California Tctos. By the Steamer Granada, from Ila vnna, at New Orleans. The Vigilance Committee Their I'malti'.' Hveoked Important from China lianish went cf European Resident from Xitippa jVctr from Vie I'lainsOnc IlundrtU Venom Slain by the Indian?, f,-c, Nkw Om.r.iNH. Nov. 13, 9 o'q, P. M. Tlie steamer Orauudu's mails ry just beeu received. 'J'he Oroiisda hJ bii detained at nuaran. lino since her urral, mi uccouut of tuo yel low ftver coiit'.gion. Tbo steamer SI. Louis, which sailed from Havana on tlio lOlh inst, takes forward over million cf dullnif. CALIFORNIA. 1 he news from California is unimportant. Tbe iniiiin; operations continued of on en couraging character. Th Vigilance Committee have revoked the penalties attacUnJ lo their sentence of banihnicnt. FROM TI!i: BI.A1N3. An nriivnl from tho Plain? brings the in formation tlint, between the lOlli oud I2tli or September, a train, consist infj of an hundred person?, hnd been attacked by th Indians, mid nil had been sluin with the exception of a. few children, who were sold to the Mor mons. It was generally believed the Mormons were ut tho boilotn of the ofi'uir. . CHINA. An arrival from China stales that nil tic Knropoon resident! at Nirgpo were bauislnd oa the 4th ti Angust. RTILilATFJ!. APvEIVAL CF THE T. LOUIS, AT NKW YORK. P 1.1 0,00-9 IS STLtlE. The stoaircr St. Louis, from Aspinwnll, arrived at. New York yesterday morning, with the Colifcrui mails of the 20th ult., and $1,170,000 in specie. Two severe shocks of earthquake were felt kt San Francisco ca tbo evening of the 13th ult, Tbo Indians attacked the eeltlemnnls of lloucy Luke Vullry, driving out tho inhabi tants und carrying tff ull the stock and pro visions. An express bad univod at Sacra mento, asking aiJ to pursue the marauders. 1'. A. Burnett has been appointed Su premo Justica of California in place of Judge Murray, deceased TiioVer-.ther throughout tho State, in the earlier days cf the nock, was excruciatingly and unusuully hct. Au arrival from Manilla gives us later and important intelligence from China. On tho 4th of Annuel, all of the American and lish residents of Ningpo were inassacrecd, but furlkej than the bora statement of the fact, we have, no particulars. 'J'he incoming emigration report further culrtscsby Indians cu tue 1 lams. Our news from Kail I.ako is to tho 2d ult. The leaders cf the Saintst are moved virulent than ever against the government of the L uited States. Tho Sacramento Valley Railway is to he extended to i uua county. F. V. Moore, who was under sentence of death for the crime of murder, committed suicide in tho Nevada jail, by taking slrjch nine, on the night previous lo the day on which he was to bo executed. His wife, a few days afterward, took poison, aud would have destroyed herself had not prompt rcmn dies been auuiiuittertd. The Mormons h&tc nil left Carson Valley for Salt Lake. THE AMERICAN. SUNBURY. SATURDAY, N0VEK2ER 21, 1857. II. B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor. To Advktibm -Tin eirculullcn of the Sniituiry Ameiir-ni among the iliiTprpiit town on Hie 9urqnehanni notexceftffej iffiiimtied by any paper published in North era Priimylrania. P3T Lost, A lady's breast pin of lnrge size, end filigree work, with designs of fruit, was lost in this place, on Thursday evening, Ti c finder will bo rewarded by leaving it n' this office. Rain. Wo liovo had several refresh. ing showers during the past week, whilst our friends up North havo been vitited with a perfect deluge causing the recent sudden and unexpected rise in the Susquehanna. C-J" Bam; rv NoitTHi'Mnrni.ANO. Thurs day tho 2Cth int., being Tliankgiving day the Bank will be cloned. Notes brooming due that day, must be provided for the day before. nnsr.nrTioji or pavmksts. Tho appearance of things in New York aoi) Boston seem to indicate nn early resnmp. tion of specie payments by the Bunks. How early it is difficult to say, perhaps by the first of Jonuary. Within tho last tn day the receipts of gold und silver from abroad have been over fire millions of dollars, and the current is still strongly this way. The Banks ill Philadelphia, it is SuiJ, regret that they accepted the late act. legalising the fnspen sion of specie pnymetits. Tho clause whleh compels them to receive the notes of country Banks in payment of debts annoys them greatly, ond will, they ray.'prove an obstacle to an early resumption The fuel is, the Banks and the community are stronger this day than they havo been for years. There is nothing wanting but confidence to restore business lo its wonted channel. Under our present system of bonking there always will be aud niii ft be periodical revulsions in money matters. Under the present organization the Banks discount most when money is least wanted, aud contract those ditconuts when money is most needed. This operates some thing like our present ad vahncm tariff on iron. When iron is low and protection needed thero is but little cf it, but when iron is liijh and no protection is required, then the tariff is not only unnecessary but oppressive VST The special ouditors, Win. 1. (ircen ough, S. I). Jordan, and S. John, l!s(rs., nri- now in scsfinn overhauling the financiu) nffaits of the countv. ijy Injl kfd. John HoDohue, a laborer on tho section of Messrs. Dougherty, on the Northern Ceutrul Railroad, was considerably injured in the head aud spine by tho falling of a bank of earth, on Monday last. IJ.yThe work on the Northern Central road is progressing as rapidly as ever. The masons ore basely engaged in raising ti n abutments of tho bridirc over Shamokin creek, a mile below town. The bridge crosses immediately above tho road bridge, nt nn angle or thirty degrees. Tho company bus decided to locato the road through the lane and up Peer street, through the borough. 117 Ba.NU OF NoRTIllMEEUI.AND. At all election on Monday last the following board of Directors wos chosen J. B. Pucker, I. Brautigam, A. K. Kapp. J. C. Horton.U. F. Miller, Fuul Musteller, S. T. Brown, Win. I. Grccuough, Geo. Sehnure, C. R. Paxton, Simon Schuyler, James Taggart, A. B. Warford. The now Directors rite Messrs. Grcenough, Tnggart, AVarl'ord, all well qualified for the position by education and business habits. OLD NRWSrAPEK. The Muncy Luminary refers to a sinp number of tho Times, printed in this place by Win. F. Buyers, in 1813, as possessing nmch interest from its antiquity, though printed on coarse paper, and cmly bulf the fW.ti of the papers now pnblished in this plnce. There is scarcely any pnprr published anywhere which, if bound and earcfully preserve!- would not be worth twieo its cost in ten or twenty years. I.iko pood wine its value increases with its years. Peter Lazarus, F.sq., or this place, has a bound volume of tin Times, embracing the period of the war of 1812. which he prizes far above its original cost. By a little care ench subscriber could preserve his papers, and have them bonnd, anil in the course of ten or twenty jeors, would possess a history of tho time" for that period, more truthful nod morn interesting than any that could bo written. MAITII CHUNK IN KARSIKST. The people of Mauch Chunk rccontly held a town meeting to reduce tbe price of provi sions! and went Into the work earnestly by adopting resolutions that they deem it the duty of every citizen not to pay higher for the several articles aamtd below than the prices set opposite. Jteef, from Mo 9 c. per ft. Pork (fresh), 8 to It) c. per lb. . t Flour, $j to C fiO per hbl. Rye Flour, $4 25 Burhwlieat meal, 81 !0 per 100 lbs. Butter, lSe. per lb. F.ggs, 18c. per do. (thickens (alive), Be per lb. Milk So per qt. potatoes, 60c per bash. 1 1 ay, 0 1 2 Cf) 15 per ton. Oats, $1 per bag of 3 buth. Corn, 50 c. per busb. The use of the patent spring balances has been prohibited by the Borough Council, un deta penalty of $3. Public butchers have since been solected by the people in town meeting, and the old ones cannot tell a pound of meat. The borough Fathers havo resolved to build a market house without delay. $y A writer In the Village Record recom mends the following as an excellent selection of apples : CI, ASS 1, Early Harvest, Rummer Pearmain, Ked Astrachau, Early Loe, Birmingham, Jefferis, class 2. FALL. Maiden Blush, Rambo, Porter, Kmoke-house, Uravestoin, Hayes. CLASS 3. FA RI.Y VflNTBR. If ubbard8ton-no!i8uch, Gate-apple, Fallawater, Reman stem. Chandler, Am. Golden-Russet, CLASS 4. LATS WINTKR. Wine tap, Peeks pleasure, Hollow-cored pippin, Cider, I'ommu royale, lialdwin, CLASS f. ai'IUNO. Long. Island Russet, Lady apt'le, Ladies awettiDg, Rawles Janet, Doinine, Roxbury Russet. Rmuttiun K fUi.Ann:s. The pay of all tite officers and other employee! of liia Penn sylvania Railroad Company was reduced on the 1st of this month according to tbo follow ing scale : "All persons receiving on annual salary or wages exceeding in amount $2,Ul0, a reduc tion ol 25 per cent. All pais ni tfceiving an minim! salary or- wagesof 2,009 ard between (1,000 and (2. 000 iucludiug that of 1,000 a reductiou ol 15 per cent. "All persons receiving an annual salary or vtages ui;dr $1,000, a redaction of 10 per cent." On the samo dato the passonger fares were raised a'joul 20 per cent. On the Clh inst., Henry Cimpbell a miner, ranpioyod in U, colliery of Bancroft, Lewis A Co., was seriously injured by a fall of coal, having his rghtbip buns severely crushed. Prkttv Corn II. in.. It is stated that Mr Ten Uroock won $f00,000 on tho New Mar ket raco, by Piicrcss winning the Cie-arwitch Handicap. Oirar C'i.i.:-' KuiitU Springfield, li!.. cn the railroads, some of the fanners me fler it g corn at 15 cents per buihel iu tho Geld ; c'.hcts at 5 per acre. LoN",rvijv. Tho 'ariiV .cntinil says that nn Indian named Pedro died at Santa Cruz on the "th ol September, oped 130 years. lu 1 78-1, when the Mireicii there was founded l'edro was cn old man, as U known to many people rceid.r.g at SnU Ciuz. Burglars entered ond rubbed the dwelling of John Brock, Y.i , in Aihland lust week. William Ricliarjnr.n, on Thursday of Inst week, fell to the bottom of tho shaft of Wm. Dcr.aldsou i Sen, and was killed. Conn6r .V Pulterson's colliery which has been at a eUnd for the past two months, commeueed tbe breaking and shipping or coal on Tuesday of P-et week. On ths imt . tin ' Diy Hour," connec ted with the powder mill, of Lewis II. Koch, Inca'.cd en Mill Creek, above St.' Cluir, was blcffu up. Loss about S 500. The Fern. Minii.jr Company, of Jiiinois, have f'.rtick a .':iid vt-iu ot coal, ot tue depth of 345 feet frcr.l tka suifacc. An Ir;hr,ian wa chalie n jed to fight a du ll, but ded t.o.V on the plea that hu did not want to lcare hit ir. ll:er an orj ban. JSs'Nnw Coal Bheackii. While on a visit to Shamokin Inst week wo observed tbo new cnnl breaker at tho Gap r.iinos, but re. cently completed for the operators, Mt ssrH Zimmerman & Purse), of Ibis place. The breaker oppears to be a substantial structure, highly creditable to Mr. Weaver and the mechanics generally, engaged iu its construc tion. 'J'he operators inform us that it has worked well from the start. It Gi' C'ii.ntkrt. The Germania Operatic Troupe will hold a Concert in tho Court House, on this (Friday) evening. Tho performance will bo in Cermuu aud Knglish. Sentimental and comic songs. The per formers are advertised as Mr. G. Kolbe, one of tho greatest Violinists of the age, and Mr. F. Wagenfuehr, the celebrated Busso and Guitarist, (late of tho Royal Opera House, Berlin) who will sing and play some of the favorite pieces. They will be assisted by Mens Jules Graschell, Pianist and inimita bio Soprano and Ballad Singer. 'J'he Troupe will perform in Lewisburg next week. Wo havo received the December num. bcr of the Cosmopolitan Ail Journal, and its typographical appearance is exceedingly neat. The number beforo us contains two beautiful steel engravings tho Greek Slave and Shake Hands and is profusely embellished with elegant wood illustrations. It contains C4 pi:gis, and may be hod at 2 per annum in advance, by addressing C. L. Derby, .118 Broadway, New Yoik. The Greek Slave ii statno which was drawn, about a year ago, by a Mrs Kato Gillespie, of our State, has been re-purchased bj the Cosmopolitan Art Association at a cost of 6,000, and will be drawn for again in January next.. Mauy other valuable premiums are ulso to be drawn- A si. i.i. ni. r NOT A fc.U.E. A fi-w weeks since friend P.ukrr, of the Jersey Shore Tr.-yuiliiViiii. announced through his miliums to the world t lint he hnd sold his to Mr. B. R. Hull, of B.-l, formerly connected with the Watchman, and James Bi iilenham, hailing from Lebanon but to bo found no whero in particular. Bri dennam louun il m-rc-waiy, iieiore luring possession, to proceed to Philadelphia to make arrangemeuts. Mr. Hull proceeded tho cve'iing previous to Bullefonte, leaving his trunk at the Bluckwell House, where they b -th stopped. On tbe return of M r. Hull to Jersey Shore, he neither found Mr. Briden h.ini nor the 20 be had loaned him, but found that his trunk had been opened, nnd his best suit of clothes and other fixings bor rowed by some one who, no doubt, will make a splurge with a new suit and 20 in his pocket. Friend Baker sympathizes with M r. Hull and consoles hiinrelf for his own disap pointment by wishing tbe dnvij better luck than he bud, ns appears by t i , .- ftllowiii closing paragraph, giving bis i.,u;on of the odventure : "It is scarcely necessary to my mi ro u;. n this subject. That we have been n,e.-i egregiously "sucked," is an undeniable tact, aud that J nn lirid. nliani is a puppy and u whelp, is equally true. Wu fully acquit .Mr. Hall of all t lame iu this matter, us ku has lost more by tho operation than we have. Like a gentleman !' honor, became on at tbe appointed time, to fulfil his part of the obli gation, and wc are sorry that be has met with so serious, a loss. However, we expect to seo or hear of Bridenhum swinging on tbe gallows some day, and then we hope tho devil will get what belongs to him." Nkw Coal Opkratioxs. We learn from the Miners' Gatetcer that Mr. M. G. Heilnc-r commenced the shipment of coal from his new breaker erected in Big Run about a mile and a half from Ashland. The Oazetttr also states that the Mine Hill Fx tension of railroad from the Planes through Big Run, has been completed. The first train of cars passed over it ou Tuesday week, laden with coul from M. G. Heilner's break rr. or Lharm. The Lo Roy (N. Y.) Gaieete Says that during the heavy rain of Sunday nigut lizards, some of them measuring four Indies in lengin, cams irum tho clouds like manna, though neither as plenty nor half as welcome. They were roontl crawling on the sidewalks and in tho streets like fugitive Intnntilo aiugaiori, in places tar removed from localities wuere iurj Hinabil. Fardohkd. Last week Joel Schoonhoven' 100 years of age, was discharged from Sing Sinn Si ut ii Prison Imviiiff LecH nardolied by the Governor. Ho was comniited for life for arson. Ho is a native of Orange county, N. Y.. ond renehed the aire of a century in prison on the 4th of July last. He saw Washington at Newburg during the war. The funeral of Mr. Richard Carter took place in Tamnqua on Saturday morning laBt. The bodv was interred with Masonic ceremo ny. Mr. Carter ws fi foct. 2 inches in height, Qtiil weighed about 250 nounds. At tho post mortem examination it was discovered that thongh healthy-looking, his lungs were nicer ated. and his death had he lived nut a natural life, would in all probability havo been caus ed by consumption.' "IlAi.r a Loaf is Bf.ttkr ttu no Bread," Tho Irish laborers on the railroad, in Hart ford, Ct., lately struck on account of decreas ed pay, nnd their places were supp'ind with Americans, who hud nothing elso to do. Fred. Douglass publishes a card in the Watertown, )N. T.) J ournnl expressing great iudignation because the proprietors of a cer tain hotel in that towa refused to entertain him on account of his color. Mam facti iii-: of Sarmnks. An F.nglish paper Fays that large quantities of sprats ere weekly sent to London from the I'.iist Const of Scotland to be manufactured into Sardinia. Young herrings ore (aid lo be used for this purpoae. Mississippi U. f?. Senator. The csnens of the Democratic members of tho Mississip pi Legislature bus unanimously nominated tlio lion. A. G. Brown for re-election to the U. S. Senate. An old cenlleman recently died in Lehigh county w ho had been tuspecled of having eon- 1 sidemble money in Ins house although no one knew the ninoaiit. On examining the premi- es after his dcuth no less than eleren thousand dMlars were, found in specie which ho bad doubtless bceu saving and couccaling for many rears. ! NTiir A nn i vnrvrvT Tbe Post Master General has given Mnj. John dimming, of Selinsgrove, contract lor service on route No. 3.2-53, from Kunbnry, Luwisbtirg. Ac. to Williiunsport, in cars, daily. By the ai range ments it is stated, mails will be but 24 hours ! passing between Washington aud Williams i port. j Potatof.s i on nil-: SoCTlt. Several vessels at the wharves in Augusta and nt llallowfll. ! Me. are being loaded with potatoes for tbe Southern markets. The pr.ces ranjre lrom, thirty-seven cents to fifty ceals a bushel, ac cording to t lie variety uuA quality. IIkavt Load of Fi ocr The barge Orecon j of the Old Troy Line (Pope Catlin v Co' j Agents.) arrived here on Saturday, with 6207 , bills, (lour, betides Mil) bbls apples, and other j freight. This we believe, is the largest load I of Hour ever brought on uny Largo down the i North river A". '.(.'our. Upeclal MMhtdlit Prolrtianl faaftreote Tfce 1 aiirerjr ll"t!on. CiwctNRATt. Nov. 11. A Special Conven tion of Delegates from tho varionl Annual Conferences of the Methodist Protestant Church, North and West, has boon in lession here Tor several day!, No important action was taken until yes terday, when the following preamble and re solution, reported by a committee, were adopted, viz t Whereas. Wo have received satisfactory information that an entire freedom of discus sion on the subject of slavory cannot be cn loved in Lvncbbtirir. sad Whereas. Wo do not feci under obligations lo meet our Southern brethorn upon other ground than terms of equality. Therefore. Resolved, That it is iucxpediept, as well ns unnecessary, for the representatives of the North and West to altnd the General Con ference to be held nt Lynchburg with a view lo securo a redress cf grievances winch we sutler. At the afternoon session a memorial was drawn tip, ndilressoil lo me tienernl ik.nnie- rence, which, among other tilings, says, "It is our curnest desire to perpetuate a union with the General Association, but wo must, in Christian frankness, state that insuperable impediments prevent the continuance of that union: that the traffic with slaves, ond the voluntary bidding of slaves, conflicts with the rights of humanity, nnd wu regard it ns our bounden duty, as ministers nud members e Hie Church, to oppose the said practice, and have determined t lint tho word 'white' ahull be stricken from our constitution." The memorial was adopted. Tho Conven tion will probably ndjonrn to day. MARHIAOns. On the Kith inst.. bv the Rev. P. Bird Mr. Jeremiah Sataok, of Upper Augusta to Miss Catharinb Anf-OLD, of Snydertown' 1) E A T II S . In Williiunsport, on the lst ult., THOM AS UPDKGRAFK. ok-iI 84 yeurs. He settled in Williamsport in 1709. In Northmiber'nnd, on tbe 2Pth ult.. JACOB KISNLR, aged M years and 8 months, In Tmbut ville. on the 21st tilt., ISAAC REKDKIt, ngnd 38 years. At Srhenectudy, N. Y.. fn the 2nil u!t.. JACOB FRANK, aged 40 yeais, I'limn' of Sudbury. Pa. mm i y.i.ui Cjjc fJTavhff- CT GoDF.r for Pkcenuer. The December number of this excellent magazine comes to us richly laden wub its usual variety. In tho present number are 3 sreul plates, 1 colored fashion plate, 1 slipper printed in colors. 12 races printed in blno tint. -10 engravings. 100 pages, and CO contributions- Tho Large Rollilg Mill, nt Phocnixvillo T. ,., t ' ... ., ., . ,,,, .. Chester co. is m full operutiou with the repu "Ibe nightbeforeLhrislinaand-Chruilmas lur C(mlI),,m,nt , UuiisJ- The other mills morning," are two really beautiful engravings. ( ml furnaces iu tho aamo place will resume in Surely all this is worth more thau a quarter j a very stioit time, Mi Oraw'i YTngoit Konit Expedition St. I.ctn, Nov. If.. Mr. Lander the Chief Kngiuver of Mcti'raw'a Wagon Rend F.xpedi tion arrived hero on Saturday en rt;e for Washington City. The F.xpodition had none into winter quarters at Wind River near the South Puss. M r. Lander confirms the previous report" relative to tbe destruction of Government trains by tho Mormons. In consequence ol new discoveries and explorations made by Lander's party the niilli'.ary force had aban doned the old route nud wr approaching u tt Lake alley, try the opt-n I iiiiua at the western decent ol the Dear and Molodn rivers. Governor Gumming and Col. Cool;, met each other nt about two djs' niuich cast of Foil Laramie. RricltJin Young is sni.l tn di.-cluini any knowledge of the nrliiipction in the destruc tion oTllie supply trains. I'roai Nrw Mxlro Sr. Levis. Nov. 111. The Santa Fee iniv.l arrived at 1 ndepci, on the bth int. Business was dull, and money scarce. The party oiiCi.unteri'd n Miow storm this side ol Fort Union, Grass nud water was abundant on the Plains. Tim Cheyenne- In Hans were around Booth and Allison's post on Walnut Creek, appear ing very mach alarmed nnd anxious to Make peace I ntelligence fi urn Fort Kearney the report of the destruction of Governun nt trains by the M rrmoiis. Philadelphia MnrKet. Nov. 18, 1857. Grai.v. The receipts of Wheat runtime quite large, though th" tnntket is itinriir Good red is held at SI 15 a ft 2G, and 1 86 a 1 8li for pood whito. Sales of rbriee Kentucky nt 1 f;0. and very superior Roan oke tit $2 25. Rye is steady nt 75 rents. Corn is dull, and light fn'es arn mtikuiL' at. 76 a 78c. Oats are in demand nt from 32 33 cents per bushel Cloverseod Sales of plicae at .N tei G4 lh. TVhiikey Sales at 51 J cts. in bbls.-and in bite's., al 21 cents. "SUNBUKY PHICE CURRENT. Wbrnt, I (On I 90 Butter, - - SO Rye. .... 7S Fpc. ... II fern, - - - - f (I TuKow, ... IV Onts, .... fl, ... II. Iluckwbent, - - S"2 Pork. .... , I'.ilninfc. - - - fO l'.erm-n r'lmie',!. ... I s.- ; ! I .' V . 1 r. a. j. hock: SUtorncn A l'rnrtii-c in mh tlitinilciiatn. ! ("oriilies. .'ui'l-orv, i r '. I , if.7. tl" ':4 Uill ( 57 Ciii.nesb Si'fJAR Cant. Chas. Bodder of Union township, Berks county, rut small body of the Cane, full of suckers, look off the tops ard leaves, and passed it twice through a common apple mill, und pressed il ibo same ac npp;f s, which gave 43 gullons of juice. He tb.iii boiled il in iron kettles, aud obtained 7 ka'.lo:.j of most beautiful syrup. CiAs Oi.u Conmttor. The Penusyl vania Railri nd Company has reduced the salaries nod wages of nil tbe officers and j employees on tbo line. This, under existing j circumstances is, crimps, proper. Y'et a i valuable public scrvaut can hurdly be csti. j mated by dollars nnd cent. Whoever has i traveled much over the Columbia Railroad i ii.ust have become familiar with the face of Mrs. Smith, wifa of tho nun who tanr- j Copt. Hambright, otic of tho most attentive. dtrtdMr Carter, it at present residing with j uffable, and obliging conductors that even an aunt iu Wcit Goshen, i.ear West Chester. Ul;3 ,-lal Cf,utltry can boast of. A few days The story of the farmer who had taken o since wo enquired of tbo Captain how long "permanent fit; on a chair f.-r blasphemy, has ' ,ie ll!ul Utn on ,lU ri.j. 'Twcnty-Keven lir.led cut. crd'.ct oi the jury lunibug. ,. .. v , ,, ,. j years w as toJ reply. No belter evidence is Com ii oiltrrJ tt tweiily-lbree cents a ' needed to show thai bis services ore oppreei bufbel by tbe ris along the Wabash utoj ,. t,e company. Valley, deliverable al their own xpense in Yirc u- c lr ' " - " ' '.'' ' 4 J Tim: Oii. Tkadk, though yet coinpar- Ntcwiir Aran -T!. Ce.i.sti 7i:i.. , a,ivc.. iM ig ,0Vti1;g goms eigI1g 0f revival. Hit. of Rochester. New- ork has been united . , , . ... ,. .i .i i. i . . r pi,. i. ,i.t : 1 be shipmeiits from the Shamokin region with tbo Aintruift l'rerrytenan, o! 1 lidade'.- , . , .4 i lnus far, show un increase over last year s I l.i,.;n.,c i.f i..n..itlrnn '111111111 Una C 41,. ..4,.r,.-.i..M 4.f 11,. ' 6 .,v..v Faller Sawvsr. the rentcn" na: i-leipy. ultra inir oil Fi Maine rontre italic na: i-leicv. i-nUrt-1 upon lo.iuwing is te u.nou.n tuippeu irom riiiny Lie one uvnilrni nii . the 0th lillimo. Al Plymonlh, Luzerne county, on Monday, Andrew" Lindsbiy was instantly k-ilod by fnlliag from a bucket wheu coiaing ott of McFarland's shaft. A latter from Brownsiiile, Texaa, sy that Judge silver mine is no longer a doubtful i.luii. bi.ty hnr.ils.rr-) employed in" working it, and the silver is plenty. Tiis Boston UoAr.u or TKAi sarc urging a lepealoflhe nsaiy laws and a modification of the banking system, by having only ouo hank of Uiue for the State, with the bills I's-ed on ipreie or Stall tvecruriti's. tho Shaniokin region, over Ibo'Philadelphia tS Suubury Railroad, for the ten months cf ibe jcr, ending iu October, 1 1?57 : TONS. TONS. .r',nG2 1C carried over, 72.157 12 C.'-'O'i 07 July,' 17.073 04 7,350 27 August, 21,201 11 15,220 11 September, 13,810 10 17,751 97 October, 12,1135 15 2U,-i'.l J4 FEMALE I! LLP. Wo havo received a circular from the Industrial Women's Association, of Philitdel pbia, of which Mrs. Jarah J. Hale is Presi dent. Tbe object is to procure employment in tbo country for industrious women who havo been thrown out oT employment by the present revulsions in business. From the circular, which is indorsed by Rh-hop Potter, Dh Boardwaii and othois, wu take t lie follow iug extract : "In their behalf, nnd for the couse of suf fering humanity, wo implore your aid and co-operation. Hunger, cold, sufl'uring and death will soon bo in our luid.'t, and we ask your assistance to aid us to alleviate and avert these direful calamities from those who deserve our kindest sympathy. We nsk vou, therefore, either to (igaiii.e a Society for tins purpose, or to luriiish us, in any way you may think best, tho number of persons vou will find employment fur, in the capacity of hoiise-st rvuiils, sewing girls, nurses, or any other capacity, and the price of wages per week, villi board includi tl. Wo need scarcely inloiiii yon of (he great difficulty ol obi, lining funds iu the enilnii rasst-d condition of the country, even for humane objects. And while those who seek our aid will do nil in their power lo help I lion selves. we would bejr leave to suppi st, that. T those who desire their labor would cither rend us live dollars, lo help defray their expenses, or advance that amount, on their arrival, on their wages, it wt til.l greatly faeilitulo our euteqiri-e. Have the pootlnefs to net us promptly in the mutter as you can. and to address the Secretary of our Society. Office, No. 11C South Seventh street, Philadelphia. M US. SARAH J. II .U.K. I resident. J. M. Cm in n. fur. t-tcretui y ... . . . 6JT Shout Cni'iurr, The city papers are udvocating short credits us one of the neces sary reforms. This might also be introduced into the country, with great advantage to all parties. Another reform should ba a prohi bition by Congress of nil bank notes under twenty dollars People would not then de pend upon Banks for gold and silver. 17 Bi kf has had another full in Philadelphia. Cclcgrapjjtc leto$. Turtltrr from Eur4iir by SUaiiiiklp ( II) of Wutliiiilon. Lo.npon, Wednesday Morning The Daily 1 News cilo article fays the Atneiican news j poiuts to the probability of continued ship. I tneuts of gold from this country to New York j and Una feature, coupled with the steady . drain of gold lrom the ii-u.k of Kuglaiid, has ! caused) revival of the apprehension of fresh i restrictions ut that es'.ablbtiment. The with- drawula of gold for export since Satmday morning amount to X220.0H0. The filial I quotations for Consols to-day were fully j per I cent, worse than ihote of Saturday. In moat ! of the departments of the Stock Kxchungii i gloom also prevailed, Ltiglibh railway stocks I exhibit iu many instances a full of j U I per I cent. It is feared that the depression in the I manufacturing districts will check traffic. . i The stringency In the niontiy maiket ixhi- ? Trkvoktok Coal Tram:. Our Tie- bits no mitigation j many establishments de- tnrlm nidt'iilinra cnni m-ncd nh.inl ton it,.ry I clilie lO do UIIV bllelllCSSUl the IllinilllUltl littt r " . - llt-itrai-tirr t'oiifLigrallan ni t.o. Up jrt " T LorKrotiT, Niagara Co., N. Yr , Nov. 16 A tire which prevailed here last night, de stroyed Draper's (ir:st M il and the i-'j n'dinr Mill", owned by N. II. Wolfe Kg.-ilier wth several warehouses nnd dwcliinp. Tl.e h s aniounted to S 1 ll!l,IH)0 upon which 350, Ofitl la I la upon Nc.T Y'ork insurarce Officra. Mr. Wulff w-as insured for ir25,f!0.'). ?lArrnifklll of the MeaiejuRti rill'.li.i'' Moimi.i:, Nov. 14 Saturday. (Jen Wa! y.UDITO.'3 KCTICE 'K'H K niiJermtfneil A I'.'it -r. r y ! nu i! I y ii . I'omt of Contmo'i ll,'-a'. ol n ort; it.:;:., r l;ird euunty lo tl.slittiute the i H'i en! ii...Mi! from the title of Ihc pcrs.iotil Toperly ol 1'hy.i t. Co., i and ntnoiu; lliose lra-i''v enlitioil to receive IS.1 a-iine, tii nt'r'i.l to t duiies oi hia upp-.' t.t nt the ii. u.-e W. A. ('overt, ktowit nn the 'l.fren.-fc lion'-." in the f.or.nili of isnnhiuv, on .Vk.u.Iiv. liecf.i.' .r till, 1W.'.7, at 10 o'.-lo.-i;. A. fd ., at u I ii-!i anJ pl.tce all yt -n- i;,terr.-teil i:o4 uiieo t A I. IMI'h K.iT.l.l.liK Ao-.!r... . fniit-uiy, ..v 'il t .-.57 2t lCUNE'i OE0V:-; VI' TO DAT:: i m:v goods! .ky tivoi) :: iSsl- j. r. t i. f. H Ivesj.ceiliiliy auc.oiiiif.e to Iheir If ieie! tn.u i .ml. lie in genti.i! tl.itt they loivc recei.-l st .Store in I 'pier AtiDh-la low nsliii-, .Noilhuint;. laml county i'a-, nt Klint- s ( Jr.. vi and WI.NTEK iSOOilN. im-i npe;:e I t In-a R. acttiiiciit ,)l cercni'i.!' Cou-iltlllX 111 psrt of t.'iothv, h'nk , ('.i-f no ri, f-jtiiietl, (Jhcl, l4-.itu to;'e'!i..r with a a.-i-i .'it: n -s .1 inn i- .U a I -. 1j I r , I in ult va ) t!.. tjj" l'ijt.m. The fjil of this city, the resi. duuee ol the kings and head quarters nf the rvvolted Btitish provinces iu India, has caus ed great rejoicing in Ki.glai.d. tiT Journal of tiu Fgaxkmn LtsTiTVTR. The November number of this excellent scientific Journal, contains, besides tho month, ly list of patents issued, a number of drawings and various articles on scientific subiects. since, sending coal to market by the North ern Central Railroad. Their iutention is to despatch one hundred cars daily. tjy The laboring population of Schuylkill county are leaving by hundreds, mostly for tho West. January, Ft liru.ii. Much, A I At ay, .1 aue, Total, 137,208 12 72,157 12 11 nill be seen that the tightness of the times hag had a serious effect ou tho trade, but we hope the worst is now over, and that lb" fill arc will be onwarj ard progressive. IV Latkst News. Brighum Young .lias issued a Proclamation forbidding the entrance of the Covei uinont troops into Utah, but promises, if they encamp und return in the Spring, to furnish them with provision. Tho New Orleans Baukf have resumed specio payments. The factories are resinning and prospects are brightening. CJT On our Cist page will be found an admirable sermon ou tho "times," by tbo Rev. Mr. Wadsworlb, of Philadelphia. iJi" I.oi.a Momkz lectored in Reading en Wednesday cveuing last. Lola should extend her visits ibis wey. Kdiiors' Passks. At a recent Railroad Convention in Columbus, Ohio, the policy of abolishing free passes was discussed, Judge Dewitt, of the ijteubenville liue, inude the following remarks : lie said, "that this was a small matter for the Convention to spend much time upon the real evils under which the Railway sys tem of tho country was staggering lay deeper than the reach of any question ol free passes lo editors. But he euid that the railroads of the country uever could repay, if they were disposed, the debt due to the newspaper press lor its puweriul aid wi.en uie idea ol a railway had lo be explained und popularized ; the pubbu benefits shown and the people induced to coiio forward and associate lor the purpose of accomplishing the great works that now need no advocate. For his puit lie was glad to have the editors of the Statu pass over uud examine his line he regretted to say that he did not remember to have met wilh one of the editors on the lino of the Sicubci.ville road for months. He did not forget the amount of unpaid labor performed iu the infancy of railway building by the only men w ltu could reach the popular ear and tho popular hcuit in the most effective maimer." TiiANKsniNiNo. The following States have thus fur joined in appointing the 2tiiu inst., for the celebration of Thanksgiving ; New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Couueclicut, Rhode Island, New Y'oik, New Jersey, Penn sylvania, Delaware, Maryland, North Caro lina, Kentucky, Iowa, Ohio, Michigan, and the city or Washington. Maine, SoulhCaro lina nnd Mississippi celebrate the 15th inst., and Vermont the 3d of December. Tub Coal Trade. The quantity sent by Railroad this week is 33.186 17 by Cunul 41,226 05 for the wetk 74,413 02 tons. The Railroad loses 5,332 and the Canal gains 3,316 tons, compared with the corresponding week last year. The shipments exceed those of last week 4.2D8 tons and only fall short of the shipments for the corresponding week last year 2,017 tons. The demand for prepared Coal contiuuos brisk, particularly by Canal for the New Y'ork ond iiitermedialo ntaikets. Tbo advance in Ireighta to ihx East, aud the cash and short credit terms demanded, has chicked tbo trade to some oitoot at Tort Richmond. Miner' Joiirnnt, of tbu U.aili. The douiund at the bunk con sequently contiuuos tictivo. The I lines says that in several instances the houses winch huve lately suspended, and submitted their uccounts to their creditors, have been discovered to have followed the practice ol fabricating uecol.imodalion paper, aud regards it aa a satisfactory circumstance tbut many of those w ho are swept away by the present storm are persons w hose removal Iruiu tue held ol coUrprite is uu advantage, instead ol u calamity. Esen am.'s F..vok:.:ovs Momltarv Powki: The Daily News, in untieing the existing monetary phenomena, suns : I he lower the point to winch prices fall, Ihd greater will be the stimulus niiptu led to tue ai-petilu ut the public for stock und the depth ol the nation's piirsu really defies all ulUinpt lo gauge it. llereiu is the true tccicl of BiiU:u'a enor mous power. The PkiNtii'AL'.TiKs. The Journal Des Dt-bals denies the report that Franco uud Russia have abandoned the piojecl of a political union or the Principalities. ker'a eniigrsiils s-.ii'ed to-day for Greytown. i an I Vi:i!. r I lie steamer rusltinti heavily Ir.-ientod. oi.. t ns. taitied a clearance ns a GreTloft. packet. I ma !e Ci.ilMng, rr i f re; Fai.i.s Tbe fill of IK-lhi thn fall ini! ! stocks nud the other fills w hi"h are so con- i mor. nt present tire s'l ir.feiior in point of im- ) portaticu to the Pall of tl.e year r::d to ll;:' consequent necessity for procuring se'ieaab'e . garments brio re Wi:t r S"ls in. Tb: c.c be accoinidijhed bv both p-'nt!i rn r.ui I vonths bv ie iii'iiit: 'Clothing Mall of I.f Gil3 ut.u i-05 C!i. : '.i. -t-lifrf of "ettt, Ll.t! -l .--l''rt ll-HV.e-.. Ladifs tvtss Goofis, 'iU :i! it, ' Abo a A to t. ki.i!! T!l St.' II" v I Ai'ir-nir '''fi n''i:iv inn! ;! public Di' V all's Iiai.vakio scrpts-iiig all ill a'moiitil of sa'ci. A x.'ea'.er t nn.liero! doz-ns of this ma iicii e !.a; l..'er rvid . f a iy other preparation nnd w" . ? f'.-est:-' i! i a good tirliciH and is in ukiiisu.I, th?.iffcrer will always have it. AHKSTS F" H V Al.t.' fillVlKIf flt - r.'.''j A r.r-.nt. A. W. ri.l..r. W. Wcim.., C. IVii, II 1) Miii -, l.i-.gHlirSHcr A Hull. Acrcr too Late. Ilundieds jnst wil'ain ths pi asp of Consumption are aaved i very year by tho faithful use of Dr. Wistnr's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Its sueeess in allaying nnd curing severe protracted coughs is unprccf d-ented. ( itn Wnntilitittoii. Washington, Nov. 10. There is little, if uny, doubt thul I ho treaty long since proposed between the United Stales and Nicaragua was signed to day ut the Stale Department, by Secretary Cuss and Minister Y'rissari. The transit route is to lie protected by the L'uited Slates troops, in the event of Nica ragua being uuablo lo do so, iu consequence of foreign invasions, civil insurrection, or otoer domestic causes. Hut ou the return of ponce the tronj 8 are to be withdrawn. il is further said I lint a lien port is guar ded at euch end of the line. It protects no company by name, but provides for tho pro tection ol uny company having existing a va lid grunt, (lu bo du lei mined by Nicaragua,) and which shall recognize tlio obligation ol this treaty. A rid the Government of Nica ragua has through its Minister, signified to thai of the United States, in writing, that the only company having such valid grant ia tho "Anicricuii Atlantic und Pacific Ship Ceuul Company," created by Nicaragua, September 22d, 19th of June lust, uud up proved by the Government of Nicuiayua on the 27th of July lust. Y'rissari will be formeily presented to the President to-njorrow. The War Department to-day receivod ties, patches from the acting Goveinoi of New Mexico, advising it of Colonel Bouueville's entirely successful expedition into the Gila country, to chastise the Indians of that re gion. They havo sued fur peace, and ex pressed themselves anxious to live on friend ly terms with the people of the United States, - .... i. . L. i - . Ailuougu t ne toss oi i ne contractor a iruiu lhAltivitijs I'M and Ointment Tui'ts are Frrrsistihte. If any nun doubts the im'stim bio valuu of these Pills he impugns ill gen eral experience of the whole tfn 111. The ac cumulated tejt.n.ony of nil Ii- tioi s Kltests tluir n. lability in u innwity of the disorder) that ufiicl mankind. Deep-seated ab-ci-esns, swelling of the joints, enlargement of the glands, tumor und eruptions disappear under die d.sinfecling uud beaiing eclii n of tl.e Ointment. They have been Cnimtfrfrited There is a test, however, whereby lo tell the genuuine, viz., tbo ll'ioVr-Wiii f! , "Jlol'oiray Xen )'oi i! and .undiiu," that exiMs in every leaf of the book o.' d.rections. '1 he words nr semi-transparent in the paper, and vis. Uie by looking through tho leal lo the lie, lit. An.! all e Tl- ,!!. .,. rx iiuiiit o ' we H.e ' " ;:.r liii'r-. I 'i hi--. . rt't.'l'l'l'.l I.f i-Ainf. K d.ii-'i. (ir. I -Il 4 fin" rs" .'H.Aij ItAKK IMJUC r.MKNTS ANVASs: t ; J y. J O At.L.N Tv I. lain su'.i ri1 rrt i-i:r:;i f.v mi i'. i - llltL OF Ill-LA.!.i) LIVtrt. Honesdai.eCo., Penx., Jon. 10, 1350. Mr. Sktu W. Fowi.e, 'mi : You are at liberty to use the following statement for tbe benefit of the allicted : I was attocted with the Liver Complaint, which apparently brought me to the brink of the grave. During my sickness 1 was atten ded by three physicians in our place but re ceived no help. " 1 also tried the various rem. edies reccommeuded for such complaints, but they afl'oided me no relief. As a last retort, I was persuaded to try Wistat's lialsnm ) Wild ('terry oud by using ft ur bottles 1 was restored to belter health than 1 have enjoyed before for ten years. This statement may be relied upon aa strictly true. BKTSY PFRRIN. 'J'he nhm-e Certificate irus yiren in the pi ts ence of Dr. A. Strang of tlnnudale n tio it u't ll iiietni in his vicinity us a successful rftc titmer. None genutiine unless signed I. BUTTS ou the wrapper. tmi ,000 H KW ARII will It pint for nil) Mmtiril: Hull will 4-xoel I'll AIT A Ut Tl llliirs MALIC Oil. .-r lite f.'lliivvinK d.ueatrm: lll.t'Uli.ulicin, .rar:ilpiM. Spimil Atl't:(-t!..ii. C.iiilrfi.-ttil J.iii.l., t'l. lie Pains, ptinit in ll.e ftuleia llaek, I1i-m.1hI.1ip, T H'lliii.-hp, Sihuiii., !A..i4 'I'l.ront, Cats, linos. . llurits, uittl all .htcatpi. ..f the tlou MuiH'li'i uml tlie O liimls. Nxiie pcnuii.t. wilituul tlie tig-li.-llure of I'RATT A lll Tcllva iillu.-Lt-.l to ru.-ll l'rllM-tuil oirn-ir, Ctsi Wuihiiigl.iii fctrrtt, U...okiyn, New Vmk. a, .id i r Altitrt V. l'tslic,, .Market tlriei, Saabury, s4$ This is to ceitify, that I have made but one application of the Magic Oil on uiy linpers, which have been drawn from contruc- i tiou of tbe cords, broueht nn bv rheiimntisin. from tho attack cf the Mormous is a heavy , )t w,18 0f seventeen months standing, aud I one, it in no form prejudices tho military i now entirely cured. 1 cheerfully recomnieud portico of tlie expedition, which is considered it to all afllicted likewise. by tho War Department safe from soy attack ,T. M. FIN BROOK, as it can maintain itself against all enemies, acd will not suffer for subsistence. Harrisburg, 72 Locust street. July 25, 157. ly. i.,r i iic i. ..iiip.f :in';v r ( tory. Al cieut uu.l Modern, ol ticW-!.'; ' v M. l I iii..i!ii. Ii, tlv r l';.!i-V.) 13! il-. :. .- bound in il .l'i Kilt. nn. I i'luma'e.l wi'li -'-; hrauiil'nl r: f,iMv;.:; si .l ard M in--.s. Pru Lt. .:-.l oi.'.t t v lu ol whom i M fciul di t.i.-l will t-e uivcn. it:'. slate wa.u . ou;iin-s ;!n-y ,e:'d ltK ti rBu-. The b.irk i in-iv reaiK. Ciq-ie "ill I.f ci-t l-y mail. I'St o ud. ,.n r.-. 1 1 .t o' .he t iu-c. Ui!!s . all f.i'vrtil t'aii',,'4 t.iki o at par. Tl.e Juurual." sfof this wori : "No f.nni ever '.oiol.i ! without it." Fwf In', pa in if, ...d to aa ai;e. v. aiUircut, i;i-.i,i.t;i'. . i: l.l.l i 'T i ' ii 1 t ifc-l i.-r ami llm l. -eo- J.'... 171 W i ' i-. -ii Mnft. New Y ii 111. ) "f I' -."' I'l .l l. !- ' 4 ' i , r n . ' .i ! i. it n 1 . ! I i! tvli i'- ict.Ui. n- Hor.ks. M.its, tvr i, iler tol,. il ! i. Novfin'. er 'ii, ' A V i -:.i 'i'i)W IHC aubscril.fts P.tfco'. iettre DftK. ilet-'d, Iu1 i.l t-.i-ii EX LCI TV ship, Nortliiimrt'it ptihlic sale on t'.ie mii'.' . it tlio Ifllh day of Pecemhct. i-exi. t!." ' ' ' said fieo. Perk. ilei-M . co:' ii: : -1 Oil Humbed Acre c. whe It -l remainder well ii..:-'i.i .' - - roIlkialofal.ll''.-!: i.e.' ' ' . - ' numrer of Trent Tre't 'lie .:. . e passrs through the . remises, ami nii.mi.-. an eellnil wnlpr potv'. Tin- bvcatinlt is penr thp Coal Henion, six fni'.es fium .Hininokin and .v from J'tevorlon. . Tfrma and rnndilicn wol ! e to.-i.'f In own cr, 111 it i f lo tv tin tio.lerMj' MICH AI.I. Hi;i!b' UI.O Kr.UHTK'lTt-'.W, K.x'm. Camrren Iwp.. Nov. 14. -u. U KTOTICF. rl'HE Rooks of ciihs.-riplion t ) Siork of lb -- HiiiMtiKi Hm;, will I opened si Wil liam Weaver's Hotel in the town of Niuiiiokin, on Moucay, the Slithdat ol ' Mttveniber, IK.'W. w r wrnii.Mi'io., tbferetary t.i Cntt!iuist:oiierg. Slmaiokin, Nov. T, IS'.7. rarvnrUi;i nsl Tri.nporlalloiit l'ram I'hiladtlphia and Tnvoiton. Ml'.r.CH AN'I S um.' husii.ess men ol 'I'revor lon and vicinity, can hue their Merchan dise and other Go.U abipprd llironijli Itoiu I'hiludiilphia lu Ticcutuii slid Port Trrvorton, and all intermediate fliiton the jline, by fend ing to lb Central Ipot Rous of KiitED, WARD & F X K K 1). N'- Matket St., abut Eighth ftrr -l, riiilad'lphia. Cooda catefully attended ta and promptly de livered. FfiKFP, WARD k FREED, Agpnta. 1 ' '" ' ' ''ir
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers