I 'Poetry THE BABIE. Nae ihoon lo hide thy liny hoe, Nae stocking on Ihy feel , Her suple ankles white as anew, ','. -. As early blossoms aweet. ' ' , Her simple dress of sprinkled pink, ' Her double dimpled chin ; Her puckered lip and balmy mouth, With na' one tooth within. Her een se tike hef ttioliter's eeii,' . 'Twa gentle, liquid thinus ; ' 1 . Her lacs 'twas like an angel's face ; We're glad ahe has no wings. v She ia the budding of our loves, A giftie God has gi'en n ; ' We maun na love the gift ow'r weel 'Twacl be na blessing thua. jKfgcc Uanrotta; IggtL . RULES TO AVOID RAILWAY ACCIDKM . In the last number of a very useful publi. cation called The Museum of Scionce and Art, Dr. Lardner publishes the follow ing riain Rules for Railway Travellers 1. Never attempt lo gel into or out of a railway carriage while it ia movinp, no mat ter how slowly. 2. ' Never ait in any unusual place or pos ture. ' 3. It is an excellent general maxim in rail way travelling, to remain in j our place with out going out at all until) you arrive at your destination. When this cannot be done, go out as seldom as possible. 4. Never get oufal the wrong side of a railway carriage. 5. Never pass from one side of the railway to the other, except when it is iiidispensibly necessary to do lo, and then not without the utmost precaution. 6. Express trains attended with more dan ger than ordinary trains. Those who desire the greatest degrees of security should use tbem only when great speed is indispensa ble. 7. Special trains, excursion trains, and all other exceptional trains on railway, ore to be avoided, being more unsafe than the ordina ry and regular trains. 8. If the train in w hich you travel meets with an accident by which it is stopped at a part of the line, or at a time when such stop page is not regular, it is more adviseable to quit the carriage that) to stay in it. but in quitting it remember rules 1, 4, and 5. 9. Beware of yielding to. the sudden im pulse to spring from the carriage to recover your hat, which has blown off, or a parcel dropped. 10. When you start on your journey, se lect, if you can, a carriage at, or as near as possible lo, the centre of the train. 11. Do not attempt to hand an article into a (rain in motion. 12. When you can choose your time, trav el by day rather than by night ; and if not urgently pressed, do not traval in foggy weather. A Dead Sell: An Exchange says: One day last week, ono of our diuggists filled an order of a dozen bottles, containing equal parts of flaxseed oil and turpentine, for an itinerant merchant. When the ding-gist went home, bis "boiler ha!f" was exulting in the superior finality of a polish for furniture which she had purchased of a pedlar. It was a "love of a polish," and she wished her husband would "only keep such nice and use fid articles in bis store. So cheap, too! only fifty cents a bottle," An inspection of the wonderful polish by the husband reveal ed the interesting fact that his wife had bought one of the identical bullies for fifty cents which he had sold at one dollar per dozen. A Kiss among tus Puritans In 1659, a trial look place in Connecticut, under the section of the blue laws prohibiting kissing. The offendeis weie Sarah Tuttle and Jacob Newlice. It appears that Sarah dropped her gloves and Jacob found them. When Sarah asked for them, Jacob demanded a kiss for his pay, and as the demand did not seem to Sarah extravagant, she adjusted it forthwith. The facts were clearly proved, and the par. ties were each fined twenty shillings. This was some lime before the celebrated bonnet railed the "Kiss me quick" was invented. Green Corn Pudding. This is one of the numerous rural luxuries which the faimer has always the power lo obtain at small ex pense. The following is the recipe for ma king it: Take of green corn ,full in the milk, twelve ears, and grate it. Tu this add one quart or sweet milk, one-fourth of a pound o( fresh butter, four eggs, well beaten, pepper nnJ salt as much as may be deemed necessary ; stir the ingredients well together, and bake in a buttered dish. Some add lo the other ingredients a quarter of a pound of fine sugar, and eat with sauce. It is an excellent dish, cold or warm, with meat or sauce ; but epi cures of the most "equisile taste" declare for it, we believe, and with the fiist service. Not Ashamed of Tiisia Trades -A sin gular exchange of courtesies look plne n short time since, between Judge Pepper of the 7lh Judicial District of Tennessee, and Governor Johnson of the same State. Judge Pepper, who was a blacksmith, presented "lo Gov. Johnson a fire shovel, made by the Judge's own hands. The Governor accep ted the present, and being a laylor by tradei leturnud the compliment by cutting and ma ing with his own bands a coat, which he presented to the Judge. Mrs. Stows; and th Law. In Mrs. Har riot Beecher Stowe's new book about her English experiences, speaking of being in troduced lo Lushinglon, the eminent Admi. rally Judge, she stales that in America this department ol Law is entirely unknown. Shade of Joseph Stary J .. , ., . . Psrca TRo Grass. We understand that Mr. Collins, at Waterford, has discovered a process by which be can manufacture an. ex cellent quality of writing paper from a cer tain kind of grass, which is said to grow in abnndanco at that place. Spring nntl Summer Goods ; Peter W. Gray - ' INFORMS,hla friends that he has cel" a good assnttrrteivt ef Spring and Hummer Good, at his Slore iri Whortleberry street.' H' slock Consists of 1 ' 1 , ' '' ' 1 ' ,. ' ' , ', , , 7f H ' DRY GOODS, VIZ i ,tln,i Cl.tha, Corners. Sallinett., Jean B.rafrcs, Bsrsge De Laines, Oinahem., , Lawns, Linens, Muslins. 'Flannels, , Mantilla Silks. Summer Shawls, ' . Dress Trimming and all Item. . ' " In the Drv Goods line. Also, a. ..... are ...or.met o78l.o.. for Men Women and Children. ', Summer list. , , j i Groceries of crnr yrl,lv. , : Teas, Coifce, Sugar. Molasses, Spices, Salt, . , , , ;r .... i. Fish, &c. ( . . ,' ",'",'-'"' Ilar.lwnrv , A iroiicrai assortment 'of Cedar War Tubs, Buckets, Wash Boards. Broom., Druebes, &. QvRtsswAn general assortment. Country produce taken at the highest market prices. 1 Sunbury, June 3, 1SSI. tf. New Goods for the People t BENJAMIN HEFFNEIt RESPECTFULLY informs the public in gen 'end that hchas just received and opened a splecdid stock of Spring and Summer Goods at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stock consists In part ol Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of alt kinds, of linen, cuttnn and worsted. ALSO i Callcoc, Gingham, Lawns, MoiiNNelliic Ic I. nines and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GroiorlcR, Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron and Steel, Nails, &o. Also on excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various slj les and patterns. Also an assortment of ROOTS tt SHOES. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, isc. And a great variety of oilier articles such ns arc siiitnble to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. ' ' 3r Country produce taken in exchange a the highest prices. : i Lower Augusta, May 0, 1854. TANNERY For Sale or Rent. fllHE subscriber offers for sale or rent his JL TANNERY, situated in the flourishing town of Shamokin, Northumberland t'onuty. The tannery is well located and supplied with a foun tain of running water. The building is of frame 57 by SO feet, on a stono basement. The yard contains 25 vats, all in excellent order. Bark and hides are abundant. Possession will be given immediately. If the property is not sold, tho subscriber would nol object to taking a good partner, one who could coine well recommended, or he would give steady employment to a good hand at good wuges, if application be made soon. As there is no other tannery in Shnmokin, the above affords an opportunity to go into the business, seldom offered. DANIEL EVEItT. Shamokin, June 10, 1854. tf. . Kew Clock and Ifatth ESTAELISHrIENT, Market St., 3 doors east of the Red Lion Hold, Sunbury, Pa. HAIMOXD FEIIRENLACII T ESPECTFULLY invites the attention of the public to his Clocks, Gold and Silver Wutches, Jewelry, &c, which he will sell at moderate prices. Repairing of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry done at tho shortest notice. Sunbury, May S7, 1851. tf. PHILADELPHIA. ALLEN & NEEDLES, 23 SotirVi Wharves and 35 South Water Street, OFFER for sale on the most reasonable terms, OILS Sperm, Whale, .Solar and Miners' Oils- GUANO Peruvian Guano, Government No. 1. STARCH Agents for the Oswego Pure Starch, Prepared Corn and Corn Starch. , Phosphate of Lime, 1000 barrels of improved Super Phosphate of Lime. Phils., May 27, 185.1. 3m. Colored Window. Glass. W. MOWBRAY k CO., ijOUTH West corner TENTH & HUNTER Sis., would respectfully imite the attention of Merchants, Builders and others to the beauti ful variety of work produced at their estoblibli incut, consisting of - STAINED WINDOW GLASS, suitablo for Hotels, Saloons, public and privato buildings; Churched Ornamental Stained Glass, Transoms and Side Lights for Vestibules, Dalcony, Piuza anj Staircase Windows. Also, Lead Sash and Stained Glass for Churches, Scriptural Figures and Altar pieces, accurately worked up to order, and furnished in any part of the United States. Flocked enameled nnd matted decorative Church Window Glass executed in Gothic and other architectural styles, and competent work men sent to any part of the Union. Orders from a distance promptly answered. N. 11. An Agent wanted for this place. Phila., July 23, 1851. 3m. SAMUEL W. PEPPER ULTESBO JO IlENltY J. PEPPER 4, SON, Watches, Jewelry & Silver M are, A'o. 175 Chestnut St., oppositt the State House, PUILADELPH A. rhila., May 27, 1B54 ly, . NOTICE To Trespassers on the Teleeranh Line. TVOTICE is hereby given, that all persons ' found trespussing upon, or injuring the line of the Pliiladelnbia and Himlmrv 'relr.rn..l. ...:n be dealt with acccrding to the act of Assembly in such eases made ar.d provided. ii. u. AiAisar.ii, j-rcs'i ' -Phila. and Sunbury Telegraph Co. Sunbury, June 3, 1654. if. WILEY'S COVOJl CAXDY. An excel leilt reniCilv lor rnrrlia I- t tins othce. December 4. 1852. . INK Bourcau's celebrated ink,' and also Con-- grss ink for sals, whuljsals nd retail by December 88, 1850. . H. IJ. MA86ER. OLD PENS wi,h ,d wi,hout caws, of . nr Ul nUng rluuli for Runbury, Dee. ?7. 1851. ' ve and gll envelope., fu, Anbury Jttn ,0, lHt' B' MAS8EHV ' BSte IH- W blank c. fo, Uby- "TT H MassiT mlnry Awl SO. llSlil B MAS8. - 'X CA11LV T i CIIIL01'a PATKWT Vfititilatine" Furnace. 1 ! ll'llB subscriber vVoiiklVslI t'hs attwiUoB of all P!3U cVl-KbRATliD WARMINO' ANIT VEN rlLATINO APPAHATUi. ) " . I ' ' , The repulaiinanf tbis Poniaca is now writ saown, hnvhi Wn inlniiliifnl, tlttihipr rtie- f "ye years. Into almnt I5H0 public buihUur",' and more Ihnrt SOUl private ilwiUliiur t Uiia, ni-Ui wifh tin immtnss iiicrraaeis" nlrs every 5"-nf i In" lsl eviihwe llmt cull be okluccil of Its Shpfrfrttliv er r.!l nthrr l'iiiiHcfi. ' ' '' ' : i Hy Urn wm xit ChitarirHs Fumioc, y4 asetira (lis fullow ins ndnnlnpea: , t Vasa Vkstilstm. . i- I'tsie Aia-Mlif IwnHn- anffitres hclMt at a tertineitotnre tliRt will ant ttiiwonte lh Dir. 1 1 u.'-'i -iiH -'. I'.cokomic. tra ov I'iki. Orhat Uua.inti.iTV lifiiig mnda rntliely of Cast tnln, lim llnliir to rnt,'will rninire no rppairailm infra ItiViimc; it Is raiUly Jimnngitl,, nitu will not cxu'etlin Ituiiilttia in vliii-h it, I plncetl to dmitfuriVcin fir Itkr the other rurnn- es. '' ' ' " ' ; !Vi have tlte 4atHnotiala4r Ittindmli nf tlic nit sVi entific infii, lo otteft li t he? truth of Itie nlve sttttcrnent, nil of wnnin pronnnncp tt to ttpchtrdly Dip Im-si Furiihce yot liltv.iwl, for pnrtiichi a pans mid hwiltln- atmoa- tltwrs. Wi tinrwith annex thn namri tif a letv wr mown ami eminent l,rnfe..wtrn, wlio linve used them, ami kiiiftlv fiirni.liwl us their n;uTieii ni rrferrlicwt Pmf. John ? . Hurt; ii i i. ,Prf. Pnrket, Prof. N'.irton. Pres. m. II. Allen, rr.it. Pnrmua, ProLlHnm. Prof. 11. tillimaii, I'nit. itiik ley, XINb SIZES. s We ImvS Ihtr tdiieeil, thUarnsnit, Bve Dew aize ; to thnt nil pcutien nny avail thettiii-lvenui Ui gieat iuiprovr innnt nt a very inoilerate ruil. We nre now ptepnreil to 'fttrniTi an flppnrnitia to' warm u single loom, or the Inr- i liuinii; niiiKiiiig in inv coutnry. No. I. Poriahlo. Complete. 35 45 48 ' 6U " for Brickwork, .... : i . Kxtra Rftdiator, (including Ittivs nnu TrcncK Pimm.) n S. " " " " . 1(1? 41 6. " i , - t .( . . Tlii No. fl is the largest nnd innrt powerful Fmnuoe nintle in theeumtry, nnd is nrlmirably nriaptcd for Church es nnd oilier Inrirc claws huildiiiRS. Wo continue lo sell the nppnnitus at the same price ns when first introduced, five yeurs hjjo Allh-iitli the pie sent hili price of iron has iucrencd their cost Q5 per cent, owina lo tlicir great weight, still we nre eunhlcd, hv the gienl increase ol sales, lo furnish the nilicle ut the I iweal rossihtemice. One Foundry nt'Mie. Messrs. Wnnifelc ,V .eilirauili, have eontructed to fumih us wiUi 5ntl tons of Furnaceji this Hensou, so tlmt we uio now prepared to furnish tliem wholesale or retail. e sti'.ierintend the j erection of nil Furnaces, when required, and warrant them i in all cases. I METROPOLITAN COOKING RANGE. We hnve also the mwt eotnpleto Cokiii(r I?iiiisp tlmt h.ii yet been introcht), f viiir)i we cull Uie ntifiitinn of nil who may wish to upcnre the m ml pel feet and dcsiruble cooking paratuB over1 inventtwl. k EMERSOWS PA TEN T VENT1LA TO RS. We nre the only Aeenls in Pensvlvunia for the mntmfnc tiueand sale of this Ventilator, which is acknowledged to be the only perfect Veutilotor ever made' for correcting the draught in smoky chimniiis, and fir veutiliitiiit build lugs of all kinds. As therenre a crent many imitations of this rn'unhle article now ofTeted for sale, pnrtits Witt be careful to examine tlmt it has the Emerson fta'tpe nttuclied. PATENT RHGISTERS AND VENTILATOU9. We hove tlie largest nnd most completo aMirtnient of Hot Air Registers and Veniiliitors to he found in the t'ni ted States. Pattlea who wish to purchase, either for pri vate use or wholesale, will find it greatly lo Iheir advan tage tu examine our stock. SI.ATK AND IRON MANTLES. We have illways' on hand an extensive assortment of these beautiful Mantles, inexact imitation of Kgyptiun, Spmush, Oatway, Sunun, and other rum nmi tiles. OPKN GRATES For Au.hracite and Bituminous Cont. Also, an entire new Pattern of the low down Grnteniade from the Eng lish Patterns, and entirety new in tins country. rlOL .AGK.NTr fertile Eaglish F.uealislic Flooring Tile, Garukirk Chimney Tops and Term Collu Oruu nients, ich as Garden Vases, Ac. Persons about building, would do well to exnntine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Visitors, whether pur chasing nr not, arc cordially weir. ined at our extensive Waretooms, and where we should he happy to furtiUh nnv iiiforitintion resneetinff nnv of our roods that innv he 'desiried. A tKiok on Waruting and Ventilating cnu he had gratuitously at our store, cither personally, or liy Let ter, S. A. HARRISON, Warming and Ventilating Wnrehause, 140 Wulnul rt . below Sixth, Phihdelphiti. rhila., May , 1954.Cm This Way t This Way ! ! Spring and Summer Goods. FRILING 8c GRANT. F ESPECTFULLY inform their customers and the public, that they have just receiv ed and opened the best and cheapest slock of Spring and Summer Goods, at their store in Market square, Sunbutyp Their stock consists of every varie'y of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimeres, Sallinets, Vesting, Flannels, ll'ollens, be., And all kinds of Sprinrj & Summer Wear. Also a sploudid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laines, Berages, And every variety of goods snitable for La dies wear. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also an extensive assortment of Hats and Caps rort Mkn and Hoys. Also p. large assortment of (JltOl'lCttlF.?, prcil as Sugar, Teas, CofTee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a trcsh supply of PRLG9 AND MEDICINES. Besides the largest and most general assort ment of all kinds of goods lo be hud in this place. : EV Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunbury, May 13, 1851. PATENT Galvanized Iron Tubinj', FOR CHAIN PUMPS. rilHIS Tubing, made of Calvsnized Iron by A patent machinery, possesses great strength, combined with simplicity und neatness, and is warranted nut to corrode, is now ollcred for sale at the warehouse of tho AMERICAN GALVANIZED IRON WORK'S No. 14 Korth Tenth Street, l'HILADKI.PIIIA A full assortment of our American Oalvani.ed Sheet ond Rooting Iron always on hand. All orders promptly attended to by McCOLLOUGH & CO. Phila., May 7, 1854 3m. The Eye Perfected. SILVER MEDALS, Tiom the Franklin- Iiitltut, Phitailrlphia, finm tho Aiiicricuu iiuiiiuiu, new ork, uihI t FIVE FIRST PREMIUMS , From Different Fairs in A'eur England. City Diigiierrcotvpc Establishment ' D. C. COLLINS & CO. No. 100 If I6G Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Also, Main Street, Spring Id, Mass. and M'estfield, Mass. Portrait Fainting and Tollioty pinqr, In lbs highest state tI perfection, done in u II the sliovs Estatilishineiits. iS'ky. Lights used iuall the rstabl'iHliinentB. Miniatures taken equally as well hy . tliem in cloudy as in clear weather. rhila.. May 87, JSM- tf. " , JAMES B2GGS, Jr., . "TT CHAIH 7TJP.1TITTIB.E i ; Warcrooin s, ; .. , , ' No. 82 95 North Front Street, ' Abovs Arch, ' ' PHILADELPHIA.' ".; ;" '-j W Cliairs, Bettees, llureaus, Bedsteads, Ta bles, Looking-Glasses, Stands, Ac, in every va riety, sold at the lowest prices for Cash. . Phila., May 87, 1854. 4m. 1 IjJATENT-BRHTANIA BTOPPEItS for H. MAS8ER. Sunbury, April, IS, 1891 BLANKS. . . . v It LANK5 of every deriptioo can be had Wy applying at tn onice ol ids Arasrlcs. ' For tlie Metropolitan Clothing Store b ; . 0. ELSBEEO &. C0.t . - , , j Markttptritt, oppositt thi Post OJfiet;'. h'n just iTcrIted and 'on hand now the t'!'mos't! beautiful, Isrrrcst and best assorted stock of ready-made Clothinir 'adapted to Spring and Sommer trr-af etef before "Irronght into Runbury orflnY p( (n t tinti of the conn try.- pur Clolliiiir made by the best hands and tinder 'ouf owh-bnpmisiort, "M know 'will fepte entirw satUfcctKin lo bnrtrt- Btill adbetma- l.t our old maU'CKap fiT CM,"WU dispose of uor guoua reasonable entl :raiily. 'All w ssy1 ist tome, examine and tirh-e oir" good and we feel suro you'll buy.' -II! .ji . , - j We ollbr you nt the very l.twfst prices every imaginable variety of Coats, Vesta and pants, cut in the last fashion shd Warranted to fit. Cloths. roSflimcrcs. s.tttinclts, lirrrnsT, 'tlri1Tlrip, ienns, silks, satins, and all oilier kind made into' Clo thing. 7 I t -j : , i w -..i ; ' Also a Inrge assortment of Hoots tind Shoes i siiKing these a splendid variety of ladies shrres, nines nnu gems goiters, iVc. ' ' SILK H ATS; '' 1 - ' ';'- ' Panama, Paltnleaf, Tcail and all l.thcr Hats and Caps we have a great variety of. AIfo a trrcnt lol ol trunks, valines and carpet bajs lor Sale cheap JKWKLIiV. !, e have a splendid lot of wntclies, "and fll kind of Jewelry suitablo for ladies and gentlemen, PISTOLS. All kinds of Rcvohrrs, double snd singlo barrel Pistols, Accordeons, Shirts, Collnrs and all oilier goods generally kept in our line can be found at our store, all of which we intet-d to sell at the very lowest price. Don't forp-ct the place, t.i. l.l.SllfciKU Oc I'ii. Market fijunrc, opposite tho Post Office. Sunbury, May 0, 18.H.- lli-l.lv 7j ty Interesting News 1 THE information brotipht to us by the steam--V ship Asia of the sudden decline of Flour, Indian corn, Src. in Luropr, is no doubt interest, injr to lime, and therefore it must be also inter esting to a great many others to know that while there H so much fluctuation in the price of UreailMtills at home anil abroad, there is notliiiijr lo ellect Uie low price nt tlie ' large and Excellent Stock of SWING & SUMMER CLOTIUFG just received by S. Scbnurniiin & Co., and on liuiiu at there store ... On the corner of Market and Fawn Streets directly opposite John Young's store, where they will bo pleased lo wait upon nil those who wish to buy good and cheep clothing.- Also a fresh supply of i-t' Watches, Clocks, Je-vrelry, &c, which they have purchased at a very low price ht Philadelphia and therefnie can aliord to sell to their customers at the most reasonable prices Thcyi still, (after sonic, experience in business) chn? to the good molto'i iiKAr run cash. Coll and see for yourselves. , S.SC11XUKMAN & CO. Sunbury, May fi, 1854. W. S. STOCKMAN. THnMAS II'MIM,. STOCKMAN & O'NEILL, ' ; (JKNF.IIAI, Commission iHcvcIjants 3SJ NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia, n e f e n t; n c i: s . Thos. Richardson & Co. Philadelphia. A. O. Cuttell tt Co. ' Kutter iV Patleson, " . Charles Ellis A Co. Burgin oc 8ons, Phila., April 8, 1831 ly. THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : OH, KVKItY ONE HIS OW.V PIIVSKTAV. riUIE EIKTIETH Edi - lion, with Ono Hunched Eimr:iiui, showing lis- ihts and Mulformations of llio Human cstem in every banc and form. 'J'o will is added a Treatise on the Diseases of Females), being of the highest importance to married people, or thotc coiiteniplnliiijj marriage. isy Br l in. Yoii:itr Let no father be ashamed to present a copy of the .'USUI I.AI'llS to his child. It mav save j him from an early crnve. I.ct no yoiing man or 1 woman enter into the secret nblianttnns of mar i ricd life without reading the POCKET .USCU- II.APIUS. I. el no one sutVcritig front haekniep I Cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights, nervous feelings, and the whole fain of Dyspeptic srnsa ! tions, and given up by their physician, be another ! moment without consulting the l.SI; 1, 1, A Pll.iS. ! Have the married, or those about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful bonk, as it has licen the mentis of saving thousands of tin' fortunate creatures from the very j.iws of death nr Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address. I)n. W. YOI7XC i No. 153 SPKLCB Street, PHILADELPHIA..' Post paid. July 22, 1851. ly. PATKNT S V .1 LES, cold at iheir WAREHOUSE, No. 240 Market Street, rillLADELPIIIA. Railroad, Hay, Coul, and Farnicra' SCALES, sot in any part of the country, hy experienced workmen, and at short. nolic Phila., April 8, 1851. Gin. ' Rosentlale Hydraulic Cement An e.rc'llcnt article far Lining Cisterns, Vaults, Spring-houses, and CAlais, r u lor kenpntg. duinpiiejis frum wet and exposed walls, .rorsulebv CHARLES SHE PARI) SMITH. Corner of Front and Willow 8ts. Railroad. Philadelphia, April 22, 1854. ly. DOCTOR JOSEPH V. CAMERON', bnrr.tyiri'I.l.l inrorma the citizens of the llorougli of iMmhurv nnd vicinity. Ilmi he has permit mi tit ly ' Inched hiinelf in suid lloroiiKh; and olfers Ills professional 'servicer to inoae who may wisli to employ liiin.- FVir the present lie can b fiuind sf rweavers Hotel. rlunliitry, Alarth I l.'IS.H. if.. i. ul'l'o.7l ' ' snaJByRy; r.:.v . 1JAVE just received a fresh supply -of new Ppring tioods,. 'I'licir fii'Hds and the pub lic are respectfully requested la ll and inspect tbem. 'J'liey will be suld cheap. "Quiet sides and small prollts" istiJI UicJr motto, ' ' Sunbury, Pa., April S3, 1854.' ATS AND C k PcT.! A' Videndid" lot' of Cishlitnable Silk, Wool and Fur lists. also .CnnhVKur, Oilcloth, Navy and. Military Caps for sale ow by . O. ELSBER04-CO. i ,. ', Market street,, opposite the fost Onice.' . Bttnbury, Oct 8, 1853 CMITIP8 ESSENCE OK JAMAICA GIN. tiER, a freslj supply just received, and for ale by ' - U. B. MA8SER. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1858. -,' " : OS 1 5 M ei lid LADIES DreM Oaods,epiing and SuYnmer Hliawls, Black and fancy dress Silk, fcilk poplins, De Laines, tshally. Ginchama and Cali eo in great variety, just received au.t ht sale br I. W. TENEK CQ. Hunbury, ApriH3, 1854. . - CHERRY: PECTORAL! , ,n uy U UsU.9, JUiaU9f ' HOARSENESS, BROM. OHITI3, GROUP, ASTH MA, VnOOPZNO-OOUQU AND .QONSVHPTION. i TO CliltK A. COLD., with nRfcfiAom and iuBIikm nf lle liiMly, toka the Cukkrv rBttoRAb on Ruing to lied, niirfwhip itp Wtirm, tt twrtil dluiiif ihr night. -T i- u a uth.u ad cvmiff lUKe morning, innniinn oto nir, itctnlutn tii Uitecliuufl mi Hi Uitlu, mikI the iliiTu'iil iy will ii ba ruinnvfd. Nnnt; will I .ig tufTcr ff"m this trtmlilo'tvlitii Ihfv Unit It t't Hetn tentlilv mreil. rprnn fllllrct. (I wilh a mil nJ MUfrh, which brunKs tlrrm n llirir renin iiiht, will hutl, Uy tukmg tlifl Clirny I'ectornl mi going lJ.litJ, limy ntiv -be iure itf soutitl, iinltfnkrn slcrp, iinrt c.iwrqiiriitlj'"ffrfhiiijf rrfl. Great reliei'friiiiulTer inp, nn'i mi nlitum'eiire, is ntf.'fdi-d tt tliummitla m lo ore Him nlthcled, hy litis inviiluuMe remuil)'. ' I'ritin ita iiKfueublu t'llect iir tlu-te mifri, intny 6t rt iTipmsflvoR niiwilliiig to forego us use when tlie iiecrMity fir hm crnned Fri'iu two einmrnt Pliyniciant in FAVKTTKVtu.K, Tcnn , April 16, Pir ;-We Invc (riven viMir Chprry Pertnrnl n xirtifve triul in nnr pincticr.-aiul fim it nviiurpnn every tlicr rc mnly we huve fur cm Innflortt- nn of the rrpirnt'ry nr gmm. JUtrV IHKMKII tc MA.MI'TOX. TOStXonnS AND PI ni.lCSI'FAKiatSttilsreinwly is invtilunlrlf, ns hy lit nctioii m the Uinwit mid Imifs, whru tnken in stnall (jim'iimirn. ilrem rvcunll hmuseiifM in a fv h mtnj and w Miderlully mcreu?cs the ptiwvr and Itexihilily of tic V'irn. Ar TH.M A in pMiemiiy rtuidi rrlirvrtl, mid often wholly enred hy Cherry IVt l 'rnl. Hut thrre nre ini rnwuso o a'timte us t yield eniirely t't n mwdicine. Chwiy l'ccto r;il will f-nre Ihem, ii'iln'V enn he enrt'd ItlKNt HlTi8, nr irrimtmn oi the tlir.mt and upper porli hi of Uie hitic'f may lie cured bv tsikiiig Cherry I'e t-w ral in sumll nnd Irt-qneiit doses. The uncuml'ortuhla ojv prcsni'Mi in Sfum relieved. Key. Duet. I.WSING, nf nnnklyii,tew VnrW, ntnten: 'I have ncnii the Cherry IVriornl ruic such riwps nf Asihnm ond Bronchitis as leud me tu belitivu it can rurt-ly full t cure th e dtemef." KOlt CROI P. Dive nit emetic of nntlnmnv. tt tie foil Wett hy I:ii;tp und :'reiiieiit doin.n oi" the Cherry Pectn Ktl, until i' dulMlucs th UiteiiKC. It t:.keu in scuskii, it will il. l fit i I to cure. WHtXMMNG COITnir msir he broken up mul atam cu red hv the ne of Cherry Pectoral. TMK rMlil'KN7'iiiBpeedily rrmnveel by this rerur dy. Nunienms inslnuces hnve been noticed whpre whole fimiiliua wcie protijctcd fmin any serious cofisnpiencei, while their neiphhors, with'iut the Cherry Pectorul, wtie sutTurlinf from the dwearw. Dr. J. C. Aver: Salkm. Ohio, tlth June, Ib3l. I write to inform von ! the truly reirvirkahle ellwt of yoiir CHKHUV Pl.CTOHAl. in this place, nud in my own family. One of my d.iiifrhttwa was uinpletely cured in three days of h diendful Whoopikb Coi'iiii, by takiun it Dr. Means, one of nnr vriy best phsici,'tns ficely sints that he cousidrra it the best remetly we have pulmonary diseaw-s, ami that he has cured Niore vnsrs of Cuocp with it than nay other mciliehic he ever ndministereil. Out clerpyinen ol tho llaptist Church ainsthnt during the nm of IxFtrHNZ here this itiii hi. he has seen cim-a from your medicine he could scarcely huve believed ivi.h Gift seeing. Voors respectfully, J. D. lIf3l.AIR, DepLty PoRtinas'er. From ike dis(inuhhrd Professor of Clicmis- try and Mrtcria Mcdtc.cy ttowdoin Colletie. I have found the Chkmhv pRfTHRAL, ns its ingredients show, n powerful remedy for colds, and eaughs, nnd pul inouaiy difieases, PMir.n Cleveland, M. D. UnusfWicK, Me.. Vrh. fl, tH,r. Ml . Af A I ,:S Tl N F. M OTT. The v't'h hi clrbratcd Professor of Sitrry tn the Medical Cidlcsc, New York tVy, says: "It yives m plerisnre lo certify the value nnd cllieitcy of 'AvKH'i CtiEEHY I'rcTok!..1 "wbicli I consider pecili nrly adapted tcufe disisn 01 ih 'J'hrnnt nud Lungs. Cm es tif sc.ye.ie diseases upon the l.uuc have been ef fect rd by (iii-:bkv Pfctoral in sneh extrcmrt riifes as warrant the lieiief that a remedy bus nt lenpth been found tlmt cnu be depended mi to cure the C'oiishs. C'dda and Cnnsumpiioii wltirh enrrv from our midst tlmus'inda every year.- Itiaindectla nilieitm to which the nfliicted mil .-.ok wuh e Mifideiiee for relief, and thoy Bliould not fail to avail thenifflvi s of it. Prepared and sold lit JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Sunliury hy II M ASS EH, and by OrtijssUts ccncrallv Ihrnughnnt the Stnlc. July :i0, l'8o3. ccow U. Xov. 13. '51. CIP.aXJLA?.. PIIIE ruhscriher hegs leave respectfully to in I Turin his fricmls and the pulilic generally that he will continue the business of a Cabinet Makers' rinding Etcre, in all its vaiious brandies at tho old stand, No. 131 South .Second St.. below Dock st. Philadel phia, and respectfully solicits a eontintinnco of the very lilieral patronage lestowcd upon the late lirm ofT. ct I.. Thompson, assuring his friends that every exertion will ho nuide by himself and those in his cniplov to merit a continuance of their much esteemed favor. THOMAS TIIOMrsOX. Phila., Murch 4. 1651.- fun. Kresit Arrival ol' SPRING GOODS! Hi A IV CLEMENT S NFORMS his friends and customers that he jj just received an elegant assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS At Ms Store in M.u.ict Street, Sunhury, which he oilers to the public at the lowest prices. His stock consists of a general assortment o Dry Goods, viz : Cloths Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans, Driltingsl Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, -Muslin dt " ' Loins, Lawns, Ginghams, Rerages. Also a large assortment of CLOTHING. A Inre assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, M'oiucri ami Children. Silk Hats. Panama, Palm leaf ami other Summer Hats. riatei. GROCERIES of every variety. .Sugar, Tea, CoHce, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, &c. HARDWARE, Viz : lion and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, &c. QUEENSWARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, cc LIQUORS, Wine Brandy, Gin, inm, Vliiskfy, &f. tV Country produce of all kinds Ukeu in ex change at the highest inaiket prices.. April 8, 1S51 ly. THE STEAMBOAT SUSUUjillANXA , yiTH.L niiika. regular trips for carriago of Pus. spiigers between Sunbury and Northum berland every day, except Sunday, on and after Monday, Aptil 24th. The bout will leave the wharf at Sunhury, at 8 o'clock, A. M., 1 1 o'clock and HO iiii..uU) A. M., and 5 a'clock 30 minutes, P. M. ... - .. licturtmig, will lejve the outlet lock at North- umbeiluiiU, ul 8 u clock anj 15 minutes, A. M., 1 1 o'clock and 4 minutes, A. M., and 5 o'clock and 45 minutes, P. M. Fane, 10 cents. Excursion tickets, good for one day, 13 cents. Sunbury, April 89, 1854. tf. Daguerreotypes ! GEORGE W. COBLE, ' IJESPEOTFl "I.LY announces tn the citizens of Sunbury and vicinitv. tbat Im hn. .....in opened a Dagiicrrean Room, and is prepared to Uke likenesses. He warrants hia picture in ht sotufselory to all wishing trud reresentations ef themselves and friends. Special attention is paid to children. Copies taken with accuracy. In structions given on reasonable terms. His room is at the old place, hi the Grand Jury Room, (county buildings,) operating hours from 8 A. M. sotil 3 P. M.. without reiaid to the atala at the weather, . Comes should be sent iu on rlmwl. days. ,. , . , . : . , ..... .. . tuabiry, April J12, 1854 tf. , LOCKS Eight day and 30 hour Iroo a ad J Wooden framed. Cream Nnt. tl Nuts, Raisins, and Prunes, iust received n,l for sale by ... ; ,w , VVM. A.KNAB1L . Lower Augusta, May 6, 1854. . ... . CJILVER WATCHESA lew double case English Silver WaU-hea. for sals at un I... t er prices, tiy , . H. B. MASTER, Look to your Interests ! ! will fry lo please 1 1 S. N. THOMPSON i rrp ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the pnblio generally that he has just re. coived at his store, in Market street, 8unhury, oeiow weaver a tlotel' an enlcnsivi stock or '. SPRLNG AKO SUMMEli GOODS, i , consisting'in part of , ; . ., i Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimerts, Cassinets, Jeans, Drilling, Jtiusitns, ves'.tngs, Linens, tft. .-. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, : ! - i Calicoes, Muslin -de Lains, Lawns, . Gnc,hams, lieragcs, Robrs, . Woolens, Flannels, fyc. ',""";'' . 1 ;. fiuocio m Sugar, Tcaa, Ci'llcc, Hicc, Molasses, L'hccse, , Spices, Salt, cVc, &c, Ac. Hardware, Nails, Screws, Tiles, Saws, Knives dc Folks, Ac Queens and Glassware, ; ' of various styles and patterns. BOOTS AND SHOES. - A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for man, women and children. II t Caps, &c, of various sizes and stylos. lU-siilos a large and general assortment of ruxluonalilc goods. Call and exannno for your selves. MSf Country produce ol all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market p'iccs. . Sunhury, 11 mo. 20 1853 4 m'. 30, 'S3. Porte Mommies, POCKET BOOKS, AND FANCY COODS. riMIE attention of tho Trade, and others, in I want sf Porte Monnaies, Pocket Donks, Dankers' Cases, Dressing Cases, Portable Wri ting Desks, Unckoaminon nnd Chess Boards, Chessmen, Pearl, Shell, and Silver Cord Cases, Work Boxes, Calms, Needle Books, Money Belts, Cicar Cases, Portfolios, Razors and Bazor Strops, Travelling Flsks, and fine Cutlery, to gelher with a large variety of Fct (loons which will lie sold nt the lowest rales. F. H. SMITH, Porte Monnain anil Pocket Book Manufacturer 20S Arch St. below Sixth, Philadelphia. Sept. 11, 1853 tf. "latest arkivaTof Snring ami Summer Goods. J. F. & I. T. SILINB, bSl LCI I'LLLY announce to their friends quit ti e public in general, that thev have received at their Old Stand in Upper Aueustn township, Northumberland county, Pa., their Spring an. I Summer Good, and opened to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &c, Consisting in part nf Cloths, blnrk and fancy Cassimers, Sattinetts, Checks, and all kinds iif SriUNG & SUMMER AVEAH. Also a splendid assortment of ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin de Laines, Pl;iid (.'ashmercs, Do beges, Lawns, Ac. Also a fresh supply of all kinds, of Groroilc. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens wan, Drugs and Medicines. Wooden Ware. Also a larce assortment of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Cups, such as Silk,' Panama, and other Hats, Salt, Cheese, Ac. ! Cull and See. ! Cheaper than the Cheapest, I All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. i Upper Augusta, May 0, 1S54. j ValuableProperty for Sale In the Borough (if Sunbury ! TlHE subscriber oilers for sale the following ' J. property in tho llorougli of Sunburv, viz: ' THE HOUSE ' j Anil two contigiou3 Lots of Ground, ! on the south west corner of Market Square, now i occupied by the subscriber as a store and divcl- j ling. Also: i THE STEAM SAW MILL on the river bank, together with one and a half acres of ground. Also:' a double two slury j frame I Dwelling House and Lot of Ground, ' in Elderberry street. Also: six acres of' ground at the Point, adjoining the Susquehanna, j on which are erected two frame houses wagon house, etc. Also : A House nnd Lot of Ground j in Cranberry Btreet, near the river, on which lot ' are also erected three lime kilns. AUoj i A House and lialf Lot of Ground, J on the north east corner of Kiver and Dewberry i street, occupied by Augustus Clement. Also:" I lwenty-lhree Vacant Lots on Elderberry street. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Jan- I I, 1854 tf. zincTaTnts; One third cheaper than white lead, and free from all poisonous qualities. The Xht Jersey Zinc Company nAVI.VO jcrcjit y cnlnrirttl Ihi'ir works, ami iinjiMvcd tlie quality ol'theirjiruilucli, are prcpated to cxecuts unit-la iir ilicir SUPERIOR PAINTS. Dry. an.l pmund in til, iimairteU f .-icl.tC8 of frviu 25 to.'iitO pnumti ; hI lry, in iKirrclii, of UlHl jvnmil each. Their wtntB zmr, wliich i tltl nry or prountl in nil, ia warrautrd I'ure mid imstirjsusteU fur If nly nnd uuilorni U'liitetirif. A DK-lhoH of preprntiiti lias recently Ijeeu Hiticovered, which euatiles Ihr CVunpony U wnrnml thrir jwimtii tn krep irtub uiiti tfitit in the kt-tti f.ir (tny ieoim!Jr lime. In this i espect their jwiuts will t sujteruir lt uuy ttilier iu the ninrkrt Their brown zinc namt. which is told at a lnv price. mid can Only le made from the Zinc orei from tw Jer sey, ia now well knnwit for ita protn tive quaiitica when applied l iron or ck(it metuiic sun area Their at 'iie clur paint posscsaea nil the propfl lea nf the Itrown, nnd ia of mi aiirccid.lt c 'l"r l jvtiniiug Collages, ucpots, inn DUihiinga, unncfp, xr. . . I-KENUH & RICHARD?, WlKiseanlc Paint Dealers nnd importers, N. W. cur. of M'lh .V Market bis.. iMiikuleluhm Phibdelphla, April t. 1861. Cm. . s. m. sab r now w. o. rirrs.tr, ia. j. . chassum UarlholoM', Tiffiiny f$ Co. IMrOHTEKS AND DH.I:R8 JN Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, tun 'agents for the sale or ' AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, A'o, 2u8 Hnltimore Street, Baltimore. If our Good, on examination, are not as cheap as they can he bought in any other market they may he returned forthwith at pur expense. Baltimore, Nov. 0, 1853. ly. .'V,Vm.F.PCTT3, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN IRON & STEEL, 461 Market street, below 134, nortA side, PHILADBLfHIA. Phila., Jan. S8, 1854 ly. .... V fTROCE IUE8 Sugar. Calfce, Tea. MoJ m W ses. Rica. Halt. . t.wi w,;-.t . by L W. TEN EH Sl cn. BuBbury, AprUSS, 1854. . IT oouka.ii.L. anJ 11 andforwleby - II. li. MASS EH. "AID AND COMFOftT To Your n iricchaiiict. GEORGE RENN. ' MANUFACTURER or FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. ' THE subscriber respectfully cull, the .ttenti.n ment of every quality and pric of rAHI.ET-WAHE. wlileh csnnot fsil to nnnmmend itself (o,YCTy on, Io svill examine it, on account of its Jursbls wnrkmsnship nnd splendid linish, made up 0f th. best stock to be hsd in tlie city. No effort is pared in the mnnufneture of his wsre, snd tbs subscnlwr is determined to keep up with th. many hniirovements which are constsntly bcins mndo His stock consists of Mahogany Sofas., MlvaiiM and Lounge, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND BIMXC TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phihv. delphia manufacture. . BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and pries, CUPBOAIiDS WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities ef chairs, including varieties never before to be had Ir. f iinhury, such as MAiiociAirr, Buck W.ii,tjT iWno"" Ml"-'!GRKciKi sxn Wisnsom r .i , ' TAcr P"'yo s'. which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or clsewhore. J lie snbscrilrer is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about, the quality and finish of his ware and (.hairs. His articles will be disposed of on as (mod terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try 1 roduce tiikcn in payment for work UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a hnndsome Hssiist, he is now prepared for Lndertaking, and attending funcr als, in tin, vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. , ,t:r"M 110 Wnro Koom Market Street, below 1 hompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern GEORGE RENJV. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852. tf. Important lo CoalljaicTsr T,Vf 7',gfril,,r" h"?V inform the public, th.t they have entered into partnership under 111. nrinof Kase. Reed & Co.. for the purpC0M '( niimng. sl.tpping and selling eoal, Jcli.nd a Sunbury, or at any other point along the 8u" qtielinnna. 8 " They will be ready to deliver eoal, well prepa red. on cm tract or otherwise, at all times, on il.. .l.orlM,noce, snd on the most reasonable tern .. Orders received at Khnmnkin by , , KASK, REED & CO. Sunbury, June i, 185a. ly. Cheap dutches cjJevelrt" ; HOLFSALE and Retail, a, the .Thifade,. plnu ateh and Jewelry Store," No. 98 North t?ccond Street, corner of Quarry, PHIIADEUHIA.' O..I.II-n-eT Wstcl.cs, fall jcwpW. tsei.ri.tcn.es. M -'t Fine Silver Siwctade, , H vcr lp. full j,.wM, jtl. Uokt Hrarelel, m Hlver Lever, lull jewl'd 1-J ,l,e.' 0ld Pencil,, I Z tes-w- 7,v,rlver T w Oolit rent, wilh Pencil anil Silver Ilnliler, oo Gold Kinger Ringa. 37J cents to !f 80 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12J cents; Patent, 18j; Lunct, i oilier articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they arc sold for. STAL ITER & HARLEV, r i , .. Suwcssors to O. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers sad Lepincs, still lower than the above prices. Sept. 10, 1S53 ly. 1 WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. JAMES Ji. F IDLE It, No. 12 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. . Gold Lever Watches full jewelled Silver Lever do Silver I. opine d0 " Quiirtier do Gold prlls and pencil and silver halder. Silver J ea and Table Spoons Bracelets. Breast pi., Ear rings Ac. .n An ed and sold at price, a. Iow ,. any Novciubcr S7. 1852. tf. ' liliicksinitliiii. TIHE .uh.cril.er hereby inform, the citizens of i..icn '.'" ",rV' "nd "T l'ublic eencrally, that he intends to carry on the Hlackniitliingr Ruslnpis on his own account, and that he has removed hi. shop from near Clement', store, to a new shop on the premise, of Murk Scupl.am. in K.wn r8 He Wi" be ,r ecommods," all Ins customers. HENRY PARTON. Sunbury, .March 5, 1854 if. DAVIS & CULIN, Dealers in LAWS fc CIIIXDELIERS. " Crer Fourth and Cherry Streets, PHILADELPHIA. J J A ING enlarged and improved their Store. T-t"!' , ,a! '"g !he 'rSM""niei,tof Lamp, m rhiladelphia cty, thev are now prepared to furnish PINE OIL CAMPHENE BURNING FLUID, ETHEREAL OIL. Thosphen. Gas .J T.a-d Oil. Lamps, Lantern, of all patcrns. Fancy Hotel and Hall Lamp. Chandeliers, Girandole. Tud Candc eabras, and Brit.annia Lamps, at the Manufacturers' lowest prices. Glass Lamps by thepsckage, at a small advance over Auction pnee.. Being large MANUFACTURERS or Tr?'1, ,Ur",n8 luid' E,hereal Of. Alcohol! and (the only true) Phosgene Gas, they Z fur- Phila., Sept. 84. 1853 ly. WM. M'CARTY, BookBeuii " H towTlFULLV inf"n' th ihbiunr. . town and country, tkat he has lately reci .VtockfrDT, P 'ila'1elt'hi. l'f add!7,rhS. stock of book, m every br.nchof Literature. " a iee'them.' "" f Uindi"" Vl" Sunbury, Dept. 17, I853'. tico'llT.' this r. n"i . u mon"y Ji"K A supply srf Ihi. valuable med.tui. just received and fl-r sal. Su.burv .., '.I "-B-MAS8ER. QHAIN PUMPS.. A small urber ef the.. otorttoZf' """" "d i. . , H. B. MASSER. rnrnbury. June 4. .1853. J EMNyELlY A assortment ef Gold and Oliver Peacils and Pens, for sale cheap by G, ELSBERU & CO., Market alreel, opposite the Tost Ofliee Bunbury, Oct. 8, 1853 1IAND BILLS neatly printed new type- promptly exeoutec at tkie oltiee. As blanks, of all kinds on superior psper. Kunbury, Feb. 14, 1853. TAT8 and Caps, (Silk, Beaver. Fur aa oioucn, rrnama, Leghorn, Ursid aud Lhiu for men and boys. Lwliea Uonneisfol' all styW Bunkury, AnrI It, 51 just received and for sal. by " Sunbury, Jm. 4, 183J May B, WM. A. K.. OH. - , ' ,.'J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers