to " Cdcgrapjjic Tctos Ei,mira, N. Y., Sept. 6. At race which coma ofl" to-day on tlia (fronnds of Hie Fair, Flora Temple won egninet Lancet and lied Hird. Three straight hunt! were muda with tbe following time ; Brut hoot. 2 minnte 26.) seconds ( second 2 minutes 27 seconds j third, 2 unuutts 2o so. Condi. Kiw Yobk, Sept. 8. The notes of "the Ontario County Bank" and "TheCank of Orleans," Albion, this State, were thrown out this afternoon by the redemption batiks. The Outnrio Connly Hank notes are secur ed by the Stocks and real estate, and will probably pay nearly par. The Hunk of Or leans is one of the old Safety Fund Banks, and thore will doubtless accrue some loss ou tbe circulation, nnloss the banks should re sume payment. Nbw York, Sept. 8. Messrs. I.. v . Kirby, a jobbing bouse of long standing in this city, sue pended payments to-day. Their linbillititts are said to amount to 300,000, -and their assets 8"00,OOD. lftho latter are available, the house will probably resume pay ments at an early day. There was more mistrust in tho street to day than bus been observable since Tuesday last. PnorrnENCB, Sept. 8. The American Board of Commissioners on Foreign Missions . held their annual meeting in this city ta-dny. Tbe treasurer's report shows the receipts for tbe past year were 389,000. and the expen ditures 8391,800. The debt of tho mission bad been reduced $2,800. Twenty-eight missionaries had been sent out, and eighteen were under appointment. Boston, Sept. 8. Lambert, the pedestrian has accomplished the feat ol walking a thou sand miles in a thousand consecutive hours. 11a Inst seventeen nounds ill weight, but won the $1000 pending on the accomplishment of liis task. New York. September 8. Judge Tea body delivered his dicision on tho writ of ha beas corpus in the caso of Mrs. Cunningham, at one' o'clock this afternoon, admitting ber to bail in the sum or $j00O. Prom Washington. Washixoiox, Sept. 8. The Postmaster General has with the assent of tbe President and in deference to the strong expression of nublic sentiment in Philadelphia, concluded to suspend tho improvements ou tho Pennsyl vania UanK building long euongn 10 cnasie Congress to declare whether it will exchange tho use or I lie bulling now occupied as Custom House for a Post Office. Tho Nicaragua!! Minister is still in waiting onr Government not yet being in possession of such information trom Nicaragua as to tie termine the question of bis reception. Joseph Holt, of Kentucky, having with drawn Lis declination to be Commissioner of Patents, was to-day appointed to that office and will be commissioned to morrow. Murray McDonnel has resigned tho fifth Auditorship ot the 1 reasury. James M. Stockdale has been appointed Register of the Land Office at Fort Dodge Iowa. Jersv Qrnr. Sept. 8. Last evening a grav el train, on the New Jersey Central Railroad came in collssion with a farmer's wagon, when near Fairfield. The farmer, who wus in the wagon, and three laborers who were in the gravel car were Killed. The Battle with the Cheye.vnb Indians, The War Department is in receipt of des. patches from the Cheyeune expedition, giving fl ...! t . 1. I In mill, ikn M...- luu puruuuitua oi iuu uuniu nnu mu v, nn j - enne Iudiaus at Solomon's Creek, on the 29th of Julv: About 300 warriors wero drawn up In bat tie array to meet tho U. States troops. Tbe six companies of cavalry advanced upon them immediately ; wlien near lucin two conipan ies ef cavalry advanced upon them immedi ately ; when near tbem two companies were detached to turn their flanks, and the whole then made a headlong chorge, broke tbem and pursued them seven miles. A large nuru ber of warriors were killed and wounded. Ou our side two privates were killed, and Lieut Stuart aad fovea man wouudud. They are ell dome well. A post was established garrisoned by one company oflufantry, totakecare of the woun ded and the command immediately started in pursuit. After a march of fourteen miles they came to the principul town of the tribe. where they lound oue nunujeu anu seventy one lodges standing, and nearly as many mor which bud beon baiitl v taken down, and most of the poles were left on tho ground large amount of dried meat and otuer proper ty of every description was found iu tbe town the Indians evidently having taken nothing except what could be gathered hastly in tuei flight. Tbe town and everything it con tained was immediately burned to the ground. THE AMERICAN. SUNBURY. ' f SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1857 II. B. MASSED, Editor and Proprietor. To AsrntTMiM - -The circntatlon of the Sunborjr I American among the different towns on the 8uiJJianua not exceeded If equalled by any paper pabhaaed in Noith em Pennsylvania. ' ' TUB DELEGATE STSTEM AND TUB FHB , SENT SYSTEM, COSIPAIIE0. Our neighbor of the Gazette seems to think it Strange that we should And fault with the manner or systerflow proposed In nomlna ting aadiiTutes, sjpd can't see bow tbe present j system "concentrates all power in tbe hands of a few wire-workers In this place. Ac i cording to the old adage there are none so blind as those who do not wish to see. " It Is no difficult matter for an organized combina tion bent upon making a division of tho spoils of office emong themselves, to accomplish their object, finder the present system. Sup pose, for instance, that the six most important I offiOcs in the county should be avAled in the Democratio State Nominations. For Governor Gen. WILLIAM P. PACKER, OF I.VCOMINO COUNTY. Judge of the Supreme Court, ,- Hon. WILLIAM Tno0,ofirtrrkt Connlr. lion. JAMES THOMPSON, of Erie County Fur Canal Commissioner, RIMROD STRICKLAND, , or riiKSTEn corvrv. Democratic CorxTY Nominations. SENATOR s O.C. WElKtn, Sunbury. Subject to the decision of tbe Confcroes. ASSEMBLY! 10. C. RHODES, Turbul. SHERIFF! lIESaY J. HEADER, Lewie. PHOTHONOTARY I D.I.MEL BUCKLEY, Zero COMMISSIONER ! SAMUEL EST, Shamekln. TREASURER : JESSE M. SIMPSON, Banbury. AUDITOR : O. P. PATTOI", Rneh. ty Coot. Weatuer. On Monday and Tuesday the weather was so cool that fire in onr office was deemed quite comfortable, C3Tbe mail ronte from Bloomeburg to White Hall has been extended, by way of Exchange, to Turbutsville. different parts of the county, so as to give each a controlling influence Thus, if each of tho sis candidates coulifocontrol on an average two hundred Totes, and onite their strength upon each other, the aggregate would amount to 1200. Now as tbe wbolo vote of the county, at the late primary election amounted to 2,300, it will be seen that tbe six candidates referred to would secure their nominations by contributing 200 votes each and splicing the same together, the aggregate being 1,200, or a majority of tbe wbolo nam ber of votes polled. It may be said that do combination could calculate so closely, and that some would dodge or evade the agree1 mcnt. 1 his may be so, but if we allot to each candidute any four hundred, or double tho amount, to guard against all cootingea cies, it would still go to show that ma "inside the ring" with only 400 votes could receive the nomination, by uniting his forces with the. other candidates, although he might not, singlo banded and alono, get six hundred votes in the county, or not half enough to elect him. Another mode to defeat a candi date "outside the ring" if too strong, is to multiply candidates and divide his strength. Thus, for iustao .o, there may be fix candi dates for the same office, and if tbe votes are pretty equally divided, 500 would secure a nomination, whereas tbe successful candidate, if he were to contend even handed with either of the other five, might prove tbe least popular condidute in the field. We know that it is difficult to devise a perfect system of any kind, but there can be no question that tho delegate system fairly $3" Susrp-KDKD.Tbe following is a list of or lianks whose notes are said to be uncurrent in New York t Kanawba Bank, Vs. .. j Hank or Wlckford, 11. 1. Tiverton Bank, do. -. Rhode Island Central Dank. Farmer's Bank of Saratoga, N. Y. Wooster Bank, Ct. Warren Bank, Fa. Arcade Hunk. Providence. Farmers' A Drovers' Hank, WayneaVg", To. North American tank, Seymour, it. Ontario Iiank, N. Y. Fort Plain, do. " ' ' ' ' ' j ' Sackett's Harbor Bank, N. Y. ' Reciprocity Bank, Buffalo, N. Y. Bergen County Bank, N. J. Chemung Conoty Bnnk, N. Y. lf)lister Bank, Buffalo, N. Y. SVimtead Bank, Ct. Farmers Bank, Saratoga Connly, N. Y. Mercantile Bank, Ct. Perth Amboy Bank, N. J. & Bright t Son have tost received ano ther supply of now goods, and nowvoffcr to close out their sammer stock at greatly re duced prices. Judging from the quantity of goods they are constantly receiving, their bnsiness most be increasing In a rapid ratio. But "small profits and qnick sales" will draw the patronage of the public' ey Some of our editorial b re thorn who figured at the Danville editorial convention are still engaged in the portraiture of the members of that convention. Some of these portraits are rich if not racy.'s Mountain. It is situate in Colombia county, about 15 miles above Cata. wissa and cmbrnces very large deposit of coul. The Columbia Coal and Iron Co. have nearly finished a Railroad of about 6 miles i length, direct to the mines, (including switch backs near the latter.) and connecting near Beaver Valley station with the Catawissa road. This branch is now all graded (with the exception of one or two cuts through the solid rock) and ready for the rail, and we were told bv the enterprising contractor, Mr. Creswell, that it is expected to bo ready for shipping coal during the month of November. lJanville Democrat. The Citt on Scndav. The churches and the streets were crowded on Sunday with well dressed people and things bad a gennnine Sunday aspect. The sky was brigbt, the air was bland and pare end everybody seemed cheerful end happy. And no wonder, for the . . . . ... i . a 1.1 inaiea naa ou vneir Gravest nouaces anu me most suspendous hoops, while almost every ccntleman who bad the good taste which should distinguish a gontleman was happy and proud in the lact mat tne ne core odooi ' . i - I . 1 Dim evidences ot nis correct discrimination in tbe suit which ho bad ordered at the Brown Stone Clolbin Hall of Rockhill k. Wilson, Nos. G03 and COS Chesnst street, above Sixth Philadelphia. HOUSE AND LOT.fOfc SALE. , flViE suuscribef offers at private aula the hoese .. and Lot now occupied by himself, lluated on ma corner oi uiver end ildctberry streets, Hun- bury 1 he irnproy.ments arc a two story , FRAME DWELLIMQ, , nearly new, a Wash-house and Wood house and a good stable. Alee an excellent Well of Wa ter. There is alra on the lot a choice variety of good fruit. Terms easy. For further parti- culass apply to CHArtLES.GOMN. Bunbury Sept. 13, 1 857. tf STRAY HOItgtO, CAME to the premises of the subscriber, on Monday, the 7th of September, inel., a OltAY HORSE, about U or 14 years old. The owner i requested to come forward, prove pro perty, pay charges, and lake him away, otherwise be will be diepoaeu ot according to law. ISAAC 8AV1DGE Bush tp., Sept. is, 1857. 2m the appoint Joiljo In hie piece end ifeny vecem r than com inue in the hcierd for the fpece of hell an hour l ? Vy lnw "'" pei"S "f the elraliou, ... Y,..IIrn ,,.,r, ol nwHBhin, worn or no dinlr cl, he plase of election., one of tlicir number tu fill audi Vacancy. "It hell be the duty of enij eMcMor retpectlvfly to el lend at the place of holding every (tenerul, qiceml, or townrti.r, election, durii.e; the whole time Mid election ie kept open, A the purpo.e ol living infonnaliou to the and Juries , when called on, In rclntlon to the light of any person incl by them to voto at inch elcc tioil, of euch other matter, in leblion to the aMcmnenl ol toMtii, aa the aaid n.pcctor or Ju,lg, , eilh of Ultul hall from time to lime rnpnre. ".pereon Wiall he perrnittc.1 to vote ot any election u arorewi.l, other thwi a white free man ol twentr-one or more, who hall have reiided In the Mate at lea t one yeui end in the eleclion di.trict where he orTcre to vote at U.i ten day. imineiliately prececding the election, and within two year, pnio male ol county tax. which hu have br Itixrn I'.ihcd and .hull hnve re.ided in the election di.trict, end raid tax CfirrcspDnkncCe .S" Excelsior Si'Bixo 'Bed. Mr. Isaac M. Wilkerson has purchased the right of conducted, would much better represent tbe The Democrats of Columbia county have Dominated the following ticket : Congress John Mclteynolds. Assembly Peter Knt. Ptothonotary Jacob Kyerly. Register & Reconler-r-Dnuiel Leo. Commissioner Klios Dietnrick. Treasurer James McNiuch. Auditor John U. Yohe. C-iT Clark, who is confined iu juil at Dun villa for tho murder of his wife, camo near making Lis escape on Sunday morning last, as will be seen by the following from tbe Dan ville American : Attempted Escape. Wm. J. Clark, on- fined iu the Montour Couuty jail on the charge murder, made an ineffectual attempt to escapu at 8 o'clock on Sabbath morning lust, lie had cut a thread on a nail with a piece of glass, by which he uulocked his irons, lie then dug a bole io the flue with a piece of Done, but round it too smull Tor his escape. Ilis plaus were then changed, and he awaited the morning. When Sheriff Young entered with bis breakfast, he bad stationed himself by the door ; when it was unlocked, and as tho Sheriff was entering, encumbered with dishes,-he sprang upon him and thrust him sguiust the wall, passed through the door, and closing it, iouku ir.e Diieriu in bis room. '1 he bhenlTs lady was at the same time ser ving Mrs. Twiggs with breakfast in an onno. situ room. Clurk knowing t liis also, locked that Uaor, took tho keys, ran down stairs unlocked the lower and outer doors and took through the lots and ulleys towards the river. The Sheriff immediately raised the alarm und was liberated by another prisoner. Clurk was at once pursued and caught before be had proceeded more than three hundred yards end is now securely ironed in his old tmui ters His irons, together with a round stone, went fouud twisted io bis nillow case in the form of a slung shot, but did not uso it, and says he did not intend to burt any one. liis object was to swim the river and gain tho Blue bill, where he could secrete himself until night, and he chose the Sabbath because the telegraph lines would not be iu opcratiou uuiu ue uuu a ujgnia iruvei. Killed bv a Bull. A few diiys since Lem nel C. Bishop, one of thur earliest and most influential citizens of Fond da Lac, Wisconsin was killed by a bull. Baiiind the Age. The city of St. Paul Minnesota, -with a population of 12,000 souls bas not a single oru-eogine, a loot or nose, a nre-bucket, nor cistern. making Gould's patent spring bed for this comity, by which the springs are placed npon slats, on a new principle, and enn be applied to old beds at a cheap rate. See advertisement iu another column. 6r Sinuino School. Mr. J. W. Alexan der will hold a singing school in the lecture room of the Lutbernn church this (Suturday) evening for tbe purpose of forming a singing class. C3T W ithdrawal. We are requested by Joseph Vankirk to withdraw his name as a candidate for County Commissioner. CJTTo Prepare Tomatoks.-Wo have seen published varions modes of preparing toma. toes, but we think there is none equal to the following : Cut good ripo tomatoes into slices, place them in layers in a dish, and between each layer sprinkle plentifully with fine white sugar. In this way they are not a bud imitation of a good watermelon. Another way is to add to the sugared tomatoes, a little vinegar, diluted with ono half water. But what we consider much better is tbo addition of a little claret wine instead of vinegar, which renders tbem in flavor equal to a dish of strawberries. Tomatoes are like oysters cooking or the application of heat entirely destroys the original flavor. GT Who struck me wid dut brick, Sambo T was tbe exclamation of a darky to his com panion, after recovering from tbe effects of an electric shock which had suddenly prostrated him during a thunder storm. On lookinir over the last Gazette we came to the conclu sion thut our neighbor bad been struck, not exactly by a brick, but he had evidently been bit with something or by somebody. The editor of the Gazette affects much surprise that we should publish the story of "Bill Jenkins" after hnviug given our brcthern of tbe quill a lecture on the subject of publishing unmoral advertisements. On exumining the advertising columus of tbo Gazette, we soon discovered the cuuse of this sudden and affec ted squeamishness on the part of our neighbor n tbe shape of a "Uoldeu Pill" advertisement We certainly can see nothing indecorous or objectionable in the story of Bill Jenkins nuless broad humor may be so considered' It cannot be, surely, half as objectionable on that score, as the ' Builiugton scandal," which our neighbor spreads before the public, side by side with bis strictures on our article. Surely a humorous 6tory, if it wero even iiidelicate, can not bo comparod, in a moral point of view, with a swindling advertisement calculated to promote licentiousness, and which is published for a consideration. In a morul view there is as much difference as between horse racing and horso steulin". O" Tbo Montour American soys that Peter Baldy, jr., is receiving from Baltimore and I ittsburg a largo lot of excelleut wheat Snyder & Co., of the Steam Mill u this place muue similar purcnases. Uood red wheat is now quoted at Baltimore at $1,25 to $1 30 and jet we have been paying S'-'.OO ror ,Q inferior article. Tbo facts uio that the coal aud iron interests have made tbo markets for the farmers in their vicinity tbe best in th ..mull, m iieu. guouia not to sold here at more than 1,40 aud flour at $3,75 per 100 poauds. We stated some three mouths since thut wheut would be dowu to $1,50 ot Phila delpbia before the holiduys. Our predictions uave been more than Mulled, We rejoice at the fall of wheat on account of the poor and the laboring classes, but we regret that our farmers have not been more fortunate with their wheat, and trust they will niuke it up in their summer and fall crops. 1 oo Jkdian. An Indian luut-erv aim lecture cume off in the Court House, on 1 uesday evenine. The nartv con sistcd of two males and two females of the Ojibway and Mobawk natious in Canada J beir appearauce iudicatod more thau the ordmary intelligence and cultivation of rivll ized Iudiaus, and their eutertuionieot gave buuvlu euufiiucuon whole people, as no one would be nominated without a majority of all tbe delegates. One caudidato may come into convention with, say 16 delegates out of 40. Tbe other 24 may be divided among three other candidates. Now it may so happen thut tbe candidate with tho 16 delegates is tbo least popular and least worthy of them ail, and when the contest is narrowed down it may be found that either of tho three lowest would be preferred by tho convention. J Ins is not the case with the present system. If a dozen candidates were in tbe field for the same office, a strong vote of ono or two townships, united on one can didute, might secure bis nomination, though he could not secure one hundred votes besides. It is all gammon for our neighbor to talk about the satisfaction, the peace and harmony of the present system. There is no peace. Tbe dissatisfaction is deep rooted and general, and be must bu blind indeed, who does not see it. It is all in vaiu for any man, however good, to attempt to secure what in culled a Demo cratic nomination aguinst tbe wishes of tbo Ioqnisition. Unless be is 'inside the ring,' ho need not look for any favors ut tbe letting, or for any thare allotted by the grand deed of partition. O Our neighbor of the Gazette, who Ib a young, we bud almost said an old bachelor, bas becu on a tour of inspection or observa- vation nt a cimp meeting, near Moorcsbnrg. Like all young bachelors, whoso organ of hope is strongly developed, oud other organs somewhat stimulated, he saw many strange sights. In going into rural districts be did not expect, be says, to see the women keep up with the fashions, aud was literully over whelmed with hoops, oyster-shell bonnets, and dusters. Ifyou expected anything else, Jobu, yon have studied woman uulure to litilo pur. pose. Of tho ladies, he counted some fitly who woulJ pass for beauties anywhere, while the larger portion were good looking. We have no desire to dispute this point, but we cannot help thinking that the ladies' dusters did not aid iu keeping the dust out of the eyes of our neighbor. Speaking of the influ ence of the ministrv, he saya, "we left before the effects of their preaching began to be developed." The Indies, however, seem to i . ... ... nave oeen mora successful in thetr ellects. as developed by tbe facts above stated. EST Tomatoes We were presented with single public well or i ,om tomatoes weighing 1 pounds, grown in me garuen or J&bn Sruick, in this place. THAT tifcUCKAUe. The editor of tho Gazette gets up a protty good joke in connection with the robbery of our ice-house, aud imagines that wo were beguiled with the music of a couple of colored minstrels who were serenading us, while oth ers, their accomplices, were helping them selves to our butter, eggs, poultry, bread( cake, and a leg of mutton. We did bear tbe music, which was uot bud, but we did net see fit to rise or cbnnge our recumbent position, Next morning tho coincidence of the music and the robbery suggested itself to our mind but we came to the conclusion that the thieves were tbe meanest kiud of "white niggers," taking not only the entire roll, but tbe last slice of some very fine butler. In regard to the mutton we had but little to regret, as no one but the butcher made anything out of that. No, no, neighbor, the inuu who did that deed never bad any music fu bis soul, and never will make any, except when he sings his lust requiem upon a "single cord." We have the authority of Shukspeare for saying that it is only tbo unmusical scoundrels who go in or the "spoils," and cuu't "be trusted The man that hath no mu.ic in hiinaelf, Nor ie not niov'd with concord of eweet soundi, Is fit for treasons, stratagems, aad spoil The mations of bis spirit are dull as night. And hie affections dark as Erebus! Let no such man be trusted. CJr Fauiliar Letters irox Abroad. The Philadelphia Bulletin is publishing a series of letters written from Europe, undur the above title. We have read a number of them with much interest. Tbe writer is, we understand, Miss Cummings, daughter of Alex. Cummings, Esq., of the BulUtin, who is now travelling in Europe. Tbe letters are written io an easy and graceful style, without any affectation of pedantry tod learning. For the Sunbury American.) Ei.tsbiro, Sept. 7, 185". Yes, Mr. Editor, the campmeoting is now over : That charming grove whose stately trees In reverence bow before the breeze U left alone i For those who worshipped 'neath ite shade, Their joyous residence have mado A gam at Uome. Those lovely tents of canvass white, That look so fairy-like at night, Illumed so bright, Were taken down with heavy heart. Vecuuse their inmates had to part Leave their delight. Tne Goetel trumpet sounds no more, The time of song and praite i. o'er, 1 ogether met : But every lover ol the Word At home may learn ubout the Lord, And praise him yet. No more ascends the voice of prayer, That daily rang the gilded air Al eurly morn, When rose the sun in beauty bright, And ehed o'er all I is glorious light, To day adorn. Ani til o.o who came from far and near, Both folks and things to see and hear, Now come no more t Our friende we there no longer find ; The trodden paths are left behind : The press ia o'er. How pleaeant 'lis to meet the face Of those we love, and to embraco Long parted once; Thus friendship's fires are made to grow, Affection's allar kept aglow lij Adam's sons. But though our meetings here are ahort, If we meet in that uppor court With titles clear; We there an endless year may spend, Iu friendly intercourse with friend, vt itnout a tear. Perhaps you may incline to lay the chnrce of Caiiiinteeting enlhusiani ut my duor. So oe it me cuarge will be a licht one to me. But stoic indeed must be the heart, and uu- mpressible aud dead tbe sensibilities of that individual who could be surrounded with sncli associations and influences as are attendant upon a lino enmpmeeting with indifference or feeling who could ever witness tho scenes und scenery of so beuutiful and delightful a plare without admiratlou and transport. j ue wearner-mau seems to be baviue; some amusement with our folks up here. Saturday last was sultry hot ; and The lightest cloth And thinnest gause were most harmonizing with tho cxistinc state of the atmosphere. On Sunday morn ing, However, mere seemed to be a new hand at the bellows and the annaratus in crood working order the result of which was ano ther anticipation of dreary Autumn ; aud the thicker woolens were indicated us tho proper investment for num. Ju the afternoon old Sol again involved his blazing face, oud pour ed down rays thut ulmost scorched ; while again with the shades of night cume the chil ly hours, aud heavy shawls and overcoats were essential to com fur t. You folks of "good Northumberland" Have not the fair thing done , Y ou polled your roles but left our man To count his loss at home. We understand it was a horse With all the fixings on: Though we saw not the bloodless corse, v e'er told he', truly gone. Now tl is is not qnile "neighborly ," Nor grn'ruuson your part To one who bus keen laboring Along you with all his heart. Unfair we cry ; unjust we say ! The poll a freak have played: Friend never would a friend betray, Nor such mistuke have made. ACAKD. HUSSEY'S KEAPEB. We the undersigned farmers of Montour and adjoining counties were at the trial of Mowers on the 22d of June 1807, on tbe farm of John Mowrcr in Mahoning township, Montour county. Three Machines were broucht iuto the field, nomely l Ilussey's Im- proved Reaper and Mower manufactured by Geddes Marrh Co., ot Lewisburg, Pa., Muiinv'a l'ateut. mannfactured at Hwsick Falls, N. Y., and Ketchum's manufactured at Readincr bv Boas A' Snannter. The machines were worked by the owners or agents. Al ter seeing tbe operation of the three ma chines, we give our preference to the 11 us- aey Reaper and Alower, lor tue loiiowing rensons." I. We think it is tho most durable ma chine. . . 2. It costs less than the Manny's and tbe Ketchum's. 3. It is very simple in its construction and not liable to get out of order. 4. liis manufactured in mis section oi lue co,,"try- .. . . ...... And we would say to onr neignoors, mui ifyou wunt a good, durable and reliable Uea- er, get one oi mo xiusse a mi- araenul at lean ten nay. before the election, Uut a eitii of the LnitrJ Stale, who hail been a voter of tin. atnte, and removed therefrom and rm a. aforemd. ahull be entitled to vote alter residing: in line lute tx month., Provided. That the white fieemen, erti acne of the I nited State., between the age of twenty-one per and Mowei proved Machines- Wm. Yorks. Samuel Yorks, David Robert., Jacob Sechler. Sr., David Davis, David Clark, Peter lleinbach, Muyberry (Jearheart, Lafayette Sechler, O W Rishel. Stephen V Roberts, Peter Kishel, Matbias Appleman, Solomon Ri hel, John Cearheart, J Stanley (Jearheart, m Sechler, A B Cummings. EXOELSOIR SPRING BED. (Gould's Pa'tnt, September . 1856.) FOR which a diploma was awarded at the Eighth Exhibition of the Mass. Charitable Mechanic's Association. This is an entirely new application of spiral springs to beds, making a more comfortaole, neat er, and cheaper spting ned than has been offered to the public, applicable to old as well as new bedsteads. The peculiar position ef the eprings elevate the head slightly, saving the trouble of building op the head with extra bolsters. The construction is So simple, and every part so exposed, that bugs have no hiding places, and the most inexperienced ran take out each for washing, as they are olily fastened by a button. The Borings used are made expressly for these beds on a Patent Spiral Spring Machine. The public need only see this bed to appreciate it. The subscriber has purchased tho right of manufacturing, and selling, in Northumberland county, and will furnish the article at reasonable rates. C7 Springs put in old bedsteads for three dol lars. ISAAC M. WII.KERSON. Sunbury, Sept. 18, 1857. tf phoclamation! V Jl'ItSL'AXT to an act of the General Assembly of the X Cuiiiinonwenlth of renin Ivamn, entitled .no whiij-iwo ycur, and in the eluetuu. .Imtirt ten dat a. eiortaniu. .nan ue entitled to a vote, although they liJI not hnve pan! taxei. county tax niicmed orreenlilv to the en.,.,i..!.i If .....fiUry evidence .fl on'h n'S lion, or on the onlh or air,,. f eZlter. that I . lit pnid sneh tux, or on failure to produce a rMeirt m.kl twentr-one ami tVeXIwo ye.7. 'h'e ST" "1 that he doe. ven y believe from ' . . rrunon the nm ,.f hi.i.,.l h iTv ?;,!" " "' vn,e' hnl1 ' i "cried in a pha heticnl l it by the iiLpcclnr., and a note m.oneiia n' .7. lh word "uix," if he M,S - ui voie ov reneon of hnv WiaTAB'a nt..AM nv Wild CintRBT.Tlie grent retne. dy for CONPi'MrTMJ.N and all other iliacum. of the FulimiimrvOrgiina. The greater the value of any dicn veiy the li'iptier it i. held iu the deem of the public, und .o niuen III proporiion uim puom. ,i..wic upon b the ipurioue imitation, of ignorant, dciigmug unit diphoneftt men. io ue n more A!THMA, urns, ami ull .iiniltir nlleetioii., than any other remedy known, lliere nre found tli".e ao villuuouil, wicked u. to concoct a .u riou., mid ptilrai a poiaououa mixture, and try to palm it on" a. the nentime llnlram. Tlii. i. to caution deiilcre and the pnhhc genemlly, ainin'l purchii.ine imv other than thnt huviii; the writ ten eiaitnlure of I. IH.'TTS on the ouuide wrapper. I'repared onlv by !ktu W. Fowls & Co., llo.lon.MaM to whom all order, .hould be uddiened, mid for ale by their nKeuta. difhoneia men. Now thai t.1. i at preparation l well known to eettJtineure t'.r incipient CONSTMl'TION, I.IVF.K COMPLAINT, COUGHS, HIIONCH fp-SI.OOO It KWARD will he paid for any Medicine that will excel PRATT ULTCIIKK'S MAtilC OIL fir the f Mowing dieue.:, Neurtil!iii, H,.i.,nl t Contracted Joint.. Clllic Puiua, l'alh. ill the Side oi Hack. Ilea.hil.he, Toothache, fpinnn, Soro Throat, Cut., Miuiaes, Uurin, and nil dinenita of the .kin Mux-le. nnd the liliiud.. None (eiiutne without the .ig nnliire of Pn.TT A Hl'TCMta attached to euch l.nlM-1. Princiul ohVe, Ho Wiulungloii urcct, Uimiklyii, New Vork. Sold by , , Albert W. Fihe', Diugji.t, Murkct atrcet, Sunbury, Uaf This is to certify, that I have mndo but tine application of the Magic Oil on my fingers, which have been drawn from contrac tion of the cords, brought on by rhenuiutism. It was of seventeen months standing, and I now entirely cured. I cheerfully recommend it to all afflicted likewise. J. M.FIXItROOK, Ilarrii-burg, t'l I.ocuit street. July 25, 185". Iy. M A It It I A G E S . In Milton, on last Tuusday morning, 1amu Davis. V.m., of Valley township, to Mrs. Jam-:, of Danville. But Elysburg remains O. K t Her candidate yet Uvea Without the beggared starving pay That ollice aervile give.. Siucerely Yours, (yniiiuuucnfclx For the Sunbury American Mr. Kditor : 1 observe in tbe papers the names of a number of persons aa candidates for the office of Prothonotary. I have uothing to say against either, and some of them, I have no doubt, would in lime muke good olncers. My purpose is to recommend James Beard, the preseut incumbent, whom we all know bas given universal satisfaction during the past six years lie uas neen in ouice. wr, Heard bas all tne necessary experience, speaks Kuglibb aud ueruian. and is alwaya obliging aud attentive, and will, therefore, receive the support o many, witnout distinc tion ol party. AUGUSTA. For the Sunbury Americaa. Mb. F.nrroa: I observe in the papers tbe names of a number of persons aa candidates fur the office of County 'treasure. Permit me to recommend Danifi, 11mm, of Upper Mahonoy, to the voters or Northumberland county as a tunauie person tor inui ouice, Major Ileiin is a man in every respect quali fied for that office and would undoubtable I ,r,..linll It alnntaA j JACKSON. DEATHS. In Northumberland, on Tuesday, August 25lh, II AKKY SHAW, sou of John J. and Josephine S. Clark, aged 4 months und 11 days. O mourner ! who, wtlh tender love, Hast wept besido thine infant's grave, Haul thou not sought a friend above, Who died thy little one to savel "Then lift thy weary weeping eye Above the waves that round the swell ; Is not thy darling safe on high 1 Can'st thou uot whUper, it i. well." ftfet ilavlufs. Philadelphia Market. 8pt. 9, 1857. Grai.v. Tho receipts of Wheat continue quite large, thuugh tho market is inactive. Good roil is held at $1 20 a $1 22, und $1 30 a $1 oS fur (rood white. Sales of choice Kentucky at $1 f0, ami very superior Uoun oke ut $2 25. Rye is steady at 75 cents. Corn is dull, and light rules ure mukiug at 76 a 78c. Oats are iu deaiaud at froai 20 a 27 cents per bushel. CMoversecd Sales of prima at $7 per 04 Ihfl. WhUkovRules at 26 cts. iu IMs. and in hhds.. at 27 cents. SUHBTJHY PEICE CURRENT. Wheat, - - $2 00 Butter, $ SO Kye, ... 1 00 Egg, 1 Corn, . . 87 Tallow, - 12 Oats ftU Lard, - . - 14 Buckwheat, 7 A Pork, 8 Potato?, 1 00 Ueeawar, 25 Flaxseed, 1 Dried Applea. 1 25 New Advertisements' AMERICAN OF the Citizens or Northumberland and ad joiuiiiff countifs, will be held at SUNBURY, oo THURSDAY EYENlNg, Sept. 17. 1857. Hon. Isaac rWzuoiiritiiT, tbe Ameri cau Candidute for Governor, and 11. Rucber Swoope, will address the meeting. Ail are invited to attend. Sunbury, Sept. 10, 1857. Etlaf of ALEXANDER CALDWELL, deceased, NOTICE ia hereby given to creditors and others interested, that the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county hava appointed the aubscriber Auditor to distribute the monies in the handa of Wm. McWilliams, Administrator of Alexander Caldwell, deceased, to and among those legally entitled He will attend for that purpoe at bis ollice, in the Borough of Sunbury. on Wednesday. BepUmber 30th, inat, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Creditors ere cautioned that it is not sufficient to have given their claims and accounts io the Administrator, but they must see that they are presented to the Auditor at the time appointed, end duly proved, otherwise they may aot be included iu the distribution. JNO. K. CLEM KNT, Auditor, ffunsury.ftep. l?tb, 1857. 3t Ait net relating U ttic clevtin ol' tlm Cointiioiiwt-nllli," approvtil the stf.'iMt tny ol Jtttv, Anno Oumim', one tliuusuiri eiylit iiuiutrcil nn-t Uu'rty-uiiie, I, HKNKY WhISK, High SMicnti'itf i he county ot NonlimnlictLuuil. PeuuxyU viinin, il hereby mtike kiu-wn nnd give notiee tu the eit-o ton ol the county uloictvutt, itiat n ccneiul clerlion will lw held in suitl county of N rtlium1crUiii(l on ilic JSKCO.N U Tl ivSDAV !Uh ti UCTOUKIt, 13 ot which tune t title and Couniv OlfittTK, as folktws, ure U be clcctf-u : One iiuruoa oi Guvunoi ot the Comtiiuiiwuiltli ol I'tim- aylvaiua. I Two per soi n as Judges of the Supreme Court of Pcim- yluauiu j One person us Canal Cominiui'jncr of tlm Common I Hi. One person as inemltcr of the t?ointeof the General Anwmbly of i'eiii Ivamu in O'lijunttioii with the coun ties of Snyder, Moniour und Culuiiilriu, One person as Sliei iff" for th I county Northuuiherlnml. On person us Member of the House of Kfprt'nentutivci to represent the rounty of Northurnterltnnt. One per' hi as CoioiuiMii otter lor the county of North u nt ler bnd for a term ol 3 yvarn. One person as k'roihofiuuiry for the county of Northtim berlmU. One person as Treasurer for the county of Northum berland. One pcisun us Auditor for the county of Northumber land. I afsn hereby make known and give that the places of holding the Hl'orenaid general rha-tion in the nev eml lMPuhs und townships witliin the county of Nor t number land nre ma foll-iwtf : The Sunhurv District, rniiiposed of the borough of Sunbury, und Vppcr Aututa, ut the County Court House. The Antusta District, Cintpoitrd of the township o Lower Aiinsiu, ut the huuFc ol I'clcr Duitkelbiirger, iu saiS km-itahip. Tbe Northunit)prlaint District, conipoved of th ttnrnuirh of Nortbumbciluiid, at the house of C. S. lirown, rf the btrouph of Northumberlnnd. The Point District, at the house of Henry Haas, iu the borough of Northumberland. The .Milton District, ut the house of Frederick Sticker, in Kiid lioronyh. The Turbut District, ut the house oecupitd by Aluuhnm KmningiT. Ths Delaware District, nt the Sinking Spring Sili'io! House. The Chilis'iunque District nt the h mre r.f Dcn;tun:n Forlsin:in. T:te Lewis District, ut the house occupied by Michael K.ader. Tite Shnmokln Distiict, at the house of Charles Leiseu-riin. Tiie I'pper Mahonoy District, at the h"UMS of Dmiitl'nhnrt. The Little Mahonoy District, ut the h uso of widow F. Hak.r. The Irfwcr Mahonoy District, ut the house of Ar':'t. The Hush District, nt the Liberty IVbj School Ho use. Tne Jackson District, at the house occupied Ly Caitu Smilli. The Coal Diftriet, at the house of Wtlliuni M. Weaver, in the town i f Mmiuokiu. The ZerlHS District ut the house of Jwhn Weaver Trvirt"'ii. i The Cainenm District, t the house of Gideon perk. The J'irdnu Uinricl at the house ol Dciijaiuiu Lcttel. The Mount Caimel District ut Dm public h uc oi Te- ix Lcrch. The Washington District at the house of Gudirc) li. He hock. rt AMKMJMK.! IS TU Tllh. UUASI ITtvTlU.H. ! also hereby make known that at the same lime ot d place the I'oik'WHig piopogcd Auier.dtai'uls t" the Coimti tution will be voted upon, in aecoulauce with an Act of Assembly, upproved the lviihdity uf .Muv, I?j. us follow: Whkkka, A joint resolution proposnii; certain uuirnd incuts tu the Coustitutiou of tiie Commonwealth has leeii ntircrd to by a majority of the members to euch House ol the. Legislature, nt two successive scabious irt" tho sane, vlie Ut session coiiiinencmg on the farst Tuesday of Janu ary, iu the year of our lord one thousrud eilit handled uod fifiy six, and the aecond session commencing ou the first i uea ay of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and titty-seven. And WlKieas, It is provided iu the tenth article of the Constitution, thut any amendment an agreed upmi shall he atibnutteu U the people hi such a niimiier und ut such time at least three Mouths Ml lei lieina; urrcd t by the two boil, us the Loisiiuure ti i prtsvuue : A Wukuu , II y an Act oi the lnisl'itere of this Com inon wealth, emitted 'An Act prescrjbing the time und manner of sub nittiuig U the people for thctr ratiticatiou nr lejeeliou the Kmpoaed Auieiitliuciits to the Cniiktitioii," approved lay twelith, Anno Domini oue thoiisnuk eight bundled and fifty-acveii. it is among olhel things, provided as lol liiu's. to wit : tSitc. 1. That for the purpnse of ascertaining the sense of the citizens oi tins u miinonweuiui in icsuru u me uuop. lion or rejection of said uineuihuenis, or either of them the Governor of this Commonwealth shall isue a writ of l-'.leeliu direcleil to the bheritl ot each uud every coun ty of this Commonwuulie, c unmauding them to give no- tiee in the usual manner, iu mil less titan two newspapers iu each c tuulv. provith-tt that so uutuv are inmhsiied t'iere in, thut election will he held iu cieh ot the townships, WiOUft, uuu (liailllll UlCICIII, l HID t uuiii ill wi.' toher. iu the veui of our Lord one thoutiaud eiulit huu died and fifty-seven, for the puipose of deciding upou the aloptun or reject iou ol tue ibiui ainenumems. or any oi the in which said election shult he held ut lite places, and opened aud doled at the time ut and wilhiu which the general elections of this Commonwealth are held opened anu closcti ; anu u stiuu tie ui uuiy oi uie juica inspec tors und clerks ol' each niul said tovrnshiiis, wards and dis tricts to receive at the said electiou tiekels eithel wriileu or nriuted. or ixirtlv writteu aud partly printed, irom em zeus duly nuulilied to vole fr memleis of the General Aseiiibiy, und to deposit them in a box or boxes Ui be lor tliat uui mse nrnvided ttv tbe nrooer orheces : which tick ets shall he ieectively labelled ou the outside, liist amendment," "secmd amendment, lUird umeudincut," and louith aniemhiM at," und those who arc fuvoiuhle to said nmeudiuenls, or any of them limy express their desire by voting euch as many sepurute written or prii.ted ballot or tickets, containing ou the inside thereof the words, "for the amendment," and those who are opposed to such amendments, or anv of them, may express theii opposition by voting each as many sepemte written or printed tickets coutfliuiiur ou the iusido thereof the words, uguiust the amendineots. Skc S. That the election on the anu! proposed amend ments shult in ull respects he conducted us the general elec tion! of this Commonwealth are now conducted ; und it shall be duly of the return judges of the respective coun ties uud districts thereof, first having cuiefullv ascertained the number f votes given for or ugaiust each f said aiHcndmeuls in Ihe manner aforesaid, to make out dunli cute returns there if, expressed ia words ut length uud not in ligures only, one ol which returns so made shall ixt hid ged in the prothouotairy's office of Uieconrt M eminou nteas of Ihe iwoner eountv, and Ihe olh r sealed and direc ted to thafeVevretary 4 the Couiiwu wealth ami by one of said judges depoaitea forihwilu ui me moat coaveiiieut roe. omce. The elect ttHi In open between the hours of P und 10 o 'clock tn Hie lorcnoou. una Mai!cNiuiiae wuitout imcr ruption or ailjouinnieot until 7 o'clock iu the evening when llit; uolla shall be ched. The severul Inspeetors uml Judges elcrtetl on the 3d rrniav in mart-n, itoo, in pursuame oi uie m nectiou ih he act o( ilw Sid of July, 1KJU, will hold the eketiou on Tuesday the 13th day ol Uctolter next Aud the said Act of Assembly. eiititM'"Bn act relating to the elect .map of tins Ciawu'nweul(h," inisaeU July the dud, lKi, lurthef provides us folkiws. to wit r That the I uspectors and Judges cuoaeii as aforesaid, shall meet ut tho respective places for bokliug theehvUmi in the district to which they respectfully tteknig Ufora nine o'clock in the morning of the second Tuefkiy ui Oc tobcr in such and every i-r, und euch of anid inspectors slutll appoint one clerk, who aliall be a quablivd voter of such district. Suction 'J. Tliat any frnul committed bv any person voting hi the manner ubovs preaeidaul, shall be as similar frauds ure ditoeled to be puutshed by the exist ing laws oi this Commonwealth. 'Iu case tiie person who shall have received the smnul highest number of votes lor Inspectors shall uot attend on thedayoi auy lectimi, then the Mrson who shill iuive received Ihe soeond highest number ol voice tor Judge the next preceding r lactam, sU-di act as an iusixvuu iu his pUcc, and in case the peru elecJl JuU,'e shill not s trend lac laspcvlor who rfccivcl the highest uutnbcr "I vtcs. t-nR.. if .,o,.;all poni,r;,e," ,u,ri(7 hi. br.-. and hi either ihe ,,, K'h "YJ, ' . .Vii '' ' ' "" K lur"'"'l ') l!,c Commit.,,- ?nV. f.S'lV. m ,'bJ,'r,,d " " nn.ilifi.-d citizni, lh. I... .f S "' uch prrn on oath n. X. In. qualifi-i-.ili..ia, jh.I ii ,e chuina t. h.ive rosid in the unite mm ':v;Tr:;r? ,h i""f .1 ' hi .) 3 ?Z Th t ' n,t'!1-'"i'liiit w-ilnr w, 'h .l.oil ,c a n v. n T T' "'" 'T !P""M U ilhi" '''-""l ta . h.m. V ' ""mc'l!"t,;,Y procKlinmlie r'.-cii,,,,, onu atico of l.,wrl culling i. vitliin the district, and that ha did nut remove uilo uid Uitrii-i r,,r 11,.. J,-.. '..., - therein. 1 ....a Ilvriy mdiljed nn nfnrcwii.l, nnd who flmll mnka pru...i,ii ".'Miire.l, ol r.mdwit aixl pntmci.l of t.a, a. or dun iei m winch he nlinll rciiide ll any penr.ll not .pmhljcd t,. voto in lhiOmni-wea!lrl a , t.. law, (except tho Kma ol oiuilif.e.1 citizom) iinlla .i e,,r al any pl,,ce of clerti,.,, ft the pnrpnae of if-mm-i ticket, tr inliueiii-iiiu: cilizwi. qualified to vote, li. I "Tj"';, f"r,l'il nml IT oll- "n ""t exceed- n .me hundred dolbira for . very one iu.-l. o(l..ce, aud T.,H,.""!,f -liB " montlii. i.,.Vi..' if d'',y 01 '' ay..r, .heriiT, .Merman justice ol the pini-e. nnd,, te or depute cc.nrti.tle, ( ever,-city eoniity, lownilop or district within thi. cm inonwenli li, whenever ii.ll,,! ,, ,,y av on-irer of Bu election or hy any three qn.-.lif.ed elector, thereof, to clear any window ,.r 10 any window, to the plore of election, Inch shall t,c olwtructcd iu sucl' a wot ns to prevent voters from apprmu-hihic the aome. and on . ; 1 L . 1,1 ''" ,"ch rcuuisir.,,, mid orT.rer e.'.'.eieil,'.'",?' C.""",'d "f "'iim in ollice and on eon iction slmll h n, i.y eIn . C m nnc ,.. . i 1 . l ' " ln"'nd dollnrs i nnd it ahull I the duty ot the r. ,eelive eonwril.le of enr-h wnrd, d.nriet or township, of thia eoiiiuiouwiiiili to he nre.rnt in pt iw n or dy deputy, ul the ,,,,ee of lioldius such elrc tions in eaeU niu,oisriiciorioyi,i,ir,, for Um nur-su of pptrii. tlie pence lis nforcsnid. It 'hall ho the duty of every pence r.flierr. n af.n sai 1, who lli-ill ,e present ul any tucli dietnrhnnrf s nt an elrc" tioniuiadewnhcil 111 lhinct, to r. .rt the r:nne to ln next court of .(imrter sessioiu, m il nUj tlia nui. of U.a witi.ssc8 who en 11 prove the a;.me. The Jiidces are Io muke their returns f T the eountv of IWIruiiiih. riitn.l, at the Court H. usr, in Stannary, on Fri day, the 16th duy of October. A. 1). Ib&. Or. en ui;der my hand, nt funl.urv, this Id day of Oct" ,' ..U-and in the bbih turoftl,e iudenend.T.c. of Ihe l uiteJ Sl itcs. SherifT's CliSc, ?ui,lnirv, Sept VI IS 7 t ' ThltTrt ! fcr i.twrYtnr Fre'ti. V(rt.fc: S. IB perdfllj Frsb ut, Iirouiroii W.ty,8ntr1r t r inut, kutU InitittiCT, ami i nr Mii t m:.1 '"'''l U-r Cm r.rmnu.t. All kiii'fa of Wi, sad ('nwat tv autllr diMzr Will lyrVntM4 ttl ft.l'OaT Ir, i.rMnUi Un. itiU Wth rnliMo, tii Iot-1 ? t. rli. mm", UttDt K)-r 1 kttt.i I ytet of I.'ii'irti-! S-itinp. Pmiutm iiitrt'tA. iu O-.vft "' in-triTO Ar U,.Wltl'l. .t 'al1J fattl Ulfrflrflttl IrUl MiauUf.e ft tad TftfLckl ii a whu L iatbiutii It li rraruotl u. kfrtp kII rti'Ui not sr kav. r'lh.r j VJ.rrtiMi Try U. wid Ui ftll ? wh-:r f..4t; . iuu of run Ui rnotixv tu lm r:iiLl J Tie r it fine tTuft,t,tItHrUl TidoiiM Ciu, fTer-ci (rem itit ctfuff ona tutt l -y cliikri. Fu 'Htin rikiU ..v.:d iiv on ati.j ckrrn- i n vcitLntr u Ure nuug't. to .vln-it fu';1iJ i ich. Tkrrrii no l.aH b. tit it tu UL,rkfau tb'"',i.lU; it U n--nt:rtty of Tin. i TR- JTiBClI.U of bOftOlt-.' L.W at wt V- Ut ff-f TLpW, na ri,a. A LIUCitAL DISfOfNT TO THK TB4CB. i Vrm' LUDLOW caw CO. ... S3 l.'luebl.. .Y. HOVEE'3 LIQUID IIAIE DYE. ftMlK fcllovvin;, fr of riiiUJeiiihia, from tliat rniiuent I'!isici;ut Ur Urincklo, aJdcJ to tho tesiimmiy of J rof.'saor Uoolli, only Confirm wtiut iii evi.leiuc J l.y iliouciials liavc unA Hover'a Dye. "(jinnu Itow, CiiKTxrT i-rit:iT, ) 'liilaili'l.Uia, DeccmLer 22J, 153. "In regard to llovKii'a IJ.wn ivr, I can uiiliooilalitigly, tliat it cuntjhis no tleklrrioua in. (firtliciiU, uml may he used witli cntiie aHffty, and ni'.li the utmost cu.fuliiR-e and suc.-en." W. 1). UKI.NCKI.K, M. V. Hover's Vriting & Indelible Inks, Are ao well anJ wiilcly known, aa to require i:a eulogy of Uioir merit, ii ia only t.ecjs.ary to ny, lluittlie att udy and increasing demand, givca th. l.est evidence that t'.icy iiiiiintaiii llieir character for superiority, nliich tln m when first introduced, veara t;o. Orilere odJrcfscd la tlia Manufurtnrv, No. i Hi RACE strett, uboe Kourth. (oM No. N4.) PliiUdclphia, will receive prompt a'tention, by JOSEPH K. HOVER. Mnnufacturer. Sep. 12, 1857 Ayti25, '57, ch. toisiiiv niSiiiivrsT The Apple Harvest of 1857 has Arrived, ANU il'vu wuli to make money, please your customers aujaave canvassing agents (who ran muke one, two and even three liuuJuJ dol lar, per month) from aupplying Ihe goods in your tewn and county which you ought to sell, you ran do it l.y sending ten dollars for a sample box containing ix of Trait's Apple Parers (!i60. 0UU already sold) and Trail's Apple Sliecr, ( new article.) and oue thousand printed circular to distribute in your town or country, liy ' ' doing you' will find no trouble in ordering . selling at very large profit ten, twenty or evn a hundred dozen machines during the season. PRATT'S APPLE PAR Ell was patented in 1857. Having a loose head or knife carrier ao arranged as to readily adjust itself to the ine qualities of the surface of apples, or other fruit, the working qualities of which nave proved i excellent uud advautageous la ihe community, that Ihe manufacturers, Messrs. Sergeant it Poster, have already been called on to mare tliun half a million machines. FKATT'3 APrLE Sl.ICER. made toaccotn pany the Parer, was patented in IH57. It is small neatly constructed machine, and like it companion, the Purer, docs most excellent work, rutting, in about five seconds, each apple into twenty two equal parts, leaving, wilheut waste, only m small core to be recovered. A child can readily work either Parer or Slicer at a speed of ab.ut three bushels per hour. RETAIL, PKICE OK EACH $1,50. All orders by mail or otherwise should, to meet prompt attention, be addressed to E. I.. PRATT, 617 Hansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sep. 12, 1K57. 31. L. PLATFORM SCALES. OF every description, suitable for railroad, Ac, for weighing Hay, Coal, Ore, and Merchandise generally. Purchasera run no ri.!c every acale is guaranteed correct, and if sflei trial, not found suli.faclory can be leturuej with out charge, Factory at the Old Stand, established for mors than twenty years corner of N mill and Melon -fetreeU, i'uiladelpliiu. ABBOTT & CO. Currrssors to Ellicolt ii AbSott. rUilsdilphia, Sent. 5, 185T. c":a.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers