fm IN nwon Josvnal ferwrtba. boaudxito noxnTD At sixteen, with a Tilinut heart, The task 1 did conitnene", "To teach young ldoa bow to snoo Tbe germs of common sods Ah. yes I mighty tsk i that. Hut very soon 1 foul That it eras not simple on To go "bonding Tumid." Th timet were different then from flow, Th folks were diflurcol too) Tbe "master's path with honor bright Quit thickly tbcy did strew f And questious gravt, and problem! Deed, That did their brains coufouod. They always would be sure to keep Till he came "boarding round." Fathers would talk of politics, Or church affairs propose, And if my views were not like theirs, A warm dispute aroeo. And some old "posers," sly and wise, Did oftentimes propound Questions that sorely puzzled me, 'When 1 went "boarding round." Tbe mothers tslked of rude young girls, Of sermons, books, and boys ; Hut always tried their best to add Vnto my earthly joja For, did 1 cutch Hie slightest cold, Or bourse my voice should sound, 1 got a dose of catnip tea (!) U ben 1 went boarding round." Tbe girla would talk or everything Of parties, rides and calls , Of presents and the bolliiinys, Of beaux and Chrislmns bulls; Eome grave, some gay uud mischievous (These last I wish were drowned l'ur sticking pins into my bed,) When J cauio "boarding round." Long winter cTjmogs then where passed With laughing, jesting joy ( Nor did good apples, cider, outs, Tbe least that tun destroy; Or, if a einging-school were near, We'd go, aud i'il be bound I've otlen sung till I was hoarse, When 1 was "boarding round." The dinner-basket, ovcry noon, My willing hand d.d greet, And scarcely ever failed to briog Me something good to eat ; Mince pies were full of raisins then, l)onghnuts were large and round ; ' Alas! Buck cukes 1 have not had Since 1 quit "boarding round." Bat now those pleasant days ore gone, Life's sunny spring time's past ; ' The toys 1 tHught have, oue by oue, Into the world been cast ; My locks are growing thin and gray, I'll soon bo under gruund ; Then I'll forgot, and not till then, About the "hourdiug round." It was foriviorlv tbe custom in almost all parts of tho country, for the teacher of a district school to get a part of bis pay by "board i n ir round-," that is, by boarding in each family successively for a period of time proportioned tot lie number ot children lucre m, that attended the school. L-LULL-BJ JrjwnflrMtSs A Vrnv 1'clti.iak Dish. When our party (iisia uud seated tnemsclvos at tuecentre tubl my nttention was altructed by a covered dish something unusual at a Chinese meal. On a certain signal the cover wus removed ; urd presently the face of the table was covered with juvenilis rrHli which made their cxo.lus from tin! t'.iili with ull possible rapidity. The ciablets had been thrown in a plate cf vine gar just as the company eat down such an immersion making them mora btisk and lively than usuul. Hut the sprightly sport of the infant crabs wns soon checked, by each gnest seizing which he could, dushiug' it between his teeth uud swallowing the whole without coremony. Determined to do ns the Chinese did, I tried this novelty also with one with two. 1 sncceeded Gliding the shell soft and geluutiuous for they were tiny creatures, not mora than & day or two old. Cut I was com pelled to give in to tbe third which bad re solved to tuko vengeance and guve uiy lower lip a nip so sharp and so severe as to make tne relinquish my hold aud likewise desist from any further experiuieut of this nature. Life in CVitriu. M ,in rut vs. Unmarried. "You've no wile I bcleive,'' said Air. Lflauk to bis neigh bor. "So, sir," was tie reply, "I never was mar tied." "Ah," said II r. Blank, "yoo are happy dog." A short time after, Mr. Iilsnk iu addres- niarriud man, said "You have a wife sir?" "Yes, sir, a wife and three thilnren." "Indeed," said Mr. lilank, "yoo are a hap py man." "Why, Mr. Dlunk," said one tho company, "youi remarks to tbe unuuirried and married seem to conflict somewhat 1" "Not at ull not at all sir. There is a dif ference ia statument. l'lcase be tnero obser ving, sir. 1 said the man who bad no wife was a'huppy dog;' uud the man who had a wife a 'happy man ;' DOthing conQiclinp;, sir, nothing at ull. 1 know vthut 1 suy sir I" BrtBGEOx's Al'dif.s'ce on Fast Day. The Londou Morning Start-peaking of the Itev 11 r. Spurgeon's services before au audience vt il.UUU persons on tho natural fast day far the events iu India says : When all over a loud clapping of hands testified the upprovul of the homers aud a few minutes afterwards groups of people were qukfling bottled stout within a fen feet of the pulpit. Kuting sud drinking on tho most ex tended scale were carried cn all over the es tablishment ; and many seemed to think that fasting wus notiucluded ia the ceremonies cf the day. There is nothing funnier in cockney Teres eular than JeanuV letter, according to the veracious historian Thackeray, when he is in doubt whic h to prefer of his twu ludy, loves, Mary lluun or llatigeliua. 11a writes: ' There they stood together, them two yo'ing women. 1 don't know which is the nnsoin.'tt, I eonldn't elp comparing them j baud 1 couldn't elp comparing rnyse f to a certain Hanuimle I've I'onnd it diflicuU to make a choice betwigBt 2 liundlcs ef A. CAREri;i,WiFK.Diiii'tC'barles,go to Rc. ton with thnt hole iu tha elbow of your shirt. IJosbaud Why not, my duurt Careful Wife Because if tbe cars should run olf the truck aoj you should get hilled, people would think tne a very negligent wife. Husband, button ing op bis overcoat. Ahem 1 jus, I dare say they would. It way teem strange, Ut it is a f .ct, that rceu generally are much more afiaid of wo men, than women are of men ; and fearing "to break the ice" is s fruitful cause of old baobvlonsm. How's This? Ther is suid to Le M'ow in this city who is babitaally so sleepy that bis cariosity cannot be awakened, buch is not tU case witb bis wife, however. A Mag Is west .roper'y said to ha "rlj fT tMh.r j," wbsa he (t lit?! Tvi'crw A CALL TO FABKEBSf , Fanneri, . itrop your Tool, Faust m HtiU, Read this ami ReflecX I THIS FARMER'S PROMOTION BOOK. A nsw and'MenUfie Manor Ins Pyaurn, for Ihs Cultiva tion nf all kind nl li ranis, emu, fr inkier alia I imam, cmekiaittr Roll Proved by aetnal F.snerimenie il kml amSmA Intlki I IlMieeecl lO linntllVe Aiiiculore In all ill btaiMbM) represented by upward of one humlrcilaii fifty engravings t.f Ilia mart velua Ut Oraase and t'laDta jiuki1 wllh th. sysler.. Hy Ir. C. O. ItEIMIOLU, BOALSBFRO, CENTRE CO., TA. N this Irentise It will be itni thnt tha object ha been t give Ihe Farmer that hind of information which enable him to rrwke practical application tn fertilise hia land end Increase his urnin, f.KMer, and paHama. The doeirineaae taught by Ihia maiiurin, and foililer sod pae lnr culti vntinti syetem aienuional, cleat and evident, and upfrrst an improvement In Ihe mode of sgnculture hither- m imbmiu'itliiniir fitriiiere. and which. If ail'inled and -arefully piactlced. cnnwil fail to advance the Interests of the larmins; cnmintlnltv. rncn n vriua nam ueen mucp wanted, ai it fills a void which tma Ion. U-ni Ml, bat which there hoe hitherto been no attempt to supply , and former! of Centre ami lluntiiilrtoa count lea. we recom mend tha work to every farmer, a wo fully believe that tbcy will renp the greatest poaailila bencnt I reus u rfiniel Moer, Philip Moyer, Chriiiinu Unle, Jacob Aloyer, George Boat, Henry Moyer, Jacob Mower, Hiimuel Uillilsnd, John Unilev, Ueoree Jrk, Samuel Duncan, John tlnrmnn, Jons. McWilliams, George Hnchanaa, Oeorge Gnyei, Jr. Vram ia Ainondar, John rnrper, John Neff, Seu'r. John Hnsson, John llofler. Scimuc. '.Vilann, Christina II offer, r...... v Moolr. Jotenh Hiiker rSr The iib ive work it fm ante by Rev. J 0. McKF.R DAN, .Milton, Ninthnmberlanil county, Pa. Price Si" Augnat I, Iini.. 3mo mum a iF-RiirBs ESTABLISHMENT tN THE CITY OF BALTIMORE H T ATIIIOT'S C.ny Sir. et M arernome Pint t!3 ItL and 2. Norlh Gay aireet, near Favette, llnlrimore where ia kept nhmva on hnnrl. or mnrte to order, ever' atjleof French TKTE-A-TKT138, In Pluah, Hair, Clotl or iTiicnM- e. French Full StnlT hud Medallion Parlot Ann Clmira. in Pluah. Ilnir. Cloth or llrocnlelle. Freocii Fu!l StufTCRived Pnrlor Chain in aett, with t'Juin, nan, ciotn or iirocaieue. s or as Half French Purine; Mnhocnny and Walnat Torlor C)i:iira. in Ilnir. Cloth ami Plinth. RiHkinc CI air vanoui deiinna. in Hair, Clotli and Pluih. StulvPTiiiir luneeii a laree assortment olwaxa en hand, or an) i.attern inaaeur covered wun any gixda to uruer. CHAMBnn SUITS.' In'Mnhognny or Ylllmlt, complete, from up. Cnne ( liaira uiul Hockintf d". the hirticst assortment ready mnile in nny one house in the United ytutes from tit! a d istcii up. liar KiMini, Oii-e and Dininff Chairs, in Oak. Walnut or Mahogany, wilh Cane, Vond or dtuilii 9euts un asaortment einlaacNig ovcrAedozru. tt oinI sc:it t,:iuirs and :?etleca mid Itivking Cbaira. over Kill doz.'n. tiilt uiul I'liiin Frame Lookinf-nbwes.of every variety. All kimls of iletl, Iluir and Uusk MuttinsHcs A. MATHIOT. Not. 21 and S' N. Gny at , near Fayette at., Baltimore. August I, wr'. ly HUSSEY. 'S AMERICAN REAPER, FOR C ITTISG BOTH GRAIN AND GRASS, -f- RE AT improvements for 18f7 1 his Ma " chine was put in succstfnl operation in 1 833 and continued to lie Ihe only iceuping and Mow. ing Machine in the World, of any practical value up to 1845 twelve years after its introduction. Oiher Jieapers are now oilercd with glowing ad' vertisenients, Certificates, Diplomas, Gold ami Silver Medals, &c. out the farmer in scorch of the best Reaper, ami not posted in the matter. had better tee a little further. II there u any value in 24 years experience in building Keniirs, and using them tn the har vest field, and in the improvumvntH made during that long period, OBED H I'SSEY, the Fulher of Reapers, can claim it. All who arc satisfied wun tne u em cuier oiia ji oner, ann be sup plied by sending their orders earlv in the season, as the crops indicate a large demand, and we cun not have over .!U0 Ready for the vast harvest of l$o7. We guarantee that this Reaper and Mower can not he beaten on fuir trial hv anv other Reaper that may be brought into the harvest fields in !8S7. and we also insure it to be the strongest and most durable machine in uee. We would respectfully invile Tanners to examine ihe machine thoroughly before pureluiiing, and satisfy themselves of its superiority over all others. During the Inst 'our years, the subscribers have sold between SOO and GdO of these Machines, to the hrataud most successful Farmers in Montour, Union and the neighboring counties, (whose names are too numerous to insert) to whom we respectfully refer. The subscribers have '.he exclusive light the billowing couulics: M ontour, Liiion, Suyde, .Northumberland, Columbia, Luzerne, Terry MiflUn, Centre, Clinton and Lycoming. All orders thankfully received and promptly attend ed to. CEDDES, MARSli & CO., LewUburg, Union cour.ty, Pa. July 11, 18.i7. "HERRING' -- - THE ACK.NOWI.KDGKD 1;.'i?i:'4. THIS RI-XKNT TUIA1.S at l'jn.' h Hiailiim have eiiiloiuiil Hie curieiit mm ,T-'"JI III' l.lll.l.l! in tin lull, in ut cimiiHi iin'il K. , H t'c,":i' tri-, prnvitiff c inclusively ''' V 1 '"l ''"' V' is llieusjl) b.VKi, mi J.xiraol IH'in the Conitnutet'i itep.irt iii (lie Tnul ut' Jruu bute 'On tlic iJCih of FeUruur oil llic momlien of the Com n.itlifi niti tit itiicnti lite tsili- iiixt IfMiku nml ixiuctk ired in tlit-ui) and were pcrtVctly -t Ihut ull u'sia nnlil. Tiic tl.iy ."iiIImwuij:. tbe iM-nimp t Kk pliu-e. under Ihe fcUiKTinicudriKe n! I'oniMiUlcr. Al'M tt l.iir uud iiii;;iri,;il tiiniitff (tr itr liniiin. th Sd'ti of AJrniia. Lvitnt, V itM'ii was U f sit m(h-hoiI, the S ii'sj In'it.g uti tire tiiHiie. itnij trie nmietite. partially cutisv.ined, wtiiic the cm tt'iii n iu tho tsiie rf MruNri. -itrrtl V' ilcrnng weio tn yrm ciniuiiH'U, utKi no nre msiue." Utnilini;, MuicU'J, i 11. r.FKlslX. ) 1. t:oi.KMA. Co A. 11. rKACOCK. oinmuiee. Ami "nl.rsftl l.r ovrr l Hie mn Utatiiiitr 1 iie Rlxvviirf ran Ite itiftpiT.ftl ut HI Walnut Sheet, U here Ihr iu.iii- run Kitrfly lii.'iiisvivs "1 Hi fife it niitte ri'Tity fit ttit "llt?rim i I'meitl rimuii'ton," vr lh ilvfcuittl aiil iikctl up l,iuiilf ifi-n D.H'i tiilumutlci." ranclH & Blcn lii, Si Wahutt., Philada. Only iiiakfft in th1 Plate of Herring rttcnl Ctimipiott 'i'iii titiempt iiitle by oilier panira to Kilpier itp )( rpuifit i n ol b itte winch fiiileO si)riiiiMv )t er'i do it Uil tit ' iu l'lii!.iit-!hiu v (lt;nit'ciMt l'lcK,) li lukmc ime out uf hii I'CMt l more, (I A. Unit,) Miiitle d ' lliipVn"SM. (ctrttTftit frm ilfhsT ihvy Ffil) ( biifn tip tif H'Trim'n (tm!i m thn W) lun met rilh its tiue re. uitril. Htrriiisf'K S;tt sNtii ti t Iwhiiinr. i rnviii r-nirlu' t rivelv tli;il (lit? stt1 v rrliuhk SnuV h,v iiiti' ii"iltrrin'i M' uti irli overlSMXl ure-tMnv In nrtttJil and inoi' than ytfO tmve I fen tri.'d dv liie withunl a ingle Unvt. HIhIh . Jin; 90. IV 1v. STORE. S LOUISA fell ISSI.ER, respectfully in. forms the citizens of 'J'revorton and sur rounding county, that she has opened a new stura of Millinery aud Fancy Goods, at Trevor- ton in Mviinolun street, nearly opposite Knoiise s Tavern, wbeie nil kinds of Bonnets and Fancy Gox'.s can I s had at the lowest terms. l)res making also attended to in the best manner and latest stle. Apiil 2S. 1 S7. tf NEWS roil TUB MILLION J TJTIMKKSONS I'niU'd ritstes Msguiine, 8a JflJi lurdaj Evening Fot. N. Y. Picayune. Magistrate, Nick Nas and Yankee Notions for sale by II. Y. FKII.IMi. N. B Persons living at distance can have a list of pticss forwarded ly addressing as above. Magazines, Taper aud Book Hot en hand, eonstantly ordered. ( wi,nVmy, J, 1, liT - M ED. S". 13 111 GUT &. SON, StTNEtm-sr, NORTHtlMBEIlLAND OOTTNTY, OPA.., HAVE JUST BBCEIVBO A LAKtslfi SUPPLY OK Dry tioot1, Iteatly mndc l lollilnff, ISools nil hoes, llard- nare, troceriesi, aitis, Amont our present Stork mar be found French Lawns, Derrgea, Ucbegcs, Challl, Black Silks, Alpaeca, Ginghams, Hhm Mull, 'J'arlton, Cambtia. Nain sook, Urillianta, Dimity, Hook Muslin, Uclnnrtt sonars, fwii J-lotincing, Inserting, iacca, mii bona, Hosiery, and a general asaortmenl of r AINi Embracing tbe most beautiful styles, all qualities and Oil Cloths and Carpets. Bummer Goods for gents all kinds of building material. Carpenters tools of lion, Cutlery, Phoe I Hidings, Lasts, a e. Former effort! BiirpnNscd In tn addition to Our former Store Room, we have whirh you will 6nd well stocked with Heady Made durabilitr and cheapness. We shall continue to assortment at all times complete, another Inducement NEWOOODS AT LOW PRICKS We return our thanks to the public for their liberal patronage, and respectfully invite a inspec tion of our Goods, as ws deem it a pleasure to wait COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN I EXCHANGE. -, q - q q q q q q ,.q q . q q q q : Bar Iron, SteeL Nail, Picks, Ornb Hoos, Mason Hammers, Mill Saws, Window Sa3h. Grindstones, Glass, faints, uus, itsn, bait, 8unhury, May 3, 1857. if New Goods for the Feopla ! BENJAMIN HEFFNEIt RESPECTFULLY Informs thepuklicin gen cral that he has just received and opened a splendid stock of SrRINO AND SUMMER GOODS at hia New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSOi Callcocn, Gingham:, I.auus, Moiismclltic lie lvalues and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Groceries, Also an assortment of Hardware, Irost ' and Steel, Nails, &e. Also an excellent assortment of QUEEN SWAPtE, of various styles and patterns. Ats) an assortment of HOOT At SHOTS. HATS k CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, isc. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold si Ihe lowest prices. Li" Country produce taken in exchange a the highest prices. Lower Augusta, June fi, 1857. Wall Paper & Window Shades. A. ISAACS, Nu. IC3 North Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. HAVING completed of the above Goods f their large assortment for Spring and Summer Trsdet would respectfully invite the Htlention of Purchasers to the same. Their stock for beauty, cheapness and variety cannot be surpas sed. Thcv have constantly on hand every descrip tion of Gold nnd Painted Shades, Duff Hollands, and Shade Fixtures. Wall Papers, Cintnin, Fire Hoard Prints, Iiorders. &c, oil of which they offer at lower rates than can he ha I at any other establishment. Call am! examine. A. ISAACS. lf3 Norlh Second Street. March 7, 18.j7 Cm w 1O0O Ihs of Carpi t Kag Vtf ANTED at the store of E. Y. 15iie,ht tV v Son, who are constantly receiving a fresh supply of Goods, thus olTctiiig to the public the largest and most deairalile assortment. July It. 18f7. ISAAC 31. WILKERSON, MANUFACTURE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Solan, DUHiiRj unit Liiiik-s Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SI1F1, UKKAKKAXT AM) I1IMNG TAlll.tS and also VENETIAN LI.I.N'UiS, Cipjal to I'hi a- delphia manufacture. nEPSTEADS. of every pattern and price CUPBOARDS, WOKK AND CANDLK STANDS. TOILET TABLKS AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. '"PHE subscriber respectfully calls the attentiot -- of the public to his large and splendid as sortment uf every qunlity and price of c:n.i.T-v hi; which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to lie had in the city. No effort ia spared in the manufacture of his warn, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with tha many improvements which are constantly being made. He also manufacture all kind and qualities CIIAIUS, ncluding varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, such as Mavugskt, Black M'alsct AMI Cl'HLEll MaFLI llHECIlK ; AMD WlXllRnn CHAIRS, ivn fancy Puto Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled Ly none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall he no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can lie entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. These articles will he di-po5cd of on aa pood terms as they can lie purchased elsewhere. Loun try Produce tuken in pnvment for work. Vir' L'NDERTAKINO. Having pnuided a handsome llimsi:, he is now iirenared for Undertaking, and attending funeruls, in this vi. cinity, or at any convenient distauc from this place. ty The Ware Room is in Fawn sw Weaver's Hotel. I.-UAC M. WII.KKKSON. Sunbury, April l, 1H57 tf. BALD EAGLE HOTEL. Au. 234 w,d i6 X. Third St:, I'ltihididphia, JOHN CLYilSR, Proprietor. (Successor to Damil Uildlt.) rIIE I'roprielor returns his thanks for the - libertl patronage bestowed on Ill's well known house, and respectfully asks a continu ance of I lie sitiue, assuring bis many fiiends nf Northumberland ami adjoining counties, llml no pains sluill be spared to render comfort and plea sure tn all olio ru t v give bim a call. TERlrtSl.ttO I'CIt DAY. l'hiladclphia, July til), I8"7. 3m SMITH'S Isencc of JuiiiuU ii (.luor. THIS article is carerully picnrcd from the lirst Jmntiicii tiitiser. all the vulunlile uimliciiial rorH.ies of wl.i'-li It is wnrruiilcd to pnaarss iu a concentrated aitd cuuve. nieiit form. It is tin t'Xccllsnt reniMviu r1yscpsia, flliilcucf.. cho. lie and itnrntireil ami feeble state of Ilia itis.-atlve fuue. tioiis. From its rel'iesliius arienptli uuil conliiil pioieriies us u cenlle stiinuUll ionic it is wdl ml iiH lo counter set llie .1. bililotii'C Ii flueni e of I lie eitreuie lieulsof sum lieT, tlia eflecls of stniiteii dilutes, Me. Nofninily stioukl lie willut it, us its tim -lruss will save tlietu from auniy an serious attncl, uf liliirss. Pi ice US eeuis per bottle. For sule by JuueHO, IBo7 till 11 JATCHDI'LV, JOCKEIf CLUB. .SPRING 4 FLOW ER8, Ac, of the best quality ; a ireati supply just received Drug Hore of i'unliurv. Aug. I, 1657 and for sale at the A. W. I'ISIIER. fJOUMTV ORDERS. County order taken aa cash for goods, snd on note or book ac count by B. V. BRIGHT k OS. TUB i(tit-t.ajsvure vc, Poplins. Pancf Pilks. Plaid Dural. Tlaauea, UUUUS iHAVTaS,- prices. Domestic Goods, Windsor Shade. wear of every variety. Hardware embracing the bast manufacture, riles of every descrtp' , Quantity nnd Quality . futed ur the second atiry of our estahlishment Clothing;, U jout a4 Shoes combining beaut receive Goods emi-Monthly, lime rendering our tn all who wish to purchase. - on all who tnsy favor us with a call. unetse, meat, &o always on band. E. Y. URIGHT & BON. SALAMANDER EIRE AJIB THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The largest assortment in Hie Kuited States. Warranted to be eqnal to any now made, and will be sold on as Good jTerins, as can be obtain ed from any other house in the I'nnntrv, at EVANS V WATSON'S 26 South th Street, Philadelphia. Troth is Mighty, and Must Prevail. Report of the Committee appointed to supcrin- j tend the Hunting of the Ti en Safes, at Read ing, Itbruary it, 13o i. RsnTuxo, March 4. The undersigned, members of the committee, do respectfully report, that we saw the two Safes originally agreed upon by Farrels 5c Herring and Evans & Watson, placed side by side in a fur nace, viz: The Safe inuse by the Paymaster fit the Philadelphia nd Rending Rutlroad Compa ny, in hia n.'lic at Re.iding, manufactured by Farrels & Herring, and the Halo in we hv H. A. Lantz, in his store, manufactured by Evans & Watson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. Thejfire was started at 8J o'clock, A. M.,nd kept up until four cords of green hickory, two corns dry on K and null cliesuut top wood were entirely consumed. Ihe whole under the superin tendence ol'ihc subscribers, members of the Com mittee. The Safes were thru cooled eff with water, after which they were opened, and the hooks and papers taken out by the Committco and frnl to 11. A. Lant.'n store for public exam ined and marked by the Committee. The books and papers taken from '.he Sale manufactured nv Farrels dr Herring were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than thoso taken from Evans & Watson's Safe. We believe the above to have been a fair and impartial trial of ihe respective qualities of both Safta. JACOn ILDYSIIET. DANIEL S. HUNTER. Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide with the above statement of th? condition ol the papers and books taken out of the respective Sales. G. A. NICOLT.R. H. H. .MU.'II.LNIIERG, JAMES MILHOLLANU. March 51, 157. X 1" W A It K fv A L () 1' FALL AND WINTER GOODS! IraT. Cloment ATf). 1. CORKER OF MARKE'I SQUARE STTZNTIBTTIFlT, Jf 0 Xs just received a lares sunnlv of Fall and il S Winter O'onds. Ha will continue to sell Pry (mods and Oro- cenes dtcj.vir.ii man ever, ss Ins gooils are bougbt cheap they will be acid cheap. lie leels continent with bis experience and ability, tlmt he can compete with the World at large and Sunlvuy in particular. He would enumerate articles if liiac and space would permit. It is enough to aay that he has cvervthinrr in the line of Dry Goods, Groceries, A large Slock nf lleudy-Made CLOTHING, ROOTS AKI) SHOES, .J r., j-e., that is kept in any oilier siore in town, and His Innner is on the lireeZe. And Ions; imv it wav O'er land of tliefree, Anil thu uimie of tlie brave While her Stnrsand her Blrinsa ?hine out like Ihe Sun, Tellint; ail nutiona Thnt FreeiIom'l)fgTin. Tlii is a fice country as was proved hy ilia election of Bucbnimn over the . Wouly Horae. therefore It is tn'e for all to do their trading where they cun BUY he CHEAPEST. Air are to cull and see. T1JK COUXTUV, as well ni the lown are respectfully invited, and every person, rich or poor, hijih or ImV, bond or Iree are invited to cull at ISo. 1 Markket Square, opposite the Court House. P. IS He is not to be undersold by any man or combination of men. No charge for showing goods. All kinds of produce taken in ei change for goods. Sunbury, Pec. 50, I HS6. BROADWAY FAMILY GROCERY! Flour, Feed and Provision toro. iii nlway lelutc Blackberry Strett. LEVI SEASIIOLTZ, O EsPECTFL'LLY inform ihe citirens of Munbury aiiil vicinity that he has removed lo the Ktore lately occupied by C. tiehringer in liroadway lu'ur the Rail Road, aud is receiving a choice supply of coi. siting in part nf Hams, Shoulders, Mackerel, Herntiu, Whits Fish, ('nil Fnh, Salt I'reseivfd Kru I, P:ckles, Cruckers, Cheese, Molasses, Rite., Coll'ce. (ureen, roasted and ground,) Im perial. Young II) ou, (iuupowder and llhick Teas, Cedur-ware, Mono-wure, Soaps, brushes plow and wash line, boots and shoes, tobaceo, segsrs, &c., together with every article usu illv liiuii i in a fimt cIhss lirocrry .Store, ull uf which will be sold at tha lowest prices, either for cash or country produce. He has also prepured to sup ply the citizen with freih bread, twist, rolls, pies, pretzels and rakes of every kind. N. 1). The highest cash prices will be p.iid for butter and eggs, corn, oals. rye and wheat. ruiiliury, April II, 1857. P. MELANCHTON SIIINDEL, Jl'STII i; OF TIIK PEACE, SXJ0Nri3T7RY, PA. Ojjict in Veer Street, iininelin'.ly opjosite the Fuhlic School House. All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary wruiiiga done, Sunbury, April 5. 1B5V if pORTand MADERIA WINES, Schiedam Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry and Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes at March 14. '57. A. V. FISH Kit. til GAB CUKEV HAM. A lot fust received and Tor aale by. LEVI HgAfrHOLTZ. LARGEST STOCK EVEU QTTJtRXV IN BUNHURT. - FONlilonuble, Cheap nnd frTcOil rpnR suhserloerifrTig cstsMishea as OaMriet and Chair Manufacturer tn Ponhory, thank, ful for past favors, solicits a onrtnoenee ef the public patronage. Hie stock of Cabinet-Were, Choirs, d s-i embrace BVrnT TARIETT. CISErCL AltTJ OstMA ., KiBNTAL in housekeeplne. It Is nnnesosaart to ename- rate, as anything that may be required in hie line can he had at moderate price. Cheap for Cash, or Ceuntry rroduce'taken ia exebenge. Establishment . South Jiutt Corner of Market Square. ry Thsne knowing themselves intlehted to the subscriber would oblige bim ky snaking pay ment. SEDASTIAN IIAUPT. Wunburr, April 4, 1SB7. tf Guano! Guano! I Guano!! t ' ALL KINDS. LEINAU-S riIO?PIIATB OF LIMB. 7000 TONS. , Cf FARMERS! For yonrwhiwt crops, use I.F.IVAU'9 Soper Phosphate of l.ime, si Si CIS , a Hi. or SIO a Toil) or lis I.Kt NAU'S AMKRICAN KKHTIl.l.r:it.atM,50a bill, or tV a ton. One band of cither is sufficient for sn Acrs of Whent. TIIKOE ARF. PEftMANENT MANURES, made of relinlile Chemical Elements, and have been successful use for th past Six Yenrs, improving tine soil ami incrcnsnicf the value of the land Four Uiplomns from the Suite Agricultural Soci-ty of Pcnnsylvnnin ; New Jersry ; Dnhiwure and the Crvstid Pnliice Amncintion of ihe City of New York, have been receive!! foi these vmnniiie eertinzera rntnphlcts in the Knfflish aud German Language eaa bs had by applii-ntion at the tlrtice. A 1 1 hern I discount to Wholcanla Pollers. Thenhovo Fertilisers, delivered FHliH of Cartage to any wharf iu the old l'r.ipr. Orders sent by Mull nccnmpaiued with Cssh or Drafts, ill ue promptly Miippen to miy pnrtoi me vorin. OKORGK A. i.HNAU.rroprietsr. No. 10 Smith Front Street, Philadelphia City, July a".. Ir,7. tm w l'eans)'lvanis. Saddle nd tlarness Maker. HENBY IIjA.TJI'T, JR. Successor to A. J. Stroh, RESPECTFULLY informs the .. rifivpna nf ftmihnrv arid Ibn nnh. ' "5"''C Rcnerally, that he has taken ajC15a'2x the estahlishtneat lately occttiiied A. J Stroh ard is prepared to turn cut work in is line of business equal to any made in this, section of the country. Orders promptly execu ted and all kinds nf produce taken in Exchange Sunbury. May 9, 1 57. ly 3D ZC JN," TI ST3i"Ttr GEORGE 11ENN, NNOUNCKSlo thecilirens ofPunbury and victnty, tlmt he tins opened an olfice in &un luiry, above 11. .1. Wulvcrtoii's oflice opposite C. Weaver's Hole), where ha is prepared la attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession, iu the l itest and most improved style. All work well dm.e and warranted. December 13, 1856. R. -DECOU & CO. Clothiers, N. 14! Ckp5tkvt St.. aboti Fqvwth, pNlLADELPtlM, Keep conllantty on hand t fplcndiJ aflbrtnicol of Ready-made Clothing. Goow made to Ordbr akj Wajiiiaiite TO FIT, Nov. SO. y Citrate of Magnesia OK TASTELESS 8ALT8. '"MILS preparation is recommended aa an ei cellent laxative and purgative. It operates mildly. i entirely free from any unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared nnd sold by A. W. Man bit. ' Sunbury. March 14, 18.r6. DiXRIl lmportir and Wholesale Dealer in SALT. 2M Smilli Wharves, Philadelphia. -C.t.-k ASH TON I'ine, Liverpool Ground, Jcv Turks Island and Dairy Salt, con l.HVstuutly 011 hand and for sale in lot to suit the trade. April 4, 1S57 Gm NEW CONFECTIONABY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARIIA11T, tj AS just received new and excellent assnrt ment of go-ids at hia Confcctiunary and Fruit SHor in MARKET STREET, Sunburv, where he manufactures and keep on hand, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, 4c, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among his stock ef Conleclionaries, maybe found : French SVcrets, Oam Props, sll kimls of scent, Purneil Almonds, live Drnt.s, rreuro While, Mini limps, red snd white, Lemon JYIIy ttikee, Hose, Fiuitllips, Vanilla, fuck t'suiitcs, el aR scent Common Secret. Knck Cnnrly, Liquorice, Almond Candy, FRUIT. ItTspne, I'nmee, D'Oea. Fies, Ciirrniits di iecf , Cltrnns, Aliimmls, naisnns, Nut ef sll triads LEMON SYRUP tf a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Scgara and Tobacco, and a variety of Conlectionnries, fruit, Ac, all of which is olloied cheap at wholesale or retail. ICE CR.B-A.lVt. He has also opened an 'ce Cream Saleon, and will nt all times be ready to serve bis customers with loo (.'renin. Sunbury,. May 21, 1857. ly NEW supply nf Urugs, Paints. Oils, Fluid, &c, just received and for sale by A. W. FISHER. Punhury, May S, 1857. r . , I ANB WARRANTS. The bighlrst p;ire will be given for Land Warrants' by the sub eribai " H. I) MASKER. JATENT BR1TTANIA STOPPERS fo bar noitics lor aale by H. B MASKER. RonhnrT. July II. I5. nnnVN'8 and Rrainie's Essence 0 Ginger " and Husband's Magnesia at March M. "57. FISHER'S. Iishing Tackle. Red Corl - ton ami Linen LUes, Out Li ork. Grass, Cot. ines, 8c a Crssi by the yard, Snoods, Flies, Kirhy, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, Rods, 4c, for sale bv March 4I.';T7. A. W. FINHER. f tobacco and Segars- 20,000 Imported A Hegnrs of varioua brands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'. Bunbury, March 14. 18.17. joii . iii:ai:d, ATTORNEY A.T LAW, Office in Maclet st., opposite the Court House, EVNBTJRT, FA. Collections mad and Professional Duslnea generally attended te Promptly end Carefully. PsiLtniiraiA Rsriacacai Bullitt d Fairlhorne, Diehl ir Worts, Davi dt Birney, F. Ttlss & Oe. Sruneu'T, June 1 rST. THE eoWrfher respectfully In'orms the 1rV tens of Panbury and the piibll generally, ' 1 J. tbatnehas eommeneed the manuiaetawe at au kinds e ' BAKTHKNWAIIB, . . at bit msnnrsctory in Wkrt1sberry (itreet, one square east or the Kiver. lie aas engaged ine services or Mr. mar. anil yea ran mereiora dtend oa baling a good article. The public are respectfully invited 10 sail. All orders from dislenee will ke promptly attended te. ' P.M.SIimDEL. Bunbury, reh.1, 1858. tf JOIIW II. AL.LEIV Ac CO. N'os. I snd 4 Chestnut Htrset, (south side, selsw Wster,) (Twa OLBiat Wooa-waai Hovii is taa Citt.) M ANUFACTURErtR and Wholesnla dealers In Tatsnt Machine mads BROOMS. Patent Grooved Csitar- Ware, warranted not to shrink, wood and Willow-Wara Cords, Brushes, As ,of U Sasoriptisas. Fkmss aS sni ssnmtns our rocs. Fsbruary ad, 1807 ly w VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. rpHE subscribers, Execntors of tha estate o JL Henry M asset, dee'd., offer at private aale tbe following property vili A large two atory frame dwelling house, together with abeut 60 ACRES OF LAND, Situate In Lower Aogaeta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John R. Kaufman as a slur and dwelling. The house is new and the location good one for business. Also a TRACT or LIMESTONK LAND, In said township en the river about 6 miles be low Suti'iu, Y.sdioinin land of J. I. MTherann and others, containing, about SO acres. The soil ia productive and contain limestone and other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing about 35 acres on the hill, hhout two miles below Sunbury, adjoining lands of the heiis of the late John Conrad and others. There is, on thi tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particular apply te the subscribers, H.B..MASSKU, J P. B. MASHER, Kxecaters. FRANCIS BUCHER. Sunbury, January 19, 1856. tf 3STEW ARRANGEMENT 1 Freth Arrival of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, ic, l7 SI HE undersigned Laving taken the store for JL merly kept by William A. llrunor, is now ready lo nil order, and prescription, at. mo- J,; ft, ,7 -mints notice. He has a large and well selected t ;iU .. .,1 'f , ' .. stock of fresh and pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Dra-atuuY Oil, Paints, Class, I'uttv, sad aH kinds of Patent Medicines. FKI'IT AND CONfECTIONART Tobaceo and Imported Segars of the choicest brands. Kuncv Notions' toilet articles, nnd Per fumery of all kinds. Tooth and IJair Brushes of every variety. Camphine and Fluid n'wnys wt im4. Customers will find his stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible her ta enu merate, and all sold at moderate prices. Remember the place, neit door le E. T. Bright' Mutual ola. Store. A. Vf. riSHEtt. BunWy, March 14. IBS7. MOUNT CARMEL IIOUSR, ,M0NT CAEKEL, Northumberland Cwmty, I'enmylrania. fBtHIS large and commodious Hotel i silua- J led nearW half way between Sunbury and Pottsville. The scenery the salubrity of tha atmosphere and the eoul mountain breezes, make it one of the most delightful summer retreats in the ceuntry. The Hotel, is a new structure, foar stories high, filled up with all Ihe modern con veniences. The pure mountain wa'.er is intro duced into every chamber. The place is easy of access, bring but one and a halt hours ride from Sunbury. over the Phi'sdelphia and Pun bury Rail Road. From Pottsvilie, it is IT miles. Every attendance will lie paid by the prey rio ter to make guests comfortable- Charges tr, ope rate. JKfSE RICE. Mt. Carmel, May 54, 1 S.tfi. if B- NEWLAND Sz CO Looking Ulasees, Picture Frames, Cnjrarlag and PalntliiRS, 5o. ItS Arch Street, above Sink, (Late of 2 18 Norlh Second St.) PHILADELPHIA. Guttata nrm vail to risiToas. Merchant and others visiting Jh City who may want anything in our line will do well to give us a call. February 28, 137. s 1C. ATI S3!. CHEAP WATCH AND J KVYELRY STORE A'e 7J North Secnnd Str'tt, (eppenxt th irlount Vtruon House.) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, IS 1C, ea ses, $28 ; Silver Lever do,, do., $13; 8il vcr Lepine, do., !JS: Quarticr. $5 to $7 : Gold Spectacles, $4 50 to $ 10 ; Silver do., I 10 ; silver Table Spoon per sett, $11 to $19 Silver Desert do., do., $9 to ?1 1 j Silver Tesde.. do., $ 75 to $7 SO; (iolj Pens and Cold Ca ses, $3 So to $5 ; Gold Pens and Silver do.. $1; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All good warranted to be a represented. Watches and Jewelry, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma sonic Murks, Pins, Ac, made to order. N. 13. All order sent by mail er otherwise, will he punctually attended to. Phila., Oct. , 1806. lyw. FZILIP H. PTJP.DT. ' wnmisiLa AXn'nsTAit Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store) S. E. cor. HVnuf and ''ater Streets, nirLA DELPHI A, DEALERS and families will he promptly supplied at the lowest pricte. October 4. 1 856. tf BR0I)HEAD&RbEERTSi f AV. 13S, X. 3d Street, ' PHIL ADE I.PHIA, INVITS the attention of country merchaata and others, to their stock of BOOTS &c SHOES, which theywill dispose ef ou the most reason able terms. Nov.9 18iS- ly ' WttOLtSltS AID RtTllL BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S.t, aboil Chesnnt, Fhil'a. OOTH, Shoes, Gaiter, Ac., promptly mad to order in the very best style, and of tke best material. Philadelphia, May I, I8S7 Leather I Leather ! Leather I HENRY W. OVCIIMAN, of French Calf Skins and rensr.1 Leatkei dealer, No. S South Third street, rnilaaelpnia. A geueial assoitoieiit of all inula of Leather Jderosjns, le,e. KeJ and Oak Sole Leather. Fehruar- , kA7. Ir w PAPERS & MAGAZINES. fpiIE New York Ledger, Parlor Casket, Flag JL of our I'nion, Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, llallou'e Pictorial, National Police O'aietie, Weekly Novell!!, Waverly Magaiiu, and Harper'e Weekly Journal of Civilisaiiun- Also, Hsrper'e Magaiine, Goday' Ladv'a Book and Putnam' Magaiine, just rcivdand for sal by 11. V. I K1LLN G. 6uuburrJu!y 11, 1137. ALMONDS, RAISONS. FIGS, LEMONS, ie,, Ac., just received a fresh supply and for sal at the Confectionary (tore of M.Oi OEARH aBT. iT - rom the "VI 4 rem" M ia "V 11. ZIMMEItMAN cVJKO. ' FUIt8Et successor te Kase. ReeJ aV So- wU cos.- tlttue mining, ablpnlns; and eeBms; ' frorn he shove Wort known Colllanr. sjndor ' rm of Zimmerman ek Pnrsel. The point of ipmesol ie at tha lower wharf in Banbury, North w'e land eounty.I'a., where all order for the vai.W Hinds or coal, via i Luanp, Brokea, Kgg, s-lov-an: Cheslaut Coat, will be UiaakfuHy rfrvJ ana promptly aiiaouea 10. uufcury, Jly K, ISIS, Schivbt, Jest I, IstJsk The Arm ef Kase. Reed o ' Co. havh. j aoM their lease In the Gap Colliery a Interest in the wharf at Bunbury, to Messrs. Zimmerman ot Pursct, would take great pleasure In recommend lag our customers and others tn the nsw firm, a they will be able to sell there prepared ooal ef the best quality, KASB.'KF.ED ek CO. HAYDOCK & FIDDLER, TGALER9 in Watchee ana Jewelry,' wUl - eontinu the business at the eld etansl of Jame B. Fidler, Ar. 12 Sou Second Strut. PHILADELPHIA, Where they solicit an examination of their large and varied stock, feeling assured that the ns. rience both of them have had in the business, and the facilities they posses for procuring goods on the most advantageous terms, will eaa ble them to compete favorably with any olhar establishment in the city. They hav new ei band a fin assortment ef WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, riiiver, riated and Brrtlania Ware, Catlary Fancy Geods, 4c., &c. ' N. B. Repairing of Watches and all kiss's of Jewelry attended te with romptnes and lb greatest care. Phila., April T. 1855. tf. WHITE HORSE HOTEL. rOTTSVIM.E, PA. rTWEsnbscrilier respectfully annnnne te bsw - old friend and the public, that he ha takaw that old and well known establishment, the White ;Horse Hotel. At the earner of Centre and Muhantoga a , hi th Borough of Potlsville. The house has re cently been very much enlarged and ethsrwiso improved, reudering it quit aa comfortable s any other Hotel in 6'chuylkill county wbil lh. .1.11... t.rm I . : 1 . kouse, be promises every attention calculated ta render then coBalortakl and satisfies". . . JOU. V.. KKGXK. April t, lit'.- tf HENRY DOffNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAT7". Oics oppotite the Court House, Sonbury, Kortnnmberlajid Cenaty ?a, Prempt alleyiion to business in adjniaiajr Cennliei. HOTEL, or-POWTE WFT BRANCH BAXK, WILLIAMGPORT, FA VTHXIIJI II. HAV, riOHl,t'r. C. A. Stsis. yfssistsnt. N. B. An dmnibus will rai ta sad fraso V Depot snd Tstket Landings, ta ski Metal, h ef charge. ffeplember !J, 1 ftftrt. tf BANYILLE HOTEL. 4"ohn deen, crn.. Market Street, Danville, Fa, fl"H!S is one of the largest and most J. rlious betels in the interior of IVrna) It a aue it has been recently fitted up, in cicelies') mat to, wi'.h all the modern conveniences. f:invilld. ctept. 52, 1H56. Cheap Watches fjJewelr- Y&rHOLEBALE and Retail, at th "Pkilade. 1 phia Watch and Jewelry Store," N. it 9flcor.d Street, corner of QuarrTi M l.sver Watches, mil jeweled. Dtnril rns. SO W BiM I ep:ns ISK. S -21.00 r ine rilver lr,ri2iM 1 se B:'vei I.ep. full jevreM, S'J Si ver l.e"r, full jtI S H gnjmior IJvarneis, 7 Geld fseruii'les. t.Ki Oold Ilrsci ;, ee ! die' Uold P iriMla. 1.ISI Hilver Tea spwua, set, S.J Gold Pens, vr.ik feoeU sua Silver Iloider, l.B Geld Finger Rings, 37J cents to $80 ; Wat, Glasses, plain, 12Jents; Patsnt, 18$; Lnnet, J5; other articles in projiortion. All gonda war ranted U be what thcv are sold for. BTACFFER & HARLKY, On hand, some Gold aud Silver Lever and Lepines, still lower than the abuv ruees. ct. 4, g.ri. ly. A RNOLD'fl iv and I 'H WRITING FLl Ill ar.i Aibe I legal envelopes, for sale by H. B. MASHKX. Wnnborr. Jan II, 1 t5n. GEORGE SC'HALL & CO MAItrACTl RKR r BLA8TIHO POWDEIt, Ai. Carmel, XorthumlerUnd Cowity, P. May 10, 1 ftftfi. . 1JLANK Parchment Paper Poet! and bl - Moitgaee, Bonds, Executions, ftntarai salt one Ac, fer salob H. B. MASIA MAS8IK. Sunbqry Aprl US, Igsa STOVES' VOR SALE an excellent second hand Ceek' ing Stov. also several Cylinder Cssl Stoves. Enquire) at this oflice. ATI OLD PENS with and without cases, f a very superior quality, jnst received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for eefe hy H. U. MAS8KX. Sunhory. Pe. 27. 1R58- GOSUEN CHKEKE. Jast received and or l by LEVI SEASHOLTZ April II. Ii7. CII.VE.H WATCHES. A few double case. " English 8ilver Watche, for sale at very lew pncea by Sunbury, H. B MASSEK. April It. Ift.'.A.: AMERICAN HOUSE, WILLI AM SrOIiT, TA.. ' J. II. UEI.TO.V, l'roprlefor Jas. T. LI all, Ass't. Sept. 13, 1856. tf WI'T.T. (M ..... j . . . r ... SJI.11C ui.iir, ull. lor leisure, two u t; , 3 V J and 8-J cent -just received by A. W. FISSHEK, Mrth 1487. stationery. A Urg supply of fancy Note Paier and Envelopes, Mounting, Letter, and Cap Paper, Pens, Ink, Sand, Ac, at Mvch 14, '67. A. W. FWiER'S. pORT MONAIES, Teolh and Hair Brush. -- all qaalitiea, and any quanti V, for sale by A. W. FISHER. Marsh 14, 'ST. A SlIA.VrV FOll 8.1 LB. milE subscriber offers for sal his SHANTY, A Couk-Slovs, 4c, on the Rail-Road below 1 revorton Bridge. Apply toon to H. B. MASSKR. Bunbury, April 3 157. FOR SALE. O00J eoed-hand Buggy, eflic. Apply at thi FOR RENT. F11HE Ptor Koom In Market strMt, ooonpiej X by P. W. Gray and the dwelling bone id. Joining. Apply to to realtor of it. M faeeseed, Jicuar- IT !gM.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers