New Advertisements, Great Arrival or ' SPRING GOODS! IltA T. CLEMENT INFORMS hit friend and customer that he JL Juit received en elegant assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS At his Store in Market Street, Sunbury, which he offer to the public at the lowest price. His stock consists of a general assortment ol Dry Goods, viz: Cloths, Cassimcrs, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, jnusiws, semens, uaucoes, Muslin tie Lains, Lawns, Ginghams, Berages. Also a large assortment of CLOTHING. . A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats; Tanama, Palm loaf and other Summer Hats. IMasler. GROCERIES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, Codes, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, Ac. HARDWARE, Via i Iron and 8teel, Nails, Filet, Saws, Sec QUEENSYVARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, Ifc LIQUORS, Vine. Brandy, Gin, Bam, Whiskey, lc Lir Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market prices. April 8, 1854. ly. New Goods for the People I BENJAMIN I1EFFNER T)ESPECTFliLLY informs the public in gen erul that ho has just received and opened a splendid stock of Spring find Summer Goods at hit New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassiraers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: Calicoes Ginghams, Lawns, MoiikmcIIiic De Lollies) and all kinds of Lsdies -Dress Goods. ' Groceries, Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron aiiJ Steel, Nails, &o Also an excellent assortment of O.TJEENSWARE, of various styles anJ pal terns. Also an assortment of HOOTS & SHOTS. HATS & CAPS, a good scleotion. Salt, Fish, i?c. And a great variety of other articles such as arc suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. IT?" Country produce taken in exchange a the highest pri.-rs. Lower Augusta, Mav 6, 1854. To the IlonoraUc the Judges of the Court of Quarter scsions fur the county of Northum berland. The undersigned petitioner lcspectfully solicits the lion. Court to uniii't linn a lirrnse to keep nu Inn or tnvern at ,'ld stnmt, knnwu as the ''hmnokin Hotel," in the town of ' fcfliaiiiokiii. LKWIS 1.. BEVAX. AVE the understenrd citizens of ttimnokiii town, be ins: with the IVtiiioiier, do certify Ihat he ia oapood tepute fjr honrnlr and tempe'.ni'e-, and tlmt lie is well rrnvided with hmve room aiut other e'Miveiiinnrea fur the aeeommo tnlitin is' atmngi'rs nnd travelers, mid lint an Inn oi tavern there is nee,wiry for the uce-mmi itiuuoti of srrainrers nml trnvelis. Win. M. Weaver, K. C. Ilnnnn, Hanmel Harrison, Thilin Stambaueh. William Fnirelv. V. S. liana, A. II. l-'rirk, C. I). .MelmfT.-y. 8 M. Kuse, Joseph Bird, lahu AlnClonichiill. Jia. IM'Clallan. Sliainokiii, May 0, KM 3t. Kail lioad Lettm PROPOSALS will be received at the Railroad ufilce at WillianiMiort until 6 o'clock. P. M.t of Thursday, the 18th of May next, for the Grading and Bridging of the Itoad-bcd from Willinmsport to Lockhavcn. AIho from Milton to Sunbury, in all a distance of 3S miles. Plans, specificatiiins, &c. may lie seen for a weckirevious to the day of letting, at Willioms rart. J. B. & W. G. MORE HEAD, Contractors. Williuniipo'l, April 52, 1S5 1 nt. ' HOUSKIOLGLASSWARE From the Principal Factories nnd late vlutiion Sides. COMPRISING a full and desirable assort ment at 25 pkr cr.XT below vkval itk. Dealers and others will do well to cull before purchasing vlsowhere. 1,000 Packages now on hand EDWARD F. CORFIELD, 15 J South Second Street, (above Spruce,) PHILADELPHIA, ApTilS8i 1694;Tr-3m. " TH E STE "m"B0AT SUSQUEHANNA WILL make regular trips for carriage of Pas sengers between Sunbury and Norlliuin berland every day, except Sunday, on and alter Monday, April 24lh. The boat will leave the wharf at Sunbury, at 8 o'clock, A. M., 1 1 o'clock and 90 mi..utcs A. M., and 5 o'clock 30 minutes, P. M. Returning, Will leave the outlet lock at North umberland, at 8 o'clock and 15 minutes, A. M., 11 o'clock and 45 minutes, A. M., and S o'clock and 45 minutes, P. M. Fare, 10 cents. Excursion tickets, good for one day, IS rents. Sunbury, April 29, 1854. tf. MRS. BEITS' CEIEURATEl) SUl'l'OR TERS for LADIES, approved and recom mended by the Medical Profession throughout the United Ktutcs, will be found to be the moist valuable, as they are the most neat and scientific Supporters that ever were introduced. The support and case they atlord by wearing them combine to jgive them a most extensive ale many thousand ladies are now wearing them with euse, comfort and advantage. We end free of char. e bv mail, full directions enclo sed. Prices moderate. Address JAMES IiETTS, No. 3S1 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. PhiU. April 2U, 1854. Int. CLOCKS Eight day and 30 hour Iron aud Wooden framed, Cream Nuts, (around Nuts, Raisins, aud Prunes, just received and for ale by WM. A.KNA1IU. I'pper Augusta, May 6, 1854. HATS and Caps, Silk, Beaver, Fur and Slouch, Panama, Leghorn, Braid and Chip for melt and boys. Ladies Bonnets of all style, just received aud for sate by May 6. 1884. WM.A. KN'ABD. CKOCEKIKS Kefsrs, Colli', MoUsars. H elpicea, Oils, Brandy, tiin. Wine, Macker el, Herriuf ens! Halt, just 'revived and ( sale hy WM. A. K NAUI1. SI A R A SO 1.8 ol al. sorts. I'mbrellas, carpel bags, wUlow Uakels .and cedar ware of kinds, jual iscoitsd aud for sals by WM.A. KNAIIU. I ppsr Ausjuata, May , s5. lAKDWARE.H4 4usain.w. , . rtntiea and of all daW,i,.i4 jurt -1" k NVM.A. KNAUM. i Upper Augusts, May t, luu ust rse4s4 a4 U Mb Ap.aM.uai. l W.rrsES en. s)bfsU W M. A, UN All H A CARD. OIlILS&K'g PATENT Ventilating Furnace. r I 'II iv subscriber would enll ths attention of sit parties ,4..r.'.9".'r'"? lleirle Kl' KNACK, ti CHII.AoNS w.w. aihu WAKMINtt AND VKNTlLi AFHAKATU8. Ilie reputation of this Pnrmea Is now well known, nsviittr hem intnxlucnt, dating the past Bve'Hwira, Into ao ml I3U0 public biiiMint-s, and more than HMll private dwellings; this, t.t-.-thr with the immense hicrenae of every year, is the best evidence that can lie adduced ui m mperuiitir over nil oilier lunmces. By tha aae of Chilson'i Fuinace, yoa seears ths follow ins adVantngea: r'RRS Vkn rll.ATIOH. I'iisii Aia I lie heating surfaces being at a temperature .tut win iim aimeraie ine sir. KeOSOMICAI. ti&K OS CviL Gsstr tivsASiMTT Imiis made entirely of Cart Iron, np, mime mi nm, win require no repairs amine; a ilieinne; " k" ni""fted, and wiH not expoae the ImiMntt: in " "in it is niaccu 10 annaer iroia ars like tne other iurim ce. We hare ths Inatiinoniala nf huiidredi of the moat ari. entihe men, to attest to the truth of the ah.iva statement. sll of whum pronounce it to be decidedly the heat Kurnnre j 174 uiveiiiru, tor prnaacins; a pure nnd neanny atinns- Ehere. We herewith annex the names of a few well i town and eminent Profesnra, who hnve need them, and k imlly funiiihed us their mines aa references : Prof. John R llnrL PnU Pnrbr Prvif N.wtn,,. Pres. Wm. II. Allen, I'r.if. Parnnia, I'rof. Lhiiu. Prof. D. Silliinan, prof. Riplev. NINE SIZES. We have intrnritir!. tliis m.m. Au. imu , m that all parties may avail ihemsehm of this gloat improve. i, , a very iniKierale coat, we are now plepnred to fumiah an apnaratua to warm a anuria inuin. or the Inr- a ..uliiv uuiiiiiitg ,n me country. No. I. Portable. Complete, S43 35 45 48 " for Brickwork, .... 11 .... Extra Radiator, (includiua Baranna Trench . l'tatta.) - CO TO HI 1117 loll This No. 0 ia the larrirt and moat powerful Furnace lade in thee mntrv. nml la nilmirauiy adapted lr Church es and other Itiree fin hnildiiirs. Wo ornithine to eWI Hie apparatus at the name price aa when first introduced, five years aso Allhiiicii the pre sent high price ol iron h.ia iiierenwd theii ci'sl per cent, owiiiff to their areat weight, anil wt nre emthUtl, by the (trout lucrcimc of Kill's, to famish the nrtiele nt the I iwent nos'iluc prire. One Komiury nl lie, nieM. arnica ,x l.eiliianilt, have cmtrucled lo furnish us wilh SOU urns f Furnaces thie srawni , a ithut wo ine iuiw prepared to faniiih Ihtm tvh ili'Kilo or ri.-t.ill. Ws'aupcriiileiMl the ereeii.'n ol ull Furnaces, vhu required, and warrant theia in ia II cuacs. METROPOLITAN COOKISG KASGE. V liavn hIm the m"i cmp!t;l 0nkiiiff Itnne trint lit yt 1n.tii tiifrfifliieett, to which vc mil the tteiitinn of all wh't way wi)i lo nefnr tlie m i jieifect ami ikfciruble cth'kiii? o)jiirittii rver iiiveiitttt. EMERSON'S PATENT VENTILATORS. We lire the oii!r Agent in reiisn-lvnnia for the inniturnc- tme mid snlr ttf Hut Vcntikitor. which ih ucknowlutljt.nj lt tw the nlv nrtltM-t Veutiliilor ever ntulo fit ntnectntfr the draught in intky rhimnieai, ant ventiliitiiifr liuilci nif of all kimlt. As there nrc a creat many imilntina nf this vnlmthlc article ipw cflVttiJ Cr Kile, pnrti'-a will ha curcful tueXTimiiiuthiit it Itnnthe Knurr n Itii lgentluchetl. iati:.t Ri:Giixi:Ha and vi;ntilatu!;3. We hnve the Itiriresl. iiiki mnt roinnli ln iinanrtutent ttC lint Air Ket"tcm ami Vetitiltitors to ho ftmiwi in the Llm teit tutc, i'miiui whu wish to purrhaw, either ftir pii- Mtc iikc or wlmleft ile, will ImU it gteaily lo then ailvtuv 10J5C iu CAUUHUC U4ir Bl.XK. 8 L ATI's AND IRON MANTI.K9. AVe have uJwavs on h.-md un extensive n?s irtmrnt nf these hiMutiftil ALinlti-s, in rxnrt imitation of r.gyniiiin. Sjuiih, Oulway, Sicimn, ami oilier nire marhles. Ol'KN GRATIS For An.lirncite ami Itittiminoiia C(ul. Alfa, on entire new IVUterii ttt' the tw thwn (Jrntp, innde from the Kinj iiah I 'utter mp, niifl eittirclv new in this roautry. SOL. . AliK.NTrt f.r the K(r,.itli l-'.iirauftjie Flo.iring Tile, Ci.inil.trk t'hiinm-y Top und Term Co'.w Orna mcnti, such ns Gtinlt-n Vas't, iVc. Fcrfl tim qImui ImiMiii!, wmUt do well to examine our t-ck Itforc purchuifiiiQ e!f-where. Viiitts, wliether pur fh:.miH or Htt, nre c'unlially wflcniiti ol our extensive VureiiKin, niul whre wo should he h;ippy to fnrniiJi any inform uion respiclinic any of our ffo-uts tltat.muy le deviried. A hook on Wiutiiinv und Veiililatiiiir run be had gratuitously ut our more, cither perfc.aially, oi by Let terj S. A. HARRISON. ' Vanninir nnd Ventilating Warehatise, 110 Walnut tit., below Sixlli. l'hil .delphia, rhia.. May 0, lKil 0m. Estate of CATHARINE OYSTER, dco'd. "VfOTICE is hereby given that letters testa ' mculnry upon the estate of Catliarino Oys ter, luto of the Ilormi'jh of Sunbury, Northum berland comity, dee'd. lsnvo been granted to the subscrilicr, residing in said borough. All persons having claims or demands against the estate of said dcscudriil are reauestcd lo it ake known the same to the undersigned without delay and all persons indebted arc desired to make immediate payment. CATHARINE OYSTER, Ex'trix. of Catharine Oyster dee'd. Sunbury, April 23, 1R54 Ct To the Voters of Northumberland County. f tLLfiw Citizkss: hncouruced by inany friciuin, I announce mvfclf aa a catulidute for this ullicc of COUNTY COMMSSIOXEIl at the approaching election. Should I be elected I pledge myself to discharge the duties thcreo with punctuality and impartiality. GEORGE BRIGHT. Sonbury, April 8, 1854 Daguerreotypes! GEORGE AV. COBLE, FJEfrPECTFUI.I.Y announces to the citizens ef Sunbury and vicinity, that he has again opened a Uaguerrean Room, and is prepared to take likenesses. He warrants his pictures to be satisfactory to all wishing true representations of themselves and friends. Sjiccial attention is paid to children. Copies taken with accuracy. In structions Kiven on reasonable terms. His room is at the old place, in the Grand Jury Room, (county buildings,) operating hours from 8 A. M. Until S P. M., without regaid to the state of the weather. Copies should be sent i t on cloudy days. SunburVj. April 22, 1E54. tf. NOTICH. jVOTIOE is hereby given, that the notes, books L' and accounts of Samuel Thompson, dee'd., late of Sunbury, are now in the hunds of G. M, Voiks, Esq., for collection.. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said deceased, aro request ed to call and settle immediately if they desire to save costs. MARIA THOMPSON, Adm'rix of said deceased. Sunbury, March 18, 1854. Gt. I. W. TKIVKIK &, CO., SUNBURY, PA., "ITAYE just received a fresh supply of new Spring Goods. Their friends and the pub lic are respectfully requested to call and iiwirct them. They will be sold cheap, "(juick sales and small profits" is still their motto. -Hunbury, Pa., April 23, 1854. NOTICE. TirHEREAS Letters of Administration on v the estate of Nathaniel Kellev. late uf liuah township, Northuiuuerlaud county, deceaaed, have been rro tiled lo the subscriber, by the Itce- later of Wills if., uf said county, all peraous in debted to said estate, are requested lo make im mediate payment, and Ihoaa having cluiin against the aanie, will without delay ureseul them duly authenticated, for scillnincnt lo WM. M. nut. ivr.r r.i.i.tit, Aiim r, 8unbury, April 'J, JHM CL C1 AKI'ETING, f loor oil cloth, Table oil eov. 1 era. Carpel chain, aud Door mats, just recei ved aud fur sale bt April 32. 1H3I. 1. W. TC.M.H H CO. " ADIEH' Dresa Hoods, hpnng and etuiniiirr QLi Miawls, Ula. k silk, silk poiilius, De Unx, .iiijiams, DsJs, Lawns aiul raliro, jual rs. and for sal bf WM.A. K.N All II. I'pper August. May 6, H3I 1 KY (il)ODM Cloths, Caaaimsra,, 19 Vsaliuas. Tweed, rluuilual cluth. Velvet cud, Tukuia-s, CWk, Mualllia, As., jual ravel. sssi sue tkM, i, h, i. w. 'IT. Cli 4 CO. itaibur. ApiU tl. U '4 UIMtl'M t'blld twl Mtossi tui Mu. Wiuuen aud 'blldlSU. La-lMa MusiMvtal Mlrnu. I ..I,..' tialtwa, lust leaMiad and M " WM. A KNAHH. SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. ORPHANS COURT SALE. R N pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court or Northumberland county, will be exposed 10 public sale, on SATURDAY, the 20th day of MAY, next, on the premises tha following Real Estnte, to wit 1 A Certain Piece or, Parcel of Land, situate in Iwcr Mahanoy township, county aforesaid, adjoining; lands of Isaac Dreibclbeis, Samuel 1 rego and others, containing one hun dred and twenty acres, and one hundred and four perches end marked purpart No. 1, in the return of the Inquest Late the estate of fialtzer Bordner, dee'd- Sale to, commence at 10 o'clock, A. At., ol said day, when the terms of sslo will be made known by . GEORGE N. BORDNER, one of the Adrainistritora. IJ y order nf the Court. ho Court, ) 1 EL, Clk. O. C. ril 22, 1854 ) JKO. P. TURSEI. Sunbury, April PATUNT SCALES, ' Sold at their WAREHOUSE, No. 240 Market Street, 4 rmt-ADEftPHtA. Railroad, Hay, Coal, and Fanners' SCALES, sot in any part of the country, by experienced workmen, and at short notice. Pliilu., April 8, 1851. Cm. GUANO I GUABrp ! r!3nHE subscrilicr, solo neent for the sale or H Fernvlan Guano ill Philadelphia, is now unloading the following vessels, direct from the Cliinchn Islands: Ship Sorocco 1300 tons. Ship Kurliiii-ton, - . 7.10 tons. Ship Hornet, - - - 500 tons. Ship Topaz, - -. - 20 Ions, which will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, at the lowest cash prices. S. J. CHRISTIAN, Formerly Glading fl t'lirit.tian.) No. 48 North Wharves, and 87 North Water Street, Philadelphia. April 22, '1854. Urn. .V (JEOHGE EA11P, JK.f GENERAL Commission Merchant, IjTOR the sale of Enirlifh and American pig lead, Scotch nnd American pii Iron, Illuck tin, Sheet leud, Lead and Iron V.'utcr und Gas pipes. I.iSral advances made on consignments Tig, lSlooni, Ditlctt or Shorcc Iron. No. 5Q North Wharves, Philadelphia A pril 22. 1 851. 2m. of ZINC PAINTS. One third cheaper than tchile lead, and free from all poisonous qitaliliis.. 'i lie Sew .Jersey Zluc Company HA VINO (Treat y enlaipMl iheir wirk, unit improved the oiialitv of their iiroitucls, ui'e predated to exetule otdeis their SUPERIOR PAINTS. Dry, flnd ifronnd in oil, in ass irteil packages of frxnn 85 ttt foHi pounds ; also Dry, in lKirn-ls, of 2'K pound er.rh. Their white Kmc, which is sttld dry or crotind in oil, is Warranted pure and utniurpucstd lor body uud uniforui VVhileitrKS. A nti-th itl of premnition Una recently been dtreovried, whh'h eiiaUlcs the Coinnanv to wnrriml their nuitile to keep 1 resit nnd wat lit Hie kei lor any reos niuble time. In this respect tiieir paints will be superior lo any other in the market Their brown cine pnint, whirli is told ot a low rrice, and c;ni only te made fmtn (he Zinc ores from New Jer- B?jr, h now well known for its protective quail tics when applied to iron or other inrtalic surfiirra. j iirir siinte coitir pnini possesses an tne properuesoi ine TirOATU. and is of nn Rgrerablc color for p-iutting Cottage, uepu. Uul buiioiiigs. iiri-Kr'-F. Arc. FRENCH 3c RICHARDS, ' Wholesale Puint dealers and imnortera, N. W. cr. of 10th .V Market Sis., Philadelphia. I'lnuiaeipiiia Airn tf. loo. omt Orphans Court Sale. I N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county' will be exposed to public sale, On SATURDAY, the Clh day of MAY, next, on the premise, the followim; described Real Estate, to wit : Thirty acres oil" of the north cast corner of a , Certain" Tract of Land, situate in ShnmoUiu township, county aforesaid, bounded on the north by lands of Daniel Millet, on the east by lands of Nancy Wolverton, on the south by bin's of said Nancy and Michael Zim merman, and on the west by lands of said Mi rhacl and 1'hilip l'crsing, containing in all about Two hundred and Korty acres. Laic the est.ilo of William Tersing, dec':!. Kale to commence Ht 10 o'clock, A. M. nf said day, when the terms of sale will bo made known by PETER TEESINO, One of the Executors. By order of the Court, ) J.P. PURSEI,, Clk.O. C. S Sunbury, April 8, 1854. ) SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. J0U5J STOE & SOXS, No. 45 South Second St., f Philadelphia, HAVE now in Store, of their own importation, a large and handsome assortment of Ribbons, . Silks flowers, Cropes, hnd ev?ry article suitable to the Millinery Trude, to which constant addition will be made through out the season, thereby enabling them to oiler the I irqeit and most desirable selection of articles in their line to he found in the cily. Philada., March 18, 1851. 2m. C. P. KSTIGHT & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Dealers in Fish, Cheese 5 Provisions Generally, , Nos. 29 30 S. Wharves, Philadelphia. TV AVE constantly on hand a supply of Muck- crcl. Codfish, Kliad, Salmon, Herring, Blue Kirh, White Full, Haddock, Hams, Hides, Shoul ders, Lard, Beef, Pork, Cheese, Beans, Dried Apples, lined reaches. Cranberries, ic Phila., March IS, 1854 3m. Itosendale Hydraulic Cement. An excellent article for Lining Cisterns, Vaults, Spring-houses and Cellars, N D for keeping dampness from wet and exposed walls. For sale by CH ARLES eillEPARD SMITH, Corner, of Front and Willow (its. Railroad. Philadelphia, April 22, 1854. ly. Centre Turnpike lloiul. flHE stockholders are hereby liotiliml 'bat all Election for t)iner to serve fur the rusu lot year will be held at lbs house nf William hit eater, in Northumberland on MONDAY, the li I its day ft JUNE neil, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and S o'clock I. M. J. II. I'KIEnTI.K Y, iwt. Nurlh'd. April 21), ItlSt. 4t. HNUIAN CHOLAGOGI K An excellent B artuls for the cure of Fever aud Asue, Ull lious rer, liileriniiieutor lUuiitUul I'svsr, just lei-vitrj suJ lor sat 17 April U, H. I. W. TENER CO. AUAM)1.H, ill plain Slid faltcv ua-uisd Hilk sv aud liiHg-luiu I uUua aud Itinahais) I hi brallas Trunk aud ('aiwl tlas, )ua4 rscisd udiuTMUby L W. itMill 4 t o Nunbufv, Apid ft, fl, ('&. I'm, Molao H , Ku, Mall, As., ust icit4 and luf AUDITORS' REPORT. Rcport ct tbc AoDiTom or NottTHimnut' Land Countr ro tub Year 1853. Jacob Young, Esq., Treasurer, in account leitn tne tame. Dr. To amount of ontstandint; tax fur 1832, and previous years " aiigrerinls amount of las as eessed for 1853, " amount nf County, School and Road lax ree'd for 1852 and previous year " nm'l of cn?b borrowed from Noiihumberlnnd Batik " am'l cash from Christian Albert for old bridge mate rials sold, " am't cash ro'd fiorn Luilye. No. 22 for Room rent " am'l cash reo'd lion Centre 88,883 97 10,735 75 IS 461 085 00 36 00 19 00 183 30 79 county Court expenses, " am'l of er:or in John Wen avis ilunlirale) for 1852. amount overpaid by David Wilson on hie duplicate for 1851. 3 To Bulunco duo Treasurer, 3,274 62 $24,120 30 Cr B v smonnl of nutatnndiutf taxes for 1853 & provioua yt ars, $9,437 70 " am'l of error in report for 1852 of outslanditig tuxes against Martin DrumhelU-r, 9 0C " uni'l of error in (!eo Ktiut's duplictttn for lS&O, ( 10 40 " am'l do in Willium IU-ed'a for 1851, 11 SO " am't county school nnd run 1 laxea assesspd assented lands & with which the Treasurer charged himself prroiifnnaly as unseated lands in 1852, 183 93 " am't exonerations nlhiwed collectors for 1S53 and pre vious, 181 89 " am't per cnntnzn allowed collectors for '53 previous, 297 29 " balance due county Treasu rer ns per last report of Au ditor., 1,300 75 " cash paid out on Commis sioners orders, . 11,0(9 08 " cash p;iid Northumberland Bank, money borrowed to gether wilh interest, 1,020 87i " am'l cash paid Eastern Pen itentiary lor keeping con victs, 62 70 " am't of J. B. Massers notes ' nnd interest relumed to Commissioners, , 277 34 " Trrnsureis expnscand lolls pninc lo Northunibeiliiiid ut vai ions limes, 4 80 " Treasurers commission oil S12.102 6G at 2 percent , . 302 58 S24.120 30 Jacob Youn, Fsrj., 7'rcnmtrer of Aortium berland county, in account with the same, respecting Mule ta on real St personal. Da. To am'l of outstanding tax fur 1852 nnd previous years, SS,3I8 SH " am't of otiisiiiiulino lax on IX-nnis Hnojs' duplicate omitted in report for '52, 539 07 ,! acgregale Bm'l or said lax "assessed for 1853, 15 CC7 10 " am'l of error in Conrad Kotshners acel., 51 " do. do. Elias Eisenharls, 8d " do. do. D S. Drumhellers, 1 00 " error in Geo. Kunlz's dupli cate for 1851, . 1 19 " cash overpaid by Solomon MartK on duplicate for '51, 65 08 " cash nvetpaid by Jos. Van- kiik on his duplicate fur 1851, 83 80 " cash overpaid by Jacob R. Chnk un his duplicate tor 1852, ( ' 1 76 " cash overpaid by P. Pursel on his duplicate for 1S52, 19 03 " cash overpaid by J. Wenayl on his duplicate for 1852, t 21 " am'l of slate tax reu'd nil unseated lands, 4 90 " balance due by County Treasurer as per Insl re port of Auditors, 3,494 32 To inlerorl un slalO tax, 35 26 26;04l 801 Cn. By amount nf ontsiundiiio taxes lor I83J and previous, " error in Jacob Biuoeinaii, duplicate for 135 1, " do. in Win. Reed's for '51, " do. in Jno Wens) Is for '52, " do. in J. H Kaufman's '53, do. in E 0 Raker's for '53, " error in Stale tax assessed as seated lands, ar.d with which the Treasurer char ged himself erroneously as tax on unseated lands, " abatement on Slate lax omitted lo be credited in 1852, 1 " Slate Tieasnrers receipt da ted January 18, 1853, " do. do. July 26, 1853, " do. do. January 13 1854, " exonerations made lo col lectors for '53 Jr previous, " commission allowed col lectors lor '53 & previous, ' Tieasnrris commission 011 &14,6i0 81 at 1 per cent, " balance due County by Ticasurei, 5 829 54 10 00 9 91 2 75 7 00 10 39 52 73 0 76 498 00 11,513 77 2,599 04 141 63 477 451 146 11 4,652 69- $26,041 801 Jacob I'oitng, 59 , IVraJtirrr 0 Northumber land Lu'i'i'i tn tir con nl iri'A I7 jam re- specttng Mdilia fines. Dit. To aysrejjste amount of out standing taxe for 1852 and previous, $1,759 47 " igsiegate am'l of said tax assessed for 1853, 969 50 " erroi in John Leienrinj;'s cct nol reported in 1852, 10 00 " balance due from County Treatuier per last report, 198 80 $2,937 77 Ci. By amount of outstanding loxcs (oi 1853 and previous, 1,948 77 error in 1852 in chaigint; U 8. Druniheller with $17,50 outstanding tax when it waa fully paid, 11 error in Wm. Reed's dupli cate for IS52, " cash paid Tieastirer of Var mei k Mechanics AiliL lery for IH12, " do. Rush Greys lor '4U If '50, " do Cadwalader liifanliv SI, " do. Khamokin Guard 1851, " do. Washinifion Guards '51, " do. North land Troop 1 8 50, do. Jackson Rifle Coinp '5t, do. (lewail Guaida 1150, cash paid J II Ziiiimoiinan Hny. luMvluf teivicea, M Mh paid Treasurer itl Nor. thumbeilaud Tiuop 1151, M casJi paid auurssHii lor sna kluy li nf dellmiusnl ruiliti men 44 lot,ilion)lowadeolle. 17 4 50 00 60 00 93 00 I 00 50 00 60 00 75 00 60 00 60 00 91 7 00 II 110 (It) Nantss of Collectors Samuel Awl Michael Evert John Leisenring John Leibig r David Stnhlnecker Thomas D Barr John Leibig David Stablnecker John Leisenring Jacob Beck Charles Fox Dennis Buoy John Leibig Henry R Johnson George Kuntx Conrad Kershner Jacob Eckmau John llinn Solomon Mnrtx Jacob Kline DatiielCarea John Klapp Jacob Binoetnnn ' Peter Rocb Joseph Vankilk Henry R Johnson D.ivid Wilson Jacob Binguman Andrew Runyan Elias Eiseuhart John Mine Jacob Kline Jacob U Clark Daniel Cares Jacob Hiiusiuker James Runy Polcr Rtirh Samuel Hales Peter Pnrsel Abraham Kissinger Joseph Vankitk Jacob II Kaufman Daniel D Bohui-r Maitin Buchman Elias Eiseuhart D P Caul John Boyer William" B Irwin William Deppin J Hutisirker Daniel P Conrad Jumps Buoy C B Smith Joseph Vankiik Henry R Johnson Samuel Hales Peter Ililoman Abraham Kissinfjcr Michspl Kefer Jiiemiah IVnny packer Eunclt D Raker tors for '53 and previous, 33 75 Treasurers enmmission 011 $CG5 93 nt 1 per cent, " fj 66 "balanue due Comity from Treasurer, 121 16 $2,937 77 Jacob Young. jo , in account with the same respecting iielailcrs Licenses. . Da, To balance due on said License as per rcport of Auditors for 1852, $755 64 " License received from Si monMarlzin 1852 which Ihe Treasurer omitted to chaige himself wilh, . 3 00 " asureiiate amount of said License for 1853 as per list furnished to Treasurer by Mercantile appraiser, 880 75 $1,639 29 Cb. By cash paid to State Treasurer as per his receipt daleii July 26 1853 762 75 " exonerations of II. Wunck's License, 3 50 " dn. Sophary Dencr, 5 00 " Treasurers commission on $762 75 fur 1852 c 5 38 14 " do. do $872 25 for 1853 o 5 43 61 " cash paid 11. B. Masser for publishing Retailers list lor 1853, in English paper as per hit receipt, 24 00 ' do, do. in German paper, 24 00 " do. do. G. B. Ydtingman in Enojh, 11 00 " balance due County from Tieasurer, 727 29 $1,639 29 Jacob Young, Esq., Treasurer, in account with tne Lounty respecting iavem Licenses. Dr. To balance due on said Licence per last report of Auditor, " am'l of said License granted by the Court for 1S53, $480 Od g, 510 00 $990 00 J By State Treasurers receipt da led July 26 1853, " Treasurers Commission on the above c 5 per cent, " do. on $510 00 granted lor 1853 o 5 per cent, " balance due by County $480 00 24 80 25 60 459 70 Treasurer, $990 00 Juob 1'ounjr, Esq., Treasurer, in accsnnf with thi County respecting Patent Medicine License. Diu To balance due a per last re' port of Auditors, 15 00 " aggregate amount of said License for 1853, as per list lurnisheil by Mercan tile appraiser, 15 00 $30 Cb. By Stale Treasurer receipt dated July 26 1853, " Treasurers commission on $15 00 for 1852 c 5 p. et, " do 011 $15 00 for '53 " " balance due by County Treasurer, 75 75 13 50 $30 00 Jacob Young, Esq , Treasurer in account tcttk thi County respecting Beer Houses and Ouster Shoits. y D. To balance due a per last re port of Auditors, 11 am'l of said License a per list furnished by Mercan tile appiaiser, $22 00 6 $88 CJu. Uy Slit Tiesatiiers receipt da led July 2 1853, " Treasnivi commission oil Ihe above e 5 per e-ul, " do. en 00 for 1863 " balance due liom Treasurer, $13 00 I I II $ Jjroi Veeng, Eta., Trimmer, is) skrounf with Ik roantfe rSfM)al Uislillsri, Jiff (MM and UeetijUre of M'iwsWy tiM. Tn tviUnee due per U4 ie on wi sta-mui num. for 1853 mnd previous fori on (A 1 of December 1851. Township ; Year Coaaty BtaU MUltla Augusta 1840 127 on " l46 $34 00 ' Northumberland 1848' 48 07 Coal " ' . 16,00 Delaware -":. . 1 95 Lewis 1849 4 02 It 48 Coal " . '65 021 1 50 Delaware " 43 S3 13 60 Northumberland " , 34 60 Sunbury " 31 43 Delaware 1850 32 33 Chilisquaque 41 St 42 127 59 45 00 Coal . " 29 00 Rush " 133 051 42 00 Turbut " 19 29 Sunbury " 8 24 59 50 Upper Augusta " . 4 09 Cameron 1851 44 78 23 69 It 60 Coal .11 13 05 Chilisqoaqne " 44 00 Delaware " 38 00 Lowie " . 46 50 Lower Mahanoy " 5 00 Northumberland 159 67 179 73 41 00 Point 32 50 Rnsh " 109 891 9 74 43 00 Lewis " ' 218 90 Lower Mahanoy 1852 46 64 53 78 17 00 Rush ' 150 30 45 33 57 60 Coal ' 62 10 61 27 26 00 Cameron " 26 80 37 61 16 60 Chilisqiiarpie " 489 00 296 33 51 00 Lower Augusta " g 35 Delaware " 548 30 ' 345 02 58 00 Lewis " 80 53 81 5i 39 50 Milton . " 70 75 69 50 Northumberland " 343 09 172 76 8 00 Shamokin " 99 52 54 71 48 00 Sunbury 60 80 22 00 Turbut 115 63 39 33 15 50 Point 27 00 Upper Mnhanoy ' 1853 197 22 S4 70 13 50 Jordan ' 123 141 21 50 Lower Mahanoy " 465 03 127 34 75 00 Coal ' 396 611 311 70J 116 50 Chilisquaque " 635 001 847 63 50 00 Cameron 96 42 12 50 Delaware " 624 261 619 94 59 50 Jackson . " 84 95! 58 80 42 00 Lewis " 650 31 244 94 26 00 Lower Augusta " 299 781 130 62 85 00 Milton " 476 321 "6 38 69 50 Northumberland 141 45 73 95 35 00 Point 563 121 265 99 50 50 Rnsh " 300 36 140 14 39 00 Shamokin " 278 OGl 83 20 113 00 Sunbury .283 591 217 53 33 60 Turbut ' 607 26 125 94 29 00 Upper Aosusta 372 45 419 52 24 50 Zmbe ' 100 97 163 35 14 50 Little Mahanoy 64 76 89,427 70 5,829 55 $1,948 77 " am't of said License for '53 per list furnished by Mercantile appraiser, Cr. By Slate Treasurers receipt da led July 26 1853, 521 00 " Treasurers commission on Ihe above, 1 05 " do. do. on $18 00 for 1853, 90 " balance due from County Treasurer, 16 05 $39 00 Expenditures of Northumberland Count v. Road and Bridge view $116 00 Incidental Expenses 211 551 Commonwealth Costs 262 161 Constable for making returns - advertising elections, lie., 243 73 ft fC Weaver for 1852 2 56 2 2 " " 1853, 566 00 g IC Albert " 1853, 74 00 I J Nicely 1853, 75 00 417 56 Jublic Buildings 289 07 urors wages 2,044 00 Clk wages, G. Martin 152, 103 171 " 1853, 389 71 492 88i C W Tharp 1850 9 00 " " 1853 45 00 a: Chas Kutz 1853 20 00 74 00 33 75 372 91 2,680 40 592 01 125 70 216 88 84 00 157 75 416 78 30 00 20 80 28 00 46 721 150 00 250 371 Premiums on Fox Scalps Assessors wages Bridge building 4o , Election expense Stationery Refunding Court criers' wages Printing Road taxe on unseated lands County Attorney Fuel Prison expenses Mercantile appraiser School tax on unseated land Road damages Coroners Inquest 120 48 J H Zimmerman 1852 28 00 Wm L Cook 13 00 M J D Withinglon " Samuel John " VV I Greenough " Saml D Jordan ' Reuben Zartman " G M Yoiks 28 00 64 00 64 00 23 00 38 00 25 00 6 75. 289 75 S Thompson for attend $9,767 Amount of Court Fines and Jury Funds 10 wnom paid. Dsfendeiits To whom paid R Fagely James Beard Dreisbach " Jas Bias Raser not paid D Weidner " Same " rtainlifls Hugh Bella Com' wealth Same Anton John King Same $4 60 5 4 4 4 00 jGea'hart ad'r Dunn adm'r 11 4 00 4 00 4 00 l.ecnner Com' wealth Bound " John VValise Jas. Beard Bachman not paid Eckeits adm'rs " Kabel 4 00 , Beck ley F Wilholn, Beck 4 00 H Wilhelm WmBKipp4 Slilzel James Beard 4 Pnrael Keene Hibler not paid Brosiou James Beard Savage " John Gray Wm B Kipp Hugh Bella not paid ACItTG Morris Rellas James Beard B Shaffers ex'r not paid Jno Masser Jas Beard B Rubins rot paid Eckerl adm'r Jas Hoard Hartt Win B Kipp Fagely 4 00 4 00 4 00 00 "lmmf , .Comwealth j Graham o - ISS'ii 9 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 Masser Com'wealih K Trout A Gehrig Comly Bella 4 00 4 00 4 00 $190 00 JacAY'lt, Esq , Treasurer 0f Sortkumber land Counts iH account tks Common iteattk of Pennsylvania. Tti 00 Real tnd Personal Estate for JS53. Da. Te aggregate am'l of said tsx outstanding fur 1852 and pre ion year $6,318 871 " gg'euate am'l of said lax as sessed for 1853 a per state, men! tiled by County Cuiu'i with Mid Tieasurer 13,647 10 " am'l of outstanding art Dennis 00 00 Duo) duplicate and oinuied in the or 1852 " error in C. Keishner account M M K Kivuhaii " " u V S Diumhller u M U, Kunis duplicaie am'l ( bute Ui eu isuseatej Und 131 97 . 80 I 00 I IV 4 ti,m i4 C. Uy tmouul ef ei. ta ie.nii,i, " error in Jacob Bingeman dn ii . JP"ie lor J5l VVm Reeds do. 1851 .. . 'sM,n,Tl . 1852 " ED Raker igjj error in state tax assessed as 10 00 9 94 9 75 -7 00 10 (9 'ano ittnu and with . which Ihe County Treasurer charged himself erroneously In 1852 a tat on unseated land " exoneration made lo collet, lor for 1853 and previou commissions allowed colleo u lor for 1853 State Trearurer receipt dated 62 73 141 63 477 451 498 00 10.938 09 2,599 04 575 63 146 11 1.05 99 January 18 1853 July 26 Jnnoarw 11 SDKS n u per cent abatement on $10,938 09 Treasurer commission on $ 4,610 81 at I percent balance due Ihe Com'wealih .$22,334 341 Militia Fines. Dr. To "PCrPgate am'ls of said tax for 1852 and pievions yeara $1,759 47 ' error in Jno Leisenring accl not reported in 185J l0 00 " aagregate am't of said lax as sessed for 1852 as per book in which said lux is entered P69 50 balance due County Treasurer 77 64 $2,816 61 Cr. By amount of said lax remaining uncollected for 1853 and previous yeara jm q.o ?7 "erroriu'52charginjrDSDii!m- ' heller with 917 50 ns om. standing which was fully p'd etror in Wm. Reeds duplicate for 1852 " cash paid Farmers and Me i haiiic Artillery as per order of Captain Martz do. Ru..h Greys Capt Huffman " do. Cadwaluder Iiilatitry Cap- i c, ,ai" Prick " do. Shamokin Guards Captain farrow do. Washington Guards Cant. 17 50 4 00 50 00 93 00 61 00 50 00 .. . , , , Holfa 50 00 " do North'd Troop Cap! Bryson 75 00 " do. Jackson Rills Company Captain Hutrick 50 00 l" Jo- Dowart Guards Captain . Zimmermnn 50 00 P 1 North'd Troop Capt Hunsickcr 75 00 " cash paid J. H. Zimmeimau service a Brigade Inspector 93 25 " assessors making lists of de linquent militia men 18 C3 " exoueiatinns allowed collec tor 1853 and prerions veurs 140 00 " per cenlnge allowed colieclor for 1853 and previous 33 75 " Treasurer commission on 8663 93 at 1 per cent., 6 G5 $2,810 61 Retailers' License. Dn. To am'l of snid licence ree'd Irum S. Martz with which the Treasurer omitted to charge himsell in 1852. $3 00 " aggregate am'l of said li cense for 1853 as per list furnished Treasurer by the Mercantile appraiser. ' 880,75 , $883,75 Cb. By cash paid IJ. B. Masser mrpuDiismne netailerslist (ur 1853 in English as per receipt . " cush paid H. B. Masser for same in German " cash paid Geo. B. Young man in English " Exoneration of H Wenck'e license " Exoneration of Sophary Dence " Treasures Commissions 011 $872,25 a 5 per cent " Balance due Common wealth Tavern License. Da. To aggregate am't of said li cense granted by Court of Quarer Session lor '53 $510,00 Cr. By Treasurer Commission 011 $510,00 a 5 per cent " Balance due Common wealth $25,50 484,50 $510.00 Patent Medicines. ' Dr. To aggregate am't of said li cense for 1853 a per list Inrnished Treasurer by Mercantile Appraiser $15,00' Cr. By Treasurer commission on $15,00 a 5 per cent 73 " bal ance due Common- wealth 14,25 281 and 00 00 00 00 00 Beer Houses and Oyster Shops. Dr. To aggregate am't of aid li cense lor 1853 per list furnished County Treasu rer by Mercantile apprai ser $66,00 Cb. By Treasurers commission 011 $66 00 a 5 per cent. " balance due Conimou wealth 00 00 $66,00 Distilleries, Brewers If Rectifyers of U kiskey. To aggregate a.n'l of said li cense for 1853 per '' furniahed County Tieasii ier by Mercantile apptai sr ',00 Cb. 4 00 8 00 By Treasurer commisaiouson 1 18,00 a 6 per eeut balance due Commonwealth $18,00 We the undersigned Auditors of Narlhum bet land rounjy, in Ihe Cumniimwealih ol I'eiiueylvaiiia, do ceilify that in pu'snaiice i f the 4lh aertiuu of Ihe act ritii'ird, '414.1 reguUling counties and townships ., ' ;,. sed Ihe I5ih day vl A pi it r MU t Ihe Cumiiiiaainnei wilice in the tmougli nt huubuiy, on Ihe 17th day of Jaimaiv, liil, mi ailjoutned Loin tune lu lime, and dii edit, adjoal aud saiiile the ss veial aecuunt pined of ua, ameoably lu the aevaial aut el Assembly, and sopplenieitts lhits urdiiig lu ihe beat wl wur ju.tiusnt ! sbil- VVMnese eur bnd( InJ sla al ike (flee fim, tfcUehie dy el Kb'y, A. !., i II IIMMKUVUN. t. m j n wiiiii.nsIi If ;l Jis. rVH. L r $15,00 $3,30 62,70 9 17,10 Mask I. W. IX.NCK A CO, ttntHMy, kfiis 11. Uil - I 'rrl Aaajitsla, Mas , U. usKjolleeioJ fet li (w 'al ttil piwu, 1114 Tieawiie'i I etieut )! 14
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers