1 P oetry Many a "murdered poet" will read th following with a savage delight I BEPIECTIOW, Ifywii teeeiving a topy of my first poem, pub lithtd in ihe village newspaper. Ah I her il is ! I'm famous now An author and pcml I It rpally is in print 1 Ye gods I , How proud I'll be to show it! And penile Anna I What a thrill Will animate her breast, To read thesn ardent lines and know To whom they are addiessed. Why, bless my tout here's something strange! What can the paper mean, By talking of the 'bracefnl brooks . That gandnr o'er the preen V And here a M instead of "t,' Which makes it 'tippling rill;, We'll seek the shad' instead ol 'shade,' And 'hell' instead of 'hill.' They look so' what 1 I recollect 'Twas 'sweet' and then 'twas 'kind,' Ami now, to think, the stupid fool For 'bland' has printed 'blind,' Wns ever such provoking work 'Tis ruriotis by the bye, How anything is rendered blind By giving it an 'i.' Ilast thou no tears,' the 'I,' left out, 'Hast thou no ears,' instead; I hope that thoti art dear,' is put 1 hope that thou arc dead.' Who ever saw in such a space So many blunders crammed! 'Those gentle eyes bedimmed,' is spelt 'Those gentle eyes bedammed. 'The color of the rose,' is 'nose,' 'Affection' is 'affliction ;' I wonder if the likeness hold, In fact as well as ficl ion 1 'Thou art a 'friond,' the 'r' is gone Who ever should have deemed That snch a trifling thing could change A 'friond' into a 'fiend 1' Thou nrt the same,' is rendered 'lame, It really is too bad, Ami here because an 'i' is out, My "lovely maid' is 'mad . They drove her blind by poking in An 'i' a process new ; And now they've gouged it out again, And made her crazy, too. 'Where are the muses fled, that thcu Should'st live o long unsung ! Thus read my version ; here it is 'Should'! live so long unhung!' 'The fate of woman's love is thine,' An 'h' commences 'fate ;' How small a circumstance will turn A woman,) love to hate! I'll read no more ! What shall I do ? I'll never dare to send it ; The paper's scattered far and wide, 'Tisnovv too late to mend it. Ob Fame ! thou cheat of human bliss! Why did I ever write 1 I wish my poem had been burnt Before il saw the light. Let's stop and recapitulate ; I've damned her eyes, that's plain I've told her she's a lunatic, And blind, and deaf, and lame. Was ever such a horrid hash In poetry or prose 1 I've said she was a fiend, and praised The color of her nose. 1 wish t had that editor About a half a minute, I'd 'bang' hiin to his heart's content, And with an 'h' begin it. I'd 'jam' his body, eyes, and bones; And spoil it with a 'd,' And send him to that 'hill,' of his He spells it with an e.' 3fgccUatTC0.tg matter Common Schools la an oration at Wil liams' College, Massachusetts, Hon. Edward Everett once said : "I would rather occupy the bleakest nook of the mountain that tow. ers above us, with the wild wolf and the rattlesnake for my nearest neighbors, with a village school, well kept, at the bottom of the hill, than to dwell in a paradise of fertil ity, if I must bring up my children in a lazy, pampered, self sufficient ignorance. Great Harvest. The entire crop of Gen esee county this season U estimated at 1,000, 000 bushels. The millers however, it is said, feel the present drought. The waters of the Genesee are very low, and they flow for the most part through Ihe insatiable "inillraces,'i leaving the bed of the river in the city, and the famous Falls are an unmoisteneJ mass of. bare rocks. What part of the scripture do two ladies fulfil when they kiss each other 1 Doing unto others what they would that men should do unto them. The Pope of Rome bas addiessed to the Baden Government a note, protesting against any interference with Ihe ecclesiastical im munities, and approving of the course of the Archbishop of Friburg. Not to be Seen. A man does not giieve so much over the loxs of his hair; he will even dispense with the services of a wigi but you never saw a woman appear in socie ty with a bald head. Poetry as is Poetry. It is refreshing to come across a gem like Iba following: Tut tut bird of sprjug : Attempted to sing But ere he bad rounded nolfl, He fell fniui tba limb Ah, a dead bird mi Lira The niaeic had fria iu bia throat. THE PUZZLEBS C0BNER. For the ftunlmrv Auwilcaii. GEOGRAPHICAL ENIGMA. J am compoted of 20 letters. My 1 18 IS ii a comity iii Indiana MyStTtiaa eouuty iu Peuna Ivaiiia. My 1 1 11 11 10 ia a eounty in Florida. My 4 f 17 17 8 0 11 IS 8 ia a county ia Mieeiseippl. My t IS 13 7 IS ia a d.viaioaof Asia. My S 18 1 1 IS ia a aouuty in Kentucky. Mv-TIMTiliaa diviaioo of Ibo Uuiled States My S 10 13 T 9 ia a division of Africa. My ft 10 II II T ia a powerful Kin pica. Myl0 37 ISSIaa enunly la Psnnaylvaaia. My 11 f 7 3 ia a river ia francs. My I 10 1 IS is a lake iatlie Uuiled Stales. ' My I is IS S IS ia an laumd. My 14 t-joiaa He. My IS 3 3 ia a aapa U tha Atlantic. MylagaWiaaeaeia Asia. My 17 1 IS S la a rape la the Aiuuum. My IS IS 7 IS ia a aute. ' My ISt SO ia a river U Uia Virile Humm. My IU 1 3 10 13 1 la liver la Baros. , wutai rrocuneai samp data lot Goreraor rf Feaasylraasa. . JIUBUjUV T0WHS HAIL CLOTHING STORE, Market Street, oppotit the Red Lion Hotel, fl anbury, T. THE subscriber is happy to announce to the citizens of Sunbnry and vicinity, that hs has jual opened a large stock of CLOTHING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. snch as Coats of every fashion, Pants and Vesta. Pliirts or all kinds, figured snil plain, under shirts and drawers, both woolen and cotton, red flannel shirts, twilled, plnted bosoms, overhauls, stockings and gloves, of all kinds, suspenders, silk hnmlkerrhiefs, ties and stocks, pocket handker chiefs, crtton and bilk ; splendid collars, suspenders of all sizes and prices. It has often been said of a pocket in a shirt, but come and see the pocket, vest and shirt In one. Also I a fine assortment of Cloths, Casslmera and Sntlinetts, Summer goods, black satin for Vests, at every price, and any quantity of fancy vest patterns, which will be made up to order to suit customers ; my maxim is: no fit no take. And as for cheap selling, I don't intend to be heat by Europe or America. Also on hand, a large assortment of 1 Umbrellas at any price, to suit great and small, together with some travelling bsgs to carry Yank' e notions in, large and email. Come Farmers, Mechanics, Laborers at , Call in and ace the Clothing at Tower Hall, Ami if you wunt to be auited to a T, Call at the store of John II . D. JOHN II. DANFIELD, Agent. Sunbury Mny SO, 1854. 3in. Spring and Summer Goods ! Peter W. Gray INFORMPjIiis fiienda that he has just received a good assortment of Spring and Summer Goods at his Store in Whortleberry street. 11 is stock consists of DRY GOODS, VIZ : Cloths, Cassiniers, attinctts, Jeans, Drillings, Da rages, Baraga Do Lnines, Ginghams, Lawns, Linens, Muslins, Flannels, Mantilla 6'ilks, Summer Shawls, Dress Trimming and all items in the Dry (foods line. Also, a args assortmet of Sliocs for Men Women and Children. Summer lists, Groceries ol cvery variety. Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Spieos, Salt, Fish, Ac. Hnrdnnre. A general assortment of Cedar Ware Tubs, Duckets, Wash Boards, Brooms, Brushes, ice. Qursrvs wins a general assortment. Country produce taken at the highest market prices. Sunbury, June 3, 1851. tf. This Way! This Way!! Spring and Summer Goods. rniLING & GRANT. ESl'ECTFL'LLY inform their customers and the public, thnt they have just receiv. ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Goods, at their store in Market square, Sunbury. Their stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimeres, Satlinets, Vestings, Flannels, U'ollens, tfc, And all kinds of Spring & Summer Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, Dt"Laines, Berates, And every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. Alao a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also an extensive assortment of Hats and Cats for Men and Boys. Also a large assortment of GKOCEIUES, SUCH AS Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Alao a tresh supply of DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Besides the largest and most general assort ment of all kinds of goods to ba hud in this place. tis" Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunbury, May 13, 1854. New Goods for the People ! BENJAMIN 11EFFNER 13 ESPECTFULLY informs the public in gen era! that he has just received and opened a splendid stock of Spring and Summer Goods at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. U is stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO : Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, niouftsellue De Laities and all kinds of Ladies Drcaa Goods. Groceries Also an aaaortment.of Hardware, Iron and Steel, Nails, &e. Also an excellent assortment of QTJEENSWARE, of various style and paileins. Also an assortment of HOOT k SHOES. HATS & CATS, a good selection. Salt, FisG, 6?c. And a great variety of other articles such as are euitable to the trade, all of which will be aold at the lowest prices. 1ST Country produce taken in exchange a the highest prices. Lower Augusta, Mav 6, 1854. - TANNERY lor Sale or Rent. riMJE subscriber offers for sale or rent his J. TANNERY, situated in the flourishing town of Shamokiu, Northumberland C'onuly. The tannery ia well located and supplied with a foun tain of running water. The building is of frame 67 by 30 feet, on a atone basement. The yard contains S3 vats, all in excellent order. Dark and hides are abundant. Possession will be given immediately. If the property is not sold, the subscriber would not object to taking a good partner, one who could cuius well recommended, or he would give steady employment to a good band at good wages, if application be made soon. As thore is no other tannery in fhainnkin. the above adonis an opportunity to go into the business, seldom otlt'ted. DANIEL EVERT. ; fihsmokin, June 10, 1851 tf. - Kew Clock and Watt Ii ESTABLISHMENT, Market if., 3 doort east of the tie J Lion Hotel, Sunbury, Pa. RAIMOND FliJIREN'BACII T ESPEC'ITL'LLY invites the attention of the public to bis Clocks, Hold and Silver Watchea, Jewelry, ice., which he will sell at moderate prices. Kepairiug of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry dune at the shortest notice. Sunbufy, May T, I85e4t ' Uff jU kK. AjMlt 1 j AJW A IN 1) S 1 1 AM OR ., ,, ;.. A, CARD. ; " ' rfllLSOSJ'S PATRJT Ventilating Furnace. ri'iiK tnonrnnet woo id mil th attention or mi pnniim I rsvntirtng n flr-mntht Fl'HNM'K, M MMI-HON'S L'KI.KIJ KATKD WAKMlsNO AND VKNTILsATlNG APPAMATim. Ihe rmntntinn of thii Forimc la now wrHI known. hnving hem intnrhirfyl, dm (up; the putH fire ywri, lirto it n I 1 .71 io public tniiUlingf, and more thnn PO0 private dwelling; thi, loirrther with the Imtnenae increnae of anies every yonr, ia the let eviJcnre tint con be adduced of tta npchmiiy over ail other funmrea. Hy the nannf Chilaoira Fuutai-e, you aeenrt tha follow lua Btltmttnirea: l'BEt VasTiLATturr. Turk Am the huHting anrfneca being al a temperature that will not dimecnte the air. . r-coaoMiCAfs V of Fuel, Grkit DoRAViLiTr hema: made entirely of Catt Iron, not I in ble to nut, will reouire uorepnira dining a lifHime j it iaeniily mniiflared, and will not exnoae the building hi which it ia placed to danger from fire like ihe other furna ce. We hove tha teatimoninla of hundrda of the moat aei entific men, to attest to the truth ol' the tth-rre rntemeiit, all of whom pronounce tt to be decidedly the iM-rt Furnwe ytt invented, for producing a para aiid hwilthy atmoa- I there. We herewith annex the nunir of a few well mown and eminent Profenanra, who hnve used them, and kindly furniahed na their nnmea ae reference ( Prof. John 8. Hurt, Prof. Prker, Prof. Norton. Pren. Wm. TI. Allen, Pff. Pnrina, Prof. Tana. Prof. B. Billiinmi, Prof. Ripley, NINE SIZES. We have introduced, this aenaon, five new aizea; ao that alt pnrtieamny avail thrmsetvr of Ihta gieat Improve ment at a very modenitecoat. We are nmv prepared to fumiih nnappnrntua to wurui a aiogle loom, or tha lur- prui punnc uuuning in me cuuiury. No. Portnhle. Complete. pas 31 4S 4S 00 70 S. 3. 4. S. 8. 4. s. " for Drickwnrk, .... . . .. . . Extra Rsdialor, (inclarling Rnrs ana Trench Plane.) 107 :i3 6. This No. 8 ia Ihe largest and mosl pnweiful Turnnee mnde in the rmintry. ami is fMlinirnuly adapted for Church es nud other large class huilditigs. We continue to ertl the apparatus at the same price as when first Introduced, five years spn Althmiph the pre sent high prieeof iron has increased Ihril cfll 25 per cent. oinir to their prent weifrht, still we are ciiohled, ly the great increase of snlcs, ti furnish the article nt the lowest rossiMe price. One Foundry nlonc, Messrs. Wnrnirk .ilimuHl li.v. iMilrnflMi In rnrni.l. .. wilh .OO Inn. nf knnviccs this season , a that we nre now prepared to furnish them wh .lcsnle or retail. 'e superintend the erection of all Furnaces, when required, and warrant them In all esses. METROPOLITAN COOKIXG RAXCE. iJ hSI! Llb, T"! co",'?'tle.C""ni.',' 1 ,'."T "mI- all who may wish 10 secure the m 1st perfect and desirable conking upiuirutus ever invented. EMERSON'S PATENTTJUXTILATORS. We ore the nnlv Aeenls in Peiisvlvanio for the manufne- tine and side of this Ventilator, which Is acknowledged to be the only pei feet Vent ilnlor ever made for corieetiiitt the draught in sinnky ehimnies, and f..r ventilaling build- intrs nf all kinds. As there are a areol many iniiintU.ns 01 this valuable article nnw nlTelcd for sale, parlies will be corcful to examine that, it has the Kmerenn llaipe atluchcrt. PATKNT RKOIfTKRS AND VENTILATOHS. We have the largest and most complete nss irlfnent of Hot Air Reeisters and Ventilators to be found in the Uni ted States. Iattiee who wish to purchase, either for pri vate) use or whtflesale, will find it greatly to their advan tage to examine our atrick. SLATE AND IRON MANTI.F.S. We have always on hand an extensive assortment of these beautiful Mantles, inexact imitation of Kyptian, Spanish, Oulwoy, Sienna, und other rare mmbles. OI'F.N GRATKS For An.hrocite and Hituminoua Coal. Also, an entire new Pattern of Ihe low down (Irate, made from Ihe Eng lish Patterns, and entirely new in this country. SOL AOKNTS for the F.nglish Encaustic Flooring Tile, Garnkirk Chimney Tops and Tena Cotta Orim mttta. audi aa Garden Vasts, Ac. Persons alsmt building, would do well lo examine our tockefore purchasing elsewhere. Visitois, whether pur chasing or not, aro cordially welcomed at our extensive Wnremnma, and where we should be happy to furuifh any information respecting any of our goods that inny be desiried. A lionk on Warming and Ventilating can lie had gratuitously at uur aune, either personally, 01 by Let ter, S. A. HARRISON, Warming and Ventilating Wnrchauw, U0 Walnut St , bulow Sixth, Phihdelphia, Fhila., May S, ISM. m . PATENT Galvanized Iron Tubing, . TOR CHAIN PUMPS. ri'vlIIS Tubing, made of Galvanized lion by JL patent machinery, possesses great strength, combined with simplicity and neatness, and is warranted not to corrode, is now oll'orej for sale at the warehouse of tho AMERICAN GALVANIZED IRON WORKS, Aro. 14 7'ori Tenth Stre;t, PHILADELPHIA. A full assortment of our American Galvanized Sheet and Houling Iron always on baud. All orders promptly attended to by McCOLI.OUGII & CO. Phila., May 27, 1854 3m. The Eye Perfected. SILVER MEDALS, Flora tha Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, from tha Americuu Institute, New York, cud FIVE FIRST PREMIUMS From Different Fairs in New England. City Daguerreotype Establishment D. C. C0ILIHS & CO. No. 100 If 16C Chestnut Street. Philadelphia Also, Main Street, Springfield, Muss, and ll'estfield. Mass. Portrait Painting and 7'albotyping, in the highest sinte of perfection, done in all the above Establishments. fky-I.iglits used in all tho establishments. Miniatures taken equally as well by them in cloudy as in clear weutber. Phila., May 87, 1864- tf. JAMES B?GGS, Jr., Warerooins, No. 82 If 95 North Front Street, Above Ai't-h, PHILADELPHIA. I IT Chairs, Settees, Bureaus, Ucdsleads, Ta bles, I.ooking-Glitsses, t-' lands. &c., in every va riety, sold at the lowest prices for Cash. Phila., May 27, 1851 4in. no cm on Yorusm.F! THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : On, EVERY ONE HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. rpHE EIKTIETH Edi tion, with One Hundred Engravings, showing Dis eases and Mullbrinntiona of the Human System iu every shape and form. To which is added a Treatise on the Diseases of Females, being of the highest importance to married people, or those contemplating marriage. III' l)r IV 111 Vikiniir Let no rather be ashamed to present a copy of Hie EHCULAPIL'Slo his child. It may aave him from an early grave. Let no young man or womon enter into the aecret ol.lientions of mar ried life without reading the POCKET XSCU. LA PIUS. Let no one aullurinff from hueknieo Cough, Pain in the Side, reetlese nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dys eptic sensa tions, and given up by their physician, be another moment without consulting the .ESCL'LAPIL'S. Have the married, or those about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful book, as it has been the means of saving thousands of un fortunate creatures fiom the very juws of death. r- Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of litis book, by mail, or Ave eortes will be sent for one dollar.' Address, Da. W. YOCN'O, No. 158 SPRUCE 8treet, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. July SS, 1854. ly. LADIES Dreaa fiooda. Spring and Bummer bbawls, black and fancy dreas Silk, Silk poplins, De Lainea, Shally, (inghams ami Cali co in great variety, juat received and fur sale by I. W.TENER4 CO. Sunbury, April SI, 1854. GOLD PENS with and without cases, of a very superior quality, just rereived. Also fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for aale by )!. B. MASHER. HnnWy, Dec. T, 18JI. , . ' : 8HAM0KIN ' ' ; ? Collegiate Institute. R. Hilt, A. B , Principal Re. C. J. EHREHART, AM. Teacher of Moral and Mental Science, Evi dences of Chrbtianity, tft. Teacher of Primary Department. rilHE first session of this Institution, located at Khamokin, IMorthiinilierland county, Pa., will commobce on Wkisssuii, the lOlli day of Miv, 1854. The year will be divided into three sessions of fourtcfn weeks each, -thus allowing a vacation of four weeks in spring and autumn, and one of two weeks during the holidays. The Institution will comprise three departments, A PniMsnt, Academic and Colleoiiti. The course of instruction in these will lie full and thorough, embracing all the branches usually taught in these rcsiective departments. Katks or TtJTIO!! t Trimnry Department, per session, $4,00 Academic " " SSfi.00 Cidlegiate " ' " $,00 A large and spacious room has been secured to meet the warns of tha Institution, uutil the necessary buildings ire completed. Boarding can be Obtained in private families at reasonable rules. - The Board of Trustees will spnro no pains or labor, to make. Khamokin Collegiate Institute, worthy the patronage and confidence of tho com munity, i ' For further particulars, address Kimltet Clea ver, Esq., of Shomokin, President of Hoard of 1 rnstees, or Rev, C. J. Ehrchart of Paiinos, Xorthumbeiland county. Pa. bhamokin, March 4,' lrt54. ATTENTION! For the Metropolitan Clothing; Store of G. E1SBERG & CO., Market Street, opposite the Post Office. have just rereived and on hand now the mnftt llfllltifiil Ll-niul laut ar.r.n.l stock of ready-made Clothing adapted to Spring , aJ Summer wear ever before lironght into i w....i . - t .1 . r .1 Piinlinry or any place m this section of the conn- Xry UUf ClollllnB m'le ''y the best ham Is nn.l i miller our own supervision, wc know will give I entire satisfaction to buyers. 8011 adhering to our old motto "Clifapfot Ca.'h." we'll dispose of j our goods rcabonable and rnpiilly. All we say j is: come, cxnmitie and price our goods and we ; feci sure you'll buv. A c offer yoo ot the very low est prices every , mBRj,,,e variety of Coats, Vests and pallt, cut j . . . - . . . , - ' 1 'n the last fuslnon and warranted to fit. C loths, cassimercs. satlinells, linens. drillingH, jenna, silks, satins, and all other kind made into Clo thing. 1 Also a large assortment of Boots and Shoes; among these a splendid variety of ladies shoes, ladies and gents gaiter, cVc. SILK HATS, Panama, Palmleaf, Pearl and all other Hats and I Caps wc have a great variety of. Also a grcnt i lot of trunks, valises nnd carpet bags for sale cheap j JKWKLIIV. I Wc have a splendid lot of watches, and al kind of Jewelry agitable for ladies und gentlemen. PISTOLS. All kinds of Revolvers, double and single barrel Pistols, Aceordeons, Sliirls, Collars and all other goods generally kept in our line can be found at our aturc, all of which we intei d to sell at the very lowest price. Don't forget the place, fi. EI.SBERIi & Co. Market Square, opposite the Post Office. Sunbury, May 0, 1854. Highly Interesting- News ! nPHE information brought to us by the sleam ship Asia of the sudden decline of Flour, Indian corn, cVc. in Europe, is no doubt interest ing to some, und therefore it must be also inter esting to a great many others to know thnt while there U so much lluetuulinn in tho price of Urcadstull's at homo and abroad, there is nothing to efli'Ct the low prico of the Large and Excellent Stock of SPRIXG & SUMMER CL0TII1TG, jusl received by S. Schnurman & Co., and on hand at there store On the comer of Market and Fawn Streets, directly opposite John Young's store, where they will be pleased to wuit upon all those who wish to buy good and cheap clothing. Also a fresh supply of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c., which they have purchased at a very low price at Philadelphia and thcrefoic can afford to sell to their customers at the most reasonable prices They still, (after some experience in business') cling to the good motto, "ihup for cash. Call and see for yourselves. S. SCHNURMAN & CO. Sunbury, May 0, 1851 W. S. STOCIM4S. 1MOUAS O'Mlt-L. STOCKMAN & O'NEILL, UENF.RAL Commission ittcviijants 35 NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. REFCrtENCES. Thoa. Richardson & Co. Philadelphia. A. (J. Catlell & Co. Kutler Sc Patteson, " Cliurlis Ellis & Co. Ilurgin cV Sons, Phila.. April 8, 1864. ly. FJ1RIMXICS PATENT SCALES, Kohl at their WAREHOUSE, No. 240 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Railroad. Hay, Conl, and Farmers' SCALES, set 111 any part of the country, by experienced womnien, and at snort notice. Phila., April 8, 1854. 6m. 1 o s e n (1 a I e II; d pa u 1 i c C e in e n t. excellent article for Lining Cisterns, Vaults, Spring-houses and Cellars, , f u lor keeping dumpnesa from wet and exposed walla, tor aale by CHARLES SIIEPARD SMITH, Corner of Front and Willow Sta. Railroad. Philadelphia, April 23, 1851. ly. L0CT0E JOSEPH W. CAMERON," isMrtruM,! informs Ihe citizens of - tue oorougli of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has permanaiitly located himself in said Uorough i and oilers bis professional services to those who may wish to employ him. Kor the preaent be can be found at Weavers Hotel. Sunbury, March II, 1854 if. I. W.TISNIUl &CO., SUNBURY, PA., 1JAVE jut received a tre aupply of new " Spring Goods. Their frienda and the pub lic are respectfully requested to call and Inspect them. They will be sold cheap. "Q,uick sales sud small profits" is still their motto. Sunbury, Pa April S3, 1854. II AT8 AND CAPS A anlendid lot of fashionable Silk. Wool and Fur Hat. alao Chslh. KUr, Oilcloth, Navy and Military Caps f.ir sale low by O. ELSBERG 4' CO. Market street, opposite Ihe Post Ollice. Suubury, Oct. 8, 1853. CJMITH'8 ESSEN' C Ot JAMAICA GIN. tiEK, fresh aupply jual received, and for sale by U. B. MA815ER. Huiibury, Jau. 10. U53. A UN OLD'S WHITING KLl'ID and Adh. aire and legal tuvelopea, for tale by U. U. MAUSER. Sunbury, Jan 10, 1853.-. j N J O lil IV A L ." ..1 CHERRY SECTORAL: Pr ihm Vmrm OOTXOHS, OOXiBS, HOAHSBNESS, BROW OHITI3, GROUP; AST IVTA, WHOOHNO-OOUOH AND OOUSUMPTIOIST. TO CTKK A COLD, with hkadaciib ahd softs!" of the UhIv, tnke lire CmtftRT PkctihiaL on Ruing to hed, ami wnip up warm. t sweat during thr niglit. Fo a Uolu asd Cocgh, take it inoming, n'Kiimnfl eve nifite, neomliiig U diiectiitnn na th k ittle, and the ditfiVul- will lw remnvrd. None will !nt; ulTer "r.in Uiit tnuittlv when they find it con he so readily cured. Persons DlHtctfd wnli a nenied cinigh, which breiiks them of their rent nt nifrht, will find, by inking tho Cherry Fecloml on ff'tintt t bed, they mny be sure of sound, unbtnken sleep, Und consequently r-freshinfr rest, tirwit relict fnmi sutfi-r-tuff, and an nltnimte cure, is nfTrdtd V tluusunds who are tli as nlilicted, hy this iuvulUHhle remedy. . From its apreenble elTecli iu tluss ensf-s. many Cud tli run..-Ives unwilling to forego its use when the necessity for bus reused ' i From two eminent Plivsirians in Fat et'tkvili.k. Term . April 10. 1 BT 1 . Sir We hnve given yonr Cherry letornl an extensive trim in our pniflK-e, and hud it M surpntts every mnei re medy we have Ut cut hut niTerti"iis of the n spimtnry or UMns. DHrt. U1KMKU A H AMPTON. TUSlNOniWl AND PUBLIC Hl'KAKMKS this remedy is Inviilunbli', ns hy ITS action on the throat and luims, when tiken in small fniHiititics, it rcinovesnll timifaciiess in n tuw h urs, and woinlertully increases the power and Ucxibtlily of the voice, ASTHM A is r-nrnllv much relieved, and often wholly cured by Cherry IVrtorM. Hut there nres,ine cose so ob stintite hs to yiclU entirely to u- iinxlii inc. Ciieny I'ecto nil wilt enrr them, if tliev can be com.. BRONCHITIS, or irritntinii of the throat and npper portion of the lungf, mny le cnreil by tnkina Cherry Fe to nil in sinnll uid Irffjueiit dolus. The uiiomloiUiLle op pression is soon relieved. , Rev. Doct. LANSINii. of Hrooklvn.New York, slntes: 'I hnve softi the Cherry I'eciond cure such enscs of Asrhmn and Hnxtrhiiis as leads me to believe it can rarely full to cure tli disinjics." FOIt CROl'P. (.Jive nn emelir nf antimony, to I followed bv lurce and frequent doseil of the t:herry Pectn- uil, uutil i sulMlues the disease. 1 1 taken insmsun, it will D t fnl to run. WIIOOPINti roroil mny be bruken up and on cu- fed bv the lire of Chrrty Perform. Ti.F. INFLUKNZA is speedily removed by tins rfm dv. Numerous inslnnees Imve been noticed where whole finnihi'S were- protected from any serious consequences, white their neiriib rs, without the Cherry Pectoral, wie aufferiiit; from thediseiise. , tlr. J. C. Aver: pAU?M,Ohio, IHh June, 1851. I write to inform you the truly remarkable Hfects of your CH Kit It Y PKCTOHAL iu this place, ami in ny own family. One of my fbntjrhters wns completely cured in three days of a dreadful Wiioopino CoL'gii, by taking it Dr. Means, one of our very best plijsicmns freely slates thit he considers it the leM mnedy we hnve pulmonary di.enses, mid that he Ims cured more cmtrs f CRot'l with it than any other mnticine he ever ndmiuistcred. Out clerpyinen ol Ihe Bnpiit Church says thnt duriuff the run of iNFLtrexz. here this sens ui. he has teen cures from your medicine he could scarcely huve believed K'ith out seeing. Yours respectfully, 3. I) SlNCF.Ain. Peptty poslmiister. From the dint i,i wished Professor of Chtmis try and 3rfcria Medicc litnrdoin Cotlcse. I have found the Cherry Pectoral, ns its ingredients show, a powerful remedy f r edds, and caughs, mid put mon:iry divens' S. pAt?KKR Ct.KVRLjiXn, M. D. Bnrs-M-icK. Me., Feb. ,,. I17. Dlt. VALKNTINF.MOTT. The wi.hlit citchralcd Profrasor of Surgery irt the Mf dical Collect New York CVi, ny$ : lt civcg me pleufiire to certify the value mid efficacy of Ayku CiiKiiiiv PkctoraIm which I cotiMdt-r eculi artv adapted to cure disi'iises of the 'l'h rout and I, mips." Cures of iwveie dtSfnses upon the I.uiil'S hnve been ef fected by Chfrrv PRcroRAL in sneti extreme cures a s warrant the belief that a reined v has at leinrth been found that can le drnenditl on to cura the Coie'lis. C 'Ids und Consumption which i;rrv from our midst thotis-mds every veaf. Il is iiidrcil a nicdieine to which the nfllicted emi look will c mfidence for rHicf, and Ihey should not full to avitil theuiselves of it. Prepared and sntd In JAMES C. 4.YER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. S.ihl in Sunbury by II MASSEK, and by Drucaisls ppiicriilly thrnushmit the Slatc July 30, 1S."3 ccow lv. Nov. 13. "52. C IHCHIs AS. rWlIE suhscribnr beps Iravn rcKpectfully to in. H form his friends ami tho public generally that he will continue Ihe business of a Cabinet Makers' Finding- Store, in all ila va.ious branc'ies at the old stand, No. 131 South Sccnnil st., below Dock t. I'hilailpb phla, and rosierlfully snlicils a enntiuunnce of thq very librral i.itron;ie bestowed upon the late firm nf T. & L. Thompson, Bsurinsr his friends that every exertion will be inailo by himself anil those in his employ to merit a continuance of their much ctccmcd fuvnr. THOMAS THOMPSON. I'hila., March 4. 1?SI.- Cm. Great Arrival tif SPRING GOODS! 1UA T. CLEMENT H N FORMS hi friends and ciistoniers that he E jst received an elcc.mt assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS At bis Siore in Mar.trt Street, Sunhurv, which he oilers to the public at the lowest prices. Ilia stock consisia of a general assortment o Dry Csoods, viz : Cloths. Catsimcrs, Cassinets Jeans. Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin de Lains. Lawns, Ginghams, lieraaes. Also a large assortment of CLOTHING. A large assortment of Boots and Sliocs, for Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats. Taiiama, Palm leaf and oilier Summer Ilata. IMatcr. GIIOCEUIES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, Coffee, .Molasses, Cheese, Ppicca, Fih, !Sa!t, Ac. HARDWARE, Yix : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, &c. QUEEXSWAHE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, !jc LIQUORS, Wiiir. Brandy, Gin, Iliim, Whiskey, ie. W Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the lushest market prices. April 8, 1K54 y. THE STEAMBOAT SUSQUEHANNA I17ILL make regular trips for carriage of Pas aengers between Sunbury and Nortbnm. herland every day, except Sunday, on and after Monday, April S 1th. The boat will leave the wharf at Sunbury, at 8 o'clock, A. M., 1 1 o'clock and WO minlc A. M., and S o'clock 30 minutes, V. M. Keturning, will leave the outlet lock at North umberland, at N o'clock and 15 minutea, A. M, 1 1 o'clock and 45 minutes, A. M., and 5 o'clock and 43 minutes, P. M. rare, 10 cents. Excursion tickets, good for one day, la cents. Sunbury, April 89, 1854. if. Daguerreotypes! GEORGE W. COBLE, J ESPECTFL'LI.Y announces to the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has again opened a Daguerreun liooin, and ia nrcnared to lake likenesses. He warrants his pictures to be sutiafsrlory to all wishing true representations of themselves and frirnds. Sjwial attention is paid to children. Copies taken with accuracy. In structions given on reasonable terms. His room is at Hie old place, in the Grand Jury Room, (county buildings,) operating boars from 8 A. M. until S P. M without reuaid M ih r the weather. Copies should be sent in on -I.....I.. days. bunbury, April JS, 1854. if. CLOCKS Eight day aud 30 hour Iron and Wooden framed, Cream NmU, Ground . uU, Raiains. aud Prunes, lu.i ......t .j t... b WM. A. KNAKH Lowsr AugusU, May fl, A4. S"vVf;K.vv,A',,('HK8 A -b wm.i ii H.oaia, iur sale al very lost prices by H.p. MA1WKK. Runburf. Apri H, ' Look to your Interests ! ' ' 1 ' W will try to please 1 1 S. XV. THOIVlFSOftI EPECTFULLY Inrorma bis friends and the public generally that he has lust re. reived at his atore. In Market street. Sunbury, below Weaver's Hotel' an extensive stock of PRINO AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part ol ' Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Vestings, Linens, Ire. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de Lains, Latent, Ginghams, Berages, Robes, Woolens, Flannels, tfc. OltOCEIUKS, Sugar, Teas, Coffee, nice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Salt, ,&c, Ac, A.c. 1 1. t I'll w nre, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & Forks, &c. : Queens and Glassware, of various styles and patients. BOOTS AND SHOES. A large assortment of Hoots and Shoes, for men, women and children. Hats Caps, Ac, of various sizes and styles. Besides a large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for your selves. IV Country produce ol all kinJs taken in exchange at the highest market prices. Sunbury, 1 1 mo. 20 1833. 4 m. 30, '53. I'ortc Monnnies, POCKET BOOKS, AND FANCY GOODS. flMIE attention of tho Trade, and others, in L want f Porte Monnaics, Pocket Books, Bankers' C' es, Dressing Cases, Portable Wri ting Desks, Mackgammon and Chess Boards, Chessmen, Pearl, Shell, and Silver Cord Cases, Work Boxes, Cabas, Needle Books, Money Bells, Cigar Cases, Portfolios, Kazora and Kazor Strops, Travelling Fliska, and fine Cutlery, to gether Willi a lurge variety of Fakct Guuus which will be sold at the lowest rates. F. H. SMITH, Porte Monnaic and Pocket Book Manufacturer, 205 Arch St. below Sixth, Philadelphia. Sept. 17, 1853. tf. " catestarriytl ov Spring find Summer Goods. J. F. & I.r7 KLINE, 1T ESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and ti e public in general, that they have received at their Old .Stand, in Upper Auirusta township, Northumberland county, Pa., their Spring anl Summer Goods, and opened lo the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &c, Consisting in part nf Cloths, black and faney Cassimers, Saltinelts, Checks, ami all kinds nf SPRING & SUMMER WEAR. Also a splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams. Muslin dc I, nines, Phiid Cashmeres, De beges, Lawns, Ac. Also a. fresh sniply of all kinds, of Grorerlcft. A frcsli supply of Hardware ami Queens ware, Drugs and Medicines. Wooden Ware. Also a largo assortment nf Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Caps, such as Silk, Panama, and other Hats, Suit, Cheese, &c. Call and Sec. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of vrhirh will be sold' for rash, or in ex change fur country produce, at the highest inaiki t price. I 'pper Augusta, May (!, 1854. Valuable Property for Sale In the Borough of Sunbury ! PjjPIIE subscriber offers for sale Hie following I property in the Borough of Sunbury, viz: THE HOUSE And two coutigiou. Lots of Grouml, on the south west corner of Market Square, now occupied by the subscriber as a store and dwel ling. Also: THE STEAM SAW MILL on the river bank, together with one and a bull' acres of ground. Also:' a doublo two story frame Dwelling House and Lot of Ground, iu Elderberry street. Also: six acres of ground at the Point, adjoining the Susquehanna, on which are erected two frame houses wngou house, &c. Also : A House and Lot of Ground in Cranberry street, near the river, on which lot are also erected three lime kilos. Also; A House and half Lot of Ground, on the north east corner of River and Dewlicrry street, o copied by A ugustua Clement. Also: Twenty-Threo Vacant Lots on Eldcrbcrfy street. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Jnn- 1-1, 1851 tf. ZINC PAINTS. One third cheaper than while lead, and free from ull poisonous qualities. The .cw Jemey Zinc Company HAVING irreal y enlaid Hieir works, and improved the quulitv of their products, are nrepaied to execute uidt-i. for ilicir SUPERIOR PAINTS. . Pry, ami ground ill oil, in assorted packages of from 5 to 6111 p'.unOs ; also lry, iu lurrels, of 600 pounds each. Their wlniti sine, which is aold dry or ground in oil, ia warranted fure aud uiwurpuased fur body and uuiforrn WllttcllCfcS. A melh'st ofpreparation haa reeenllv lieen discovered, winch ennliles ihe Onipauy to warrant their sii:il 10 keep fresh ami HI ill Ihe kcp lor any reuaonulda tune. Iu Una respect their puiuta will La aupeiior to auy oilier iu Uie mnrket Their brown zinc paint, which ia aold at a low price, and can only be made from Ilia Zinc orea from New Jer sey, ia now well known for its protective qualities when applied to iron or other metalic aurfacee. Their atone clar paint pnaaeaaea all Ihe properties of the Brown, and is of au atrreeuble cdor for minting Cottages, Depots, Out buildings Uriihres Ac FRENCH & RICHARDS, Whoaeaute Puiul Dealers and iinportere. ., , , N. W. . of Kith Market rtta., Philadelphia Philadelphia, Aprils, IsAt Dm. a. at. siainoLow. o. Ttrrisr, ia. 1. . cmaaos llartholow, Tiflany t$ Co. IMPORTERS AND DKALERS IN Fore i Jin ami loiuclic DRV GOODS, AND AGENTS FOR TH C SALE Of AMERICAN MANTJFACTUBES, Ao, 268 Baltimore Street, Baltimore. If our Goods On examination, are not as cheap as they can be bouirhl in any other market they may be returned forthwith at our expense. Baltimore, Nov. 30, 1853. ly. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN IRON ck STEEL, 461 Market street, Mow 13A, norfA side, VHZZ.AOBZ.rHtA. Phila., Jan. as, 8M. ly. GROCERIEa-SuRar, Codes. Tea, Molas sea, Rice, Salt, Ac. juat received and for sale by I. W. TEN ER V CO. . Sunbury, April S3, 1 834. MANN'M LETTER PRESSES, with books, ink, and all complete, iual rtcvived, sud for sal by . II. U. MA5tEH. Kunbury, June 4, I8SS. "AID AUD C0MF0KT," r To Your Own JTIeclinntci. GEOKGE KENN. MANUFACTURER OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the moBt Fashionable Style. THE subscriber respectfully mils the attention of the public to his large and splendid assort, ment of every quality and price of 1 C A It I i RT-W A It 12. which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery one who will examine it, on account of its dursbla workmanship and splendid Hnwh, made up of the lcst stock to be had in the citv. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his" ware, and tht subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. H is stock consists of Mahogany Sol, Dl vim) and loungc;, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST A.D DIM.VG TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern aud price, CUPBOATtOS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In abort, every article in this line f his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS, including varieties never before to be had ir. Sunbury, such as Mahoojht, Bisck Wsikot a GVitLsn Maplk KarciAx; san Wnnson CHAIRS, ijd rAscr Piaxo Stools, which are nf the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persona to purchase furniture in the cities, aa every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will lie disposed of on as good terina as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce tnken in payment for work. ITST UNDERTAKING. Hoving provided himself with a handsome Hutise, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer. als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. 1ST The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852 tf. Important to Coal Dealers. rTMIE subscribers hereby inform the public, that ''icy have entered into partnership under the firm of Knse. Reed & Co., for the purpeose of mining, shinning and sellina- coal, deliver.! at i Sinilinry. or at any other point along Ihe Sus quehanna. They will he reody to deliver coal, wcl' prepa red, on cm Iract or nihervvise, at all times, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Orders received at Sbnmokin by KASK, REED & CO. Sunbury, Juno 4, 1S53. ly. Cheap Watches 5 Jewelr lyilOlXSALE and Retail, at the "Philadel " phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 98 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. O.ikl Lever Watchea, lull jeweled, 1H enrol cases, 3S,0O O .lil Lt pine Ifk. --M.mFiNePilverSiettiicles. 1,50 Silver l..-v full jcwlleil, !l. Oolil Brnceleis, 3.00 Silver Lever, full jewl'd W ! allies' GoUl Pencils, J 00 Cupeii-ir Qunriina, 1 Silver Tea simxhis, act, 5,00 fi il.l Spectacle, ?,fHI Oold lena. with Pencil and Silver Ilokler, . 1,09 Gold Kinger Rings, 37J cents to $80 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12) cents; Patent, 1SJ ; Lunct, '.'S ; older articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they are sold for. STA UK PER & HARI.EY, Successors to O. Conrad. On bond, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lrpines, still lower than the above prices. Sept. 10, 1S.3. ly. WATCHES. JEWELRY, &c. JA.MKS U. FID LEU , No. 12 South Second Stree', PHILADELPHIA. (Sold Lever Watchea full jewelled Silver Lever do Silver Lepine do . " Quiirticr do Gold pens and pencil and silver halJera r-'ilvcr Tea anSTablc Spoons bracelets, Ureaat pins Ear rings &c. All warranted aud sold at prices as low as any in the city. November 27. 1855 tf. Blacksmithin. "pHE subscriber hereby informs the citizens of Simburv, aud the public generally, that ha intends to carry on tho KliltkMllltllllig IIllKlllCftfl on his own account, and that he has removed his shop from near Clement's store, to a new shop on the premises of Mark Scupham, in Pawn street, where be will be happy tc accommodate all bis customers. HENRY PAKTOX. Sunbury, March 5, 1854 tf. DAVIS & CULIN, Dealers in , LAMPS, LA.NTKUNS C IIAMDELIKR, A'. E. Corner Fourth and Cherry Streets, PHILADELPHIA, A VIXG enlarged aud improved their Store. end having the largest assortment of Lamps in Philadelphia ci(y, ther are now prepared to furnish PIXE OIL CAMPHEXE, BURNING FLUID, ETHEREAL OIL, Phosphene Gas and La'd Oil, Lamps, Lanterns of all patents. Fancy Hotel and Hall Lamps, Chandeliers, Girandoles and Candeleabras, and Brittaunia Lamps, at the Manufacturers' loweat prices. Glass Lamps by the package, at a small advance over Auction prices, lleina; large MANI FACTI RERS of Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol, and (the only true) Phosgene Gss, thev can fur. nish these articles at such prices that Merchants will find it to their advantage to buy. Call before going elsewhere, if you want "bargains. Also, tha Safety F id Lamp for sale. Phila., Sept. 24, 1853. ly. WM. M'CAETY, Bookseller, T ESPECTFULLY informs the inhabltanta ol town and country, that he baa lutely recel ved from Philadelphia, a large addition to his stock of books, in every branch of Literature, aud in a great variety of Binding. Please call and see them. Sunbury, Gept. IT, 1853. FIR. II. H. HIGBEE'S remedy for coughs, "'colila, and pulmonary diseases. A supply of Ibis valuable medicine just rereived and for aale by H. B. MASSER. Sunbarv. June4 . IR53. rm!N PI MPS- A small number of these excellent pumps have been received and are offered for aale by H. B. MASSER. Hunburv, June 4, 1833. 1 EWELRY. A nice aaaortmrnt ef Gold sud ' Silver Pencils and Pens, for sale cheap by O, ELSBERG cV CO., Market street, opposite Ins Post Ollice Sunbury, Oct. 8, 186dr . II' AXD BILLS neatly printed en new type promptly executed at this ollice. AU blanks, of all kinds on superior paper. smuourv, reb. 14, 1853. ATS and Caps, Silk. Brsver, Fmf and Slouch, Panama, Leghorn, Braid and Chip foe men and boys. Ladies Bonnels.of all styles, jual received aad fur aale lr May , U4, V.M. A. KNABB. 4 ' I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers