NFVT FA M 1 LT onOCKRT, Vlcitr, r.'cd f.itl I'rovteicm Store. SKASHOLTZ ft TSTERY, -'i, t. I !:'. Marl ft 4' MacUn-rrg SI. f t- J!.- 1 l' ' l J'l l.itY inlorm llio public tkat tliey have just rcioived a larrje nnd well scloctrd assortment of choice Family Groceries, roniisting in part tif Hams, Slionhlcrs, Mackerel, Jfcrrinff. White Fish, Cod Fish, Suit Preserved Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Rice, Sugar, Coll'ee, (green, roasted mid ground.) Im perial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder anil Black Ten, Cedar-ware, Stone-warc, Soaps, brushes plow ii id wah lines, bonis olid shorn, tobacco, iccir. Ac, bvetber with cvory article usually louiel in u lifsl c!a Grocery Store, all of which will be i-ulJ at tho lowe-it pries, cither for cash or country trainer. We nl-o keep on hand choice l,iiUnr. Port, Lisbon, Ac. Porter, Ale, beer, Hiirsapaiilla, o.-c. We are nlno prepared to sup ply llin citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pic, prrlv.rU anil of every kiml. N. 11. Tho highest rash prices w ill bo paid for butter and riri;, com, oats, rye and wheat. Suiibury,..Iuly 7, lH.'-r). I,. 1. FISK, Stencil Cuttor, Xo. 1 North Sixth -Street, iuBKtrvT.) QTEXClTi BRANDS cut for Merchants, lr mors, Mi'lcrs and Distillers. Alphabets, biiisUcs and Inks of tho very best qualitv. e r. nr. -t Philm. Juno 5.1. ICSS 2m. kTO'l'ICE i lic-ri-l.y h'iii that application will bo made to tlic tuv.t leei Mature of reiinsjl- vanio, ft Ihe section of IfSii, fur the creation of a corporate, with banking and discounting privileges, tolu railed tho "Suajiokiv IHm;," located at hamokintnwn, Northniiihcthmd Co., Fa., with a capital stock of ifiriO.dl'O, with the piivil.'.;o of incie.u-ing the tamo to $300,000 if uracsrniy. Shamokin, May 22. 19.".r. Gii. TOBACCO, &c. Strawberry. Congress, Fldorado Fig, Eldorado Cake, Karsapiiilla Fino Cut, Pressed Vino Cut, Andersons " " Vor Sale at WF.IRER & BRUNEI. Sunbury, May SO, 1 1.'5. EEOABS' F.I Ncptuno, LI Dorado, I'.l Duondo, Rio Hondo, Rccrcudorcs, I.a Curiosidad, La Semiarmis, Canulos, Plantation, Havana Cheroots, For Sulo at WE1SER & BRUNER. f unbury, May 20, 1S55. intern wmmmi AYER'S PILLS, A new and singularly successful remedy fur tho 41 cure of all liuioua diseases Uostiveness, tuiu peslion, Jaundice, Dropsy, Khoumntism, J; ever, bout. Humors. Pervoubnesa. Irntauintv. Intlamma' tions, lleadarhc, l'ains in the Breast, Bido, Dark, and Iimbs. rcinale Complaints, &e., &c. Indeed very few arc the diseases in which a Purgative Medi cine is not more or less reini'ircd, and much sick, cess and sntferine micht be prevented, if a harm' less but eittctuul Cathartic were more freely used. iv o person can teci welt wiiuc a costive nauit ot body prevails ; besides it soon generates serious and often fatal diseases, which mignt have been avoided by the timely and judicious use of a good purgative. 1 his is alike true, of Colds, Feverish symptoms, and IMlinus derangements. They all tona to becomo or produce the deep seated and formidable distemper which load tho henrses all over the land. Hence a reliable family physic is of the first importance to the public health,' aud this l'ill ha been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An C'jttrniire trial of its virtues by Physicians, Profes sor.), and Patients, has shown results surpassing any thing hitherto known of any mcdirino. Cure have been effected beyond belief, wore thoy not sub stantiated by persons of such exalted position and character as to forbid tho suspicion of untruth. Among the niniiv eminent gentlemen who have teatitied in favor of these PILis, wo may mention : Dk. A. A. U ayfs, Analytical Chemkt, of Boston, and Stiilc Assaycr of Massachusetts, whoso high charurter is endorsed by tho Hon. Knw .Miu KvF.nn r. Senator of the V. S. lJonr.KTC.M'r.vriiiio', Kx-Speakcr of the House cf Urprosrntutivcs. AiHoTT I, wniENCi:, Minister Plen. to Emrland. t John 11. l'nzi'A I mi K, C'ath. Bibhopof Boston. Alo, Dr. J. K. Chilton, Practical Chemist, of New Yolk City, endorsed by Hon. W. I.."Maiu y, Secretary of Stat. Wm. B. Astom, the richest man in America. l.iu.ANUiV Co., Propr' of the Metropolitan Iluti-1. and it)iers. I'i'l 'pace permit, we could give manv hundred certificates, tiom all parts where the Pills have been used, but evidence even more convincing than the experience of eminent public men is found in tltf-ir rilV, ts upon trial. '1 here Pills, the result of long investigation and Etmly, are oll.rrd to the public as the best and most complete which the present state of medical scieiue c;in atford. They are compounded not of the drills themselves, but of the medicinal virtue only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process in a state of purity, and combined together In such a manner as to iiibure t'.nrbest results. This system of composition for nu .licines has been found in Hie ( lu rry Pectoral and Pills both, to pioduco a more eflicient remedy than had hitherto been ob tained bv aiiv process. The reason is perfectly ob vious. hilo bv the aid mode of composition, ev ery medicine is burdened with more or less of acri anil injurious Qualities, by this earh indi vidual virtuo only that is desired 'for the curative elfect is present. All the inert aud obnoxious qual ities cf each substance employed arc left behind, the cur.itiro virtues being retained, licnee it is aelf-evident the ettects should prove as they have proved more purily remcdiul, and tho Fills a surer, More powerful r.ut'iduto to diseiso than ur.y other luviiiciuc l.hov n t,i tUc world. As it ;a licif.Hi.l'.y expedient that my medicine rlu.MM tjc t.ik, u uu'ier the counsel of an attending Physician, and n.; be could not properly judye of a remedy without knowing its composition, I have supplied t!.e accurate l-'ormul.-e by which both my 1'ecior.d tiiid 1 ills are made to tho whole body of Practitioners in the United Htates and British Amer ican provinces. If however there should bo any one who has not received tl.rm, they will Le promptly forwarded bv neiil to his address. Ui all tbc l'atcut Wc:lic:nei that are ottered, how few w.,uld be taken if their composition as known 1 Their lite cui.tUU iu li-tir mystery. 1 havo no ny,cus. "J. ho composition of my preparations is laid open tr, idl men, aud all who ure competent to jud;:o on tbe subject freely acknowledge their convictions of theii intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by sdci.titic men to be a wonderful medicine before its tifects were known. Many em inent Physicians havo declared tho same thing of my Pills, and even more confidently, and are will ing to certify that their anticipations were more than realized by their effects upon trial. X hey operate by their poweiful inrliience on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action remove the obstructions of the slomarn, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, aud by correcting, wherever they mist, such derange menu as ate ihe first origin of disease. Being sugar wrap) i J they fcrc pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. For luinuto directions, see wrapper on tb Box. I'RM'AKED BY JAMES C. AVER, Practical ium! Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Price S3 Cent per Box. rive Eoxo for SL BOLD HY YA etCT A: limner, Punitory; Pint ft J ha, Hh'im ikia , W. Vicm,T, NoitlnmtliMlaivl; J. F. Cul"W, Mlllouj oirj ) mi i,ntfiEta iu .omicru f euusj ivaiua. June vj, I. M ly. t tKAMv'rt Magnetic Oiiitmrnt at - MayiJ. WEItfKK&UR llRUNER'H. A Fine lot of Wall Paper just received and for ale by WM. McCAii'TY, Market Street. Sunhury, June t,185!i. T I AKUWAUE and Qurenswar in great a rietic and of all description, just rerrived and lor sale by WMA.KiS'AUB I.owei Augusta, May 1854 ERMICELLI, Maccaroni and Coin Starch lust received bv May 19, 18ftS. WE1SF.R BRtTNEH "EAHNESTOCK'8 Veruiituge, for sals b - May 1. WEliEU ek bKVMEK LATEST ARRIVAL Of Spring Summer Gootls. J. F. &. KLINE, UnSFECTFC'I.IiT tnnouncfi to their fricndi nd tl o public in general, that they ba received at their Old Stand, in Upper Anitiistii lownfdiip, Northumberland county, IV, at Kline (irovo. their Spring anJ Summer uoous, nu opened to th public full assortment of MEUCIIANDIZE, &C, Consisting in part f Clotha, black and fane) Caarimerii, Sattiuctta, Check, mid all kind SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. Also a lot of Ready.tuad Coat, Test nd rauU, Ac." Ladies Dress Goods, Calicea, Cfiiifhama, Muslin do I.uines, Ac. Alao Black Silka. &e. AIho frcali uiply of CJrocrrlC) of all kind. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens ware, Drugs and Medicines. Wooden 'Wore. Alio a largo assortment of Boot and I bops, euitablo for Men, Women and Children. ITata and Caps, such a l'ahft Leaf, Canada, Panama and Silk lIal.-, and nil C,ooJ usually kept in n Country Storo. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will ha sold for caMi, or In c rhancn for country produce, at the highest market prior. Lpper Augusta, Jilay Vi, is;u. NEW SI'RINO AND SUMMER I. W- TEKER & Co , SittAury Pa. M AYE just received a now and tplondld a Kortmcnt of goods, suited to tho euson, nmongst which lire : Chillis, Cassimerea and Velvets, Iteaily moou Clot'aea, Knglish, French and American Ging hams, plain and painted Challi. do. do. Fawns, Barege and Barcuc Dcl.aiua, plain and painted Tissue, Tissue Uarcgn, Thibet Silk, fringed Shawls, Em broidered and Damask Crapo Sliawla, Fancy Mantillas, atri ' prd and checked I.incn, Tn blo Covers, Mosijuilto Ncla, Fans, Parasols and Um brellas, together with a general assort ment of Dry Goods Hats, Caps, lioots, Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, Queonswaro, Fish, Salt, Nails &c., iVc, all of which iH ha old cheap for cash or Country Pro duce. Kunbury, May 6, 1855. Eooksellers & Stationers, A KE now selling off their enliro stock of Hooks und Slalionnrv, Buved from tho fire of llio 15lh ult., ot very low prices. The stock embraces every variety of miscellaneous Books, School Hooks, and nil kinds of Blank Books, also domestic and imported Stationary of every description. As we are selling out at low prices it will bo well to call early and secure bargains. PERKY & LIIKT Y , 8. W. corner 4th and Raco streets, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Juno 23, 1855. If. SUNBURY, PA TIIC subscriber respectfully informs ihe public that she still continues to keep tho ahovo named public house. She has also received a new supply of good liquors and wines, and trusts that sho will he able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her bouse. MARIA THOMPSON Sunhury Juno 2.1, 1855. tf. ""mount" carmel house, . MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland county, Pa. rTMllS large and commodious Hotel is situated on the top of tho Locust mountain, nearly half way between Sunbury and Pottsvillc. The scenery the salubrity of Iho atmosphere and the cool mountain breezes, muko it ono of the moKt delightful summer retreats in the country. Tho Hotel, is a new structure, four storiesjiigh, fitted up with all the modern conveniences. Tho pure mountain water is introduced into every chamber. The. place is easy of access, beng but one mid a half hours ride from Sunbury, over the Philadelphia and Sunbury hail road, rrom Foltaullc, it can be reached by tho Mine II ill Rail road to Ashland, and from thenco to Ml. Caruicl 4 miles, by Omnibus. Lvcry attendance will bo paid by the proprie tor lo make guests comfortable. Charges mode rate. JOSEPH M. FEAGER. Mt. Carmel, June 23, 1855. tf. Bai-gains at tlie Old Stand. FRXLINCr Sc GRANT ARE now opening a new and very desirable stock of Spring and Summer Goods, cm- racing an endless variety. Their stock con sists in part uf Black & Fancy Broadcloths &Cassimeres, Summer Wares for men and boys, all style and prices. DRESS GOODS, Slf.KS Plain and loured Black. An assortment of Plaid Stripe and Figured Fan cy Dress fcilks at unusually low prices, tl.ellics, liiazcs, Drazo Dei.uins, Mus. Do Lains, Law lis, &c, fJlXOHAVS from 61 to 2.") cents rer yard. CALICOES " 3 " 12 " " WHITE G0OD3, Cambric, Jaconet!, Swiss, Turllon, Mull, IJubi- nett, Freueh mid f-'wiss Laces, Edgings, Ac. Drown and blenched Muslins, Drillings, Ticks, Cheeks, I owlings, 1 able Diapers, J c, ;kuci:iiii:s. IIARDw"AR32 and QUri.TST7ARE, Cedar-ware, Hollow-ware, Iron, Steel, 1 'I abler Salt and 1 ib!T. Also a tresh supply of DUL'Ud AND MEDICINES. Thankful for past favors, wo Imp by strict attention and a desire to please, till! to meet witn the am.roval of our friends. tr Country produco ot all kinds lalicn at me ugliest market price Sunbury, June 2, 1S55. ly. Skamckiu White Ash Anthracite Coal Prom the ''Old I tin" ' the Gap Odliery. JH. ZIMMERMAN &JXO. P. PURSEL, sureessors tsi Kaiu. Heed Al Co.. will con tinue mining, shipping and selling coal from the above well known Colliery, under the firm of Zimmerman & Pursel. The point of shipment is ot the lower wharf in Sunbury, Northuuibcr land county, Pa., where all orders fur the various kinds of coal, viz : Lump, broken, Lgg, Stove, and Chcbtnut Coal, will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. Sunbury, July 14, 1855, Si mT, Jen 6, 1855 The firm of Kase, Reed Sr Co. having sold their lease in Ihe (Jap Colliery and interest in tha wharf at Sunburv. to Messrs. Zimmerman Pursol. would take crcat pleasure in recommend- in i our rustomor and others to the new firm.tas they will be able to sell them prepared cool of the best quality, KASE, REED & CO, SILVER WATCHES A aw double case English Silver Watches, for sale at very low prices by U. 0 MAoSEJB. Buahurj, Apri IS, 1M1 1 ATS 6i CAPS Silk and Slouch Hat, Military and cloth Cap lor men anil boy, also Gum Shoe of various sixes, just received and lor sale al OlMl 8 STOKH a unbury No, 15,1854. AMES BARBER WllOL,F.SALR A RETAIL CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. corner of Second & Chestnut St. rBXX.ADBX.FUZA. Where may be found, ono of the largest and lest assortment of Clock and Time Piece in the United States, in quantities to suit purchaser, of from a single Clock, to one thousand Clock embracing every variety of elylo and manufac ture, suilal lo for Churches, Hull, Counting House, Parlor, Sleeping apartments, and Kitch ens, Steam and Canal lloats, and Kail road Car. N. 1). Clock Repaired and Warranted. Clock Trimming for alo. Also, Manufacturer of Barber' Cvlebrale'l line GOLD PENS Embracing all tho qualities of tho Cuost quill pen, in addition to which tho durability of tho metal t lully associated and developed. Itold and Silver Pencils, aud Pen Holders, Dated Waro, &c, wholrsalo and retail. . Thoso wish ing to purchaso are invited to call. JAMES DAUBER, 8. E. corner Chestnut and Second Sts., Phila. Philadelphia, Juno 23, 1850. ly, Extraordinary Arrival of Prill E Bubseribcr takes pleasure in informing his custodiers and the public generally that ho is now in receipt of an unusually large and Splendid Assortment of Now Goods. To endeavor to enumerate tho ono hundroth port of tho artirlrs would bo useless. Suffice it lo say, they have been selected with tho greatest care, and they will be disposed of at as low prices as the mine quality can bo purchased elsewhere. My motto is "(illicit Salea ami Small rrnfts." Ho takes this method of to tho public his thanks for the liberal patronage exten ded lo him, and by Ktiiet attention to business, be respectfully solicits a continuance uf the same. It will be advisable for purchasers to call and examine his assortment before purchasing else where. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. EDWARD Y. DUIGHT. Sunhury, May 19, 1855. DOCTOn Ol RSELF! THE rOCKET .ESCULAPIUS: OR, EVERY ONI3 HIS OWN rilYRICIAN. rpiIE FIFTIETH Edi lion, with One Hundred Engravings, showing Dis- cases and Malformations of ihe Human System in every rhapo and form. To which is added a Treatise on the Disease of Females, being of tho highest importance to married people, or those contemplating marriage. Ely Ir Win. Ton us Let an father ! ashamed to present n copy of tho .V. CI I. API I S to his cliiM. It may save hon-froin an early grave. Let no young mm! or wonuin enter into Iho seen, of inarndl life without remtiap the POC'KKT .i:iSeH'I,APU;s. Let no one saiTering from haeknietl Contra, Pain in Iho r-icle, restless niliti, "nerenus feeling", ami the whole train of Dyspeptic naisntioua, nn.l given up lty Ihrir physician. I'l! another moment without ron inllinc lha WtSCCLAPIUS Have tho manied, or those attout to lie married any impediment, reail this truly useful lN,k, as it has liecn the means of saving thnasiiiidB of un fortunate crealiires from the vrrvjaws of death IV Any person sending TWKNTY-FIVB CKNTP, eneloscit in a lelter will receive one copy of this book, by mall, or five copies will bo sent foi on dollni. Adilreittt, Dr. W. YOLNi;, No. 154 8PKUCU Street, Pit I I.A l'lM.l'IIIA." Pi,atiaid. Philadelphia, September 8, 1?55. ly BOYD, ROSSER & CO., MINERS AND nUTEHB OP Ucu ol) Vntljvacitc oal From the Luke Fidler Colliery Shamokin, North'd County, Pcnna. Address. Boyd, Rosser efc Co., SnnbtiTy, Po. n. m. Horn. j. nnssrn. jas. noio. T. nosscn. Sunbury, April 7, 1855 tf. DR. A. B. MADDOCK'S CELE1JRATED WORK ON INHALATION In the Treatment and Cure of Consumption, Astlmin, Itronehllis, aud other vibeuscs or iiih nespiruiory urguus, uy aledleul Inliululiou. WITH NOT!'.s"aND ADDITIONS ur Dk. Cuas Casi'Mt. irst American cdilinn, from fifth Iaidon edition, where it aaa nau an unpreeouciueu sale. This Is s valunble work and should bo in the handa of al invalids, uiul the Medical Pretcssmu sroiieniily-. For wnoleil free of charge, by innil, on receipt of Villi OEMS : Cloth (gilt) O.NK noLLAR. C. XV I VAN HORN A CO. Ko. 32 Kortli Aiuth St., Philadelphia. We subjoin a few, from manv commendatory notices ad reviews iioru the E'iglish and American Medicu nd oihcr Journals : "Dr . Miuklock i the sin of the lata Henry Maildoek, so., M. P , the well known barrister, and nroiniscs to ise, in his own profession, in as eminent a deeroe as his parent. .... The system (inhnliiliou) prooM-d lis the moat cri'cctunl niclhoil ol applying a remedy to a portion of the tv-atcm which eunnot be nireelly reached by meibeiue st-lf . ...We reeoiumend our readers to purchase the ,',,rk." Wcslevuu Chronicle, Iimlou, Fell. HI, IMS. (,Ve reoiumeud tho Work to our renders, ns it t,nnira n I lullv niatured. eleanlv written, and entirely divested of n.iy tjuaekory or pL'!f-seekiui tendency. Tho Work weu ncseives pcrus.ii, ana tne pracuee, as lur as our nowletlfrc aud experience extends, will repay not only bcriou. eonsider.illou, but a patient tiial ol its meritsn Loudon Medical Jourinl, Deecmljur 13, lft3. m e nuns timt no one eia rise Irom its po osal, without being sulislied that it is Ihe wiolk of a prac leal and experienced man i uud Ihut it oueht. for thu suka of those who suil'er from consumption, usduiui, or hmaehi- iiv, to in ih-oui'ui into cieosivu circulation, it is, lit tit strictest sense of Iho term, a valuable Work." Oxford Vuivemitylleiuld, November, 7, lflfl. a ns-it on oi tne lankioii l.uiuoa or Mr. .Haddock's Wwik on Consuninlioii. Hrouelulis. Aslluici. Ac.! with Notes. Ac., by Dr. Chas. Ureene This Work will ha .mini wriliy the iitiadioii of our rendu, for thev hliv enrn from it what can bo expected from this iu.kIo of routing Consumption and ulhui ulleetions of tho ines. All. .M. is ev'McnViv A lll.oi ol eonsidciub e inlt-Ui- genee and whatever llieie is nf rcmmI in iuh ikitioua of niedi,atevl vspors, he bceuis to hu.'e ultility to extinct, any, we sr. j luither, add isiy, ihut we feur tliat the Prii- ccsi in have n it given sullicicnt attenliou to this nvilo 1 u!lcvi:dni!l the sii.tcrinei of th' luloihi under this c!;is of diauasCA.o N-w Jersoy Medical KeiMjrter, June, v.o. (From Professor Jos. Itryan, l'ditor of the "Philadelphia .'vie.ui'ui sun ctirtiieui journ u." l(Dr. Madii'H a's aotis on luhulrition iouoof tho few which have been iiwucd from the l-'ueliidi press on this sul'ieet. lib re-publieutiou jn tlub cotnurv, with the udir ious N"!ea ,." Dr. tireeue, will add to the tucdlc-ni iteiuluru ol Ihe Cuutd k-lsli,s, nnd, it is hopitl, excite is iim intercut iu liio inclicnl ProiVsi,ion on thenibjcet ol liilui- itloii, us a miMUKol Ireutluff puhiiouurv ulfcctions. A nh tha niMiuou of in der:r discoveries in J'hybiol.iey, this iimIo of treutillg Ihesc discuses elu uld have a fnir trial :id some alouciucnl made for tho lonr uclcel wlilell In lialutiou hus buliorvd ut the luuids of inetlienl men. Jamki Hiiyan, M. D., Prof, of Surgery in Philadelphia College of Mcdieino . A OAKD. Dn. win tr..,,i iust'ii of tub LUNGS nnd Al ll-PASSAUKR, apreeubly Ui the iroulo so sueeeuiully adopted in the pruetiee of Dr. A. II. Mad d ick, and oUier emiui'iit ihyiiciiiiia of Europe, liy this ni-M, ui treu'uieui tne uibeuseu burluce ol the Moment sad Lungs ur diirctty selcl Ubin, the vanous mcdirated vu- sir iieing carrieo ui tne inubt ininule numheations of ths anas, priHlueiuir healthy action : where a complete disorKumzailou hub not uiken place the best rusulls always iltcnu tins le-Jitiire ol I'meuce in litrt, with sultahls ii'iuiiels, it ii Ihe onlt reliable form of treutins dibeubes of Iho Uesplrut,.ry Oraus. Ha intends Cevotiug his sole teatiuil to this tvirlicular hruuea of his nrofcwue.a. The flesirous ofouisiuluuK hnn eaa tlo so bv letter sd- dressed lo CHAS. GREENE. M. V. llox Soti, Philulo. V. O. rbilada , Jims CI, 1655, Cu. TO COAL DEALERS. AMMEEMAN, ZUEBN Si WEIT2EL. RESPFCTrri.LV inform the public that they havo leased the new colliery, culled the Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver coal of superior quality, and of a variety of size prepa red on their new coal orcakcr. All orders prompt attended to ley addressing tha firm, either at Sunbury or Shamokin. Sunbury, Juna 80, 1865. piIAJ.t PUMPS.- A .mall lumber of lhs excellent pump hava ba recoived and are tTetasl for ! by H. B. M4S6ER. Hanbur. Jua i, 1855- 1 K K Uouroau' celebrated ink, and also Con gres ink for aalo, wholssale and retail by December S8 185C. H. Ii MA8.SER. IJAINT8 of every description just received by Mr 1. WElSEK & DRPXER. nl'aUAND'S Magnesia forWU by May lfT V1EU ot WHt'NER FIRST ARRIVAL or At S. N. Thompson's Storo, In Lower Auyunta township, at the Junction of the Tulpchncken ana J'lum creeK roaai, THE subscriber having returned from the city with a new and extensive assortment of fasbinnablo Rood, respectfully call tho attention of Farmer, Mechanic and other to the same. SPMNO AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of Dry Goods, y'vr. : Cloths, Cassimcrcs, Cassincts, Jcan, Drillinpn, Muslins, Fcsting, 1 'meeds, and all kinds of Spring anil Summer Wear, LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de Lains, Lawns, Ginghams, Derates, IiohfS, Y oolcnt, I'lannels, qc. ;rockiiii:s, Sugar, Tcaa, Coffee, Rico, Molasacs, Chccee, Spires, Bait, eVcv, &c, Ac. Hardware, Nuils, 8crew, Files, Saw, Knives & Forks, &.0 Uneens and Ulasswaro, of various styles and patterns. EOOT3 AtiD BHOB3. A largo assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men, women and children. Hat Cat. &c, of various sizes ond styles. Beside a Inrgo anil general assortment of fashionablo goods. Call and f xanuno for your selves. ry Country produce of all kinds taken In exchange at tho highest market prices. S. N. THOMPSON. Lower Augiit-ta, 4 mo. 23, 1855. NEW STOEE. (. It the old Stand of S. .V. Thonij'son.) npiIE Subscriber respectlully, informs the peo- j Js. plo ol sunlpury and vicinity, mat lie nas ta ken tho Storo Room lately occupied by S. N. Thompson, in Market Street, Sunbury, lielow Weaver' Hotel, nnd that he ha just recoived and opened a handsome assortment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, Coiiflsting in port of Dry Goods, Grocerios, LTardwaro, Quccnswaro, Hats A Caps, B oots & Shoes, Fish, Salt, Moat, eve. All of which will bo sold at the lowest prices. All kinds of produco taken in exchango at th highest market price. n. H. VASTINE. Surbury, April 21, 18551 BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS. THE subscriber having received the necessary forms and insructtions from the Department, at Washington, is prepared to procure Dounty Land W arrants at the shortest notice. II. B. MASSER. J?OTrtT)ry A4I T, ltSB. Pennsylvania Magistrate's Law Library. 1. EINN'S JUSTICE, and ItUSlNKSS MAN'd LEGAL GUIDE. AcM? and Sixth Edition, hrinying the law aown to lb.).). A Treatiwi on Iho office and duties of Alileriiinn and i JuBLiccuf thv lVuoti in the Coitinmnwetilth ( retmayl- vitnia nichiiuiiir all the rrninre! t or inn ol rntrcra ami l)irket KutrieR ; hihI cinlxHlyitiir not enty whatever may be dceiiu'd Viitunble lo JrencKn of tmk 1'eack, but ( Unullonts. 'IVmuitB, nnu Uiiiwrm AireiHB; ami muKint; this vtilume wlmt it nroixisea lo Iw, A bafk I jr.Ai. Ouidk ; rnn HtstSK Mkn. Hy John Hinn lute AltiiTin;m of Walnut Ward, in Mho city ol rhikidt ljlu. 1 he Mxth Ktlilion. ltevist-d, corrected, uml greiitly eulumed hy Frederick C. Drichtlv. F.wi.. Author of "A Tmiiinn ou the luw of ContH," ' Kuity Jniinpruilriue,n ".ii Priu licjiorts'l-tlitoi ot "l'unlon'M uium," x. JU uuc uuvk rolume, Octavo. Price only W.00. COMPANION TO UINN'9 JUSTICE. 2. GUAYUON'S FORMS. Forma of CoiiToynnciu, nnd uf Practice iu the coutta of Common Plain, qunrter Si'jmions, Oyer and Tcnmiit-i, the Hurenic mid Orptmn'a Ctiurln, nnd the nificea of tho various Civil odiccra tindJ unticca of the Pence. Fourth edition, Tcvitkl,eorrected, Nilarfte1, and adapted to the present atnluof the law with copiom eip.Miiutory Notfs and Helerenee. and a new, full, and comprehensive Index, V.y Htbert K. Vrght, l,. In one thick Ocluvo voiuiug. Price only J,.'A). ALIO, 3. BTKOL'D AND BKKSHTLY'S PUKDON'S DIGEST, 1700 to 18.')5. A Digest of the Uiwaof Pennaylvauin. fnm tlie year One Thouwmd Seven lluudreil, to the Kiehlh day of Slav, One Thousand Kiehl llnndrul and Filty-Pivc. Ttcihist Four Kdilious hy the lute Jehu Purdon, Ksq. The F iith, Sixth and SeVeiilh, by the lln Ueoriro M. fctPMul, Kiglith Kdition. Uevisetl, with Marumal References, Foot Notes tn the Judicial DociiuB; Aualytieal Contents ; a Digested Syllabus of ach Title i ami a New, Full, aud Exhaustive Index. Ity Frcdciiek C. llrighlly, Kaq., Au thor of 'A Ti eat tne on tho Law of Costs," ''Equity. JuriKprudence,, "Nisi Priua Kevrta," litlitor of binn's Justice," Ac. One thick Koyul bvt Piiceonlv t6,U0 C?" The freshness and pertuuneut Value of Purdon's Digest ure preserved by the publication annually of a Dm est of the Laws enacted in each year. These uimuul Digests are niraned in precise confnimity to the plan of Purdons1 Digest. They arc, euch of them, republished annually: ure connected toucher by a General Index (prepared anew each year,) wliicli eiubrneea the contents of the luwB of each yew since the publication of Pur don's Digest, in one Alphabet; and are bound up with Purdon's Digest, nnd alao wld separately. Thus the purehiuter ol Purdon's Digest will always be in poftsesttii -ii ol the complete body of the Statute Lawa of Peiinsylvnnia down lo tho very hour when he pur chases it. Those who have already purchased Purdon's Dnrest niav always complete it to date for the small sum ol Fifty Cents, the price of a volume containing all the annual Digests tssueil since the first publication of the present edition ot Puid'Mi'a Digest, us heretofore suited. KAY & HUOTHKK, LAWBaOKftFLLKKS AND PuHLlftllKfiS, 17 & IU South Fifth Street, First Store alve Chestnut. t$T Orders or Icttersof inquiry fur Luvv iiooks from tlie oouutiy, prouintly nit ended to. I'Ji i la., June ao. -Jiua. Great Arrival or SPRINC GOODS! THA T. CLEMENT NFOKM8 his friends and customers thut ho just received an elegant assortment of SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS At Ids Store in Market Street, Sunbury, which ho offers to tho public at the lowest prices. Xlis stock cuiihisls of a general assortment of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Cussmets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Uaiicocs, juusmi a Lains, Lawns, Ginghams, Bcrages. Also a large assortment of CLOTHING. A l.iro assortment uf Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats. Pauuma, Tulm leaf and other Summer Hats. Planter. GROCERIES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, Vc. HARDWARE, Vii i Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, &c QUEENS WARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, LIQUORS, Wine. Brandy, Gin, Bnm, Whiskey, kt. UT Country produce of all kind Ukeu in ci change at the highest market prices. April 8, 1855 ly. HAYD0CK & FIDLER, TkEALERS in Watchce end Jewelry, will continue the business at the old stand of James D. Fidler, Ab. 12 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA, Where they aolieit an examination of their large and vaucd stock, leelinir assured that the evoe rience both of them have had in the business, and the facilities they posseaa for procuring goods on tne most advantageous terms, will cna. ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in tha city. They have now on hand a One assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver, Plated and llrittania Ware, Cutlery, r ancy uoods, &c, See. N. II. Kepairing of Watches anil all kinds of Jewelry attended to with promptness and the greatest care. Phila., April 7, 1855 tf. 'I LEY'S COVUU CilNDY. An teel lent remetly for coughs, colds. ror suit ' at tlu otho. Deceiubtt 1, 195t. . TAMES MoCLIWTOCK, M.D, Lnto PROFEfon of Anate ay and nr((ory In ths PhU sdetphin College of Medleif e. and Acting Professor of AlMlwnory i ons Ol ine consulting i-nyucniin in ino i-nn-Silelphia Hospital. Blookley late rhemlwr of the National Medical Amoeinllon momuer ol ma l'liliadfipnm maul cal sioriety memlier of the Medieo-Chirursieal Cotlegs of Philadelphia formerly President and Professor of . i u... i.. i.. mi. i r-. .11.. v... moat: sad also, bite Professor of Anntianv and PhTsi4 ogy in Berkshire Medionl Institution, 1'ilUhcld, Mass., &c , an., ao. Hns ale v introduced in a nomilar form sevoral of his favorite prescriptions for the pruicipal disease of Util camaic. i as namooi earn srneie win napiy me aiseast for which it is intended to he used. PR.McCl.lNTOCK'SPK.CTOIlALFYrtUP. PrleeSI DR. MeCLI.NTOCK'fl COLD AND COUOII MIX DR. MeCLIN TOCK S AXTIISIA AND HOOI'Le ml.lill KK.MI'.DY. lr co 50 els. Dr. MeCMM TtMJK'S TtWU Al.1 hKJIA AIB RVIIIIP Fir Piirifviiur lhellll. Price 1. DR. MeCLim TUCK DiMI'KI'iiU hUlAlB ror rlviur rjaie to the stomach relieving pains after eating, lunrllHirn, ami all disagrceablo symptoms arising from imliirestioii Price?!. DR. McCI.IN TUCK'S KHKU.I1A I1U.1UA lunr A Purely Vegetulile Ilemnly toe Inlernnhuse, Price SO ets. tin Mi:l.l.TOCK'S irfT:i;.lATlc LINIMENT For Rheumatism. rJiitains. Svvelliiiss, tkc , Ao. Pnct no (,la DR. MeCLlNTOCKS ANODTNK MIXTt'RB-Foi Pains. Toothache, lleudache. Neuralgia, Ac. &o. Pries RO t,ta. Dlt. MeCLlNTOCK'9 FF.VFR AND AC.UE SPE- rlKlf?A rertnin cure for nil Intermittetlts. PneoBl. Dll. MeCl.lNTOCK'S Dl ARHHtKA CORDIAL AND nimi.l-HA PHI'.VI'.N'I'IVI'. A Dll. Wcf'LINTOCK'a VKUI-'.TAHLK PI R0AT1VL PILLS Km Cottiveu-ss. Headache. Ac. rricc ascts, Dll. MeCl.lNTOCK'S ANTIIllLIOCa For lrreculanly in the Functions of tho Liver and lioweU tl. ln.t Liver Pill mnth. Price 'Ja ets. a lX. Fur tln hv Dr. J. .MeCLLNTOCK. tit his Medical De. pot, N V corner ninth nnd Filhcrt sis , Philadelphia, and at nil Drunirists and Dealers in Meilicincs. All Druggists ond Doaleis in Mc-heirics who wish to !o uguuls, will ple.isu nl.Mtess Dr. AlcCiiHtoek, fiiniishuig rolereiieo, ictne of lo:t-l)irtce. couulv anil state. t f For Sale liy Wciser ft limner, funiiary ami Mia- mokin i W'm. Weinier, Northumberland ; C. Hrown, Mil ton : F. P. Lulz, Hlooinshure : J;ieob Ilnrris, HiKkhorii ; hii Vunleeio, Light rtret j 1 fchurpless & Son, Cava- Wissu. January n, 1 i,5. unl. WVL.F. POTTS, UirORTER AND DEALER IN IRON 8l STEEL, 4G1 Market street, below 13 A., north side, FHZX.A.tEZ.PZZZii. Phlla., Dec. 30, 1854 ly. ' HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OjJ'ice opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Nortliumberland County, To. Prompt attontiou to lusinoss in adjoining umnlies. SALAMANDER SAFES. EVANS A WATSON. No. 28 Sou:h Pourth St., Philadetyhia. URE AT FIRE, Chestnut & Fifth Streets, Friday morning, December 35th, 1854. Ei'ans iV Watson's Salamander Sufes 1 rium LT 3 pliant, as they always are when put to the test. "i'liitAPi.Li'His, Dec. 15, 1H54. Messrs. Etims A Watsost, N. Si) fciouth Fourlh St.. I'liilailehihia. Cientlemcn : We take much pleafuro in re. commending your Salamander Safes to Merchants and others in want ot a secure mean ot prcscr ving their books, papers, etc., Irom lire, a the one we purchased from you about seven month since has preserved our books, papers and cash in as good a condition as they were when put into it, before the great fire of this monring, which destroyed the entire block of builuings corner of Chestnut nnd i lfth streets. 1 he above sale was in use in our ollire, on the second floor of our building, from which place it fell into the cellar, nnd riMiinitieil Ihern imlil the firn was out. The Kufo wan then removed and ooened iii tho nres- onen nf nt lent innil r.oraona. mho uitnciseil tli good condition of Iho contents. Will you plcaso have the Sufo and Locks repaired, as we intend to put it lit use again, haviug perfect confidence In Its fire-proof qualities. kours, Ifcspoctrully, LACY PHILIPS. Evan V Watson take pleasure in referring to the following, among tho many hundred who have their Safes in use: U. 8. Mint, I'liilada ; Farmers' and Mechanics Iluuk, Phila : Samuel Allen, bsn., High hiicnlt, I'htla; John tl. Hen derson, City Controller; Caleb Cope 4 Co., No. 183 Market St. ; Kichurd IWns tV Son, Loco- motivo builders, i'liilada; Bancroft J- Sellers, MachimsU, corner 16lh and James Sts.; Iran- klin Fire Insuranco Co., Phila.; Pennsylvauia Railroad Co, Phila.; Lacey 3r Philips, corner 5th aud Minor Sts.; Sharpless liro., No. 32 South Second St..; James Kent & Santeo, No. 117 North Third St; W 11. Horstman & Sons, No. 51 North Third St.; Smith, Williams &, Co., No. 87 Market St.; J. &. B. Ornc, No. 131 Chestnut St. A largo assortment of tho ahovo Safe alwav on hand (warranted to stand at least 10 percent more fire than anv Herring's Safo now In use.) EVANS & WATSON, also manufacture anil keep for sale, Iron Shutters, Iron Doors aud Iron Dash, for making fire-proof suits for lSanki stores, riubhc and privato buildings. Seal and Letter Copying Presses; Patent Slate Lined Re frigerators, etc Please give us a call, at No. 6 South Fourth St., Philadelphia. April 7, 1855. cly. 10. NEW DETJG STORE! WmSEXl & ERUNER, wnoiesaie ana acmu Drugrgists, Market St., next door to E. Y. Bright' Store SUNBUET, IA., OFFER to tho public tho largest and bent - selected stock ever opened in this section of country, consisting ot FRESn AND PURE DRUGS, Medicines, Chemicals, Cround Spices, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye-stud's, Window Class, Patent Medicines, toirclher with a complete as sortment of Paint, Clothes, Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shaving Brushes, Dressing, Side, Neck and Pocket Combs, r aucy Soaps, Shaving ( 'reams, 1 obacco, Scgurs, 1 on Monias, Stationary, Con- (ecuonanes, PURE WINES AND BRANDIES For Medicinal use. English, French and Ameri can 1 erlumery, r ancy Uoods oi every descrip tion, in short every article kept by Druggists generally. tresenptxons Larcjully Lompounned. UKU. 1J. WLilSfcH, WM. A. B RUNE It. Bunbury, May 26, 1859. Sni'ilirr mill Slimmer (.OOtls ' '"P1 u,o UllU oUmnU l VjUOUS . TETER AV. GRAY. INFORMS his friends thut he has just received a good assortment of SPBIKQ AND SUMMER G00D3, at hi Store in Market Suuaie. Hi stock can sista of DRY GOODS, VIZ : Cloths, Cassimers, Sultinetts, Jeans, Diillings, Barage, Barago De Lames, Gingham, Lawns, Linens, Muslin, Flannel, Mantilla Silks, Winter Shawls, Dress Tiiinmii g and all items in the Drv Goods line. Also, a erg assortmet of SlloCN for Men Wontrn'and Children. Hat and Cap, Groceries of every vnrlely. Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Spices, Suit, t ih, &c. Hardware. A general assortment of Cedar Ware Tubs, Buckets, Wash Boards, Brooms, Brushes, &e, UuKxaiWABa a General assortment, Country produce taken at the highest market price. Bunbury, May 19, 1855 tf. CAMPHINE and Fluid of the best quality For sal a h WEISER V BRUNEI. Bunbuiy, May 19. 1S- UOOFLA N D'S Bitter, at Ma 10. WE1IR ft BBUNElTB. TO. m ANN'S LETTER PRESSES, with If I books,! nk, and all ce mplete, just received, I ainj lor aale by II. U. MASSE R. Sunbury, June 4, 1833.-j Sew Goo da tea tha ?eopte ! BENJAMIN HEFFNER TOESPF.CTFULLY Inform tlieriubHoln en. -S1 erol that he ho just tecoivet and opened splendid stock of Spring and Bummer Goods at his New Store, In Lowe A agnate, township. ill aiocK consist in pari ui Cloths. Cassimers. Cosslnets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton aud worsted. ALSO I Calicoes, Gtiiglianifi, Lawns, DIounsicIIuo Ie Lalucs anil all kiuda of Ladies Drcs Uooda. Groceries, Also an assortment of Hardware, IXOU ana steel, Hails, &o. Also an excellent assortment of UUEENSWABE, of various Btyles and patlorns. Aleo an assortment of HOOTS & SHOES. ' HATS 6i CAPS, a good eolcclion. Salt, Fish, tsc. And a great variety of other article such a are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at tho lowest price. l.iT country produce taken in exenange tho highest prices. Lower Augusta, Muv 0, 1855. Cheap "Watches j Jcwelr? VSJIIOLESALE and Retail, nt tho "Philudel. phia Watch and Jowclry Store," Ko. 06 Porth second Mrcrt, corner ol liuarry, (iol,l Lover Wnlehcs, fall jeweled, tl carat eases, 6-3 .00 (ioM I.epiao IhK. Pi'l.oo f ileer Up. full jcwllwl, t. Silver Lever, lull jcwl'd 12 Fine Silver Spect icles. l.'.O r,M llmeelets. 3.00 1.00 6,00 f n-lieR' (li,l,l Pencils, Sanetior (iuartieta, 7. Silver Tea ikmius, set, Goll SneeUieles. 7.IHI Gold Pens, with Teiici! anil Silver Holder, 1,00 Gold Fineer Rings, 37j cents to $90 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12J cents: Patent, lSjt Luiict, 55 ; other articles iu proportion. All goods wur- rantcd to be what tliev are sold for. 8TAUFFER & 1IARLEV, On hand, some Cold and Silver Lever and Lcpinc, (till lower than tho above prices. Sept. 30, 1854. ly. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware AND FANCY GOODS. Choice Assortment of tlie Finest Quality FOR BALE AT TUB LOWEST CASH I'RICCS, AT WM. B. ELTONHEAD'3, No. 181 South Second street, between Ptn and L 7iwn, west side, PHZLADBLPHIA. pHE assortment cinbrihees a Irfirite and Select Stock of X r me Wiitelti'P, Jewelry, riilver Ware, Alliata ware, itiaieii with hue silver, in vioni", 1-orss, junes, itc. et limHis. pans and Fanev Articles of a suneriol inmlitv. rteiiLTvinp tlie exainiualion of tlioiie wlio ilciais lo poxruro tne nst poos al tae iiwen t.:oa rriees. lliiviiut a prnelieal knowteilec ol" the business, and all aeuihilik 1'iicilaiea tor Importing and Manuliieluriii., tha Btilisenlier ennfuteully invites purehnFera, believing uml ho enn supply mem on terms ns invornnie as any otuer esi-.u, lishinenl iu either of Ihe Atlantic Cities. IV All kuuls of Diamond and Pearl Jewelry and Silver W are innniilactureu to urilcr, witliui a rea,niitiie tune. Ijy watches, Jewelry auUMiver are laitiiiuny rc- pairea. H.M.U l.L.O.Mir..i, No. tl South 2d St.. a few doors abovs the -.M Miuket West Side IV In the South Window of tho Store, may he seen the Inmoiis lilltt) CLOCK, which coiunuiuus the uuunrutioii ol the scientific ana curious. Philu., Oct. 7, It-d-l. ly Furniture ! Furniture ! 2Vo. 157 South Second (above Sjruce,) catttirff pniLADELrniA. HE subscriber would respectfully inform the I loader of tho Sunburv American and the public generally, that he has on hand a constant supply of elegant, fashionable, and well made t urnituro at reasonable prices, llcing a practi cal mechanic, and having all his goods manufac tured tin Jer his own superintendence, purchasers may rely on getting just such articles as are represented. Lounges with rcmovablo arms, also new patterns of Sofa Bedsteads. 1 hose who are about going to housekeeping would do well to cuIL JOHN A. BAUER, 157 South Second street. N. B. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. April 28, t55. wS ly, 8. fTSCCiJT. THO. c. caioi S; L. PAKCOAST &. CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS 110 DFALERS IN Fish and Provisions OKSSIIAILT, A"o. 17 AbrM li'Aarvcs, PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, Sept. 10, 1354. HENRY B. FUSSELL, MASWlCTrRSR ov Umbrellas 6j Parasols, IN EVERY VARIETY, AT THE OLD BTANP, Jo. 2 Xorlh Fourlh St., Philadelphia. IE" Constantly on bund a lorge assortmrn to which the attention of Dealers is requested. 1'Uila.. bepl. lb, 1854. Boarding! Boarding: ! 54 W RS. WHARTON can accommodate 8 or f 3 10 respectablo boarders. Location: North-west comer of Market Square, .Snnbury. Person wishing a oomfortablo home will hud this a desirable pluco. fcunbiiry, Ajiril 11, ISoD. tf L. L. BEVAtfi SHAlOSIlT HOTEL. anamoKin l a- rlIIE subscriber begs leave to inform his Irlemls JL and tho public generally, that ho has taken mo aiiovc well known stand, and will 1 e happy o.euiiiiiiooaio an wno may gno him a cull. onumoKiii, July 8, 18i4 OOTS, Shoe, Hats, Cop and Gum Shoes, iun iccrivBii and lor aa l,v uct. t 18&4. TENER 4 CV A a, wkiT1.Q FLUID and Adho Uve and legal envelope, for sale by I r, , . II. B. MASSEIL 8unhury, Jan 10, I8M SHOES All kind of Boot Shoe and elip Vieril (c.9 .ml. Km G. ELSBERO A CO. Market atrect. ennosite the Post Office, Sunbury, Oct. g. 1S53 T1LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortcagoa, Bonds. Executions, Summon o for aula b JJ. B. MAfcKER. SvriBirvy , ApH "8, 185 BLANKS. LANKS of every description can be had Viy app vnr at theoilice of the American. ROUND and whole Pepper, Cloves, Cinna mon, Nutmeg, Mace, Alllspico, Ginger, Liquorice, &c., Stc, at Nov. 18, '61. YOUNG'S STORE. JEWELRY A nice assortment of Geld an feilvei Pencila and Pen, for sale cheap by O, ELSBERO ii CO., Market atreet, opposil th Port Olhc Banbury, Oct. , 1853. MJATENT BRITTANIA JT0PPER3 In Mr Doiiiea tor ai oj H. B MAS8ER, Sunbury, April, It, 1851 TR. H. H. HIGBEE'S remedy for couth "colds, and pulmonary disease. A aupply ef this valuable rueduui just received and lor aal. by Ii. U. AOt.n. Sunbury, June 4, 185J. "AID AND C0MF0BT," To Your Own Mechanics. GEOllGE RENN, MANUFACTURER. OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS ui tne most Fashionable Stvln. rTHE ulscribcr respectfully call the attentioj x ef the public to hi large and plcndid assork men! of every quality and price of CAI1IIVET-IVAIII3 which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery on who will cxainino it, on account of it durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best tock to lie had in tho city, Ke cllort i spared in tho manufacture of his ware, and the ubscribcr is determined to keep up with the many improvements wiucn are constantly bcina iiiauu, in. utuciv cuiiaisis oi nianogany sofua, Dlvniis) and Lounge Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards. SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DI.MXG TABLB and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila ucipma manulacturc. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and nriee. CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLK STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES. In short, every articlo in this line of his business. no aiso manuiattures all kinds and qualities of CIIAIItS. ncludlnn varietic never before to lm I,.. I 1 Sunbury, such as MAitooAxr, Black Walkct Aftn tiniKti MAPLBtiiir.ciAs; anii Wimisob CHAIRS, asp favct Piano Stools, which are of tho latest styles, nnd warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in tho Cities or elsewhere. 1 ho subscrils-r is determined that lher 1.,1! be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, ns everv ctmfidonen rnn l, r,i..i ..;.. i about tho quality and finidi of his waro and Chair. Ilia nrlic.lca will he tlisnosctl of on a rrnna terms as they can be purchased cNewhere. Coun try Produco taken In pavmont for work. LiT L'NDEKTAKINO. Having provided himself with a hundsomo Heahsk, ho is now prepared for Undertaking, nnd attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at anv niiv,.,,,i .iw. tance from this place. Tho Waro Room is in Market 6treet, below Thompson's Sloro and Weaver's 'iv.r. GEORGE RENN. Bnnbury, Jan. 10, 1353 tf. KEIiVK ts.UXUiii l , Successor lo Hartley Knight. BDBDINO- 6l CAIIPET WAREHOUSE, No. US South Second Street, fiv doors above spruce street, FHILADSLCBIA here he keep constantly on In assortment of every arlicla in and a full his line of business. FEATHERS, FEATHER HF.DS. Patent Sjiring Mattresses, curled hair, Moiss Corn Husk and Straw Mattresses, Velvet, Ta pestry, Tapestry, Brussels, Three-Ply, Ingrain, Venetian, List, Hag and Hemp Carpctings, Oil Cloths, Canion Mattings, Cocoa and Spanish Mattings, Floor and Stair Druggets, Hearth Rugs, Door Mas, Tablo and I lano Covers. 1 o which he resnectfullv invites the attention of purchasers. fhlla- Oct. 7, 1854 ly. United States Hotel, Chestnut Street, above Fourlh. PIIILADELl-HIA. CJ- MacLELLAN, (lato of Jones' Hotel,) has tha nlnnetirn t.i inCrn. I,iu f.:.... I.. ....I he traveling community, that ho has leased this Ho uso for a tcrui of years, and is now prepared for tho reception of Guests. 1 ho Locul advantages of this favorito establish- room are too well known to need comment. 1 ho Houso and Furniture have been nut in first rate order : the rooms are lurgo and well vontilatcd. Tho Tublca will alwav bo sunnlied with tho best, and tho proprietor pledges himself mat no cuorl ou his part shall he wanting to make tho United States equal in comforts to any Hotel in the Quaker City. i'hila., July H, 1854 NOTICE To Trespassers on tha Telegraph Line. "aTOTICE Is hereby given, that all persons k v found trespassing upon, or injuring tho line ; of tho Philadelphia and Sunbury Telegraph will ! be dealt with according to the net of Assembly in such cases mado and provided. 11. U. MASNL.Ii, Pres't rhlla. nnd Sunbury Telegraph Co. Sunbury, Juno 8, 1H54. tf. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, or Tasteless Baits, Prepared bv WEISF.R & BRUNEI. This prepaiatlon is recommended as un ex cellent laxatlre and purgative, it operates mildlv. Is entirely free from any unpleasant taste, re sembling lemonado in llavor. This medicine is j highly bcnefieiul for diseases pcculiur to summer nd hot weather. Sunbury, July 1, 151. WM. M'CAUTY, JJ O O K 8 i : L L L H , .Market Street, 6UHBURY, PA. JUST received nnd for salo, a fresh supply vf , w .m - .m a. .is.i?av for Pinplng Schools. Ho Is elo opening at this time, a l.irgo asKortmcut of Books, in every branch of Literature, consisting of Poetry, History, Novels, Romances, Rcieutillo Works, Law, Medicine, School and Children' Books, Bibles; School. Pocket and Family, both with and without Engrat ings, and every of vari ety of Binding. Prayer Books, of all kinds. Also just received and for sale, l'urdons Di gest of tho laws of IYnusyIauM, edition of 1651, prico only 50,00. Judge Read edition of Blarkstones Commen taries, In 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly sold at $10,00, and now offered (in fresh binding) al the low price of S0,00. . ... . , , e n I I- , J realise on irb laws oi j riniNviMiiiia rr- the estates ioi uoceuenis, oy Anoma. r. Gordon, prlco only 34.00. Travels, oyge and Adventure, all or which will be sold low, either for cash, er coun try produce. February, tl, 1859. tl. BAMUEL S. FETIIERST0N, DEALER IN Lamps, Lanterns, ChandilirrsanJ CanJclabras, lo. 152 B. 2J street, a'lovt Spruce, nnt.AriF.LriiiA. Tavlng enlarged and improved his storo, and having one of tho largest assortments of Lamps, in Philadelphia, is now prepared to fur uish Pine Oil, Comphene, Burning Fluid, Lard and Oil Lamps, and Lanterns of all patterns, Glass Lamps ly the package, at a small advance over auction prices. Being a Manufacturer and Dealer of Pine Oil, uruiug Fluid and Alcohol, which will bo funnelled to Merchants at such price thut they will find it to their advantage to buy. Also, Household Glassware of all descrip tions al the lowest market price. Philadelphia, Oct. 14, 1854. ATS AND CAPS A plemlid lot of fasldonabl. Silk. Wool and Fur Hats, aiso CMh, Far, Oilcloth, Navy and Military Cap for aalo low by 0. ELPBERO 4 CO. Market street, opposite lha Test Office. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853. jfiOLD PENS with and without cases, f a- JW "J euperior quulity, just received. Aleo a flash aupply of Writing Fluid, for tula hy II, 1). MASr EU. ' Sunbury, Dec T. IS51.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers