Th BaHqci C'asma Rtscui of Sevir. al Persons Bt a Uoo. we announced jet terdsy the loss or the JJarque Caspian, near llaliia Honda, not Baracoa,) while on her rtasMce from Mew Orleans to ifoston, and Mr death of Capt. Troufatan. When the t5l atrvck, the captain wai washed over- tinnnk and was found the next morninir en tangled (n the mangrove bushes, and died from exhaustion' ft few minute after be was PiefAiii-oft hv tha nnnnln nn shore. When the Vessel atrnck it was foond Im nossibla for a boat to rrach the shore, and on board were the wife or ti.e coptain, her sister nd two children, beside crew of twenty one persons. There was the shore in view ana persons standing. At length n small dog on board was put overboard, with the end of ... . 1 r 11' I. rT m. bull or twine mnae ibsi arounn ms utw, -jo reached the shore to the joy or all. A thin line was then made fast to the twinoand haul d in shore, and ngnio by its means a stout hawser was got on shove, which being bove taut by a windlass on bord, the two Indies and the children were successively wnced in a chair, which was suspended from the haw. ser, and hauled through the uff end waves on shore. JYf to York Advertiser. Lynch Law ijc Alabama. Burning a Ntpro.W find the following account of the burning of the negro, at Abbeville, -Ala, in the Eul'aula Native. The crime for whii'b Mose was burned, was the murder of bis mas tpr : A larce concourse was assembled at Abbeville, numbering from 4000 to 5000. The netrro was taken from the inil by the ffnard : no onnosition was offered by the she. riff. The place war. arranged before the negro arrived. A green pine stake was set in the ground firmly, and around that, a pile of fat pine wood was arranged in diameter about til feet., and about four foot high. He was bound hand and feet to the polo, and before fire was placed to the pole, t ho wretch made the lollowiug contession : l nut ne nau mur dered his master, but would not have done it Lad it not been for a white man." He made some o'.her confessions,, implicating a white mnu and another neo in tuo affair. Our in formant says, that when he left the Cre bad Already consumed his head, legs and feet, and that they were piling on ruoro wood to finish the body. Tnc At.Too.VA Murder Another deve!. ooment has been made of the strange nffair which occurred a couple or weidis ago near Alloona. The sister-and brother-in-law ar rived in the luttcr place on Sunday last and identified young Norcross ; and on Monday bad the body conveyed to tlrb home of bis friends in M assachusetts. They stoted that it was known by a letter they had received from Dunlcitu, Illinois, that he had 2000 on bis person when ho rft tbat 'place. The name of the man who is supposed to bo his murderer is David McKltri, of Wilmington, Delaware, and not McKinney, as ho register ed his name in this city. He is wellkoown'to tlie police of Philadelphia and other places in the East, but had been in Dunleith for some time working as a blind-maker. A public meeting was held in Altoona on Saturday eve ning lat, and steps taken for asking the Go vernor to offer a reward for the arrest of tho murderer. A subcription was token up to aid in the ond steps taken for asking tho Uovenor to offer mutter. Pittsburg Dispatch. Fatal Hunt. i New Orleans, La. The New Orleans (La) Picayune of the 20th inst., nave, that on the day previous, a duel, at fi! teeu paces, with double barrelled shot guns, on thv Mctuirie liidge, came ofl between Mr. Geo. W. White nnd Mr. Fuckeuham LeHlanc iu which the latter was shot through the heart and instantly killed at the first dis cbargo. A Sad Case. In tlie Ohio Penetentiary, there is a young prisoner, who entered about, a year ago for some small offence against the laws. He was troubled with weak eyes, upon which the prison doctor made a forced opera tion.totally destroying his sight- The prison, er resisted the cruel operation till he was ove'powen-d by the main strength of bis kee pers, und tlie cruel cunning of his physician, by whom he was made stone bliud. A few weeks ago, the time for which he was incar cerated expired ; without friends, money, or right, be chose to remain and wear out his dava in that disgraceful solitude. The Legis lature learning of the outrage referred it to a Special Committee of Investigation. Matkiuoxial Incident in Boston. A re spectable young woman, dependent upon her own exertions lor support, was married a tew days ago in Boston, to a young man who pre tended exceeding piety, and was or assumed to h a member of a church in that cilv. Thev were married on Thursday night, and on Friday morning the uew-made husband fled, - .... . .1 . . - J taking will) nun aooui ouu. me accumulate a savings 01 lue uui jriuiiaie gin mr me jun, i years. Pottsviixe. Tho Miner' Jonrnal esti motes lb') population of the borough at 10, 850, uud sums up an aggregate of 28,940 in habitants living within a radius of four miles from the office ol that paper, inn towns in eluded are Minersville, 5420; St. Clnir, S290; Schuvlkill Haven.3150; Port Carbon. 2650 ; Palo Alto. 12C0. Several of these will doubt less be united with Pottsville in the course of a few years. In the Ohio ITouse of Representatives, .Jan, 20, a final vote was bad upon the reso lutions to expel Mr. Slough, a member ofthe llonre from Hamilton county, for an insult on Mr. Cadwell. The resolution was adopted by a vote of 70 to 35, all the Democrats voting against the resolution, except Mr. Cony, of Hamilton. The case caused consid erable excitement, and the House was full of persons anxious for the final decision. Mr. Slough left for Cincinnati! last night. Shockino Occurrence The Bnth (N. Y.) Courier states that on the 31st elt., as the Rev. K. H. Havens, of Dudley Settlement. nenr that village, was boiling a quuntitv of pints of turpentiue and rosin, for making .balsom, the mixture exploded, blowing the .glass out of the windows, and scattered the learning mixture amongst his family. Mrs. I I averts died the same evening; a child two vears old, died soon alter midnight; Mr. Havens lived till next morning, and two other children, a girl of 15, and a boy of 5 rears old. was dreudfully burned ; the lutter, it was thought, could not recover. The house was ou do, but was saved by soma neigh. bors. VeNisoN at the West. Ouo of the conse quences of the Cold end the deep enow at the West is an abundant supply of venison. At Madison, Wis., on ike 2d, 106 deer were brought in from Richland county and shipped for the East. The lot weighed ten tons. The snow was so deep in the woods that the deer were at the mercy of the hunters, who killed hundreds of them and bung them on the trees until it should be possible to get them oat. One hunter at Madison some forty on the trees. Harrishcho, January 24th. No train bus vet rearl.ed here from Philadelphia. A fire occurred this nioiuinz near the Rail road Ddoot. when three small frame bonses were consumed, including the oOice of the Baltimore Central Railroad Co. The books were destroyed. A clothing and a eoufce tionery store were also destroyed. Tho Uoi- ted States Hotel was slightly injured. Look Oi'T. We are told by those who bsn die money that there are counterfeit half doll ars in circulation in this place. There is lome suspicion that a "bogus mint" bss been esta. Wished among these bills. Jf so. the scamp naa better loot ont. or tney ts:gnt ne sppren uceq in me sttoeniakinr busioeif. .ifov American,, A PetrcTVAt Governor. It seem that owing to the blundering of the last Legists. ture of Mississippi that State bta a perpetu al Governor. The Kacbei Free Trader, of '1 uesday last, lay i la bis late message to the Legislature on tbi cubject, wbicu we publish this morning. Governor McRae says that ho is Governor for life. We should nave no objection to bis being Governor or Mississippi for many year to come, but the organie law or the State provide that the Governor (hall be elected every two year. : But it seem that the botch work of the Legislature of 1854, in submitting changes to the Constitution, has managed to make the term of governojship perpetual, and no one can tell when the olli cial term or the Judge and members or the Legislature will expire. The whole affair1 is in mud, end for onrself w cannot see wbo is to decide the point in question. Iscendurt Fire. Early on Thursday morning, an old stone warehouse the proper ty of the Pottsville and Danville Railroad Co. situated below Mount Carbon. Pa., was set on fire and destroyed with its contents, con sisting or 1200 or eil, belonging to B. T. Ta lor ; 8500 worth of buy, the property of A.I Moorhead of Pottsville, and a small amount of bay, belonging to Shelley. No insurance on aty of tho property. SLEiott Upset Horse Last Fri day evening, a Gen. George Wynkoop and Mr. Jos. fclliotof rottsville, l'a., were re turning from Minersville to the former place, their sleigb was upset and both the gentlemen badly braised, and the horse, a very valua ble animal, ran off am finally round dead in the open timber of a railroad bridge, having probably, been killed by a locomtive. A JiKOAt DscistON. In a law court in Edinborg, Scotland in a case reijiting to the property of an officer or the Franklin Expe dition, Dr. Rae's evidence was confirmatory or bis previous opinion, tbat the whole u: tne Arctic party most bare pensnea m iu.ay.ieoi, after resorting to cannibalism 'to prolong thoir existence. He stated from his owo li knowledge, that, the Esquimaux themselves occasionally perish from starvation. The Com t so decided it. Present ron Quern Victoria. Mr.' John Tickner of Mobile, Ala , has boxed up a pair of horned owls, and sent them to her JMujes ty, Queen Victoria. They were taken iu the woods of Baldwin county, Alabama, nnu fromlbeir size and breeding, the doubt is expressed whether such a pair can be lounu Liu all the Zoological gardens of Europe. "Women' Rioht." A mother and four daughters, who all recide in Northampton, Mass., bavehad seventeen husbands amongst them. The mother has Inid 4 ; one daughter 4 ; nnd the other three daug'tcrs d each. Sentenced fob Maii, Rodb.krv. John T. Sanford lute postmaster at Flo."cnci, N. Y., pleaded guilty to the charge of robbing the mail, and wassunteuced to trn years' impri souincut. Illinois. The State of Illinois has void in the last four years $4, 500,000 of her debt. During the same period she has biuit two thousand, six huudred miles of ruilroad. Catawba Brandy made at Cincinnati, Ohio, has recently been purchased, it is said at S3 per gallon for exportation to Franco for the purpose of flavoring fureigu liquors. As Impostor. A beirirar woman, while soliciting alms in Brooklyn, N. Y.. a few day ago accidently dropped her bank book, on wbicu over $200 wtre louud to her credit. I Tall Tree. Tho Chatauque (N. Y.) De mocrat states, that a nine treo was recently cut in the town ol Carrol, out of which were cut uine 16 feet saw logs, and one 12 feet log. the stump and top must have made the tree ISO feet bigb. An exchange paper says that the girls in some parts of Pennsylvania are so hard up for butboods 'that they sometimes take up with priuters and lawyers. John Shannon, a citizen or Perry county, was frozen to death at the Cove Station, on Saturday night. He had been drinking, and was frozen whilo on his way home. New Advertisements. THE SA TUiPAY EVENING0ST THE BEST WEEKLY PAPER. SaMFLB MtMBtn FI HSlSIIED GRATIS. Examine fur yoursthet. Apply to the publishers, DEACON it PETERSON, 66 Oouth Third St., Philadelphia. January 31, 1857. 3w How Every Family Can Make their Own BROOMS. 03sri5r eo cents. FOR 50 CENTS I will send printed instruc tions plain as the label on a bottle of medi cine how to make Corn Brooms. Tho necessary aparatus can be made by any blacksmith for less loan ou cenis. v hen a broom is worn out, another can be attached to the same handle in 1. minutes. I positively guarantee this to be no calch-penny advertisement to fleece the cred ulous out of their money. tSatisfaction given or the money returned. If afraid to risk 60 cents, then send two 3 cent stamps for more informa tion, or refer to the Post Master here. I also giva information as to the best mode of raising and curing tne corn. Address, - P. K.FISHER, Selinsgrove, Snyder County, Pa. Jan. 31, 1857. 2ia DISSOLUTION. jATOTICE is hereby given that the late partner ' ship existing under the firm of Smirk & Hilcman, Kesturant keepers, in the Borough of bunl'urv, was dissolved by mutual consent ca the 20ih of January, last. The claims of the late firm will be settled by G. W. Hilcman who will continue the business at the old stand. JOHN E. 8MIUK. G. WHILEMAN, Sunbury, January 24, 187. 6t AUDITOR'S NOTICE. jVOTICE is hereby given that the under- Biirned auditor appointed by the Orphans Court of Northumberland county, to report the names and number of the distributees in the estate of 'John Hnyder, lute ofthe Bor ough of Sunbury, dee d., uud to make distri bution of the balance in the bands ol Jacob Young, administrator of the Said John tiny der, dee'd., to and among those legally enti tled to the same, will attend to the duties of bis said oppointment, at his ofhee, in the Dorough of ieiunbury, on Friday, the Cth day of February. A. V., lb;7. at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said duy, at whicli tuuo aod place all porsocs entitled may attend. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER. Jan. 24, 1857. Auditor. ioti( i:. A meeting of the Ptockholdei of the Big Mount aiu Improvement Company, (Coal) will be held at the room of A'oard on the 1st Monday in February, at 3 o'clock, to elect five directors to serve tha ensuing year. JOHN C. STONE, Bec'ry. January, 34, 1857 COUNTY ORDERSCounty orders taken as cash for foods, and on not or book ac count by t- V. UK1UHT s bON Nov. ss, rise. 'VTanllla Be ) A fresh assortment V jj recerved by WM. A. BRUNER Jon II, lie. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. TN pursuance ef an order of the Orphans' Court of iVorthiithberland Uounty. will ue potil to Public Stld. en MONDAY, the IBlh day of FEBRUARY, next, at the House ol l'eter Hun selman, in the BsrouRh of iorthumlerland, nnd county of Northumberland.. '1 be following de scribed Real Estate to wit I The undivided ONE-SIXTH PART of ell the following described l oll, pieces or parcels silbated in (he Borough and county ofKoithum- btrland, in the State of Pennsylvania, m FOUR CONTIGUOUS LOTS OF GROUND. Numbered in the plan of said Borough, Nc. 00, CO, 67 and 68, and bounded together south W ci terly by Kins street, 8. E. by front street, N.G and N. W. by alleys, each thereof containing sixty feet front by 340 feet deep. Also, Four contiguous lot ot gtnund, numlier ed in said plnn Nos. 393, 304, 395, and 39ft, bounded together S. W. by Queen street. N. VV . by Eighth street. 8. E. and N. E. by SO foot alleys, containiung CO feet front bv 340 Hcep. " Also, Two contioious lots of Ground, nura bered in said Plan Not. IS9 and 160, fronting on Queen street, bounded by Queen street, lot No. 158, in tenure of 8. F. Hetdley ; lot No. 161, in tenure of Mrs. Schuyler and alley, con tusing 60 feet front by 340 feet deep. Also, another Lot numbered in said plan No. 377 bounded by King street ; lot no. 870, Eighth rtreet and an alley, containing 60 feet front by 340 Icet deep. Also, another lot numbered in said Plan, No. UC, bounded by King street on the N. E., R, E. bv an allev. S. W. by an alley and N. W. by lot 115, containing 60 ieot front by 340 feet deep. Also, an out-lot. situate in said borough, ad joining road leading to Danville, lot late of J. II. Uoyd and lot former! v of Jacob Urban, contain ina 8 acres, 3 roes and 31.3 perches, and also those certain Out-Lots, situate in said borough, bounded on the N. E. by lands of J. C. llorlun. on the 8. E. by the N. E. Branch of the Susque hanna, 5. W. by lots in said uo'nunn oi junn B. Bovd and others, and on the N. W. bv lota and lands of J. C. II. Nourpe, containing in the whole FIFTY ACRE8, more or less. Late il.e estate of James 1 ocaart, deceased, eud to be sold as the property of Gertrude Tag- gart, one of the hers ol said deceaseu. oaie 10 ' ... . . r 11 1 commence at 10 oclocK. A. m., oi uaj, when the teius will be made known bv DEBORAH TAGGART. Guardian of said Grrtrude Taggart. By Order of the Court, C. U. rURSEL, Clk. O. C. January 34, 18S7. PURCHASERS ofthe stid undivided ONE- SIXTH of the above property will be permitted to take the olher five-sixths thereoi, upon me same conditions and at the rate per sixth at which they buy the above advertieed sixth. GRANTHAM I. TAGGART, For himself and ilttorney, in fact for the oilier Heirs. Northumberland, Jan. 24, 1857. ts. Auditors Notice. The undersigned auditor appointed by the Court of Cmmon Pleas of Northumberland o.. to distribute the proceeds of tSe tale by the Kher- If of the Real estate of Jacob U. Mateer, will at tend tor llie purpose at his office in tsiinbury, on Saturday the 7th of February next at 10 o'clock A. M. WM. I UREENOUGH. January, 24, 1807. Auditor. NOTICE. S hereby given that the partnership heretofore existed in the mercantile Imtiness, !etween Sam'l Troutman and Alex. Leil, trading under tlie firm af Troutman fc Lrih, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. J he claims of the late firm will be ssttled by Samuel Troutman, who will continue the busi ness at tho old stand. SAM'L. TKOUTMAN. ALEX. LIEU. January, 24, 1857.-Ct. 33. "ST. BRIGHT Sc SON, AVE just received from Phildeltiiii bv Rail Road, and aie now opening their third supply of WINTER GOODS. Our assortment is unusually large, and will be isposcd oil at the lowest figure. v e respectlully invite the Public lo cull and examine our Stock, and remember that "a ueiiuv saved is a penny made." fjr 1 be highest market price paid for Country Produce. E. V. BRIGHT SON. Sunbury, January 17, 1807. PEDARWARE, Hollow-ware, Class-ware, and a large stock ef Qucenware, embracing tha newest patterns, for sale bv Nov 29, '66. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. POR PIEITT- THE Store Room in Market street, occupied by P. W. Gray and the dwelling house ad joininir. Apply to the executors of II. Master, deceased. January, 17, 1857. A-TJ-JDITOR'S NOTICE. THE undersigned appointed by the Orphan's Court of Northumberland county, tc dis tribute the balance in the hands of David Tag gart, Esq., acting Administrator of Willing Mc Cay, deceased, tj and among the creditors of said deceased, will attend to the duties of his ap pointment, at hi office in the Borough of Sun- bury, on 1 uesday the lltu day of February, next, at 10 o'clock A. St., when those interested mav attend. ' JNO. KAY CLEMENT, Auditor. January 17, 1857 3t VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. WE" the undersigned owners of a Tract of ' Land, situate in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county, adjoining land of Ino. W. r uling, Silas VYolverton, Samuel Savidge, and Jno. W. Peal, Will expose the lame to pub lic sale, al the Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, on 5.1 TURD A V, the 2st day of February, at 10 o clock, a. m. The Farm contains FIFTY-ACRE8 and some perches ef land thirty acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, on which is erected a two story LOG DWELLING H8P8E. An orchard of choice fruit, two springs and a well of never tailing water upon the premise. I IT Possession w ill be given on or before the first day of April next. Fur further Information enquire of Wm. K. Marti or Ira T. Clement, Sunbury, Pa. WM. K. MARTZ. MARY ANN MARTZ, SOPHIA MAKTZ. BL'SAN DIEFFENDAFFER, JACOB MARTZ. Sunbury, Jon. 17, 1857. t. List of Causes, "JITOR trial in tha Court of Com mop Pleaa Jl of Northumberland County, at an adjourn ed Court on the 2nd Monday of February, 1857. TLALNTIFFS. DEFENDANTS. John Knouse vs Charles Robins etal Edward Auchmuty ct al vs Jesse Auchinuly Ira T. Clement Jacob Vonida Jacob M Salida Matthias Reed Chas Pleasants Wm Mengis Hughes Bellas Jesse 1) H or ton v 1 be bliamukiu hi earn Tow Boat Company. David Lewis & Zcrbn T" Run tc L. Impr't Co vs Kimber Cleaver et al vsJohn Fsgely The Mshonoy uV riharno ' kin Improvement Co vs Peter U Dsntler vs Reuben Fagely vs Jamea Beschsm et al. JAMES BEARD, Pietb'iy. Frolhonotary'e Office ) Burbury, Jsa. iO, H. f Last ttit not Leant. NEW A RRI V AL OF FALL AND WINTER C00D8 1 Ira T. Clement NO. 1, CORNER OF MAllKIil SQUARE, B B AS just received a large supply of Fall.nnd H SI Winter Good. He .will continue to sell Dry Goods and Gro- ceries CHEAPER than ever, as hi goods are bought cheap they will be sold cheap. He feels confident with his experience and ability, that he can compete with the World at large and Sunbury in particular. He would enumerate articles if time and space would permit. It it enough lo say that he has everything in the line of Dry Goods, Groceries, A larue Slock of Kendy-Made CLOTHING, HOOTS ANU SHOES, 6 c, ic, that i kept in any oilier store Iji town, snd llishniiiiprisnntlia brecco. And long may it wave O'er bind of the free, And the home of the lirav While her Stars and her Stripes Shine nut like the Run, Telling all nations Tlmt freedom's Irfgun. This is a tiie country as was proved election of Huchiiinn over the Wooly by tlie Horse. therefore it is free for all tn do their trading where Ihey can DUY ho CHEAPEST. All are invi ted to call snd see. THE COUNTRY, as well k the town are respectfully invited, snd every person, rich or poor, high or low, bond or free are invited to call at No. 1 Markket Square, opposite the Court House. 1. 8. He is not to be undersold ny any man or combination of men. No chsrge for showing goods. All kinds of produce taken in exchange lor goods. Sunbury, Dec. SO, 18o6. PROCLAMATION. JRJOTIOh is hereby given that a Sneeial L Court for the trial of causes in the Com mon Pleas will commence at the Court House in Sunbury on Monday the 0th of February for one Week. Jurors and other interested will attend. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the lOlh day ol January in the year ol our Lord on thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven snd the inde. pendence of the United States of America the blst. God save the Commonwealth.' HENRY WEISE, Sheriff. Sninirr's Orricf, ) Sunbury, January 17, 1857. J Olllico of the New York and Middle Coal Field Railroad and Coal Co. ruiLAiiiiuiiiiA, Jan. 13, IB.1)". fJMIE annual meeting of tho Stockholders JL oi" this company will bo held nt their office, No. 8, South 4tli street, on .Monduy, the 2d duy of February next, at 11 o'clock, A. M., ut which time nnd place an election will bo held lot five IHreelors to serve for the uusuing year. jos. c. corrucn, Jan. 17, 1P")7. 3t. Secretary. Bank vr NllllTIICM II Kill mi, ) January I, IS57. ) LIST of Depositors in tho Hank of Northum berland who accounts have been unclaimed and unchanged fur three vears : Wm. li. DavU, residence unknown, P. Preedman, do Graflus Scott &c. do H. P. Grave. do V. L. MaiwclJ, Wilkee-Barrc, Win. Wilson, LewUhurg, S 20,00 100.110 fci-VI 1 So, CO ' 3J.50 10.50 I'liWairaed dividends None. XoRHIt'MRKKI.AKD CoUMV, SS. Personally appeared befcie me a Justice of the Peace, in and for the County, J. R. Priestley, Cashier of he Bunk of Northumberland, who being duly sworn dolh depose nnd sav, that the above statement H true to the best ot his know ledge and belief. J. R. PRIESTLEY, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed b-.fore me, this 2d day of January, A.U. lti.7. Joiix' Cake, J. P. January 10, 1857 4t WllOLKSALK L'l.Lll.S IX Foreign, lionioalic and Fancy LIQUORS, No. 112 South Front Street, below Walnut Philadelphia. TINE old Rrandie.i, Wines, pure Rye, Bour--- and Monungahela Whiskey, highly im proved by age constantly oa bund and lor sale as above. 7" Note of the Lancaster Bank received for Liquor at par. December Sti, IfiSC,. -5m i'j:Tt:it r. zf.w.w.i.w..v, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends, and the public generally, that be has just receiv ed a New iStnck of GOODS, at bis new store, at David Miller's Mill, in Lower Aucusta Town ship, and that bo is prepared to tell goods at the lowest prices. 11 is Slock consists in fart of FALL &; WINTER GOODS. Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, &c, and every variety usually kept in a country Siore. Trevorton prices paid fur all kinds of produce. Lower Augusta tvvp, Dec. 27, 1 850. tf IS hereby piven that letter Tcbtamentay on the estate of Jacob Grob.'late of Loner Au gusta township, Norlhuinlierland county, dee'd., have been granted to the subscriber. All iwrSohs indebted lo said estate will please make payment without delay, and those having claims sgainet aaid estute will please pftscut them properly at tested for settlement. GEORGU SEILCTl, Ad.n'r. L. Augusta lap., Dec. SO, ISib. 6l FJ.T1?L NOTICE, A persons knowing themselves indehlod fW the subscriber by note, book account or other wise, are requested lo make papment befjre the I Dili day of the tirt months (January), Is'.'iG, nr their account will be placed in the haudaof a Justice fur collection. 8. N. THOMPSON. L. Augusta tp., 1 3th day, 1-th ma, 188ft. 4 LL persons indebted to the subscriber on Note, VouV Account or otherwise, are re spectfully requested to pay up immediately, a the accounts will be placed in the hands .of a J ustice for collection. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, December 20, 1850. Stationery. A large supply of fancy Note Paper and EnvtUpcs, Mourning, Lutter, and Cap Paper, Pens, Ink, Sand, &c, at May 31, 'Otf. WM. A. BKIJNER'S. BURNING Fluid, Csmphene, fluid Wicks and Lamps, for sale by J. F. & I. F. KLINE.. Klines Grove, Nov. 8, ltiou tf T5LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank - Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons Ac. for sale b H. li. MASSEK. Sunbury ,Alri IS, IfSd GOSHEN CHEESE Jasl received and fur salsby SKAfHOI TB Pi) TRY. tNrpi. 1 fFM.- A. Jf;CONHAC, HOLLOWING ItTJft. W fcSPEUTf Pt.LY Informs the public that Jl (L he lis replenished bis Store with an ex cellent assortment of New Goods just received from Philadelphia, which he will veil on terms ss reasonable a any other establishment. Hi assortment 6!t!islVs in part of CLOTHS, CA3SIMEKES & SATTINETT, '.Vinler Wears for men and boys, all sly lea and prices Ladies Dress floods. Consisting of I) lack Bilks, Merinos, Alpacas, De 1. nines, Calicoes, Cinghama, Muslin, Triin mingi, Ac. Also a Ircsh supply of GROCERIES of sll kinds. HARDWARE and QTJEENSWARE, Cedsrwsro, TJ rooms, Ac. Also a large assort merit of I)on nnd Shoes, suitable for Men Wo men and Children. Hats and Caps. Silk Hala, and ell iionds usually kept in a Country Ptore. All the above named sunk of pood will be old positively at low prices for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. Hollowing Run, Nov. 29, 185G. 1y R. DECOU & CO. Clothiers, No. l! Chejtnvt St., above Fourth, fHlLADELPHIA, Keep conflantly on hsr.J a fplcndid aflbrtmcnt of Ready-made Clothing GOOD! MADS TO OsDIR AND AKRANTEo TO KIT. Nov. 29. 1850 y Ev,A.isrs & CO' G ORE 4 T GIFT BOOK SALE. 409 BRODWAV, NEW TOKK. Fine Gold Jewelry pivtn au ny to I'vrchaser All Books will ba sold ns low as ran be hod at olher Stores, many of Ihem for less New Hooks received daily. A Gill varying in value from 25 cents to $100, given wil'j eachtbnok at the time it is sold. Having on hand a very large stock of new and valuable Books, and as our motto is "Large soles and small gins iban can be had elsewhere. Any look published in New York or Philadelphia will be promptly sent gift included, on receipt of publisher's price. Catalogues of Books and Presents, containing full explanations will be sent free to all parts of the country. The most liberal inducements are offered to Agents. Any person by sending us an order ror ten. books, with monev inclosed, will be entitled a to nn extra Uook and Gift. All order for books, containing money, (to ensure perfect safely.) should be registered at the Post OHicc where they ore mailed, anddirec tel to Evan Ac Co., 4U9 Broadway, New York. Reference. M. Thomas & Sons., Soulh -till street, Philadelphia : J. B. l.imiincott (V Co., Philadelphia ; u. Appieton & c, Broadway. New ork; Uerhy d Jackson, Nassau street, ' New York. ISEND FOR A EVANS & CO., Principal -Store 40!) Broadway, New York. Branch Stores at 125 1,'hcstnnt Street, '1'iiiiadel phh ond at Wnl.ingt(.n, 1'. C. December 20, 1S68. P3m 4 GEOIUIE HEIXN, NNOL'NCES to tiie citizens of Sunbury snd vicinty, that ho bus opened an oiileein Sun- hury, above II. J. Wulverton's oliice opposite. ('. v caver s Hotel, vt :,crc be is prepared to attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession, in the latest snd most improved style. Ail Work well done and warranted. December 13, IH5ti. Da? Z 3r J JTi o X; J. , Formerly of Berrysburg, Dauj liin county, Ta. fl X ERICA' announces to the citizens of Slia - tnokiti and vicinity, thai he has permanent ly located himself in the above place, and hope, that an experience of several yeats, in all the various brunches of bis pruf'SMou, '.'. insure him a liberal -diare of llieir patronage. lie my at all times be found, when not professionally engaged, at the National (Weaver's) Hotel. Siiainnkin, October S3, ISTiG. Sin o SsTKij s 7 T) y STEiFsTT Fresh from Baltimore every Morning. VANDYKE AND VANDEXEKER, Northumberland l'a,, Will furnish Rcsluaratils and private families Superior I'jlliino e Oysters, by the Can or ha! Can. All orders promptly attended to on the shortest notice. JAMES VAN DYE. JOSEPH VANDENEKER, Oct. 1H, !9!0. If To Builders & Carpenters. The subscriber are uaents for the sa'e of Doors, Window blinds, Window Shutters, and all sizes of Window Sash, all of which we oiler at the lowest price. Nov. a9, '.ri6. E. Y. B RIGHT SON. Have you sub'RiEED 1.N HIS Cosmopolitan Art Association For the Third Year t Sjlii: THK ft Alt E INDfCK.MK.NT: The manage lueiit liavs the pleusuruol' uuuou ucing tliut lue c-ollt-ute.u of Works "1 Ail tltsigiii-u fi' t'iscriliuiioit llie sul scrilierB, whose nuiiit uri rci-nvtu lo llie elli ol Juiiuury, ISA7, is much luifrer noil more cjstty llitiii -a any ireviuus year. Anmiif He Irtl-Mf,' w-rks in S,rulr ture exreuietl in the tna-st .Murblc is the new and beau in ui Sunue of ilia V ODD NYMPH The Busts of the Three Grint American Rlatestnen, CI.AY, V.'KllSli:R & CAI.IIOL'N. A. so the earjui Slic li'eul llu. 'SI'IIIMi " AI'UI.M) AND ill AN A, in Marble, life size, tuacther with the foil jiving Oroujis anil builuis in L'siruru .Mar ble . iho 8tili;gle lor tlia Ilenrt, Venus anil Apple; Psycae ; Mug-tlult-u; Child ot t.iti ren ; nnu title 'liuiiul ? With nu merous Works III HroiiZe, uud a e-'tlct-llou m evn.l liuu.lrtsl KIMCUII, PAI.NTIMjl,ly l.odi.i Arlifs. The wliol of which are to be ilislrihutnl or allotted aiiioiii; the suhseril-era wli-s'S names are ruieived previous to liie TWEXTY-K1CHTH OF JANUARY, 1WT, wken the Uisirihutiou will lake pan e. TtKM o Siiiwuiprntk. Eveiy sul-rilH;r of '1 hr Hol.urs is eutbied t A of the , It nilid Sfrel l.iiemviui. "aturdny Nilifor aeopyoi uuy of the loilowns Maeasine one year slso u w-py ol the Art J.h,,,i;i mm cur, bh.i Tn-ket iu Hie Duw'iliutioii of Works of An. Thus, lor every three dollars ii, a prrs ll not i eels u til-uuli'Ul l.liuriiMliir oi ,i1.,:ikiuu out vral, lut ulso receives liie Art Jouruul one iKir. nnd u j'lekt-t In the Annual llisl, ilnitioe, iinikii -: I. ur dollars worth of jraniiii liuittti Ik.-iiI-s the tlckel, by wint ll a vuliuiUa isiiuliuK or pcii-e - f J-tuluuiy mtiy be i'i-cei t-d hi mini n u. Those who prefer MliQiizilil's'to the l:nluuig -SniIui-HuyNiphi," can huve either in the foll-iwinft one vur : Harper's Mueuznie ; G.sley'i lnly's llook, I uilt-l Slah-s MaHXiue, Kuii-kerbockur Mutjauie,'s, llluckwuisl Mug-uuie, S'-ulhvrn t.itcinry ,lr-nei-r. Nn psrs-Hi is rehrirted in s niKle sluire. lMi s taking fi' llicnibcrHiiiiis. Si5. Hie eulill- U U) six Kugl-ivuir- und tn six Itckeis in the diuirihuiion, or any live of the Mus: tines; nue ysur and sis. tickets IVisnns iii reniitiuia Ittu ls ,,f meinliertliin. will pVjss rt-eiktor tSe letter at Ire Post (l!ln-e. lo prevent I ; on recit oi" which, a e-rnti-nie ot .Mrnil-ial.ip. toncil.i-r v iili ths Kudruvinir or .M.niaiuni desired, will be forxvuuJ ed to any unit uf the coiintiy. r or turttief pfirncUMtrs, sec ine Aiiveiuiicr .mi juiw srut frre nil Annlit-ulinu. ' l-'o. mrmlK-rslnn. adniel C I.. DI'.U U V. Acinar C A. A JtS Itrnadwuv, New Yuik, or W isieru l-'fl.ea. lis Wuler street, Sauduiky, IHiio irun;.lv to JOHN BV UliAHl), Honorary Peo'y. Dee. 1J, 1830. ' A Saubury, I'enu'a. FOR. JXX2- THE subscriber offer for sslo a Farm in Upper Mabcnoy township, containing W? acres, ad joining Peter Beisel and Dr. Sminky. 'i'he im provement are a Two Story Log House and a Hank Barn, an orchard of choice fruil. Twelve acres are meadow, H acr woodlsnd and the remainder cleared. Possession ven on the 1st of Aprib 1S7. Anp'y to . P J A COS BTRAAY8EU, tYP' Mhonoj,Dcoir U. Ie)i6. Ot CENTRE OF ATTRACTION i LAHQH ASSORTMENT 0"3f FALL AND WINTER GOODS. m KAP-IIANDaniHK Din ABLE, THESE qualities combined, the publie will find by colling at tire Store of E. Y. BKIGHT if SON. Their amdriment is large, and has been selected with great care, aid will be dis posed 6f at small advance. THB fiAVim Will find rfrfidng our Dry Goods Wool Plaid. Black and Fancy Silks, Plaid Lama Flannels, Alpaeca, Solid colored and Fancy Ilcleinr. lie beges. Scotch Plaids, Figured Cashmere, Per. aian Twill, C'oburg Cloth, Oihghatps, Calicos, Delane and Debegfi Robea, Florence SHU; Wool llnorlt, Opera Copt, and Woolen Ciifft. LADIES and CHILDREN WOOL TALM AS Gum Pelts, Belt Ribbon, Mohair Head Dresses,, Ribbons, Needle-worked and Bugle Collars, Thread Laces, flouncing, Inserting, bwiss. Mull, Cambric, Nainsook, Dimity, iisrred Muslin. Urilliantiue, and a general assortment of white Goods. Wool and Cotton Carpets, Oil Cloths, Oil Shr'ttes, Rockdale blankets, Turkish counterpanes embossed tnbla covers, tickings, sack fljnncl, scarfs, hid, silk, Lisle thread and woolen gloves. Of every VSiiety, Russia Crash, Linen and Cotton Diaper. THE GENTLEMEN' will find Black, Blue and Brown French Cloths, Doeskins, Black and Furtcf C'astimer, figured Siltinott, Overcoating, Tweed, Velveteen. Silk, iatiii. Plush and Silk Velvet Vesting, Neck-ticn, Scarfs, Collars, Gloves nnd blocks., D3 CLOTHKTG. Hat and Caps of all sizes and prices. OCR HARDWARE Embraces all kinds of building material, a large stock of Carpenter's Tools of the best manufac ture, files of every description, picks, grub hoes, Mason hammers, bar iron, steel, nails, paints, putty, glass and oils, window sash of all sizes, grindstones, Circular and Mill Saw. The (iitccnsware Stock is composed of Stone China Setts, Fruit dishes, Cake plates, sauce dishes, common plates, cups ai.d saucers, together with a varied assortment of Glassware, embracing the lu'.est styles. OCR GKOCCUICa nro fresh and pure, among which may be found. G. A. Salt, Mackarel, Shad, Codfish, boxed end pickled Herring, Goshen and Sage Cheese. The best of teas, sugars, coffee. &t. We return our thanks to the public for our increasing patronage, and respecrfully invite- an examination of our slock, as wc deem It a plea sure to show our Goods. Country produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, Nov. 29 185G Bargains at the Old Stand. FRXIsINa & GRANT A RE now Opening a new nnd very desirable stock of fall and Winter Goods, em bracing an endles Verictv. Their stock con- aists in part of Black & Fancy roadclotls& Cassimeres, Wimer Ware fur men and bore; all stvles ant pricr." DRESS GOODS, SILKS Plain and Figured Mack. An assortment of Plaid stripe and Figured Fan cy Dres tilks nt unusually low price:', Mus. Dc Lain, lVhegi s &c, fJINGHAMS from Ci to 2." cents per yarj. CALIt;OES " S ' lij ' WHITE GOODS, Cambric. Jaconelts, Swbs, Tarlton, Mull, Bobi- liett, French and Swiss Laces. Kdingo, oc. Brown and bleached Muslins, Hiillinirs, Ticks, Checks, Towlings, Tailc Diapers, 4 c. CiRots.aiiiN. HARDWARE and QUEEKSWAR2. Cedar-ware, Hollow-ware, Iron, Steel, Plaster' Salt and Fish. AIpo a fresh supply of l!i.rus AND MEDICINES. Thankful for past favors, we hope by strict attention and a desire tn plcave, stili to meet with the approval of our friends. 13" Country produce of all kinds taken al the highest market price Sunbury, Nov. 29, 18.15. ly. BAllfJ.lINS TO EE HAD AT P. W. GHAY'S STOKE, Market Street, Sunbury. Ufl'ST received and opened a splendid Stork ejjjl of FALL & WIN2'E GOODS, consist ing in part of Ftlack Fancy Cloths and Cassimcre, An assnitment of Dry Goods, vis: Merinos, Cashmeres, Delains, Calico, Woolen' Fluids, Ginghams, Muslins, Linens, Flannels, cvc. Trimmings in Great Variety. 1IAEDWAEE, GROCERIES, QUEENS- WARE, ic. SALT and FISH, Cheese, Raisins, Tobacco and Cigars, Queensware, Boots, Shoes, Hals and Caps, and a variety of Goeds too tcdioui to men tion. ' Call and examine my Stock beforo Purchas ing I Isewlierc, A Reasonable Discount will be taken oil' for all cash Sales. Country prod jee taken in exchange at the highest market price, P.W.GRAY. Sunbury, Nov. 8 , 185C tf EXECUTOR'S SALE. THE undersigned Executor of the estate of Jacob Painter, dee'd., late of the Doroueli of Sunbury, by virtue of a power contained in the last will arid leslatment ufsaid deceased, will dispose of at Private bale, tho following valuable Real Cstate, vii : SEVERAL LOTS OR PARTS OF TWO LOTS OF GROUND, in Market Square, in the Borough of Sunbury, fronting 45 feel on Market Street, being parts of lot No end on which are erected Three Frame Buildings. The dwelling is a two story frame Building, with the usual outbuildings siable, &c, lute the residence of said deceased. There is also on the front of said lot, two two story frame building, occupied as a store, shops, ic, with a good W ell of water before the door. ALSO; A FARM OR TRACT OF LAND, containing about ICO Acres, fittnte between the CnlUwissa and Creek roads about three-quarter miles from Sunbtiry. The improvements are a fianic to-etoiy dwelling Ho'.sc, and a laige Bank Bain and other outbuildings. There are several fine Springs on the premises, one near the house, and alfo a number of fruil trees of various kinds. The terms snd conditions of sale will be made known by application to the undersigned, residing near Sunbury. JOHN BUYERS. Agent for Gko. A. FmtK, Ex'rs. f-unbury, Nov. 8, 18o0. If BR0DHEAD & ROBERTS, No. 133, X 3d Strtet, patr-ADEi-piiiA, v IN V1TE tho attention of country merchants and others, to their sick of H BOOTS St SHOES, which tiie will dipofe of en the most reason able terms. No0, lNufi.- ly AlslNS, Fig, Jujube Paste. Kork Candy Jelly Cuke and Gum Drnpa for sale by Mav 31, 'St), WM. A. ERL'NER. Fairbanka Platform and Counter Scale foi sale by E. Y. BRIGHT 4 SON. Nov. 99, 1853. TprW7ILEY'S COUGJZ CXNDY. An tce lent remedy for coughs, eolds. ftr siU at this office, l fvuhr 4, lse. TIIE LATEST A. .lVAT OP FALL AND INT n G0OL8 J. F. Si 2. . It tiXND, Respectfully announce to tbei friends and the public in general that they bTe'rer.-ivH st lltetr 9tore in Upper Augusta lowftrihip, Northumber land county Pa., al Klines Grovr). Thrir Fall aiid Winter goods are opened to the public a fall assrotment of merchandize Ac. Consisting in part of Cloths, black arid fancy Case'rners, tSntinelt, Checks, KeiiturkS Jem-r Under Shifts snd Drawers snd all kirn's of Fair and Winter Goods. A lot of ready made Cloattiing, eonaisting of CoaU and Vsl. Ladies Brefs Oftods, Shawls, Ginghams, Borage Detains, Calicoes, black Silks 4c Aliro a fresh supply of Drng Bnrl Medicines, Grocerio e., nt all kind. A new st-pply of Hardware, Queensware, wooden ware Brooms AC. Also a large assortment nf Bants tha Sheee suiiablo ht men women and children. HATS AND CAP.- Als.l an assort m en t ot School Books, Statione ry, Envelopes, Ink end cheap publications, Are. Salt, Cheer p. dc., itnd elt goods usually kept in a country store. Come snd ifee, Ceme one, come all. Cheaper than the Cheapest. Thankful for past favors we hope bv sir let at tention to business lo merit a continuance ef the same. A II of the above named stock of gooi's wii! lo sold positively at low prices for cash, of in cjt' change for country produce at tho highest mar ket price. i- Klines Cro-c, Pa., Nov. 8, 1G6. tf I. W. be CO. Of GU-XsJ-rUTJIfY, PA., fji EsPECTFULLY invite llieir friends and" the public to incpect llieir new stock of VINTF.E GOODS. just received from Philadelphia, br ing ennvinred thai their interest is best promoted by a strict continuance of their old plan of "Sinrdl prnfts und quich Sales." they shall still abido by their previous Course. Amongst their stock vtiil be found for GEN". TLKMKN, a lirge assortment of READY MADE Coat', Vests and Pantaloons; Cloths, Cassimctes. Satinet!, Vesting. L'ndvr-Shiil, Shirt Bo9oirts, Collars sad Cravats FOR LADIPSr Biack and coiornd Sil!s, De Lego Tiol es, Lie 2?c.gcs French Merinos Cathmens, Mudona Cloths, CnburrjH and Alpacas. Delaines both plain and printed. Ei-adv-Made Clonks, rocba and Woolen Shawls, Tabby Velvet in various colors, tjuiliej Skirts, Sack flannel various col ors Red and white Flannel. ALSO t A general assortment of Ladirs snd Gentjemab boots; snor;s & gaiters. Men's, Boy's and Childrens Hats if Cap. Hardware, Queensware, Groceries. Ccdarware Stone and Eartbenwar Druirs, Paints, Frshi Salt, Cheese, Nails, Oils, S., c. A good supply of school books and copy books with printed copies on uch page. Country produce taken in exchange for goods, at the. market price-i I. W. TErfERdc Co. Sunburj-, Nov. 2J, 18o0. New Goods for the Fcople ! B EX J A MIS II K FFN E It p ESPECTFULLY informs the public in gen: rral that he has jur!t received and opoucd a splendid stock of F.V Us AND Vt'lNTEll (lOODS. at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township His stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Carsiuuts. of all kind, of linen, cotton end worsted. ALSO : Calicoes, ctcprtianti, Lautti, HJousstHuc 17s Li'.lae t and all kinds of LaJics Dress Goods. Groceries Also an assortment nf Wurdwrtre, Iroa and Steel, Nails, &c. AUo an excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various styles and rattrtms. Also an assortment of MOOT? & SHOES, H ATS Al CA PS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, ic. And s ereat variety of other article such s sre suitable to the trade, all of w hich v. ill be sold at the lowest prices. I tV Coun'ry prbduce taken in oJchsnge a the highest prices. Ltiwer Augusta, Nev. 22 18oC. HERRING'S SAFE i&A:i( tiie: ch A.-zxcjsr 1 1 The onlg Safe ic,',i' . t';( orry inr'i id, pre ferred their fiiiie contents in the late Extentitx Fires. T tlie burnintr ef tt o Artuaa JY !!ii-!'!.iii Affil rt-V;",,fe'3 peril, c'.. -I I-ii..;r' & Dio. eaJ fip''! i!! Kdward eii.nns k Up , ater re. I ' '-''" v i''',,0 rii-ii:ij sit! in t!,e limr.g liii'i''' I-i"-f- iruins j.'ir ii.nir!y Fort;- lint Iry'-V 1' IVVt ;,f . n-n-,---ii.-'i r-veiv '.ut uclavs T;i iSf ifi 1 aajy4 r aivvu-. s' e!n't.-se. for ib-m, ibeir aieat sujicrioi.ty i.vtr ii!l itcunties now V:,iow:i. In tliese lire", the IlErtlilNrV SA F K; f'nniliiie siitfl bv sid.- wi:n tii'-e u'lvertiseil r. "wnmiijcJ lom int 10 ni r e.mi. taorn tucliiua tb rr.ns's,'1 enno- lorlli the ac Luowltlstd vicloi not unie r" " -rvlnrr tlicir font, nU In exi-elleat' or.i--r, but lieiiit in tt eoiiOitlou to tlir.n c!i mioil;.-r ordc-il. while loiitl Siiiiinaiule s'ol Clli'-r ih:ik--iii me t;iiliv llS' d ill -v.-rv ins'ijoi-e. and III Some vmr.k ilit-ii entile Pi'Hin-i!fs eor.in1- ;e-y clr-Ktr.-yt-tt. 'lo Ui j.jlinc we .vot'.il simoty mv. th-i, ilurine the 14 yeiirs the Herrings .ll" has h-r l.clore t! - m, inoro than two huiiclreil have pru:il tiiiongh uti-'Ji'nta! willuiut ifur m--urreni-e of n s'lit'e lor. We w Milil. theri l'ore. r.ncioti pilch-errs nninst tha n:ibrriresfiir:iiinti of mitre-nil ("ities Til" ll-rrii.c's ratei,t is thi- oclv Fir-tir. f hi tiia,l in th s cily vvhioh is protfM! by a Hatt-M Itinht, m we vill fan au'.ee it to ren:st more U.nn tiie amount ef heut of any other S.n'e now known. TarreM & Ilci rlsisr. Sole Manafaetnrers in this Sinte of nEKuTC's PiiEM tm?m safes," 31 Walnut St., Phihuhl. N ft '-Kvnnl fc Wulsou's linnroved Solumnnders." "Oliver Mum's," "C.J. Unylei's," snJS-srtt's Aslietos." Iron Clus.s. (n large iissi-rliile-il bavins l-een luse iu t ail ,nvmcMt lor-H-rrincVi will Iw sold ul low puces. 1'Iiiiu , June SI, IV. COLEMAN'S OHEA-X CUTLERY GTO"R.E,- No. '2 North Third St., below Arch, PniLASELFHIA. COUNTRY Merchants can save front ton id lifieen per cent, by purcbaing at lheatove stores, IJy importing my own goods, paying but litiln rent, and living economically ft is plain I can undersell those who purchase their Goods here, pay high renls and live like princes. Constantly ou hand a large assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, Seizors dnd Razors, Table Knives and Forks in ivory, slag, iufi'alo,!ne and wood handles, Carvers and Forks, Ac, Butcher Knives, Ditks. Knives, Revolving and p.ain ri-.-tols, &c. Abo a la .-go assortment of Aecordeons, &.. Also tine English Twist and German Guns. JOHN M. COLEMAN Oct. '.'0, 1856 ly. Importer. wircari tit in:i fetail GrotiexY. and liqnov Etcre, S. E. cor. JlMfiiuf and Wuttr Streets, ri'-ILADKLPHIA. DEALERS and families wilt ee promptly sn plie 1 st the loise.l rices. U. to!.er 4, 1 850. tf A ME1 11 CAN HOUSE, WILLI A MS FORT, TX., 4.. ii. htLtOX, Proprietor. Je. T. Hall. Ase't.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers