v-'.Jfc.VlV- ttni.tt A-n erica , . COVNTJM HOU6B A LM A ft, A C 1 5 Jul 31 0 ia is mii li! t 1 13 10! IO II' 0 10 11 16 17,18 99 Vat. to. m 30 i.1 93,44,95 99 8 Fn. a' a' 7 llCl'll A oa. IS 13 14 IB 17,10 11.1111 19 1IISI,M:S3.I.!U 13 141 M Id 17 m io 91) 91199 93 91 as M Mac. I II II 3' 4 l97,9t:99:3U 31 8 6 71 8 9 in 11 Sift, I'l H 141 IS 18 17 11 3 4 o: 7 19 20 SI ai 10 11 19 13,14 1.1 16 m 87 i!S,a 30.31 17 18! ltl'Stl 91 Si 93 An. 1 94 95 96, 97 98 90,30 t 31 41 l 7 Oct. 4 6 7 Hi 10 11 IS 13' 14 15: 8 II 19 13 14 1(1 t7ilP lftS'SI 18 140'9I 93 96 97128 83 94 43 an S7 as so 30 I I I 199.30' Mt. 1 ! 31 S 8; Nov. 1 9, 31 4 n, ioi ii IS IS 1ft 90 s' a 8 0 19 1(1 17 18 19.13 14 13 16 1 ' 2,1 sr.ae SO a7j io n 91 99 9.1 .90,30 91 93 25.30,31 97 98 J 0.11 I 1 I I 1 l a1 Die. 1 41 51 ' 71 .I0 4 5 Ill2l II '111.13 ItllS HI 17 Hi 1.1 10 9i;S3 93 18 in 90.31 :i 31 1H 10140. 45 36,97;) 99 3U I i ' I I I 1 I P 0 c t r n . Girl of the Blue Eye Bright and Beaming Oh, (or the lime of ihe Summer'- dawn, To hear lh lurkViis carol singiuir; Oh. for a walk in lha ilewelnd luwu, When healili for every lireeao is briiiing J Oh ,rir lha shade of lhn hau -thorn tree , Wnh niid ilny -tin above il gleaming; Oh, for such hours 10 apeml wiih then, Girl of Itio blue eye bright ami beaming ! Oh, for the time of ihe evening', close, Wiih nol a breath its peace destroying J , Oh. for a share of iis ovveel repose . But not alone the bliss enjoying J Oh, for the heanh ami the winter drear. When joyous heails wiih love are teeming ; Oh, for such hours with thee to share, Girl of the blue eye brignt and beaming ! Oh, for a life 'mid scenes like this, Unelogged. by worldly wealth of splendor ; Oh, 'twere life radiant of bliss, Shared wiih a feeling heart and lender ; Ob, that the fairy scene might be, In a land where Freedom's Hag is stream in? ; ' - ' -'Twere heaven on earth to be Ihorewith ihee, Girl of the blue eye bright and beaming ! A STRING OF ITEMS. The Siamese Twins aie at Pittsburgh. The population of San Francisco is estima ted now at 50,000. John Wood was burned Io death near Mer cer, Pa., on Tuesday. Rum ! Bayard Taylor lectured in Pittsburgh last week. There are 700 miles of sidewalk in Na v York city. By deferring our repentance, we nccumu lute our Borrows. Major Brice, U.S. Army from New Mexi co, arrived at New Orleai.a on the 20 ult. The mero apprehension of war has cost Etialand already, it is said, 5,000,000, at least. The Sag Harbor Gazette says 71 wild geese were shot at Montauk during three days of last week. A whole township in Germany, thai of En zelhonm, it is said, is preparing to leave to getber for Amerira. C. J. Daniel, of Bath, England, has seonr ed a patent for drying hay and grinding il into meal for feeding cattle. It is said that no more coal may be expec ted for some time from Cumberland district while the miners continue to be, as they are at present, on a strike. Mr. Hudson, of Philadelphia, who was so aeverely injured by the lale collision on the railroad near Lancaster, died on Monday af ternoon in that city. Upon the plantation of Col. John B. Le mar, iu Lea Co , Ga., a log was split open a few days since, and twenty-eight full grown rattlesnakes found within. Harlow Case, Ilia absconding collector from Sandusky, Ohio, who was accompanied by Ihe wife of Mr. Francis, has been heard from at Malm, in the Mediterranean. It is supposed that be desiguej to engage in the Turkish war. A despatch from Louisville, ICy., slates that a locomolive attached 10 a freight train on tint Now Albany anil Salem Railroad, ex plod.'d 011 1 lie 24ih, neai Pioridence, killing 3 men. The budius were tioiribly mutila ted. Men with unassuming wives never fall. It is the husbands of such women as Mis Dash and Lady Br illiant w ho fiml themselvi s faea to faue wiih the sheritf, and certain mys terious documents, adorned wiih red tape aud wafers, big enough for target exercise. Jonathan llarriiiKton died at Lexington, Mass , on Sunday, the 80:li ins!., aged nine )! years. Mr. Harrington was Ilia last auivivoi of that gallant band of p4liioi who opposed the progress of the Urili.lt lwp, 01. the plaint of Uningion, en iha memorb! 1910 or April, IT7S. "Lono Jn.-.Tha Detroit Times sny. thai long Ju,n ftenlwoith was a jour nriu , when ha w.i.l to Chicago mi fillee.i y. go. Tha Tolado HUde doniea i, , B, th.t ha was Nothing but a Uwyer, y. ,r was ta amUitiuua chap k. wanird la corra UBt lit llkd ISUfLI. hit ..ll..... I .1. . 1 ,r ... , .... ,a iua iinprsM on lu yu ab.osJ that lia was a m inter fn, i, a .b.lny of id. ibln, J Tha eo(1k.(1c.. a um n. ih iu.) ina ,W44 sj luiluna til lUJ.OaU Mil. I Lan mI...I. I ... r " 1 ----- iv lunumu jtr 1 VMISU iutust.-ai amutt parly ln W4lui.u,i4ii! aia ilsys store, an ,h.i,.m r- k I It wilier auJ a I Ut h qus.1. J iu Intiw IU' ! la a lbloiiaiia touna laity. i ui4iablu fo hi laaui), uJ ina yiii id miitiiosi el iLa opuuena , fiiioi. as f rreii, an4 sfallba O'UsI aiu.wi.y u i'liibduwiiwn ti4 uVsu ll4a. Ida s4iitai ra M 4 Iksl a was Uta4 l-p') iu HtaKM ba Si'p'sl,iii ca a Ufa' tk lail'ff am. " l aa i f a U lf fvll 'a rt a .1 lapUsd, li.fl I. 1 r, mi asppy la ! f ilMiiiy." A.i.u UeaaiaaJ iaa latest arrival of Fall and Winter Goods. J. F.'&xfJ KLINE.' TJ ESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and tre public in general, that they have received at their Old Stand, in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county, Pa., their r all Bill vv inter UooUs, and opened to Ilia public, a full assortment of ., 1 . ,, . MERCHANDIZE, &c, , Consisting in psrt r( Cloths, Mack and fancy Cassimers, Sattinetts, Flannels, Checks, fend all kinds of Winter Wear. Also a splendid assortment of ; ladies Dress Goods, . :r Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin 1e Laines, Daid Lashmcrcs, De beges, Merinos, I3av state lions Shawls. &e. Also a fresh supply of Ol'OCCrlCB of all Hardware and Queenswarc, a fresh supply of Drill's and Medicines. ,., Woodon Ware. Also a large assortment of Boots and fchoes, suitable for Men, Women end Children, Hats and Cps,' such - as Silk, Panama, and other : ' ' v Hats. Sail, Cheese, &c. .1 Call and See. .- Cheaper than the Oheeprat, . i 1 All of which will be sold forrai-h.ior ir ex change for country produce, at the highestmsrket prree. lpper Augusta, cov. a, ibj. iv nr v. PENNSYLVANIA CONFECTIONARY & FRUIT STORE, No. 169 North 3d -st , S.-E Cor. of Vine, nntADni-rriia. rglllE subscriber takes this method of informing -- (' omit rv Mnnhiinls I be tiub ic irencrulv. that ho lias re-moved from liiS to lire large and commodious store 103 North Third street, and replenished it with an extensive and well selected slock of Confectionary, Fruits, &c, which ho is confident he can olfer tj purchasers, wholesale and retail, at satisfactory rate. WJI. 5. SIILIiN. Pl.ilada., Dec. 17, 1S53 3m. DAVIS & CULIN, Dealers in LAMPS, LA!ST:IIN k .HANDEtIER, N. E. Corner Fourth and Cherry Streets, PHILADEIiFUIA. HAVING enlarged and improved their Store, and having the largest assortment of Lamps in Philadelphia city, thev are now prepared to furnish PINE OIL CAM PH EN 13, - , BURNING FLUID, ETHEREAL OIL,, Fhosphene Gas and Lard Oil, Lamps, Lanterns of oil patcrns. Fancy Hotel and Hall Lamps, Chandeliers, Girandoles aud Candcleabras, and Urittnnnia Lamps, at the Manufacturers' loweBt prices. Glass Lamps by the trackage, at a small advance over Auction prices. Ueing larpe MANUFACTURERS of Pmo Oil, Durnmg Fluid, Ethereal Oil,' Alcohol, and (the only true) Phosgene Gas, tliev can fur nish these articles at such prices that Merchants will Cud it to their advantage to buy. ' Call before going elsewhere, if you want bargains. Also, tha Safety Fl id Lamp for sale. . , Phila., Sept. 24, 1853. ly. ' This Way ! This Way ! !. This Way ! ! J Fall and Winter Goods. FRXLINCS- & GRANT. OESPECTFULLY inform their customers and the public, that they lisve just receiv. cd and opened the best and cheapest stock of . Fall and Winter Goods, at their store in Market square, Sunbury. Their stock consists of every variety 01 Dry Goods, viz : " .,, : Cloths, Caaimeres, Sattincts, Veslings, Flannels, U'ollens, c, And all kinds of Full & Winter Wear. - Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laines, Herages, And every variety of goods suitable for La dies u ear. Also a largo assortment of HARDWARE and GUEENSWASE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also an extensive assonment of Hats and Cats for Mkn and .Boys. Also a large assortment of GltOL'EUIES, SUCH A3 Sugar, Teas, Coflee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Alse a tresh supply of DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Besides the largest and most general assort ment of ell kinds of goods to be had in this place. ft Country produce of nil kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunburv,Nov. lJ, I8.r3. Just FuMished and , Tor Sale by WM. McCARTV, Uooksellcr, fcSuubury, Pa. The American PLEADERS' ASSISTANT : Uring a collection of up proved declarations, writs, returns and proceedings in the several action now in use in the United Stales. Br Coimnson Ur.r.p, Eq., Ipsat (j;ii viva vox 1 With notes and additions, together with a shor system rd con cyaiicing. fly A. Jordan Pres ident Jinle of ibo Eighth Judicial ili.tuct nl I'u., and Win. M. Kockefcler aud M. L. rdiiiulcl, of the l ur of Northumberland count) . 8 1 1. Co ihe publication nf the book, the follow nip teller has been received from Jude Pearson ol llanuburjj 1 IIsaaisiit-Bn, June 30, "1653. Gr.KTLI.MtM 1 After a careful eiaminaliou of your "Amer ican pleader. iUn1." I uke plrs'Ure in i x pri'uii.4 my entire approval . f llic stleclioii and lon.p.tolti.i.i of the precedents thiia ul'.errd to ll:a pui'iic. il,. iirli'uin in 1 ini. v l.miu sui.J. in U(,CJ of a cone, 1 sv.inu u( le idi.13, siUpieJ iu our lo.b.n of businea. sod lire pruelne of Ilia ruurla. Vom forru uf iW.raiium Iwinu. a great ailciit. loundad uii llie scla uf aemkly. lil l a mviii. o ut.r U IU pli.lur. and ou. dues Io mU'U a.id Ua.iiw i.. ..... ..1..1 U- asT(aj V SlUf II ajlatCUaUlia ) M out ala. ' iai.uaiiii Yaws, will, (N.al rirl, A 1 1 v. JM).J. 'Kllti.V. L. l.lJ.I, K,u,U and M. Wui.l.uiy. July a Ii3. riwNWM--)T.Tr.xr.r,T a...Jaa.U,,'I,-M4lB'- AAU lilLUS aaally JhiuM m,h. r.U. U. I at, J r tt'AI L ff Attn l U.M.(M ,t7Z ij IM ...i.t 4 I J Ml. V- ' Irw.ia.i. j, w , 1 til 4 I u, U-tlM.U. a..,, v, n " lr-4 aals U )f , ' U I'-l.-uriiu (u nlmt, tVi. , (it, . SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAM 0K1N CHERRY PECTORAL: 1 , Pr th Care mt COUGHS, OOL33S, n HOARSENESS, BR OH- T OHITI9, CROUP, ASTjrf- ' MA, WnOOPIMO-COUOH AMD CONSUMPTION. TOCURKA COLD, with headacri ami ionmRf in me uociy, tuke the liikbht i'kctoial oh kuiu w i-w, ii(t wrap up warm, to tureat daring ih? nglit. ; Poo t ll.it t. . . r.rntt luk Il tiwirillll't. II )Oil a a)V- in up, nrjcoidmg i tliiertuim tm the b tttle, und U'C dilTieul i will him list renuivptl. None will I Hilt ulTi-r ft ml tnii ir.iublo when lUi-v Hiui Wnkn readily fuml. Jcrmin ..llt.m wis la n amitMl (inott. wiiirh lifetikfl lIlCITI (l WC.lt rest oi iiilit, will find, by inking the Cherry I'ectunil oil em ni 1 1 lied, inr iwiv i lure m 'wt, n"", mr, ,... ff.Mistsmiimitu r. frihii.tr nf. fir ei it rp ie( ffiim Built-r inp, oml mi milium curf, im nif ndt-d d tliuusmids wliu ftra, tltus nttlictwl, by litis mviitual"le remedy. l-r,,in l( nL-ri'MiMu t lTrctB in tlicse eac, lTUiV find tliemsrU'cM utnrtlllng to forrgu lti uae whvn tUo nwcMily hir iinB ceii sect : -, ,- From two ;iiiiiient Vhyiifipjn In . , M , KAtKTTKvu.u., Tfnn , Kpri 10, . Pir We lmvc givi;n yimrtJhuriy IVi-t.rftl mi exmtrVe Iriul in our pucrke, und find ?l (J iurpQt" vry Mhet re medy wc liuv fvir curing nlfLi ti 'iis i-l' ihe ri-spint ry or gum. i)Hr. DIKMKIt ft H A-M Y'Vi&.-. TOSIrVfiRRS AND M.'I1C ftlMiAKKUA thin rrnu-rfy is tnvuiuultle, m by if Hi'livH mi the Uinml uml J6ttr, when tn Is til lu smnll (pimititicii, itrffinnveflftll firtiutPiirdi'in n ffw Ii urt mid w.iudoiruiiy ijicrcusui tlio jHver uml UuavibJtity ofth'1 v 'i ?. ASTHMA iaprfnerntlT inueli relieved, and often wholly uured )y Cherry I Vet nil. Unt ttiisre nrt tmie Vrt8f8 nlw atinnir nts fi yield ntirtly tit medicine. Cneny lfceto, rut will cure Hit in, j itiey c;nt be currttT HliONriHTJS, ttr iirimtioii 01 the throat mid iippor poilk'rt if i lie liiti, may tw cured In- nVing CHcrry IV to rnl In m;dl dnd ircqnent duati. i'he uiio:nluniatle p pr o6i hi in ttHtu rdifvedi . ' rH T llci'. Doi t. i.Asii;. of Rrooklvn.Ncw York, itntts: I hnVti i h riicrrr lcri md cure Buc'l ca.' f Aethinu and Hroncliilifi no Ittnti lire to believe H vuti nicely full to cur lh.fif iliacnWB." v KOIl CUOt P. (iive nn cmchc or aiuimoiiy, h ue followed by hrjrc uiirl frequent d'-srll if the Clitfrry IVoro itii, until f bum ik-9 Hie Uiseuftu. It Ukoii in tcasJii, n win il t fnil t' -nre. - - WHOOPING COrOTI muv be broken up and xi cu- Ted bvtlie use i-f Cherry l'uct'rfil. ; THK IMM.IKNA is tpueddy remove, hythiirrme dv. Nuiucroutt ih.nnimeo hnvc been ni'ticetl wliera wtul (.iniilim weio proieeled from nny nunoiiR ciniiiHpi iitiei, while ttuMr iKiiniih tr. witliout the cucrry rccuuui, who uflcrini; it ni the dj sense. . lr. J. U. Aver; rALKM, innjunc, tzi. I wiilo to inform von of the truiv nmnrktiWr ctfccii nl your CUKKitV J'MOTOUAls in tlii plaiw ul in my own family. One i tuv d iuphU-rs w:i r. impltU'ly' cuied In three ila'yi f n drcmllnl Wiioopiso Colt.ii, by hiking it- lr. .fif ftiitti. MMfjofour vciT Ivest ph'8ict:nis ireely Biotr lint h coiisidem it the bent rtudy we have pulmoinirjr discuses, mid ihut he linn cured more cvsi-s of Croup with it thnn nny other medicinu he ever ndmhiisteretl. Out i-lertrvmen of the Hnntist Clmrch snvBthHt during tlio run of Inpi.uexia here this nous n. h bus seen ciiv from your medicine he ouuld acurcdy huve believed K itha oni s'eiiip. . ouis rrspecttuiiy, J i n.u iirtiu, Deputy IMh! master. From the dhtinxnhhtd P rofc$ur of Chemis try and Mrteria MxhcCi Bowdotn Lnllcpe: l hni'A fotii fl ibn Cniriinv pKrrnAL. nn its inirrudlt'lits slifuv, n rwnrerful remedy for colds, and cuugltB, mid pul- motmry uiscaaci. 1 AUnEB I'LEVEIsAIU1, i. U CcCNSWiCK, Me., Feb. fi, ltl 7, DR. VAIsKNTINKMOTT. The which celebrated Profwor of Surgery in f hd Medical Cotlezc. New Yqyk Vi:y Tl pivc3 mc p!HBf!iir to r!ify tlie v.i'ue :md cffifnfy of 1Avk's CuEtir.v I'KcroKAL,' which i cniiritlrr pccili arlv nd-iptetl to cure d'sctrnt-s of Ihe lhro:it and l oiis." Jiireaol aeveie tiirvnses aytnn uir t.unvs uav uw fueled by Cjikhbv TRcroKAi. in nrh cxlronit) casesns wnrraiil the Iwlief thnt n remedy has nt Imjjth heeir ftmnd thnt enn 1ms dependud on to cure th (' m-rhs. Colds mid C'uunipM ti which enrrr trom our inmn tiiounuus very rem. It is inded n medicine to which the Hfflieied can look with c tnfiileiice for relief, a:id tlicy tiiouid not fail ti nvnil themselves of it. Prepared and told bif JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell. Mass, " Sold in Sunlmry "by H MASSER, and by DrnRirisU amorally tbroughmit the H.nto. July 30, 1S53. cow lv. Nov. 13. '.la.. J. D. GOULD, oiiccessor to A. nui .) No. 164 Ckes nnt Street, Swaim's Building. rx:iLACELn:!A. EXTENSIVE MUSIC PCBLISIIEU, and Dealer in Musical Instruments of every de scription. Ekc!uivo Agent for the sale of lljilct, Pavis Si Co's (Uoston) Pjitkst St'srsssio.v IIhiuok JHoliait and other . , , it PIANOS, L. Gilbert's Boudoir Pianos, Melndcons, Martin's Guitars, Hurps, Violins, SriKtT Music, Music Books, dr., &c. Kesidents of the country will be supplied by mail or otherwise with any muic they may wish, at as low rates as if purchased in person. Having one of tha largest stocks iu the United States, I feel confident of satisfying all who may fevor me with a call or order. Dealers in Music supplied cn the most liberal terms. Pianos to let. Second-band Pian is f.jr sale. Philadelphia, April 14, 1853. ly, ' Porto Mdnnaies, POCKET BOOKS, AND FANCY COODS. 'ItllE aitention of the Trade, and others, in I. want f Porto Moiiuaics, Pocket Bonks, Hankers' Cases, Drrsin Cacs, Porlublo Wit ung Desks, Backgammon and Chess Boards, Chessmen, Pcurl, Shell, and silver Cord Cases, Work Boxes, ('abas. Needle Books, Money Ji'lti, Cigar Cases, Porlfolios, Haiors and Itnzor Strops, Travelling FIj!, and floe Cutlery, to jetber with a lar;;e variety of Fuel Gouos Ahich "ill be sol J ut the lowest riles. F. II. 3MITII, Porta Monuaia and Pocket Book Manufacturer, 20 Areh Si. Mote Sixth, Philadelphia. Sept. 17, l03.lf. Miinn's ICHtiiMisliineut 25 South Sixth Street, ' Philadolpliia. For lite Munufucture aud sale of IMtriil -r CoimIiix I'rriit'ii, Pat.nl METALLIC DAM PEN Kit", Uresl.. Oil Papers, Blotting Board., Cop) 1113 Ink,' &c. Talent 'ur hinciit lua?r, LETTCK COPYING' U0QKS, Superior to all uthvra, and tub paa piiutuj PATENT LETTER BIXDEIt, A most valuable invention fur kceplriT in a oonk-lik. lor in, l.ettfrs received, Original luvoi. (M, Are. PluU., April , )i51.ly. Iinpoitant to Coal UVuIi-i-h. '1111 Ii aubKiilirrs l.srvliy ii.linm lha publia. Il.sl 4 Ittttv kuv. tt..ltota.l ii.lA ufliu.f.1.1.. il. ttrin ui Kaac, KJ A. t'.L, tut IUo puiM l mm. ..4. .I,.ip,,( auJ avlliiui tojl, d. ll(rd al Muubury. ut .iIj,, ,,,,1 .uut .1.. uu H"blll.. I will U r.a ly u J. Inn ru.l. ,.l I. tut na iiui Uf 1,11.1. 1 .1 .Ii . . .1 ... J. 1 . .1 ' - UsiMl uuin , ..J sN4as4 kra. 1'iU.ia li,o,4 t ai.uluaiu . CuaUury, 4 una , i4.4,, J Ku. V ! 'w"wTau. ' IWila ,uJ (.., ,,,. t. u U, iCt.aULiiti 4 t il., t tn.um hiiikhu nriuTuTZIl. aa iU ., ub.. J. la, 114 . o n J klfri T.nnrl I F'aALE. ""u , . STVPUAT '' VAT t:Allt f TRACTS. OF 1 TN J.?.,,'V .J,, ULE'. u To Rnn -I .TIMBER LAND, comprising ahnut S,t)UU I W)lh seres, part of which" is situated o lonjuanna i h . r . i,,. , :,1.:.. I,hm I L-reeK, anu part on jyiuuujr vrees, . . .... ." nilH-a ui ijuiuan Ikivcr. Ill I run tuiw ...r. . Carbon County, one of the iircat Cosl Counties I . D , ' , , 1 if an. I of Pcnnsyliru..ia,.can le had at a bargritn. it p- plirstion bo made soon. , , , ' , it .... . .... ' i ... ... i . ? i Irrse taints are l.liickly eowcil wun tno ur timber of thnt region. While it is believed that 75,000 feci of .lumber to the acre, can be rut from a lanra nnrtinn of Ih. land, tlie balance will nver- ......... ,i.:. Tlio kinds of .,iimui..i..n....,. Umber found on the Irtnd art HemlocK, Sifuce or While Cellar. While Oak, White I'ine and Chestnut but principalis 'made op of White Pine and Ilcmloi-h. -' 1,1 The Tobvhnnna and Muddy Creekaare largo and rntiid streams. viuUlini a Vast arti'Mint ,of water power, and are capable of driving a large number ofstiw mills. Thev empty into the Lehigh, which strcnm, with the Lehigh Canal aflbids an outlet to the most desirable lumber markets. Thnro is, too, under contemplation. railway khdina to the i iiicsof New York and Philadelphia which runs within one mite and thtfl quarter of the land. Tlirounli these avenues lumber can be delivered in cither of Iho cities named, for about $7 ner thousand feet thus cnnhllnsr persons en- c.iqed.in the Irodc to derive grejtor profits than attend investments generally In nddilion to t'.ie timber, convertible into eve rv shnno of lumber, there is itiuull that will an swer for spars of vessels a sort of timber that snip builders have boen oldiged to purnhaso in Muino. or nt other diftntit Pointi.!' 1 ' Uniiiio most oftlie lands on Iho.Leliigli there has, as j et, boon no cuHiixr of the timber on this properly. It stands undisturbed by the wood- mitii's axe. It is. ihnrcforc. the more valuable. Tlio lumber trade nf the Lehigh has been carried on to such an extent lor years past, thnta scarcity of gnoj timber in beginning to be felt. ' Every season necessarily inrreascs this difficulty, il consehuenco must bo an enchamement of the value of timber lands. Those un-cullcd tracts with the advantage of avenues to market, such as the lands ofti rt-d for sale, pos, cannot fail to be theonces of supply hereafter. '. Hut the land is not alone valuable for the tim ber it contains. It is of good miality for farming nearly every acre being susceptible of a htjli stats of cultivation. Capitalists dcsir in- to make investments, would do well to turn their attention to these lands. For further information ripply to ...... i CHAS. M.HALL. Olfa-e in "Mining liegistcr" building, l'otti ville, Pa. A irgust C, 1 85.1 tf. JJrugs, I'niiits, Oil, Window til USS, fi Toxs French zinc white. ,' ' '' tt) tons Pure While Lead. COUU Boxes Window Glass, all sizes, Superior Potash,' 'opal, Conch, Leath er dj- Iron varnish, wliite Ueinar v.rnUh for China Gloss, wiih ogcneral assorlmentof l.-esh and pure DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Also all the Patent Medicines in general use, warranted genuine. Colored and Euamled Class, &c, &.C., forsulo very low at ; ALFRED WILTBEROER'S Drill and Paint More, IV'o. 1 CO IS. Slid Street, PHILADELPHIA. - Physicians ar l Storekeepers supplied Goods scut to any of tlio Hotels or Depots free of charge. Phila., May 2d, 1S53. ly. - (IjiKik Agents Wanted. 4 GENTS WANTED in" av'e'ry town and eounly in the United States, to sell the most popular and saleable books published, many of tliein be tutifully illustrated wiih culored engra vings ! also the most popular works of T. 8. A U 'I'll UK, including 'Arthur's Cottage Lihrary," Intelligent and cntcrpri.-iing men wi.i tiud this a pleasant and profitable business. , For particulars atldress (post-pair),) , I. W. BKADLEY, Publisher,. . No. iH North Fourth street, .. Philadelphia, Pa. October 1, IS33. Tin. . Cheap Watches Sj JcwcIit, lrHOI.KSALi: and ltetail, at the "Philadcl- phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 9t North Second Street, corner of Quarry, rrraaDEtpma. OoUl Lever Wunl.i s, full jeweled. Is cnnit cases, 623,00 O dd Lepiue Isk. S-it.lKI Fine Silver 9ttacleS. 1,50 Silver U-p. full ji-wlli-.!. Sti. riolil llrai-elels, 0.0(1 Silver Lever, full jewi'd l'J ! ndirs' Gold Pencils, 1 .110 Siipe.Mr (tuaria-rs, 7. Silver Tea spoons, set,. 5,10 U iM Spectacles, T.IK'I (Juki Peru, Willi Pencil and Silver Holder, 1,00 Cold Finger Kings, 37J cents to $80 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12 cents; PatentlSj; Lunct, .6; oilier articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they are sold for. KTAUFFER & HARLEY, Successors to O. Conrad, On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower than tlio abovo prices. . Kept. 10, 1633 ly. The Nuns ol" how the 'War fii-tween tin' Turks and Russians . ii HES oil is nol of so much interest to the Hli i..'ial)itunta of Suubury and its vicinity as the fad I.T , 1. W. TENEU i CO. have brought up this week from Philadelphia a large, be iuiifnl and varied stock of goods, which liiry will sell cheap us heretofore. They respect fully roiaest tli.-ir friends and the public to call and see them. Suuhiiry, Pa.. Dec. 3, 1S.'3. ft1.". EE.N8WA BE. Beautiful sets of Tea are, 111 China, Mono China and Deif, Dinner and Supper Dihus of nil kind., Toilet fcls, covered lil..., China Fruit Baskets and t Iriian.ents, Fluid Lamp', Ls. items, (ilu.swsrc in variety, arid Tumblers from 6 cent, upwards, j . I . I received a.n) lur aula bv lJsc. 10, ISM. I. V, TENEU cV CO. nAKDWAIii: Table Cutlery, Vaiurs, Pocket Knivrs, Hand Saws, Woud Mssi in, frames, Airs, Chisels, Door l.cokssrnl liingr. Hand Bells, Waiters, tVe., jn-t rrceivrd and lor salobv I. W. TENEit 4 CO tiui.Vury. Dec. 10. ISAU. UH A T.H llrmhe, Thibet and Wunlen in ;.fat vs.ii-ly lllaik and F.ary Dress bilk. Milk late, vrl.rl and other Trimnunn., Worked rglUi", uiidrr-sli-Lves, .liirnat.lte, mlU, ju.l ra teived ai.d lor sale by I. W. TENtU 4 CO Hnnbury, Dec It), IS :i SMITH SEKNCE TTM M Alt' A gTx. liLIt, a lush supply jut sivl, auJ fur -sle by U. U. M AUtU. htiiibtiiy, Jaiu 10. ijn.vF.u ' Ei.i:h.U 0ilvr N auhrs, for sale al wv low p.i... ly II. U. MASS tit. iui.burv, Ai-r l II. IM I HANK I'au bo.. in 'sm IWJa and Wank II Muiliitiits, Uuu.la, L' uli.ins, Huuiii.ous Ac, an salt by II. U. MAnaEII. M..il.uiv nl t. IM l It Uuuka, ik, aud all tvl..-1l, )u4 lr. lJ, siul W-itt , M II. sl.aH. .., Jau. 4, ltl- J - iiLANks. ; Amu mm a$J JOURNAL. CELEBRAtED F4mily Medicine.( ofle'rmg to ttte public tl. "Wt invalnsUa prepsra. th .nb-rrlr woulrt .fit. tbut in c,....uluti"n his f.ihii nud in.e ol the iirost nsqirctalile Iho wodicul rai-alty, it wan deemed auvmiHio to oner 10 mo uuhtie. a four. nrnnriittMiil i.f kltnwu celebritv. bajna pre- -wilh Bt(.sl ont ,hl ,hc m;al K.le,,Rc nrntcin es. 01 tti in!ii.iire. lor me numentn. wonnii-m r- licles that ure H.hhIu.b; the cnuuuy in th. f.m nf panseeos i.Htl cure alln, prepnred by the most ignt.riint rikI tuerce.M- Drmu, Zitniei woir. nil diieuw. nnd .kxI fur none. ry persuiis, Iuterrded to cure nil diieusKS nud piud fur nuue. Reud and Kejtecl. That tha Mertieine. Manufactured by W. M. Bicklst,- l.irluitliis his Unit Peulorul for Cnuohs. Cream ol Cuinnhur, f-r Rhettinatisiu. Wi.rm !yrup f. Wiirms. . . Toirtli vt.el.,. lur aeci.yen leciii.-uii-cniwru Hui.m. i l.m,l. Pill., nrb atr, nmi ,ve given m we satlsruetimi, tlmn nny other Medieiue. bcf.n-e the public, belns prepnred with regnnl or uhhmi rnn.yrr, mtvc irern mnre exieniive- to their usefulness ure fully woilbf th, trial uf th. aStrcl- A fi-w powerful ransom why the boots Medicines ore ileMTvin. of universal nalioHsse. (lu II. e first iiluc-e. .1 -..nnm.l n rfflltlir P II VSif-itlH . Willi .lllflrK.III.(.B tUC ttlipl.Cai.ll.l . .Iietm-llic, ...... v,nvriii-iu , are norfertly safe to take. (Beeoially.) Ilwy have Iwcn ...Mi with nii.versn snct-es. mm nave uivru inure sm.s.ne- ti'in than nny iitlier Medicines offered iwl'.ire the pablic (Thirdly) they nre Ihe only mcd e.nci Ihut have fnim-d the iatfo..iwe of Phvsieisns, where they hnve lieen used ; nnd (Pom ll.lv.1 llwv are pat lip in l.rii-r nnn.itilii-s f,,, tl.O 1:11110 price, ...nil n.iy lilnf liirmuii.:. uumn oiwi.e i ' .. .. m. ...1. ....... ...r ... nulii.c ol me snnie k.iki. "u'-"..""" n.19 n m.niin-r of ct-rrifiwites ill his popst-ssinn of Ihe li.irbest n.ul.i.ritv tvharethe hnvalwa uil wiih ihe nvisr n isfi.r-uiry salts. Ifo. will nuliiish a lew of rho.n. furline K.iisf.ett that at. iill will Insure their recoinmendnriin. 'Pry thcra and satisfy yoursi-lf ol their supenor.ry nver nil ntr.crs. Kenil una ue xonvinctn. We the nndiirsiciied having heel, made nrqnninted with the it.gredienls etil.r;riri!r int i tlie C.miponiiits known as litekli-y's Knm.lv lleilicnu?s niso n.vitig prrec-r.iifil and known thpm to be used, with m'isl sntii'f:ii.tory reenlls; take plensare in sayinjr that we Iwlieve tl.ey fully meet lite design l.s-which Ihuy are reo -inmeiiilrd. hi iiav mrri.'i.i-., n. v. C II. FRtCK. M. 11 WM. MoMAtlON.M.n ' WI-.SI.K.V U lii:HIIKART, M.J). ; W.M. II M vr.ll.l,. M. Ii. U It. OK Alt UK ART, M. D. Cure of jitiin iA the, side audeongh from protected ' . Lirff LonwfaiHt. 1 . Mrs. Robert Ad uns. I dun ina miliar Chruiic I jver C-m plumt, ncciHiipnuicd wiili n li rt dry t-mijih pain in tdo side nud hrrit.t, pniernl debility, t-8 nf iippi-tiie. ntter try nil (he timi.tl rtmwlit rfp.immtMidpil i'oi oniipht m6 dnentnn uf ihe cht, whn Willi 11 lif ncfit, flie xvm ret'iini uitMHtrd tn try the Kuse rcriJTitl,fr.'tu wlm l), slio nut only drrivH imnitrlmte hut prrmiiK'Ht relief JtJni Ad uiiP, ii nf M.s. Ilolwrt A.Inmf, was nfilictcd with a vrry evufc ct'itphf ptiiii in tlwandc-, &ikI B'Tuiivbi prmhiecd liy int'cmeiiit puiIimz; lie was intluuwl to try the Rose I'eetonil. To nfie ln hwii IntHjunert, th; flrt diwn HriWpti him to niy n ciuhI iiiplii'n rt'st. In the m trnintr Im expteif!tU'd nlxiul lcrli j.uitif m;ilier. , lie poiiiitpinl to improve until hi conpli cnlirrly b-h him, it ftlit-i had the eiTcct of rrengln'tiiini hi Incaw. which was ii;if ttrully wcuil ; Hp niiiyi Unt h h is uri'miiuiidt-d it to niiumiMT ol iiistiiuuiA i t snmi.tr vuiupiunits, unu in every Me it hn irivtn FiitiftK tin. The nb tv pers mii n-sidr nls t'f the town nf Pnnvillc. fitdinir Ihrit thev hnve dri ivod trrnt linirlits from tlie life of the Rose rivtorul; nntliriz' th .-.bre Btiiirtm-nt, ft the Iienefit uf thrWii who rim- be nfflipted in u auntlni inun ner. OKKAT CL UK. Loss of Voice restored with one bottle of Host Pec . . ' loral, ' ' MiawSuKiii WliiiT pt. of Rush t nvnship, Xnrtliumbcr Innd c.,for o mini.trr of yenrwon ii vnlit), in tltr tiilt of ltwt), lost the ue o cr voice irom n acvwe ft mii siie ron tnicied: afttr irx irnr n Milliliter of return iei, wilh U " Ik-iip fit. !ie wus etitirelv rcmoreil bv rnViinj one b ttle .T Roft Punbmil. Hfter which, she ltt her v:ir nffiitn. I mm fresh enlil sle coiilmeted, nud w;8 iiifoiii injured by the ue of nu itlier bf.nle ; she then took four 1 toll Irs n ire to strcnpHieii iiertireuM, trom wnif-n sue tuMtvrti me in decided lienefif. nnd hns leen in the enjoyment of excellent lienlih from thnt time, to the present. The fiboic statement, i nbiaiued from Or Pmsc.1. the rhviet.in who nttended her; lm . hT nrdhit whotlnuks '.'hat S'ic would not it livii'g ot this lime if it h;n in" bren for the Ikita Pectiirnl. U inviilo, J;'r tf., tWS tftiii annthf.r Marled Cure hjl feted Mrs f imnet Si'ehler, bainif ofnmtnrrd wenka idddi enie cousliiuti mi. verv snseentihle to c ld.s wns j.lieletl with ii very sovoree mjth. p;iin oimI snreinvs of the treist, I ss of nppetite t nfter ueinjr f number nf the nsnnl reme dies from whieh, site derived ni beuefir, she w:t rurod by tnkiiij; one Kutla if Rose Peetoml nnd is iu the enjoyment ol heiter health than Mr years previous. Dnuville. Dte. 1 1850. - ' l)H. Ricki.rv Permit ire tr inform yn iTmt mv wife, wild isn delicate and weakly woman, l;ib ring under u very si;vere Ctniph with pet in und soreners of breast, win m trernncKiv euu riteetuiiiiy rtutvcu Wiiu one n uue ni y uir Rose Pectoral than any itther uifdietne she had ever inKcn. a u.'ai.tt. m nn i nr.. Jan. 1K."2. Somuel U. V.'oimIs Furnaee. Rwl P -int Stboko triDESca in r.woR of this Rusk Pectobal and Family Pill John Futnex taken bet ween Christinas nud New Yc:r with a very bad eold, whieti en led in n dry hard inccsFJiit Couch, cnusiiic n prwit Heal of pui wheneVHr horouhml, wns relieved very much; by the time lie hd taken one mini ot tvi ti:e, una by llirf imitt u was imi.iidi, was cm tire1)-cured (lejilsi ttiy liiit be lu? taken several dose of tue tlfui ii Uesr-irative or Mnniv Phis, nnd tint they nre the mildct uuJ in st etTUclu' l purr;tivea he hn? ever taken, )iutviaevj tu 1, lh.vj . .. Dk ITirKtiiy : Diiriuf it viclt to mv brotiier, in r:in i'h', I took a vefy severe C 'hi, which ended inn ticht hard Cor.fji, wiih a -reiKss nud pain the breant, for which I used ymir Rose Pert-mil, nail Finudy Pil'i. and takft pleamrr in ree-i!riine:)iilu;r t'lein, (is tha Hiildet und m.it eireeluul renicly 1 have uied. Yours, respcctfidlv. J. MI'.S MORGAN, .Tan. t1, tftVJ. - 'lliit'' llnven. Isiizerueen. Dear Aa a rceoinmeislaiioii f r yr Rose Pecb rnl, pel mil me to hiv, tlr.it J w.'S etiVeiua!!y cured of a verv severe e uq!i with pain in the breast, with less than half n b Mtlo, nnd that 1 roHsider K lavnlnable. You nre at liberty to ntnke (Ins riililic if yon plensn. - JOHN PPRttKING, (fin rer.) Panvflle. Va. 't My sou Witiiniu ialMjriug under n severe e;uiih nnd pnin !n his aide, from un injurv reeeivetl by h full, was eutiiely reltevwl liy n bo' tie of Rose pectoraf ft Crentn nf Caul- rhnr. 1 have also used your Knnvty Pills, oud tiHotrether OJiisider them the beL meUecines 1 have e t used. JOAN OYKRDORF, Jnn.ia.VJ, Rush Tp., North'd eo. - Dr. Bickley Sir: As my Wife win was tronliled with ilry. h ird Conh, ais s ux St tui ieh. depeinletit upon dehiliry, similar to l)i,H-ii;. was entirely relieved by nsinir two bottles of your Rose Pe rornl, permit me to say that I e nisi del it an exc Knt remeilv. Yuurs, refipeeiiully, Rev Mr. WIIXARD. Past ir l.uthernn Church, Danville. Pa. Iln vint? been carer I if a pain in my arm (similar to Rheti-m-itiKin) which deprived me nl the free use of it for six Kit ft ui r in laths. Rv uviiff one b-ttle f Cietun of 4'aintli r 1 w uld state tk.it I o insider ll lite remedy of the kind I have ever uei. iu iav family, nnd t would Iteclv reouuimmid it Io fathers with si in i lur affect iocs. Yours, resnecti lly, JONAS WOI.F. Husli Ip., X-.rlliM eo. Mv wii trtiir effltrted with n vrrv s-rce pain in her n rut mid sU 'aider (l ie eiftms of e Md whiek tUsntii. d tier tnnii uti'ijr it. w.seurtJ wnh ruiitu ijj ol i.reaiu ot Cam ph ' Mrs. Kfllin, my nier-in-Iaw, was nts cured f a f r paiu in ih Jienl ami faee ty ntinir Ihe Cier-m of iiilji'i T TUO 1 Art V. I .I.I.JS, D.inviih'. Jan. VJ. My wife Imvitiff Rheumitism of the arm tor u iiuhiUt yeais, whitli iirewnteU her Irtmi uaii.j il iu d inir her w nk ; nfter haviaa siwnt n cieat deal a in uiev iu trxiat: diircrttut lemedies with u i beuelit, was nitirciy ejrvd by usni'J only ou tmitl of vmir i.riam im t'ai a.pii r. WILLIAM KVI-iiVS, M.H or. 0 . It. WinnI, It Poinl. Or. Ilujklvv Unvnuf reeeivela vv avvere injury in my siile bv f dlmr? rtTa I nf h i . from which I wa una. ble to f tllmv my w nk, wm r c unn iHietl t try a b tlie tt Creuui of tim, ih .f, ixIm'-'i nf-r Iml laniieibate relief. (iltlFKrni CARH. Hush tp., North'd to, Mv wife, niff, -ri.i! fmm m ei-.TueiutiiiB; Miiu. thniuarhftiit haw (retntal siHrtn, wliieh prevented her fmm leeins (iMnitfi ie(iiMMi(Ml liyatHiR uittl prittrttvitavt Siil ol" ickiiens ;) i t whieh site ned a huuiber of runedics wifiinut lieusAt, wot eiiilre'y tthevil by the use u Crtum of Camphor. HKO. H IRIOWN. Si,utitti U-iUii, lHHVille, Pu. Child cured uf DortL Cui uiU.mJ. sud A' (4 two yeairs I llliliiiC.l i v V "fuj ftymp. Mv ehii-l immhj nrHo trd f i ihe h iwn v wilh 11 wel C niu mbt Asms mud il ivm rvduewl to m Maeve skelrttii), litrsjl i itutulicff nf lHU:t!'CS Willi U lltflllMHCUt benefit, until I pave it n h ftle ii y.'iir Worm Hvrup, SIlH'e Whtfll lllilr il hits hrH Wt M, iot if" quit Hiiv. aUi hH rre-nimicudiil U tiauuuils.r t my ("ctwls, mid iu e.eiy cuse it hisylven saitfii.Mim. I. I.KVI. At I. mis iJiaair .triti ml J ImiiviIo. I have lUcil V"Ur ..nu H, run ia ut. fundi . ui tl eiu- Sitter it li t only eflVctuid. bat te iu ail pltnsvint iinteh am iu-,iauuird will. J MOB I.MIIKIX Ua..viil.-. U ivui uM i yniir Uimui l rup in my t moo, it iuips ru ettit'tuu ui tli'tti tiny uvuu4.ilM ot Uv kui't. uut M lit idedaviul tu take. VW Moilti V M ml 'mi How. lHvit:. I aiire h-ul nrfvsl rii it v)o W"foi srup iu wy Utuil), mid pifr-r it i i H'.y Vt-iuiil'npt I hate ul. FtU HI U. Fr iy Yttiu-i, M tit u co IV I1iekW t 1 t inf ustl V"ot MttH H.liiH, m.d Cieaun ut OiiumH r aud F'Hitoy Mis maty limiiv, Om I IVS l I ail solisiiuMli -ii, atMl e-MifctOt f ll.riti ih Hrl a-l-tvctuul, ptvuMitt ( umIiimi, w have lia.l lti init (unnl) . J Ml M I'll N H lOrMlr ls. Umvl! Dtmr tiir r We ilm un IvmtiiiMl Iwi.iii in lb stnpl y nl Mrssia Itfiifes 4 C-Sld) , ftl l H tv-v Aga?.aev f - Utt ft'Le ! h4 FiaiUily XlnlM ims, fVtv lltiit we knee (tavi i aiii.iiiiiHit til til -Mftotf I laa itiui aj. h UMUaVetaavt bathrn'u ! wtvt Wtv Hseal Ihmvt, siwl Itual I kar t Swimii.iI lllis4lll 4. 9 aV'V t ! f laual iMHt sal sail I1 111, W It U li ltmli;i) l.tl l-4-t..ll at Mat hi lb k tf !(." mm. . t.tm ltlo, 11.....H. , Atiea.W M M.I'l t H. lUvii.g t f aHk' IM"Ol'l 141, I iiaala sa ! liy m l 4i is tt vtsui I'.-.ih ''i wtm h aarlawi nk htm, aWldsUOu Utf Sun ' fmtkM. sail il JOSA rift M HlMiM lisiiiviii U fix kU II it in4 tt-il W ri .l uk I MHastata, m .iHt, I Hlawj naiuliat l-Ms.S MjMIt u '' M . I at (Ml aa4 Ut MMtf nta U 4 as )- F a 41, WaMU J t ! Mat Oil. i- $ a. iih-u Ot. il , Sa . iblr ift.1,1 wak i l, .t-taVS. tuu, k-tv n4 ( I i-l laj asMfti SJaa al I i h -f t . 4 W aits a, . il4 Si asM, tiaviaa- VSSMlJl aV l.vsaSlS t-lMltM l i . HUtO , f ISf'a Mh.4af i .HSk, Vai .a. IV 1 1 h-t. -M.,S 4 td S.aal y 1 tati m-4ttu- T i th a) Ih kaM raa ffa Wa) u . ( M S-M- I ! lur ut M 4f twMt, Ivh-mUii, SI MMtiU 4. f a.1 r (Ma. H-Mat . b4 ta W .. Saavl aWa, V t, U'Uil.l.M ll .l'i WshMV aVr ft! .t Is-t Ila4 B aaf 4a"a4 Im 4i.a.JaMi ajaMtl Msaaaaa " a Uaaa.4, -i ay A few, lyy. l- . daM-ai HV.t T i -,aa tt J t,M Vvaaa te'- M ! Vr r-aasa . ...aa.. 1alll'1ltt''k ItaaMA, .J , I . Sm. A. M. i l IV a Ia-. i...- ktz .M'r..;.;. trr .1:.-: "AID AND COMFORT,"...' , To.. Your Own Weclianlcs GEOTIGE HENN, FURNITURE ' AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. . fFHE mibaclilur respactfully calls tha attention of Ihe public to liis large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of,.;,. , t tlAIIIMiT-WARE'1 which cannot fail to rcommend itself toevery ona who will examine it, on account of its dnrable J workmanship and splendid flmsh, made tip oi ina i best stock to be had in tha nty. no titan is spared in tha manufacture of liia waref and -the subscriber is determined to keep tip with tlie many improvements which ore constantly being mude. His stuck consists of Mahogany Sofas, Divan aiut Lounges, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, UKfcAKFAST AND UIMNO TABLES, and, also Venetian bunds, 'equal to riiiu- . ' , dolphin msmilacturc. , , BEDSTEADiS, , of every pattern ' and price, CDPB0AUD?, WORK 'AND CANDLE-. STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND . .'. , EXTENSION TABLES, In short, everv article in this line of his lmsincss. lie also manufuctures nil kinds and qualities of CIIA1US, irrrliuling varieties never before to be had Ir Bunlinry, such as M uiuoast, Black Waikut axii Citiilkii MapleGrkciah: ajtii Wtxnann CHAIKS, ami fasct Piano Stools, which are of the latest styles, nnd warranted to be oxcclled Ly none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. ,Thc subscriber is determined that there shall bono excuse for persons to nurchoiiO furniture in inn cities, as every coiilulencc can be entertained about tho duality and finish of his ware and IJ.nirs. His articles will be disposed of on as (rood terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun- try Produce taken in payment for work. L' UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with n handsnmo IIkaiisk. he is now prepared for lndcrtuk,ing, and atteiuling funer als, iu. UiU vicinity, or at any couvciiiciit dis tance iiom tins plme. CSt 'i'hn Ware Room Is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. ? " ur.tiKliE KENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852. tf. .- , ; 1 Hobby liorse3, Children's Fropellors, Gigs. Coaches, Earouche3, &c. Matiufaelured wholesale and retail by B'JSHITELL & TTJLLj No. 61 DOCK Street, Philadelphia. Orders thronsh the mail promptly executed l'hila., April U. 1853. Iv CHEAP WATCJTES, JEWELRY AND dl.VKIl WaUI: Whob-Kde and Reuiil ut No. T-J N O Ki'.t.'OND St.. omiiisite the Mt. Verism ll use, ikl Lever Wi.n t es. full jewelrd. IH W. eases. .ll; Silver limu.. lull ii:vvmt-il, e,..u(J ; rilVD- i.cim.-s, je-fc:ti. 9"r 00 nil wnrr.inlt-d to keep guml lime, ti'il.l IV. is hi.iI Sil ver I'msc, l.mi; U.ild 1'i-neils. SI.MIj M M Pencils and t'en Cm., will. k-khI ijiotd Pensiw I iv ns itt,2.i, Ate. Als i, ubvavs nn band a -fHiil srHiirllili-iit of line e-ild Jewelry, li. Mil Curb, rji.isnl ami Knti (Jlii.ms, UiSd Vest Clliiins, Ijidies' Unlil l-'ub CluKiisand Belt t'l.ts. Silver Table Svi.a from 1 4 to SM. Hesfert, S?9 to Vl.uiul 1'es, PLiStii 86.50 per set. wnrrn.itetl eunnl to euin. All joints warranted to lie wluit tbey are S'UI for . t Wuti litts aiut Jewelry reiiieil nnd warranted. t;7 Allonlers sent by mail or otherwise, will be punc tuate uuiiudnl to. M. AVISE, Agent, N . T2 Norih SECOND Street, oppitite the Ml. Vernon House. rinh., April SI, 13 ly. WATGHES, JEVEIRY, &c. JAMES TJ. FIDLE1V No. 12 South Second Stree', PHILADELPHIA. Oold Lever Watches full jewelled Silver Lever do Silver Lepiue . do . Quuriirr do Gold pens and pencil and silver haUcrs Silver Tea and Table Spoons i. llr.u-elcls. Breast pins Ear rings, etc.. All warranted and sold at prices as low as any in tha city. November 37. 1852. tf. t A Farm Tor Sale. npiIE subscriber olTe rs for sale his farm. CONTAINING 2S4 ACRES and nKir.vaiu'iM. It is situatoJ about three miles from Sutihnry along the Hhauiokin creek, and ia in a good st.tc of cultivation. The Philadelphia and Siihui.v Railroad passes through said farm, it will lie otlcred in parts or entire to suit pur chasers. It ran he divided to make three small farms. The. buildings are aF.XR.M HOUSE, a good Dank I) a in, and tun leniini house. JOHN FARNiSWORT. Upjier Augusta,. Sept. 10, loo3. li. 'luui'ka, Eureka." WE HAVE FOUND IT AT LAST. VOW fot ihe liltlooi.es. Why u ill pa. tuts ate hours and d.iva In fniuless eudeavuis In get pel b ut pictures til their children and after all gal ii.iiluu'j but a poor, miserable caricature I e would aay, come Io our EXCKLSOiniaLI.ERY and we will guarantee la make yon a perfect pulurc, by our Eirt rao CakMHAl process, thai works in trom J . 'J sec-nnls. Wedilv any Dauui'irvait lu 1 hiUdtlnhu or elsewhcie, to romH-le mtli us, as st are the luvrntois, an. I Ihe pro.ru u usvd oulv in our .hi Incut riablihu.eiii in New I'lilautT and lb. Mkbl'e Male. I'or picture of adults, .he sitter medals w have ivrd fi.utt lb. A ii.eru alt lu.llli.l, Nev Yolk and Ir'rauklin, I'lnUdelphia, I.HllUe Willi lha Ujuieruu premiu.in Itutn I ouulv Kaiis. I. sullit.eut piu..' thai Ihry at. Ih Ns Ptft I'll: ol UVlU'Cll.UI, We Mould tail pailuulat atl.ulion la eui Tilbotip.. Dagurtirotjv. Ml Oil. U. I', din. A t'u,. luu ll.Mii.ul Ki.eft I'b.laiU lulus. Main nvl, iii'ifcisii Mia II.ihik den II Hi, fp'U.JtUld auti I oilnw' UullJl.ig, N. It. Cut ..uU i-li.u.Mt ia illuiuinaleJ l ih. Imlliai.ef ol .. I'u line, by l.v, and l-v f.ax.vt lUlflviJ' Pui'lf Latft Ail 't'.ui.a ard ss." I'UU.. Mis U. laVI.-l). Stuiio rullei't nml I .alio ivm WANTED! SI'tl.NK !' a.. 4 U'-f caa k.a MaA-'l a4 a ttntisxa f -K (ad aui uik lu ill. S.UI .1 Ibe t Mlu) u4 twr.wsMu Ult.1. t t lMI.UI.lt, t KMMS hM.ll. I'., sslklw.. lac ism I.i.'jumI an I " .'arnlM t, l a U (MMSM. 1,11 r still I ntS. I au:ain v rtailKH. Dint' Mt4alt !.. I'.wJ Um-t, I lM, fet.UMM. SMs! I ." k aM.4usu.las. la, ie, I V . I k. KM 4 1 11 J VUi.. J f.,U ft S . BANK NOTE TABLE PENNSYLVANIA. ' NrASfcACAt.-SPPISs citt or 1'iiiLAsti.rniA. All snlve.it bonks - t KHOUK ISLAND. Al Bi.lvn.t Int.ks V. 9. Bank rsitrs 1A dia AH solvent bunks par cousrsr. Bank nf Clmmlrslinr( I aisj All aitvmt Im.kt Hank of Chester Co. pn' . KEW VOIIK. Bunk of D.I.O.I. Chester ps'l ' " citv. H ink of Of ruiniriowii -. par Alt solvent bnnks Bnttk of Grtlvsliiir ' 1 dia.ty Ua lutes nniler Bs.tk of liewisdr'wn - - roriKTSt-. (: All solvents Is.nks 1 NKtV Jl-:i(SKV.v llelvitlere Bank t I Ctitmrtcrelnl Hank " J Hank nf.Miu.lktnwii , 1 lis MMrg'itaery i:o Bwilr ' pnr Bunk of Norihuaiberl'urt. inii llnnkof l'irtsl.nre; 1 dia Hank of Danville - h i i nnr r nr. uiiiik mom uouy Carlisle IKi.lK I III r .h in., iiiiiniiciuwii ri. Cotnmhia S H ft B'ge Co pnr.Meehanid' Bk, iN'ewurk pnyeisuwn Monk pfir.mecn. r-s oi uuri.i.irdiB pnrlMeel.. A Mint, ilk Trent Knstnn IJnirti K.r.a Bank Kxehnt.ireB'kr'iltshrrrit I d.s Newark Ilk 'g A Lis. Co j K.el.ni.(re B'k, llrsiirh I iln'Oraiifre Bank 1 Fnrmers' B'k, BueksCn nnrll'e 'ple's Ilk Patterson j Farmers' Ilk, jjitrensier par Prinertim Hunk . I tits, morris vo liana . I anners-tiHf itenttiiis; par ewei" nsiiKiiiR w, ; .. Fnrm. Bk Seliuvlk.ll Co pnr Seinerret Co Bt.iik J F ft D. Bk Wn'vneslt'c liilis ttste llnt.k St C.n.drn Kmnklii. Ilk. Wnsh'u 1 J.lis !tte Ilk Klisnliellitoii i finiTlsltnrd Bunk I rlis SrnreBm.k Newark . j Hmirsflnle Bunk 1 dia Stale Bk, N. Braaswick Ijtuensler Bnt.k nnr.fi.FSeX l.nk, Newton j llanoii Bank nor Trri.ton Binikiiur Co ,- - treh. A Mini. Bnlik i (lis t'nioii Bunk, td.vrr j Miners' B'k. itottsriUe - per Vnrtlleyv'leftUelllrCi.l Tnvlorsv'e lJclH'eCo 15 disl DKI.AWARK. ' West Brm.elt Bnnk - par Bonk of Dataware Vy..mlnir Bk, Wilkesli'e nnr Bank of Snivrna nrk Bnnk, : i , . 1 dis tyltelief notes v 1 dis Deltnvnre uity KanK ' -Hk Wilinjr'ni Brondvw. rarmers' Hk Ft Drlswar, 1'nii n Bank, Wiiiniiigtoi IV Under 5's J MAINK. ( Bunk of Whetlork S ilis Mercantile Bk. Banffor 10 dis All s iivpiil iisnks t dis, NKW HAMHSiIIiriP.. I AU ailvent lainks tlis VKRMONT. i;tritj. ., j, All sntv-ent Uinks ' S it" Bk notes trader 5's I NORTH CAIIOUN Ttaiik of Pt Allfltn 9 dta! All solvent hunks S All solvent banks ' disarlnlerS's, S ': Tri;mi5ntx)Cs ExciTErfrNT ! '. Casli, Steam,' Klectricitx ! The Aerial and all other lines out-done by Ligiii ni nf? i.i nc or IB A T. CLEMENT. WHO, havinr; great faith in rapid sales a sioo II profits, has iusl received nno mm large assortment of FALL AND, WINTER GOODS. At his Store iu Market StrctL Sunburv. bi he offers to the public at the lowest prices. TT- I. ; . e . 1 1 " ins srocR consiBis oi a general assortment Dry Goods, viz : Cloths. Cassim'r. Cassinets, Jeans. Drillin ji.(iii.i, Liiiiois. Calicoes, Muslin de Lains, Lawns, Ginghams, Bcragcs, , SiLfe Hats. A large assortment of Hoots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Groceries), i Sugar, Tea, CoiT.-e, Molasws, Cheese, Si r L. C i. nt ' ' crs, i' isn jail, Master. HARDWARE, Vir : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, &e QUEENS WARE,' Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cvps, Saucers, l-lLUKS, Wine. Brandy, Gin, Rnm, Whiskey, Sc. Ci? Country produro of all kimla tatn in . change at the highest market prices. Jan. to, looj. ly, ioci rore Yoi:nsKLFi THE PCCKET AESCULAPIUS : Of., EVERY O.NE BIS OWN PHYSICIAN. riMIE EORTIETH Et iron, wiiu ine iiniuin Engravings, showing Di t? r" ft,,,l'ormBtiona fe the Human System iuevei shape and form. To wliic added a j realise on tl Diseases of Kemalcs, lin ol Ihe highest importance t mu tried j;eop!e, or thus coiitc;iiilaling marrisge.- - ui' lr mil. lOinit; Let no father be ashamed to present a copy the XsCL'LAPIUS to his child. It may s:av him Irom an early crave. Let no ycung man c woman enter into the secret obligations of mai ried life w ithout reading the POCKET .ESCL' LAI'Il'S. Let no one suflering from liaeknie Cough, 1'aiu in the Side, readers nights, iicrvon feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic seusa tions, and given up by their physician, be anolhe moment without consulting Ihe .lSCLT.A PIUS Have ihe married, or those about to be mnrriei any impediment, read this truly useful book, nt it has been the means of saving thousands of un fortunate creatures from the verv jaws of death t Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive ont copy of this book, bv mail, or five copies will ba sent for one dollar. Address, Da. W. YOUNG, No. 152 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. June 18, 1853. ly. A VALUABLE HOUSE And Tluee Acres of Ground FOR SALE. ftJlU atihsirilH?rotrers at private sale, his house and ill. ce acies of ground, on the river Uuuk wiiliin tho limits uf tlio Uornugh of Sunbury, now in the occupancy of John Shitsler aud orig inally ow ned by C.ias. fi ussier while engaged ill bout buibliug. The impruveinents ata a TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, H iA a Well of good Water, and a good frame stable. Tlicro are a mim!er ol excellent fruit trees on the premises. The prop, erty is handsomely loested and will lie sold at a reasonable p ice and possession given in April nckt. Apply to t.ro- C. Welkrr, L'-, of Sun bury, or Ij the sulucriber al Seliusgrote. PE'l'EU KEKLIN. July 53. IS.3 tf. Luinlier Yard. 1HIE .ubserilwr would resctfully Inform lha cilixvu. of Sunbury, and KorlhumlerlanJ and udjoiniiiu eouiiUu, that U. ha opened Isiuuliri Va I'd in tha lot frontius; oil Craulcrry St., a abort Uia Unce tlasl ol the Meam Saw .Mill, where lis ha now a larue atiiouut of SeatoutU I'uuutl rtuui, ui faiiHtl Hour J i, and allnher Uoatd. and Ui iiinau M 4 rta. aw. such a. will b. wauled lor buibl.iij putuiMra. AIma a laiga amount af eliiU4!e.un hand, which Mil l sold from 0 up Io , act'oiiliug Io ijualilv and sue. Tlra. yit u. a. -all and evsin.n. our pro.- arid ,iliiy . l. II. Karm. rs who are III waul of Shiul.a will pU... call as aa .ll toll to vou l..w. J- U. I-CIH, Sua. Suobury, V .y t. IsMl ly. WM. M'CARTY, BuoJUaT Ui:l'i:t i I'l 1. 1. V ii.bMu.s it i.ibabiui.is.i luw.i and t.Hiiil.y, lltal lis ba. lately rssri d dum l'bin.kl l.ia, a trnj. .il.lmmi to hit ssuva al bwuka, IH tiv bf.it. a el l.il.lura. .lid IM a fta.l t.iuiy ol liiudii.j. Ila4 (all euj as. Ilt.ui. sjuuUury, tWpt. IT, l43 HU. II. II. HUiUr.U'a i.iurJ, eu.lu auJ f wliuou.ij vhsttassa, A w pl) i lUia lalu.bte uwduiua jut iw.itvj ami k t wla bl II U- XI AaatU. KaMl.ui. Juael . liJ Ol l I'K.N. auk uJ aiibaul r.taa, af a at AUaal surMKM tjualili. uti l..t.4- htsk at-pp'l ol fit.i-j 1 b 11. 0 M aaacti. R 1m.1 ' -Ufi bit n . s $ ia ..t.u.y. iw. ir, laii. Cm I Mil. aaU Iia4 .il, AUia Vl'n.u .ista. VI ail )', l s A.M. t swat 'U. ui.u. K.uxttes I 1 imu, liss.ss i 4im atj IV), JmI i.ssl .! isi aa N I ia, '4 I W. I .U4 Iitit duiitama ruiri al ai UaOm Ut asia f MWf, AfAlt, , tl ib Miiiaa U s psMieJ. sm4 ai...'.., t,.t il, al .1. aWust lutv4 M f4 ft M I j I4' uuk.j. I ai Uista.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers