SPARKING ST7NDAT NIGHT. Bitting in 'h cortior On a Sunday eve, With a taper finger Resting cn your ulcovfl i Starting eyes .ru rastins On your face thoir light, Bless me 1 this is pleasant Sparking Sunday Night ! IIow yonr heart is thumping 'Uainit your Smiilay vest How wickedly 'tis working On this day of rest j 1 Hours seem but minutes As they take their flight s Moss met ain't it plensntit Sparking Sunday Light ! , Dad and Maui are s-lecping On their peaceful bed, Proaming of the things The folks in meet ins "said , "Love ye oil another," Ministers recite s lilesa me ! don't we do it Sparking Suudny N'ight ! One arm with pontic prossuro Lingers round her waist, ' Yon squeeze her dimpled hand, Uer pouting lips you taste, Khe freely slaps your face, , Hut more in love than spito ; Oh, thunder! ain't it iileasaut Slaiking Sunday Night 1 Bat liavk tlio clock is striking It's two o'clock, I sntitn, As sure as I'm n sinner Tlio time to go has come j You ask with spiteful accents, . If "That old clock is right, And wonder if it ever fc'piiikod ou Sunday Night 1" One, two, three, sweet kisses, Four, five, six, yon hook Bui thinking that you rob her, Give her buck those you took j Then as forth you hurry From the fair one's sight, .. Don't yon wish each day was Only Sunday Night 1 Janitors RILES FOR RAISING POIXTRY. VTe End the following iu the papers . without credit, and do not know its origin. 1 All yonng chickens, ducks and turkeys, should bo kept under cover of the weather during the rainy season. 2 Twice or three times it week, pepper, parlic, &c,,.bhould be uiixed up with their food. 3 A small lump of asafcetida should be placed in the pan iu which their water is giv en them to drink. 4 Whenever they manifest disease, by the dropping of their wings, or any outwnrd signs of ill health a little nssafectida broken - into lumps, Ehould be mixed with their . food. 6 Chickens which are kept from the dung ' hill while young, Beldom have the gapes ; therefore it should be the object of those who have charge of them so to confine the hens as to preclude their; oung from the range of 'aru or stublo yards. 1 6 Should any chickens have the gapes, mix op small portions of assafcedtida, rhuoarli, and pepper into fresh butter, nnd give each chicken as much of the mixture as will lie on Lalf the bowl of a tea-spoon. 7 For the pip the following treatment is judicious Take off the indurated covering ou the point of the tongue nnd twico a day. ' for two or three days, a pieco of garlic the ize of a pea ; if garlic cannot bo obtained, onion, shallot or shives, will answer ; and if neither of these be convenient two grains of 1 Mack pepper, given iu fresh butter will an swer. MELONS. Every family among our farmers, might easily raise a sufficiency of melons for their own use, by giving a little attention to their cultivation. A heavy soil underlaid with clay, is of all ground the mont unfavorable, but even there by digging large and deep holes say two feet square and 20 or more inches deep, and tilling up with about equal parts of sand top soil and well rotted manure, a good supply may be attained. Melons of the catitelopo species are inott easily raised iu which there Deed never be a failure unless through the ravages of tho "striped bug." The best way to avoid this pest is to start the plants early. This may be done by soak ing the 6oed a few days in a warm room or near the stove, (wo have observed no injury from their gcriniuation during the process.) and then planting them npon wetted tods iu Bome warm and sheltered spot, tho number of seeds on each sod to constitute a hiil. The first of May, or thereafter remove tho eods to tho prepared hill, and they will be old and hardy enough to resist the uepredatious of tho bug. When planted so as to come out of the ground just in tiio "Bug season," it i often out of the question to save them. I'.arly cucumbers can be greatly forwarded by this system. RAISING POl ATOL. KRO.H KLU. It is desirahle to do this frequently, for the jmrpos of obtaining new varieties, since the o ones frequently become worthless, and are apt to rot. For this purpose select good, fair-sized ripe potato balls, from tho best va riety of potatoes, cut the balls open, and wash the pulp containing the seed in water, M'ain and dry them. They should ba cave fully planted about the middle of Mav, into warm, rich and mellow earth. The s'eed of potatoes thus planted by mo iu 18;"3, grew . strong and thrifty, from which I have now iuite a number of bushels. Many of the po tatoes attained a fair si2e, weighing some four ounces each, atid were (,'ood, sound pota toes. In one seasou I have thus obtauied iuile a variety, ' ' a a Hat akd Cattle Scales. AVhy do so few ' farmers have a scale to weigh domestic ani- hiuis, uay, straw, ore, tuut they may know the value of improvement compared with cost? i'hut they may know the quantity of hay uiid other farm product ,ld and not bo obliged , to guess? Doubtless many will answer, it is because the uale cost go much. Hut e think if they will figure out the coxt, and the durability of the scale, with the expense. U , or time and toss of knowledge as to the ieult of their owu labors, ic, tiny will find it to be a saving in the end, to say nothing 0f the satiefaction which such a conveniauce and an. peudage to a farm, would afford. The following iteruWy b of importance .la farmers. It is worth looking after ; The Ei'eliih stable keepers tiro beginning , to ud tH carrots form a cl. aud nntn- lioui ioou to ruix Willi gram for tiieur hordes. . It in better to give u working Lo:e a peck of carrots and four quarts of oats or ecru meal a . day, than to give him tux quart of meaL c 1 Bet yonr tomato plant early, and tend them well till the fruit begins to set, then cov. 'r the ground complete with short straw eix or seven inches deep. Thiavorks admirably the rine need do props, and will stand drouth remarkably. 1 It pig Iroa anything lik petrified pArb ? Ifnm'fm iM.t JAMES MoCLINTOCK, M. D., Late I'KOFF.rMOR of Anatnmv ami Surswr in Uie Phil mlelpliia College of Medicine. an. Acling Pnitemor of M id wil'erv I one of the Civisultiiie Phrsicana of the Phil- ailelpliia Hisuiilal. Illockley; bite menilier ol the national Mertlcnl AiHiciBllnii metiHier oi tne rnumieipnm mw.i cnl fioeietv I member ol the Medir-o-Chirargieal College of FhllBil'lphia (-rinerty Preeiiletit mid Professor f Anatomy ana Surgery In Cutlet mi Mwlical College, Vet tnont ; mill also, lole Professor of Amli'my ntt I'lnsM ety In Herksliir. Medical Institution, PilUtiekt, Maw., Ac , c, An. Una lately introduced in popular form aeveral of his fiivnnle ireatrii' fur the hnncipHl disease of Milk climate. The name of each article will imply the discast liir wliii li it i iiilemli-d o tie iied. lin.M'CUNTOOK'S PKCTOKAl.SYRl P. Priee1 Lilt. MiCI.I.NTllIKU CIH.U A.1 lui-un nn.v Tl'HB Kor O i l", roneha, Ac Price il eti. UK. McCI.IX TtlCK aSTIIMA AiVll liuurwu coi;on hi:mi:dv. Prico .w cn. .,.. Dr. McCI.I.N TOt K'S Td.MU BVHL'P Kur Pnrifyinr Ihe WooH. Pruel. McCIJ.NTOi'K'tl DYSPKPTIU h.l.lAin ror ivinar tone to the stomach relieving pnine alter amnsY earlliiirii, ami nil iliuisrccnble sj miliums arising Itom Innires'i n I'fieelSI. LIU. McCUNTOt'K'S RtlErMATIC MIA 1 I nr. A Purely V. aetiihle X"t internal ik. Price .'HI els. JJIt. ftICt.1.1. 1 Ut IV Kit C.L M A I H- ii.iiiiii-.. i- For Hheuinatum, Sprains, Pvrelliiws, Ac, Ac. Piicr 50 cenia. DR. McCl.lXTOCK'S ANOUYXK IMIMl Kfi Ml Pains. Toollneht, lleudiiclie, Meurulgin, Ac. Ac. Price 60 eeiim. DR. McCMNTOCK'S FF.VFR AND ABI E uri;- CIFIC A crrtnoi cure nil InlerinittLiits. Pricefl. DR. MiCI. NTOCKt DIARKIHUA CORDIAL A,U CII.l:HA I'HKVKNTIVI'. A sine remeily. UK. Mel.l.lN POCK'S VKftKTAIil.K PI RHATIVIi, PILLS. Fm Cutivemaa, Hmrlnrhe, e. Price S5ct. nit.'ihtk'm anti ii .iols rn.i.! t or Irregularity in the Function ol the Liver and Bowels the lient Liver Pill mnile Price a. cia. a l"jt For mle In-Dr. J. McCl.lNi'OOK. nt liia Meilicnl Pe- p'it, N W corner ninth anil Filbert sU , Philiidclpliin. and at all Driicpnitf mid DcMlcra in Metliciuei. All Urugeiula 1(1 Uenlrra in Mcilicioca who wish to lie carnt. will plense uilciilrcsn Dr. McClmtnck. fuririiiing reference, mime ol I'ost-Dmce. county nml stnle. ClT For 8-ile ly Wciser A Hruner, Snnlinrv and Pha. ni"kin ; Win. 'ei-ner, IS.irthumherhiiid : C. Hrnwn. Mil ton ; T.. P. I.nt7, Itl-ioinshurg : Jneob Harris, nuckhorii ; jobn Vunlecio, Light Struct ; 1 Bluirpless A Bon, Cnl i. Jnnuury 9, 133. 6im. LAWRENCE HOUSE, SUNBTIRY, PA. rilHE ful'tcriber respectfully inform the public JL thut alio still continue! to keep the above named public house. She has also received a new supply of Rood liquor and wines, and trusts that the will bo ablo to give satisfaction to all who may visit her house. MARIA THOMrsOX. Sunbury March 4. 1854. if. British Periodicals EARLY COPIES SEr tRED. yPrtm'mmi to 'tw Subscribers ! ! J '.EOOARD SCOTT ft CO , New York, continue to re publikb ttie following British Peiiuilicals, via. : t. THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative) THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) 3. THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free C'h.) THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) BLACKWOOD'S EDI N BURG MAGAZINE (T,..y). Thft prrneut critical itote of Huiopean niT.iin will mi'ler tlictte ptililifitti'His miusvally ii.teivat.iiir iluriiiar the ft nth- ciiMnp eitr. They will ccup) n muUlle fimutxt henveeii the hastily wnteii news-Uniit, cru le Hpeeulutinitt. fly ing lum-iia nf the d.nly J 'tiriiul, ami the -iiiicrMta Tome of the future hist'irrui, wntti-n nftcr the living hitorvst Bin! excitement f the prent p'ltit icnl events if ihe time thn'l have piiMed nway. H is to these Periitdicit thut teutlrri must lnk f r the mily rrnlly iuttlligihle nnd reh.i Me lunt'iry of etirrent events, nnd n nm-U, m nddiun m their well-esttihtiiiln-d litetury scientifK'. nnd tliec-lnpiejil clmrficter. we urge them upon the cjiisidcratiuii 01 the n n! injf j uhlic. Tip ArmngenifMit ore now permnncnlly made for the receipt of Karly Sheets from the Hntish Puhhs'iers, hy wliirh we ore enabled to (iJnre oil our Ileprmrs in the r,Rtn: oi iiiiifeniierH, ntxmt nt i n an they enn ikj luraitneu with the foieivrn c nies. Alth'Hiizh tins involves a very Inrce nntby on our nrt, we itli;tll continue ti fuinish the Peu-dcs!i4 nt the rmc low mtej ss heretofore, together wun uic i ii Mving i feiiiuiius 10 new rtitncriiieri. T Ell .MS AND I'KEMIL'MS See list df Premium Volumes bdoic 1 Per nun. For any one of tlio four Rcviewsnnil one Piem. vol. fl t) F m any two one tltl Ki'i imv ttiree two ' 711) l'ir nil f mr i f the Jteviews two " t I'U l-or fttackwiiort a .AlHSHZine (l one 11 3 tiO For lilacs wihhI and three Hevicws three " 9 IK) Pur 11 luck wood & the four P.eviewa three " 10 00 I'a'imcuts Vibe mwie tn nil costs in advance. Mmeij current in the Stale where issued u-itl be receivid at par. Ihv Premiums conmtt of the following; works, hack Volume of wlllrll will lie tfiven to new Suhscriberi nirr. ding to ihe tiuiubtrr of jiernidivuls ordered, us aouvs ex- piciiiicu TREM1UM VOLUMES. Fobeiom QrARTKRLEY Rsvjew (one year liL( swoon's .Maoazink (six hi. Hill. b). Loso n ()nHiKm.r Kkvisw lone yoat). I'.DiNBURO HfclviKW (.me yeir). MktbopolItan Magazine (six month;) Westmixater Review (one veni). Lonsceutive Piennuin voIiiiiica cin.not in all cases tie lurinslirit. rxreot of the Foreisn IJmrterlv Review. To prevent ilisnpii 'iiitinent, llitiflori-. uhere hat wnk it not aloin wuiitnt. iilArrilHrawill pltie nnli-riis many difloi eut works for iiremimns as there ure volcinvs to' winch incy may ue entitu-d. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the ohove pri. rt-s vviii neanoweti lo i.l.-ns oiiIltiii); Inur or in re eonea of any one or m ire of Die alxve works. Thus: I'unr Cttii-sol ll'iirkw.iod. or of one Rfview, will lie sent to one niinrrM tor n'l ; tour eooies of the lour Reviews and uuirhwoou lor ?;jo; nnrl s i on. POSTAGE. In all the prinjirml Cities and Towns, these works will he delivered, tiroiiuh Aiii-mI. FltKi; 1-' PUSTAliK When sent liy mail, the Pottn-e n anv pun of the I'iiiImI Suites will he but Tvi lily-Four 't enia a year for "ninekwood." nnd but Twelve tents a year for euch of the Review's. Remittances and communications should always be sdilrcssetl, post'iaid, to the Publishers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO., 81 UOI.D STitKET, NKW YORK. N .B L. 8. Il Co. lidvn recenllv piili!iaheil. and have ow for mile. Ihe '-FARMKR'S FiClUi:," In- Henry Si. nhciis. of Kdinhurpri, aud Prof. Norton, of Yule Colh-ce, New Hnveu, complete iu two vols, royul oeturo, c i"Uinir,j ICiKi pnees. 14 sleel and 000 wood engravings. Price lu niuliin luiidiii. S4J. ( Tiiis work is k it the nH "D"".k at the Farm," Inicly UEvAriTATi;tand iIimwii upou the .Maiket. New York. December 2), Ipil. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN IRON & STEEL, 461 Market street, hehwc Zth, north side, PHILADELPHIA. Philn., Dee. 30, 1SS4. ly. NEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS FOR THE SPRING 1855. RV.E & LANDF'LL. 8. W. Corner of Fourth cV Arch St,.. Philnde lpliia. aie fully prepared to suit Inner. t.r. cV Rerm, with goods adapted to their wauls and at the low est nelt cash prices. Black Silks, Fancy Irt JVVtr Dress floods, Neic Spring Shawl, Xoctll'us in Lawns, Ih ittish Prints, l'hiid (linghtimt, Good Linens, Tulle Linens, S heehnr-s, . IS. U Bargains daily received from the Auc tions, tjf -New Vork and Philadelphia. P. S. il Uoiled lllak riiika warranted not to eu- in wearing. Store-keepers tupplied with those goods rvgulatly. 1'liilada. March 3, 1855 w 3in 3 ' Front Street Wiro Manufactory. watsimTa vox, Sieve, Hiddln. Screen ind W irt Cluth Manu facturers, .Vo. 40 JWM Fin,,! St.. Corner of Coomb's Allry, beticeen Market and Mulberry (Arch) Streeit, flllLAOtU'llU. . , rONTINl'E to maniifheiuro ofseperior quali ty, Brass and Iron Wire fcicve. f a kinds. Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for P.,,, Makeis. &c Cylinders and Dandy JJo'.le covered in Uie twit manner. .TwilleJ . Wir. for Spark Catchers Wrda- wS"? ''"r t,uu'"'. ee Wire JlV t ,W',e' tfe'- r'P- Ui"h Covers. Coal .verv .lZ,i?o' C- f "Cy W Workuf PUila.. Feb. 84. 18SS.Sm.0 O. EL6BERO i CO, Market street, opposite the Post Office. a. tSft 3. . 1JAEDWAKE and j , v. rialiea and f all descripuoas, uat received aad for sale by VM. A.KNABfl Lewst Aafnsia, May Ilis THE .WEEKLY HERALD. j The Best General Newspaper in the World. . ThNwYo Wsesi.y HsRAt.B IspnMished every rtaturdny mornins;. Its contents embrace all Ih news of Ihe srent events of the day, reports of mietinp, of the Hute lpislHture, and of Conaresa; Important public doc uments ( Kuropeau and home correspondence ( financiitl and oommcrciiil, and etlitoiiiils of eenertil Interest, that have anniented in the New York Pally HemW. It is neatly print cd. in clear type, on larftedoublermi lo sheet of forty-eitht coiumna a book directory lit it selfand forms nuc of the best and moat vnluuble weekly newspapers in the world. The arenteat care is taken to obtain the latest and moat reliable iittellitrence of important movements jn all parts of the world. No expense is spa red for the purpose. The snliarripti'm price is three dollars per nminm, pnya tile in advance, or sixpence per sitifrle ropr. Kilito-s of newspapers throughout the couniiy are iinrtieuliirty re tpicstiil to act as ng-cnts. They will receive twenty-five percent commission on all cah snliscilptlons. Any pi-r-son obtnniiiis live or more subscribers will be allowed the sums commission, TsltMS TO Cl.lBS. For one copv of Wi Five cipies Ten Filteen Tvrcnty Twciity-rTv Thirty Tlnrty.fivs Forlv i Herald for one year f W riu do II di do C4 Cl) do do .1 ir Oo t ') HO do do M ) do do 6? M tin d.i 78 ;s do do ftti OU d I ill 111) -2.y do do 1 1)1 50 Fortylivs Fifty All letters lo lis ad.treserl to J.imes Gordon Bennett proprietor nml editor of the N ew York Hetald, New Yoik citv Hcmtttan?cs musl lie made in funds ptirrrnt In this citv. AdvcriinerneiiiB msciird iullis Weelilv lleiald foi tlnriv CenlA per line. New York, Feb. 1S55. TOljASirBUSs." BAXL7 &TBP.OTIIS?., So. 202 Chestnut street, above Jth Philadelphia, Havt i.ow open at Irtrge slock of CARPETINGS, EmVritcins; tlio new ami leading stvlos in Vol- vet, Tupestry, Druwuls, Ingrains, Utair Carpel, Oil Cloths, A.c.. all of which will bo sulj at the lowest cash pricss. WHOLESALE & RETAIL riiila., Sept. 9, MATCHES! MATCHES!! JOHN DON s'ELLY, 71 TANL'FACTURER and inventor of SalVlv Patent Square Upright Wood box Matches. No. 100 FOURTH Sticet, (above Race,) Philadelphia. Matches liaving become, an imleapensible m ti de in hounekceping, the subscriber alter n creat sacrilire ol time nnd money. isenaMeil to oiler to the Public an article at once combining; Utility and Cheapness. The inventor knowing the dan ger apprehended on account of the fliniov ni. in ner in which Matches are generally packed in pa per, has by the aij of .New Steam Machinery of his own invention, succeeded in getting tip a SMCfirr l'ATHXT SQI'AIIE UPRIGHT Wood Box ; thix box is far preferable, in as much that it occupies no more room thnr. the old round wood box, atid contains at least Two Hundred per Cent more Matches, which to Shippers i consid erable advantage ; it is entirely new and secure against moisture and spontaneous combustion, and dispels all danger on transportation by means of Kailroad, $lcamboat or any olhc mode of Con veyance. These M atches are narked so tloit one rrnvs or more may lie Shipped to any part of ihe World j with perfect surety. I hey are the most article for Home Consumption, and ihe Southern and Western Markets that has ever been invented. Dealers and (Shippers, will do well to call and examine for themselves. I' if These Matches are Warranted to be supe rior to any tiling heretofore offered to Ihe Public. JOHN lJO.V.NEI.LV. 1C(1 Xorth FOURTH St., 1'liilaJ'a. riiila., iJcc. 10, 1854. Cm. lltMtYli. FLSSELL, ham Fit n iitn or Umbrellas l'arasol?, IN EVERY VARIETY, AT THE OLP bTAND, A'o. 2 Xorth Fourth St., Philadelphia. Constanl'y on hand a large assorlinen to w hich the attention of Dealers is requested. I'hila.. fcej.t. IG, 1H51. TC aSrCAHTV, u o o k 8 iu. i. i; ii , Market Street, SUNBURY, PA. TUST received and fur sale, a fresh supply of r,VAXGr.LiciL .'tirsEc for Binging Schools. He is also opening at this time, a Inrge assortment of Dool.s, in every branch of Literature, consisting of Poetry, History, Novels, Konianccii, Scientific Works, Law, Medicine, Mchuol and t 'liililieuV Books, Billies ; School. Pocket tind Family, both with anil without Engravings, and every of vari ety of Binding. Prnyer Books, of ull kinds. Also just received and far sale. Purduns Di gest of the laws of Pennsylvania, edition of 135 1, price only SC.lHl. Judge heads edition of Blackstones Commen taries, in 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly sold at 10,011, and now olfcrod (in fresh binding) at the low price of i(i,U0. A 1 realise on tlie law of rennnvlvania le- spectiug tho estates of Decedents, by Thomas V. Uordon, price only i t, 0(1. I ravels, ova Res and Adventures, all ot which will be sold low, either for cash, or coun try produce. l ebruary, Si, 183S. tt. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware AND FANCY GOODS. fcA Choice Assortment of the Finest Quality FOR KALI: AT THE UAVEbT CAM) .'KITES. AT WU 3 ELTONIIEAD'S, So. 184 South Second street, bttwien Vine and I uWttj IVlSt ldCt nilLADELrHIA. 'IMIF. rrulrf-ai-'e a Mnr nntl 8 Htvk nt I I'ltttj Vitclir, Jewrliy, iStlvtr Wurc, AiUtu Ware. il i let I wtih hue MIvct, iu tiii, I orks, liilU-u, A.e. el ti.nuli, K in mid KniH-y Article f tt ttuitfn 'r ijuuiiiy, rJenervu:g Die t-xmiiiiiiHi n nf wlltt dekiie lu pfuvUfV ilie i-t'M ( mh.ii wi tlie ijiwvMt i tuli rnccs. Iliiviuir n iiriicticul kniivvle;1:e of iht iHMiueit. uik) all HVHiliilile lucililleal t'T 4in.irlinff and M iuuiiictiriiiii. the ulairrittrr c Uifiilei.tlv mviteg p a ret in ten , lf iievnuf tiiut lie caii uppty tliem dii thrill uat uv irxlle as a.iy I'tiier tstuli- lunitifiii in ennrr oi ice Atl nitie (Jute. IV AU kuiils iu Diattu tflaiKl leufl Jewrky nnJ Silver Ware tiuwiut&LturtjJ ti fdcr, withtua tfjawnaiiic lime. IfT" WmIcJil, Jcwcliy mid Stiver Ware fuithlullj-repaired. WW. B F.LTOMIF.AD, Sn. 11 South id St., a few a or above Hit iiJ .Jaike4 West Hide IV In the H-uth Wiihlrtvnf the Sure, urny leaeeii the fHinou BiliO CLOCK, which ooiiunaiMl iim MJuirtsU..i. ol' the Kieiititic ami euriHi. riulu , Oct. 7, ly L. I. BE VAN, Sliamokia Fa. f 11IIC subscriber legs Iryve to inform his iriends A and the public genet ally, that he has utken the above well known stand, and will ba happy to accommodate all who may give him a call. Hiamokiii, July 8, 1 8i4. ilENRY rOSUEL, ATTORNEY AT LAV. Office opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County, Fa. Prompt attention lo business in adjoining lounliea. I NK Uoureau's celebrated ink, and also Con fres ink for tale, whulwala and retail by UxceinUr SH. 18M). H. U MAW6KR. WK H A80I.8 of ah aorta. Umbrellas, carpet WL bags, willow baskets and cedar ware of all kinds, just received aud Tor sale by WM. A. KNABB. Lower Augusta, May 6, 1854. BOOTS, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Gum $hoes, jut received and for aale by Oca T UM. TEN'ER dVCu. .' . 'ACXTB,E TOR ALL 1 ! I Hollo way's Ointment. Citizens of tht Vnion: Yon have done ma the honour, as with on volca, from one end of the Union to the Bther, to stamp Ihe character of my Ointment with yonr approtaitim. It la scarcely two years since 1 mode it known among Ton. anil aheady, it has obtained more celebrity thiol any other Medicine .,, so short a pM,, nouWATf 8S, Cornet of Ann nnd Nassau Streets, New otk A9TONISH1NO CI'RK OK BORK I.WJS, AFTER NINE YKAHSSTAMJI.NO. Copy of a Utter from Mr. W. J. Lnngfctj, oj ilmUsville, Yatlkut County, Oorth Carolina, V. S., dutal November l.if, 1853. O-KEAD HIS OWN WOK US. To Professor IIollowat, Sir, It is not my wish to become notorious, ncilhe is this letter written for the mere sikc of writing-, but to siy. that your Ointment cured me of one of the ln"St dleailliil curluneoiiB Hull tlesh is heir to, mid Which whs considered by all who knew me, to lie entirely iicyoiui the rcuch of nicilieine For nine years I was nthictril with one of the in st painful and troublesome sore legs that ev i fell to the lot of man ; nnd nller Irynnr every niedieinc I had ever heard of. I resiirneil iu ilinpuir nil hope of lieinj. cured : but a friend broiipht me a couple of larire pr,tH ,, y,,uf Ointtneiit, which euused t lie s nes on my levs to henl, and 1 entiiclv rejlaiued my health lo my nreeiibie snrpnso and deiiht, tind to the nsloiiisliiiicul oi my i neons, (turned) W. 3. !, AXOl.F.Y. AN KXTKAOnniNARV CVRF.OK A I1AIJ Hltl-MST, Wlir.N MJAUI.Y AT Till: POINT OF 1UA I II. Copy of a letter from Mr. R. Durunt, Stw Orleans, November Qth, 1333. T i Professor IIollowat, 39, Corner of Ami and N'assua Slrccis, N. Y. Dear Sir, H is with heartfelt itratilitde I hnve lo inform yon that bv the use of your Uiiitnient n.s! Pills, ths lue of niy wtic has been saved. I'or seven ycuisshe hail a bad breast, with ten rtinuuif woiimls, (not of n can cerous nutate.) I wns told that 11'ithinfr could save her; she was then induced to use your Ointment mid Pills, when in the short space ol three monMhs, they etfecterl a tieii'ect cure, to th astonishment f ull wan knew us. Ve obtained your Medicines from Mesr-rs. 'Vniihl ft Co., of Chiirtres-trcr. ew t trlcaus. I send this from ''Hotel des Princes." Paris, nllhouuh, 1 had wiillcn it at New Oilrnus, before we Hnally left, at that tune, not knowing your nihlress at New Ymk. Cornel) R.PFRANT. Tne Pills should he used conjointly with the Ointment In most of the following cases : Hid Less, Chiifo-foot, Fistulas, Bad Ureasts, rhilblnins, Gout, Bums, Chnppeil hands, Glandular Swelling, Itnniolis. Corns (Soft) l.umlsigo Bite of Mist-he- Cancels Piles toes fit Sand-Flics, Contnicted and llheninntism Coeo-lmy, Stitf Joints, Scalds. F.lephnutiasi, Sire Nipples, Sore-throats, Skin-diseiiscs, Si'iirvy, Src-iiends, Turnouts, Vleerii, Wounds, Y'nws Sold nt the Fetnhlishment of Professor Holiiwav, 1114 Strand, (near Temple llnr, lnnlon.) and also at Ins House in New York. Orders for Mediclliesin 'he Slates, nddres-s- d -T. If'illoM-ny, New York, will receive due attention S U1 nlsi by all respectable Pi uvgists mid Dealers in Mcl ieliies llirouirhont the t'uitcil States, in llnxcsnt 371 cents, 7 cents, nnd PI .511 cents each To lie bud Wholesale of the piiucipiil Uruft Houses in the Union, iV" There is a considerable saving by taking the larger .V il - pirectinn for the fiiiilanefl of wtienti-in every il. i' fi nre nfnxcd tn euch hx. June SI. 1 5 1 . 6111. United States Hotel, Chestnut Street, above Fourth. PHILADELPHIA. "1 J- MacLKLLAN, (Into of Jones' Hotel,) has tho pleasure to inform his friends and lie traveling community, that he has leased this House for a term of yents, and is now prepared for the recejiiion of Guests. The Local advantngesof this favorite establish ment are too well known to need comment. The House on. I Furniture hnve been put iu first rale order: the rooms nre lurtjc and well ventilated. The Tables will always be supplied with the be.-t, and the proprietor pledges himself thai no cllint on his part shall be wanting to make the t'nitcd Stales equal in comforts to any Hotel in the Quaker City. rhila., July 8, 1 85 1. SASH, DOOES, BLINDS, &e. rJpiIE undersigned woul l respectfully inform -"- the citizens of Sunbury and tlte public qcn erally.that they have entered int- co-partnership under the firm of Kit am & McQt iim, for 'the purpose of iiinnufacluriiiK Sash, Doors, Biinds, &c. Also, Dior nnd Washboard MonKlini;, worked to order. Their inanufaclory is at Jra T. Clement's Steam Saw Mill, where they will furnish the above articles of the best workman ship and lowest price-". jacob kram. James p. Mckade N. B All orders left at I. T. Clement's stor promptly attended to. Sunbury, Sept. S, l S3 1. SAMUEL !?. FETHERSTOX, DEALER IN Lamps, Lanterns, I'luinUIimand I'antlclaliraj, j No. 152 S. 2d street, clove Spruce, j ri!!A. ; ETaving enlarged aud improved his store, and j havinij ntie of the largest assiirtuients of j Lamp, in 1'hiludeliihia, ia now prepared to fur- i nish I'ine Oil, (,'anijibcne, Durninsr Fluid, Lard and Oil Lamps, uiid Lanterns of all pattern, (jIuss l.uinpj by the package, at a s",it!l advance over auclicn prices. Ueing a Manufacturer and Dealer of Pino Oil, Burning Fluid and A Icolnl, which will lie furnished to Merchants at such prices that they will find it to their advanlage to buy. Also, Household Glassware of all descrip tions at the lowest market prices, l'iiiladelphiu, Oct. 14, 185-1. l. a. rr.vcOAST. tiios. c. kkiout. S; L. PAXCOAST & CO. COMMISSION .MERCHANTS 1 XII DFALF.US IN Fish and Provisions Cr.NtS.LIT, .Vo. 17 Xorth Wharves, nilLADBLPIIIA. PliiUilelphia, Kept. 16, IHii. HEW CLOTHING & JEWELRY. hl.M ON. lute of the firm uf S. Si linurman Sl Co., rrstrrtfully infuriiis the cilizeus of Suiilniry inn) vicinity, tliut he mill vonUiiut) the above business in the old stand in Mail.rl street, w iih an entire new block of guuds, uhuh aro on the way from the city. He will ulsu be prepared Id repair wak-lus, having Imud in constant em pluyiiient lor thut purpuso. lie ilieriTore rtpeil fully sulirits Ihe pulronaire of ihe public. Sunbury, Sept. 16. If. CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE No 72 North Second S'rret, (nppositi th Mount Kerrion House ) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever V'atches, full jeweled, 18 K, ca ses, $23; NiUer Lever do,, do., $12; Sil ver I.cpine, do., $9 : (juarlier. $5 to $7 I Gold Spectacles, $1 SO to $ 10 ; Silver do., $ 1 60 ; (Silver Table Spoons per sett, $14 to $18; Silver Desert do., do., !U to fc 1 1 ; bilver Tea do.,: do., 44 75 lo $7 50 ; liold Fens aud did Ca ses, $:) 85 to $5 ; Uold Feus and .Silver do., $1; together with a variety of Tine liold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted to be as represented. Watches and JeMsrlrv, repaired in the Iwst manner. A Uo, M -sonic Murks, Fins, &c, mndo to order. N. U. Allorbers seul by mail f otherwise, will be punctually attended to. jyinl., Sept. 10, 1854 ly. ANN'S LETTER PRESSES, with books,! nk, and all c(u.rlete. iust ri reived. and for sale l.y 1(. Ii. MASSE K. Suniiury, June 4 1853 CI.OCK8 Eight day ami 30 hour Iron and Wooden framed, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, Raisins, and Prunes, just received and for sale bv WM. A. KNAlti), Lower Augusta, May (t 854. r .. "IHTILEVS COVUIl CNDY. An excel Y lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale it this office. 1 December 4. 153. TIOOTS and Shoes for Men, Women and 19 Children, Ladies' Morocco Shoes, Ladies' black and colored Gaiters, just received and for wle by WM. A. KN ABU. Lower Aogurta, Maj 4, 1851. New Goods for tha People I BENJAMIN ' I1EFFNEU n ESPECTFCLLY hiformi Ihe publi6 Irt gen eral that he has just received and opened splendid stock of Spring and Summer Goods at his New Store, In Loner Augusta township. His stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cmsinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO I CnllroPM, falngltamfl, I.mTiia, MciinMMitse lie sLnlnea and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Cirorcrlctis Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron nnd Steel, Nails, &o. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of vaiioui itylns and pallem. Also an assortment of HOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, fcc. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. IT Country produce taken In exchange a the highest prices. Lower Augusta, Mav 0, 1851. REMOVAL. Light! SAghV Light! 31. 5- DIOTT & RF.XT have removed their New Store and Factory, i o 1 4 South second street, PHILADELPHIA. (Five doors below their old stand ;) Having increased facilities, we oflcr to Mer chants and others, Gas Fixtures and Lamps of every description, and at the lowest Manufac turer's prices, and unsurpassed in qunity or ap pearance by any in tho country Our slock em braces DYOTT'S PATENT TINE OIL LA.11PS. (the best in the world) Hurtling fluid and 8olar Lard Lamps, Chande liers, for Gas, l'ine Oil, Solar Lard, an. I Fluid, Hall and Patent Spring Hand Lanterns, Globes, Glasses, Wicks, Pine Oil & Fluid, wholesale and retail. Merchants and others will find it to their ad vantage to call and examine onr Stock and 1'ii ccs. rir Particular attention given to fitting up Churches and other public buildings, rhila. October 7, 1854. -ly. Just Published si ml lor Sale by WM. McC ARTY, Bookseller, Sunbury, Pa. The American PLEADEKS ASSISTANT : Being a collection of approved declarations, w rits, returns and proceedings in the several actions now in use in the tinted tatcs. By Colmssos Hern, Esq., Ipsae legis viva vox Willi notes and additions, together with a shor system ot conveyancing, lly A. Jordan. Pres ident Jude of the Eiiijilh Judicial district of Pa., and Win. M. Kutkcfelcr and M. L. Hhindel, of Ihe bar of Northumberland county. Since the publication of the book, the following letter has been received from Judge. Pearson of Harrinburg : HiRitisBt nti, June 30, 1S53. Gentlemi-.s : After a careful examination of yonr "Amer ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire opproval uf tlte selection and composition of the precedents thus nllered to the public. The Ictjal profession in Pennsylvania stands in need of a correct svetcin of pleading, adapted to our habits of bu-ine-m. and the practice of the courts. Your forms of declarations being, lo a preat extent, founded on the acts of asemlly will be a saving of labor to the pleader, and con duce to safetv and brevity in our pleadinirs. ft should be in the hands of every practising lawyer in our itale. Yours, with preat rcsiect, JNO.J. PE KsON. Iron. A. Jordan, Win. M. Rockefeller and M. Ii. Slindel, Esquires. W. McChbtt, Esq., Dear Sir: I receive,! more than a year ago a copy of "KeeJ.s I'leadcrs' Assistant" improved by Judge Jordan and ethers. I examined it with some care noun afterwards, and have had occa sion lu use it several times since. I think it tie- cidedly valuable as a iiinnutl for pruvtisiny atturneys in IVnusylvunia, and di nut hesitnte to recommend it. Kit were rrnerallv used it w ould im rease Ihe accuracy of the profession in matters which are often very carelessly done. I am very truly yours, Ac, J. 8. BLACK. I also rccei ed a ropy of the l'leaders' Assist ant, and have examined it suflii irnlly to enal le me to concur very heartily in the above comuien datiorfs by tho Chief Justice. GEO. V. W00DWAUU. July 19, 1854. Sunbury, July 2'J, 18.VI Cheap "Watches fyJewelr- I VH0LESALE and Retail, at the "I'l.ihdel. T T phia Watch end Jewelry Pt.ire,' No. SO North Second Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. Gold l.ever Wutclies, full jcwrrled, Ih c.irnt onset, g.mi O'.UI lupine lk. il lai: Kmc Silver S,ie.ue!rs. I.Mi Silver l.ei. full jev!loil, S!l IGiiUl Brae. I. 'a, S.iKl r-aver Lever, 1,111 jevl'U 12 t "dies' O.UI 1'aneils, .wi r-Uvil"r ijuarlieis, 7. Silver Tea sjiooiis, set, S.iiu 1.1 Sneeuules. 7.1m Gold Pain, witta Pencil onJ Silver Holder, 1 ,00 Gold Finger Iiiims, 37 J cents to SiitO ; Wnu h Glasses, plain, 12$ cents; Patent, Isj; Luuet, 25; other articles in piojmition. All goods War ranted to be what lliey are sold for. KTAL FFER & HARLEY, On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepiues, still lower than tlie above prices. Sept. 30, I8.i4. Iv. Liquid Glue. 4 LWAY3 ready for use. A nuw article of the greate.t utility and convenience lor re pairing Furniture nnd Household Ornamuitant either Porcelain or Glass. It is preterable to any other cement used, as it leaves no mark where the pieces join. It will be found a very great saviuo; of money in repairing of Furniture alone. Neatly put up in bottles a Jf5 cents each, or $8 a doxeu. All orders promptly executed. WM.G. MAtfON, 204 Chestnut street, Philadelphia Phila.,Oct. 14, 1854. if. JOHN V. MARTIN, MERCHANT TA1LOII, ETJNBTJaV, PAh JJESPECTFLLLY inform, his friend, and customer, that he ba. just received from the city a new and complete as. rlinent uf .Mens Wearing .ipparel, which lie will make up to order, or sell, as cheap a. any other establishment in the place, as he is determined to permit no one to undersell him. His goods are choice, and carefully selected from the best in the Philadelphia market, and they will be made up in the best and latest style and warranted. Hi. .lock consists in part of hand some Maraeile. and Bilk Veilings, Durk and other Linens for Coat, die. Also, a variety el Cloth., Cassimers. Cravats, Neck 'l ies, aud a variety of other articles for Men.' wear. Wiinbury, June 10, 1854. tf. f 1 ROUND and whole Pepper, Cloves, Cinna "laon, Nutmeg, Mace, Alllspke, Giuger, Litiuorica, eVe., iVc, at Nov. 18, '64. . YOUNG'S 8TORE. SMITH'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN. GEK, a Iraal) supply iuat received, and for wle by" " - H. B. MA8SER. etuuBury, Jan. 10. US9. FOB aala at this office, Superior Black Ink, Cattle. Medicine at SS cis. Pur Essence of QiaraTi 6 ceol ..1? CHERRY PECTORAL: COUGHS, GOLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPItfQ-OOUOH AZrD CONSUMPTION. TO CI'RK A COIJ). yrcm hkadachi aro onxa of tlie body, take the Cherry I'kctokal on going lo ld, and wrap up wiirm, fat went during the nii;ht. Fo A GiiLD a!io Cofgh, take il inoniing, iVMin tnJ eve ning, arcutitiiig to ditcctimit on the bottie, and ttie ditfioul t will hui im remnvrd. None will Itmg iiiHtrr frnra thie ti'iuhle when they find it enn Ik; rtradily cured. lVrms artticted with ib rated cough, wliirh hrenki tiiein of their reat at uight. will bud, by taking the Cheny Pectoral on goirg it bed. they mny le aura of ouitd, uiibtoken ileep, uiid cunscquently rfrenhing rwl. Orea rebel f nun suffer ing, ond an ultimate cure, is nlTttrded Vt thousands who are thus nitticfed, by thiP iuviiluable remedy. From its agreeable effeels in these enses. many End thentivlvee unwiliing to forego its use when the tiecciuity for ii lint ceosed From two eminent Phvsicians In Favkt'tkvim.r, Tern. , April If-, IS3I. Sir : We hnre given yonr Cherry Perioral an extensive trial in our pmrlice, nml tind it to surpHM every ntli'?t re medy wo have for curios auVrtimis of the repinit'ry or gana. lUr. DIKMKR ft HAMPTON. TO WXOKRS AN D PI" IIM C SPK.AKERS this remedy is invaluublet ns by us action on the throat and luntrn, when taken in small quuutuies, it removes all lioatsnneM in a )w h-mrs, i-ntl woiiccnully increases the power and tlexibihty of the voire. ASTHMA is generally murh relieved, and often wholly cured by Cherry Pectoral. But there nre some canes o nh stinnte ns to yield entirely t" no medicine. Cherry Pecto ral will cure them, if they enn be cured. UHONCIUTIS, or iiritatiou of the thMat nnd npper poii i ! of the lungF, mny be rured by hiking Cherry Pe to rnl in smiill and in-queul doses. The uncomfortable op pression in soon rHirved. Hev. Duct. LANSING, of Bmnk.yn.New York, tntcs: 'I have seen the Cherry Pecioml cure such rnsra of Aslhnia aud linmrluiit us leads ine to believe it can rarely fail to cure thne diseases." FOR CROL P. Give an emetic or antimony, to be followed by large and frequent dosr!! of the Cherry Teeto tal, until i' aubdues the disease. If taken in season, it will not fail to rure. WIIOOPINO COUGH may be broken up and soon cu fed bv the tine of Cherry Pectoral. TJ1K IN FLL'KNA is speedily removed by this reme dy. Numerous inittmcts hnve bern nuticcd where whole liiniiitts weie protected from any wnom eotisequencea, n-nite mrir nciuiiO'Ts. wunuui uic vucii rwwiui, vn- , eudVinif froiii the disease. ' Dr. J. C. Aver: Salrm, Ohio, llih June, 1651. I write to inform you ot the truly rcnvnkat.le eifccts of your CHK.RHV PKCToHAl iu this plnre, ami in my own family. One of my daughters wns completely cured In thire diiys ufa drciidltil W iiooPiNi Coi r.ii, by tuking U Dr. Means, one of our vciv best physicians fieely suites that lie consider it the best remedy we have pulmnnary discuses, und that lie has cured more c:ist ol Caori with it than anv other mttiieme lie ever administered. Our clf'ipymeu of the Baptist Church an vs that during the run of Infi.vbnza here this sermon, he hus neen cures from your medicine he could scarcely hiive believed K ith out seeing. Yours respectfully, J. P. SINCLAIR, Deputy Tost muster. From the distingithhed Professor of Che mis try and Meteriu Mcdxcc Boicdoin Collide.. I have found the Ciifrry PurroRAr., ns its ingredients show, a powerful remedy for colds, atid caught, and pul monary d locust s. Parker Cleveland, M. D. Brvnjwick, Me., Feb. 5. IH7. DR. VAI.KNTINK MOTT. The tt?idchj crkhrated Professor of Surgery in the Medical Collate New York City, sai?: ull gives me pleasure to certify the v:ihie"nin. ttfiency Of 'AYEH'ft CllKhRY PK( TORAL,1 Wlilt'h 1 COIlMil-T peculi- aily uiliiptf-il to cure di Resists of th and huiiijs." i.'iirfs of nweie disputes upon (he Luus hnve been ef fected by Cherry Pec tor l in such extr-me runes as WTirrant tlie lieltei" thut a remvdv has at length lwu found t tint can be depended ou to cure the Conylm, CoUls and Cousiiinptioii which carry from ourmtdst tliuU!:ni,s every year. It ia indeed a medicine to which the u finned run look with eoufiilenea for relief, and they should not fail to avnil themselves of it. Prepared and sold t JAMES C. AY'ER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. 80IJ in Sunbury by II MASSER, and ly DrugRists Rcncrally tliroujjliout tlie Sime. July 30, 185: ccow !. Nov. 13. '52. Great Arrival of SPRING GOODS! TUA T. CLEMENT t XFOUMS his friends and customer that lie l jutt received mi eleiiant assortuient of SPRING AXD SUMMER GOODS At his tore in Mar;;et Street, Sunburv, which j he olVcrs to the public at 'he lowest prices. Ins stock consisls ot a celieial assortiiicut o t Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Catstnets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin dt Lams, Lawns, Ginghams, Berates. Also a Ijrrje assortment of CLOTHING. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, W omen and Children. Silk Hats. Panama, Talm leaf and oilier Summer Hats. Planter. GROCERIES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, C'ollce, Molasses, Cliesnc, 8pices,, Salt, Ac. HARDWARE, Vu : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Paws, Ac. QUEENSWARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, c LIQUORS, Wine. Brandy, Gin, Knm, Whiskey, It. CF" Country produce of all kinds taken in e change at the liigliest market prices. April 8, lb5 ly. i:i:e:vi: ... iii;:M, Sueceuor to Hartley J Knight. I3EDBING & CAHPET WAREHOUSE, ; y cn,t C,.MJ ;,..., ... J , --v -iiiuuiii uwnnunn apriu. sireei, FHXlt ADEIiFIXX A T 'here he keeps constantly on hind a full ' assortineut ol every article lu bis line of businei-s. FEATHERS, FEATHER BEDS, Patent Spring Mattresses, curled hair, Moss Corn Ilu-k and Straw Mattresses, Velvet, Tn pestry, Tapestry, Brussels, Three-Ply, Ingrain, Venetian, List, Rag and Hemp Curpetincs. Oil Cloths, Canton Mattings, Cocoa and Spai.ish Mattings, Floor and bluir Druggets. Hearth Rugs, Door Ma's, Table and Piano Covers. To which he respectfully invites the attention of purchasers. Phila- Oct. 7, I8S4 ly. NOTICE To Trespassers on the Telegraph Line, Ta Triritr is r . . iVuiilc i. nereny given, tlist all person. found trespa.sing upon, or injuring the line of the Philadelphia and Hunbury Telegraph will be dealt with according to the act of Assembly in sucn case, msue .mi provnied. H. 11. MASSE R, Pres't Phila. and Sunbury Telegraph Co. Sunbnry, June 3, IAS4 tf. SAIVIUEIi W, PEPPER UCCKMdft TO HENRY J. PE ITER & SOX, Wntcliea, Jewelry & Sliver Ware, No. 173 Chestnut St., opposite the Stall House, PHXZ.JaSBZ.FnZA. Phil.., May il, IHSi ly. QJ1XVER WATCHES A few double case English bilver Watches, for sale at very low price, by Sunbury, Apri 13 n. IS. MASSt'R. 1.M IH.ANK Parchment Paper Deed, and blank AJ Mortgagee, bonds. Executions, Summon. tee., lor .ale b 11. B. MASSER. Sunbury Aerl . 18.11. k BLANKS.- BLANKS of every description caa be had Wt int1 the oluce of the Ani.rioeii STOPPERS f.r B MASTER. bar bottle for aala by H 6unmiry, April, IS, ISM "AID AND COMFOBT," To Your Own mechanic. GEOIIGE RENN. manufactured, op FURNITURE AND CIIAIR& Of the most FagWonable Btyle. rTHE .ubecrilw resrieorfully call, the attentSos of 'ie public to hi. lar. and .plendid awr ment of every quality and pice of CAIIIXET-WAIIE. which cannot fail to reeommend Kmelf teevery , who will examine it, on account of its durabU workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. N0 i .pared in the manufacture of hi. ware, and th. ubscriher is determined to keep up with tlie many improvement, which are constantly beuif made. Hi. atock consist, of Mahogany Sofas, Dlvann and Lounga Burcam, Secretaries, Sideboards. SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DIXISG TABLS and also VENETIAN BLIND8, erjual to rh:,. delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS. WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of hi. businees. He also manufactures nil kinds and uunlitie or CHAIRS. including varietir. never liefore to be had lit Sunbury, such a. Mihooaki , Buck Winsf Ajin Mai-le GnuciAX ; aud Wim...,h CHAIRS, up rAKcr Tiaxo Stooi.., which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or rlsjwhere. The subscrilier is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and fmivh of his ware ani Chairs. Hi. orticlr. will be disposed of on gunc" terms ns they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. r" UNDERTAKING. Having provides himself rith a handsome Hrarsr, he i. no prepared tor Undertaking, and nltending funer als, in tin. vicinity, or at any convenient dw uince irmn ini. plate. CP" The Wore Room Is In Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern GEOiiGE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1853. tf. DOCTOR VOI IthKLFl THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : OR, EVERY ONE HIS OWN PHTSllMAX. rpHE KIFTIETH Edl tion, wiih One Hundred Engravings, showing bu ease, and Malformations the Human Sya:ein in even II shape and form. To wilic! ; ! J3i i. added a Treat in) on th tZSTMyt ffl l'iseasesol i t-eiaies. bem, 'K5&T-'g 'married people, or time &'&S1$X eentemplating marriaijB.- imnnrtimr. Let no father be ashamed to prevent a rv;iy t the -ESCL'LAPU S lo hi. child. It may Mr him from an early crave. Let no young mn a woman enter into the secret obligations of mr ried life without reading the POCKET .ESCI! LA PI US. Let no one suffering from hsrtn'n Cough, Pain in the Side, rostless nights, nervou feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic (run tions, and civen up by their physician, be anil!,, moment without consulting Ihe SCU.API Have the married, or those about to ha rnirns any impediment, read this truly useful bik, i it has been the mean, of saving thousand of m fortunate creatures from tho verv jaws ot rlntr IV Any person .aiding TWF.NTV-FIVl CENTS, enclosed in a lctier will recei-.s oi copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will V sent fur one dollar. Address, Dp W Vii".t No. 152 SPRUCE Street , PHILADELPHIA Pot paid. July 2?, 1854. ly. The Eye Perfected. SILVEE MEDALS, Fiom ihe Franklin Iimtititte, PhiliidHpliia, trail ' AmcFiiHii Inetituo, S'ew ork, n::ii FIVE FIRST PREMIUMS From Different Fairs in New Futf&l City Daguerreotype ErftaMMiaew D. C. COLLINS & CO. No. 100 i- 166 Chestnut Street, J'ii'cjV-ii Also, Afiiin Street, Springfield, Mai a Westfittd, Muss. Portruit Paintini; and Talbot vr-ir.;. in tl l.inlifst state of periection, done iu s!l tiitivvt Establishments. Miy-I,iylits used in all the'i Miniature, taken equally a. weiitii trtmi cloudy as in clear weather. Phila., May S7, 1851- if. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, or Taste!e3i Salts, Prepared by s WEISER L BKl'NES This prcpaiation is recommenid a ss iv celleut laxative and purgative, it iiperstrirmUIj, is entirely free from any unpleLimiit ta, ta. sembliiiK lemonade in flavor. Tins msiiicine u highly beneficial for disease peculiar U sursoiat and hot weather. buubury, July I, lS.Vt. - DOCTOH JOSEPH W. CAMEKOH. TEf,PECTKULLV informs the citiwns e the Uoroush of ISunbury and vicinity, tlist lie ua. permauaiitly located Inmee.r in ma Borough ; and offers hi. profcsiotul services those who may wish to empl.y him. present he can lie found at Weaiers lloll j Sunbury, Marvh II, 1851. 1 RY GOODS, Cloth., Caimtr, BtllinstH Vestintr Tweeit. Hmnmer cloth, V.lvai cord. Tickings, Checks, Muslins, Ac jut rec'J and for sc e by WM. KN ABB. Lower Augusta, May 6, 1654.- DR. IL H. H 1GB EE'S rcmeiy Ut eoufin. cold., and pulmonary disesers- 'TP1 this valuakl medicine just received sail fer by . H.B. MASTER. Sunburv. June. , 1853.-. ATS AND CAPS A liJ'a '?? of fashionable Silk. Wool and Ft" also Cllh, Yut, Oilcloth, Nay M "'7 Cap. fur .ale low by , O. ELSBERGj CO. Market street, opposite the Pt Oflioa. - funbury, Oct. 8, 185J. GOLD PE.NS with .Dd widiout cases, ef very .uperior quality, just recei'fd. Also a fresh auiiply 0f riuns Fluid, for wle by H. U. MASSER. Sunbury, Bee. 8T. I85t . rjHAIN PUMPS.- A .mall umber of the eicellent puirui. bav. been rtetid and are ottered for sale by H. B. MASSER. Sunburv. June 4, lfio& ATS and Cap, Silk, Beaver, Fur an3 Slouch, Panama, Leuliorn, Braid aud Chip for men and boys. Ladie. BouneU of all tyles, jost received and for le by Mav .1854.-. WM. A. KfrABP. I E WELRV A Dice assortment of Geld a4 ' SUver Pencil, and Pen, for sal cheap by Q, El.MJEKU t CO., Market street, opposite the Poet OtffH 6unbury, Oct, 8, I6J. LADIES' Dress Good. Spring aud 8umm Shawl, Black .ilk. silk poplin, D Lain oinghain. Da hue. Lawns aud cU,jut r. ccived and for aale by WM. A. KN ABB "wet AnroM. May , llov
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers