) ( 1 r ) '. - . A MEDLEY. The poculj'nritjr iu tlio following iiigenionr ly collected litua consists in this, lliut each hue it cue of Well known verses, and jet they lire) well collated tUnt th.y rhyme uud are ui' the suuio metro : The moon was shining silver bright. All bloodless hy the untrodden snow ; When freedom from the mountain height, Exclaimed, "Now don't to foolish, . J ou !'' An hour passed en tho Turk awoke, A bumblebee went thundering by, To hover in the sulphur smoke,- h And Fpread its j-ull upon tho sky. His echoing axe Iho toll lor swnrff, I lo was r. lad of high renown ; e And deep tbe pearly caves nmon.7, " Uilca fccroggius courted Molly Browa. Lood roars tho wil J, inf ffii?lttr;t 1 list, And cloudless act the run at even ; When twilight tlrws ore fallmi: fuel And roll the thun Jet-drum uf heaven ! Oil, cvor thas, from childhood's hour, By torch and trumpet fast arrayed ; TScncathyon ivy-mantled tower, The bullli'Oijcryalia his aoirtijdu. Oh, my love is like t!.o rod, red r sc, lie bought a tin? wit it pin Bir Barney Dodriu trr.ke his ticfe. And, Saxon, I am Khuderick i)hu ! Giiuiis in ai- rr:: Tiinr a. Wo hara pri:it J in iLo Wet-'uly S;in, from time to time ui ich iufnnnulioii upon the Fub ject of worms in fruit trees as cue posesMn; substantial ir.terect to tho farnior who r.iakca fiuit one of l is rrop3 cs wo l'ii;.k every farmer should. Tlio following arlic'io flctn the Coun try Gentleman from an cxtdiUvo IVuit growi r of New York nppra g tj us to contain all tl e tii'ccessnry advice in a nut f-bt-U r.s to the Management of er-ple trees in rcrcrrence to the borer rr grub v.Ml!i in nrrt localities prove so dot lime;-, '.u.1 to tho successful culture nf the opjile. Altlinnh Scptciv.bor nrction cd ii3 tl.c nioct enitabU titno to hoii the grul yet we pii s :mo il is fti'.l iu 1;mo tuowRli re. tjuiiinj a littlo more care nr.d it h tiueh let ter to destroy what car lie found nu'v than lo nllow tin in to continue tho work of destruc tion undilur!rd fur another jrar. But to the article wnich oi'bt to be piccJ for rtf crence : After all that Lss 'or en si.id abont preven ting this worm freni deslrojins crcbarj?. yet rot one former and tree-planter is bcnef.ud. To extcrminato them from old trees wl.cro they havo been allowed to reinp.in undibtui bed for yenus or even in yourper trees cf six or tou inches diameter " v.cuid le o vrcrk we elio:jld not know how to pjrform I uecesifully. But to save young trees from detraction ii easy enoujrh v. hen the work is cemuienccd with the early growth cT the tree. The reme dy is sin:plo but ffficitut. Our method it: When tho trot s have b-jen tot in the orchard one year we go to each tree about the first of ficptembir and remove tho eoil from tho col lar of the tree till we come to the rods then with tho back of a knire, or r.u instrnmct.t made lor tlio pnrposo we tcrape the surfuce nf the Lark entirely around tho tree ; and if nny insect, has beun his work we find il immc tUely under the bark and nest tho sap-wood from one.-eiylh to half an inch in lenjrlh. The bark is tho food for tho Grt,t year ; but if suf fered lo remain undisturbed another year it is invariably found to have entered the colid wo id and often to the centre of the tree who.o it u safe from all aUempa to dettroy him i- rept by the actual cutting of the tree till he rau be reached by cither tho knife or a v.ve prepared for tho purpose. We muke this annual examination as reg ular! as wo hoe our com and the result is successful, and probably tho safest and cheep est method of meeting tliis destructive in- j . 1 I-.'-. .1 . 1, -.,!... fcect. In an orchard ol more than three tnon rand trees wo believe wo have not lost a, tree from tho grub iu three years. II 'tekly .Sim. n.:pn AGAIN. Mr. Wrr.y ti;irils that Iniphce or the Afii cau sugar c'ano will furnish tho Northern btatcs with iuenn3 of making snt'ar for them helves, fceveral varieties of it will ripen per fectly in from seventy live to ouo hundred days, lie thinks that it can be cryEtali.'. u by a iiiothod whi;U he has used for which ho hae pjilied for apateiit in tho h int 's rs well ai i;i Groat Urituin an 1 some countries ou the cu'i tinent. The method consists cf several dis tinct operations. 1. Treating t'oe jeiro wkh ''cream of liino," witliot.t heat. 2." liUc-ring tho juice tliRtigh ch.Mcoal to remove all fee. j'.pqco. This give? a clear blight liciaor, v. iih out any liaat. 3. U at tlu li pier to 120 or 160 degrees I'.irenl.eit put iu net fji'.?, ai.J bring the liquor to a boili poit,. Jieep it 60 a few momels then cool uud filter agaiu. 4. Kvaporato tho liquor iu open pans, tkim iiiin the bo.ini as il iii( s 1 11 the fjrup is ready to p;raii!. U. Then roioove to veetls piroj. -T for this pu.poie. If it shculd not granulate roadiiy, throw into the concentra ted syrup a few ouccvs cf well grained bugar. This will causa il to grjiu rapidly. Uy the use of this method Mr. V. alarms that cxctl Knt white eugur cau always be mauu from the Alrican sugar cato. If he is right in this mailer cur farmers will do well to look into tho subject. The eipeiien'.-e ol the last eighteen months will give additional Interest to evcy eifvit lo te cure cheap doniCi-lia sugar. Our advice to nil is that liiey read extensively, observe cue fully, cxperiin.-bt rauti. usly and huviug pr iv en tiiing3 hold fait totiiut which i Chit Farmer. Tub Uimssiiopf;:. rt.Acrs in Mis" v,?i. 'i'bu li.ib-ua Advertiser Bay that t'. i p-'ii-tlemen are in that city soliciting gubcriplioi.v for tbe relief of the Bufferera by the pras.-iliop-per plnptie, which desolated niuny of the el tleniftits in 0 ;rt horn -M lunecotu last s-ttamer. They ivpre5eiillii..t uiuuy families thorn are in a suMfiiiinr cot.ditioD and illy preprfuJ to etaod tho wiiil-r. ! - Ciipap I.ivino In l'.nii! n i;mn m3y c for twopeiicu. Ia the neihboihood r,r the ' Marchodes Innocents theio i? a cert ah en tcrpriiinar Mod.uno Fiobfit who daily foe:!-, some six thoniaiid worhmen in tho open air. yet sheltered from tho weather, lit-rd iilv lull of fare is cubbatrrj soup a slice of boui'lt, (beef,) tt piece of bread and a glass of itisc. . Tho CuixEfr bimn Can':a Fii'.- un Mr. W. II. Itolchcr, or the cMi.-i.ti-J fiiio.ir r. fi. nery at it l.oi is, poih.ip-i tho Irghvil on thonty in enchni ino nialter in tho cout.trv, Us been carefully te-un?; the Chinese cane, llo says that it will prove a faiure 119 far as ftigar iiiiil,iiijr j concerned, und, if it will not Kratuhite (as it will not) the syrup does not cuntuiii a due proportion ofcatio sc;ar. lit ilnublsits virtues as a BHEar-produiim' clont. --Louiti ille Journal. ' The Main Farmer thinks that the success of the Chinese sugar cuno ia the lata un r p' tious St-asun. justilios tbe belief that we have crop auiong us upon which we can tely fur syiop or in i .?Ci without b. ing win by tlep i . dent, fl liBretiifure, on the West India suyar plut i u'l Ihe Viiikte speculaiur. efarratr s gtpaUmtnt. ! A OAtL TO FARMERS. Farmer, drop your U'ooit, Pans a littl, Bead dV una Utfteri I TIIR FA KM Klt'S PROMO.TID BOOK. A new and rVlentin Manaiine Pvstrm, f"f tlio niiltiira t i-n ol all kind, oltirniin, Urnaic., Fodder (mil Piisture, tKn nit kinila r H'Ml 1'mved hy actual Fxneriinenta mill Imsed on evident trui'is I)c:md to linpmv Ariicnlliira In all it. blanches ; represented by upward M one Imitclrri and ft It y eiirrnvins of '" rat vnlaa bl (Jraaaea and Plant cojui ?tel with tit syatein. liy Or. V. . KKINIIOLD, HOA1.SDI RO, CF.NTRK CO., T. 1 N lei. Irentiee It will be en thai the object ans linen I to (live Hie I'mimt Ihnt kind of informal ion which nth!.;, fr.rra e hr link prnrtical application lo fertilize Ilia elo craiu, fodder, mid p:".tnrne. The . lit ntirf inemoM l.ia erttln. fodder, tllld p: a. ...... iimm tfiiiolit l-v ihi. rnamii inar. mill f"diier noil p:is- tine p'lttivnUi'n ityetem nreratiotinl,'cleut ami evident, and su'rgci,! nil tmproi cnienl in Uie mndcnf ftii"idnre hither lii'ik"ovn lo our f;r-nier., tmd vlneb. if adopted und eireiiil'v pi net leed. cannot f.iil lo advance the iniere.t. oi the Ip-tniPff rrnnniiiiiitj'. Hiifh a work hna 1 e.n inttrh v,mitel. it hi! n void wliieh iina l-'nf lifen ft!', hut li h ihere Ins h'tlrerlu Iweit tin attempt to mpply , hint Pa f itinera i( Centre tnd llu'itiiV'lnn cmiMlra, we revm mend tiie work fx) every fiinner, aa we fully helieve thai they will roup the grvnttat poasilile hem tii frr.ni it Inniel M,.r.-er, 1'bllin Mi.yer, . ' !t; irliyu I:ilt, , J.- b Mir'fT, li (': Mini, ,, . lltirv Miiyer, ieoii Mi''tr, " Famu'l fiiintmid, .1 hll L'lii'ry, Ge.'.'e J u-k, F.una! Pnrtrnii. ' J jIi'i lli.irvini J jnn. Mr'Williain, ' irj,- IJuehimn, Gt"nrc Giiyei, Jr. Knui' 'i Atexuinler, J'in"'t'nrperI J'hu Nell', fen'r. " J.ihn H ire .lnhn IIiiC-t. . HiMnue. 'Vi'ii, rhiiHi'ii ll'ilTer, Of, r0 W. Week. J-e.h Uiiker CF" "i lie ahive wink tt ( mile by liev.J O. Mvhl-.I tIAN, Milt Noitii'Miiljer'aiid county, I'n. fries !0. Aururt I, IS.')7. 3ino vra' u efl Id n - . : EGTABLISHMENT IN TIICCITV OF UA I. T I -M O 15 i: " I ATIII'T'S Ony Mr, el nrernoma If s v.i 1 I. Illli 'li 4:ir1l l. i- c'.rct. l.r:ir ri'yrtle, u-.niin'ire : wl-.'-ro !.; hri-ti,!v' a n iii-M. fr nri.ie t i,lvr. i-ven-:-.( rr. i;.-h Ti:'lK-A-Tr.TI, ill I'ludi, Iluii, auth or lr.-i ntuilf. I'k' kiIi lrnl! ?'nfT ni'il !Ie,l.i!ii.'n Tailor Ann Chairs, la PImli, Hair. Cloth or HrornUi. 1 rra-!i l-Nrl li If Cm veil P.-uiur Cliai.a ill (eta, With riasii, H i t, Cl- :u or llroc-ittlio. , B OjX X Z - TIi. 'f rreu"lt F,-.Th" M ih. yraiy uiul VaJnut TjrJnr Chiuir. ia Ilmr. Chilli 'nnd I'lutii. Poi-lring Clmirs vurioiis di-jriia, in Ili'ir, Cbth and ri"s'i nVPpiiiiEr I.'air.p' a iiir"e r'S.,rlrrriit &!wn en I. -in1, or uin puu.eru niiu'oor tuvtreil with uny eiio.'.a to OI.. C II A 7.1 T. 3 IX S XS I T S l,i M ill 'C.iny or Walnut, r m.irtc, from .!. 'ip. Cunt; rli:iirn umI llmtiiiifi il.i. cr lart'cst ti-r'm?iil nvMiy mr.iie iti unj one Ii-uite in thu L:iiKi flutes lro:u t)'i u i"eii i'ii. hr Hifin, :T;r Tivl Dili!).? rii:'irr. in O.-W, W:T!nut or Mali'T-'niy. wi'lt Cwae, W -'-hI i-i unuU tin!. ati at" itmont i-iii('t:i'ii,e nvr.ultCMi. 'it:-'l fp:i! Cl.airs uiid &c1U-; ami Itockirg Chairs. ovrr t CiO (l.'7'p. Oi'i and l'hii:j Frnmf tiOt-kitij' Glncf. nf every variety. Ait kii; is ol' llc-is. ilitir unJ IluFk Mittrni"i A. M.VTfnOT. N'i. i't N. ny gt , m-ar Fayi'lte ia!tninrc j August I. Iy HUSSEY'S AMERI CAN It IHAPEJ?, rot; i itiim; uuiii GRASS G-HAGS, (" UK AT iniprovcriicntH for 1S57. 'ibis Ma ' chine was put in fuce.-iul uperalion in IM!3 and rnnlinued lo be 'he only Soaping and Mow ing ?.lac!hiie U tho Y.'oild, of any practical value opto 1315 twelve ycarij nfter its introduction. Other Iicapcrj are now offered with glowing ad vorlisemente, Crrtificetc. Diplomas, Cold and Silver .Medals, &c. Bi:t the l armtr in tcarch uf tlic best lieaper, ah l int posted in tiie mailer, bad better see a little f.trti.er. If there is any value in 21 years experience in building Keepers, and using thorn in ilic har vest field, and i i the improvements made durini I that lung period, Oil LI) m'SSEY.thc Fmher of Kcnixru, can ciaim it. All wlio arc ealitiied wiih the Bcs-t Reaper and Mower, uan bo eu Jiotl ly sending their orders rar'.v in the season, ' . , as the crops indb r.lu a lar;e di niand, and we can I i.ot bnvc over ()i) Keailv for Uin vast harvest r.flSS7. IVe guarantee that this Reaper and I .vrrcan not l e beaten on fair trial by any other Rearer that may be brought into the harvest fields in !8."7. and W'e also insiiro it to be the . stronejcel and most durable machine iu use. V'e would respectfully invite Farmers I) examine ! f.ie mr.rhiiie thoroughly before imrehssing, and ' sali-'fy t'.:imlves of its supciiority ovt-r ail others. lurin the l i 't foer years, (he subscriber have ! sold between f00 and 0M0 ,.f these M.i. hiiii's, lo ' 1 i':o l.i'tand in.i-l sncces ;ful Fanners in Mnnlour, ! I'ni .n nnd the neighboring counties, (whose .' nainnn arc too numi rous to i.'iaei I) to V horn we respectfully r-. icr. 'I'lie eubsciibera have the exclusive light the loliowiug counties: Montour, Inion, Soyde, .urtl.tliibcriaiid, ('oluaibi, Luzerne. IV.iy Midiin, Centre, (.'lmli:i and Lycoming. All OKicrs? ihaukfi !iv icn-ivrd r.nd promptly at;eud-t-d to. t.'i:iUi ., MAIJSU ,v (() l.ewii-buig, I nion couutv, l'a. July 11, 1S.7. "'"niiitiiiKGri; saibT'"' Tin: At kn:avi.i-im.i-:o ttirfifi ' ' ',"3 - ox-xviAi'iojsr 1 1 lt- " n ;( ii;t: i;i:r.i.M' tuiu.s ai t It i-..i,t. :fr h i, ii 1-li'torM .1 the i-ttileal ,ti!i'lj. f ii' !.e miiii, lil.-l roi.a.lin-.t I le A lll.V.-l:l..t.l .liii'l V I . I I , i I (4 t .lO -ll.-i.lm; B:' u tllfi :.') .M i. Jit' !' Mi- t IBl Will II 'I I aril. krr'!? K"''et f"oii!-e '.,ini!tilleeV ., l.-.--i. ..c.w on.. in- ,..ii.i ,!-.v III li.-'J'l 'On l! e CI n 'itt v-11. ' t to ;.i iri-i -f r. '. rv.-. tl .-nni ,s the 0 s oi 'I wcie r,c r.:- 1 ft'..- C nn 11. ,.1 I ,,, r.'. 111 .1 I i It ,01 wit. :..l le ') s,o. . I I ' T.il . J it.' ,!. .:i ".V !. I III- ,-":i Tl!l.. .b-jiei" Ol tl I in.j'iiil:..! I i!n..rii f .r l ) r.'.iUi.A ';0.nl, V"ll h lus.'l." i,:,. e..;.:, n.y t ' u-iita 1.1 : ; r .1.,. cf a 1 - ' I'-iSl' 'i..- 1 1.1, !.: 11. 1 Ii:rn.;:4 t p :iiv iiiaii-r iuiit.'. At"'r a t r.p aii-.l .ns, Ihe !' ol Ali.-rp iii t ' , I. tl.c roe l -ii.2 on l.i e ,o :: 1 '.y eoi:: i.n i I, u i.iic ..ie e.-ii- h i . i il .rii.ig ti t:; u iiu. , ivfi. .r- .'-i.c, I' 1 !:;-....', ii i- rr.i.'v. ) I 1'. N i-ol. 1. M W, J C .ninii-.loe. ; A. II .11 M 1 ' 14. ) I Ar..I e'-.j !r,--n,y'iver jo - I t;,e !thi ii.'-ii f tt'.-iil.,i. I TuerUn e Sm'vs c 'a l ? : r;i-''tt 1 : III Wnlmii ' 1 r . j wh'.-re tin- pn' ii c in KUiv' I'.eiotvlv.'.-: . li.e fit , i-.,. I ri .rity i t tl',.- "IttrniiU 5 l'.i -:t O'iii.c.. ...1 " , ( ihe 1 1!. l uli.t Mi'! i:.c ,1.-1.. n i) rant Ss &. lici t Utr., U'u'n,;! St.. l'lVnud. ir.i.l.e.li ia this ' ::!;.- of lK-.ri:::,-!i l'l!.i:l Cm'.!'. .11. I '' ! T . pi. I on.- 1 I'lel.v. 1 1 t . I vh. Il l.-i.f.i. . i-ViV 11 1 . I 1 .in-'..,) 1 IS ,'it ' 1 li-i.l tl. 11 n-'Hl I -ti H't c t .v.lh i s I, .it- : in.-, in 1 1, nt in 11" i' - .-;.!, i.;tt. ( i. :i.ts- :'h .1 ti . (Ii. A l fro 11 Hi Hi 1.. ' -.it.. ,'. f...t 1. 1 e "I'll .11. ,:i wi'.l. Hi rniu'-s : ....-tl r.,.-.t tin1 1 ii" "! . ; 1 ii o i-r I., I e tn I ii-.t 1 f ii ti'C . -i -li.ir . r u.it !r :-' 'ft' i,i . iv 111. il'' I3''llrn ii i-ll- r iv 1:1 ac'.ni uvf, iiiui i.i '1 li tin- v.-itlii'iil 11 ni;Ic l-.sa. '5. tv II.: 'I " II line I ,1 I' I'.nh: ...tin; - . I 'i ''-ci ? ,,rti'?'i'j,ri'y? iJA J'.t .M,.U..'.i2.-iUL-4 V lflsSLOirA fclilI.nb'.re.sii.clfolly in ' forms ti e eilii-cn of 'i'revori. ti and aur rour.ding etimtty, that she has opened a new store of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor ton in -Sliatii ikiii street, nearly opposite Knouse's Tavern, wher all kinda of Uouiiels and Fancy Goods can be bad at the lowest terms, I Dress making uls ntteuded lo m (lie best I manner and I. a. ,-t ktvie. j April as, 1S.V7 tf NFAVII I'OH 'IliB MILLIOIN ! -anrivnvti r..:,.i e... .. . . e. ... , iiiicu ciiatcH oiuguziiie, i?a- hi lurday Lvcning Fot. N. V. Piravunc. Muctrate, .ick ?ai Bud Yankee Notions for leby II. Y. Flill IX fj. N. B. Persons hv'n-g at a .lietane can have a list of prices forwarded by aditres-Miig as ahovc. Magazines, Paiis and Tlook hoi on hand, cuiotljutly ordered. "Junbnrj , Jul) I S, M.ST if I "lli !. M m IU 4 - . I"r. .T - I 6 . jsB'a aa was aTOau V ED. 3T. BRIGHT & SON, BTJITBtmY, 3srORTKmM:33Elir,JA.lcf.'t3 COUNTY, PA., HAVE JUST KFXIilVKD A LARGK SUrPLY Of Dry 4'ooil, Itcnily unnde lolliin, Roofs nnd Shoes, Unrd warc, iai-occric, CiJIass, Qucciisivarc, Ac, Among our prearnt Plcck may be found French I.wn, i'oplina, Fancy Silki, Plaid DuraI,TiaeR, Brregea, Bebrgra, Chslli, Black Silka, Alpaeca, (Jingluma, Swiaa Mull, Tarllon, Cambria.. Nin aotik, Hrillinnta, Bimlty, Book Mualin, Uobinelt CoJIara, timiaa Flouncing, Inaerting, Lacea, Uib bona, llonery, and a genvral amorlment of FAKC V GOODS. . - Eml raring the moat beautiful atylea, all qualitira and pricia. Botn-tlic Good, Wlndaor eiiailea, Oil Clotha and Cnrpcta. Summer tiooda for Rent wpnr of every variety. Hardware embracing all Kin Ja of building itisterial, Carpentcra Toola of the bast manufacture, Ftlci of every deecrin- - I'ornirr r.lorlg mii-passojl In Qunntlij- nnd qnnllf jr. . In ndJiti in Itreur former Store Room, we have fitted up the aecond atjry of our catabliahment Wbicb yau will find well alorkrd with Tlondy Made ('luthinit, Beota and Bhoea combining beauty durability and rhernmecs. W i ahull continue to receive (iooda Bemi-Monthly, thin rendering our ar-jorlinri.i at ail time complete,, another iniUnemciit lo all who wiah to purrhaae. ' KBIT GOODS AT LOW PRICES V'e rrlitrn cur thnnki to the public for their lilieial patronarr, renpeelfully invite an Inuprr liomf rue ( J,),nU, aa we deem il a ptcaanra lo wait on ..11 who liar- for ua with call. .COUNTKVJ'KODUUB TAKBDIN BXCHANGB. . q $ q - 3 h q q .' r v q q . Bar Iron, Steel. Nails, Picks, Grub lloes, IJrcoji Hammon, Mill Saw, Window Sash, G.-iadstor.e2, Glass, Paints, Oils, 1'ish, Salt, Cheese, Blear. &o., always on hand. Siinbury", May 3", 1857. tf , E. Y. URIU1IT & SON. New Goods for the l'ooplo 1 11KKJAMIN 1IKFKNICII FJESPECTFrLLY in forma the public in Ren-- eral that be haa just received and opened t tplcr.did atock of Sl'RING AND SUMMER GOODS et hie New Store, in Lower Augusta township. Ilia atock consists iu ptirt of Clothe, Cacsimcrs, Cassinots. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO : CaJlrocR, dlnglisiniei, l.mvnn, MottKPCIlnc He L,nliics ond all kinds of Ladies Dreaa Goods. Ciroccr.es, Alo an anortmrnt of Ilnrdtvarc. Iron nnd Steel, Hails, &c. Alto on excellent aasorlment of QUEKSWARE, of various styles anJ . jiailems. Also an anortmrnt of HOOTS & SHOES. HATS J: CAPS, good selection. - Salt, Fisli, t,c. And a great variety of other articles such as arc suitable to the trade, ell of which will be sold at t'..1 hnve-l p icas. IV Country produce Inken in exchange a the higbcM priecis. Luwer Augusta, June fi, 1367. Wail fnjrr & Window SJindes. A. ISAACS, -Vu. 10.1 .Y.n-A SLcm.,l direct, riliLALT.Ll'IUA. 5 3 A VINO completed (heir lare assortment 0f (ilc ai,ve (iooJa lor ypring and Summer Trade; would rerpectfully imite Ihe ntlentinn f I'urchaaera to tho taiue. Their stock for beauty, cheapness and variety cannot bo surpas sed. Thev havo constantly on hand every descrip tion of Cold nnd Painted Shades, Luff Hollands, and oiiade Fixtures. Wall I'npcrs, Cuitains, l'ire Hoard Prints, Burjers. &r., all of which they nlVcr at lower rates than can be ha 1 at any oihtr i-atublLdimeut. Call and cxmuiue. A. Isaacs. tC2 Xort'.i Second Street. March V, 1S37 fun w I0O lOs vt Vnrprt Elreprs ANTni) at the store of K. Y. Briahl & fun. b:are. c nistnntlv rcct-ivitnr a fresli i 'tipply of tioi kIk, lln.s tillering to the public Ihe. hiriryst and must de.-iirulilc asaortu.cnt. July 1 1. 17. ISAAC M. WiL'KEItSON. MAN ACTTJHE OF FUJINITUJU-J uiND CHAIRS Cf the Eict-t rashicr.ttl.lo Gtyle. ruireaua, Secretaries, Eir'ehonrcls, 'SOifA, I!!i!'!A!iF'ST AND lilXl.NG TABLES and also VLWii'lIAN LLIM)d, equal to l'hila- dcljiliiu manufacture. BntSTLALS. of every pattern and price tl'i'l'.O.MinS. WO.'liv AiNI) CANIiLM bTANf'S, TOILKT TABLES AND KXTKXSiOX TAIJLKS, l:i thort, every art!, le in this line of las budness. rPKF. Hiibscribcr resj eetfully calls the atlpntioi of the public to bis large and splendid as- ssrtr.ient of cvr-ry quality and juice cf r? TJ tT.,fn'-T,.r .'l!-iniljj"il i k-l whi, h caitnnt fail to rcceromend itself loevrry eu:e who will examine it, on account of its durable v. .i.kioanrhip and splendid llui h, mads up of the I osl Stock to be bad in Ihe city. jVo effort is spared in the manufacture of bis "ware, and the Bubiciil.cr is deti-ruiincd to keep up with the ninny improvements which are constantly Icin I ma .... I!o cUo Ma:n:f.f.ture i-ll kinds and tjoalities n',,:i.':n7 v.n,tijts n.-vtr Lriive lobe bad ir tsuiibury, tsueh asMi::oaxM, Utiert W'xlxvt ami ( .'ritii-u it: i.ei.1 n ; ami Wivosun t.'iiAi.l ', ami iis-tr l'i im. r.-Toois, which are of ti.e lakvt kH I-s, an I wr.rrai.ie i to I n eXTlled by i.uue r.a:ioi:i.Ui'.t 1 in ti.e t'ilirsor elsewhere. The s;:hciiVr is detenninej that there shall l-e r.'icx.o -c for in rsms to puielia.se furniture in l;..! C. llhl'Ul us cv, ry cor.iiiVt.ce can bo entortaiued l.ic ijir.dit v- and lit:is!i of bis ware und t-h 'i'hei? uri'di'3 will I 0 di'i'O.-'.'il of nn as good terms as !:cy csu be pun Imed elsewhere. Coun tty I r.'.b'rc t- hi'.-i 1:1 pav.r.ent for woik. fv l.XL-'.iiM'Ai'.I.Mj. Ilaviog provided a b'jn.Leiiii) IIla iis k, lie is no-. prepared fur I 'oi!i-viahir.;r, and hUoiuUii:,' fu icials, in Ibis . i citiity, or at any convcnii lit distance from this place . 1i.' Tl.aVi'are Roctn is in Faw n Street, be ow Weaver's Hotel. I-.-i t; .T. WILKFKsiON. Bunbury, April in, 1J,7. If. BALD EAGL II0TEL. .V 2.11 .i. 4 1 G A". Tiinl St., J'iu!aJth,lia. JOHN CLYI.I2R, Proprietor. (5ucc"csi.r lo D.i mil Dalrli.) '811 E Proprietor returns his thanks fr Ihe lihir'tl patronage bestowed 011 this well known house, and respectfully oaks a continu ur.ee of the same, assuring Ida many fiiends of N orihiinil.orhiiid and adjoiuiiit; counties, that no pains Ehall I e spared to render comfort and plea-sun- ' nil v. ho niav five, him 0 call. TEHX.y s:.r. PER DA V. l'hiladclj ln.i, July S3, 1S'j7. Sin GTSTITZI'tJ rstifiice ol' JtatiutUa .Ier. rpillS artlel"! le l-aietully il, i:ir.J Ironillie l,rl J inuirH X liiiif-i r. nil III,' t .in.'ii.le in.'.lieiiin piopetln a ,,- which ll is wii iniiU-il to j nimi 111 a c nil-' iitii.trj 1111J c'.nc Ulent f irm. it ia an excellent rcieedv in ilyspenaui, t, itulenee, elin. lie and unpaired mid 1V1 !,!o n.ile of the iliir.elive I'une. tiniw. From ilsrclicliiiirltilif.'lh and eoidml pioiiemes II. 11 s. litie Ulill'lliuinil Ionic it It well udilpted In co'lliler-u-l li e .UliiiiUluy i..:,ieti,e W Ihe etrvn.o healaof sum iner. Ihe I'lleeta ol miil'leii cluuieeji. A,,. No Iu111.lv .!i mid be without 11, aa Us timely use will rive Ihein tioni many an seiioo. uttni-k of llhieas. Piiee if5 cent, per Louie. For .aIv by Janei, ISi7. n 1J3ATCHOLLY, JOCKEV CLUB, 6PKIXU 4. FLO WE LS, Ac., of the best quality j a fresh supply just rtc ived snd for sals at the Diug Store of A. W. FISHER. Suubury. Aug. 1, 1S57. JOCNTV ORDERSCounty orders taken as rash for goods, and on note or book ac- count by L. V. BRIGHT 4 SON. Nov. s, !, , SALAMANDER PIRE THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The Icrgcst assortment in Ike ITnited Slates. Warranted to bo equal to anv now made, and w ill be sold on ns Good Terms, as call be obtain ed from any clker house in the Country, at EVANS & WATSON'S 26 South 4th Street, Philadelphia. Truth is Mighty, and Must Prevail. lifjjort of Ihe Committee ajijwinteil to superin tend the Burning nf the Iron Sft, at Head- ing, February 2", 185?. RkaDixo, March 4. The undersigrVfd, members of the committee, do respectfully report, that we saw the two Safes originally agreed upon by Farrels & Herring and Evans & Watson, placed side by side in a fur nace, viz: The Safe inuse by the Paymaster of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Compa ny, in his olfice at Reading, manufactured by Parrels & Herring, and tbe Safe in use by II. A. Lantz, in his More, manufactured by Kvans eV Watson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. Thefire was slu?jUd at 8J o'clock, A. M., and kept up until four cords cf green hickory, two cords dry oak and half cheennt top wood were entirely com-tnncT the whole under the superin tendence of the subscribers, members of the Com mittee. Tho Hafes were then cooled oil' Willi water, ofler which they were opened, and the books and papers taken out by the Committee and sent to H. A. Lantz's store for public exam ined and marked by the Committee. The book and papers taken from the Safe manufactured by Farrels Sr Herring were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than those taken from Evans Jt Watson's Safe. We believe I'rrf above to have been a fair and impartial trial oflhe respective qualities of both tiabs. JACOn H.DYSHKfl. -DANIEL S. HUNTER. Having- been absent during tho burning, v.e fully coincide with the above statement of the condition of the papers and books taken out of the respective Suies. G. A. NICOLT.t. 11. II. MUHLKNIiEKfi. JA.MKS MILHOLLAND. March 81, 1857. N K W A R H T v" ALU F FALL AND WINTER GOODS! Ira T. Cloment SO. 1, COl'SEll OF MA HKF'l SQUARE, AS just received a large supply of Full and Winter Goods. lie will continue to sell Dry Goods and Gro ceries CH E A PER than ever, ns his goods aru bought cheap they will be sold cheap. lie feels confident with his expericuct and ability, that he can compete with the World at large and Sunhury in particular. lie would enumerate articles if time and space would permit. It is iiiough to say that lis has everything in the line uf Dry Goods, Groceries, A large Stock of Heady-Made 'CLOTHING, BOOTS ASD SHOES, rye., i e., lliat is kept in any other store in town, and Il.a banner ia nt the breeze. A nd locg may ii wavs O'er land of t!,e free, And Ihe home nf the hinve While her Stars and tici Stripe t-lii ie out like, the Sua, Te'.line alt nations Til it Freedom's began. This is a free country aa was proved by the election of Buchanan over the Wnuly Horse, therefore il is fro for all to do their trading where they con UUV h CHEAPEST. All ate iim ted to ci'l and A,e. TtlK COUXTUY, as well at the town are respectfully incited, and every person, rich or poor, high or low, bond or free are invited to col) at No. 1 Markkct Sipiure, opposite tho Court House. P. IS. He is not to be undersold by nny man or combination of men. Nochargo for showing goods. All kinds of produce taken ia exchange for lguods. Sunbury, Dec. 20, 18.r6. BROADWAY FAMILY GROCERY ! Flour, Teed and Provision "tore. Brttidway btlow Blackberry Sired. LEVI SEAS1IOLTZ, rjESPECTFLLLY inform the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity that he has removed to the store lately occupied by C. Gehringer in Broadway near the Rail Road, and is receiving a choice supply or FAXXLT GP.OCEIIIES. consisting in part of Hams, Shoulders, Mackerel, Herring, White Fish, Cod Fish, Salt Preseived Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Kice, Sugar, Cotl -e, (green, roasted and ground,) Im perial. Yoviig Hyson, Gunpowder and Black Teas, Cedar-ware, mono-ware, Soaps, brushes plow and ivu.h lines, boots and shoes, tobacco. c,im, &t., together with every article usually found in a .'.rst class Grocery Slore, all of which wil! be ,il .'. at ihe lowent prices, either for cash or country pivduee. He has also prepared to sup ply Ihe cit'-ens with frebhbrchd, twist, rolls, pies, pretzels ni l cakes ol every kind. N. B. The highest cash prices will be paid for huttor and eg;, corn, oats, rye and wheat. Kunbury, April 11, 1857 P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, JlIgTldK OF THE PEACE, SUNBURY, FA.. 0ice in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School lluuse. All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writings done. Sunbury, April 85. 1857 tf IlORTand MADERIA WINES, Schiedam - Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Blacklwrry and Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes at March 14. '57. A. V. FISHER. ' SUGAR CURED HAM A lot just received snd for acts by. LEVI BEASHOLTZ. Ajrrrl 19T. FURNITURE i FDHNITTTBEII THE LARGEST 8TOCK EVER OFFtRSD IN 6UNBURV. fc rnsliloiinble, Cheap anrt fJcful THE subscriber, long etabliahed as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in Siinbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits continuance of the public patronage. Ilia atoek of Cabinet-Wara, Cliaire, Ac, embraces EVERY VARItTV, t'SEFDL AMD OR!A. SiBNTAt. in housekeeping.' It ia unnecessary to enume rate, aa anything that may be required, in hie line can bo had at moderate pricra, Cheap for Cash, or Country Troducetukan in excliaiige. Establishment " A'oufA Last Cerner of Market Sifuar. I3T Thaae knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. . ' ' ' RKUASTIAN IIAUPT. Sunbarv, ApriH. 1857 tf fa emtio! CJiianoM OcauotM ALL KINDS. LEINAU'S BIIPKR ntUPPHATE OF LIMB. ' 7000 TONS. OT FARMER!?! tl Tor your wheat eropa, use t.r.lNAr'S Haper PlioBliite of l.dne, nl ) Cl.,a lb. nr Cl a Ton ; or l ae I.K1 NAL'8 AMKKICAN I'KHTII.IZF.H. nt 93,50 a Mil. or l'2 a ton. On uurtcl of either is autficteut foran Acra of Whent. TI1KSK ARK PRRMANKNTMANVRCS, made if relialilii Chetnienl r.lemenis, anJ hove been ia aiR-ceacf'nl nae for the past His Years, improving tlia soil anil ilierenRlnir Ihe value of th land f imr niplomna irom lite eitnte Arrrieuiinrai r.oei-ty oi Peiiimylvunin ; New Jersey ; Delaware and the Crvatal I'ainee AKtHK'itninn m the city ni rsew l ora, navo ui received fi these VnlanMe Fertiliy.era Pamphlets in the Knuiinh and German Lansungc can be linn ov application at the umrf. ... A li'lM-rnl discount In Wholeanla Peatera. Tlieahove Fertilisera, delivered l'itl'.K of Cartage to anv wharf In Ihe old C.ty Proper. ( Irdera sent hy Mail aceompanird with Cmh or Drafta, wiune promptly Mitnpen to any pirr ot tne i.urni. OKtlRtlV. A. Lt-INA!". Proprietor. N'n. in Smith Front rVrect, (hib-lelphi rity, Jnll-S. 1P',7. -Im w Pennaylvnnia. Saddle land; Harness liaker. iiEisfnr HAUPT, JR. Svcccsfor to A. J. Stroh, RESPECTFULLY informs the '$:JS ( citiiena of Sunbury and the pnb- lie aencrnllv. that he lias taken tho establishmonl lately occupied A. J Stroh and is prepared to turn cut work in is line of business equal to any made in this, section of the country. Orders promptly rxecu ted and all kinds nf produce taken in Exchange Sunbury, May 9, in.17. ly X) 33 iNJ T IS Ti"t ""T C.F.OROE UENX, 4 NNOL'XCF,Sto the citizens of Sunbury and vicinty, that he hasopened"an office in Sun bury, above 11. .1. Wulverlon's office opposite C. Weaver's Hotel, where he is prepared to attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession, in the latest and most improved style. All work well done and warranted. December 13, 1R50. R. DECQU CO. Clothiers No. 141 C : u::vr Sr., aoove Four r 11, I icL.tr.i.rntA, Keep conftaru'v on h.x.d a fplcrtdid ciTortment of ft r?irno 1 1 ( 1 !- ! kl 7 Ilil.Mi. OiUUii.l , V. ' Ojoim Mao? to 0,.i:lr ami Y.'.vrran ,m 1 J FlT. Ncv.99, 1356. y Citrate of Magnesia OR TASTELESS SAL T 3 . fff'IIlS preparation is recommended ns an ex--"- cellent laxative and p.urjalive. It operates miidly, is entirely free from any unpleasant tas'e resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and stiIJ by ' A. W. FISH E It. Fonbury, March H, 1 ?.'.(!. A2-3;x4r.-i5J-,5i Eicr.a :npri)Hr and Whohsale JJciIf.r i'l S.'iI.T. 33 Kouth Wharves, Philadelphia. A ail TON Fine, Liverpool Ground, .."X Turks Island and Hairy Malt, tou--rje'etaiitly on hand and fur tale iu lots r 1 ,HL tn suit the trade. April 4, 1Po7. Cm OONFECTIONABV WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. II. C. GEARIIART, r JA just received a new und exe. ilent e:-sort-mctit of poods at his Confectionery and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Suuhurv, where he manufactures and keeps on hand, nl all times, the most choice Confectionary, &e., wnoicsaie and Kelail, nt Flnhuleiplna prices. Among hia stock of C'onleciioiiarics. rnav b lonno French Secrets. r.um Drips, all ki.id. of scent, Burned AiinoiiOa, Crenni While, ' t,el,loa ' Hose, " Vanilla. Comiim deciels Liquorice, Rnasnas, lJntea, i.'ivc urios,' .Mini Drop.. redkiiJ while, Je!!y CrlLea, Fiuil llr..a, rnek rantliea, ol sr, seems Km. k randy. Almond Cuiily, Fra'ir. l'.-i..-.es, FiirT, tilions. Citrruuta dited. AhuinU, Raitons, Nuts of all kinds LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or doen. A superior quality of Scgars and Tobacco, and a variety of Coul'eelionaries, fruit, &c, all nf which is offered cheap at w holesale or retail. ICE CUEAM. lis has alss opened an Ice Cream Foleen, and will at all times be ready to serve his customers with Ice Cream. Sunbury, May 21, 1!7 ly IVeiv Drtig-R, I'alnls, &,c, NE W supply nf Drugs, Paints. Oils, Fluid, &c, just received und for sale by A A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, May 2, 1S57. r AND WARRA.NTS.The highest price "-'will be given for Laud Warrants by tho sub. C'ibei. H. II MASSKK. ATENT BMITTANIA STOPPERS bar bottles for salu by fo H. U MASSER. Sunbury, July 19, lS.'.lt. TIIOWN'S and Breiiiiu's Essence of Ginger ond Husband's Magnesia at Marth 1467. FISH EIi'8. iahing Tackle. Red Cork, Grass, Cot-J- ton and Linen Lines, Out Lines, Sea Grass by tho yard, Snoods, Flies, Kirby, Limerick snd Carie Hook, Hods, &c, for sale by March 41, '.IT. A. V. FISHER. rpobaCCO and Segars SO.OOU Imported - Segars of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S. Sunbury, Marsh 14,1857, JOII. . RUAESD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OJict in Macket tt., oppait th Court Uomi, BONBTJHV, TA, Collections mads and Professional Du.iusss generally attended to Promptly snd Carefully. PuiLAtiEtraii Rsriasxrs t Bullitt 4- Fsirthorns, Diehl Wsrte, Dsvis Birney, . 1 . 1 jl A Co. CtinhMry, Junt !6, 1157. t HARTXXEIIW AXIS- J rpiIE anlwcriber respeetfally In'orma the cii JL tena of Sunbury and tho pnblie generally, that he has commenced tbe monufacturo of all kinds of KARTI1RNWARE, s . at his manufactory in 'WhorltebprTy Street, one square east of the River. lis has engaged tht ervicea of Mr. II in p. and yon can therefore depend on having ft good article. The public are respectfully Invited to call. All order train a distance will, be promptly attended to. r. M.BHINDEL. , Banbury, Feb. , 1650 tf . .ioun if. ai.mcn & to. No, t and 4 Chestnut Street, (eonlh side, kelsw Water,) (Tbjb Oldkst Wooo-wtRs I loos in mi Citt.) MAM IT P ACTi:RF.ttl and Whnteanla dealers in Pnlnnt Machine mad tlltOD.Mf, I'utent (irnnved Cedir- Wnre, wnrrented not to ahiink, VVood arid Willow-Ware Cord., liriinhes, A.c ,01 all dssoripUena. Pleaaa wll and txnmhie onr stock. February 49, 1657. ly w J. ., VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR BALE. F1MIE subscribers, Executors of the estate o JL Henry Masser, dee'd., offer at private rale the following property viz i A large two story frame dwelling house, together with about ,50 ACRES OF LAND, Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John R. Kaufman as s store and dwelling. The house is new and the location a good one for buiness. AIsosTRACT OF LIMESTONF LAND, in said township on the river about 5 miles be low Sunliu, y, adjoining lands of J. T. M'i'bersnn and others, containing, about 90 aerea. The roil is productivs and contains limestone ar.d other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing about !br acres on the hill, about two miles below Sunbury. adjoining lands of Ike hciis of the late John Conrad and others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. H.H. MASSKK, ) J P. B. MASHER, Esecutcr. FRANCIS BUCHER.) Sunbury, January 13, lft.Vi tf NEW Anil, A.3STGEIvIElrT 1 Fresh Arrii'il if DRUGS, TAUNTS, OIL S, k c. FJIIE undersigned riaving taken the store fir Ju nierly kept by Williini A. limner, is now ready to till orders and prcsciiptions at a mo ments notice. Ho has a largo and well selected stock of fresh and puro DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Dye-stud's, Oil, Paints, Glass, Putty, and a)! kinds of Patent Medicines. FRLTI' AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported Scgars cf Iho choieest brands. Fancy Notions' toilet articles; and Per fumery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair Brushes nf every variety. Camphine nnd riuid always 01 hind. Customers will find his stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to enu merate, and all sold at moderate prices. Remember the place, next door to E. Y. Bright's Mammoth Slore. A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, March 14. 137. MOUNT CARMEIi HOUSE, K0UNT CARMEL, KurtZmnlerland County, Pennsyhmitt. ! r3HI3 large and commodious Hotel Is situa- ! tt. ted nearly half way between Sunbury and j Pottsvillc. 'i'he scenery Ihe salubrity of Iho ! atmosphere and Iho cool moiintaiti breeze, make. it one of the most delightful siinuner retreats in the country. The Hotel, is a new structure, four stories hizh. ftted tin with n'l the mudeni coo- : J vcnitticcs. Tho pure moun'.iin watT is iitiro- ; ' doced into every chamber. The phu e is easy ! j of acces;., being but one crd n halt boiiu rido j from Sunbury, over the Plii'.ad 'iph'i and Pur.- j bury Kail Road. From I'liitsville, il is li milts, i Every attendance will In paid 1 v the proniio- , i tor to make guests comfortable, (.'hv :.-- moJc- . I rate. JESsB Illi'K. .Ml. Carmel. May ?4, LSfi.tf ! IZ. IiTEW LAN-D &z CO. ' ! I.oohtnx Utassi s, Picture 1'i-tinies, I-iirbvlna ; nnd t'tiliitins, No. 120 Arch Street, above With, , (Lata of! 18 North Scc.nJ Si.) I PHILADELPHIA. G ALLtniF.9 tll't."! D1IL1 II) VlSITUkS. Merchants and others viailing the City who may want anything iu our line will do give us a call. February 28, 1357. 8m til to CHEAP WATCH AM) JF.'.VKl.RV STOll'j: ! So 72 North Stcnnd Sirvcl, lappviilt th tilount Vernon Jlonsc ) rhilatlclphi?.. OLl) Lever Watches, lull jeweled, 18 K. c ses, 28j Silver Lever do,, do., JflS; Sil ver Lepine, do., : I Juartier. i,..'! lo V7 : Gold Spectucles. $-1 50 to Si 10 ; Silver do., rji 1 fiO; Silver Table Spoons per sett, .fill to ifclS Sliver Desert do., do., -9 to ft 1 ; Silver T.-vdo., do., 1 T, to M oO ; Gold Fens and Gold Ca ses, $3 25 to If 5 ; Gold Pens and iiilver d .. Ul; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, liold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All g'.ols warranted to be as iep:csenled. Wutclo's and lew elrv. repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma sonic Minks, Pins, Vic, maiiii to order. N. B. Ail orders sent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. Phila., Oct. 4, 1 ly J. wnoi.i:stLi uu n kta i l Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. Walnut und It'urYr Street , PHILA DELPHI.., DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4. IS56. tf BR0DHEAD & R0EERTS, Ko. 13."), aY. 3 Street, rniLADELniiA, B.NV1TE the attention of country merchants and others, lo their stock of BOOTS cSc SHOES, which they will dispose of on tlio most reason able terms. Nov. 9, 18! fi6.- ly W ltOLlALS AM RlTAll BOOT STORE, 10 South Fourth S t, above Chesnnt, J'hil a. H00'I'S, Shoes, Gaiters, See., promptly made ii J to order in the very best style, and oflhe bv.l mulerial. Pbiladel.hia, May 9, 1857 Iieathor! Leather! Leather I IIKMHY W. UVCRMA.V, IMPORTER nf French Call' Skim und seneral I aihw .leuler, No. S South Third .tree!, I" Ii , I., J.-l j i-. . A ut-iitiial uuoltlueiit uf ull kinds of LrsiLhur Morocos. 4te., Ac. lied und Oak 3oln l.eattier. Feblimry 11, IsoT. ly w PAPERS & MAGAZINES. THE New York Ledger, Parlor Casket, Flag of our Union, Frank Leslie's Illustrattd Newspaper, Ballou's Pictorial, National Police O'arstls, Weekly Novellelle, Wsverly Msgaine, snd Harper's Weekly Journal of Civilii.iion Also, Harper's Maguziue, Godey's Lsdt's Book and Putnam's Magazine, iust reetivedsud for sal by H. V- FK1LIXG. Sunbury, July II, 185T. A LMONDS, RAISON8, FIGS, LEMi'Xs. ckc, Ac, just recsavsd frash supply ond for sals at th Confectionary store of M.'C. OKA RH ART. turibury, May II. IsSt. Ehamoldn White Ash Anthrasiln CaL ' Iom tht "CH4 Vein" in tht Gap ChUierf. T H. ZIMMISKMAN A JNO. P, rUfiSEL aucccssors to Kase, Keee) Sc Co., will coiv tiuua mining, shipping and selling eon I from tho ahove laTll kiown Colliery, under the firm of Zimmerman tc rUrsel. I he point of shipment is ct the lower wharf in Sunbury, Northumber land county, ., where all orders for the various kinds of coal, vis i Lump, Broken, Egg, Stove, snd Chestnut Coal, will be thsnkfully received and promptly attended to. Sunbury, July 1, 1815, PcKnt at, Jolt 8. ISSi. The Arm cf Kase, Reed 4 Co. having sols' their lease In the Gap Colliery snd interest in the wharf at Sunbury, to Messrs. Zimmerman fc Pursel, would take great pleasure in recommend ing our customers and others to the new firm, as they will bo abls to sell them prepared ooai of . the beat quality, ! KASR, RF.ED& CO. ftAYECCX & FIDDLER, ? "jQEALERS In Watchee and Jewelry, wiH continue-the business at tbe old s'rand of James B. I idler, At. 12 South Swam! Street. l'HILAl;-.t.PUU, Where they solicit an examination of their large and vaiied stock, feeling assured that the ex Pe nerieo both of them have had in tho business, and tho facil.tie they possess for procuring goods on the most advantageous terms, will era-- u... . . ,,, lu co mpero lavoraWy with any oilier establishment ,n Ihe city. They have now 00 lianU a line assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWF.LRY. Silver, rimed and 13ritt.ai.ia Ware, Cutlery Fancy Goods, &c, &e. -'ory, N. B Repairing of Watches and all kinds nf Jewelry attended to with promptness and th. Greatest care. I'hil.i., April 7, 1SCS tf. white jioiTsE TiotelT POTTHVILLE, PA. TV,Vr',W,rif't'r rc,pcc,f,'"y enounce, t, hi, tnat old and well known Oetablhtoent, m. "VVhita .'ncrco Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mahantogo .ta., "ho lorottghof Fottsviilo. The house ha. " irm ll7V'C? n'V t,,,I"-l herw,so improved, rendering u quilo as co.oforlabl, . any e her Hotel i Sl-h,lki:i ecunly-,. e he s able, are large, , E0Pj eotd;,in aild tend by careful, atiemive, prudent hostlers. 1 o travellers and oihcrs who may stop at hi. bouse, be promise, every attention calculated to rniuer them cmfortahlu and aniisficd. . .. JOS. M. FEGER April B, lG5f.- tr HENRY EOHKEI," ATTORNB" iJT 7 ASST. Ojh-c cpy.osite tht Court Ihust, EusiT.asy, Eprthr.rr.br.rki:,l Ccnary r,';'1lr' E'.:c:il;oii to busiacss in adjoinine orrostTK vi'ri:it.r:rn m.vl VILLIAMtSiPOItT jPA M Itu ,ni k. iilY. i'.'rMSor. C. A. t TBivt, Xsf'stnt. 'j N. ii. vln Oi::t,;i.Ua will rrn to mi from i!,t j Lff'-t ci:.. Packet Lantiings, lo this IJslrl, fre. 'i i (in : ;;t F.-pl.'l.lher 13. lB;,r! tf JOTTXT DEEIT, o.t Mn.-k-et i.'f ', lhmvilU, l ri -i,IS is one ofthn !.- rreft and most rnnrtio- oions notes ,n the i-.tnicrof IVi::ii.x.ani '-Js li.'.-n Itr.'lH V in it-J n;, ia villi ail Hi,- moilem conveniences I 'unviocil, Sept. 22, i ?,". eceil Bl st ie. Citcin V,'ii!fii U'S 4j Jewel rv- "7 iior.i:? 'E rid Retail, et tho - J K it ..t.i. v r ia Vi : ,. 'i i ;i, jewel: y L'torc," o. art co. :d Street, cnnicr of CJnarrv, r. .! i i.-re' r.-iJ i-i-'i C'-iI'. ' r I. en S.-ver l.-v. e.;i.-.i;.,rc O'.i.i '.Va-. Ii'!l ;erv.: 'C. 's ertr.-n cie..- f S'Ji.l M I'i"? ?nv?r t';;,tiac'ca. i n ii. , hiolil l.,nrL':,;s. S r 1 j'e.'.'J I'.' Iled.rj' li -M I'e. ot'i, JXJ " i.-..ivcr 'JVa ipouLs, set, ,'! :l:e. I, tiol.l !ciu, wiih P ,.ic ".i . c.u, v.iia re.-.'-.l a:;a L .Iyer J j:i.;r, 1 ua GolJ Finder Ilitir"!. 3? ', cenn to S0 : WnteK .-.'-I a:;a L .Iyer II j G:.-.,:.c5, plain, ISjcccis: 1'atcat, I3J ; Lumt, .5; i 'liter urade.s i:i ptojiortlon. All goos war 1 ranted to la what ihev nr cold for. i KI'AUFFEK fc :i AI11.LV, Onhr.n l, f woo Cold a;:d Pl.'vcr J eveu a.i.l i i-cpifcs-, slii; lov.ir than foe ah j net. 4. M.V(. -s prices. f. KXOLIVS WRITING I-I.U1D n-.id Adh. iv und legal cnvelupcs. fi r cle hv Ii. 1J. MAsiiK. . I'linl'itrv. Jan 1C. 1 ".".!' G0RCE"scarALL"cb" itlAM Hfl I'KKtl m 23T,. STIWG- ?OWIBIt, .1.. f (j ;, ' i'. Aa Janhiu. rlmld County, l'a. Mey 10. Li.': 1'LANK rnrebmeiu Paper Deeds end blank x V.ort.Ta.fes, L'niido, Execution, Snniinc.iis if., f'T tiU b 11. B. MASSEfv. Sunbury ori 26. IMfi KJOn PALE nn ecel'ient second band Cook' ing IStr.ve, also several Cylinder CoJ Sn.wrs En.nire nt this .-ifilcrt. G' lOLl) PENS with and without rases. f a ery superior tiualitv, just received. Also a frotli supply of Writing Fluid, for sale t-y II. 14. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 27. 1956- tiOSJIKN CHEESE. Just received snd for :"l'i LEVI SEASHOLTZ " April II. ti.'i7. " CILVER WATCHES A few double ca- k-' En.'lish Silver Watches, for sale r,t terv lu.y "-ires ly II. B MASSER. Siinl.iirv. April II. lR5fi. AMERICAN IIOUSI-:. WILI.lAMsrOKT, PA., J. El. HKI.TOX, 1'ioinletor. J.is. T. Hai.i.. Afs't. Sept. 13, lSifi. tf pIl.'RE OLIVE OIL for table use, two sis e1- at o"7 uud CVj cenls just received bv A. V. FISHER, March 14, '57. , stationery. A large supply of funcy Nolo Paj'er und Envelopea, Mourning, Letter, aw l Cap Puper, 1 ens. Ink, Sanci, Ac, ut iiU.-th II. '67. - A. W. FISHER'S. pOUT MON.MES, Tooth and lUir liru.-Le all qualities, uud any quauti y, for sale l.y A. W. FISH Eli. March 11, 'ST. 6EI V'FV rOrt S.1LI3. ' ypiIE subscriber oilers for sale his SHANTY, 1 Co,k--;tovs, Ac, on the Kail-Road ladow Trevor l on Bridge. Apply soon to II. ii. MAfc.sKR. Fonbury, April Z 1857. ICR GALE. A Good second hslid Buggv. ..tli.ji. Apply at this POK BE2STT. rptll?, Stcre Room in Marl.- street, occupied JL by 1'. w. itniy and t uweuing nous ad- )i.iins;. Xyntf o tb executors cl il. rieerdiMd- Jsnvary tl IK5T. Maswr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers