rtMHw . iRPECTACLfeS tn Go,! UUTtr, nd HmUo Steel Frames, MATHEMATICAL -InrtronVenta separate and In Awt, ThertAoiiaeter of varion Viae, Spy Glass of !irriplion, Platina poinlafor Lightning Rods, Magic Lanterns with scriptural, astronoafScal and temperance design,, .Microscopes arid Microscopic nlyjoct. Galvanic Batteries, ElecWical Machine, Surveyer' Com khut. Surveying Chains Ac. Ac. McAllister a brother. (Established in 1796.) 194 Chestnut 8treet Philadelphia. Our PricVd and Illustrated Catalogue (84 pages) with 150 Illustrations furnished on application, nil lent by mail free of charge. Phila. Seut. 8, 1855. ciPki ? OEM - S'BMjES OF eVcry Arwriptwn, auita' te for KailrMits, 4c.,'fw wevfrhiwg Hay, Coal, Ore and Mer chanJise MwraJly. Purchasers run no risk, ev ery aiiSfe ia Craiitfd correct, and if, after trial nat'fi'u4ia satisfactory, can be returned without WIT Factory at Old fctand. established for tihre than twenty year, corner of ninth and Melon Streets, Philadelphia. ABBOTT & Co.. Successors to Elliot A Abbott. Phil. Sept. 1, 1855. 3mC. Fruits & Confectionery. MB EMOVAL. The subscriber has removed j H.. to No '20 Market Stkf.v.t, above Front, (Thr ee doors above the old stand,) PHILADELPHIA. Where he keeps constantly on hand, a general stock of all articles in his line $ Consisting ot Oranges, Lemons and all kinds of fruit in sea on? Almonds, Walnuts, Cream NuU, Ground Nut, plain and roasted i Pickles and preserves of all kinds ; to which he invilei the attention of Dealers and others visi ing the city. Goods packed at this establishment warranted to carry Safe. 8. I,. HERRING, No. .IS Market St., al ve Front, South side, hifc., Sept. 2i, 1855. 3m c3. Cheap Watches fjJewelrj WHOLESALE and Retail, at the "PhiladcL phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 96 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, PHII.ADEI.PIII A. 0U1 l.ever Wa'ehea, full jeweled, l" csrnt cstes, t2?.00 Gn'.d Lephie 19k. 844 (Kll Fine Silver Spectacles. 1.50 Silver lp. full jew'Jed. 89 lOolil Brarelrts. D.( Uitver Lever, full jewl'J li I iidies' Gold IViwils. l.ou Dnpenor Quartiers, 7. (Silver Tea spoons, set, ,U0 Cold Speclai'les, 7.ll Gold Pens, with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1,00 Cold Finger Rings, 37J cents to $80 t Watch Glasses, plain, 12$ cents; Patent, IBj; Lunet, 85; other articles in proportion. All goods war. ranted to be what they are sold for. 8TAUFFER & HARLEY, On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and I.epines, still lower than the above prices. Sept. G, 1855. r ATTORNEY AT LAW, 8UNBURY, PA., Aided by some eight year experience in the practice of the Law, will attend with fidelity to all matter appertaining toorwitlin the line of hie profession. Office with Charles J. Bruner, Esq., Market street. Bunbury, 8ept. 15, 1855, tf AQNEW Se GO'S SILK AND SHAWL STORE No. 196 Chesnut strict, PHILADELPHIA. WE take leave to inform Ui Ladies of Sunnury and vl einily, Utat ws now have open a full stock oi Fall atid Winter Goods, just arrived by lluuts and Liverpool Bieamers. IX OUR SHAWL ROOM will bs found ths most extensive suortmrnt of Bnvlia, Ling and Squsre SH AWlJ) Stella and printed iNirritriHl BHAWL.S. in therjtv, whsle oui CLOAKS. TALMAS and MANTILLAS, in Velvet Clulii aiidMuir Autitiue, saunot be sui putted. SILK AND DRESS GOODS, Tkis depsjtment is supplied with all the newest stylri of Brocade. Plaid, Stripe, Plain, Moire Antique and lSlsr'k Silks, White Moire fntiqus lor bridal dresses. Rich Siik Robe Dresses, printed Cashmeres and DcLainea. lupines, Merinoa and Cashmeres, a large assortment of all colors and very cheap. Embroideries, Ribbons, Gloves, c. MOURNING GOODS, Of Lupins, Bombazines, Cashmeres, I Lsines fte. Ws earnestly solicit a call from our country friends, feeling confident from or great facilities for puiebaamg goods, ws can offer great baigains. AONF.W CO P. 9 Constantly reesivtng new goods by ths European Steamers from Havre and Liverpool. Oct. th 18o5 gnrtw. a w M SW CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE As 72 North Second Strett, opposite th Haunt Vernon House.) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ca ses, $28 ; SiUer Lever do,, do., $12; Sil ver Lepine, do., $9: Quartier. $5 to $7: GuU Spectacles, $4 50 to $ 10 ; Silver do., $ 1 50 ; Silver Table Spoons per sett, $14 to $18; Silver Desert do., do., $9 to S 1 1 ; Silver Tea do.,; do., $4 75 to $7 60 ; Gold Pens and Gold Ca se, $3 25 to $3; Gold Pen and Silver do.. $1; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chain. All good warranted to be a represented. Watche and Jewelry, repaired in the best manner. A lso, M a sonic; Marks, Pins, cVc, made to order. Pi. li. - All orders sent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. Phila., Sept. 22, 1855. lyw. FANCY FURS FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. JOHN- FAREIRA, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Fancy Furs No. 284 Market Street, (alov Lighth,) FHILADKLPIIIA. Having now completed my very large and beauulifnl assortment of all the different kinds of Fancy Fura, and fashioned into all the different sty hi and fashions that will be worn d jring the present seasou by Ladies and Children, and being determined to sell my goods at small profits it will be to the advantage of Ladiea attii other to give me a call before purchasing. N. 0. fJ'I'OltEKEEPEKS and thetradewill do well to call, aa they will find one of the largest and best variety of stock to select from the city. JOHN FAREIRA. Sept. 22, 1855 4 moa. Tt cjbtfV fe FALL STOCK of NEW Goods. Fashionable Silks. Full stork lark Silk. Dress Uoods, all kinds. . Blanket and Flannel. Linen and Cotton Sheeting. Staple Housekeeping Goods. Cloths, Csiaimen s and Vesting, EYRE V LAN PELL, rOt'RTH sV ARCH 8t., PHILAD'A. T. ft. Storekeeper and other tash titfsrs applied with scarce and desirable Dry Good t low rates. BARGAINS from Philadelphia ud New York Auction daily. N. B. 8 cases French Merinoes, all colors, wholesale from 65 to $1,25. Philadelphia, SepL 22, 1855 1m wS. FOR HALE! 2PTEAM ENGINES 90 Horse power each, with boilers. Would make excellent pump- lug engines, together with S Isrge blowing cylin ders, suitable for blast furnace. Apply te HENRY LONOENECKER k CO. bliaiaokin Iron Works, Slurjttfktn, Ps. bamskifl, July tl, 1158,- T AND WARRANTS. Ths highest price will t as) lot Lend Warrant by the sub. verba It. MABsek. 42HALLEXBRGER'r3 PILLS A WuiA ST ur (or Fever and Agus. for sals by WEIbER BFUKEF IYER'S PUIS. ro Ait tbi marosn or a FAMILY PHYSIC. Trim hat long existed a public demand for an effective purgstive pill which could be relied on at sure end perfectly safe In its operation. This li been prepared to meet that demand, and an eaten eive trial of its virtues has conclusively Shown with what success It accomplishes the purpose design It is easy to make a physical pill, but not eesy Ms make ths best of all pilU one Which should have none of the objections, but all the advantages t( every other. This has been attempted here, '., with what success we would respectfully submit ,'. ths public decision. It has been unfortunate fot the patient hitherto that almost every purgative medicine is acrimonious and irritating; to the bow els. 'litis is not. Many of them produce so much piping pain and revulsion In the system as to more than counterbalance the Rood to be derived from them. Thefte pillt produce no irritation or pain, unless it arise from a previously existing obstruc tion ot derangement in the bowels. Heine purely vcjrelaMe, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should be taken ludicioual. Minute directions for their use in the several diseases to which they are ap plicable are given on the box. Among tne com plaints which have been speedily cured by them, we mav mention Liver ComTjlaint. in its various forma of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap petite, Listlcssnexs, Irritability, Bilious Headache, bilious Fevor, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Side and Loins t for, In truth, all these are but the con sentence of diseased action in the liver. As an anient, thoy afford prompt and sure relief in Cos TMIm. Cnlie. Dvsenterv. Humors. Bcrof- ala and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of the body, . ... N . I ! Ulcers ana impurity oi ii oiooui m nun, u7 and every case wftcre a purgauve is requireu. rt. !,. ! nrndiiced some sineularlv sue' eessfuf cures in Kheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, Ervsipelns, Palpitation of the Heart, Pains in the Back, Stomach, and Side. They should be freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood tha tern for the ehamre of seasons. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, and restores the appe tite and viror. Thev nurifv the blood, and, by their stimulant action on the circulatory system, reno vate the strength of the body, ana restore tne wasted or diseased energies of tne whole organism. Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, even though no serious derangement exists; but un dnKinir should never be carried too far, as every purgative medicine reduces tho strength, ia tnt n tn nvriMii. The thousand cases in which a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, hut i... ,H it u nnfldvtitlv believed this pill will answer a better purpose than any thing which has hitherto been available to mankind. When their the nublic will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cathartio medicine. Being sugar-wrapped they are pleasant to lane, aim oeuig ijumjr icvimit, nanu can vise iium mcu ... -j For minute directions see wrapper on the Box, PREPARED BY JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Frio SI Cents per Box. Five Boxes for $1. AYERS CHERRY PECTORAL, Par the rapid Cure of COUGHS. (OLDS, II0ARSEXESS BROXnilTIS, U HOOriXG-lOlGH, litOl P, ASTHMA, AD iosi.iiriio. Tut, rnnt,aa won for itself such notoristy from iU cures of every variety of pulmonary disease, that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi dences of its virtues in any community where it has been employed. So wide is the field ot its use fulness, and so numerous the cases of its cures, that almost every section of the country abounds in persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried its supenonty over every other medicine of Its kind is too appar ent to escape observation, and where its virtues sre known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affec tions of the pulmonary organs which are in.-ident to our climate. And not only In formidable at tacks upor. th lungs, but for the milder varieties of Colub, Covohb, Hoarseness, Ac.; and for Children it is the pleasantest and safest medicine that can be obtained. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, w need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to th best that it ever has been, and that the genuine article is sold by Weioer ,V Bruner. Sunbury ; Uird A John, tthamokin W. Wiemer. N'orthninlierlnnd ; J. P. Caalow, Milluu; and by all Druegists in Northern I'cnusylvuiiia. June 3, IMS ly. B2RDBa5iR3BS. BURTON & FENT0N, 5. H". corner Sixth and Arch street, PHILADELPHIA. 11EAS! Teas!! an uncommonly full and . choice assortment of black and green Teas of all grades, from the extremely low price of 30 cts 35 10 50 6070 to 75 cts. per lb., warranted to lie superior to any to be had else where al the same prices. We know and confi dently recommend them to he 20 per cent cheap er than any for sale in the city. W have also a very superior assortment of CotTee, Old Gov't, Java, Laguayra. Maracaribo, Rio and Cap" Hay tien Coffee. New No. 1 Mackerel and Shad in and blil. or as may be desired. Cheese, Pine Apple, Sap Sago, New York Cream Cheese al ways on hand. Soap brown and white ; also H. L. Kendcll &. Co' Chemical Olive Soap, one lb. of which will go aa far a 2 of ordinary brown Soap. Also Starch of different qualities, pickles, sauces, ketchups, olives, olive oil, sardines, an- choveys, &c, with a full assortment of Fancy uoods, to which we invite the a tention of the public to call and examine our extensive assort ment of Fine Groceries for asle by BURTON & FENTON, Wholesale and Retail Family Grocer and Tea Dealers, S. W. cor. Sixth and Arch sU. N. B. Goods delivered to all partt of the city tree ot charge. Phila., SepL 22, 1855 apt My Trusses ! Trusses ! ! Trusses ! ! ! 7 C. II. NEEDLES, s3 rr j Tl v.i.vi:.i j. 5. W, Cor. of Twelfth and llac Streets, Philadelphia- IMPORTER of fine French Trusses, combi I. ning extreme lightness, ease and durability with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured patients can be euited by remitting amounts, as below : Sending number of inches round the hips, snd slating side affected. C oat of Single Truss, $2, 13. 14. 85. Double $5, 56, $8 and $10, Instruction as to wear, and how to etlect a cure, when possible, sent with the 1 russ. Also for sale, in great variety Dr. Bauoins'i Imprortd Patent Body Bruef, For the cure of Prolapsus Uteri ; Spinal Props snd Supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest Expsnders and Erector Braces, adapted to with 8toop Shoulders and Weak lungs: English Elastic Ahdominal Belts, Suspensories. Syringes mala and female. XJf Ladies Rooms, with Lady attendants. Phila., Aug. 4, 1855 ly P 8. CHEAP BOOKS & STATIONARY. PERRY A ERETY. invite Ihe attention of merchants snd others to their Urge stock of elegantly bound Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Booas. Alliums, an J Presentation Books in all styles of binding j Standard Theological, Medical Miscellaneous and School Books, which they have received from Trade Sales snd ars selling al extremely low price. Also direct from the msnufacturers and Ira porters, ever kind of Plain and Fancy Writing, Letter and Note Papers. Envelopes, Gold and Steel Pens, Pencils, Inkstands, Wrapping P. jisrs, ate., c, at in lowest cssri prices. PERRY k ERETY. 8. W. Corner, 4tb and Race St. Philadelphia. September t, 1853. tf AFuis lot of Wall Paper just received and for ! by WM. McCAJETY, . Market fttrott. Buaaiiry, Juaet.115. GENUINE HONEY 6UAP. nnHE pnritv. fraoranca cV mild emollient ,t' renders it especially de- f servine a place on ever . M1 toilet. For chapped hands. and various diseases of the "kin, it li uneuualed. Each cake is stamped wm. uuinway, 169 South Secend etreet, Philadelphia. No other la Genuine. Improved Chemical Olive Soap, Warrant'v to Wash in hard. eofU or salt water. Thie soap has powerful eleansina- properties. which readily remove Oil. PainL Dirt. cVc. from every description of goods without injury to them. r or an domestic purposes it Is superior to any other aoap in use, and 20 per rent, chenjier than tne common rosin snap, bach bar is stamped. WILLIAM CONWAY, 168 South Second street, Philadelphia. Manufacturer of Fancy and Staple Soaps, sperm, stearine and tallow candles, importer and dealer n sal soda, soU ash, rosin, &c. Orders by mail promptly attended to Phila. August 25, 1855 tf. DR. A. D. MADDOCK'S CELEBRATED WORK OS INHALATION In the Treatment and Cure of Csnsmnptlon, Asthma, Bronchitis, and ether Diseases or I he Hrspiraiorr Organs, bjr Medical Inhalation. WITH NOTE"aND ADDITIONS ai Da. Chas Gbiii. First American edition, from fifth Ixindnn edition, when it lias laid an unprecedented sale. This is a valnable work and should lie in the hands of al invalid!, and the Medical Profrsauni generally. For warned free of charge, by mall, on receipt of nut csxts; cloth (silt) ons dollas. C.W.'VAN HORN it CO. No. 32 North Ninth St., Philadelphia. We subjoin a few. from manv commendatorv notices and reviews from the E'iglish and American Medica uu oiner journal! "Dr. Maddoek is the son of the lata Ileurr Maddoek Esq., M. P , (he well known baniatei, and promises lo rise, in nis own profession, in as eminent a degree as hi parent 1 lie system (inhalatiou) proposed as th most effectual method of applving a remedy to a portion of iiic avaiem wnicn euunoi lie uirevtiy rencneu Dy medicine itself. . . . We recommend our readers to purchase the Work." Wealeyan Chronicle, London, Feb. 10. INS. "We recommend the Work to our readers, as it appears to he fully matured, cleanly written, and entirely divested of any quaekery or pelf-seeking tendency. The Work well deseivea perusal, and the practice, as far as our knowledge and experience extends, will repay not only a serious consideration, hut a patient trial of its merits" London Medical Journal, December 13, "We think that no one can rise from its pe usal, without being satisfied that it is the woikof a prac ical and experienced man ; and that It ousht, for the auks -f those who siirTef from consumption, asthma, or bronchi tis, to he brought into extensive eirculaiion. It is, in the strictest sense of the term, a valunlile Work." Oxford L'nii-eisity Herald. November, 7, IHIO. "A Re-Pnnt of the tendon Edition of Mr. Maddoek "s 'Wik on Consumption. Hronchitis, Asthma. Ac.; with Notes. Ac, by Dr. Chns. Greene This Woik will be found worthy the attention of our readers, for they may learn from il what can be expected from this mode of -treating Consumption mid other ntTections of the air-pns-aatfes. Dr. M. is eviilem'.) .i ol.ii of considerable intelli gence and whatever Iheie is of giha) in inhnlntions of medicated vapors, he seems to have ability to extract, ii-iy, we go further, add sav, that we fear that ihe Pro fession have not given sufficient attention to tins mode ofullevinfiog the sufferings of those tailoring under this class of diseases." New Jersey .Medical Reporter. June. ISM. (From Profeiwir .las. Bryan, Kdilor of the "Philsdelphis Medical and' Surgical Journul." "Dr. Maddock's soos mi Inhalation is one of the few which have been issued from the Knglish press on this sunjeci. us re-puoiieafion in inta country, witn the judicious Notes of Dr Greene, will add to the medical literature of the United Mtntea. and, it is hoped, excite some inreresi in lite medical rrolesaion on Hie suloect of Inlis. Intion, na a means of treating pulmonary affections. With tha nddition of modern riiacovenea in Physiology, this mode of trenting these diseases should have a fair trial and some atonement made for the long neglect which In halulion haa suffered at the hands of medical men. JaMRS RSYAN. M. T).. Prof, of Surgery in Philadelphia College of Medicine A CARD. DR. GRF.F.NE will treat DISF.ASF.S OF THK LI NGS and AIK-PASSAGK.S, agreeably to the mode so siicvesalullr adopted in the practice of Dr. A. U Mad diiek, and other eminent physicians of Kurope. By this mode of treatment thedisensed surface of the Bronchi and Lungs are dnectly acted upon, the vniious medicated v por lading caff ieil to the most ininule ramifications of the Luiiiis. nnducma: Innillhv action: where a eomolete disorgiinizatiou has niH taken place the best results always atetMt this ftioure of Practice ; in fact, with amiable ni'juncts. it is the only reliable form of treating diseases of the Respiratory Organs. He intends c'evotnn his sols attention to this particular branch of his profession, Those desirous of consulting him can do so by letter ad dressed lo CHAfS. GRF.FA'K. M. D. Box -jotis, I'lulada. r. O. rhilada , June 31, 1655, 6in. STOVES! STOVES! We respectfully solicit the attention of the public to our assortment of MaeGKEGOR IIF.ATINO STOVES. for Stores, Halls, Churches, Parlors Ac, warranted to give more heat with one third the fuel, than any other lieatiiis rtove in use. itie laree uuiniwr which have been sold in this and other cities and the constant and increasing demand for them, is sufficient euuraiitee of their superiority over all other Healing Stoves, and wo cheerfuiy invite the strictest Investigation ot our claims to the most perfect article of the kind in use. we also have a superior uai i.uko.v, lor farming sitd chemical purposes, made on the same principle, for wnicn we eaum only a trial u ue appreciated. we seep constantly nn hand an assortment ol the leading COOK and PARLOR STOVES : and are sole Agents in miewnfe tor ui l-.r..i n m i a ni.r. r onnrr.. BL'CK'i" PATENT COOKING BTOTK9, and BAHSTOW'S UNRIVALLED COOK A PARLOR STOVES. Wholesale Dealers will be sunnliedat ths lowest foundry prices. mcMArv wAit.iicri, Wholesale Retail Slove Dealers, N. F.. Cor of SHCOND A HACE Sts. Philad's rtr For sale by H. B MASSKR, of this place. Philadelphia, August 34, IbiS 3m. SEOARS- El Dorado, Rio Hondo, La Curiosidad, Canalos, Havana Cheroots, El Neptuno, El Duendo, Recrcadores, La Semiarmis, Plantation, For Sale at WElSER A BRUNER. Sunbury, May 20, 1855. SAVING FTJISriD OP Till UNITED STATES INSURANCE, Annuity and Trust Co. S. E. corner 'Ihird and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL '130,000. MONEY is receivrd on drpnsit daily. Ths amount deposited is entered in a Uruosil think snd givrn to ths Drposilur, or, if nrrferred, a certificate will lie ijivin. A II sums, large and small, are rereived, and ilia amouut paid back on demand, without notice. Inteieal is paid at the rate of vtva rsa cent., ciim menring from the day of drposii, and ceasing fourteen days pievious to th withdrawal of Ihe money. Un the first day of January, in each year, the interest of eacn uepani is pain ro ine depositor, or added to the princi pal, aa he may nrsfdr. The Company have now upwards of 3,600 depositors hi th City of Philadelphia alone Anyadditional information will be given by addressing th Taaasvasa. DIRECTORS. Stephen R. Crawford, Pres'l, William M. Godwin, Lawrence J"hiiaon, Vice Prest, Paul U Oiakiaid, AmhriaM W. Thomiiaxa, George Mrlirnry, Benjamin W. Tingle)', James Devereux, Jacob L. Florence, tiusuvus English. Secretary and Treasurer, PLINY FIK. Tells and IxTsaraxTEa, J. C. OEHLSCULAGER Philadelpti.a, Sept. a, 1854 lyP. IMPROVED SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. rTWE subscriber informs Dealers anj Farmers -- that he i ha greatly iinprouied tha quality of his Super Phosphate of Lime, And now confidently recommends th article manufactured by him, assursaioa lo any in the market You are invited to call, examine and try it. Also Peruvian and Mexican Guano, Oils, tuanuies, ooap, &c, at the lowest market rates. JNO. L. POMERuY, Successor to Tho. W. M No. 9 and 10 South Wharve. Philadelohia. E7 Farmer can load on two private alleys, w avuiai uis crowuea wnaru Plnla, July 11, 1855.. Land Warrants Bought. I J IGHEST cash price paid, and money remit- Ud by Erst mail. The best reference can liven. A pply or address SAMUEL BECHTOLD, jr. No. 80 North 6th (treet, Philadelohia. Gr Bounty Land and Pension procured - - -M-iM. ui;aii aa usual. October 6, 1855 8m) atriROCERIE8 Seg.rs. Coffo. Mol mjl Spice. Oils. Brand. Gin. Wina. M. , el, Herring and Salt, just received and for sal - li-ii-e NBW FAMILY GROCERY, I Hour, Teed and Provision "tore. SEASH0LTZ & PETERY, liroatlway, between Marlet j- ftlackberry St. USrciJl TULl.T inrorm the public test they have just received a large end well elected assortment of choice Family Oroceriea, consisting in part of Hams, Shonlders, Mackerel, Herring, White Fish, t'od Fish, Bait I'reserved Fruit. Pickle. Cracker. Cheese, Molasses, Rice, Sugar, Coffee, (green, roasted and ground,) Im perial. Young Hyann, tiunpowder and Black Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, brushes plow and wash lines, hoots and shoes, tobacco, egars, c, together with every article usually found in a first class Grocery Store, all of which will be sold at the lowest price, either for cash or country produce. e also keep on hand choice Liquors, 1'ort, Lisbon, Vc. 1'orter, Ale, beer, aarsaparilla, d-c. We are also prepared to sup ply the citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies, pretzels and cakes of every kind. IN. U. 1 lie highest cash price will be paid for butter and eggs, corn, oat, rye and wneat. Kunbury, July 7, 1855. HARLOW'S IiVDIGO II LIE, HARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE, i now we I " established as the best article ever offered for Blueing Clothes. Il is entirety free from acid or anything injurious to the finest article. Alt housekeeper will find it much cheaper and lesa trouble than Indigo or any other article. The great demand for it has brought out several imt tationi. Storekeeper and consumers will be careful to get Uhijamis Harlow's, put up at Alfre d Wiltberger'a Drug Store, SSo. 169, IN Second Street, Philadelphia, Storekeeper can get their supplies from the Urocer and Druggist thev deal with, at price yielding a good rolit. Vrugt, Chemicals, Paints, Varnishes, Dyt Stuffs, Sft., with a first-rate assortment of every thing in the line. Storekeepers, Physicians and manufacturer supplied at reasonable rate. ALFRED WILTBERGER, Druggist 169 N. Second Street, Philadelphia. July 7, 1855ly. 8T7NBTJRY, FA. riiHE subscriber respectfully inform th public X that she still continue to keep th above named public house. She has also received a new supply of good liquors and wines, and trusts that she will he able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her ouse. MARIA THOMPSON Sunbury June S3. 1855 tf. BOYD, EOSSER & CO., MISERS AND SHIFFCKI Of ttcb SVsl) 9Vntl)vacitc Coal. From the luke Fidler Colliery Shamokin, North'd County, Penna. Address. Boyd, Rosier Sl Co., Sunbury, Pa. D. M. ROTO. 1. HUSSEII. Jil. ROTD. T. UUSSEH. Sunbury, A pril 7, 1855 tf. HAYD0CK & FLDLEB, TIEALER8 in Watchea and Jewelry, will continue the business at the old stand of Jamea B. Fidler, No. 12 Smith Second Street, PHILADELPHIA, Where they solicit an examination of their large and varied stock, feeling assured that the expe rience both of them have had in the business, and the facilities they possess for procuring goods on the most advantageous terms, will ena ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have now on hand a fine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver, Plated and Brittania Ware, Cutlery, Fancy Goods, etc., dec. N. B. Repairing of Watches and all kinds of Jewelry attended to with promptness and the greatest care. Phila., April 7, 1855. tf. TO COAL DEALERS. AMMERMAN, ZUERN & WEITZEL RESPECTFULLY inform the public that they have leased the new colliery, called the Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver coal of superior quality, and of a variety of sizes prepa red on their new coal nreaker. All orders prompt nttended to by addressing the firm, either at Sunbury or Shamokin. Sunbury, June 30, 1855. Photography ! Daguerreotypes ! ! A NEW ERA IN ART I J. E. McCLEES, (Succetiorto McClees T7ermon,) "IVTOULD call the at ten ion of the public, not T v ouy 10 (be superiority of the Dsggerreo- tvpes, the Hyalograph, (by some called Ambro- type,) and the various styles ol r holography on paper: but to the fact, that partiea at a distance possessing a small daguerreotype, may, bv send' ing it to !so. IbO Chestnut St., have made from it by the means of Photography, and the talents of the best Artists, a portrait ot ant size, Ironi a small Locket to the full size of lite. A small book containing description, prices, &c, dec, will be sent gratis to any person ma king the request. McULEES' Philadelphia Photograph Establishment, No. 160 Chestnut St., below 7 lb. Phila., July 31, 1855. tf. IMPROVED SUPEIt PHOSPHATE OF LIME. Q509 bbls. of th most superior manufacture, Also, ULAIWl of every (description, Ual cined Plaster, Cement, Yc. Cir" Produce of all kinds bought and sold on commission. R. B. SELLERS A CO., Forwarding and Commission Merchants, No, 65 North v harves, between Race and Yin streets, Philada. Philadelphia, August 4, 1855. 3mc. Shamokin White Ash Anthracite) Coal From the "Old Vein" in the Gap Colliery, T H. ZIMMERMAN A JNO. P. PURSEL successors to Kase, Reed dr. Co., will con tiuue mining, shipping and selling coal from th above well known Colliery, under the firm of Zimmerman dr, Pursel. 7 he point of shipment is at the lower wharf in Bunbury, Aorthumber land county, Pa., where all ordees for the various kind of coal, vii i Lump, Broken, Egg, Move, and Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. Sunbury, July 14, 1855, ScKBUBT, JlJLT 6, 1855. The firm of Kase, Reed if Co. having (old their leas in the Gap Colliery and interest in the wharf at Bunbury, to Messrs. Zimmerman Pursel, would take great pleasure in recommend' ing our customers and others to the new firm, as they will be able to sell them prepared coal of the beat quality, KASE, REED A CO. WTITILEY'S COUGH Ci4NDY. n excel w y lent remedy for cough, cold. For sale at this office. December 4. 185S. fjHAIN PUMPS- A small number of these excellent pump have been received and are oiierei ior sale by H. B. MASSER. XunDurv. June 4. 1855. V7ERMICELLI, Maccaroni and Cornstarch just received by May ID, 1855. WElSER & BRUNER, TRASK'8 Magnetic Ointment at May 19. WEISER & BRUNER'N. rOOTS, ehoea. Hat, Cap and Gum 8hoa, MM u received and for sale by OcL 7 1854. TENER VC CEDAR TUB 8, Horse Bucket. Painted Buck eta. Meat Tenderere, Cora Brooms, Bas ksta, Children's Wagons, and Yankee) Clocks MOUNT CAKMEL HOUSE, : MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland county, Pa. THIS large and commodious Hotel Is situated 6rt the top of the Locust mountain, nearly half way between Sunbury and Pottsville. Th scenery the salubrity of th atmosphere and the cool mountain breexee, make it on of the moat delightful summer retreats in the country. The Hotel, la s new dructure, four stories high. fitted up with all the modern convenience. 1 he pure mountain water ia introduced into every chamber. Ths place ia easy of access, beng but one and a half hour ride from Sunbury, over the Philadelphia and Sunbury Rail road. From Pottsville, it can be reached by the Mine Hill Rail road to Ashland, and from thence to ML Carmel 4 miles, by Omnibus. Every attendance will be paid by the proprie tor to make guest comfortably. Charge mode rate. JOSEPH M. FEAGER. Ml. Cermet, Tune 23, 1855. tf. SALAMANDER SAFES. EVANS Jfc WATSON, No, 26 iSou'A Fourth St., Philadelphia. GREAT FIRE, Chestnut L Filth Streets, Friday morning, December 35th, 1854. Evans 4- Watson's Salamander Safes Trium phant, as they always are when put to the test. PHii.Anci.rHis, Dec. 15, 1854. Messrs. Evaks d- Watsow, N. 29 South Fourth St., Philadelphia. Gentlemen : We take much pleasure in re. commending your Salamander Safe to Merchant and other in want of a secure mean of preser ving their books, papers, etc., from fire, a the one we purchased from you about seven month since hss preserved our book, paper and cash in a good a condition aa they were when put into it, before the great fire of this morning, which destroyed the entire block of buildings corner of Chestnut and Fifth streets. The above safe was in use in our office, on the second floor of our building, from which place it felt into the cellar, and remained there until the fire was out Th Safe was then removed and opened in the pres ence of at least 1000 persona, who witnessed the good condition of the contents. Will you please have the Safe and Locks repaired, aa we intend to put it in use again, having perfect confidence in its lire-prool qualities. i ours, Ilespecthilly, LACY Ir PHILIPS. Evans Sr Watson take pleasure in referring to the following, among the many hundreds who ave their Safes muse: U. S. Mint, Philada Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, Phila ; Samuel Allen, Esq., High SnerilT, Phila ; John H. Hen derson. City Controller; Caleb Cope 4- Co., No. 83 Market M.; Richard N orris Sr Son, Loco motive builders, rhilada : Kancrou 4- Sellers. Machinists, corner 16th and James Sts.; Fran klin Fire Insurance Co., I'hila.; Pennaylvauia Railroad Co, Phila.; I.arey J Philips, corner 5th aud Minor Sts.; Sharpless 13 ro., No. S3 South Second St..; James Kent 6c Santee, No, 47 North Third St; W H. Horstman & Sons, No. 51 North Thiid St.; Smith, William & Co., No. 87 Market St.; J. & B. Orne, No. 184 Chestnut St. A largo assortment of the above Safe alway on hand (warranted to stand at least 10 percent more lire than any Herring a bate now in use.) EVANS & WATSON, also manufacture and keep for sale, Iron Shutters, Iron Doors aud Iron Dash, for making fire-proof t suits for Banka tores, public and private buildings. Seal and etter Copying Presses; Patent Slate Lined Re frigerators, etc. Please give us a call, at No. 21 South Fourth St., Philadelphia. April 7, 1855. cly. 10. UOCTOK YOURSELF! THE POCKET. ESCULAPIL'S: OR, EVERY ONE HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. r-pHE FIFTIETH Edi- tiun, with One Hundred Engravings, showing Dis eases and Malformations of the Human System in every shape and form. To which is added a Treatise on the Diseases of Females, being of the highest importance to married people, or those contemplating marriage. liy lr vV m.loiiiie;' Let no father be ashamed to present a eonv of the Jr.S- CL LAPI L'd to his ehikj. It inay save him frum an early grave. Let no yuan, man or woman enter into Ihe secre olthtrntiiMis of inarritMl life without reading the POCKKT .ttSClLAPIL':4. l.ct no one sufTcriiia from haeltiiieil Coueh, Pain in the t-nle, rrstless mi;hls, nervous feelings, ami the whole train of Uyspentie sensations, anil given up hv their Mivsirian, lie nnothrt moment without con- sultiua the .HSCULAPll'S Have the man ieO. or those about lo he married any impediment, read this truly useful boos, as it .as been the means ot aaving thousands of un fortunate creatures from the verv jaws of death rVAny person send i iur TWKNTY-FIVK CENTS, encliwed in a Irtter will receive one copy of this book, by tnail, or five copies will be sent foi one dollar. Aridiess, us. w. YiiL.ii, . lay Brm uu street, I'HILA- Ui.l.I'lllA." r4! pslll. Philadelphia, geptamtier 8, ly NEW STORE. (At the old Stand if S. N. Thompson.) rlHE Subscriber respectlully informs the peo- JL pie of sunbury and vicinity, that he has ta ken the Store Room lately occupied by 8. N. Thompson, in Market Street, Sunbury, below Weaver a Hotel, and that he haa just received and opened a handsome assortment of FALL & WINTER GOODS, Consisting in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Hat iV Caps, Boots cV Shoes, Fish, bslt, Meat. &c. All of which will be sold at the lowest prices. All kinds of produce taken in exchange at th highest market price. H. H. VASTINE. Surbury, Nov, 84, 1855 ly ch JAMES BARBER WUOLKSALK RETAIL CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. corner of Second k Chestnut Sts, FBXX.ADXlI.rHXA. Where may be found, one of the largest and best assortment of Clock and Time Piece in the United State, in quantitie to auit purchaser, of from a single Clock, to one thousand Clocks ; yairir cKerilZ CounUng nouses, rarlors, bleeping apartments, and Kitch ens. Steam and Canal Boats, and Rail road Cars. N. B. Clocks Repaired and Warranted. Clock Trimmings for sale. Also, yianufaclurer of Barber' Celebrated Fine GOLD PENS Embracing all the qualities of the finest quill pen, in addition to which the durability of the metal ia lully associated and developed. Gold and Silver Pencils, aud Pen Holders, Plated Ware, Sic, wholesale and retail. Those wish. ing to purchase are invited to call. JAMES BARBER. 8. E. corner Chestnut and Second Sis., Phila. rnilauelpbia, June 33, 1855. ly, HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ujjict opposite tlu Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County. Fa. Prompt attention to business in adjoining wuuuiio. f lOOFLAND'S BittersTT May 18. WEISER eV BRUNER'S. ANN'S LETTER PRESSES, with I rjROUND end whole Pepper, Clove. Cinna books,! nk, and ell ccmrlet. lost received, mon, Nutmeg, Mace, Alllepica, Giugsr, and Tor sal by H. B. MASSER. Bunbury, Jane 4, 186V. PATENT BRITTANIA bar battle for sal by H 8unbury, April. IS, 1851 STOPPERS fot B MA88ER. CJILVER WATCHES A few double O Enallak Silver Watchea. Imt sal al very low ( B H. m HiHII. ' FIRST ARRIVAL At 8. XT. Thompson's Store, In Lover Augusta township, at the Junction of in Juiptnocken ana I turn crest toaa. f ItHE subscriber having returned from tha city with a new and extensive assortment of fashionable good, respectfully call th alUntlon of Farmer, Mechanics and ether to th earn. SPRING AND SUMMER UOODS, consisting in part of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimerts, Cassinets, Jeans, Drilling, Muslins, r tilings, j vetas, ana ail kinds oj Spring and bummer Wear, LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, LaitcOM, Muslin a ivntu, xvatcnj, tjtneami, Beragts. Rolss, Woolens, Flannels, Ifc. GROCERIES. Sigar, Tea, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Salt, Ac, Ac, Ac. Hardware, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives A Forks, Ae Queens and Glassware, of various styles and patterns. BOOTS AXTO 8HOS8. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men, women and children. Hats Cam, Ac., of vsrious sizes and styles. Besides a large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for your selves. tST Country produce ol all kinds taken In exchange at the highest market prices. 8. H. THOMPSON. Lower Augusta, 4 mo. 28, 1855. vric.F. POTTS, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN IRON & STEEL, 461 Market street, below 13th, north side, FHXX,AOEZ.VHZA. Phila., Dec 30, 1854 ly. Furniture ! Furniture ! No. 157 South Second (above Spruce,) east side, PHILADELPHIA. ITIHE lubacriber would respectfully inform the readera of the SMfifWy American and the public generally, that he has on hand a constant aupply of elegant, fashionable, and well made r uimture at reasonable prices. Being a practi cal mechanic, and having all his goods manufac tured nnder hie own superintendence, purchasers may rely on getting just such articles aa are represented. Lounges with removable arms, also new patterns of 8ofa Bedsteads. Those who are about going lo housekeeping would do well to call. JOHN A. BAUER, 157 8oulh Second street. N. B. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. April 28, 855. w8 ly. BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS. 'vHE subscriber having received the necessary -- form and insructtion from the Department, at wasniagton, is prepared to procure Bounty Lena vv arranta at the abortest notice. H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, A -I T, 1155. L. L. BE VAN, 3EAM0XI1T HOTEL, Shamokin Fa. THE subscriber beg leave to inform hi (rienda end th public generally, that he hss taken th above well known stand, and will be happy to accommodate all who may give him a call. etiamokin, July 8, 18M. NOTICE. "1XJ0TICE ia hereby given that application will ' be made to the next legislature of Tennsyl- vania, at the session of 185C, for the creation of a corporate body, with banking and discounting privileges, to be called the "Shimokih Bstfx, located at Shamokintown, Northumberland Co., Pa., with a capital stock of $150,000, with the privilege of increasing th same to $300,000 if necessary. bbamokm, May 33, 1 855. 6m. NEW DRUG STORE! WEISER & BRUNER, wnoiesaie ana netau urngguu, Market St., next door to E. Y. Bright' Store bONBUBY,JA.. TfcFFER to the public the largest and belt aMifrtrii alnrk mvmr nnanii in litis Uflinn of r -- ' " coi.ntry, conm-ting of FRESH AND PURE DRUGS, Medicines, Chemicals, Ground Spices, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye-stuffs, Window Glass, Patent Medicines, together with a complete as sortment of Paint, Clothes, Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shaving Brushes, Dressing, Side, Neck and Pocket Combs, i-ancy Soaps, Shaving Creamr Tobacco, Segara, Port Monies, Stationary, Con- lection a i lea, PUKE WINES AND BRANDIES For Medicinal use, English, French and Ameri can Perfumery, Fancy Goods of every descrip tion, in short every article kept by Druggists generally. J'reicnohonj Carefully Lompounited. GEO. B. WEISER, WM. A. BRUNER. Sunbury, May 36, 1854. TOBACCO. &e. Strawtierry, Congreas, Eldorado Fig, r.ldoraiio Cake, Sarsaparilla Fine Cut, Pressed Fine Cut, Andersons " For Ssls sl WEISER A BRUNER. Sunbury, Msy 36, 1855. DR. eol H. H. HIGBEE'S remedy for coughs, colds, and pulmonary diseases. A supply of this Tamable medicine just received and for sale by H. b. MASoLK. Kmtmrv. June 4, TUM A RNOLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adh aivaT. anJ IbtI AnvelnnttaL far ft I a hv H. B. MASSER. 8unburv, Jan 10, 1853 BooU Shoe, and slip- per for cal by G. EL8BERG A CO, Market etreet, opposite th Post Office. Bunburr, Oct. 8. 1853. Tl ATS AND CAPS. splendid let of I fashionable Silk, Wool and Fur Hat also Cleth, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and Military L-ajis or sale low by G. EL8BERQ 6 CO. Market etreet, opposite the Pest Office. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853 GOLD PENS with and without cases, ef very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply ef Writing Fluid, for sal oy M. B. MASSKK, Sunbury, Dee. 37. 18 TJLANK Parchment Paper Deed and blank - Mortgage, Bond, Elocution, Summon Ac for aal b H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Apr! 36.185 BLANKS. of every description c VLANK5 of every description caa be had y i spp fine at tha office of Ik American. Liquorice, ckc, ckc, at Nov. 18, '64. YOUNG'S STORE. JEWELRY A nice assartm.nl ef Del ane Bilssv Pencils and Pen, for sal. cheap by ' ' . .a I G, EL8BERO CO Market street, eposil th Peal 0 Sunbury, Oat. 8. J643 ... - CAMPHINE Far aal by and riuii ef th hot uil" WEISEBsV BKUtcn. Hew Goods for the People ! '. BENJAMIN HEFFNEll OESPECTFULLY Informs th. public In ten. aval that he ha just rsosived and opened a eplecdid Mock of Fall and Winter Goods at hi New Store, In Lower A a gust township. u hick cuiiaisUB in ytxri oi Cloths. CftHsimftra. Pa all kinda, ef linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO t Calicoes, Clnghama, Lawn, Moutiieiiiie Ue lvalues and all kind of Ladie Dress Goods. Groceries, AUa an assortment of Hardware, Irois and Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENS WARE, of various I'ylr and paiterns. Also an assortment of ROOT.) & $11 OF. HATS &t CA PS, a good selection. Salt. Fish, wc. And a great variety of other articles urh as ere suitable to ths trade, all of which will be sold st the lowest prices. IJf" Country produce taken in exchange a the highest prices. Lower Augusta, Nov. 10, 1855. United States Hotel, Chestnut Street, above Fourth PHILADELPHIA. C J" MecLELLAN, (late of Jones' Hotel,) J th pleasure to inform his frjruds and he traveling community, thst he has leased this House for a term of years, and is now prepared for the reception of Guests. The Local advantages of this favorite establish ment are too well known to need comment. The House and Furniture have been put in first rate order: the room are large and well ventilated. The Table will always be supplied with the best, and the proprietor pledges himself that no effort on hi part shall be wanting to make the United States equal in cemforts te any Hotel in the Quaker City. Phila., July 8, 1854 SAMUEL S. FETIIERST0N, SEALER IN Lamps, Lanterns, Cbandi licrs and Cnndrlabrai, Na. 152 5. 2d strett, ahove Spruce, PHILADELPHIA. 1 aving enlarged and improved bis store, and haying one of the Urgent assortments of i.ampa, in nulailelpliia, ia now prepare! to fur nish Pine Oil, Caniphcnc, Burning Fluid, Lard ana un Lamps, and Lanterns of all patterns, Gls Lamps by the package, at a sriall advuure over auction prices. Being a Manufacturer and Uealcr or Pme Oil, Burning Fluid and A Icohcl. which " ill be furnished to M errlialtta at anrli ricet that they will find it to their ailvautupc to uy. Also, Household Glassware of all ilejrrin. tions at Ihe lowest market prices. l-ai'auelpliia, Uct. 14, 1854. WM. M'CAKTY, BOOKSELLER, Market Street, BtTNBTJRY, FA. JUST received and for sale, a fresn supply of for Singing Schools. II is also opening a thi time, a large assortment of Books, in every branch of Literature, consisting of Poetry, History, Novels, Romances, Scientific Works, Law, Medicine, School and Children' Books, Bibles ; School. Pocket and Familv. both with and without Engravings, and every of vari ety of Binding. Prayer Books, of all kinds. Also just received nnd for sale, Purdon Di gest of the law of Pennsylvania, edition of 185 1 , price oniy vo.uu. Judge Leads edition of Blarkatones Commen taries, ill 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly sold nt 1(1.(10. and now ottered (in fresh limlinL-1 at th ln. price of $6,00. A Treatise on the lawa of Pennsylvania r... peeling the estates of Decedents, by Thomas F. Gordon, price only $1,00. 1 ravels, oytiges and Adventures, all ol which will be sold low, either for cash, or coun try produce. rebruary, SI, 185?. tt. "AID AND COMFORT." Your Own Met hanic to GEORGE I.ENN. MANUFAf'Tt'RRR OF FURNITURE AND CHa1R Of the most Fashionable Stvle 'THE subscriber reapectfully calls the al.oi.tu,, ef the public to liia law and splculid ...ri ment of every quality snd price of CAni.FsT-WAK.K which cannot iail to remmmenil itself toeverv or who will examine it, on account of ju ,u'r.,,' workmanship and splendid finish, made up ot tl best stock to be had in the city. u rr, spared in the manufacture of his' ware, aid tl suhscrilicr is determined to keep up' will, t many improvement which are constantly ; made. Hi stock consists of Mahocany Sofas, DivaiiN and I.oiinco Bureaui, Secretaries, Sideboardu SOFi, BREAKFAST AXD DiMMi TAltLE and also VENETIAN BLINDS, e..ual to Hi delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every patten a-id ti CUPBOARDS, WORK ANDCANDIF STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES. In ahort, every article in thia line of his husii He also manufactures all kinds and Qualiti CIIA1KS, nctudini varieties never before to he ha bunbury, such a Mahosasi, Blac Vi i t . Tkycw P,4, Stools, whic or the latest styles, and warranted to lie ex. by none manufactured in the Cities or elsev 1 he subscriber is determined that tlieie be no excuse tir persons lo purchase fiirniti the cities, as every confidence can be enter about the quality and finish of his war Chairs. Hi articles will be disposed of on as terma as they can tie purchased elsewhere, try Produce taken in payment for work. If UNDERTAKIM,. Having pt himself with a handsome Hems, he i prepared for Undertaking, and attenJine ala, in this vicinity, or at any ronvenii lane, from this place. t3T The Ware Room is in Market below Thompson's Store and Weaver's ' tiEOKl.E HI 8unhury, Jan. 10, 1853 if. NOTICE To Trepaeri on tha Telegrapl jVOTICE ia hereby given, that all A found trespassing upon, or injuring of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Telegr be dealt with according to the act of As uch ease made slid provided. II. B. MASSER, P Phila. and Sunbury Telcgrs Sunbury, June 3, 1854 tf. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, r Tasteless Salts, Prepared by WEISER&BR This prepatation ia recommended client luxative and purgative, it open ie entirely free from any unpleasant Mmblingtlemonad in flavor. Thia t highly beneliciul for disease peculiar and hot weather. Sunbury, July 1, 1144 TNK Boureau's celebrated ink, ar tree ink for aal, what Mai a sod r Vm me. u a) y tvitafe, ty M, !!. "7. vvM. A. KNAISB. Lwr Augusts Mr8,l54 st received and for sals by Mir 96. lit I. W. TlWtt 4 C krrv aprt It, 1M uavbair. Mar? It, !.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers