epot and Packet l.ai.ilings, to tbU Hotel, fri ofciiii-ge. Kepleuilier 13. 1 (.'. tf DANVILLE HQ7T.L. JOXIaNT DEBIT, JTt.t Mmlct Strut, DauriUe, l'a, rjHIS is oiip of the Jarpen and most coaimo 1 ilious hotels in the interior of I'ennsv Ivania it has been recently lilted i , in cucellent style, nilli all the modern coiivei.iciiccs. Daiivillcii, r-ej t. 22, ('heap Vi'atches fyJcwdr. liniOLESALE and I'elail. at tha ' Philadel T ' j hia Watch and Jewelry Store," Ko. t'B North fecund Street, c irner of Quarry, rnii.A7)r:iaPjixA." Lever Watches, full jr-weld. If emu esses, no (...Id Lepine 1-k. -M .1.01 fine Mlcer S .... tuel.. I m Mlver fall jevrMeil. P.l.i.l l1M.ele.'s i'S S.llVi l-eccr, lull jevi d U : 11 V .,.,. Peneli., , ft iir t -!-. -i. lioiil I'citar. Willi ri acil ui,i! Silver Holder, (K) Cold Finger Ringa, .Ti ) cents to .'JSSO ; Watch Classes, plain, 11 cents; Patent, IkJ; I.unt, S5 ; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what thev nre s:i!d for. fc'TAI Kl'Ell & HARLKY, On baud, Mine Cold and Silver Levers' am'' Lepincs, still lower than the above prices i). t. 4, IH.r,fi. y. DLANK Parclimen. !'..... Tl-.l . .. . J i . V. 1 "u nianil iii oriaiies. Ud nu 1 .... a? ulions, f-'uinmons. Ac, for tale b H. U. MASSE h. Stinluiry A,ri fi. is. STOVES- IOHSALF. an excellent second-hand CmV lug Stme. also scverul Cylinder Coal Stmes Linpaire at this nlfie. CIOLD PENS with aud without eases, oTa" Jq very superior yuality, just received. Also a flesh sujiply of V ritinc; Fluid, for sale l,y . . I'- MASM1R. Siinhury, Dec. 57. If-fi. LnghsU fciilver Watches, f,.r sale at very low P" by H.U MAssiilt, unbury, April IS. IR.'ifl. AMl:iUCAN HOU8H 1 LI.I AM si OUT, 1A.. t ?.'. ,,! 'ELTO.. l'ropi Ic.or. .Ta. 1'. II ALU Ass t. fcSept. 13, lhiC tf 1L'KE OLIVE Oil for table uae, two size SV .1 3Tl .,.,1 . . . . ' 1 " a avu.arjuav received IV isl received by A. W. FISHER. March H, '57. ' Stationery . A large supply of fancy Xote Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Ins, Ink, Sand, Ac, at March U, '67. A. W. FlsHKK'S. IJOUT MONAIES.Toulh and Lair lirusLe all qualities, and any uuanii y, lor lc hy
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