nr i 1 5, li.rm on tha Ohlolxl.ea Coal Boats Bnk - On lluudrrd LlTft Oiicom.Ti, Nov. S3. The steamer lie public, arrived at Louisville on baturday, reports that aixtcen coul boats were sunk d'mug tbe storm on Wednesday last, in the Ohio end Mississippi rivers, Bear Cairo, by which it is estimated that one hundred lire were lost. The bouts contained 300,(100 bushels of coal, Valued at 130,000, which it a tptul Ions. Th crew were principally from riltrbttrg and Louisville. ' The steamboat Gladiator reports other toata swamped aad Buuk at low down ui New Madrid. - Passengers from Kvonsville report (be storm along the lower Ohio as terrific. None of the bouta were able to run doing its prer. alcuce, and all had to lie up.' From YVashlngisn Th4 Utah Expedition Tht President Intuited. Waphixoto.v, Not. 23. The visit of Sir William Oueely to the President, on Snt.cir. day, was one of courtesy merely. He hat uot yet officially informed him of the precis character of Lis mission, j The War Department designs lending twe columns of military iuto Utuli from the Pa cific fide; one from Oregon and one from California. While tho President was roceiving bompa. tij to-day not a little excitement was occa sioned by loud end offensive Isuguuge used by an attorney for claims to the President, 'ilia hitter quietly withdrew to a private olSce which adjoins the audience room, end remained there until the cause of the distur bance reluctantly retired. lorions Accident ta Tlrtcrrar.r Caaal Boats. IIavrr ie Grack, Nov. 23 The steamer Juniata lilt here ou Saturday evening with a tow of 22 boat", and when iD' Speeutia Island, encountered a heuvy galo. of wiud which broke the tow loose from tho steamer, nod scattered tho boats over the Bay in differ ent directions. Tho boat Uiawntha, loads J with iron, and ilia boat West Branch, loided with cool, were sunk. The steamer Lancas ter went from here yesterday, and assisted to hitch up the remaining bouts, and got all but live, four being blown oshorp, asd ono an chored out of reach of tbe stJamer. No lives lost. ".TT S 3 sunbtjky; SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1857.., II. B. MASfiERj Editor and Proprietor. To ArimT!i . -Tht emulation of 0 Bsntmry Amaneaji nm-mf the different towns on tin i()nehami nut axeenled ifeqnalletS bv any wipir tmWilkeil in North r Psiiurlraiua. -.." ' . I in . m,, Cff" Lost. A lady"! ' breast pin of large sire and. filigree work, with designs of fruit. ws lost in tins ril'W, on Thursday evenine The finder wi'.l be Rewarded by leaving it a this office. ' erlt.t Misuse el the Credit f L&Trrtnce anj I.twelt Corporations. Bostox Nov. 20. Samuel Lawrence, or it. i f . . . . im urm oi ijnwrence, stone & Co., recently suspended, is found to have U3od the accept aticeot the Bay State (Lawrence,) Middle sex (Ltwell) and Pembarton (Lonell) ninnu ficturing corporations, of which ho was the treasurer, to pay tho debts of the tirm, of which ho was a member. The aniouDt of this fraud upon each company was as fulions : Bay Stile Mills, . . . $22",000 Middlesex " . . . . 2fiO,GOO Pembertoo "... 75000 Total, . . . $r80,CC0 George 1J. Kuhn has been chosen Treasur er of tho Bay State Company in plecj of Mr. Lawrence. Canal Board Apnolatm?nti. IlARRifluuRa, Nov. 19. The fallowing Ca nal Board appointments woro tnudo to-dav, viz : Supervisors of tho Delaware Uivisic'n AVillium Overfiold, Jr; ot tho Susquohanua Division William Elliott; of the Lorcer North Branch, Ueorgo V. Search ; or ths West ifrauch Iluilroad, Bird Jones. Mr. Arnold Pinmer, one of the Commissionere, is ubEetit ; but is expected to be hero to morrow, when Collectors will to appointed. Terrilila CftlomC.y-Surniag ol the SIemr ItatnboiT Fifty to Srrrnty Live Loit. Ci.Nci.vxiTi, Nov. 23. Tho tter.mboat Ilimbow was burnt on Saturday mornin?, about ten miles ubovo Napoleon, Arkansas. From fifty to seventy lives are reported to be lost, iuduJing u!l the officers of tho boat. Tim boat, cargo, uud all her books and papers are u total Ijuh. '1 1;9 Kainbow was a fine boat, of 437 torn, and was built ut New AiuaMv, Ohio, 1,1 U'-24. IfyTDK Wbather is n, source of continual complaint and we presume will always re- maio to. The post week bos been one of continual changes. Windy, cold, bleak nod rainy with a slight st.-ruk of sunshine inter, veiling occasionally by way of variety. C5T Short Chroita. Some of our city co temporaries are recommending short credits This mny be well !n commercial transactions, but won't do for newspapers. Ger. Ttl.t Read. Gat., Sun. Am., fl-c, for Ucrtnnntown Te!egra;h, Reading Gattttt and Sunbury American is ao short that it is but little better than n credit at all. tfS'Tho cold weather closed the canals on Tuesday night, and although they may be re-opened to pass boats now ou the way, canal navigation for the season is about over. HHT Tub Lawebncs IIocse, now occupied by A. V, Covert, was sold, on Saturday last, by cx-Pherid Woise, to Mr. Leiscr, of Lewis, berg, for 04,103. The property was bought during tho summer by Mr. Weiee from Mr McCarty, of this place, Tor $4000 with the intention of adding another story to the front and putting up new back buildings- e understand that Mr. I.cisor intends to carry out this design. The Hotel was for. mcrly kept by Mrs. Thompson, now Mrs. Leiser. Sy The thermometer was down to 11 on Wedcesdcy morning nt 6 o'clock, and on Thursday morning the same. This is the coldest weather for November that wo had fjr many jenr3. Tho thermometer did not full below 27 last November. Tho canals and tho North and Wc6t Branches of tho Susquehanna clusod cn Wednesday. Tho main river, opposite this place, is not yet closed. C3" Newspavrr Knikhpris)!. The Now York Tribune deapa'.chcd a special reporter to tho Territory t.f Utah, who will furnish that paper with fail end early reports of all that occurs thcro of impcrtnnce and public in'.ercft. This arrangement Las been made at a great expense, the reporter's cut-Ct alone costing over 000, tni "TexM" MonTiS fcefen. Oar friends of the ifauch Gazette In their solemn of "Penosjlvania Dytch" still prcsist in bar$ tag the "ten cents per flnj" story t6 iJr. Buohansn. ' Is reply to our article denying lbs truth of this charge, they say : 'Now. der Mister Masecr, Editor1 tun Amtrican wase so goot os ennich ebber, dos dur Buchanan an speech g'mocbt but im Cnited btates Bennaud dos merunser senncf ard price runntr iritida fltanf der itandard J'un dtr gbtitz Kelt, vn don dihtn met 'unier land ttagnaun bentjila. bell Slu set worts, un mer sin ordiicn liberal wan uier mm eo net os 10 cent credit gebt derfor.-for in fiel leu- flur is dor loun nocli weulgur os XU cent dor dag. - - Mer eanga now , nochamohl dos dem Bu chanan si 10 coot speech un democrulio free trado g'hara cunanutia, on so ktrU we der ed itor i'uui American dehta yusht eogoolufgev 4 eu der wobrat. Dos geb tor tariff un for do 'ieuioerMic free trndo party of amohl dull net unnich wohrknfte lite. According zit unscr. uotieo, der Mister Masser is elms fun denna wo en crisht ai will ovver gut acht govva Jos er net auslolld mit Uem doitul." Mr, Bnchanau it is Uuo was opposed to the iuBsted system, which, gave a fictitioos Value to every thing for a period, and than came down with a crash, and bif object was to bring things to a permanent and real standard, less (actuating than they hod been Die tariff is net a polituho question. Die Southern DeOaokrats, und fiel fon de whigs war gegen de tariff, weil de northern whigs, und dale foa de democrats waren for der ta riff. Die Pennsylvania democrats, in Con grcsa, hen all gostiinmed for de tariff of 1842, except dor Wilmot der letsta Governour's kan didat fon unser llepublakanishe frounde, foo de Gazette, woo now sagoa das ein Demo krat kcin tariff man sei kutit. Mir ben der Teifcl nnd sei imps shnnt so longe gefochta, das mir gar net bang sein. Unsor Presided in sei speech war fur ciu specie and hart gelt regular steuJard price, wans ouch net so hoch werd, als besscr as ein bank note stand ard, we uf, and coder geheo. Bi'fTALO, Nav. 21. A siv.-re etor.u accompanied by snow pre. Tiiis ki this vicinity. Tho suow has badly drifts !. A portion of tha trnck ou tho Bui rulo ntd Niagara Falls Railroad bus been washed awny by the waves f.-om the lake, and lae ror.d has bcr:, rendered impassable. Tho snow at St. Catharine's is 18 inches tlenp. The lioht trains ou the Great Wes tern Ita;lway have stuck in the snow. A largo vessel is ushore near tiodorich, C. . The crow ara lashed to the rigsring. No succor has yet beeu rendered. New York, Not. 22. Tne now steamship Adriatic continues unround in hor docl:. in ccnaeq.;cuee of the low tide caused by tho recent heavy North westerly gules. She will start on Monday, r.t uooo und carry out a supplemental mail, iho woutber is tit:o this evening, with ths vmd at Southwest. C.-nijo, Nov. 21. Tha Times this afteruoon pnblishsa a list tf Bfty vecjels now on their wav from the up. per Lakes fur this port, with 700,000 bushels or wheat, principally from Chicugo. It is es timated that hall million bushels will be here on the close of tho ciuul. All the mills ure to opcratiou. g- A Prediction. Hon. Win. II. Se ward, U, S. Senator from New York, prodic ted the present commercial revulsion in i speech iu reply to Mr. Badger, of North Carolina, iu the United States Sonale, in March, 1855. lie was opposed to the en couragenient of imports, and said "It it a fever of which u-t are tick, and you propose to add fuel to a flame which is consuming us " I be embarrassments or 18.54 returned in 1337, aggravated tenfold. And then came that fearful convulsion which carried distress and ruin throughout this broad laud distress and ruin from which wo have required twenty years to recover. Sir, we, in 1854, just passed through the premonitory symptoms of a crushing pressure, which is to came on xn 1857, or some year not hog thereafter. Let this net be thought strange. Jt is near twenty vears since the lust revulsion. Com mercial revulsions in twenty yesrs The circumstances of onr condition now cor respond exactly with our condition previous to the revulsion. Government then refused to .stimulate production by a twin of protec tion, and, on the contrary, stimulated importa tion. Jt went on to tue bitter cud. Mr. Suward has become obnoxious to many on acconnt of his extreme views on slavery. But ull concedo to him deep thought and eminent abilities as a stuiesmau. TMK MM Bit WEALTH E SOLAR D. When wa reflect en the subject that British miners have been searching our native rocks for raeittliferious minerals since the days when tho merchants of Tyre supplied the ancient world snd that we are now drawing from the earth annually metals alone which have s maiket Value of JC20,434,270, we canuot but be Struck with the enormous amount of min eral weilth which has been' stored id the rocks of these '-far islonds of the West." From the "UppoH of M -ulna-and Metallurgy" we learn that coal has been worked since 1234 In Northumberland f but at that period tbe quantity of fossil fuel raised must have beet) smit, jfi ta rwpert of the committee' oi the Ilouxe of Commons the cousumption of cool it Great Britain in the yeur.1827, is stated as 22,700,000 tone ; in 1850 acoording to the "Mineral Statics," it had increased to tib,049,4co tons. Tbe coal Gelds or tbe uni ted Kingdom have been estimated to contain an area of 12,000 square miles and various re the estimates which have Leon made to determine the time required to exhaust them. Little reliance can, wo suspect be place upon ny of these Computations; but one thing is certaie theioal beds of Great Biitain are not inexbauei Ikfe,- and with the falling off iu tbe supply cVCm-i the ataplo manufactures of tha countrr- w. decline and Iceland most siukf it- :ieh estate to the position of a tnird . -.rate State among tbe nations. Neurit NJLX,lo-,0P0 tons of coal is now raisod from our collories, ia 1856 numbered 2829, and in ever? Dart of the cosntry the prico i'f coul is advancing. Francs is opening ber ports to receive British coals, Denmark, Prussia, Italy, and Russia are our customers fur coals and coko. Egypt t.d tha East In dies the United States of America Chili Brzil and China are reeularlv receiving our fuel in quantities varying with each country annually from 33,000 tons to 250,000 tons. Athenaum. IKTEHEITLUa TO rORK XATEnl. Dr. Dixon, the racv editor of the Scalvcl. dissects the dietic qualities of a porker as he slashes iuto the anatomy of diseased baoatiity aimer tne doctor is right or Moios of old is roog : The wisdom of tha Jewish law which pro hibits the UbT of pork will soon bo acknowl edge by tit rational beings, i but swine are adlicted with scrofula and tubercles, we bavo repeatedly sbown, and every killer of bogs well knows it; the indiircstililitv of the flesh ia acknowledged, and, if people were enlight ened, the hog would be raisod for bis fat alone. This is available in all cases instead of whale and other fish oils a few oxceptcd of the finer kinds for eating. Mutton aid beef, if our farmers ever brosune enlightened, may profita bly take the place or the hog and would add grcutly to the health and dignity of the farm er's bonsehalrf. ling husbandry is debasing. Tho infiueace'efpork eating on the farmer is degrading. Good husbandry would furnibh others facts for the farmer, to say nothing of butter, which the present catalogue of grasses cereals and enlightened irrigation furuishes in abundance. If and ,we emphatically aver it a correct criterioa-the material and getting un of the family meal classifies the occupant of tho household amung rational and intel lectual beigs-,-then wa soy those on whosu table pork is most frequently found are tho least intelligent and most groveling in their views. 'fr - Akotmer Bright EiAvri.i. lion. John II. liegan, who was recently elected a Kepre tentative to Congress from Tens, went to that Stale eighteen years ago a poor, friend less stranger, wearing bucKskin breeencs ana a hickory shirt, lie educated himself, labor ing Saturdays, at night and the hours nsnnly devoted to rest were spent in toil to pay for his schooling nnd the purchase ef books. He split rails, drove oxen, toiled in farm-Aside, surveyed in a wild,. unsettled country, until be became inured to hardships. , Us gra dually rose-from one another; and now he has been elected by the people of Eastern Texas, ftenrensentutive 10 the Congress of the United States, and is spoken or as having fair prospects before the Legia lature for United States Senator. '. . . Usr; or ms BtitrLOWBR. Lieut. Maury maintains that the growing of sunflowers around a dwelling located near a fever and ague region, neutralises the miasma in which tbe disease originates, lie says that an aore of sunflowers will absorb during their growth many thousand gallons of water more than supplied by tbe rains They are of very easy cultivation, and the seeds meet with a ready sale. - The theory or science of the practice is this i The ague and fever poison is set free during ths progress of vegetable decay, which poison is absorbed by the rank growing sunflower, again elaboiated iuto vegetable matter Bod so retained till cold weather. flow COAI, IB BOCOBT AND Sol.D IN LoNDOK. In the city of London coal is sent to con sumers in sacks containing one hundred poinds each. These sro loaded on large carts drawn by enormous horses with scales and weights to each cert and if desired by the pur chaser the sack is woigbed by the driver.. When the honesty of tho coal merchant and tho intregity of the driver is well established, the weighing of the sack is seldom required. And in tho purchase of a cartload of sacks, some tl.ri o or four of them taken promiscuous ly, are tested by th scald and if found cor rect the weighing of the remainder or tha load is dispensed with. This mode or buying end selling coal is the result or mnny years' expe rience iu the raatcity of london. A Glutton Kiixr.D. In tho steep bunk of tue river lure, says a traveller np tbe Mis souri, were ner ts of innumerable swallows, into one of which a large prairie snake bad gol about hull bis body, and was occupied in eating tne young birds. 1 be old ones were trying about in great distress, darting at bim and vainly endeavoring to drive him ou. A shot wounded him, and being killed, he was cut open, end eighteen young swallows were louod iu bis body. Coai. Trade. Tho quantity sent by Hail road this week is 38,151 13 by CannU3,93G 16 for the week 82,0!)8 09 tons, showing Un increase of O.Cfio 07 tons over Inst week, of which tho Uuilroiid gained 4,905 and tho Canal 2,720 tons. Tho Canal, however, leads the Pond 5,795 tons. Compared with the corresponding week last year tho Railroad gains 8,384 and the Canal 6.977 tons, making the gaiu 15,3til toi.s over List year. There wore, however, diHianltics existiug at Port Biehtnond lant year with regard to dumpage, which considerably checked the trade of the Bailroa:! at the time. Miners' Journal. ould y to alt, prepare ye for It, ! H otetlake 1 you before tht necceoary provisions ef comfort are made, .' Fhiloaophera teach the doctrine, that wet Bummers ara fullowcd by cold Winters. Thi reason or Wlilcn le as ;rolIewi rain produces a moittare end.Uampneas In the earth, and when wet, it absorbs the keatofthe sun, reflecting less than when dry the heat of the atmosphere being ceased by the earth's redacting the heat of the sun. ' Consequently, when The earth is wet, we have cooler weather than when It dry. bservers tell us, that more rain has Summer, than has in any ether for twenty years Henee the Inference If we have had more wet this, than for many years past, it it but reasona- ble to eentlade that we will haveacelder wiote- . DU YALL'S GALVANIC OIJL. Bilious Cholia was eured in 10 minutes- ask P. A. Brand, of llsrrisborg, Pa. , Piles of 10 years standing cured by one bottle, and many others of tbe same character cured soundly by the nse of this Oil. AaTi von r VjtLt't GALVANIC Oit Frllne Sj Grant, A. W. rinlier, W. Vf.imer, . W , II D. Muse, uertnresmr A Hall. mrJiUL'.-ii : i ORPHANS' COURT SALE. fS rursasnee of an order of the Orphans' Court . of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale on SATURDAY, the 19th day of ULVimutK, is7, en the premises, the Tol lowing 'scribed real estate to wit i A certain Tract of Land,aituate in Lewer Aogusta town ship, adjoining lands of Joseph Uass and ethers. containing 40 acre, more or less, about 8 acres of the said land is meadow. The improvements are a weathetbeard dwelling House, a Log Barn an Orchard of good fruit, and there ia alo a good Spring at the house. The premises are in good repair and tbe land in e good atare of cultl vation. Late tbe eatate of Henry Hanaba4i, dsu'd. Bale to commence at -40 o'clock A.M.. ofaaiddsy when the teriraof sale will re made ' known by - . - , JOEL VOLF. AdmV uy order oi tbe uonrt. C. U. FLR'sEL, ' Sunbury, Nov. le Court, 1 Clk., O. O. V v. 28, 187. J Estate of Barbara Balliet, Dec'd. gj' Gsvniixon Packer's Cawnet. lion. N. 15. Browne end William A. Porter, Biq., of Philadelphia ; I'on. P. C. Shauuon aud A. B. McCulmcnt, of Pittsburgh ; and Hon. Uaylord Church, cf Erie, have been named in concoction with the appointment of Attorney General. For Bocretary cf the Ccnimou wealth, llrn. William M. Ilicstcr, cf Berks; Hon. John L. Dawson, of Foyette; aad Hsa. John C:2:;ia, of Bedford. 3 Tub Paii.y '-Srs," of PLilauL-lj-.liis, for many years organ cf Nativo Atnerioaa ism, has, like its political cotsmpcrary, the Morning Timet, scspended. Wo shall miss it from cur exchango list. Tho Hun v.-as a sprightly and eutertaiuinj paper particular, ly wfceu under tho editorial direction cf Col. Wallace. This leaves but two penny papers in Philadelphia tLe Ledger and 'fetes. . .. tVThe Ptrhcl Uoais were stcppsdly the ice farmed on the ctne.1 on TucjJay night and which has since incrt ssed in strength. If the present cold weather nhouM o?n be succeeded by a thaw they wiil thfn ren.w ti:cir trips'again to l'ort Trevnrtj;i. If not they will Lo tied up fur the Nor.rr,:.5, Nov. 23. The U. S. Steamer Suranac sailed yester day for the Pacific, but got agronnJ btlow. She will probably net ba ga off f,;r some days. Om.ius, N. Y Nov. 12. Eight stores 6Dd tne dwelling, in tho lusi ness purt of tho town, wera burned lhi3 nicr bing, causing a loss of E70,0fi0. ere ly:ri LOn::g ryC.'.KAL ArpoisTJiENTs. The Board of Cr.nal Cotmnisaioners Isst week made the following appointments, viz: Wm. Overfi.sld, supervisor of the Dchware Division: Wm. lliott, Eusquehanna Division; George W, earch, Lower Nnrlli Branch Division : nnd K. K. Bridgeu), West Branch Division. Ail the appointments v.-ould havo bean matfo tat for the of Mr. Plamer. who was detained at Lome by sickness. Meetinjfsof the arie:r,;i!oyed poer tcr.tinas to bo held iu Philadelphia. Clenias Businger was r.ccidaulully killed iu Berks county last week. I wo LuoJreJ anl fifty vessels sre l-,tn idle at tbe warves of Ujs'.on. In the Ohio election there was a failinc off vi ii,vuu tuiea irom iuii vear. Some seventy-five ctea:filokts Wile at St. Louis. I he Bsv. Dutll.'y Tvnp, -t'eliverea a l.'ctnrc n Cincinnati ba wc.!;. L;Lb!ct "Y America." Tho Cincinnati 77mf discoaisges the cm igranon or women to tho west. Tin ti.w are too baJ out there. A lady iu Holmes county, Miss, hong her self a short time siuce, from mcitiikatioa os aeeouut of her l.uhbauj having btsu csngbt playing cards with a negro. A boy, three auj a half years eld, recently murdered a woman in Pari, because she said something thatd ispleased him. lie plunged a knife into her heart. This is entirely tbe roost precocious little monster the woud las yet produced. A oow counterfeit three dollar rote on the Farmors, Bank of New Jersey, at Mo&nl Hilly, baa mad its appeorance in PhiUdsl. phis. Market people shoulJ keep a sharp look out fur thvai. g3"-Tiii Mormon 7a. Tho next nous from Utah and Salt Lake City will bulcokcj for with grcst ir.torrst. There is no doult that Brighani Ycuug intends to thow Cght. I'he burning tf the train cf 70 wagons, with supplies for t'r.u Rrniy, was evidently at his in stiyritioo. nllhongh 1c denies having anything to do with this outrage. Government has, no doubt, by this lime, ordered considerably forces, from the PaciCu side California and Oregon. Tho news from tho army, published ia aacthcr column, i3 cf an interesting char-ucter. J"Tb LackaK-iiRoa, ii Biaorr.ilurs IUil rta.l, it is said, will be completed iu tbout three weeks. V are leased lo hear that t'.iia important rend is sa near completion. 9.3 Col. Tate, cf the Blooniolmrg Pen.o crat, was prusenteil with a plhte of veuisou by Mr. Wirt. The Colonel totorts ou the ouor by callinj hirn ''a sonod lawyer and a gooJ Democrat." The Ccloiul i3 extrava gant to be thus i&dalging on deer mtut these hard times. eJJ" Lfsakon ViLi.Kt Uaii.road. Tabfion ger truius rua to Hummelstown, (sixteen utiles bcyoud Lebanon.) TLis leaves only nine miles of stagisg to llarrisburg. EV Tha next seesioo tf Congress com r.ituti " on Mcnday. the 7iU cf IVceniber. UAKVILLE AFFAIRS. Mr. Tetcr Balily, jr., Danville, has rscoived some 3000 buiheis of Kentucky wheat from Pittsburg. It wil! bo converted into flourat his mill. Tho Ln'.hcrans and MellodiB'3 havo boon holding protracted meetings for soma time and havo boon successful in tke conversion of many young persons of both sexes. The poop lu are arousing thomsolves and looking around to see what can be done fur the poor. Different societies have been formed by the laJics, who are connected with the different churches in that place, aro doing much good, Mr. Charlf3 O. BalJy has removed Lis hardwara stcro and agricultural wajtkousele his beautiful now building, which ho has very properly named ''Excelsior Hall." Z-H' A largo I! ram Mi Rooster, bolong'r.g to friend Baker, cf the Jarsey Shore Republican, rsccutly got beastly, no, we should say gen tcoly drank, on the dregs of some curraut wine. Finding ho could net navigato, l.o wisely laid himself down, and next morning was os bii'ht as any other inexperienced biped uftor a debauch. It is doubtful, Low. ever, whether he will ever repeat tho exp"ri. ment. In" this rerpcet the instinct cf the "feathered" biped is superior la the reastn of tha "unfca'.Ltred." g3- An Om-wiai. Bill. The Philadelphia liulletin says thut t "Miyor Vaax has i-sucd a proclamation inviting "tho people cf this city to uuilo with thoso of tha Commonwealth" in keeping 1 iiauitsgivKig uay. n e near or sevorul I or sons who contemplate leaving Philadelphia on the festive occasion for tho purpose of dpouuit! tiio uay iu i eniipyivsuia. MoTont Ikon Mat.y erroneous ' rumors having beeu a3ont in our community i;i reluliou to the probable iinr.u-Jiaje resump licn of wctk at this establishment, for a week or two pa;t, wo havo niadu inquiry at the proper soureo, and are eualilod to state, that tbe worus wm be started ugaiti, as soon as tho now Company, which hns been organized, can ftud cash purchasers for iiS:i. which may or may nut bo before spring. One thing is eertain, that if tho works do start, tho work mru will have lo consent to a n-ductiou of wages in accordance with the reqmretueuts of the tiuies. At a meeting of tho Directors of tho Mou tour Iron Works Co., last week, this new Company was formed under the general uian uractuiing law or 1819, und its supplements. A charter has been obtaiuod by this Co. under the name or tho "Montour Iron Works Co ," and thu late lessors, Messrs. Chambers, Groves ii culler, told their lease to thcin, together wilh their cntiro stock or coal, irtii, Ac, as well as the store of Fuller, (irove A: Co and placed it iuto the.r possession. The hntkstuiiduig v. ages of tha workmen have all bi-on promptly paid, and it is tbe determina tion cf thu uuw coiupuDy to do so iu tho l'uluro. A meeting of the creditors of the firms of Conily, urove 4; to., "r uller, lirove to Co., aud "I'hdinbers, drove, A Fuller," endorsers of the Montour IrouCo.'s Paper, will bo held at Philadelphia, ou the 30lb inst., at the office of the Montour lion Works' Co., 73 South 4th st. W e understand that the home aud couu try creditors, as well as other creditors of su.atl claims, are especially provided for bv a special ussignuiont of collateral securities for I.. .......... .r r. . ect at. Jtjiu F. Dentler, vs. ' ' The heirs of Barbara Balliet, deceased. Good. It is seldom that s medicine (fleets with such general faver amonr all classes and especially among the educated as tbe Oxy genated iiillers. ihesa Bitters are free from alcohol, and are a Dever failing cure for ayspepsia. - Falls. The fall of Delhi the fall in the stocks and the other fulls which are eo com mon at present are a II inferior in point of Im portance to the Fall of the year and to the consequent necessity for procuring seasonable prmriiis oeiore winter sets tn. Tins con be accomplished by both gentlemen aud youthd by repairing to the Brown Stone Clothing Hull of liockhill k Wilson, Nos. Writ of Partition and Valuation issued out of the Orphans' Court of Norlh'd. Co. NOTICE To the Weirs and Ugal representation of Bar- oara ualltet, Yon are hereby notified, that bv virtue r.f the above writ to me directed, an iuquest will be held at the Sheriffs Office in Sunbury, on Saturday tbo 2nd duy of January next, be tween ine nours oi u arm io o clock, f. M., for the purpose of miking l'urtitiou of.or valuing and approving the Ileal Estate-of said deceased, to wit : of a certaiu Bounty Land Warrant, issued by the United States of America, under the Act of March 6th, 185, dated July 17th, 1856 No. 34,256 for 160 acres of Government Lnud, unto the Said Barbara Balliet, widow of Jacob Balliet a Captain in the Revolutionary War, with the appurtenances, Arc. At which time aud 603 nnd 605 Chestnut Street, above 6lh Phil- place you may attend if yon see proper, adelphia. : JAMES VANDYKE, Sh'ff. r . r . rt ., I ouenu a uiuce, u uuury, never ton Tat TTanrii-o.W lt m, K n h . ... . '' pm.n r (..."..,;. : . :: . t ::::: November zo, iea t. by the faithrul usu or Dr. Wistnr's Balsam or W ild Cherry. Its success in allaying and curing severe protracted cougbs id unpreccd enioa. CiirrMjvMiirare of thu Tutillc Lotger J ftl'.W 10OK ITEMS. Nov. 21, 1857. Another ship load of cholera came into qnurantine to-day, I'rom Hamburgh. I refer to thu Oldetibutuh bark Sweu, which h-ft that port on the 4th of October, with 215 passengers. On the third nay out tno pestilence tnuile its appearance, aud before Sandy Hook was reached, no fower than forty-cuo deaths took plnce. It is said that there are now us many us twenty cases still under treatment, all of which will bo trunsterred Irom the ship to tbo hospital. Cholera was still prevailing to some exteut ot Hamburgh, where the Swea left. i lie iM(.'rppran is mi It threw cut this morning the notes of tho Addison Batik, h'teubuu county, und the Llmira Buuk, cf Llmira, both of this State. Tho Commercial snys, we saw tho largest check this morning that wo have ever met with in our Wull street experience. It was for $1,320,435 30, drawn by tho New York Life and Trust Company, bus certified by the Bunk of America, puyable in current funds, to the order of J. A. Pulmer, receiver of the North American Trust and Banking Com pauy. Of the geceriil aspect ef tho money market the Post says, "Demand launa can bo eusily obtained ou fancy securities et 6 arid 7 per cent, and on Sta'.o Stocks uny quantities tan bo hud ut 4 and 5 per cent. Tho banks dis count freely all paper otl'erod that will bear the strict scrutiny which what has been re puted first class paper must new uudergo. Messrs. Dewilt & Wheeler have purchased the Chulasky Anthracite Iron Furnace at Ked Point, iu Noatkumberland couuty, with nil the real estate belonging to it alao, tho FranI7in i'ui-nncs in Montour county, with all the real estato lately owned by Samuel It. Wood, K?., tor the sum, it is said, oT $200,000. The works are now in the posses sion of the new proprietors, and carried on by -them in spite of hard times. DanviHe Democrat. Arrest on a Ciiarub cr Mvrdbr. On Friday ol'lastwcok, Samuel llcilucr, churgeJ with buing the murderer of Miss Bavor of Berks couuty, was arrested at Minersville, und on Saturday taken to Keading. An ex amination of tho prisoner wus to Live taken place at Heading ou Tuesday. Tho Heudiag if'rws says that a witness named Kuntuer deposed that 1 1 o il tier came to tho tavern, of which he, (Kantner) wag barkeeper above Mohrsvillo, ou the 7th or t)th of October, and that lluilnur said he had been below on a secret expedition, and that Kantner should not mention to any one that ho had been nt Mohrsvillo, particularly to a Mr. Meyer. A number Jul' liuger sings were found iu the possessiou of lleilner, which were supposed to have belonged lo the deceased. It is al leged farther, that Miss Bavor cad the ac cused were present at a church consecration in Hamburg a short timo previous to thu murdor, aud be wished to uccompuny Miss Bavor home, fbich she refused, theu buhavud rudely, breaking her fan, and soRinthing was said by him that he woe I J yet succeed, lleilner alleges that on the day of the murder he was out gunning with n nm bur oi mends near Minersvillo while Mr Spohn, of Pottsville, swears positively, that lleilner and Baetzol were at bis hotel at thut time. Potatoes are beinsr shinned from Maine to the fc'ouib, at 3T to 40 cents per bushel. Coal. Lrj wo wrap up this carboniforons integument of the lendscapo, (says the elo quent Hugh Miller,) let ua mark to how small a coal Geld Kugland has, for so maay years, owed its flourishing trade Its area, us 1 have already bad occusion to remark, scarcely equals that cf one of our larger Scottish lakes and yet how many thousand stuoin engines has it set in motion how many railway trains has it propelled across the country bow many thousand wagon loads of suit has it elaborated from the brine how many millions tons or iiou bus it fur nished, raised U the set face, smelted and hammered! 1 1 Las made Birmingham a great city, tbe first iron depot of Lurope, and tilled the country ith crowded towns and busy villages. And if one small Geld has done so much, what may we not expect from thoso vast basins laid down by Lyoll in the gco logical map or the U nited states r Cor.ji and flcos. Tho following stats- ments show that the farmer realizes in his cc: n when sold in the form of pork : When pork sells for 3 ceiits pet pound, it brings i cents per bushel in corn. When pork sells for 4 cents per pcnnJ, ft brimrs 32 cents pir bushel in corn. When pork sells for 5 cents per pound, it brings 45 cents per bushel in coin. JJisinu Tho Loke Superior (Wis ) Miner says : "The largest piece of copper perhaps, that was over shipped ii the world, was taken on board cf the Mineral Hock, on h?r last trip to this place. It was from the Minnesota Mine, and weighed nine thousand five hundred and sixty-one pounds I There is now lying cn Carson A Close's pier, rrady Tor shipment, a mats cf copper taken from the Adventure Mine, weighing sity-Gve hundred aud sixty-one pounds." Iu addressing a jury upon one occasion the celebrated Mr. Jeifrey found it ueceessary ta make froe with the character of a military ufli cer who was present daring the whole bitraa- gue. L pou bearing himself several limes spoken of as ' the eoldier," the sua eT Mars boiliuir wilh indignation interuptod the pica 1 er : "Dou't call me a soldier, sir ; I am an "officer." M r. JreiTrey immediately weut on j "Well gentlemen this officer, u ho is no soldier was the sole cause ef the niiishisf that has oc curred." Fokttsats Hipsvbrt. On Tuesday last, Coo P.. King, baggage master on the Boston and Worehef tei railroad, found s package con taining 85000 on a seat in the cars, at Beaton, Mass. The owner, in the meantime, had dis. covered his loss aud returned to the depot, w!,en he foa ml his moaey safely lucked up. Lie presented tbe Guder with twenty dollars. Pennsti.vaxia Iuom Works. The Great Western Iron Ruliiag Mill, at Brady's Bend, has discharged about 700 operatives. It has been engaged in making railroad iron largo ly and the demand for that article having fal len off materially it is curtailing operations to suit. The Pittsburgh rolling mills are nearly all running half time and the owners are storing the product. They will be well prepared for a brisk Spring Beason but have beeu compel led to forego the Fall season's trade almost altogether. A steam carriage has made itsnppearrance ia the streets of Manchester, near Pitbburg. Geo. Snyder, Esq., editor or the Willams. port Press, has retired from that establish, meut. An unsuccessful attempt had been made to launch the monster steamship, tho Great Lastern. Bears are numerous in Maine. Forty-one have been killed in the vicinity of Calius, this Fall. A Mrs. Jackson walked in llarrisburg, this week, 105 ronsoculive hours ou a plank 2 feet wide and 30 feet long "without sleep or rest. Low Pbioks The I.exincton (Ky.J Ob server says that at Terra Haute, Ia., last week, corn was selling at 20 cents, and many Ii -r- .r ... j miyrrs were nub uuuruig over in cents, per Dusnei. in rosey county, Indiana, just below Evansvillo. corn in the Geld was offur. ing last week at 12 cents per buahel. Ilolloway'i Pills. We live in an over-doc- I I 1 T. . . ... iru worm. r,vory sick man wtn calls in a puysioian is liable to be experienced upon. If the drug first administered does not a swer another is tried and. that failine anoth er and so co. It is not insanity to submit to this hop-hazard treatment when there is with in the reach or all a remedy that penutrutes to tho scourcos or the most danceroos inter nal complaints and cures them by destroying tho morbid material in the Hood which pro duces inflnmation pain, debility and decay? That Holloway's Pills extirpates tbe sustain ing principle cf disease no human being who has investigated the diets can doubt. Bear thia in mind dyspeptics, consumptives, and all who suffer from internal derungemeuts. LETTER rSOM A WfLL KKOW1 riltSI. 1 IAN. IlAVEnmu., Mass, Juno I 1856 t. W . t OWLK & Co Gentleman - VVhilu suffering from Dyspopsia some years since nnd trying almost everything for'its removal without any benefit. 1 was accidentally led to make use of thu -Oxyge-iattd Bitters' and after a short trial of them, found mv health improving, tuj in time my disease radically removed. Since then I have used them in my practice and gcnorully with goed success. 1 know ofao medicine so well udaptud to tho cure or Dyspepsia in many or its aggravated forms. 1 Lave s.-eu the iot stubborn p.pi which had resisted almost ull the preparations coeioaly used for Indigestion yield as by mngic upon the administration o'fa few poses of those Bitlors. Such results have increased myconiiJcnce in their medical powers, aud strengtheuned my convictions of thuir superi ority overall other instrumentalities in the treatment of the complains fur which they are reccommended. 1 would certainly advise thus troubled with Dyspepsia, to use tho Billur3 and 1 am dent all who do so, will reap great bentfit if there is nothing to contra-imlicate their use. A. B. POHTKK, M. D. rSTSt.nOortKWAKn will be pii,l for any Mt-.lipiiia thai will cxir I'll ATT A Ll'TCllllH'S MAdiC eill. fyr the frll.'wiup uifte:iM-p: Hlieiiitiuliaiii, Neuruu, Bjiiiml AfTri-tion, CuirrurltMt Jumti, C'linhc Tamil, r;tin in ll.c Snip ol H-:rit, Hf.vluMip, Tiiollmelir, Piunma, Sole Tiirn.'il, Cilia, Hiiiim i. Dunn, nnil all iliEcnera .1 ti e tkm Muat-'lia and tlie liUiiitls. Nim ,-utiiu wiihonl the aig nature tf I'SArx A Hctchru ullacliil to e?u-h l.nh-1 Fri.ioi;ml urtk-e, 80S Waaliuigtt.u :reet, UnKiklyn, New York. S UI l.y Albert V. Fiahe:, Druf-gial, Market alreet, Sunbury, sSy This is to certify, Hint 1 have made but one application of iho Magic Oil on my fingers, which have been drawn from contrac tion of tho cords, brought on by rheumatism. It was of seventeen months standing, and 1 now entirely cured. I cheerfully recommend it to all afflictod likewise. J. M. FINBUOOK, llarrisburg, 72 Locust street. July 25, 1857. Iy. DEATHS In this place on umlnv morning., the l-Mli int., PAUL CORNT."(, Esq., Attorney at Law, aged about 43 years. fffet Hiivlicls, ' Philadelphia Market. Nov. 25, 1H7. Grain. The receipts of Wheat centines quite large, though the market is imictive Good red is held at 1 15 a $1 26, and 1 35 a SI 36 for good white. Sales of choice Kentucky at 1 50, and very superior lioan oke at $2 25. Bye is steady at 75 cents. Corn is dull, and light sales are making at 7( a 78c. Oats are in demand at from 32 a 33 rents per bushel. Cloverseed Sales of prime at ft per 64 lbs. WhifVey Bales at 31, els. ia ksls. aad in hhds., at 21 eents. BUNBTJEY PRICE CURRENT. Fatal ArciDKST o.v th Reading Raii oad hear AvBt'BN. On Wednesday, about a mile below Auburn. Mrs. Francis McLio- chey was accidentally killed by a wood train. It appears that as she wus approaching Au burn, the down pasieuger train passed thro' the lower covend bridge, at tbe time that a wood train was coining up on the same track on which the unfortuuate woman was walking. She was uudoubtedly looking out fur the pts songer train, ai.d not hearing tbe wood traiu it ran over her before the eugiueer could stop At tbe time of the fatal occurrence tbe wood train was renin; around sod c'lfrte. fimmmiirMif A viumuuuii wiuv (Faitra Sunbary Aaurieaa J The ComiDg Wl'itor.) The cold blaats of the preaeat admonish us to prepare for thoaeufa colder day toceme. Though not winter yet the weather is sensibly cold, and we have lie doubt, has found many illy prepared for iu reception. We are not a professional prophet, but we do think (Ks eouiinj winter will be a mini oni sad Wheat, $1 ilil 0 Butter, 9 Kye, - . - 74 Eggs, IS Corn, 60 Tallow, II Oats 40 Lard, ... Ii Buckwheat, 63 Pork, . . . . t Potatoes, ... 60 Beeswax, tS Flaxseed, 1 85 Dried Apples, 1 tt New Advertisements. Estate of John Haughawout, dec'd, Joseph Ilaughawout, vs. The Heirs of John Ilaughawout, deceas ed. Writ cf Partition and valuation issued out cf the Orphans' Court of Northuiuber- J land county. NOTICE To the heirs aud legal repre sentatives of John Ilaughawout, deceased. You ate hereby notified that, by virtue of the above writ to wa directed, aud inquest will be held at the lato residence of said Juhu Ilaughawout, deceased iu Rush town ship, Northumberland county, ou Saturday tha 26th day of December next, at 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of muking Partition of, or to value and appraise the Real Estate ofsaie deceased, at which timo and place yos may atteud iryoo think proper. JAMES VANDYKE, Sharif. Sheriff's Office. Buubury, 1 November J5, 1S0T. "JSY virtue ef sundry writs of YrxDiTiom f ExroKAS, and Levari Facias to me tii-- reeled, will Is fipoaeil to 'Public Sala at the public house ef W. A. COVEKT (l.awrene House.) IN KPN BURY, oil Droiwtjty it USlli slay ci" IHc cuibi r, ii-&t, at 10 o'clock A. M , Ike fiillLWing daicnbtil jrupetly to witt All that rer'ain piece or parrel ef LAND, sil URte in, formerly Upper Augusta township, now the borough of Sunbury, adjoining tha old lei rough line in the soutb, the river Susquehanna on the west, lends late of iiufan II. fcScotl and Charles Uubin and wife un the north and taut, containing 10 Acres more or Usr. A'.se, that certain (Jut-Lot in the borough of Sunbury aforesaid, numbered in Hie Rrnettl plan of iheiswn No. H, (three), containinf; five Acres or thereabouts, adjoining the old borough line one the north, out lot No. 1 on the wrt, jul-lot No. 4 on the south, and cut-let No. ( cn the eo.Ht. 8cizrd taken in execution aril U l a sold as ths propeity of WM. L. HELPNTKL. ALSO I At the came time ami placn, the fol lowing Lota ot tiround, situate in the borough of Sud! ury id, end m-irked in the nrral plan of said town Nos. 341, "li, 24.1. 24 1, 3T, i m, Stir,, :C7, 268 and 206, l ounjjtl by (iooioberry alley, east by Deer street, south by 1'okcl'Prry street and west bv Kiver alley, and aUo on lols N'ps. 29, 270, U71 end 272, bound ed by Tukaberry etieet en l!e east, anJ Kiwr al'o. Meiif J taken in execution and lo bo aoM nu the property of tha PHIL A HIM. I'll IA & SL'NBLI! V KAIL ROAD COMPANY. ALSO : At the same time and plare, Sevrn con'iguous Lots of (iround, aitunte in the town of fthamokia in Coal township, Northumberland rour.ty, and numbered in the pi in of Siid town Nos. 1, J, 3, 4, S, 0 ami 7, and in block No. IS, bounded on tne aoulh by Walnut hlrfct, en tha vrrat by trroml atreet and on the east by Tliiid strrst, v.h(! i ein are ereitcil a frame dwtliinr: bouse, a brick house, a butchor Uioj', two out l.ui!J4, iS.'c. ?eiicd taken in exrcut'um and tn be suld as the property of DANIEL P. WKAi and UOSANNA HAAS. ALmO: Atlhe same lime and plire, tho fol lowin;; de.riilid Rial 1'ri'iicitv lo wit; All that certain I'L'KNAL'L, Castini; Houfe, Uwdlling Ih.usea eiiiposeil to bs 2'J tcnrmrnls and Tract of Land, situate in t'oal townliio, Northumberland County, beginning at a in a line of laud surveyeil in tbe name cf Wuliin (jrecu, thsnce aoulh SD degrvea ( as' 700 fret oml 6 iiiclira to a past ; thence narlh 1 tlfgrrs and :J8 minutes cast 23C8 feci S inches to a post ; thence north til Urgrers and 0 minu'.es lvrsl, 14 Icet to a o.-t ; ihrnce saulh 5 di'grcra and Jo minutes neat, 1 U 7 0 4 feet to a post ; Ihrnra north 61 degrees and 30 minutes eaat40 fret to a posi; tliciue north 84 degrees and 'JO minutes wi-m 2 13 feet to a post t thence aootli 1 degree and 40 niinulra neat 3SU feet to a post; iheuce aoulh U degrees HO minutes easl C'JU feet to the plare of beginning, containing 19 Asres and 69 J perch es of strict measure. Alio, all that certain Tract or parrel of lain!, situate in t'oul township, aforesaid, beginning si a post in a line of land surveyed iu the name of Samuel Clark ihcnee south Si) degrees catt 4G5 I'cet to a post t thence Booth I degree and 3i minutes weet 120 feet to a alone by a fallen hemlock witness ; thence south K 9 dcgiees wrtt S01 fret to a post ; thence north 10 degrees west 1413 feet to the place of beginning, containing 20 Acres t'l perdu a strict Incaauie. Also, all that certain tract or pare:-! ef Land, situate in Coal township aloresaid, beginning ut a post ia the centre line of the 1! ranch Rail Itoml tc liig Mountain, where the said centre line cro ses the eastern line of tho trart ul Und survryrd in the name of iSainuel Clark ; Iheuce along tbe eastern line of the said tract of land in the name of Samuel Clark, south 1 degree SH minutes west 1812 feet to a pout; theme soul!) ft'J ileg. east 329 feet to a peg in the csntre lino of saul Rail Road ; Iheuce along the cei tre line of said Kail IfoaJ noi ih 15 degree 32 minutes not 72 feet; thsnce north 13 degree and 30 iniiiultr west 100 feet, norlh 1 1 degrees fiO minutes wst 10U fuel, north 10 degrees and 10 tumults v. cut 1 0 ) feet, north H degrees and 30 minutes west lOOfcctaad north 7 degiees and 40 minutsis west UK feet to the place of beginning, con taming CJ Acres of land strict meisure. AND Also, all that certain other tract ef Laud situate in Coal township, aforesaid, beginning at a post on the eastern line of the tract ef laud ur veyed in the name of Samuel Cluik; thence north 1 degree 36 minutes en.-t 102 1'stt to a post on the south usst corner of Pearl and IShakspear alreet" in the town of Shuinoliu, aforesaid, thence along the southern lino of said Shakespeare street, south 84 decrees 3a ir.ii ute. east 373 J feet lo a post; thence south f degrees and 25 minutes west GO feet ; tin nee south S-i degrees 60 minutes east 74.') feet to a poat ; thfuce soutb 70 degrees sod 30 minutes ea.t Sllj feel to a port) thence aculh 1 degrees 3i minutes, west GO.'ilest to a post; thence noi'li 8 degrees 23 minutes west 1 100 feet to t'le place of beginning, containing SO acres and 18 perches strict measure. 8. lied taken into - cution and to be sM as the property of A. It. PLSKK snd HENRY LONUEN ECKER, tra ding under the firm of Henry Longeneeker &. Co- ALSO: At the same time and place, Se ven contiguous Lots iu the town of .Shumo. kin in Coal township, Northumberland coua ty, aud numbered in the general plan of said town Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 und 7, in block No. 15, being the whole said block, bounded ou tbe south by Walnut street, on the west by Second street nod on the east by Third street, whercou ure erected a frame dwelling house, a brick Louse, a butcher shop, two stables, out-buildiugs, Jt C. Solred tukeu in execu tion and to be sold as the property or DAN ILL P. 11 A AS. JAMES VANDYKE, fch.riff. MitriiTe Office, Sunbury, ) NoTember IS, 1867. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers