IX-GOY, RKEDfen PRESIDENT PIERCE. Oat. Tleeder ii not disposed to let the firvf. il end unfair message of the President go the country uncontradicted, and has there, re addressed the following letter to tho ess Ornt :Tho Special Message of the Tre lent of tho Unitod Statos, communicated isterday to Congress, assails not only my lf personally, but also my constituents, whom clination as woll as duty imperiously do .ands of mo to justify and protect. Entirely itisfiod ns I am with tho course adopted, up ) this time, by the people of Kansas con inccd Hint it has been dictated by a desire ) prcsorvo tho poacc, tho reputation and the lory of our country knowing that it has, at very stage, been characterised by the most onst'tVutivo moderation and lnndnblo regard r tho rights of others having seen at every top the plainest manifestation of (lie anxious esire t;i avo'd even tho scinblunco of en. roaehnient or aggression, 1 should bo fulso a every munly impulse uud every arnse of nly, ir I allowed tho aspersions of the mes a'.'e to pass unnoticed. I.'nlcss the message shall incite and slitnii now inviHuns of our Territory and fitsh mirages npnii nur citizens, it will produce to . tin regn-t. as it has caused no surprise. Vfter having seen our people trampled on, ppressvd and robbed, on tho one hand by ie invaders of their soil, and on the other by he influence, the authority, and the officers f the present Administration ; after having vituessnd the cold-blooded murder of an tiu . imed und uiioll'ending citizen by an officer f the Administration, who is not only iiiinio ested by tho laws and unrcbuked by the President who appointed him, but who has, ev!i:ip., strengthened his olTieiul tenant and nhnnci-d his ehuitces of promotion by the act; t is nut at ull surprising that we should, by .?:e head of that Adininittiolion, be iiiisroi). vsenled and perverted. After having seen : lie Chief M agist rite, during five wgnnized tivasions of our Territory, umnnved by a sin gle sympathy in favor of an luinSlendin j eo Ii.'. fiinoccnt of all wrong, and hie,ori:g only a curry out. faiihfully for themselves the doc riue oT sell'-covei ninont. and to build up uud xtend Ihe giviitui'ss of our country after having seen our invaders coining upon us sniieil (without reproof if not with ollieial permission.) from toe contents of tho Ars-i:-ils of the 1.' niti'd Status, establishing a sys loin of martial law over life and propi-rly, re vitiated only by the uncontrolled wiil of vin-'i-tivo an I irrcspi visible men a system under v h rh 1 1 IV.- was taken and property destroyed; the highways, o' s'rnctcd : ti'iiwlers M'iz.'il, ceaniied and detained; all the pursuits if lil'e paralysed, and tho instruction uud exter mination of whole set dements threatened and evidently intended backed np by the Mine, timi noil authority of the Tederal ofhVers. who pledge publicly the co-operation of the Presi dent, and all based upon the fact that a man vncoiti'ugod, perhaps aided, by his rriends, had ltiadi; his en'upe from an tirrest on u coii.ita Ide's peace win I 'int. After having thus seen iir natural and legal protectors joining in tlie most atrocious nieasure of oppression and vroiig. it is no mutter or surprise to see inis I'Kjireoentatiim of our position and our objects t ieanating from the same source. This is not the mode nor tho time in which to discuss the themes of this message. Im peding, as I huve a right to expect from the clearness of the exclusive title I mil prepared to show, that I shall enjov a seat and a voice on the floor of the House, I am willing I ! tli.ollv -tr. bide mv time." Al the lu-oei ! i i..,,. T ,.h.,l.T ,,,,.ii' nine uu'i pi.,..-, 't"f- meet and expose the misstatements of fuels end the errors of law and logic wich il coii- T ...Ml ..1 .. il...f ,1. ...... ia ,...1 l.t.i.r l.nl lull.'. I ',.11 Dli'iii ituiv nil ti,'. .i . ii ...i..... i i.. :., .1... .( ..; "l o 11 c 1 1 1 1 1 1 , uii'i iiiniiia iii niu v .... eppropiiutioiitopav an nrwy or u ,,. t.. prevent the j'e,77t- ,,f K.ww from I he cm- ; miFSjoit or outrage and treiixon. 1 win sho that the nviViMin lit for a State goverm."i til 1'iisstHted rs to the facts of its origin ami pro gress, and that ull n have done in thisiiirec tiou lias been under thn sanction of the pre ccpts and examples of all the great men of the country for tho la-,1 filty years- of the legislution'of Congress ami the action of the Incentive in re) cat el and well considered cases, a 'd of n ucliiicrate opinion of a hii,li nod di.-tioguihed Attorney (jeneni! of tiiej United States, and which, is it is a purl -f ' the nrchieves of the executive Dtp-'Unent. it is to be regretted tho Pic.vdeut did not consult before tho delivery of the Meisage. If it is illegality anl iniiipieiit trea-on for u new State to be fijrmed without an enabling ct i'f Congress, 1 will show that fourteen -Senators of the United States boh! their s.'sts. and "even States stand in this l nioii Vy irtuo of illegal uud treasonable, proi-eed-:i gs-that Con.cn-ss has sanctioned revolution iiii-Ciility, nnd treason, again mid again ; und that the rank and noxious weed has even nourished in thu White House and the Pxe i itive 1 lopir! incut ; and, having vindicated my people, I will ul.io, w,th the utmost tonli lU nce of success, proceed to the nriior O'ld Fne.mdary tusk of vindii.v.t;i.k' vy.-eb in such a manner, I ti'-i-l, es to show tke uttaek lo liuvubeu ill-advised and unfortunate. As to the disiMis-doii in the Mess-ire of the points involved in tho contested seat, I shall meet them when the cae is heard ; ami as Ihe House is the s.dn eoustitution.il jiulge ol j the qualifications of its own members, 1 tru.-t , lluit liie minds of tho members may bo kept j pen und unprejudiced until they shall hear , the law and the facts of the case, and that j whether the discussion by the pxecutivc of Kime of tho points involved bus been made j because they were incidental to another sub- j Vet, or ainii'd ami intended to projudge my i claim. 1 hope in e;thir case thai both tides ; 1:ihv be heard he for" a decision. j This hasty nolo has swelled to no unpre. meditated length, its object is only to fob- 1 ll ni.ji ei it .hiiv lo on- . it from the House and tin" public n nispeii- ..!, ol judgment as to the p..stti.m amlncum ,f our pe,.). e-as to my ritfht to ft se.il. und its ro i,ue ciiarj;i-s un..ii iu ut , iintil I euii be heart!. Very respectfully, your?, A." 11. li-.ut.r.R. AVanhingtoii City, Jan. 2.r, lt'iti nt.vTii or (uMiieinmt mokru. The death nf Charm. Mnrris, at Woahing imi eitv. of inllainmatioii of the lnuu's, in the VIM year of hia npe, tabes nway another of tho j link between tho ei:liteenth find nineteenth Cnmnioiloro Mnrris wa a native I nf Connecticut, uud entered the navy in the J veurl790. lie wns rupully promoted tlironili iho various subordiiuita ifindes, find in the; vear 1813. for gallant, and distinpni'died ser vices, to tho rank which lie held ut the time i.f his death, llo was firt-t lieutenant of the (.'(institution on her first cruise in the war of and was tho inventor of the fuinnns ex pedient by which p!iu escaped from throe ltrittsh frifrntes. Tho capture or the C.ner liere seon followed, und to Morris was awnr lod hardly less credit for this brilliant afTuir thau to tho gallant Hull himself and he was promoted to a post cuptuiucy for his Bervtces jn that capture, and a actively employed in cuuiinuud duriiiK tho remainder of the war either at seu or on shore. Commodore Mor ris was in every relation of lifo u man of whom uijv country nupht Lo proud. He was not ni.'iu distiniiuibhed as an officer than as on ornauientof society as a patriot than as a conservator of public and private morality. Ho married, many years ago, Miss Jio'i, or l'rovidence, It. I., and laavos several children. Ilia eldest daughter, who died at au early age, . 4k. ;r.. of Wm. W. Corcoran, htq. Onn of his tons, a gallant officer of the navy.v lost his lifa in tlm uuti oi wesico, uUn..8 ... late war with that country. Another non is an officer of the nary, UDd another an oflicer pf the army. The Alderman of Chicago. 111., hava vpted t:otlvea gold-headed cane, rhelr cua UuBtB ihould csoe ctct oue of them. Rnoomo Affray. On last Saturday night, a shooting affray occurred at the Key Stone House, in Lancaster. Pa., which has caused considerable excitement. Geo. W. McElrov, Esq., liis wife, and stepson, named Kdson M. Shears, board at' the Keystone House On last Satnrday night, Mrs. Mc Elroy desired her son to remain in her room until her husband camo, giving as a reason, that he was indulging in liquor, and that tho apprehended violence when lie came home. Kdson remained with his mother, until about half past ten o'clock when Mr. McElrov ar rived. Immediately upou entering tho room, ho commenced using opprobrious epithets towards tho mother and son, when the latter requesting him to desist, he ordored him from the room, and attempted to eject him. The lad went out, but in a few moments, hearing a noiso in tho chamber, entered and found Mr. McElroy assaultig his wife. He at tempted to interfere, when McElroy laid hands upon him. On releasing his hold he again attacked his wife ; her son then com manded him to desist, when ho turned to. ward him, and the boy presented a pistol. It was cocked, but he has no recollection of pulling the trigger. It was over in a few moments, and his next recollection wns see ing Mr. McElroy down on his knees, with blood streaming from his face, lie immedi ately started for Dr. J. E. Alice, and told hiin'lm had shot Mr. McElroy, and guvo him the pistol. Ti e Doctor proceeded at once with the lad to tho Keystone House, uud there dressed the wound. The wound inflicted is on the richt side of the face, it is not eon sidered duiigorous, "Young Shears was com mitted to answer. Ho is only lo yews of age, and a mild, sickly boy. Tanfkt and rKACUKS. A writer in the Ww York Tribune recommends the sowinsr 1 ..rinnc.it' til.iiol llin r.iiila nl' niHieli ti'opa fin n means of preserving them. Jlo soys that he ol.co knew n huge peach tree which was more than forty years "id, while several generations of similar trees in the same soil, hud paired away. This led to un examination, und a bed of tuiisey was d seovcred about the trunk, ll was naturally inferred that the preservation of liii-i tree to such a green old age was i.t trilmtnble to the presence of this plant. It was decided to try the experiment on oth-rs, and iiccordingly, a lew of the roots were pla. cud about each' of the other trees on the pre mise!!, some of which gave signs of decay. Not only has it preserved for several jeurs, but renovated those ihut were unsound. Tho odor of this plant, he says, doubtless keeps oil' the insect enemies of thU kind of live, uud it wcuM have tho same effort (initio is. as the plum, apple mid pear, as well us tho elm, sycamore, ami other ornuliiciit.il trees. I YlaoIMA AM PKXNSTI.VAMA Afl,! 1TT1. j ok Parsons. A jury ut llolliduysburg has I saved V ii'giuia the necessity of passing any I more tringent laws ngainst Pennsylvania. The jury has said that Paisons, who was I accused of kidnapping and assault and bat 1 teiy. in the arrest ol u person claimed by him 1 as "a sl.ite, is not guiily of tho oll'onccs ! c ha rued . The members of tho Virginia l.eii- i.-lat'.iie, viini plundered tho people and the i conrls of Pennsylvania, by declaring their ! belief that Parsons could not have u fair trial j in this State, onelit to be us prompt to re ! move this unjust imputation, as the jury lias ! been to show that it was undc-arwd. Notii- ; ing has ever (centred in the judicial history i ..f l ..I,.....;.. I.t u.ivr.it.1 r.i... I'H.-li initMilu. fiu c :. r. il.. r .1.-:.. ' . 1 ' ''" 1' """" "": unties in nil ouestiotis at issue - between thi citizens of the respective .Stales, and jurors, whatever may bo their private sentiments u'.ihii the subject of slavery, never allow their a - . . . . , , , . I , . .. t . 1 IfeliiiL'S tn rreiniltco the logiil rithts involved. . -. il l 1 . .-,1, ,,r ' 'l,sre;.Mr,l ho e.bl,Sl,e.l pi.nc.plos of coii.liliiln nal law. ', lens lloisr-i. The cciirumpliun of iron ! fur Iniild.i'c inn jioses. has new (.Tunii to j : immense. I u eaeu oi our ciues, .cuiiuctc.-. ! are in full operation solely ennd on build ; ins nre n yarded, belohru nn incalculable increase in the it!m.'i,i:t of pie; iron that will be leiji'.iied lu1 ir.cin ui'ler a lew more jeats. Tim (..meet, or smno other eipiulh edifying Ijpr on the subject uf human food, says that , large (pnintities of sausages are made ol Iioi'm: j llesh. A f. iund of ours s iys he I elievei- it, us I ho invariably has tlie niglit-m.ue Ahvii he lius j eaten them for siippe!'. i Chirk Mills, eipiestriiin statno of Jackson is to be inaugurated at New Oileuus, on the I ',1th of Pebruarv. Now Advertisements. ZIBA BIRD'S ESTATE. iTOTICU is hereby given lu ll TCisons eon- ecrnej. thai the unueasigncd appointed All- i uitoi tr. the mailer ol tlie exception lo t lie ae. count of Joseph Uird uud Samuel Kcader, cxe cnlors of Ziba liiril. dee'd., will altcud to the duties of his appointment at bis oliice ill I he borough of Sunhury, on Tuesday ihe Stilh day of "February next, at 10 o'clock A. M., of that .lav. WM. I. CliKKNOI'UH, Auditor Sitlihurv, Feb.!), 18.r.U. 3t REMOVAL. CIIAKLF.S MACJAItCEit CO. II W l"t; iti:.MoVI.L) I1IUM Mi.;H'eMMUIIl.EbT Tu Tilt Suuth-iVest for. Si.ith in.rf 'arpenttr Sis., I'lIli.AHLLl'IllA, Tf! to cull the attniiiuii of PiirchuKfia tu loeir rilensive assortment of Paper, and Pii'.er Makers' Materials : Printine Panei. f"r , , v ,. , . I .1. .... I I ..l, U....I ...'..11 ......1..;.. .....I ..!.. am , on ltul1, : tiir,iwuru Manilla Papers. ; Ui(ul.. Uoanll HaiiKinsPaper. , Paiiicidtr attention ia nivil.-d to their iUn- sive asoitiueut of ixittiKit rArr.ns, 7VvA4 the most Celebrated Mauujactorits in the L'mmtry. Anions their WJIITINU PAPER STOCK may be found Com. Note, Fclio Po-t Atlantic Note, Thin MeJiiiin, Uulll I'osl, Ut'lny, tjuurto Pof, Mul'mm, s-'ool's Cap, Uoyal, Flat Cap, Sup. Royal, Imperial. Plain Papers, of every description, si.e anJ quality. Map Papers, in greut variety. F.n vclupu Papers, while, bull', anil cold, either laid or wove. Colored Papers, tine ulaicJ, und other varii-l.es. Maii'ilHCturf rs ara invited to vair.in their stock ofiiaira, Foreign and Domestic. Ii leach in;,' Powders, of approvtd brand : Alum, ground or crude; Sal Hoda, .Voda Ash KellinijS, Wira Cloths, L Itramariiie, and Paper Maker Mate rials RCticrally. I" They are also prepared to taVa or.lerr of odd siii-s and eight of any of the alio destriji tiou of Papers. January .6, 1856. 6mo FARM TO RENT. VN occupant is wanted for tha farm in Brush Valley, formerly owned (lid occupied by Philip Ktambach. There ia on the premises a roinfortable House and Barn, and a never foiling Ppring of watei. A good applicant will find the terms desirable, and pnaaesaion ive n immediately. KOBERT C. HELFEN8TEIN. PhamoVin, Jan. 26, lB56e--tf TO BENT. STORE KOCfM on Market Square in Pun lutry. end two Tooma adjoining. CHARLES ri,EAAM. Jatmarv tf, lSJPi- if SHEBIFF3 SALE. Tly virtue of a writ of I.cveria Fsrins to ttie directed will l exposed to Public Hale at the Court House in Sunliury, on Monday the 18th of February next, tho following described pro perty to wit l A CERTAIN TRACT OK PIECE 0 POLAND, fiituntc in Ruah township, Northumberland county, adjoining lauds of William Scott, James Eckman and ether containing one hundred and twenty-two acres more or less. A 1,80 A certnin trnrt situate In Kush town ship, adjoining binds of Ilenj. F. Vastine, Win, Kase, Win. Scott, Benjamin I.. Vnsl'me and'tha above ilpsciibed bind, roiituinmg one hundred ami four acres more or less, ALSO. The undivided half part of a Tract called the "Mill Tract," situate in Rush town ship, adjoining land of U cl jninin F. Vastine, containing ten acres, on which are erected a Grist Mill, a dwelling House ond Burn. ALSO, in said township, the undivided half pnrt of a certain Saw Mill erected on limit of Mcujntniii F. Vastine, with any rights and privi leges thereunto nitnehrd. Seized tiiken in execution and tr be sold as the property-of Thoinii J. Vastine. HENKY WKISE, Sheriff. PherilT's Office, ) Jan. KG, 1 856. S TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS. "S"SrAVI'KI), to establish an Agency for the aula of Wood Mouldings, of which there rc from 520 to $200 worth used in every house Hint is built. Our advantages, in the use of a Machine that will work a whole board into moulding ut one operation, mid the large a mount of capital employed by the Company, rouble us lo (rive a liberal commission. Pattern hunk furnished, containing 2.r'0 patterns, Address J. I). DALE, Willow (Street, above Twelllh, I'hilulrlphia. IV January 19, Hod, 3m c NORCROSS' ROTARY PLANING MACHINES. w ANTED To sell the Kiijhts and Machines fur a Itolnrv Planing, Tonuninir and (Amoving Machine, for hoards and plank, under the Nocrosa I'ateot. Als v, the all.ielnnent of ll.e Moulding Mucliine, bich will work a whole board inio monl.liiiR at one opcralion. This patent bus been tried, and decided in the Su preme I'ourt in Wushiiu'ton, to he no infringe ment, beini-: siijei ior to Woodswoitli'a Machine. Apply to J. D. DALE, Willow SStrcet. ohovo Twelllh, Philadelphia, where the Machines cull Lc seen in oj criilion. Jamiiiry I". I n." Sm c VALUABLE i-fiOit'lTFOIl SALE. f H It E subscriber, Executors of tho estate of JL Henry .Manser, dee'd., oiler at private sale the follow ins property it. : A luriie Iwo lorv frame dwelliinr homie, together wuh aliout fid ACltEflOF LAND, Situate in Lower Auctisln township adioiuinq; I .mi db f Dunirl Kaiil'iiiiin him! others now in the occupancy of John K. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The bouse is new and ihe location a yood one for husitios?:. AIo a 1 l;A(. J or MJicsiuAt i.aim.'. in Mii.l tonnshii on tlie river anoui i) nines nr- i . . ' . i low Nim'iu.y.iidjoi'iiiiit hinds of .1. T. M 'l'hersuij nnd others, containiinr, ttboi.t HO acres. The J soil is productive and contains liniesione and other miecrnls. Also a trait of Land, containing about U3 acres oil the bill, about two miles below .Sunhury, adjoining lands of the heiis of the late John l.,...,l ..,.1 ..!'.,. Tli..r is ,,n lliis ir.irt. A I small orchard of choice fruit. Fur further particulars apply to the subscribers. H. H. MASsKU, j P. b. MASsl;k, ). H.erutvl. FliANClS Ilt.t.llrt. ) Sunhury, January ID, i'Su, f NOTICE. "wT'!""-'li ' hereby given Hint Dr. J. W. Penl 1 has placed his boo'; inc. Hints, notes, Ac , ill the hands of the undersigned for collection, a', whosu Law Olli.e all persons nubble, i to taid .I. W. Peal, whether uu book or note, are re .jnestcd to call and iiial.c pa incut on or befoie the loth day of February IS5G. as all accounts Vc, unsettled at that date will he sued. S. It. l'EAL. Pnnbnrv. Dec. 52, 1S35.- DANVILLE KOTEL, JOHN JIX., .Vur'if Strut, Ihunnile, J'n, THIS is ono of the larecst and mint commo dious holelx in the interior of l'fiiu.ij Ivania. I ihns been recently lilted l.p, in excellent .tyle, with nil the modern conveniences. D.iu- iile, SSept. 22, In'ij. .TJCTION! AUCTION! rjII E And ion of ihe Siih.-criber will commence next Mon.hiv inorniui; at ten o'clock and will continue ihrouKti the day, will abo be held from ti till 0 o'clock in the evening. l"ery day and evenini? nent week. The week following only Monday's, AVcduesd.i's nr.l N.ilurda"s. ALHEKT i: Lis II I'.Kti. Sunhury, January 5, ISoi. if. THACHER Sz WODDROP, WHOLESALE BOOT SHOE &TKIWK V AUEIIOL'SE, .Vo. 1(11 Arch Street, up Stairs, Between Third oV Fourth Kta., tij.per tide, i.rur I uioii Motel, Philadelphia, Carpet H.is and Vnlices of all descriptions. eilAliLLSF.THACHEIt. KOKEliT s. VODl)!!f)P. i'hilndelphiii, Ian. CJ, ls.'i6 tf. C0LLI1TS & K'CLEESTEH'S TYPE FOUNDRY and Priuters Furuishhig Warehouse, .No. I I.uJ(je Alley, Luck nt' Masonic Hull, Philadelphia. Phila., Jan. leSO. list oi' cu m;.-; F N'oitliiiinbi'iliinil I'ounty, fur a Special " I'l.iiit, lo coiiiniciice ou tliu lltli ol' l'tb- niacy, ls.'in. JhcoI. Vcllidll lia 1' Clement va Zerhy Run Imp. en The Kliamokin Men in Ferry & Tow It oat Co (JiciMer A Rctsidci va Michael Kcrt-tctlcr Win II Kipp vs Win I. Hcll'c iiMciu Isaac I'ltiott vi Cerneliaa liarrcUon same vs same raine vs same suniu vs same JAMES BEAKD, PiotU'y. ProtlionolaryV4l)Hiie, ) Sunliury, Ucc H, 18."io. i .HTIIAY S1IOAT." tIAMF. to the premises of the suhscriher in 1 Lower Augusta township, on or about the 15lli of Uecemlier 18o5, a slray while ahoat about ten inonllis old. The ower ia re (jiict-ted te come forward pay rhargea and take it away. JACOU KEXN. Lower Augusta, Jan. 12 1850 '-'in. llisHolutiuii f'rarliitrklii. jOTIC'E ia hereby given that the eo-parlner-ship heretofore existing under the nvmeuf 8. AV:a Si Co., in Coal township, North umberland county, waa dissolved by mutual con sent, on Friday, the 15th Inst. 'J he hooka ere left in the bunds of the aubscritier for settlement, on whom all pertona knowing themselves in debted lo, or having claims lgainst said firm, will please call and settle immediately. ELIJAH CII1DE8TER. . rShamolin,. Dee X't, lBe&.Jra. COUl'RO. French Merinos, Persian cloth, Paria twill. Chintzes, Delaiics, Deheges, Alupscas, riilka, Wool plaids, Mohair lustre Freucli, Scotch and American Ciinghams, jus reecived and for aalt bv i auubnry, lec "xi. 1. T VHIOHT GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING! JOHN "V- 3VEwA.IlTIT MKItCIIANT TAILOlt, STTNBTJHY, FA. Rcspeclfelly informs the citizens of Sunbury end tho public generally, that he has just received from Philadelphia, a choice and select asiormcnt of Cloth, Cassimeres, c , viz : French black Cloth, plain and twilled, ltlack Itcaver do far ovciconts. Fine blue cloth. Claret cloth. Cansimerca french black corded. da do do Doeskin. do do grey mixed Doeskin. Yestings plain black silk velvet. do Figured velvet. Plush velvet. do black satin figured. Woolen Shirts and Drawers. Gentlemen's Pocket Handkerchiefs. do Neck-ties. All of which will he sold or made up to order in the latest and best style. .Sunhury, Dee. 1, i 855 tf Fafihicmablo Hats and Cnpa. ASHBY & EOCAP, A'o. 1 :if. toirkel t., PHILADELPHIA. INFORM their friends and the public generally, that thry continue lo keen at 3 iheir old aland, a large and extensive assortment of hats, caps, Ac, got up of the heft material and in the bitesi and best style of workmanship and finish. Country merchants and others will do well. to call and examine hclore purchasing elsewhere. Phila.. Not 10, Ifo.V tf. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. rTHE subscriber offers at private sale, a - VALUAHLK TRACT OF LAND, situate in tSuirar valley, lireen township, Clin on county, 'about 1 mile from Lopimsvillp, and !) miles from Lock Haven, adjoining lamia of An thony Kleckner, Ceo. Crumley and (ieo. Snook, coiituiniiig S21 acres, strict measure, all of which is excellent Limestone bind about til) acres of which are cleared, and the balance well timbered and watered. The improvements are a two story Lo House and a log bam, near the western end of the fiii i J tract, and an excellent voting orchard f of choice fiuit trees. Also another excellent two story Log H.mse and l..ir barn on the east ern portion of said Iract. The said premises are so situated as to make two excellent Farms, and will he sold together or separate, to suit purcha sers. Persons desirous of purchasing the uhove property will please call on the subscriber, resi ding in Ppper Augusta t., Northumberland county, . miles from .Sunhury, who will accom pany them to said premises. Terms reasonable. CKOKGK M. FOKUKSTlilf. December 22, 1S.V) tf. AUCTION AND PEIVATE SALE. Worthy the Attention of Every Man. SI A Vl.N'G positively determined to leave Sun. bury on the 1st of February next, I intend selling my lari;e (Stock of Clothing and other ( loods at and below cost at private sale, and next month at Auction. My stock embraces a large variety of very desirable goods of different kinds. Cl.t )T1 II. .' of dilterent styles .md makes va rious uualities and prices, such as Winter roats c.... io -r ......... ..I.. . i .-.,...., iv,... I'l nn n.,.l ... , i, l..h higher; rant au.l esls in proportion; Hals and Caps, Ih.ots and Shoes, Shirts, I'nderclo- thing. lloV Clothing, pistols, jewelry, hosiery, nnd all other kinds of goods generally kept in a Clothing l'stahlishment. I have also on band a vrrietv of Summer (Vats, vests at:.l tiantsi uNo I Summer Hats of different nly!,., gt c.f which I W 1 1 1 M'll lit I rctllClltlUil! V IOW rilCCS. ri. a : :n .... iI.a i.li ,.t IJannar next, .nd will continue through I vrck trv .lav and evening. oftcrivnnls on Vr.nday Wediiehduy and Saturday. The public will find it to their advantage to call early and buy at private mile : they have then a pood as sortment to pick from, and thull buy irno.la nt a low prices as they will probably be sold by Auc tion. My store i in Market Square, is known, and can burdlv be min.cd. AL1SLRT ELSUEKG. Sunhury Dec. 32, ISil). To Merchants and Storekeepers. The subscriber desirous nf leaving pa anon as piiM-ihlc. w ill .ell lo Merchants and others who may lavor him, at wholoule, lower than I'hila dep. hia rates, any or all his goods on hand. His tock'coir.priM's a Aarietv of goods adapted b) ihe easmi, is pretty larne yet, so that he can n'e an Aiortmeut ot'tl.f. and .iialilics to Imyers. Merchants will find it to their ud antiiRc to call tu.ly. ALIJElvT P.I.MIE!:0. ;t f-s j cvTy c fti. rn ceti ti LA1UST A I-; RIVAL, Largest and Best Assortment CHEAT. HANPfUMi: & l'l'K A lll.K. 'Btll E suhi-ciihcr takes pleasure in informing bis ciihtoincra and the public generally that he ii now in receipt of an unusually lare ond Splendid Assortment of Now Goods. To endeavor to enumerate the one hundieih part of the articles would be useless. Suffice it to say, they bava been selected with the greatest care, and they w ill he disposed of at as low prices us Ihe same .pjulity can he purchased elsewhere. My motto is "Quick Sales cfnd Small Profits," lie takes this method of prescnliiiff lo the public his thanks for ihe liberal patroniise exten ded to lii in , and by stiiel attention to business he respectfully solicits a continuance uf the same. It will be advisable for purchasers to call and examine his assortment before purchasing else where. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. EDV.'AHD V. BI11U1IT. Sunhury, December 1, lR.r)S. GfREAJT EXCITEMENT ! La tsf and best an ical of the Season, At the (Store of P. W. Gray, In Market Siuare, ha just rcceinil his Stock from Philadelphia, consisting f Full und Winter (Joods, Embracing a great variety of lady's Dress and Fancy Goods. Tho following comprises in part a list of my ex. tensive and elegant stock, which for variety and r.heupuess cannot lie excelled in this market. YOU Till: (JEXTLEM EN, Hlack and Fancy Chillis and Canxiincres. Bl'iek Hattin and Fancy Silk Vesting, Shirting Muslin Drawer ami I'n.lcr Shirts, Kentucky Jeans Velvets, Dluiikets, ir. 10 H THE LADIES. Hlack Silks, Alpacas, Merinos' colored and plaid all wool. M unlin do Lain, a large lot of Prints, nf the best brands and styles, brown and bleached Sheetiinrs. twilled and plaid Linsevs, Flannels, red, yellow and while, grey Drills, Tickings, (.'ambries. Dress trimming, ribbons, lace, gloves, hose und irish linens, and oilier thingstoo tedious to mention. I would earnestly solicit lilicrai share of their patronage. Boots & Shoes, a lurgcrausortmcul. HATS 4 CAPS. HAUUWAHU ii ( TTLERV, CEDAR WAKE. FINH tV SALT, Groceries or every vmielj. Teae.ColTee, Sugar, Molasses, Rice, Cheese, Vin egar, Candies, Candle, Hoap, Ci ackers, brooms, Lead, Knot, lieilUanls, 1'lougli Line, iiasa dxlU 10x13, 1 Ilia, Klurcli, Fluid, Dairy Salt. Siock ins and Chewing Tobacco, FineCigar, Matche, Mustard, Candle Wick, li lucking Water Proof, and general assortment of QIJEEXSWARE AND GLASSWARE. Country produce taken at the highest market prices. Kunbury, Oct, S7, 18o5. If. iVt-'a ll 1m pe nvT.T l7gT ndi!pic"ndcd ' . assortment of Wall Paper, Window Pa- ier, and Oil shades, just received and for aalo y I. W. TENERfct'o. Euahury, May T( ljV nrnnt Arrival or Fall and Winter Goods I IRA T. CLEMENT JNFORMS hia friends nd customers that ha just received an elegant assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS 1 1 At Ida Store in Market Street, Sunbury, which he odors to thn public at the lowest prices. Hia stock consist of a general assortment o )py Gootls, viz : Cloth, Caasimcrs, Camnrti, Jean, Drillings, Hfimlivf, Linens, Ctilicort, Muslin dt Lnins, Lawns, Ginghams, Btnifcts. Also a largo assortment of CLOTHING. A large assortment of Hoots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Sit.K Hats. Panama, Tatm leaf and other Hummer Hats. ljilcr. CROCKRIKS of every variety. Vugar, Tea, Collie, Molasses, Cheese, HpicM, Pish, Salt. Ac. HAKDWAIU:, Vix : Iron and fleel, Nails, Files, Saws, Ac. (iUEENSWARE, Ten Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, Ift Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market pricaa. Oct. SO, 1K0S COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLERY STORE, Ao. 21 North Third St., brhw Arch, rniLADSLniiA. OI'NTRY Merchants can save from ten to lillcen percent, by purchasing at the above stores. Ly importing my own goods, pay ing hut litll i rent, and living economically, il is plnin can undersell those who purchase their tioodi here, pny high rents and live like princes. Constantly on band a largo assortment of Ten and Pocket Knives, Scissors dud Razors, Table Knives and Folks ill ivory, slag, luilfnlo.bone ami wood handles. Carvers and Forks, A-c, Itiitchet Knives, Dirks, Howie Knives, Revolving and plain Pistols, Ac. Also a lame assortment of Aeconlrona, Ae. Also line I'nglish Twist and ficrman (ions. JOHN M. CULLMAN. Oct. SO, 18.15 ly. Importer. Muflflle mid UnritoMt itlakcis Thomas II. Tucker, Successor t" O. IP. Sti oh, P.L.SPECTFPLLY informs the i!''? ciii.ens ol Miniiury and me pun lie generally, that he has taken establishment lately occupied by (Jeo. W. Stroh, and having ei. gaged several good workmen, will be enabled to turn out work in his line eipial lo any made in this section of country. Orders promptly execetcd and ail kinds of pro duce taken in exchange. .Sunhury. .October 27, 1855. ly BIS -mm I'or the latest arrival of Fall fj intcp (Joods. j. r. & x. f. kzxn2j, RESPF.CTFl'l.LY anuo'iiire to their frienda and ti e pul'tic ir. general, that they have received atthcir Ou Stand, in Ppper Augusta t"v...!iip. iVorllminbcrlaiid county, Pa., at Klines Gru". their FALL an! "VlNTEIl tiooda, ami opened to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &c, Consisting in part ef Cloths, tdack and fancj t'assiuieres, Sattinetts, Checks, Drawers and Under Shirta, and all kind, of FALL ami WINTER GOOD?. Also a bit uf Ready. made Couts, Vesta and Pants, c Ladies Dress Goods, Cotisirting of liluck Silks, .Merinos, Alpacos, Co berg cloth, plain and fancy all wool Dn Lnines, Calicee,(iinghnms, Muslin, Comforts, Bay Stale Long Shawls, Trimmings, Aie. Aluo a fresh supply ef (arocerle) cf all kinds. A fresh supply of Hardware and (iueens ware, Drugs and Medicines. Hardware, Qureusware, Cedarware, ltrnoma. Ac. Also a large assortment of Hoots and blionH. suitalilK for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Cups, Silk llsls, and all goods usuhIIv kept in a Country Store. 'all an. I See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, Thankful for pssl favor we. hope by strict atten tion lo biisiueis. to merit a continuance of the tame. All of ihe above named stock of goods will be sol. I positively at low price lor cash, or 111 ex change tor country produce, at the highest market price. Kline's f.'rove, Nov. 3, 18S5. COSMOPOLITAN A It T ASSOCI A T ION! SIXO.MJ VEJ.ll KIi AMjr.MlCNTS for Ihe Senond Ann ial Coll'elinn r lhi i.vvv und popuisr liisliuiiioi. lor the itiltuttou ol t.it.'o.tiiie anil Ait, aave been mails oti Hie ill'sl cxlen live beale. Aiaouc the wniks already enirutrnri, ie Ihe fHr-ftonrd "GENOA. CBUCIFIX," ivliii'h .iriifinnlly cosi 'J'. .. Thoiouinft Hollars. In fn. -it. oiu the new C.illtrli,.ii, Ihe .Idfnsion cf wotlt of Amkrica Am, imd U:e piH'nuriigainciil of Anitrinaa Ut'iiitis, have not been overlo'kifu. l'iini.iishiin(i liave iifro imtii, l tu lit any . if the mosl tlislincuisheit Al.n-r.cail Arlinlii. who vv ill e.'iilllbnr s one ol their fi.i.'l't r,Nttie ti.i.i. Anions them nrp three Marhh Hiibia, exeeuieu by Ine greatest lieinj: cuipi..r iukam rowruv : G l'.OUG E WASH I N OTO N", The Father of his Countrv : BENJAMIN FHANKLIN, DAN KL AVKIJ3TER, Tue Still cmnaii. A upcinl rcht lia vifiiwl lairope timl miu!euirfui and jtlMlCKUII VtrffUt It lft HI I.trtlgll U'Thl 1)1 J n . imIU Hr.iun uiul .M urt tin Smluarv and cli-Mct; PhimIimcs. The uiit'lc rrniin a hime ami valunlle e-'Uteii'm nf Pumtinps ;iik1 SuitJiiry, l lie rtintrilnilcil fc'H v.tt inih'tig 111 luctutjcra vl tlie Ai'i(iiDii tor trie pcuihiii 1 ear TKH.MS OF .MKMBKIWIIIP. The pnymeiit cl" three ilHarncitutiliilr"B Hny one a nirm lef ill" Unit Assici;Ui"i,. uud eittillci him t either oiw ot lite fnllowuiK .M;ifti2nHi lor one yeni, und nit u ticket ia tlit dtstriliuui'ii ol tlie Stuluurv and I'liiniiiiaiB. The J.iiemture issued to kiiiiwribeit coiiKmli of the fol liwing Mtmilil) M.ifruzinev : UurjH r', I'uitctin, Kiiicker btH'kr, illtiekW'ttU', Oralmiu'i, Oixle ' lad UKk, and Iioiim-ii1i1 wnuli. lrN"ti tul.iuc five nicmlirshisure enfitlvd V nny fivi of tlie Mjitizmc fui one eurt uud t tiX ttckcli iu tha diniriliuiii'ii. Tin net ivr-MM'i'iUdfrivtMlfrom ihe bile of ineiirlMs1ii, u't devilled f the uuicluue of Wurki of Art ur lit ensu ing yeur. THK AH V ANTAf.K srCCRr.D by (ceoniiii) a nifiiiler of i1m Att K-iJti.in, ar lt. AH it.Tmii rt't't iv' lli full I'ulue oi cheir itlMrif ti ii ta ut thu itii(f ii) the tluiue ol meriing Mugiiame l.ittt rat ii re. vM, FiK-h iniiifir ii contrilMing townrde inurhnih.jr rh'iiee Workv of Art, whirh am tu lie divinl'iiud inn mr llieunulve, nnd nffut the vime time eiieoiirnnii.f Ihe AtU ot the) couniiy, dtshurkin ihoutundi uf dullar throuii it iit-nry. rem nit in miiiltinir fnii'ln lor meinlirmliip, t'ill ptcuw (liee their pil-i.llife utl'heMtiii t till, hi hi ii iff the in-mill they wish the Map.izine toconitnenee, and hnve tlx letter rriMstlfird at the I'oftt Dlfiee to nrevent hii ; en the rr pt of wliu h. u eertil"ieieof intnilTiihiii. tt-iK tln r with the Miittjiie di mrcd. wot be lorvvtirUtd tu miy nurt of tin ''oinilry. Tr."" yvt pnrelmne Mtifrncine mt Ilnkiittret, will oh rve that by joniitn? ihi Aworiatioii, thry reeeive the M'nritiiie nnd l'ic tu-ket iu thr nnnirtl litritut i ii, till at the tkiiiie nrirt they now vty tor the Mnnazinr alone. IWauLituhy illustrated CHUtt igut, givuij; lull deserip tiouav, v iit free on anplieuiitiM, l'or Membe4liip, uddifii i. li.Dm-tlY, Actuary C. A. A. At mthef of Ihe principal ortiiv 4 Kuiekeitockcr Miiv'Mitii.e" oitiee, 31 Brntirlwav, Nr York, or, Wruteru Utfioc, IM WuUt ureol, SuiuiuLy,U. Nov. 17, lm$.Y f AM BRIO, tSwts, Mull, Doliiwett, French Isibs. Cheek. Collar. l'nderIeevf and Cheniiaettea, lioak drease. Velvet ami Velvet trimmings. Turkish counterpanes, Blanket, Uroche, Thibet I Uay State Khawls, for sale by Bunbury. Dec. I. 'AS. K. Y. BRICHTs CHAl.l.r.XBEBUEU'S PILL. A eertulu cur, for Fev and Ague, for ale by WEltsEK & Bill NEB. Bunbunr". !j , 1854. rpRIOOPHEKOT 8 Jo- rot i Mi 10. WEIHKR h BR'J.VEK. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. I. IT. Ti:nR & Co., Pmibury, I'n., RESPECTFUL. Y nnounrethat they have just received a larg and Varied ajork of tplendid goods suited to tha sua son j an inr--rr-tion of which they socit from their friends and the public they will bo sold at low prioea, as the; atill adhcro to their old mnitoi "Small profits and quick Sales." This in the end pays brat, while it best sorvas their customers. , 'I hair stock now consists of Cloths, Cassimeres, Yestings, Ladies' Dress Goods, in great variety, of tiiks, Poplins, Delaines, Cashmeres, Coheres, nil wool de lains, Calicoes, Ac, with a large assortment of dresa trimiuingsr-Uroche, Thibet, Cash mera, and wollen shawls, worked collars, cuffs, alccves. chemisettes, .J-c. A nrw stock of Heady ma.la Coats, Yesls, and Pantuloona, of auperior style and workmanship. Also, Hats, Cups, limits and Shoes together with a general assortment ot Hardware, tjiieeiis ware, tiroeeriea, Proviaiona, Cedarwaro, Drugs, I'n intra. Oils and Nails. Come and aee, no ebarga ia made for show ing goods. Country produce taken in exohange ferjooda. at the highest market prices Sunhury, October LI, ltjoj. A7T331S CM RAP WATCH AND JKWKLRY STOI1K Yo 72 North Second S'reet. opposite th rffoHiil Pernod House.) Philadelphia. rjOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ea " scs, 5(28 j Sil.er Lever do,, do., 12; Sib ver Lepine, do., 9 : y uartier. -t.5 to $7 : field Spectacles. H4 50 to ' 10 ; Silver do., I 50 ; Silver Tahln Spoons per sett, $14 to !J18; Silver Desert do., do.,$i) to SI I ; ,-ilver Teado.,i do., l 75 to 7 50; Cold IVus and (odd fa sen, :) 15 to 5 j (iold IVns and .silver do., ft; together With a v,irifty of film Cold Jewelry, (old Curb , Ciiard anil F'ob Chains. All gomN warranted to ho as represei.iid. WsUhr and Jewclrv, repaired In Ihr best .r.aiiiicr, Abo, .Ma sonic. Marks, Pins, Ac, made to nolcr. N. II. All orders aunt .v null ut bthrnise. will ha punctually attended to. Phila., Kept. S'i, IN.-).',. Ijw. " S- E. Cor. 7lh & thfsnul Ms. ft Tlii luntiiutinTi, whirh whi first estaliliplicd in S!pteniher, 1S14, bm'1 nutnhcrs nrn nix its gfO'IiMtt: tiim dietli fl thu lniKinrsH men in this, nnd niher ritir ; will uu June 4tH, Ih.ia, ChnrtcreJ, ntui er;lti tsrit-d an 11 Cfllcgr, in uceurti.iuL'e with Act i W I';;f-m,':t,urc- . , s t lie. v. hi, MPt " r niiru I 1 1 y " thfimuclilv i rnft!crtl rltniartar imd Is ' fir imr. in hnin' : btitici whicl', BEtI i lie (iiiil livo th r'v "I'ii't ''ii 1 t:ilire l-it n L"-tir!P of I.l".CTrHI".! 5IJ i:pon C"iMi:iiciAL law, (Jp Jiver f"f lielf cspeciul use, by euii j """Hi pnictiii-uiers. e For Ihe pr-nnt pnMn. the Ht.N. JriMiK Siirwo!' services ure tu gu?ttl in tin ih'i'-iituiPtit. i. II. CI!ITTi:n!:N, Principal. P?" t::itat-irtii-s will he ..nt In any ltJri'P) on fipphrii' in v iHttT. Als-i. ClUni'.MJKN'S' HOOK KKKl'INf fit rrcipt per nmil ( the i price, S I .i'U- Key U sume M c'.a riuliuklphiu, Oct. 13, ItW. OinS. NEW MASONIC HALL, Pail.ADF.U'lll.V. ACF.NTS WANTF.I) in eveiv town and county is tlm United Sidles, to sell the beauttl'al p.cturts of the GRAND LODGE ROOM. In th New Ma'onic Hall. Pliilailolphm. Thii Pint is srllius; verv mpiitly clieiUthe admiration of all. for .ii,,rr,v.',,M mlnliivwiih whi?h the Statl-.rt. ! rainco Pa.ci-ino. anh K'ur,tcr are reptwm..,!, and thenrliMlic buuty and rcirnmny of the colors. Huts of P!:ite. '21 X Price St ltd. U-soksnlleri ftiirt Picture Dealeri wiihintr to tiVe eea ciea fur it, will nlcahO addrewi. for further inftnn:iliou. 1 V ! I khLV 't'U I r Littiogrjpher, PltiUdelphiit. October 97, ISM. tf GREAT MASONIC HALL. THK T.AUOKST PIANO FOftTK, MKl.f )OKn AND .music artKK in tui; i'MTi:i) iTAri-4, Will be opened October lotli 1-5M, in the MaioMc Ui'iLDiN'., Cliesnitt trert. ariove eellIn, rtii.aufii'ina. Uy JOHN M AUSH, the Sole Acrnt for UiMrdtmirt. (ry A Co.'a et-lrbrnted Dolce Ctimpinn Attnehmpiit 1'iauo Foitea, nnd C V. l iali iV Co1! Premium Meln deona. AUo. Pnmn Foitra and .Ieln.lrona of other din tmeuirfheri makers. J M mn obtained a ten'- for m veral ve.-oH in tlie hevv, nia(r.iiilice;it and we'l known Masonic Iliiiltlinp, lire lie iiuemi kfepini; the l;m? t stork nnd nn"rhnent of Pirmo Fortes, .lelideiiA, Music, and Mu ileal Instinniru'B of eveiy deytipM'tn, nil ot which are e:;refitlly seleelert bv hirrse'f, and war runted togivo pef ffd mtii'netion in every instance. Oetuber 27th. le.ifi. if NEW CONFECTIONARY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARIIAUT, ESPKCTKn.l.Y nriiioinu e to tlie citizens " nf Xoitliiiiiiucrlanil and 111 ailjuining coun ties that lis lias opriir.l a 'mifrclivnary and fruit Store in MAIKKT SQUAUU, Siinlmrv, where lio iiiaiiufuctures aiul l.tfs on hand, at all times, the most (Unice I 'iiiil'ictiunary, eVc, Wholesale and Ki'hiit, ut l'liihidt'ljihia prices. Among hia stock of C'oulcciiui.aries, niay he fouad i Ticnch Secrets. Jltiiticd Aiinonds, I'rerim Wnits, Lrinou Kosr, " Vsihlla. ronmio.i ecreta. Liquorice, Cum TV'tpe, all kinds if scent, t.uve lifiips, Mint lr.i,s. red ond white, J.llv fu'.ce. Fiuil Drops. ii iek Ouu.lrts, of at! scents H'K-k rnrolv. Almond C'a.tJv, FEITIT. Priun'f, Citrons, I.emoss, Hales, tjiiirrtn's dfled, Alniuutis. flion. Nuts nf nil kuids LEMON' SYKUP of a npcrior quality, liy tha sinlo nr iWen. A superior quality of iegnrs and 'l'ohareo, and a variety of I'oufcrtionaries, fruit, Vc. all nf which is offered cheap at wholesale or retnil. Come anil sec lie will try to plense. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. Sunhury, AuB. 4, lhoi. ly. Eargains at the Old Stand. miLING & GRANT VKE now opening a new and verv desiral.l stock of KALI, and M IN I TK Goods, em braeinj ail indlia variily. Their !ock con sists in part (if Black & Fancy Broadcloths &Casr.inicres, Winter Wuies lor men and boys, ull stylos and prices. DRESS GOODS. 1 SII.KSJ'lain und Hyur.d ltlack. An assortment pf Plaid Strip ami I'luured Fan ev Dies riilka at untisii.illy low pri.es, Shellits, l!ra7es, lii.e lie Lain, Mus. I Lains. l.iiwus, Ac, GINGHAMS from f.J to .r rents per vard. CALICOES 3 ' 1 Vi "NVIUTK GOOl'S, Cambric. Juronelts, Kwis, Tarllon, Mull, Bobi- licit, French and Swiss Laces, LdniiiKS. Ac. Brown and bleached Mii-lins, Hiiiliiijj. Ticks, Check, Towlings, Table Diapers, 4 c. f;iton:iins. HARDWARE and GUEEN5WARE, Cedar-wurr, llollorv-wurp. Iron, Steel, Platter Salt and Fish. Also lirsh aupply of DHIOH A.NH MKDinNFt. Thankful for pst favors, we hope by strict attention and a desire to please, alill to meet with the approval of our friends. tVCountry produce of all kinds taken at the highest market price Kunbury, Not S. 1855. ly. LADIES' Dress Goods. Spring and Suinmt Shawls, Blin k silk, silk poplins, De l.sine, Gingham, De ban". Lawn and calico, jqst re ceived and for (ale bv WM. A. K.N All U. l.uwer Augusta. May 8, 1B64i BENCH black cloth, plain & fancy C.if mere, C'assinrtt, Ovcicoating, Satin and aiilk Velvet vest patterns. Silk and Wool Hats, Cap, Scarf and Monkey Jacket, for aale by Suubury, Dec. I '55. E. V. JJRIGHT. AND WAUBA.VIX The highest price will U etteu for Land Warranta hy th sub i KltW. H. Mu&kEK. British Periodical EARI.T COPIES SCrVRKD. UT" Premiums to Sew Subscribers t ! I IJEOOAnriSCnTTik CO scw Tmk, eonlinne m re publish tl. lulluwing Wrillsh Fwiodiciils, via. : L . THE LONDON QUARTKULY (Consertaliv, . THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) TH K NORTH DUITISH REVIEW (Fret Ch.) THIi WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal. ) BLACKWOOD'S KDINBURO MAGAZINE (Tory). Tin! prwnt rriurststs'r nf riifi'rrae sfnirs will rrmlrr l'isoiulilii-.iii"iiunnstnlly iiHorrstinr Hurinir Ihe foilli cuining viwr. Ta.y will orcupy s iiii.l.Ur gixmid brtweas Urn hastily writi-n nrvvr-itrilis, crude S.;i.".il.illoiis.siel fly ine nitno'is i f tin; il.uly J.i'irnul, and lha aoailrrous Tunis' in ihe liiMrs li stoiiun, written alter the imnpr interest nut Hxi'iicnin.t .I'llir itreat polith'i'l tvoeis of tlie tim shall Imve p-ss.it awr.y. It is to Hiese Perlmliea.a tha rr-iclirs nnisi ! k f the. only realty hit' Inpihle sn.l ralia hir hist Ty f enrrnn rvn's, anil ns such, in ailitition X" llnir vvil-ert.ih i.iU liu-iary aeienlifin. ami theologies oliarnrtPi. ive urge ih- in ukii Clie C"iisiU'.ratioi ol IU Tri'livsr public. ty Armiiiroinsi.ts are now pormnneiitly mail for ln r.'cnpit nf Kioly Pl.eeH from tlm niitirti Pnlilislitrs, I.f whiih w nre ennhlnt to place ull cur Reprints in th hanrts of eirlis iTitwrs, iilioul m sivii as Ihry ran lie turiiishttf Willi I lie loreimi copus. Altlewull tins involves a vry l-irirr ne.tt'iy on our part, we shnl! !in'iioe? to furnifh tba l't'ticlicnU nt the sioth- low rules ss heret'it'of. togelaaif m-uh the lullowinjr lemiurns to new Snbsrrihere. TEll.US AND PREMIUMS. Stt list of i'temium Volumes bcloic. l'ereiKi. Vor nnr one of the four Ktvirwenmt one Trera. vet. fclWtf rnrunvlwi " ' cue 11 8 0 f'oi i.nv three " lo " 7 l"..r nil foui I the Itiiviews " Iwo " l'or lllaell-.vn :Cs .Vlnea'.tii,- " ons u SO r'oi in 'ii:kr.Hl nn.Hhref ttcvifws three " 9 DO I'or Blackwood tne I'.tur Itcvitwa three " tu U Pavmciits tu lie made tit ni case in advanee. s Mmey current in tits State uhert issued will b: received at par. Tliv Premiums consist of the fotlowinn Works, 1'OrJr volumes of which will he given to new Sabjcihf'S seor- itinsj t lha numtitr of peuialicu ordsreil, si atxive ess- ulainetl,: PREMIUM VOLUMES. l'(iFriN (.M ap rni.KV Review ("hp year ) Hi.a itvO'-D't M GKT.fv. fix iiicnlliw). l;niMM.p., I(i:vii:u ( nr ' " Tl '.I'fil .ITAN .f AGAVClNi: (nt x in.iiiihn). WjKTMINff l.R U rtVIMW ("ic VtMl). Ciii.urf i.iivtt 1 1 r -' rtiti m fii'iivt in nil b ( :! '-.'. !-.:-.;! uf '1 ; I '-"'c:i Qu.ii Itrly Ufviw. T .r vnt -V t'l ;;v. i iifriifiil, litrirl'T", v. hrtt thtit w'l; if "-l Mi'Mif w:u.t"il, Sitiiw ribf-rs will pli'f oni--r an tnuonl'i1 rnt wirk" fn pi finniina ut ilicrt arc vleini w whirh t!.'.-v in-ty Li! i-iuitk"!. CLU3EIN0. A iiironnt C Uvftitr-f.ve p-r ati. from the above pri ccn will lie niiouf'-l t or tuiw fenr or more eojii! if nny on (ir triir !. h'ttlnve wnrko. Tims: I- 0Mf copies tf ll'ri'-'kw'',..', o' "t" ''lie Ht'vifW, wiM he i:)it t one miiirepfi fur '.: ' m mpim of the four Review till Ului'kw'XKl t';r WW; nnrt - i. POSTAGE. !. o' 'f'f nrin.-iivi, (it:-s :m. 1 'V -vn?. thttn work wUI b.Mivfn-d. trroi'iaTh An-is, t'UKl-; Ol' rnSTA'.K. ' ih'ii wtit 1" in lit. t!.c l''i:ii;c" to nny part f ihe I uit4 Sf it'-s will he !nt Tv nt y-Four ln a y far for ,lIIIrti'kwi v.l,M nml but 'Vuelvc l ent aycur ('or each of t!:tj Ri;vicV!t. I '-tuiitain'ifs ai.'l cnminptitcirioM iiiuuti always be ; aiK.icHS''!!, p'iil-p(i'l, t't tl.e I'ui.liifipr!", LEOXAR D SCOTT & CO., ci gold STitnrr, xew vnitK. ' N. It. I. 3. ,tr f' huve reeenilv t'li'-lirhct. niM hnva I ow for sale. tha-KAUMf.lffs (il'llir.." hv Henry 8t' phtns, ol r.uii.linrirli. ami 1'iof. Norton, of Yule Colei;e, I New Unven.eoiiij.lcte in two v. .Is, r.i i.lMctrv.i, ci'i'laininf; i liioo puces, n steel ai.ci o'l;il wood engravirnrs. i'rice ia j tnuslhi UllliliiilT. :l. I r-Tiiis wrkissoT the. o!.l of tha Farm," lately bkm"!tatku nli.t Ihrow.i u;.uu the Alaikct. N'w Vork. tl -inher 'i.t, IS.V1. THE UNIVEETsTtY'S FAKILY REMEDIES, "I sl'IlD under the Seat. Sanction mvt Auilicirityof th I to mversitv ofriiliK .MKUIC1NK hurt pordur kirw- I'vU-e, Chattered by tin: Simic t.f Peiinty'v.ini;, Aprils, 1.V. with n Capital of $t(iO,Mf'.i. iiniidy l'or tlie itiirp-.iee of arresi inp the evin of !iutiiut 0!i"l wrthlew Nosrutne; A'so (r upplyiin tlit1 C)iimi'.iu:ty With reliable tlt-rne- , , J . nMeiaii eau.nH yx w.u uui i iiovw. mi. M.M. .i.t-n !. purcnoacu iromur. 4oU K01Yalr TIIkiC ISlXtl!rC, Kii'iwn lor upwards 'f twenty-live yenrs ss the only cur nnr! site cure f-ir l'T.YFfl Hint Alirt-., Ac, sn.l his i.H'S tiinnl,l Kmn-.lv f.if HI iWKI. COMPLAINTS, lt..i.ntt a Co.npininil Syrup ol" niitcklnTry Uorit, which hlgl.ly sp. proved :n.d iM.puiar Itfinedic, tnprllier with The 1'tli vrri.it y's It fintdy fur r.-lnplnints of Ibe J. ur.es j Tnc L niycrnily's ll.-m.'.ly I'nr llyspcpsieor Indigesttun ; 'J'he t'liiveisity'B IlenieOT lur Coitiive-Gtiwelt ; Also, tlie lni'ilHity's Aii.iMi.QC limy be lie hud, at 111 ftnuirh llmpr usury, or biore of WILLIAM DF.PIMN'. . Nov. 3, 1V.S. .Mi.lmnoy l. O. SPECTACLES In Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel .frames, J MATHEMATICAL Instrumouts separate and in cases, Tliermometcrs of various sizes, Spy Glasses of every description, I'latina noime for Lightning l!oda, M.icic Laulerns with sciiptiirel, ablionoiuicai and temperance designs! Microscopes and .M icroscojiie oljocts, (inlvunic lljtleries, Electrical Machines, Surveycr's Com pMiri, .Surveying I'lmins io.Ao. McALLISTKIv Jt UHOT1IKH. (L'sUblished in H9C.) 104 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Our Triced and Illustrated Catalogue (S4 r11?") with 150 illustrations I'urnUhed on applicatiuu, ami sent hy n:i! Ve of charge. I'hila. Sept. 8, 1(?E5. Cheap "Watches fjJewelrj HOI.ESAl.E and Kelail, at the "1'hiladet- phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 3 North 6econd Street, corner of 'iuarry, PHILADIJI.PHIA. Cold Lever Vali'hos, fnM jewelfd, I" curm can't, ta'.CO Hold I.fpine I-ar. S2I.ISI1 Fine Silver Sjietuielc. I.i" Silver Lop. loll jcwlle.1. ll. Hold HrareMs. 3.0 Silver Lever, full jevi'U U. It ndirs liold Pencils, 1.110 Sii.ctlor (unrtieis, 7.Silver Tea snoons, set, fi.OO Gold Ppectticlrs. 7.Ml Gold I'eiaj, with Pe'iei! and Silver Holder, 1,00 Gold Finder I(in;;s, rt7i cents to !J!S0 ; Watch (ilasses, plain, 12$ cents; Went, IKj; I .mint, SS; other articles in proportion. All gooda war ranted to be what tliev nre sold for. KTAIJKmt & HAKLET, On hand, soma (iold and Silver Lever and Lepines, alill lower than the above price. Sept. I), 185.-!. r ATTORKEY AT LAW, KL'NBVBV, PA., Aided by oino eight year experienea in the practice of Ihe Law, will attend with fidelity to all matter appertaining to or within the line of hia profession. Otiice with t'harle J. Bruntr, Esq.. Market street. Sunhury, Sept. 15, 1 S.'.l, tf $50 JR.-ETVTRT. rstjll", subscribers offvt a reward of fifty dollar for ihe discovery and conviction of the per son or persoin, who cut and destroyed the band on the Machinery ol" their Co:il breaker, at the M.nninntli Collier, between Shninckiii and Mt. Curim l, oil the. in -i it of tliu Dili inst. Ti t al'ova reward will be paid to any one gi inn inl'orini i.m thtt will Icau to tho conviction ol Ihe ollenilers. ( I.r.AVi:!!, FAGELV & Co. ShairioKiu Oil. 27, lS."iS.--.tf. l'OK HALF. I Uj) f TEAM ENGINES 00 !!oe power each, .-4 with boilers. Would make excellent pump ing jniues, together with 2 larje blowing cylin' deia, iiinihle lor a t'laNt I'umaco. Apply t 1IENKV LUNGENECKEK cc CD. bhainokiii Iron Work. Sliaiuokin, Fa. Phamakin, July SI. 18S3,-. yl'SUAND'S Magnesia far sale by May 19. V EISEU & BIIL'NEB IJLACK Putty nd article f sale by May W RISER Y BRL'NEB. I.AHNESTOCU I Verml'uge, for l W May 19. 'VEIEReV BRUNEK " STOVES- IO U SALE an excellent second-hand Cook ing Stove, also (everal Cylinder Coal 6toe. Enquire ai thi o(Tn. NOTICE. All person knowing Uiemselvci indebtej e Irs T. Clement, on Book account, note or other, wise, are requested to call and pay up without delay, otherwise their account will b placed ia .i . i i i ....... t ' ll. imiiue i ruy.s..p,v it luitecuoil. Sunhury Cov. 17. 55 Jf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers