avsBVRY American i AIiSI ANAGFOH 1 855. 19 W SI M vi iU IM S7 H it I'"". . , 1 .1 l . 9.1 3 a 10 11 13 13 17 18 111!) '31 liO 94:87 31 1 2 .1 7 8 9' 10 Hi 151 1017 8l! S3 24 88. SO 3U 1 S 7 8 19 ' IS! 14 15 in o:si ss I I I farmer's grplnml rtU'lT TREES. ' All ftgrce, savs ft leadinfr cultivator of fruit In Massachusetts, that tbo proper ontl only judicious method of preparing the soil for fruit trees, is, by sub-soiling r trenching tho earth to tho dfiplll of eighteen inches or lira feet, and that, during the process, the upper and lower soils, together with the up. propriate manure, should be thoroughly incor porated j the cultivator who is not willing to take these prolimiurtvy measures, had better abandon the project of raising fruit trees, aud save both his time and money. Downing states that tho best compost for fruit trees is pent and ashes ; five bushels of fresh, or ten bushels of leached ashes and a wagon load of peat, containing lime, and pot ash, aud phosphates. Lot this compost lie a fortnight. Add to every cart load two bushels air-slacked lime, for apple trees. Add half bushel of ground bones, two bushels of leached ashes, or four or live pounds of potash dissolved in water for pear trees. Add half a bushel of ashes, and a peck of salt for plum trees. Add two bushels of leached ashes, for peach and cherry trees. Add a bushel of lime, a bushel of ashes, half, bushel of plaster, for grape vines. This compost may bo put on two inches thick, aud forked in, so as to cover the ground us far as the roots extend Tho proportions will vary according to the quantity of compost to bo made. Hy the analysis of Dr. Kinmons, tho ash of the apple tree contains more than ouo-balf lime ; so lime largely preponderates in the manure. The ash of the pear tree contains the largest amount of phosphate of lime, so bone-dust should preponderate in the ma nure. ROIT.II TAINT FOR FARMERS. A durable as well as cheap paint, to lire- serve the "heavier aud more exposed imple ments, such as carts, as well as rough gates and such like fixtures :" Take twelve ounces of rosin, and eight ounces of brimstone, each courscly powdered, and three gallon": of train oil. Heat them slowly, gradually adding four ounces of beeswax, cut iu small bits. Frequently stir the liquor, which, as soon as tho Bolid ingre dients are dissolved, will be fit for use. What remains unused will becomo solid on cooling, but may be melted on the subsequent occasions, if wanted. When it u melted fit for uso, add some Spanish Brown, or yellow ochre, or any other coloring substance of the kind that vou with to have, first ground tine in some of the oil, then luy it on with a brush, while it is hot, and thin as yon can hare it. Some days after tho first coat is dry, put on a second. It is said that it will preserve Slanks for ages, and keep the weather from riving through brick work. Common white paint may be used on the top of it, if required, for the sake of appearance. Two coats should always be j;iven, and in case of using it on machinery, the scverul parts should be painted with it, before put ting them together, and a third coat put ou to cover joints, aud after bein;; put together, especially if exposed to the uctii.ii of moisture and weather such as gutters, curt, tops of posts, and timber on or near tho ground. Tho wood should be pcrfoctly dry when the composition is to be applied. Grafting Composition. The composition chiefly used for grafting, is commonly called 'grafting was," and ia easily made by even inexperienced hands. To make this, take one part of good beef tallow, two parts beeswax, and four parts of transparent rosin; melt them altogether, then turn into a vessel of cold water, and work and pull it thoroughly with the hands In working it, and using it afterwards, if sticky, the hands maybeslight ly greased, which will effectually prevent it. This composition is not allot ted by any weath er and will perfectly exclude air and water from whatever it is applied to. When used it should be of the right temperature ; if the weathor is warm, keep it in cold water; if tho weather is cold, keep it in warm water ; and in all cases apply with tho Lands. Cor. Dol. Xewspaper. Tijib ron Grafting. The usual time for grafting is in the uprinp. AH ndeavors to graft at other seasons of the year have grad I'illy been abandoned. Probably the best particular poiut of time is when the buds are nwelling. Stone-fruit should be grafted ear lier than other kinds, probably before the . leaves put ont. As a general tm'ng. grafting may bo done in the North and West with good success from the first of April till the first of June : in the South earlier. Finally, grafting should be dona in all places previous to the coming ou of tho hot, dry weather. An Ingkmoi I.nvextio.v An inventiva genms, desirous o promoting the domestic raaruiff of hens, has invented a contrivance to keep them from scratching np the garden. Itua small instrument, somewhat resembling a very long Ki.;ir, attached to tho hind part or antra's leg. The instrument is so arran ged, that when the hen ig about to scratch 1 lie curth, the spur catches in the ground be- ore her foot bas fairly dosceudod. and nl.llr.oa i bas fairly ddsceudud, aud obliges ' tho fiiot down mi.'i.tlv ao her to bring iuakly . has ai 1.. I- I wi.u UHIU1 iy a lit Ue ia front of tho place which be ' ; The heu thereuoon tries the vmer iuut, with 2 lik-B rojiilt l....... tryiog and beforo fhe it. aware of t the raa fhrne has wa ked her riht out of the garden! f but wdl be jut the thfng when the "to fo 1 r returns. xiu tocb Chi.nevs. Ia building a thim- K iW? or 8alt iat0 the mrt rb mnav VL ''t.r soot in that Th'tT1h9ljb,loi0,hi3 tLa" ated falls'dnw5; 'K001 ,l'' beeoming lamp Jia cfnai' l,lkCv'y- It is used with sue cess mi Canada Qumcy Herald. " ' 1 - 'Jkl iut?ri,y of th9 bwt, when It' U tenj bued by iMason, is the priucipla source 'rjuMicaand an ; aud boiiU men think iii iiilj aUav jnnly. 7 8 0 10 11 13 13 Si 0 10 11 IS 13 14 14 IS 16 17 ICllfl 0 1S1 17 11" l, ai l M 3 21 llSlSfl U7 W; OS M IN 30 81 J iv 3MI , J J . 4 6 9 7 8 9 10 Ave. j 0 7 10 11 1? 13 14 IS 16 171 AI w ltfn i 1 I'll J 5 a. si 8-2 43 941 IS 0;l iS WMI7 j H07ja3U3l j i" ' " " ; i lz ilfl'IO Oil UliWilLdlMl llll I " It" Am. , 1 1 3 4 " j,OcT. I .... Ill 01 S 4 f :Nv. .1 . i 51m ll Hi 4 5 0 i "i ' ;bi Ji, io',i JiiS; i8iiiS !7 S9 3U 31 I. 87. S 11 li 13 14 15 lS'j '! 17 is lOisn ai W23: l"illl,9l T1I&, WEEKLY .HERALD. The Best General liewspapefc in the ' : . . World. TheNawYoa Wont Haiut. It phbliahed every Mturrley monilnit. In contents emhrae all Ihe newt of the treat evetrt of the Say, rseawttof moelimrs, of th Sum. LMi'lnture, and of CMigreest important public doc umcnttj Kumpnan and home eorreapoiineiic HiinnoMI and eominercinl, and edllmialaof general interest, that have annealed in the New York Daily Heral. It ieneetly printed, In clear type, on a large diranlrqita to alieel of foity-eleht columns a book- directory in iu ai'ir and forme one of the bent and ran valuable weekly newtpapert ' world. The greatest care it mken to obtain the laleet and moet reliable inteUieence of initatrt movement in all pail" of the world. No expense it (pa red for the purpose. The subtcriptioa price it three dollars per annnin, poya hle in advance, or iixpenc per tingle copy. Kihtwe of newtpapers throueboct the countty are particularly re qnesied to act an agents. They will reoeive Iwenty-Bvs percent oommieeioii on all cah tubtciiptioue. Any per son obtaining Bve or more subscribers witt.li allowed the tame commiuion. TsSMS TO CLtTK. For one eopy of Weekly Herakl for one year Fivecupiea do do Ten do do Fifteen do . do . Twenty do ' do Twenty-rTvN - do '- itn Thirty , do . do Thirty-five do " do Forty do dtf Forty-Sva do .do Fifty do do S3 00 It SS M 60 33 7S 45 00 M S3 67 At) 79 7S 90 00 lot as 1M 5v All lettere lo he addremed lo J-c Gordon Bennett proprictw and editor of the New York Herald, New Yoik Kemi'anree irraat be roo'le in fundi carrenl in thia city. Adveitiwmeiiti minted ml he eeni) nciaiu lor winy cente per line. New York, Feb. IMS. ' . I AMES McCLINTOCK, M.D., Late PnoPKPSiirt of AnatoinvaiHl Suriery ia the Phil delahia Colkae of Medicine, and Aeiina Profeteor of Uli.lurifrrv : one of Hie Coniulline Phvticane of the Phil aitelnliia lloaniial, Ulocklcv ; kite member of the Notional nimticiil AMociulion : member of the Philadelphia Mem ..-i Ara iriv ; member of ilia Modico-Chirumical College of Philadelphia ; formerly Prctident and Profeteor f Anatomy ana Suigery in Caitlet'ni Medical College, Ver mont ; and alto, late Ptofeatof of Anatomy and Phvtiot ogy in Berkshire Medical IiiMilulion, Pitttfiekl, Mate., lint lately introduced in a popular form aeveral of hit favorite nretcrintioiii for the nrnlrioul dlteate ol thit climate. The name of each article will imply the diteate for which it it lntemk-d to be titra. DR.McCMNTOCK'S PECTORAL SYRlT. Pricrai PR. McCLINTOCK'8 COLD AND COUGH MIX TrKI.'For nolite. Ooitffha. tea. Price 8A eta. ilR. McCLINTOCK S ASTHMA AND HOOrING C'll'GH RF.MEDY. Price SO en. Dr. McCLINTOCK'S TONIC ALTERNATIVE BVnt'P Pnr Piirifvinir the ltlond. Prite 1. PH. McCLINTOCK 9 DYSPEPTIC ELIXIR For1 eivme lone lo the ttomnch rrlievinc naina alter eatinc heartburn, and all drragreeeble ayinptoina anting fiom iiinirettion Ittcef!. DR.. McCLINTOCK'S RHEI'M ATTC MIXTURE A Turelv Vegetable Remedy for internal vae. Price .10 eta. lilt M.CIJNTOCK'S RHEUMATIC LINIMENT For Klieumatiim. Snraiua, Swelling, etc , Ac. Plice SO cent a. nn. McCLINTOCK'S ANODYNK MIXTURE Foi Paint, Toolhuche, Iieuilaclie, Neuralgia, Ac. Ac. Price An epnit. DR. McCLINTOCK'S FF.VF.R AND AGUE SPB- Cl FIC A certain cure for nil Intermitieiilt. Price S PR. McCLINTOCK'S DIARKIKKA CORDIAL AND CHOLERA PREVENTIVE A eafe remedy. DR. McCLINTOCK'S VEGETABLE I'L UUA llVb PILLS. Fin C aitiveiieea, Hen.lMclie. Ac. Price Socle. DR. McCLINTOCK.'! ANT1B1LIOUS PILI.S For Irregularity in the Functiont of the Liver and Boweit the beet Liver Pill made Price SS eta. a box For tale by Dr. J. McCLINTOCK, at hit Medical De pot, N V corner ninth und Filbert tla, Philadelphia, and at all Drnirgitti and Dualera in Meilicinct. AU Druggista and DeJilera in Meilicinct who with to be ugenta, will pleatc adddrete Dr. McClintock, fiiriiiihing reference, ncme of Post-office, county nmt trnte. r" For Bnle liy Welter A Broner, SmilHiry and Sha mokin ; Win. Weimer, Northumberland i C. Ilrown, Mil Urn ; E. P. Lutz, Dloomebiirg : J icob llarrie, lliickhorn j John Vaolecio, Light Street j I Sliarpleaa at 8ou, Cnta witta. January 8, 1S55. 6ra. AVines 5j Liquors. Mnrtell Brandy, Pinct " French " Common l( Rve Wbitkey, Mononguhela Whitkey, Common w Jamaica Spirit, Holland Gin, Champalgne Win, Shcny " Uluret " Pure Tort " Port " Mnderta " Litlwn " Vine Bitter For Hile by WEISER ft DRUNER. Bunbuir, JulyW, 1SM- LAWliENCE HOUSE, SIWBUItY, PA. THE subscriber renjicctfully inform the public that ho still continue to keep tho above named public house. She has also received a new aupply of good liquor and wines, and trusts that ahe will be able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her house. ., i - ' ' MARIA THOMPSON. Sunbury March 4. 1854. tf. British Periodicals EARLY COPIES fc ECU RED. Premiums to cu Snfcstribcr J ! .' ' EOOARD SCOTT A CO., New York, continue to re publish the foUowing Ilrititli 1'criodicait, viz. : I. TUE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative) THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) a THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free C'h.) THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) BLACKWOOD'S EDINBUEG MAGAZINE (Tory The present critical ttale of European affair will render these puhlicntiont nnutvullv iuieretlina dnrin the foith- coming year. They will occupy a middle ground between the hastily writeu newt-itema. crude aoeculationa.and riv ing tumors of the daily Journal, and the ponderous Tom cf the future historian, written tiler the living iuterett and excitement if the great political events of the time shall have potted away. It ia to these Periodicals that rcadera mutt look for Ihe only really intelligible and relia ble history of current events, and as such, in tfUiU'W to their well-estabiiabed liteiary acienliuc. and theological character, we urge them upon th contidcratiou or the rending public. lir"Arranimetit are now permanently mode for the roceipt of Early Sheets from the Butith Publithers, hy which we are enabled to place all our Reprints in th bsnds of tubeehbert, about ss soon ssthey can be furaithed with the I'oreigii copies. Although this involves a very large outlay on our purl, we sliall contiiuie to furnish the Peiiodicals at the time low rales at heretofore, together with the following Premiums to new Subscribers. TERMS AND PREMIUMS. See list of Premium Volumes below Vvr aim. For any one of the four Reviews and one Prem. vol. ( 1 00 For ny two " on ' ft no I or any three two 7(10 For all four of the Review two For Rlackwood'a Magazine 11 one For BiackwotHl and liiree Review three For Blackwood A the four Review three b ou no no 1000 Pamntnts to be made in alt cases in advance bluney current in llu State where issued will be received at par, Tbv Premiums consist of llie following works, hotk volumes of u bira will be given to aew Subufibera accor ding to the uumber of periodicais ordered, as abov ex plained: I KhWIUM V ULUnltS, Fobciov Qoabthblcv Rivutw (on year 't , HucAwnoii's Maoazin (six nvaitht). 10sa H Qoabtsblt Riviiw fone yeai). Idikbvbi Ravisw (ohs yur). MbtbopolItsh Masaiixb (si months). WltniixiTU Kivisw(ous yeoi). Consecutive Premium volnmee cat. not in all cases tie furnished, except of the Foreigu Quarterly Review. To picYamuianjnxiiuMiiviit, tuereiura, wjierc inmi wtat It ihh slotie wanted, Sulav ribers will please order as manv diffei- Mt worke for premiumt tt there sr vole me k which tliey uity be eutillcd. CLUBBING. ' A discount of twenty-live per cent, from th ebovt pri- will b allowed to Clubs oideriiw four or more enniee of sny one or nii of the U.ve work. That: Four eopics of BlackwtKKl, or nf one Review, will be sent to one adilrett for ft) ; four eopiet of the lour Reviews aud oiacawiHMi tor tvju: and an on. POSTAGE. In all the nrinjinal Cities and Towns, ihesa work, will he delivered, trrougb Agents, FREE OF Pot-TAGE When seirf hy nunl, Ihe t'oalage to sny part of the Uuited Stales will be but lr uly. Four t'esu a year for Blackwood." and but Twelve Cent a veu for emrb of the Reviews. Reinitisnees and eommuiiicatinns should always b addressed, post-paid, to Hit Publishers, LEONARD SCOTT k CO., M COLD STREET, NEW YORK. N B. L S. A Co. bar reeentlv published, and aav ow f. tale, th "FARMER'S Cl'IDE," bylltnry 81a. phn. oi Edinburgh, an Pnif. NutL.a,nf Yol College, Haven, c.n.pleiaiu two vola, royalocuvu, eonuiuuig iww ptifra. 14 atol and 6u0 wood iiravu4U. Pri iu oinnhn butting. M. 1" Thi work is mt th old mBoc of th FvnV' Uitely aasntciTsTiBaad thrown upon th Aiaikst. new Yurk, Leuauuxr 80, M6i. L. L. SEVAN. 3HA1L0SI1T HOTEL. Shamokin Pa. ' ' rtUl E subscriber Wg Uav to inform hi Lriaod X aad IU publia (oraUy, jOuU tv ha taken to above well known ttaiul, and will be happy U accomii.o.Ue all wh roaj giv him acali e-han.okin, July 8, !(. TA 'n A C!Tf " TtTTV1?'T0 ' So. 252 Chestnut ttrtet, abovt 9th . Philadelphia, - Hava t.ow open a targe (lock of CARPETINGS, EinWracini the new ahd leadin ttylea In Vel vet, Tapestry, Brnmela, Ingraina, Stair Cnrpeta, Oil Cloth, Ac, all of which will be sold at the loweat caeh prieaa. WHOLESALE & RETAIL rhila., 8ept. 9, IBM. ly. United States Hotel, Chestnut Street, o6w Fourth. rillLADBLFHIA. "I J- MncLEI.LAN, (late of JomV Hotel.) has the pleaiuro to inrnrm his Irienua anil he traveling community, that he has leased this lloute for o term of yeara, and it now prepared for the reception of Guest. The Local advantaceaof thit favorite enabliali- ment are too well known to need comment. The Hoiim ami Furniture have been put in first rate order I the room ara large aim wnll ventilated. .The Tables will always be (uppliml with the beet, and the proprietor pledge hiintclf that no cllnrt on hi part tliatl be wanting to mak the United State equal In comlort lo any Hotel in the Quaker City., l'liila., July 8, 1854 Sunbury - Academy. J. P. CROiratlLLER, Principal.' TRUSTEES: Hon. Alex. Jordan, John Young, H H. Ma- er, Esq., Jacob Painter, Hon. Geo. C. Wolker, Henry Uonncl, Esq , Ira T. Clement, Hugh Bel lai, John W. Peal. THE SUMMER TERM of thi Academy will commence on Tuesday, the 10th of April. The course of Instruction will embrace all the brancbe of a liberal English and Claicsl edu cation. It it hi aim to make the Academy one of the brat ichool in the country To ac complish this, nothing; will be wanting. ' n hi part. Thorough!! and accuracy will be required in every recitation, and no pupil will be permitted tn pa superficiallp over anv subject. Compo sition and Declamation will receive particular attention. Correct reading, writing and spelling will b carefully taught to the less advanced. Calender. The -VV inter session will com' menre on Monday, the 16th of October, and con tinue twenty -two week. The Mdiioit is divided in Two Terms of eloven week each. TUITION: Primary brancbe (per term) $3,00 English department, (per Term,) $5.00 Classical - 6,06 For further particular addrcs the Principal, Ounbury, Pa. September lti, IHSl. lm. HENRY 13. FUSSELL, MAl'FACTl'Bl.n or Umbrellas fy Parasols, IN EVERY VARIETY, AT THE OLD STAND, jYo. 2 Aorf A Fourth St., Philadelphia. IC7 Constantly on hand a large assortmcn to which tho attention of Dealer ia requested. Phila.. 6cpL 16, 1854 W1M. M'CAIITY, BOOKSELLER, Market Street, SUITBTJEY, PA. J UST received and fur ale, a fresh supply of wmr a-, a.-. a a-, a w MiTcn for Singing Schools. He is also opening at Ibis time, a large assortment of Books, in every branch of Literature, consisting of Poetry, History, Novels, Romances, Scientific Works, Law, Medicine, School and Children' Books, Bible School. Pocket and Family, both with anu without Engraving, and every nf vari ety of Binding. Prayer Bonks, of all kinds. Also just received and for Bale, Purdon Di gest of the law of Pennsylvania, edition of 1851, price only 6,00. Judge Reads edition of Blackstone Com men lariea, in 3 vol. 8 vo. formerly aold at $10,00, and now offered (in fresh binding) at the low price otSO.OO. A Treatise on the laws of Pennsylvania re specting the estates ot Decedents, hy I homus r . lionlon, price only 6l,UU. Travel, Voyage and Adventures, all ol which will bo aold low, either for cash, or coun. try produce. February, 21, 1853 tt. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware AND FANCY GOODS. (E7 J Choice Assortment of the Finest Quality FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES, AT . WM- B ELTONHEAD'S, . JVo. 184 South Second street, between Pint and Uiiton, west side, -1 .' ' ' i- FXIIZiA.DELPHIA. 'pHB aaanrtraent embraces Large and Select Stock of 1 fine waicnes, jewelry, Oliver ware, Aiimla ware, ilaled wilh fine Silver, luSoomt, Forks, Indict, Ac et Uoods, Fans aiut Fauey Artielesofa suerior quality, deserving the eaammstion of those who desii to procure the best goods ut the Lowest Cash Prices. Having a practical knowledge of the business, and all available faciliiie tor Impaa-ling cud Manufacturing, the suloKriber confidently invites purcliusert, believing that h can supply mem ou (emit as invoranie aa auy oilier estab lishment III either of the Atlantic Cities. UP All kinds of D.iim.mdaiid Pcail Jewelry and Silver Ware manufactured to order, wilhlu a reaemiablt time. tV Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware faithfully re- pa.rea. WM. B F.LTONIIF.An. No. 1SI Sooth 3d St.. a few doors above ihe lid Market West Side VT In the South Windmv of the Stor, may be seen th fanaou BIRD CLOCK, which cotumaiids th iuuiraliiin 01 the cientinc and curious. Phila , Oct. 7, 1644. Iy HENRY DONNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. UJfic opposits th Court House, SrmhT4TyvNorl3iumberland County, Pa. Prompt attention to business in adjoining -ounties. TNK Buureau' celebrated ink, and also Con- grea ink 'for sale, whobsale and retail hy December 28. 1S.S0. H. I). MASSER. WltULS-All kinusol Bool e-noes and slip. per fur sale by nerc fur KAla bv G. EL8UEKO & CO, Market street, opKwite the Poet Office. Snnburv. OeL t. 1 8ft 3. OIL GRAINING0. Drop, Dlack, Raw Lum ber, Vurut Terra do Sieuna and Vandyke Brown. Steam prepared from the New Jersey Paint and Color Works, tor sale bv WEISER eV BRL'XER. Sunbury, July 33. 184 . . CEDAR TUBS, Horse Bucket. Painted Buck eu, Mest Tenderer, Corn Broom. Bas ket, Children's Wagon, and Yankee Clocl, ust recefjed and for 1 by Dec. 3, 1854. I. W. TEMR tt r UEEN8WARR. Beautiful sets of Tea ware, in China, Stone China and Delf, Dinner and Supper Dishes of sll kinds, Toilet Seta, coveted Dishes, China Fruit Baskets and OmsmsnU, Fluid Lamp, Lanterns, Glassware in variety, and Tumbler from 6J dents upwards, just received sod fo sale by Dec. 3, 1854. L W. TENER & CO. PA RASOI.8 of aU sorts. Umbrella, carpel bags, willow baskets and cedar wart of all kinds, just received and far saks by " ... WM. A. KNABB. Lewer A e gnat, Msj 6, 1864 ' (I BOOTS, bhoea, kjau, Cap and Guru bhaes, just received and for aal by , Oct 7 1854. TENER Cc, A CTOE All MP IIolloiraTV Ointment. 7 Citizent otht tnion .- ' ,' ."" n"v 'ii me th kononr, t with oti voice, rrom one end of the Union to the ether, to stomp tn eimraeter of my Ointment with yont approbation! II .- , iooe i maue it Rnowu among you, and alieiuly, it bat obtained mora mlnhritv tln ...v ,ih.r Medicine in so short a period. ' 1 HOIVIASI MOLLOWAY, SS, Corner of Ann and Nattnu Slreett. New York ASTONISHING CURE OF SOK LEGS, AFTER NINE YEARS RTAXnixu Lor.i; of a Utter from Mr. W. J. LnnaUu nf llitnisvUle, Yatikin County, Oorth Curolma, o.. aaiea rrovemiter 1st, 1853. UNREAD HIS OWN WORDS. To Profcnor IIollowat. Sir. U it lint Riw ur.ak tn Kma. -nfn.lnM n!.h. II thit letlor Written for lhn ruara -akanf writine. but to aay, that yimr Ointment cured me of on of the mott dreadful curlaneout ditoiiei that flesh i heir to, nod which wnt contiiiered by all wlio knew me, to be entirely bevond lha ru..l ..." 1 ... . v... . omicted with one of the mitt painful and troublesome wim irgt mat evei leu to tue lot or man; una alter trying every medicine I hid ever heard of. I resigned tn despair all hope of being cured ; bnt a friend brought me a couple of large p-tte of your Ointment, which 6800)4 the eoieeon my legs to heal, and I CHtirelv resinned mv health to my eareeable eurpriaa and delight, aud to Uia attoiiithmeiit of my fried. f!igni) w. J. LANGLEY. AN EXTRAORDINARY CURKOK A BAD BREAST, rnc.- At IHrj tW i Ur VM I U. Copy of a letter from Mt R. Durant, New Orleans. November Vtk. 1853. To Professor IIollowat. 38. Corner of Ann and Nastua Streets, N. Y. . Hear Sir, It is with heartfelt gratitude I have lo iiuuriu you inni oy me us of your iiintmeni sua I'liis, tns ...o v, woo nni Deen taveo. r or seven yeara tne hail und brentt, with tan miming wound, foot of a can- ceront natme.) I wee told that nothini could save heri sue was then induced In nst your Ointment end Pills, when in the ehort space o( Hires monshs, they elfected pericct cure, to thenstonithment of all won knew as. e obtained yonr Medicines from Meters. Wriaht A Co. Of Clmrtres-ttre.4. New Orltuina I aiiH tt.ia fntm Untj. des Priiices," Paris, although, 1 hnd written It at New Orleana, before we bimlly left, at that time, itot knowing youi auurcst at iHCW 1 OIK. miened) R . Til R ANT T) Plllt thould be used ennininllv wilh.tha Ointment ii u.wi 01 ins loiKtwiog cntet : lad irfgt, Cbinr.i-fiH, Fistulas, Un4 D.-ta . rt. . i. : ' n . ...... u. tn. I Ultra, HIIUI, Burns, ' Chapped hands, Glandular Swelling, nriniout, t;oms (vol i; Jjiimttigo Bite of Nlosche- Cancers Piles toes A Suud-Flies. Contracted and Rhenmatism Conn-bay, StllT JoillU, Scalds. Elephantiasis, Sire Nipples, Sore-tliroata, Skin-disetitci, Scurvy, Soreheadt, Tnraonra, t' leers, Wounds, 1 aws . Sold at the Establishment of Professor IIollowat, 844 Strand, (near Temple Bur, l-ondon,) and alaoat hie Route in new lor, turner iin nienicinea in the were, nonrea ed 'T. HoUowny, New Y.rrk,' will receive doe attention Sold alto by all respectable Dinggitts and Dealers in Med- 7 rents, and SI.S0 eente eacl) Tone bad Wholesale of th principal Prug Honees in Ihe Union. C There is a considerable tnving by taking th larger ei2t. N. it - Pirectlont for the guidance of patients In every uia-i'.er are srrxen ui eucil oox. June SI, ISo4 6m. Cheap Watclies tJewelr- WHOLESALE and Retail, at the "Philadel phia Watch aud Jewelry Storo," No. 08 North &ccouu street, corner of (quarry, . FHIL-fiDELFHIA. Gold Lever Vatches, full jeweled, 1H carat cstrt, S2.,00 Rold Leplne lt-k. S21.b0' Fine Silver Spectacles. l.SO Silver I-p. full je'vllcl, 8 Ookl Brncelets. 8.1X1 Silver Iver, full jcwl'd 14 I ndics' Oold Pencils, I.IW Supenor itiiartieit, 7. Silver Tea ipoous, set, S,(J0 Gold Spectacles. 7,ll Oold Pent, with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1,00 Gold Finger Rinjs, 37 cent to 80 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12 J cents; PHtcnt, .ISj; Lunet, 25 ; other article iu projiortion. All good war ranted to be what they are aold for. KTAUFFER & HARLEY, On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower than the above price. Sept. 30, 1854. It. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, &c. rflHE undersigned would respectfully inform -- the citizens of Sunbury and the public gen erally, that they have entered into co-partnership under the firm ol Knm ii McUl aue, for the purpose of manufacturing Susli, Doors, Blinds, &c Also, Door and Washboard Moulding, worked to order. Their manufactory is at Ira T Clement's Sleam Saw Mill, where they will furnish the above articles of tkapest workman . : . 1 , . siiil) auu loweat liriccs. JACOB Kit AM, JAMES P. McQUADE N. B. All order left at J. T. Clement's stor promptly attended to. Sunbury, Sept. 2, 1854 SAMUEL S. FETIIERST0N, PEAl.EH IN Lamps, Lanterns, Chandeliers and Canilclabras, No. 152 S. 2d street, above Spruce, PHILADELPHIA TTaving enlarged and improved his store, and having one of the largest assortments of I Lamps, in Philadelphia, is now prepared to fur nish Pine Oil, Camnhene, Burning Fluid, Lard and Oil Lamps, and Lanterns of all patterns, Ulass Lamps by the package, at a small advance over auction price. Being a Manufacturer and Dealer of Pi&e Oil, Burning Fluid aud Alcohol, which will be furnished to Merchants at such price that they will find it to their advantage to buy. Alio, HouseholJ ulassware of all descrip tions al the lowest market price. Philadelphia, Oct 14, 1854. L. . rVMCOAST. ' ' THO. C. KKIQBT. S; L. PANCOAST & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS ' Alt . ' DFALERS IN Fish and Provisions OCItSRALIT, o. 17 JCorth Wharves, PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, Sept. 16, 1854. NEW CLOTHING & JEWELEY. CJ SIM ON, late of the firm of S.Schnurman Ax Co., reapectfully inform the citizen of Sunbury and vicinity, that he will continue th above business in the old stand in Market street, with an entire new stock of goods, which are on 111 way from the city. He will also be prepared to repair watchea, having a band in constant em ployment for that purpose. He therefore respect. fully solacila the patronage ol th public Sunbury, 8ept !, 1854. tf. - i CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE No 72 North Second Street, (opposite th Mount reriion. noutt.) . ' , . ' 'j: i Philadelphia " I AIOI.T) T uver Watches, full ieweled. 18 K. ca V" aea, S8: SiUer J.ever do do., 1612; 8U I i .... -.. fi,,.' . A a- . r..i.i rr v.rMiiVf uu,, p uai un, f ,u v t uum Spectacles. $4 00 to $10 ; Silver do., $1 60 ; Silver Table 8poona per ett, $14 to $18; Silver Desert do., do., $9 to 1 1; Silver Tea do..; do., $4 75 to $7 60 Oold Pena and Cold Ca- e, $3 5 to $3 ; Gold Pen and Silver Ho., $1; together with a vtriety of flue Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard i.tvj Fob Chain. - AU goods wir'.'.nied to lo ss represented. Wateua and Jewell v, repaired in Ihe beat manner. Also, Ma sonic Murk. Pius, Ac, mails to order. N. Ii. All or ban sent by mail or atherwlse. will b punctually f.ttended lo. Phila., Sept. 16, 1B54. Iy, ANN'S LETTER PRESSES, with If Jftbr.oks.ink, and all ctmplete, just rvccivej, .i.J 1- rsoJaby II. B. MASSE K. Bunhury, Jur. 4, 1853V C1LOCK8 Eight day and 30 hour Iron and j Wooden frAined, Cream Nuts, Ground Nut, Raisi.lt, sad Piuiifs, just received end for sslebr WM. A. K Auo Lower Augusta, May 0 854. WILEY'S COVGU CANDY, aln axcel lent remedy for coug.'i, cold. : for sal at Uu office. , December 4, 1(53. t , i ' BOOTS jm! Shoe foe Men, Wwaen .id ChiWr.0, LadiM' Morocc Hboe. Ladisw' black aad aolafitd Caitera, jus taoid sod tur Ml by WM. A. KNABB. Lower Augusta, May 0( l&4. Kw tioo&. tot th People 1 BENJAMIN IIEFFNER. RESPECTFULLY inrorm in pumioiu gen eral that he ha jut teceivedjnd opened a plar.did tock of ,. Spring and Summer uoous at hi New Store, In Lower Auguata iownhip. H is itock consUt in part of , , T . " Cloths, Cassimers, uassmew. of all kind, of linen, cotton and worated. ALSO I - Calicoes, Olnffltams, Lawns, , IIousselln U a.alnM and all kind of Ladie Dres Oooda. Crocorles. Also an aortment of Hardware. Irou and Steel, Nails, &c. Alan an excellent assortment of QUEENSWAEE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS III SHOES. HATS St CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, (sc. And a great variety of other article such as are uitahle to the trade, all of which will b aold at the loweat price. ; - lir Country product taken in exchanga the highest price. Lower Augusta, May 6, 1854. . . , REMOVAL. : ,. Light! l.isMTUsIit! It. ITOTT & KrtfT have removed to their New 8tore and Factory, jYo 74 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. (Five doors below their old stand 0 Having increased facilities, we oiler to Mer chants and other, Gas Fixture and Lamp of every description, and at the lowest Manufac turcr's prices, and unsurpassed In quaity or ap pearance by any in the country. Our stock em brace - ' DYOTT'S PATENT PINE OIL LOPS. (the best tn the world) Burning fluid and Solar Lard Lamps, Chande licrs, for Gas, Pine Oil, Solar Lard, and Fluid Hall and Patent Spring Hand Lanterns, Globe Glasses, Wick, Pine Oil cc Fluid, wholesale end retail. Merchant and other will find it to their ad vantage to call and examine onr Slock and Pri. ce. CP" Particular attention given to fitting up Churches and other public buildings. Phila. October 7, 1854. Iy. Pickles, Sauces 6je. Just received EfW?nco of Anefaoivrs, Chilli Vmcirar, i Cauli-flawrr, i Chow rlH.w, Mixed Picklei, Ouioni, Benin, Girkuii, Piccnli, John Bull Sauce, Wororflter The nl v r aT) f mm Crowe A Hbrkvrell, London, roitea I 'ngue, " llnm, Ripf licrry Jam, Currant " Plum " Toiiuito Catonp, Ac , fce. WK1SKR BRUNKR. S ur cesser to Hartley If Knight. BEDDING & CARPET WAREHOUSE, No. 148 South Second Street, five doors above spruce street, PHILADELPniA "1X7 he re he keeps constantly on hand a full v v assortment of every article in hi line of business. FEATHERS, FEATHER BEDS, Putcnt Spring Mattresses, curled hair, Mos Corn Husk and Straw Mattresses, Velvet, Tn pestry. Tapestry, Urusaeln, Three-Ply, Ingrain, Venetian, List, Rag and Hemp Curpctings, Oil Cloths, Canton Mattings, Cocoa and Spanish Mattings, Floor and. Stair Drugget. Hearth Rug. Door Mat, Table and Piano Cover. To which he respectfully invites the attention of purchaser. Phila- Oct. 7, 1651. Iy. Just Published and for Sale by WM. McCARTY, Bookseller, sunbury, l'a. Tho American PLEADERS' ASSISTANT : Being a collection of approved declarations, writs, return and proceedings in the several actions now in use in the United tatc. Br Collinson Reed, Esq., Jpsae legis viva vox With notes and additions, together with a shor system ot conveyancing. By A. Jordan. Pres ident Judge of the Eighth Judicial district of Pa., and Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shindel, of the bar of Northumberland county. Since the publication of the book, the fallowing letter has been received from Judge Pearson ol Harrisburg : HiRBisacae, June 30, I8S3. GSSTLEBI EX l ' ? After a careful examination of your "Amer ican pleaders assistant," I take pleaaure in ex pressing my entire approval of the selection and composition of the precedent thus offered to the public. 1 he legal profession in Pennsylvania standa In need of a correct svslem of pleading, adapted to our habit of busineis, and the practice of the court. Your form of declaration being, to a great extent, founded on the acta of asteinhly will be a saving of labor to the pleader, and con duce to safetv and brevity in our pleadings. It ahould he in the hands of every practising lawyer in our state. i ours, with great respect, JNO.J. PEARSON. Han. A. Jordan, Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shindel, Enquires. W. McCsbtt, Esq- Dear Sir: I received more than a year ago a eopy ol "Ifeed, Pleader' Aasutant ' improved by Judge Jordan and other. I examined it with some care roon afterward, and have had occa sion to use it aeveral time sine. I think it de cidedly valuable a a inanuel for practising attorney in Pennsylvania, and do not hesitate to recommend it. If it were aenerally used it would increase the accuracy of the profession in matters which are often very caralaaaly done. - . I am very truly your, Ac, " . J. Is. BLACK. I alio received a eopy of the Pleader' Aasist- ant, and have examined it sufficiently to enable me to concur very heartily in the above common' da lion by the Chief Justice. :. GEO. W. WOODWARD. July 19, 1854. Sunbury, July S9, 1854. Liquid Glue. LWAYS ready for use. A new article of the greatest utility snd convenience for re pairing Furniture snd Household Ornaments of either Porcelain or Glass. It ia preferable to any other cement used, as it leaves no mark where the pieces join. It will be found a ver" great saving of money in repairing of Furniture alone. neatly put up in bottle a' 35 cents each, or $3 a dozen. AU orders promptly executed. WM.G. MA80N, 204 Chestnut itreet, Philadelphia " Phila., Oct 14, 1854 tf. jMROUND snd whole Pepper, Clove. Cinna " mon, Nutmeg, Mace, Alllapice, Ginger, Liquorice, cVe., Ac, at Nov. 18, '64. YOUNG'S STORE. SMITH'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN- GEK, a fresh supply just received, and for sale by II. B. MASSER. Hunhniry, Jtn. 10, IBM. 1JATENT BRITTANU STOPPERS for bar belli) tor al by ... H. B MASSER. Embury, April 1. I6, , , . , , .. , y N FOR Ml at Ibis pfHs Superior Black Ink, Cats Mediciu at 0 ct. 1'iw Eaten ef Utiaeer, Sfc lent aSj IT mm CHERRY PECTORAL:. ' rr Ike Car mt oorjroHS, ooz.ds. B0AR8BNSS3, BRON CHITIS, GROUP, ASTHV MA, WHOOPiarOOOUGB AUU CONSUMPTION-. TO Cl'KK A f!(ll.li. W.Tifl Htimral .Nn inlvtMl of th bodv. tak tha Ctlllr H.rrrni.1. nn eoina Lo hed. Bud wrap up warm, to sweat durii the niglit. r ou a uold aud uouoh, uiKe it morning, noonann eve ning, aecordint In ditectiont on the bottle, and thi difficul ty will eoou b removed. None dl l uig aulfer from thi tronhle when they Hnd it can beeo readily cured. Person allhcted with tr'nted coukIi, which breaks them of their reel st milit, will Dud, b, taking the Chen, Pectoral on goirg t. bed, they niuy be sure of sound, unUoken sleep, and ciiisequently ref reehuig rest. Great relief from Buffet lug, and an ullliuate cure, is stTorded to thoutanda who art that utMicted, by this iuvaluable remedv. From its agreeable effects iu these catet. many find ineinieives unwilling to torcgo its use When tn ueceasity ioi n not ceotca From two eminent Physicians in F&VBTTKV1U.B. Tenn.. Anril IS. 1R51 9ir ; We have nivon vour Cherry Pectoral an extensive trial in our practice, and Bud H w uriaaa every other re medy w huve for euiin arTectious of the respiratory oi. grnw. Ulf. D1KMF.R A HAMPTON. TO 81 N 0 KR9 AN D PUBLIC rPKAKEH8 tliia remedy it iuvaluslile, at by in action n the Uinnt and lungs, wheu taken in ainnll quantities, llremovesall hoarseness in few hnnrs, and wonderfully increase the power and flexibility of the voice. ASTH.M A is generally much relieved, and often wholly cured by Cherry Pectoral. But there are some cisesso ob stinnte ns to yield entirely to no medicine. Cherry Pecto ral will cure them, if Uiey can b cured. BIIONC'HITIS, or irritation of the throat and upper portion of the lungt, mny be cured hy taking Cherry Pe to rsi in Biuali and In-qnent dose. The uncornfortubl op pression is soon relieved. Kev. lloct. LANSING, of Brooklyn, New York, states: 'I have seen the Cherry Perioral cure such cases of Asthma and Bronchitis as leads me to believ it can rarely fail to cure thoee diseases." FUR CHOI P. liiva an emetic of antimony, to be followed by large and frequent dote3 of the Cherry Pecto lai, nntii r suMues the ditease. If taken in season, it will not fad to cure. WHOOPING COUGH may be broken up and aoon ca reft by the use of Cherry Pectoral. TUB INFLUKNA it tneedily removed by thit reme dy. Numerous instances have been noticed where whole families were protoried from any serious consequences, while their ucurhb-.ra, without the Cherry Pectoral, were uttering from the ditease. Dr. J. C. A yen SxlKH.Ohio, lttb June, 1651. 1 write to inform you ol the truly remarkable effect of ynur CIIKKRV PKCTOKAL in this place, and in my own family. One of mv daughter wa completely cured in three day of dreadful WnooriNe Cocoil, by taking it Dr. Means, one of our very best physicians freely states that he coutidert tt Ihe belt remedy we have pulmonary ditcases, and that he hut cured more enact of Caocr with it than auv uiher medicine he ever administered. Oui clergymen ol the Baptist Church tuyt that during the run of Influenza here this tcnton. he hat seen cures from your medicine he could scarcely have believed K'ith out tw iug. Vourt retpectfully, J. P SINCLAIR, Deputy Postmaster, front the distinguifhed Professor of Ckemis try and RUleria Mcd:cc, liotcdoin Callcce. I have found the Ciiianr VrcTotui, ns its itieredientt sla,w, a powerful reiuudy for colds, aud cuuglit, aiul pul monary diseases. PipitrfB Cleveland, M. D. Bmmrwicx, Me., Feb. s. ih7. DH. VALKNTINF.MOTT. The widely celebrated Professor of Surgery in the Medical CtMeee, New York; City, satis : "It givct me plevsiire to certify Ihe value and efficacy of 'Aveb's OiitnnT PecroPAL,' "which I conM't.T peculi arly adapted to cure disease ol Ihe Throat and Lanes." Cures of seveie diseases upon the Lunes have been ef fected by Chkubv PscroRAL ill such extreme cases ss warrant the belief tliot a remedy hat at lenpth been found that can he depended on to cure the Coughs, Colds and Coiisumnliou which enrrv from our midst thousands every year. It it indeed a medicine to which the ufllicted cnu look with confidence for relief, and they should not fuil to avail themselves of it. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. 8o!d in Sunlmry by H MASSER, and by Drujgiat generally throughout the State. July 30, 1853 ceow lv.Nov. 13. 52. Great Arrival of SPRING GOODS! IK A T. CLEMENT C NKORMS his fiiend and customers that he 2 just received an elceant assortment of SPRLG AND SUMMER GOODS At Lis Hiorc in Mar.;ct Street, Sunbury, which he oilers to the public at the lowest price. ill slock consist ol a general assortment o Dry Goods, viz : Cloths. Cassimers, Casnnets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin it Lams, Lawns, Ginghams, JJerages. Also a large assortment of CLOTHING. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women at d Children. Silk Hats. Panama, Palm leaf and other Summer Hats. IMatcr. GROCERIES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, r ish. Salt, &c. HARDWARE, Viz : lion and Steel, Nails, File, Saws, dec. QUEENS WARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, 'e LIQUORS, Wine. Brandy, Gin, Bum, Whiskey, lc Ur Couutry produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market prices. April 8, 1S54 ly. The Eye Perfected. SILVER MEDALS. Flora th Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, from tt Ameticou institute, new iora, awl FIVE FIRST PREMIUMS From Different Fairs in New England. City Daguerreotype Establishment D. C. COLLINS & CO. No. 100 4r 166 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Also, Main Street, Springfield, Mass. and Wtstfitld, Mass. ' Portrait Painting and Talbotyping, in the highest date of perfection, done in all the abov Establishment. Sky-Light used in all the establishment. Miniature taken equally a well by them in cloudy a in clear weather. Phila.. May 87, 1854 tf. NOTICE To Trespassers on the Telegraph Line. 7aT0TICE is hereby given, that all pereone .found trespassing upon, or injuring the line of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Telegraph will be dealt with according to the act of Assembly in uch eases made and provided. H. B. MASSER, Prcs't Phila. and Sunbury Telegraph Co, Sunbury, June 3, 1854. if. SABIUr.L W. PEPPER (OCCXaSOB TO ' IIENRY J. PEPPER & SON, Wntcliea, Jewelry b Sliver Ware, A p. 175 Chestnut tt., oppositttht Stall House, . Phils., May 27, lS54. ly. JOHH V. MARTIN, MERCHANT TAILOR, 8TXNZ.TJY, PA, RESPECTFULLY inform his friends and customers that he ha just received from the city new and complete a rtmeni Mem Wearing Jppartl, which he will make up to order, or ell, as cheap a any other establishment la ue piece, a n 41 tfeterwilnad lo f erratt no on t endursell him. H i goods are cbice, and careftjlly eoleeted from the beat in the Philadelphia jnarkat, and they will be made up iu the beat ami let style and warranted. Hi alock consist in prt of hand torn Marseile and Silk Vestifigs, Duck and other Llneoe for Coat. tVe. Also, vri4y ef Cloiha. Cassimers,-Cravat.- Nck Ti. nd . . .i . 1 : .1 - - r.. it..,1 ap.... Suiituuy. Iuji 10, 4954. U. ' J ' ' "AID AUD C0MF0llT,M " ? ' To Tour Own Mechanic!. GEORGE EBNN. MAITUPACTHtER 04 FURNITURE AND fciMras Of the most TaihionabU THE .ubscriber repcctfully call the Jil""'1 a "f the public to hi. large .d Sio mcnt of every quality and price of v" CAlUETVlVAltr. which cannot fail to retommend neelf t every one who will examine It, on account of it, durable workmanhip and splendid finish, made np of the be.t stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and Ihe ubsciiber is determined to keep up with the msriy Improvements which are constantly being made His stock consist of Mahogany Sofas, Dlrans) and Lounge Bureau,, Secretaries, Bideboardi SOFA, BREAKFAST AND D1MNQ TABLE snd also VENETIAN BUNDS, equal to Pkila- delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price. CUB.AJIIS, VV0RK AND CANDLE. 01 ""ta"1 TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In .hort, every article in thi. line of his busines. Hs aloe manufacture, all kinds and qualities ef CHAIRS, including varieties never before to be had ir. Bunhury, such a M.iioo.it, Btie Wtst f rf tki?!' hichsr of the latest styles, snd warranted to he excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere 1 he ubcrilir is determined that there ViH be no excuse for person to purchise fiimiture ir Uie citie, a every con6dence ran be entertained aboxit the quality and finish of hi were .in! Chair. Hi article will be disposed of on as go0J term, as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun ty Produce taken in payment for work, v r UNDERTAKING. Having provided nimseir with a handaome Htmsr, be i now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer. al, in thi vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from thi place. tF The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson' Store and Weaver' Tavern GEORGE RENN. 8unhury, Jan. 10, 1852. tf. WOCTOR YOl'RSELF! THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : OR, EVERY ONE HIS OWN PHIS10UX. rT,HE EIFTIETH Edl - lion, with OneHuiidreJ Engravings, showing Dis ease and Mulformatioiis of the Human System iu every ahnie and form. To which is added a Treatise on the Diseases of Females, boing of the highest importaureto married people, or those conteinpluting marriage. Hi Br Win. Young Let nn father be ashamed tn present a copy o the A:SCULArU."K to hi child. It may suva him from an early crave. Let no young man or woman enter into the secret ohligationa of mar ried life without reading the POCKET -ESCl'-I.APIUS. Let no one Buffering from baeknie.p Cough, Pain in the Side, restless night, nervoiu feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa tions, and given up hy their phyaician, lie another moment without consulting the -CSCL'LAI'IL'S. Have the married, or those about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful book, it has been the mean of saving thousand of un fortunate creatures f.oin tho very jaw of death. Ci" Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of t'.iis hook, by mail, or five enpie will he sent for one dollar. Address, I)n. W. YOL'NU , No. 152 SPRITE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Po-t pjid. Julv S2, lbOl ly. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, or Tasteless Salts, Prepared by WEISER & BRr.NER. This prrpaiation ia recorair..nW a an ex cellent laxative and purgative, it operate mildly, i entirely rcc from any unpleasant taate, n emhling lemonads in tlavor. Thi medicine is highly beneficial for disease peculiar to Slimmer and hot weather. Sunbury, Julv 1, 1854. DOCTOR JOSEPH W. CAMERON, TJESPECTFI.LLY inform the citixen of the Borough of Sunbury and vicinity, that be ha permanantly located himself in id Borough ; and oilers hi professional services to those who may wish to employ him. For the present he can be found at Weaver Hotel. Sunbury, March 11, 1654. tf. RY GOODS, Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinclts, Vesting, Tweed. Summer cloth. Velvet cord, Tickings, Check, Muslin, 4e., just ree'd and for sale l WM. A. KNABB. Lower Augusta, May 6, 1654. YTEGETABLE CATTLE POWrDErW90 dozen Breinig and Fronefiel J's Cattle Pow der, just received at the New Drug Store of - WEISER at BRLNER. Sunbury, May 27, 1854 , ,. . . . ThR. H. H. HIGBEE'S remedy for cough. cold, and puhnonsry diseases. A supply of this valuable medicine just received and for sale by H. B. MASSER. 8unburv. June4 , 1653. HATS AND CAPSA splendid lot of faahionable Silk, Wool and Fur HaU. a w Cleth. Fur, Oilcloth, Nav, ,d Military Caps for eale low by ' G.EL8BERG4 CO. Market street, opposite tha Pott OrBce. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853. GOLD PENS with and without caara, ef a very auperior quality, just received. A bra a freab supply of Writing Fluid, for sal by . H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Dee. 87. 18SI rjHAIN PUMPS.- A small Bumber of these excellent pumps hsv been received and are ottered for sale by ., , . H. B. MASSER. fvunburv. June 4. 1853. CJILVER WATCH ES-A few double ,.. English Silver Watches, for sale at very low paces by Sunbury, A pri 12, 1A51 H. B. MASSER. jfTiOOPER'S GELATINE. For Jollies. A- c y For sal by WEISER i BRUNEI!. HuiiBurv. June 34. 1854 11LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and Hank Mortgagee, Bonds, Execution, Sj.nnioiis 4it., for le b H. B. iA SER. Sunbury , A iri C6, 1851 HATS sud' Cap. i7k7"Bcsv7, Fur snd Slouch, Pausiaa, leghorn. Braid and Chip for men and boy. Ltdies B on uel of sll style., just received snd for ill by Ms 6.1854 VM. A. KNABB. EWfcLRY. A nice aowutmeut of Geld sui Silver Pencil and Pen, for al chep by G, ELSBERGaV CO., Market ret, oppoaiW the Pet Office Sunbury, Oct. 8, J86J. BLANKS. WJLANKS of every de3rtrtion eaa be hai V thece of ike Amerieaa. f A DIES' Dr Good, bpring and Summer g awl, UUck suk, silk pepJut. D Lain. Ginghams, He bag, Lawns and calico, just r. eeivti and fo la by WM. A. KNABB. l.oirei A'HUtta, Mty , 1864.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers