Communication. For thi Sunbury American. TUB ECLirSB AHn Till! 1IAMOKIN TEL EGRFH. H. B. Masser Under this head, the editor of the Sun. bury Gazette, in hie paper of the 10th inst, Inform the ypr!d that he reoeiyed a Tele graphic dispatch from Shamokin, on the 7th inat., which was dated on the 26ih of May, remarking that "Telegraphs are of some uo anyhow, although it does take a fortnight for a Communication to travel over some of them." . For what purpose this statement was tnaile t can scaicely conjocturp, especially os it has no foundation in truth, and as I feel myself some what implicated in not promptly furnishing news to the editor, by Telegraph, which he or any one else could have found in any nlmanao, it may be proper to state that the editor himself must have been under an eclipse, or that some wag has greatly humbugged him with a bogus des palch, as no message whatever, was trans mitted over the wires for him, on that or any other subject, from that time to the present. When the editor of the Gazette next under takes to censure others, he should first be sure that he has himself got hold "of the right end ot the poker." Operator. Sunbury, June 12, 1854. Choi.eiia has appeared at Nashville, Tenn.f causiug sixteen deaths in two days. A num. ber of fatai cases of the same disease also took place last week at Cincinnati. In New Yoik city, last week, there were twelve fa tul cases of cholera. One hundred cases of cholera were under medical treatment a few days ago at the New York Quarantine, and on Sunday, the ship Charles Crocker arrived there from Liverpool which had thirty-one deaths on board of cholera during tho voy age. Effects of Cheap Fares. Three steam ships left N. Y., on Monday, taking probably botween fifteen hundred and two thousand passenger bound for California. We under Mand that tho price of through steerage lick rts by thpsq vessels was but thirty five dol lars, which accounts for the immenco influx of emigrants. Cholera items are becoming frequent in the Western papers. Tho Maysville, Ky., K.iglo of the 3d in st., says: We learn from the ofiicers of the steamer Kenton, that up to Thursday noon, there had been sixteen cases and eight or nine deaths of cholera, at I'orthmoulh, during the present week. Sweet Innocence. A young lady of Har risburg, Pa., was out riding, a few day since. The horse commenced kicking, when she, iu l he most simple manner, requested her-com. pnniori to get out and hold the horse's leg, or he might injure the vehicle. I)C ittavkcts. Philadelphia Market. June 11, 1854. Fi.our and Meai. The maikel is dull, and Flour is lower. Small sales at S3 75 per barrel for standard brands, and S3 374a9 50 ur extia. We quote Rye Flour at 85, and lVimsyUanin Corn Meal at $3 75 per bbl. Grain. Wheat is scarce, and holders gen erally ask S2 18 for while and $2 05 for led per ilushel. Rye continues scarce. Last sales of Pennsylvania at $1 15. Corn is scarce, and yellow is in demand at 83a8tc, afloat. Oats are scarce last sale at 56 cts. Whiskey is held at 28o. in barrels, and hogsheads al the same price: Baltimore Market June 13, 1854. GRAIN The steamer's nuavs has had a depressing influence upon the tnatket, and prices this morning were generally lower. The receipts of wheat at market quite light, and it is probable they will continue so until the new crop comes in. We quote to-day fair to prime reds at 185al90 cts., and fair to prime whites at 190a200 cts. Corn. Yel low was in fair demand and we note sales at 75a80 cts. Wa quote Pennsylvania Rye to day at HOal 13 cts. The receipts of Oals were about 2500 bushels. We note sales of 1500 bushels inferior Virginia at 54 cts. Prime Virninia and Maryland Oats would bring 66a58 cts. Pennsylvania Oats wero held at 60j62 cts. We note sales this morn ing at 60 cts. SUNBUKY PKICE CURRENT W'uKAT. lira. ('(inn. Oats. PoTiTUIS, ftcF.SWAX HsCKlKU KlAX. rtl'TTlB. Kuos. FlilS"' Tahow. 2110 inn 80 50 50 12 25 PI 10 12 125 10 New Advertisements- JOHN V. MARTIN, MISHCJIANT TA1LOH, IVNSUSV, PA. I KSPEOTFI'LI. Y informs his friends and customer that be has juat received from the city s new and complete assortment of Mtn$ Wearing rfppanl, which h will tuaka up to order, or sell, as cheap as any oilier establishment iu the place, ha is determined to MTiuit no one to undersell him. It is good are choice, and rarclully aelccled Iroiu ilm beat ill lb Philadelphia oiarkrt, snd they will Ik made up iu the best and laleat style and warranted. Hi stuck lit part of band. .llu. Maraud" "d i'k, Duck and liter Linen ( Coal, &c. Abu, s variety of t'luth, Casaiiuef. tint!, Neck lua, ud variety of other arlitl fut Men' wrar. Suubury, Jum I". UM.-lf. Daguerreotype. silk. unJaiaUuml who ! been operating at I Muwokiil 1"' lb I "'ul"b lnt'uU Ui go la Trvrluu oil Um ' Hill f uiu for wit wn k. m M i, ui.vmt. Phamokiu, JuM " No7icti l Tuxi.jrrri. svoi ll B U bby ',l- jus). ,Mt:i:l.V. U'm. nl ii i.N .NiH:B. (WsJ.flisWl , I TANNERY For Sale or Rent. THE subscril er offers for sale or rent his TANNERY, situated in the flourishing town of Shamokin, Northumberland Conuty. The tannery is well located and supplied with a foun tain of running water. Tho building is of frame 67 by 20 feet, on a stone basement. The yard contains 25 vats, all in excellent order. Bark and hides aro abundant. Possession will be given immediately. If the property is not sold, the subscriber would not object to taking a good partner, one who could come well recommended, or he would give steady employment to a good hand st good wages, if application be made soon. As there is no other tannery in Shamokin, the above affords an opportunity to go into tho business, seldom o lie l ed. DANIEL EVERT. Shamokin, Juno 10, 1854 tf. In the Court of Common Picas of North tiniberland County. Breve de Parlitione Facienda No. 12 Acdcst T. 1854. TAMES Carothers and Matilda his wife, " Mary E. Agnew by her guardian James Carother, Adam Torrence and Elizabeth his wife, George Haymaker and Pracilla his wife, Martha Graham, Elizabeth Graham. Eveline R. Graham and Margaretla M. Graham, by their Guardian Robert Millegan, vs. Hugh Bellas, Peter Bald)', Win, Shannon and Rachel his wife, George A. Frick, Clar ence II. Frick, Augustus Frick, Alexander Frick, Robert F. Clark and Martha his wife, Silas Carey, Ann Corey, Mary E. Carey, Sa rah Carey, Thomas H. Colt, Wm. C. Colt Sa rah Coll, by her Guardian Wm. A. l'etrikin, Snyder Jenks, W. Wallace Jenks, George A Jenks P. Frederick Jenks, Joseph S. Else t'ood and Elizabeth his wife, Dr. Samuel Jackson, Jesse Heston, and John W. Moore. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of the) order in this writ contained, the re qnest to make partition of a piece or parcel of land situate in Coal township Northumber land County, on or near the waters of Shamo kin creek, containing 1874 acres, more or less, bounded on the north by lauds of the Miners Bank and others, on the south by tho top or near the top of Mahanoy mountain, on the west by lands of John N. Lane and others and on the east by lands of Jacob HotTman and others, which said body tf lands consists of tracts or parts of tracts, surveyed on war rants dated 15lh of March 1793, granted to Eilmund Huff, Thomas Gill, James Greer, Wm. Morrison, Thomas Camplain Robeit Carnplain, will be held on the said lands on Monday tho 21th day of July nest, when and where all the parties, Plaintiff and de fendant, are warned lo be present. WILLIAM 15. KIPP, Sheriff. Shcrifl s OJhco Sunburv. Juno 10, 1854.- 6t. Spring and Summer Goods ! Peter W. Gray TNFORMS his friends that ho has just received a good assortment of Spring and Summer Goods at his iS'tore in Whortleberry street. His stuck consists of DRY GOODS, VIZ : Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinelts, Jeans, Drillings, Harases, Dnrage De Laincs, Ginghams, Lawns, Linens, Muslins, Flannels, Mantilla Silks, Summer Shawls, Dress Trimming and all items in the Dry (ioods line. Also, a arge assorlmct of Mioeg for Men Women and Children. Summer Hats, Groceries ofevery variety. Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Spices, Salt, Fish, &c. Hardware. A general assortment of Cedar Waro Tubs, Buckets, Wash Boards, Brooms, Brushes, &c. QuKKXswAnx a general assortment. Country produce taken at the highest market prices. Sunbury, Juno 3, 1854 tf. NOTICE To Trespassers on the Telegraph Line. NOTICE is hereby given, that all persons found trespassing upon, or injuring the line of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Telegraph will be dealt with according to the act of Assembly in such cases made anil provided. H. II. MASSEK, Trcs't Phila. and Sunbury Telegraph Co. Sunbury, June 3, 1854. tf. Bridge Letting. 4 LETTING will be held at the house of Henry J. Reader, in McEwensville, on tho 24th day of June, Hot, for a Bridge across W amor s Run, nenr Watson & Vincent s mill, in Delnwarc township. Proposals will bo recei ved until 1 o'clock of snid day. 1 luns and specifications exhibited on tho day of letting. CH8. WEAVER, ) JOSEPH NICELY, ? CWssrs. SIMON SNYDER, ) Comm'ssrs Office, Sunbury, Juno 3, 1351.--X United States Hotel, Chestnut Street, FZIXLADBUHIA. THIS well-known establishment celebrated for its Table, and re-fuinUhed iu modern style, with Ladies' Parlors on the first floor is most centrally situated on Chestnut Street the fash ionable promenade opposite the Custom House, and neir Iiidrpendciu-e Hall. CAPT. CIIAS. H. MILLER, Whose reputation as a Host i well known, i determined it sliull lose nothing by Ins future efforts. The hiehest degree of satisfaction guar- untie I to all who may fuvor him with their company. IIT families ran secure a suit of Itooins by telegraphing a day or two ill advance. 1'hila., June 3, 1854 JAMES BjGGS, Jr., CH.IP. tx. FTJP.ITITTJP.E WuiTi'ooms, No. 8i f 85 North Front Hired, Above ..Arab, THILADEtrUIA. V ('liuirs, Ht'lUvs. Uurt-sus. Uedaleads. Ta- bles, LooLing-tiluaae, Stands, Ac, in every va riety, sold ut the lowrai price for Cs.h. l Uilu., May 27, ls54. 4m. HAM 8. Dried Beef, Mackerel, t,'od:Uh , Itairiu, Figs, Lciuous &. Oritnue. uat received and for sale ty April rt, ISM. I. W. TEN Ell K CO. i lAUI'ETLNU. Flour oil clolb. Table oil cov. us, I ariwl chum, and Door mala, iiiat recvi- vid and for salv by A pill 23, I M. 1. W. TEK Kit A. CO. DltV tilHUlrt Clolha, faimcra, Kallii.clt, Vvaliuua, Tweed, Hummer rloth. Vslwl curd, TukiiK. CkiiJi, Mu.luia, Ac, juat ici. .J for aud hW by . VV. TENEK it CO. Huuliurv. April 24, lM ( J.l) I.I V Ell OIL. SU galloii pure sJ " - Ihonh t'oj .iel Oil uf a.l at WEMEU A VKt .NEIt'la. HuiiUiy, May ?, &4 SiAHDI.NEM Ut i"rU7 hf " " , W.E !iUr.KB. (SuMkury. May IT, ii- i w. (iu .mm Mm ivit'itiu'r'iirri'." " Ui, iiuiut Tan sVnuihaa ai.J Vsujyk pii "'itu nwHt iua aaj J4a falNl 4 I'uWr Vs'iuka, ( aU k VaEI-Eal 4 ttltl tit. I kHtubtiiy, May tl, lt. - SUNBURY AME1UCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. NOTICE. THE Venders and Retailers of Foreign and Domestic Merchandize in the County of Northumberland, will lake notice that they are assessed and rated by the Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes for the year 1894 as follows i Lewis. Names. Class. License Raup & Savidge, ' Bisel & Barret, Kamp & Culp, Delaware Hays & McCormick, Goo. J. Piper, E. L Piper, Jonas Wolf, liq. 13 $10 00 13 10 00 14 6 00 12 12 50 12 12 50 13 10 00 14 10 50 14 7 00 12 12 50 12 18 75 12 18 75 13 10 00 13 10 00 10 20 00 10 30 00 11 15 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 12 12 50 13 15 00 13 15 00 14 3 50 14 3 50 14 3 50 14 3 50 14 3 00 14 7 00 14 3 50 14 ' 3 50 14 7 00 14 3 50 14 7 00 14 . 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 15 00 13 15 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 15 00 14 7 00 13 15 00 14 10 50 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 10 50 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 10 50 14 10 50 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 10 50 14 10 50 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 10 50 14 10 50 14 7 00 14 10 50 14 10 50 12 12 50 13 15 00 14 10 50 14 10 50 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 10 50 13 15 00 14 7 00 14 10 50 14 10 50 14 7 00 13 15 00 13 15 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 10 50 14 10 50 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 10 50 14 10 50 14 10 50 14 10 50 It 10 50 14 10 50 14 7 00 13 10 00 l.uclwig & Hank, Millon. J. Murray & Co , Nagle Wiueate (f Co. liq., L n.ines j. H.ncle, liq , R. T. Follmer, Goodman & Moodie, Masteller & Frick, Frymire & Stout, liq., A. VV. Comly, John F. Caslow, Jonathan Zellars, Thomas Swenk, Isaac Brown, liq., William E. May, liq., Rawn If Chspens, David Kranser, John M. Woods, J F. Gauger, J. II. McCormick, H. K. Haag, Joseph Angstadt, J. A. Gray, Georpe Correy, J. and M. Yount, Chilisquaque. Adam Ketler, Dennis Buoy, Jr., Charles McUiuly, James Reed, Adam Conrad, Hush. John B. Shipman, Northumberland. Conrad Wenck, G. I. Tagparl, liq., Marks B. Priestly, liq., James Denormandy, Amelia Younuman, Mary A. McCay, Win. T. Forsylh, liq., Wm. Elliott, James Tnpgart, Jr , liq., M. J. D. Withiugton, liq., Sunbury. S. Schmirman $ Co , I. W. Tuner, Georqe Bright, Ira T. Clement, liq., Peter W. Gray, Ammermnn, Rosser If Co , Wm. If Reuben Fagely, Frilint; &. Grant, G. Elsberg & Co., John Yonns, liq., Weiser If Uruner, liq , E. Y Biiuhl, John II. Danlield, S. N. Thompson, Upper Jluguiln. John C. Morgan, liq., Willium Farrow, liq , I. F. & J. F. Kline, Lower Augusta. Jacob Krebs, J. R. Kaufman, liq., B. Hetfner, liq., John Vanxant, Wm. A. Knabb, liq., Jacob Weimer, liq., trbe. Edward Helfenstein, Marcus St roup, liq., Isaao Kiser, liq., Upper Mahanoy. Gideon W. Snyder, liq., Daniel Eisenhart, Daniel Heiin. Jackson. Wm. Cares, Mo., Win. Deppin, liq., Jordan. Josiah Swarlz, John Wirt, liq., Cumeron. liennig & lloupt, liq., Charles R. Weikle, Coal. E. D Cockley, liq., Kinstiue &. Si roup, liq , Wm. &l Reuben Fagely, Adulph Durlucher, Shnm maii & Co., Ainmerman, Rosser & Co., Case & Reed, Couhrais) Peale & Co , Ayers, Lewis & Co , Shamokin. Borgslresser Si Hoff, liq., Junas Stine, liq., Samuel John, Taggart, Barlon & Co., Joseph Reader, Hugh Vastine. liq., Zimmerman & Mowry, liq., Ephraim Miller, liq., Lower Malianc Eliaa Weist, liq., Benjamin Dockey, liq., Andrew Dilly, liq., George Brosious, Porn. Samuel R. Wood, hi;i:r and ale houses and ovsttr ccllarh IN THE t'OUNTy. Milton. C. Maikes, 8 5 00 Catharine Stine, liq., 8 8 50 Joseph Eckberl, 8 5 U0 Wm. Strine, 8 & 00 Zerbe. G. Rrymirr, liq , 8 8 50 Adaiji Schlictilich, liq., 8 8 50 Michael Rcider, 8 5 00 Sunbury. Philip Biymiie, liq., S 8 50 Simon Murlz, liq., 8 8 50 Yorthumberland. Henry Wenck, 8 5 00 Jacob Eckerl, y 5 00 t'uvif. Thos. M. Moore, 8 5 00 Chaile Schniinkey, 8 6 00 XRIIONM KNCIAIiEU IN BEt'TU'VINU AND MX USU WUIMkKV IN THE I'UINTV. Milton. John Kohr, Id 6 00 MKWKIU IX THE lOlKTt. MUion. leoigrt Uakut, 8 00 Ail Appeal will be held at llie Couiiiii. tiunou' tiiliue m bunbuiy, vu baiuidav l ho I7lh day of June nasi, at Id o'clock. A. M mid puee iUom interested I at wluuli limit may aiund. JAS. n. HA UK. Met. iVr. Juim 3, ISSI. l.iiat Nolitc. VI. L l kutfttUlg thaaanl MuWUmI tat lUa sUt ut tows AiUMtaMtg. W4, M lau tUtiu tiwt kl, alw4 Ma lot lb Ims Uujs fas sWiMMHi, fu wlited eiuiMaa Im ukit will atwul at Ma rife tsT KiikWik4 I.Maiua. Kat., In aWv. M luiJ)r, tfce 1st 4i t July beat. 14 WE fcMlfli, Aiav'sM. JW , Itil -wt- TOWER HAIL CLOTHING STORK, Market Street, opposite the Red Lion Hotel, Sunbury, Pa.' THE subscrilier is hsppy to announce to the 1 citizen of Punbury and vicinity, that he has just opened s large stock of . CLOTHING OP EVERT DESCRIPTION, such as Coats of every fashion, Pant snd Vests, ' Shirts of ell kinds, figured and plain, under shirts and drawers, both woolen and cotton, red flannel shirts, twilled, plated bosoms, ..' overhauls, stockings and gloves, of all kinds, suspenders, silk hnndkerchicfa, ' tics and stocks, pocket bandker- chiefs, cotton and silk t splendid collars, sustcni1ers of all sizes and prices. It hns often been said of a pocket in a shirt, but come and see the pocket, vest and shirt in one. Also! a fine nssortmeut of Cloths, Cnssimers and Sattinetts, Summer goods, black satin for Vests, at eTcry price, and any quantity of fancy vest patterns, which will tie mado up to order to suit customers j my maxim is! no fit no tuke. And a for cheap selling, I don't intend to bo beat by Europe or America. Also on hand, a large assortment of Umbrellas at any price, to suit great and small, together with some travelling bags lo carry Yank' e notions in, largo nnd small. Come runners, Mechanics, laborers ut , Call iu and see llie Clutliuig at Tower Hull, And if yon wime In he auited to a T, Call al the t re of John 11. D. JOHN H. DANFIELD, Agent. Sunbury May 20, 1854. 3m. BANkToF NORTHUMBERLAND. fTMIE stockholders are hereby notified that a meeting will bo held at the Bunking House on Thursday, June 29, 1854, at 2 o'clock, P. M., to tuke into consideration the acceptance of the bill re-cbsrtcring the Bank, passed at the last session of the Lcirisluture. J. K. PRIESTLEY, Cushicr. May 27, 1R53. tm. To the Voters of Northumberland County. w Citi 7.kns. Encouraged by many of my friends, I herewith oiler myself to your consideration, as a candidate for the ollice of COUNTY COMMISSIONER a' the ensuing election. Should I lio elected, I promise to fulfil the duties thereof with fidelity and impartiality. ELIAS BROGTOUS Sunbury. Mitv 27, 1854. Office of the Locust Coal and Iron Comp PtiiLAiiKLPiiiA, May 19, 1854. A MEETING of the stockholders of this (Join pnny, will be held at Iheir Ollice, No. 88 south Fourth street, below Walnut, on Moxiiat, the lslth day of jvsk next, between tho hours of 2 and G o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of electing Seven Directors to serve for one year, next en suing. WM. C. LL'DWIG, Scc'y. Phila., May 27, 1854. 4t. New Clock ami Watch ESTABLISHMENT, Market st., 3 doors cast of the Red Lion Hottl, Sunbury, Pa. RAIMOXD FEIIREXBACII T1ESPECTFUI.LV invites the attention of A the public to his Clocks, Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, Sec., which ho will sell al moderate prices. Repairing of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry done at the shortest notice. Sunbury, May 87, 1854 tf. GREAT BARGim IN C1IESTMT STREET. MISS JANE FINNEY (TAS just returned from the city with a fresh supply of Fancy Goods, such as Parasols, Gaiters, Laoics Robe Dresses, Needlework, Gloves, Hosery, Ginghams, Straw Bonnets and Flats, Gentlemen Straw Huts, Boys do., Rib bons, Laces and every variety of seasonable goods. Please call at the corner of chcilnut and second street. Thoso of our fricndsii the coun try who may not know whero to find us, may enquire at "Tower Hall," opposite the "Red Lion." Sunbury, Moy 27, 1854. 3t. The Eye Perfected. SILVER MEDALS, From tho Frunkiiii Itmtilute, Philmlclphia, from iLtj American Institute, New York, and FIVE FIRST PREMIUMS From Different Fairs in New England. City Daguerreotype Establishment D. C. COLLINS & CO. No. 100 S 160 CAc.tfiiKf Street, Philadelphia Also, Main Street, Springfield, Mass. and n esincia, Mass. Portrait Painting and Talbutyping, in tho highest state of perfection, done in all the above establishments, . Sky-Lights used in all the establishment. Miniature taken equally a well by them iu cloudy as in clear weather. Phila., May 27, 1851 tf. SAMUEL W. PEPPER, HEN 11 Y J. PE1TEU k SON, Watt-tics), Jewelry & KUvcr Wnrc, No. 175 Chalnut st , opposite the State House, PBILADBLIIA. Phila., May 27. 1854. ly. PHILADELPHIA. ALLEN & NEEDLES, 23 South Wharves and 35 South Water Street, fbFFEK for sule on the most reasonable tcns. 1)1 Lis Sperm, Whale, Kolur and Miners' Oils- GL'ANO Peruvian Guano, Government No. 1. S'i'AltCll Agent lor tho Oswego Pure i lurch, Prepared Corn aud Corn Nturcu. Phosphate of Lime, lUIIU bar re la of improved fcupcr Phosphate ol Lime. Phil., May S7, 1KSI.:1i.i. PATENT (ulviiiii.cil Iron TuMng, FOB CHAIN PUMPS. rlllrt Tuhina, made of (lalvauiml Iron by I patent machinery, poaaraae ureal strength, romhiued with ainipliiilv and licalm-na, aud U warranted not lo corrode, U now vlfcrvd lor sale al lh warehouse of the AMKIUl'AN (iALVANIZEP IKON WOKKS, So. U Koilk Unlh Si reel, run. W'rii.rui a A full aaaoitinriil of uur Anwiiraii Galvanised Howl ami KiMilIng Iron alwsyt on baud. All wider promptly aiu-mktl lo bv M. fill. I.Ot till A III. ri.iL., May 11, I SSI. -Urn. AKTKI.I. UIUSPV nuui Ilia C ' II. luf Mb l' Wt lfcKH A uki .m:h. MuidHtrv, May J. IM SilUA AH fut uP, ss'hIs Ul lal Ul HUI l II titulary, May 87, la..- IU. HALOI fcM Hit W tlatH HKIM H. eMhvjr, May tl, 11 - This Way f-Thia Way!! Spring nnd Bummer Goods. rillLING 8c GRANT. RESPECTFULLY inform their customer and the public, that they have )ust receiv ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of i Spring and Summer Goods, at their store in Market square, Sunbury. Their stock consist ofevery variety of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Casfimcrcs, Sattinets, Vestings, Flannels, Wollens, tfc., And nil kinds of Spring & Summer Wear. Also a splendid varioly of LADIES DUKSS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laines, Merages, And every variety of goods suitable far La dies wear. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and ftUEENSWARE, Pish, Salt and Plaster. Also nu extensive assortment of Hats and'Caps for Mkn and Hoys. Also a largo assortment of i HOC Kit 1 ICS, SUCH AS Sugar, Teas, Cofl'ee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a tresh supply of DRUGS AND MKHCINKS. Besides the birjjcst. and most general assort ment of all kinds of goods to be had in this place. ty Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. euulmrv, May 13, IHS4. NEW DRUG STORE! WEISER & ERUNER, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Market St., next door to E. Y. Bright's Store, SUNBURY. PA , flFFER to tho public the largest and best selected stock ever opened in Ihis section of country, consisting of FRESH AND PURE DRUGS, Medicines, Chemicals, Ground Spices, Paints, Oils, Varnibhes, Dye-stulls, Window Glass, Patent Medicines, together with a complete as sortment of Puiut, Clothes, Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shaving Brushes, Dressing, Side, Neck and Pocket Combs, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Creams, Tobacco, Scgirrs, Port Mouias, Stationary, Con fectionniics, PURE WINES AND BRANDIES For Medicinal use. English, French and Ameri can Perfumery, Fancy Goods of every descrip tion, in short every article kept by Druggists generally. tCT Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. GEO. U. WEISER, WM. A. BRUNEI!. Sunbury, May 13, 1854. LATEST ARRIVAL OF Spring and Summer Goods. J. F. & I.f7 KLINE, "RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and tie public in general, that they have received at their Old Stand, in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county. Pa., their Spring on 1 Summer Goods, and opened to the public a lull assortment ot MERCHANDIZE, &c, Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fancv Cassimers, Sattinelts, Checks, and all kind of SPRING 4: SUMMER WEAR. AIbo a splendid assortment of Ladic3 Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams. Muslin do Laines, Plaid Cashmeres, De beges. Lawns, Ac Also a fresh supply of all kinds, of Groceries. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens- ware, Drugs and Medicines. Wooden Ware. Also a large assortment of Boot and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Huts and Caps, such us Silk, Panama, and other Hats, Salt, Cheese, Ac. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. Upper Augusta, May 6, 1854. ATTENTION ! For tho Metropolitan Clothing Store of G. ELSBEEG & CO., Market Street, opposite the Post Office. "IVE have just received and on band now the " ' most beautiful, largest and best assorted stock of ready-made Clothing adapted to Spring and bummer wear ever before brought into Suuliury or tiny place in this section of the conn try. Our Clothing made by the best bunds and under our own supervision, wo know will givo entire satisfaction to buyer. Still adhering to our old niolto "Cheap for Vani," we'll disjiose of our goods reasonable uud rapidly. All we say is : come, examine and price our good and we feel sure you'll buy. W'e oiler you at the very lowest' prices every imaejuat'lc variety of Coats, Vest and pants, rut in the last fashion and warranted lo fit. Cloths, rassimercs. sattinelts, linen, drillings, jeans, silks, satin, and all other kind made into Clo thing. Also a large assortment of Boots and Shoe; among these a splendid variety of ladic shoes, Indies and gents gaiter, Ac SILK HATS, Piimina, Palmlcuf, Pearl and all other Hat and Caps we have a great variety of. Also a great lot of trunks, vulises snd carpet bags fur sale cheap JKWKLKY. We have a splendid lot of watches, and all kind of Jewelry suitable for ladies and gentlemen, PISTOLS. All kinds of Rcvoticr, double and single barrel Pialol. Accordeons, rihirU, t'olluia and all other good generally kept in uur line ran be found ut uur store, all uf which we intend lo sell at tho very lowest price. Don't forget the place, G. KI.NtiKKU A Co. M arket Kquare, opposilo ill Post Ollice. ftiiuhury, May li, 1861. To tho Voters of Northumberland County. Faitow CrnxtMs; hy many ft ir ml, 1 aiinouiua myarli a rainJiilulu fur tiiu liilici of COl'NTV st th spprcMchini: election. Mioulit I lw rlt-clrj I plc.10 in vol I In iIim liaruii lh Julie llicivo ilh puiu tualily auJ impartiality. lii'.uiaa: uiaiiirr. Hiinhury, April H, H.M. llHI'l'M anj Mhm-s for Men, W'viiich anil t'hllilmii, l.s.lii a" Morocco Mum's, litli' black o4 rolof4 C 1 jilt ra , jo.l rrcvitt j anil fut al- ty WM. A KVUU. I.ow.r Auiiuaist ly 11, Uol. r1 KOfKKIt:! H,4I. fulfc. MuluM, M M. "'la. UiaoJ.liui, Wins, Mak al. Hailing uj Malt, juat auj l ab ljr W M. A. K. UU. losicl AwlM44, May , lii. i'llnr i.-AU kutOa wl lli kluw twl uu. ' Ml tut by U. n taut: mi ti. Uaikal aba, npuwn iba) f yal II Ilk. kuuH,. . Iii. (" Vu. i IU IU Ail rAU s KZrZk$ ! Vt fclstH 4 IOIIMH. bmj, Maa IT, li. Great Arrlrnl of SPRING GOODS! IK A T. CLEMENT INFORMS his friend and customer that he just received an elegant assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS At his Store in MarSet Street, Sunbury, which he offers to the public at the lowest price. His stock consists M a general assortment o Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimnrs, Casstncts, Jeans. Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin de Lains, Lcttrns, Ginghams, Bcrages. Also a large assortment of CLOTHING. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats. Panama, Palm lea' md other Summer Hats. Master. GROCERIES of every variety. &ugar, Tea, Colfee, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, &c HARDWARE, Viz i Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saw, Ac QUEENSWARK, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, tfc LIQUORS, Wine. Brandy, Gin, Rnm, Whiskey, lie VW Country produce of alt kind taken in ex change at the highest market prices. April 8, 1854. ly. PLATINA POINTS FOR LIGHTNING RODS. MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY MCALLISTER & BROTHER, OPTICIANS," 48 C HE S N IT T STEEET, PHILADELPHIA (At the Old Stnnd, established in 1790.) Oar Points srs all tipped with sritid Plntlns and nUmped with oar nam. Printed dimctlonii arrompnny parh point Prices 11 00, t 26, 1 60, i 00, 3 00. tl 00. Mr mint. ocording to tue quantity of PlatSi. jjBy semitting Six Cent in Postage vvu-. Stamp, in addition to any of the above price, a Point can bo safely tent by mail to any part of the United State, riiila., May 0, 1851. 3m. New Goods for the People ! BEN J A M1N I1KFFN Ell ri ESPECTFULLY informs the public in gen cral that ho has just received and opened a splendid stock of Spring and Summer Goods at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stock consists in part of Cloths. Cassimers. Cassmets. of all kinds, of linen, colton and worsted. ALSO! Calicoes, Giuglianis, Lauus, lUouMsellnc De Laines and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Groceries, Also an assortment of Hardware, Iron and Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENS WAKE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of ROOTS &. SHOES. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, t-c. And a great variety of other article such a are uitable to the trade, all of which will be (old at the lowest prices. IV Country produce taken in exebang a the highest prices. Lower Augusta, Mav 6, 1854. TOWN LOTS AT PHITATE SALE. TIGHT of tho most desirable lots, in tho town of Shamokin, Northumberland county, Pa ran be had of the subscriber on reasonable terms. Persons who have money to invest in this kind ol property, will never have better opportunity to make a purchase than is now offered them. Shamokin has, in its immediate vicinity, am ple resources to build up a first class interior town. The mining operations under way, and in contemplation, are of a character to warrant the largest expectations, for the rapid growth of the place iu business and in population. It has already taken a start, and each succeeding sea son will see it still more prosperous. As a con. sequence, ground to build upon will every year become more valuable. Lots which may be had now, at a compaiativcly low rate, are not likely to be in the market ut all a few years hence. Now is tho time, therefore, to make purchases. For information, concerning the eight lots for ale, apply through letter, to CIIAS. M. HAM., Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, Moy 13, 185. Highly Interesting News ! THE information brought to us by the steam ship Asia of tho sudden decline of Flour, Indian corn, Ac in Europe, is no doubt interest ing to some, and therefore it must lie also inter csling to great many others to know that while there it so much fluctuation in the price of Urcailstulla at home and abroad, there is nothing to effect the low price uf t.lio Large and Excellent Stock of SPUING & SUMMEll CLOT1IIFG, just received by S?. Schnurman & Co., and on hand at there (tore On the corner of Market and Fawn Streets, directly opposite John Young's (tore, where they will be pleased to wait upon ull those who wish to buy good and cheap clothing. Also a fresh supply of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c, which they have purchused at a very low price at Philadelphia and therefore ran all'ord to sell to their customer at the moat veu.oimblo prices They still, (after some eipericuce in 1 usiness') cling to the good motto, "iuuk sou cin. Call and t for yourselves. IS. SCUM UMAX & CO Sunbury, May 6, ISSi. D00T0H J0SETH W. CAMERON, 1 JEKI'KCTFl LI.V inform the citizens of " the Horough uf Sunbury and vicinity, tlu1 ha ha H'riuanaiilly located liiuix-lf in saiil UoruuKh ami ullvr Ills prolrion services lo those M ho may wi.h lo employ bun. For the prearul he run Iw found at Weaver Hotel Sunbury, .March II, 1831 if. CLOCKS Eighl day snd 3d hour Iron aud Wooden fiaintd, I'rram Nuls, (iiouiul Nut, liataius, ud Prune, juat rr eel ted siul for saw ov m. s.i.iuu l.asirr Augusta, May 6, IhM HATH aud Cw, Milk. Ileer, Fur and Mout h, Panama, .cli.u, UiaiJ sixl Chip U UWU and Uo). .a.nea iiomieu ui an m.jmm. uat rH' aim hh sai i t May. liM WM.A.KNAIIII. nl.ANK Panhnienl Pl" ! "d '" Merts', Uoula, Exvulton, Huihmsum Jk., lor al by II. U. MAMKN. iMibylv Awl IM. V a" k m H AMII.M ui b MU. I wbisll, cipl a. ftillow Uaki and eJa ware trf i a l aula, IUM latai'i" w. . . r. . Lhb AaittaU. May VKBrAHIK IU1I.H PiVViKHr . Mtl J F ltaa Wat alti ri , jM4 4 a4 th ! "" ifc"- VA l loi.ll Uhl NK. tbny, May ?, I - THE BFff OWNED BEX EDY ! - Ilolloway's Ointment. Tbii eitrartniffWTjr Vnirumt it PompoW f tW mo tear ing Haltttme, vnd wUrm awd Mi icnrdac with lh dirifiiunt w)ich accotajiaiiy rnch put, wilt Hiram ear wltt-n all nthpr mmm inri. Caart t mwrnt depparat Skin Jimii reaitily yirld Ut ita rffu-ncr. It it fatnoaa when iitrd in catct of Gout. B heomiUni Covtrwud r Htiff Jtiinta. in Aallinmi it will do wumlert if wall rak Iks. into tit Cheat. A MOST AftTONIfflffXO CVHK OF tCROFVLOVS (JLCKIL, A CASK CF.RT1FIKD BY TH KM AT OR OF BOSTON, KN GLAND. Copy of a letter from J, Nvbltt Esq, Mayr of Boston, Lin coins fu re. To IVjOmot Hoi.LOtTAT, Iar Hir. lr.S.iruti Dixon of I ,inarpond ftlrcat B't tMt, h:i tliindtiy rferx?ifl twltira tne that fur a o-tfiaidarakl prriml it lit wniieverrlyHffliftni wiih torofyUm tVrt and L'lprra in Itcrnrntt. fnt, rrjn, oiid other (mrta of bar body : am) ai(hmgi iNe fimt vf umUval adviea wai oailamad at ' thacoMnf n largr fnm of niutie), nUe otitHined iw uba la ment of suiTeriinx, but prndmilrv (fiw worM. Being rroomnwMftnl hy a friend tt try Ttnif Ointment, lit piucurrd a ainnll pJt, and a b of Ida 'ilia, and Ittvtm that wni nil nn, lymptom of amcud-neiil appeared By rmncveTing with tli metlicinea fur a sJturt tint longer, a rrt tilts? tit tlir rtirectiuns, nmt at rift ly adhering tt yuar mlm a to diet, tVc, alia won perfcilty cured and aow en)nya Die best ui health. 1 rem hi, Dmr 9ir, youri Imty. Diitnl-Angnat lillh. 1H53. (Signed) J. mOBLR. AN V.X Tit A OR T.)l N A R T AND RAPID CURB OF EKVSIFK1.AK IN TDK !F.H. AFTICIl MUIUUAL AID HAD FAII.KD. Copy of a letter from Mis. ElUabtth'Ycaie9t of the Pott CJic, Aidwkk Road, near Bognart Sussex, dated Jm. 2th 1853. To Professor Hollow at, Sir. I flnffcrnd fur a conawlertiMe rf rfcid from a acme atttir It uf Kiyeiiicltia, which at lennUi anitlnt in my leg, mid resisted all mediL'at trootnwiit. My ati(frings were vaiy grtittt, and I quite deapuiicd of niiy iwrinuiient mnctrdin-iit, whrn I wna udvieed tit hava recimrsa U your Ointioaut and I'illa. I did a t without dekiy, nnd am linppy to any the result waa eminently succeftSful, for they effected a rudieul cure of rav leg and restored ma tijlha enjoyment of health. I shall ever apeuk with the utmost confidence af your medicines, and huue recommended them to otliers ia this neig4ilHtrliood aimilnrly a filleted, wbu deiived aqual benefit. Iam, Sir, your obliged nnd mitliful Penrnnt. (Signed) KLIZABKTU YEATES. The Pilla slum t.l ba used conjointly with the Omtraaal I most w tnj luiinwing enees Bud Leirs, Cltiiro-fuot, Bud Breasts. Chill. Inins, Burns, Chnpped Imnds. Bunions, Corns (oft) Bite n( Mosclie Cnncers Fistulas, Gout. Glandular Swelling linmbugo toes Ai tSnud-Flics. Contmrted and 11 lea Rheumatism .oro-iKiy, iMin Joints, F.lrphinitinsis, Pkre Nipples. Hkin-dineuaei, Hcurvy, Tuinouts, VIeera, Yaws PenVdi, Sore-throats, Bore -heads, Wounds, R.ldnt the Establishment of Professor Holuiwat, 9U Slrntiil, (iienr Temple liar, lanlnii,) unci nlan m his Hiiiim in New York. Unlers for Meilicmes m the flutes, aiklres siil 'T. IMIi.WJiy. New York,' will leceivo dun attrnlioii Sold also hy ull rtupecUible DtnuRials ami Denlcra i Mel leiiics tliriiMfthiiil llie I'niteil Slalen, in Uomn nt 37J eent, 87 cents, ami et.Hi rents each To Iw hail Wholesale of the principel Drug Houses ill the Union. r,.'. There is a considerable saving by taking ths larger N. i! -Directions for the puidanc ef patients in every u i(:ri nre affixed In each 1hx. December 2-1, ISM, ly. FJIRBJXPS PATENT SCALES, Sold at their WAREHOUSE, No. 240 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. nnilroad. Hoy, Coal, and Farmers' SCALES, set in any part of the country, by experienced Workmen, and at short notice. Phila., April 8, 1854. 6m. Itoscndalc Hydraulic Cement. An e.xc'llent article for Lining Cisterns, Vaults, Spring-houses and Cellars, A ND for keeping dampness from wet ami exposed walls. For sale by CHARLES SHKPARD SMITH, Corner of Front and Willow St. Kail road. Philadelphia, April 22, 1854. ly. GEORGE EAItP, JR., " GENERAL Commission Merchant, TJOIi tho salo of English and American pig lead, Scotch and American pig Iron, Blocks tin, Sheet lead, Lead and Iron Water and Gs pipes. Li'ieral advances made on consignment of Pig, Bloom, Billett or Shores Iron. No. 68 North Wharves, Philadelphia. April 23, 1854.- 2m. North, Chase & North. Iron Founders and Wholesale Dealers IN STOVES, HOLLOW WARE, tiJAD IRONS and all description of Foundry castings; WARE ROOM No. 145 North 2d Street, Philadelphia. Thirty -five dollar per ton will be allowed for old cast iron delivered at our Foundry, payable in castings. Phila., May 27. 1854 it. I. IT. XE.EK Sc. CO., SUNBURY, PA., TTAVE just received afresh supply of new Spring Goods. Their friends and the pub lic arc respectfully requested to call and inspect them. They will be sold cheap. "Quick salea and small profits" ia still their motto. Sunbury, l'a., April 23, 1854. THE STEAMBOAT SUSQUEHANNA VVILL make regular trips for carriage of Pa " sengcr between Sunbury and Northum berland every day, except Sunday, on and after Monday, April 24th. Tho boat will leave the wharfjit Sunbury, at 8 o'clock, A. M., 1 1 o'clock and T10 niii.utc A. M., and 5 o'clock 30 minutes, P. M. Returning, will leave the outlet lock at North umberland, at 8 o'clock and 15 minutes, A. M., 1 1 o'clock and 45 minute, A. M, and S o'clock and 45 minutes, P. M. Fare, 10 cents. Excursion tickets, good for oue dav, 15 cents. Sunbury, April 2'J. 1854. If. ' Daguerreotypes! GEORGE W. COBLE, n ESPECTFl'LI.Y announce to tha eitisen of Sunbury aud vicinity, thai We has ajtuin opened a Dsnuerreaa Room, and ia prepared l tke hkciicase. llo warranta hi picture to lie satisfactory to all wishing true representation of IhciUM'lvc and fi ieml. Kxviul attention is paid to children. Copies tukeu with aceurucy. In structions niveil oil reaaiuable term. Ilia room is at llie old place, iu the iiraud Jury Room, (county buildiii4a.) operating hour from 8 A. M. uinil & I'. M., Hilhout reaid lo llu alatr uf the weather. Copies should be scut in oil tluuJy dav a. Sunbury, April Si, 154. tf. r.M'IF.rt lrea tl.xkla. hpriiiii and Hummer J Mum la. Black ami fancy dir Nik. llk ipliiia, IK) l.ainea, Hhully, tlllisliania aud Call ro III aieal taiksly, ju aud i sals ,y I.W.TOERtt'tt eluiibury, April St, I Nil. fAl'ir' 1'reaa (lood. Hprmg au.1 Muuiiuer J hhala. Illatkaitk, aitk popliua, IV I. sine, tiuii.luiua, 1 lwa. I.a and ralteu. juat r exited aud (of aala by M, A. k-NAUU. Auuala, May . IM -- KV liiltUM, CI I I t svluiHa, 1'tSM suiJ. Tt km. CImhi krtlM. I'M-siissra, HalatHelta, awda. MumuH'l rloth. Wl4 Uia. I iMtk. Mualm. All., um u and (or mm H WM.A. fcAAUU. I.ow.f Aucuala, May I, l4 - II ANUVVAUr. ) g.' laj I'm! I IMIh aud al all aVaviii-lM., fumt i.fa4 sal M ml ky WM.A.avVlUM. .M A , May l - f II t'M (HU IJI C IM'IT. 4m id. V but faly M Mik a.4.1. Cf aa at Mi 4, HH.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers