' AHfilVAL OF THE GEORGE LAW. ' later from califoiinia. farther accounts ' from General Walker- 'Hit l'otition and Forces lrogrest of the ""revolution in Peru Outrage upon the Foreign Residents at Callao Another Fil ibuster Expedition or Sonera. New York,' Feb. 13. The steamship Ueorge Law, from Aapiuwull, Feb. 'M, ar rived at 6 o'clock . Ibis evening, bringing tlutua fruiu Buu p raucisco to the 20tli of Jau nty. The Ueorge Law brings $1,100,000 in treasure, principally consigned ns follows: llrexel t Co., 62511,01)0 ; Win. lluje, 8100.. 000; Metrtpuliluii Hunk, $ 100.U0U ; Wells, Fargo t Co., 170,000 ; Tbouius Wutson, $10000. The Ueorgo Law connected with the Gol den Uute, winch brought down upward, of a million ami a hull in treasure. Messrs. liiodirick and Uwinn, United States Senators Troin CulilorniV are among the pusseiigers by the Ueorge Law. The U. b. frigule Independence wal still atl'nnuuiai the St. Murj'slmd sailed tor ban Juan j tlie Cyauu whs at Aspinwall. The udvices I'roin I'auiunu are to the 3d in stant. The steamer 8 .era Navuda arrived there on tlie twenty-first ult., and departed iu several dujs subsequently fur Su Frau CISCO. The State Treasurer had deposited money with the Pacilic Express Company for the payment of the Slate mterust due iu July next, but the1 attorney Gelierul had obtained an injunction restraining the payment. The Uuadara party hud uttucked tho gor rnmeDt troops at Souora, November twenty third, but were repulsed with a loss of 19 Uien. A force is being raised at San Francisco for a filibuster expedition to Sonnra. The message of Governor Johnson to the California Legislature recommends tlie pas sage of an act to legalize the Stute debt' A bill lias been introduced for thut purpose. Several shocks of earthquuke had occurred throughout the State. Buildings were shat tered in Los Angelus and also at Sauta Bar bara. Tho mining news was favorable, but busi ness was very dull. The receipts of merchan dise have been very large. Coal has de clined to $12 a 12 60 for best anthracite. A sale oT 10.000 boxes adamantine candles bad been piade at 23 a 26. FROM NICARAGUA. The captain of the Sierra Nevada reports that he saw Walker at Itivns on the 17th of January, and that the allies had not taken Virgin Hay, as reported, nor made any at tempt npon San Juan del Sur. Gen. Walker had an effective force of 1200 men, and was strongly fortified at llivas. FROM SOUTH AMERICA. Advices from Vulparasio are to tho 1st January, Caliao 11th, and Australia to Nov. 10th. Tlie revolution in Peru progresses The insurgent fleet entered the hui bur of Callao on thi) 31st December, and bad a slight skirmish with the forts and Government steamers, in which several foreign vessels, including the American bark Juneuta, were injured. The English steunier Tribune, and a French frigate, interfered for the protection of the foreigners. The French sympathize with the insurgents Parties have beeu arrested huving in their possession important papers. The intercep ted letters from Vivuiico to his wife, are said to implicate the British and American Minis ters in the revolution. The revolutionists have taken possession of thu Chiuchu Islands. "Abkest of the President or the Laxcas tek Hank. Wo noticed on Saturday tho arrest of David Longenecker and H. C. liichman, on the charge of embezzling the fundi of the Lancaster Dank. The com plaint charges that some time in the mouth of March, 1855, David Longenecker, then President of the Lancaster Hank, and B. C. Bachmun, Cashier of said Bunk, paid fifty . i,,,n;.n,l dollars of the mouey of the Dank to the Lancaster Savings Institution, on the notes of W. L. Helfeiisteiu. which notes were endorsed by either tho President or Cashier of said Dank, iu the individual name or names, and other Directors of said Hank; that ut the maturity of these notes they were presented at the Hank for payment, ami directed by the Cashier to be paid, alihuugh, at the time, Mr. Helfeiisteiu had no funds iu that Dunk to his credit to meet them thus uimropriulinj: the funds of the Dank to their own private indebtedness to mi amount exceeding S.U,0UO. Tim comnluint further churges thut the siiid Duvuid Loiitrenecker, as President of the Lancaster Dank, did ut various times nnnriinriiite the funds of said Dank to his own individual uso and benefit, and also that be loaned out sums ot money, tlie property of said Dank, without tlie knowledge or cou nent of the Directors, to individuals without s curity, and which have beer- siuce lost to thu Itunk. We understand that the prosecutors in 1ibs ruses bove retained MesBrs. Kliue A Drawn as sneciul counsel: Mr. Dickey pros editing the cuse in bis oQk-iul capacity as District Attorney The accused have been beld in SI 2.000 each for a further bearing on Wednesday next. A Five Points Child Slowly Murderer In June Mr. Pease, of the Five Points Mission. New York, committed ono of the children of his mission school, an interesting little cirl. named Anna Hilton, to the care ..." v.. . . , t V- ..1. of Mrs. Simeon t'ecKer, ar, l.unjr .-tec, Kluten Island. The child has just died, and a coroner's jury find that she came to ber deuth by beinar beaten in a brutal manner, from exposure, and from a want of proper nourishment, at the hands of Mrs. Matilda Ann Decker. Mrs. Derker is placed in jail to uwiit the action of the errand jury. T he evidence disclosed friirhtful cruelties. A few days before her death tho child was required o do the washins of the family, in the yard, with but little clothing ond no stockings or shoes on. Her feel were in consequence ludlv frozen, und in this condition she subse queutly placed them in the oven of the stove, unconscious oi ine uungcr, uiivii tuey c completely blistered, l or all this she has been required to work about the bouse, creeping ul times upon her hands and knees until they were dreadfully lucerated and swollen. The child has been allowed but little or no food for some time past. On one nreiminn she swallowed a quautity of molas ses that Bhe fouud in her hunger. Her body was reduced to a mere skeleton. In this wretched wuy the little sufferer eked out a miserable existence until Wednesday eve ning when death came to ber relief. ''PfttNTBrtg Can RkVd Anvthino." This remnik in often made by correspondents and advertisers, ns an exense for half spellirg ' words, abbreviating technicalities, slovenly, nnroudable writinc eenerallj. There is no doubt that printer are better decipherers of . bad manuscript tnun any otner ui per- sons but when, for instance, a merchant, .,;iM that he bus received five Bts., ten lbs. Cls., it bvomewhat difficult to tell whether tti mreha.nt reallv meaus boots, biscuits or - tatternutt chalk, cheese or churns ; cloves, r tlcrcts tr ijy -AtlSaVLAR YtAT OF OBTAINING MONET A-NKVr OCIBfV. g j List evening a genteel looking German woman, earned Anna Melster,- was charged before Alderman Enue, with having obtained money under false pretences, in the following singular manner. It appears that the de fendant resides in Twelfth Street, above Poplar, and is, it is alleged, the founder of a new Society, which throws Millerism in the. shade the defendant representing herself us the daughter of God und the Holy Ghost, and the sister of Christ. Mrs. Margaret Mast, the witness in the case, testified that she lived on the German town road, above Jefferson street, and th.it woman named Caroline Miliercume to her house and incited her to visit the defendant, at the same time giving her (the witness.) an insight into tbo defendants character, as stated above, and hear her preach. The wit ness promised to go, and neked of Mrs. Mil ler bow much she would have to pay. Mrs. M. said nothing, os defendant could not re ceive any money, for if she took it in her hand, it (her hand.) would shake so much that it would fall out. The witness visited the house, and heard tho defendant reud some verses, which it was 8nid were revela tions from Heaven. The witness was cuu tioned not to tell her husband, a request she fulfilled, and continued to hear preaching until alio (wituess) "became a machine to do anything she was told to do." Witness beard that Mrs. Miller received so much for every soul she introduced, and on speaking to the defendent about it. she said, "that every one was opposed to the gospel she preached." Witness received a paper from defehdunt, stating that Bhe (witness) wus of the pedigree of Manassah, and thut she and all the other followers would have to give something BB'in offering to God. Mrs. Miller, witness al leged, told ber that defendant wanted a blue silk dress to go to Heaven in, and that wheu she got it, a cloud would deccaml, envelope her, and she would go up. Witness guve Mrs. M. $10, and loaned her 10 more. Witness said, thut another ini-inher of the sociei'. who often visited her, gave Mrs. M., for the defendant, a purplo silk dress, and that l son of this woman guve her a silver cup. On another occasion Mrs. M. told witness that she bad seen the defendant in Heaven on a white horse, Christ being on one side of ber, and an angel upon the other; and that the revelation had been received, staling thut tho defendant could not go to Heaven, unless she had a goid watch and chain, and thut the articles must be bought by the members of the society. This shu said was the word of God. A list of mem bers was shown, with the sum expected to be given attached to each name, und this wus also a revelation. The wituess suw the list with ber name upon it, but no sum was at tached to it, and Mrs. M. told her (witness) that she could give as much us she pleased. Most of the others had $5 attuclied to their names. Witness, and a Mrs. Zimmerman, bought b pair of handsome bracelets, and they were soon informed by Mrs. M , '.hut a revelation had been received from Heaven, requiring the jewelry to be given to defenduut. The braceldts were handed over. The wituess then gave a statement of how her eyes were opened to the humbug. Several of the mem bers were assembled at witness' house, when one of the party was reading a book, which made them laugh very much. Mrs. Miller checked them, and said such things were i f the Levil. Mrs. M. ul.-o informed defendant of tho matter. Witness then began to think, that if defenduut was the daughter of God, she ought to know all these things without being told by Mis. Miller, and the more she thought about it, the greuter wus her belief that it wus all a humbug. She therefore told her husband, and thus the mutter came to light. I ho Alderman committed defendant ; also, Caroline Miller the alleged agent, and a Caroline 'Deamer, who lived in the house with defendant, to answer ut court, the charge of conspiring to cheut uud dufiuud. Public Ledger, lib. 18. Counterfeit Bank Xote Plates V? covered. Deputy Marsbul John Junking and Officer Johnson have recovered the. plates upon , t l . P- . I. . wincu I lie recent couiuerieii, issues on iiiu Girard tens were printed. The same officers short time since arrested Josiub uriglil und John Drown in this City, ou the charge of making these notes, and ot selling lliein, anil Frederick and Daniel 1 urr were arrested 111 Camden ou a similar charge. All have been held to answer. 1 he plate in question is ot steel, und is splendidly executed, us may be judged of by the fact that some of the notes printed upon it were luKun oy me ijuuks. Its cost could uot have been less than five hundred dollars, and it must liuve tuken a couple of months to encruve it. The officers recovered it at a liouse in v UKsourre, Lu zerne county, in which section the notes were printed from it. They desei ve for tlieir ser vices something more substantial lliau a com plimentary notice. Vaity A etc. kew Advertisements. SHERIFF SALES. Bv virtue of a certain writ of Ex. to me directed, will be exposed to public sale ut the Court llonse iuSunbury, on Saturday the 28th day of March uext, the following pro perty to wit: All tliat certain i-ot oi uronnu, iy:ng in Lewis township, Northumberland county. containing twelvo acres more or less, where. on are erected a story ana a nun i.rg nouse and Log Stable, joining land, west .Michael Brobst; North, John Weiier; r.ast, i-iigiu- ger; noutn, Amos J. uissci. Seized, taken m execution ana to ne sold as the property of Daniel Itoth and Elizabeth llotu. ALSO. By virtue of a certain writ of I en. Ex. to me directed will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House in Sunbury, on Suturduy, the '28th day, of Murch next, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following property to wit : All that certain tract or piece of an out lot situate in the Borough of Sunbury, and county of Northumberland, and murked in the gen eral plan of said Borough No. 8, and descri bed as follows: beginning at a post at the north east end of an alley which inter sects Cranberry street at the end of Pawn street; thence north 6T degrees, west 25 per ches to a ttost at the corner of out lot No. fi: thence south 24 degrees west 18 perches and 3-10 to a post; thence south C5A degrees east 25 perches to a poV on the west side of said alley, thenca along sani uury norm m degrees east 18 and 3-10 perches to the place of beginning, coutaining two acres and ldj perches. ALSO: Upon n '.I that certain tract or niece of land :n the Borough of Sunbury aforesaid, described as follows: beginning ut the south west corner of out lot No. I thence 18J degrees west 18 end 1-10 perches, to a nost beine the corner of the fence as it now stands in out lot No. 1, and the adjoining out lot south 65 degrees east 4b and P-lU perches to a post, in tho north 25 east 18 perches to out lot No. 3; thence by said out lot, and out lot No 2 south 65 degrees, west 48 aud 7-10 perches, to the place of begiuong, containing 5 acres and 69 perches. AND ALSO : Upon all that certain lot of gronnd, situate in the borough of Sun bnrv. aforesaid No. 5. bounded and described as follows ! Beginning at a post on the north side of Cranberry street ; thence by out lot No. 8 541 degrees, east 35 and 8-10 perches thence by out No. 6 north 65 de greet west 24 and 1-10 perches to a post i and thence by an alley sooth 24) degree west 35 nd 8-10 perches to a post; thence by Cranberry street aforesaid, soutb 65 degrees east 21 and 8-10 perches to the place of be giniog. containing 5 acres and60 perobes strict Biessare, bJog the mt prealffs which the Sunbury Cannl and Water rower Co , pur chased from William McCarty, by deed dated thetth of January A. D. 1862, all or whlcb suid laud is cleared and opon which are erec ted a Steam Saw Milll with a BricR Engine House uud Stuck a small frame shop, and part of an inlet lock there is also a ceuul cut through said laud. Seiseed, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of the Sunbury Canal and Water Power Company. ALSO. At the same time and place, by a certain writ of Ven. Ex. to me directed, will be expo sed to ul, lie tale, the following described pro erty to wit t A certain half lot of Ground situate in the borough of Snnbory, Northumberland conuty hounded on the south by bluckbery street, on the north by an alley, on the east by lot of Jacob W'eimer, and on the west, by lot of Elir.iibetL Mullen. Containing in width (on Blackberry street and the alley.) about 30 feet and in length or depth 230 feet, whereon is erected a two story Log House, weather boarded and painted while, fronting on Black berry Street, some small back buildings, nnd some fruit trees, being the samn premises How occupied by Jacob Cable. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property Jacob Cable. ALSO. At the same time nnd place, by a certain writ often. Ex. to mo directed, will be expo sed ut public sale, tho following described property to wit : Among oilier property a certain tractor piece of Land, situate in the Borough of Sun bury, nnd bounded on the north end north cast, and south by Shumokin creek, and on thu south west" by land of Benjamin Hendricks, and on the north west, by land of Jacob D. Masser and George Weiser, con taining 17 ucres more or less, all of which is cleared, and whereon is erected a lurge Suw Mill. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of the Sunbury Canul and Wa ter Power Company. ALSO. Atthesnmo timo nnd place, by ft certain writ of Lev. Fa. to me directed, will be expo sed to public sale, the following described property to wit : All that certain two story with the base ment three story Brick bnildiog, intended to be nsed ns n Co'llepe by the dele iidnnt's mes suage nnd tenements, situate in the town of Shumnkin, Coal township. Northumberland comity Pa., being cue hundred feet in front by fifty feet in depth. The Hall, or main en trance' thereof being twi tity feet in width, and the wings npon either side of the hall, forty feel sqnnre, nnd erected upon block No 6" os mniked and ilesicnuted in the gen eral plan of suid town of Shamnkin. bounded by Arch street, Eiglh street, uud Chestnut street. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold ut the property of the Shauiokiu Collegi ate Institute, HENRY WEISE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, February 21, IHfi7. ir Yon Want a GOOD I'AI'EK Subscribe for THE NATION. The nvBt pnpnlur weekly in Anipricii, w hich Iims inmic dintely upon ut Issue, sprung intirun 1 M M i: X S E ClRCl'LATION. This rnpid Rtirrem i miprprn.eiitetl in Ihe history of jniinnili'iu, iiimI run tmly be aeemthn d for by the tuctthut Ihe Pn-piietura have employed, without regurJ tu ex pense, the Star Writers of America. The Nation in the only paper wliieh contains the WITTV, HL'MUItors and Mde-Splitling Sketches of tiiui mnncm uiniut, una UNRIVALLED HUMORIST KNIGHT RUBS OCKSIDE, M D. Or whieh teriea, one ikclch ulunc it worth the whole years' uhscnption. THE NATI0U 13 KDITKD U Y S. M. B1UELOW, AXl Mrs. E. D. E. -V. Southworili, Who ii well known an one of the moM pupulnr writer 1 in America. In uddiUuu lu llie ubwve we hiive enguped as contributors, Clara M"ietmt llenty W. Merhert, Alice Curv, V W. Towlick, Airs. A. F. Law, C A lui?e, Mrs. K. U Kllet. lien, l uesrdfiy, I'uik UenjHfiaii. W. I, llraunnu, And numerous others. To the fair sex we piiriictilarly eotntiirnd our sheet 'I lie ir ilt piirtua-iit will be edited with the uiutont cuieuud m expenm: or lultor spared to render tlie columns devoted lit their cxpeeial benttU, unusually briliiunt, attractive. nitUiuetivc and oruaiiicii tul. The Formers and PUutcrs' Corner. Will coy tain practical suggestions and orieu!tnil hints, contributed und eulied from sources the m'St reliable, and containing informulhai which will pi"ve to them in the course t-f u single ear ot' almost incalculable benefit. Tlieot er Ueuirluiuul8 ut our paper will leceive the attention they respectively demand, each hi-uitr. epecially and eareiully prewired to meet Ihe vaf ted lasie of tlie seveial classes of its leaders. Aiuuig Iheoe we may mention Original toiies and Poems. Kditorial Hainbltnpa and tskeichiugs, tpicy City News, Wiikliiugion (iusip, Mew ork Clnt Chat, the latest I'aris r'afchhuis, rraciicai iteceiiis ior rne iii.uaen iin ui ii Toilet, "The Little One's'1 liepmlineiit, Gems ff in roe und IWlry, Head ers tiuule, flistdtticul Sketches, Tmuslatii'iis, Vc , 5tc. The NATION is issued in Quarto Form, (eiplit jwpei.) uud each nuuibei will eoiiiaiu ut least two out: inn I tnitru- vmcs, thusiuiiiisinuy unhciiners ui tae fun ni ins year with a volume containine 4)U mie siz. leautiliiliy primed pugt-s oi unsuriased Aovencites, ekelches, c. I ogt-HitT won over 100 ORIGl.NA L 1LLIT1(AT10NS, The Nation is sent at ihe followinir lenmrknhlv nv Subscription aud Ciubbi'ig Terms; iuvaiiaidy iu advance, Millie Copies. oo per uniuim. Two " (to one addr's) 3 AO ' Three ' S t0 Ten 15 OU IV And one copy free to c:tter up oi I In- Clnb of Tea All thoe Beiidiiip- us subHcriplious Mom the ltritinh nroviures, must eucl'me in aildition to Ihe subttciii)tiai price 'J cents lor eat-li sulisenber, as we ure compelled to prepay ihe United Slut en y)sunre. Ail letter e contamtnic muev nn u:u ue recisiereo, no directed plainly, uud iney wdl couie ut our iik', otherwifp we are not resinsit'ie t mem. t!.ecinieti loiues will tie scut iree to i'o Makers, Aim its. ond all who wish vtvi up a clui' : to an others, on the receipt four cents in stamps. The expense ol regifclenng is mny. cents. Address CROFLT UIOKI.OW, e3 Dock Btreett Philadelphia, Fa. Among the hundreds of complimentary notices, we have received fpm newHMipcrs in evei section tf the untry, we quote the f 'Mowing extract Imm : 'Tiie Nation appears iu luine clear type on snow white pajer, and is iichiy auorueu with muktrauoiis." i. . Sun. 'It will utu.ni to n Ingu position in the literury wrld " I'hi la. Daily News. 'It is one of the Itest weeklies now puhlishrd, ondwe take plensure in bringing it to the notice of the reading public. " llarrisburg IKiukf. 'The latent and energy of the pioprietors Us original aud luteitsttiug caiteiits, ami llie Ijeanty ot typiraiiby, cannot lull to secuie for it a general eircululioii.'' Wtl lia'iisport litdepeudent Frets. "An a literary and family journal, we have no hesita tion iu pioMouuenig it the best uunaig our rxc! ungra We udvi?e the kdie, to piocure it without delay." Fulton Itepublicun. "We dislike puffing ei eina nations, but in this mse we are bmind to give wu to merit. I'nlike many city eotein onoies, the Nation is composed ol sou nit, substan tial and us-jIu. matrer, and is uot hlled up with nu over dose of rlnnsv. wishf washv stuff Irmi the hands uf crack brained uuthurs F.iie City Dispatch "It has the moat beautiful eiigruved head we ever saw, and itscontenis are drply iutei sting, truly delicious and oul-Mbsorbmg." Wilhumsbuig, Va , iiazctte. 'There is Mm lor )itsi such a paper, and it has secured two as true heads and hearts to control it columns as the literay and sociul world holds.'1 Wellsboiough Agita tor. 'It will s win become a leading puper nt the Sreside." UiMinville (Mo.) Observer. 'West-tdoin endorse u rthein papers, but iu this i li st a nee we are foieed Ui overcome mir prejudice, and com iiieiul the ''Natiou" to our readers." Tnyt (Alabama,) Bulletin. COUNTY ORDERS County order, taken as east) fcr foods, and on not. or book ac count by E. Y. BRIGHT if SON. Nov. 29, ISftfi. f EDARWARE, Hollow-ware, (-lass-ware, and. large stock f QueenswarS, embracing tha newest patterns, iorale bv No 29, '56. E. Y. BRIGHT & RON. FOBBENT. riHE Stor. Room iu Market atreet, occupied X by P. W, Gray and the dwelling bousa ad joining Apply to the .xccutots of 11. Maucr, decawa, January, 17, tbt: D ElsTTI STBY. . THE subuctiher respectfully offers bit pro fetsianal service to the ladies and gentlemen of Buubury and virinity. He I prepared to attend to all the varitfos operations In' Dentidry, and ii provided .with the latest improved. ' PO.RCKLAlN .TEETH, . .. s " which will be inserted on pivot, silver or gold plate, to look as well as the (jatuTsf Cir All work warranted. OFr lCE in Mar ket street, i doors st of the Post offlVe, Pnnbury, ra. Feb. 7, 1857. PN E UMICK. THE SATURDAY EVENING POST. THE BEST WEEK LY, PA PER. SAAilLr. IL'MBEItS FURNISHED GRATIS, Examineor yourtelvct. Apply to the publishers, DEACON &. PETERSON, 68 South Third St., Philadelphia. January 31, 1857. 3w DISSOLUTION. TVOTICE is hereby given that the late partner " ship existing under the firm of Smick & Hilemun, 72esturant keepers. In the Borough of Sunbnrv, whs dissolved by - mutual consent cr the SOlh of January, Inst. The claim of lb late firm will le settled by O. W. ' Hilemun who will continae ihe business it the old stand. JOHN E. 8MICK. O. WHILEMAN, Sunbury, January 54, 1857. 6t How Every Family Can Make tlieir Own BROOMS. ONLY GO CENTS. FOR 60 CEiNTS I will send printed instruc tions plain as tlie label On a bottle of nieJi cine how to make Corn U rooms. The tiereHftarv apnrfltus can be made by any blacksmith for luat than 60 centa. When a broom is worn out. another can be attached to the same handle in 1A minutes I positively guarantee this to be no ratch-penny advertisement to fleece the cred ulous out of their money. Satisfaction given or the money returned. If afraid to risk 50 cents, then mid two 3 cent stamps for more informa tion, or refer to tho Post Master here. I alto give information as to the best mode of raising and curing the corn. Address, l K. FISHER. Solins&Tove, Snyder County, Pa. Jan. 31, 1857. 2m "valuable farm for sale. Vf 7E, the undersigned owners of a Trart of Land, situate in Upper .uiju8ta township, Northumberland ceunty. adjoining landa of Ino. W. Krilintj, Silas Wolvertori, Samuel avidge, and Jno. W. Peal, will expose the same to pub lie sale, at the Court House, iu the borough of Sunbury. on SATVRDA T, the 1st day of February, at 10 o'clock, a. m. The Farm contains FIFTY-ACRES and some perches ef land; thirty acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, on which is erected a two story 1.00 DWELLING HO' PE. An orchard of choice fruit, two springs and a well of never failing water upon the premises. W Pobsewion will be Riven on or before the first day of April next. For further information enquire of Win.' K. Martx or Ira T. Clement, Sunbury, Pa. WM.K. MAUTZ. MAUY ANN MARTZ, SOPHIA MARTZ. SUSAN PIEFFKNDAfFER, JACOB MARTZ. Sunbury, Jan. 17, 1857. ts. NOTICE. IS hereby given that the partnership heretofore existed tit the mercantile business, between Sam'l Trotitman at.d Alex. Leib, trading under the firm at" Troutman A Leib, has this day been dUsolved by mntunl consent. 'J he claims of tho late firm will be settled bv Samuel Troutman, who will continue tho bust inia at the olil stand. 8AM I.. I I M A i Al.EX. LIEU. Janusry, 54, l57.- Ct.- , BIS ass E. -5T. 33 It I GUI T Ss SON, 11AVE just received from Philadelphia bv Ruil lioad, and aie now opening their third supply of WINTER GOODS. Our assortment is unusually large, and will be disposed oil' at the loweal figure. Ve respectfully invite the Public to call and examine our (Stock, and remember that "a penny saved is a penny made." It?" The highest market price paid for Country Produce. E. Y. liltlUH I" & SON. Sunbury, January 17, 1857. I.nt but not Lea!. N K W ARRIVAL O P FALL AND WINTER GOODS! Ira T. Clement YO. 1, COllSER OF MAHKE'I SQUARE, AS just received a large supply of Falland Winter Goods. He w ill continue to sell Dry Goods and Gro ceries Cli EAPEIt than ever, as his gooda are bought cheap they will be sold cheap. He feela confident with his experience and ability, that he can compete with the World at large and Sunbury in particular He would enumerate articles if time und space would permit. It is enough to say that he has everything in the line ol Dry Goods, Groceries, A large Slock nf Ready-Made CLOT HINO, HOOTS ASU SHOES, jee, $., that Is kept in any other store iu town, ami His banner is on the breeze. And long may ll wuve O'er land of tlie free, And Ihe liome of tlie bruvt While Iter &tars aud her Suines Shine out like the Sun, Telling sll notion. Thai Freedom's begun. This is a free country a. was proved by the election of Buchanan over tha Wooly Horse, therefore it is free for all to do their trading where they can BUY hn CHEAPEST. All ure iuvi led to cull and see. THE COUN.TRY. as well at the town are respectfully invited, arid every person, rich or poor, high or low, bond or free are invited to cull ut Io. 1 Markket Square, opposite the Court House. 1. 8. lie Is not to ne undersold ny eiiy man or combination of men. N. charge for showing goods. ' All kinds of produce taken hi exchange for goods. Sunbury, Dec. SO, 1850. Stationery. A large supply of fancy Note Paper and Envelopes', Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Pena. Ink. Hand, Ac, at May 31. '5U. WM. A. BKUNEH'S. FAIR 3STOTICE, ALL persons knowing lliemselve. iidebted to the eubscrilier by note, book accouXor other wise. ar. requested to make papment before the 10th day cf th. first months .(January), IS-'O, or their accounts, will I. placed in lb. hands of a Justice for colLctiou. .., 6,,fi. THOMPSON, t. Augusta tp., 13th day, lliih nt.lifi . PATENT BRITTANlA STOPPERS fo A. J. CONRAD, HOLLOWING RUN. : RESPECTFITLLY Informs the public thst h. bus repleniMii'ii his Stor. with an cellent .ssortment of New Goods just rseeiv.J from Pliiladeluhia, wbirh ha will Mil on terms s tv.sonsbl. s anr other est.blishment. His .nurtment consists in psrt of .-. CLOTHS, CA88IMERE8 &. 8ATTINETT, Winter W.srs for men and boy., .11 styles an J i prices Ladies Dress floods Consisting of Black Silks, Merinos, Alpacas, t)v Lnines, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslins, Trim mings, A c. Also a fresh supply of GROCERIES of all kinds. ' HARDWARE and QT7EENSWARE, Cedsrwsre, Ti rooms, &c. AlsoaUrce assort ment of Boot and Shoes, su'tslilfl for Men Vo men and Children. Hats and Caps, .Silk Hats, and all goods usually kept in a Country Store. All tlin shore named stock of goods will be sold positively at low prices for cash, or in ex chance for country produce, at the highest tnsrket price. Hollowing Run, No. 59, 1056. If R. DECOU & CO. Clothiers, N.i, 141 Cmfstnvt St., above Fourth, pHII.ADFl.riHA, Keep conftant! on Luid a fp!cnJid sfibrtmcnt of Ready-made Clothing. Goodj MAM TO OuptR AVO WaRRaVTHJ TO KIT. Nov. 59, 1856 y EVANS Sc C O ' S GREAT BIFTUOOK SALE. 400 BltOUWAV, NEW VOHK. Fine Cold Jewelry tiecn away to Purchaser nf Bnnkf. All Books will be sold as low as enn be had at other stores, many of them for less New liooks received daily. A fiilt varying hi vultiM from a.r) cents to $100, given wit!i eachlbook at the time it is aold. Havinsr on hand a very laree stock of new and valuuble Book, and as our motto is "I, arjrc sales and email gains than can be had elsewhere. Any took liuMixned in New York or Philadelphia will be promptly sent gift included, on receipt of publisher's price. Catalogues ol liooks and Presents, containing full explanations will bo sent free to all parts ol the country. The most liberal inducements arc ofTerd to Agents. Any person by sending us an order rnr tenjuioks, with money inclosed, mill be entitled to an extra Book and liift. All orders for books, containing money, (to ensure perfect safely,) should be registered at the Tost Olhce where they are mniled, and ilirec teJ to Evan & Co., 409 Broadway, New York. Reference. M. Thomas & Sor.s., Eolith 4th street, Philadelphia ; J. U. l.ippinrott fr Co., Philadelphia i V. Appleton A. Co, BroaJway. New Vorli j Derby 4' Jackson, Nassau street, New York. r?'SEND FOR A CAT.-lT.OC.UE.aJ EVANS & CO., Principal ?tore 40!) Broadway, New York. Branch Stores at 155 Chestnut Street, Philadrl phia and at Washington, 1). C. December 20, 1SS6. PUni 4 IDE JM TISTRY OKOlitiK It ENN, 4 NNOUNCKS to the citizens nf Snnbury and vicinty, that he has opened an ollicein Sun bury, above H. J. Wulverton's oflice opposite C. Weaver's Hotel, wiere he is prepared t attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession, in the lutest and most improved style. All work well done and warranted. December 13, I85U. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! ! Fresh from Baltimore every Morning. VANDYKK AND VANDliXEK ER, Ai iltusuherland Pa., Will furnish Restuarants and private families Superior Baltimoie. Oysters, by the Can or liul Can. All orders promptly attended to on the shortest notice. JAMES YANDYE. JOSEPH YANDENEKEJT, Oct. 1, lS.'iC tf To Builders 6c Carpenters. The subscriber are agents fur the sale of Doors, Window blinds, Window .Shutter, and all sizes of Window Sash, all of which we oiler at the. lowest prices. Nov. :i9, 'Sti. E. Y. V KIUlIT SON. HAVE YOU SUDSCU1BEI) IN Til. Cosmopolitan Art Association Fur the Third 1'tart r-Ki; THE K.Uii: IXOU'CKMKXTS : The innnnpe. ! ment huve liic lciusure of uuiiouuciu lliat the c-i:eclin ' oi Woiks ol Art ilesi!iicii for Cistriliuumi union; the sub. ! serilieitt, whose iiuines uie received prevwus lo!licg?lh i 01 Jauuury, io-j7, is iiiuea luruer anil lu-ue cuny lli.iu on uiiy ievii'iis yenr. Among the leuiliug wort.s in reiili lure exei'utetl ill ihe liuesi .Marble is the new and beau tiful Slutue ol llie "W OOD N V M P II ," The Busts of the Tlnee Gfut American Slatesmen, CLAY, WKIISIKR CALllofN. Also the exqui sue b'eul Bust, -SI'KlXli." Al-Ol.l.. a.u y.A.AA, .1. .m m ,e 110, Hii eT will, me ,"iw .s ."".. ". ... bit of llie ftrimu'le lor the Henri, Venus nnd Apple ; Psyefce ; Msg. iluleii; Child of lue u; and title Truant ? Willi nu merous works in llronze. unit a collection Ol severut huiulred KIXMJIL l'Al.TIXUtf,b) liuilins Annls. The wh"Ie oi which are lo lie diiiributed or sl!-4trd anions the subscribers whose names are received urevious to the TWT.NTV-KIGHTIJ OF JANUARY, 165T, wheu lite Ditiributmii will take place. Tkkmi or ScBtcuirriii!. l'.veiy sul jcrilier of Tliree Doltirs is enliricd t A C"iy ol llie splendid feel ttiipruviiir, "Snt'inlay Xialll"' of copy 01 any or Ihe I. MowniK Mnsazines one year; ulso u copy ul tiie Art Journal one year, und a Tn'ki l in llie l)niiibuiiou ol Works i f Art. Thus, f ir every llnee d.illurs nnid, u pers ll not only gels a lieimlilul hiicravin. m Al utrnxiiie one ettr, but 11 la. 1 receives llie Art Journal ore venr. and a Ticket in the Annual Uislnliulloe, lluiking mut ootairs worm 01 leading mallei besides Ihe tn kel. by which a valuable painting or peiee 01 cuuumi) iiiu w iwsiin.,ii- Those who prefer Muauziiien to the I'.upiiiviiig -Siiur-dayNiahl.''ranliave either of Ihe following "lie ynirt Harper's Muguzme I ti'-dj's Lady's Bmk I'nileil Stales Magazine, Knickerboel Mkguziiie, liraiiain's Mu(!Zine, Umi kwo.nl Mugnzine, h. uihera l.ileiary Meeiiper. Xo pers "ii la reslneled to a single slmre. Tlne Inking five niei!iberliiia, I5. are entitled to six KiiRnvlncs. anil to sis lickeis in ihe distribution, or uny uveui llie Mugs zines; one eur and six tickets i.. - ,,,.., ..r m.in iMilim. will nlenRB I em. in 111 iriiiii'"is ."n"- i" - , - ivfisler Hie lellei at the I'ost tJflii-e, lo preienl l"iu. i on , weiptof whieh. u c ruBcule of Meiiitrhip, logelher I w llh Ihe I'liKiavm. or Mii:izilie desired, will isr forward- I rd to unv Hiil ot llie country. I For furihei particulars, see Ihe November Art Journal, sent free on npnlieul ion. ...... . . . . Kiw iiieiulwrsh 11. uiUlresl C L. UKRB , Actuiiw I A A 1 . . '-. - .1. .. W I Id 1.1. 1 ti4 IVmur 1 iireet.ttuultuk)', iiK- ' upv'V - . ' ' i-.tiv A dl' 1 un ILiiifimrf ww.f.v jxjiij a. uriAitai) - 7 Dec.40,ls5C. ruiiDuiy, i viiii 'PAY XJ3? I 4 LL persona indebted to the subscriber on l- Nolo. Book Account or Otherwic, are re- i speclfully requested to pay up imuiidiaiily, as I l(ie accounts will le piuceu in mo nanus ui Justice for collection. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, December 20, 1 85U. iMJKMNti Fluid, Camphene, Buid Wick. 1 . na Lumps, for aab, k lines Grove, Not. , 1856. tf "PZILIP H. PTJP.D7.' WHOLE. ALB AND BST11L . Orooery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA; rEAI.EKrl and faihilie. will so pron-plli 1 snprli'l .tth. Iowe.1 price (misi , ifti-r". CENTRE OF ATTRACTION t lahoe assortment ot FALL AND WINTER GOODS. TH K P-H A ftllSOM KDllt ABLE, THESE qtialitis combined, the public will find by calling at tha Store of E. Y. BRIGHT 4- VON. Their assortment la Urge, and has been selected with great cam, aud will be dis posed of at a small advance. T&B X.ADIB3 Will 6ml among our Dry (ioods Wool Plaids, Black and Fancy tfilka, Plaid Lama Flannels, Alpsccs, solid colored and Fancy Delaines, De beges. Scotch Plaids, Figured Cashmere, Per aian -Twill, Coburg Cloth, Ginghams, Calicos, Delano and Debcge Robes, Florence Silk, Wool lfa'l.i, Opera Cfl;'S, and Woolen (ifls. LADIES and CHILDREN WOOL TALMAS Oum Belts. Belt Kibbon, Mohair Head Dresses,, Ribbons, Needle-worked and Duuta Collars, -Thread Laces, Flouncing, Insertinft, bwiss, Mull, Cambric, Nainsook, Dimity, Jarred Muslin, llrilliaiiline, and a genvrul assortment of while Goods. Wool and Cotton Carpets, Oil Cloths, OH Shades, Rockdale blankets, Turkish counterpanes embossed table covers, tickings, sack flannel, scarfs, kid, silk, Lislolhrcad and woolen gloves. Of every vaiiety, Bussia Crash, Linen and Cotton Diaper. THE GENTLEMEN will find Black, Blue and Brown French Cloths, Doeskins, Black and Fancy Casvimcr, figured Satirictt, Overcoating, Tweed, Velveteen. Nik, Satin, Plush and bilk Velvet Vesting, Neck-ties, scarls, Collars, Gloves and IStocks. ItBArrY-lVIADE CLOTHING. Hats and Caps of all sizes and prices. OUR HARDWARE Embraces all kinds of building material, a large stock of Carpenter's Tools of thu best manufac ture, files of every desciip'iott, picks, grub hoes, Mason hummers, bar iron, steel, nails, paints, putty, glass ami oils, window rash vf all bizch, grindstones, Circular and Mill Kuivs. The (iicviisuare !Mok is composed of Stone China Setts, Fruit dishes, C'ako. plates, sauce dishes common plates, cups a..d saucers, together with a varied ussorliueiil oi Glassware, embracing the latest stsles. out tiitocci(ii:s are fresh and pure, among which may be found, G. A. Sail, Macknrel, Shad, Codfish, boxed and pickled Herring, Goshen and Sage Cheese. The best of teas, sugars, coffee, Vc. We return our thanks to the public for our increasing patronage, and respectfully invite an examination of out stock, as we deem it a plea sure to show our Goods. r? Country produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, Nov. 1S5G. Bargains at the Old Stand. FRIjUING & GRANT 4 RE now opening a new and very desirable stock ol Fall ond Winter Goods, em bracing an endless variety. Their stock con sists in part of Black & Fancy Broadcloths &Cassimeres. Winter Wares for men and boys, all styles and prices. DRESS GOODS. SILKS Plain and Fimtrol Mack. An assortment of Plaid Stripe and Figured Fan cy Dress Silks ul unusually low prices, Mus. De Lams, Debeges Ac, GINGHAMS from (, to a 5 cents per yard. CALICOES " 3 ' I -2J " WHITE COODo, Cambric, Jaconetls, Swiss, Tarlton, Mull, Bobi- nett, French and Swiss Laces, Edgings, e. Brown and bleached Muslim, Drillings, Ticks, Checks, Tow lings. Table Diapers, ij c KftOCEItir.S. UaTJTlUrT ond Oin."PATOTTTA'Rr Cedar-ware, Hollow-ware, Iron, Steel, Piaster; Salt and r ish. AIbo a fresh supplv of UKI US AND MKDICINKS. Thankful for past favors, we hope by strict attenlion and a desire to please, still to meet vnth the approval of our friends. rv Country produce of all kinds taken at the highest market price Sunbury, Nov. 29, 18SG ly. EXECUTOR'S SALE. TMIE undersigned Fxccut-r of the estate of Jacob Painter, dee'd., late of the H orotic ll j of Sonbnrv. bv viittie of a rower cont:incd iu j the hut will and testatmcnl of said deceased, will dispose of at Private Sale, the follow 1115 vuluuble 1 Ileal instate, viz : , SEVEHAL rS OR PARTS OF TWO ; LOIS OF GROUND, 1 in Market Square, in the Uoroucli of Sunbury, j fronting 45 feet on Market rSticet, being paits , of lots No and "ii which rue erected Three j Frame buildings. The dwelling is a two story ; frame liuildiug, with I in) Ui-uul out! -iiildiiigs . stable, Ac, late the residence of fuid deceaeed. There is also on the fi out of said lot, two two), story frame buihbni;, nccupied as a store, shops, j ic with u good Weil of water before the door, i ALSO; A FARM UK TRACT OF LAND, ; containing about 100 Acrrs, ituate between the , Catlawissa and Creek roada about threc-rpiarler ! miles from Sunbury. The improvements are a frame two-story dwelling H01.se, uud a large. Dank Darn and other outbuildings. There- are i several line Springs oil the premises, one near I the house, enJ alo a number of fruit trees of! j xiou, kultSi The terms and conditions of sale will be made know n by application to the undersigned, residing near Sunbury. JOHN BUYERS. Agent for Geo. A. Fuick, Ex'rs. Sunbury, Nov. 8, 1856. tr BR0DHEAD & PvOEERTS, jV. 13. -V. Street, rilltADBIPHIA, INVITD the a'lention of country merchants and others, to their slock of BOOTS Sc SHOES, which ihey will dispose of on the most reason able terms. Nov. 9, IH.Sfi.- ly JLLT2LP. & VTLLiaTClT, WUOLESH.B DtittKS IX Foreign, Woiiifsllc ami rancj LIUOBB, Xo. 112 Sou!h Front Street, below Walnut . I'hiladflphi-i. 171 NE old llrimilieJ, Wines, pure Rye. Hour boil and .Monangahnla Whiskey, highly iin proved bv ae coiislunily on Imtid and lor sale us above. , . Ijr Notes of the Lancaster Jjann receiveu for Liquors at par. December 20, 1 ... Sm TlFsPECTFULLY informs ,U friends, and ihe public Ki'iieriilly, lliat he has just receiv j ed a New Muck of GOODS, at hi. new store, at , David Miller's Mill, in Lower Auausla Town j ship, and lliat lie is prof ureu. ui ecu gui-u. ... lowest prices. Ilia eiiuck consists in part of FALL cV WINTER GOODS, Groceries, QueenBware, Hardware, &c, and every vuricty usually kept in a country Store. , Trevorlon prica paid for all kinds or produce. Lower Augusta twp, Dec. 27, 18f6. if AME1UCAN HOUSE, WlLUAMsrOUT, PA., J. II. KKLTUS, froprKlor. J.s. X- Haul. Ass't. TIIE LATEST ARRIVAL OF FALL AND VINTER GOODS. j. r. & z. r. kline, Respectfully announce to their friends and ll public in goners! that they have received at the Store in l.'pper Augusta township, Norlhumbe land county Pa., at K lines (irovo. Their Fa and Winter goods arc opened to the public fall assrotmeut of merchandize Ac. Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fane Cose mers, Satinelts, Checks, Kentucky Jear Under Slilrt t and Drawers and all kinds of Fa and Winter Goods. A lot of ready made Clouthing, consisting c Cats aud Vests. Ladies Dress Goods, Shftwls, Ginghams, Lferugs Detains, Calie.ui black silks d e. Also a fiesh 'ripply of Drugs and Medicines Grocerios A c., of all kinds. A new supply of Hardware, Qucensware Wooden ware Brooms Vc Also a lorge assortment of Boots arid Bhe suitable for men women and children. H ATS AND CAPS. Also an assortment ol Srhool Bookii, Station, ry, Envelopes, Ink and cheap publications, Ac Sail, Cheese Vc, and all goods usual)) kept in a country store. Coir mid see, Comt one. come all. Cheaper than Ihe Cheapest. Thankful for past favors we hup. bY strict at tention to business to merit a cnniinumce of the tame. All of the above named slock of folds will H sold positively rtt low prices for ceh,or in ex change lor country product at the highest mar kt t p.-icc. , Klines Grove, Pa., Nov. 8, l"5ti '.( ' f. VrrT21TS?r CO.,'"" LSPECTFl LLY nniie their I'm rids and the public to inspect their new stock of VI1MTEH GOODS. jusl received from Philadelphia, Wing convinced that their interest is best promoted by a strict continuance of their old plnn of "Stnal! profit! and tpiick Snicr." they thall still abide by their previous course. Amongst their slock will be Omid for GEN TLEMEN, a large ussortinent of READY MADE Coals, Vests and Pantaloons ; Cloths, CabsitnercJ. Satinetts, Vesting, Cnder-Shiitu,' Shirt Bosoms, ('ollnrs and CiuvaU FOR LAD li'S. Black nnd colored Silks, De Bogc 7?obcs, Do fie. pes Frtii'jh Merinos, Cashmeres, Mudona, ('ioilis, Coburgs nnd Alpacas. llehiines both plain and primed. Keadv-.Maile louks, rocba und Woolen Shawls, Tabby elvct in various colors. (Quilled Skirts. Sack flannel various col ors Red nnd white Flannel. ALSO: ,4 general assortment of Ladies ond Gentleman. BOOTS, SH07;s &. GAFFERS, Men'., Boy's and Children.' HaO; oVil Caps. Hardware, Queens' are, Groceries, ('cdurware Stone and Earthenware Drugn, Paints, Fish, Salt, Cheese, Nails, Oils, cVc, Arc. A good supplv of school bo. 'Us and copy books with printed copies on each page. Country produce taken in exchange fur goods, at the highest market prices I. W. TENEK& Co. Sunbury, Nov. SV!, 1850. HEllEING'S SAFE AUAIN . TIIE CHAMPION 1 1 The mi I (l Sac which, in crtr'i inthtnce, re- icrvttt their entire cunt, utt 111 tU6 tula IljUni:c Fife'. ,l 1 , t T I'h- bmnilis ef fe ArtiTaii C,Wki!rJ JV lliimliiias, April Hull, auu m ItKLA'i' I'lili. in .Miukci -jl Mi Isi. l.'ni. iruiin liTr.t.jr .1 Ul "itt s ere", r'.e.; t!t .it-vvr.ry 'j "aWvrna e'.uuii': I i'.t tn.'iu, n are-a: suiienoi : y over uli fceeitritit' cow known. In tiiese lire he iii:rsruNG-.tir: -t- iuivert i.v ii ! 'vnrriiiilcil o, h unit ID P, r wn, ninn- rir let'inu lli rrni , i-iiuie l -rtli t. i". ac- kiiowlerlirnd vu-loi n-it oti!v preci viua tbe r cllientH m exivUeul onler. lull lieiin; lln.ne..'s n a co :,:n n to throucii an.-lher or.l-.t, w'l icliit l.i :'teil 'iiniu-.in'f ''! inner ni.ik -ri "le brilly , .1 u,ii'ieve'c l:-s"i.n'e. enn iu siime enws 11 en entiir eo'.lenis eonip:ete' e-s i y, u. T( l!i li-Mi! c ec '.'oill'l onply Kl, . ll..:t. illtril,;: tl:r 11 years tlm 'ibaiinc'e Sufi !;s nn'ii .'.'l..r'' to"i ti'Pn ivvo hitiiibrd have pn.e 1 throng!: accilb'lital H,'i wltlion! the oecarrciii e of a ningie loin. Wc w-.ulit. liiereiori. (ajMoil pnirlutSi-TH nclnr-: I1'' misr,.nrt.r.eat.'i'i n i f inlrii-f-l p ati-.n. The HerriegV i'n'nil is r'-e onh- I'ue-prisif ni'c ii.vde in Ho, cily winch ! prnrcml by n IVen: Si " J- and we will pni.r nntee il To rcsmt ni.re In.'oi doin...t :!ie uir.'-lilil 1 bel any Oilier Sale in-v,' knowil. rands & Iltn lM-r, p..!e Manunieturrt-S iu tin Stltnf 'HCRMn'R PATCST CDiSPIO? S.'FLS," 31 ll'.j 'in ;'., I'hiindti. p. I'Ciio.a ,V 'Mlsoll's iinprovcui jNiinniMi'tiTs," Oliver I lean's.'' '..!. t..;:- "i-." nud-vo !' Asbet " Irmi Chi-StS. (a ;ri-t.-a-..-til.i lav ti-km in part rpyui'-iil 1 a : ierrini''') v,;': ik- S.'M u. l'AV i'i.eos. i'liila..Ju!ie ill, l-.i6.-lv. New Goods for the People ! TiKXJAMlN Rn.-jlT.C'l FULLY" informs the u'olic in gca cr.i! thut he has juat received and opened a splendid I'tuclt of FAi.f, And Win ff.k (loon-. a' his New Store, in Lower Auitu.ta township. His stock consists in part rf Cloths, Cas3ii.iers, C.i.inets. ofall kind... i f Iii:i.;!. cotton and wonted. ALSO: C.llUocs, .Ins!iiuis, LattlW, niouikseUue Ic Lalnm and all kinds of Laditb Die. ' (ioods. V.rocvrU-ti, Alr.o an a-teortment of Hai'HViirC, IrOM and Steel, Kails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEEM S WARE, ol various myles and p.tiionis. Also an assortment of UOCITS Si. MIUM. II ATS & CAPS, a good selection. Sail, Vifcii, iN'c And a Rreal variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, nil of which will be sold at the lowest prices. i;V Country produce taken iu exchange a the highest prices. L.wer Augusta, Ncr. S3 18.)6. fSAHO'AlXS TO P.E HAD AT 1. V. GUAY'S STOUE, Market Street, Sunbury. 9FS'P received and opened it splendid block uf FALL &, MIN'iEU COUDS, consist inr; iu part of Mack and Fuury Clothi and Cassimfres, An assortment of Dry Good, vis: Merinos, Cashmeres, lMatns, Calico, Woolen Plaids'. Ginnhuins, Muslins, Linens, FliuineU, Ac. Trimiiiic8 in Great Variety. HARl'WAU!-.. GKOCEiULs, yLhEX WAIli:, &e. SALT au.l FISH.l'hcese, Raisins, Tobacco and 'iaa'.'J, tjueeiiware. Hoots kIuvm', HaU and Cap;, and a variety of G sds too teuiaua to men- ',l Call ond rsaiiiine u.y Stock bffore Pur.has iiig I Isewlicre, A Reasoimblt Discount will be' taken oil' for all cash Sales. Country produce tuler. in exchange at tha hiis'uest luaikel price. P. W. GRAY. Sunbury, Nov, i , 1856. tf 1) LANK Parchuieiii Paper Deeds and blank Mortuajrea, Uouds, Executions, Snmnion. Ac, for .leb H. B. MASSEK. Kunbury.Apri 86. 18.1C 'HJUllllla lloautl A fresh asTtmtrt 'jr just received by WM. A. BRt'NEIt Jun. 21. 1856. GOSHEN CHEE&1S. Jt rceiv aud for s.U by ' 6EA8BQLT3 tXXUX. f- h w s. ,... nr.. ! lin ks. l':i- Si ..'' "! 1 4: ij sr, Ac, of 1'isin r (t lllo. anil ft j--tf 44.1 y IMw-l't rensil,s it Co.. 1.1'er le- til' .1 1 ' ' p.p-j i rums lor iiear'v ?.rty Hours, m.' I" it. ' Jli iii.t 1 con-lusivi iv wiial wel'avt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers