AMCRirAN KATIOSAL COKVF.JTIOS. Thit body ngaembled on Monday morning rursnant to adjournment. Prayer by Rer. Mf. Campbell, or Tenn. The consideration of the proposed Platform offered by Mr. Small on Saturday, and all kindred proposi tions, wcro laid on the tftblo. Mr. Rrownlow, of Tenn., then moved that the Convention proceed at once to moke nomination for candidate)! for President and Vice President of the United States, and called tlio previous question, which wag sus tained. The main question was then taken by Teas and nays, and decided in the affirmative by a vote In favor of, 151. ngninst 61. Much time was as nsmil consumed by members giving reasons for their votes. Mr. A. Stewart, of Pennn.. then nominated Hon. Millard Fillmore, of New York, for President, nnd Andrew Jackson Doiiclson, tif Tenn., for Vico PresiJent. Mr. Sly of Maryland, nominated the lion. Win. 11. Smith, of Alabama, for Vice Pres ident. Mr. Perkins, of Connecticut, spoke at length, and insisted upon a restoration of the Missouri Compromise as the ultimatum of his State, nnd without that principle in the American platform, Connecticut could not nnd would not pro for the nominees of the Convent on. Upon concluding, he invited the delegations from the States determined to stand upon the restoration of the Missouri Compromise to meet at 11 o'clock at the Merchants' Hotel, to organize a ComruiUee to cnll a National Convention. It was under stood that Connecticut, New Hampshire, Massachusetts in pnrt, Rhode Island, Ohio in part, Iowa, Illinois and Pennsylvania in part were embraced in this secession. A (rreut deal of timo was consumed in tryiug to (rot nt some plan for making tho nomina tions, ana finally it was settled to niako a general nomination of candidates for Presi dent by calling over the several Slates, with the intention, after n recess, to proceed to complete the nominations upon a plan to be agreed on. The nominations as made were Miliard Fillmore of N. Y.. John Hell, r.r Tenn., K. V. Stockton, of N. J., ieotge Law of N. Y., Sam. Houston, of Texas. Krastus Ilrouka of N. Y.. O arret Davis, of Ky., Kenneth liny nor. of N. C, John M. Clayton, of Del. Kx-Oovernor Johnston, of Pennsylvania, was also put in nomination, but l.e positively declined being consideied a candidate before the Convention. The Convention then adjourned to 5 o' clock. .1 "ernomi Session. The Convention in the morning having made the gone-al liomi- wui.nury. r cbr ii itions by culls of tho several States, th , -first business of the afternoon session was to fix upon the plan nt taking the vole lor uii? filial nomination. This was settled by taking c. l: A it.,.;.. Hie voles 01 iu cjiuien nccuiuiii i" m-ii representation in tho electoral college, the absentees to he represented nnd counted in proportion to the votes given by the delegates of anv State voting for the respective nomi neeswhere they differed in their preferences, and where Ihe wholu number voted for one candidate, to give the entire number of votes the State was entitled to for that candidate. Tho roll was then called, and the result was as follows: For Millard Fillmore of New York. 179; George Law of New York, J4 ; John McLean of Ohio, 13; Garret Davis or Kentucky, 10; Keuneth Hay nor, 15; Sain, iloiifton, 3. Whereupon Millard Fillmore wci Biinriin red as having received a majority of the whole number of votes cast, as the candidate for President of tho United Stated. On motion, tho nomination was made unanimous, nnd a good round of cheers given for tho candidate. The Convention then proceeded to a nom ination of a candidate for the Vice Pn sidvn cy. nnd upon the first count. A ndrew J uckson lionclson, of Tennessee, had 1ST votes, Ken neth RavnorS, Persey Wuikcr 8, Henry J. Gardner, or Muss., 12, Stewart 2, when Mr. Donelsoii wns announced us tho candidate. His nomination was then declared umiiimoiiH. In several of the States the delegations voted entire for the nominees, and a lurge number went almost unanimously. Great enthusiasm was exhibited after tho Humiliations were completed, and a number of snecchcii vere made, characterized by & f irong conservative feeling upon the question that so lornr distracted the deliberation of the body, and a fixed determination to ad here to the principles (ii the party, a:el tu give a firm and ardent support to the candi dates agreed upon. The Convention then adjourned. rUlPEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. Yesterday, between the hours of breakfast and dinner, a runaway couple were captured 1 1 New Albany by the strong arm of a police officer and an assistant, and their liberty most ignnminonsly curtailed by lodging them in our jail. One of them wns a likely black woman, the cook of Mr. Newland, in this c ty, and the othor a white gentleman from tho East somewhere, bearing the name of Elishn Hillyear. It was a regular love match, fugitive slave case, some might say, or a case where all are entitled to liberty and lovo, no matter what color, as tho abolition ists say, nnd the deepest sympathy is de manded for them, now that tbey are made captives. The particulars of this romant'c negro stealing affair are nbont these. Tho white man was deeply enamored of the black cook, and, no doubt, persuaded her to run awav, having beforo hand provided a couple or through tickets over the New Albany rail road to Michigan City, which tickets were subsequently found in his possession. The women, after getting breakfast for her mas ter's family as usual, packed up her duds, took the omnibus to Portland, where she wns joined by tho while man, nnd together they crossed" the river on the ferry boat. The woman was closely veiled, and excited the suspicion or Mr. Conner, the ferryman, who noticed her pretty closely, nnd after she en tered the ladies room on tho furry boat, saw the man go np to her, raise her veil, nnd im print a sweet kiss upon her pouting lips, when, to the great surprise of the ferry muster, he discovered the woman to bo a negro. Ho nt onco took her in charge, and on tho return of the ferry, handed her over to Mr. Crowfoot, of tho police. Tho officers and others then returned to New Albany, and'ofter a short search found the whito man in a cellar, captured nnd brought him buck to this city, and lodged him in jail, and he will now bo nrraigned on ihn sweet charge of negro stealing. Louu vilie Courier. New Advertisements. DAGUERREOTYPES. SOIIX W. DAVIS announce to the citizens of Sunburv snJ vicinity, that ha is now tuking Daguerreotype, Crvstalolvpo and Stereo. aenpic Picture, in ihe thirl story a'uove the Posl Oflice, where he Ratter himxrll with the idea he can give all perfect satisfaction, who will favor him with a call. Prrwona desiring pictures will find it to llieir advantage to come foou, as he will remain but a very short thus. Sunbury, February 16, lSfiS. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of A1 1 ministration on (he estate of Alexander Caldwell, late of Coal township, Northumber land 'Jounty, deceased, w granted to the sub aciiher on the 1 2 1 h day of February, 1HM'.. All person indebted to said estate will mute pay ment, and those having claim will present them properly authenticated fur settlement. VM. W. MW.'LLIAMS, Shamukiii, Feb. 10, 1856.- Ct TAMES McCLINTOCK, M. D., Late " PKOFEftiORurAnatiimyaiidSurfrerylntha Thil rtelphia College of Medicine, and Acini Professor til Midwifery one of the Consulting I'hysicant of the Phil adelphia H'Wpital, Blorklcy ; hue inemher of the National Medical Assocmliou ) meinucr of the Philuilelphw Medi cat SW'icty irietnher of the Medir i-Chiiiirsir-al dillega of Philadelphia formerly President null Professor if nllimynail Surgery In Oaatlet al Medical t!"lli-se, Ver mont ; and aim, lute I'rofeaanr of Anatoniy and I'hialol. orjy hi Ucrkshir Medical li.sliuiliuii, Piilshi-lil, Mam., Ire , Ac., Ac. Haa lately introduced in a popular form several of hi favorite prescriptions for the principal disease nf tint climate. The iiumr nf each article will imply the disease for which it ta Intended to he used. DR.McCI.INTOI.K'r" PI'.CTllltAl.SYP-tT PrireSJ! PR. MeUMNTOCK'S COI. 1) ANU CO! (Ill MIX TU KK For OhikIis. Ac Price .' eta. DR. McCM STOCK'S ASTHMA AM) llool'INlj COUCH ItKMKDV. Price fin cia. Dr. McCLIVroL'K'a TONIU AI.TKIINAT1VR BVHl'P-For Purifvinir Ihe IU....H Piiic SI DR. MeC'I.INToCK'S DYSIMTTIC K.I.I Xltt For t riving tone to thut"mnch relieving pnina anr eiiinig. leurtlmrn, antl ull ilisuyreutihle symptoms uiising liom indigestion Price IS I. DH. MeCI.IN'I'i H'K'Hi RTfF.t'M ATIC M1XTCRK A Purely Vegelnlile Kenieily intrrniil nae. Piiee 511 el a. DH. Mii:l.l.TOCK'! lUIKL'.M A TIC I.I.NiMI.M For Kheiirnutiani, fpruinl, Pu'illinga, Ac, Au. I'nce 60 rrnla. DR. McCt.lNTOCK'SANUDYXK .MIXTI'ltl'.-Foi Pnina, Toothnche, lleudnche, Ncurulgia, Ac. Ac. Price 50 rente. DR. McCl.lNTOCK'S" FFVI'.R AX'D Ani l-: CII'IC A eerlHiu cure for nil lnlermiuenl. Price I. DR. MeCl.lNTOi'K'SIU.MinlKKA ft HI DIAL AND CIKH.KIIA PHKVII.NTIVK A DR. Mt-CIJN TUCK': VF.UP.1 VHI.K PI IIHATIVh ril.1.9 Foi Cortivrnraa, lletiih.ehe. , p. Pi ire Sfie'a. DH. MrCl.lNTlll K'S ANTIHIl.lOl'r PILLS For Irregitlarny in the Functiotm of tin; l.ivrr nnd B nvela the heat Liver Pill mnde. Prire a.l cl. n Iv x For ile by Dr. J. .MLf.LIN I'tK'K. Ml l.i Me-lirjil Dr. pot, N W corner ninth ninl V !!.- I aia . Phiimli -Iphin. nnd nt all UrntciKH utiiI D(-,li'tH in Meilicilieg. All Drusiiixlii and Denlera in Metlieinea wlix wiah In I npeii't will pleuie adddrrai Dr. .MeCimtoelr. reicrence. inline nf Pimt-omce. rnnlv nnd m ite W For Slnle tiv WeiKer A llnnier. S'lnl'Urv nnd Fliiw mnkm; Wm. We'iiner, Norilitimlierln'iut I ('. lirown. Mil ton i F,. l. l,ut, IIM..iMRlur:j i Jiieoh llarrif, Hurlihnrii ; John Vnulecio, Liglil Sir-el : 1 Slnriilei. A Hi-ii, I nUi wia. February S, IM1. 0 . Paahlonabla Hats and Cap. ASHB7 & ROCAP, No. 136 Mctrlet it., PHILADELPHIA. INFORM their friends and the public generally, thai hey continue to keep at their oh stand, a large and extenaive aaaortment nf hata, caps, Ac., got up of the beat material and in the latest and best elyle of workmanship and finiali, Country merchants snd others will do well to call atid examine lielore purchasing elsewhere. Philu.. Nov 10, 155. if. Adia'r. A PKKMIUM of five per cent will be paid fcr the Uoroub Order dated July 5i, M3:i. No. 516 dr.iwn in faTjr of P. Ii. Maaacr, by leaving it at this offic Fab. tt, IS56. Nurserymen, Fruit Growers and Fanners NKW YORK HORTICl'LTl KAL RF.V1KW : .1 Journal nf .'Suburban Art. Superbly and I'rofu.u-ly Jltuitrateil. liteutrtl to the Adiunceinent if the Rural littreftn iit America. then cw nrri'BLic or nicab agi' a A number of enterpriaiiip young men left this city on Tuesday for Nicaragua, with a vii.ivn'id lni! in thai new and promising frlato. A lurpe body had previously left for the same destination. These younp men are. of a very respectalilo class ; nut mero adven turers find speculators, but many of tlwm -ons of tdd nnd respectatilo citizens of New Oilcans. There is still a larger number who talk of point'. The Niearacuan fever is beginning, indeed, to assume the character and intensity of the California rmiprution fever which rutred so violently lomn tivo or tix tears npo. This movement has uotLinir of Tawlee iies s or fillibusterif m about it. 1 1 in prompted by a confidence in the stability of WulUer's government. 'I'lie renorts which have come to ns ull mstain and encourage this hope. WalUer AJouLtlts has at least twelve hundred Amer icans to uphold and maintain Ins portion, und it is believed thnt such a force is not only alilo to defend bis Government aiiist all c'w'A tronliles, but also apaim-t all exterior les, nnd if, provohed by hostilities of the neiphboriti? States, to overruu and subjugate . hi nt. Hehides. where Walker is permdiully Known, thure is much faith in bis capacity, iiitcllipvucu und Crmness. He is a younp man of good education, of sedate, thoughtful liuliils. and of preat ambition, vastly superior in all moral und intellectual qualifications to the class of men who have long controlled the destinies of this unfortunate region of our rt'titineiit, which l'rovidence has so preatly fuvored and man bus so curaed.-AVir Orleans Courier. Post Office Matters. The l'ostniaster General has ordered the following chaupeg in Pennsylvania : Jeremiah Garman, post inaster at Terro Hill, Lancaster county, vice A. K. lluuliarpor. liobert Todd, post master, Spang's Mills, Blair county, vice J. 1.. Martin, moved away. John K. Kittermau. postmaster, Taradise 'Furnace, Huntingdon county, vice James Gilhun. A inst-offlee has been established at Angh wick Mills, Huntingdon county, To., John r.hv, l'ostniaster. The Post ollice at Cherry Fails, Tioga county, Pa., is discontinued. A new Post office has been established at Kintnersville. Bucks county, IV, nod Levi H. Sassumau lias been appointed Postmaster. Cot'KTKUFKITS ON THg pR't UaNK. V learn that counterfeits of the denomination of 5 are in circulation in Philadelphia. As these notes circulate prettv freely in this 1U rlon our citizens ought so be ou lite look-out. 1'bi y are said to bo well executed. T7iii ia nue of the largest uiiU uioit l.borate works o ihe k ii til in trie wild. Hum! Architecture frrni imc of tim principal features Kiich nunibrr CfiiLuius Irotn two to four engravings nt m xlrl c.t'rig'es fiuin tlcsns by eminent and nkilltul ar I'hitccla S.ier is also uasigmd to the t.ifctcliil art of Uin'ii'.'ape burdening : enirru ed nluns of burdens in cverv style, and Q.lupted lu the peculiarities of ddieruit urdcis vl urcliilecture, bniutify the work. Kiia;ru'!M4 of new iruits, new flowers, new vejfetal.les, Ac , urc itiustlilted and drcrd-d aa aj,ll their respective qirnilies can tc ilelciinined. l'rillllir the lmst cinnplete uid ei.Miii annum of liural iius!nnury evtr allcmptcil Ail espeiienced e.'ips nf priielleid writers, sevea i miinUer. arc eiurnceu In till Its enliiiiuis I Ii cont.iii.B scveuly lalse luiffcs. and ia nriutcd on the fur-st pcail'SUtltu'e.i paper, iiimiulnctured expretly. I 'IV.aoi per annum, pnval!e invnnul Iv in ndvnnce. Fitly centa cuiilmisl.a on eaeh snl'ritier nll-'Wetl to (S ttn-se wl)- act its acenls. Sl.tHJO will tte ilislnb-.ited at the r:ii oi t lie j pttt nnioiifc , wit" prim iib ine t eni y mitral ps'.s of subaerilM rs. 1 ttettc preiiuuitis w ill be lmu! hi cusli I be first pteiiuuni will be 5?3UO. The f.''!owii;g ale Selected frnn liuinlreila nf slniilnr poii-.-es, vuiiiiitkr) ccittributtl ly conu-iuporunc- us pubii ,a;i.nis: 'Che ll-'Tlieulturii! Review deserves the ni"it IiImtiiI pa tr itisRe. Il is ii.t only eminently priietiiitl, but is wiillt n ei a s'.y'e t.a equtils the best' r..r;s uf tiic kite A. J. DnU itf . KMi'KKRI.CKk:R. 'Ine ir.ot e!e)(:int u:.:l useful !ok of the kind that luis ever come under ourol.5ervitioii. HboIsiki. Mr. l.eKles, the F.ditor of Ihe Uortieulliiriil Review, is I piuc'.icttl pwin"Uriil, nnd ,tte of I lie finest achi'lura our e.-iifitry Ivtasis of. He rts"efea the ((lowiiiir dtscnpltve powers r.f DleKeus. rltrj elegant fjostip of Vul)t.ile, eoln Liiied with a thorougii kuoleti;;e t.f rural art. blATK P-'Lira TataeNU. Funners buy it for your s ns buy it for your daughters It is a rich luteKeelunl Ireut; a rare. et.iutiiuHiioo tf Hie kcauteul and the usetul. Aunt's, N. l . We had ihoiittht thil iu ! wnniu's death, the eloquent adeoejte of rurnl ndoiuiirei'ifliiid btr me imly a chelished reliieinbrrtiire: but in Mr. RnnVswc dntrovei an ecinullv rich iiinie f nicnutl wealih. thut betokens the iurluuuce of the si'iilt that u c uie Momuuss Tkivi v A-I'.'ertisfts ueitl fi:wl r';is tin itns!irttfiiud innlinm .S publicity, anlthe Horlieuurul K. view ireuiulea exteu' sivelvj in every fer'n'e in the I'iuoii. Advertisements n, set led at the ra'.e ef t? 1(1 tH;r u,2e. WOOD ENGRAVING. Those requiring Wood Kntfiavtne, cm hnve their nrnera executed ill an unricn.'ied inaiiner. Special ullentioii is eieeu to views of ANIMAL-: an exH'iienet-d Kucllsh llruuchtsniau is engneed for Una ixprers purpi sc. Per soi. a Uviiie at uis'mice can forward u iliieaen tvr of tli ob.ieet Iby mm 1 1 ihev wisii engotved, which will be a P l.licicilt guide to obtiiin a Mifi-et f:ie snuiie. bck bre.-ders will be deu't with very liitfrttl terms. Peitruirv 16, ll-.'at -6ino CHARLES MAGAH(iE CO. RKMuvr.n fko.m No.siico.MMKiicr.sT. TO THE -9ot(i-n'f.vf cor. nf Sixth Curptnttr Sts. PHLADKLAI11PI, )K(i to call the atlenlion of I'uicliascrs in - their etteuaive astuitnirnl of Pupcr, ami Paper Makers' Materials ; Printing Pupers for ltook ami News. Water leaf, eied, imcullen ilered and ciillenilered, of all tjiialities ami prier., ulwnva on linntl: Hardware an d Mnuilla Pnpera, Trunk Uoarda, Uiudera' Uoarda, lluntjiu'Pupers &c, iVc. l'ariii ulur tiltention is invitJ to llieir exten sive aortioent of I.KUtiKU PAPKIiS, From the most Ciltbmtiil Munufactorie in the Country. Among their WRl'I'INf! PAPKPv STOCK mu' he fouuil (Join. Xote, 1'olio Post All uilic Note, 'J'hin Medium, limit Post, Demy, tjimrlo Poat, Medium, Tool's Cap, Kovnl, l-'lnt Cap, iMip. Kntal, Imperial. Plulc Paper, of eterv description, r'ue nnd (jinilitv. Map Papers, in great v.iriety. Kn velope Pnpers, while, bull', nnd gold, either laid or wove. Colored Papers, line giiued, and oilier varieties. ; Manufacturers are itnilnl to cxan.ii c llieir stock of Kaga, Foreign and lloiucxtic. Itleui li- Inie PowdtTri, ol approved lirauda : Mum, ground or crude; Sal iSuda, voda AkIi I'eUiiigs, Wire Clollia, Cllraiiiarinc, and Paper Makers' Male rials generally. ty They are also prepared to take orders of odd sines and weights ol uny of Ihe above descrip tion of Papers. January f, lS5f. Cmo I Oat SAM,. HAT large and conimodious HUl'f'K, situated in the east cud of Market Mreet, Kuiibuiy, payinentH to he mado lo anil purcha sers tho preimsea will be shown hy the i-uhscri-ber. MARY MAKKI.K. Suuliury, Fehruiiry !, lfc.rG. 3m. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. ffHK auhscriher nll'era at private sale, a A VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, ailimte in Sugar valley, Oreen township, Clin on county, 'iil'i.ut I niiie from Locanaville, and 9 miles from Lock Haven, adjoining landsnf An thony KIci k her, Crumley anil (ieo. Snook, containing 2l acres, atricl measure, nil of which is) excellent Limestone laud about 00 acres ol which are cleared, and the balance well timbered and watered. The improvements are a two story bog House and, l"g burn, near the western end of tho said tract, and un excellent young orchard tf choice fiuit Irres. A No another excellent t'vo story Loir House and .,sr ham on tlie easl ern portion uf said tract. The said premises ore ao situated aa to make two excellent pnrms, and will be sold together or separate, to suit purcha sers. Persona de-drolls of purchasing the above property will please call on the subscriber, resi ding in I'pper Augusta tp., Northumberland county. 5 miles from Sunbury, who will accom pany them to said premises. Terms reasonable. OKDKliK M. FOJtKKSTElf. December Si, 1 fr5. If. AVioirANDVm V ATE!S ALE. Worthy the Attention of Every Man. UAVI.Mr positively determined lo leave Sun bury on ihe 1st nf February next, I intend selling my large Slock of Clolhing and other Hoods at and below cost at private sale, and next month at Auction. My stock embracea a large variety of very desirable goods of different kinds. CLOI'lll.N'ti of tlill'crcnt styles and makes va rious qualities and prices, such as Winter coats from .iX.?ft npwajils; Overcoats from $H,UU and higher; Paula and Vests in proportion; Hata and Caps, Hoots and Shoes, Shirts, Underclo thing, Hoys' Clothing, pistols, jewelry, hosiery, Htid all other kinds of goods generally kc(it in a Clothing Kstahlisihuient. I have also on hand a vriiety of Summer Coats, vests and pnuta; also Summer Hals of different ty!es, all of which I will sell at tremendously low prices. The And ion will commence on Ihe 7lh of January ne xt, und will continue through that week cverv day and evening, afterwards on Monday Wednesday and Saturday. The public will find it to their advantage Id call early and buy at private sale; they have then a good as sortment to pick from, and shall buy goods at as low pticea as they will probably lie sold by Auction. My store is in Market Square, is known, and can hardly be iuicd. klsbekg. Sunbury Dec. S2, To Merchants and Storekeepers. The subscriber desirous of leaving as soon aa possible, will sell lo Merchants and others who may favor him, at wholesale, lower thiiti Phils del'thia rules, any or all his goods on hand. His alock'cnm prises a Aliiicty of goods adapted to ihe season, is pretty large yet, so that lie can give an Assortment of sixes and qualities to buyers. Merchants will find it to llieir advantage to call eail v. AIiBUUT ELS15EU!!. LATEST A 1UHVAL, Largest and Best Assortment Clll'.AP, llANDSOMK & DURABLE. riMl E subscriber takes pleasure in informing A liis customers and the public genrrully that he is now in receipt of an unusually large and Splendid Assortment of New Goods. To endeavor to enumerate the one hundrcth Suffice it Urent Arrival of Fall and Winter Goods ! IRA T. CLEMENT NFORM3 hi friends snd customers that he just received sit elegant assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! I At his 8tor In Market Street, Sunbury, which he offer to the public at the lowest price. His stock consist of a general assortment e Dry (lootls, viz : Cloths, Castimers, Casfimts, cans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens. Citlieoa, Alushn dt Lain, Lawns, Ginphams, Jirors. Also large assortment of CLOTH IN A large assortment of Hoots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Sii.k Hats. Panama, Puho leaf and other Summer Hata. ri:iter OROCEI1IES of every variety. .Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese), Spieca, l'ish. Salt. cVc. 1 1. Mil) WAKE, Vis : Iron and Steel, Nails, Ktles, Saws, AtC. QUEENSVVA RE. Tta letts, Pttitcf, Dishes, Cups, Saueers, tft ITT Country produce of all kinds taken ill ex change st tiic highest market prices. Oct. 20. ISftfl NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. I. W. TKSF.n k. Co., Snnbury, Pa., 1 ESPECTFLT.LY announce fhst they have a1 just received a Urge and varied stock of splendid good suited to the season j an inspec tion of which they solicit frcm their friends nd the public they will lie sold at low prices, as they still adhere to their old motto: "Small profit and quick Siiles." This in the end pays beat, whil il best serves their customers. 'I heir stock now consists of Cloth. Csastmeres. Vesting, Ladies' Llrrsa tiooda, in greut variety, of Silk", I'jplins, Delaines, Cashmeres, Coburga, all wool de lains. Calicoes, cVc, with a largo assortment of dress x trimmings,-llroche, Thibet, Cash mero, and wollen shawls, worked collars, cuffs, sleeves, chemisettes, AC. , .it ti i " ' i . . x .-A I aiiall liavc i';i5iiil nwiiv. Il is to t A new alock of heady made t.oats, eats, ami .,,,. ,., u,k ,-r ,.y .ni!y GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING! rjoi-iisr -v. 3vi-A.nTi3sr MKKC1IANT TAILOR, CUMEUBY, PA. Kespertfclly informs the citizens ofSunb:iry and the public generally, that he has just received from Philadelphia, choice and select assorinctit of Cloths, Caasinicrea, A.c , vir. : j French black Cloth, plain and twilled. thick Heaver do fr overcoats. ! Pine blue cloth. , Claret cloth. Cassimerea french black corded. i do do do llocskin. I do rlo grey mixed Uneskin. , Vestings plain hlark silk vehct. do Figured velvet, l'lusli velvel. j do lllnik satin figured. Woolen Shirts and Drawers. ' Ueritleinen'a Pocket Hatidkercliief. do Neck-ties. ' All of which will be sold or maja up to order in j the latest und best style. tS'tinhury, Dee. 1, ittoTi if j adttle and Cens-iic .llahci. ! Thomas H. Tucker, SuccrMir t'i (1. I!'. Stroh, X-'fik IKslECTFCI.LY informs the 'ilizetia ol Sunbury and the pub generally, thai he has taken SaSS cslabli.-.hinent lately occupied hv lico. Stroll, and havin g engaged several good workmen, will be enabled to turn out work in his line equal to any made in this section of country. Orders proinj tly excreted and all kinds o!' pro duce taken in evcliauiic. Pantaloons, uf superior style and workiiiumhip- Also, Hata, Caps, Doots and Shoes together wilh a general assortment of Hardware, Cjoecns ware, Uroccries, Provisions, Ccdnrware, Druit.t, j Paints. Oils and IV' ails. I Come and see, no chargo is mado for show I ing goods. Country produce taken in exohange for goods. I at the hiu,hct maiket prices j Sunlniij, October 13, IS.m. I t tt 1 ; - lii itisli reriodicals RAtfLY curies in t firu. VZTPrtmiums to Utio Substnberi ! I i.KOlAni)r0TT CO" Vsw YorV, eontlrass t f. puli!i.h the follownig llriirsh ferndioala, via i Til E LONDON QUAUTEULY (Conservative, THE F.D1NBCRGI1 llilVlEW (Whig.; THE NORTH RRIT1SH REVIEW (Free t"h J THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal. BLACKWOOD'S EDI N BURG MAGAZ1NB , Tor'-' Tim fnt rritirul n'n'ft t.f Fii'"f""n ti.Tiiirf will ii iiinf IVV ril1tllij;ilif-iti imilF T.'illy iiitrp-Mitir (Jri::g the ttjlttl. ritjiiiu T:ir. They will nciMijiy tnuldle if"Uil lrtwcno t.iif tia-uiiv writfii uv WM-itrnta. Vrutle I"i miU1.iii.iiiiiI tiy Mitnnis !' ihr i!.iily J urnii!, Hint Ihe poml'Toti Tma ol tl.f tui'ife liiHiairtniu wntlfu nT ll-e Uvmw irt-iMt notl :krjtcii ui t ilie lMtul liticH fviftn .if the tuna IhtcliVllsie BPIl TV-tH- Me liiH Ty tf (-wrt nt i-vtutf. utul n wicli, in aiMiii n to rln ir Vf'il.i'nnLliti'i. d lltfinry itnlili . in:tl tiitol w-nl. clmrfirin, wc urjc th'i r.u the c.'ii8:dVinlU'U oi ifc ri'itilitip f til'i.c. r? Ar:iiiiir'MM am. t.nV f crniimrntly t"ii f"T tli fviA of li'.rly .S:-fif ff .i.i i!e JJiitihii I ublisti.-fi, (. whu ii we nit .;': I to '-" t ha t.iir lt ifnim .11 ti.a h:m;ib ni'uli.tnt.-i. iiitii. nf n n n "i.-v can l: itir;itplt(rn Wilh (Itr tot 11 r -j.i.-R. Ai!ti'!i:(i lln invoiv;- n verr hrce otiil-iv on our .;irt, Wf thiiH'cor.tniitf to 1 111 n:"h. tim IViioi!ka.!nt tho F;m l-w rvlv.n s I. ri-rforr, ttigotuKt With llie f":l 'wii.i; TieuiiiMiin to new Hnlfw-ritrt-r. TKK.MS AND PltKMIUMS. m belou. I t'rr n. F"f ftjiy oi of tlit four f!i-viewFiii(( "n Trim. vul. HHQ y t ! two ona " V9 Foi pur t!-roe ' to VC l-'or tilt lour of l!jf Ht-virwn 11 two " t11 For n::ic:tvo'iri .Mt7ri:-A " of. M W I' or Hb'kwo'(l nntt hrr- I'-virwi tl:rte 11 W For l;i:tekwoo.i V tie fur lt!v:-w t'irrfl " 10 W Paiimtuts tithe mink in alt eases m ad vain t. Almaj cvrrcut in the State where issutd will he rcuitid at Thr Preminnm cuuUt ff tha to!Jovii .j wnrki, bark r 'tumei" of whii'd will LepM'sfn to new S ii-w:ril-eri nrw . , sSee nj inmntm j otvmca Ri. I0r 1 til l lliDUil ,.. Thi lnitiiti'i!, ul,ih wvh n..( eniHhl sjlii i in hi ( i' iu:i:r. bit! mniittvt lonoiift it" i;.-t'Mi ttcit t un lilt-tin n! trio lMittVeS liftl Hi i!:is( Mud oilirir cili'"; win 011 .Itme 4lh, t.'harfrtTil, :oi.t .-! .if'-ifheH im ;i C.'lit-tt, in a c.-Tj.tinrc with Act uf The ouhsi; r Inpt nrciios in of 0 krV tliuri-upiily ! r:u ticul rii.itin-ift lird to-J for utu in l-iiiif ; 1. a wliii. T .. ..... 1 ;.. . r .... . ' luc u,.l.Mk.uTl, v..ri:. toli.e! n.WinHla UrdorI. n. ftbovt o'lrif mi h a. 1 1 ill s j . p , C9 rs UllANli I.ODfn-; iroo In Ilia New Masonic riiil.'nlclliiii. Shiibitrv. "7, 1 5."s.1. I V .TV ldtcnl ol' Tor the Fall b$ W inter 'otitis. J. F. &. I. F. KLINE, R-Pi;"ITTl.l.Y announce lo their frienJa and tl e public in uein ral, that they have received a''heir Old SlauJ. in Upper Ancuata tua'tmliiii Niirtliiniilierbiiiil ettillilv. PiL-at Klines (irove, ilieir KAI.Ij an! 'lN'TEK tioods, ami ' oieneJ lo the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &c, C'onaisting in part of (.'loth, black and ft-. n c; CaxMincreK, iSuttinctta, Checks, Drawers and Under Shirts, and all kinds of FALL ami YV1XTK11 GOODS. Alto lt of Kemly.ui.iJe CuaU, VeU anJ Pauls. &c. ladies Tress Goods, Confuting of Ufack Mi'ritios, AIpnooN, (y T it inre un -n J L F() IIOMM KiiCl A I 1 AW. elf jjjjP) liverttl for ihtjir uva, by umi- -Jf iifiit irai'titi'rtt"s. QfJ For t!ie ntrinu RMm, tt:e IIo. JrciK SntH-v).i'i( vi'.'u art til cact'd in tlii ilipTiTttiit tit. i n. rmTn;Nirt iviM-i;vi!. I V" t'a'nl' 'iTii'n wiil lit Nt-iii to any B(i Ui", on iini-lti Tnii'N !. litT. A'i. Lin'.:'t!?s, hook KFF.IMNO, on rt-ceipt f?r ntnW of tlie price. 8 1. ML Ku) to km nc Ov cti J'i.ilnoeli-liia, Oct. 13, U55.-Cn;. MASONIC HALL, rim.ADr.i.niiA. A'st'.NT? WANTKO in every town nm! e unty in Ilia L nurtl St.tirB, ttise'l the lifMiitiyk 'lUiiie ! t.iO i rn;ircio.M. Tfiia Plate ic sc. nitj Vrry I'tpid.y. mho Ik-Hj' uv ti.l:stn:iin h "i iii. i-t I tLM' mviiivM IlMl ftfll! wn'i winh th Siatlary, ; I'hk-i'o lAii:riN; ami l'i.N;TfhC nre rercBcutfiJ. ami !ie ;irt isi if li.'.-iiiiv ini'l liMrni.'i.y of the c lor. ?izc of i-in'r, 'J2 Pn" t Oo. HiH'kffileiN find Fi'"tuit DcmIimi wiilinivr o tnU tinr-u-, ens .' r it, wi.l blca3 uJicw. f"f n.f"riii:ti.n. j U.S. K'.ii.MlIM,. Lith-'granii.-i1, i'liiileli'liiu. j O.', 1V..-5. if j greXt masonic" HALL i Till-: I.AHvFST FI A NO FOR TF. MFT.ODKON AND Ml l: S I'OKF IN THF. I'M VUD STATIC, Will In nyi'iH'l Ortot.r I.ritli in the Maon:c . Ursi DiN'i, riirmint tiiri,-t.n!t-vf ?tvriith. I'lolul' lpiiiu. J( JOHN .MAltSH. the S. .If Ai.nt f'T Homtlnmi. ' i r.ty V t'o.'i --U lir.itfd Oolre t'amp'tiui .Attm-lmu nt Fi:ni'' Foitt'F, find C W. Fmk & t'o's Fifiiiinni Mf!o ?nii. AIo, 1'miiti Fottcimitt il.-nU'oit of oilier (til ttniiikSi'tt in ikt-rn. J M. mLdoiiciI h li-ur for Pcvt-rul yum ni llie iiew. in ijrir.fii eiit nnJ weil known M:tiue lIuiMine, w li-Ti h intense kfpitifr tlie In rift nt iinJ HSs'Ttni'-iif "i I'niio Forltf!, Mflinlcont, Music, nmt Ma-nii-iil IiiM'Tnnifiitit of evt iy ilenriiption. nil of which ur rarctuMy c!iv!rl hy hiniMlf. mill warrati'.ei tugr. jrr fiM Mtii'iiftion in ?vrry intuii:e. th-V'Wr tfTth, 1-.S5- ff ZIBA BIRD'S ESTATE. TOTICE is hereby given to all person ' cemed that the undersigned appoint con- aimed u. ditor in Ihe matter of the execptiuua lo the ac coui.t of Joaepu llird and ("amuel luailer.exe cutor of Ziba Bird, doe'd., will attend to the duties of hia appointment at hi office in the borough of Sunbury, on Tuesday the Kith day of February next, at 10 o'clock A. M., of thut dy. WM. I. GRKENOUUII, Auditor fcunbury, Feb. 9, 1850. 3t 'IIIE lubscrilicr resH?clfully iti'orm the citi A tent of 8uuliury and the public generally. that be hi commenced the manufacture of all Linda f EARTHENWARE, at hi manufactory in Whortleberry Btreet, one square eaat of the ltiver. H ha engaged the servicca of Mr. llsar. and you can therefor depend on hating a good article. The pub.ic are reauccllully invited to call. All order from a Uiatanco will be promptly attended to. P. M.SIIINDEI. Sunbury, Feb. 2, 1850. if Invamox or Dominica Abandoned. W have account from Uouaive to I ho 1st or February, which ttuU thut the Ilaytieu troop were lioineward bound, by order of tbe Emperor tbe iuvaion of Duuiiuica, bar. ing bteu nbaudoncd. rgiNTEBs' Strike in Canada. TL prin ter of London. Canada Weet. bav struck Icr higher rici. The Free J'roa adverti- icl fur mi joung lauii'a to leaiu the art of Jjiintiiig. NOTICE I1 here' y given that the parlncrahip of Y II. l.'herrinaton St. Co., ha been dissolved mutual content. All peitont having account wilh Ihe firm will please call ou the subscriber for ictllemenl. WM. H. CIIERRINGTO.N Shamokin, February 3, 1850. 'iui Dlioioliitioii or Partnership fl'HE partnership existing between ISicol ft McArlhur, Robert l.mont and John Mo Ore, mining Coal under the firm of McArlhur & Co., at bhamokin. wa diaaolved by mutual content on th aOlb of November, 1855, and tbe business of (aid firm will I settled by Nicol Mc.Mtnur. KICOl. McARTnUR, KUUKKT LAMOT, JOn.t M'CREE Fcbreary I, ISSrWSl 1NUELI.IBLC IK at M IV. WlfiER tk BRl'NEB'. TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS. YYANTKl). lo ci.tiibli.h an Aency for the v v Blllf. ,,f Wood Mniihlinua. id' which there are from J'-O to .'JiOtl worth used in every house that ia built. Our advantage, in the use ol a Machine that will work a whole board into moulding at one opcrilion. und the lame a j mount of capital employed by ihe Company, : enable ua to give a I berul cmniuisiiion. l'ultern , book turuedicd, coiitiiliinitt -Ml patterns, j Addrest J. 11. IIAI.I;, Willow Mreet, above ' Twelfth, Fhilidelphia, I'.l. January 19, looti, oin c NORCROSS' ROTARY FLAKING MACHINES. lir.VNTED To sell Ihe liijhts nii.l Mm iniiea for a lvotnrv I'laniiiL'. Toujninj an.1 . iroovinjj Maebine, for ImariU and p!.m. n.idcr the Nocroaa I'alenl. Alan, the ali.icbine.'.t ol the Moiihliiig Machine, which will nork a utiole board into mouldiiiKH at one operation, 'i bis patent ha been tried, mid decided in tlie fit- j pienic Court in Washington, to be no iiiiiiugo- menl, being tupenor to v oml-tvoiiii iiaiiiiue. Apply to J. 1J. DALE, Willow Street. uboe ! Twelllh, l'iiilailelphia, where tiic Mjchinea can be seen in operation. January 1M, IS.r)fl.- Sin c I II l. . to av, they have been selected with the greatest berC cloln, plain and fancy all wool He Lames, care, and they w ill lie disponed of at a low prices aa Ihe same quality can be purchased elsewhere. .My motto ia "Quick Sides and Small Proits." He takes tbia method of presenting to the public hia thanks for the liberal patronage exten ded to him. and by stiict attention to business, he rcj;ccll'tt!lv solicit a contiuu.itirc of the same. It will be advisable for purchaser lo cull and examine his assortment before purchasing else- here. A I! kind of produce l iken i" exchange. i:uv.i;u v. buiuut. Sunbury, Heccinbcr I, 18-'i5. COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLERY STORE, At). 21 Xorlh Third St., hc'.ow Arch, rillLADELnilA. fiOrXTKV Mcrchatita cell save from ten to j fifteen per cent, by purchasing at Ilia above l stoics, liv importing my own noods. piying but J little rent, and living economically, it ia plain I j can undersell those who purchase their Coods here, pay high rent and live like prince, j CoiiHtuiillv on hand a lame assortment of Ten i and l'ocket Knies, Scissors dud Hiuors, Table Knives anJ Fork in ivory, stag, builalo.hone and GREAT EXCITEMENT 1 An e.-t u.o beit i.rricnl of the Season, At ihe Store of P. VI. Gray, In Market S'uure, ho just rcciii ed his Stock I'ioih J'hiladi JjJiia, contittinc of Fall antl Winter (lootls, Embracing a v.irictv of Lady's Dress and Taney Goods. The follow inn comprise in part a list of my ex- Calicoe-.liii.ghatns. Muslin. Comforls, Bay State j wo )J ,lani,,.s (;vfrK h;1 Kor'ks, Ac..' Butcher Long inawis, i riniinincs, c. Also t fresh supply of Grot'l'r lew of all kind. A fresh supply of Hardware ami (iuceiis ware. Drills and Mediciiu-a-. I Hardware.tjneeiiswuie, Cedarware, Hrooma, Ac. . Also a laruo assinlment ol II outs and Slioca, suitable for Men. Women and I -Children, llala and Caps, ; Silk Hats, and all ! good usually kept in a Country Store. J Cull and See. j Cheaper than the Cheapest, Thankful for past favor we hope by strict atten tion to Lusiueis, to merit a continuance uf Ihe auiiie. All of the above named stock of goods will be old positively at low prices for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. Kline's Grove, Nov. 3, 1855. Knives, Dirks, Jowie Knives, Uevulving and p ain l'istols, Ac. Also a larne assortment of Aecor.lcom, Ae. Ah.jliue Fniisli Twist and German Guiw. JOHN M. COI. F.MAX. Oct. 20, ISjj. ly. Importer. NEW CONFECTIONARY. : . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ; M. C. (lEARIIAKT, RUSrFCTFIT.I.y announce lo the eiti.-era : of Northumhcrhiiid and the adjoining coun- I lie that he ha opened a Confectionary and Fruit Store in MAKKUT SiJjrARU, Suiibuiv, ' where he iiianufjctuiea ai d keeps on hand, at , all times, the most choice Conlcclionaiv, Ac, i Wholesale and 1'etail. at Philadelphia price. ! i Among hit btjck of Coiilcctiouurics, u:ay be j found : i n..j riib.MIL M iulujiw. Tiiheiq?! tc a b rrui.EV Hkvikw ( am year ; llT.A XWO.'IS (six nS'llHtf) l.oo s i.ii-AaTKRi.r ItKvixw (ono ycail. l:.0INKL'H:i til.vlf.W ("lie yeuil. iMvTlmi'oi.l i'a.v M.wazink (six inoathfc) tVKsr.MiNsTrn Kev:kiv (nil" y ai. t'onneeulive Pisaiunn vo!iitues ea'.liot in all casfl b ruruislieil. e.vcel of iii rorciaa t(u oinrly Review. To prreent ihsaiiii'iiiitiueiit, lli'.-ie lore, wl-.erc iliat woik isn"t alons wantiil. Snlisi rihcrs will please orilir as many clitlrl ent wirlfs for preintanis as liicro are volcnie to wlilva tiiry ni.iv lit t'lillllcil. CLTJEBIN0. A tliuut nf tvoutv-ti p-r f-Jit. from tlie nbrvf pri ren will he ullovvctl tu llnlw ordtrrinn fuur or more topirt of any it or in;-ic ( ". 'iu uInivc wdiah. Tlm: Tonf opifK of rli-t'-kw"". r iti'oitc ricvicw, will le sent i tmr mUri'M I'-T c!: i-mr iopim f tlie four Reucwi anJ LilackvvouJ fur &JU j uti'l H ui. POSTAGE. In nil tlie pri.i.'ipn! Cltir an 'I'itwns. tli-f work; will tc .Vlivrnl. tnoiL.-h A:; I'lU'.. OK l'OSTAfiE. WIkmi tMt by unil, i!h 101:14 t winy part of the I'liiled S'.-i: will In br.t Tivtiit -Four 1 ?itit n ur for H'rvkwoorj,'-and l:it 'J uitve tt'iit h year for eactf rf t'-n lO-vicws. li-ptiiiMnf e;-il c -iniTiu :ikti riin i:ouM fttwuyi l lJJttSS?li. (t-tH-'Wliil, M tl;t! I'lll-llC'ltT, LEONAIU) SCOTT k CO.. si cor.D strki-:t, xrw york. V. r. L. f. K l"i. ive rtventlv i-ii'lirlie't. and kava .uv for sk'. tl.c KAHMIilfS f.t IDl"." liv Henry Ste plidis. of KiiiiiiMirch. null Piol. orioii. 01 Ynl CoIIcbo, We Haven. e'iiip'.''.i' in two vn's, roialoelnvo, comioninf liilid pn"c.. 14 slfi'l anil CM1 v.Hrt euKruvinss. Prlc la nil.xllil I'iifl-ta;. IV This w .ikisv.T tlin.M 'll wik of Ilia Farm," lately KK.-n.ekrAi:iinii'i iho-wu ajien the .uuikei. New Yoik. Deeeliiber i'l, 1-.11. C11EAP WATCH AND JKWELKY STOF.K So 72 yorlk Second S'rrct, (opposite th jiotinf fVn.on House ) Pliiladclphia. C"" OLD I.erer Watches, full jeweled, f8 K, e. aesi, -li-IS ; Si! cr i.ecer do,, do., ver l.cpinc, do., .;r : Uuartier. $5 to $7 : Gold Spectacle, &t E0 lo 10 ; Silver do., ? 1 frO ; Silver Table Snoom per t It, $14 to 18; Silver Ucsert do., do., to S 1 1 ; Silver Tea do.,i do., ! 75 to 7 5(1 ; Cold Fens and Gold Ca kcs, :t 25 to 5 ; Cold Fens and .Silver do. , f 1; together with a variety of fine iiold Jewelry, tiold Curb , Guard and Fob Chain. All good warranted to bo r.a represented. Walche and Jewcltv, repaired iu the brut manner. Alao, Ma sonic Marks, l'ins Ve., ma'le to ordor. N. V. All order 'eiit by mail or cthcrwiae. niil be punctually atidcd to. J'bibi., Sept. 1H55. Iy.v. Cheap Watches fyJcwelV' T"XTHOI.ns.l,K ami Metni!, at the "Fliil'del- tliia Watch und Jewelrv Store," No. tit North Jiccr.J Suv.t, corner of tjuarry, fj-irr-jkCEi-PMiA. Go'.t l,f-i.r Vat'ta6. li'i1 .'e'.Vd-!. 1- carat ran', l?Q',0a ('. ! l.- piiie 1M. f-'! I-' li t- Silver S; laulcs. 150 ?- I-t .- 1 .- ,1. U:U U- .T ill ti. l-'.'. jl I...H llnie.-U ts. 3 ttQ :.vtr l.;-v,-r. lu'i . w.'U i'J (! um.i--;' I.....1 IViu-i'.s. lull "ii'-ii rl'iiiini. u, 7..:,.f Tta i;-ouks, stt, D.'Jtt Ci i Hciri VALUABLE PROPERTY FOS SALE. FIHE iubaenber, Lxeciitor of the estate of M. Henry Masser, dee'd., cll'cr nt private ale the following property iit : A larce Ian fctory frame dwelling Iioufc, l'i;etber wilh about SO ACHES OF LAND, Situate in Lower Auiuta lonnslup aiiiiiiii! laud of llauiel Kaiifinau and otbcia ti .w in the occupancy of John It. K. 1111111:111 as 11 slore und dwelling. The house ia new and the local ion a good one for business. AUoa THAl- l Ur l.l.M t.M ti.M-- l..t.u. in said township on the river about ft miles be low iS'iiiibu.y.aiijoiuinrj landsof J. T. M'l'liormin and others. conlainiiiR, about 90 acre, 'i'lio toil ia productive and contuiu litucsloue ai.d other mineral. Alao a tract uf Laud, containing lout Uo ere on the hill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining lauds of the licit uf the lute Joins Conrad and other. There is, oil tliis tract, a mall orchard of choice fruit. For further particular apply to the subscribers. H.B. MASSKH, ) V. U. M ASSKU, Kxecutora. FHANCJS bl't-IIFH.) Sunbury, January 19, 185G tf IHACHER So WODDROP, WHOLESALE BOOT SHOE Si. TKL'.NK W AKEIIOUSE, Ko. 101 Arch Street, up Stairs, Between Third Si Fourth Hts upper tide, near Union Hotel, Philadelphia, Carpel Dag and Yalices of all descriptions. CHAIU.ESF. T1IAC11EK. KOUEKT W. WtlUUKOF. Philadelphia, Jan. 12, 185C tf "'notice. TVTOTICE i hereby given that Dr. J. W. Teal ha placed hi book accounts, note, Ac, in the baud uf the undersigned for collection, at whose Law Ollice all poison indebted to taid J. V. l'eal, wbelber ou book or note, are re quested to call and make payment on or before the lfitU day ef f ebruary ItJftG, a all account Ac, unwilled at that date will b sued. 8. K. PEAL. Snnbury, Dee. St, 1855. I tensive and elecant alock, which for variety and cheapness cannot nc excelled in this market. rmt Tin: gi:nti.i'.m i:n, Black and Fancv Cloth and Casfiineres, Uluk i S.ittin and Fancy Silk Yettiiitf. Sliirl'n Mu.lin j Drawer nnd I'nder Shirta, KeiilucUy Jean Yelvcl.t, Ulankcta, A c. I Olt T11K I.AD1KS. Ulack Silks, Alpacas, Merinos' colored Mid pbiid ail wool. M unliii de l.aiil, a li tie lot of l'rinla, of the best brand nnd styles, brown and bleached Sheetiin.'. twilled unit plaid l.iuaeya, FIihiiicIk, red, yellow and white, grey DrilU, Ticking. Cambric, Dress IriniiniiiKa, ribbons, lace, gloves, hone and irish linens, and other things too tedious to locution. I would earnestly solicit a liberal aliure of their patronage. Boots & Shoes, a large assortment. HATS Sr CAPS, HARDWARE & Cl.'TI.ERV, CEDAR WAKE. FISH & SALT, Grocrrlcs oOvory varlet). Teas, Coffee. Sugar, Molussea, Rice, Cheese, Vin egar, Candies, Caudle, Soap, Ci acker, brooms. Lead, Shot, UodCurds, Plough Lines, Gla 8x10 10x12, 11x16, Starch, Fluid. Dairy Salt. Smok ing and Chewing Tobacco, FiueCigari, Matche. Mustard, Candle Wick, blacking Water Proof, and a general assortment ot QLEE.XSn-AlUC AXD (J LAS SWA HE. Country produce luken at tlie highest maikut price. Kunbury, Oct, 57, 1R55. if. COLLIN S & M'CLEESTER'S TYPE FOUNDRY and Printers Furnishing Warehouse, .Vo. 1 Lodge Alley, luck of new Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. rhila., Jan. 13. 1656 COSMOPOLITAN A II T A S 6 0 C I A T ION! SLtO.l IKt'.l. VHIi AMir.MI'N l'S fol tier Seconil Ailielul Cnllrrtinn ol Una new 11111I p ipular liistiltilinu lor tlie dilfubioii ol Literature m.'.l Ait, tiu. e Keen muile 011 the la st vxliru s:ve c. Aiiiout; 1 he wo.'iis ulrpuily cnngad, is tlie far-faincd "GENOA OI4XTCIFIS:," wlic-h iiriirinaMy r st T.-u Tli 'Usaial Uoll-irs. Ill t'olllllili; I 111- new t iilleetiml, the illtfusiotl of woiks Ami iocas Asr, mill the riieoiirngnnit-iit of American t;'-niii, liave not tn-eii ovei l..krl t'oniniissioits have lieell issneit to miiuy of the most llislilltralsheil AlllerieUil Artists, who will contribute some ol their Hiiesl pr.sHii--tl'ins. Atiioin: Ihetii are Hirer Mnrlile llusts. i-Xcvulrd hy llie greatest liviuir t-etiljitor IIiiiam PoWfei; : li KO U(i K W ASH 1 NGTOX, TIip Kullier of hia Cnunlrv : BENJAMIN EKANKI.IN, Th Philos iili-r; DANIEL WEHSTEU, The Ptatetinui. French Htir?ts. Cum IVop p. o! kind ..( sfcr.t, lttirnrri Alinonda, I. -At irv, t'rcjin WKiu-, Mini Drnpn. red a l whi'.p, LrintMi .Irlly 1'hkm, Rotr, 1 ma Uri'pn, " Vuiittln. Jlirk t'amitfi. ol U tk'ftittt roinm n Srcieti Rixk Candv, Liquorice, Aliit-Mtd Cnii'lr, FRUIT. Ihifs, Kiev, l.E.MUN BYllUi" j of a tupeiior qitnliiy, by the silicic or dozen. A ' auperior qunlily of Kcgar and Tobacco, and a i variety of Coufeclionariea. fruit, &c, all of which ! is offered cheap at wholesale or letiil. ('01:1a' and ee he will try t pleaae. Ordcrj from u ! distance promptly attended to. ' Nuubury, Au. 4, IH.ift. ly. !J I' with Pe:i-:il ol t.'.ver ITolter, 1.00 Cold Fin. cr ltititf.i, a J cents to v'?0; Watch pi;uii, rice,il:i; r.lcnt, Itfi I.uiiet, So; other a rifles to (roporlinn. All goods war rault-d to Itf what tlicc are fold fir. j M't ri iu: & II ART.!? Y, ! On bar.., some C M and b'ilvi r Levers nd I Le;iine, :'. '.nver t:..ia tlie ahov pruc. i wrt., ii5.5..iv; J ATTORNEY AT LAW, ; ci:iin;v, pa.. ' Aided rT 0T. ri.l.t evp.'ricnce in lh praclico "I lo, will utter,.! with ti.icltty I all mailer ;'i ii profcVMon to or iv it! in to tho line of Es. M lini't rtll' t Mti.b iry, t e; t. I S, w itii diaries J. Brtiner, lSofl.-lf T Bargains at the Old Gtand. FRILING 5c GRANT 4 UK now opening a new nd vrrv de-ir ia- stock of FALL and WINTF.U (i.wd., ua.'" mods, em. bracing an einllcs variety. Their ttock C'li-i-ts in part of A s;K'eial aeeiit lias vuileil l'.uroie aul ma.V carefal ami judicious selections ol foreiirn works til' An, Ihitli iu Itronie uni aiarnip , cmiuarv unn i-uoiee I anilines. , frv. 1 3 i The w hole loiinliar a laiao ami vahiahle v. Ileelloil nf UlaCi & X SUCy BrOUdt'lOthS & CaSsilnfrCS, lli: sul.cribcrs oiler a reward of fifty dollar fur lite discovery and conviction of the per- ! son or pernor-, who ci.t and destroved the band j on l'io M,iehi.icry uf llieir Coal breaker, at th I Mammoth C'ollie'ry. between and Mt. i funnel, on the idght if the Pih in-it. I 'I'he above reward will be paid to any one gi ' ing inform ion thai will lead to the conviction of the offender. CLEAVER, FAGi.LV & Co Wiamokin Oct. 'il, 1S55. if. Ti:KM UP MK.MIlLUMlll. j The payment ol' lliree ilollarscolii'litiitrs any cue a mem- . Wt ol this Ass'K'iau-ii, unil entitles him to either one of I 1 the foilowinit Miiiraziiirs one year, nitd ats a tielel 111 ' Ihr ilnitiiliulioii 01 the rlutuary ami PaiiilniLS. i The l.ileiulnre issued lo suhienliera eotisisis of tlie t.'l- j lolvuiK .Monttily Alaiiaiilis : llurier's, I'lilui'ni- I IsK-ker, lllack wood's, lj ruliiiurs, GikIi'i Lady's ll.-iK. I ami iiousenoiii vvoros. DANVILLE HOTEL, JOHN DEEN, JR., ' Market Street, Damille, Pa, THIS i on of (lit Urges and moat comma diou bptol iu tb interior of Pnnyvui. it haibaen rsctrntly fitud up, in eictllcut ityle, with all llit modern eoiivtniciice. Dnullc, fr- AUCTION! AUCTION! riMJE Auction of the rlubscriber will coinincnc A next Monday morning at ten o'clock and will continue through the day, will alao be held from li till 9 o'clock iu Ihe evening. Every day and evening next week. The week following only Monday', Wednesday' and Satorda". ALBEKT EL8UEKU. Sunbury, January 6, 1855. if. VlTALIs PAPER. A large and .plendcd aaaorttnent of Wall Pler, Window Pa per, and Oil bbade, jut received and for al by I. W. TENER cV Co, uabury,MT . 1835 TO RENT. A STORE KUOM on Market Squar in Sun bury, and two room adjoining. CHAKLEt rLEAeAMP. I, p..- V I66.lf I P. rils takmr live iliern'iersliipsiire enr i; lej t nnv fil e I . .. . . . . - ' of the .Mk:uiuc fur unc)iar, ai.dMtix iick.ts in tiic 1 l'" A ", '''Oiii C to aiMriiiuuon. Tne net or 'reeds ilvriveil from the rile of mrni'iethliis, me devoiixi tu the puicliase of works uf Art t.r. ii,e ii-i vrir. TI1K ADVAXTAUF.S PIXTHKU by liei unintr a lllellilic-r of this Ass-ic-iult.iii. are 1st. AH (reraoiis teeeive tile full value of their snl.prrin lions al the sunt, ia Ihe sliape of sterling llo rature. Jt, Knelt menilH-r ia contributing tvurils curehasinf eli'iiee Works of Art, winch me to liu ilistritmud ailuli tlieinselvea, and are al the same lime eiieoitriuii.i; the Alls nt tlie eouut4y, disiiuising Uiwusands ol dentils (i,iuuia lit aifney. Persons in reiniitint fniHls ,ar iueinliersliii. will pletsa Kive Iheir posl-olliee address Hi lull, slutint; tlie in .nlli they wish Ihe Mujlunie I'icimiiliwiee, und have th'- letter ri'tllcli il at l lie Post I Mice lo prevent Una j ou the re ceipt nf which, certiacatenf liinnU i.lop, u peih.T wilh Ihe Musniaie denrod. will U lixwtnietl lo kn) imrl uf Uie country. Those whu purcliate Magazinet ai nooksinrea, will ob serve that ky toiiinn this Aswaiiutiiai, Ihey reeeiv th Magaaiu and free lieset in tlie anuuul distribution, all at the tuine jinee Ihey now-pny f,4 ihe Msftuzine atone. Heaulilully llluslrnleil Coulogue, giving full descrip tions, el free un upplicalion.- For Meutba ship, aihliesa .. ,v J.i .C.l- PFnBV, Actuary C. A. A. Al either of Ihe prim i(l nllae "Kniekeiuoclier Mseaaine" s.-tiew. SI Brnmlwav, Ne York, or, esieni Ofcee, 1M Water struct, Hundutky, O. Nov. 17, ISM. ' " prices. cjood.s. SJI.ESPlain and Ei.jured Thick. An (saortment of Plaid Strip ami Figured Tan ey llrcs at unui-iinliy low priies, Miellies, llrares. Urate Ue Lain, Mu. lie I.aliis. Lawns. cVc. cent r er varJ. i CALICOES S 1 5 V m '.. WltlTE COOKS. Cambric, Jaeonelt, SwU., Tarlion, Mull. Do!i- liett, French and Swiss Lace, Edjing. Ac. Drown and bleached nlulina, llriiliugK. Tick, Cluck, Tun ling, Table JJijpcr, 4 c. :::ti i:kii k. HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Cedar-ware, Ho!low-wnre, Iron, Kletl, Flitter bull and Fish. Also fresh ttpplw.f UKLUS AM) MRDICINI'Jb. Thankful for past (aims, we lup by atiict ttenlioii and a desire to please, tliillomect with the approval of our frten I?. tHF" Country produeo of all kinds taken It the highest market price 8uulury, Nov 3. 18.i6.-ly. TOR SALE I II .ivies nd I fcli PTE AM EXtilXES BO Horse power each, i with luilers. Would make excellent fuinp- STHAY cSUOAT. AME to the premise of the aubscrilier in Lower August township, on or about th 15lh of December 1853, a atrty white hoal about ten mouth old. Tho ower I r queted I coot forward pay charge aiiel lake it away. JACOB HE.N.N. I.ntrer Angtitt, Jan. It ln. Vut. ClOntlUl, French Merino, Perti.n cloth. ' Pari twill, Chinttet, Uelanea, Dehege, Alapara. fSjlka. Wool plaid. Mohair lustre French, Bcoti'b aud American Uinghaou, jut received and fur mI b 8unbury, Dec, 1 E. T SRIOHT 1AMBKIC. Mull, lace. Cbw-k. Collart. liubinelt, French Cuderslerve and Chemisette, Heak drease, Velvel aud elvel triinmuig. Turkish HHM:t.riauH LUnkoU, Broche, Thibet Jt Uy btaU Khawl, for l by Sunbury. Dee. I. 't'i. K. V. BRICllT. rflRICDPHCROV- doi. for le hy My I. VUilMEji V kU.M. - - -- .( I' tug anRiues, tojcllier Willi X large Mowing cvnn Jcia, suitable tor I Ki-t furnace. Apply to litlMCY LOXCKNECKER & CO. fc'ii.tmokin Iron Work. r-Iumokin, Pa. Phamakin, July it. ie.".5. 5 ?t UA.D'S .Magnesia for tale by i AUv Irt. V EISFIt b BUUXER 1LCK Tuttv iroo.l article for ale by Mat W KISEK cir BI5I XFK. IAUXE-STOCif Vermi'iige, for 1 br 1 M.v 13. VEI.s-EttA. UHl XEU STOVES- i.OR RALC u evcelleiil econd-band Cook ing Stove, al-o acveral Cylinder Coal 8to'ei. Enquire at thi office. KOXICS. All person krowin Iheniselve Indebted ta In T. Clement, on Uivok ccouut, note or other, wise, ra requested to call aud pay up without delay, otherwise their account will be placed ia the band of a magistrate for collection. Sunbury, Nov. 17. IH5S.--tf Tf AD1ES' Dres (ioods. Spring and Suniin; Whawls, black i!k, silk poplin. D Laine, CiiiiTharo. De base, Lwn and calico, just r ccivtd aud for ale by WM. A. KXAUB. Lower Augusta, My 8, 1854. 1 QUENCH Idack cloth, plain ek fney Cai meres, CaeaiiielU, Overeoalinu, Katin .! Silk Velvet veal patlcrin, Hilk aud Wool Hat. C'apt bcarf aud Monkey JackeU, for sale by uuoiry, pec. 1 '5-V E. Y. JK1UHT. AND WARRANTS Tbe bigbt pric rill U given for l and Wrrant by th. taib.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers