California fufos. LATKIt FROM CALIPOR NI4 The U. 8. Mail Steamship Illinois, from AspiuWall, with California dales to the 6th lost., arrived at New York on the 2tn. The Illinois brinrs S1.2GO.000 la treasure. On tho 6th inst.. Int. S3 6. loo;. 74, Ibo Illinois full in with the schr. Elizabeth Ann, from Jacksonville for Boston, with lumber, In a sinking condition, 'and took off all hands and brought them to mis fori. The llrst section or 97 miles of the Sacra, toento Valley Railroad hod been completed. The California Legislature had passed reso lotions deprecating the election of Mr. Banks to the Speakership. 1 . Eleven buildings had been destroyed by fire at Sonora. Loss 33.01)0. i A bill had been introduced into the Legis lature, erecting three new states out of Cali fornia. ... . . c The steamer Columbia was to leave ban Trancisco in a few days, with Gen. Wool and a body or troops, for the Rogue river. The Democratic State Convention to elect dch-gutes to Cincinnati, was to meet at Sa cramento March 25th. FROM SOUTH AMERICA. We have dates from Valparaiso to Februa ry IS, and from Uaihto to lliu 2Cth. The Chilean war steamer Caindo, from TaVahuar.o, foundered near Maulo onthnBth January, and out of 353 persons on board onlv 44 were wed. The U. S. sloop of war St. Mary's was de tained at. Ciillpo on account of the disturbed state of the country. FROM THE ISTHMUS. There is nothing of special importance from the Isthmus. Advices had reached Panama that the Indiana on the Atlantic, coast of Veraguas had attacked Santiago and burned it partly down. Advices from Costa Rica state that Wal ker threatened to attack and destroy I'linta Arenas. The govvrmncut bos sent troops to defend the place. I OI AN IIOSTILITtKS II OR EG0 1. The Oregon papers give particulars of an Indian massacre, on Rouge River. Tho station at Dig Rend, some fifteen miles tip the river, having been abandoned several weeks previous, the Indians nindo a sudden nt lack on Saturduy morning, Feb. 28, upon the farms about four miles above the mouth, where some ten or twelve men of Copt. Po land's Com puny of Volunteers wereencumped, the remainder of the company being ubneut, attending the bull on the li'Jd, at the mouth of Rnnpe river. The fight is Hinted to have l isted Hourly the whole of Saturday, and but few of the whiles escaped to tell the story tie farmers were ull killed. It is supposed that there are now about 300 hostile Indian in tho field, including those from Grave ami i Guluise Creeks and the Rig Meadows. 1 hey tire led by a Canada Indian, named Enos, who was formerly a fuvorito guide for Col. Fremont in his expeditions. The following is a list of the killed : Captain Benjamin Wricht, Capt. John Roland, II. Rrann. Mr. Smith, E. W. Howe, Mr. Seaman, Mr. Wng uer. M r. Warner, Barney Castle, John Gei eell and three children George McCluskey, Mr. I.oru, I MeCullough, W. II. Tulls. Joseph Seroc and two sons, S. Heidrick, be tides two or three persons whose mimes are not known. Mrs. Geiscll and daughter are prisone'-e in the hands of the Micuno band ot Indians, about eight miles up the river. Dr. M. C. White escaped by jumping into Ynca Creek and secreting himself under a pile of lrift-woud, remaining there fur an hour und a hall', and until the Indians hud given up the fea-ili. The inhabitants at the mouth of RoKue river have all moved to the north side of the river, where formerly, under the appre hension of a sudden attack, a fort had been erected ; they number about one hundred and thirty men, having less than a hundred gui:a amongst them, AtT.mj and Probable Death. Last evening an affray occurred between two brothers, Thomas and Simon Forman, on the one part, and a iiiiiu rained John ender fon on the other, in which the latter, it was feared, was mortally wounded. The three men were in a barber shop, in Market street, abuvo Preston. S nion and Anderson were getting shaved. eiiderson inked Thomas what he looked at bin) for? Thomas replied, "ecatise you are a good looking man." curie reon rejoined, "Yon are a d d lior." Thnmus walked up to endetson and told iiini if he. were not drunk he would resent the insult. Thomas left the shop, and eiiderson continued his abuse of him, when Simon t-xik it tip. They then left the shop, and Anderson drew a bowie knife, pursuing Thomas in the street. Simon threw a rock at umlerson, and when within a few feet, Thoiuns.threw one at him, which caused him to Ktanrer. The rock struck euderson's forehead and broke his skull. Ha was sent to the hospital. The Fonnans were arrested by Oiflrur Lowiy. Thev are from Nelson county, but have been living iu this city for finny years They are said to be industrious young "men. eiiderson stated in the barber bop that he wus now under 5,000 bail in Jojle for killing man nnd he would not mind killing another. Louisville Journal, Jur?i i.7. Tan Eidora Tragedy. Gcorgb Wilson, the colored man suspected of tLe murder of the captain and mute, and of scuttling the Eadorn.Iinogene. has been discharged by the authorities of ll eslthester 6'ounty, on the ground that ' tht process or commitment was irregular and insufficient; that being, from thii canto, entitled to a pro forma discharge, he cannot be remanded without tho disposi tions clearly establish the corpus delicti, and connect the prisoner with the crime; the officer before whom a writ of this nature is returned cannot tuke notice of any facts which ore not properly before him bv virtue of the writ, is counsel, Mr. Millikin, ac- couipuuied the negro to the city, and it is understood thut be will soon go to sea. That the man is guilty there is very little doubt, but the manner of disposing of the bodies renders it very unlikely that they will ever be recovered. Paxaoks Aoainst the Northern Central Raii.roaP. The tnuls growing out of the reident thut occurred at yde's, on the Northern Contn.1 Railroad, about two years ago, cume before the court in York, l'a., lust week. The first case, that of Mary, widow of Abraham Mussulman, of Lancaster couuty, was disposed of by the Jury reudering vonliet of 21000 damages and six cents costs against the company. Mr. Mussulman, it will be remembered, lost his life by the accident The York I'enusylvauian soys there were two other case for personal in. , -;.. nna of which was decided on Satur- h a, rerdiet of 8950 in favor of the daughter of Mr. Trusil. who was injured for life. JD mis case the company was also ordered to pay si: case that of M six cents costs. The other r. Js'uneaiacber was pott- poued. A Kiw Li Tslmbafh. Tho Pann ylvania Railroad Company r putting op lino of telepraph. from Pittsburg to Phila. delphia. to be exclusively appropriated to the ma of the road. The line ie completed and in oso from the west far as Lancaster ctty, and will b extended to muuipii,. tils little Excellency, the King of AlKerU, kai not rm4 fa Utoet dteV frm Loc nTM u Tr ROMs' Ron, Road. At a meetiog of the stockholders of the Lock Haven and Tyrone Hail road company, held it the Conrt House in Lock Haven on Siitnrdnr, the 15th tilt., the following officers were elected for the ensning year t Christ o rR Fallow, President j Hon. Jns. Burnside. Oen. Jas. Irrin, Wm. A. Thomas. Wm. Underwood, John Irwin. Jr.. John l. ma this. John Fallon. R. R. Petriken, L. A. Mackey, O. D. Satterlee, John A Gamble, Wm. Fearon, Jr., I'irectors. At a meeting of the Directors, held on the same day, the following appointments were oiadet F. MagAwley, Secretary. L. A. Mackey, Treasurer. K. Behring. Chief Engineer. Edmnnd Hluncuard, Wm. Underwood, Thomas McGhee, Commissioners of Dama ges. CocHTKRfEiTS Large qnnnttties of coun terfeit "fives," well executed, and Calculated to deceive the best ludires of monev. have been put in circulation in the Eastern cities they are on the Bridirenort bank. Connocti. cut the Phenix bunk at Westerly Rht Islaud ; and the Ocean bunk of New York city. Another dangerous counterfeit ii "three" on the Winchester tank, New Hump shire has also been put in circulation. More than a dozen cei-eona havo been ur. rested in New York for passing these notes, ami yet lue supply seems to be as large as before. -, The Danville Democrat snvs : "The Mon- tour Iron Works are still idle, the difficulties between the employees and the Compuny re maining unadjusted. Large numbers of the worktneu have left town n I ready, nnd num bers of others are preparing to leave. New Advertisements. FRIENDS' CENTRAL DRV GOOD STORE, 8. E. Corner Eighth & Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA. frUIE eobscribet having made very important M. additions to his establishment, bv connectiuo- the first floor of his Old Sloro Willi that of the beautiful tour story boil, ling ailjoining known as Hiniioji HitL, (surmountetl with a high Cupola, invites hit Old Customers and Friend to an examination of an Entirely New S'ock ol FANCY AND STAPLE DRV GOODS. selected expressly in refer ence to the present opening. i lie assortment comprises: Seasonable Dress Materials, of new and ele gant kinJs, Plaid India & IMark Silks, Shaw In, of all kinds. Hosiery, Gloves & Milts, Embroideries & Linen Cambrick Handkerc'fs, Furnishing Gooil of all kinds, Irish Linens. Flannels, Moreens. Ac. .to which are aJJcJ New GoaJs ilnilv, of choice desrrip tin- CHARLES ADAMS. P. 8 Persons wishing a splendind view of the City and Vicinitv, can nsreml the Cupola, by a private Stairway which will be found well worth a visit. March K9. 1S58. 5m w LIST OP JURORS. GRAND JURORS. Sunlury. Dunicl Haas. Kli Dietner. Lower Augusta. ITiIliuru Malick, Tcter Reeser. Pnir,.P, Gibbons. Chilisquaque. H'iv. 7?arnhort. Milton. Hugh D. iurr. Leu-iii. Andrew Kershuer, Frod, Murray. yVir6u. Asa Everett. Jkliwarc. Thus. L. Arnold. Hush. Stanly (Jearhm t. Shamokin. Horatio O. Tapgart, Mahlon Ztouglincr, John Fiigely. Cal. Peter Houuner, Wash. Smink Jorrlan. O. W. Troutmati, Pvlvr Trout man, John K. Heist. Zerbe. M. i. H eaver. L'pper Mahanoy. Soloman Folk. Lower Muhanoy. Jacob Jhil!ips, John IKert. TRAVERSE JURORS. Surioury. C. O. Bucliman, John Hopper, Emanuel ttrnb. Northumberland. Josrjih HI Hiire, Henry itaas, im. r.uiott, Oulin liuniiam, II in Forsythe. inr Daniel Hilbitli, A dam Viiiiilliiitr. LMltsquagut. bolomuti l'uiillcr, J liouuis Allen. Milton. Samuel D. Jordan, John 7outz. Jacob H'heelcr. Lewii. David Monfuomerv. John Frvtniro. John Klapp, Robert Montgomery, tiumuel Shade. Turbut. David Marr. Churles Follnier. Delaware. James Durham, . J. Keeder Jacob Drown, Daniel McKa ne. Lower Augutta. f 'n-pi-r Stt'luir. Upper Auyuta.Cnvs Uuiiiipcr. Shumnkin. John ( 'iir.plicll, '. .Shii'l, Daniel uuimel, IK. H'. l'ttAug, Wm. Farley, Daniel (Anirad. Coal. etiry VanOaskin. John Caldwell. Zerbe. Andrew A. eim, Jacob Outs. Cameron. John rim. Jordan. Ueorire Uuise. Jackson. John Gulen Smith, etiry JfaiT. mun, Samuel Mulick, Jacob ilbinh. Lower Mahanoy. Michael Leuker, Jacob Spotts. tKf.e mahanry.lrmaO D. "iher, PETIT JURORS. Sunburu. Francis Kiicher. Peter JTAc- man, Ueo. C. H'elker, 'hilip Itmn. St thumbeiuhil. David ilkert. Chilifquuque. J. M. Nesbit. Milton. Charles Stout, David Grouser. Lewit. David B. Monttroiiicrv, Samuel Mencis, Daniel Keller, Ferdinand 7'iner. John F. Derr, Adam Shuyler, jr. jJelau-a Amos Auderaun, t omly E, Vincent. Lower Aunusta.Oeoreo Fnushold. John Zimmerman, H'm. Keeser, enry Khipe. Upper Augutta. i'eter Coble, Jacob Sess boltz. Hush. James Bryson. Shumukin. Soloman Fajrely, Simon Boh tier, H'm . Muench. Coal. Daniel Kphlin, Tl'in. CherriiiRton, Mt. Cartnel. Johu . Yuruull. iVter Stroh, Felix l.ercb. Jordan. H m. shade. Cameron H'm. Kramer. Upper Mahanoy. -"hilip Reitzo. Jackton. John Uohuer. Lower Mahanoy. J ohn Bingeman, SHERIFF SALE. By virtue of a certain writ of Levari Fa ciat to hie directed, wilt bo exposed to pub lic sale, on SATURDAY the 6th day of April, at 2 o'clock in Sunbury, the following described property, to wit i All that certain piece of ground or out lot, situate in the borough of Sunbury, bounded on the North by Pokeberry street : Fast, by Lane ; South, by out lot. No. 42, and West, by an Alley, end marked in the general plan of said borongh of Sunbury, out lot, No. 41 ; containing Five Acre. One Hundred ai.d Twenty Four perches, be the same more or less, or thereabouts, together with the here ditaments end apurtenunces. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold at the property of Dr. Jacob It. Masaer. HENRY WEISE, Sheriff. BherhTt Office, t Sunbury. March 15. 1856. f TO RENT. A STORE ROOM Market Square la 8u- J tarjaSM two Toeme adjoining. CHALB PEASANT, laaoaey , 1 ! If A MARVELLOUS REMEDY! roil A IAUTELI,OlS AGE!! IIOLLOWAYJS OINTMENT. THE ORAND EX IKREAI-.ttKMEDY. Br Iks aid of tmrrnandie. we n milllrma nf tin', npmiinas n the antfiire , f nut UxliM. ThrUh time tint Oiulmfiil, hni ruMml im iht km. in csrne,! t mil orami ,v ii,ward r,ri. Vimtn of the Knlnrva. diamVra f lbal.i, ih-hr,i. Ii,flamimllii . the I.unti, Aalliaiaa, CnhaaiHl Okla, are In in me mii rrfrr. t.iBlly eurrd. T.very li .ne.wife known llmt a!t pawn ieflythr.mhh.iioirmaatiiraii)Mhic-liMea. Tl.l" tiral. In Omlmnit far mr remlily pniclinlea Ihntiwtl any '"" ,,r H'slivpan of Ilia living eurinr tl.a mal iiiiavmiis Inwaid complainia, that caimot ba rrw had br other menna. ' KRVtsirtLAS, salt nuEt M and scorbutic HL'MOHH. No remedr haa trrr dime an iiiach f.i Mie cure of dl " "f ihePkm whoever f..rm Ihey may amiima, aa IV" ?"""" N-i case of Kult Ithrnin, Souirv, Snra Hraila. tcr..fiila on Frinipelna. ran kit( williMamt Ha iu Hufikc. The invent. hna Iruvrllrd .ver innnv puna gl; lH., vititiii Ilia Piincipsl h-wpirala. dmiH-ii.nie Una Ointment, rlvma ailvire aa t iia applimli m, and haa lima hem tl,c mrana of restoring onunllen iinmuera to health. SORE LEC9, 80HE BR FAST?. WOUNDS AND UI.ChK!. PWima of the mntt tciantine lurgra m anow rely 1'ib-y nnlheuiei.l" ll.ii wui ,lerlul Ointment, when liavinf to e ipe wnh the w..rt caaa of emt-a. won-ats nlcera, abu oinnr awHImia, nnil imn it. I'i,., ..r wv hna. Iiy coiiiiimmI ..f ihn !li,l n .vernnieiila, I'lanaiche I I the h apiialaof the Fjiat. hrte lii m-i.i. ..f llnaiin. mini. t.., nrad un.l. r the ilnccli u -I ihc .MeJie ,1 flair, ih iliewn-M raara ..f w..ii,i,. win tnre n'-.r Rlaiuliil'ir awrlniar. iir. ,.r contiwlii i, of the J'.inta, even of HO yeara minima rtl.KM AN riPTFf.AS. Thraonnit i..rr similti eoirp!a:iia e-n , ' nirrn 11 ur liliiliienl I writ m'-t'Cl "ViT the pua arreted imj hy Ihirwiae f-llowira the ir:i!ul.!i lectl.'iia aruiinU euch p t. Both the Ointment nit 1'Wt thnuld le in tir Jhllnu itir canes : ITunlf-iii l.utTitnjrn S re l.eri lliniia Mi-rc S ire llr.i.kta Ch:,j,peH Hand I'.ru; li- jia S-itr rhilliluiiiS I'llt-a S .re 1'ln a Fialulaa tlhrnmiitisin S tea "I till Cout Kill Ithruiu kindi Skin Uitensea Sprjiiia Pwr I'.C"! ill Wll'Te-il S TM V.uinla ol all kititla Frulila o!d at the Mniniliirtunr, of 'r. if.., r IImi.loWat Ml .Miiidrn mi,.. N, lv urk. mid i!4 Slrnnil IwmI mi. In all rraia-ctublu Drimmi nuil IH-iileta in M.-ilirnie ll.r..imli out the t nil.-il Sfciiei. und the riviluid winl.l, in hoz-.-a, at as renta. 0-.') cenla. and l eneh. IV Thereuavonaideiahle buviiik !- U.kiiip the linger N. II Ttirertinna for Hie cui.l-inie of pnlienls in everv diaordrr ar ntfixnl lo eneh Utx. Match 33, Ivra Thebrrt collection of Hire errr PuMirhed, HP-TOP GLEE & CHORUS BOOK. A new miJ choice collection of Copyrrielita never before liarm'iniZf d, mid many of the Ctms of modern German ,V Italian fintuponem Airanped in a familiar atyle, and adapted lo the use of (itee Clubs, Singing Classen, anil the Family Circle, Dy C..JAKVI4 and J. A. CETZE. This work cont.itns a creat number of new and favorite Soiiga, bariantiizml in a style adapted to general purposes, wbi!a many of the CeitM of Mendelssohn, Al t, Km hen, atnl other celehroted (Oinpnsers, are prerntvil in an Uinginal lorni. The great variety of musital cninpoiliotis here introduced, eminently adapts it tn the tiisla nntl rapacity ol the Singing bclnxil, the tilee Club, and the Fainilv Circle. ryrRiti om: dollar Just puhlisbeJ by LEE &. WALKER. -No. IS8Chenut Street, and J. B. LIPPINCOTT tL CO.. No. SO North Fourth St., Philadelphia. LP" Sample copies will he sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of i I. March 'i'i, 1H.rG. 4 in c4 SHE3IFF SALES. Ry virtue of sundry writs of Yenditio I'.x ponns to me directed, will bo exposed to pub lic sale, at the Court House, in Suiilmrv. on MONDAY the 7th day of April, l8.-iti,"at 1 o'clock. P. XI., the following described pro perly, to wit ; All the right, title and interest of Jacob Wbitzel, deft'lidoiit'of und in all (bat ccriuiii tract or piece of laud, situatu in Hush town, ship. Northumberland county, iidji.ining lands of 1 .m lu-r liassett, Ibnj. tjeurhart. land of the heirs of John Pit uer, and luiitls latent Joseph Campbell,, deceased, and land of Allen Seehler, containing Forty-live Acres more or less, about Twenty-livo Acres nf which is cleared, wherenn are creeled a Dwel ling House. Stable, tc. Seized, taken in ex ecution mid to be sold U3 tlu property f Jacob Whitzetf ALSO A certain unfinished Three Story lirick Dwelling, Darn nnd Two lots of ground, situate in Tuibiilville, Lewis towii!.liii..Noilli iimberluiid comity, containing about Two nnd u Cniurtcr Acres of ground, laying alongside i.f Wnrrel street, hounded on" the Ku.-t. bv Win. H. Jtoinig. lot South by laud nf Kami hhuiiniiii ; West, by lut of Wm. Herring, unil North, by said Worrel street. Also, u lot oi ground imunuvti ny iryin Alley, on the North; by Wushinjituii street, on the F.ast ; by Worrel street and DieBi ubuiher lot on the boll th, und by Paradise street, on tho West; containing about Two Acres und three (Quarters of ground. Altai, lot No. 7, on Main street and running back to Virgin Alley; bounded nit the Kusl, by Win. Fnll luer's lot, mid on the West, by Heller's bit ; t- u 1 1 1 it i 1 1 1 1 1 u about u i,i:uiicr t" un Acre more nr less, tiiezed, taken ill i xt rut ion, ami lo be sold us the properly of Hi ratio ti. Wor rell. ALSO A ceitnii) tract tif liiuil, situate in Coal und .el by townships. Nni i laial cniiiity, iiiljoiiiing lauds sin vi-U'il in ttu naiiii s of John lioyii, William WiImo. I'liei Mn rer. Michael Krall and l'i..!. Kivin i, cuiiiaiiuiio jui ucres iilin Vf t .-. u, n,. i.- er lets, und about a iiiiui ter ol an cf which are cleared, whernii is erected a Mii.ui 1'i.nne House. SieZed, taken in ext cut '.: -n, and to Sold us the properly of Dr. Lie W. iJul liugtoti, drawer ainl Jacob Loose, enili.ix r. ALSO A certain trai t of laud, situate in Delawaru tow !:::. Ni.'i liiiiiiibi i bun! count v. I coliiaiiiing I wo Hundred ai.J Forty Acrx, more or less, mljoioiiiing lainl nf I'd. r M' ISriilu llaniel ell iiiiiu. I'tler trh.uly tuid others, a part of winch is cleared, and where tin is erected u Log liai n. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold ns the property of Thomas J. Addis. II. WF.ISL'. Sheriff. Sheriff's OrriK. I Sunbury, Mulch lo, ISfiG. PUBLIC NOTICE " 8 hereby given, in the matter of the Tract and paiecl of Land ?dvertiaed by the Shcrill' of Norlliumlierland ('ouuty amour; other Lnmls, to be sold by ihe said Slierilf on Monday the Vih day of April, ih5o, at the Court House in Sun bury, and dcaciibeil in the said advertisement as a certain J ract ol Land. biiuuId hi Uclawara township, Northumberland county, containing 'Two Hundred and Forty Acrea, more or leas, 'adjoiuine land of Peter McBriJe, David Wert "man, Peter Shuily. and others, apart of which "is cleared, and whereon is creeled a Log Barn, "Seized taken in execution, and to be sold as the 'property of Thomas J. Addis. Bigned. H. Weise. Sheriff. "Sheriff's OihVe, Sunbury, March 15, 1H56. That I own the said tract of land above deacri-1-eJ, that I claim title to the same by a deed dated the 17th day of July, A. D. lo. from Matthias Matlerly Addia, and duly executed and rec-rded in the Recorder's oflice of Northumberland coqu tv.on ihe 7th day of August 6ifi. in deed lnok L, L. page 487 A 48U, which said deed descrilies the ti'le under which I claim the name from the Commonwealth to my grantor, and to which and the deed and convavancea therein deacrilicd, I reler for a full description of my right and title, of which all persons intending to bid al said (ale will please take notice. STEPHEN FALL8 ELLIS. Delaware tp- March Si, 1858 St. 3STOTIOBI V OTICE is hereby given that I am noi a memlier of anv partnership tu the nrm name of Maaaer i Bowen. nor iu the name of Bowen it Masaer. apd that I will not be responsible for an acts of either of eaid firms, nor pay any eu (agemeiils entered iulo by any other persosi ia either of the names aforesaid. . JOHN BOWEN. ftoubvy, Marel.tS. U- TATST XJI?. '' Pfons indebted to th firm of Frilinf & Grant, nr. Note, Hook account or otherwiae are respectful! ri qneateJ to coma forward and pay up between this and the first of April as they wish to go to the city lo lay in their ffprinf sup-r,,,ei- FRII.INO & GRANT. Kunburr, March IMsr.C -tf ac in i;. tl.t, persons knowing themselves indebted lo he subscribers, .in notrt or book account, are respectfully invited to call and fv the aife on or In fore th Ifttli of April next, at we mual have money to huy our Spring and Summer suplv of goods. J. F. ft!. F. KLINE. Klines Grove. Pa., March 22. I50 If List tit' Cause!, 'OR trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County, at Auril 1'. A. D., 1856. PLAINTIFFS. Geo. J. Piper, Allen Bchraver Klizabeth Bright t.'lias D barton fa'uncl K le W in Heilili-iis et al Kane and lioiity I h:is S EiiEle .McCoy r I'littcrsoa biini-s M.itah!l Wm E Viv fV ro III o k ..r Mii:n,;iti 'i-toio: )ir,-i lor of liani.ikiii tp. Sar.ili Mi.'eney DEFENDANTS. vi Ram'l Dearmend, Ac. vs Charles Weaver v Daniel Drurkemiller vs Wood. Baldwin et al s 7cij (JrifVev vs Joseph 1. eland vi Faucly Robins rV en va Milton Allium vs I) ii Caul va Mtllon, Ahlum vs Jimics Cameron va Milton Troxel vs Jraac llciisyl vs Charles Neuhnrt I' 13 I'olia .1 It M aiMcr va Sunburv Canal k Luinlx-r Co. va John Hummel I'a'.iii k Miicban Joseph. K l.eih Eilwanl Fuller Milton Troncl Sarah Sivcni-y Jncob Itniicr Ephraim Scott Jacob I Ih nihil it same same Kasrlla lhull Geo P 7uers Ac. Connelly lor Cramer Durbar a Wriaer Win tjolcniHii llitirv Rake A JS Renn Matlliiun Peel vs Michnel Flacherty vs Wm E May vs T Uiimeanlnor el al va Ahrnham f'hiimHil vs t'lms Newhnrt vs John P Summers v E N tirahum va J B Masaer h same vs Ira T Clement vs J E Vauborn vs J Karnsunrtli vs D .1 W ooil rt al va I) Dreckeiniller vs Vaiulvke va Jurob '.Veilzcl el al ts Jiwpb (,'aibrick va John r ani ly J K Vai.born & wifa vs Konrtla stioll JAMES BEARD, Prothy Protht notary's Olliee. ) Siniburv. March IS, lS.'G.-i BOOKS! BOOKS!! Walk this way for Bargains- KF.INli desirous of disposing of my entire stock of llookSHtld Stationery, roinpriiiiiiu iiie VO.I'tIO Volumes of Law, Me.lirul, b'cli cious Scicutiiic, Blank, Musical, Svhool and Miscellaneous Books. Also, 100 Reams of letter paper and a lot of wall paper, steel pens, wafers, Jte. I will dinpose of the whole stock at public sale sale at my store, opposite the Court House, commcnciiirx on Monday the 7th dsy of April, lt-55 all o'clock, P M-, and continuing, every afternoon and evening until the whole stock ia sold. WM. MeCARTV. Per JOS. 11. MeCARTV. Sunbury, March 15, 1850. tf CA It PETS AI Oil, CLOTHS, At Eldridge's Cbeap Warehouse. The subscriber, beinij in a bye street, is under very low rent and licht expenses, which enable bin! to sell at ttie VKRY LOWEST PRICES. Merchants vi.-iling fhilatlclphia, and wiahinrf to buy Careta, Oil Cloths, Matlincs, 4cn will do well to call and examine hi atock of Beautiful Imperial 3-plv, Superfine, ) Fine and Milium Ingrain, ami Carittt. Venetian of all kinds. ) And OIL CLOTHS cf all widths in great variety. Also, MAT'IINGs of every kind and various widths, louelher with a general assorlniont uf low.prircd Inrr:iin Carets, nnd Entry and Stair Curpets, Ilearth-Iiii;a, Donr-Mats, Table Covers, l'loor Cloths, Rai; Carpela, Colton Car pels, &c. II. II. KI.DItlLKiK. No. 41 Stray, lierry Street, One door above Cheanut, near Second St. Manh 15, HSfl. 3me Philadelphia. New Wholesale Drug Stored 3ST. SPENCER No. SO South, Second Street, Philadelphia. Ml'CKTKI!, Manufacturer and Dealer, in irui:s. Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, live stitll's, Paints. Oils, Colors. While Lead, French and American White Zinc. Window Glass, (il-iKswarca, Vnrnwhcr, IJ rushes. Instruments, (round Spices, Whole Spices, and all other ar ticle usually kept by llriiiiijisls, including Bo rax. Indigo, tllue, Shellac, Potash, Ac, 4c. All orders by mail or otherwiae promptly attended to. Country Merchants are invited tueallan.l examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. t,ool sent to any ol the V liarvc or Railroad slalioiis. Price low and goods warranted. March K, IS.'iG. ly NOTICE. The ui ilernijincil hereby ;ive notice that ihey wul nuke a j plicaiiiui lo the Court nf Uuarter 1 ses-ains ol the i'cuce, to lie hidden iu and lor 1 tic I ouuty ol .N iirliii-tii'iei Ian i. on Monday the Till day of April next, for a license to sell Vini- uu. Spn lliioua, M all and Brewed Liquors iu t ,e township of Ml. Carusel, in the County ol Nurlhuii.bciland. BELL, LEWIS f CO. Ml. Carmel tp., March N, lHoG. 31 FOR LEASE. TT-INS No, 8 and 4, seventeen and thirteen " feel in thick nets of pure While Ash Coal, on Ihe Crcen liidye estate at .Mt. Carmel, boih Veins drivtn to marketable coil. For further paiticulara emjuire of Clias. W. Churchman, Philadelphia, P. W. Mica tier, Pottaville. nr of JOSEPH S. DIXON. Bup't. Mt. Carmel. Northumberland Co., Pa. March 15, ISftG 6w rVUTICIJ. The uuderaipned hereby giveaa notice that ho will make application to the Court of Quarter Seskions nf the I'racr, to be hidden in and for Ihe County of Northumberland, on Monday the 7ih day of April next, for a license to tell Vi nous, eipiritoiia, Malt and IJiewed Lioora in revorton, in the towiialuu ol .erl, in me County of Norlliumlierland. 1A At. K.C1SLU. Trevorlon, March 8, 1855. 3t WANTED. IMMEDIATELY three industrious Girls to learn the Mill'nery business. Enquire at tha Milliter Store of M. L. GUSSLER. Sunbury, February $, IH58. If fPOR BALE, A 8 to Second hand BUGGY cheap. Apply CHARLES PLEASAN J. Sunbury, March I, 1S6- 41 IA.TJXi OORNYN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBURY, PA, Aided be soma eiibt years experience In the rrraetlca of tlie Law. will attend with fidelity te all matter appertaining to or will in the line of hie profession. Olhce wlin l-utiles 4. uruuii, Esq., Market street. Sunbury, Sept. 15, 1856, tf Ut'SUAND'S Msgnesia for aale by Mae IS. VEIHEH A BHUNEB 9 OOT8, Shoes, HaU, Cape and Guaa Shoes, WW just received tad for sale by Oa. T 18M. TENER e0 PROCLAMATION. TV OTICE la hereby eiven that the L ' Courts of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Oprhans' Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, In and for the county of Rortloimberland, to commence at the Court I ft use, In the boroufh ol Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the 7th day nf April next, and will continue TWO WEEKS. The coioncr, Justices of the Peace and ctmeta hies in and for tire county of Northumberland, are requested to bs then and there In their proper pert sons, with thcif rolls', records. Inquisitions, anil other remembrances, to do those things to their several oflicea appertaining to tie done. And all witnesses prosecuting ji liehalf of the Common wealth sjrainat any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall lie just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to he punctual in their attendance, at the lime appointed agreeable te their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 1st dsy ol March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six- and the Inde pendence of ttie United States of America the 79ih. God save lh Commonwealth. HF.NRV WEISE, Sheriff. 1856. SPRING STOCK OK NEW GOODS. Fashionuble Silks, full line of black Silks new etylo spring .Sim win, dregs goods do.. Linens of strong fabric. Muslins nf best long eluths. staple housekeeping goods, Mens wear of all the new stvles. KYUE &. LANDF.LL. Ath and Arch Street. Philadelphia. P. S; Storekeeper-,, and all ionil Nett Cash Buyers are respectfully in vi led to examine his'stock of New Omuls be fore purchasing, as we prefer selling low, and selling tlto more goods. Storekeepers may often find grout jobs from Auction, us we attend tho Auction sale of New York and Philadelphia. I'hila.. March 8. lMfi. 3m. w "AID AND COMFORT," I o Yotir Own Mechanics. Wilkinson ft Renn, Reapectfully announce that they hare taken the stand lately occupied by Ueorire Renn, where Ihey are prepared to manufacture all kinds of FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. rPHE aubscribers resiectfully call the attentiot of the public to their large and splendid as aorlinent nf every quality ami price af 1 AIiIM,T-AV ACti: which cannot fail to reiommend itself torvery oae who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the U't stork to be had in the city. N effort ia spared in the inaiiufaiturc of their ware, and Ihe aulwrihera are determined to keep up with the many improvements which are conataiitly lieing made. Their stork consists of Mahogany Sofaa, IHvnti and Lounge Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, LKKAKr AST A.ND DINING TABLB and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION' TABLES, In short, every article in this line of their business. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities ui CIIAIKS, Deluding varieties never before to be had is Sunbury, such as Miuoiiam, Buck Walkct ('; aso Wixumn CHAIRS, isn ristt Pusio Stools, which are nf the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. 1 :The subscribers are determined that there shall he no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can le entertained about the quality and of their ware and Chairs. Their articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can lie purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pivment for work. IV UNDERTAKING. Having provided themselves wilh a handaouie Hcahsk, they are now prepared lor t'lulcrtaking, and attending fu neral, iu this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from thia place. r?" The Ware Room is in Fawn Street, be low Weaver's Hotel. WILKINSON cV RENN. Sunbury, March , 1850. tf. KEYSTONE MARBLE WORKS Market Street, west of Twentieth, PHILADELPHIA. B. F. JACOBY & CO., IMPOR'I'EHS of and dealers in the various Foreign end Domestic Marbles, Statuary, Ac, have constantly on hand e large anil select as sortment of Mantles, Tombs, Monument, Table Tjps, Arc of every description, not excelled by any in the city for beauty, symmetry and finish. Cabinet Makers, Plumbers and Marble (.'ot ters, furnished at the shortest notice, wilh Mar ble of rirry description and pattern, whether Foreign or Domestic, either finished in the Slab or H lock, on the moat reasonable terms. We rrspectfully invite attention to our stock on hand. March 1. ISSC 3m e MUKPIIY k KOONS WllDLKSAI.i: IiKAI.KRS IN fish t hi:e6k & raovisios, No. 47 North WH ARVK-S, below Race Streets, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand a I tree assortment of PISH, CHE BSE A PROVISIONS, which they are prepared o diepoae of at the lowest Market rates. Orders promptly executed. March 1, 1856. 3m w New Wall Paper Warehouse. BUXITON & LANINC, Manufaclurea and Importers, No. 124 Arch Street, second door above Sixth, Philadelphia. WHERE may be found the largest and baud somest assortment in Ihe City. Purchasers from Ihe country will find it to their advantage to call at oii'.atore, where they will be suited with a suptt'r article, at the lowest prices. BURTON A LAN IN U. No. 1-4 Arch Street, abova Sixth, Phila. February 33, 1856 3m c Cheap Fruit and Confectionary. IU Hit' A 31 & SEI.H US, Wholesale Manufactures and Dealers in Confec tionary of all Kinds. No. 113 North Third Street, below Race, Philadelphia. riHHE attention of dealers is requested to an A examination of their slock, which will be lound equal to any in this city. Foreign Fruits of all kinds in season. N. B. Orders by Mail or otherwise promptly attended lo. February 3, 18Sa Hioe ' eauthenwahe- THE subscriber respectfully in'orms the eiti teut of 8uubury and the public generally, that be has commenced the manufacture of all kinds ef EARTHENWARE, at his manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one equare east of the River, He ha! engaged the services of Mr. Haar. and you can therefore depcod on having a good article. The pub.ic re respectfully invited to cell. All ordere front distance will be promptly attended to, . P.M.BHINDEL. Sunlwry, Teh. . lMe-4f Nurserymen, Fruit Growers ind Fanners llEW .YORK I1URTICULTURA l,J It KVIEVV I A Journal nf Suburban Art.Suptrbly and Protittlf Illmtrated. Devoted to Me Advattctmtnl of th liural Inttrt't in America. This ia one of the aire tart ana1 rnost el-iboeat works the Sunt In the world. Mutal Arcliiieoture furma nna of the principal features Each number c-mtaius two tu fsir engrHVitiaa et modal cottages from iltailK by eminent aid skillful ar rhixt-te Spnce ia also amienul to Ilia tnstcl'nl art of liuiia- ape liiudctiing iigfavl plan 4 fHwa ih rv elyla, and adaaiee to lbs r-eoolmiiliae of diaeeat onl'is ol an-hitrciura, Iwaulify Ilia wotk. Enrariiin of new Iruits, new flowere. ttaw Tr(r,etahle, Ac . Hre illustrated and dracrihed as mh their resiieeliva qualities can na deteriiiined, I Tirana Hie im l coiuplrta and elraanl Manual of Hural lltistuiiidry ever allempteil. An exaricnced eotpft of pricllt-nl writers, savea ill iiuinlier, are eiinri-l to till iia columns It contaiiia seventy latge paftes, and is printed on Uie Bnesl near I -sni faced paper, roanulnclurcdi-x'H;ssly. Taaats ir par annum, pnyalile invar lalily iu advance. Fifty eeuia eoinmtsai.m ini eneh sub-critier alt wd to tltoaa who act aa ageula. 81 IK0 will Im dis'.rilnitnt al the end of the year among 'hose who send us Die tsvenly Innreat lists "f subarrihers. These premiutua will bs paid in cash I'ha Gisl ptemiam will he 1SO0. The fnllnwina; ara aeleeted from hundreds of similar nnlicvs, voltinlary contributed by contemporaneous publi cations The Horticultural Review detrrrea the m-ist liberal pa. tronatre. U ia not onfy ainiiieutly practical, but ia wiitien iu a atria that equals ths beat eH-vie of Ilia lu'.o A. J. lioiviiig KaicaaaaoCRaa. , The most elegant and useful book nf tha kind llial has ever come under our observation. HininTK. Mr. Renglea, ihe Kditnr of the liortu uliuriil Review, is a ptnctirnl M,miilogit, and una of the Hneit achr-lBrs our country li..!isisuf. lie pesseiines Ihe gl"Wn.g descriptive powers of llickens. Ihe elrgnut g SKip of vnliw iej eoin boted with a thorough hitowhrdga (if rural art. BTari I' Tics Tatacaa. Partners laiy it for yrair a msbuy it for your dsugMert It is a rich liitrllcctunt treat ; a rare cotiibiitauon of tlie tM-nutiful and Ihe usrful Aaocs, N. Y. We had ihouaht that in 1) wiiiinr's death, ttie etonuent advocate of rural ailniitMiPMr'lLatl U-cdue nuly a chensli renieiulMniiee. but iu Mr. Reeleswa disrovei an ef(iiii!l rich mine of menial wea1h. Itiat betokena Ilia iuiluciiue of tlie spirit thut is gone. Mum ansa TftiaiM. Advertisers will find this an nnfcttrpnsse.1 mfdium of pul.tlciry, aslhe Horticultural Review rirculMls ritcn sivelv in every stlnte in the t'uion. Advertisements in serted at the rate of S10 per page. WOOD EKOHAVIKtr. Those requiring Wood Knirrnving, can have their nrners eaecuted iu an unrivulled mmnier. SpcuihI aiteniion is given lo views of AVIVtAI. an eX,etieuerd Kuglish ibaiirlitstnan is eitgageil for lhs eapn-ss -urpee. I'rr sons living al dis'nnce can forward a ilnpar-.tyjie of ihe ohieet hy mnilj they wish engr.iveit, which will be a snfTicieiit guide to fibtain a p rtcl f.ic simie. s?t.k Hreertere wilt Im? diitl with very heera! tetma. February 16, IHofl Uino TAME McCLINTOCK, M.D., Luto " It if iiL'i;iafin ni a i ... m.i e.w w-ii ipi mus,'iiiy unit nuiru ui li't i nil ! n.lflpl.iii Colk-ne nf MeOiciiif, niu Acinic ' I'. ,r tit I Mi.lwucry j one of ihe Ci.iiIim-- ltiKirain t'l tht I'iiiI. cal rWlety : member of ti.e Meau-.'-C.'iiiuisii-iil Collres ol I'lilliulelpliiH ; formerly I'resnlent nnd Prolensur ii n it i-ny u i l Huigery in Cnstlet m M i-.I.e ,! C llt fr,, Vei tnonl ; and also, Uile Professor ol' Auat'imy mihI Plnsi l "ay in Utrkahire MoUnal linuiuti. n, I'nttrk-UI, Mass., Ac , Ae., Kc. II. is lately introduced in a jvpular f"rm several nf his fnvaite prescripteuis for the ptmcipitl disejoe of llofc climate. Tlie uitine of each nrlit-lo will img ly tiie disease for whieh it is inlei.itrl to Im. ,is..,i. tilt MeCIJN'TlH'KfKC'lHiKAI.SYRl-p. Prieel hit. .McCI.INTUcK'rt ctM.l) AND cciL'OH MIX TI HK t'or c-iMs, r.iughs. c Price is els. hit. Mr-Ct.lN'IOCK S ASTHMA AND HOOPING COI UII Itr.MKIIV. Price Ro cts. Dr. .Mi-CI.INTUCK'H TOMO ALTERNATIVE HVKl'P- For I'urifvine Ihe H:.l l'iuel. hit. McC'I.INTtli.K S DVSPH'TIC KI.IXIR For giving bine to the st'iiunch relieving pains alter eating, ht-urtnuni. and atl itiangri'euMe siuptoins ar'Sii.j fuun Inilmrsuou Price ? I . hit. MefU.INTI iCK'H RHKI'MATIC MlKTl'Rr. A Purely Vegtiibte Heuirilv i"r uiternnl use. Prire 51) cts. hit. MeLI.INTOt K't" RHKI'MATIC I.INIMI..NT For Itiieninutisin, rtpruuis. Swellings, ttc , Ac. Trice 60 eeuis. hit. McCLIXTOCK'ft ANntiYNt: MIXTfRi: Foi Pains, Tooliiache, Headache, Neuralgia, Ac. &u. l'ut-e 50 cuts. hit. McCl.tNTOfK'S FEVKR A0 ACtT. fVK. CIFIC A certitoi cure lor all Inrcrmitlents. Price 81. 1)11. McCI.INT'irK'S DIARKIUKA CORDIAL AND CIIOI.I'.lt A PltKVKM'IVK A sale remedy. hit McCLIXTOChV? VLuF.TAIil.K I'Lltr.ATIVK PILLS. Fm (J stiveii'-r. Ilenduehe. Ac. Price J.lcls. hit. McCI.INTOCK'S AXTIUII.IOW PILLS For Irregiilnrity iu ihe Functions of ttie Liver and lioweis Ihe best Liver Pitl mmle Price cla. a kk Fur le by Dr. J. McCLINTOCK. al his Medical De. pol, W corner ninth and Filliert sis , I'hilnileliihia. atal ut nil Drupgists mid healers iu Meiliriuee. All hniggisis and healers in Medicines wIih wisIi to be agents, will ptease ndihlress Dr. McClialoctc, fnri.istnng reference, nerrie of Posr-OrTice. cuiiulv and suite For Siile by Weisi-r A Hriuier, Bud Pha m"kin; Wm. Weimer, Norihumbcrl:n:'l ; C. Proven. .Mil ton; K. I. Lutz. Hl n'uistnirg ; Jnenb Harris, Ruckte'rii ; rohti Vanlecio, Ligllt Street j 1 Sharpicis Sl Son, Ckta-W's-n. February 0, IAr,$.6-a. Premium Improved SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. THE ONLY SILVER MEDAL Yet awarded l y Ap;rieoltural Societies was given to this -Superior Article, at the last Pennsylvania State Fair, at HurrisburK, aa a fertilizer of the best quality for Wheat, Corn, Oats, lira ami 'otaloes, Raising heavy crops, and greatly im proving the soil. The eubreriber respectfully informs fanners and dealers lout be is prepared to suplv the Snriiig demand al the old price. CF- Agents wanted. a liberal du- count allowed. ALSO. No 1 Peruvian and Mexican'Guauo. Poudiette and Land Plaster. Oils, Candles. Soap, 4c, of the best quality, at lowest market rates. JNO. L. POMEKOY, 9 artrj 10 SoufA irAa-rce. below Market Street rillLAUELPIIIA. VST Farmers can load nn two private alleys, and avoij the crowded Wharf. March 8. 185R. 3mc. Pennsylvania Wire Works. Ne. 66 Arch Slreet between Second and Third, (Opposite Uroad buret.) PHILADELPHIA, Sieves, Piddles, Screens, U'otyi IPiVc of all mefhrs and widths, wilh all kinds of plain and fancy Wire Il'orr. Ileavv twilled Wire for Spark Catchers; Coal, Sand and tiravel Screens; Paper Maker's Wire; Cylinder and Dandy Rolls covered in the best manner) Wire and Wire Pencinc A very superior article of HEAVY FOUN- ! DF.ItS hlEVES. All kinds of iron Wire and ! Sieves. j BAYLISS. DARDY &. LINN, i Phila., March 9, IKM5.3nie fVF everv descrii ti auitahle for Rail Roads. J &r., for weijiUing Ilav. Coal, Ore and Meirhandi-'e c'lierallv. Purchasers run no risk. everv s ale is Guaranteed Correct, and if, after trial, not found suiUfactory, can be returned without chargo. II" rectory at he Old Stand, established for moie t'.ian twenty Mara, comer of NINTH and Melon Streets. Philadelphia. AUDUTT A CO. March I, 18.-.6. 3me TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS. VITANTED. to establih an Attenry for the aale of Wood M.iuhlings. nf which there are from 1 50 to $20il worth used in every house that ia built. Our advantages, in the use of a Machine that will work a whole board iiito moulding at one operation, and the large a mount of capital employed by the Company, enable ut to give ai'heral commission. 1'uUcru book furnUhed, containing S.0 psllerns. Addtesa J. D. DALE. Willow Street, above Twelfth, Philtdelphia, Pa. January 19, 1S50, 3in e K0RCR0SS' ROTARY PLANING MACHINES. WANTED Ta sell the Right end Mschine t for a Rotary Planing. Toiiguing and Grooving Machine, for boa ids and plank, under the Nocrots Pateuit. Alao, the allachinent nf the Moulding Machine, which will work a whole board into moulding at one operation. This patent has been tried, end decided in the Su preme Court in Washington, to he no infringe ment, being supeiior to Woodsworth's Machine. Apply lo J. D. DALE, Willow Street, above Twelfth. Philadelphia, where the Machines cart be seen in oriion. January l, I8563at NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves Indebted te Ira T. Clement, en Hook ecootMrt notee or olhee. wise, are lequeeted te call and pay tip without deley, etherwiee their accounts will be placed ia the bands of a magistrate tar eolleetiosx. sHftburr. Nev. IT. IS6. V CIJARLKS MAQARGE k 00. HAVING BKMOVF.D FROM NO .MCO.M.MGP.CUr. - to tm ' ' ' . South-Went cor. of Sixth and Carpenter k'tt- PlILADKLAniPI, HEG to rH ihe attention of PurMiisers u thsir extensive assortment of Psper, sr.J Paper Makera' Male'lsls ; Printilig Pspers for Dook and 'ws. Water leaf, eized, unraileii derci and callcndired, of ail qucbiies and prices, alwsvs tin hand: Hardware and Manilla Papers, Trunk boards, Hinders' IJoerds, HnginPspori c. ' ' ; '' " ... Particular attention is lnvitd te llirtr etten sive assortment of ' ' LKDUKR PAPKB3, From the most Cdtbraled Manvfacloriet n the Country. Among their WRITING PA PER STUCK msT Le found Com. Note, Ft lio Post Atlantic Note, Thin 'Medium, Bsih Post, Quarto Post, Pool's Cap, Plat Cap, Iinperinl. t'jmy. Medium, Jtoyal. Sup. I!oj si, riaie Taprra, of every description, size end quality. Map Papers, in great variety. En velope Tapers, white, buff, and gold, either laid or wove. Colored Papers, fine glaxcJ, and other varieties. Manufacturers are invited to ciarcii e their stock of Rags, Poiiiu and Di mestic. LU-ah" infjr Powders, of approved Man. Is : Alum, ground or crude; Sal Soda, .Soda Ash Felt'no,, Wire Cloths, Ultramarine, and Paper Makers' Mate rials ircnerully. 11?" They are also prepr.rsd to take orders of odd f'.tff and weights of any of the above descrip tion of Papers. a January SO, 1R5G. Smo I'anhiouabla HaU and Caps. ASHBY & IIOCAP, l'o. loC Market It., PHILADELPHIA. INFORM their friends end the public "Jc Cenernilv. that Ihey continue to keep at sivj their old stand, a large and extensive assortment of hits, caps, t. c, )ot up of the best material and in the latest and best style of workmanship and finish. ' Country merchants and others will do well to Phila.. Nov 10, If. IS. If. VALUABLE FAUM FOB. SALE. E sulxcriber oilers at private sale, a A VALUABLE TRACT OF LAXrf, situate in Sugar valley. Green township, Clin on county, "about I mile from l.ngaiis ill, and S miles from Lock Haven, adjoining lahdnof An thoi'v Klerkner, (ieo. Crumley and tiro. Snook, eontnining !i2l acres, stiict measure, all of which is excellent Limestone land about CO acres of which arc cleared, nnd lite balance well timbered snd waiered. The improvements are a two story Log; Houe and a l"e barn, near the western end of the said tract, and an excel, Put young orchard uf choice fiu it trees. Also another excellent two story hog H.iuc and I. a barn on tho east- ! em portion of sai.l linct. 'J he said premises am so situated as to make two excellent. Farms, and will be sold together or sr-paraTc, to suit purcha sers. Persons desirous nf the abova property will please call on the subscriber, resi. ding in l'pper Augusts tp., Northumberland county. 3 miles from Sunbury, who will accom pany them to said pieini?et Terms reasonable. GEOUUE M. FOKRESTER. December Zt, 1855. tf. QHEAT EXCITEMENT t La est and lent arrival of the Stason, At the Store of P. W. Gray, ii Market Square, hos Jwt received hit Stock from Philadelphia, consisting of Full anil Winter Goods, Embracing a great variety of Lady's Dress and Fancy Goods. The following comprises in part a list of my ex. tensive and eleirant slock, which for variety and cheapness cannot nc excelled in this market. FOR THE GENTLEMEN", Dlack anil Cloths rind Cas?iineres, Black Siitlin mid pa'ney ?ilk Vesting). Shirting Muslin D.'.iwers and Under Shirts, Kentucky Jeans Velvets, Ulauketa, Ac. FOU 'illfi LADIES'. Black Silks, Alpacas, Merinos' rolored BnJ plaid all wool. M nsliii de Lain, a large lot of Prints, of the beat brands and styles, hroivn anil bleached Sheetings, twilled and plaid I.inscys, Plnnnels, red, yellow au-J white, crey Drills, Tickings. Cambrics, Dress t.iuiuiinps, ribbon, laces, gloves, hose and iriah linens, and other things too tedious to mention. I would earnestly solicit a liberal share of their patronage. Boots & Shoes. large assortment. HATS CAPS. HARDWARE Jr. CI'TLERY, tfcDAK WARE. FISH 4 8 ALT, Groceries of every mi left's Test, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Rice, Cheese, Vin. egar. Candies, Caudles, Soap, Ciackers, U rooms, Lead. Shot, lid Cur Js, Plough Lines, Glass 8x0 lOxli, 11x10, Starch, Fluid, Dairy Salt. Smok ing snd Chewing Tobacco, i'ineCiirara, Matches, Mustard, Candle Vt ick, Blacking Water froof, and a general assortment of Ql'FEXSWARE AXD CLAfSWA'iE. Country produce taken at the hiahest market pr ices. Sunbury, Oct, S7, l5.i tf. VALUABLE PE0PEF.T Y FCS SALE. riHE aubscribers, Executors ol the estate of JL Henry Massrr, dee'd,, oiler at private saie ihe following property viz : A larpe two story I I'sme dwelling house, lor.elh" Willi about 50 ACRES OP LAND. Situate in Lower Augusta townthie adjoining land of Daniel Kaufman and others now iu tho occupancy of John It. Kaufman a a atore and dwelling. The house U new and the location a good one for business. Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONE" LAND, in said towmliip on the river about 5 miles be. low .-'uiil'U. y, adjoining lands of J. T. M'Pberon and olhcrs. conlaiiiiug, about 00 acres. The soil i productive and contains limestone ar.d other minerals. Also a trart of Land, containing about US teres nn the hill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining lauds uf the heii of the late John Conrad and oilier. There is, on thia tract, a tmsll orchard of choice fruit. For further particular apply to the subscribers. H. B. M.8SfcR, ) P. B. MAetfEK. Eeculoe. FRANCIS I BUCHER. ) Sunbury, January 19, 1850 tf COLLINS & M'CLEESTER'S. TYPE TOUNDRX and Printers Furnishing Warehouse, A'u. 1 Lodge Alley, hack of new Masonic Ial Philadelphia Phila.. Jan. II. 1'OIt Nil.IL THAT large and commodious HOUSE,, situated in the eaat end of Market Surety Suiibuiy, usyuieiita to he made to euit Durcha. ters the premiaes will be shown by the ubcrU br. 6 v u MARY MAW! Sunbury, Fehrnary , 1856 3m,. J.3H ALLEN KERGER'a PILLS. A certain M eur for Fever and Ague, for aale by 1 WEIsER de BRl'NER. Sunburv. uly it SK4. T AND WARRANTS.-Tae higheel prie, -"dl be si A (at Land Warranu b the a.k I H- ItAeWCk. rati-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers