nnr 3STEW SiniNO AND SUMMER O00LS. JUST RECEIVED 1JY I. IV. TEtn &. Co., Stmbiiry, Pa.. YYr.K tR respectfully to announce to mir friends and the public I iat we are now re ceiving very lnrce and well wlrc'eJ etorA of goods suited to the season, which wo are deter mined. to sell cheap at heretofore, finding our old motto of "Small profit and quick Sales." to work well we ahnll continue to adhere to it, our etock constate partly of tha following vkt LADIES HOODS. Oroa T)e Tihine ami Summer Silks, Chilli, De bega, Harrfre. painted and plaid Lawns, Ginaham Lawns, liiheJ D'esses, Va lentin Skirts and Skirling, Grass, Crrd and Crinnlino skirle. Jaconet. Cambric, Srvisa and Barred mmHin, Bihops I.awnt Plaid. Dot- ted ami Figured FSwisa Muslin, t.li-.cn cambric handkerchiefs, Chcraisctts, Collars, Cuffs and Wiu1erleevea, printed cashmere, thibet and jolli.-r ahnwla, ginichsma and ralirnca in great teriety. Ready uiado tnantillaa, parasols, Kaus Jj c. CEXTI-E.MEXS GOODS. Cloths, cassitnerea, tvreeds. Vesting, sutimcr goods in varioua styles for coats and pantaliiuns ehirt howms. collar, cravata, besidce a lario aa aortmcnt of Heady made coats pantaloons mid teste, tngather with a general assortment of La dies and geiitlcmcns Hoots Shoes soil (niters mens, boye and children Hals, and Cups Hardware, Quccnsware, Groceries. Cedaiwarc. Stone and Earthenware Drugs, l'ainla, Fish, meat, suit, naila. Tar, Oil ij-c 4f. A good, supply of school books and copy books with printed copies on each page. Come and cc, no charge ia made for allow ing goods. I. W. TEXKBA. Co. Country produce taken in exchange furr,oods. at the highest maiket prices Sunbury, May 10, 18of. SUNBURY, PA. TIRE subscriber respectfully informs the public J. that she still continues to keep the above named public house. She has also received a new supply af Rood liquors and winea, and trusts that she will be able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her h'ause. MARIA THOMPSON b'unbury May 21, 1856 if. THE SALAMANDER SAFES OF rillLADrl.PMIA f!IST TIIK XYORfeD. K VAN'S & WATSON. Xo. 2C SouVi Fourth St., Philadelphia. Have had the an rent demon vtrn urn in tlm f Jluwinft tcnifiratf , hut their numiifurtiiie t.f sa:i- Vvi(ij' inn mi r raiti no hi K-iiKui rniv Mafill'- ..V.'t vnrrNMtcd the lenrritMil'i.tpm liu-n ii;io umi m-uiv i viiwin r.tlrHii.K nu uml'MibU'd r-ruiuy -i usaiutt the l?riibc fitment : PnTLAPKI.PIITA, April TStB IKrft MrstTfl. Kvnnt .V Wcfri : Orirti: It nfliult na the liiehmt tiitinnicli'Mi t ttate h y ti. th;i mvuifl ihe vrry Vrntt'Ctivc jtinlittoa of tw the r;tlniii:tMilw- Sfe n lnrh wr ptuchmeil of yu wm few inmlh siucu, we Siti'i-d a ki.-g jicrtinn it (utr Jewelry. Unkj. Ptiiw ri, 4c , i-xpo ed U tt:LMnliMiitu-ua lire ni K at if lead Pliice, on the morn i;pt of the ll'.h intt Vhei we reflect that these Sufes were Inenlt d in Ihe I nirtli ct'iry nf the Imililing w riipitil, nml that they f!l Muhienitei.tlv int" heap nf Iiarniii ruiiin. wheift Hie VHft rniioeiitiation oiheat cauHtii the hratu puile tt melt, we oamtiit hut rc mrthe preaervatitni 'l the Vitiuahlc con lrs: as ml c inviiicing prt-Kif of the greut tecunty attur tn hv vour Siifea, We ajrinll take touch p'.insurc in rce-immetitling them to m-'ii ct" L'UHUicit lit u puiw leliinii e iitminrt fire. PiliLAT'ii rDTA, April 12. Ifcdfl. Mcmri. Kvont A. Vuton I have M oiler vu in) tta timmiy in fnvm f.f ihe ureal ieenntv iil! it'etl t" my ttire Viek''f KW:rv, rv kt, priperi Ar.. during the re-eiil fliirroua c(ii(liiprati"ii in Hnnatmd plnee. trmti the lnel ti nt the arune wei ccntiiincd in twy of the Salamander tsitea iruiiiiifaeliireit hy yn. Having fallen from the Ufih tt iry of Oie A t:in nmM ,iii(C. where thev were previi'imly (ilnc.M nnd exeil ft a vaat heat mr n tune, the preaertfutirtn (" ihe valnnhlo cffpoai.s acemcd t evciy one whu wilntsitd tha Oiien.n mid inUnoi cxuiniitutit n, a matter of jirufuuiul urt nisli tnrut To all who may require n perfect protection from the ravnjfeaiif fire 1 aimll not lirkitate to recommend the nae ff your Sufea, ' I co.iiIr they have m-w jii'tcrjt.nie the m ait trj mg lest. N. K. .Moni., rniL5ti rH!A, Anrrl H, ISv"6 Mewirs. Hrana A- Wanton Oentltimtn S-i d 'liut you will be deeply frmtilird t-ihuni the g -ckIc mdili 'ii in which I discovered niv f-h'k. policy f instirrince, rerlifit-jtet f t K'k,fi Hl iiher valuable dumenta, when on Friilny lust cpent-d tiir. kii'c m;;le bv yur firm. Willi my kimwedyft of iln picttt expn(iure, Kh to tl.e tntensitv of the he:il fr in hot a fim 0;i ihM which dt nmved the Artiwiu Ku;l.iinif, n la from the force of ii.e fall from in fTi'ier elevated pittin in the H.ird atory, I e-'itUI eutertrtin hut aumkr u-pe priori' ita inieriir in apcetiot tint the euntauta which 1 om-e ao hiirniy prizftl would ever r9 of nny service to rue, but na Michp fe-u nrc now happitv removed, 1 feci it only due to anv to you liat I can lienecf nh rei-nnnichd 'he tine f your S:iiv-a to Lit vh in iv wiaili to f-et n c nndi-.ice in the pe.ff l it ruri'y which auch mtat.a prcv;Jea against t. ijhtfiil an clement. , Kdwafd Casriu., no-'khinuer. Constantly n:i hnnO Patent Powder find Tuief VtmC Uvka fr Unnkf, tt'rej, Ac. April W, ISUi. ly "vALU ableTropeSty for sale." flHG aiiliscribera, Kecnlra of the rstnte of t Henry Masser, ilecM., olfcr "t riv;ite ral.t the fulloivinj priperly iz A lurR two story fiain i!ve!liii2 house, together with about 50 ACRES OF LAND. Situate in Lower -August township adjoining lanJs of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the orcupumy of Julin li. Kuulmnn as a store ami dwelling. The hnuso ia new and the location a toed ona )Vr b"ines. AU a TRACT OF LtMEsTONP LAND in said township on the river about 5 milts be low Sunhu. y, adjoining UiuWof ' T. M'l'lipraon and others, coiitaininf, about 0U acres. The anil ia producti'a and contains limestune ai.d ether minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing about y.1 acres ou the hill, about two miles below iiuiil ury. adjoining iunds of the hciia of the late John Cournd and others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. I'ur further particulars apply to the subscribers. )1. 11. MASSLR, ) V. B. M AS.StH, Wvvttutors. FKANC18 ULCHER. ) r anbury, January I'J, lS.r6 tf TD E 1ST T I STRY. ANNOUNCES to the ciiizcna of iSunbury, Northumberland and Mcinitv. tliat he has upened an office in Suubury, one door nr.t of the Post Office, where he is prepared to attend to all kinds of work belonging to the pri.ffss.iun, in the latest and mol improved style. All work well done and warranted. AUo continues Gum Work, which is try durable and neat. April 13, 1806. if TAM, Sliouldera, Cheese, Mackarel, Irish Halmon and Salt for sale bv May SJ '56. K. Y. li RKSHT i PON. J. STEWART DEPUY & SONS, Importers and Dealers in Carpetings, Musonic Hall, Chestnut St., UIck ighth, VIT'OL'LD respectfully invite jou to call and ' rxarninc their larpe and well selected slock f Cariet, Oil Cloths, Coco sod Canton Mnt tings. Drupgtts, Hearth HutB, Door Mats, &c, lvbiih they will sell to the trade at such prices as wi.l make it desirable for those who wlah to pur chase, to call and examine their stock, before purchasing elsewhere. rhilaJelphia, ApiU 12, lKf.O ly Irlxll l.lllCn ihli-li.l. cheeks, ticking, t .'.le di:irr. furniture check nd Turki.h county. pans for sale by Mav 31 'an y v. hwioitt amv i EDA RWAltE, lioiiow-wure, t ia-uie, nr.d a lorga sloe' of Qoeenwsre, tuibractng tha ntwest ratteir.s, foe sr.'.a Lv A MTTDurAlSr LIFE SAVED 1 Dnwtoisc, Mick., March II, ICM. J. A RHOPFS, Kq.! Pcaf Sir I to. y.'r mti ctite to s-ll on eoiisiiriiinciii, "so cure no ff," I JaM ilwimre in smtlnr its rru-cis ns rpp.'rtit to me ny tni.s ircthers who live in tills rilsee, and their their testimony is s fnir tpeeiTien of mil hsve received: W. (. OoKai.iH t.'kl me "I had t-Ae iwttlea of Chrlir-s Amir Oslum, B'ld eontinimlly run o.'Wil while tuine, il nuti! mr Innts sua hvel were O-nrrsu-d to thnt llepri-e thnt Runt .tist hnrtrnl fr hi my monlh snd l iweli, i that all thiinaht ti litiivwsilile for m" to live Mir-wilt aiM.lhcr chill. Tim d e!on t ilid nil they Cinlil foe me. bul thonsht I must d .. Noihinjrdnl r.e any siskI until I rot IthiKle's Fever ami Cure, whifh nt once relieve me of the rlires and nu."st my stomach and pnni in my head anit snd piwluceil i permanent cure In a tlnrt time." II. M. CONKUN stiys : ''t u besn taking mr-lirins nf n. aoiid a tkiriof cs we have tit our county, uml taken ery itiality of auuitns siat specifies without any (rood rcsuit, tioiii !illi Auiruit ,o l?!h Deceiiiher. But s.-1'ii'ff how mrrlv il o eiNtril on mv hrothrr. I prt n bottle of Kllt)l)l'.S' FFA AND Atil:r. CfltK, whirh elTecled s lorinaiieot fori! hy tiding two thirils oi a L u'.Io." H. M.CONKl.l.N w..K end lien-, lut Mb, the ott.cr tuoihcrs sny los ense whs ihe snme as II. M's 1 s-iM the merhriite to loili ths s;one U'ly.nod the core wasna .i?dy fr.im t!ie nunc snmll r)unntity, nnvt I inii'ht srrei : Viurs with reelect, A. II I N TtSGTHN. Tl.e sNive speaks lor itself. Go-id process it i, il is of no Utter I'.'iioi ti. tin tl.e vnsttniniler of llie like ci-itiHcatcs I tmve nhenily pulVmlied. and the still grcutt-r uinouiil that is colitiltuall pouring in lo n;e. One Uinta; in-'re 1-tst )tr 1 haJ occati in to Caution the I'ablir in tln-ti: wools 'I n .ties ne linn who have tnk-n one of my pereral rirrulnrs, stit .tilutt-d the naitu of tht-ir in strum l"r inv medicine, nml then with binzen iuiininViicc i nd itu-ir ftiu phkt with tlie cxcliimiiliooj Let the proprietor 'f uny olhr intoiieiiie riyns inucii if he darrs ' " e. Now I tuWe pltumire in i'-c tlml the I nution n'fcr'ed toihesamo Ir. Cliri.;i's Ague LVinm'' lh.:t is men tl nd in the nb ve eernfitnte. 'I'ht re lire several otbrr iiu'nsl'ioui p"ph M'lio are Sp plymf to tlii-ir po..iU 'tiS tin)i all that I pilitliah about nw Fever mid Afrne Cure, or Atitnloif to Mnlariaexrepl ihe Cialiiiali'Si'l Currs nud the fell ilVnle of the ce'i'lirnlcl t'ln-niit. llr. .lion ji It rliill-oi. of Nrw . ik. in tiivor of rspenietlv IIA i'.M l.lf I'll A It AL'TIMt whiill ir at taehed to eveiy li.mle. T'iiis'1 tviil liltvajs si-rve to U:s. linetoih mv ntiheinc fr"in iniilali.ius. Fol frule liy Ulutrgis'.s 7iHa-iillv. J.3. A. nilflM"?. Proprirtrr. April ?r, IPSO Sin frovidunce, It. I. JAMES F. CAIBEEATH'S I..SDIKS FANCY SHOE STORE, .V. 59 YrA Fiijhlh Strett, Abort Arch, 1'Uft fl'f. I'JIILAUELI'HIA, Ladies from the country, can have shoes mads to order in the veiy lest stlc and workmanship on a few days nnlicr. An excellent assortment to M-lcct from, always on hand. May 10, 1S.)G. ly XaoSiEs-w" &co. A'o. 1S6 Chestnut Street, riIIt.ADKI.nilA. IJESPECTFl'I.LY iuf.irnn the citi.ens of tSunbitry and tho vicinity tliat lliey have in store a full assortment of choice and seasonable good which they are cloitnif out at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, principally from the tireat Auction fales in New York, and partly of our own importations. .SILK Jt .SHAWL DKPAKTM KNT. ICOO Stella Shawls, 6tl0 Ulk. 8ilk Mnntillsi. 550 Chniililly Frenck Luce, do., lierage Shawls ,V Pcnrfs. oO.OOO yards Dress Silka, telling at 03, 75, S.ri and I III) per va d. Mill Maj;iiifteM bilk Koles, blurk Gio De Kjcns. 4 SO Flonnred Borepe Dresses, 0'renndines, Chull'y Organdies, Lawns, French & EnglUii Chintz's. French worked Setts, Collars mi l Sleeves, Cambric lldkfs. Ituffling, Ladies Si Cents Kid Cloves, Loco M t's. MOlltXI.NO GdODS, Black Bcmbazine's, Cranrnlines, Bernccs. Crape De Espantr, Lupines C-4, Mouvelines, h'amese Cloth, BrazeMii.es black and Purple Flounced Hobes. Country Merchants and visitors to I'hila lrl phin, ire invited to cull and examine our Mock. IceliiifT confident that w iib the creat farililiis at forded us we can oiler greut indtii'cmctiF.t AtiNF.W A: CO It'll Cherituut Street, below Pt!i. April SO, IK06. 3mw. THE LATEST ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. J. F. & I. F. KlalNE, Bespoctfully announce to their fiiruds arid the public in scucral that they have received at their (Store in l.'puer Augusta townthip, Northuaiber I and c ounty Pa., at K lines flrove. Their Spring and .Summer (;oc.ils are openid lo the public u fall atsrotmeut of merchandize &c. Contininn in purl of Cloths, black and fancy Cats niers. utioells, Checks, Kentucky Jeans uiol all Kinds of .Vpiin; and Summer Goods. A lot of ready made C'lmithing, suitable for men and hot s. Ladie3 Dress Gcodc Shawl. finsham, Beiuge l.'elains, Calicoes, black silks &. Alsff a frenh supply of Drugs and Medicii cs, Crocerins ic, of all KiniU. A new supply of Hardware. Quccnsware. wooden ware Brooms i c. Alio a large assortment of fonts and Phots suitable for men women and children. Ifata and Caps, such aa Palm Leaf, Panama Leghorn, iilk ,Vc. AIo an ttiisoriiiieut of Books, Stationery, ink. rictnies and Piciure frames c. Fi-.il, halt, C'iitesec, and all goods usually kept in a eoiintty store. Coire and n-e, t'orue one. tome all. Cheaper than the Cheapest. Thankful for past htvor we hope bv strict at tention to business to im r.t a contiiiuance of the same. AM of the above nsmed stock of pooda will be sold positively at low prices for cai-h . or in ex change for country produce at the hihett mar ket price. Kiinca Grove, Pa., May 17. 156 if IM.T I S Ri:iS TOG K i ll KU." 110 i. LOW AY'S TILLS. WHY ARE WE SICKt It bus been ti.slot of Itis buioan rnee to he w.-ebcri d. wn by iliseaae uiui iiifti-ritfir. IIOl.l.OM' A V'S I'll.l.h r spiHiuily iLiapinl I i the relief of the NT'.AK, ihr NtKM'LS-. llie lil.l.lCATK.siiJ the IM IIt.M, ..I nil cmnrs,ui:ts, si-Xrs, snU eoiistilutious. PioirMor lli.lt. i iy pc. - supiroilei il. tl, ii.nnufueluia of bin imal icinr. in the t 'mini Sian.., and utters lliein to s free npl snliiitaied po.le. lis tiie lirsl imucdy II. s wurld mh for tiis iuouvhI of (l.Stnise. THESE PILLS PUI7FY TIIE BLOOD. Tline fun.oui Till r expri'ssly fi'nibinet.1 to 0nra!e on ttir nmnach, the liver, ttiv ki'inej, tnc lunyt. ttm ikhi ml lue bi'we'j, (Mrrcflina miy tleraiii ir.ciit in liieir lum tuMin, puiilyitig the blihr, the very lnuutaiit vi I tie. ami Ihu ciirtnH ilie:t tu w!! lUf riiii. 1 YtiPEPcilA & LIVER COMPLAINT. Nearly h li il:e hunieit rue huvtt tuken llieie ti!J. hits lufen jitivt it in u ti p:irta nf the world, tliat nothing hut 1 rn f- iitnl (ii.sl to th tin in vuttn ( fi rueri of l.vrr. iteiiia. and uiniiinili cjiaplumts (reiicrnlly. They tp c u hr-utthy fc.m to tit-fc Uip iu, imwrver ivmvti ofaittJ. r.iui wiitti ttM oilier uiei.i huv fuHeti. GF.xniiAL nr.niLin', n.i health. Many oi the mot riepitic Goveinmniu have ou'npd thiir t'yuoni Uoums l i lbs inlriidilolioii of iba 'u:. Ihatlluy may Ucoiiir tlie i.ictlnmie of tlie nunars. I.earn i C.-Ut-gessiliint (nut tins iinrdieine is the lt rfiurdy evr kiwn n fol ren ins of delicate health, or when-Ihe sys'.eni hss bern impelled, ss iis invig nstioc niotxints utvsr fa.. I a&ird rr'.ef. FEMALE COlil'LAIXTS. No ftinals, yomif or old, sbould be without this eels. bia:eJ iiien-iair. It corrrcls mid irsaialr. Ihe nionliiiy coiirs.'S ct u'l pci i-'.Is. neii::); i.i many tj. hkc a riinriu. It is at.' i tlie belt saci s.i:Vt lutilici.ie tbut e.ui be given to Chiubta ad snd for nny conirlaiul i cxnssuacutly 110 family Suou.i! b Without il. Uollowiiii's Ml, e the lest remedy known vi the uorld for the following dinette: A.ibms, Kever snd Agus tlone end l.rnvcl H i e Coinrjlllllta Kemale Colulii'iiii'.s fee,.i.ibnv K.n.,. t'oapbs U iius Clival llisesscs C.'Stiveueas Dapcisia iin.rueu V , .nwaru VCiH.IICM Inliqiiiti.in J.ivrr C..niili,iuls lntlueiiu I .oH-ueMof Spirits Inil.iuiii. iticn l"ik Vencrtai Aflt'Ctiuns Voiina, ol ll kiiuls 11..-.1 t . ..t -..-i lroy ML'l'.H AND FISTl'I.AS. r..!ii at tiie Manui'ai u rlra of rrofese" r !!uU.oVii :iai4n tohi., New Vork, loul-.'ll Krmi.l. I'ul i. by ! '-il b- nrii:iMr 1....1 I ...!.. in Mnn, ;ti,- ibioi.,1,. "i.l llifl iiue.1 Mm,.., lu.o ll.r . ivilinl wt.llil, in luiui, ai -c'i ei'ii'-is (i-Ji uiui.. uud il mrli. t ' 'i'livf. ia a eoobniviuoUi Kivin bv Uii.iug the larger S'.i. ' N. II riire lioiia f r ibe (riiiil.uics uf patients iiibveiy J.R'.ror ure aifx. il to i-atii b..x V tl, lis'l ly.4 Fairbanks' Platform and Counter Scales fur "!ry V Y. EKIOIir ds SUN. Mey 31. REMOVAL. CHARLES MAOARGPj k CO. HAVING RF.MOVED FnOMNO.4COMMKHCF.rT. TO TltS South-tVeit cor. nf Sixth and Carpenter St. PHILADELPHIA. riEO to rail the attention of Purchasers to - their extern slve nasortmrnt of Paper, and Paper Makers' Materials) Printing; Papers for Book and News. Water leaf, sized, unrallen. tiered ami allendered, of alt qualities and pricei, always on hand: Hardware and M anilla Papers, Trun'i Hoards, Uindcrs' Uoarda, Hanging Papers cVe., A-c. Particular attention ia invited to their exten sive assortment nf LEDGER PATERS, Vnm the most Cclcbrntrd Manufactoriei in the C.b".'ry. Among their WKLTING PA PUU STOCK ma be found Com. Note, Fclio Post A tluntic Note), Thin Medium, llath Post, Demy, . Quarto Post, Mrdb'ni, Fool's Cap, lioyat. Flat Cup. Kup. Roal, Impetinl. Plato Pnpera, of everv descrii linn, size and quality. Map Papers, in ureal variety. I'll vitope Papers, w hile, buff, mid pold. eilberlR.d nr wove. Colored Papers, tine glazed, and other varieties. Miiii'ifacturera are invited to exarrine their stock el lisps, Fiiicirjii and Dnmeatie. Illenrh iug Powders, of approved nraiuts : Mum );roiiuil or crude; Sal Sodii. 5oda Ash Felliiu. Wire Cloths. I'ltramiiriuc. and Psirr Mukcra' Mule rials cem rally. l"6' 'J'lii j are also prepared to tuke orders ol odd sizes ami wcii;hli. cl' any of the above descrip tion of Papers. Juuuaiy 20, 1 S Ti C Cum DISSOLUTION. THE partnership hei'i'trifoit! rxsietinu; le. twccii tin- niuloisijrni'ii, niiilor the liini of Wuisrr t liiiini'i'. iM ilinsolvid li nnitniilcnt!. tent, this tin- 14th ilny r May ltj.'ili. All petanns Imviiiir luisctt led :i -- . ti 1 1 1 f with ns ill pleusu call utul settle tli taina nst'lniit (liluv. GEO. R. AVEISER. WSI, A. JiRCNER, Stinbuiy. May 17, lMJ- Tbankftil fur ihe liberal prtlrminpe lu ri'ti). fore, extended I wuuhl let pert fully fidicit a oontinuiiiii i' of the Fiitne, nl the strife, nt'Xt dnur In E. Y. liiij;lit'f. Market tit. win re a freah supply cif i'ruj: Ac, can ulwnvs lief,.und WM. A. lllt'UNER. Sntibiiry, Mav 17, ISSG. UKEUE.Y ACADEMY. T HE Punbiirv Arademv will open its mer Sesnoii on .Monday the .Stli dav of May, lSfiG. under Mr. ISAAC ili:F' us 1'rin cipal. 'Perm per quarter are Lower English yranehes 4 00 Higher do do fl t0 Latin. Ac. fi 0(1 Persons deeirinit to send Scholars will please apply to one nf the Trusters for a note of ad mission into the School. All patrons will be considered obligated lor one quarter unless spe cial nrraiifieuient be made. Il is earnestly hoped that the citi.ens of Sun bury, will liberally patronize the Sihool. and thereby wipe n slain from the escutchen of our Uoiuugh. I. V. TKa I'M, YV. V. Mtl.NTllOMEnY', lM'.I KI! lillKN YV. I. CUiKE.vorcif, HKN.I. HK.MIKICKS, CH tS. PI. 1. .'SAM'S, K K. PExi.E. May 3, mSsi. tf JUSEFH A. NEEDLES, MANcrscTinrii OF WIRE. SILK A HAIR-CLOTH SIEVES, Coarse, medium unci fine in mesh ; lare, middle size and small id i:iameter. .Ili'fnhW- tlolliM or YVo it YVlic, Of the best qualities, various si.es of meh, from .os. I to bO inclusive, and froiu one to six feet in width. They are numbered so many spaces to a lineal inch, and cm to suit. The subscriber also keeps constantly on hand SCREENS, For Coal, and, Ore, Limp, i;iin. GirwI, f.vunn. Suinnr. Stigur, Sjt. lltmo, (Jiilftx. Spire, I'rtJtt-. Vyv SuitW, Ac 'J'.itIht wttli kii a- urtm.'iit ill ! iir'.nt it'tj nrtn'ifd lion V.'lu-. All of llje uIk vc moIJ vlinU'nl? or toiml, I'V j. a. Nrr.ui.Ks, ,M North Front St., rhi!aJi-!hia. May .31, infill. Nurserymen, Fruit Growers and Farmers M:V YORK IIOUTICL'I.TLHAI. RKVIF.W : A Journal of Suburban Art. Sujifrbly ami Jrofustu JUubtratvL )coUd to the AdcanCfuw.t of the Hurul Interest.; in Amtnca. Thii itnnc of tlir tirgiat and in iit chb rate worki n the kiii'i in tlir w -.t. liui.tl Ait hiiir-iurr ( run im if llm principul femur en. lUicn tmiitiit i cumulus d-in lvo In C- ur i.yniviPt' t iinklcl v iii.igi-a 1'itu.i .lesici.u ly t-iiiiiii ut unl vKillinl ur ehi t-cii fiSj'Tiff m i.l ufcipmd ti liic tttmul uu nf I Ju.Ui' ripe V.ii.iJct,iinf ; vigiuvt-d pi.tmt -f g.ir.i- () in t vtv tUu, nntl ail iitt-it in tiu- (rcu. luntica ol t.;tl rci.t (irdt it ta archiitcturi-, AhujIiI v the v' rk. Eiigruvtnpsi nf wv trmt. n. w ii 'vei, nw vi'pi-talilM, A.c , arc tiliiitMU'u nml dew rtl cd mu ii thnr rt-im-uve tju ilitit (run i.c iti'tiTiiihtrd, f. nun g tl.e iti it cnuipUt an i eics uit .Mtiuu:tl lium; liuki( .;r rwr uiirtupuil. An L-xpenriii'trt. f .r;in i.f pt.ictH-.il wntt ii, beveu la uunihcr. are n.-.itid it. ti-1 its t -.1 j:i .h It rni.fuii mc veiny bie pose, ui .1 i nriuleJ on the hwiti peuii iiiii.icdl puprr. iimituificiurcri -xpunj!y. Te6M per utmuui, pijiihU inv;iruihh in uJvtcce. Fiuy r-ul iMiiMi:.fci u on int It iuWriltrr ii'i wt1 i.t thae who act an npcutn. tfl.imu wili Uv .liitrilutt1 nt tint ciui .-t ilu y:ir !imt'ii(i lit -rv wli f i d ti.lt.e twuitv Ij.icH ! faui-aculirra. I'ntac pii-miuina wili l-e pau'iu cuh I lie fi.il i ic:ii:niji wnl he otO tttlltt.v'int' nt u ith-cu-tl fniui luui'lrctls nf Mtnihtr in i um. a vi'inutiu j coulubutiU h) c nit-uipciiuie ui puhii caiRins : The U irlioi.tturrtl Review Kii ivr ihe mnt '.iUt.-iI pi. tr.-iii;?. it u ii a only rtiiincHry pr;iptc;il, hut ia wiition in a '!; Uii.t prpiuift lire iu.t iff. lit of Hit kite A. J. i)n iug K v.rkLtvUs ChKr.. The ni"t'l rk-c.iM mifl iiacfui hwc t f tin- kind Itiat la cvir culm; uiutri mir i.,brvuti -ii hKimTLU. Mr. I ti tin- Kdiinr i.f ihe II rtuuhuril Rcriew, ia a piuc(ic.ii p..iii'.i (;.if. intd nc hurat athi Ura .ur fiuntry I ciol He iMitKfwa the glHviitc (Ifwrtpuv n -wr of jii,L.rti, iIk- fltg.ini H 'inp f '? -, c-i.i-hnifd witli n tlsMrough knowlcile of rural url ?tatk liLica Tmpr sr. t- Mriurrt b.iy it f r your a ni l uy ilfnr ynur tlaos'.it-ra It is n rich ii is-iieciu.il lre;it; n ritre rt.uiliiiiHU n i f the tifitiMilul nt:l Ihf uai-hi!. Ar.ot., N Y. We liud thotiiit t tut in p .wiuufi'a ilrath, the tli'tiurnt adviHMir 4if riii.il iu!i'inini ij ml l-!' nif only a clienafisV reniciiihnuior : (ml in Mr. Ucii;Imi we dvsvl'i on rqim.lv rich iiiuiiM't nu'iii.-il iv-juiili. tlml lot.tk' tlie inllutftice if the apirit that i gnr M".mkuik Tumi Nic. Ailvrrtiwr wid toul ihia an unturpum'J tn!i,ini i f puhitfitv, pUie Moilii'iilttinil lit-view iirrnhma rxtn: uilviii t vvry t-;:0.i in tlie I'ni'-ii. Adverts diema in vrtcd ul the rate t( t? 10 per page. WOOD ENGHAVriVG- Tliae ipqnirii W mx Kii)rrnviiig, imii have tturir nrnera fXfcuirtt in nn uiirivullfd mu nur. fntfiul Hiientii'ii ia gtviii to vi' f At vl . nu expeiniu'nl Kueiiati itmtthtiiicui i n,r iptui f -r tlua xpr.'ca pufjva. 'Vr iiaf li. itic ut flis'iinctf i-.in n(H'.nid it lit)!ur-r t c 'f the ol-ject (hj muij lliey wtli cun'r.ivwl, whioh vvill u kiiiTivient Ghitte y oltt.iin u p'rifcl lui aiinite. bt-clt Un.fileta wili le tJ Jilt with very liurrul luima. 1-ti ruary lb, IbJti tun AY1IITE IIOIISU HOTEL. rOTTsVJLl.K. PA. rfHE subscriber respectfully announces I.i his - old friends and the public, that he has taken that old and well known o-tublisli'iient, Ihe White Horco Hotel. At Ihe comer nl I ciilie and li'ih::i;loo hid., in the Uorougli of Poltsville. The bouse bus re cently been vi ry much rnlarprd and olherwiso improved, renderinir il quite ua rou.fiirtublr as any other Hotel in .Vliuvlkill eonnlv v. Iiilo the sial ic are large, in mi..il rm liitiou.'au I ut ten I by carelul, atteutita. piudeut bo.t;eis. 'J'o traveller:! and oilier who may stop at bis house, lie promises evert aitoutioi- citciiluteu lo rcnJor ihein Coii.forlu'-oe and s.-.tisiied JOa. M. IXOL'R. Afri'. f, !,E5'.. !f "AID AND COMFORT," To Your On ii itli'cb.liiit'ii. Wilkinson & Henn, TAcspretfully announce tliat they han taken the stan, I lately occupied by Crorge R -nn. wbere tlicy arc prepared to manufacture, all kiinls nf FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. . rPl!E snbscriliera respectfully call the attentioi of the public to their larrje and plemlid as. aorlinent vf every quality iul price f :HiMr-v A it i, which cannot fail to rcioininend itself toeverv one who will examine it. on accnuut of its durable wnrVmRiisbtp and splendid finish, made up of the best stork lobe had in the eity. Nn efliirt it spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the s;i!'eribeis are determined to keep up with the ninny improvements which arc constantly lieinj made. I l.eir stork COMiata of Mulioany Stilaa, vnii niil louiieo Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, MUM, DRIilRKAST AM) DIXINO TA11I.B and also VK. K i'l. i UI.1MJS, eipial to I'lii.a- delpbiH inanuiactiirc. I'RIISTEA UiS, of every pattern and price ciM'ROAnns. woiiK amicandi.k- STAM'S. TOII.F.T TAIU.KS AND l;TKNSit)N TAi;i l', In short, every article in M'.islnie oflln'ir biisinesa. Tlirv also in :il i iil'.K t u i c h11 kimls ami ip.iuliln CTIAIKS, licluding varieties ncrr belnre lo be had ii iiuliury, such as M aiiiic, hi t, Hi.ack Whm i !iii ('ciii.mi Mai'lk tilm ni ; imi Wi.vesiin CHAII1S, ami nsrt I'iiiii Siocm.k, which arc of the hite.it styles, mid warranted to he cuccllcil by none m umlm lured in the I 'ities or elsewhere. The stil'st riliers arc determined that there si, nil be im excuse for pers.nis tn purrbane liii iiiiure in the cities, as evi rv rniilidf nee can be piitrrtaiiied aboul the ipmlity and l'iui.ll of their ware am1 Chairs. Their articleif will be iliupiirit'd of on as Km! terms ns they ran be purrhmcil elsewhere. Cunii try Produce t iken in paMiicut for work. fVr rM)!'.l!r.KI.t;. H.ivin, provided themelvrs with n hainUoitic ili.iasr., ttn'V aic mm prcpnrnl for IM!, rinl.iiii;. unit atlcmlini: fu ncials. in Ihif vicinity, or at hi convenient dis tuner from tlii pl.n .. R" The Ware ! in is in lawn Mtrrel. bl ow W ravei'i lintel. WILKINSON I5i:NN. tSunburv, March S, Ih.'iC. tf. 1355 Special Exprefis Notice. 1850 I-IO"W"A.K.ID &c GO'S EXPU KSS. HAVINt'J nhtaii e I full rxpress piivilers ovrr the IJAIAWHSA. M'MilliY A Mi KUli: and Wll.LlAUsl'OliV KI.MIKA UAII.IHIA 1)S, ne iie now prepatod to forward nil description of Kxprrss liomls by I'lissengrr Trains, daily, belwien Philadelphia and Klinirn. connecliiur nl Lliuirn with ull the Western Im press ('oir.pantcs. All troniU for Tamaipia. Stimuiit, ''atlawi-na. Danville. Milton, Wiiliapispnrt, Klintra. and also to N'oilliiiiiilii-rl.iud and Sunbiiry and all inter uiediate places, ilrliteicd the tame dav. Each train in charge nf our nv n special Messenger. V'iiilaih'lptiia Oilier, ti-' Chesnut Street. Ollli-e Klmiin at lnited States Ktprcss OlUce. April 1 9, IH.'iC IV IH)OKS? BOOKS!! Witlk this way for Eargains- njrKINfi ileniiniis ol dn.Milu i.f mv entire y J stock of Hooks and Malionerv. romprisiii me i!:.t till i.t..mc of Law. M. .lnai. In ii- jioiis Scienlilh', l'laiik. Musical, S( hunl nml Miscellaneous linoks. Also, Hill I.YaiiiR of leitrr paper and a lut of wall paper, steel pens, waters. Sir. I will dispo.v ul Ihe w hole Mock nt public sale falo nt my More, iippmite the Conn llou-e. roininrnriin; mi Moinlay the 7th liiy nf A.ril, IMflO Ht I n'cloik, I M., nnd roiuiniiiiiu, even attrriinoii and evening until the whole stork in sold. WM. M.CARTV. Per JOS. H. MeCAKI'V. Sunhury, Atarch IS, 1S50 tf Kew Wholcsalo Drug Store. SlilsTaEPC THOMAS. n. 'iO South, Seconil Stieet, Pliiliulelilii:i. I M l'CK'l'i: I!, Miiiiutnrturi'r and Dealer, in Driins, Midiciiies, Chemicnls, Acids, live .llllle, l'illllle. (Ills. (' nlors. While Lead, Fiencli uiui Auu'iican White Zmr. Window ( a. I (il-isstvares, Varnirliei, llruli.v. L.sli unit nlv. f Orouiiil .rpices. Whole Spiers, uml nil oilier ar ticles usually kept by I iruncisia. nn ludiii; Do rax. Indigo, Clua. Shellac. I'l-taih. Ac, j-c Ail orders by mail or ollierwise prsmptly i.ltfiidid to. Country Merchanls are iniiled In call and exam, ue onr etnek bciore purcbtisiii'4 elsewhere, liooils .sent 1.. uny ol the W harves or Itailinud stations. I'riccs low and goi .sU warrante l. March 8, IS50 ly JOHNSON & JBROTriEli, CABINET Tt A.ICEIiS, No. V4 Ninth second Street, fusi ilnur abcxe Christ Chuich, l'iiihnh Iphi.i. 'R().'.S in v.aiil of Burtatis, 'J'ul.r, Snius, Chairs, Urdslemls, and every varietv of housrlinbl liiiiiiiure, would do well In call, ns those articles are made up in the !iet style, and told ul tiie lonr-l price-. April 12, IsSC ly sEAKTHBXWAKE. r"SIE sulsrril er rrspectftilly in'nru.s tl e eiii. 1 7-eiis i f Sunbury nnd the public nenerallv. that he has commenced the manufacture of all kinds of V. A RT HEX W A li K, at his mnniifactnrv in W'hortlebeiry Ptrrrt. one sipiarr rast of the Iliver. IL' has ruar.l the services of Mr. Haiii'. and you can therefore depend on having a pool article. The pub.ic are respectfully invited lo call. All nrileia fiom a dotu'ice will be promptly attended to. P. V. SIIIXLFL. Sunbiirv, F, I.. V, IS.'id.--II Dissolution of Furtncrsli'p. IVrOTH'E is hereby uiven that the pailuership A-s In relolore exislnii- lietween Sain'l A linrit. slirsscr Jim. 1 1 ull. in ihe Meiciniilu luisiihts at A'liuif, liai been dissolved by mutual run sent. HA VI. A. llEUCisiTKUS'si'U JOHN 11 L'FF. The aei'ouiits of the late firm will be fettled by IS. A. ilcrgti'csser who will continue the bu siness ul Ihe i Id stand. K A. II i nnsTHr-iSi n. ."Ivshurs. Ai i,l t!. IK.Ofi. THOMAS PALMER, t'O .UJI l.MO m i:it II XT, No. 85 North Wharves, 'hiladelphiu. Where llie following goods are received and sold on commission : Dried Apples. Peaches. Plums, Pears, Cher iies.ij c, Green Applss in Uarrels or by the bushel Ueaus, r-wiet I'otutoes, Lemons. I'ras, r-'lie I' arts, llcisins, Cruiiberriea, t'lieslnuts. Kigs, Onions. fi round Nuta, J'ruiies, Mercer l'ntataes, Oranges. (i rapes. Poultry, Kkks. Uutier, Cheese. And ull kinds uf Foreign and Uoincslic I'ro duce. Apiil l-;"u!v 'JIWll HOIISKScheup lor rash. Ap Ii to I J. U. .M.ssi:i. March 'J'J. H5fi. STOVES i,,)'' kA l.L an uAi elleiu -e. oi.d hand Co, k - 11: Stovoi also several Cylmdar Co) tftovrt.s toijujae ftl tl.i teftiyii. TAMES McCLINTOCK, M.D, Late I'KoprSSOIt of Anstnmy snd Surgery In the Thil niti'li'liiti Collres of Mcuieiue. anil Aeiinft Troiessor of Miitwileiy t "lie of llie Cnu.iiltiiif Physicsns nf the Tbil srtelpliiu ll.isltsl, Bldekley; lute mouther of ths Natifiinl Mitlnuit Aasoemtiuii ; niemtier of the )'tiilaupiriiit Meiti eal l"ciely ; metulier of llie MeilievChirursicfll CollPfte of IMiiLKiulpine forinerU- Presnlenl and Frolessof if ivitonniil liir;erysii CneUet"il Meilical Collrse, Vef-in-SM; sn.1 ul.o, lute Vrolessiii of Aualnmy mid Plivsi.4. i'CV in Hi ikahirs AleJival Institutkai, I'lllsUekl, Muss., ste . Ae., sir, lias kit. I) introdiierd in a populnr forra seveml nf his fns Irite i rrseriptmiis fur the priiK-ipHl dismiss of this eiimnie. i rie unine ol rnch artirie wiu uapiy las aiseate for whirh il is intendnl to tie nsnl. 1)H,.U(;.IX I(M'K' PKt- roK.M.fYrtt'P. Vrieal DK. flIi't:i,lTM:K'fl COLD AND CllUlill Ml Tim Iv-I'or O'l.ls. Onielis, A e. Price '!.' Dll. MvCI.INTtiCK't ASTHMA AMI HtKiPINO COL'fiirill'.MI'.IIY. Piiee .'si els. llr. alcltiJ.vrocii'sj WMt! AKTP.nNA TIVF. VKl"J- Fur Piirifyine the tti..l. Ptiietl. liU.MvCI.IT(H'K Hi liYSITl'TIi: i:i.lXin For eivmi; tone to th,' stntnaeii r liev:.i?r pnin slier eatmir. Iii'iirllnirn, uml nil (tis:i:r.t'aMe p miliums uriaiiie llnlll iiKlieriiion Pure VI, Hit. Mi-nl.l.N T(M.K't nilFMATICMIXTt:iIK-A Pnri'lv 'f.;etHlile itemcily .ir intrrnal iise. Prire .Vi els. PH. Mci.l.l.N TiU'K-M K!ii:i;ma i-ic I.IM.MCNT Itheuinatitiii, t;iruil f. t?vrlliui(S, 4e, Ac. Pricr Pit. .MrCt.tN'I'iirKH VNCinYNP. MlXTfRE Foi P;iiiis. Tii.itaiicriL, tlaiiucliv, Neurslia, Ac. Aca. Pricr renra. Pit. MvCl.lNTOrK'f FKVnTt AND AOPK fPK CI I" If! A r.rl:.,n inr.' for all InirrinittiMits. Prieefl. Pit. M-CMNTlflMfS III Alt It IHi: A COK DIAL AN CIKU.I'.ltATIII'.VI'.M IVi: A safe remedy. 1)1!. .MeCLIM'OCK'S T.lil'.TAHI.K PPROATIVh PILLS I'm I! s'ieeiiess. Ileailaehe. e. Pfieeicts. lilt. MeCI.ISTOCK'S A.N'I'IHII, UK'S PII.Lfl For Irr.'jinliiriiy ui ilu t ' ii i:ei iiinM nf tl, Liver and Bowels ll'e t'i"!i Livt-r Pill iiciiV Priri- rip. a ImX F' r ! hr Pr. J. ! . rLINTOrK. nl hla Mntieal Pe i'it. N W c'siriu-r innlli :ant Filltcrt bis . t'lii'ail!lhin. nud nl I'll Pi-lmirialp nml 1m'i-;s in .Meilirinrs. All llrnpnista lniH Ilenl.-rs in .Mi'i'irtii-s vli i wiidi in l.e ueuiils. will plr:ie ml.lilrrfii ur. .M"i li'iln-K, rnritislilng relerenve. iiiiiii- nl' Pi'St-Oirice. iviliity nnd suite I'aT F'TSale l.v iVt iP'-r .V tinnier. Stnili'.rv and fO'.n-in-'ltln; U'm. Wi-i'-u-r. ..rlii'ln.l.rriand ; O. Itrnwn. Mil ton; V.. P l.ntz. Itl.i- '.mtiiiri: ; .luroh Harris, I1nrkhrti ; j"hii Vutili'ri'i, l.:l,t flr- e.l ; I r?liarsl'.'ss Jit Son, Calii-Win-n. February ft, I c ,rt (lis. BUKTOK & FENT0N, S. W. corner St'sth tiiid Arvit strut?, i 1111.111.1.1-111 . cn.:! nn micomni.mlv full and a.itineut of black and creen Tiis of nil (-riiiles. from the cxtiCmelv low price of ail ets !t.ri 4U .".tl r,D 7il t 73 rts. per lb., warranird to be superior In any to be brrd else where at llie same urires. We know and eonli ilcntly rr'ommriiil them to 1 SO percent cheap er than any for sale in the city. We have also a very superior assortment of Cnflre, Did Cov't, d iva, 1 aquayra. Mararnrilio. Rioand Cap - Hay tien CoiVee. New No. I Mackerel and Shad in J mid J bhl or imiii.iv be desired. Cheese, I'ine pple, Sap iiaiin. New York t'ream Cherue al wais on hand. Sup brown and white) also II. I.. Kriidell rV Co's ITiemiral Olive Soup, one lb. of which will go as Inr ns S of ordinary brown Snap. Also Starch nf different ipialities, pickles, sailers, ketchups, n!ives. olive oil, sardines, an chovi'vs, Ac., with n lull assortment nf r'ancy fioods, to which we invite the a tention of the public to cull nnd examine our extrusive assort ment of Fine dom ic forsitle bv IH KTON eV KLNTON, Wholeunle and I'etail Family (irocers and Tea Dralrrs. S. W.'rnr. Sixth and Arch sts. N. IS. Cuods delnercd lo all parlt of tha cily frrr uf charje. I'hila., Sept. 2i, ISj.'i. apl By Tpubscb! Trusses!! Trusses!!! Truss atitl Brace Establishment, .S. II". Cor. of fin I fill nnd A'iR'e .Streets, Philadelphia. MPOISTEI5 of fine French Trusses, eomhi- niiiS extreme lightness, ease and durability ' with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured liatienls can l-c suited by remittiuj amounts, as below: Sending number nf inchrs round Ihr "''I and itatiny side allt cteil. i o-l oi lo:.:e : re ; i, . , - ijis and ::o. I:; rl. 5.1- Koilliic :r..cliiinsnstowear, and bow to licet a with tlie Truss-. A is f, when possiblr, sent 'T iii.!c, in great variety. 'r. i:a;in;:i?'s I::iii)vcd I'atnil iiutly Brarr, j Tor lor cure of i'r il.ip.-u l.'trri ; Spinal Props ami Supports, Patent imiililrr Unices, Curst E'ipiinilrrs and 1'rn loi Unices, adapted to all with st,ioi Sliouh'.i-rs :, t...l Weak lunge ; Knglish j Elastic A I'doiiiuial ilivt--, Suspensories. Syringes . iii.ile and female. I l?f Lad.es' lioouis. with I.adv attendants. Phila., A in.'. 4. IS.',.'. I '8. NEW MASONIC HALL, Pmi.Al.KM'UIA. A;KTS WAVIT.I mi ".-s.iv twri am county in the 'iiilftl Sliiii-s, to fcJ! Un: ! n! i icliirt" nf tlie :i:am i.odck i:oom. i li't kv Me.iN:c U ku.. I'iii'ntl. lphui. Thi Ph'r i i iii'iff wry r:i uliv, nml sri.ciifc adunrihuii "I nil, fr I ih- ilcchi. I ll.iclllV Willi M-tllCll f lie StATl'lIIV l'l.!.-"o I rl.i. AM' I'l lt m i cm: are represented, and l.'i- art is ii l-.-aulv in.il I. . inn -i l"aie. an. I'ii -e f.t no. of tlie eolois. Sue nl it "-l.ei.i'is nml rictiirii l.'eiilcr wiuliing lo lake area eii:s t'..r it. will j lease uilduuu. lor luitiier iiif.Ttuati' n. I. N. K(IK.TI1AL. Litn ciiilicr, I'iiiUi.lrlptna. (vt . r'.'T, tf GREAT MASONIC HALL I'lli: LAIIOF.SST l'l VII llllt i't: MF.LtUiF.tiV AM) ll V !l ! r-lC r-'l l 'Ll: l. 'I II!: I'M I'LH M I'ATliS. ,irned ( i.-t- .In r lliii l-W, in the Masonic I.'- i u ;. I'liesmit Slreel. a., ive evi',il!u I'tldaiti'liiln.i li.. .It ill MAIOII, t,u- S le Aaei.t for lloaiilinan, Ul i v A t'.i 'i ! l.-hr-ned IH' t ( 'aiiivnia A tlae litnt-i il ri.ni ' I'.-ilcs. :oim i' V. 1'iai, .V C.i's I'rciuiuiiL llelo. di-ona Also. Piano 1'... !j, aii'i lli.tslroiis of teller dis til -.'r.lS'ie l niakeri. .1 M Iimb nl-l aice.l a lease fur sevend vi rus in lite i.evv. Ill i?infa'ci:t nail ive'l knowa Mill 'llie ll'iil'iiiig. wh-re he imen-ls keeping me larinit flock end asvitiiii'ill ..f 1'i-iii i Foites, Mi ....Ij a.a, Muric, iilid Mil Sii'al laaflinlii'iilF "f evoiy deivn,iiion. nil of wldell are i-uetul y seli-elisl l.v liniisnlf. nnd w.irnuit'.'d ti' gi.a per-(i-i'i s-iliiuioi'Mi inevetv insiaiKe. licl dier a:th. 1-05 tf COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLEKY STORE, .Vo. 21 Xorth 'i'hir l ., hei'otc -Arch, PUILADELrHIA. 1 . 1 li At i rcli. nits ran save from ten to ; J flfirrn permit, hv purchasiiift at iheabme stores, liy linpoitiiij mv own tpioda. paying but I . i,. iiiipnimii; nil own If'IOUK. pay 1112 I'lll rent, and livin, ceo nicailv, it i.'plai.i I litll can undersell those who purchase their Goods here, pay hih rents uinl live like princes. Constantly on hand u large assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives. Scissors dud Ifalors, Tulde Knives and Forks in ivor. stair. hulhilo,!one and wood handles. Carvers an l Forks-, Ac, llulcher Knives, lbrks. Lmie Knives, Kevulving and p a ill l'ilols, iV c. Also i lartte assortment of Accordeona, oVe. Al. 'ifine I" no lii.li Twist and German (inns. JUIIX .M. COI.KMAX, Oil. 211, lu.i.i ly. lmMjrter. BLIITDS .1TD SHADES, IXr AT HF,Ul'('F.Ii PRICK8. 33. J. WILLIAMS, No. li .Noiili biiih M., Philudrlphia. Originator of nil new at) Ira of VKNETIAX 111, I.N IM, t. old Uonlcred and Painted Shades, ol I beautiful designs. Dull', and all other colors nf II il i.i ii,!, used fof Kiiadea, Fixtures. Trnninincs. I&c.&c. STORE MIAUES PAINTED TO OKDEfi. 11. J. W. thaiiklul for past patronage, respect fully solicits the citii'ns of Northumlirrland Cuuntv to call ami cxa uiue hi large assortment bctore purchasing eUewhere. U bTCDY TO Pi EASE. April 5, lhi6. oin t OOT.S', fdiocs. Hats. Caps and Gum frlioes, W just received and lor sale by On. 7 IK5I. TEN' ER i Co PAUL, CORN'SriT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IsliNUCKV. PA., Aided by aomo eight years experience in the prcliie ol tlir Law, will atti.-ul willi fidelity tn nil mailer apperiaininar to or will in ihe line nf hi profession. Clc villi Cl.arlca J. l.rui.er, Esij., Market Jtreet. eiiiiil.uiy, Sept. IS, 1 SSS, tf i ril'DAKTUlS, Miirse Hucl:ets. Painted Hue I e's, Meat 'i'enderera. Corn llrooms, lias ktsts, Children' Wagoiib, and Yankee ( local list received and for sale by , Hys, IKA. I. W. TUNER i C HAYEOCK & FIDLER, IEALF-na in Walchca anil Jewelry, will - continue ths business at the old stand of James D. Fidler, A'o. 12 South Stcmd Street, Pllll.ALlKLI'IIIA, Where tliey solicit an essminstion nf their larpe and varied slock, feeling assured that the expe. rienee both of them have had in the hiieiucse, and the labilities they possess for procuring Koods On the most advantageous terms, will ena ble tin in tn compete favurnhlv with anv olhrr establishment in the city. Thry have now oti hand a line assortmrut of VVATClirS, CLOCKS, JKWEI.UY. Silver. Plated and Urittauia Ware, Cutlery, Fancy (i units. eVc, Ac. N. H. Keimiring of Wntrhes and all kind of Jewelry attended to Willi promptness and tlie greatest care. riiili., April 7, 1SS5. If. TO COAL DEALERS AMMERMAN, ZUEIIN & WEITZEL OESPFCTFCl.LY inform the public that they have leased the new colliery, called tha Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver coal of superior quality, and nf a variety of sii-.es prepa red on their new coal nreaker. A ll orders prompt attended to by addressing the firm, either at Sunbury or Shasnokin. Sunbury, June 30, 180.1. Photography ! Daguerreotypes ! I A NEW ERA IN ART I J. E. McCLEES, ( ''urrrysnr to McCircs ,y Gtrnwn,) ltll'l.n call the atteninn of the public, not " only In the superiority of the Dairuerrco tvpes, the llvaloiapli. (hv aomr called Ambro tyne.) and the various stvlrs of I'hotOKraphy on paper; but to the fact, that parlies at a distance possessing a small daguerreotype, may. bv senil inir it lo No. 100 Chestnut st., have made from it by the means of I'hotngrnphy, and the talents nf tlie brst Artists, a portrait ol ixr ana, from a small Loeket to the full site of life. A small bonk to.it lining description, prices, &c, Ac, will be sent gratis to any pirsou ma king the reipiest. McCLEES Fliiladelnhia Photograph Establishment, .'o. lbtl Chestnut st., below "ilh Phila., July til, lSo5. -tf. THE UNIVERSIT Y'SAMLY IIK.MKLIE, IFSFKn nndei the Seal. Sanrtiim nnd Amhorilvnf the t'liixereny ol l"Kl:.; .MKItllMNK and poplar know hilce. Chaituriit hy tne Male i f IViinsylViiitia, April ail, !.'.. with a ijni'ilul nl ' Pldo.ooli, nuiinly lor Ihe purpose of Itrreal. ns llie evil, ol Spatiinis nnd worthies .Noittntns ; Ala i lor supplying Ihe Comiii'tnilv with Irliahle Itrinr dies xvhi-rrvei a Competent Phyairian eaitnot nr will ii"t Ue einpl .ye.1. This liiatitnrmn has purchaaed from Llr JuliN It. KnwAND, his Cel.iiruted ltiVHiid's 'Ionic .Mixture. Kiioien for upwards nf Iw-rntyfn e vrars tit the onlv sure and s-it'e cure fol KLYI'lt -iii.l Adf F. Ac. nnd his lnel. tiiiial.le Remedy for III IWI'.LIKIM PLAINT'. Itowand'a Compound Syrup nf Hl irkherry Itimt. which highly ap proved atrl popular Hematites, togelhur witji Tlie I'nivrrftit) 'a IL-iiiedy for I'oiilpliiiutff nf llie Limy ; The t'niveraily's Iteniedy for Dyapepii i "r In.ligestinii ; 'Pie L'niveiaily's Remej'y for i!..si ive-ltoweia; Also, the L niversity's Atmaiine inuy be lie had, at Ilia Ilraiieh Dispensary, or Sture of WILLIAM DKPPIN. Nov J, 185.1. .Mahaiioy P O. CHEAP BOOKS Si STATIONERY. 13KKI A mer HY A F.HETV, invite the attention of merchants and others lo their large stock of elegantly bound Ilibles, llvmn Dooks, Prayer Hooks, Albums', and Presentation Hooka in all llV ll'S of bind ill a St a tula rd Tlll'ilblitimi. Me.lirnl I Miscellaneous and Scboid linoks. tvhi. li tl..v !,.. .......iie.l from 'I'r,,l,. sl... ., ...I ... ...in..' J m entremelv low A yo direct frou rices. from llii. mint n ftt nrnr. nn.l Tin. porters, ever1' kind of Plain and Fancy W riting, Letter nml Noli. Pji.it. F..i,lo.,e. r.'..l.t ..,.1 sti-ri IVna. Fm.-ii-i ti.tc.ta pers, tf,, ie,, at tlir lovvisl cash pricrs PFKRY K11KTV. 8. W. Corner, 4th and Race St.. Philadelphia. September 13, IstilS. tf OK TUB UN I I l.l STAYKrf IXSUKAXCF., Annuity and Trust Co. -V. .. enmer 'l'.,Wd ti.ul Chatnut Sts., I'lllLADKLPIllA. t AIM 1 A L S.-.n,l0.l. flNFV is received mi de;n sil daily. Tlis am unl I ... lo'iioaiicn is coieren a, a ut'fi -sit II -ur. nml ive.i lo .... , .. (...r,,.., , n,.iri o-M. u c-eriiuca-e win e civt'a. itnr, A i, riillll.t. I ii-L't mid siicill. are rcre O L-.I. uinl I lie :im.:.i.,i paid l.aek on ite'iiiii.d, u uli.ni'. noiiee. Iiileiesi ia -,iiid nt tiie rale of mvk pus i'Fsr.. coin-lili-iieing Iroia the il;iy i l c.rp.nl. and ceaaiii); foni'teeu ias eievioiia lo 'he vit.:.r:iM-ti! ol"llie lil"iiv. I I'll: tirel day of .lm::iry. In iv.cli , ar, ll.'e interest nf eneli ii.-;v .Mil is uiid to tiiedcnoul .r, t rn.icJ lo the uiinci- l pa;, ns lie may preier. I The l'oiii. iiu have li"v ngiu-ari!. uf 3..',(XI depositors ! in llie t'ity I I'l.ii idelplna o! n,e Aiivad.liii .mil ini'oi.iiilii.ii wiilhe uiven by addrcaaian i the TiiEAtCit-tK. I out it Tons. I Steidien ft. ro.wf .id. I'ni'l, Wiliintii M. indvin, Lawrence . I lins 'ii. Vice I'les-!,. Paul li tl. ddanl, Allllil'iHe V. -rii.'niMaoii. l.e .rre M.'Ileiir . I Heiiiaiirin XV. I'mglcy, J unes lleveiei.jt. Jaeolj . t irnace, (jait .vua l-:iii;lilli. Kecrrtnr)- uml Tren-urer, I'l.lW I IMi . Tkilhs ami iNTrurKtrtii, J c. lK.;iIjjCUI.At..i:it. l'hiladelpina, S-it 8, IfW yp. TO IEISTT. STOKK LOOM on Market Square in Sui burv,and two moms adjoii inir, CilAllI.V.s Pl.LWSANTS. Januarv CC, I S5f!. tl' Pashionublo Hatej and Cups. ASHBY & EOCAr. .Vo. 130 Muriel St., PHILADELPHIA. IM'Oii.M their friends and the public tjenerally. that they rontinue to keep at their old stand, a Ura and entensive assortment of hats, caps, Ac, t;ot up of the best msterial and I . , ' ' ' . , i '" ."!" laU" "J U" "i1 ui woikmanship and linis!). Country nu rchaiits and nthers will do well to call and examine belore pun basing clsewhcie. Phila., Nov It), IK55. If. $50 REWARD. IHE suliscriliers olfor a reward of fifty dollar -- fur the discovery and conviction nl llie per son or persons, who cut and destroyed the bauds on the Machinery of their Coal breaker, at the Mammoth Colliery, between Shamokiii and Ml. Ci.riiiel, on the nilit uf llie 9lli iust. The above reward will bn paid to any one sit ing informs, ion that will lead to the cuuvictini of llie ollenders. CLEAVER. FAGELV & Co. fhamokin Oct. S7, isifla. if. SPECTACLES In Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel frames, A I ATHE.MATIt'A I. Instruments-separate and in cases, '1 liei... ..meters nf various aizea, Spy (ilasse of every deseripti Platiuu poin.sfor Lihtninu liods, AJ attic Lanterns with scriptural, astronomical and temperance desiu'iis. MicrofCOies nml Microscopic objects. Galvanic "Batteries, Electrical Machines, Surveycr's Com passes, Surveying Chairs tVe. gee. mJaLLISTEU & lilfOTH F.R. (Established in 1 796.) 194 Chestnut istreet Philadelphia. Our Priced and Illustrated Catalogue (Hi paes) with 150 illustrations furnished oil application, ami sent by u.i'.' ,'-a nf charge. Phila. (Sept. H, li' ia. COLLINS & M CLEESTEH'S TYPE FOUNDRY aud Priisters Furuishing Warehouse, .Vo. 1 L.odjc Alley, hack of neio Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. I'M! i.. Jan. It. iH'.tt. ilE.N'IvY EOA'EL, ATTOSlNI3ir AT I.AW. OJlce opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northtimberlaivl County Ta. Irompt attention to tiu.uili.s U) Jjoiuii'o .OUltlp.'.. noc ion TcritsriFi 7IIE POCKET JESCVLAPlVSi OB, F.YEtlY ONE HIS OVTtt PtlTSICIA!. FIFTIETH Edi lion, with One II utidred Engravings, showing Diss eaaea and M ilformstisns ef tho Human Syalem in every shape and form. 'I'o which ia added a Treatise on the Diseases nf Femulcs, brJnir of the highest importance to married people, or those contemplating innrriagd. It y li- niti.limiie. Let no fnilier tie mSnmed to presrnt a copy nf ths .F.sl CLLAPIL'S In hisehild It may save him fn tn nu enrlr frsve. 11 no ynumt man or wonmn eiiirr into ihe aerre nlilienlions nf niartirn lifs witliont remliiifj llie I'lHlKKY .liSlll.'LAPIt.'S. Let no one enfl'eriiis from Imrltnird Coiieh, Pnin in the Side. r-itleM iiiiih'.. nrrvons feelinira, and the whole tmin of Pyajirptie senssthms. and f ivu p by thrir phvsieian. he amaher lie ment w iiliniit eon. sultiiit Ihe ACl'I.APIPS llnreths man led. or time shout to he mnrrietl nny impediment, rrod this Imly nreful lmk, as it has heen the menus nf snvlnfr thoiisnnda of un fi.rtnnsle erenlures from the verv inws of death IV Anv prrs 'II Sendine TWF.NTY-FIVK CFT. enetnseil in a letter will receive one enpy nf this lemk, hy liwll, or five enpirs will he sent fni one dollnt A'ldieas Ha. V YOt ,n. No. 15H SPBUCU Street. PHILaI PV.I.PHtA." Post paid. Philndvlpliiu, Heptemlier t. 1PM 1 f uiiti.o'siMMGO bix::. -ARLt)W.s INDIGO HI.UE, ia now m ' established as the best article ever cflrrrd for Blueing Clothes. H is entirely free from a. id or an) thin? injurinajs to the finest articles. All housekeepers will find it much cheaper and lens trouble than Indigo or any other article. The great demand for it has brought out several imi lotions. Storekeepers and consumers will lr eaterul to get Hiisjamix Hjiiiiw',, i( p Rt Alfie d Willbergrr'a Drug fftore. No. ICO, N. 6'econd Street, Philadelphia, Storekeepers can get their supplies from the Croccrs and Drucuist they denl with, nt prices yielding a go,,, p, (;... 73rH.jr.ti Chemirat, J'ninls, Varnishes, Vys fluffs. f-c, with a first-rntc aseortmenl of every thing in Ihe line. Storekeepers, Phvairisns and manufacturers supplied at reasonab'e r ct ALFRED WILTEI!CKI!, Drucgi.t. 1C9 N. Second Street, Philadeli hia. July T. IS.'iS. ly. ishsmokin White Ash Anthracite Ccal. From the "Did Vein" in the Cap Colliery. T H. 7.LMMEUMAN A ISO. P. PLltSi:!,, y successors to Kase, Reed A Co., w ill con Untie mining, shipping and selling coal fmni ihe abine well known Colliery, under ihefiimot Zimmerman A Pursel. The point of shir mi nt is ut the lower wharf in Runhiiry, Nnrihnmiier. land county. Pa., where all ordera fur the various kinds of coal, viz: Lump, Ilroken, Egg, -love, and Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully receivej and promptly attended to. Sunbury, July 14, Si-sBi-ar, Jcit 5, 1858. The firm of Kaso. Reed lr Co. haMng solj their lease in llie Cap Colliery and inteiest in tl.e wharf at Sunbury, to Messrs. Zimmerman cvi Puiael, would lake great pleasure in recommend ing our customers and others to llie new linn, as they will be able to sell thorn prepared coal of the beet quality, KASPi, rf.i:d A CO. United States Hotel, Ciirsnvt Strret. chore Fair tit. PaiLADELfBIil. J. MacLELUN, (lata of Jones' Hotel.) c a uas i iic p'easurc lo iiilorm Ins friends and the traveling community, that he has leased this House lor a term of years, and is now prepared fur Ihe reception of (; urn's. j The Local advantagesol :this favorite establish ment aro too well known to need comment, j The House an-'. Furniture have been put in firs; rate order : the room arc large and well i vrniil itej. Too Tables will alwuvs be aiinidi"el wiih the best, and Ihe pr.iptirtnr pledges himself that no effort (in his part shall be wuring to make the I'niied Slates equal in comforts to any Hotel in trie Quaker Citv. Phila., Jul) 8, l64. SAMUEL S. 1'-KT1IEKS0N, DSALKR I LAMPS, LAXTEtXS, CIIAXDELIEKS A XD CA XJJ EL B ft A S, -Vo 152 S. 2d Street, fihr.ee Sniuee, nilLAUKLI'lIIA, 1 1 A VINT! enlarged and imprinted his stare, and havini; one uf the largest assnritucips of Lamps in riiilaiMphi.i, ii now prepared to furnish J'i'ie (Jil, Ciinplu'iie, Iiuri,itit Fluid, Laid an I Oil Lampa. and Lanterns of nil patterns, i;ias l.ainps by the package, at a .mall idvanca uvcr niiCtjon p.ices l)i ing a Maniil.ic!i.ri-r and Dealer of 'me Oil, Uurnini; Fluid and Alcohol, which will 'be furiiifhid to Venlmia at such pricia that thev will fiml it lo their advontsje 'o luiy. Also, Household li'Ussware of all descrip tions at the lowest muiket prices. Philadeli hie. Oct. 14, I No I. CUKAP WATCH AM) JK WE LIIY STOKF. 7S Xorth Second S'rnt, opposite tk itlount Vernon House ) Philadelphia. rf"OLD Lever Watches, full jeweled. 18 K. re acs, .j.VId ; Sil.ver Lever do,, do., ."-'liver Lepine, do., Si'J : (juarlier, 4-5 to i7 : (Iid.l Spectacles, iji 1 ,,0 lo 10 ; Silver do., $ 1 t,0 ; Silicr Table Spoons prr sett, Jj'M tn Si IK, Silver Iesertdo., do.,iJ to 1 1 ; Silver Tea do., do., .fil 7.1 to ? 7 .',0 ; Gold Pens ami Gold Ca se, ?:) 25 to $5 ; Cold Pens and 5i!vrr d ,.. to-ihir with a variety of fine CelJ Jewelry, ti'ohl Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted to be as represented. Watclir and Jewelrv, repaired in the beat manner. Also, Me sonic Marks, Pins, eke., made to order. X. li. All orders sent by mail or olherwis. will be punctually attended to. Phila.. Sept. S3, I85i. lyw. BOYD, ROSSER tz CO., u:ces and amrraas nr Ucb ntljvrtcitc vCoal. From the Inke Fidler Collierj' Shamokin, North'd County, TenDa. Address Doyd, Itosser cV Co., Suubtn-y, Pa ti. m. uiirn j. Hussca. jts. ioiii. t. iiosshk. Sunbury, April 7, 15S tf. I T A It DW ARE .-Table Cutlery. Kaiors, Pocfc. ' rt Knives. Hand saws4 Wood saws hr Iriinea. Axes. Chisels, Door Locks, and Hinges,. Hand lieila, Waiters, tic just received and for .ale by I. W. TEN Kit Jr. CO. Sunburv Dee. 2. 1 8.1 1. DANVILLE HOTEL. John xEE3sr, an., .lnr.f Street, Danoille, Pa, 'III' IS is one of Ihe largest and most commrv dious hotels in ths interior of Pennsylvania, it lias been recently lilted tip, in excellent sly!e, with all tbe modern conveniences. l)anille, Sept. S3, IH6S. THACHER Ss WOBDROr. WHOLESALE DOOTSHOK i TKCNK WAIiEIIOUSK, .Vo. 101 ,-lroA Street, up Stairs, Detween Third Si Fourth Sts., upper side, near L'nion Hotel, Philadelphia, A Carpet Bags and Vaiices of all descriptions. CHA KLES F. THACHER. ROBERT ei. WODDUOC. Philadeliihia, Jan. 13, 1838 tf t nTALL PAPER. A larje anl aplnidcl aaortment of Wall Paper, Window Pa- nrr, and Oil Shadet, just received an 1- Cir' salo i.v I. W. TENER A. "Co, Snnhiiiv. Mav Sd. lS-1 AND U AKKAM'ts. lie hithrsl pnej will ha (iveii for l.atul Warrants I v t'ie sub en lei ' H. It M-tASBH. I N K lloureau's celebraU'd ink, aud aleO Con urea ink for aule, wholnslu and retail hy tVceuber K H 0 MASi'l'lL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers