tRITtD STATE TATtNTft FOR 1S5J. Vi learn from the Arnnnl Report of. lho Commissioner of rtent for the yedr 1855, that tlio total number of Application during the year, was 4435, find tho entire number of patents issued, was 2024. In 1841, tba total applications filed Amounted to 847. The cash received tliat year, amounted to $40, 412. In 1835, the cash received amounted to 8G,380. Mr. Mason avs that "the augmentation in the number of applications lias been greater duritijr tho pnst year, than at any previous period ; and that the in creaso in Ihu number of patents is not pro portionalily frront is One to the fact that at the commencement of tlm year 1854 there were 823 cases ntidispospil of in the office, to that tho wliiilo number of cases acted nporj during that year exceeded four thou annd. At the briiming of tho year 1855 there were but 8!) cases on baud, and on the first day of the present year only CG. There are papers on filo which show that less thiiii fifty years since tlio annual income of the rjfticewns only vbout 1300. and that for the seven years previous to 1F2G the ag gregate amount secured was ubout $42,000, or an average of $G0OO per nnnum. These fact 8, taken in connexion with tho last of the above statements, will show with what a constantly accelerated rapidity tho march of invention has been progressing for tho last half century." The following in relation to the rights of inventors, will be read with interest: Tho question of patentability is often one of tho most deiicato nnd difficult that can ever arise before any tribunal. A resort to tho testimony or experts is frequently essen tial to a just and correct decision. The law now makes no prevision fur this or any other kind of testimony. No witness is obliged to appear or to give testimony, unless he docs no at his own option, and even if he swears falsely, there is no statute penulty. Without the means of proving the practi cal working of his machine, or without any other legal testimony, tlie inventor sometimes provides himself with u few certificates, or pxparte nGidavits. sometimes of doubtful au thenticity, and always regarded with bus picion, and presents himself before the ullii'e, IS rejected, appeals to the judge who has no adequate means of arriving at a correct conclusion and thus is frequently deprived of his rights without an opportunity "f es tablishing them in the manner guaranteed to ull other citizens. Nor ought it to bo supposed that these are tn. liters of trivial moment : at lenst they are not so to the individual most immediately in terested. To him the ofiVpring of his mental i-nergies arc something iimm tli.wi property; they are his children, for whom he has labored through much of the. fairest of life's tneri rlinn, and on whom he relies for consolation und support in the evening of its decline. That ho has now no sufiieient opportunity of establishing his rights befotp. u properly constituted tribunal is doubtless a grout du feet in the present system. Whether that def-ct shall be remedied, and, if so, in what maimer, will be fur Congress to determine. The above suggestions are not intended as proposing any definite plan for modifying the present laws, but meiely as presenting the difficulties experienced, und furnishing some liints which may serve as a basis fur future consideration bv the body to whom Uie mat ter is submitted. It is recommended that an Kxaminer-in-l.'liief be appointed, whose duly it shall be, to review the action of the present Exami ners, for the purpose of introiluciiig correc tions und uiiifurmit v of decision. f!i;r.AT Cattle. One if tie Largest St'trk Farmer in the Wort J. Vc copy tlm follow ing fiom a lato uumber of tho Albany K nick erboelter : 'Some of the finest cattle v;o ever saw were brought to this city last Saturday on the Central Railroad. Thero were 31 bead, with mi nveruiru weight of two tbonornt! four liundred pounds. Tin y .,!d for ten rents a pouud live weight, which h pqual to $240 s-ach. TheT wer? grown L-y IJ I". II irris. of Oliamrtigno. Ulinei.. who Ii.-i? ene hundred bead of tho sumo woigM i-t ill to bring to i"-irket. Mr. Ilerris is one of the large: t ti k farmnrs in l!m world. His furm con t-iins four thousand ncn ?. lie keeps usually about mo bend of cattle r.nd COO head of liorjs. About thefiriit cf May be turns the cattle on tho prairie, ri d they graze under the control of monnted 1 erdsirrn, who pen ihcm nt niu-ht. 15y t'.e fir.-t (.f uutiimn his herds, with ihe wi-o cf rich prairie, reach the climax of bovine perfection, nnd ii more attractive plsihl cannot bn found. Thron'h the winter t'u-e ii. tended for spring sale nre stall-led, r 'Vii'irg 100 btishela of com to feed a good ted ox. 1:1 the r of 1818-19 this gentleman stull-.Vd 9S2 rattle, ond honcht .'.O.oOO busbe'a r.f corn. Iii the year 1S:'3 Mr. Harris fed and sold n hun lred bead of beeves : their averaze weiffht wos l.OtiG pounds. These were t'.e extraordinary bl which took the premium ut the World's Fair at New York. The aver of cattle herds usually marketed will not exceed 1,300 pounds gross. Liqvor Riot j.v Imhaka. About tbree-foiirlh of the women of I'liiLCeton, Indi- r.nn. he'd a meeting on the '."1 J tilt., at whu b they resolved tliat no mwe liquor should be sold in that town. On the same day they iirmed themselves with uxes, hatchets, etc.", und in a body set to work to mob all ihe. li fiior shops and destroy all the liquor. The firt shop reached wus a place cul led "Uollaher's 1'inis.h," the burly prcpr'c , tor of which stood at Ids door, declaring thai be would sell whenever be pleased. He dis regarded the warning, whereupon the women broke into the shop with their axes, and do st royed bottles, kejs. barrels, jug, liquor and uii. The liquor dealer had fled tt the com mencement of tho work. The next place reached was a German shop known, n 'Union frauz's," where the proprietor a'o refused to pledge himself to sll no more. His Uer was speedily emptied into tho gutter. A number of other shops were then vif-itcd, the liquor frrctted out and destroyed, and only ouo vender escaped. This was n man named Kolb, who hud alwavs borne) a very high character among l.U neighbor.-!, as a man who conducted the business iu the best possible manner. He gave the required plcdgo to ll no more, aiicl Ins liquor was spared. The newspupers of that locality publish ap provingly long accounts of these, jocctd tugs. Calikokxia QtTCKsii.vKit Mink. Tha Uni ted htotes District Court ill Northern Cull. forniu hat giveu a decision in fuvor of Robert I. ulkcr. cx-sccreturv of the Treasury. Commodore Stockton and others awarding to them the possession of the grout Altnadon quicksilver mine at Santa Clara. The ex ports of this vuluuMe from California are ull from this mine. Tho tinaulity expor ted in lB.r4 wag 1. 316,634 ponuds, value ; and in ISjS, 1,9S1,24'Z pounds, val ne g'J'.l.),6'jl. Tlio exports are principally to Mexico, Chili an. I l'ern, where the metal ia wanted to woi kin silver mhief. many of which liud flopped for want of ipuicksilrcr previous ... ..h. Wl Vtll illil UiU JUO v ri.alhiiig exports were to EtiglaiiU and Am lrui.u. Impbovemext in go!. Thewiff at) Amer jean agriculturalist ras Deen experiiner.tiiig in soaps, and linds that the addition of three quarters of a pound of borax to a pound uf soap, mciieu wunoni DcuiBg, makes a raving f one-half in the cost of seup, and of three. fourths the latior or v.aliiiig. improves the whiteness of the fabric, besides the usual caustic tjfluct U thus removed, and the bands ar loft with a peculiar soft and silky feeling, icovid? nciuirg moro to ue neureu Ly tbc juet auibilKU ar.Uerv.(jiueii. Now Advertisements. istotice 18 hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Trevorton and Susquehan na Radioed Company will he held upon theSHIh day of April, 1868, st o'clock, 1. M., at the Gi'rard House in the city of Philadelphia. This meeting is called in pursiiancc of an act approved March 24, 1S56, entitled "an act to authorize the consolidation of tlie Trovoiton and funpie fianna Railroad Company, and thcMahnnoy and Shtimokin Improvement Company, ami to take into consideration the agreement entered into between tho Director of said Companies, provi dingff the terms, manner and conditions of said consolidation, and the mod of carrying Ike same into effect. Uy order of the Board of Managers of the Pre- Torlon Slid Susquehanna Hmlroail iempatiy. F. 1,. JOHNSON, Soc'ry. riiils., March 5, 1856. 4 1. NOTICE S hrrrby given that a special meeting of the stcckholdrrs of ihe Mahanor and fthamokin 'mprovemcnl Company will be held noon the 38lli day ol April, 1856, at IS o'rlork, M., at the Girard Home, in the city of Philadelphia. This meeting is called ill pursuance of an ail approved March SI, 1856, entitled ''an act to authorize the consolidation of the Trevorton and Susque hanna Railroad Company and the Mahanoy and Shamokin Improvement Company," and to take into considuration the agreement entered inro between the Director of said Companies, provi ding for the terms, manner and condition of said consolidation, and the mode of carry iug the same into effect. liy Older of the beard rf Directors of tho Mull anoy and cjhunekin Improvement Company. F. I.. JOHNSON, i-ce'ry. Phila., April 6, ISG6. 4t. 1S5C. SriUXG MANTILLA SlSiiG. At Wholesale and He tail GEOROS 33TJ-r3?ir-T Sc CO. No. 174 t'hesnut Street, Philadelphia. L connection uit't George Ilulpin, .Yo 361 Broadway, jYeir York: Are now prepared to supply the Trade fjSm cvety section ol trie I nr. li, witti llieir Impqryie lions uml Manufacturer for the coining so;iS6v compiling nil uie newest iei igns, Horn line Dollar to the moat costly garments manufac tured. Mar, hunt will find it much to their advantage It examine our stock previous to purchasing. CUvn 1) uyers, purchasing for CbsIi or Short Credit, will receive a lihrrnl discount. geo. bulpin co., 184 Cbesnut street, Philnd'a., Between Seventh A Eighth sts. April 5, IS.'iO. in w " WII1TE IlORSli HOTEL. FOTTSVILLE. PA. r"IHE subscriber respectfully to his ulilfuends mid the public, thai be ban taken that old end well known establishment, tho Whito ITorso Hotel. it the corner of Centre and Mahantogo sis., in the Borough of I'oltsville. Tho house has re cently been very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering it quite as coiufoi table as any othir Hotel in .Silmylkill county while the stables are large, in good condition, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and others who may stop at his house, be promises every attention calculated to render them comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FEGER. April i, IBS'-.- If SLI1TD3 i-lTD SKA -3 CP at nnui ci;d pkices. 23. J. WILLIAMS, No. 12 North Sixth St., Pl.iladeiptiia. llriginator of nil new stvles f VliNlvTIAN I'.l.l.N D., llordered and Painted .luides, nl beautiful dcsi;iis. Hull', and ail other colors nf llolUnd, used for Miade.-i, i ixtures, I'riiiiiiiiuss. 4 c, &c. STOJlli Sit Aprs TAINTED TO OK DEP.. U. J. W. thanUul fur palroriiipf, re.;; ci l fully tolici'.s tho citizms ol Ni rll.uin' efiui.d County to call and examine his 1-irje as.tort.iieul before purehisir,) eUew'.iero. WBbl'UtV TO FLEASU. April 5, 1S0C. Uiii c JFOJ?, SALE 1 T 1WO liOP.SLss tln-ap for cash. Ap lv J. U. MAN.-U.. Mar.h S9, IBtO. 1 ACKKRFL. A'CObH.-iiI, SALMON, HEU KINO, PORK. 11 A MS AND MUC?, iHUT.Lil-liS, I. A HO & CHI'.ESF, Conslai.tlv on hand am) f.,r falc l.y J. PALM Kit i CO., Mattel Street Whuf, l'alLAUCLilllA. Wure'rtSP, 1656 3rn w II. V. rLSSF.I.I., Umbrella and 1'arasol Munufaclurer, Nu. 3 North Fourth St., N. W. Cor. of Market, PHILADELPHIA, Has now on hand an extensive ttso-ortmrnt of the neweiil and mot dcsiial !e kinds, including i monv NKW S-sTYLKS ict heretofore to be had in this market. An rxaniination uf our stock is licited before piirchainR elsewhere. ISj?' i'rires as low as any house in the city. March 59, lt50.--4vvc T r " riIi 1. suherilier is slid eufaijed in the manit-- faclnrioy of sunerior Machine 1'ants ft.r Cotton and V. nolVu Factories. The liet itiiablv cf Leather nnd Wiie utcj in mnkinir the ulove, and alter an experience of t'.vciiK-l'nc years, is prepared to warrant them nj'iil to any niade in this country. I am also inakii'f superior I.eaiher liautis, cemented anil copper nviled, tlm stictrli taken out by pnvrerful machinery, Elevator Mrapsfor Crist Mills also. Leather Hose, of superior quality, made as ouovif. JUH. H. HASritl.l., Ko. U3 South I'ulaw Street, Laltiuioro, Md. March 59. l50.-5m. FIUKND-H' CENTHAL DUV GOOD STOKE, H. E. Corner Kighth & Arch Streets, rillLADEI.riU.V. flIIE aubscribei havinir made very important JL addition tolas establishment, by connecting the first floor ol In Did Store Willi thai of the beautiful tour story building adjoining known a IliUWOM IUlu, (surmounted with a hih Cupola, invites his Old Customer and Friond-t to an examination of aa Entirely New S'ock of FANCY AND STAPLE UltV GOODS. selected ejpicly in inference to the present opening. The aisortmrnt comprises: beasonable Dress Materials, of new and ele gant kind,- l'laid India k Clack Silks, Shawls, of all kinds. Hosiery, Gloves & Mitts, F.inhroiderie & Linen Cambrick ITandkerc'fa, rurnuhiiiB Good of all kinds. Irish Linens, Flannels, Moreens, Ac., to which are added New Goads dailv, of choice descrip tions. CHAliLEii ADAMS. r. 8. Persons wishing a eplendind view of the City and Vieiuitv, can ascend the Cupola, by a private Stairway which will be found well worth a visit. March S9, 1856. Sm w CFDAR'FLHS, Horse Buckets, Painted Buck eta. laat Tenderers. Corn Broom. Ba keU, Children's Wsions. and Yillkss Clocks i ust received and lor sale ly My VB, 1813. I. W. TENER 4 The best collection of. Gitet erer Published. TIP-TOP GLEE Si CHORUS BOOK. A new and ehnles eotlectim of CopyrrlrMa never befors harmonised, and mrtny nf I ha r7ems of modern German Italvm Composers, Arrnnced in familiar style, end adapted to the use of (Jloe Clubs, Singing Classes, and Ihe 1'amily Circle, DvC. J AK VIS and J. A. CETZC. This work contains a creat number of new and favorite Konirs, harmonized in a style ailapted lo pencral purposes, while many of the (Iein of .Mendelssohn. Aht. Kuehrn. and other celebrated r ompnsers, arc presented in an Original tnrin. The crent variciy of musical compositions here introduce.!, eminently adapts it tn the taste and capacity ol Ihe Sinking School, the dec Club, and the Tamily Circle. nrPRlCK ONI-. DOLLAR. .f l Just published hy I.K1C ft WAI.KKR, No. 1fJ9 Chesnut Street, and J. It. MPPINCMTT i CO.. .N'o. iO North Fourth St., l'hihulelphi.i. IIST Snmj le copies will be sent by mail, fiee of postace, on rereipt of $t. March SS, lt?50. 4 m 14 UOTICE1 OTICK is herely gien that I am not a ' member of any partnership in the firm name of Massrr eV ISoweu, nor in Ihe name of II. moo & Masser. and that I will not be responsible for any acts of eilherof said firms, nor pay any en gagements entered into by any other person in either of the names aforesaid. JOHN BOWEN. fiunUury, March 22. 18.13. 1SS8. STRING STOCK OF NEW GOODS. Fashionable Silks, full line of block .Silks new stylo spring .Shawls, dress poods do.. Linens of strong fabric. Muslins of best long cloths, staple housekeeping goods, Mens weal ed' ull the new stvles. EY HE & I.ANPEI.I.. 4th and Arch Street!'. l"iill(U tlii:l. V. K. Storekeepers, Families and nil Good Nelt f.'ush Mayors are respect Cully invi ted to examine this stock of New (jooda be fore purchasing, as we prefer selling low, and selling the inure goods. Storekeepers ii'.nv often f,nd great iobs from Auction, as we ni tend the Auction sales of New York und l'hiludidphiu. I'hila.. March 8, l.oii ;!:n. w lHE subscriber respectfully in'orins ihe rili-M- zens of Suiibury and the public ceuerally. that he has cummeuced tho manufacture of all kinds f EARTHENWARE, at hi manufactory in Whortleberry Ptrcet.ene square east of the Kiver. has enlaced the serviees of Mr. Haiii'. and you run therefore depend on bin in? n pood article. The puh.if are respectfully invited to call. All orders from a doiluiK'6 will be promptly attended to. p. m.shindi:l. Snnbury, Tcb. 2. 1SS6. If TO RETTT. A STORE KOOM on Market Square in Sui - bury, and two rooms ailjoii inrr. CHAKI.1IS rLEASANTS. January 2fi, ISfiS. tf ZPA."5tT TJjP. I.I. persons indebted to the firm cf Frilinir &. (irant, or. Note, Hook account or otherwise are respec'.fiillv reqvHbtcd lo come forward and pny up between this and the fort of April us they wish to go to the city L lav in their S prinrr sup plies. riifLINU & GRANT, eiunhurv, March 15, IKoO. tf LI. persons l.rinwing themselves indelited to rn tlie suurritlicrs, ni now or noon acrouiit, nre res)ieelfuily invited tn call and pav the same un or Ufnre the 10th of April next, as we must have money to luiy our lprinj and rturuuicr auplv of goids. J. F. & I. F. KLINE. Kline Ornva. Pn., March l - .0 tf BOOKS! BOOKS! ! "walk this way for Bargains- S jp KINU dci-ir-tw uf dit. i f in v entire tgjl i.tiM:k (.f Iiou'.isail'l M::!iomTy, i'nnipil.;l,i;; s.'ii.e !i0,(,L0 Vnliuiies of Law, .M.'ilic.u, l:.-li-Ri.ius Scieutifie, IJInnk, Musical, Kclioul und MittcellanenuH Ilouks. Alu', It'll Kcaiiis of letter paper and a lot of wall paper, sk-el pens, walern, Vc. I will dipi :i' nf thcwlinle slo'k at puhlic fale snlc at rnv Ftorr, n; pn-iie the C iurt Lijii'e, coimnencin? en Mon-lay tlie "Hi day of Apiil. IS;i3 nt 1 o'clock, P M., nnd ciiiilniniiii:, rurv atterr.oun ai.d itv.:ifij; uriil the whole Ioc:l is sold. WM. M. C AHTV. Per JOS. 11. McCAKTY. Sunhury, Marcli 15, 1S3. tf AIITETS AXE OIL CI.OTEIf, At Eldridga's Cheap Wurchouse. The subscriber, bein in a bye street, is under VfTV low rent and licht opeiisrs. which enable binitosell at the VT.UV l.tlWUM' 7M5ICKS. Merchants vUiting 7'hiladclphia, ainl nisiiiuj; lo buy Carpets, till I li lhs, Xi attins. tic, will do well to call and examine liw tilock nf Beautiful Imperial 3-plv, Superfine, 5 Finn nnd Medium Ingrain, and Carpels. Venetian of nil kinds, ) And OIL CLOTHS cf ull widths in great variety. Also, MATTINGS of every kind nnd various widths, together with a general assortment of low-priced Ingrain Carpets, nud Entry and Stair t'urpets, Ileaith-Kiigs, Dnor-Mats, 1 able. Covers, Floor Cljlhs, Kag Carpets. Colton Cm pels, &e. II. II. ELDKIDGE. No. A 1 Strawberry Sire, t, One door above Chtvuut. near Second St. March 15, IN5C S.r.c FhiLidelphia. Now "Wkolesalo Drus Et' r3. I-T. EPENCEB TXIOiVEulVS. No. 26 South, Second Street, Philadelphia. 1MFOKTEH, Manufacturer and Dealer, in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Acids, Dye stud's. Faints, Oils, Colors, While Lead, French and American White Zii.'c. Window Glass, Glisswarea, Varn'uber, Brushes. Ii.slrumcr.ts, CroundSpiecs, Whole Spices, and nil other nr liclcs usually kept by Driiu"4ists. including Bo rax. Indigo, Glue, Shellac, 1'otarh, Ac., e. All orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Country ,M erchauts are inviled to call and Hxamine our stuck before purchasing elsewhere. Coods.scnt to any of tho Wharves or K iilioud stations. I'rices low and goods warranted. March 8, 1856 ly FOR LEASE. "rF.IN.S No, 3 and 4, seventeen and thirteen ' feet in thickness of pure White Ash Coul, on the Green Kidge estate at Ml. Carmel, both Veins driven tr marketable cod. For further particular enquire of Chaa. W. Churchman, Philadelphia, P. W. Sheotler, i'nttsviire, or of JOSEPH S. DIXON. Sup't. Mt. Carmel. Northumberland Co., Pa. March 15, 1850 6w VAXit:i. IMMEDIATELY three Industrious Girl to learn the Millnery businoes. Emjuire at the Millner Store of M. L. GCSSLElt. 8unbury, February 23, 1856. if ATTORNEY AT LAW, 6 UN BURY, PA., Aided by some eight vears experience in tha lraclice of the Law, will attend with fidelity to all matter appertaining to or within the line of bn profession. Unic witu l-Buriai f. uruuer, Eso,., Market street. riuiihury, Pepl. 15, Jf S. tf MTT IS nUlSOI TOGETIlF.n. IIOLLOyAY'S PILLS. WHY ARE WE SICK? tt dsn bsen tliclot of the human raca to be weirlind d.iwn Uy dn.-nio smt siuTurhig. IIOI.1.0WA Y'8 I'li.U) nre spreially adneled In the relief of the WF.AK, tlm NEIlVoirs. the tiKI.ICATE. and the INFlK.M.oi all ehmrs. aii s, sexes, and constitutions. FmfrMor Hollo way periM:ii!y sapvrinteiKls ihe msuafnctMis nf his med ici... m in ihr. Cnttt-d titles, and olTtrs Ihem to a free sud enhvhteniiJ iiropte, ns ihe hesl itrutdy lbs Work vver saw for tlie lemovul of disease. THESE riLI.S PUmFY THE BLOOD. 'i'hene finn"un li Id ure eJtnrfMly ctmibmed lo opirate on the toitiiirli, ihr. Uvepr, Ihe kitlneyn, Um lui'tft, thf nkin ud (lie i"w:ia, CfTrrliiii( nny ilrrmifffmput inlhtir fniir Iim, pntiiyiiiK tit-hl-nrtl, the very IuuuUui of In a, and thus curing iiiiene in all imformi. DYSTEI'SIA & LIVER COMPLAINT Nenrly htlf the humnii iw hnve tnken llmitc Tilli, I mfi been proved in ull p'lrln cf the wnrid, t U:it Muthiiitr Ims hi-i'ii i'uuiiiI rqtuil to lliprn In tviseii f tlitorderg (f the liver, (tyi'tpsi!), hik) 6tininclt ccniuisjintu jjonunilty. 'i'hrv mil iiive a hrnllliy tniic to liime rRuui, however niucii, und when ull oilier mcaiia imvo failed. GENERAL DEJILI'lV, ILL HEALTH. Many nf the most despotic Government hnr ope.n.(J llicir Custom llounea to the tntrHluctiy W Uipi piiln. tn tt t hr-y nmy Im-i-tup the rnediciiie of to mtiwi. JUeam ed Culk-gts ndimt lliMt this tiitiluinp ii the hut mimOy t-vor kn wo for inns of tlclicule betilih, or where the nyotcin hrts been impinrcd, nulla iirvigotuling pp.porlit never fail to uilrd rulicf. FEMALE COM PL A IS TS. No femnle, or nM, iiiould he without thin pel? bnU'-d iiHdieinc. It coirwta nnd rt'gultMcs the niMjiUiJy r-DiirHfN ni nil pi-rinds, nt'lhiir in mnny t-:inpa lilte n clmrm. It isnlfl Uie l'it and tnhfst iiifditMijrj that run be itivni lo ('liil.liru t.f ull iiRffl. and for nny cuinpluint ; CtJiiKemir.ntiy no tumily Bhouid be wiihout it. five the best vewty known tn the world for the following tlhenaes Aftlmin. Fi-vtT nud A pit? Slnne atnl Gravel 1 it rm..t f7u,.,ui., .., !..:.,, . j ... C-muha H.-.i.;:,i-h.'a Inward wViii,, 1 ImllkM-rtl 'ti Jnt!iM'h.t:i iMtl'iinniitJiti Venereal AlT-c'iiii. W.'iiiiS, 1 't'.ill l.iver C 'lip.hiinia lwuffBul JSpiriia ("hfnt Dinrnara ("tiveiiesa l ariepein Ui.iri.fu riica Dropsy ' Sold nt tlie Trinndir torlcs of I'roffaarr Ilnr.r twa? 80 Mnitleit 1-iinr. New ork. hikI !iI4 Stnmd. I ,.itul n, by ud ri."i,fftftiife Imttifiiata t'd PcalcrH in .Medicine thnnnr-h. out l.'niicil Slatt-v, ami Ihe eivilizcd woild, in buxr.i, ut 9.1 rc-iiei. O.'j renia, and l cnoh. t'" Taoreiau coiuidei ub!e anving by t&kiiifj the larger ,. B Dircctlnna for the pnidnnce of patients in every diinl-r lire aiT;x-d t each bux. .Mii'i h iM, iboO Ivra "AID AND COMFORT." '; o Your i)n Hvvh:nlc. Wilkinson h Renn, Kcsprctfully annorjiice that they hate taken the "hind lilt" ly occupied liy (ieorge Penn, where thev arc prepared to manufacture nil kind? bf FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Gf the most Fashionable Style. rPIliN Hiihcriliers resiectfnl!y call the attntioi -1 ofthepuhlic to their liri;e and splendid as sortment of every quality and price f ( m wliich car.not full to recommend itself toevery one who will examine it, on account of ils durahle workmanship nud splendid linish, uiadn up of the hest stock to be had in the city. No e.'liirt is spared in the manufacture of their ware, nnd tlie siihserihers are determined la keep up with the ninny improvements which nre constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany .Solas, IHvnii ntul Loniiro Bureaus, Sacretries, EidehoarJs, SIH'M, BREAKFAST AS8 D!M.G TABLB and uUo VENETIAN U LI ND8, equal to Phi'a- dclphia liiunufactarc. DEDsTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WOKK AND CANDLE STANDS. TOILET TABLKS AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of their business. They alo manufacture all kinds ami qualities CHAINS. ncludin;; varieties never before to be bad k Snnhiirv, sucli as .Maihmiam, Ultra: Wiljct ! n Ci ii i.t M h.e ( .v ; y Wivnsoa I C II A I Ks, ami FANCt 1'iao TOni.s, which are of the latent styles, and warranted to bo excelled I by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere, j The stihsciihers ore determined that there shall j he no excise for persons to purchus-e furniture in the cities, a every confidence can be entertained iiii.nit Ihe quality and I'.uUii of their ware and ; Ch.'ir.. j Their nrliclcs will he disposed cf on as pood , tcrrri a" ihey can he purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment lor vork. 'W I'N DEItTAKIXl!. Having p-ovided thcmcelvcs with a haudsnmc Utilise, they are now prepared l udeitukini;. and atlendin fu nerals, ill litis vicinity, or ui uuy voiivciiteul dis tance frnin this place. Cc'" The ;ue Koom is in Fawn Street, be low 'cacr's Hotel. WILKINSON A: RENN. P'lPhury, March S, ltliiC tf. KEYSTONE MARBLE WORK Market Strccr, west of Twentieth, F1IILADELPHIA. P. F. JACOBY & CO., M PORTEKS of and dealers in the vinous oreh;n ond Domestic Marbles, Statuary. A t,, have const, ititly on hand a lame and select as sortment of Mantles, Tombs. Monument, Tat le Taps. Ve., of every des.?iiption, not excelled by an in tho city for beauty, symmetry and finish. Cabinet Makers, Plumbers and Marble ('ut ters, fuiiiidicd at Ihe shortest notice, with Mar ble nf every description and paltem, whether Foreign or Domestic, either finished in the Slab or Block, on the must reasonable terms. We rispecirully invite attention to our stock en bund. March 1, 1S.1C 3m c Mirnriiv l koons wiun.i'.fAi.K in S'isja t iikuku &, t'fturistftAs, No. 47 Noith WItAltVES, below Bace StieeU, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand a lart;e assortment of FISH, CHEESE & PKOVIMON'S, wlii.'lj they ure piepared o dispose of at the lowest Market rates. Orders promptly executed. March 1, 1S5C Bin w New Wall Paper Warehouea. 33UHTON &i LANING, Manufactures and Importers, No. 12-1 Arch Street, second door above sixth, Philadelphia. WIlEItU may be found the largest and hand somest assortment ill the City. Purchaser from the country will find it to their udiaulage to call at our. store, where they w ill be suited with a su.Kr article, at the lowest prices. BURTON .V LA NINO. No. l'.l Arch Street, above Sixth, Phila. February 23, 11C Sin Cliestp Fruit and Confectionary. ItrniCAM &. SEI-LiUUS, Wholesale Manufactures and Dealers in Confec tionary of all Kinds, No. 113 North Third Street, below Race, Philadelphia. IHE attention of dealers i requested loan examination of their stock, w hich will be found equal to any in this' city. Foreign Fiuit of all kind in season. N. B. Orders by Mail or otherwise promptly attended to. February 23, J85 Sine IFOR SALE, Second hand BUGGY cheap. Apply to CHARLES' PLEASANT. 8unbury, March I, r8"6.- 41 nUSBAND'8 Magnesia for ale by Ma 19. VKISER fit BRUNEI? OOTS, Shoes. Hat. Caps and Cum Shoe, just teemed and for sal br Dcf. V 1854. TEr.B r Nurserymen, Trait Growers and Farmers ! NKW YORK HOHTICu17t"raLIRKV1EW : A Journal of Suburban Art Superbly and Profuly Illustrated.--Devoted to the Advancement of tthe Rural Interetti in America. Thift tRotifi of the targe aiul nrntt elitbonitt woriao the kind in the world. RuibI Architecture forma one of tha principal feflturea F.arh number coiitaum fmm two tn four etioviiiga of model cottiiges from duaigna by eminent fti.d akilllul ar chi:etta bpuce ie alsj nai(ntd to the tint el h I art of I Jind.ape Oardcmng iijrravel pbina of garde na in avcrv t)letand ad n pled to the peeuharitiea of ditTerojit ordeia of nrt-iiiiM-iure, bettulify th work. Eugiavitiirt of new fruitH, nw flowera.titw vrpetnb.wr, Ac . tne itluAtrated and dew h bed tia iwn their reiprctiva qnalitira vun be determined, t'nrmii.R tlie moat complete and eU-gnnt Alamml of Hum I Hushandry ever altempttd. An experienced cor pa of practical writ em, aeveA in number, ure enM-d to fill iti columna. It contatua acvtniy tupe phgt:a, and ia printed oo the fincat pwirl-antfareil pujri.r. inimtnituredexpTC8aty. Tkrm Sa pur annum, paynble invHriubly in atlvanc. Fifty ciiia roininisai'iit on en eh aulrtrriber allowed to thua who net aa agenta. 1.000 will ! liatril.ulii at the end of the year urn-nig thote whoaend n a the twenty hirget-t lista of aul(cril)ra. Thcae f rrmiutua will lie paid in caah '11 1 a Brat pietniain will he $St)0. The follnwinp ni nrtcnlA fmin hundreda of aimilur notirea, voluntary contributed I7 cimtcuipoiunecua publi catioua The Iloftioultnml Review dBTTVea th moat liberal pa tronnpe. It ia nt only eminently prnrixn), bnl ia written in a atyle that ft on la the brut tifv-rla of the kite A. J. LVIH2 KKlCrLKHdiChER. Tho most clrrrjuit und 11 iff 111 iKHik of the kind that Iiai ever come iiiidet our obcervntion. HkuMTER. Mr. Renftlca, the Kditnr of the Unrticulturul 1ivirw, i a piat-ticiil putut-Lifjis, niul one of the ftucat a'-ln hrj uir country Ixutat a of. Hf piianr-nar-a tlie ulowina dcarriptivc Kwr5 u,f l,icktiia. the cU-ftnt g 'tfcip of Vnlnh?, fun tned Willi n thorough kuowlide oi rural art. hi i s TiiiBtNi:. Karnirra buy it for yrmt a ni buy It for your rliiuclitcra It ia a rich tnt' lleclunl ttent ; n rare rr.nibuiatii'H ut the beautiful in d the usrful. Anot -., N. Y. W e had ttiontrht in I) wimijji'a defitli, the el'tqunt ndvoiMte ( tnio'iime- I'hnd In ci-me on') a cheiishiV rennsi.!raii" : but m Mr. H-akflawe di-iVLi Huen ihliy rich tin tie of iii-Mial wejl'h. tlint betaken jnfljeuca uf tlie apirit that in g-'iic ,MMCuik Tkip.i A lvertiwra will fn"l thia nn ninnraaetj mMium of I ii'iiri( v. in IIIV 1 1 "1 I If, II II II 1 .11 IVt : If." W Mi" "'ir r a f II aivilv in every MtHe in the I'nion. AdverUatimeuta in. aeru-dut the mtc of 310 per page. WOOD rJKORAVXI70- Tiior leoiiiririr W-vid Kntrntvtng, can hnve their orflcra I'X'cutrd in r.n imriVilWI ininnet. Sptvinl attention ia trivtu to vii wj of AMMALS; nn cxiietinicid KngliRh Lni','triitMiiiin i fnt;: ifi'd f.r thia ejtprrra urpote. "I'er wna itviMir at dinViiice can forward a dnpin-rotype of the o.;ci't fbv rnnitl tbev wiili cnpnivf.d, which will be a p'i.Ik i.'iit ciiite In f'lj'Min 11 ptrt''t f.te piinijC. Stock Ur-' w : 1 1 flrult witti very lerius. i'tlin..iry It, Hi 0:in TAME McCLlKTOCK, M. D., Lato . iiuurrKom ... a ............ b...i tt.. ........ ... i m di.i ...'A. ....W,. ... nil'.l !... B.... . .J . Il.B ,11.1 tu!el;:n Colltye cf Meilieine. und Aetna; tiitless'.r til .Miilwifrrv ; one of llie ttil.nlltirc rtiysieini cf III- I'liil navljitna 1. spitni, bli'culey; line m-inlier a" lite Natcuiul Mciitxil .iis.iciutitni ; metiil.rr of tins lMnlinMpliai Medi cal S.wiely ; mt' if Hie MiMiej-ChnurC'cHl Cnlkge nf lMiil:iilelthia ; formerly I'remtle'iL uiul Prot'essr if nat miy a. in Sunr.-ry in CantU't u M-'licil C-'lIcp", Ver muiil ; nnd n!so, lut.; I'ml't's'-r of Aiiuti'iny inul lhvsi.?. ecy in Ikrlirltire .Mcilicul iiistitu'.iuii, Pul.f.ctJ. aluss., He. Ac, i.e. this lalciy iiitrr.thiced in a p"pu'.t!r f'rm a-vrral ' f Ics facorits p.'.'ecrtMti"HS lor the pnncipnl li-:i(. of lloh clonule. Tlio n.ime of cncli nrtic will iiilply l!ic tlmca.e for wll!-!l it IS inleii' to lj Tit M. l'I.IN fOCK-rj t'KC IOKALSVUrr VrieeSI till. McCI.IN I'OLK'rt t;ol.l) AND OCH GII .Ml. Tt,'ll". I'or i: .!.!. Coefflis. ,vr I'M fB els lilt. McCI.IMOlK'S ASTHMA AND HOOriNO C'U lilt ItlvMKDV. l uce .''I i ls. Ir. Mcfl.l.TifK'i TOXIC AT.Trn.NATIVH SVKi:i' l or Purify iii I'a- l;.-J. True St. I'll. MoCI.I.STOL'K S DVr'I'lUM tt.' KI.IXIFl For pivu i; tune lo Ih.r hl-.licti-h rellevniC p.ons lcli-r 111111, h'.iLti!irn, tin. I nil (LsiigifiaLit: sniiituiiis niising fioin III 'tfrM'i'-n 1'riff. ?1 . lilt. Mi Ot.lNT'li K H nitllt'M AT1C MIXTI'RK A I Pnr-ly Vt'Cflr.l''i' item'lv li.r liilTCfl ticc. I'n.-f M' e's. McL'I.INTUl'K-S KHI'.l'.M A TIC l-l.N IMMK.Vi- Vor tthuutllatiaia, Sprains, r-welhnirs, &.C t u. l'xice AO rnti. Dlt. McCI.INToCK'S ANOI1VM-. MIXTl'Itr--F..i Pains, 'I'o'Jtlnn'he, IU-ucflelie, .Neuralgiu, A.C. .c. Prii-e SU till. PK. Meri.lXTOCK'S ritVlilt AND ARVK. PPi:. CIIMI' A r-rt.ri en- tor nil I'ltrrMCUea'. Vri 1 . IUI McL'l.lN TUCK'S i'lAKItlUKA COHIHAI. AND CIK ll.KH A PHK.VI'.NT! Vi: s.,l r-i:,.s v. IMt. MeCI.IN TOC'ICS Vi:iKTAm.K PI KIiATIVh Pit. t.f K"i l'-riviun, ilc.i.laSie. Ac. Pru-e .'lets. I'll. .M.ri.lNTOCh S AN Illlll.liil'.-s I'll.l.SlM.r Irri jnlarily in tiii Knncrii'lis laver sail lioweis Ihe hear l.icer Piil r & ets. tt U.x For x:f by Dr. I. .M.-CI.IJJCK. si Lis Me.tlent Pe pot, V comer iniitii incl Pi'Iii.rt its. Pliilnilelplna. nml at a!l Drnuitintii ntul Di's'.er-in AIiHiriios. All Urugpiils ami Ilea! in M.-tlicins w!c wish lo lie. sgentB, will plfMAp Bflrtdres Hr. r.'C!iatoeli, rnriiikliusz reference, rniiiie of Po.t-OiT;i'e, r'tnnre aivl l"5 For Sle liv UVi-T .V Rrmi'T, Snnlisrv am! r-hs-in' kia; Win. Weonirr. Norttiuinlirlan,1 ; C. Urown, Mil Ion ; K. P. l.ut a. Hlootnhiirr ; .li-nlk llnrris, linckhorii : ;o!m Va.ilecio, l.igiit b.rect ; I &iiar!cs Jr. Son, Cala- Kitbnisry 0, lfi-IG t a. Premium Improved ! SUPER PIIOSrilATE OF LIME. THE OM.YSlI.VKIt MRDAL. Yet awarded 1 y Acricultnral Socict'e was siven to this Superior Article, at tlie lat I'ennsj Ivania State Fair, at Harris!. nru. as a fertilizer of the best qunlilv lor Wheat, Corn, Oats, Grass and Potatoes. liaising heavy crops, and greatly im proving the anil. The mbsrriber respectfully informs fanners and dealers that he is prepared to supplv Ihe Spring demand nt the old price. Agents wanted a uu-iai dis count allowed. AI.sO.-No I I'cruw .n nnd .v.ew.-a:. t.uano. tt 1 I I 111 III. I ' II.... -ouoicuc ami i.n.... v ui.ui.i., oap, cVe., of the best quality, at iowc.t market rates. JNO. L. FOMi.ROY, ! 9 niuf 10 Suu.h H'.nn.f , l,t l0ia MariM Street ! I'KII.AUlil.l'HI.v. ! Farmers can load en two private alleys, and evnij the crowded Wharf. March 8. IRSC -3:nc. IVuiiij Ivisn2:i Mire ori. No. 5tJ Arch street It-twzeii Second and Third, (Opposite Broad fc'tnel.) PaHILAEELlrHIA, Sierrs, JH'ltltt, Screens, 1! otri 1 1 "t'r tf wl rushes and u idth.i. i i'i o'l ki:.ds of plain and fancy Wire ll'irA Heavy twilled Wire for Spark ("atchers; Coal. S.ind nnd Gravel Screens; Paper Ma'.er's Wire; Cylinder and Dandy Hulls entered iu the best manner; Wire and Wire Fencing. A verv superior article of HEAVY FOUN DERS SIEVES. All kinds of Iron Wire and Sieve. DAYLISS. DARBY & LINN. Phila., March S, 1R5C time I'L.-lTE'Oie.H H'AUIS F every description, suitable for Rail Roads. rVc, for weighing Hsv, Coal, Ore and Merchaiuli-e generally. Pun Lasers run no risk, every ( 'i'e is Guaranteed Correct, and if, slier trial, not found satisfactory, cm be returned without el,aib'e. IV Factory at the Old Stand, established for more t'.an twenty years, corner ol .NINTH and Melon fcliects, Pliiladcluhia. ABEuTT At CO. March I, 1 8.' 6. 3m c TO BUILDERS AND 0THER3. TrANTED. to establish an Agency for the " " (ale of Wood Mouldings, of which there are from If CO lo ii'OO worth used in every house that is built. Our advantages, in the use of a Machine that will work a whole board into moulding at one operation, and the large a mount cf capital employed by Ihe Company, enable us tn give a liberal commission. Pattern book furnished, containing '.ioU patlcn. Address J. D. DALE, Willow ntreet, above Twelltli, Phihdclphia, Pa. January 19, 1856, out e NORCROSS" ROTARY PLAKISO MACHINES. T NTED To sell the Right and Machines for a Rotary Planing, Tonguing and Grooving Machine, for board and plank, under the Nocross Patent. Also, the attachment of the Moulding Machine, which will work a whole board into mouldings at one operation. This patent has been tried, and decided in Ihe Su preme Court in Washington, to be no infringe ment, being superior to Woodsworth's Machine. Apply to J. D. DALE, Willow Street, above Twelfth, Philadelphia, where tin Machines can be seen iu operation. January 111, 1856. 3in e NOTICE. All persons knowing thomselves indebted to Ira T. Clement, on Book account, note or other wise, are requested to call end pay up without delay, otherwise their sleeourrU will be placed In the hands of c inslgietrate far eetlectinni KoatKi.', Km. 17 Iri.Vl If REMOVAL. CHAHLT53 MAGAHOE , CO. IIAVl.NO REMOVED FROM NO. M COMMERCES!1. To Tat Svuth-West cor. of Sixth and Curpinter Sts. 1'IILADKLAUtPI, CEO lo call Ihe attention of Purrnaneiri lu their extensive assoilinent of l'sjier, and Pajier Makers' Materials ; Triming Tapcra for Dook and New. Water leaf, aized, uncalien derod and eallendered, of all qualities and pricer, slwsys on harrd : llardwnro end Manilla Papers, Trunk Boards, Uimlers' Board), Ilanginl'aiiors Ac., Ire. l'artiiular attention ia invited to ttvsir eiten sire axsortment nf LLDOEU PAPER3, ... From the most Celebrated Manufactories in fhe Country. Among Oitir WRITING PAPER STOCK La found Com. Note, Folio Post Atlantic Note, Thin Medium, BaMrPost, Demy, Quarto Post, Medium, i'liol's Cap, Royal, rt'H Cr, s, 1, Knvel. Inipenal. Plato Papers, of every description, iio and quality. Map Topers, in grout variety. Kn xelopo Pnpers, white, hulV, and poid, either laid or wove. Colored Papers, fine uhucd, and other varieties. Manufacturers nro invited to e.jair.ine their Ktiii:k oTIiags, foreign and Lloiiieslic, Ulcn'h ing Powders, of approved brands: Alum, ground or crude; Sal tioiln, od Ash Flt''nas Wire (.Mollis, Ultramarine, nnd Paper Makers' Mate rials seix-rally. Ity Tliry are also prepared to tako orders ol odd hi7,e ami weijlila of any ol the aiiuve descrip tion of Papers. January 2G, 1R6 61110 Fashion ublo Hals and Capii. ASHEY & RCCAP, Ko. 1 30 Muriel St., rilllADELFIIXA. ffNFORM their friendn und the public generally, that thry continue to keep at their old stand, a large and extensive assortment of lints, caps, &., Rot up of the best material and in the late) and beat aty 1c uf workmanship and finish. Country merchants nnd others will do well tj call and examine bclmc purr;. a -.m,; clscwhcie. Phila., Nov 10. H.r5. tf. VALUABLE FAK1YI FOIi SALE. I'llin suhpcriber mTcrs at private sale, a A VALU A15LK TIIACT OF LAND, situate wt Snjar valley; Crcen towmhip, Clin on county, "uhcut 1 mile fri in l.r iiansv ille. and 9 miles from Lock Haven, adioiniue lands of An thony Kleckner, Geo. Crumley and Ceo. nuok. .liliiiniiiiT J2 1 ncri"! sir!.-1 nmuio.. nil nl utith I is excellent Limestone land-about CO acres of wliich are cleared, and the balance well timbered and watered. The iinproveiucnts are a two .tory Log House and a log barn, near the western end of tho said tract, and an excellent young orchard of choice fiuit trees. Also another excellent two story Log House and log barn on the east ern portion of said tract. The said premises arc so situated as to make two excellent Farms, and will he sold together or separate, to suit purcha sers. Persons desirous of purchasing the above properly will please call on the subscriber, resi ding in Upper Augusta tp Norilnimbr rland county, 5 miles from Sunbury, who will accom pany them lo said premises. Terms reasonable. GEOKGE M. FOUKEdTEK. December 22, 1855. if. OH.E.A.T EXCITEMENT I La.est and best arrival of the Sctxscrif At the Store ui' P. W. Gray, In Market Square, has just received his Stock from Philadelphia, consisting f Full and Winter (I otitis, Embracing a great variety of Lady's Dress and Fancy Goods. The following comprises in part n list of my ex tensive and elegant stock, which for variety and cheapness cannot be excelled in this market. l'OH T11K (J KXTLF.MKN", Illark and Fancy Cloths end Cassiiiicrcs, Elnek Satlin and Fancy Silk V eatings, shirting Mudin Drawers and Under Shirts, Kentucky Jeans Velvets, Blankets, &c. I'on tiif. i.adh:?. Black f?i!ks, Alpacas, Merinos' colored md plaid nil wool. Muslin lie Lain, a large lot of Prints, of the best brands and styles, brown and bleached I sheetings, twilled and plaid I 7. ... 1 .1 it J Tic' I ; r(.,i v,.llow smI mtp rrev Drills Cambrics, Dress trimmings, ribbons, laces, glove a, j hoec and iruh linens, and other things too tedious In mention. I would eurncstiy solicit a liberal i share of their patronage. Eoota & Shoes, a larjii assortment. HATS i CAPS. HARDWARE & CUTLERY, CEDAR W A HE, FiNH & .SALT, C.i otcrlc of every vtirlolj. Tea.ColTee, Sugar, Molasses, Pice, Cheese, Vin egr, Candies, Candies, Soap, l;irel;crri. Bionrff, Lead, Shot. Bed Curds, Plough Lines. Gla : fx'.i 111x12. 11x10, Staieli. Fluid. Dairy f'all. rr rnk ing and Cliew'ing Tobacco, Fine l.'u'a's( Mustard, Carulie Wick, Blaekii.g M'at.r I'toof, and a general assortment of qceesswauk axd glassware. Country produce tukeu ut the highest niariint prices. Nur.burr, Get, 27, 15. tt. VALUABLE PROPERTY I0H GALE. rpilE MIIE subscribers, Executors of the c'.t!o of M. itenry .iiusser, oec ii., eikr t pmaic Fu:e enry Musser, dee'd., cC the following property viz: A lare to stoiy ' frame dwelling house, logcidier with abuut 50 ACRES OF LAND, Situate in Lower Auausta township :tdj-iniri ; laud of Daniel K in tn i i n end others now i:: til occupancy of John R. K.mfiaau ei a siore and i dwelling. The bouse is new cud the location a i good one for hnsines-'. Also TP ACT OF MMEsTONE LAND, j in taid tnnji.-hip on llie rier nbout 5 mi'is I e. low .s'uul'U. y, adjoining l in lsof . I. 'I'. M'Phcrson and olln rs, coiilainin.;, nbout PO nens. 'I'he coil is pr.idintive uml eouteius liine.'.lnue ai.d other miners!. j Also a tract cf Land, entraining about 35 acn son the hill, about two miles below ."unln.ry, adjoining lands of the. bcii the late J. hn Conrad and other. Thero is, on this tract, a j small orchard of choice fruit. For further particular apply to the sinVcril'-ere. H. B. MAW Kli, ) P. B. MASSER. S rW-tor.. FRANCIS BUt.'HER.) Sunbury, January 19,185(3 .if COLLINS & M'CLEESTER'S TYPE FOUNDKY and Printers Furnisliirip; Warehouse, Vo. 1 Lodge Alley, bad of new Masonic Hall, rhiladolpliia. Phila., Jan. 12. Iba8 roie sALii. rBHAT large and cammodioua HOUSE, M aituatcd in the east cud uf Market .Sired, rjuiilnny, payments to be made to suit purcha ser the premises will be shown by the subscri ber.' MARY MA RULE. 8unbury, February J, 185C 3m. HALI.ENBERGER's FILLS. A etaut cure for Fever sad Ague, for sale by WEISER A. Bill NCR. Sunbury. uly 9'i f4. T AUD WARFA NTS. The highest pii,e "will II he giren fT Land Warrant bv the sub - H. B MASISER. SCtltwt of Fall andVinter Goods! IRA T. CLEMENT B NF0RM8 liia friends and customara that U JS. just received an elegant assortment of PALL'. AW!) WIKTER G06dS ! I kt Lit Stcre in Mar:;et Street, Sunbury, vtliuh no nuera to tno pni'lic at tlio lowest prices. ' Ilia stock consists nf a nencral aisortment Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimtrt, Ccssntts, Jeans, Drilling, MsUii:, Linens. Calicoes, Muslin dc Lains, Lmnns, Ginghams, llfraet. Also a large assortment of CLOTH I NO. A larrre nHsorlmnut nf Boots end Shoes, ff Men, Women nnd Children. Silk Hats. , Panatnrj, Palm lerf and other Summer IlaW 'I"faU'.r. onoCEKlLS of eiery variety. Sugar, Tea, CoiTee. nU-ranrs, Cheese, Spice. Fish. Sail. fee. HAKDWAHE, VU: Iron and Steel. Nnili. Fi'Ks, Sawn, Ac. QUEENSWARE, Ten Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saurrrs, $c Tir" Country produce of all ki mis tiscnin ex tlianire at ihehinhcst market prices. Oct. SO, 1855 COTLElKEciTlEIK'G. MLPXiIANT TAILOft, STTT-TBtJ-Rir, TJi . Respeelfelly informs, !he rilivens of Suiilrnry mil the public r.enerally, tbut )io hn iust reeeirej from Philadelphia, a choice and select Kusunucii of Clotha, Cassimcrcs, c.c , viz : French Hack Cloth. Dlaiti and twilled. ! Llack Hearer 2j fvr o' ercoat. Fine blue (v:t'.i. Clurrt ci '.. Casiiajercj front h black err le I. d-3 t)o do lj.ii)iKi!i. do ! prey mired Doebkiu. Vestini! rhiin ci.i''!; vi!!; velvet. . do 1 iqurcd vch at. Plush velvet. do Llatk satin figured. Woolen Slur; and Drawers. Gentlemen'', ot Iand!:vrcliiefc. do Neck-tie:i. All or which n i'.l be sold or n.i.Te up io oidet in tho luti'i-t and best st v If. Vunburv, Dec. I, IS.;.) tf A 7,"J For th-3 l.-.'.t.-it arrival cf Fall 5 Winter ilooiis. J. P. & 2. r."?CLSNS, 1$ KSl'KCTFlil.LV unnounce to tiicir fne Ineiic fio.l tl ttnl.ltf in r.r,.f.i-..i t' .l :,.., 1...VM received at their Did Stand, in d ir..- Aitizuslii l-t."l:ip. NVrthumlierland connty, ra.. a Khiir. urmc unj -via i on uoous, ana opcucd to the public a full assortment of WESCHANLIZE. &o.,- , Consisting in part ot Cloths, hl.'ck and finr Cassimems, Sattinrrti, Checks, Drawers and Under Shirts, and all kinds of FALL ami WINTER GOODS. Also a lot of Ready. made Coats, Veals and Fan'.s, &c. ladies Eress Good9, Cons'uting of Black Silks, Merinos, Alpicbr, Co berg cloth, plain and fancy ull wool Do Laines. Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin, Comforts, Bay S'.u'.o Long Shawls. Trimmings, Ac. Also a fresh supply of (.rotcric of all kinds. A f.-esh supply of Hardware and Querus- ware, Drtigs and Mt dicints. Hardware, Quecnsivare, Cedar ware, Brncr.iF, A c. Als a large assortment of Bco.ts nfnt Shoes, si, liable for Men, Women and Children. Huts and Caps, Silk Hats, und all foods usiiallv kept in a Couittr Stole. Cr.H and i-Ye. r.'b";'er thi'ii the Chrapevt. . Thankful for past favor.i wc ho)ie by strict atten tion to btii:nen), to merit a continual: en of the same. All of the ahovs named slock cf coods will bn sold positively at low prices for cash, or m ex change fur country produce, at the highest market price. Kline's Grove, Nov. 3, 1855. Thomas H. Tucker, Successor tn G. W. Stroh, SsA Rl'.sPECTFULLY infurms the l'',-yy?S. ciiiarns of Sunbury and the iLb i'J '' ti-VlvisiHe BeneraJly, that be has taken -vJ':iij establishment lately oecui'ird by Geo. VV. Str. li, a.:d having engaged uevernl good workmen, v ill he cr. u!?d to turn ont woik in Lis I line equal ta ai-.y made in thta section of country, j Orders pir.mptiy rxecrted and all kinds of pro ! duie taken in e xcha.ige. Sitnb-iry.'ji'r 27, 1 ly DAIIVILLE HOTEL, MorL-U Street, Jhiuii!e, Pa, W9VM i'i one rf the largest tmi i:iojt errnmo--"- dioiis hotels in the interior of Pennsylvania, it h isbeeti recently lilted up. i;i txcelleni style, with ail the modern convenicn-f i. Dain illo, Sent. C'. I TIIACKEE CS WODDHOP, WIIOLFeJALK BOOT SHOE & TRUNK WAREHOUSE, -V.'. HI Ar.h Srrct, :p Stairs, Yn 'tween Third Fo.i:ll S:.i., uppor fide, near Union ilu'.Ll, Curpct Ps9 anl Yalices of all i!ei criptions. flit III ES F. THACHEK.. K'lEERT s. WODDi.OP. Philadelphia, Jar.. Ii, l.-:C If "'A.ME to the premises of the iscriber in v' L.wer Augusta towi.thip, or about th ii 'nil of December ISoa. a tt.'ay white fchoat annul ten mouths ohl. 'Fb owe: is requested te c-ice forwaid pay thai ge m.d take it awnv. JACOB KENN.' Lo ver At-'U'ta, Jan. 1 i ISoti. Sm. Fr-'ii h "erinn, i'auian cicth. IV. : v twi'l. I i.ii;l:ii, Dc:aiie. Dcbeires. Alaprcas, Si;!is, Wool Mohair hnlre Freticb, s.;o'.. ii ei..l Airij'.i.aii Girg'iii.ns, j'.: reiviv,d and for .-.'. ly fu' ftury. Dec. I 'M. 1'.. V RIGHT t U iClC, Swiss, Mull, Bol inett, French lace.', Checks, Collura, I'ndersleeve suit Cheiuiai'tles, liealt dresses, Velvet und Velvet tiiiuiiiinin. Turkish coui.terpanes, Elanket. Broehe, Thibet & Bay State Shals, fur sale by Kunbur'', Dec. 1, '5a. E. Y. BRICHT. I'jnRH.'OPHEROUR 6 doz. fjr sale 1 May 19. WEISEII A Bl!"'ER. IVAMi PAPER A large and splendcj assortment of Wall Paper, Window Pa per, and Oil Shades, just received and for sala by I. W. TTNER A Co, Simbury, May 8, I85 FRENCH black cloth, plain & fancy C'ss.i1 mere. Cassinett. Ilve.rrnatind. Sulin ttn.l I Silk Velvet vent patterns, Silk and Wool Hals, l aps. Sen; I and Monkey Jarkcls, for sale by Sunbury, Dec. t '55. E. Y. RIGHT. W APIES' Drcs Goods. Spring and Buiuai. 4XJ Shawl.t, Black silk, silk popiiit. De I.un.e, Ginghams, De liage, Lawn an J calico, just ro ccivod sn l for sale by W.M. A. K.NAUU,. ' Lower Augusta, May 6, IS5 1 jLACK Futty-.a UcA article for sale br 'May V tlSEK & BRENER. ' t VUEI.LIBI-E INK st ' 1 ia. WFIS Orn Arrival Zn is JIRL'NTrv S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers