','1 ""'L. J.1 ' iiiiiMMMumi ; iiiiii n n i la i . .iw'ii"himi'iii) . juia,. i"i 11 ij ' " .""''.";.""'M " '' . ' 1 1 1 . ' !';' "; " '"' " " rvr iW SERIES, VOL. 8, NO. 33. SUNJJUllY, NOHTIIUMDEItLANI) COUNTY, PA -SATURDAY, NOYEMREltlO, 1855. OLD SEUIKS, YOK- i .) .1 t ' .; e Sunbury American, riHH9IIF.il KVF.KT BATCIUIAT BY n. B. MASSER, Market S'jnare, Sunhuri, J'cnna. T K RMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, ro DOI.LAItS per milium In be paid half yearly in ,ce. No paper ilnciuilii-'ii-it until all. arrcurngeinre coinrnuu'ciOinnil or leltcrt on tnisine.. fcltitlng to iScb, lei uaniro nitration, mini lie POST PAID. TO CI.LliS. e conic 11 address, H5 01 , D Do ecu n Do m vo dollars in nilvance will pay f'" " J'"" ,ub .itiou tu llie American. inttruisters will plciucnpt nl our Afenli, niul frank r coniuiiiintr siilwcription minify. They r permit to ilu lliis under Hie Post twice Imw. TERMS OF AUVERTIII.NO b Snttnie of 14 line., H tline, ery .uliseiiuent inieilion, .e Spline, 3 iiinulli., I tnontlis, io ywir. IxiiieM CniiU of Five line". V" """m. en-hanl. anil ollirrs. ndve rlmnu ly Hie yi-nr, with Hie privilege nl inserltng ilile-renl mlvcituemeiin weekly. ,, i no fillll hIK) 300 io no iy Lnrg-ei AilVfrtisi-nii'iii.. - y- -'h J OH PR INT IN (I. v.. hive rnmici'tod willi "in pn:nMiliiniM,l n well ,l"led jl)U Ol'l-lrr.. wln.'h will Ii'e I" u til. nentcst stlli'. every mi H ty of printim;. S. 3. "MASSES., ATTO It N Y AT I- A W . EOWBTJltTJ", PA. is .;... minn.lii.l in iii tlic J muit tos of Nor- thumlieilutni, Union, Lyciunimi Monlour ami ; C'alunilua. ,Vva.-s i',i 'lahlil l;bil : Hnil lr.li H.Tvm.i. CIitih. liiUiir. F.T.. j Sonii-is M Siimlnnm, l.inn, Smiili iV fii. WIUTH ASIl A NTH UAt'l'I'l'. COM. Khom tiik I. isr vs i r.it l.'ni.i.n.n r, . NorthtiiiilicrliiiKl couiiiy, ' TI'V'KEKR w 1-ave very eieiiSve improve- me:it, unit nrc jiri-i;i n-il hi ulli-r tu the : riulilie mtv iiiierinr tirtirie, iai tU-tthii ly sniteil ' for 111 nioniif;iiliir of Iron ami ni.il.in Meiim. ! Our iie s nl Co:il arc : i I, IMP, J- lor Sniellins i-iirpiisi. STEAMHDAT, ) lor Jo. ami Mi a;iloiil KUOKE.N.i '(i(f, J for Family use inJ Strain. STOVE, ) ) '.V.''!' for I.inie!iiirnrrs mi.l fleatn. ' J !'A . c , I I Our point of ;niiins h Pciiimi v. whi-ie ar- j ti.niicment tt muJo to loail I o:ils wiilnuit any j 'V'!') ClK.MllJA.N, 1'E.MjE A (-0. j J. J. Cut Mil 11, I.ntii'uMer. J Kkn.i. I!:'i Ni'.ni.n, l.nne.tiT. I A. lllt MCIAKIINLlI, llo. I ZP Diilen: aJ.!r.-se.l to Wiamokin or Sunlmry, will revrive jiroiiijit nttenlitm. r'eli. 10. ISS.V ly ) Tic! L SO IT E A T I MJ SALOON! I C -EIA!? Mi3 E. WIS 4KTO.S j MAS t.ikii I'll Siloon farmcrly uceutiioil j lT J. W. V.'iisliinion. j In M'lrlcl .S'-yi-flC, .'.ii.T. where lio will lio happy to dispense to Iii fricnilii nnJ tlie rating jiuMic Renerally, all the j delicacies of the season, ini linlinn Oynter lush ! nd npircil. 'I'he hill of fare will incln.le snli- j tttntial.inml ilelirarirn, ralculalnl to satisfy those who are hungry, ami llion- tm ihsire merely to save their palates tirkleil. It will he open at nil henrs of the day, and all reasnnahlo hourii of the Jiiuht. (ii'e us rail and tasle f..r yoiirsrlvea. f.V Families and puili.'S tupjilii'il on short notice. Simhnry, Pept. C2, 18.15. LEATHER. fejite, iiE';.eetv &. ro. A'o. t!0 Snrlli Tln'nl 'irf(, 1 '!,, iM m ,-thi Pill OUOt'CO .Manuf.irluriis.Curiie.s alul Iiu-Ja- porters ..1 KIlEXl'll CAI.r-i-M.NS. ,oal ueilemin UeJ und Oan i?OI.E I. EAT11 Hi! Kll'l". reh. 17, less. w ly F. II. SMITH, ?0RT KONNAIE, POCKET EOOZ, rtrcsstHf t'aNC .Ninvnl';itiin or, .V. H'. for. nf Di,',!!, ,V i'hf.'luxit ts., riUI.Al'I'.I.PMI A. tlmvi en haiul a large nnd varied assortmrnt of lrt Monmiics, Work lioxes, ! Pockrl Uooka, I Skis. j Bankers Cases, Traicling ll ijs. Note Holders, T!iH-k!;niiini.ni Uoinls, l'ort Folios, Chess Men, , Portable Desks, Ciirnr C.iseii, Dressing (y'uscs, Teckct Memorandum Hooks, Alio, a general assortinent of English, French nd (ivrmau Fancy Hoods, Fine Pocket Cutlery, Itaznrs, limur Strops and fiold Pens. Wholesale, Second anil Third Floors. F. If. SMITH. N. W. cor. Fourth At Chestnut St., Philada. N. 13. On the receipt nf sjil, a Superior (iold Pen will be sent to any part of the I'nited Stales, by mail ; describing pen, thus, medium, hard, or oft. , Phila., March 31. 1R5' ply. DANVILLE HOTEL. JOHN MmUt Stmt, litn.,Uli: I'u. THIS is on of llio largest and inosl commo dious hotels in the interior of Pennsylvania. It haibecn recently filled up, in excellent style, with all the modern conveniences. Danville, Sept. 52, 1855 TO GROCERS AND CONFECTIONERS. "I it' Y your snoai tr-nn hmt li.-imls niul ive 20 per ritt. 1 Tlie liiiUi-isisnnl 1m. ill sleri- anil elicit for .:ilc at lite luwevl pi ire, wall 11 ilib'-uiit of J per i'i-iil. lor cnwli. AI.MON'USl, KA1SINP, VUi. WI.NI"IS. fl UUANl'S, IIUANT.ltS, tlll'.AM Nl T-, (TlltON , l.KMONS. Fll 1IKIITS, Pltl NC., Ktt'KKT Oil,, OKHt ND Nt'T. UATi;s, CAlTII.LtUAP, Ke. All ortlers 1-y ia;iil preiuplly ulli-inli-il lo TI1UMAS IIOND, 41 Si. Wuicr Hivd, PiiilmklpUiu. Tbila. Sept. 13, lo-i. Imp. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE. 000 busheU Flaxseed wanted iiiimedialely at the C lira n Store of K. X. Uriuht, for which the hiRheit market price will be paid. Sunhurv, tlctoucru, 18oS. It nAKDWARE.-Taule Cutlery, Itaxom, Pock et Kuivea, Hand sawa Wood aawa in frames, Air., ChiMila, Door Lock, and Hinges, Hand Hells, Waiters, ijc, just received and for l,y I. W. TEN Eli 4; (JO. (Sunbury Dec. 9, 1801. VANILLA BEANS just received by AVEISEH & U It UN E It. Eiuid-ury, May 11, 1855. 1 1INES and Liijuors lor McJiciuul purpose. al WlvlSLvUA JJKLAJ-.K a. unbur. May 19. 1S55. LAC1C Putty good artiele for ala tiy , Select )oc(nK MY CHILD. A light is from our housphnld gonp, A voice we loved is stilled, A place is vacmit fit our honi th Which never can be lilled. A pentlo heurt, that throblicd but now With tenderness mid love, 1 1 as hushed its wenry throbbing here, To throb in bliss ubovj. Yes, to the homo where angels ore, lor trusting soul has fled, And jet wo bend nbovo her tomb With tears, mid cull her dead. AVo cull her dead, but ah ! c know Kho dwells where living waters How. We miss theo from our homo, dear one, AVo miss thee Trnm tliy place. Oh ! life will be so dark without The sunshine of thy face; AVo wait fur thee at eve's sweet hour, When stars liejjin to burn, AVo linger in our eot!ai;e porch To wait for thy return ; l!nt vainly f6r thy eoniiiirj step AVo list through nil llie hours' We only hear li e wind's h'W voice That tmnmnrs through the ilnwrrs, And the dark river's solemn hyinn Wweeidiig among thu woodlands dim. The bird we loved is ninginir i t Above our cottage duel-, A e siyli to hear it sinking now Since heaul by thee in.i more; The sunshine and the treinl.iing leaves, The blue oVr-arthing sky, The i;:iisie of the wamierin"; wind-: That lloat in whispir by--All speak in ti iiihr tones to me 01' all lil'e'd parted hours and thee. I do not see thee now, dear one, I do not seo lliee now. l!nt even whfii tiie tuiliL-ht breeze Steals o'er my line. brow, J hear thy voice I pen my ear In mmnmrs low and sni'l, 1 hear thy words of tenderness That 1 have heard so ol't ; And on my wounded spirit fulls A blessing from above, That whi.-pers, tho' thy l;te U o'er, We have not lost thy love; Ah no! liiy In art in death 'jimwii cold, Slill haoc us il!i a low untold. No need ol' Ian!'. No lie"-! for I Thu.l art eiiiiu '.: And that i-. ;. 'i pro'.id voice fi .I'l'dy f.i-.ne, id ;:i i'oi.ii hcai I the sai;ii? ; ir t.iee, Ay. full of I;; it is, and ti-n-1, a'od !i ope, i e ireau :oe s iinuoicn fea. Ti'l the ia- t thi-obliiiii:' wave of lime Sl-,all boar "nr soi'ls to thee 'i'o thee, oh ! it will be ro F-weel, With a!l ear sins forgiven. To iniiipli! with our loved -and lost, In our sweet home in he-m-n, To spend wiili nil the blest idiov.. An endless life of perfect love. 23.IDES FOU SALE. A VI- IT SLAV K M U:i:K!S IS l i.ll'i. Wo had learned one fact, immcly, that a good number uf Hcorgian and other beauties were b'dr;C'-r in a va.-t linn.--;.' in cue of the . jirineipul f-tnets--of course, under the care of a merchant. After a set ions consrllation, therefore, we resolved to do business on "r.r : own orcout'.t. At that time of day tin; si reels of Cairo are very quiet and lonely. Kvory body is taking his siesta after dinner, and even the coilec-liouses are empty. Thorn happened Io be one of these establishments exaetlv opiiiisito I lie ereat lions-- in question. We entered called f; U' pipe s and Moch i paid extravagantly for the first supply, and ordered a second. The kawajoe was delight ed. and gave a ready ear to our confidence. We told him what we wanted. Tim pleat will!, striped l.oi ioiitally with led und white, rising to tlie height of some twenty feet, with out window-, and then having only u sort of range of bird-cu'es project ing, but jealously closed, stood between us find a mystery which v.e were resolved to investigate. The worthy colVee-man, whose countenance was as brown as tho bony in which he dealt, grinned and winked, but at first uttered that absurd word which had.annoyed us uil day. it was impns aible. hu said. Thu only inenns of entrance was that narrow thick dour opposite.. Thorn was u wicket in it. If we showed our frank races snd pleaded for admission, we should be laughed at. That was indeed probable, but wo did not give up in despair. Wo wailed for events, smoking, and drinking coll, o to tho imminent danger of our nerves. At last the kawajee, who really took nil interest in us, drew our uttention to a great, brawny, fellut woman, who was coming down the street on the sunny fide, with n great pitcher on her head. She was going, be tola us, into the sealed house, being a servant thereof; and if, he lidded, retiring with u cunning look towiwd tho buck part of his shop, wo chose to go in with her, why we thoiild (ind only u de crepit old porter, uud a lot of women to re sist us. Wo thought not a moment of tho disagree- able consequences tho act euggestcd which had somewhat of tho character of a burglary, might entail. All ineuns nf satisfying our legitimate curiosity appeared to us legitimate. llio door wu3 opened, the brawny lellat woman entered. . We made a rush across the street a hop. step, und jump und before tho old porter had time to uudcistaud what had Happened, were (crumbling up u long flight or narrow, dirty, shattered steps, us fiercely as if wo were takim? a town bv storm Where they came IVuiii. wo did not know, but by tho time wo had reached u broad gallery on oua side, overlooking a vast court-yuid, we were surrounded by a number of women, not tho beauties we were in search of, but old, iji wuiiieu, oi nondescript, apneuraiice.. How they screamed, and bhouled, and gestic ulated, and threatened, and put their hull' veiled faccj close to ours, aud usked us what wo wanted, ond where we couio rrum, aji, whero wo expected to go to ! Our answers consisted! of hunilful piasters and' paruhs wincll proauced a most complete effect. Their goat u res euiniea down, their- voices became gentler, tliey Uegaii to lUiderttaiid our curi ositj'. Aller ail, where was thu burin? 'J.llu inercii.uil and Ins men woro u.vay the old porter, who at length came ui. had receivml a dollar in tho hand that had been stretched out to grasp pne of our throats order was restored, und then cume explanations and a son oi ourgain. Jiy this inno wo dad made out an Individual li'Miro in tlie crowd of our quoudaui fcuioJi; asjiiilmit'j. It was that of it round little old woman, in a white woolen mantle, with a nnilller wrapped all round her head, above and below her eyes ; she was the chief duenna, and when her tiverico was satis tied, professed perfectly to appreciate, our feelings, and agreed if wo would only tnukc linste, to exhibit her caged beauties. There were seven or eight of them, each occupying a separate apartment, opening into the great gallery which wo had reached by our first effort. Tho doors were opened one after the other. After crossing a small unte rnnm. wo found ourselves, in each case, in a nice clmniber, furnished with ti divan, on which the slave sat or reclined, whilst an at t. ndant woniun squatted near at hand, ready to serve ker. Tho first lady received us sul kily, and pulled on her veil. The second exfretnely handsomo by-the-way greeted us with shouts of laughter, made us sit, down, and affected to coquette with some or us. On being rebuked by the duenna, she laughed still more immoderately, and offered us coffee and pipes. A serious quarrel ensued, daring which wo left, after making our present for we had begun to suspect that the least inter esting sperimens ah lie were exhibited to us. It was evident that these two ladies, thonph richly dressed and nl tractive in person, were not fresh arrivals. Thev had probably been already in some Cumo harem, mid Wore for sale, either us a puui-hmcnl, or on account of i the poverty nf their master--. There was a ' certain reckless, vicious look about them that i suggested the former to be the ease (old; stories, in fact, of im mount ih'll'v of l.-iui ei- wineii low leeulii'" ami llie u on nail out boi o ..I i j iioio hi overcome, j TIii' third door had been ppssed over, which j I of course roused our cuiiomIv. In the ether i apartments we saw one of two young girls, very innocent looking and rmiet. ilh several names, evidently well accustomed to that transition slate ; but we did not note them much, being too much oceanic d in thoucht I wiin tne mystuia.n third chamber. At. ' , leiiiitli, aller a eood de; j h:eh pfomi. es vi re not t ; in procuring nd.nill.inee. I once (he reason of the ! 1 of i eying. Ill uicci 'filed r-'t .mil at that had was tlie iiIlt wo ,:'.t'ed, We : and node esilai ion ! piquoij our unpi i gem of (he expei it i veil res. Here lion ; for in that regarded the man, with , brmys sum. place ; art;. .! a magnilii-eiit voiin wo- H.Ttiiiiv eves, arelinl eve- Ill low- foiehead. rii !i bi-.s. and illiupled chin. I he purple blood came Io her cheeks, and went and c.iino iiL-ain rapidlv ill j the first flutter can-. ! by our inlre-ion. SIm ; was d;e.-.-ed in th,. usual civ.bn.'deit. d vest. ; with a m. my f.dci sh-iv.l reund h,-f w.iist, and lel'iO tloWI-er..' Ihe Oriental below the l;m the i'"Y s. ' Wo are in i ". d t j call bee::ii v it is !'.i 'toned r-titid lniee. a;, 1 fall., in d,d,h- felds 1.0 TI,;- lady w.t.'e a mail red cap. t'l v-hich l . r imiiier. .-(.- proi'ii -ion of es, increased in volume by braid. iiom '.".U'i and : pan i w:ni gout ormimenH. le;l nvi r Her shoiilil.-rs. Her iin-'.'-rkrned feet were parliai'y covered bv I-ri,-'ht vellow inmr sliii- p'MS. IIS i.-- I,-. a-; a they n,av be called. When thu firr.t ' w...-; i'Vi r. s!io 1'ii-fivi ! mi in a ceiir io d I i-ly-like ina-n:"!'. but t i!l si em.-d puis -'.led to know what, and whv she was inmle a sho'.v to l'.e.i-o-.eaioi. The "dj.-nity of her appearance checked our M.mev l.ai b'i'.-.i ions t aiety. ai'd v.-o rem-ii::ed I'T.iv ; a circumsfai;.'.! th :i';'.:iig at her in .-i-! i did not seem at ' ttu l.:lj ;Ca- :l!l. us and hei.sel:' !or SI li.ed appl'OY.nalv ;;J , , . - -. ;anc;ni! oown over lier siilen- oi l iiiure, oi Kiueu .ir i . . . v. . , she wa.; evident Iv Very pioiui. our ideas ol slawrv werj at once ci.uli.iimhd : :u,d it was m.t untd sometime al'tei-wards thrt we undo!-, too I the liid'i i nee between tho purchase of human beiivs to nut ineni lo nan; i.iiior, am idlh, pui'cn.i of Cum as members ( f it f.iniilv. AVe might, at last have h: lion witji this bride f, r sa' tompe;. of human voices ag ol on.o convcrsa- In; I suddenly a n v, hilled along mo gaiiery. i e weie uiicerem niouslv hur- ru u out oi tne ouihioir. inst i,i time lo find ours. Ives in the mid.-l of a doston tierce loek inir jellabs. armed wiih ehibs. v.;A headed bv an old nun with a while beard, which, he ac cused us of (lelil-nif. He was the ma-tir of Ihe place, and :i u v.hly r;ige l.e was. in. The scene thai ensued was so confined ; so many people spoke at om-e, that we Cold, not make our apo!i.ei, s uppri ciated : and, though we di.-tl'ibntcd sni iil pieces if no'ln y right uud left to the whole garri.-on, and (hereby warded off some of ihe blows uiun d at us, yet we could not. in c.nv iiet-ree. pacifv the old cei:- tb.'uian, wlio, hcinir imst tl (ifl'ered lis his beard lo null, slai oi act, on, ed Ills face took oil bis turban and threw it t n the ground ; till to denote that we had unjustly violated his domicile; and so we had. Mill gling, therefore, entreaties willi counter- thrusls, oiK'uiii" a w.iv with ida-tn s. when we could not do it with blows, taking the bruises wo received lis good lmmo-.vly us possible, we maiiaeed lo scramble dcun tlie staircase md got into tho street, where our donkev- boys. who had heard of our danger, were be. ginning to whimper nud collect a crowd. Wotting into t!e saddle us last US wo could. we galloped of! towards the llitropean quar- tor, where Wl related to nomv nobelinviiur Franks the storv of oi.-.-visit. " A SWISS (tllAIANl K. Ill the thirteenth ceiilurw Huiiieai-d hod no only daughter nf surpassing beauty, who ap pears to have captivated tho heart of Uu- ilolpbo do udibwyl. the youngest, tho bra vest, and most amiable of the Hukes of Ziihringer, at some tournament. Despairing of overcomiu er the hatred of lie- Huron lo his race, and of obtaining (ho I. und of Ida in n peaceable way, hn formed the de. ien of car rying her oil' bv forc i. Soon after, in conse quence of the absence of her father. U faVoia. bin oppoi-tnii ty oilered llseir, and be iloped Willi tho fair Ida. who, il appears Was not no willing to accompany hiui to his quarters at Heine. This piece of violence nuly served lo increase, tho Damn's rage, and became the occasion of sanguinary wars which devastated tho country between homo and luterbiken. Ihulolphc, generous as he was brave, at length effected by stratagem what hn could not tic- comphsdi by lorce of arms. 1 atigued with glory, and tired of battle-flehL he sought nn interview with Ids enemy, lie presented him- scll, unarmed, at the castle, uccoiupaiued only by a page, and by bribes obtained nn en trance. He bore in his-urms (he little boy which his Ida had lately given birth to, and addressed Hoiircard now grown sad ami gray from the loos of his bcLiTcd daughter in the most respectjul and siibinisjive terms. Tho old niuii, who recognized at a plai.ee the features of his long-eslruugud child in the object How before iiin, burst into tears, grasped tho helpless bubo in bis trembling unns, und freely lorcavo the past yea, more; ho bequiiitlied by will and deed, to llio boy. Walter liudolphu named lieucoi'orth Hour- curd, I Im' w hole of his hu ge possessions and domains. It was this AValter ho ut Lis doalU Lfi hjg horitagcland lands to the con vent oi l uUrlakeii. A spindle-shanked ' Dundy is palpably a vagrant-, iua?iiiiich a:i "he Las no vitible mi am oi support." ' " - " TIIE HAPPY TYPt. A cheerful temper is a natural gift, the de sirability of which cannot be questioned, but seldom do wo meet with ft spirit so thorough ly saturuteu with good nature that no disap pointment, no poverty, deprivation or combi nation of adverse circumstances can brcr.k it down or overcome, its geniality. I!nt yester day morning a man made his appearance be fore Justice JSrenuun, who seemed to have a perfect fountain of undiluted contentment somewhere in his composition, which no de pressing influence tr euro or accident had been able to exhaust or adulterate a tyro, a modem editor or Mark Tupley si human bancl of jollincss, without hoops on. llo was arrested for being intoxicated, lie gave his name ns (iettyphut Take, mid said ho was a printer, and hailed from 'The Com of Science' office, lie is u short man, of n beer cask figure, mid a face as rubicund as if he slept, in a room with red curtains. His an swers to t'm questions of the iiuthoritiei showed his conte'iunciit under all shades of fortune. The .luslice being also in a genial humor, was inclined to banter the ikeiple or lien Franklin, and accordingly addressed hint as follows : Judge AVell, Mr. Take, it seems you have thrown aside thu 'composing slick,' and gone to getting drunk for a living. I'm efraid you're iv 'bad case' and stand in need of 'cor- reeling.' I think 1 shall sc These nxsirwri : , . - " V.'1',"''1'1''-''' '" Mr' tliat assurance w or i oi-inl j seldom lai , ... , . , ., . ' :: : but ol which the solemnities nf a l'olice Court might temporarily have deprived him, and he uu.-wered : I'lisoner. Well, at any rate, I'm glad no iu iiu -(-aiiey in tins country, or i sup pose you'd put me there, end well 'leaded' at that, lint bless yon. sir, going to jail's noth ing; the last time 1 was there I lamed a i-nt '"nl taught him to chew tobacco, besides venling three new Mop.-; for a fancy hornpipe it s a good deal belter than setting 'solid minio!:,' more than thrfe-quarUrs 'figure work' and getliio.-o:.!y a 'prion and a, half for it. Lord bl.ss yoli 'S iiire I'd a :reat deal rather go to jail ten days than not. I've got sick of work just now, "ami I'll have a chance to o-et the bde off my stomach. Judge You Sieui to t.ike it easy; how do yen propose to spend your time tins hip? I'lisoner. Weil, Corporal, I'mo undecided whether J'll learn to whi, tie the opera of thu iloheiiliaii gill,' M'aet-:e Malum." on inv head, or linib flake Io aei: the eh g.mt ac- C'.no,lihineiit of balani-in -t:. I! I C'llld get a Cat, I'd teach liddlo. if 1 thought th.' : I rim - eii in v iio.-e h- : to p'ay thi .-; wouldn't H ;;i!i;'i ::er alter Lcr Ilpl-'US lit. V ol .hue Lo,)v ha iii'e.-liual di bien r.iiiu l'oi-'.l tiui'.' .-lain. Jl.ii-o-Ml. T; happy under the iU.'. you ; eem circum.-lancos particularly ; have vou go! ii Wire ? C isoner Not now, Lieutenant ; 1 hud cue, but sin- run off w i;h a In, l.lcr ; 1 was so t lad iiboot i! ti, ilie.-.-cs, and quit claim deed i which 1 signed in capital lelt, mo one boy : but he was a -U.v. 'it !.'..- me. i bound him 'pi type-sticking bu:'iin ss, br.l the i i:ancl!ed with the l'eiil.ii- V. ,-ie;:g",l . ll it 1 sent In r l.Cl" j t 1. OH. IS. She left copy,' not a ,::tiie to thu first day ho .UocXlU over the -bank pulled a 'lorm off the compos-lug-stone, und -pied five columns.' He drop ped the 'shooting. stick' into the 'alligator 1 re--..' and, in (he cveiiii g. he r.nd another hopelul boy were caught rehearsing a broad sword combat with a con o'e of 'coluinn rides:. ! ll'e foreman -ba'.tored' l.i;n with t!m 'maUet,' i uud when he got home to me lie bad u 'funrv ': head,' if there ever was one. Clerk Where is he now ? Prisoner lie ran away with (he circus, and the la.-t 1 saw ol him he was in th inu! die of a saw dust-ring Irving to tie his h a iiow-knnt round his neck since then than ever li"fo,v I've been jollier i Judge Vou seem to be al.v Prisoner So I am ; I l.m- 'iivs verv iollv. bed when niv lather turned me out of d out ol d..or.-- iii id. -von -io.i-o old, laughed when 1 bri i;e mv m-m. and find funny faces al the doctor uhi'lehe wasyi'llhig' - tne uapii.si cay i ,.Ver s;amt was one lime when 1 hadn't but on- shin und a pair of pnnls to put on. had spool all my inonev, and gone hungry for forty limiis. I nevt-r was really unhappy but on'ee in mv life, and mui was wncn i lell down stairs fractured my collar-bone, and skinned my leg so bi: I couldn't get down on mv knees0 to th udlv luiU 1 liadn t broke mv neck Tlie Judge relented! am! let Air Tiku e-o uud d that rotund individual left llie room Irv- nig to whittle mid sing at the same time, and also dance an independent jig willi each leg to a different tune. A'. Y'. TilLune. STANZAS. The summer flowers are dying, dead ; "I'is time to gather in tlie grain ; The faded leaves are round us spread, Hjit j-et the autumn fruits remain. Then yield we not our hearts to grief; The fruit is better than the lea'.' Nor may we, thoiojh our youth be past, With'all its bmis and bli-jht-eyed flowers, Send forth our sighs upon thu blast-. : And cloud tho sky with tearful shutters. Oh ! rather shall our minds malum To fruits of worth that shall endure. So, when the winter of our life Shall creep all coldly on, And summer, with its lighter joys, Shall faded bo and gone, We'll turn us to our winlor itoro. Nor sigh to (Link the sun.ini r o'er. TO SIOP 1'UTATGl HO I TI.NU. All experienced agriculturalist informs ns that about six years tigo ho applied slacked lime to potatoes that were pailiv rolti-n, ami that il immediately arrested the'decav. Po tatoes (hul were partly rotten when the lime was applied remained us they were, ihn p10. gross of the rot being stopped, whilo potatoes (o which tho lime was lint applied continued to rot uud were lost. Since then ho has inado it a cou.-tant pra- lice to apply blacked lime to his potatoes as he takes them up. llo puts u thiu layer of lime upon tlie floor whero tho potatoes uro to bo laid, and sprin kles Boinu of it over tho potatoes about ev ery ten inches us they mo put down. 1 lo considers this us perfectly protecting them from rolling, and lie has m-ver hud a rotten potatoo since lie hus practiced it ; and hu be lieves ulso that potatoes thus used uro roil, dered better by llio action of ihu lime, AVo i'dviso thu farmers to try this plan, as it can euily bo tlono by thetil uil. A New Statu. A new flar is likely soon to be added to tho American constellation. The Legislature of Michigan has passej uu act providing for tho formation of a new State or Territory of Superior. Michigan givcj pavt and A'i iscousin uaotber part to I'sTiu the uew CepiniopveaI(I. " ' ' ) a c t r IT DREAMS OF EARTH A3J3 FADING. 1JY MISS II. M. MM-.S. The nieht is dark, the wind is high, The clouds are heavy i:i the sky ; And oh ! the bright and lovely moon. AVitli till the stars have gone to soon 1 T sit and watch them oft from here, As one by one they disappear. And then 1 think with uehing heart, "i'is thus the joys of life depart. Thus fade our hopes nf earth nwny, Thus die our dreams from day to day, Thus, us the moon and st !(vry night. Have passed uwar on this lone night. Thus tlie seed with cure we nourish, Tims llie (lower we fondly cherish, When Winter's blasls come sweeping by, Will droop the head, will fade and die. The golden fancies which the mind, In early youth will hope to find. Not long the book of life doth ope, LScfore it learns how vain is hope. i vvxsir: r!i:;'::w- ! l'ant., alas ! to reach the goah Hut once, nh ! once, the goal's nllained, ; And soon the sparkling cup is drained, j While there within, the dregs nil vest, i Like disappointment in the breast. ' And the heart is left alone in gloom, To weep above ihe silent tomb Of wasted hours i r spent in vain, For that which brought us in no gain. 1 All things raithly fade and perish, The soonest those met we cherish ; In this cold world there is mi stay That will not sink to dull iliccv. I , Then wherefore, puis the heart its trust , in fading' flowers in things of dust 1 ! Oh ! rather h i it soar above, j And I lace its faith in le;,vi n!y h.ve. WOIIX I Mi (illt!.1!. Happy giils ! who cannot love theia? Witl .'t'Ut like the ro.-os, lo-i-ht evc and elastic I cl r lop, how cheei 'iiillv they go to wci;. I'm- repiiiaiicai ior ir. s-'.cn gins mai;e ex cel'.! nt wiVi'S. lil' ,-t'ed ilidoed v. ii! those Men ' be w ho s cure .- uch p;-!.'j .-'. Co'dr.'.st those j w'io do not', ing but .-:;..'h i ll day, ami I've to follow Co fashions; who never earn the bread l!,--y cat. nor what l hey wear; wl.oaie i languid ami lazy from one vec!;V elel to ti e j other. Who hut a simplet"1.! and a prp!':j::y j would prefer one of the kilter, if he were look ing for a companion. I live us the wo: kin;,' glils. They are Worth their weight in gold. Vt-.i never see tlicm t i i i : i-i 1 1 r nli'iiir, or jump a diw-n of feet to I st 'er clear of a spider or liy ; they have i:u , ali'v elation or silly airs about thorn. When Coy Meet yon, they speak without pnttimron j a d. 1,1. n siiTy airs, or trying lo show- off to ! better advantage: ami you feel as if you were ' talking to a human being, uud not a painted ; or fallen angid. If girls knew ho-.v sadly !'-., y i.d- it. while ! they endeavor lo show off their de!i.-ate hands i und unseilfd skin, and put on a thousand airs. ; they would give worlds for a situation of i workii.g gir!s, who are solar above them in intelligence, in honor, in cvorvthiii". He. wise, then vou who have made fools of vour- ' selves through. I Turn over u new leaf. and begin, though late, to live and act human being.!. A I'Otl IIINCi STOP. V. 1 Tne lion. A. II. Stephens, of Ceorcia , in for I an address at a nieetiiig in Alexandria, ! t'.ie benetit of the Orrdian Asvl-.im and I' School, of that ci; anecdote : related tho following "A poor lit lie boy i.; a cold night, with mi roof to shelter his head, no paternal or ma ternal guardian to guide, to protect or direct him c-u bis wav, reached at nii litiidi the house I of a rich planter, who too'; Lii.i in. fed, lodged ad sent him on Ins way with a nlessing. I I hese Kind attentions cheered bis heart and inspired him with fresh coin-ago to betide with the obstacles of life. Years rolled I round ; Providence led him on, and ho had reached ihe Igord profession ; Lis host had died; the cormorants that prey on thu sub stance of man had formed a conspiracy to get from tho widow Imr estates. She seal for tho nearest counsel to commit her cause to him, and that counsel proved to be the orphan boy vears before wolcomcd and entertained by Iter deceased husband. Tho stimulus ( f a warm and tenacious gratitude was now added to llio ordinary mnlivn connected with tho profession, lie undertook h"i causa with a w ill not easily to be resh-tcd, l.e gained il, Ihe widow's estates worn secured to her in per petuity ; and Mr. Stephens added willi an emphasis of emotion that sent an electric thrill throughout (he house "f.'i.- or.oi.i Ih j Sl'lild.i litaiu 'i'l ." FciKM'snii'. Thcra Is nothing more be coming any w ise man, th in to make choice of I'l lends, for by them del shall be jaiVeil w hat thou ai t ; let ihelu therefore be i: e and virtuous', uud none of those thai follow then for gain : but lliaktf election I .it her if thy betters, than thy inferiors, shunning al ways such us are net dy ; for if Con givcst twenty gills, and refuse to do the like but once, all that thou hast done will hu lost and such men w ill beeome thy mortal enemies. Sr U ultt r lluli bilt, Ciixvfmiiix or llisinvos. 'Ihe papers state I hat a convention of husbands i.- in be called shortly ut Syracuse, N. V., to adopt some measures ill regard to fa!.i. II. Tin y say that since thej lmve to siipperl tin' e. pcli:es of fashion they have a light hi legu iate ils caprices. It is also said that a propo sition lo luito bojs only, in luluiv, i- in con e before tlie couvetilioii. The members, are lo lvsolvo themselves into a ln;l .u.d s ri-i.ls pariy. Com; Thkr in tiiii I'xni'.u Status. Tho cork tree, which llotirt-hes natural in the sotnh of I'.'.irnpe, is an evurgreeii, about twen ty or thirty feet in height. The Mibstanco ih nominated cork is thu outer bark, which sometimes giows two or three inches in thick ness. From tlw Patent Olfico the seed has been dl-tribiitcd to n number ol blutes, to test its uduputn n to our climate. A Lady was requested, by a bachelor, some what udvuuced in years, to take a seat upon his knee, whilo In u crowded sleigh. "No, thank you," faid she, "1 urn afraid such on old scut w ould break dow n with mc." . FHOM SW,T?.KKriTY IIRIOIIAM ViH Mi t;i:iTiu rt i f ri. The Salt I. Ne.v has late ntlvleos fro' Mormoudom. I'ri; ham Young's mm ty- iv wives seem to have no power over his p;r:t i'l subduing iti f crci iiess. lleis fuli of wrath nL'ainst Ihe followers ( f I'.eli-.d, (!io L'l-il"d Slates soldiers, who, last winter, rcditeed t!,e Mormon girls to taking sleigh rides end i tin r little pi cnliaritles not emisiih red moral and unbecoming in that i'!ia!;te coluinunily. Hear him : 1 say again that the constitution and laws of the I'nitod States, and the laws of the dif ferent States, as a general thing, ure just us L'ood us wo want provided .tin y are honored. Hut wo find judges who do not honor llie laws yes, officers of Urn law dishonor Ihe law. Legislators nud lawmakers are frequently the first violntois oT the laws tl.cy make. 'When tho wicked rule, the peojde mourn," und when the corruption ol' a people bears down the scale in I'uvor of wickedness, that people is nigh unto destruction. AVe have the proof on hand, that instead of the laws being honored they have been violated in every instance of persecution against thi; peo ple ; Mislead of (ho laws beii'g made honora ble, they have been trampled under the feel nf lawyers, judges, sheriffs, governors, legis lators, nud nearly uil the ollici is of this gov ernment ; such persons ure tho most guilty or breaking the law s. To divwge a lit Lie, in regard to those who have persecuted his peo ple and driven them to the mountains, I in iend to meet tiiein on their own grounds. It was asked this morning how we could obtain redress for our wrongs: I will tell you how if could be done ; wu could take the same law they have taken, viz : moboeruey, tun! if any miserable scoundrels come hero cut their throats. ( All the people said, Amen.) This would be meteing out that treatment to wick ed men which they hud measured to innocent persons. AVe would meet them on their own ground, when they will not honor tho law, but will kill the prophets mid destroy the innocent. Tin y could drive tho innocent from their home j, take their horses nud farms, cattle ami goods, und destroy men, women and children, walking over the laws of the I'nited Stales, trampling them under their feet, and not honoring a sin trie law. Suppose I should I'oll-'W tho example they have shown us mid say, "Latter Hay Saints do ye like wise, and bid ileiianee to the whole cl.il! of s'u'hnu n?" Itome who are timid might say, -O ! nur mo i rty w ill be (list roved, and we shall lie killed.' If a.iy mm lo r,.' is a coward, there ere line mountain retreat. for those who feel their hearls beatimr nl. every little hue and cry of the wicked, as though they would break their rib:-. After tie.; year we nhu'l very likely nguin have fmlti'ia sense i,s. A tain, he say? : I'p to this time we have carried tho world on our back.--, Joseph did it in his day, be sides carryii.g (his w hole peoi,!o. und now nil (his is upon my buck, willi my family lo pro vide IVi rat t'ae same time. n,,il wo will curry it nil and hear oil' tho Kingdom of (iod. And you may pile on Slato alter State, kingdom after kingdom, and all hell en top, and wo w ul roll on the kini'dom of our (Iod, gather out the seed of Abraham, build tho cities and temples of 'ion. und establish thu kirttdom of tlodtobear rule, over all the e.i; t'.i, and let the oppressed of all nations go IVco. 1 have never vet talked so rough in these moun tains as 1 did in tho I'nited Slates when they killed Joseph. I thorn said, bolilly and aloud 'If ever a man should lay Ids hands on me ami say, (on account of your religion.! you are my prisoner, the Lord Almighty helping me, i would soul that man to hell a'ro.s lots.'' 1 feel so now. Let mobbeis keep their hands oli from mc, or 1 will send them whore they belong. I mil always, prepared for such an cmcig; new 1 . v f ;ii i-i.i: l'lii-.u: or a Sailoh. itlsh tar.' A m.iii- stcj'pid ef-war's-muu, il regtda: into Ihe Cm k Post cue of llie clerks, as! Office, and .--;ng I im d, 'I'o vou know Jenkins, A. Ii., ol'lhe Hulldog;-- 'Not L' re plied the ih.rk, ..;irpriscd, "why do you ask . The sailer replied, 'llecitusu 1 wanted you to 1 give a letter to him,' saving which he j-iodil-! ced an epistle. 'Very we!!,' replied tiie clerk, 'tho letter will be sent to him, but you j must put a stamp on it.' 'How the d can j you send a letter to Jim Jenkins unless you i know him '." inquired the tar. 'Oh, thai dots not matter,' answered the cleik, 1 can send i t!io h'lter but it will co: t you a penny fur a j .'lamp.' 'Stamp!' cried the sailor, 'rhoW m j I one.' A stamp wa-i accordingly shown to l him, when ho exclaimed, -No, shiver uio if I put Jim Jenkins oil' with a vcuny, for ho 1 often spent a crown upon me ; hain't you got j anything handsomer than this? The del'!; rc maiked in the allirinntivc, and showed him a j Iwo-peuny stamp. 'We!!,' tried tho oilier, j 'this looks; dvceiitcr, but h.tv'nt vou got uuy lhiug'bettcr?' The clerk then showed him u shilling stamp, which .lack inspected with tin j expression of approval, saying tilt right, put live cf Ilium on ihe letter ; d ii my limb.'. I will never send Jim Jenkins le. s l'..;,u live j shillings worth.' Saving tills he threw down ! live shillings on the counter, took tho live -shilling stamps and stuck tin m on the loiter. ; which he tlu.n threw into the h Her box uiih expres-ions cf satisfaction at having sjt-i.t a crown's worth on Jim .tonkin ;. i "That Lii.thu' ii." A lather anr.i d al the Columbn-. sing sceiio w:i .illi'S Ohio, nost office. Co other moiiiiier. A lough, uncouth -looking ciotemii' inquir. ii for a leltef geiiend I'.i.'ove. v. He r.ce.vi d ne, tinj iiot sin-.' l!i..t il v. is for bil l, lie a. hi d the clerk In rend a few Hues to him. 'i he postmaster, with hi- u.-u.il oibaniiy and 1'ai .i nil desire lo niiol.ininiU.lo. Vead as U iii ws :- - "Hoar ri . This leiier comes a !u 'pit;'. 1 lake my peon in Hand to i.ii'orai J. n ih.it w n uro awl we!!, and hope e,u t.re ion via' Ihe same blessiii'. I iiiii sorry to beiv vou have been i-e. aiio ihi r drunken S r-i " "ritep," shouleil tin! iiticutivn 11-1 in r. "el op. I e-.iy ; tint 'ere letter's Vr int : lo l'e's jour live cents, uud 1'oC that 'ire d-i.-i'.iilei.t iiverl" And r.li.id a geiiOi.il luti-.li of Cc -slanders, he vaiil: be d. , . . . - - -Mv dear,'' said Mrs. Dogberry to la r dnnpl'.tr r. "you nhould uol hold YiUir dress so very high iu cro ij-ing the shvcl," "Then, ma," replied the maid, n, "how shall 1 uu- khow the beauty of u.y (loiiiiced p .aia letts (hut have ill most" ruined toy eyesight to maiiiifaitnre? I'm fur.) I don't care a' the beaux do look at inc." Mrs iv berrv snoke of tho Viu of vanity ami the bounty if decorum,' uud walked oil into her chamber. . - Curi. s io Mwiiam.-s. A person iu Mo bile, Aho, bus brought salt ogamst a elioj muker. loi railing lo Comply .lU u promise to have a pair of boots made ut a Fpicill. d ., is!.!.i.i ili iilaiiiliffin tins case ob- tuill judgmeut. it may be a salutary lesson to mechanics in general, amongst whom want of punctuality i of loo freqneiit occurrence. ntMtliKAIit.tt I APMll.'.Jt NT A lei ei,l word tS tcieiiee : !...-' f i'.o'.V ing l.i-V'l c;.p- i hi i nl, -,', hit!. Mites a ones t leu of Millie o; I '.nee i;i pi.i'o .- '-", 'i'w'o !. uud, i d pom i's v.eijiht of cur'. h '' dri- J ii. on ei n ii ' ,-1 i. I'U i . ;, nis j t !:it o ;n ':;:'.!.( i; Ves'.,. I. 'Ihe I .11 III V..o- tl.Ml I. . !-' . d will rain wa'.er. :::i,l a willow lr.- v,-..i: hlug five 1'ocous. we..: placid tl.-'iia. Huii' . the , f-pace of live o:m: tin i.r.'ill was tar. fid'v j watered with rain we lev. or per-' " o!o; ; the willow new iiiei ilouvi' lied, ii-vl io i rcvciit, llie earth being mixed '.villi IV .-h i iutu or j dust blown to il by the v. in ! '. it v ;.. cc'."-ed j with a metal plate perforaied with n great number of suiall holes suilublu for the frco cdmissiou of air only. After growing ::i tin: nir for live years, tlie trie v as renioved mid f-uni'l to weinh hill pounds and about threo ounces ; 'I'he leaves which fi II from tho tree every autumn were not included in Ci. weight The earth was then removed fiom the vc.-sol, iigafn dried in the oven and al'ierwi.rds weir!: ed ; it. was ftllerwnrds ili-eon led to havn lost i lily about two euueecs of il l f'riiritiiil weirht : thus Hi-! pounds of woody I'bre bark and roots, were certainly prnilti' i'd. but from what souree? The uir has Lceii iliM'ovi red to be tlie source of solid e'enieuU nl least. This statenn lit may lit first appear incrcdiblo but on slight relli ction its truth is proved, because tho utmosphcru contains carbonic, acid, which is the compound 11 l parts by weight, of oxygen, and ildS purls by weight, of carbon. 3Uiscci(ani). Stop That Hoy ! Stop that boy ! A cisr-.r in liis month, a swagger in his '.v;di; iudepen dence in his face, a cure frr nothingness in his manner. Judging from his demeanor ho is older than his fa! her, wi"r than his teach er, more hoimied liian llio Major of lb.' town and higher than the I 'resident. Stop hi;:i 1 ho is going- too far. lie don't see hun-a il' othcl'i see him. Hei.iool know lis .-pied. Stop him ere teh.'.i'CO shatter Ids !"' ves. fr.. pride ruins his cli;;iL'li r ; ( the loafe,- ,iiii.---lei' the man ; ere good am! il ion or ma il v stivngtli give w ay to l.e.v piirsiii:-- .'nd bruit Mi aims. Stop nil such I. c.j . I '! '.ey are !c .'eiiii, the shame of their families, da.- disgraco of Ceir towns, and Co snd am! fc'-dcuin re proaches of tin mselves. A I'-KALHi'i I, .!.-. irii'XT. ilu- sioll of il I.l.iwi.e'o ill U vlli;l:'-i church, tho bridegroom signed the v-gi-t'-r wiili ' Lis x marl.." Tli.'i ietty young orlde did the same, nud lie :i tiiniiiig to a lady v.dio !:ad known In. r us tin- beat scholar iii feloiel, wl'.ispereil 10 Lor, while tear.- id'!'- r,r;t love .i:u! ad.-.-.rr.-.-tioii Hood l.i her Lti-.l.t eyes, "lie's a deat- fi'lluW, MiS:!. but tlUlll' t WliiO J'"t. He'.! go- i-.ig to lean: of r.;e, an 1 I voul.1 nt ainiioo him for the v. .nUI." A ;'isB AtsW i E. -'You n.'.i.-l. i.ot play with that little ;!:!, my dour," said a:i :njadi cioU? pui-Liit. "i'-ul, ma, 1 like her i she is u good lltllo girl, and I'm sure slie iliess. s a. j.reMily as. I 1 do, i'.iid she has i-ij niiiiiy pretty toys." "1 can't help tli.it my dear," responded llie foolish auli-Ainciicaii, her I'm her is u b!loein-:ker.:' "Hut 1 don't play with her father, I play v.ith her; she isn't a shoemaker." The .o",,..;;; J.-vi.-.! te'.'s a sfory of a maf 1 1 u ' i 1 1 ir eats, a lew days since, who gavi a Pt 1y "dollar bill in iiiisti'.ko for u live. On dis covering the blunder, und hastenim.' to have il reclilied, he found the re-, ipiert of it delib erately rubbing out the cipher on th" bill, in eider to r.'.i'.ke his ca. h a-couut square with ii's binds An excl-.foO-e of a for u "fifty" saved th.' !::lt"r from furlh-.T deface men!, and fully all II, d b. th :;;..-'. .V Young Lady, v.lio h id venC .! :,.any siiinmers at tho : a --l.i '. was io'.ni e l of djo ing le i- hail', v, h'eh is of a r:iv a bhe k. Siio 1 d-'chircl i,i the in...-! iiull -'i.:m im.nuor, thai, there v'i not I i'.e .!.': I'liest tri'tli in th" accu sation liioro tb ti ll.:s. il." g.'-::-'-o'.i.-ly offer ed to let any om' o.ii.ilu..- J..-:- 1 ,:l,-, to son how fal-.e it was ! I'ntil a young men is iiiauhd he is to-o-.l about fi'i-ni on-! decree of u: '.: n!!iu,?:'S to another, Cl Lis health, heie.-tli uiai charac ter i.ro completely busied tp and iloi.e for. Tail: about your Coherers water nud sea, i bathing ! There is nothing the Lor I ever , invented for the health ee'.a! U a '. irte.oi: ; j woman. j Visjiix.j rot: Hi AMofi's.- a!:-. Alp'ocn; Leers, whilo fishing one. day l-a-t week in a j brook ut Stratford. Cl., discovered uud. leu iu Lis pos-ivsloM what purports to bo a illa ' mond of the best water. It is .-ai-.l that lie is ; ol'.'ii .-d fiuoti for Lis prize. I An On, Vnssci, Ci M itMio.n. Joe! Selioo . tier wascoiivieted last V.'edm s.hiyut AlJui:-, i N. Y., of arson in th-i si con-1 degr. o, and seu 1 teiiced to tho Sl-.ile Piison for l.vo jcar.-.. I 'I his Schooner is Uc years old ! 1 An l.seilN I.AWVKI!. '!. Hegel'.', a l.alf I bi-i ed Cheiohee, has commenced an ar:.-ui!-nl-' before the Court of Claims iu the ct lebratf d ("uerol.ee ease, iu which CLerokoos. ilaimtlio ! s-uiii iil'f?n!.l'(", under thu provisku cl' tho 1 treaty of 1 :i.V i i';:vnioi' an ol.; Cl ..u.;v .'!.i:'. The Uev. I W in. Case, ihe olde-l Weslivan minister in 1 Cau.nhi. w':i v.. is tlirov.n i'.oiii a liorse und ; lia l ii les in'ol.i I. soine week ' ego, d.i.d. a low iL-.vs s'lice, a,ed ,'.i e;.i.-, al Ai.i.v.sk, t'iituti:.; ; We l. i I ;..'.. e !;';: -f- .'.I' ;,!'.' !'-"' ' II ;1:. l.-..M-1-cd v. '.''..I--. I I' day- i'l W ole. !v;!!e, C .:.n.. in Co N..ug.'.'ncl. r;d! vcd. V com ' pai.v r.-r ihe i,u..r:vVg l a-in -s l.e- Imii Ifoi.ied. j The Ma-iison. 1 .a'.i.'.na. Hami a; s eveiy I body in that Vt aimi is' cn- io,.! in l-iio '.:,,' Icol loCI'ibs. The 1. lie of I'l" C. 's la io I ' and Kentiiilcy v.a- In V '' ;-t en b.ioic. 'i ho ! I.ii-i.., im have i'u ir h i'.id.-' f.di. 1 1 1 i , , i - H: :,r . Th" J '.'" -"! . I- ! U .-.-i-ti.ie'v l: -! ..f a ?' d"l U li.ii .ictcr. lor .sine" lii- y riW' ! h.,v.. n i.o,:.. h.d.'.- ..I ' .!! e-lit l! i:.-o Ih.-r.i i t v. r. A Wo. li'lll editor i'ili, vil" ove, ;; I fro-i. l-ecaio-e it was a .-i.::. . '.. i..- i t-" loi.ialo vine ! Allflionv Nlc, 1. coi'iini'.led suicldo i.i Co Schnjlkiircouutv i:iil, on Tlitu ol iy mm-ioii).'. lie was Will U dj'iu t!io world, b; t h ol tvo wives. Di.nioir, Oct. a.".. The lh-n. I'lc-'i'L ' '' Whiipb'. Just ice to otir ,S Ipieine C. Li t, d.. d ill this city this evening. In Madison. Iowa, appl s are selling o r five cents a bushel. I'leasuro may bo a Jiadovv, but it u i s ;k Leap of subsume. To forget and Tortjlv is gol mat.', r-. veil go.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers