' tllE ' WIIEEi.B.lthOAT BET." Major Den Perley Toore, of Newbury, Mass., early in tlie Presidential campaign, made a bet with Uolonr-1 Dtii-untik, of Boston, of a barrel of appluf, the loser to propel the apples in a wheelbarrow from li is own resi dence to that of the winner, a rlintum-e of 30 or 33 miles. Major Pooro lost the bet. A correspondent of the Traveller, who fell in with the Major on his way to Boston, thus describes the scene t Soith Danvebs, Nov. 6. " En route from Newbiiryport for this place, ntiii when about twelve miles distant from Nwburypott,on tlie turnpme, inyuifiii tion was ollracted to a man some distance in advance, who was harnessed to a wheelbarrow, uml was diliiiently tlimlniifr t"t) steep lull which rose before bun. " ni'ti i ouiaiueu nearer view of the strnnjre Wain, you may imagine my surprise to discover that it was niv I'ri.tu1. Miilor Bell Perley Poore. lie was in fine spirits, and was fiillillitiff the conditions of his I'd with Ol. Uiit-bniilc, of linainn. As 1 tried tho weight of the load on the wheelbarrow, tho Major exclaimed, ' You niny wheel that barrel of apples buck in' that direction as fur ns yon please, but not huh inch in the advance.' As 1 indulged in some feelings of merriment at tho novelty of his position, lie saw 'Mr. r., mis may oe fun for you, but theru is more reality iLan poetry for me.'" From the Boston Bee. Yesterday afternoon, Mr. Thompson, con ductor on the Boston and Maine Huilroad, reports to the Bee oflice that Major Poore, was nt Lynnlielil, at 4 o'clock, and would probably arrive, in Boston during this after noon and evening. Major Pooie is described us being dressed appropriately for tho occasion, wearing n pair of over-alls, com monly worn liy laboring men, and a coarse, green baize jacket. Jle is reported to be in excellent condition. On his arrival hu will l.e duly received by a largo number of citi zens, and Colonel Bnrbiink is expected to welcome him to Boston in a speech that fchall be creditable to so fruitful a hiiliject. Since tho above was in type, e learn that the Major arrived with his wheelbarrow at . Maiden, lust evening, having made tho dis tance of twenty lour miles yesterday. After ' putting up" liis team, he took the cars for Huston, und was iiiile lionized hist evening, 'lleweurs his green jacket with becoming grace nnd dignity. Arrangements are making for n great reception to-day. It will be the effete of the campaign. Mr. Poore a:nl the Barrel of Apples. "Major Hen. Perley Pot.re, the lute lillinore candidate for Congress i" the Sixth District, M ass , arrived in L'.dston. yesterday afternoon, Willi his wheelbarrow and barrel of apples which he had wheeled all the way from West Newbury, u distance of thirty-two miles, in two und u half days. Tho job was in fulfilment of n bet with Col. Burbniik, the Fremont Slate Senator elect, that Fillmore would get moro votes in Massachusetts than Fremont. .The Major, wheeling his apples, was escorted up Stale street about 2 o'clock, by the Fillmore Clubs of Boston and Charles town, a military company and n mounted cavalcade of citizens. The novelty of the performance collected many thousand of the people, nod the Major was greeted with tre mendous mid tumultuous applause on all sides, lie delivered the apples to Colonel Burbank on the steps of the Treniont House, when both gentlemen delivered congratula tory speeches, mounted on the barrel. Ten thousand people wero present. We ought in justice to Col. Burbniik to state that, when ho ascertained that Major Ponre had started, ho despatched a note to him releasing him from the fulfilment of the wager. But the Major immediately wroto a reply upon the head of the apple barrel, in hich he announced his linn determination to put the upples through, according to Contract. We copy the correspondence below : Tkemo.nt 1Ioi.sk, 1 . :- Wednesday Morning. ) Pear Major I am perfectly satisfied with What you have already done, and am willing to take the will for the apples. Pint trouble yourself to wheel them any farther. 1 In fuhy release you from the toilsome con dition id' your wager. Yours, for Fremont, Freedom, and the rise of real estate in Kansas. It. I. Blkiiank. Major Ben. Perley Poore. Ox tuk Road, 1 Wednesday, P. M. f Bear Colotiel When 1 entered the cam paign 1 determined to give no quarter and laiie ii ne. 1 shall proceed with the apples, und you may rest insured that they will be wheeled into Boston as per agreement. Yours, for Fillmore ami the Constitution, Ben. Pkrley Poo it k, P. S. I shall bo very diy when 1 get to the Treniont House. H. P. P. P. S. Kuusas be d d. B. P. P. Local Ixtki.lwrnce. The Mystery of Cracker liakiny. w e called yesterday ultlie ciuc.ier bakery of Messrs. James D. Muson it Co., to witness the operation of sonieetilirely new machinery used in the manufacture and making of bread. Many uru familiar with the old revolving oven which has been in use fur some time past ; but he has recently hud erected another on a new principle, which reaches from the firbt to the tilth iloor. The oven is about Tl feet high und 11 feet wide. Through the centre is a heavy iron shaft, with arms like the paddle wheel of a steam boat, 10 which ure uttahched twenty four per forated twinging shelves. The opening of the oven is on the second floor, and tho uid chiueiy is so arranged that tho tdielveH ure brought up to the aperture, whtro euch re mains bttttiomiry for fifteen seconds, a sulli cieut time to fill it with crackers for baking. Tho wheel revolves, and when the shelves are brought iinuiudiiilely under the feeding door the shelves uru tilted, and the bread dischurged into the receiving baskets. - The whole timu required the revolution of the wheel is fifteen minutes, mid will bake fifty barrels of flour in twelve hours. As soon us bieud is dischurged ilii hoiWd to the upper story, where it is .dried ready fur packing. Ju the pre purlion of the dough tho flour is first potueJ through a sifter, which tilts a barrel in one und u hulf minutes, after which it is partially mixed and thrown into a knead ing mill, which works with u worm screw, and .consistency. It is then passed through a heavy cast iron roller, and then aguiu through a sinuller roller before it is placed in tho ma chine by which it is rolled to the required thickness, und cut into form. For the whole of this work the labor of but three men nod (cur boys is required. The whole of the ma chinery, including the steam engine und boil cr ure new und improved. For the baking of loaf bi"' ad the oven could alto bo used to . advantage, and would bake one hundred and twelve barrels iu twelve hours. The cuke do parnient is on the first floor, and severul men ore constantly employed in the work, one or dinary hand oven being used for buking them. There is in this department a sinull baud ma chine for mixing dough, which does its word admirably. The establishment as extended has a front of 40 feet, depth of CO feet, and is fj.ve stories high. The first and second floors contain most of tbeinuchinery.while the upper floors ure for tho packing of the imiiiufacured articles and the storage of materials for the work. It i now una of the largest in the United States. Halt. Com. Advertiser, Wholesale Poisoning. At a camp meeting, . on tho 6th., at Shady tirove.Tenn., thirty-five persons who had dined at the tent of Mr. J. F. ShuQell, were taken sick with the usual eymtorns of having taken poison, and a negro woman died. The rest are recovering and it is supposed that the poison was prepared by a negro belonging to tbe family. , M vsTERTots Appair. Under, this head, tho Mobile Tribune gives an account of an afTuir which occusioned some little interest. About four or five miles from that city there is a donee swnmp. which persons w ho have visited the place may remember ns being one of the most dangerous looking places imaginable. Through this swamp there runs a deep ditch, nnd in this ditch, a short distance to the right of the road, a box bus been loiind, containing a pillow, two coarse linen shirts, a canton flannel undershirt, and a linen shirt, ull deeply dyed with blood. Neur this spot, were in dlcations that it horse had been tied to a tree. Unbn a close examination, u hole was found iu the bncK of tho undershirt, evidently cut with a knife there was a corresponding cut in the linen shirt, around which there was a quantity of blood, und tho inference is, thut the person wearing it had been stabbed in the back with n knife. . Tho body, however, has not been discovered. TKRRtHi.K Death A young man named Yutzy was accidentally killed near Berlin, Somerset comity, Pu., on the .Hist tilt, lie hud been at the steam mill near Berlin with a two horse wagon, und in returning home n man named Stall attempting to pass him with a buggy, Yutzy's horses took fright und ran off. Yutzy fell between the hounds of the wagon, with his head to the ground, nnd in this postion he was dragged a distance of a mile, bruisinmind munglin0' Lis head und face in a terrible manner New Advertisements. THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TIMES, A I.ITKR4KV AND JiEVVS JOl'KNAl, FOR THE FAMI LY AND FlllESIUK. THE CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER IN THE UNITED STATES. Upon tho termination of the Presidential contest now clusu ut hand, the proprietors of the New York Weekly Tunes intend to in troduce various und extensive changes in its character, which will render it ttdl more at tractive to tho great mass of the people of the United Stales. Its columns will then be less exclusively occupied by polilicul news and discussions, und will be much more large ly devoted to Literature, General News, und interesting Miscellaneous Reading. It will be made emphatically and especially a news paper for the Family ami the Fireside, con taining J. Horary lulcs, Ungliial and selected : Biographical Notices, SKelchcsol character, Letters from abroad, Anecdotes, und Kener- ully whatever will be most entertaining, und most instructive to the great, muss ol News paper Headers. Among the conspicuous attractions or the Weekly Times will bo AN ORIGINAL NOVEL, By n popular .-linera-un Author, written ex pressly lor its columns, und ubouudiug in in terest und merit. This will be published in successive numbers, commencing about the loth ol November, uud will probably be com pleted in six uienths. 1 he vk cculy J lines will also contain a se ries of Letters from Europe and thu East, by one the ablest und most popular w riters in the United States embracing Notes of In cident, Adventure and Observation iu Europe J'.gvpl, Arabia una the Holy .Lund, und lonu- iug one of the most interesting series of foreign Sketches ever published in this; Country. Itesides these continuous articles, prepared expressly for the New Series of the Weekly I lines, it will contain, every week, a great amount of original correspondence, lKuiietic and Foreign. Miscellaneous lilerury unue- dotes und sketches. Notes of scientific dis covery, byogruphical and critical notices, re views ol ,iirw and valuubles books, choice I oetry, onginul und selected, Ac, ore. In addition to its Literary and Miscella neous character the "Times" will give, in u clear und condensed form, ull the news of day. i nun ull quarters of the world, und in ull de partments of activity, embracing Agricul tural, Commercial and Financial Intelligence, prepared expressly for its columns, uud for und lor the use of those iu ull purls of the country w ho wish to be kept informed upon ull thusu topics. TllE DOINGS OF CONGRESS. With a synopsis of ull important documents, valuable speeches, und the proceedings ol the severul State Legislatures. Foreign News, us given hi the Letters ol !?pecial Correspon dents, uud iu Extracts from the Newspaper 1 less ot JMigland uud the Continent : uud TDK MISl.KI.I.ANKOl'S NEWS Of Accidents, Crimes, Disasters, Personal Movements, lie, both ut home and abroad. Tho Weekly Times will also coutufti edito rial urticles discussing ull thu leading events of the day, iu such u manner us shall promise to bo most widuiy useful uud instructive, hi its political department the Times will be Wholly Independent of ull 1'ulilicul Parties. Speuking freely und boldly Its own Opinions, condemning public men uud Public bodies for whatever may be wrong and upholding and sustaining them iu whatever muy tend lor the udvuuceinenl of the public good. It will udvueuto equal and exact justice to all men, tho preservation of tho Union upon the principles of the Constitution, und thu im provement of the condition of all classes by Education, Morality uud Religion. It will wage no war upon any section nor counten uuce any infringement of the constitutional .lights of uny portion of our common country. But it will ulso resist ull uttempts to subor dialu the general good to sectional umbitiou, or to undermine those great principles of Hu man Liberty which form the basis and found ation of our Republican institutions. It will bo moderate but firm in its toue, seeking to convince rather than intimidate, respectful towards thoso who diflerfioni it, conservative in its tendency, and devoted zealously und steadily to thu elevation and advuueemeut of the people. The Weekly Times will be printed upon handsome pupor, in clear type uud iu elegant style euch number containing eight puges or forty-tight columns presenting every week a larger ainuuiit of choice reading uud News than can be obluined elsewhere ut tho same rate! It is designed to make it once The Lest and Chcajiest Family Newspaper in the United States. It will be sent to subscribers by mail at the following rates : One Copy, one year, for $2 Five Copies, one year, for 5 Twentv-Five Copies, one year, for 20 Each package must in every cuso be eent to one name and address. Any Postmaster, clerk, or other person who may send us leu or more subscribers on the above terms, und who will receive the package for distribution uiuonir the subscribers, shall receive un extru copy. Additions way at uny time be made to Clubs by the party iu whoso name the Club stands, and on terms of first remittance. Postage on the Weekly limes is: To Canada, payable iu advuuee 26 cts. a year Within tho Slute la cts. a year Withiu thu L uited Males Ut cts. a yuur. The New. York Daiiy Times, is a very large first.clusa Dailv tiuner. contuillinjf ull tho News of the Day, Jcc, which is sent to sub scribers by mail ut Six Dollars per A;:nuui. The New York Semi-Weekly Times, pub-- lished twice a week, and containing all thu reading mutter of the Daily; is sunt to subscri bers ut the rate of Three Dollars per annum. The Copies to one uddresg for Five Dollurs. Payment in ull cases is required invariably iu advance ; and nu papers will over be sent until the receipt of tbe money. All letters inclosing money, or on business of any kind with tho office, to be addressed to tho Publishers. RAYMOND, WESLEY & CO.. No. 133 Nassau-bt., New York. Niw York, Ot. !, lff6.-2t nov. 8, '56. C10THIN0! CLOTHING! I WllOt.KRALC AND RSTAIL. THfi .subscriber would respeclfuly Inform the render of tha A merican, that ha has just opened a New HKFORMED CI.OTHtNU 8TOHE, No. SUA Market Street. (9 doors below Ninth, south aide) Philadelphia whera ho keeps con ulnnlly on Imnd one of the liesl soitmeni of Heady Miule Cluthing, in the ciiy Ulan, a largo anaorlment of t.'Iolhs, t;nnmor, sic.., winch will lm inn, In in Order, in'lhe bent manner, and at the horleat notice! all of which will he sold at the lowest noasiMe Cash prices. Itcadcr will you pleate give us a call I ui v ll Itl . U It, SOU MARKET Street N.TX WII.T.TAM 8IIAFFNER. will ho pleased to aeo his friend- at the above Clulhing Mtore. Oct. 25, 1850.- w3m3 . FTOSELL, Formerly jf Rerryahiirr, Dauphin county, Pn. nEREBY oniinonrea to the citizens of 8lia mokin and virluitv, that he haa permnnrnt ly located himacll'in the above place, nnd hope" Ihnt on experience of aevrrnl ears, in all the vn rni on Inane era ot I is prnlifmin. will insure him B liliernl thurcnl tbur patronact!. lie muy at nil limes be lnuml, whrri not lirofemdonally engaged, t the National (Wc.ivet') Hotel. fhamoliin, October 2. lsriG. Sin PLATFORM SCALES. OF every description, suitable for railroads &c for w'cianing Hay, Coal, Ore, and Merchandise generally. Purchasers run no risk every scale in guaranteed correct, and if after trial, not found satisfactory can be iclurned with out charge, r actury at the Uld Manil. established lor more than twenty yeara corner of Ninth and Melon Mrcels, Philadelphia. ABBOTT & CO. Sucresaors to Kllicott & Abbott. Philadelphia. Sept 13. 1856 c3rn. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! ! Fresh from Baltimore every Muming. VANDYKE AND VANDENEKER, Northumberland Pa., Will furnish Reatuaranta and private families, .Superior Baltimore OvsterB. 'by the Can or lml ('an. All ordera promptly attended to on the shortest nolire. JAMES VANDYE. JOSEPH VANDENEKER, Oct. ir, i grid. tr Flour, Feed and Provision More. . SEASH0LTZ & PETERY, Broadway, between Market Blackberry St.. ESPECTFU!.1.Y inform the citizens of Munhury and vicinity that they have just reieived a large and well selected assortment of choice FAMILY GROCERIES, consisting in part of Hams, (Shoulders, Mackerel. Herriliff, White Fish, Cod Fish, Halt Preserved Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Cheese, Molassea, Kite, Sugar. Coffee, (arcen, roasted and ground,) Im perial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder and Black Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, brushes plow and wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco, tccars, &c, together with every article usually found in a first class Grocery Store, all of which will be Bold nt the lowest prices, either for cash or country produce. Wc ara also prepared to sup ply the citizens with tresh bread, twist, rolls, pies, pretzels nnd cakes of every kind. IN. 15. I he Inchest cash prices will be paid for butter and egga, corn, oats, rye and wheat. Sunbury, May 31, 1856. MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE, " .MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. 'RHUS lure und commudiuu Hotel is silua- B teil nenrly hall way between Sunhurv ami i'ottsville. The Rcenciy the salubrity of the atmosphere and the cool mountain breeze, muke it one of the most delightful summer retreats in Ihe country. I he Hotel, is a new structure, four stories high, filled up with ull the modern con veniences Thu pure mountain water is intro duced into every chamber. The plac e in eav ut access, being but one and a halt hours ride Iroin Suiihury, over the Philadelphia and Ban bury Rail Knad. From Potltvil!e, it is 17 miles. Every nltemlunce will be paid by the proprie tor to make guebts comfortable. ( 'liaises mode rate. JhS.SE KICK. Mt. Carmel, May 24, 1851!. tf I KI.TJO I , THE MUSTANG CANDIDATE. F Col. Freinoi.t had as many friends as the a. Mustang Liniment, the opposition could nut ibnw u corporals guard. Mr. Fremont remark ed, in his dispatches lo Presiilcni I illmore. while rausporliii!; horses an J entile over tlie pi tins of Mexico, "Thnl if the (ioveriiir.enl would vend on i liberal supply of Mustang Liniment, it would we So per cent ol lux losses j ins is very importand for all Karma and Liverymen to iiiow. J he .Miiftang Liniment is a wonderful article for man or beast. It should always be ised for Sores, Swelling. Still Joints, II urns, liruisos, Rheumatic Pains. &c, and for (iabls spraius. Spavins, liiugboue tie., upon horses. llewaro of imitations. The Mustani: is told by all respectable dealers every w heie. - . JJAKSES A: CUK, v" Proprietors, New York, tret 18. 1 S56. lm. Pt. WHAT CAN WOMAN DO t 'pilIS long expected brok by T. S. Arthur, is - now ready for ueiiiaand Canvassers. It a having an immense sale ami ia considered one of his best efforts. In it will be found Mr. Ar thur's views on r lie vexed question of WOMAN'S RIGHTS, And what bhe can do as a sister wife and mother. Specimens copici scut by mail on receipt of lis price, $1,011. J. W. BRADLEY. Uuhlisher, 4S North Mt street, Philadelphia, Pa. ft. 18. IH.MI DISOLUTION. The co-partnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned as the firm of "SSheaff & Dlack" is this nay dissolved by mutual con sent. All persons indebted to the said firm of Shealf it Dlack will make payment to John A Shealf Lancaster, 1'eiina., and ull persons having chums uguiust the fuol firm will pre sent them to the sumo for settlement. J. A. SHEAl'F. THUS. I1L.4CK. Lancaster, Oct. 18. lboC lSfiO. 4t. SILVER WATCHES A few double caa English Kilter Watches, for sale at very low pricea by H. B MASSh'K. Suiihury, April 13. 1850. ANN'S LETTER PRESSES, witb books,! nk, and all c nv.'lele, rust received, jnd lor sale by 11. li. MA&'SER. Sunbury, June 4. 1853.- JPICKS, augrnr, coffee, molasses, ten, cocoa Water and Sugar biscuit for sale by May 31 "50. E. Y, BIIIGHT & SON'. (iOSh EN CHEESE. Just received and for .ale by . SK.VSUOLTI2 tr l'ETKY. Sept. 13, 1858. HAM, Shoulders, Cheese, Mackarel, Irish Salmon uud Snlt for sale lv May 31 '56. . E. Y. 1) RIGHT 4 SON. IJATBNT BRITTANLV STOTPEBS for bar bottles for sale by H. B MASftCR Sunhury, July 19, CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE No 72 jVorfA Snond Street, oppositi til Mount Vcrtion House.) Philadelphia. G OLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, a ca, 28 I Silver Lever do., do.. $12: Si I. ver Lepine, do., $9 1 tjuartler. $5 to $7 1 Gold Spectacle. 4 SO to 10 : Silver do., 1 60 1 eitiver l ahle Spoona per aett, I4 to 18 Silver Desert do., do., 9 to $11; Silver Tea do., do., 14 7.1 to 7 C0 Gold Tena ami Gold Ca. ac, :j 25 to 3 ( Gold Pens and Silver do.. $1; ingeiiier Willi a variety of fine Uold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chnina. All gooda worranted to be aa represented. Watches and Jcwelrv, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma sonic. Mark, Pina, &c., made lo order. N. D. All orders sent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended lo. Phila., Oct. 4, 18!)B. Ijw. "AID AND COMFORT,"""" To Your Own Mechanic. ISAAC M. W ILK Ell SON, Respectfully announce that helms hken the stand lately occupied by George Renn, where he is prepared to manufacture all kinds of FURNITURE AND CHAIR Of the most Fashionable Style. 'T'HE subserilier respectfully calls the attentiai J of the public to his large nnd splendid as sortment of every quality and price ef VA K I , KT- XV A il 15 which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be bud in the city. No effort ir spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which arc constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogany SuraH, JMltHiiN nun Ioiiicr'8 Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, HKbAKFAST AM) DINING TABLES and also VENETIAN ULi.MJS, equu) to I'lii.u- delphia mamihic.'uro. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPBOARDS, WOltK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of hit business. tie also inniiulacture all kinds and dualities of CHAINS, nctuding varieties never before to be had il Sunbury, such as Ma'jodam,- Buck Walsii-i All UCHLKII .MaCI.K (jHKCIAN i AMI WllllSIII. CHAIIt.S, anii fanct Piano Stools, which an of the latest styles, and warranted lo be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. These articles will be disposed of on as good terms ns they can be purchased elsewhere. Gaun try Produce taken in payment for work. tjT UNDERTAKING. Having provided a handsome Hkaiisk, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity, or at any convenient distance from this place. I tT The Ware Room is in Fawn Street, be ow Weaver's Hotel. HAAC M. WILKINSON. Sunbury, Sept. 13, 185C tf. AT S. N. Thompson's Store, Jit Lower Auyusta township, tit the Junction yj the Tnlpehocken and Plum creek roads. THE subscriber having returned from Ihe ciiy with n new unit extensive r.."Korimciit ol fashionable goods, respectfully calls the attention of Farmers, Mechanics and others to the same. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in pari of i)vy Gootls, viz : Cloths, Cafsimercs, Cassinets, Jeans, Drilling. Muslins, Vesting), Tweeds, and all kinds of Spring and Summer Wear, LADIES DKESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de L'lins, Lawns, O'inzhams, Heraces, Robes, Woolens. Flannels, i'c. ;ioriatii, Sugar, Teas, Collee, Rice, Molassea, Cheese, Spices, Halt, Ac, &c, &.c. I a ;i I'd ware, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & Forks, 4c Queens and Glassware, of various stvtes nod patterns. BOOTS AND SHOES. A largo assortment of Roots and Shoes, for men, women and children. Hats Cacs, Ac., of various sizes uud styles. Betides a large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for your selves. tV Country produce ol all kinds taken in exchange ut the highest market prices. S. N. THOMPSON. Lower Augusta, S mo, 24, 18."6. Bargains at the Old Stand. FRILING & GRANT 4 1(K now opening a new and very desirable stock of Spring and Summer Goods, em bracing an endless variety. Their stock con sists in part of Black & Fancy Broadcloths & Casshneres, Summer Wares for men and boys, all styles and prices. DRESS GOODS. SILKS Plain and Figured Black. An assortment of Tlaid Stripe nnd Figured Fan cy Dress Silks nt unusually low prices, Sheliies, Brnzes, Braze De Laius, Mus. De Lnina, l.uwns, Ac, GINGHAMS from ft to 23 cents per yard. CALICOES " 3 " WHITE GOODS, Cambric. Jaronetts, Swiss, Tarllon, Mull, Bobi- nett, French and Swiss Laces, Edgings. Ac. Brown and bleached Muslins, Drillings, Ticks, Checks, Towliugs, Table Diapers, tjc. : iton.it i ix. HAKDWARE and GUEENSWARE. Cedar-ware, llollow-ware, Iron, Steel, Plaster Salt and Fish. Also a tresli supply of Dltl Ort AND MF.D1CINE8. Thankful for past favors, we hope by strict attention a nd a desire to please, slill to meet with the opnrova! of our friends. ft"" Country produce of all kinds taken at the highest market price Sunburv, May U. I85G ly. PENNSYLVANIA COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE, LOCATED IOST ""STOTtir, 3?A. FFEKS y oung men all ihe advantages ol a thorough Business Education. THE COURSE OF STUDY Embraces Double-Entry Hook-Keeping, as ap plied lo Wholesale, Retail, Commission, Man ufacturing, .Shipping, Steam Boating, Individ ual, Partnership, and Compound Company Business. PENMANSHIP in all the Ancient and Modern Hands. Also, LECTURES on Commercial Law and Political Economy, by Thomas E. Cochran, Esq. For Circulars, &c, address the undeisigned. T. K. WHITE, York. Pa. September G, 1630. 6m. DISSOLTJTION. lHE pa tnership heretofore exiaiinpr Tietwcen - the undersigned, under tha firm of Wilker son Si Henri was this day (Sept 0 1 85(3.) dissol ved by mutual consent. ISAAC M. VVII.KEnsON, JIXOB KEXN, fept 13, !8.6 tf. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, V0R TUB BAPID CCIIB OF Colds CouRhsi, and Ilonrsc lien. Bummi.D, Mass., anth Dno, 18M. Da. J. 0. Ati:: 1 .In not bstltate ti llis hast rrmftly I huro vr found for Coughs. KanrarnnM, Influenza, unit tha tunouinltuit mmtuuii of a Colli. i Ciuiuir I'scToaAl. Its oonnntnt. ims In JT lay prsctlcn nn.l my family f,fr tho last tail yanrs hits Shown it ta.nnMm. k.... Hor Tirtiias for On troatmeiit of tUtm" ITW tomptsinti. KHKN KNIOIIT. M.I) A n. M0HTI.E Y, Kao, of UncA, K. T., wrltn ! h... il your I'tcroaAi. myself .nd in aiy famusVsr sSo. yo.l Invsnted lt,., b,lia It & rt 5 purpow.Tor putout. With a bad cold I .) sojnw rrr7oy,,f.r.d'y, u- - Croup, Whoopinsr Cough, Inflaenzn. nTta , , SSSSfr) Vt&i ytiiir frulfirullr In tha Hxuth npproriata jwut tkiW, tud eoia m n J your nivdJcIno to utu- injie. HIRAM CON KLIN, M. D. AMOS LfcK, Ksq., MoNrir.rr, lA.,writni, 3tl ,Tri.me: "t had A tdlin lnflunEv which outiflnml me In doori lix wrecks; t4ok nmtiy mfdiciuo wlfhinit rlif; flualt tried your riwToruL hy tho nrtrfrs or our cJrjryinfcn. Tim flrtt dme trtiovM t!i Bnnnim In my throat Nnd lunqa; leu tlmn onf half tlm lttl mad run completely woll. Your mnrltcincs are th chmpest u waII m Uiu bst r can huy, and we wiNifin vou, loolur, and your riu diei, m tit poor niann frinnri.' Asthma or Phthisic, Bnd nronc)iltU, WlHT MAlUR8TkR. I'A., Feb. 4, 186ft, BtK: TiurCnrRRT Pectoral la iKtfWrminfr, marTellottff cuis In th "it.on-. It liai reliovcd eevurat fiT.m alarm Ing symptom 9 'if cmismnptlon, and ia now curing a man who hM Itibmati under an afTncUon of tlm lunga fur tha Ust forty y -oi-s. 1IKMIV h, PAIiKS, Metchaut. A. A. IIAM3KY, Albiow, Mokrox Co., lowi, wiitM. Fpt. ft, lfifi : ' During my practice of many years I hare found nothing tquaJ to yuur .'iik.vRT I'p.ctoral for (tiTinp eae and relief to contttimptivo pHtiouta, or curing euch aa me curaMe." We migtit uld Totumea of evidence, but the moat eon vi ring proof of tho Tii tuM of thla reiaody ia found in it eOVla upon trial. Consumption. Trobably no one reuioiHy has ever been knewa which cured so many mid inch dungi-rout canoa aa this Some no human aid can rrnch ; but ovon to Uioet the CRiMtT ' Pectoral afford relief nnd comfort. Astor Hoi;.r, New Your Citt. March S. KbQ. Drxrron Atkr. 1owrm,: I feci it a duly and a plwnre to inform ymi what your Cn.:nRY Pci'Torai, haa done for my wife. Pho had mvn fivo months Hiring under the dangerous ymptoma of Consutnptton, fitm which no aid we could procure gnro hfr imicli relief. Slie a steadily failing, until Dr. Strong, of thif city. whira we have comi for advice, recommended a tritd of your medicine. VYa Mos bin kintiiM'j, as we do your skill, for ".lie ha" rarov ercd from that dny. She in not yet as strong as he uncd to be, hut iff frne from her cough, and nails hei-attlf wvll. Yorun with gnititi:dt and ii cfitil, OULA.NDO hllliLiiY, or SniLBTViMB. flivmptivfs, do ri"t dni-aJr till you have tried Arr.a's CnrnRr Pectoral. It is dim-if ly out-of the hunt mudical chemists in the wmld, and uh miwi nil aiound ui iMcpali the high meriu of iu virtue. lj:iiiwJtipla lU$er. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, rill IB arlnces of Chcm.a ry and Vwlirlno have Iwn X taxed th'jir utmost to protJtico this bent, mot perfect purgative which is known to man. innumerable proofs are shown that theio Puts haw virtues Mibli aurpoes iu excellence the ordinary medicines, and thfct they win un precede ritedly upon tbe esteom of all men. Thyare safe and pleasant to tnke, but jHiwerful to cure. Their pene trating propti liTH stimulate tlie vital aslivities of tlie body, remove the obstructions of its organs, purify tbe blood, and expel ititteasa. They p-n gfoitt thof a humors which breed and grow distemper, tiinulate sluggth or disor dered organs into their tint urn! nctiou, and imparl healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they euro the evory-d:iy comp!:iiuts of every body, but also formidable and dangerous di'0.i('S that have baffled the best of human skill. While they produoa owcrful effects, tlioy aie at the Mime timu. in diminished doses, tbe safe.tt and best physic that can l-e employed fdr children. l)ing eugi'r-coated, they are pleasant to take; and being purely vogctablu, are froe from any rink of harm. Curee have been made which surpass bHlof were tuiy not sub stantiated by men of such exalted jwiition and character aa to ferbid tho suspicion of untruth. Many eminent rlcrmc n aud phynicians have h-nt their namos to csrtb fy to the public the ifdiability of my remedies, while otii ers havo sent me tho assurance of their conviction thai my Pi cjMration contribute immensely to tbe relief of my afflicted, suffering ftllow-mon. The Agent below named is pleaded to ftirnlwh gratis my Aiaerican Aluianaccontitiuingdirctions fur their use and certirtcates of their cures, of tlie following complaints: Hiniintin. Urti-m'iio Hvisi-tg from i f.ul M'n.ath, Nan 5'R indig'iti..ji, Morbid luutti-n oft ho UweJa and Pain ati;ing tburefi.rm. ilntulfiiry, m nf Appetite, all I. leer ous and Cutmeous Dist-aws wiiich rvtpiire an evaruant MudiriiiM, fr-rofulR or Kind's Kvd. They aUo. by purify ing the blood n nd fltinnilating tho fyntom, ciau many couiplaints whi h it would not be supposed thy could reach, such as lefnt'-s. Partial PlinduMs, NcurulKirt and Nervovs luitul-tliiy, Deianeiuentsi of tin l.ivi-r Mini Ki I neys. (Witt, and tiir kin uud couiplnirtt tirifiiij from a low state of the hoily or obtrov'tion of its functions. Do n-it be put iff by unprincipltd dealers with some other pill tht-y mak moru prorit on. Ak for Atkr's PiLLi, and tuktt notlting else. No other thy can give yu com'fU.s with tMs in its intiinsic value or curative powers. Tho sick want the sat aid tituw U for them, aad they should have it. li opart J ly Dr. J. C. AVER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Icwell, Mass. Prici 5 Cts. rut Ux. Pivit Bxu ron $ 1. )I,D BY U'm. A. Bruner, Sunbury; Uiu V J-thnt Shnnttkin V Wicinei, Norihumberland ; J. 1. Caslow, Millon; tluys Jc .McCorniieK', McKwuisviile and by all Pruggisti HlMimluHlt tl:- c.uiity. August Iti, Isoii If A PEEFUMED BREATH. XI II AT Imly or gentleman woulJ remain un ' iltT tlie enrsu of a li:i;rc'nlilc hrcatli wlipn by usini; (lie ' IJ.ilin of a Tlioiis nul Flower," as n cieiiltilUe uoulil nut only remler it sweet lml leave tlie tcelli white as ululmster ? Munv ier suns do nut know Ihrir lireulli U ImJ, ami tlie snliject is so ilt licate tlirir fiit ruls will never mention it. l'our a sinijle drop of ''Unlin" on your lootli brush and w,it-!i the teeth night and morning. A lil'ty cut hottle will lust a year. A iieiiuliful conijilcxiou may easily lie aetjtircd liy using the ' Ualm "f a Thousand Flowcis." It wi l remove Inn. iiii)itcs und lucklts from the skin, leaving it of a toft roeuto hue. Wet a tuwui, ioiir nn two or three drnju, and watli the face niglit and morning. SHAVING MAPK EASY. Wt )nur shavini; brush in either in warm or culd wuler. tiour on two or three drois of"llslin of a 'rtiouaund Flowers," rub the beard well nnd it will make a beautiful snl't laiher, much ficiii tuting the operation of thaving. 1'rice only lifiy cents, ievvnie nf counterfeits. None genuine unless tinned by V. P. FE'I KIDGE & CO. FruuUlm Square, New Vork. Sept, 57, 1850. Cm Cheap AVatclics ftj Jcwelr- WniOLESALE ami n.-tail, nt the "I'hiludel- " phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 98 North 6euund Street, comer of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. Gold l.ever AYutehei, liiil jewell, lh curat ciiuei, t'9,fi(l G'ikl I.epine l-k. e .IHII Fine Silver Speuucies. I. Ml I(!ver t.ei, full jrwilixl, ! (iiilcl llrucckla. 3.0'J S-llVur l.ev?r, lull jcwl'll I'i I uttii'H' (iolil IVni-ilf, .41(1 !?iii'iii.r (juiirlit-'is, T.NilvtT Tl s;houh, .-t, 5,00 C.lil !ieclni le, 7.lm li.ikl 1'ciis, Willi Pencil and i-ilver Holder, 1,00 tiold Finder lliiigi, 37 J cents to St80; Watch (jlnsnes, plum, l-Jei i.to; I'ulcnt. 1 8 j j l.uuct, 25; other arlieles iu proiortion. Ail goods war ranted to be what they are sold for. HTAL'FFEU & HAKI.KY, On hand, some Uold and Silver Levers and l.epines; still lower tliun the above prices. Oct. 4, ltjoG. ly. A PENNY SAVED, IS A PENNY GAINED! WE have just received .direct from Philnilel dhia a fiesh supply of goods, suitable for the full trade. Wo arc iiuw ai....i.a wf wm. .- Slock, at VEU V LOW 7'KIC ES, to niake room for our interupply. Now is the lime to se cure bargains. E. V. URIG1IT Sr SON. Sept. 13, 1850 NOTICE. ALL persons having claims unsettled, against IJowen Marli & Mas-er, or liowen 4- Mas ser. will please hand them to the subscriber J.V. MA84ER. Bunbury, Sept. S7, 1850 tf I.-MLUSfor MacbiiiiMa, carpentera, Ac, ic, Ueslty's edge tools, planes and bench screws for sale b) E. V. D UIGHT Cv SUN. May 31,-1856. NVAILS, .pikes, hammered aud horse shoe 1' nails, canal shovels, picks, grub hoes aud mason hammers for sale by v . ; May Tl 'SO E. T. FF.IGH J A J . 1835. PALL STOCK, NEW fcOOi)3.1856. trench Mennons, oil colon, Fashlonablo Cloak Cloths. Fall Milk the styles Masnificcnt Now Uet.alnes, Best Ktvles Fall Calicoes Very large Stock nf New Shawls,' Flannels. Welsh, Enfelish and American, Cloths, Veminir and all kinds Mens' Wear Sheetings, Tablo Linens, STowlinn;, etc. EVIIEA LANDELL. 4th , A ARCH His., Philadelphia. Storekeepers are invited to examine our New Goods. Families cat! he well auiled ii every kind of Dry Goods. We niako Ull. Silks and Shawls leadinp; ar tides for Wholesaleimr. P. . JoUH received dally from tho Auctions of New York and Phila delphia. . VST TsnMs Net Cisii, Kept. 6. '56 w3mo Cancer Cured. welling 4c, cured withoul Surgical oporatious by Dr. Launsherry. Dr. Is Pamphlet (2nd, 3d..) on the treatment and cure of Cancers, Tumors, &c will bo sent to uny address (Iree) on receipt of a post aire stump OHice 1!8J WALNUT St., Philadelphia. Sept. 6. 1850 3m i'KI KIl SlIIKIt, JtS.S.IlOVhH. Lnte of Ihe firm of Stevens, lite of tlie Union lintel. Ili'llingRliMiri Ac Co. NATIONAL HOTEL, (cats whitk swan, Race Street, abort Third, PHILADELPHIA. riIIE ahnvo well-known Establishment, have m. incr been entirely remodel rd, introdi einrr all the modern improvement:!, and also, newly lur liislied lliroughnut, will be opened for the recep tion of (iucrfts on the FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER. Tho proprietors, from their determination to devote their attention to the comfort of their guests flutter themselves with the conviction that they will be alileto give sntisfaction to their patron. Carriages will ulways be in readiness lo con vey passengers to and from Steamboat Landings and Kuilroud Depots. SIDES If WTOVER, Race Street, above 'I lard. Philadelphia. Augnst Ull. IShO. ly AMElUCANlimJsET WILLI A. MS POUT, TA., .1. II. Ki;i. TO, l-join ictor. Jas. T. Hai.u Ass't. Sept. 13. 1S."jS. tf KtltlliY, Iilttll. r, & CO., PAPER, PRINTERS' CARDS, ENVELOPE & RAG NO. 0 MINOR STREET, PHI LA BEL' A 100 tons Rags wanted for Cash. August 23, lttfiO. Oin DEIs. TISTBY- S.M1CK & UENN, Announce to tlm citizens of Sunbury, and vicinity thut they have opened an ollico in Sunbury, one door eust ol thu Post Office, where they uro prepared toutteiid to all kinds of work Ijeloiigins to the profession in tho la test nnd most improved style. .Suiibury, August 2."l, lfG. tT. THE COMING HOLIDAYS I Great Preparations, wm. t. IN returning thanks lo his numerous friends and residence of Sunburv and vicinity for thcii very liberal patronage, and nnticipatiug an increased demand for articles of his on n Mmm fucture aud Importutioti, has made extensive preparations to supply the same, iu his stock (surpussed by none iu the city, and to which he is constantly receiving additions from Europe of the newest styles,) can always be fjiind a choice selection of articles suitable for Piidal, liirthday aud Holiday Presents, cf the most recherche and unique deseriplion, comprising; in part liich Dressing Cases, Writing Desk, Cabas, Fans, Bronze DUqne and Puriaw Figures, Mu sical lioxes, Opera lilusses, and a rich variety of the useful aud ornamental in Ormolu, Bronze, Shell, Mosaic, Papier Macho, &c. Alao, Combs Brushes und Toilet Articles. WM.T. FRY, 128 Arch St., (opposite the 'J'heatre) Thira. October 4, 1856. 3mw fi A '.T, v t'CJ t .r3tf ,'"rT V JOHN FA It EI It A, No. 281 Market Street, clove Bth., l'ltn.Arji'U'iiiA. IMPORTER, Manufacturer and dealer in nil kinds and qualities of fancy furs, for Ladies and Children. J. F., would call the attention of the Ladies ami others to his iimnence assort ment, being the direct Importer ami Manufactur er of all my furs. I feel confident in saying that I can oiler the greatest inducements to llio-o in want and at the same time will have, one ot the largest assortment lo select from. Storekeepers and the trade will please give mo a cnll before purchasing, us my wholesale depart meut'is well supplied to meet Ihe demand for every article in tbe Fur line, and at the lowest possible Manufacturers Prices. ,, , JOHN FAREIRA. 2S-1 Market Street. Philadelphia, Sept. S.0, If ISO. ltnw, Hew Goods for the People ! 1JENJ A MIX IlEFKNER ESPECTFl'LLY informs the public in gen eral that he has just received and opened a splendid stock of SPUING AND RUMMER, GOODS at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His slock consists in part of Clctlis, Cassiiners, Cassinets, of all kinds, of linen, cotton and wor.-leJ. ALSO: CallrucH, ftliiKliiUti, Lnun, ItluiiNKt iliic De l.alnt'S und all kinds of Ladies Dress (iooils. Groceries, Also an assortment of lRni'd Ware. IrOU and Steel, Nails, do. Alo nil excellent assortment of QUEENS VAliE, of various styles and pm lei ns. Also an assortment of BOOTS ii, SHOES. II ATS W CAP'S a yiiod selection. Hal t, Fisli, c. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trude, all of w hich will be scld at (he lowest prices. I jr Country produce l.iuca in eictanje a the highest prices. Lancr Augusta, .May SI, 18S0. WUOLESALE ASH 1IETAIL Grocery, VTina Bnd Liquor Stori, S.E.cor. HVrtiii iru Water Sir tctt, ' PHILA DKLl'HIA, DEALER. and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest prior . October 4. 1856. tf 3P-A."T TJ IP. LL person. iniUb-.cd to tho firm ol Friling & Grunt, on N.ote, Uonk account or other wise are respeclf jlly requested to come forward and pay up between this and, the 15lh imt., as they wish to go to the city to lay in their Fall supplies. FUILING ci GK NT. Bunlntry, Oct. 4, 1858. if Ul-petltitf of ull kinds, floor tul table Oil J Cloths auJ oil shudr. of tbe late.t style for tale by E, Y. H RKH I A if OA PROCLAIM IT TQ...THE PEOPLK;! Ira T. cTement . . NO. 1, COUNEIt OF MAliKE'I SQUAttE, SAVS conly, boldly" and oelihirdtcly, that he tukei! Ihe.lorrnmsl stand on the grsnd caval cacl'i of Dry floods Merchants of Muilbury. He tlinll cnniimie to sell Dry Cooejs and Gro ceries CHE A PER than ever, as his goods are bourjht rheap lln y will be snltl chenp, , He fe-ils cinriilrnt with Ills cxperiartie and ability, that he can compete villi tho V orld iX large and Sunbrtry In particular. lie would enumerate articlta if lime and space would'pernnt but as any , COLNTEIUUMPINO NOVICE can de that he Will leave it lo the verdanta and uninitiated, it Is enough tosay that he haa every thing in Ihe line of - j vuuk) xi&VlC110Di BOOTS AN!) SlIOES, fir., fir., that is kept in any other store in town, ami Ilia banner is on the brseo. Ami Ioiik may It wave O'er luhd of the free, ml the liorne oi tlie lirars AVUlle her Stars niul her Stripes ISttiuc .out like the Hun, Telling all iiutioaa .. That Freedom's begun. Tois is a free country or at least will be ol when all nre free, therefore it is freo for all to do their trading where they can BUY he C1IEAP KH'V regardless of the cross nnd sour looks nf old fogv merchants. All are invited lo call and sec. THE COUNTRY, . as well Ihe town are respectfully invited, and every person, rich or poor, high or low, bond of free ure invited to cull. Conic oiio come all nm! stop your speed, I have gootls enough for nil iu need jt Tlie boyi themselves are nt their potts, And theyaloiie cuu supply a host. Over other clenlers iu the town These Kline boys have won renown, For cHii the Chen pent and the bent, And selling more limn ull the rest. Hurruh, Hurrah ! O'er hill nnd plain, Accept iny thanks nnd call ngnin ; ( Aino!i our assortment you'll nUvays find, Goods to fit uud ptcufte the mind. We've on hand nnd always willing, To fl!!I oui goods and earn a shilling, 8o hold your horses and come this way, We shall he glad to see you any day nt No. 1 Murkket Square, opposite the Court House, P. H He wishes it distinctly understood, that he is not to be nnderso'd by uny nun or combina tion of mm. No charge for showing goods. All kinds of produce taken in exchunga for goods. Sunbury, June 21, !8TC. GfTJiNr NOTICE. A N DUE V W V U F F L E 1 N , Importer and Manufacturer of Gnns, Kittvs, ristol, &c, No. 122 North Second Strrtt, Philadelphia. I?K1IEI!E lie keeps constantly on hand agon ' ' eral assortment of fine double and single barrel Shot Guns, large duck guns, rifics and pistols, of all kinds. I I so, the celebrated cast steel rides, with increased twists, to shoot the. pointed ballot' his own make; rifle barrels, shot bags, ponches. &c. Ho invites persons wishing to pur hnsc goods in his line, to cult and examine his stojk belore purchasing elsewhere, as he ii determined to sell on the most reasonable terms, 13" Particulur attention paid lo .epairing i.v all its branches. August HO, IS.'ifi 3m E-A-OXiE HOTEL, OPPOSITE WKST BRANCH BANK, WILLIAMSPORT, 3?A.', WILLI HI II. II 4 V, I'ropi lctor. C. A. Stiuse, Assistant. N. U. An Omnibus will run to and from the Depot and Packet Landings, to this Hotel, free of charge. September 13, 1836 tf FA UMEUS OF '1111.3 M:iIIBOJ- Growers of Wheat ami Bye, use Leinnu's Super Phosphate of l.ime,'if yon want heavy Crops, or I.cinau's American Fertilizer. fTMIESE valuullc Manuies have been used for the past six years successfully for the firain nnd Tobacco Crop in Virginia, Pennsyl vania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and the Islands of Uermuda and Barbudoes A barrel, ('ifiu lbs) is sufficient for an Acre of Land. The r.bovc Fertilizers are composed of reliable Chemical Elements, which largely increase tbe Crop and improve the soiling, doubling the val ue of the Inud. Price of the Phosphate of Lime, is fdO 00 a ton, Nitregened ."0 00, the Ameri em Fciliiizer $ 5 00 per Ton, or iji3 ftO a llarrel, 1 25 a Keir; also, every variety of Guano, Pure Land Plaster, Pot Ash, Nitrate ot Soda, IIoiih Dust, Powdered Charcoal &c. GEO. A. LKINAU, Proprietor, .Vo 19 South Front Street, PHU.ADKLPHIA. Goods delivered free ot charge. IT" To Wholesale Dealers, a liberrr.discount Pamphlets in Lnglish and Ge rman Languagcj Gratis. Orders at a distance, Cash accompany ing or Draft, promptly otter.ded to by U. A LLINAU, Proprietor. - PIUAD'A Pa. N. B. Diplomas, have been awarded from the Pennsylvania Agricultural Society ; Xcw V0rk Crystal Palace vlssocialion and New j;rsey State Agricultural Society. l'hiladelphiu, Aug. Ifi,"l850. 3in. w. riOUR. FEIB & GROCERY STORE CHARLES G A RINGER, rjF.SPKCTrrLI.y informs the citizens of CftiSunburv aud the neighboring country that he has purchased the Grocery Store in " 'atec street, in the rear of the wharf, recently ke'.t by y'eise & Clement, and that he has jiist eplen ished his stock which ho will cell at reasonable prices. lie wi:l keep a constant supply of Flour, Grain and Feed, Oread, Fish and Cheese, Hams, Shoulders and Herring, Collee, Sugar and Molasses, Teas, tipiee( aj Fruits, Nuts, Confcctioriaries of nil kinds, Hoots ami fchoes, Ladies (i alters, Misers and Chiliirea'a Mines, also Quccnswarc, Ce darwarp, Hardware and Notions, &e..&a I Citizen, arc re.;.trteJ to send iu ihei, order tor Hour, Iced and Groceries tnJ h will d- ' li er them 'iroperlv. ; Suiibuiy, June 14, I8"GH LABORER rj WANTED. A ?L MI!I'il,t "f O0,, laborers are wanted on , rl11 ; r.lbe Northern Central Kail Load, below 1 r VHrlJ1 hli,FK 0ooJ wseJ puiJ auo tlie i l,t ' JIU) ( accommodation given. Ap ply to -W M , (UUILKK, on the works, or to , , II. II. MASKER, jfu'jf 5, 1SJ8. Sunbury, Pa. (T'HAiN lU MPf.- A .mull number of these II. B. MA5M.K. Sunrmry. June 4. I8.16 15LANK Parcliinem Paper Deed, and blunt Mortgages, Uouds, EAeeutioiu, 8ummmu &C-. for sale b II. U. MASsEK. Sunburv -Arri 26.1856 JKTILEY'S CQVU1I fNDY. An eice 9 leut remedy for coughs, cold.. For .at at this office. December 4, 1856. - 4 " UN OLD'S WKITING FLl'ID and Adhv aive and legal envelopes, for .ale by .. II. U. MASSER -Buubury, Inn 10, IK.Sti. - "iOLD PENS with and wiiho'-i , " of" ., 9 very superior ouali's, IJ r;..i Also a fresh sulmb af V; ..,;., vi.,;.i r. ... ! ' y. II. II. MA&KEB.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers