egtslalibe Ifcfos. PBSrUYLVANM LEUISLATURK. pedal Tht Relief Bill Patted and Signed by the Governor. FINAL ADJOURNMENT. IIiRMRBCRa, October IS, 1837. BmtATK. The Senate) met t 10 o'clock this morning. Mr. Stranb Introduced a bill to authorize the member! and officers of tbe Legislature to tote in Harrisborg Tor State officer. Mr. Browtn read the clause in tbe State Constitution requiring a ten daya' previous residence in a district to entitle a citizen to tote. ' This settled tbe question, and tbe bill was laid oter. The Senate then adjonrned till balf past 11 o'clock. The Senate met at 12 o'ctock, and after unme delay tbe Relief" bill, as passed by the Home, was presented. Having been vari ously amended, Mr. Jordan moved tbo ap pointment of a Committeo of Conference to meet a similar Committee of Conference to meet a similar Committee from tho House. Tbe motion prevailed, end Messrs. Jordan, Ingram, Coffey, Wilkins and Souther, were appointed as the Committee. The Sen ite then adjourned to met t again at 3 o'clock I M. ArTRtiKOOM Session. The Senate took ro s4ies from time to time, during the after noon, till ail o'clock, when the Committee of Conference reported that a bill bad been screed upon by the Committees of the two Houses The Report was read, and on motion it was adopted; yeas 18, nays, 13. On motion tbe Senate tben adjourned till hair past seven o'clock. Kvbnimo Sbs-most The Senate met at half past seven o'clock, when a resolution was Adopted to adjourn sine die at ten o'clock to- oipht. Tbe Committee of Accounts reported tie accounts of members and officers, which wero adopted, and the Senate took a recess till nine o'clock. Tho Senate mot at nine o'clock, aud adop ted ' -resolutions returning thanks to the Speaker and other officers. A mesf a;re from the Governor was received elating that he bud signed tho bill to provide for the resumption of epecio payments, and several other bills, and that ho hud no further communications to make. On motion the Senate adjourned sine dio at ten o'clock, 1'. M. Housr. Mr. Mserbead moved to recon sider the Bank Relief Dill which was defeated yesterday. Tha motion prevailed by tho following rote : Yc4N Messrs. Anderson. Angnstine, Dab rock, IVickiM, fieck, Benson, Bishop, Browne, Calhoun, Campbell, Cleaver, Crawford, Dock Knt, Ej'Nter, Foster, Uubhony, Hamilton, Heins, Ueistand, llilltgas, Hine, Hodman of Lebanon ; Housekeeper, I mbrio, Innes, Ja cobs, Kauffman, Kerr, Lnngaker, Manear, Moorhead, Mumtr.a, Pearson, Penrose, Tu tors, Puwnell. Itamsoy, of Philadelphia ; Ramsey, of York ; Reamer, Reed, Show, Ktoan. Stevenson, Struthers, Thorn. Tolun, Vanvoorhis. Voeghlly. Wagnnsullur. Warner Wiiliston, Wintrode, Witherow aud Wright Nays Messrs. Arthur, Bower, Brandt, irly. Fuiisold, Gildea, Damil, Hancock, Hu.Tinan. Hill, of Berks; Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Knight. Lebo, Leisenring, Lovett, .Mcllvain, Nichols, Nuneinacher, Roberts, Hupp. Smith, of Ccntrd" : Smith, af Luzerne; Vail Vickers, Walter. Westbrook, Wharton, Yearsley, Ziuimerman, aud Getz, Speaker 32. Mr. Heins culled the previous question, which was negatived by the following vote: Yeas 41. nays SO. Mr. Huffman moved to extend tho time of suspension to February, 1958. Negatived yeas 40, nays 48. Mr. Stevenson moved to go into Commit tee of the whole, to extend the time to the third Monday of next July, which prevailed by tho following vote yeas 4(5, nays 42. The Committee rose uud reported progress and the question recurring on the adoption of the report, it was defeuted, tbe vote standing yeas 43, n.iys 46. Mr. 1 m brio moved a proviso suspending tho law prohibiting smut! notes, which was lost : The question recurring on tbefiuul passage f.f the bill, tha vote stood us follows yeas M, nays 36. The'bill as passed was sent to tbo Senate for concurrence. It Gxcd the third Monday of April for the resumption of specie pay ment. The House then took op and passed the hill for tho mechaoics and operatives of cer tain companies. Adjourned, to wait tho action of the Sen ate, until 3 o'clock, P. M. Aftersoox Sbssiox. The House met at 3 o'clock, and insisted upon tbe amendments. Committee of Conference was thereupon or dered, and tho Speaker appointed Messrs. Lnngaker. Bishop, Ueistand, Zimmerman, and Anderson, to confer with the Committee appointed by the Senate. The House then adjourned to meet at five o'clock, but the committee not being prepar ed to report, a recess till 6 o'clock was tukeu A.t that time tho Conference Committee re ported the bill with amendments, iuclading two uew sections. The bill was read and tbe vote stood yeas 5.r. nays 36. Ybas Messrs. Anderson, Augustine Bab cock, B ickus. Bull, Beck, Benson, Bishop, llrown, Campbell, Cleaver, Crawford, Dock, Kyster, Foster, Gibbony, Hamilton, Heins, Ueistand, llillegas. Mine, Hsffman, of Leba non ; Housekeeper, Imbrie, Innes, Jacobs, Johnson. Kauffmac Kerr, Longaker, Manear, Moorhead, Mumma Pearson, Penrose, Pe ters, Pownull, Ramsey, of Philadelphia; V, 1 1 UU Cl. CfA(.Ancn lteanier, iecu, oimw, mcuu, .j ic . t uouu Struthers. Thorn., Tulun, Vanvoorhis Voeght. Ip, Warner, WilliBton, Wintrode, Witherow, Wrirrht. and Zimmerman 55 Nats Messrs, Arthur, Bower, Brandt, Calhoun, Carty, Ent, Kausold, Gildea. Ham el, Hancock, Harper, Hill, Hoffman, of Berks Jenkins, Jehns, Knight, Lebo, Leisenring, Lovett. McCalmont. Mclivain, miciiois.ini. chulinn. Xunnemacher. Roberts, Rupp, Smith of Centre ; Smith, of Luzerne, j Vail, Vick era. Waironseller. Wolters, WeBtbrook, Wharton. Rearseloy, and Getz, Speaker 36. Tha House then adjourned, to meet at 8 o'clock this eveuiug. The Relief Bill as passed by both Houses, is substantially tho same as reported by tbo Senate Committee, and which originally pas sed that body, with tbe addition of four sec tions, and the substanco of which are os fol lows : Section 4 authorizes tbe collection or taxes tolls, 4c., and the County Treasurers' to re reive for State purposes, the notes of solvent ilunks, though not specie paying. Section 9 reserves tbe right of tbe Legisla ture to alter, revoke or annul the charter of any Bank accepting tbe provisions of this act whenever In their opinion the same may prove injurious to tba citizens of tbe Com monwealth. Section 10 prohibits Banks and Saving In stitutions troin purchasing the notes of other incorporated Banks at less than par. Section 11 prohibits tba sala of stocks, bonds, promissory notes and otber securities that bava been hypothecated, from being sold for a period of six months, without the coo- tent of tho debtor be in if first obtained Tha timt affixed for the resumption is the second Monday of April, tbe same as it pas ed the senate. The House, wkile awaitioj tteitionof the Governor, passed tbe joint resolution for a flnat adjournment at ten o clock. A. committee of three was appointed to wait on tbe Governor and Inform blm that the House was ready to adjourn. Messrs. Vanvoorhis, Ioibrto, and Mcllvain, were pla ced on tbe committee. A resolution of tbanks to the Speaker, was proposed oy Air. 1 Horn, and passed. Mr. Ball made a handsome farewell speech In which be highly complimented tbe Speak er, and a tote of thanks was adopted, receiv. ing 97 votes. The following bills bava been siened bv the Governor t The act for the protection of laborers and others connected with certain companies I act to extend the time to construct the Pitts burgh and Erie Railroad, and the act lea-all sing tho suspension of specie payments by ins uanKS. A resolution returning thanks to Jacob Zeigler, Chief Clerk of tbe House, and Assis tants Small and Picking, was adopted. ine uouse tiieo adjourned witbout a day. Tub Niagara and tiis Aoamkmno.v. The London Times in commenting upon the recent triul of speed between the U. (j. steam frigate Niagara and 11. U. M. steamer Agamemnon which has been very generally noticed says : ibo Niagara can steam faster, throw heavier metal and at a greater distance than tbe Aganmemnon and if moored off a large town in an nndisturbed position would do great damage, without receiviug injury if no opposing ships were near but at seu with the chances of fogs and mists the recurrence of night, and the possible derangement of her machinery it is questionable whether she would bo ublo to maintain such a long ranee as would secure her advantages over such a ship as the Agamemnon. "The superior range of the guns of the Niagara would pot avail much against so small a mark as a ship for at a distance tho drop of a parabola would be so greut that the chances of hitting must be small os evidenced at Subustopol, were very few comparatively, of tbe Russian gunj bit our ships although they frequently doged within range. At closer quartets the frigate would be placed at a disadvantage she carries only six guns on each side worked ou a flush deck where men are not so well protected from falling riggiug aim spars as wiien covered wuti a deck. The broadside of tba Agamemnon con sists of 54 guns, those on tho lower deck being 64 pounders and there is no doubt tuat one concentrated discharge would tell most effect ively. Six ships of the class of tbe Niagara have been constructed and it is not probable that their unmber will be increased." THE NOBLEST AMBITION It bus been well remarked by an American poet, that no gift, however beuutiful no suc cess however brilliant, should be placed above the eklil aud talents which can releive a sin gle pang, and the self-devotion which lus litem at the feet of the humblest fellow crru turo." Judged by this rule Professor Holla way, of whom the world bus heard so much during tho laBt twenty years occupies a high position. His !i:'e seems to!iue te n devo ted to the alleviation of auilering and his de sire to benefit his fellow creatures eppeaars to have been seconded by an em out of natur al tuleut and acquired skill seldom combined iu ono ludividuul. 1 lie pructicil result of this combination has been tbe production or two remedies whowu throughout the world as llolloway s rills and Ointment, which if any value cuu be uttacbed to human testimony, have lefr all devices of science far behind iu the great work of releiving pain, streutheu- ing ttie constitution and pioIoiilmiil' lile. In bilious disorders especially, tho Pi Is have been wouderfully eflicuc.ous for that reason they urea tno.-t important medicie in the'eouutry where billious fever, and ull the varieties ot liver compiuint ore bulortunately so common. He learn Irom persons subject to bilious attacks in the Spring and Full, who liave resorted to these 1 ills us a preventive. that they havo never failed to savet'iem fum such periodical affections wb lo no have a'so toe strongest possible testimony in their la vur froai individuals who have taken them in the worst stages of liver disease. Long be fore we had bad an opportunity to judge of their value from yume testimony thd medical journals aud the duily press of Europe bad relerreu to them in terms ol praise, it gives us pleasure to say that our o.o experience confirms anil verities the statements derived from foreign scources Not being conversant with tho philosophy of medical cieuce, we cannot enter into u learned eipositi.m of the moduli operandi of llolloway 's Pills iu bilious cases, but shall rest content with saving, under the influence ol the remedy tho skin and the whites of the eyes soon lose theiryel- loro tinge, tae pain in the right side disappears the appetite turns the di.-gestioa improve-, and the physiciul strenth of tbe invalid is re stored. Professor llolloway, wbo bus made physology and pathology bis study for a quarter of a century, bus given sciontitlic whys and wherefores for their curative etlVcts ; we simply state that they lultil the promises ol tho inventor, a fact that has never ques tioned, we beleive, by those who have giv en them a loir trial. X. V. Nat. Vol. Gazette. New Advertisements. ISTEW STORE. ELIAS EMERICII, m ESPECTFCLLY informs the eititehs of Ea of Lower Augusta township aud the pub lie generally, that be has purchased the Store lately kept by Isaac Martz, in Lower Augunta township near Dmerieh's Tavern, and has just opeucd a splendid stock ol Fall and Winter WOODS- Hit stork consists of Cloths, Cassimeres, Cssii nettsef all kinds, linen, cotton and Worsted. Also, Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, Moutaeline De I. aines and all kinds of Ladies Dresa Goods. CKUCElilES, Hardware, Qutensware of va rious stylet and attterus. Also, an assortment of Ready-Made Clothing of all deacriptient, Boult and Shoe. 7ata aud Cms. S4I.T FISH. 5tc. and a variety of other articles such at are suitable to tbe trade, all of which will be told at tbe lowest prices. J Country produce taken in exchange at toe uighetl market prices. Lower Augusta twp., October 10, 1857. tf. PROCLAMATION- rvOrlCb it hereby given that the several Courts of Common Pleat, General Quarter Seuiona of the peace, and Oprhant' Court. Court of Oyer and 1 erniiner and ucneral Jail Delivery in and lor the county or Northumberland, te commence at the Court He use, in the borough ol Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the 2d day of NOVEMBER next, and will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner, Justices of the Peace and eonita- blet in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their proper per tout, with their rolls, record, inquisition!, am other remembrancet, to do those tilings to their several oflires appertaining to ba done. And al witnetset prosecuting '.n behalf of the Common) wealth against any pritoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper person! to prosecute against him, at shall be just and not to depart without leave al their peril. Jurort are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my band at Sunbury, tbe 1st day of October in the year ol our Lord ona Iboutan eicht hundred and Gfty-teven and the Inde peadtnee of tba United States ef America tbe 2d. God save the Commonwealth. HENRY VTE18E, Sheriff Sheriff s Office, sunbury, ( Sept. 10, t5T. . LIST OF JURORS. For Northumberland County, for the No' tember Term, A. D. 1857. GRAND JURORS. 1 Gee Baker, Milton, 3 Samoel Dader, Chilisqnaqne, 3 Daniel Baslian. Lower Aognita, 4 John Eckman, Upper Aoguita, 6 Silas S. Faraow, shamokin, 6 Samuel Klar, Jordan, 7 Jacob Evert, Upper Angnsts, - 8 Henry K. Marts, Shamokin, 9 Henry Kline, Upper Augusta, 10 John Wync, Lower Augusta, 11 Isaao Reiser, Zerbe, 12 Daniel Reits, Washingnnn, 13 Wesley Clark, Lower A agosta, 14 Samuel Zittler, Northumberland, 15 Peter Reigler, Turbut, 16 Geo. Hensyl, Lower Mabanoy, 17 John Arnold, Sunbury, 18 Robert Ammerman, Coal, 19 Benjamin Trorel, Cbilisqusqne, 20 Samuel Rachner, Lower Mabanoy, 21 Samuel Folk, Upper Mabanoy, 22 David Shaffer, Delaware, 23 Jacob Rhimel, Mt. Caymel, 24 Thomas Gearinger, Milton. TRAVERSE JURORS. 1 Wm S Long, Mt. Carmel, 2 John T Mc Person, Lower Angnstn, 3 John Smlck, Lower Angusta. 4 Daniel Yost, Coal, 5 Goorge Bastion, Sr. Sunbury, 6 Daniel Kaufman, Lower Augusts, 7 George Kmerich, Lower Mabanoy, 8 Andrew Bucher Washington, 9 Georgo Apsley, Shomokin, 10 Machncl Lahr, Lower Mabanoy, 11 John Cornell, Lower Augusta, 12 Isaac Lilly, Delaware, 13 Ucorco Henn, fcunburv, 14 Samuel Malick, Washington, 15 Samuel S Follmcr. Turbut, 16 Christian Lister, Delaware, 17 Georco Seiler, Lower .-incusta. 18 John Reply Shamokin, 19 John W Mallick, Lower .4ngnsla, 20 Caleb Barrett, Lower Augusta, 21 Wm F Mendick, Chilisqnaqne, 22 Peter Weaver. Lewis, 23 lesse Hensyl, Shamokin, 24 Philip Mercer, Lower Mabanoy, 25 Win Smith Jr., Delaware, 26 Henry Rahn, Lower Augusta, 27 Charles Helfenstein, Coal, 28 John Bnillett, Delaware. 29 Joseph Shipe, Upper Augusts, 30 Daniel Brown, Milton, 31 Wm Bartholomew, Lower Angusta, 32 James Reed, Cbilisquaque, 33 Goorge Lahr, Jackson, 34 Joseph M. Hay, Northnmberlnnd, 35 Wm Blair, Cbilisquaque, 36 James Thomas, Mt. Carmel, 37 Thomas J Nesbit, Point, 33 Peter Klock, Lower Mabanoy. 39 John Snlken. Rush, 40 Peter Fertler Jr. Washington, 1 Daniel I ollmer. I urbut, 42 Samuel H Wnlliscr, Lewis. 3 Jacob M. Follmer, Turbut, 44 Wm Cunl. Point. 5 R. M Frick Milton, 6 Jacob Stilr.el, Delaware, i Christian I niroly. L pner .iiiRustrt, 48 Daniel Hollenbach, Lower Augusta, TETIT JURORS. 1 Joseph Frederick, Zerby, 2 Wm Strine, Milton, 3 Lphraim Zimmerman, Shamok.n, George Harrison, bunburv, 5 Daniel Arnold, Upper .lugusta. 6 A Kercber, Lewis, 7 Joseph Hoffa, Northumberland, 8 Robert Smith. Lower ucusta, 9 Israel Winner, Lower Mabanoy, 10 Peter Klork, Washington, 11 .-Ibraham Uowniter, Upper Mahanov, 2 Klias Emmerich. Lower .4iigust, 13 John M Smith, Del a want, 14 Solomin Truckemiller Jr. Delaware, 15 Isans R Shaffer, Cbilisquaque, 16 Samuol Eckman, Turbut, 17 Benjamin Boyer, Lower Mabanoy, 18 Joseph Haves Jr. Delaware, 19 Henry Wolf. Jordan, 20 Sebastian Iliupt, Sunbury. 21 Peter Borrest, Cbilisquaque, 22 Sanmel Shive, Lower Augusta, 23 Jacob Bloom, " 24 Nicolas Peifer. Lower Mabanoy, 5 James Smith, l oint, 26 John Bohner Shamokin, Jacob Seibert, Delaware. 23 Solomon Uieffe nderfer, Milton, 29 James Strenti, Chilitquaqne, 30 Thomas Slierner, Milton, 31 George Huoy, Lower -Iugusta, .12 Uideon lieum, Lewis, 33 Samuel Rossler. Upper Mabsnoy, .i4 samnal Holla, I urbut, 35 Frederick Fox, Lewis, 36 John UofTu, Turbut, LIST OF CAUSES. Iuu inai in tn t;ourt ol common neat of -A. Northumbarliiiiil Comitv. tn lift hnlil at Kiin. bury, on tbe first Monday of November : rLAiNTirrs. CBrKNDASTS. vs (i. Murri G. Leisenring I.. Machan vs Begins tt Donual. vt tame. m unit, vt same, vt H It Wood vt Jacob Hilhish, vt Juhn Bartholomew, vs Juhn Simpson vt J B Masser J. B.-Vruiih'sex'rt. same same Abottfor Justice Wm Heitzman, Abiaham Brner R. D Sax ton Wm K Marts Eckel Itaiguet eV Co vt 11 Matter's LVrt. John Bower it al vt.S J McCormick Philip Kaust vt Joseph Hogeudubler M M Sober vi F Mulchlcr tamo vt 1) Stewart and wire Raguel& Co vi Catharino Pollock. John Hess v H B Masser EIIelfenitein vt Jacob Gass C Varger v Wm Sheafler, Ira T. Clement vt Henry Vangaikin F. Fryer and wife vs P HuUbark et al Sarah Swenev, Adm'r., vt Samuel Teat John Fry vt Commissioners of Nnrthumb'd Co., 1 Inlip earvit vt tame Geo. Sholl & Co vs C. Smith Henry Latsha vs M. Kluck George Harner vi Mary Harnor. A. Kissingers, Ex r, vs John W Sismm Ira T. Clement iiAC Koyei, Helfenstein fo, Prothono- ,Ienry Wmw Nicholas Brocioua vs Catharine Brocioui Leib for Hammer vs Sun'iury Canal 4- Co. Samuel Savidgo vs John Smith Mowrey f eter, vs uell, Lewis Sc. Co. Henry Weise, vs Thos. Baumaardner, Jos. Trago, vs Northern Central It. R. Co. Mra Uerr vt Frymire and Mtout. Jehn Young ve John W. i'eale, Catharine 8troh, ve Chat Stroh, Ann M Seitx vs Henry Lshi Jacob Hiluuh vs John Weaver Henry Giant vt P. Montague'a adm'r Kriegbaum William vt Samuel John, Samuel John vt D. Gibton and wife, Franklin Potts ve Bovd. Roster & Co, JAMES BEARD, l'rotb'y. Prothonotary'i Office, ) Sunbury, Oct. 10, 1857. ( Miss A. ITI. TOllI.It, Successor to Mrs. M. Hill, Fashionable Straw and Fancy Milliner. No. 463 (old No. 331) North Second Street, be. low Noble, opposite lied Mon Hotel, rinlaO a XW Pattern Bonnets made to order. Milli nry in all its earious brambaa. A call reaped full solicited, October 3, '657. Swr3m llflhlng Tackle. Bed Cork, Or S. ton and 1.1 nen Liaee, Out Linet, Oratt, Cot- Sea Grata by tha yard, Snoodt, Flies, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, ttoat, eve., ior sale oj Msrck4U'1. A.W. FWHES. 8TAUFFEH efclfAItl'tWt CHEAP WATCHES AND JEWELRY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, tt the "Phlkutelplila Wnlrhn nf JewHtr t?l'r" Wo. -Ml (OM No. VS) North Second Street, Coiner of Quarry, Philadelphia. O-ld Lever Wmehes, full Jewelled, IS tans Caere, Mg,00 .tia Lpme, lw enref. Stiver I .ever, full jewelled, Silver Lenme. jewels, Superior Quertiert, 0iM Speeuelei, Pine Silver fin . at oo IS 00 e on T oo T no I so Sold Uracelete, 8 00 I.rny O1.I1I Pencils, I 00 Silver Tea Bnnoee, let, 4 OU Quid Pem, with Pencil and Silver holder, 1 00 Ooid Finser Ring S cte 10 PO Wsteh Glutei, piein 121 ctt , patent IS, La icl IS ! cither trtielet In proport'oa All goode warranted to be what they are kl for. 8TAI FFER HARI.IT. ' On hand tnm OolJ end Silver Levers and Lepinea Itil! lower than the ahnve prices " Philadelphia, l)ctohr 10, ISS8. lySAV NOTICE. In the Matter of the Settlement of the Estate of Felix I.erch, of ft. CArmel. JVOTICE Is hereby piven that Catharine A Lerch. widow of Felix Lerch deceased has made her selection of the personal prop, erty of said deceased, according to the Act of Assembly of I4th of April. 1857, which will be presented to Ibe Orphans Court for ap proval on Thursday, the 6tb day of Novem- oer nest. AMOS VASTINE, Admr's. October 3, 1857. Volunteer Candidate for Assembly. To the "I'otert of Xorthumlcrland County. A T Ihr- solicitation of many friends from dif- fercnt parts of the County, the undrrnianed hat conseated to benome an Independent Can diuate for ASSEMBLY at the ensuing oloctinu. Should he be elected, no elTort shall be tpnrrd upon hit part to perform the dutirs ot the office with fidelity, promptness and impartiality. V. V. WATSOX. October 3, '.857. S.UZVLL II. OIMVttJ, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on South Second, near Mitrket Street, I. E W 1 S B V R G , T A. Practices in the Counties of Union, Kortbum berland and Mi ntour. All l'norissinNAL Brsixsss entruntej to h:s rare will receive ptumt aud faithful attin lion. October 3, 1857. ly FLOUR 1 FLOUE1 FORSAI.H BY M. C. GEARIIART. Sunbury, Sept.2f!, 1PS7. 35ir;T?f'rVr.'fr3 By virtue ofn cerlniu writ of Lev. l a. -o me directed, will be exposed to public enli nt the Court Ilonsf. in Sunbury, on SATURDAY, tho 24th of October, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following property to wit : All that ct'ttain four story, with basement five stories, brick htiildinir. intended for a hotel, nies.'tiapp and tenement, situatn in the town of Shamokin, comity of Northumber land, IVnarylvnnin, 1,2 fed in front nid 52 feet in depth : bounded on the North bv the street or space on tho bank of the Shamokin creek ; on the South by Arch strt ; on thn by Muikft street on block No. 37. as designated end marked unon the penerul plan of said town of Shamokin, timl occupying parts of lots Nos. 1, 2, and 3 upon said block No. 37, and tho lots or pieces of pround and curtilage sppertunant to said building. Snizod, taken into execution, mid to be sold as the properly of Thos. Ilumjrardni'r, Joseph Long and Lavid Lonpneck. r, uud Joseph Lone, owucrs or reputed owners, aud Henry Philippe, contractor. 1IKXI1Y XT TASK, Sheriff. SberifTs Office, Suubury, ) Sept. 2(5, 1S57. j AUDITOIl'3 NOTICE. George Baldwin, " In the Court of Common vs. 1 Pleas of Notthumber- Ammrrman, Zuern &. ; lend county, Weilzel. J No. 47, Aug. T. 1H57. (Ex. Doc.) The undersigned Auditor appointed by the said Court to report the facts, and make distri bution of the fund arising from the tale of per tonal properly of the aliove named Ammerman 6c Weitzel. defendants to and among the par tics entitled to the same, will attend to tbe Juliet of hirt appointmentSt hU oliirc in Smilmry on Tuetfilay the 20th day uf October, 1857, at 0 o'clock iu the forenoon. U. J. WOLVERTON AuJitor. Sunbury, September UC, 1S67. 4t . rnooicun & xviAnsny uctioiiecrs AND COMMISSION MKRCHANTS, Xorth THira Slrect, 1 dear helow Vine, IlI!LADKIsPHrA. 201. CALKSnf Rji-ti ond fflici, Orr OiHult, Gnnt, ll;trt- k 7 Wi NINO varr, Watches, Fancy Oo !, te., KVtUV EVK- IS?" C-mntry Stoirketnicrs ami others will nlw.ivi flnd at our KveniiiK tjlee a Intg and deairnMe MMnrtuicut l the Ktxv( p' tU, ti he mtai in Jots in suit ltiyei. pfifktxl on the iircmie ior Coautry Trails. Si-pt.'jO. 16o7 C.3:n AQRICULTUEAL WAREHOUSE, Am. 2i and 23 Smith Sixth Street, near the Shite House, Philadelphia. - Trn flrvrs tif this npiiciuus huilJiiip, erertt expiSMl fur the rroprierurs' limit, are uirtl with Seeds aud im plementi of luieifft to KiirtusiKiaiid (-; tJcnera. SIXTY VKAHs Kl'ABLISiii;i). The S'.i'rti rihrrs ilcsiru to call tha ftitcntinti of every nn btterrtctl tit rarmitif ait (turd-innr, in tjmir well S(-fict-rA mUir.k t" At;riLMi!tinl Iiupleutciits and Machimry. Oitmt variety t( Ilorttculturnl Tu iIk, wurruiitti Gitrdeii Kud Ffc'wwi Seeds, (irBt snd Field Sotds cf the must re liable qujlity Tne Aaricuitunil Irnplemen's wtH hy us are mostly manufactured Ht our trum Wnrkn, BrtKiol, l'a. ilnviiig futcd up this euUibliathinf nt without rrurd to expentK, willi the nntiit complete iQ.ic-huif ry, fur the inan ul'urture of variui kinds of Aricuttuiul tnipteineuts, w ro now prepureti t supply nil urtirlf in thn line lulJy equal, if nm Biiprrior, tu any thing uf the kind ever befois ufl'ertM t tht tnhhr. I.ANDKKTiJS' WAIIRAXTKO GARDKN PEF.DS. Have barn before lh puhlic fr upward uf eixiy yenrs ; their wide-ijHeod ppuUrity( and th comtnutiy incrca. ing deinund frmn year to year, is the best evidence of their superiority over an mnvrs. fV" Country merrhanls ran be attpplied with seeds in itry i ulk, papers, or bulk, tn tticutnst liberal terms (ilfMn)nl;ilf. ntair iirmti'l. 1'n.. uurGiiiden Seed e rounds tontniim three hundred and ht-venry acres, and is the lar gest estabiislmieut o( its kind iu the world 11. I.AXIHK VH W, Nob SI and 33 South Hutti Blreet, Philadelphia. September ltis7. jr3a. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuanre of an order or the Orphans' Court ot .Northumberland county, will lie expoava to public tale on SATURDAY the 10th day of October next, on the premises, the following described real estate to wit ' A certain Tract ot LAND, situate in Lower Augusta townhip, adjoining lands of Joseph Gass and others. Containing 40 Acres more or lest, shout 8 acret of the taid land it meadow. Tbe improvement! are a weatherboard Dwelliag House, a log Uarn. an Orchard of g wd fruit and there it also a good Spring al the bouse. Tbe premises are in good repair and the land in a good ttate of cultivation. Late the estate of Hrnrv Hanabach.dec'd. Sale Incontinence at 10 o'clock A. M., of taid day when the terms of sale will ba made known by jui.1. n ULt, Adao r. By order of the csnrt, ) O. li. I'ursel, Clk. O.C. V Snubury, Sept. 19, 1807. 1 II. Y. FRILING. having obtained the agency for PKKEivS GIFT BOtIK Enterprite it now prepared to furnish any Book published at retail price wilh a gift worth from 25 ecu It to ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. Godfreyi Narrvlive of the Kana Expedition bound in cloth, price 1.00 (with Gift.) Bound in paper (ithut gift) AO cents. Dr. Livingstone's 18 years Explorations and Adventures in tbe Wilds of Africa, S5U, vo., pages. One hundred eplciidid Engraviuaa, bound In elolh with gold, prica $1.00 (wilh gift.) Paper edition 60 cents (without gift). Kept 19, I85T. 6t. SHERIFF SALES. - By Tlrtoa of a certain writ of Ten. Ex. Real to mo directed, will be exposed to public sala at tho Court tlooso, in Sunbnry, on SAT UK DAY, tha 17lh of October, at 10 o'clock, loiiowinjr property to wit t A certain lot of ground situate In the town oi enamokin, in Coal township, Nortbumber. land connty, and marked la the general plan of said town No. 827. Fronting nn Snnhnr and Commerce streets, and bounded by Dew. uiv airrev ou ine wesij and lot or Jobo 11. Uoadarmel on the east. Heing 200 feet deep and siiteen feet la width, whereon is erected a two story frama boose. Including tho tene ments, 16 by 24, with a brick kitihen li by on r.. Seized, taken into execution, and to be sold as tne property or illiam C. Kanoday. ALSO : At tbe sama time and plnce, by irtua of a certain writ of Lev. Fa. to me directed, will be exposed to public sale tha following propel ty to wit : All that certain mcssuatrs or tract of land. sitnute, lying end being in tha township of jjuntnure. county oi rsorinumherland. and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described by the following conrses. and distances betrin. lung at a chestnut oak, running North 62 degrees East 68 perches to a post ; thence North 53 degrees West 60 perches to a chesunt ; thence Sooth 5 degrees West 74 percnes lo a chesnnt oak to tho place of be ginnin", containing 12 acres, 152 porches and allowance. Seized, tuktn into cxecntion, and to be sold as mo property or i'eter ;row. H. WElsH, Sheriff. SbcriiTs Office, 1 M Sunbury, Sept. 13, 1857. J 3VIXJSIO 1 MUSIO 1 MR. O. KIMBALL, late f Klmira, having ......eMuuii vi -.uiiuury, respccuuiiy informs the citizens and others, that he intends to form a Singing Class, both secular and sacrrd and will impart instruction lo all who may desire to place thrinselvrs under his charge. N. li. Mrs. O. Kimball it prepared to give instructions to a few more pupils on tiie Piano Forte. Sunbury, September 19, 1657. tf FANCY FURS FOR LADIK.s! JOHN FARKIK A ft CO., (Ntw No.) PIS. No Market St. above K'jthl, Philudrlphm. Iiriporl. n, Manufacturers ami dcniera in l.nilici, (jenllt intn mid Chiklrrus Puncy Furs. Wh'ilcauir and Tteluil, J. V. Sc. Co., wouiil rail the attention uf Dcnlert anil the Plilihi- generally t.. their inunenae S.iwk uf Fancy Kuri for ljidiea (lentknicn and C- lUlren ; their aMorlnirnt einh area evtrv article and kind of Fancy Fur, that will be worn daring l!n tenaon audi as Full Canes. Unit" Ciih liunrter Cnpes, Tahnaa, Vii-tnrinea Bona, Muffs A Mud ilcca, fioin the hum Itua. Sinn fttible to the lowivt price DomeKtic Fma. For tirnllcmen the Inrirest ainirtir.rnt of Fur Oollnra, Olovra Ununtleia Ac, beinir the direct Iinpnrlrisnf allnur Furs anil Manufucturere of them under our own iupervi. emit wa feci aatiiifieil we roil ller better induceinrnla to dealers and the public gcuenilly than nuv olher house, linrniar iv"i!"irtnieiit to select from and at the Manufactur er pricce.--Wo only ask o cnllt ': JOHN" FAflFirtA & CO. N'iSlI Mikt Street aliove Kighlb, fbiiud'a. riitlid-lphu.Sept. 19, IbJT wtm. PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WO EES. No. 24G Arch St. bet. Second Third, (Opposite Breed Street, I'lillacielpliln. CJEIVES, Kiddies, Screens. Woven Wire of ail meshes and widths, with all kinJs cf plain and fancy wire work, ifeavy Twilled Wiro for fpark Catchers ; Oust, Sand and Gra velWcrerns; Paper Maker' Wire ; Cylei der and Untidy Rolls, covered in the best manner; Wire and Wire Fencing. Avery superior a-liclo of ravy Founders' Seivcs. 11 kinds of Iron Ore Wire Seivee. liYLISa, IMKBY cV LYNN. Philadelphia, Sept. 10, 1857. cum. SUNBURY STEAM FLOURING HILL rjpHE subscribers respectfully announce to the public, that their new Steam Flouring Mill in this place, has been completed, aud will go into operation on Monday tho 3il day of Au gust, ina. Having engaged a competent and .careful Miller, they trust they will be able, with all the modern improvement adopted in their mill, lo give entire satisfaction to all nho may favor them with thrir custom. SNYDER, KINEHART & HARRISON. Sunbury, August 29, IBS". tl roTicii. ftTOTICE i hereby giveu that spptication has " been made to Ibe Court of Common Pleas 0f Tjorthuinlwrland county, by tbe members of tbe German Reformed and Evangelical Lutheran Churches in I pper Mabonoy townt-hip, for a Charter of Incorporation under the name and title of the Trustees and Church Council el St. John's United German Reformed and Evangeli cal Lutheran Church, in Upper Mabonoy and that the same will be presented to Court for a hearing, the first Monday of November nest. JAMES BEAUU, Prolh'y. rrolbonotary'a Ollice. Sunbury, Bept. 19, 1857, tc . EXCELSOIR PBING BED. (Gould- Patent, September 2d 1856.) F OU which a diploma was awarded at the Eighth Exhibition of the Mass. Charitable Mechanic's Association. This is an entirely new application of spiral springs to beds, making a more comfortaole, neat er, and cheaper spring red than has been offered to the public, applicable to old as well as new bedsteads. The peculiar position af the springs clovatc the head slightly, saving the trouble of building up the bead with extra bolsters. 5The construction is to aitnple, and every part to exposed, that bugs have no hiding places, and the most inexperienced can take out each for washing, as thry are o ily fastened bv a button. The Springs used are made expressly for these beds on a Patent S.iirul Spring Machine. The utiblic need only see Ibis bed to appreciate it. The subscriber bat purchased tho right of manufacturing, and telling, in Northumberland county, and will furnish the article at reasonable rates. fjT gpringt put in old bedsteads for three dol lar! ISAAC M. WILKERSPN. Sunbury, Sept. 12, 1857. tf PLATFORM SCALES. OF every description, suitable for railroad, Ac. for wcigtiing Hay, Coal, Ore, and Merchandise cenerally. Purchaser run no risk every scale is guaranteed correct, and if afler trial, not found salisfartory can be lelurneJ with out charge. Factory at the Old Stand, established for more than twenty years corner ol Mtila ana Melon (Streets, i'biladolpbia. ABBOTT k CO. Successors to Ellicott & Abbott. Philadelphia, Sept. 6, 1857 eSai. STRAY HOUSE. CAME to the premises of the subscriber on Mondu. tbe "Ah of September, insr., a GRAY HORSE, about U or 14 yeareold. The owner it requested to come forward, prove pro perty, pay charges, and luke him away, otherwise ha will be disposed ol accoruing 10 law. A)1UUI, Rush Ip., Sept. 1. 1857. 2m IlXANIiS. Itl.AHSt YLANK Deedt, Mortgages, Bonds, Warrants -- Attachments, Commitments, eumrooni, Mu ixeiias, Exeeatiom, Justices' and Coi.tublet' Fee Bills, etc, die., can ba had by applying at this omce. PORTER'S ftpirit of tha Timet for tela by JI. V. FRILING. AugOtt 1, 18S7. fTLDER HVDE'iS Exposilioa or 4 ism. Price. 1 S5. for sals bv Mormon Hept. 19, 1857 31. Jjl. Y. FKILINC. Tha $10 and $15 Single and Sonlle inreaaea Empire Family Bowing machines. AN AGENCY for tha tale of these Sewing "x Machine can I secured on liberal terms for the County of Northumberland. No ona need apply without capital sufficient to conduct the business properly and who cannct bring refer ences as to reliability and capacity, A personal application will be necettary. The peculiar adaptation of these Machines for all purpoaet of family Sewing, will, where aver they are oflered for sala command ready and Unlimited demand. JOHNSON 6, GOOD LL, S. E. Corner or 6th and Arch 81., Philadel'a. Aegust 19, 1857 tf Benjamin Chandler landler ) Ns. 40. Ausust Term. vs. V 1857. Atienat Vth. 1R.17. Bucher, Ayres, et at. ) On motion of William M. Rockefel'er, Esq., attorney for plaintiffs rule on the above defend enls lo appear ard plead by the first day of next term to the abave action of ejectment fur all that certain tract or piece of land, situate In Shamokin (now partly in Coal and partly in Zerbe town ships.) in the county of Northumberland, con taining two hundred and seventy three acres, more or less, adjoining lands in the name of Wm. Wilson, Peter Mowrcr, Michael Kroll, Frederick Kramer and others. Surveyed on a warrant granted to Mathias Zimmerman. P. cur. Extracted from record and certified September 3d, 1857. JOHN 8. BEARD, Deputy Proth'ry. Prothonotary'i Office Sunbury, Sept. 4, 18C7. EARLE'S GALLERIES OF PAINTINGS, No. 816 Chcsnut Street, opposite the Qirard House, PHILADELPHIA. "H" OOKING'Glass Warerooms'and Ib-posito-MiofArt. Engravings, Paintings, Portrait and Picture Frames, in every variety, of Ibe lata originals and European Patteras. Pier Tables, Consols, Brackets and Cornices. The most ex tensive and eleffsnt aaaiirlmenl nf T.nnlrintr rzUa- ses, of substantial workmanship, aud at Auction price. Gold Medal awarded bv tha Maryland tute, 18!S6. Highest Premium awarded by the Franklin Institute 1855. JAMES S.EilRLE. September 19, 1856 e3m3 FEVER AND AGUE! QUININE SUBSTITUTE OR NERVE TONIC. . .... nnown remcny niseoveren nv my late part ner IJoctor C. J. Lents, is a sure euie for the alxive ibsor eer, Sick-Hradnche, and all other Nervnns affections. It contain no Quinine, Arsenic, or other injurinu insrradi euta. It strengthens the avstem. eivea lone tn is. ltd ia tn'm-Mii,tioB mi.A tt.. .r.....j with weakness in nnv part of the avstem. It ia especially recommended to femnics trouhled with Falling of the V omll. Une bottle is siirT;.ienl In mo. na.n. u.t....H .u. Dirertire.imr f.ilhnvod. CeitiGcata can Ite fiiri,i.hil fr.,n. II purls of the Union. SolJ hv the Dnio- Jl h.ilerale Druejist, and 3ule, I'roprietor 191 Maidau Lnne, New York. ork, Sept 19, 1SS7, v3m V'-.' . F.'"'' ". II ciinr.. no ,. .,! i,d 5.1; ""lit'y, n II mora nuil, Ba.u or W, sag omta ... Mu.a du.uM. sea worlMrx ta ualin ' 7. i . "una in on inisitiblo, Blamls. .uiud n.ui i uro.M. of .1 i n.. PadUM intr..i..i Ik .1.. i,.:i . . "... iy inM fUl.nii.rit, hit s i llllnwiOXMHat,,,! ' lo Jlr.,tion Tr II. snd in all ..... a tailsro , H-L t' " ';l bo .efund.d Th oai,at if Po-o Cnaduturaud Tnotolotfl Can. o.oGr.0, iron ins ofjoafll. ooo od by otbflr. Tho Soatiitt- la on aa fnttroly now flan. tha CMi p SHH.aa .annot attlny. or i.i wt, at . wiiio noon on; ouhtl,,. To OOTDine ia larr. ani..L Ia a.l..i . rael. ' la so Load ab.ut U to dflUriorats Ibo! tba flonloou ; I, ia mado aouroly ol Tis. T'' r'looln'. or Soaluie hai od lha to.t hrTliraa a .-., a'l.i in. as mtiv havo triad Uiam will um o" i una. S A LISKCaL discount to tub tdk. LUDLOW CAN CO. IttueKu, .. Sept. t!, 13" HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR LYE. HPHE following, from that eminent Physician of Philadelphia, Dr. Brinckle, added lo tho testimony of Professor Booth, only confirms what is evidenced by thousands who have ucd Hover's Dye. "GtBAnn How, Chkstntt Stbeit, ) Philadelphia, December 2id, 1853. "In regarj to 11 oven's Am Urr, I can state unhesitatingly, that it contains no deleterious in gredients, and may be used with entiie safety, and with the utmost confidence and success." W. V. BKINCKLE, m. d. Hover's Writing; & Indelible Inks, Are so well and widely known, as to require no eulogy of their merits, it is only necessary to say, that the steady and increasing demand, give tho best evidence that they maintain their character for superiority, which distinguished them when first unreduced, year ago. Ordors addressed to the Manufactory, no. 4 1 tf RACE street, above Fourth, (old No- 144.) Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention, by JOSKI'H E. HO tit, Manufacturer. Sep. 12, 1857 April S5, '57, ch. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. f"BVG suuscriher offers at priva'e salo the house L and Let now occupied by himself, situated on the corner of River and i'lderberry streets, Sun bury The improvements are a two story FRAMK DWELUMO, nearly new, a wasn-iiouse ana v ona nnuse anu a good stable. Also an excellent Well of W a tcr. 7'liero is also ot the lot a choice variety of good fruit. 2'erms easy. For further parti cular upply to U1IAU1.1.S UUU1.1. Sunbury Bopt. 12, 1857. tf j oi.s' zi.v.yiEiutti3. RESPECTFULLY informs his friends, and the public generally, thai he has just receiv ed a New Stock of GOODS, at his iiew store, at David Miller's Mill, in Lower Augusta 1 own- ship, and that he ia prepared to sell good at the lowest prices. His Mock consUls in part of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. Groceries, Quecnsware, Hardware. &c and every variety usually kept in a country Store. Trevarton prices paid for all kinds of produce. Lower Augusta twp, Aug. 8, 1S57. tf IMCTlBi: GALLERY. GEO. Y. WEISE ha again commenced and wjll continue to lake AMBKOTY PES. &c, jt his Room above the Post Office. Persons wishing to have good likenesses taken, will please call and seo us. We will take pictures al reduced prices and lake trade in payment for the same. All kinds or pictures couied. Bunbury, August 22, 1857. If Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE is hereby given lhat the firm of Bird. Douty it John, of Big Mountain Colliery, was tin day (luly 1st, 1857,) mutually dissol ved by the withdrawal of J. J. John. JOSEPH BIRO, JOHN B. DOUTY. J. J. JOHN. The business of Mining and Shipping Coal Irom the above named Colliery will hereafter- b carried on in lha nam of Bird & Douly, who will adjust all tba uaaellled accounts of tbeltta firm. JOSEPH BIRD. JOHN B. DOUTY. Sijaittoliin, July 18, 1857 tf PICKLES of various kinds, Lobster, bar dine, Ae., Ac, just roceived and for sale at the Drug Slora of A. W. Fl&HER. Kuiil-ury, August I, 1 8i7. i ORPHAN'S COURT HALE. VOTICE Is hereby given that Joseph Wolvee. ton, Kiecutor of the Will or Isaac Wolver ton, dee'd., in pursuanea or an order of tbe Oi phans' Court, ofNorthumberland county, grant at August Term, 1857, will eipoao to aale bj public outcry, on TLESDAY, THE tTih CAV r.F 0CT0CE11 Ttcst, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the dwelling house on the premises, all that certain FARM OR TRACT OF LAND, situate in Rush township, Northumberland county, adjoining lands of Abraham Hoffman, Kimon Interline, John Yea ger, Samuel Gillinger, Jacob Weaver and a M of the widow Wolverlon, (cut off from tbe farm,) containing 1 66 acres, on which are erected a good FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, a Barn and Outbuildings, and on which are aa Apple Orchard, a good Hping House, and about 100 acres of w II cultivate a land, It is about Tour n.iles ftom Danville. TERMS OF &AI.E. Trit p,r t,nl. dewn, one hair the balance on tbe 1st of April, 18ft, the other half on the 1st of April, 1859, with interest from 1st April, 18.r8, to be secured by Bond and Mortgago on the premise. JOSEPH WOLVEKTON, Es'r. By order of Ibe Court ) C. B. Purscl, Clk. O. C. Hunbury, August 8, 18.r7 ) Is WH0 ,IAS BEEN CURED OF GREAT Tlr NERVOUS DEBILITY, after man years of minery, desires to make known to alt fellow-sufferers the sure mean of relief. Address enclosing stamp to pay return postage, Mrs. MARY E. DEW ITT, Boston, Mass., and the prescription will be sent free, by next post. August 8, 1857. 3m Tt VALUABLE COAL LAND FOR SALE. TVIE subscribe! will offer for sale, at tho Court Hourb in Sunbury, Northumberland cnuntv on WEDNESDAY the 7th day of OCTOBER next, at It o'clock, A. M, the one undivided ONE THIRD part ofa valuable Trai t or Coal Land, situate in Cool township, in the countv of Nor thumberland, surveyed on a warrant in the name of LUKE FIDLER. containing in the whole. Five H undred and Fifty Acres, ol thereabouts, bounded y lands surveyed in the name uf John Brady, famuel Clark, William Lambert and others. The improvements on the said tract of land, are SI two-story frame Dwellings, one log dwelling house, two shantys, and a blacksmith shop. Connected with the said tract or land, ia a large COAL BREAKER. Tbe terms and conditions of sala, will be made known on the day of sale. A. JORDAN, Trustee. Augubt 2D, 1657. ts What an enormous Variety of Toys and Fancy Goods he has ! Who t Our Friend JOHN DOLL, At No. 144 North 2nd St., above Arch, Phila., IH has just received direct from Europe a very largo assortment of Toy of ell kinds, fancy Baskets, Pipes, Canes, Scgar Cases, To baeco Boxes and an endless variety of lane ar ticles. Call upon him beforo purchasing else where. Philadelphia, August 29, 1837 3m2Jw 'PobaCCO and Qegars. 20,000 Imported Segnrs of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S. Sunbury, March 14, 1357. .ion s. iii:aici. ATTORNEY L-AW, Office in Macket St., opposite the Court lioute, SCNSTJUY, PA. Collections made and Professional generally attended te Promptly and Carefully. PuiLADXLraia EkferEscs : Bullitt 4- Fairthorne, Diebl J Werli, Davis & Birncy, F. Tyjoi & Co. Sunbury, Juno 20, 1PG7. Spring and Summer Fashions for 1857 -A.T IP. "W. CKR-A.'S FANCY. DRY GOOD STORE, Market Square, Sunbury. 1VOW' received and will continue to receive, ' the largest and best selected Stock of Black Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassitiettt and Veilings, jc An assortment of Dress Goods, viz: Fancy printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, De LaibS Bareges, Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapacas, Lres Silks, Ginghams, &c. LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet ing, Pillowcaseing, Ac. Dreea Trimmings in Great Variety. Boots and Shoes Hats and Caps, Hardware, Cedarwarc, Groceries, Queensware. SALT and FISlI, Cheese, Crackers, Segars, Tobacco, Snuff, &c , an assorsinent of other Got'ds too tedious to mentioh. Teeling grateful for past favor we beg leave to assure our old friend and the public that no elloit on our part shall be wanting to merit a continuance uf our patronsge. Country produce taken iu exchange at. tho hL'heht market price. P. W.GRAY. Sunbury, May 30 , 1857. tf EMKRSONS United 8latcs Magaiine, 8a turj&y Evening Post, N. Y. Picayune, .Viagietralc, Nick Nax and Yankee Notions for sale by -'H. Y. FRILING. N. B. Persons living at a distance can have a list of prices forwarded by addressing as above. Magazines, Paper and Book not on hand, constantly ordered. Sunbury, July 18, 18S7. tf THE TRUTH ABOUT KANSAS t GOV- GEAHY'S ADMINISTRATION IN KANSAS Large 12 1110. 348 pages. Vith a eomplelc History of the Territory. Until Jink, 1857. r.n.brorme s full account of its discovery, GmeT.iphr. S.11I, Cllmale, Prixlucls, i!a orgnuizuliuu as a Terntury, trmtsaftiuiis and events antlir (iuvernms Ke-drr and lhaiiu(u. p:t'ticil disfusaiinis. IM'etiKjl Itrucounlurs, Klec linn iYauits, butlks and outruu'rs, with i'urlraila ul ytom actuiathciein, all fully authenticated Vy JOIIX it OHIO, M. II. Private Secretary to tiov. U.ary. Curcfnllycoinilod from the Official dueumnls nn fi! in tho deeailiiiviit if Blntt; at Wusliiugton and nihr w tira 111 tne y .ost-ssion of tlit Author, Willi full ai-cuunl of tin- liivnsl''H of Kuiisns from Mikwuiri ; Ilia ruptuii., trial mid trilroei.l of l!;e Free Stale priamn-is. Ilia ehniacter and tr.'vrinciita;iihe Missouri UoidtT ituf!inus, rue mur der i'f HuMuin and others. The t-'imtroveray between Covcnmr fieary and Ju.1g t.fMnnpte. The iiooe rd'nps of the Tertlturinl I.eTi:t ire. of the riro-slMwrv coiivrnti4l, and the omanijiiliim fl the a 11 null Ut iui.fralif I'arlv, with akeli-h of Kanaas during its enlly lriHihl uniler tinvs Km-damnd ttiHiiuon. Its liivnsi'ms, Unttlrs, Outrn;rs aud Murder. A copy will he sent lo any part ul the I nllid Stutsf by mail, free of postntie, on the reunl price. A lilnrnl diai-nunt rn the trad. W'lOtSi 4jtila wanted Price iu Ckan stl. Papar. Sn Os. cjlAUl.K9C. RIHIOES. Publisher. Inquirer UiuiUjij, I'htldiielphia. Jidy IS, l'-Sr Ira- mm w STORE. MIsSLOrtSA 8KISSLEB, respectfully in forma the citizens of Trevwroiv and sur roundiag miunty, lhat she ha opened a nev stone of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor toa in Shsiuokin street, nearly oppot Knouse1: Tavera, where all kinds or Bonnets and Fane; Goods can be had at the lowest terms. Dress making also attended to ia Aa b manner and latest style. April ib, 1857. tf YDKOLEUJt PAINTS. These painUar mixed with water, thereby saving tlitco f oil, for sale by March 14. 'ft7. V. W. HSIIER..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers