t I NFW SKT7TF.S, VOL. 9, NO. 41. 3 SUNBURY The fcunbury American. Pl'liLlaliKD tVi.KY SATl'UDAY 1 if II. B. ilASSEH, Market S'juure, Sunlury, I'tnna, T K H M a UP HUU8CRIPTION. TWO LOl.l.AliS per aiuum to be paid half yimriy in Btlvm cc. V pu,ier (iisi.MiiU..ued until all acreages arc l-1. All conimiiinentiiins fir letters on bu.incM relating to Uiu tllii t, In in.uie autumn, limit be I'O&A' I'AIU. TO CI. IBS. Turee fi "in- sililmil, tSOl) S-vcn Io I'O ID 0(1 riileen I'U Do Jiliuu Five tlnllnn in advance will wy Tot three year's sub criii i"ii tn llit' Amtri it-mi. P'lstnia.teis will pu-iise net lit our Apents, eial flunk Mhth uiinniniiiiK sntisTitiiu money. They are ptriuil letl In l- I'ns nmlvi the l'uat Othca Imw. TilRMrt OP AD VKRTI9IN0. in- q i iu- m U lines, :i times, i'.wr uii.im (UHiit hi.ritton, '"lie liTlirl f , :) itii.intll., $JX HIi'liP, 100 a 3(10 too bun sue II LiMi-N-i C.iritM "f Kive linen, per aimers, l-i i:i ml. mid iitieri. mtvirriiioiif by the ir, vitu Hie (irivilepe nf inserting liirerijm H'lvi'itim.niiMiu weekly. 10US .-ir.'f iIv.ti n t..i. nn per Agreement. .Kill I' It IN TIN a. Ve h ive em lu'l vi: li 'nr eitntili.riment a well seircteil .ion oi-'KirK, winch wiilenniile us to cxeeato 'i ii th nruieiO t le. evrry vnnely ol printing. A T T O II N BY AT LAW, BUND'tlDV, PA. U usincas attended to in the Counties of Nor thumberland, li'nton, Lycoming Montour am) Celumhin. licfertnce iu Philadelphia : Him. lull R.Tvson, Chna. Oililinna, Fea.. Joiners it SaodirniM, l.hln, tSinilll ic Cu. 10 UST HOUNTAIN COLLIERY S U r H II I O It WHITE AS II ANTHRACITE COAX., From the Mammoth Vein, for Furnaces, Found riff, Ktiamb tats and Family use, $E2&, m:mz & Mt. Cahiii, Auiiriji'uMiu.ni Coiisti, Pa FLOUR, PEED '& GROCERY STORE CHARLES G A RINGER, W ESPEC'ITULLY informa the citizens of IH Sunbury anj tl.a neighboring Country (hat ho haa purchased the Grocery 8lore in Water atreei, in the rear or the wharf, recently kept bj W'cie 6c Clement, and that he haa iust renlcn- islicd Ilia stock which he will noil at reasonable prices, lie will keep a constant supply of riiuir, Oram and heed, Urend, Fish and Cheese, llama, Shoulders and Herrinz. (Jnffi-e. Sugar and Molasses, Teas, fpiccs and Fruits, Xuts, Confectionaries of all kinds, Hoots and Shoes, Ladiea (taitera, Misse-i and Childrcn'a Mioea, alio Queenaware, Cedarware, Hardware and Notions, Ac, Ac. Citizenaare requested to aend in their orders for Flour, Feed and Groceries and be will de liver them properly. Runliury, June 14, 1850 tl all Air SIZKS 01" t'OAL. LUMP, lor ISIiihI Furnucce and Cupolas, M l'K V MLiilA I'. lor Stcuiuboats, Hot Furnim'ri kikI luuni. UUOKU.N, ) For 0r,1.,j Stov tnj Stct l'.litr, SI't'VK, For Stoves, Steam and burning NI.'T, l.i I'f.A . ',,r l.iiiielutriii'rs and muling Sleam. Or.loti r:teivt'il nt Mi. or .ortUln. bcrUnJ Vi'iml, will recvivo prompt attention. M. I). IIKI.li, 1). J. I.KWIt, WILLIAM ML'IR. May 3, 185G.- tf " riLVCETII BHAIfSON & CO. Hardware Merchants, Jlnving removed from No. 53 to No. 73 Mm ket Street, 1'liiladelphio, Are prepared, with grea'.ty increased facilitin, 1o fill nrilers for IIAIIUWAKB of every vorieiy in best lerniH, fiom a lull ansottinciit, including Kailniiiil Nliovi'ln, I'irliH, Vc. Country mercliHiit mid others will find it to t'orir intereat to call and examine our stock he foie pur. lis-iiii; eUi'w'iete. April li. ;.-(;. ly XJ. G. OF .A.. fin. and iiu? Xutii e Land." Vj''!'BIIAXXA CAVil'. No. '., of the O. .1' t:ic I.. S. . li.il.U itiiHtated i.eiiiiiiiiis every 'in oiiiii'i: in tlnir New Hull, opponite K. V i!.i..l.t t..ie Junliur, Initilation and i! . i. v!.tUI. .!()!! X (i. YOL'NG, W. C. '.'u Will HIT, U. S. Siii,l!rv..iulv la. Hfif.. oct SO '55 . of xj. 3vr : IN IIS KY t tar.M'Il.. No. :I0, 0. of I. A. M. meeU evrrv Ttkha eviniuir in the A mei iiti Hall, oppnhite K. Y. Uriiiht's store, Mai Let xlrcct. Sunhury, l'a. Members of the order are reniieclfully ri'iueled to attend. Wil. A. LMiL'NKIt, C. W. Smith 1! S. S.m'.iniy, Julv ft, Hftfi. net 20. '5S. J. S- OP lirA"iHIN(i I'OS CAM 1 No. 19 J. 8. of A huiiU its atate.l ineetimia every '1'huraday evening. 1 .1 the American Hall, Market Ktrcet, bouliuiy. W. H. ML'SSELMAN, P. K. A. Shissli ii, K. . Sui'mry, July ft, iMi'iC. tf. jil l!h li t il. t.ir ti.ble uw, two aire L at -i J aim 0 cents just received ny June V 1 . '."(. V M. A. UKUNER, )I'iST reeeive.l a frcili supply of Ltlackherry lirali.lv and invaluable remedy for Summer coiiimaiuii by WM. A. URL'N'LK. AusuklK, 158. 1 t " r''"f"-i i-J "f, 'T nr JtliU .1.1) Li vb '.i U'UJ J. J. 9 itrp JTlour, Feed and Provision tore SEA8H0LTZ & PETERY, Ifrwidiray, lnluren Market tiluckbtrry Sts. RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of eiunliury and vi. inily that they have, jUh received a Urge and well selectu) asiinciit if choioc G?033C?JSS, ronsinling in pint nf Hams, tShoulders, Mackerel, Ilerrin". While Finh, Cod Fish, Halt Preseived Fru t, l'ic let, Crackers, Chceae, Mnlaaacs, Hire, Sugar, l.'oll'ce, (ureen, roaoli d and ground.) Im perial. Youni; llysnti, Cunpowdcr and lllaek 'i'eaa, Cedar-ware, ritoue-ware, Soaps, hrushes plow and wash linea, I100U and shoes, tobacco, cedars, Ac, toelher with every arliclo usually liiuud in a fir t clans Grocery Store, all of which will he uM Ll the lovvcst pricen, either for cai.li or country produce. V.'c ars also prepared to sup ply the citirnn with fresh bread, twut, rolls, pies, pretzels and cakes of every kind. N. U. The hitfhot rch prices will he paid for Jiu'Mr and euca, corn, oats, rye and wheat. Sutibury, May 31, 1 8 Mi. FOrt SALES PTE AM ENGINES 90 Home power etch, with boiiors. Would make excellent pump im; sngiiics, l.ii;eilier with 3 large blowing cylin ders, suitable for a blast furnace. Apply to HBXKY LONUENECKEtt & CO. Kliamokiii Iron Works, fchamukin, Pa. Shamakin, July 81, USo,- stoves" FOR rAI.E an excellent secsnd-hand Conk ing Stuve, altfo several Cylinder CoaJ Mime. Kiuijire at this nlliee. CILVEU WATCHES. A few double rsa Euglub Silver Watches, for sale at very low H.B MAKER. JOHN FAREIRA, A'o. 284 Market Street, chave 8(A., 1'lllT.ADKI.rillA. fMPORTF.R, Manufacturer and dealer in kind and qualities of fancy furs, for I.ndies and Children. J. I .. would call the attention of the Ladies and others to his immence amort- ment, heing the direct Importer and Manufactur er of all my furs. I feel confident in saying that 1 can oiler the grcate.it indrccmeuts to thoe in want and at the same time will have one ot the Isrijest assortment to select from. Storekeepers and the trade will please (rive me a call before purchasing, as my wholesale depart ment is well supplied to meet the demand for every article in the Fur line, and at the lowest possible Manufacturers Prices. JOHN FARElItA. 281 Market Street. Philadelphia, Sept. '.0, lCSO. -4tnw, AMERICAN HOUSE, AVJLLIAMSrORT, PA., .. II. Kt.XTO.Y, rrprlctr. Jas. T. Ham,. Ass't. Sept. 13. 18.)C tf lll.HHY, LtWRCMT & O., PAPER, PRINTERS' CARDS, X3NVELOPU & RAG KO. 5 M1S011 SWEET, P1ULADEVA 100 tons Ratjs wanted for Cash. August 23, IS56. 6m Ob So II. V F. Tl Tl PHILIP Z. PTJPsET. WIIOLCSALI AND RKTAIL Grocery, Wine ana z.iH 5. E. cor. Walnut and Water Street!, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4. I8S6. tf Sill mm HERRING'S SAFE AOAtM THE CHAMPION i I The anhf Safe which, in every inntance, pre xervtd thtir entire contents in the late i Extensive l ircs. . i AT the boruiiiB of the Artinn Duil April lUth, aitil m the GliKAT I'lKK in Miirket rl May lit. Hie jreimiiie llcrnny J4;!! prejervet) the Jrwdrjr ( tit. W. nnmoiiii .V lln ; HUh-Iik. l'a pra, A.c , in' I'iflirr 4 mii K(lw:irU Srminii Ct., titter r niniuitiK ritit ;h tlie lurui rit it is (uriiLitrlv Koriv ll'ur. fJrVsljicimtviiig Loiifluivply what we I 7l rr nrrj Jfr&r u vruyt ilmmed i t innn, great tujicriurily over nil iccur now known. In tlieae fir', the nF.RRING'SSAFK, itsndiutt by side with liioic dverlril im wurnintci) uw: piT wnt. inor fwe tlmu UrrriiiitV," en me Urtli tit kutiwlciltfed viclm not nl prr-rerviug tluir cmtr fjtct'llent onler, hut being thtntwtvei in a ruitditio tliroupli itnollicY ordi'iil, w lnic ilie boastrri -Siilaiiuiii other miikm are twit I v unnl Ui in every inttume, itne fHse trmii entile cmienU eonipletely drstr- T the pulilic fre wmlil timpiy tay. that, tlunn yenra the IIirriug Sufi h;is btrii heh'rn ihein, m two tiuinWni have paHsnl through at. ciiicut.il lire 1 thf orrurrenw nf n ui(,le Innn. We wuiM. thercfurr. rnunoii prrhaer nn miflieprfftrntatiitii nf iiitfrciiictl patties. Tli f' Tutent i the only I'n-proi't Sate inaU in winch in prtitd hy a la:ent Might, nm! we v n tee it to reniftt tnore thnn double the amount o any other ufo now kinwn. FurrelM & Ilcrrlnsr, ffnte Mniuifacturers in thin St 'HERRING'S PATENT CHUlPIOJi S.U 34 Walnut St., PI, S K opng A; V:itmh's Improved Sat Oliver Kvaii's," -'C. J. (i.ilei'," and S-nni'i (run Chftts. la hntetiMiirniirnt linviiis liren In pavmcnt lnr-IierrineV) will la; soal at low p' Pliila., Jane 2i, !'. BHEAFF Ac. BLAC mini. as anii animus V "WHITE ASH ANTHRACITI From the Big Mountain Collie' 8IIAMOKIN, NOU TI1U COl.NTV Address Shea IV A. black, Suub' niokiu, Pa. fciunbury, May 24, 1850. tf Ft Ar The-Tli.-y They . M And 111. OT tollir: Don't tt I Slrriiulit Nnrrnti And hre Wi Oh! tlmi Were al! And the' Thai TliPti wo To rage And fall Wit For 'tisj I o in ill; And pi Tlit-n ' In (pii While And tt Tl CHEAP CT COLFAH-g" . " , j'TLERY STOB Ao. 21 A-' ., 77,.ri ' ;,. . miLADELPUIA. .TlfV M...l.i.ni . r. - - - ..nimBiii. 1UII pi., 1 1 II I II 1 . 1 1 III fifteen er cent, hy purcha-inir at the above ".ores, by importing my own goods, paying but M eh, my i-i . ..iii u i..... .i. . litiU rent, and living economically, it i. plain 1 iL x . .'l'9, tnaua car, undersell those who purcha their $ and P.,., Liives. Scissors dnd Razor, Ta.dl ffZ A iviu,r aim rwii in ivury. siag, uuuaio.ooue ,. ,i ' ' wood handles. Carvers ami Forks. Ac. Uutclir V LB" J to..to"' Knives. U.rk, i'owie Knives. Revolvimr dZ",.u't7 eXV lvti "" p.ain Pistols, Ac. " 1 "n10"" 11 wnl ' Pulr Also a large assortment of Aecordeons, ,s.e Also line English Twist and German Gum, JOHN M. COLEMA.V Oct. JO, 1855 ly. import 1. .VISE, CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRYOE Ao 72 Aor Second Street, (oppsi iuuunt lemon iiouu.) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watches, full iewelei - ui,i:i i.v,,-r uo Ufl. ver Lepine, do., $0 ; yuarlier. 5 J opeetacles, J 50 to $10;SW Silver Table Soonna ner aitt. A I Silver Desert do., do.. 9 to SI I ; iier Tea do, do., 4 75 to 7 50 t Gold Feu H iiM ses, $3 35 to $5 ; Gold Pens a ilver do.. $1; together with a variety of f tiol(l Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob -Itaine. All goods warranted to be aa renreseed. Watches am Ik rm. tl: Gold i to $18, u oppeu hi io Dtiy it uir (fcltotl: lija orfj. n ip nuiied oa a pair ttolenlila boots, -.ri. ..is uiiBiutruuu eyea iield n the too of his stockinga hole. i,ulf -eproachful sigh escaped Ins Lordship.l he til, "it is a u u 'i"o ior a Jifeon U weur a stocking liki that !" This aiuctetUie atten. lion oi .iir. sicb. A p.U of kles soon uueu inn ibbioi Ins LorUbli, a ul aid fr0nt his inortiHed Hsion the renloEe.HVLat is the brass?" .1,1 his Lord!,, riring hi8 bund, into bis Hcket. Sir f arleaj.i .. m Jewelry. repaired in thebestiianner. Also. Ma- j lor(1. '"y ,"rJ;.t'i8, not i cba this'to f t ive up lua coui 'i not uu used, 9 anout S4000. 'hides frequently oua (iieusu ttieir waild bo : now a lukhik's Jet-ire, and r I e limn I l.l.i.il,..,.. followed suit : and anv ntih.r nf hntii. ,. real old Irish whiskey woi ali sent to the city. Thinjjs went on switijnrly. My lord and Sir Chars ulio cultivated the actitmintiince of Mr. JcLanhlin, shoe maker, Fourth street. !. M.L. has tho honor now of being their rel.tcr for gooJs ' " " fcV LIIO UllUIrl, 11 l' vimou of buiuga of ih etuff thut Urtum are 'ntltj ajit 'I'll ft GnAllln tnA mc. ...I. A II losouby of tilt) inattur in m. 1iv.v u.wi . tile way, tllust rated by anecdotes and nitty hU(.'0"'dj"3.0 li,i(ltiu ieuiniiiL' eyes I snmi to make a Kpi inir oiPQl.Jf.in I moment bo ilistliargid his piece . ier liudly in tlm head. She began ied ilescenl, uttering uil tho while the aa ful mid terrific licreatns lie ever heard neu wiiniii a lew leet of the ground, he ouKeu i no conteuts ol a second barrel iu her i which enueu ner ittrihue mm...... .weu i n i ., , "..'.illll-UlB . .. I1H llllGIrilu.d Iiu. ....a..... i i - ., -.i" Ol this I .. ,";'" aa reseiilliltni' lliuse J eky with ,' "'"'iiieu woman, only much louder and I clipill..v II.. ...:.i ... -....mci. uu sum mey cuust'U Ills uair to stand on end. Having dispatched her. lie pursued liia dog "ho was all this time chasing the old imilu tiger. He cunm in siflit nf bun k..i-,.i.,,i i , i -- -.... null;;., out owing to somo disadvantageous stances lie would not (hoot. only wound him. and in thut case he knew lie rflltSitill ore for ? forty acres of "it would ll.itli ' P.krht. "rcnlied Ilmln.. pnit"P to keep the cows out." "I"f H. crop of tobacco ha become ono nf the tuple production, of tho Chemung Valley -V i.undit is said to be more profitable' than any other. It is only about three years since it wus introduced. anH tl.i. - three hiimlr.il i . ' "uu riiiru Q mat Another source of siainriintmn ",ce- bis may seem strange, but if you will loSB ,li4,doe.'. "J P'rhups his own life, remember the obituaries on irr,n-u n. He describes him as beinir much l .r. .1 1. 7 1 UU win see truth of tha int ill ,.r .1 1.. .a. cu l lie Oekti" i.r..,!.;..!!.. l lulinir we Imve la relurencH t.i tlvutl -.I .ins... 1 I " - SBMM WfJ departed friends. Sometimes the ii.scriniin.ia .1. .1 . ... r: believe the transaction riiintted i'n thia K- I.o,"?st0'J esuit the mortal beueuth en. wish. Lord Arthur Juhn.,l t: 1... I "v'r BU0V0 Hire of fruil humanitv. V, .. - i nai ii'b , 1 ... ... L. . .. . - sonic Murks, Pins, delude to order. N. 11. A II orders aeniy mail or otherwise, will be punctually attend to. Phila., Oct. 4, 1856-lyw. rOL'NTY ORDER.County orders taken as cash for leods, id on note or boon ao oount by ?. J, BRIGHT BON. my accouut, MMcLuuehlii" i: 1 v 0--7 bUUIJ,r.ii 1 'Hol Al it wus 1 id bat r..,i,,i tk t..j-. McCIum advisabjm to-emo-e hnosits from Messrs. Jo jy, M they' re . tar i be recomin.rlfcd in their plu,n i,i Bank ofFittsg. Hut his lorf? fearful tba Old Kk euild not recoil .1 His Lordbhii O .u. aj. , 1 uu 11 uie tivress. A milit wua fast KAl t i tur ii tin wtMit home mthI returned in tha take off t hp skins of the slain. Heside them wus the bed where he bad eiHLt the niL'ht wiih l.ia .1.....1 lumiiy. 'I'll. TilfMli. ... ........ .1 i . . . .w 1 K cs. iiirasurKii i ii'yiiii um v mAi.n . r .1 . - . 7. " "' luviirs irom mo enu 01 lier tuil to lb 1. nf h...- ..,. u 11 is aupnoseu woum uave well; lie J fr three to four hundred pounds. an remember this epitaph, which setts offlu- ......nuaijr mm onuuury exaggeration : "Here lies Mistress Margaret yuinn,' Who was so very pure within, Kho broke the mortal shell of sin, And hatched herself a cherubim." Dr. Vinton cave nth-, .n... r or"a,iMo tr.u" :-' ? rich n.er ion-such iAr.ZT. lZLJf'lr0?? OMo"u"eor million and xL,rVM.N,5"r YoRIC CiTT. The following New York correspomlence of the lloston journal is too true : 'Una of our rich mer- otinii sni.t, v..; 1 "svr.ivusii,siiun ui loriune 01 a mil uou and a enSsm VmT t "i"' ft Prl'tiot.. Imlf- resident of the Kistb avenue con. UleTnT most necled with one of the first bouses in New 01 le arid thorough iketch of Knglisb Pride. York . was rarrioH r.al.eilu. ,.V. .....IW Web he n.uinUi.T.d .a. .h :n 1. .?'."""! ,Vr.. WM rr!ca Je.slerl y Mne at on It ,ii,. i.i... e S , 7. b. I "P1""- ' auoiuer illustration or what thing in an, way conned ed Twhb h , ZH K l7X? W! ,u" ' . V' country, surna.sed nrt,;,, " IT.K," " 7 " wuo "e. or the country nastne V,n T'v . "B or auiciues, 01 ueaing dv railroad eo s on and ine aud commaS IT 7.1 1-:"'!"': .n,, l.M cVe. l.n""y. Kwiug oat ol the her proud pr.-en,ic. .rV TlV Z "T PP.-- mg.to tho Englishman, and ar eo,Tal e. ,.' .T. .-r.:.7."".1"". m n".nJ 10 MMKTiiiNci Ni-.w.-The railroad cars of the wuenauiiu Luicago road are i.-hte.l with l mier tne tloor of each cur is plured a gas-holder, consisting of two tube, divided imo compartments hv Im a.m a, phragms, Connectinc with bo l.,.i,io. .!,. ..1 .1 "... ...j ".-, .11,111 series 10 pump the air into mo nuiiier. ami tiiiis inri-H 1 .. . 1. .. 1. . , llllUIJU the pipes which connect the holder, uo into .... . ,.uni.;r is iiusu wan gas by attachinu' the pipe to a main at any stutiim where there, is gas. It is said that the invention wdl be a great sar-.g of eipeube to railroad companies. Thk Coalition against Wklker is more extensive than is generally supposed. Not only all the States of Central America, hut eneiiiela. C III 1. Kouadnr le.. ... v Grenada appear to be concerned iu it. It j ram mai inn is tit contribute 1000 men and l'eru gl.OOO.OOO or the guano fund! I his coalition is believed to have been arranged by the Transit Company, whote interests Walker has ruined. The aggregate value ofthe real and person al estate in the United States is set down by the .Secretary ofthe Treasnrv at i 11 mt mi' ? .. .1.- 1 .: 7.. "- w. . ins pupuiuuoH at io Sli4,i)2a. The "females" of AH.n. Ait,.,. Ohio, headed by a ladr fin xlrm ,.1,1 ....i marched io a tavern kept by a nioq named Jiccker aud smashed all tha l.niii... hlers. o. Uecker has left for parts uuknown Indian Buked Pnd.linj ft,.. ,,nt ,.r ... :n. . , vu uiii. 111 unit lour eggs, hya larffu IxoannnnfiiU ..1' In.l,.... meal, iiutineir and aunar tn. rn, 1..1. k...i I MAY. I 1 2 I 3, 4 5 ti 7 h i l" ll 12 13 14 I.r 1 ti 'l 1 la 211 21 22 23 j' 25 2G 27 2a 23 30 ai; i 1 i 1 i l -i : I 2 3 4 5 c ! "': ! 10 11 12 Hi ;H 15 1G 17 lti VJ'i HI 22 23 2125 20 27 .2i?.2a30 ; j i I ; ; ! i : I 1 2 3 4 i 1 6 7 c' a 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 li"2i21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 2f2'.30 31 JL'.VE. JULY. . AUUU3T. I i 1 ! 2 3 4 S. ; 10 U 12, :l 17 ln.m 1 :j 1 C 1 H 13 14 15 20 21 :: 27 2S2'J '-3 24 2.) 2ti, 3J 31 SJCTTEMBEIt. 3 4 5 ,10 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 2ri I '.'I I ' B A . . . tla,U IS lb 20121 03 !27j2d 2"; 30, OCTQUEB. ! I 1 I S' f. 7 i 1 2 .1 ' 8 t 10 15 16 17 22 23 21 2'J 30 31 !U12 13 14 it, ly 2021 '25 2G 27 2tf NOVEMKER. Z 31 4; 51 Ci 1 ! IU ill tl li 1 17lf l'202l 2l'25!2t;27-.'a iv 301 UECEMBEB. Ml 2 3 4' 5 I pricea by HuuNay. April IS. H5I. .11 1,. w.nv. . . vn1 the milk and sealt tli iodian mel in it t thcu ' 4nnt'SriirA n.'.l . i..i 9. io!ii ia 1 f 3 14!l3 1;i'l7il8lV 20 21 22 2324,25, 7'23 2i3o:31 - . V..i., ' a . t w luv lisj LMUi . (ruarter cl .a hfAit. f 1 L -J- 1 -i 11 !
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers