NT HE QK ATTRACTION! , IQE ABBORTMENT OF ALL 'AND WINTEA GOODS. lit. Vl- IIAf.LllMI. )tr AIILE, ;si; quKliiiu combined, the pulilic will al by endings! the rjtont c.l I;. V. UKKill C - Their assortment is large, mid ha kvttnl Willi gret cart-, end mil bo dis j I Ht small iidvnrtce. TUB L.ADXI33 i n.l among mir I'ry (foods Woil Plaids, in kI Fancy fNll.s. I'ln'il Lm Flannels, ca, solid colored :md Fancy Dctaiui . Du 'cotoli Fluid. Figured Cashmere, I'cr vill, Cobtirg Cloth, Ciiighatn, Calicos, rclano end Debcge Holies, i.nce Ailk, Hoot 'mi,'., Ojera Caps, an J lFonci Cufs. IKS i.nJ LHII.Dni'.V OOLTALMA8 IKHh. Uull Ribbon, Mohair Head Presses,, us, Ncedlc-wui ketl and lluyle Collars, ad Lares, Flouncing. Inserting, fcjuis. Mull, .lie, Nainsook, Dimity, ianed Muslin, mutine, an J ii jji'iietikl uscoituicut uf white N. u.il and CnSInn Carpt, Oil Cloths, (.'it s. Eockd.ilo blankets. Turkish count-rpwie issed table enters, tickii;?,. nick flannel, '., kitl, silk, Lislo ihtesJ end tcuo'rij glove. every variety, Russia r tt 1 1 ( Linen nnil ion Diaper. TJJ K UENTLEMEN find Hlnct, tllue anil Uruwn French Cloth, shin. lti.u:k and Fancy Csssimer, lie-ntcd 'lull, lltnrco I'.in . 7'tvctJ, Velveteen. Mlk, in, I'lush mill ."Silk Vclvci Vetting, Neck-lies, ifa, Collar:;, Ohives u;.d Mtui Ui. Sil J.V-EZ'.tiE CI-f".TWI3'Q. til ami Capsul ull si,:. mill price. Oi.it HAUD.VAHE ihracca all kind nf building material, a larn;e i.k i' Cnrpcti'.ci's Tools of tliu host niaiiulac e, file ut fiery dest 1 ip'iou, picks, gruli ..ocs, .s.oi liunttiK-rit. liar iron, steel, nails, psinls, ti, gludi, nml nil, window sash of all succ, nd-toncs. Circular ami Mill tiaAs. 'The Queeas4':irii; KiatL; composed ill Sime Chunt tsu.s, Fruit disln, ikt! plates, Sa'JCC dishes, C. million plates, clip il s:i 'iff rs. together Willi it varied ori-mlit tilaMva!0. riiiiii-.ifiii:' ilui l.i;.t Klvli, oin unocczciEs 0 f.iaii ami n.ic. uinniist wl.uli n.iy 'je fnuiiil . A. S.iit, Ai.n.knal, hiiml, Ci'illisli, lioxd nini r.'.A,:i Ui-ni 1:5, (iii-lirn nii.l t5.in Cliciue. 'J In- lit. I'f t.-il-, fUUMTd, I'lill'iH, ic. We ret nil our tli.iiikM In I ho pnlillc fur our n:f:liui; ialiomie, mill n aj-w-'l'i'lv i il-iii tiiMiinfiiiiMi of our utile!;, u wo iliem it a j lea i,i' In flMiv mir Li.nids. SV" (.'.iniilry luoilme taken in exchange at le liiglieat market luiics. i;. V . '.JKIGJIT & SON. Sutilniry. Nov. C'J isrifi. Brvrains ct the Old Stand. rillING &. GRANT A UK now 0 po 1 1 1 11 if a new and verr d,. callable I toik id F unit Winter LiooiU, nil ariuty. Their flock con- iraei:i an enaieiia isis ;.;,rl nt i-3CU ic iiint'TSrcaacioiliSflcunscinicres. Wiii'.ir Ware; lur m-ii and tmya, all at) lea ai d jiriee 1. DIIESS GOODS. SILKij l'htin etui I'iyitrert lllacl: An avKiirtinent ul' I'hud Stripe, mid Figured Fan ey lii'.-'s Sit; at iiiiuiiinlly low Jirire, Mhi. lie l.aiti'1. l)i'l'eife iVc, CINCM AMS frimi r.t to i" eenta per yard. CAl-IfOKtS " :l " ll!J " WIHTK GOODS, Cambric, .laioneits, Swis, Ti.rliiin, Mull, Bohi- ! rett. r reiKh and vmss t.aceti, ltlitij. e. Drown Ri'd lili'iuliid Mulina, I liiilmg". Ticks, Check, Tui linys, 'I'lihlo Diapers, 4 c. .?rJ'i:s!li',s. IIAr,DV;AKE and UtJEENSWAItE, Cedar-uarc, linlhuv-wme, linn, teel, i'lanlei Vail I 1'ii.Ii. Also a ttctli su plv id" l)l!i;i;s AMI .MKtllCIM-19. Tlnnl.fnl lur pa.-i l;ivors. we hupe hy strict n t Hi : ! 1,1 1 1 , t -1 a i!i -ivc to pleane, ati'l to meet with the apiirma' of unr iVietiii. CV 4'uunsry pioduce ul nil kinda taken at the highest iiia.kil price r-.iiiliiirv. Nov. 0. IX.'iO I v. PUBLIC SALE VM.I'ABLF. M AUK E I' ST. FliOI'ERTY. 'S1! 1 E eiib.-i-i ilier i ill rv.pjc to public sale on 1 I Tl.'i:l) V. tbti Ul day of May, licit, al ! the Couit Ifoiise, Suiiiiiiry, the vtlualilc propei- ; ty in Market Squaie, Sui.iiuiy. I itc the renttlenci- : 01 EtlwarJ t l. biii, i!i-cesed. 1'l.e lot is till front and I MO feet t'eep. mi which i creeled a two' story Hrick Dwelling;, i!si feet front, with tvn H try buck back i.niidiiig, e.ii.tainins; tliuini: ruiiinaii.l l.itclien, iVc. Tlieie is also 0:1 the pieiin ees a li.imu i.m utitry Ijwciuti. v.i'll Ii line , hick huildnias ill Ifi Irout and (it) feel th-p. There lb i, is, i on the lot a quod fianie Mahle and ( other necesssiif liiul.linifs widi an ecelleni well ol wat-r. '1't.C iot can bo divided into two j equal pjrta .it .ill ft el each, so ss lo accommodate two faiiiit'cs. Tins properly is onuofihe. mosl , denii.ible lucations in the boroni;h. and is in good condition. . The term, will le made known on the Hay I of u. c bv , cn ri.r;s ouuin. . Aciir.g for himself ami ether beira of ; E.!tv.:r l Cwbin, deceasetl. Ufll'LTV. I'i b. V.ii, 1..' 7. Is Nnfl i M.J 4 '.!olt r'iCct, 9 .vh !,.:', In I tV W'ilftT.) (Tfasa 0:..iE-t VM.D-v il a'-5 in ih t'ni ) " rM'l Al,.Ti:i!Ki.S;i,.i1 !. It-Sjuic ii'ii!-t t-. i: i';it ) jl i ..l.i.-iiiii. !. ! 1 1 1 ( 'i M-. t'iii. ,,t ii v.-d t'i tin- ii-, wtff ui nl ii-.; i i .-si fNiiili. K!r;(--it r, ,S:c , tj u. CMIlllMte "til h;flrk r.viuii , --i7 ly iiiil. W.. .u.d V.' W-W in t'c'C'l-UM Iill. I leukc cull rtl:it QMsVLIi VTCin:S A f-w .InnhlP Kntiiti. Silver Wutchei, for silr. M very low pri N H. MASSE R. SiiMi.ttrv. Ai.nl I'i. I(ffi K. uiVuUij ix iX). Clothiers, K 111 Crtir.nuT St., ask-ve Ko-th, I'HLvDi.fMIA, Ktc caKj'.intW cm h; a frndiii jffjrir.ent or RcicJr-miJc Clcthin?. Got K-,t.B to 0ni a WAaasarau to nr. Nev.SO, l,S6 y 2P.0DKEAD ifi: E02EI1T3, sV,;. 1 3.'i, S. 'i'i Street, INVITE the aiieniion of rounlrf merebanta ainl nijic rs, to tln ir stock of t BOOTS &SHsE3. ' which they tit dispono of on lha mol reason- able terms. Nov. 9. H?."6.- ly PZILIP H. -rjT. WIIOIKSI i.e awn sktiii. Croceiy, Wire aud Liquor Ptore, 6'. F. cor. llVi.tiif nnri Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, lEiI l'.ns and families ivill be promptly supplied at the lowest pricta. Ocioher 4. 11-66. tl ClfcDAUWARE, II.ill.iw-ware, f-btss-ware. ' uti'l lare suck el Qiceii&are, eiubiacing lha newest palltint, fur sale nv No .tD, '. U. Y. U EIGHT & SON. THE LATEST ARRIVAL 'OF FALL A Nil VINTEK OOOUS. !J. r.fiti, r. iiLmu, Heiei-ifiillv an mm nee to their friend ami 1I1 (luMic In Kenrrnl thai they have reeeiveil at thair Mlorn in l iier AugiKia kinliis Nurlln ttib r. laml eniimy I'a., at Kliiiei (iruvo. Tlinr F.ill ami Winter :ooila are nirnrtl to lha uhlie a fall aimruliiii'iil ol merehiuiiJi?. Ae. CinitUting in art oHJIotln, hlark anil f.inejr t'aa niers, Salinrtin, Clteeki, Kentiieky Jeiiri L'mler Miirta anil Urawcra and all kiniitof Fall and Winter (iouda. A lut id" ready niaJo Clnatliing, eouaiating ul C'aata and Vextii. Ladiei Dress Goods, MmrvLi, (.nmliaun, Iferue L'elaina, Calicoea, llaek Mlk. i c. AIo a I'rmli iiip ly of Druga anJ Mvdieirea (jrneeriiK i) c., of all kind. A new atiifiy of Hardware.. Queenaw are, Wuudeii ware liru.'.'im $ c. Alo a lurije aanbrliiirnt ofl'ootaanJ Shoea auilable lor men v. omen and eliildren. JI TH AN U CAI'.s. Alro an :.iu; liiieiit id iSeliiiul lMinkt, Statione ry, l''i!veliiea. Ink and cheap pulilleationa. Are. c:u!l, L lice.i 4 c Bl"' " iisiiliy kept in a eu.intiv a'.nre. Coircnnd wv, Come, one, eonie ull. C'lieaper than the .'!it'airt. 'J hanLful fur pul larura we hope lv aliiet at lenti.iii to hu.-ineaa to merit a eoiiiinuauce id the a me. I Ail of the shove nonuJ alock offcoods will lie 1 s.dd poiiively at low prieea for eah. or in ex j rli.infte. for country juoiiuee at ibe highest mar ' kit prirf. Klinea CJiovc, Fa., Nov. 8. l'SO tf I. "vr. CO., . OF KJCriT2iXJ V, PA., .'"R Ec-i'Kt.'J I-1 I.I.V unite their Iriemla and gjfa. li.e pui in: to iiiripect their new tloik of nWTK3 C0033. jiikt roieived houi I'liihideipliu, iieini; ronvinied that tin ii iiiicri-Kt i best prom ilcd l y a strict coiiliuuuiic ul their id J plan of "Hinnll profits w! quick Sales." they shall flill anide by their previntio course. A iiimnral their flock ill be luinid l.irGl'N 'I I.KMi;., a luisrt Uffitiiliiii-nt of I.'JAPV M A t'or-tii. Vent and 1'aiitulotiiin ; Cloth. (Jeaniiuerea. Satinelts, estiiinR, L udcr-Shl ta, ! Shirt Uoautut, Cc'.bira and Cravata i OH l.ADlJS. ! IJ lark and colored Mll;, Do llee. Hovn, Ve j .'e.ea Frinili Merinoi-, Caelum rea, Aiiuloua 'I'loliiK, ("obitri!" and Alpac.tt. Del iiin' bmh I plm ami printed, lit ailv-.l a ie Cloaki. rotdi.t land Woolen Siiawls, 'I'ab'.iv Velvet in various i cub r.. I.iilie I skirts. Sack flannel various col I lira V.tiS ai.d while I' laiinel. 1 AI.U: A genrrnl riKaoitnienl ol l.adiea 1111J Gentleinana UUUTM, tillOLd vV C-AlTKKd. Men's, liti ' and Children' Data nuil Cap. Hardware, Ijiircnawurv, (Jroccriea. ('edarware Stone ami liari'n invare Druj-i, I'ulllU, Fish, ftail, Cheese, Natis, Oile, c, 4 c. A good supply of school books uud copy books wiiii printed copies on eat h pae. i ..1 : i. e..r 1. tlUIHI 1 'lUIMIVC lUftVII 111 l-.Vl UIIUl- IUI LUI'UB . , . at. (iie Illl. Cat liliusvi prices I. V. TKNER& Co. Siinhurv, Nov. 2i!, !H.')5. HERRING'S SAFE AO A N THE CIIVIvIFIOISr 1 1 The on! 3 Stte nh'uh. ht terry instance, pre iti recti their entire rrmfvHts in the lute Lsttitsit'c J-'irct. V'V the imrnmc r !hr Artiznn j tin iMmil'b. April ittih, uiul til Ifff Wf;t Hie CiltKA l' I'lM-i in .l:irkt-t m ;,vt .M iy lit liwli, llir LM-iitlllir llcrnii I'.-.ii-.isiiiiirr' .si rr- 1 SnmiH-iiH .V lire : llrk. ' 1, A( . i. risSter Sl Hut. uud fit I it .oiml ; im. a, 'n . fit I mi n : i "i ' 1 , 1 - 1 ! Ii ' i' u 1 1 1 1 ix I iv 11 r lie i'ui MiiiK IlJ'v'jl ' rl!;s f. m-!!y K-,n 11 -ur. n:. rll."7TvMr,S',r''vl,ll! u nflt.iiifiy witiit weliiivc r?ikrtttf.'IMr iv. .1 tin. .let! r iI.-jiii, tiifir n 'luiitinir t'xi' ni in (he hurniiia i tit;. if t.ui-L-tt'J!(iv "Ver t rt uril it nnv kii'm ii. j In tl.t-Sf fir' . the m'l.JUXr.'SAKK, st linu si-le I 1)V 6:ll.' tVlili iM-'str- li-tviTll'ifi' IiS 1 Wll: liil.tfil t'l l!lllil lit 1 per cini. i...ir.' Mkiii li'r; iim' " im.im turUi tin nc j ku 'WlcilucU vi-.l.M M- f tinly pn--Tvinu H.i ir cutiriiia mi i t xo-ll-.-tit irt!ir. I mi lniii : iJfinsi; v in n oi.'.-iiM'.-i I" I, ! thfli-'li nimlliiT uniciil. win It I tie I'f'tml nl Sri!:ipi:i!;(!e 't'. ' niltiT imiki-iK me li:nl!y rucil up in 'rv iMatrin''c. uml hi ' mii t i,:,t.fs llif-ii I'ctifi t'l'iitf-nit- f niij Vinly itHbiriiyr I 'l.i in- polilio vf wultl kiii::;'y nv. Hint, i.nrit.tr tlie f 1 j ;. r Mie HiMrioy"! Sm'.' Ijji- ' cm 1hI"- itn-iii, tn mv llum i t w hunt!.- ii l .iv- iiiiyt! tiirnutjli iicciilenmi fiics witln'u : tlif itc-iii rt'icp i f sum.f 'ui.. W'f w 'Uli!. tlViHi'ii.'. Cinin..n liich-isiT nirfiiiist Hip i ; litri'Mr.'wr-,;ttl'il "t l!iTtTi ri.t (l i;i!lii. I llf llerrm M I':i1i-:ii in iKi tii:'v I" ir--( S.il'n in;i'V m Hun v.tty - wtncli in ppi.-'M.-il 1 1 a r.i'ont It if! 'it, mill wis will -junr-! iuu it tn -, .si;:t i,;i.re lii'iii o mi bit the uni"u;it nf heat ot 1 ;my olliur Suit' imw k-iii'vii. rai rcN u SIcri tsscr, j S. M inufiicturctii in this Strife oT ; 'ICMlNC'i I'ATIiNI' UOiriu-N SM'ts," I 31 ll'in'iiiif Vk'h..y. 1 X P. I-F.V1I1 ft V:ll.s.tli tll.'lli.Vfil Stl.Iilian.l. IS." : (Civs' r.vnir,' ' ,, :v It-'l's." nnil S-.. It's .;-lirl..." lii Clifi s. -I l.ojc is.-.,rt;r-.-iii Iriviotr t't'sn la!.t-ii in pan ,:l'-iii III oil HomnuV) Willi riiii:i.,.liine il. 1-50 lv. - b.ilil nt low pi ict-a. New Hoods lor the People ! HKN.JA3I1N IlKKFX VAX fTi E.-SIMIC'I'ITLLY lul'oriiis liie public in pen- eral lhal he has jusl ruceivud and opened a pln:did stock of Fa i.i. and V' 1 nt ek (loons. at his New store, in Lower Augusta township. His stock consists in part of Cloth., Cassjvaer3, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. AloiO : rali5. Cttixtittiits, I.nvnx, It2uuscltil. lie. S.iiliiC) and uil l.tuda of l.tdi'r D.itss tjjuds. 1 t et rU:t, : Also an arsortinent t.l tin J it 'C. Iruu ami Strtt, l.'ail-, tec. A b-o an exct-lieni nssoitincnt of Q,UiSvYAfl', "I viniuus si) les anJ pal tti i:S. i Alio 111 assortment of iOT Si. &HOV.S. I H ATM 4: CA I'S, a goml selection. j 'illt. 1'i.sli, ' Anil a great variety of other articles such as ale ! suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold al I the lowest prices. j I v' Country produce taken in eichange a : the highest pri-'en. j Eawer Aususla, Nev. 05 I8."ifi. ; ii.u;;.Ls to m: had at ! P. W. (iUAY'S STOUE, j llarkct Street, Cunbury. "If t'ST received and opercd n stdeutlid Stock . j& .(FA1.L& WIN'iXU OUODiS, consisi 1 ing in pane) I lilmk nml l'unvy CiiliiH and Cufsimerrs, ( An assnrtriiflit id' Dry Onoila, via- Meiinns. ; Caafnieres, Delaina, t.alico, ooleri Cianis. ! Ciiibsms, M minis, I. incus, f'laiineli-, c. Tiiir,i.ii;if;s in Qrcbt Variety. ' HARD SVAJlfc. CKOCF.lUF.s, 12 O" j WAKF.. ' ft ALT ana H;,M ' and Cijnr. Queen ' Caps, ami a varict tun. Call and exar in(l 1 Isfwhi'i' taKen ..Il I : I 0.11,11 ; hiriiasl ' rjiln A Ja. Sep.. "lOLD FeA'v veiy superior oi A lao a fresh supply of tV . i ty ii- I eimilrurv, Der- 37, 1 Wa ll. "AID AND COMFOaT.r , To l'unr 0vu iriccliniiies. ISAAC 11, W1LKEUSON, RoHpeetrully antinunee that lie hn taken the atand lately occupied by Ceoree fJenn. whe'e lie ia prepared to manulaeture all kind-! nr FURNITURE AND CILirRS Of the Most FashionaH Style. 'T'HE auhaeriher respectfully calls the atten'iei of the public ta lita larce and plend;J af aorlment ol every finality mid price of - 4iui; r-i Aiti: which cormot fail to revomniend itiudf toevery ene who will examine il, on account of its durable workmanship and apleudid liuii.li, made up of the best alock to lie hail in the city. No effort i Hpari'd in the manufacture of his ware, and the auhaeriher is determined to keep tip with the many improvement which are constantly being ljde. Ilia stuck cmiiiata of Mahogany ' r'tif'.tlt, intuitu Diiil l.lltlClfH Buirmits, Secretaries, fiidsbonrds, SOP, HhMRWV .LWi IIIMMJ TU'.IIS and ttlso V E.KTl.ii 1. ,NllS, ei)iuil to Flit. a. ilt'lpb.ii iiiaiiul'aclure. UETS TEADS. of everv pmiern ami price CUIMIOARDS, U'Oiik AN P CAN 01. K STA.NOS, Tt.ll.F.T TA1H.KS AND KXTF.NSION TABLES, In short, every article in tiiia line of his huaineaa. I!a also inuinifacturc all kind and qualitiei-', CUATltS, ncluding vsrielica never helore to he. had 11 fuiihury, such an M t .'iim n , II1.11K Vai.m;'I imi Ci'mKii Miri.tlhiKiusi avu Wiviismh ('II.I!i!S, awn run I'l mi 1001 . whicli are of the lalest atylca. and tvarnin'cd to be eveelied by none inauulai tured in the Cities or elsewhere. The uhnriber ia ilelermin.iil tln.t there shall be iiix jcime for persona to piircha-it furniture in the cities, asevety roiifulence can be cuteilainej about the u,ujliiy ami liuish of their ware ami Chair. These article will be dispose .1 of on booiI terms a they can be purcbated elsewhere. Coun try I'roduce taken in pawueiit for work. tir CNDI'IM'AKI.Vii. Havine provided a handsome iliixi, he i now prepared for t'utlcrtakiiiir, and atltmdiu funerals, in this vi ciuitv, or at any convenient tli.-,tauce fioni this p!a..-. FIT' 'l'heare Room ia in Fawn ttreet. bc tiw Weaver's Hotel. Is.iAC M. WILKINSON. Xiiuhury, Sept. 13, Is.iC. tf. :OT. AVI 332, ! CIIF.AF WATCH AND J K'.V KL'J V PTOIIE I So 72 Rortk i'ecmiii ilhrtK r-jijinsilt Ih Mount Fciiinn House ) rhiladelphia. OOLD Lever Wuicbes, full jeweled. IS K. ca sis, ; Silver Li ver ib'i,. do., li; Sil ver l.epine, do., tji'J : Qi:;tn r. sfift to $7 : O'uld Spectacle. -.4 .",0 to i i (I ; Mitvi r do., !j; I fill ; JNlvcr '1'able Spoons nr etl, M to I8 Silver Desert do., do..1;! to 5 I I ; silver Tea .tr do., j!4 7S to tf-7 fit) ; Cold Fena and Cold Ca ses, tj;:l i,') to !j 5 ; Cold i'en. and .Silver do,. "rl; tok't llier w ith a i.ri. ty of fine tiobl .leweh v, Cold Curb , (iiunl and Fob Chains. All goods warran'etl to be as represented. Walt lies and .lewelrv, repaired in thebet nianner. Also, Ma sonic Marks. Fins, Ac. .made to ortler. N. H. All orders sent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. Phihi.. Oct. 4. t ei.rG. lw. COLKIAWS CHEAP CUTLERYSTCKE, So. 'Jl Snrlh Thinl St., Inline Arc!,, DJiassir'aiA, -"sjOI'NTI! V Merchants ran save from ten to fifteen per rent, icy p;;,-dia-ing l the above store. Iv iuii nrliti' uiv own good payiiittl,i.i httl rent, ami iivittir econouiieailt-, il i plain I ! can utiilersetl those who purchase their (loads j here, pay hiyh rent and live like prince. i Constantly nil hand a large assoi iment of Pt n anil I'ncket Knives, Scissors ilnd lJinors, 'Cable j Knives and Fork in ivm) . nat'. Inlll. Imnt and j wood handles. Carvers and Fork, oic., Hntchei j Knives. Dirk, jb'tmio Knives, Kcvolvini nml I p uin Fistois, A c. Also a larae assortment of Aecordeon, oVe. Also line Englih Twist and Cerinan Onus. JOHN M. COLEMAN. Oct. SO, 18io. ly. Importer. EEDPINC At FUKNISIUNi; EC.-IN KS Cabir.et Mai cr'3 Finding;?, ' The subscr.l'frs respeelliilly in' irn their friends 1 au.l lh public yeni-r thy. th it lin y nave enmec ted wnh their Uedd.n it Fiirnishimt husines a l-iruc and well as,r, J i nk of (y'abinct .Maker's Kiuditigs. af Iheir old stand j So. 63 South Slcu'iiI Strerl, below Chestnut, j ri:lt:M;i!tC. i They have a-i.cisted with them W.S. 7'rnwu ! who has been lor many ears on.i-rd in Ibe piincipal eslablishnieiit iiflhukiml in Ibis iil. The sttit k ol tin. -ds notv 011 hand ctimpriM s every descii, tiou of iii iicrs.il ue.l by Cubiuel Makers, contisling in part nl the fniluwiug viz; Hardware dcpartnient Loe!:s, 1 1 inues, Scrt ws (.'aslors. 'etl Screi . t'hstr and Sola Spiii.fis, tvillllll ll.llldii's, iVc. l a, 1,1. ct Maker a MaleinI. Hair Scatinir, t'uile.l Hair, Looking Ciaaa I'l.ittaaml Fraims I i In, arnish. Sand I'aper, 11 11 laps. Alack and Fancy Silk and Worsted tiimn, Sul'.i sill Chair Web! j)f, 1 wine, f-ackilii! Uoltoill. yi'.lsewoiid, l ahtig.iuy, Walnut and Maple Knobs, fiiass Screws, Ac. ! IJeildiug Depa-tment. Hair, II nsk. Moss. "0., ami Cult.iii Maitfetes, Ft all er A' -tls. Uo'sters I and I'lllows; j'iusb, Damask niul Moreen Cush- l-ii Comiiirublcs, I ..iiinterpiine.s, l.iueii uml j Colloii olit ets I ill iw ( as,s, l.ini ii anil Cnlton ' j I'nwcU. Table Cloths. Table Linen, Table Cov. i I ers, Mov. en, Deuiask and I'lus'i by Ihu piece, i Moss 1. 1 nt llu-k by the bale or ptiuiu!. I T..e Hair .seating and Curled ll .ir is from tlie I'lula. Mituuf-tt'loiy ol D. iV J. ; ..l.lil". I j N. I) lintels. Steam Boat and Ship fur- ! 1 iilalied at the shorn st uoin e. j NUiH.ir. lO.'OWN A NOItl.lT. ! fid Hi;f( 2'i' St.. Mat' fheitnut. j ' (Nes.lv i pp-i-ite U.ink ut l'enns liauia.) I Fhilsdclphi.i, logti-l J, I . ly. rs!:sn;f Tmi.v niiaim iiis I'nt'p J,'urii! " tile III, 1,1V l'.MI..fiPv rd h ."Vi-w M-ii-k ol iiOOlJS. nt Ihk .may r-lnrc at liviil Mtl;crV Mi:J, in l.i.wrr .lulst!l Tuwm ami Unit lit- is jirt-' uretl lo t;!! goud-i &i iht lunftsl jirii en, ISl'tck ci r a 1 Grorr AYER'8 W 1 Till mrlic. I'll s. . ...... ... cirAw?E Tin n.coa and cum? th"e bics. Invall'U, Knltifn, fjolhns. Pliyslrtaus, riillnnhiOista, Traill their Kneel, -".! Jole or (hate Vlrtties. vd:i tiik cnr, ok . tlrmlnehe.Sh-k rifudiirhP.FoiilNteiniBeli. Pi,ti:i. . ' 1, ISM tin. J r. Ails. Hi; ; 1 ,i,,v U a i'1 !'' lion nf (lis .,n: , l,r smj- H,..W n list-s l.y iW irlsu of voir I'ltls 11 ft-siii r., i stefroiti a liul stuia-i, whic-b iIipt rlvanss at ,in s. If ll j sill em iilhwi sa llifj- ila 1111, tl.F la. t it anilli kisisiea- Votns alili IM mjw.1, KII. W. I RKBI.K, Cl'i'- fit 3Jmr I'lr.rvm, rjilion Dipordcra hriI l.ivrr Comjilainta. tin tBU !T or tus t stic rin. 1 H ii ns.im.t. I. I'.. V r't-l... lVei. f it : 1 lisis n't vein I'll; In in.' a1" s'"1 li'l'ltKt nt'-l:. e uri'i iii,-s t ,a irs 's llnfii. an I eatin"! liuwitsistu my tt.ey am llis i-rst isllisr'lc -l:if l.i.v. I I, sir ivku st'tinii 01. U'S ('ir ls.iiti k sml its l'li-'l. ei'iii.iuiiiit Ijr tl" . sif an olnii'sl Is iseisii.v air ilsiaiiKi nifli'i.ir that .avail! IiiUs-4. t lists saliluDl Mlll'l a csss i.l'.;ifi i ,a.e in .lUlinstp (hat It ilia not riiilil.v .vl-lit tn tht'tn. trKKiaully yuan, Al.nN. l H.AI.I., M. !., I't.fmciut tfthi Marin Itnspilai. Dycrntcry, llrlu, nnd Worma. P.ifr (Vncr. ir.YK.iKD. I.l I'a.. Mien., So-. 1, 1R66. tin. Av:r: V.iar I'ills sis Hi -ci r.slum "f iiteilletne. Tlisv lisvi- il'.iii. in v ,' ni'So soihI llian I csa Nit you. !l,p'lil l.-n Hi !i u.l iiinliiK stray for Mill. V.ioit i?r In li ilts (iiitl nt lost I'lpe-m-, lull B'il ii" tii'ltsr. flu (lift iiiiiiiiKOi' e. tiil.ni,: Join I'ill,. tiii li su n t-ursit ln-r, l,v sxpi'lliln; laii sjtaoitiliis ." ana ma (.lia.li finm tier l'tv. Tli-V ull, I wal Is i-iil a.l linl se.l our two rliililtr .if l.'l.s. lv iltssiusrv. die ff our lu-igliKaa liail It l-ml. nml siv ;fi" t'liivil li.'m nltli Iwn il .a ol' yntir I'ilia. wl.ile odii-is 111-01: n I 1 iaM ftt-ui liv in topiity ilollsi iltn-loia' l.llH. u,l l.ait II a, Il linis. Kiduitlt liaiTin care.) antltsly in. 11 11, hi. iu!i a n:f li-liis i yauia, whli li l tctuslly J.....I an'l t'lit!...", will ta- piifti'l hsis. ia:o. .1. (iisriTTV. p..m,i.-(-r. Indiitestimi nml Impurity of the ISlonil. V..M tin. J. I'. M"m.. irfoe Xhiu 'l,vnh, JAsaVo. loi. AvfS: t tuvi; nasi y.iin I'illarl!t i-jr Iranrllnfliy uuvs.ii. in my t'mnilt 111. 1 -iimh-it tluiss I am cailsil tti villi hi .liana-. To ii'k.ila;- iti- oii;a-i-i -( circa; i.-ti na.l (unify the M, nfl Itisy sin tit- vary )( isniplv t l:t ever km w 11. an. 1 1 can fnrriiK'iuli lacni.inieii I (lism Ui n y riiii . Yi.liu, J. V. II I M lis. -aatir. wr,.w ri K. v.. Oct. j-i. isr. Ill if : I s?i na'ii ,.iii I -xtli-a.t 1 i.- I'llla In my pine li,s. S'l'l r, ll-l t!l"i'l Sll s-.i fll.-nt lilriri!'!. U. elostlrt- ItlS valsin au4 iniiilv I.,- it t: tils 1 1 if li t, Li.kvI. ,. HI t t.. ... l.-tl 11 .1. .'i . T). Ki-yMprlna, S'rrorufi, Kin' Fvil, Tetter, Tiinioi. and Suit liiicum. JCruwi u y i-u-.u-n. g .i-i.A'i,l i "U . t-.lt. 4. is.vi. Pr.. ATi.lt: Y.nir I'l'ls aiv tl 0 paisoo "f s'.l tl.a' I fi.at la meti.-itie. Tt-.-.i luf cna.l 11. . Hills ilanaa'sr of ul oca ct-H iii.m 1:.-. Iis-i - an. I f'-i ll.ai l a l -ios-t in-iTa' Is .viiHis. li-ji 111 cl ir lis. I ,-lt Imtj ,i.--t,!a-tv ft-. 1 n-i'iti ...tt-l s. 1,1-i t-imiis on liar akin aid ia l-i'itisi'. A frsr .nlv clil . . as ciiis.l. v.i. s tr:. I v ir I'ilia. kn ! Ilit'.v l.ats rc.P tt l,r. As' vti Mt'ittl I'll I.. r.lieuirntinu, Ntuiulii', ud :out. fern iV A.-i-. f's. .iu-. ay'l'.e V-i -', if m (Vnri I'cu.ki lt.it sa, v.inaii. ) 1.. .::. s. !-". 1! is -a.-, s.i 1 !,..! i Is ,i'.;.'.-li.i f i ll f reli. fv.na "kill lata l..i.'V'0 Hi' if I 'Is' sol ,.(. .1 1 a: ..- 0. y.11. A cot,: f t:VI 01 i:, v 1 1 Lti 1 1 11 n t si initio "li t ,ci tv ia ill i.i-iiisini,- iuoi.i wl.icl'. sii a.l is it- 1 1-ti u s'i 911 .NulMill.i ar.d.i. t I.. I las lia! . I 1 l.i a- is' i .iiaa w..:.- a-. ! t .-.-. s'.i'il. I,y tl a sltii a y.-Li . i-l-1,-iit sfc.-n: in rs.iiuii.ia I r. a ktnaia. I n.. y.-ni I .!. l lisi.-ss.-rt- v. a t s.--a.:.. I a It I s a: ii a in tlis nai- of '.is r.i 1 am not etiliia'.t vi-ii. i-.nit Cctsats, v.ni a K'uok. l.t.. ,v liar., t.".ft. I'R. Avil. : 1 t.svs 1., tn sitriialv --.1 s i l-v v.co -iils r.f Itlit-ti'iistic liont-a usiiil'tit it.scsf- ll.al l a l aa Istp.t n,,. , f.. lis. a. VIM i:V t-i.iri l.t. j l iir Dropay, I Icthorn, crCit-inl S i- 1 lulll(a. ir,iiuiii an a -llvts 1 ma ' '"' siasltsxici Ii nt rsliif. y. For Coslivoni s or ('c.lii'tii tf, ftne) n ft III 11 It e sill. il,rv sis rt.'i s ,1 la mi t f : 1 si. Cits, MipprrsfcloD. Imili. lfr-.'Tii (lott, 411. 1 s.i n iHatiit.i. si .1 I'aittal itMual-l.a-ss hats 1, sen cat,! l- tl.f aitt-is'its a, t i. a t ilitst I'llla. Moat of it. J.iha In titst I. rl rol.'ain V:.-t rv. l,i li at-(l-onsii s t sols I It- 1. rs.a in . ..1.1 1 all ... 1 , '.l:a' Ttt ill s i-.O.ii.- p.li. I: ,, Il . ,tr. itsl i-.c ', Pf fis .Itii litiy l.tlios ra in.aititii l.c t..s. i I. sua lOitlaio no uisi-i-iuy yv n.oirrsl "Ul.ati.ii- a l aiafsf. AYKlv'S CilKlinV rriTiiHAl FOR TIIK KAl'ID CI !:C (r ('OH.IIM OM)S H4IA It ? I-. .M a, iiito.tdii Tih, vU'!i'! Mii C(H(ilI, t'ffOl i1, A!TII.'..A. I- crrirs.sr n):vrrn"i uin, hid! f tr Ils rM"t' "f i.i -ii ti--:i e iM."ii:b in p-Uiiuv I glH;V llf tl.t (lal'-'Mr. Me r.-r1 tint fj'V t t'1' piMic "f viitnrn Tl illicit viry !inn. nvrl in'-t ciy hnwWi Hi- Atii-i-it-A:i HmiN UMii.Vrti.l ! "f i-..:.i."ii r n. .!..iur htifv n id I it a!:-!.'1 ktu. ' . f thv f itnilit i in it iy i'iv.l:y.i1 rnunli j ihi ll'.io " in I n l.M;t P"tl'r llTJmi.i -3l'tl lf i ltl-"'i ; llll l 'f f' laik' (,-n:;ni:i'it- n Hum1 ) ii l' I " tint ft"ioFy n,"'' fivtv.e Ii ttc0 jr "I ttt vt r.'iy n tin mi t n KrtMiu !;-' frTi ;mi rt4 tHiigi. V. j- il- it : tLe nnwi jhiw r! f I fit i i..' 'tc ,"ct ! u ftr li: h.-i- .lul.V it inl itnTi-i,...'. t '!. fii r. .. ,ny ..;? I" in n!e'o !lif j.Ti i :t. rnt wlVt Frnie.Iy tt il ftli I r .m iImvpI fur infitiin ii t jmn.it j.' J'nifiiii l ! l,HYi it ii: i;ir ssknt I', li.t- i .t.C, n n y l.l '.i-ttlf ii.,iit t!."M- iiij,-i. VV !t'.i nt;itiil.int i!ont!-ii to Wliv-vr tli' Cm VI. V t'l'T' fti v v. Mini' IJ'i I'Ttlifiutt mnmi;i"r.i il nvn' fl:n ill" it ri.n-. L.(c;t u r ( .n.'sir-l . v.vf j.nr .i l it. l 'U i!i'i n t"msili!. h,u ti-x li-rt tin ) mi: it l.oitiMii ylii'l m nmrtr ili- itn-si'i lit- eatil.fr t!:4t. r.uti -uA : I hi vi u't :;14 yov.r .,' v;. All kth-w '!te ilrt :f':l Lila'ify nf Iiiiik ilionli, nii rt tiii:y kin nv tin i rt mii rl 1 irrnly. iifrt iuit : lnor' hnii to atMiirw ttifin It i st U I iiitole ti;- l-t it em .t.. Wr li-aie no ''i1. no flit, titt luil to vnmliin ii t! dim-.: j..-:f. rt j.t ;l.! kii I il"'fi ut'. r l tlmw ! rely t.n tl lliv If nt i-'ftil ,,iii li oiii li:l uiii fill lit'., for tNtt cl..m. rni:r.iiLn bv dp. j. r. avkr, Practical aiid Analy:icsl Clitaiiit, lo'.vell, lisu. A .v i S u 1. 1 t: v Wiri. A. Rinrer, Saiiliety ; tjiitt A; J.,lm. Sh.inlokl'l W U';t !i..-i. N .(iliitiul eil-Miil i J. f Tnal .w, Milloi; Hays A M.-C-'riinck, .MclAMiiavole anil liy all Drupe b'.ii tlir.-ii1 "Ul ti e t-.t'i'iiv. Aan.-i iU, l0 ir THE SALAMANDEIl SAFES OF I'illl.AIlt MMII AfiM'isT TliK VTOltKII. EVANS .V W VTSON. Ar. 20 .S(ii('i Fourth St., J 'hilwhljiliiii. is""' J"s l!:.ve liml (he iurcRi ileuii iiiit r:t. turn nt the loli'twni Ct-iiiiiiMii v. Ihnl llit ir urtiinliii liiie I .m Hi;;mi t " "Miii if. hi o ill I. ii);llt t'lthy Wiirr.-iii-.l Mm rc(iii'St-.iiiiti Ti v. liich li'ivt I'l-i.n in't'!.- nl thciit icntlcf intr mi ii itl'iidilctl Hi I'uiity Mt;..ii.st l lie UTtillc clciiit-iil ; I i I O'l'is-vf.ra. r i i mss I'ull t l.i-io A, A pill l-Jih I'-i'l hniiicsl Kilof.ii lio'ii I i aii.ie I.i con. ll.,.t t.w liiu l..'l,i-vvrl ; pr..iertive ipiaimea m iw "i the rsita n,i..l.-i .-van, r, tii, !i l . til... :..... ., ! VI t" pilf.-llit-.-.l .it too s ill... i in.. hip sill.-.-, , e S..V.-.I ll I lin e- pert i,-n -a oil! .Icivoli c. li i- ks. I'ap- is, A i, ex; ti. B-.I to tl.e .-fi!;. in it in us lire to ttunslL-ail l'l.ice, on Li. L- III .nt 1 li p ol Hie t III) n. SI 'li.-n vvs r- fleet that lh.-n- S.it'i-a were l-.c:itcil ia ths 1 I'.lirl'i Hon-,.( Hie li.nl.loiii t'.- occi!,,i-.t. i.etl ll.iil ( 1 I nil aiil.seipir liy int ' it lu. i "i t.'ii ii'.'.: nuns, e. h.-ri- lit- v.ist i- ..i.-s -'i.oi -,i oiii" ,l i-.nis,-,l in,- in n.a j-l Ut s to mi 1: . Ws t .iniiot I. ill rt-iln'l ll.s pr, l-'I viill.-n ol I In- V ilii.il.te inn isa'atis in-st t--,iiVl:icti!t(,pl.s., ,a tin: iti'v.tt ccu.ilj i.J.m-ilt-.l liv v -or S;,f. a t ti e son'.l l tl.e m ica jitiii.iire in r,-e ninni-niline; ti.oni lilt II of hutUR-ei ua u auts it' i-n r- li jinnst lo e. ijEoiio- W.h.iti.Mfi itao. rn'Ltn.roi. At ril V2 ip.'.rt Mc.ltirt I'VMI fc W Ut II I lltiW t ' "lie! ti l!l n tiliiniy l i liH'itl I'i Kif tl nfi-ill it V Jt'l.iici'il I'i iti i.tilr fit .i ii i l' Ji'M'i- rV, tl 'kt IT r.. iliilloU; tllC tec ill ilim r.U tt'liti;i''ili'ii iii KniiMtatl H.io', nun li-e ;;ict itilt Hie Kilt. i wrti' ciinl.iiui A m l,,. .' lIic :-a..tllEi.ii!ci S;il'ii til mil' if mi til liy vi il. ! Uuviiiy I'lHcn from the hnh si ry ul' I he Ariiitui I.'ml I l UK, Win' tiji.' vv''ii prrcinnta.v iii-idii uutl c't'i'N.'' 4 i'UB vii;hiiit i'ir 'i I 'U t iiitt', ilu ii'ci':i v:iij' it i.' il W.; itfi lilt tt oitti t i iv et v .mi unit in ten ii ixuiiuiijttt.'ii, a uf tut'iii, , 'Tn all i ll i iifiv Te.-jnuo ii perft ct pj--tf- tS AOA " " . sau 4Xv . . ..... t Wr .leeplv Kiai,." IV jv ,L'"'I'MJ. At w.,;J0,V , I il re.it, ftsl nil- h .'"" a," ."'V "At ft -Jl "" CllMla- U-',l llltfT 1 iiii my ,u"v -i'('ia IWIJ.Ml -..ill.. iiili'iitsiiy nl the ! an . ' IMV l r 1' IJIA i. . Jlll .11.1. . "J I cj "ii,i .n.f ""ij ,"l J"aJ.,i" ",'n-'' 'ikiih ""I'l'll i -mi.. --"mii ai,i i-rii I'MuuT "l'ai,,.. '""stl.fi.. "-mil A tar 'u"iji, , VALUABLE PROPERTY TOR SALE. rl 11 B snlncribcrs, Execnlors of th catata of L Henry Maaser, dee'd., -ollernt private tale the follow inat properly vi t A large two atory frame dwelling house, together with abeut fiO ACIJEdOF LAND, Pilunte In Lower Aununta township adjoining Inn. Is of Daniel KnnfiiiKii and other now In the occupancy of John ii. Kaufman ttore and dwelling. 'I tie house i new and the location a good one for hiifine-.. Attoa l'IiAcr OF LTMESTONK LAND, in said township mi the river about 5 mile he low .Suii'ni.y. ndjoii in ; landa of .1. T. M'i'hersnn and other, eoniiiiiiinir. about BO arrea. Tha soil is productive and contain limestone ar.d other niineral. Also a tract of Laud, containing Shout 3A teres on the hill, about two mile below .S'unbiiry, adjoining lands of the foils of the late John j Coorad and othei. There ia, on this tract, a siiinll orchard of choice fruit. For furlber particular apply to the aubscriber. II. II. MASSKH, 1. U. M AtSElJ, ) Executora. FUA.NCIS ULt'lIEn. ) Pnnbiiry, January II, IH.'iB if MOUNT CAR MEL HOUSE, MOUNT CARMEL, Snrthuniticrlunrl I'muity, I'ennsylvnnia. fnHH larae nntl coniniudiou Hotel ia aitun- S toil nearly hnll way between Sunburv and i'liltsviile. 'j'he nceneiy the salubrity of the atmospheri ami the cool mountain breezea, make il one of th most tlt ltvhtfiil summer retreat ir the country. The Hotel, is a new structure, four toiies high, fitted up with all the modern col,, vcuiencci The pore mountain water i intro duced into i j cry chamber. The place i easy ol acce. being but one mid a hall hour tide from Stiubt.rv, over the Fhiladelphia and Suu hiny Kail Il iad. Friuii Fottsville, it is 17 miles. I.vitv niiendaiiie vtiil be iuitl by the proprie tor to make guests comfortable. Olia-ycs mode rate. JKSSEKTCE. Mt. Carmel. May II, IS.rili. tf AT IT. Thompson's Store, In l.iiu t r Auijusta tiitenzhip, tit the Junction vj tie Tiiliitnn ten nml J'lum creek mails. fR1HE subscriber having returned from the cily -6 with a new ami extensive assortment ul fashionable iron. Is, respectfully calls th attention ol Fanners, .Mechanic and others to the same. srillNli AND sr.MMK.Il U00DS, consisting in part of 1 )cy l.ootl.s, viz : Cloths. Cnssinttrts, Cussinets, Jeans, Drilling, Muslins, I'cs.'nipj, l ocals, and nil kind) of Spring itinl iStitnnier Wear, LADIES Di:KS AND FANCY GOODS, Coluo-s. Muslin lie Lninf, Luttns, Cinvhiims. if rojiS, Ko5, ll'oo'nis. Finn nets, Ift. nv : a im, Sugar. Tess, ItoU'ee, Hire, Mota.e, Cheen, Mjiicea. Salt, A c, Ac, Ac. C2:3i-il'ir;irr, Naila, Mcrrwa, File. Saw. K nive A Fork, Ae Uuuei'.i and Classwsre, ol noii styles ami pattern. EOOi'S AU3 SHOES. A UrR asri'rimeiit of Hoot and Shoe, far mi lt, women ami cMbtren. litis ('us. iVc., of various size and atyle. I llesiiles largo and general asaortrrient of ! fashionable goods. Call and examine for your- I sell e a. ; Is Country produce ol all kind taken in xchaiioeal the highest Inaikel p'ice. .s. N. 'CHOMrriON. Luwrr Auguiti, 5 mo. 21, N.ri6. PKI i: M!)I , I.titenl the- firiii tit' irvrjin. JAi s trovot latle af ths I'aion Hotel. II .1 i,.ts!i;M t'.-. RAUCML HOTEL, ( uri: wiiitk eWA. Ilnce .S'l'ive', n'.nrt T.iirJ, I'.'IH.AHKI.I'MIA. T HI E above tvell-kiiowtl l'.s'aMialiment. hve- ii g been entirely remoipl 'tl. introd. ring all li e modern iinpiovt int i ts, and Ist. newly tur-i-is'it J throiigtiont. iil he opened IV U "ceji tiou of (iiii-ls toi the rnwr hay of SEPTF.MHiin. The piopiit tors. Irom ti.cir determination d.-v.ite llicir aiienti-.m lu the ctiinloit.il their jjnests ll.itlcr thuiiselvi with lite conviction that they will be ablet. i cive atisf ictiou to their patron-. Can tag. s h nl always be in readiness lo con vey passenger to and from fileainbuat Landing and Uailrosd Demits. KIDEs Ir STOVER, Face Sircet, above 'J bird. Fiiil itielp'iij, August til), 1850. ly NEW CONiECTIOHARY. AVHOLIoALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEAltll ART, I IT- .i"' received a ni-w and excellent assort incut of good at his Coiifectiiinary anil Ftuit.si.ire in 1 A UEET s IT! EE C, Sunbury, where he manufactures n j keeps on hand, at all times, the nnst choice Confectionary, Ac, Wholesale and Ket.til. at Fhiladelphia price.. A iiinng hia slock of t'onlectiumrica, may be found ; French i--i i -ta. O.n Tro;-s, all kinds uf .cent, lliirn. .! Aoiioniii, l...i-e time. I'n-uili Vl'hlle, Mint l)ro,,a. red and while, " l.fitiou Jollv Cake, ' Koir, 1'iui, l)r,. a, " Vantll-i. tti ok I'miot . ol all actntl C "r.:ii-'ii Saetel. Itork Canilv, I.I j. lor lie, AlitlKiltl Candy, rp.uiT. It iii-n.-it, I lutes. Cn-t.cila iliint, Ti .in es, lies, Ci'foi a. A in.il::. s, Ra ins. Nuts of all k.sd LF.M ON .SYltCF i of s.it-e.ior i'.:-ility, by the eii sjle or dozen. A I supeiinr qualilv o! Sesara an.! 'Coliacco, ami a v iricly nl t 'c " -'i..n iries, fruit, Ac, all nf which' i is niVeled ' j 1 I.1 lUamL.' .'' Sm "Ala s,,.? . "!- . 'r " o E. tIJno; i wiuo ... """"S '8S -"v A-'i'!;,',','apB'", I a.. ...-V "'"llllUj . '. Ul to . IIJAA ai.... IUjSh Am "V 4ff3tinA.- s)Bri I1' Jiu a- I. I'r J -('VOI la mi. "'"(u.aw,, ("oa us, , Y "l"" in '"" " iM., " lalUoui.i '.'. "'""R ...!. ! , l. 'pin ar, J 'V U!UlfpJ A MARVELLOUS REMEDY! von a ri tiiVK'Li.ots Aa tt IIOLLOWA Y'S OINTMENT. THE Olt AND I'.X 1 1. HI". A I, tlKMKDV. By Hie aid til' a rnit-rttflt-islic, we ee million of llltl opeiiiiiiia on the lurfnee of out Isidir. Thronffh tlit-se Dos (Jiiitmi'iit, when rnlilietl on me skin, is enrrii-tl to titty oraa or inwiiril part, lliai-nae of llie Kiilnnv. iliiiltlerl of tli l.iver. nfTti'linii of Mis limit, InflattiiTiati'iil of th l.anil, Asllimaa, Cotiahsanil C"lila, are liv its iite.'.ns efTee tttally cureil. l-ivery h niai-wile know that rtlt pnass, fieelv thrintfih hoitu or itietit of any thickness. This heul in Ointmmi fn( more rrmlily peneiiait- through nny bine or Heshy part of Hi livlnc foody, earing the moat dangerous hiwattl coniplaiats, that eaiilml foe leai-hetl by nllit-r meiuil. I'.RV(IIBAS, SALT I5IIKII.M AMD SCOftBLTIC nu.Mortsi. No remctly hn evsr tl nir ao iiiueh for the car of dl suae of iheSkin whatever fnrm Ihey mav nastime, at Ihi OintmeiO. No eas nl Salt Hheilin, Seat sy, 16.ire Mt-stla. Seriifnti can Kriaipelat, can lontr wiliiatantl it in flacncK. 'riie iiiveiiiot hn irnvt-llt-tt ovt-r tnnnv pant nf gion,-, visit ni-z ine piiiit-ipiu noapitaia, tiiapenainir (ins llintuifiil, giving nilvice is to jis a;plieati"ii, nntl has thus het-n the mean uf restoring c-.iuntlts iiuitil-ra tn hsatih. sunt: i.Kcf, sonr. hiikast!, wounds and U.rKItt. Sime of Ihs most cisiilirtc u re m ii'HV rly .ley on the use of this woiiitrrfnl fliiilinenf. wlien havinr lb c pe with Ilia worst t-iisesof ots. woai.ils. nl.-srs. pl.-in-tlular awelliiij-a, snil tuinois. I'rul't stsir llollownv hss. hy eiiiiininnil of the Allieil n.ivrriiuieitti. itiapatchsit to (he Ii S ilals of the Kaal, Inrte shipment of Ihi llint nienl. lo he nseil iniih-r Hie tlirrt-linn of I lie Medical Plalf, ui the worst eiiBt- of wonnil?. It will cure mir ulcer glandular sw-rlliiig. Slifriit-sa or coiilnnii.-n of the joint, rm in tin yritia Slilll'llllg Then ami otaer autiilnr tlialreasing complaints can be eftst-lti:iHv eiirnl if the 1 1 int tnt-iit he wet! mlihttl over (lis part alT. fled nntl hy othrtwise following the pti.iliil ill-tet-lioiil around rneh pot. "3oi the Ointment ami I'ills shnuhl le useil in the fiilliiwinr cases : ' nnnimm I.iimlwt' 9 -t l.?fu lwi?Hf(1 Olnndt Mhiih Mcrr'Hiiftl Surf Mr-iiFtti ft ill .f -tints Cliuppfil IlanfU Kriiptiniia S-r fT-:ntii lilrfri 'liilhlMiiti rtlm !Wf- Thf'-ntsi ntri-l 5fir-ti Fiinli. l,THi;miitir.tn Sif-n uf nil V utidit nf ail Gout Si If h'li- nci kinHs kiii'ln ?kin Disoisei Spraim 9cuidi t Snid nt the Mnmifjirti'Tte(i of Vrofrwr lot.i rvWAY til .M.'iidi'ii I mir, iw VurV, iiiitt iJIJ Sfnnnl. Iuulnti. bv j h'I rpiptnl'l! Drnifftittta ami Dt iiU'rt" in Mrilii-in- tttrtuiftli tit i or l no lit .-miri, nnil 1111: civniaru wniiu, in iiox-f, hi a 5 pi-otn. cpiitii, nml l "ii'h. IV 'riierri-3 n t'lmoiiJcriil-le Kiving !' tfikiufC tlie lftr-r ni'-l. . Tl nirr-"tii)ii fur tltf t-tiir!,ime cf patiuli in every ilmnnlrr (in nffixi'il to tiub box Almt'h aJ, Ir6 Ijcm BOOKS! BOOKS!! ' Walk litis way for Bargains. JSlfcEINd desirous ol disposing of my entire tiif stock of Hooks and Stationery, comprising some !ill,lil)0 V utilities of Law, Medical, lieli c,iou Scientific, lliank, Musical, Sihool and Miscellaneous Ijook. Alio, 1(10 Ifeatna of letter paper ant a lot of wall paper. teet istis, wafer, Ac. I will dispone ol the whole stock at public sale sale at my store, opposite the Court House, commencing on Monday the 7th day of April, IH56 al 1 o'clock, I' M., and continuing, every Itcriioon and evening until the whole stuck i old. WM. M. CAKTV. Per JOS. H. McCARTV. Sunbury, March IS, 1856. If JOUWSOKji'. BROTHER, CABINET MAKEB3, No. VI North .Second is'treet, first door above Christ (.'hutch, Philadelphia. pr.rtsONS in want .if Bureau. Table, Jo'a, Chairs, lietlsleatl. and every varietv ol hou'ehold fui nil lire, Would do weii to call, a ihose article are made up in lha best aty lea) and old at the lowest price. Apiil 14, H.'iS. ly EAKTIIsGKWA'RE. 'BDIE subacri'cer respectfully in'orma the citi 1 lens of Sunbury and the public generally, that he has coniineiiced the inanufactura uf all kind af V. A UT II E N W A It K. al his msnufactory in Whort'ebeiry Street, ene sipinre rist of the Kiver. H ha engaced the services of Mr. Hiar, and you can therefore depend mi having a gootl article. The puh.ic sre respectfully invited to call. rt." (iri'crs from a distance will b promptly atten !cJ l- P. M.8IIINDEL. 8unl.ury, tt'i. 1. 1S. tf WHITEHOiiSK JIOTEL. rOTTNVILLK, PA. T1HE suhscritier respectfully snnniin,-e tt hi obi friends Hiid the public, ttiat he ha taken that old ami well known establishment, tha Vhito Ilorso Hotel. At llie corner of Centre and Mahanlogo !., in the llorouh of Fottsville. 'Che house ha re cently been very much enhircd and otherwise improved, rendering it tjnite a comfortable a any til lit r Hotel in .vt buy Ikill county while the stables are large, in utiod condition, and at tend by eaielul, atti iilive, prudent hostlers. 'Co travellers; and others who may stop at his house, he promises every attention calculated to render tlieiu cimtortalil.) and saiisfied. Jos. M. FKUEK. April 5, 185'".- tf ibiJ. i! v ti X) 1 aj b X) lai u ii -iii 9 SUNBURY, PA- "Jill E subscriber respectfully inform th public 1 that she still continues to keep the above named public bouse. tiiia ha also received a new supply of good liiUor and wines, and trusts that she will be able to give satisfaction lo all who may visit her house. MARIA THOMPSON Sunbury May 51, 1856. tf. J. STEWART DEPUY &"S02fS," Importers and Dealers in Carpetings Mn.innic Hull, Chestnut St.. Mow Firhth, VS'OCLD respectfully invite ou to call and ' examine their large and well selected stock of Carpets, Oil Cloth. Cocoa and Canton Mai lings, Druggets, Hearth Hues, Door Mats. Ac, which they will sell to I he trade at such prices " 1 1 ke il desirable for those w ho w ish to pur - ta-.l examine their stock, Irlore I jnp ' " Machinist, carpenters Jin t'g '""I"- planes an ' V, '1II1..1. DUI lil'CINC it el '"'I""!,-, pB, ,'''?,J"1(. Un Ml. IHSli. Ehftmokin White -Ash Anthracite Cent I'rom the "Ottt Ytin" in theOapCollirry. . T H. ZIMMERMAN JNO. i'. FUKSEL, tue.cesmir to Kac, Keed A Co.j will cou liuua mining, shipping and eellmg coal Ironi the above well known Colliery, tinier the firm of Zimmerman A t'urtel. 'J he point of shipment i at the lower wharf in Sunbury, Nnrtbuinber land county, I'a., where all older fot the various '' kinds of coal, via i Lump, Umken, Y'.ag. "love, end Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully isceivetl and promptly attended to. Sunbury, July 14, 1855, - Srinm at, JruT 6. 15S. The firm of Kae, Reed Co. havhu lil their lease in Ibe Cap Colliery and intt lest in the ' wharf at Sunbury, to Messr. ZimiiieriiiHn A fuieel, would take grrat pleasure in Teciininiend ing our customers and other t" the m w fnm. a lliey will be able to sell them prepared coal f the belt quality, EASE. KKF.D A CO. WTsT k 1T11T k ntr r nH70-. I'm It rt Knivrn, Uml iiwtv AVifnl in fr.impii, Axph, (Jliit4elit hmr LucUh. nn-l 1 1 t en, llatitl Uelld, Waiters, ir., jnt-t rrrri-.nl nml tor 1866 Special Express Notice. 1S60 HOWARD cSc GO'S EXlMkKSS. HAVING ohtaii e.i full express privileoee'over the i;A'IATS.1. M;.NlilliV AN D E1IIK end UILLIA.Vlsl'oiii' ,v ELM IK A It AII.UOA D-r', we -re ' piepaied lo Imward all descriptions ul Exprts l.r.-.ls by I a. -a, .rr n t -.1.. I ,, .... . ... r i rains, tiauy, uriwrrn iiiiaoi ipina ami r.lmiia, connecting at Elmira with all the Wrstein Ex press Companies. All gootl for Tamaipiu. Summit, Caliawisra, Danville, Milton, Williainspoit, Etmira. ni.tl nlsn to Northumberland ami tSiiuburv :t I all inter mediate place. ileiWercJ th ss'm- iuy. Kaeh train in charge of our own special Messenger. l'lHlatli'lpltiit Oilice, 9i Oi-.auuiSitcet. Office Elmirn al L'uited Sutea Etpre.o Oilice Ajirtl ta, l8o ly HAYDOC'K & rilDLSn, rEALEnS in Watches and Jewelry. wit " continue the busines at the old atanii of Jann B. Fitller, So. 12 South Seco'id Street, I'lllLADKI.I'HI.t, Where they solicit an ciamirinlinn of tV:eir lartya and varied lock. lecling assured ihat the et-e-rience both of them have had in the bu.-o lie's. Bud the facilities they posters lor pnn-uring goo,! on the most advntseot. terms, will ena ble them to compete favorably with ai.y other establishment in the city. Thoy hava i.sr n hand a tine assortment of WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY Kilier. Elated and Uritiani Ware, Cutlery Fancy ft nods, Ac, Ac. N. 13. Kepairing of Watches and all kin-U af Jewehy attended le with prtxiipt,,,,. ,v,e greatest care. Fhila., April 7, IS,S,(f. TO COAL DEALZR37 ' AMMEEMAlf, ZUi.HH& WEITZlt, JE.FFC1FILLV inform the pt.i, ,.t they hare leaaed the new colliery, t al',,1 tl Lnmbert c.iiliery, and are reatly I,, d.'hye, ,..; ,f .uperinr qualily, and e-f a variety uf siie, , r,p. red on their uaw cosl nresker. A I! onlei. i,r,.m, . sltendrd lo by ad.lrc.sing the firm, either at Sunbury or hhanickin. Sunburv, June 30, 185.1. UiUX. tit ItJ.I & TRUNKS, VALISES, AC, 146 Chetnut Streit. front nj .!,ut. Ho..l, V'TTTD FHILA DEI.CIU A. aJLAXU best assortment of TRUNKS vS' CAiPLT HAGS, EVEK OrFKKED TO Til f. ri'Sl.lc. 8le Leather, Kolid Riteted, Iron Frme. Dor Hound Travell'ulg 'Crunk; I'sci-m do. Vs.'iset; Ladies' UonnelCase; Csrptt Kan. Nanfe:', Ac, by the quantity or single srii, . loner Ihen can In bougbi at any exher plat in :lt civ. July ft, lno6. JAMES T. CALBP.EATH'S LADiK rA.NTT SHOE STORE, sVe, 69 .VntiA Kiyhth Strie', Aiove Art't, Fust sin'r, PHILA DELl'HIA, Lsdies from th rotir,try, cat. liaveshnes isaja to order in the veiy I est u ie snil ?...rk n analiip on a few da notice. Au excellent sasuiiment ti itelect from, always on hand. Mv 10, I MSG. y dnvilleTict" JOKN joji:3E;r, j.n,.. Market 5:i,"'. l'on.uUe, I'n, "TIKIS i una of the lar.l ' ' fi'inaio--- diou hotel in iht intcrio, "-i ' i i.sv ivai.n. it has been recently titled up, in e .er.'lrnl tyls. with all the modern convenience. Danville. Sept. ifi, iK.sa. THACHEH &c WCDDHCF WIIOLESALi; BOOT SHOE & TRUNK WAREJH-USI. Ao. 101 Arch Street, un .:.', iutrt. Between TTijrJ A Fourth Si near L'uiou Hotel, upj.tr 1 Ftiladelpliia, Carptl Bag and Valit-ea of nil descriptiea. CHARLES F. Ill At Ul.H. ROljEKC N. 'i HI DKOF. "Ililadelphi, .Inn. I-.', si.'i(l.it 1VALL I'AFEU. A largo ami tplen,!,d T assorttrienl of U all i'ape:, .', it.,iuw l'a par, alio! Oil Shade, just recenej and fur aula by I. W. TEN E ii A Co, Hunbury, Msv 21. let-'i t AND WARRANTS t-will be given l.r cribe I NK D-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers